Solace Rosanna
- 3 years ago
- 34
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First, I would like to thank you, Faithful Reader, for sticking with the story. I would also like to send a special thanks to those who took the time to vote. That really meant a great deal to me. Perhaps I should have posted this work in Romance, as it was probably not as spicy as most would have liked. But I am a novice at this and will think before I post next time. Until then, happy reading and writing to you all! –Alacia
I would also like to apologize for the late posting of this part. I accidently spilled liquid in my laptop hard drive and killed it. I then had to go through the process of securing a new password so I could post it. I sincerely hope it was worth the wait for those of you who are following the story. Again—I thank you all.
2003: Oh, my poor song thought Solace as she plunked out the accompaniment to one of her favorite standards. Couldn’t Emily hear that she was not in tune? Solace played the melody as stridently as possible but to no avail. It was almost too painful for her to continue playing, but Emily was intent on becoming a pop singer and she had paid the fee—in full, which was more than most students were able to afford. For the thousandth time Solace ruminated on the irony that the students who were the least talented were the most dedicated, practiced regularly—probably to the consternation (and murderous intent) of their families, friends, and neighbors—and never missed a single lesson. She wondered evilly if this young woman had ever had the police knock on her door to announce that she was being cited for disturbing the peace. She removed her fingers from the keys because she simply could not endure the torture any longer. They would have to go back to the basics of her playing simple tunes and having Emily sing them back—hopefully singing at least one note on the correct pitch.
“Um, Emily? Do you have a cold today?”
“No, Solace. Why?” Emily asked innocently. She was a bit disappointed that Solace had interrupted the song before its ending as she was prepared to belt her heart out at the end trying for a dramatic finish.
“Um… Well, I was wondering if you were having difficulty hearing the accompaniment. You’re pitch is a bit under the actual note,” A bit? What was she saying? It was almost as if Solace were playing in one key and Emily was deliberately singing in another.
“You know, Solace, I had the sniffles at the beginning of the week but I took some over-the-counter stuff and it cleared it up right away.” Emily smiled sweetly.
Why did Emily have to be so damned nice, thought Solace. It meant that she was forever trying to be diplomatic and gentle in her criticism of the fledgling singer. What she really wanted to tell her was that she should stick to being a librarian and never attempt to sing (or in her case, butcher) another song ever again in this lifetime—or even the next. She sighed and quickly tried to compose herself. Damn! Well, that answer had killed that. She couldn’t even blame the horrific performance on Emily’s ears being blocked.
“And I really worked on it, too. So much that my parents offered to help me look for an apartment this weekend. I was really surprised at that. They’ve been hinting at my finding my own place for about six weeks or so.” Emily stated this with absolutely no sign that six weeks coincided with her start of voice lessons. Solace’s professional demeanor did not in any way betray the fact that she was mentally dropping her jaw in utter disbelief at the young woman’s naiveté.
Emily Haslen had never sung a real song in front of an audience in her life. In their initial meeting, though, she told Solace that one morning she awakened from a dream in which she had been giving the performance of her life. She confided that she had never felt such a rush and she could still hear the tumultuous applause of the sold-out audience. Later, Solace would think: Yes, Emily, they were probably applauding because they were ecstatic that the piece had mercifully come to an end and their hearing was still in tact. Did you notice in your dream whether there was a stampede to the exit? She often chided herself for these sarcastic musings, but felt justified that she had rarely let them slip from her smiling lips. She was known throughout the school as a patient, supportive instructor and unless she had a complete breakdown, her reputation was safe. Several students, however, were pushing her to that brink of musical madness. They had dreams of becoming pop stars, Broadway babies and cabaret crooners. Why was it that she seemed to be drawing more and more of these types? She cursed the “Sorting Cap”, as they’d begun to call it since the appearance of the “Sorting Hat” in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.
Each semester the names of voice students were placed in a New York Yankees baseball cap. That was another source of contention for Solace. She was convinced that she continually drew the less talented students because she was not a fan of the popular baseball team. Why couldn’t the names be placed in a top hat—at least that was nearer to the theatre. Four anxious voice instructors would stand around the cap, which lay on the director’s desk, and pick three new students. Only once the names had been drawn were they given folders with basic information.
Solace had been lobbying for the upgrade of the music school for several years, but since September 11, she was told that the school was just barely able to meet its expenses because donations had dwindled to a slow trickle. Also, as a result of their community music school status, they were obliged to accept any student who was able to pay.
“Solace, I want you to hear the ending. Let me know if I’m going in the right direction or not, okay? I’m trying to get into the interpretation of the song more and just let the notes take care of themselves.”
Dear Goddess! Well, that explained that. Emily didn’t care whether she was in tune or not, she was only interested in her interpretation. Ugh! Newbies! Solace surreptitiously checked her Braille watch. Groaning inwardly, she realized they still had another twenty minutes before she could send Emily packing with her usual non-committal statement of “Keep working at it, Em.” She started the introduction to the piece and waited for Emily to begin her off-key rendition. Towards the end of the song, Emily flung herself onto the cover of the piano as she held the last note for an excruciating length of time. Solace improvised a hasty ending.
“Wow, Em! That was really something.”
“Thank you, Solace. Your praise means a lot to me.” Emily breathed.
Solace, you are going to have to become firmer with this child or she’ll think you’re completely pleased with her work, and that will not be a good thing—for anyone, she admonished herself. For now, though, she would hustle Emily out of her studio and rush to Mt. Sinai. As she grabbed her backpack and cane, she smiled remembering her meeting with Rosanna. The smile quickly faded as she realized that they needed to have a make-or-break discussion about their relationship. They were to meet this evening to do just that. Against her will, she became flushed recalling the intense kisses they had shared during their impromptu stay at L. D.’s penthouse. She willed those thoughts out of her mind and concentrated on the little blessings she was about to encounter.
Rosanna strode into The Women’s Pavilion at Mt. Sinai Hospital and stopped just inside the entrance. Checking the directions Solace had sent to her via e-mail, she headed for the Nursery. At the desk sat a young woman in a white uniform reading a fashion magazine. She was so engrossed in the images in the glossy pages that she failed to hear Rosanna’s approach.
“Excuse me.” The young woman practically jumped off her stool. “Can you tell me what room Solace Tynan might be in? She gave me directions but neglected to
add the room number.” Rosanna smiled affably.
“Is she your…er…wife? Are you an expectant mother…I mean, father…I mean parent?” The student nurse thought she certainly would love to have a spouse or parent who looked like this woman. She scanned a patient list affixed to a bulletin board. She wished that Molly, the Head Nurse, would return from her break soon as she did not feel confident dealing with the public alone.
Rosanna smiled. “None of the above…yet. Solace Tynan is a volunteer here, she holds babies…or rocks them.”
The young woman blushed. “We have a program like that here?” she asked in surprise. “Wow! How sweet.”
“Uh, I guess you do since Solace is here. You don’t know about it?” Rosanna asked, her eyebrows lifting slightly.
“I’m new here, but let me check the computer.”
Rosanna waited patiently as the young woman turned to what she could tell was a Pentium 3 computer system and began moving the mouse furiously around the screen, pointing and clicking on various icons.
“I’ll have it in just a minute.” She assured Rosanna. She seemed to be going deeper and deeper into the system without coming up with the requested information.
“Do you need some help?” Rosanna offered.
“Oh, no. This is an old system. It’s really slow,” she said without turning from her task.
Rosanna followed her movements as best she could. She became suspicious when the Icons disappeared and were replaced by a plain black screen with the old c prompt and blinking cursor.
“Are you sure I can’t help? I’m the director of a computer training facility and I’m familiar with that operating system.” Rosanna said with growing impatience.
“Oh, no. I got it. I’m on the computer all the time. You just have to type in this code and–.” She hunted and pecked out a series of alpha-numeric characters and tapped on the enter key. They stood silent as the computer shut down and the screen went black.
“Oops. Maybe that was the emergency shut down code. I keep getting them mixed up.” She began biting her right thumbnail. “She must have signed in, though. Everyone is required to sign in.” She snatched up a clipboard and flipped through the sheets. “I don’t see any Solace Tynan here.”
Knowing Solace as she did, Rosanna thought she would have had someone sign in for her or not signed at all. She despised her signature and only scrawled the hated scribble when absolutely necessary.
“May I see the list?” Rosanna said in a tone that was more command than request. The young woman handed her the clipboard and she ran a finger down the rows of names, flipped the sheet over and spotted Solace’s name written too neatly to have come from the hand of her friend.
“Room 111.” Rosanna repeated. “Can you tell me what direction that would be in?” she tentatively asked the nurse.
The young woman pointed first to the left and then to the right, confusion evident on her face.
“Uh, it’s either that way or that way. I have to be standing where you are to get my bearings.”
“Thank you. I’ll find it.” Rosanna walked to the right to a set of double doors and attempted to open them, but they were locked. She turned back to the young nurse, who stood watching her struggle.
“You have to be buzzed in.” she offered.
“Well, do you think you could do that?” Rosanna asked through gritted teeth, her accent evident in her exasperation. She heard a buzz, the doors opened smoothly and she hurried through them to find that she was in the 200 corridor. She back-tracked and flew through the doors, the young would-be nurse watching her every move. Rosanna looked up and saw the number 100 written in large black letters. She glared at the student nurse, who gave her a blank stare. Rosanna gestured towards the door and it finally dawned on the young woman to buzz her in. Aye Dios Mio! Where do they get these kids, Rosanna muttered to herself.
As she neared Room 111, she heard the unmistakable sound of Solace singing. Her smooth tones sent shivers through Rosanna’s entire body. She stopped in the entrance to the room and beheld a sight that would stay in her mind’s eye forever. In the midst of a cheerfully-lit, brightly-colored room filled with stuffed animals and toys of every description, sat Solace cradling a tiny, wrapped bundle of newborn.
Rosanna could not discern the gender of the baby but it seemed to be nestled peacefully in Solace’s arms. How could she have doubted that Solace would make an excellent mother? Solace was tender and gentle, but firm and stubborn when necessary. Why had they never even discussed the issue? Even after all of their years together, Rosanna was still hesitant to broach certain subjects. Well, they would be discussing a lot of topics soon. She was startled out of her musings by Solace’s quiet voice.
‘Are you going to stand there or are you going to come in, Sanna?’
‘How did you know I was here, Sol?’ Rosanna brushed nervously at a stray lock of hair.
‘Your fragrance gives you away, silly. I’ve told you that a thousand times. Now come on over here and meet Brook.’ Rosanna walked towards Solace, butterflies dancing a Polka in her stomach. As she entered the room, she caught the pleasant fragrance of baby powder. It reminded her of the nurseries she had visited with her mother. Rosanna knew they had to talk about their future. She would do or say anything to get Solace back—and she would mean it. She missed her desperately. She tentatively approached her love. For that is what Solace Tynan was—her love. Goddess, she couldn’t believe it. She had been the one who was blind. Tears sprang to her eyes and she swiped quickly at them. What a cliché! As she came closer to Solace, she could see a little caramel-colored baby with a cap of silky brown hair. She reached out and ran a finger lightly over the baby’s cheek.
‘I’m thinking Brook is a she.’
‘You’d be thinking right.’ Solace answered quietly, nuzzling the baby close to her own cheek.
‘Would you like to hold her?’
Before Rosanna could reply, the little bundle was pressed against her middle and she reflexively took Baby Brook in her arms.
‘She’s beautiful. Is her mom still recovering from the birth?’
‘The woman who gave birth to her skipped out without even naming her. I asked the nurses if I could and they agreed.’
‘Oh my God! My mom’s seen that too many times to mention. I just don’t know how these girls can do it,’ came Rosanna’s angry tone.
‘I could never give up my baby.’ Solace stated with conviction.
‘You wouldn’t have to.’ Rosanna whispered. Changing the subject, she asked,
‘How did you settle on the name Brook?’
‘Well, I didn’t like ocean, and stream wouldn’t do. I thought of pond, but it reminded me too much of that cold cream, minus the S, of course.’ Solace replied in mock seriousness.
‘Sol, you are so crazy!’
‘I’m crazy? I’m not the one who left me.’ The words spilled out of Solace’s mouth before she could stop them. She felt her cheeks begin to burn. Again, she had blurted out words that were probably best left unspoken. Well, she would just have to wait.
Stung, Rosanna stood for a few seconds absorbing the blow. She placed the baby back in Solace’s arms.
‘Sol, I…I’m sorry. I don’t know how I could have done that to you.’
‘I don’t know either, but I do know that I can’t go through that again. I won’t. You’re going to have to decide whether you are able to make a commitment or not, Sanna. It’s going to hurt like hell, but if you can’t, I’ll have to go on without you,’ Solace said, a lump the size of a boulder lodging in her throat.
‘You won’t have to go on without me, Sol. I love you and I want to be with you always.’ Rosanna’s throat was also dry and she felt cool beads of perspiration trickle down the back of h
er blouse.
‘You what?’ Solace needed Rosanna to repeat those three little words to be sure that she was not dreaming.
‘I love you, Sol.’
Solace knew her heart would and could probably stop, but she would die an extremely happy woman. She found it difficult to come back to earth, but she said soberly,
‘Sanna, I have waited so long to hear you say those words. I love you so much, but how do I know I can trust you. You have to promise me that if we have any problems, you’ll come to me first and not seek out someone else. I really couldn’t take this again,’ she sighed, her voice trembling.
‘I promise. I’ll do whatever I have to do to prove it to you, Sol. Please give me a chance.’
‘I should probably make you walk over hot coals or something to prove you’ll be faithful to me,’ Solace said with a slight smirk.
‘I assure you, Sol, that won’t be necessary.’ Rosanna leaned over and claimed the soft, sensuous lips of her Solace. And in return, Solace surrendered completely to her Rosanna. Little Brook slept on between them, oblivious to the kiss that would renew their union..
Neither woman was aware of a young student nurse standing in the doorway, a far-away, rapt look in her eyes and the hint of a blush on her cheeks. They made such a gorgeous, touching threesome!
‘I thought you had the tickets, Ace.’ Isolinda sobbed, her ever-present handkerchief dabbing at her eyes.
‘I do, Honey. I just have to figure out what pocket they’re in.’ Ace answered, thrusting his hand into the breast pocket of his shirt for what seemed the hundredth time. ‘I know I had them. They’re here somewhere.’ Next he explored the pockets of his dress pants.
‘Why didn’t you give them to me, Acey. You know you’re always losing something. This is why Solace is the way she is.’
‘I don’t lose things, Lena, I misplace them. I always find them eventually.’
They stepped out of the line to allow the people behind them to step up to the box office. Ace Tynan then set his attention on his wallet, rifling through his identification and credit cards, scowling at each offending piece when it did not turn out to be the tickets. Isolinda sighed.
‘We’re going to miss the recital,’ she whined..
‘No, we’re not, Hon. I’ve got ’em. Really.’ He continued his rummaging. They both jumped as Miranda and David walked up to them.
‘Why aren’t you guys standing on line?’ she asked, staring at the long cue.
‘Your father has lost our tickets, Mira. We’re going to miss the performance.’ Isolinda blew her nose.
‘Dad, don’t you remember you gave the tickets to me?’ She produced a handful of tickets from her purse.
‘Of course, I remember. I was just playing a trick on your mother.’ Ace smiled sheepishly. Isolinda smacked him with her small handbag.
‘I am going to play some tricks on you, Mr. Tynan.’ Isolinda said innocently. She did not notice the raised eyebrows of some of their fellow audience members.
‘There’s Carla.’ David announced.
‘I wonder where the boys are.’ Ace said, craning his neck to see over the crowd, not an easy feat considering he only stood five feet six inches..
‘Late, of course.’ Answered Miranda.
‘We can’t leave Robby and A. C.’ Isolinda wailed.
‘We’ll leave the tickets at the door, Lena.’ Ace said as he ushered his wife towards the line. Carla put a reassuring arm on Isolinda’s shoulder, Miranda and David trailed behind, rolling their eyes..
Rosanna sat stiffly as she watched Solace glide gracefully across the stage in the arms of L. D. Jansen. Their movements were smooth and fluid as they swayed to Billy Ocean’s ‘Love Zone.’ I should be dancing with her, she thought. She felt Sam place a hand atop hers.
‘Calm down, Rosie. They’re only dancing,’ he whispered.
‘And if I have anything to do with it, it’ll be their last dance.’ Rosanna growled.
‘No, it won’t be. They look great together and you shouldn’t be so controlling.’
‘Who’s side are you on here, Sam?’
‘I’m on the right side, of course,’ he grinned. ‘Now, be quiet. People are starting to stare.’ Rosanna opened her mouth to say something, but closed it just as quickly. She could not win with this man. She sighed because she knew he was, of course, right—this time.
2003: Solace let the phone ring at least four times before she answered it. For two weeks she had picked up the offending instrument on the first ring had been crestfallen each time. It was not that she didn’t have the desire to hear from her family and friends, she simply desperately longed to hear Rosanna’s low, smooth tones. She attributed her physical symptoms of lethargy, insomnia, and lack of appetite to the breakup. She cried more tears than she thought humanly possible, Bizarrey the Cat...
2000: “Aren’t you ready yet, Sol?” called Rosanna impatiently from Solace’s living room. She glanced again at her watch, noting they had less than an hour to get to the rehearsal in time. They would have to take a taxi. Katrina would give them the evil eye. Rosanna could not understand why Solace found it so difficult to get herself together each time. She seemed to be organized only half the time and the other she spent in a hopeless state of confusion. Rosanna huffed in agitation. Suddenly,...
2003: Tears ran unaware and unchecked down L. D. Jansen’s face as she watched from her shadowy alcove as the stranger first embraced and then kissed the lips of the woman she had hoped to make her own. The tears were accompanied by a persistent ache in her abdomen, as if she’d been punched, but she could not turn away. Anger rose, but died just as quickly. With whom could she be angry–Solace, the stranger, herself? She had, in essence, pursued Solace. The fact that there seemed to be a shared...
1998: Solace awakened that Sunday with anticipation. She was to meet Rosanna at Maria’s Market—a new restaurant on 91st street that offered what was billed as ‘healthy’ cuisine. Solace was not particularly health conscious, but she did make an effort to eat something nutritious at least a few times a week. She stood in front of her closet with the gooseneck lamp shining brightly over her shoulder. Gracious, that lamp is hot! I better pick something before I fry here. This was a thought that ran...
1998: Solace and Rosanna traversed the avenues and then made their way uptown. They walked arm in arm, and both smiled inwardly at how comfortable it felt walking with a near-perfect stranger. Solace considered herself to be a carefree person, but this was a bit odd even for her. Rosanna, being the levelheaded pragmatist knew she must be suffering from some form of temporary insanity because of her usual reserved and cautious nature. They kept up a stream of conversation. Actually, Solace found...
1998: Solace moaned so loudly that she woke herself up. Her heart was beating as if she had just completed the New York City Marathon. To her delight, she was still experiencing remnants of the intense orgasm that had been induced by the passionate love-making she and Rosanna Romero had shared. She basked in the euphoric feeling of the contractions of her vaginal muscles. How strange, she thought hazily. I just met her. How could I be dreaming about her already? When she came back to her...
1999: Solace and Rosanna had known each other for a year. In that time they learned a great deal because they spent hours talking, mostly in person as they lived in such close proximity. Solace discovered that Rosanna had a real thing for neatness and order. This subject was the source of several heated discussions and activities. “Sol, why don’t you put your stuff where you’re going to find it. If you would put your cane, your bag, your shoes, your watch, your brush…everything in a special...
Solace was the fourth and final child born to Isolinda and Ace Tynan. To affirm their love, they had decided to give their baby a combination of their names. They were delighted when they realized that they had given her a name that actually meant support and comfort. And the baby Solace had been a comfort to them. They had wanted two boys and two girls and Solace had obligingly been born a girl. The running joke around the Tynan apartment was that Solace would be a comfort to her parents in...
“Bizarrey! Bizarrey!” Solace called as she entered her apartment. “Mommy’s home! Come here, sweetums!” That’s probably why she’s staying away, Solace thought. What self-respecting cat would want to be called ‘sweetums’? She dumped her cane and shoulder-bag at the door and began to search her one-bedroom apartment. She looked in all of Bizarrey’s known hiding places without success—under the bed (which was useless since she would not have been able to see her there anyway), on the window sills,...
2003: The day was overcast with the threat of rain, but Rosanna was prepared, as always, with her umbrella tucked in her shoulder-bag as she walked uptown to Matilda’s office. She recalled the times Solace had appeared at several of their meetings looking as if she’d been through a hurricane, hair plastered, soaked and wind-blown, but sexy, nonetheless. Damned sexy. On one such memorable occasion Solace had raced into a rehearsal-late–and dropped her belongings into a nearby chair. She had then...
2003: “Leander, What the hell are you doing?” Casey shrieked in horror. She had stopped to check on Leander’s progress with the decorating. She thought it would be safe enough to leave him with the simple task of artfully draping blue streamers around the guardrail of the roof garden. She should have been more vigilant. How had he sneaked the hugest bag of cotton-balls she had ever seen passed her? In the ensuing weeks since they had decided to have the party, they had learned that they...
2003: L. D. Jansen stood on the steps of her apartment house, hands thrust into pockets as she watched the departing taxi glide down the block and turn the corner. She turned abruptly and strode purposefully into the building. Her concentration was such that she did not hear Dodge, the doorman as he bid her a good evening. Jon Dodge found the enigmatic woman extremely attractive, not that he would ever let that little secret out. He watched her lithe, muscled physique as she strolled into the...
2003: Rosanna had only received one phone call from Matilda in the two weeks since her abrupt departure. She called to say that she was fine and would be staying with a friend in upstate New York. She did not offer a name and Rosanna stubbornly did not ask for one. She simply listened, her blood boiling and temples throbbing as Matilda explained that she needed to think about their future. Rosanna offered that perhaps they should discuss their future together, but Matilda had said that she was...
2003: Matilda Harper sat in her office, drumming her impeccably manicured finger nails on the top of her ultra-neat glass-covered desk. She glared at the telephone as if the instrument had offended her in some way. As far as Matilda was concerned, it had because Rosanna had once again rebuffed her dinner invitation, claiming she had important reports to finish. This excuse was beginning to wear thin and Matilda had slammed down the phone in frustration. She knew that Rosanna was still smarting...
2003: ‘I had her in my arms, Lee…in my arms and then she was gone!’ Casey whaled with her head in her hands. ‘You must be losing your touch,’ Leander offered, knowing this would get a response from Casey. As he thought, she looked up, her eyes blazing. ‘Not on your life! It was that damned cell phone call. It spoiled the whole moment.’ Casey sat up, her fingers gripping her knees. ‘I’m going to have her, Lee. She can’t just walk out of my life now.’ ‘You walked out of hers.’ Leander...
Rosanna had walked five blocks before she found herself stopping and slowly turning around to see if Sol was still standing there. Why? Why did she care? She didn’t. She let out a low moan. Solace had already gone. What did it matter? Mattie was expecting her for dinner and she definitely did not want to be late. That was another trait they shared—punctuality. Sol had not known the meaning of the word. Mattie was always ready when she was supposed to be. Never more would Rosanna have to wait by...
Casey grinned evily. Casey grinned evily. The cab pulled up in front of a ten-story red brick private building on a tree-lined street. There were three steps leading up to the entrance. Rosanna sat up and reached for her wallet, but Casey placed a restraining hand on her arm. “I got it,” Casey said as she began counting out the fair. “My tab is growing. Now I’ll really owe you,” Rosanna growled. “Yes, It is, and I love it!” Casey grinned evily. She jumped out of the car, ran around to the...
2003: Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik played relentlessly as Rosanna squirmed out from under Casey and began searching frantically for her cell phone. “Dammit! Where the hell is my briefcase, Casey?” She yelled as she ran from corner to corner. “Calm down, Ross! It’s only the phone,” Casey said languidly, enjoying the spectacle of a very sexy, very naked Ross run around her living room. She did not budge from her spot on the carpeted floor. “No, it’s not just the phone. It’s Matilda!”...
A blue-jean clad Rosanna Romero lay on her bed, eyes closed, hands clasped behind her head, a faint smile playing around the corners of her lips. She was reliving her evening’s activities—well, mainly one activity. She and Anna had enjoyed some fairly intense kisses and caresses during the past months, but this evening she had returned a definite lover. They had ‘gone all the way’. It had been a first for both of them and, as any first time, it would not or could not ever be forgotten. As...
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My name is Amber, and I have a unique story. I could never tell my friends how I lost my virginity. I knew they wouldn’t understand, and so whenever the subject came up, I just made up a story about losing it to some random guy after a party. I kept details to a minimum, and just deflected to something else if my girlfriends started asking too many questions. I knew if they found out the truth, they would have many more questions, and would probably change their opinions of me or maybe even not...
Once home, I rinsed my mouth before kissing mom. Couldn’t let her know I was sucking cocks. I also freshened up my cunt from when my teacher fucked me. Didn’t want cum running out at home. Then it was homework, both mine and hers. The work wasn’t that hard, since while I was sucking Mr. Walters cock, I did listen, but did have to ask Mandy a few things that I missed. Of course, I had to let her know I would still do whatever she wanted in order to get the answers. After the homework was...
Susi K. war eine blonde Hausfrau Mitte 30. Ihr Mann war als Ingenieur häufig im Ausland unterwegs und die Kinder waren tagsüber in der Schule. Susi selber war jetzt Hausfrau und tagsüber nicht immer ausgelastet. Ihr einziges Vergnügen waren die Stunden im Fitness-Studio. Das war auch Grund, warum Susi eigentlich noch ganz knackig war. Im Fitness-Studio pfiffen ihr sogar Männer hinterher. Susi langweilte sich und schaltete ihr Lap-Top ein. Um sich Ideen für ihre Freizeit zu holen, gab sie in...
Ich bin der Karl 61 Jahre alt und erfolgricher Geschichts- und Deutschlehrer. Mein Job macht mir Spaß und ich habe einen guten Kontakt zu meinen Schüler/innen. Ich bin ein glücklicher Opa, habe eine liebe Frau und mein Sohn ist auch verheiratet. Meine Schwäche sind die wunderschönen jungen Schülerinnen. so hübsche junge Dinger in den sexy Klamotten. Eine echte Herausforderung für mich als unterfickten Mann mich zurück zu halten. Manche Luder merken es und nutzen mich auch aus. Tatsächlich...
She was a coward, Kate admitted. Her husband had suddenly turned her world upside down and decided that he loved her. And the moon was made of cheese, she though ironically. He couldn’t be sure, could he? It was probably just another of his bright ideas and a way to ensure that he had a constant fuck partner. The man had the stamina of a bull. She wondered if he was taking drugs or something. She had never met a man that could have sex as often as Scott. And still he seemed to sport a hard-on...
What remained of the three weeks before Ruth’s birthday was utter torture. Okay, so it’s not like I hadn’t kept birthday surprises from her before, of course I had. But nothing like this. Nothing this huge—in every sense of the word. It also didn’t help that Ruth was taking seriously her belief that she had to ‘make the most’ of her time before she was ‘over the hill’ (her words, not mine). She damn near wore me out and certainly kept my balls drained dry. I had half a mind to tell her to...
My 2nd 2020 Dr. appointmentI know they all start out the same because that's how Dr. offices seem to do it sorry!Unlike previous years I had a 6 month follow-up this year since the Dr. had his nurse call me and tell me to schedule one since my pussy looked so well used last time and he needed to make sure everything was fine "down there". Like the previous years I really don't have to hide the fact that I'm very feminine. This year I wore very short girls shorts that hugged my bottom and rode...
By Docker5000 Introductory Thomas breaks a very expensive Solar Panel. His father wants to beat him to teach him a lesson. However, his mother stops him. His mother then comforts her poor son and things get interesting. Chapter 1 Thomas Anderson was playing football with his friends at the back of his house. His house backed onto a large ten-foot where garages where. He and his friends use this area to play football, cricket and any other games they could think of. All the local...
Chapter 5:After Irmgard’s return from her holiday in Majorca, Stefan had only a fortnight left in Saarbruecken. Worse, in the first week, he had to attend a conference in Frankfurt for three working days. So, they saw each other only once.Irmgard was in almost exaggeratedly high spirits, beautifully tanned from the Mediterranean sunshine. When she stripped, the pale contour of brief bikini pants showed off the only part of her body she had left unadmired on the island paradise. She and Susanne...
Straight SexBarbara and I left the family alone and went into our bedroom and got ready for bed. “Bob, you know that Marlit is looking to you as the new head of her family. But Mertir is looking to you as a mate. She is nice looking and they all noticed that I had four breasts. Did Harlou say anything about your four nipples?” “I don’t think he noticed anything different about me, but you never know. He was fascinated about the shampoo and the soap. He really appreciated being clean. It surprised him...
April 2, 2000, Chicago, Illinois We had just sat down for the Rap Session on Sunday when the doorbell rang. Kara got up and went to answer it, and as soon as the door opened I heard a commotion. I excused myself and went to the foyer to see Carol and Kara facing off. “Your son abused my daughter!” she screeched. “Carol, keep your voice down,” I requested. “I will not!” she declared. Stan came into view, huffing and puffing. He was out of shape, but I also suspected Carol had some kind of...
For years now iv been addicted to bbc. It all started after I left college and moved to a new town for my new job. I was 22 at the time and me and my fiance moved in together with a new start in life. Things were brilliant, my fiance Mike was a white man who worked hard to provide for us both. He was a great looking guy and he looked after me in the ways a true gentleman should.Our lives went on for a while as we settled in to our new place, we made friends with neighbours in our street and...
Hello everybody. I thank each one of you for your fantastic response and it has given me the motivation to write another true incident of mine. The company I was working with was an MNC and I had girl Sonia (Name Changed) who was working under me. Though I had almost 20 people reporting into me but she became special. After my last incident when I was in Mumbai and had sex with my friend’s wife Tania I came back to Kolkata as my project was over. Now when I took charge over Kolkata operations I...
She towered over me, all 6 foot-3 inches of her. I looked straight up. She had her hands on her hips. "Sarah needs another half hour," she said. "God damn it. I want to get out of here." I looked sideways at her full big beautiful legs, no more than inches from me. I slipped my hand under her skirt and stroked her ass. She pressed her belly to my head. "O-oh," she said. "Well, tell her to hurry up." "I asked. She needs to close up the books." I gave her a pat on the butt and...
The door opened before me, and I quickly stepped in, my heart racing. Dave gave me a big hug, which somewhat calmed my nerves. I gave him the bottle of wine, and suggested a glass might settle me. I sat in the recliner, and took a healthy sip when Dave gave me a glassful. I felt the warmth as it spread from my stomach.Dave showed me the strap-on he had bought. I handled it gingerly, and examined how it worked. Dave sat on the edge of the bed in his robe as I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I...
Honey Hayes is to horny for her own good. With her suction cup dildo, she started masturbating all over the house. Only problem with this is that her step mom started catching her in the act every time. After catching her time and time again, she was fed up. She didn’t know what to do, so she did the first thing that came to mind. She called the police. As the cops arrived, she explained the situation. One police officer went inside to try and calm things down. However, Honey approached him and...
xmoviesforyouWe lay there again, catching our breath. I finally asked, "Now what time is it?" Pam said, "It's a little after 9." I said, "We better get up and get this place straight. We sure don't want Jim to come home and find us like this." Pam agreed. We got up, cleaned up my toys and straightened the bed. I put on another one of my long dresses and Pam put her pants back on. We went downstairs and I put on some tea. I started to feel a little different -- I mean, it was slowly hitting me....
Prologue The loving over, she sat up and began to put her shirt back on. He pulled her back. ‘Don’t do that,’ he said. ‘I like looking at you.’ She lay against him, her head on his chest. ‘You know, you’re the only guy who’s ever seen me naked,’ she said. ‘What about Jason?’ ‘He and I haven’t made love. He’s too scared. He’s a virgin.’ For a moment, he was laughing too hard to speak. ‘Does he know you aren’t?’ ‘I told him about the guy last summer.’ He kissed her. ‘That was incredible,’...
I wrote this one with a short time window, so apologies for any typos, syntax errors and if it isn't as coherent as it should be. Still, recalling it was fun, and the real even was even better!As I wrote about in another article, before I left for a six-month deployed to the western Pacific region Sharyn and I were introduced to the experience of swapping with two couples, one that didn’t work out so well and another pair that did. No surprise that we never heard from the first couple again. We...
Anna did not like the setup one bit. She crossed her arms stubbornly as her husband started the car and roared off into the night. "I think we're pretty much on time." He said as he glanced over his shoulder while merging with the traffic. He tried to lighten the conversation to see if he could get his wife to talk about something. He knew she was not happy about going to the gathering tonight. Anna was pissed, but agreed to go. She did not like Jim Wellswood; did not care for the way he...
Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...
IncestEven though this was the first time I remembered someone had touched my navel but it was not the first time I had exposed my navel to someone. I have worn saree many times before and I am pretty sure that I was careless enough to expose my navel to many people. I never felt this tingling sensation before in my life when someone touched my navel. I recalled my cousin’s wedding last year where I wore a gagra choli and transparent dupatta the entire day throughout the function and I have never...
Her fingers and hand were strange. They didn’t look like her fingers or hand. They looked alien, pale white and cold as a corpse. They should have been hot and flushed from walking in the sun. They should have been a lot of other things. Nothing was the way it should have been. But she took her alien hand and knocked on the door. “Devin, you can’t be here-.” He saw her, with a queer vacant look in her eyes, and he saw the gun, “Devin, Devin, what are you doing?” “Don’t say my name,...
Some people are walking disaster areas, so what would happen if a very together and successful man falls for a ditzy but sexy woman? Sparks fly between Mitch and Lisa in this romantic story. It is a slow build to hot sex in later chapters, with lots of clashes of personality and misunderstanding in-between. * The hair stylist was fussing with his hair as the photographer checked out the lighting on some sort of instrument. Lisa watched as Mitch calmly sat in the pile of hay, the evening...
My employer is an unscrupulous man. He is very rich and very well connected. However, most of those connections are all coerced. He has an extensive collection of information on numerous people around the country and he does not flinch when it comes time to threaten release of that information in order to force the individual into giving him what he wants, which is usually controlling interest in a business venture. Sometimes the individuals need a little convincing, or additional information...
We had been sunning ourselves on the poolside for a while and decided to go in for a swim. The both of us did a few laps and I pulled up on the steps for a rest. He did a couple more and joined me. We sat and talked for a while and he asked me if I had a boy friend – as he said – apart from me. In the meanwhile we had towelled off and were sitting together having a drink by the pool. I laughed and said he wasn’t my boyfriend just a friend and was more like a brother than a...
Part Three: Calling GaryI've never considered my wife to be very dominant but our latest experiments seem to have awaken something inside her. When we returned from the video store our love making was incredibly hot and intense. The next morning she brought up the idea that we should call Gary and invite him over tonight. She wanted his big cock again as soon as she could get it and I wanted to see her with it too. I got the number out and called up Gary explaining that we were the couple in...
Steve entered the room where he had awakened, and closed the door. Once he had done so, he addressed the ceiling. "OK, assholes, here it is. You said you'd contact us only in an emergency. We'll I've got a nice juicy emergency right here. I've got a woman on the edge of insanity, because she was pregnant, and now she isn't. I need answers, and I need them now. If I don't get them, your entire species is going to regret ever evolving language skills." Steve knew he had no way of...
Well tonight was the night everything changes for four of you, for the better, one of you, for the worst. You are one of five male family members living in the same household. They are a Father; Mark 40 and his 4 boys, James 24, Jack 21, Chris 20 and Sam 18. All five of you seem to have hit rock bottom with the ladies on endless occasions and with busy work schedules on top of that, dating and by extension getting any, has been a non-existent ideal for all of you. None of you have had any...
IncestLa deuxi?me vie de Alice Parker Jamais je n'aurais cru pouvoir tomber ? nouveau amoureuse, ? mon ?ge, j'ai 75 ans c'est rare de ressentir des sentiments aussi fort envers une personne. Il y a quelques ann?es jai rencontr? un jeune homme qui s'appelle Dan, il avait alors 18 ans ? cette ?poque et c'?tait un magnifique jeune homme, mais le temps ? pass? et il est devenu encore plus beau, moi qui suis une femme, m?re et grand m?re je ne pouvait pas me permettre de faire des avances ? si beau jeune homme, je sais ...
The day Peter asked me to marry him was the happiest day of my life. We had dated sporadically for almost four years, seeing each other as often as we could and we seemed to just fall further and further in love, complications on my part notwithstanding. I’d felt like for several months he was fixing to ask and sure enough he did, one night at McDowel’s. We had been living together almost six months by then since he had moved to the city to be with me, basically. Things were going well for...
Introduction: Cassie gets her first taste of a real cock. Mike drove to Becca and Cassies house quickly, pushing the speed limit at every mile. When Becca had called him on the phone, she hadnt revealed anything of her plans for the day, but Mike knew that tone of voice she was in. She was up to something dirty. At the house he noticed that both of the parents were gone for the day, probably on some fantastic vacation in a tropical corner of the world. They were filthy rich, but more from...
How Far Would I go For Love-3 It had been a month since that night. My co-workers, at BNP Paribas NA, a French Commercial Bank operating in NYC, were giving me some faux grief about moving in with Julie and Hanna. They didn’t understand the situation. Can’t say that I really did either, it seemed a caricature of a single guy’s dream, rooming with two attractive ladies and having sex with both. That was the hardest part.I’d asked Julie and Hanna for a month for us to see how each of us lived...