Solace Rosanna
- 3 years ago
- 33
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2003: ‘I had her in my arms, Lee…in my arms and then she was gone!’ Casey whaled with her head in her hands.
‘You must be losing your touch,’ Leander offered, knowing this would get a response from Casey.
As he thought, she looked up, her eyes blazing.
‘Not on your life! It was that damned cell phone call. It spoiled the whole moment.’ Casey sat up, her fingers gripping her knees. ‘I’m going to have her, Lee. She can’t just walk out of my life now.’
‘You walked out of hers.’ Leander reminded her.
‘That was different. I was young and didn’t really have any direction in my life. I needed to figure out what I wanted—and needed,’ Casey said with emphasis on the last word.
‘Well, you didn’t seem to need Rosanna Romero at the time and she’s probably moved on,’ Leander said soberly.
‘Leander, whose side are you on here?’ Casey asked with growing annoyance.
‘I am on your side, but that doesn’t mean I can’t point out the truths that I see,’ he replied with a gentle smile and a pat on her knee. Casey swatted his hand away.
‘Well, I don’t want to hear truth. I want to hear Ross whispering in my ear how much she wants me and then—’ She broke off the statement because it only caused her frustration level to rise.
‘Why didn’t you let her know you liked her in high school?’ Leander asked innocently.
‘I don’t know. Maybe I was afraid it would ruin our friendship. We were so close. I told Rosanna everything back then—about the guys anyway. People don’t always understand those of us who are attracted to both sexes. They want you to choose.’
‘I think if anyone would have understood it would have been your best friend, don’t you think?’ replied Leander, removing his glasses to wipe them with a handkerchief.
‘I couldn’t take that chance. I didn’t want to lose her,’ she murmured as she ran both hands through her hair away from her face. ‘I’ve got to take a shower. She was torn about this, though, because she wanted to freshen up, but she hated to erase the traces of Ross’s intoxicating cologne.
From what Casey had told Leander, it had sounded like they had gone quite far in the foreplay department. Very interesting. Casey was positively vibrating with sexual tension.
Casey suddenly looked up and said, ‘Lee, you’ve got to help me get Ross back.’
‘And how do you suppose we do that, Ms. Deans…kidnap her? Leander smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. ‘And what if she doesn’t want to be gotten?’
‘We could not have gone as far as she did if she didn’t want me. Ross is a woman of honor.’ Casey rose with finality. She called back as she strode to her bedroom, ‘You can let yourself out, Lee. I’ll get back to you on the plan—as soon as I think of one.’
‘I’m sure you will and that’s what I’m afraid of,’ Leander said as he stood, stretched and headed for the door. I wonder if the lovely Ms. Romero knows what she’s in for, he thought as he closed the door behind him and headed for the stairwell. He was in a fever to write everything down.
As the cool spray washed over Casey’s body, her mind drifted back to her previous activities with Ross. She could not get her out of her mind—her caresses, kisses. All blended to send her into a frenzy of arousal. How would she sleep tonight? She wouldn’t until she found release. Her little buddy would be a poor substitute, but it would have to do. Once she had satisfied the needs of her body, she could concentrate on her plan.
Rosanna and Matilda walked in silence to La Contessa’s. Rosanna’s mind was working overtime trying to find the right words. There are no right words! Her mouth and throat were as dry as sandpaper and she was uncertain that she would be able to articulate anything, much less a coherent excuse. Matilda, in contrast, was smiling to herself as if the mysteries of the world had been whispered in her ear and only she could choose to whom she would reveal them. She held on to Rosanna’s arm and squeezed gently. Matilda broke the silence as they entered the cool, dark restaurant where they had dined many times.
‘Rosanna, I know you’ll be honest with me because we have an honest relationship. No matter what’s happened, I’m sure we can sort it all out and go on from here,’ Matilda declared as they were seated in a small booth.
‘Right,’ Rosanna replied. She said nothing more. Sure. She says that now and then when I tell her I almost made love to another woman, she’ll freak out and it’ll be a whole different story. I know women. I am a woman! She glanced at her menu. The brief respite, which had renewed her appetite, was gone and she found that nothing on the extensive menu appealed to her. She gulped down her water and signaled the server for another glass.
‘You certainly are thirsty, Rosanna,’ Matilda said, eyeing her menu with what appeared to be great interest.
‘I’m always thirsty. You know me.’ Rosanna replied softly and made an attempt at a half-hearted smile.
‘And hungry?’ Matilda asked with mock innocence.
‘That, too. I think my appetite has flown the coop, though. But how was your day, Mattie?’ Rosanna asked, hoping to divert Matilda’s attention.
‘I thought you were starving,’ Mattie said.
‘I don’t know what happened. Maybe I’m coming down with something.’ Rosanna said lamely.
‘Perhaps it has something to do with your pants.’ Matilda offered pointedly. She reached her hand across the table and placed it atop Rosanna’s.
‘Your hands are freezing! What’s the matter? Maybe you are coming down with a bug, Rosanna. You should see Dr. Edwards tomorrow,’ she announced.
‘No, I…really, Mattie. I don’t think it’s that serious. I’ll get some over-the-counter stuff.’
‘You have that meeting for your new staff on Monday. You want to be at your best, Rosanna,’ Matilda continued, brushing a lock of Rosanna’s hair out of her eyes.
Rosanna thought that perhaps Matilda might be right about the sick thing because right now she felt alternately hot, cold and her stomach was tied up in so many knots, Houdini couldn’t have escaped!
The server appeared and Mattie gave her order. She also took the liberty of ordering a bowl of soup and small salad for Rosanna, who raised an eyebrow, but did not protest.
‘Soup is good for you right now. You really don’t look well, Rosanna. Your color is not good at all,’ Matilda fussed.
‘Look, Mattie. I have to tell you something,’ Rosanna began.
‘You know, Rosanna, I don’t know if I’m quite ready to hear this yet.’ Matilda began gazing around the restaurant as if seeing it for the first time.
‘I’m not sure I want to tell you, but as you say, we have always had an honest relationship and we can’t have a life together unless…’ Rosanna sighed heavily and began to recount the day’s events, starting with her meeting with Solace and ending with the scenario on Casey’s carpet.
As Rosanna spoke, Matilda sat listening intently, never interrupting. When Rosanna ended her narrative, she calmly rose, picked up a full glass of water and tossed it in Rosanna’s face, drenching her.
‘I thought you said we’d be able to sort it out!’ Rosanna sputtered.
‘Go and sort it out with Solace or Casey or whomever you want in your bed now, Rosanna Romero! I can’t be near you!’ With those words, Mattie stormed out of the restaurant.
Rosanna used a napkin to dry herself as best she could. Their server, Frank, whom they had known for a year, came up to her and asked in soft tones,
‘Do you still want your soup, Rosanna?’
‘No thanks, Frank,’ she answered and got up to leave the restaurant, her damp sweater and pants clinging to her suggestively. She garnered a few brief stares, but was completely oblivious to anything but the horrible situation she had gotten herself into. She certainly was in the mood for alienating everyone. She would go home, throw a TV dinner in the microwave and wat
ch a movie. It didn’t matter what movie—just something to calm her nerves, a comedy perhaps. Goddess knew she needed a damned good laugh right now.
She was in such deep thought that she did not hear Matilda calling to her as she entered her building.
‘Rosanna!’ Matilda called again. Rosanna turned to face her. She did not speak. Her bangs were plastered to her forehead. She simply stared at Matilda in helpless defeat.
‘I’m sorry, Rosanna,’ Matilda said, coming to stand in front of Rosanna.
‘I’m sorry, too, Mattie.’
‘I was shocked that you—’ Matilda broke off.
‘Do you want to talk, Mattie?’
‘I don’t know if I’m ready for that, but I did want to apologize for making a scene.’
‘Please come upstairs, Mattie. I want to try to explain.’ Rosanna placed a hand on Matilda’s arm.
‘Excuse me, ladies,’ a woman’s voice said.
‘Come on,’ said Rosanna. ‘I’ve got to get out of these clothes or I really will catch something.’ She led them to the elevators. They rode up in silence and entered the quiet, now dark apartment. Rosanna placed her keys on their peg and went straight to her bedroom to change. Matilda followed her. Rosanna stripped off her sweater and pants. As she searched in her drawer, she felt a sharp sting on her butt.
‘Hey! Mattie, why did you—’ She did not get a chance to finish her sentence as Matilda advanced.
‘You deserve that and more, Ms. Romero,’ said Matilda defiantly. She pushed Rosanna firmly onto her bed. Matilda had been working out on a regular basis and she was almost as strong as Rosanna, who put up a brief ineffectual struggle.
‘I’m going to show you that you don’t need any other woman, Rosanna.’ Matilda threw herself on top of Rosanna, grabbed her wrists, and plunged her tongue into Rosanna’s unsuspecting mouth. Stunned, all Rosanna could think to do was return the favor. Oh my gosh, Rosanna thought, Matilda likes it rough! Why did I not know this? Rosanna’s overloaded mind and over-heated body could take no more. She tore off Matilda’s expensive suit, not caring whether she ripped off every button. She pealed off the barely-there Victoria’s Secret underwear. Rosanna then proceeded to show Ms. Matilda Harper a thing or four about being in charge.
Physically satisfied, but mentally frazzled, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. When morning came, Rosanna rolled over, reached for Matilda and found her side of the bed cold and empty. She reached for the telephone, pressed the speed dial number for Matilda’s apartment, but received Matilda’s impersonal answering machine. She left a brief message and hung up. Why did she leave? She tried the number several more times, but received the same annoying message. She gave up and decided to go. The note left on her dresser stopped her. It read:
I don’t know what came over me last night. I know I was devastated about what you told me because I thought you had gotten over Solace. I’m not sure you met her just because you wanted to say goodbye and that bothers me. Maybe I was trying to prove something to myself—that I was strong and in charge. I wanted to make you see what you’d be giving up. Silly, I know, but right now I can’t make much sense of anything, so I’m just going to abandon ship for a while. I’ll call you when I’m ready. Love, Matilda.’
Well, at least she put ‘love’, Rosanna thought and it dawned on her that she had never told Matilda that she loved her. And she did…didn’t she? And where had she gone?
2003: Solace let the phone ring at least four times before she answered it. For two weeks she had picked up the offending instrument on the first ring had been crestfallen each time. It was not that she didn’t have the desire to hear from her family and friends, she simply desperately longed to hear Rosanna’s low, smooth tones. She attributed her physical symptoms of lethargy, insomnia, and lack of appetite to the breakup. She cried more tears than she thought humanly possible, Bizarrey the Cat...
2000: “Aren’t you ready yet, Sol?” called Rosanna impatiently from Solace’s living room. She glanced again at her watch, noting they had less than an hour to get to the rehearsal in time. They would have to take a taxi. Katrina would give them the evil eye. Rosanna could not understand why Solace found it so difficult to get herself together each time. She seemed to be organized only half the time and the other she spent in a hopeless state of confusion. Rosanna huffed in agitation. Suddenly,...
2003: Tears ran unaware and unchecked down L. D. Jansen’s face as she watched from her shadowy alcove as the stranger first embraced and then kissed the lips of the woman she had hoped to make her own. The tears were accompanied by a persistent ache in her abdomen, as if she’d been punched, but she could not turn away. Anger rose, but died just as quickly. With whom could she be angry–Solace, the stranger, herself? She had, in essence, pursued Solace. The fact that there seemed to be a shared...
1998: Solace awakened that Sunday with anticipation. She was to meet Rosanna at Maria’s Market—a new restaurant on 91st street that offered what was billed as ‘healthy’ cuisine. Solace was not particularly health conscious, but she did make an effort to eat something nutritious at least a few times a week. She stood in front of her closet with the gooseneck lamp shining brightly over her shoulder. Gracious, that lamp is hot! I better pick something before I fry here. This was a thought that ran...
1998: Solace and Rosanna traversed the avenues and then made their way uptown. They walked arm in arm, and both smiled inwardly at how comfortable it felt walking with a near-perfect stranger. Solace considered herself to be a carefree person, but this was a bit odd even for her. Rosanna, being the levelheaded pragmatist knew she must be suffering from some form of temporary insanity because of her usual reserved and cautious nature. They kept up a stream of conversation. Actually, Solace found...
1998: Solace moaned so loudly that she woke herself up. Her heart was beating as if she had just completed the New York City Marathon. To her delight, she was still experiencing remnants of the intense orgasm that had been induced by the passionate love-making she and Rosanna Romero had shared. She basked in the euphoric feeling of the contractions of her vaginal muscles. How strange, she thought hazily. I just met her. How could I be dreaming about her already? When she came back to her...
1999: Solace and Rosanna had known each other for a year. In that time they learned a great deal because they spent hours talking, mostly in person as they lived in such close proximity. Solace discovered that Rosanna had a real thing for neatness and order. This subject was the source of several heated discussions and activities. “Sol, why don’t you put your stuff where you’re going to find it. If you would put your cane, your bag, your shoes, your watch, your brush…everything in a special...
Solace was the fourth and final child born to Isolinda and Ace Tynan. To affirm their love, they had decided to give their baby a combination of their names. They were delighted when they realized that they had given her a name that actually meant support and comfort. And the baby Solace had been a comfort to them. They had wanted two boys and two girls and Solace had obligingly been born a girl. The running joke around the Tynan apartment was that Solace would be a comfort to her parents in...
“Bizarrey! Bizarrey!” Solace called as she entered her apartment. “Mommy’s home! Come here, sweetums!” That’s probably why she’s staying away, Solace thought. What self-respecting cat would want to be called ‘sweetums’? She dumped her cane and shoulder-bag at the door and began to search her one-bedroom apartment. She looked in all of Bizarrey’s known hiding places without success—under the bed (which was useless since she would not have been able to see her there anyway), on the window sills,...
First, I would like to thank you, Faithful Reader, for sticking with the story. I would also like to send a special thanks to those who took the time to vote. That really meant a great deal to me. Perhaps I should have posted this work in Romance, as it was probably not as spicy as most would have liked. But I am a novice at this and will think before I post next time. Until then, happy reading and writing to you all! –Alacia I would also like to apologize for the late posting of this part. I...
2003: The day was overcast with the threat of rain, but Rosanna was prepared, as always, with her umbrella tucked in her shoulder-bag as she walked uptown to Matilda’s office. She recalled the times Solace had appeared at several of their meetings looking as if she’d been through a hurricane, hair plastered, soaked and wind-blown, but sexy, nonetheless. Damned sexy. On one such memorable occasion Solace had raced into a rehearsal-late–and dropped her belongings into a nearby chair. She had then...
2003: “Leander, What the hell are you doing?” Casey shrieked in horror. She had stopped to check on Leander’s progress with the decorating. She thought it would be safe enough to leave him with the simple task of artfully draping blue streamers around the guardrail of the roof garden. She should have been more vigilant. How had he sneaked the hugest bag of cotton-balls she had ever seen passed her? In the ensuing weeks since they had decided to have the party, they had learned that they...
2003: L. D. Jansen stood on the steps of her apartment house, hands thrust into pockets as she watched the departing taxi glide down the block and turn the corner. She turned abruptly and strode purposefully into the building. Her concentration was such that she did not hear Dodge, the doorman as he bid her a good evening. Jon Dodge found the enigmatic woman extremely attractive, not that he would ever let that little secret out. He watched her lithe, muscled physique as she strolled into the...
2003: Rosanna had only received one phone call from Matilda in the two weeks since her abrupt departure. She called to say that she was fine and would be staying with a friend in upstate New York. She did not offer a name and Rosanna stubbornly did not ask for one. She simply listened, her blood boiling and temples throbbing as Matilda explained that she needed to think about their future. Rosanna offered that perhaps they should discuss their future together, but Matilda had said that she was...
2003: Matilda Harper sat in her office, drumming her impeccably manicured finger nails on the top of her ultra-neat glass-covered desk. She glared at the telephone as if the instrument had offended her in some way. As far as Matilda was concerned, it had because Rosanna had once again rebuffed her dinner invitation, claiming she had important reports to finish. This excuse was beginning to wear thin and Matilda had slammed down the phone in frustration. She knew that Rosanna was still smarting...
Rosanna had walked five blocks before she found herself stopping and slowly turning around to see if Sol was still standing there. Why? Why did she care? She didn’t. She let out a low moan. Solace had already gone. What did it matter? Mattie was expecting her for dinner and she definitely did not want to be late. That was another trait they shared—punctuality. Sol had not known the meaning of the word. Mattie was always ready when she was supposed to be. Never more would Rosanna have to wait by...
Casey grinned evily. Casey grinned evily. The cab pulled up in front of a ten-story red brick private building on a tree-lined street. There were three steps leading up to the entrance. Rosanna sat up and reached for her wallet, but Casey placed a restraining hand on her arm. “I got it,” Casey said as she began counting out the fair. “My tab is growing. Now I’ll really owe you,” Rosanna growled. “Yes, It is, and I love it!” Casey grinned evily. She jumped out of the car, ran around to the...
2003: Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik played relentlessly as Rosanna squirmed out from under Casey and began searching frantically for her cell phone. “Dammit! Where the hell is my briefcase, Casey?” She yelled as she ran from corner to corner. “Calm down, Ross! It’s only the phone,” Casey said languidly, enjoying the spectacle of a very sexy, very naked Ross run around her living room. She did not budge from her spot on the carpeted floor. “No, it’s not just the phone. It’s Matilda!”...
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This is a work of fiction. All of the characters in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to anyone else living or dead is probably a coincidence. Please notify me if you are archiving this and the other chapters of the story on a web site. Permission specifically granted to Sapphire's Place and Crystal's Story Site to archive this. If you intend to publish this story in magazine or book (paper or electronic) format, please contact me for arrangements. Note: The...
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The Fantasy Amulet By Marla Evans Mark wanted this weekend away with his sweetheart to be special... he just never realized how special it WOULD turn out to be. Walking into the hotel lobby, wet from the rain and cranky from the drive, Mark and his sweetheart, Julie, didn't say much... not to each other, and not to the desk clerk. Their relationship had gotten somewhat stale, and this weekend away was to help them reconnect... as friends as well as lovers. Mark paid for...
I shoot straight up in my bed, alert and extremely turned on. My tank top is not on correctly anymore. One strap is hanging down my arm, and one of my tits is hanging out. I glance down and see my nipple is very hard. I reach to touch it, but I hear someone clear their throat so instead, I pick up that side of my tank top and cover my boob. “Hello?” I ask before realizing who it is. “It’s me bitch! Your mom is out running errands.” It’s Mandy. Of course. “Wet dream?” She asks, already...
May was the cousin of a friend of mine who lived in Edinburgh and usually came to my home town for the odd weekend and summer holidays. She was a truly beautiful girl of sixteen, still at school, fairly tall for her age and had a lovely figure with budding little breasts, longish fair hair and an absolutely devastating smile. I’d seen her a few times but never really paid any attention to her till I was at the local swing park one day when she walked in. The one thing that stood out about May...
I could feel myself slowly waking from a heavy, dream filled sleep, my limbs felt heavy, my mouth dry. I wanted to reach out for the glass of water that I always had on the bedside table, however I could not seem to lift my arm. Ah well, I would just lay and enjoy the memories of my evening with my lover. We had spent a lovely day in York, followed by dinner in a romantic Italian Restaurant in the Shambles, then…. and then what? I vaguely recall leaving the premises, held close to his...
Clint cruised slowly down the gravel road, leaving only a thin, short-lived trail of dust behind his RV. Born and raised in just such an area, he knew to avoid kicking up a dust storm if he wanted to remain friendly with the locals. He absolutely wanted to remain friendly with the locals.Doing exactly that was why he had access to most of the properties in the area, giving him the best possible chance of accomplishing his goal. If the stories he’d heard were true, and he could prove it,...
OutdoorYou read about my very beautiful wife Madhu that though she was very sexually aggressive but she had useless inhibitions. Our young servant babu fucked her with her full knowledge but I never knew. I fucked my own mother and same Babu threatened me of exposure and he fucked my mother in my presence. Both my wife and mother liked Babu over me still my wife send him away to native. But I came to know after few months that my mother got same Babu not only as house servant but master of her...
Disclaimer: The names are changed to protect identities just as previous part. It is said life is like a river that flows always changing. I’m not sure where that saying came from but, it reminds me that my story is about one man’s life with all the variations and is not about some pity request. I was going to leave this story alone, keeping it just about a single man’s strength of will and intent to raise his son in safety. This is a true story for the most part and, while about 90% of it is...
Rufus got us up late the next morning, knocking on the door. "Rise and shine kiddies if you want to go. Breakfast is on the table." Rufus asked me how my head was feeling as I was sitting down at the table. He opened his hand to show me two aspirin. I took them with a mumbled "Thanks." I managed to drink the coffee, that was all. It helped. I had a horrible headache and felt sick as well. Rufus asked if I remembered anything about last night. "I remember Paul dumping me onto the floor...
I have tried multiple times over the months since I lost his favor. Other men claim they are dominant. However, all they are into is spanking. That is a huge turn on for me but I like the mental aspect as well. I wonder how Kend will be. While still in my reverie Kend wakes up, sees I am awake, and asks “How did you sleep?” "Fine Sir" I answered. “Let's talk” he says. “We haven't had a chance to really get to know each other yet. I only know what your Sir has told me....
This is the story of how I seduced my cousin to become a lesbian.First let me tell you all a little something about myself I am a good looking girl of 21 and am tall,thin and have big size 38 breasts which I am proud of and am a lesbian ever since I can remember.During my first college break I went to my cousins place she is just a year older then and is also extremely hot.She is tall,thin and has slightly larger breasts then me.These breasts turn me on a lot as like girls with big breasts. She...
The waters glinted and dazzled under the same white hot sun that also beat down upon his shoulders as he walked across the green grass. The cloudless blue sky seemed to expand from the heat and stretch in all directions forever even over the distant hills that turned shades of baked gold and browns every summer. The hyperactive laughter of children fluttered wildly opposed to the languid buzzing of adult conversations. With each step he felt the warm blades of green grass between his toes and...
"Okay, enough wasting time. I'm hungry and in the mood for something sweet and syrupy!" Roxie said. She pulled the sides of Jennifer's orange prison jumpsuit open further until all the snaps had come undone, all the way down to her crotch."Aww, how sweet, white cotton panties! You really are my little girl aren't you, pretty!" Roxie said. She reached down and stroked Jennifer's pussy through her panties at first softly, but increasing the pressure as Jennifer began...
Lesbian“Ice?” It had been six months since I’d seen him last… At 6”5’ to my 5”10’, Ice’s powerful, towering body had captivated me the summer he moved to Lakewood. Back then, I was seventeen. The first sight of him had been at Justin Rollin’s pool party in March (on an unusual scorching day) looking like he had walked right off the pages of Cosmo. It wasn’t just that he looked gorgeous with his sienna toned, sculpted chest. Ice had a nonchalance about him around us females with our skimpily clad...
EroticWe had a great night at the club using the pool, Jacuzzi and finishing in the dark room, but it was time to take you home so I could do stuff to you that I could not at the club. We had finished off in the shower and I had left my cum deep in your ass and as we dried off I could see it leaking as you bent over to dry your legs.I got hard again looking at this but I dressed and told you to put your gown on and follow me as I had all your clothes in my arms, so as you followed me I knew that my...
My wife Ghiselle has had vision problems for a long time. And the deterioration became worse in the last year. She can hardly see anything now unless it is right in front of her but I look after her well as she did for me over many years. She is in her 70s now and I think sexy as hell, she still has a good body with full breasts. We generally keep to our home and get along very well. I do the shopping and most of the cooking now. But our sex life is a bit boring and we both needed a jump...
I am a slave for Miss Amba. She is 22 and uses me for my wallet. I am 50 - we met online and she quickly got my measure. I’m allowed into the room after she and her Alpha boyfriend Mike - who I must call Master - have had intercourse. Amba won’t let me near her of course, she is showered, dressed in a short leather mini and crop top and ready for a loser funded shopping trip. Part 1 Amba takes control I am a slave for Miss Amba. She is 22 and uses me for my wallet. I am 50 - we met online and...