Solace & Rosanna Ch. 23 free porn video

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First, I would like to thank you, Faithful Reader, for sticking with the story. I would also like to send a special thanks to those who took the time to vote. That really meant a great deal to me. Perhaps I should have posted this work in Romance, as it was probably not as spicy as most would have liked. But I am a novice at this and will think before I post next time. Until then, happy reading and writing to you all! –Alacia

I would also like to apologize for the late posting of this part. I accidently spilled liquid in my laptop hard drive and killed it. I then had to go through the process of securing a new password so I could post it. I sincerely hope it was worth the wait for those of you who are following the story. Again—I thank you all.

2003: Oh, my poor song thought Solace as she plunked out the accompaniment to one of her favorite standards. Couldn’t Emily hear that she was not in tune? Solace played the melody as stridently as possible but to no avail. It was almost too painful for her to continue playing, but Emily was intent on becoming a pop singer and she had paid the fee—in full, which was more than most students were able to afford. For the thousandth time Solace ruminated on the irony that the students who were the least talented were the most dedicated, practiced regularly—probably to the consternation (and murderous intent) of their families, friends, and neighbors—and never missed a single lesson. She wondered evilly if this young woman had ever had the police knock on her door to announce that she was being cited for disturbing the peace. She removed her fingers from the keys because she simply could not endure the torture any longer. They would have to go back to the basics of her playing simple tunes and having Emily sing them back—hopefully singing at least one note on the correct pitch.

“Um, Emily? Do you have a cold today?”

“No, Solace. Why?” Emily asked innocently. She was a bit disappointed that Solace had interrupted the song before its ending as she was prepared to belt her heart out at the end trying for a dramatic finish.

“Um… Well, I was wondering if you were having difficulty hearing the accompaniment. You’re pitch is a bit under the actual note,” A bit? What was she saying? It was almost as if Solace were playing in one key and Emily was deliberately singing in another.

“You know, Solace, I had the sniffles at the beginning of the week but I took some over-the-counter stuff and it cleared it up right away.” Emily smiled sweetly.

Why did Emily have to be so damned nice, thought Solace. It meant that she was forever trying to be diplomatic and gentle in her criticism of the fledgling singer. What she really wanted to tell her was that she should stick to being a librarian and never attempt to sing (or in her case, butcher) another song ever again in this lifetime—or even the next. She sighed and quickly tried to compose herself. Damn! Well, that answer had killed that. She couldn’t even blame the horrific performance on Emily’s ears being blocked.

“And I really worked on it, too. So much that my parents offered to help me look for an apartment this weekend. I was really surprised at that. They’ve been hinting at my finding my own place for about six weeks or so.” Emily stated this with absolutely no sign that six weeks coincided with her start of voice lessons. Solace’s professional demeanor did not in any way betray the fact that she was mentally dropping her jaw in utter disbelief at the young woman’s naiveté.

Emily Haslen had never sung a real song in front of an audience in her life. In their initial meeting, though, she told Solace that one morning she awakened from a dream in which she had been giving the performance of her life. She confided that she had never felt such a rush and she could still hear the tumultuous applause of the sold-out audience. Later, Solace would think: Yes, Emily, they were probably applauding because they were ecstatic that the piece had mercifully come to an end and their hearing was still in tact. Did you notice in your dream whether there was a stampede to the exit? She often chided herself for these sarcastic musings, but felt justified that she had rarely let them slip from her smiling lips. She was known throughout the school as a patient, supportive instructor and unless she had a complete breakdown, her reputation was safe. Several students, however, were pushing her to that brink of musical madness. They had dreams of becoming pop stars, Broadway babies and cabaret crooners. Why was it that she seemed to be drawing more and more of these types? She cursed the “Sorting Cap”, as they’d begun to call it since the appearance of the “Sorting Hat” in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.

Each semester the names of voice students were placed in a New York Yankees baseball cap. That was another source of contention for Solace. She was convinced that she continually drew the less talented students because she was not a fan of the popular baseball team. Why couldn’t the names be placed in a top hat—at least that was nearer to the theatre. Four anxious voice instructors would stand around the cap, which lay on the director’s desk, and pick three new students. Only once the names had been drawn were they given folders with basic information.

Solace had been lobbying for the upgrade of the music school for several years, but since September 11, she was told that the school was just barely able to meet its expenses because donations had dwindled to a slow trickle. Also, as a result of their community music school status, they were obliged to accept any student who was able to pay.

“Solace, I want you to hear the ending. Let me know if I’m going in the right direction or not, okay? I’m trying to get into the interpretation of the song more and just let the notes take care of themselves.”

Dear Goddess! Well, that explained that. Emily didn’t care whether she was in tune or not, she was only interested in her interpretation. Ugh! Newbies! Solace surreptitiously checked her Braille watch. Groaning inwardly, she realized they still had another twenty minutes before she could send Emily packing with her usual non-committal statement of “Keep working at it, Em.” She started the introduction to the piece and waited for Emily to begin her off-key rendition. Towards the end of the song, Emily flung herself onto the cover of the piano as she held the last note for an excruciating length of time. Solace improvised a hasty ending.

“Wow, Em! That was really something.”

“Thank you, Solace. Your praise means a lot to me.” Emily breathed.

Solace, you are going to have to become firmer with this child or she’ll think you’re completely pleased with her work, and that will not be a good thing—for anyone, she admonished herself. For now, though, she would hustle Emily out of her studio and rush to Mt. Sinai. As she grabbed her backpack and cane, she smiled remembering her meeting with Rosanna. The smile quickly faded as she realized that they needed to have a make-or-break discussion about their relationship. They were to meet this evening to do just that. Against her will, she became flushed recalling the intense kisses they had shared during their impromptu stay at L. D.’s penthouse. She willed those thoughts out of her mind and concentrated on the little blessings she was about to encounter.

Rosanna strode into The Women’s Pavilion at Mt. Sinai Hospital and stopped just inside the entrance. Checking the directions Solace had sent to her via e-mail, she headed for the Nursery. At the desk sat a young woman in a white uniform reading a fashion magazine. She was so engrossed in the images in the glossy pages that she failed to hear Rosanna’s approach.

“Excuse me.” The young woman practically jumped off her stool. “Can you tell me what room Solace Tynan might be in? She gave me directions but neglected to
add the room number.” Rosanna smiled affably.

“Is she your…er…wife? Are you an expectant mother…I mean, father…I mean parent?” The student nurse thought she certainly would love to have a spouse or parent who looked like this woman. She scanned a patient list affixed to a bulletin board. She wished that Molly, the Head Nurse, would return from her break soon as she did not feel confident dealing with the public alone.

Rosanna smiled. “None of the above…yet. Solace Tynan is a volunteer here, she holds babies…or rocks them.”

The young woman blushed. “We have a program like that here?” she asked in surprise. “Wow! How sweet.”

“Uh, I guess you do since Solace is here. You don’t know about it?” Rosanna asked, her eyebrows lifting slightly.

“I’m new here, but let me check the computer.”

Rosanna waited patiently as the young woman turned to what she could tell was a Pentium 3 computer system and began moving the mouse furiously around the screen, pointing and clicking on various icons.

“I’ll have it in just a minute.” She assured Rosanna. She seemed to be going deeper and deeper into the system without coming up with the requested information.

“Do you need some help?” Rosanna offered.

“Oh, no. This is an old system. It’s really slow,” she said without turning from her task.

Rosanna followed her movements as best she could. She became suspicious when the Icons disappeared and were replaced by a plain black screen with the old c prompt and blinking cursor.

“Are you sure I can’t help? I’m the director of a computer training facility and I’m familiar with that operating system.” Rosanna said with growing impatience.

“Oh, no. I got it. I’m on the computer all the time. You just have to type in this code and–.” She hunted and pecked out a series of alpha-numeric characters and tapped on the enter key. They stood silent as the computer shut down and the screen went black.

“Oops. Maybe that was the emergency shut down code. I keep getting them mixed up.” She began biting her right thumbnail. “She must have signed in, though. Everyone is required to sign in.” She snatched up a clipboard and flipped through the sheets. “I don’t see any Solace Tynan here.”

Knowing Solace as she did, Rosanna thought she would have had someone sign in for her or not signed at all. She despised her signature and only scrawled the hated scribble when absolutely necessary.

“May I see the list?” Rosanna said in a tone that was more command than request. The young woman handed her the clipboard and she ran a finger down the rows of names, flipped the sheet over and spotted Solace’s name written too neatly to have come from the hand of her friend.

“Room 111.” Rosanna repeated. “Can you tell me what direction that would be in?” she tentatively asked the nurse.

The young woman pointed first to the left and then to the right, confusion evident on her face.

“Uh, it’s either that way or that way. I have to be standing where you are to get my bearings.”

“Thank you. I’ll find it.” Rosanna walked to the right to a set of double doors and attempted to open them, but they were locked. She turned back to the young nurse, who stood watching her struggle.

“You have to be buzzed in.” she offered.

“Well, do you think you could do that?” Rosanna asked through gritted teeth, her accent evident in her exasperation. She heard a buzz, the doors opened smoothly and she hurried through them to find that she was in the 200 corridor. She back-tracked and flew through the doors, the young would-be nurse watching her every move. Rosanna looked up and saw the number 100 written in large black letters. She glared at the student nurse, who gave her a blank stare. Rosanna gestured towards the door and it finally dawned on the young woman to buzz her in. Aye Dios Mio! Where do they get these kids, Rosanna muttered to herself.

As she neared Room 111, she heard the unmistakable sound of Solace singing. Her smooth tones sent shivers through Rosanna’s entire body. She stopped in the entrance to the room and beheld a sight that would stay in her mind’s eye forever. In the midst of a cheerfully-lit, brightly-colored room filled with stuffed animals and toys of every description, sat Solace cradling a tiny, wrapped bundle of newborn.

Rosanna could not discern the gender of the baby but it seemed to be nestled peacefully in Solace’s arms. How could she have doubted that Solace would make an excellent mother? Solace was tender and gentle, but firm and stubborn when necessary. Why had they never even discussed the issue? Even after all of their years together, Rosanna was still hesitant to broach certain subjects. Well, they would be discussing a lot of topics soon. She was startled out of her musings by Solace’s quiet voice.

‘Are you going to stand there or are you going to come in, Sanna?’

‘How did you know I was here, Sol?’ Rosanna brushed nervously at a stray lock of hair.

‘Your fragrance gives you away, silly. I’ve told you that a thousand times. Now come on over here and meet Brook.’ Rosanna walked towards Solace, butterflies dancing a Polka in her stomach. As she entered the room, she caught the pleasant fragrance of baby powder. It reminded her of the nurseries she had visited with her mother. Rosanna knew they had to talk about their future. She would do or say anything to get Solace back—and she would mean it. She missed her desperately. She tentatively approached her love. For that is what Solace Tynan was—her love. Goddess, she couldn’t believe it. She had been the one who was blind. Tears sprang to her eyes and she swiped quickly at them. What a cliché! As she came closer to Solace, she could see a little caramel-colored baby with a cap of silky brown hair. She reached out and ran a finger lightly over the baby’s cheek.

‘I’m thinking Brook is a she.’

‘You’d be thinking right.’ Solace answered quietly, nuzzling the baby close to her own cheek.

‘Would you like to hold her?’

Before Rosanna could reply, the little bundle was pressed against her middle and she reflexively took Baby Brook in her arms.

‘She’s beautiful. Is her mom still recovering from the birth?’

‘The woman who gave birth to her skipped out without even naming her. I asked the nurses if I could and they agreed.’

‘Oh my God! My mom’s seen that too many times to mention. I just don’t know how these girls can do it,’ came Rosanna’s angry tone.

‘I could never give up my baby.’ Solace stated with conviction.

‘You wouldn’t have to.’ Rosanna whispered. Changing the subject, she asked,

‘How did you settle on the name Brook?’

‘Well, I didn’t like ocean, and stream wouldn’t do. I thought of pond, but it reminded me too much of that cold cream, minus the S, of course.’ Solace replied in mock seriousness.

‘Sol, you are so crazy!’

‘I’m crazy? I’m not the one who left me.’ The words spilled out of Solace’s mouth before she could stop them. She felt her cheeks begin to burn. Again, she had blurted out words that were probably best left unspoken. Well, she would just have to wait.

Stung, Rosanna stood for a few seconds absorbing the blow. She placed the baby back in Solace’s arms.

‘Sol, I…I’m sorry. I don’t know how I could have done that to you.’

‘I don’t know either, but I do know that I can’t go through that again. I won’t. You’re going to have to decide whether you are able to make a commitment or not, Sanna. It’s going to hurt like hell, but if you can’t, I’ll have to go on without you,’ Solace said, a lump the size of a boulder lodging in her throat.

‘You won’t have to go on without me, Sol. I love you and I want to be with you always.’ Rosanna’s throat was also dry and she felt cool beads of perspiration trickle down the back of h
er blouse.

‘You what?’ Solace needed Rosanna to repeat those three little words to be sure that she was not dreaming.

‘I love you, Sol.’

Solace knew her heart would and could probably stop, but she would die an extremely happy woman. She found it difficult to come back to earth, but she said soberly,

‘Sanna, I have waited so long to hear you say those words. I love you so much, but how do I know I can trust you. You have to promise me that if we have any problems, you’ll come to me first and not seek out someone else. I really couldn’t take this again,’ she sighed, her voice trembling.

‘I promise. I’ll do whatever I have to do to prove it to you, Sol. Please give me a chance.’

‘I should probably make you walk over hot coals or something to prove you’ll be faithful to me,’ Solace said with a slight smirk.

‘I assure you, Sol, that won’t be necessary.’ Rosanna leaned over and claimed the soft, sensuous lips of her Solace. And in return, Solace surrendered completely to her Rosanna. Little Brook slept on between them, oblivious to the kiss that would renew their union..

Neither woman was aware of a young student nurse standing in the doorway, a far-away, rapt look in her eyes and the hint of a blush on her cheeks. They made such a gorgeous, touching threesome!

‘I thought you had the tickets, Ace.’ Isolinda sobbed, her ever-present handkerchief dabbing at her eyes.

‘I do, Honey. I just have to figure out what pocket they’re in.’ Ace answered, thrusting his hand into the breast pocket of his shirt for what seemed the hundredth time. ‘I know I had them. They’re here somewhere.’ Next he explored the pockets of his dress pants.

‘Why didn’t you give them to me, Acey. You know you’re always losing something. This is why Solace is the way she is.’

‘I don’t lose things, Lena, I misplace them. I always find them eventually.’

They stepped out of the line to allow the people behind them to step up to the box office. Ace Tynan then set his attention on his wallet, rifling through his identification and credit cards, scowling at each offending piece when it did not turn out to be the tickets. Isolinda sighed.

‘We’re going to miss the recital,’ she whined..

‘No, we’re not, Hon. I’ve got ’em. Really.’ He continued his rummaging. They both jumped as Miranda and David walked up to them.

‘Why aren’t you guys standing on line?’ she asked, staring at the long cue.

‘Your father has lost our tickets, Mira. We’re going to miss the performance.’ Isolinda blew her nose.

‘Dad, don’t you remember you gave the tickets to me?’ She produced a handful of tickets from her purse.

‘Of course, I remember. I was just playing a trick on your mother.’ Ace smiled sheepishly. Isolinda smacked him with her small handbag.

‘I am going to play some tricks on you, Mr. Tynan.’ Isolinda said innocently. She did not notice the raised eyebrows of some of their fellow audience members.

‘There’s Carla.’ David announced.

‘I wonder where the boys are.’ Ace said, craning his neck to see over the crowd, not an easy feat considering he only stood five feet six inches..

‘Late, of course.’ Answered Miranda.

‘We can’t leave Robby and A. C.’ Isolinda wailed.

‘We’ll leave the tickets at the door, Lena.’ Ace said as he ushered his wife towards the line. Carla put a reassuring arm on Isolinda’s shoulder, Miranda and David trailed behind, rolling their eyes..

Rosanna sat stiffly as she watched Solace glide gracefully across the stage in the arms of L. D. Jansen. Their movements were smooth and fluid as they swayed to Billy Ocean’s ‘Love Zone.’ I should be dancing with her, she thought. She felt Sam place a hand atop hers.

‘Calm down, Rosie. They’re only dancing,’ he whispered.

‘And if I have anything to do with it, it’ll be their last dance.’ Rosanna growled.

‘No, it won’t be. They look great together and you shouldn’t be so controlling.’

‘Who’s side are you on here, Sam?’

‘I’m on the right side, of course,’ he grinned. ‘Now, be quiet. People are starting to stare.’ Rosanna opened her mouth to say something, but closed it just as quickly. She could not win with this man. She sighed because she knew he was, of course, right—this time.

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He poured a second cup of coffee, sitting nude at the kitchen table and smiling as his wife drove away early on that Saturday morning to get laid. She’d dressed lightly and given him a loving kiss as she left. She’d be back for lunch, happy as could be, he knew from past experience. The male organ between his legs began to swell as he thought about what would happen between now and then. It was partly the idea that his wife of twenty years would be joyfully naked with another also naked man,...

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In the Woods

He loved walking this particular trail in the late summer. The mosquitoes and deer flies were pretty much gone and so were the few people who used it. The trail was one of his favourites because hardly anyone knew about it and privacy was important. Particularly when he came not only for the walk but for a little nude sunbathing.As far as he could tell he was the only one the used the side trail he took to the lake. It involved cutting through some tall shrubs and around a small deadfall so the...

2 years ago
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Back To The Future Back In Lorraine

"Fuck me ahhhhhhhhhhh" Lorraine moaned as Marty pressed his tongue down on her moist pussy. Marty pressed his tongue deeper into Lorraine as she moaned. "OH FUCK I'M CUMMINGGGGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHH FUCK!" She moaned as she came into Marty's mouth. Marty slams his tongue deeper into her pussy making sure to swallow all her juices. "OH MARTY THAT WAS AMAZING!" Lorraine moaned with a smile. Not wasting anytime Lorraine starts to rubbing her hands against Marty's underwear. "The purple...

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Charlotte my exgirlfriends Mom

I had gotten to know Marci's mom pretty well over the year or so that we dated. I liked her mom, Char, and appreciated that Char tried to intervene and keep Marci and I from making our break-up final. I got an occaisional call from Char over a period of several months. She was just trying to keep the door open between Marci and me. Marci would call me occaisionally, but her calls were to apologize for her mom's calls and to assure me that she didn't put Char up to it. Heck, there...

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The Devils PactChapter 31 The False Miracle

"What did you do to me?" I asked Theodora in confusion. The nun was still straddling me, my cock still inside her pussy. When she mounted me, when I submitted to her, I had expected her to exorcise me and steal my powers. Instead, she gave me something else, some golden power. The power had sunk into the very fiber of my being, the very essence of my soul. I could see her aura, no longer the gold of a nun but the silver of a regular person. What was going on here? Mary was bound and gagged...

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Learning CurveChapter 5

Alena had no classes the following day and lounged around until noon, and then went shopping for a new dress and matching shoes. On returning to her apartment, she opened the laptop and found an interesting response to her advertisement. Couple, disease free, seek female to play with. $$$ to be made. Call _________. Ask for Patty. Alena had to smile as she read the ad. Then she called the number and got an answering machine. She left an appropriate message, adding that she expected $300...

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Growing Up Is Tough

There was a knock on the front door and Sam Wilson opened it. There stood two police officers. “Sam Wilson?” the officer said. “Yes,” Sam replied. “Are you Chris Wilson?” “Yes,” I said. “Boys, I’m afraid we have some bad news for you,” the taller officer said. “We regret to inform you that your parents were killed in a car accident this evening.” “What?” I cried. “I’m sorry,” he said and they turned to leave. Sam nodded his thank you and closed the door. We stared at each other for a...

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Troublesome Beauty

Leo's mother saw him sitting in the earth. Surrounded by pieces of pottery and uprooted flowers. She put her fists on her hips and looked with a bemused grin down. "What did my little troublemaker do now?" Before little Leo written words of light appeared. His chubby little hands reached out. Those lights looked pretty after all. "No. Don't! Not again!" Leo woke with a start. Another nightmare. Nothing new. He shook off the last remains of his dream. He didn't know how much of it...

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Her Husband Sucks My Cock

Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if maybe we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans and black speedo already. Their house was only a 5 minute walk from the bar. When we walked...

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Teaching Swapping 1

The warm spring had finally come to Winter Garden, Florida. The light overland breeze from the nearby Gulf of Mexico no longer held that slightly chill dampness of a week ago, and the southern sun hanging low in the west was like a molten gold coin in the perfect unbroken blue of the sky. Everybody was soaking up the sun, starting their first tan of the year with the still gentle rays — another week and it would be so scorching hot here by the pool the skin would blister and peel, but...

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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 2 Little Clay Counters

"Wendy! Wendy! Wendy!" The farmer wailed outside her window. "Fuck! TIM! Do you think he's ever gonna shut up?" Wendy complained, "he's been screaming outside my temple for three fucking days. I'm never going to get any sleep." "You could answer him." Tim explained, "how are you going to find out what he wants if you stay in here?" "You know it's the same old shit..." Wendy's voice changed to the voice of a supplicant. "'Help me! The tax collector made me pay twice.'"...

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My Little VentrueInterlude 2

~~The Year: 1986~~ ~~Mason Harding~~ Being alone is horrible. Lot of the people he knew — knew being a strong word — thought being alone was bad, and rough. But to them it was just a word. Being alone, well and truly alone, alone to the point you feel it in your bones, that it’s a part of you, that’s hell. Something about sitting on a city bus really lets the mind wander, and Mason used it to write in his journal. Back angled to the window a bit so he could write without people looking...

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The Blue Dress

This is my first story. I know the grammar is poor and hope its not to distracting. I have reread and edited but I may have missed some things. The subject matter is of this story is of a intimate teenage encounter but no sex occurs. If you are under-aged or offended by Magic, Curses, or teenage hand jobs please move on. Thank you for your time and if you enjoy please leave feed back. Author Update #1: I received some good feedback regarding this starter. I decided to push forward and...

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How I become a model and more part 2

As I drove to work at the dress shop it all of a sudden hit me that I hadn't thought about the fact I had just cheated on my husband. I wondered why I felt no remorse for what I had done and just the thought of doing it again with Roger had my panties getting damp. Maybe sex with Jerry wasn't everything I needed. Maybe I needed to have a thicker cock to make me orgasm better, but then maybe, it was due to being what you may as well call nude in front of Roger with his hand touching places only...

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The Jonah Ryan IncidentChapter 2

“So, Jonie, I have a confession to make. I’m ... pregnant, and it’s not yours. Before you get all huffy and puffy about me cutting you off and letting another man knock me up, let me remind you that I had just learned that we were actual brother and sister. I was seriously looking at an annulment, Jonie, because, strictly speaking, our marriage isn’t legal. In fact, I still want an annulment, but now that this is out of the way, I’d like to start fucking you again. It will be a lot better now...

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Unexpected Visitor Part Nine

PART NINE Our last day on the job here was much the same as yesterday, an early start and as we really wanted to finish today, we just had to knuckle down and get it done. As the day wore on, I realised that it would be fairly late again before we could call it quits. When I organised our cabin accommodation on the first day, I had mentioned to Steve, the park owner that we might need to stay on an extra night if we were running a bit...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Alex 09152016

Alex is a 20 year old Native American/ Latina who wants to be a fashion designer one day, and fashion school isn’t cheap. So to help her pay bills, she is exploring her options in the porn industry. First stop: Exploit… errr….ExCoGi. You’re the judge if she has what it takes to continue in this biz. Alex’ first foray into the porn industry starts out harmless enough with a soapy shower. But she just looks too hot all soaped up and TC manages to talk our cutie into...

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Seducing My Friend8217s College Girlfriend Abinaya

Hi, this is Abraham. I have been an avid reader of this website for years. This is my first time trying to pen down a story here. So, please drop me your comments and suggestions to make me improve this. This is part fiction with some real-life events. Enjoy reading. This story is about a 23-year-old beauty Abinaya. She is a short, fit and dusky angel blessed by the goddess of beauty. At first look, she may look like a normal bystander but trust me, she has many treasures hidden which can make...

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Charlotte's Mentorbymikeperk©With a surge of warm expectation he heard the car pull onto the drive. From this point there would be no turning back and his new life would be formally launched tomorrow.Joe's existence during the two years since his wife had succumbed to breast cancer had been pretty miserable, but his imminent marriage to her sister promised a return to a comfortable, if not particularly exciting, future.Pauline had been their young bridesmaid when he'd married Brenda more than...

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First Date With Ava

I was 17 years old at the time, and had had my drivers license for about 2 months. Every week of that two months I had asked Ava out on a date, and she had turned me down every time. But I was persistent and she kept on smiling each time I asked, and each time that she said "No". I met Ava at a cafe that I frequented each day after school. Yep, I was in my last year of high school, and had just a few weeks to the end. Ava, I learnt was 16 years old, not having finished school. She had been...

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You Missed a Spot

Sometime ago I dated a pretty young girl who was really good friends with my buddy’s wife. I didn’t meet her until I’d moved to a city that was a good six hours away. We went out and had a good time, but I lived six hours away, so it was fun, but that was that. One time they all decided to come and visit and she tagged along. She said she thought it would be fun to go for a trip, see the city where I lived and have some extracurricular fun too. We knew the relationship wasn’t going...

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A Visit To The Adult Book Store

Back when I was dating, I pretty much was open to anything that gave me the opportunity to try something different and had the possibility of a new sexual adventure. I had been dating my guy for a few weeks and so far it had been a tame relationship in as far as what we did for sexual excitement. We had talked about our sexual desires and exchanged stories of some of our sexual adventures. My boyfriend was a little surprised when he heard what types of things I have done. He was about to find...

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No Good DeedChapter 4

I could barely contain myself until lunch, and I actually managed to get called out in class for staring off into space. When I got into the cafeteria at lunch, I marched to the table we all shared and grabbed a stunned Rachel from behind, lifting her off the ground. “Gah!” she squeaked out in surprise before seeing who grabbed her. “What the hell, Caspian?” “I heard you were the one who organized that counter protest, yesterday,” I said. I put her back on the ground, spun her around, and...

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The Princess and the Penis

THE PRINCESS AND THE PENIS The last three weeks have been a sexual roller-coaster, a maelstrom, a blur of guilt and lust and regrets. Kyleigh, you are at the center of this drama – my daughter, my lover, my evil succubus. I keep asking myself, what have I done? And what am I going to do now? I can’t turn back the clock and undo the things we have done. Your mother, Maureen, and I divorced eight years ago. I still loved her, but she wanted more than just being married to a handsome minister;...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 10

Vincent had been standing there, absorbing what I was saying about cameras. “Ok, Vince, show me what you’ve got.” I think that calling him Vince was the most startling thing that had ever happened to him. His face at first was shocked and then slowly changed to ecstasy. Could it be that this was the first time in his life, somebody went beyond friendly, to friend? This can be an eye-opener for a lonely kid. His face broke out in a huge smile, “Well, Matt,” there was a slight hesitation, and...

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StayHomeMilf Mckenzie Lee Divorced And Quarantined

Things have been hard between me and my wife Mckenzie Lee for a long time, so we finally decided to call it quits and get a divorce. But since the whole world is on lockdown, she can’t move out and get a new place of her own yet. As it turns out, quarantining with her has me seeing her in a whole new light. She’s a total fucking MILF, and she deserves to have her juicy pussy fucked with all the passion she needs. As the days go on, we get closer and closer until we’re fucking like we did when...

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My first Time5

This is a true story, so please, when you want to let me know that you do not believe me, and that its just fiction, save it. First of all, I could give a shit if you think its true or not. I have nothing to prove to little people with little dicks. When I first joined and posted some pics, a couple of guys got all up in arms and just knew that my pics were fake, said they were too good, too professional. Well, they WERE professional, my boyfriend was a professional photographer. These guys...

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Mistress Jodie and the Female Masochist Part 2

Misteress Jodie aproached the tiny Vietamese slave hanging by her wrists from the ceiling and asked again what do you want slut. Please Misteress stab my tiny tits with you needles, I have been a very bad girl since I last saw you. You can confess later bitch she said as she swabbed the slaves tits with alcohol to sterilize them. Taking one needle she peirced sideways above her right nipple quickly following with one beneath aand one on either side. the moving to the other tit doing the same....

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Auf dem Altar geopfert

Auf dem Weg von der Kirmes finde ich Saskia die fette Tochter meiner Nachbarin sturzbetrunken auf den Stufen der Kirche. Sie hatte sich übergeben und lag da nun. Um sie etwas sauber zu machen hob ich sie auf und dachte das das Weihwasser hier einen guten Zweck erfüllen würde. Sie ar völlig hilflos und liess alles mit sich machen. Sie war sicherlich keine Schönheit mit ihren 135 kg und ihren gewaltigen Titten aber sie war gerade 19 und ein Weib. So bekam ich eine geile Idee. Ich wusste, dass...

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Right Here Right Now

I've wanted him since the moment he introduced himself to me. He was a Latin God. Tall dark and mysterious. I could just imagine him whispering things in my ear while I was wrapped around his strong body. Looking at him made me wonder how many freaky things he could teach me. Working with him almost every other night, the more I thought about what the two of us could get into to, The only problem is that he is married, and he never gives me a second glance. I am not that much of a looker but I...

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Libyan Bully Triumphant

TUESDAY AFTERNOON At 3PM Aisha walked along the empty hallway in the secondary school building then she saw her classmate Shakira, and Shakira saw her. Oh no, Aisha thought, but before Aisha could run, Shakira caught up with her and pinned her against the wall. "So little girl where is my money?" Shakira asked. "You can't continue to bully us forever," Aisha replied trying to be defiant. Shakira was a head taller than Aisha and hit her hard on the shoulder. Aisha cried in pain,...

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My Wife Me And Our Neighbors 8211 Part 1 Seducing Reshma

Hi, Anto here. My email address is I’m a married man with a beautiful wife named Renu. She is four years older than me. I was lucky enough in my first year of engineering that I caught up with a final year senior and got married to her. I always fantasized women elder to me. So we lived on the 3rd floor along with our two-year-old kid. The floor was shared with another neighbor family from Kerala. There were only 4 people in that family. Amrita and her husband Roshan with their two-year-old...

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My wife Amrita

This is the true story of my discovery that my wife is an exhibitionist slut. It all began quite innocently. My wife, Amrita, and I have been married for 3 years. She is 26, and a petite 5’2″ with a very cute ass and nice round 36C tits with nipples that point to the sky. Anna is from Indonesia, and all the time i’ve known her until recently she has always been shy and quiet, dressing in a very conservative manner so as to hide her incredible body. She has beautiful mocha skin and long black...

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Thinking Of Sex

Men think of sex every six minutes; women think of sex every ovulation. Every joke has an essence of truth but, when it came to Sybil, it not quite the whole truth. When Syb thought of sex it was with an urgency neither of us could resist. She thought of it each ovulation and again two weeks later.It was Saturday evening. We were at restaurant celebrating I don't remember what. It was late and I'd empty soldiered much more wine than I should have. The waiting staff were plainly glad when we...

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Scene One From a Novella

This is the serenade of lunacy. I’d like to welcome all guests, hope you will all be comfortable for the trip. When I was a kid in Tidioute we had a circus come to town. It was one of those old circuses, with the sexy 14 year old trapeze girls and battered elephants too dumb with beatings to mind the crowd much. There was a vacant lot in the center of town, where the old folks home stands now, and not much ever transpired there, save a few events, one of which was the circus and the other was...

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