Solace & Rosanna Ch. 08 free porn video

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2003: ‘I had her in my arms, Lee…in my arms and then she was gone!’ Casey whaled with her head in her hands.

‘You must be losing your touch,’ Leander offered, knowing this would get a response from Casey.

As he thought, she looked up, her eyes blazing.

‘Not on your life! It was that damned cell phone call. It spoiled the whole moment.’ Casey sat up, her fingers gripping her knees. ‘I’m going to have her, Lee. She can’t just walk out of my life now.’

‘You walked out of hers.’ Leander reminded her.

‘That was different. I was young and didn’t really have any direction in my life. I needed to figure out what I wanted—and needed,’ Casey said with emphasis on the last word.

‘Well, you didn’t seem to need Rosanna Romero at the time and she’s probably moved on,’ Leander said soberly.

‘Leander, whose side are you on here?’ Casey asked with growing annoyance.

‘I am on your side, but that doesn’t mean I can’t point out the truths that I see,’ he replied with a gentle smile and a pat on her knee. Casey swatted his hand away.

‘Well, I don’t want to hear truth. I want to hear Ross whispering in my ear how much she wants me and then—’ She broke off the statement because it only caused her frustration level to rise.

‘Why didn’t you let her know you liked her in high school?’ Leander asked innocently.

‘I don’t know. Maybe I was afraid it would ruin our friendship. We were so close. I told Rosanna everything back then—about the guys anyway. People don’t always understand those of us who are attracted to both sexes. They want you to choose.’

‘I think if anyone would have understood it would have been your best friend, don’t you think?’ replied Leander, removing his glasses to wipe them with a handkerchief.

‘I couldn’t take that chance. I didn’t want to lose her,’ she murmured as she ran both hands through her hair away from her face. ‘I’ve got to take a shower. She was torn about this, though, because she wanted to freshen up, but she hated to erase the traces of Ross’s intoxicating cologne.

From what Casey had told Leander, it had sounded like they had gone quite far in the foreplay department. Very interesting. Casey was positively vibrating with sexual tension.

Casey suddenly looked up and said, ‘Lee, you’ve got to help me get Ross back.’

‘And how do you suppose we do that, Ms. Deans…kidnap her? Leander smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. ‘And what if she doesn’t want to be gotten?’

‘We could not have gone as far as she did if she didn’t want me. Ross is a woman of honor.’ Casey rose with finality. She called back as she strode to her bedroom, ‘You can let yourself out, Lee. I’ll get back to you on the plan—as soon as I think of one.’

‘I’m sure you will and that’s what I’m afraid of,’ Leander said as he stood, stretched and headed for the door. I wonder if the lovely Ms. Romero knows what she’s in for, he thought as he closed the door behind him and headed for the stairwell. He was in a fever to write everything down.

As the cool spray washed over Casey’s body, her mind drifted back to her previous activities with Ross. She could not get her out of her mind—her caresses, kisses. All blended to send her into a frenzy of arousal. How would she sleep tonight? She wouldn’t until she found release. Her little buddy would be a poor substitute, but it would have to do. Once she had satisfied the needs of her body, she could concentrate on her plan.

Rosanna and Matilda walked in silence to La Contessa’s. Rosanna’s mind was working overtime trying to find the right words. There are no right words! Her mouth and throat were as dry as sandpaper and she was uncertain that she would be able to articulate anything, much less a coherent excuse. Matilda, in contrast, was smiling to herself as if the mysteries of the world had been whispered in her ear and only she could choose to whom she would reveal them. She held on to Rosanna’s arm and squeezed gently. Matilda broke the silence as they entered the cool, dark restaurant where they had dined many times.

‘Rosanna, I know you’ll be honest with me because we have an honest relationship. No matter what’s happened, I’m sure we can sort it all out and go on from here,’ Matilda declared as they were seated in a small booth.

‘Right,’ Rosanna replied. She said nothing more. Sure. She says that now and then when I tell her I almost made love to another woman, she’ll freak out and it’ll be a whole different story. I know women. I am a woman! She glanced at her menu. The brief respite, which had renewed her appetite, was gone and she found that nothing on the extensive menu appealed to her. She gulped down her water and signaled the server for another glass.

‘You certainly are thirsty, Rosanna,’ Matilda said, eyeing her menu with what appeared to be great interest.

‘I’m always thirsty. You know me.’ Rosanna replied softly and made an attempt at a half-hearted smile.

‘And hungry?’ Matilda asked with mock innocence.

‘That, too. I think my appetite has flown the coop, though. But how was your day, Mattie?’ Rosanna asked, hoping to divert Matilda’s attention.

‘I thought you were starving,’ Mattie said.

‘I don’t know what happened. Maybe I’m coming down with something.’ Rosanna said lamely.

‘Perhaps it has something to do with your pants.’ Matilda offered pointedly. She reached her hand across the table and placed it atop Rosanna’s.

‘Your hands are freezing! What’s the matter? Maybe you are coming down with a bug, Rosanna. You should see Dr. Edwards tomorrow,’ she announced.

‘No, I…really, Mattie. I don’t think it’s that serious. I’ll get some over-the-counter stuff.’

‘You have that meeting for your new staff on Monday. You want to be at your best, Rosanna,’ Matilda continued, brushing a lock of Rosanna’s hair out of her eyes.

Rosanna thought that perhaps Matilda might be right about the sick thing because right now she felt alternately hot, cold and her stomach was tied up in so many knots, Houdini couldn’t have escaped!

The server appeared and Mattie gave her order. She also took the liberty of ordering a bowl of soup and small salad for Rosanna, who raised an eyebrow, but did not protest.

‘Soup is good for you right now. You really don’t look well, Rosanna. Your color is not good at all,’ Matilda fussed.

‘Look, Mattie. I have to tell you something,’ Rosanna began.

‘You know, Rosanna, I don’t know if I’m quite ready to hear this yet.’ Matilda began gazing around the restaurant as if seeing it for the first time.

‘I’m not sure I want to tell you, but as you say, we have always had an honest relationship and we can’t have a life together unless…’ Rosanna sighed heavily and began to recount the day’s events, starting with her meeting with Solace and ending with the scenario on Casey’s carpet.

As Rosanna spoke, Matilda sat listening intently, never interrupting. When Rosanna ended her narrative, she calmly rose, picked up a full glass of water and tossed it in Rosanna’s face, drenching her.

‘I thought you said we’d be able to sort it out!’ Rosanna sputtered.

‘Go and sort it out with Solace or Casey or whomever you want in your bed now, Rosanna Romero! I can’t be near you!’ With those words, Mattie stormed out of the restaurant.

Rosanna used a napkin to dry herself as best she could. Their server, Frank, whom they had known for a year, came up to her and asked in soft tones,

‘Do you still want your soup, Rosanna?’

‘No thanks, Frank,’ she answered and got up to leave the restaurant, her damp sweater and pants clinging to her suggestively. She garnered a few brief stares, but was completely oblivious to anything but the horrible situation she had gotten herself into. She certainly was in the mood for alienating everyone. She would go home, throw a TV dinner in the microwave and wat
ch a movie. It didn’t matter what movie—just something to calm her nerves, a comedy perhaps. Goddess knew she needed a damned good laugh right now.

She was in such deep thought that she did not hear Matilda calling to her as she entered her building.

‘Rosanna!’ Matilda called again. Rosanna turned to face her. She did not speak. Her bangs were plastered to her forehead. She simply stared at Matilda in helpless defeat.

‘I’m sorry, Rosanna,’ Matilda said, coming to stand in front of Rosanna.

‘I’m sorry, too, Mattie.’

‘I was shocked that you—’ Matilda broke off.

‘Do you want to talk, Mattie?’

‘I don’t know if I’m ready for that, but I did want to apologize for making a scene.’

‘Please come upstairs, Mattie. I want to try to explain.’ Rosanna placed a hand on Matilda’s arm.

‘Excuse me, ladies,’ a woman’s voice said.

‘Come on,’ said Rosanna. ‘I’ve got to get out of these clothes or I really will catch something.’ She led them to the elevators. They rode up in silence and entered the quiet, now dark apartment. Rosanna placed her keys on their peg and went straight to her bedroom to change. Matilda followed her. Rosanna stripped off her sweater and pants. As she searched in her drawer, she felt a sharp sting on her butt.

‘Hey! Mattie, why did you—’ She did not get a chance to finish her sentence as Matilda advanced.

‘You deserve that and more, Ms. Romero,’ said Matilda defiantly. She pushed Rosanna firmly onto her bed. Matilda had been working out on a regular basis and she was almost as strong as Rosanna, who put up a brief ineffectual struggle.

‘I’m going to show you that you don’t need any other woman, Rosanna.’ Matilda threw herself on top of Rosanna, grabbed her wrists, and plunged her tongue into Rosanna’s unsuspecting mouth. Stunned, all Rosanna could think to do was return the favor. Oh my gosh, Rosanna thought, Matilda likes it rough! Why did I not know this? Rosanna’s overloaded mind and over-heated body could take no more. She tore off Matilda’s expensive suit, not caring whether she ripped off every button. She pealed off the barely-there Victoria’s Secret underwear. Rosanna then proceeded to show Ms. Matilda Harper a thing or four about being in charge.

Physically satisfied, but mentally frazzled, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. When morning came, Rosanna rolled over, reached for Matilda and found her side of the bed cold and empty. She reached for the telephone, pressed the speed dial number for Matilda’s apartment, but received Matilda’s impersonal answering machine. She left a brief message and hung up. Why did she leave? She tried the number several more times, but received the same annoying message. She gave up and decided to go. The note left on her dresser stopped her. It read:


I don’t know what came over me last night. I know I was devastated about what you told me because I thought you had gotten over Solace. I’m not sure you met her just because you wanted to say goodbye and that bothers me. Maybe I was trying to prove something to myself—that I was strong and in charge. I wanted to make you see what you’d be giving up. Silly, I know, but right now I can’t make much sense of anything, so I’m just going to abandon ship for a while. I’ll call you when I’m ready. Love, Matilda.’

Well, at least she put ‘love’, Rosanna thought and it dawned on her that she had never told Matilda that she loved her. And she did…didn’t she? And where had she gone?

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Our StoryPart 6 The Competition

Life was busy with new work for the both Sue and me. Her big sexual experience with the Englishman had begun to fade and we didn't have any new experiences for sometime. Sue was dressing as sharp as ever, complementing her petite 5'4" body. Her skirts were well above the knee, and most always, those firm 34B tits without a bra. Our friend Sandy had now taken a new view of Sue, as he had detected the distinct scent of sex on her when she had returned home from her liaison with Geoffrey....

3 years ago
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Seregech Senses Lost

"OOOOH YES! HARDER YOU DISGUSTING BASTARDS!" She shouted. Just then, he pulled out. His tentacle was dripping warm juices onto the ground. Alexandra hung her head in humiliation. I'm assuming she realized what just happened. The monster brought his tentacle up to Alexandra's face. "Smell it" he commanded. Alexandra slowly looked up. "But I--" she was cut off by the alien whipping her across the face. "Smell it... you stupid...cunt" She cried in defeat, then began to sniff the...

2 years ago
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My First MILF

Hey I am a 18 year old guy from Bangalore. I had been wanting to post this story from a very long time but didn’t have the time and now that my board exams are over I thought this would be the perfect time. This story is about how I was seduced by my friend’s mom. I m usually more attracted to the mature women or the so called MILFS. I do have a gf but its only hugging and cuddling with her and nothing more than that. About me I m 5ft 11in, brown complexion and my dick stands at 7 inches when...

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Fantasies Come To Reality

Tonya awoke that morning it was a beautiful day. The sun was shinning and the birds were singing. She opened up the shades to allow the warmth of the sunlight stream inside. She was alone that day her children were away at school and her husband was working. She stepped into the shower as she washed her hair she thought today was a personal day for her. She would spend the day pampering herself. It was rare when she ever had the opportunity to do small things for herself. She was always...

4 years ago
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My Drunkard Mother

Though I really don't want to talk about this I feel I just have to share my darkest secret with somebody. It isn't a nice story. Mind you, I don't regret anything. At the time it seemed right. No not right. I don't exactly know what I mean. It's hard to explain. It just happened. If you don't mind I think I'll better explain to you how it all happened. I grew up under very poor circumstances in a small southern town. My mother and I lived in a one room and a kitchen apartment in a very...

4 years ago
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An aides first day

She kept his apartment clean and cooked his meals. He would make out a shopping list and once a week go to the store. She also had to empty his commode every day she worked. It was an easy job and he did not work her too hard. He mostly lay on his bed in the living room and his commode was next to it for easy access. Then one morning she came to the apartment and let herself in and saw he was still asleep. He was moaning and had a hard on sticking up out of his pajama shorts. Being young...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Daisy Stone Our Sinful Secret

Nathan Bronson is pretty into his stepmom to the point where he makes the questionable call to sneak into her room and start sniffing mommy’s undies while he jerks off. His stepsister Daisy Stone catches Nathan in the act. She tapes him for a while, but eventually confronts him. Nathan is horribly embarrassed and tries to put his dick away, but Daisy insists that he keeps on masturbating as she taunts him. Whipping out her small tits, she teases Nathan with a peek of what he can’t...

2 years ago
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shaadi me sex

hi to all of u.dosto ye meri pehli story hai.mujhe sexy story padna bahut accha lagta ab aap ko ek sachi aur sexy story batane ja raha baat aaj se 1 saal pahle ki apne couisen ki shaadi me gaya hua k liye shaadi se accha mauka aur koi ho hi nahi sakta.aur me is mauka ko aasani se nahi jane dena chahta tha. aur wo mauka mujhe mil bhi gaya. mere cousine ki shaadi me kai ladkiyan aayi hui thi. bus mujhe unme se koi ek shikar chun na tha.meine ek ladki jiska naam sweta...

1 year ago
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Learning through her eyes

She sat waiting patiently on the couch for him to return home from work. She had done little but think of him and it had been working her into a quiet frenzy, knowing she wouldn’t have to wait much longer to taste, touch, smell, hold, feel, know, have her man. As the sensations she imagined washed over her, she let her eyes drift close, let her head fall back and her hands slip over her ribs to her navel. Because she had been so anxiously waiting for his touch and his hands, it wasn’t hard to...

4 years ago
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Wildgirl Comes To College Part 2

After that first oral orgy, all three of us became much friendlier. We’d tease each other in sexy ways, like drifting a finger over a shoulder, striking sexy poses for each other, or sitting around naked with hard nipples and red, glistening pussies. It was a constant tease, a kind of test to see who would break down first. Usually we just all broke down together and watched each other masturbate. We turned the spare bedroom into our “orgy pit.” One giant king-sized bed on the floor, lots of...

3 years ago
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Vegas Reunion Part Two

“Did you fuck my wife?” Darrell’s tone was as pleasant as if he was asking me to play blackjack with him, but his question was as dangerous as coiled rattlesnake. I wasn’t prepared for it at all. “Why would you ask me that?” I stalled. I waived at a pretty waitress in tight shorts and a bikini top to try to get her attention. I wanted her to interrupt my conversation with Darrell before it went any farther, but she sauntered off towards a poolside cabana with a full tray of drinks. “John,...

3 years ago
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The Tiger and the Kitten

From the moment she stepped out onto the tarmac he knew he'd have to have her. She was a vision of beauty, long curly blonde hair, and a shape that would make an hour glass jealous. She recognized him immediately, tall, muscular build and tattoos covering both arms. She walked towards him her hips swaying suggestively. "Hello Tiger" she said. "Hello Kitten" he replied. They shared a hug and a brief "hello" kiss. Finally they were meeting after a few years of e-mails and...

4 years ago
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You And Your Wife In A Swing Club

You and your wife have always wanted to visit a swing club and, after a long talk about this, you decide one day to go. You prepare yourself for this new experience. Your wife is wearing a very sexy black mini skirt and a small top, revealing her big and delicious tits. She is very beautiful, you think to yourself, and of course a lot of men in the club will want to fuck her, or at least get a blowjob. But, deep inside, you know that you don't want anyone fucking your wife. You are a very...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lily Glee Anal Newbies

Fit brunette sweetheart Lily Glee gyrates her hips in fishnet lingerie and rainbow cat ears. Pro stud Mark Wood stuffs a long, pink dildo inside her cunt while she pleasures herself with a vibrator. Lily gives a messy blowjob and bends over to let Mark pork her tight twat from behind. He oils Lily’s asshole and slides his cock inside while she buzzes her vag with a vibrator. Her young butthole gapes in the course of an aggressive anal reaming. Arietta gives a slobbery, ass-to-mouth...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Kate England Tegan James Parent Teacher Conference Part One

When teen Kate England gets in trouble at school she tries to hide it from her parents by intercepting an email calling them in for a parent teacher conference. Kate is sure that her step mom Tegan James will punish her with a grounding if she goes to the meeting. The teen surreptitiously deletes the email from her step mother’s computer, but she doesn’t have a chance to delete the copy on her phone before she grabs it to leave for work. Kate stalls the MILF by begging for some...

2 years ago
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Best live sex show performance

Just want to share a live sex show experience with you all. I was in Amsterdam on a business trip. To cut a long story short, I ended up at a live sex show. Very seedy and a dark dingy place. The stage was empty apart from a low table. A naked man then entered the stage and lay down on the table, his penis quickly becoming erect. A voice from the side of the stage in broken English then asked if any ladies in the audience would like to become part of the show.A woman put her hand up encouraged...

2 years ago
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The Deer Stand

It was a morning hunt; the last hunt of the opening weekend. Daylight was just breaking. Dark, mysterious figures along the forest line were finally beginning to reveal their harmless details; growling miniature beasts transformed into harmless, dead stumps as sunlight shined upon them. John was sitting in his stand; a simple, ground level box stand with large openings on three sides for windows. For the past forty-five minutes, since he had taken the stand, his mind had been on one thing....

Straight Sex
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Makan Malik Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hai this is my first story jo m likh raha hu. I am Adi lives with my friend .Baat un dino ki h jab m engineering ki padai kar raha tha. Mera ek dost tha lucky vo ek room lekar rent pay rahta tha. Mostly m b uske room par rehta tha. Lucky k makan malik ko hum Bhaiya Bulate the.Aur unki wife ka name tha Seema Vo bhot hi attractive thi. Makan malik Vo bhot mazak karta tha Dil khus insann tha vo. Ek bar ki baat h m colz gya hua tha dophar ko wapas aya to mene deka ke ghar pay Seema Bhabi nai hai...

3 years ago
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My First time Fictional Story

It was a Friday night and I was out and about up town with the lads drinking having a good time, the only thing was I was missing my girlfriend terribly, even though I was having fun, I couldn't stop thinking about my girlfriend, I hadn't known her for very long because she had only just moved into the area where I just so happened to live. We would often talk over the phone and arrange to meet up, go for a meal and that perhaps hit the odd club after a few drinks, but this one particular...

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Hi Yo SilverChapter 5

"THE WRONG PEOPLE!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" "Please, Lone Ranger! There is no need to shout! What I mean is that none of the 3 people you snatched is the supreme leader of the Reglaz. You managed to capture 3 of his wives who happened to have been chosen to spend the night with him." "THREE OF HIS WIVES? Oh, sorry. How many wives does he have?" "Just a minute ... They don't know. They had just arrived at the palace and had no opportunity to meet any of the others." "Oh, well, forget...

1 year ago
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Being Vicky for the first time

(November , rain storms releases the opportunity to go and take a lonely car ride .... what can possibly go wrong?Damn it….the car engine stops ,typical my bad luck , the torrential rain I am now soaked , who will stop at this hour to pick up a man in a terrible state wet sad mad…at his luck my thoughts take an abrupt end simultaneously with the car passing before me and slowly stops a few meters away from me)E: I guess you didn’t see that coming? shouts the girl running with an...

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Changing Ways

Foreword: Since people left some very favorable feedback, I thought I would upload this, one of my first stories. It is easily the longest and most involved story I've written, though still not very long. It's got (in the author's humble opinion) a lot more emotion and plot than my other little sex romp stories. There's still a good deal of sex, don't worry. STORY TIME! Chapter 1: Wherein we begin There was a knock at the door. That would be Sam. John got up off the couch...

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