La Deuxi?me Vie De Alice Parker free porn video

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La deuxi?me vie de Alice Parker Jamais je n'aurais cru pouvoir tomber ? nouveau amoureuse, ? mon ?ge, j'ai 75 ans c'est rare de ressentir des sentiments aussi fort envers une personne. Il y a quelques ann?es jai rencontr? un jeune homme qui s'appelle Dan, il avait alors 18 ans ? cette ?poque et c'?tait un magnifique jeune homme, mais le temps ? pass? et il est devenu encore plus beau, moi qui suis une femme, m?re et grand m?re je ne pouvait pas me permettre de faire des avances ? si beau jeune homme, je sais que je n'ai plus l'?ge et que je ne l'int?resserait m?me pas. J'ai de la peine pour Dan, tout jolie qu'il soit il n'a pas de fianc?e et ne fr?quente pas de filles, il s'en plaint souvent d'ailleurs, car je le vois encore aujourd'hui. Je le trouve tellement beau! Je ne comprend pas les filles d'aujourd'hui qu'attendent elles? Quand elles ont sous la main une si bonne affaire pourquoi le m?priser? Je me suis jurer de ne plus penser ? Dan mais chaque fois que je le vois c'est comme s'il m'ensorcell?, je n'arr?te pas de penser ? lui, tellement son charme est fatal sur ma personne. J'ai une fille Maggy et un fils qui s'appelle Jim, je ne vois pas souvent Maggy car elle vit en italie avec ces enfants et son mari elle ne travail pas, quand ? Jim je le vois souvent, il est professeur en science et chercheur, il habitte ? c?te de chez moi, n'est pas mari? et n'a pas d'enfant, sa seule passion c'est la recherche, comme moi d'ailleurs avant de prendre ma recherche j'?tais scientifique et professeur de physique dans une grande universit?. R?cemment Jim ? cr?? une machine, c'est un r?g?n?rateur de particule qui est maintenant au point et pr?te ? ?tre mis sur le march?, sa machine consiste ? prendre des ossements de dinosaures les plac? dans une capsule de plexiglasse assez grande, environ 3 m?tres de haut sur un diam?tre de 6 m?tres et de faire revenir ? la vie en activant la machine le dinosaure, jusqu'? un ?ge pr?t de la naissance, afin que les chercheurs puissent ?tudier les comportements de cette animal pr?historique ainsi que lui faire passer des examens bio-chimique pour savoir comment fonctionne au niveau organique cet animal, j'esp?re que Jim aua le prix nobel de science. Nous sommes Jeudi et je vois arriver Dan, il entre dans la maison et nous discutons. - Alors mon petit Dan que raconte tu aujourd'hui? - Vous savez Alice, aujourd'hui c'est mon anniversaire j'ai 22 ans et voyez vous je n'ai pas beaucoup d'amis, je viens vous voir car vous ?tes la seule amie que j'ai... - Oh mon petit ch?ri, je suis d?sol?e, je ne savais pas que c'?tait ton anniversaire... je n'ai rien ? t'offir... - Mais ce n'est pas grave, votre pr?sence me suffit, je crois que ce qui me fait le plus souffrir c'est de ne pas avoir de fianc?e... - Tu sais Dan si je serai plus jeune, crois moi, je me mettrai avec toi, tu es un beau gar?on et je crois que tu trouvera bient?t quelqu'un. - Je l'esp?re Alice, je l'esp?re... Nous passons une petite partie de l'apr?s midi ensemble ? parler de litt?rature, de cuisine et de musique... Le soir tombe et Dan rentre chez lui, je vosi de ma fen?tre que Jim part pour une soir?e, il est v?tu d'un smoking et porte une malette, il va sans doute pr?senter sa machine dans un congr?s, il m'aper?ois et me fai un petit signe de la main, je lui r?pond par un signe aussi... Je n'ai pas faim, cette histoire m'a boulevers?, ?tre seul pour son anniversaire c'est vraiment trop injuste. Je vais me couch? et je commence ? tourner dans mon lit ne sachant que faire pour venir en aide ? Dan... Une id?e me vient mais je n'ose me l'avouer... Je me l?ve quand m?me, je prend une robe de chambre je met sur ma nuisette, je vais ? la salle de bain et me regarde dans le mirroir, je vois une vieille dame toute rid?, les cheveux gris banc et je me dis : - Tu es vieille Alice! Et d'ailleur toi non plus tu n'a pas d'amis! Je me dirige vers la cuisine, je m'assoie ? table et commence ? pleurer, je l?ve la t?te et vois la clef de maison de Jim sur le porte clef. Je me l?ve les prend et me dirige vers la maison de Jim, j'ouvre la porte, il n'est pas rentr?, il n'est pas tard, je vais dans son laboratoire et je vois sa machine l? devant moi, je me dit : - L'homme est un animal comme les autres... Dans un ?lan je la mets en fonction, et j'essaye de comprendre son fonctionnement, toutes les machines sont ? l'ext?rieur de la capsule, dans la capsule il n'y rien qu'un tapis au sol, j'ai tout appris ? mon fils, la m?thode, l'organisation et je retrouve bien l? mon enseignement puisque je vois qu'il a tout marqu? au plus simple. Sur la machine principale comme c'est indiqu? dessus, avec la molette je r?gle la fonction ?ge, o? il est indiqu? un petit moins devant je fais un rapide calcul mentale et je r?gle l'?can sur "- 53" je r?gle la fonction de progression sur 15 min, allume la fonction de d?conte ? partir de 10, 9 , 8 ?a y est le d?compte est parti tout en retrant dans la capsule je retire ma robe de chambre et ma nuisette pour ?tre nu comme les animaux... 4, 3, 2, 1, tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!!!!! La capsule se referme la lumi?re se tamise, et de l'air chaud rentre dans le capsule, la temp?rature monte incroyablement, je me sens mal, j'ai la t?te qui tourne, je transpire beaucoup, puis je me stabilise au niveau de la t?te, je regarde mes mains qui commence ? changer de forme elles ?tait creuse et pleine de t?che de vieillesse, il n'y a plus de t?ches, je sens mes seins qui remonte ? un niveau normal, je vois des poils pouss? sur mon pubis, petit ? petit il se font de plus en plus noir et de plus en plus nombreux, maintenant ils recouvrent tout mon pubis, des poils poussent aussi sur mes jambes et sous mes bras cela faisait longtemps que je ne les avait aps vu ceux l?, la peau de mon ventre se tend et je sens mes cheveux maintenant noir tomber sur mes ?paules, mes seins sont bien gonfles et bien haut comme ? l'?poque, je sens aussi mes hanches qui se ressert comme si je n'avais jamais ?t? enceinte, cela fait un peu mal mais ce n'est rien ? c?t? d'un accouchement, je sens aussi mes fesses qui remontent et se raffermissent, mon dos ne me fais plus mal je me redresse petit ? petit et... tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!! Voil? la machine ? termin? je peux sortir de la capsule, il y a un mirroir juste l? dans en face de la machine principale et je vois une belle jeune fille nue qui touche un corps qu'elle n'a pas revu depuis 53 ans. Je reprend ma robe de chambre et ma nuisette beaucoup trop grande pour moi puisque j'ai perdu tout ce poids d? au temps... J'?teind tout d?rri?re moi et retourne chez moi. Je suis dans ma salle de bain et je m'admire, seulement voil? je suis un peu poilue donc on va rem?dier ? tout cela, je me mets dans la baignoire et commence ? me doucher je mouille tout ces poils que je coupe d'abord avec un ciseaux, je prend ensuite de la mousse ? raser que Jim ? oublier chez moi ainsi qu'un de ses rasoirs qu'il a laiss? ici je commence par le pubis, je vais de bas en haut, et fait bien attention ? mes petites l?vre... voil? toute lisse! Passons maintenant aux jambes et aux dessous de bras je m'empresse de faire ces dessous de bras... puis plus d?licatement mes jambes... Une fois s?ch?e et lav? je me dirige vers la chambre de ma fille, je l'ai gard? telle qu'elle ?tait et j'ai gard? tout ses v?tements, je me suis alors amus?s ? porter ses dessous de dentelles ainsi que les jupes et pull qu'elle portait ? 20 ans. Je me suis rendu compte qu'elle ne me ressemblait pas tellement. Soudain je pense ? Jim comment vais je faire pour lui dire ce qui met arriv?. J'ai une id?e je vais ?crire une lettre. Dans cette lettre je lui explique que j'ai d? partir et que j'ai appel? l'amie de Dan pour mettre la maison en vente... Qu'il doit maintenant se trouv? une femme et qu'il peut se d?brouiller tout seul. Le matin se l?ve, je sort de la maison avant que Jim ne soit r?veill? et je vais voir Dan, je le croise et lui parle. - Bonjour - Bonjour - Avez vous l'heure? - il est 9h30 mademoiselle... - Appelez moi A... Am?lie... - Tr?s bien Am?lie, je m'appelle Dan, on se connait non? J'ai l'impression de vous avoir vu quelque parts... - C'est possible... O? allez vous Dan? - Je vais voir une amie... - Je peux vous accompagner? - Si vous le souhaitez Et je vois Dan se diriger vers chez ma maison. - Comment s'appelle votre amie? - Alice... mais vous ?tes d'ici? - Oui oui, et que fait elle? - C'est une dame ?g?e que j'aime beaucoup je vais lui dire quelque chose d'important... - Ah bon, c'est gentil de votre part de partager... qu'allez vous lui dire si ce n'est pas trop indiscret... - Je vais lui dire que je l'aime... Voil? nous sommes arriv?s... Il tape ? la porte et je ne peux me retenir de rigoler... Il me regarde et me dit - Mais pourquoi riez vous? Je m'approche de lui sort ma clef de ma poche et ouvre la porte... Dan ? l'air un peu ?tonn? je lui demande d'entrer... il h?site puis me suis, il appelle "Alice" dans la maison, je lui dit de me suivre ? l'?tage, il me suit et nous arrivons dans ma chambre, l? je prend un album photo que je lui avait d?j? montr? une fois, je trouve une de mes photos qui me ressemble le plus actuellement lui montre et lui dit : - Cela te rappel quelqu'un Dan devient blanc et me regarde de bas en haut stup?fait... - Comment est ce possible? Je lui explique alors ce que j'ai fait dans la nuit...Il s'assoit sur le lit l'air pensif et me regarde ? nouveau je m'assoit ? ces c?t? et l'embrasse, il se laisse faire et commence ? me caresser la jambes... Il me regarde et me dit : - Et ton fils, ta fille? Je lui explique le coup de la lettre...Je l'embrasse sur la bouche ? nouveau et je sent qu'il commence ? se laisser faire, il me caresse les seins puis les fesses, je sens que son p?nis est dur, je lui enl?ve le pantalon et commence ? lui l?cher le sexe, je retire tout mes v?tement me fait p?n?tr? par son sexe dur, nous baisons sur mon lit jusqu'? ce qu'il ?jacule en moi, je lui dit doucement ? l'oreille : - C'est avec toi que je veux faire ma nouvelle vie. Il sourit et m'embrasse. Fin Frenchy06

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The Treatment of Alice

The Treatment of [email protected] I think of Alice the image that flashes through my mind is of her naked and tied to the long low butchers table in the barn, her legs wide apart and the wood stove being lit. However, I’m getting ahead of myself here. Writing about events of the distant past can be difficult, the passage of time dulls one’s recollections and details become lost. There are of course, certain things that seem to become etched on our minds. Alice, a pretty but otherwise...

3 years ago
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Theres Something About Alice

Finally, July was upon us and I was sitting in the living room of our house waiting for Nicola to finish her preparations for the afternoon and evening at Diane and James' house. While she did her ablutions and I waited, my eyes fell on the picture gallery on the wall.I looked at a picture of Nicola and Olivia, she was growing into the spitting image of her mother, only at fifteen, she was already a couple of inches taller. My eyes then drifted to one of the three of us in the hospital when...

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Theres Something About Alice It Cant Be Right Pt1 Ch 11

Finally, July was upon us and I was sitting in the living room of our house waiting for Nicola to finish her preparations for the afternoon and evening at Diane and James' house. While she did her ablutions and I waited, my eyes fell on the picture gallery on the wall.I looked at a picture of Nicola and Olivia, she was growing into the spitting image of her mother, only at fifteen, she was already a couple of inches taller. My eyes then drifted to one of the three of us in the hospital when...

2 years ago
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Alice Takes A Break

Alice was sniffing back tears as she stood with her nose against a tree and her hands on her head. She was in shock having had just been given a very hard bare bottom spanking by Melanie. The shock wasn’t just the fact that Melanie was eighteen-years-old whilst Alice was sixty-three-years-old, but that Alice was actually turned by accepting Melanie’s control over her and wanted to continue to obey the very demanding and authoritative teenager.As Alice saw only the tree trunk an inch from her...

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Alices Wonderland a SciFi fantasy

Alice's Wonderlandby oggbashan©*************************************************Copyright Oggbashan December 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Alice's Wonderland, or 'Eat Me; Drink Me'PrologueThe planet Sextiple was known...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 28 Alice

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-Eight: Alice Visit my blog at Giggling, we burst into the Wedding Lace, a bridal shop near my house. It was Tuesday afternoon, and I was here to for my wedding dress's second fitting. The seamstress was finished with the alterations and we had to make sure that her adjustments correct. Her name was Bonnie, and she was a purple-haired beauty covered in piercings. Even her cunt was pierced and I remembered how I...

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Bob and Alice the Next Chapter

Bob and Alice the Next Chapter Author's Note: Read a comment, started thinking (always a dicey proposition) and this continuation formed. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Another month passed by and Alice was surprised to find they still hadn't shared a bed. Bob was still trying to deal with the death of his marriage and it bothered her that he was still not letting go. But, it also made her feel so sure about the two of them together because she knew how fiercely loyal he...

1 year ago
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Alice and Trixie Turn A Trick A Horny Honeymooners Story

“No I haven’t Ralph, where was it the last time that you saw it?” she answered. Ralph barged into the kitchen like a runaway elephant being chased by a mouse. He was a very portly man with black, slicked back hair and eyes that seemed to bug out of his round, fat face. His Loyal Order Of Raccoon Lodge jacket with its exaggerated epaulets strained against the buttons keeping it covering his large stomach. “I remember having it the night of the last lodge meeting but now I can’t...

1 year ago
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Alice the dirty whore part 2

Alice The Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Chapter Two “Alice Serves Up Her Messy Holes”Alice leaned back against the lamppost and put her hand down between her legs to rub her well fucked cunt. She smiled to herself, it had been a long day and she would never forget the fucking she got from Monkey. She wondered if she lived to seventy if she would ever get to be fucked by a cock as big as that again. She desperately hoped so.The London sky was now cloudless and the havens filled with bright stars more...

2 years ago
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Bob and Alice Beyond the Party

Bob and Alice Beyond the Party Author's Note: This will be my 40th story posted on Fictionmania. I started with Reunion over 3 years ago. I had no idea then that I would have so much to say, or that I would enjoy doing this that much. This is a sequel I didn't plan on writing, but the idea of what came next wouldn't leave me alone. I hope it is worth it. And THANK YOU to those who have read and commented on them. Bob approached the door for the second time in two days. Once again...

2 years ago
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My Hot Wife Alice

Chapter One:The soft evening Nashville breeze is a welcome change from the Wyoming winds I have dealt with for two months.  I smile and take in a deep breath as I step out of the baggage claim and out onto the sidewalk looking for my Uber.  Dusk is just fading into the night sky as I approach my Uber. I am dragging two large suitcases, so I ordered a Tahoe.  Once I have loaded the bags and my backpack into the back, I settle in next to the driver and we head out of the pickup lane then on...

3 years ago
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June and AliceChapter 5 Puppy Love

June Walked into Roger’s apartment to find him sitting at her desk, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts and sipping a cup of coffee. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” June said, laughing. “Ditto!” Roger exclaimed. “Come over here and give me a kiss.” June went over to Roger, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him. “Let’s go sit at the table, and you can tell me all the details of your meeting,” June said as she walked into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. She...

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Gloria Barbara Alice and Joe

GLORIA, BARBARA, ALICE AND JOE By Betty Noone Mark Curry and his wife, Shirley, lay on their bed completely exhausted. After ten years of matrimony they just had the most intense sex in all that time. They were both dripping wet, laying on their backs, and holding hands. Reveling in the moment they confessed to each other their utter satisfaction. However, as good as they felt they were confused. Up to now, in all of their married life they enjoyed sex with each other, and even...

4 years ago
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Kevins coach and his daughter Alice

Kevin is an 18 y/o, blond-blue eyed, very successful sports student, promising a bright future. When his coach Mr. Adams invited Kevin over for dinner, Kevin was very excited.Coach Adams was a handsome,fit and lean, salt & pepper type, grey haired guy in his late 40s', Kevin was gazing admiringly at all these gold and silver cups Coach Adams won since his early teens in the living room when he heard Mrs. Adams' voice, letting them know that dinner was ready.It was Kevin's first time meeting...

1 year ago
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Alice and the Babies

author: PJThis all happened nearly forty years ago. You will understand that the facts and the more exciting scenes are burned into my memory. The conversations naturally are sometimes invented as the length of time has eroded them. Where they have been invented, they give the flavor of the time Sadly I lost Alice in the mid eighties, she developed breast cancer and they didn't catch it in time, the foul thing spread. Later I married Freda who was a widow by then. My two lovely daughters live...

2 years ago
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June and AliceChapter 7 Sayonara Marilyn

Monday morning came quickly, too quickly as far as June was concerned. Roger would be leaving this morning to present a proposal to a firm in Buffalo. Yesterday, June had convinced him to change his plans from coming home this evening to early tomorrow morning. Ordinarily, she would have liked him to return home on the same day, but not this day. This day would end with her final party at Alice’s, and keeping Roger as far away as possible was necessary lest he discovers the activities planned...

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Alice 1

Alice My name is Alan Smith, I am twenty two, about five foot six, fairly slim at just nine stone, my hair is dark blonde and fairly long, sometimes I put it in a pony tail. I have a degree in computer science, I work for an I.T. company, travelling around the southern half of England fixing computers and programming. I live with my dad Greg in a quiet suburb in Essex. My mum Elizabeth left us about four years ago, that was such a surprise as mum and dad got on very well, there did...

2 years ago
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Alice Her boss takes full advantage

“Hi Alice, Paul here” “Hi Paul, what’s up?” “Well Alice, I’m back in work tomorrow and I’d like you to dress how you did the other times. Remember like we discussed?” “Yes yes I remember Paul” “Good. I might need you to stay late tomorrow as well Alice, that won’t be a problem will it?” “No Paul of course not” “See you tomorrow then Alice” “Bye” I heard the conversation clearly as I made Alice put it on loud speaker. He wanted her to stay late alright; Paul couldn’t...

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Alice and the GBelt

Alice and the G-Belt By Charlotte Dickles I am just not one of those guys who can generally start chatting up a woman in a pub at nine pm, and be shagging the arse off her by midnight. I simply don't have the techniques, or the confidence, or whatever to do it. So if someone had asked me of my chances of scoring on that cold, Monday evening in late November, as I left the railway station at the end of a delayed, four-hour journey on a train with no heating or buffet car,...

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Fiona Alice Mother daughter Two whores are better than one

It happened on June the 30th 2005, Alices 19th birthday. Id got up around 10am, absolutely exhausted from my previous days hard graft then fucking Fiona until late last night. I was seriously pleased I had the day off, it was Alices birthday and I knew that shed booked the day off. My plan was to spend the day fucking Alice all over the house whilst everyone else was at work. I needed a cup of tea to wake me up so headed to the kitchen. Stood pouring a tea at the worktop was Alice, she was...

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Alice in Wondeland Takes a Turn

Alice, clad in a pink bra and matching pink panties, sat on the lawn interweaving her silken combed locks into a thick long plait. No sooner had she finished braiding her hair, then a high-pitched voice from nearby started her. ‘Drat! Damn! Fuck a duck! She’ll kill me if I’m late!!’ the voice was saying in a very excited tone. Alice jumped up and looked over the hedge to see the speaker. To her astonishment, it belonged to a rather large, white rabbit. Not an ordinary rabbit by any means....

4 years ago
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Alice 3

Alice part three. On the way home from the office I was feeling good about what Stephen had said about me being the top female engineer, then it struck me, I was the only female engineer. I popped in the bank and paid in the cheque from Santex, with so much going on I had forgotten all about it. I did some shopping and got a few bottles of wine, also another pack of KY, dad had used a few on me this week. I changed from my suit to a mini skirt and strappy three-inch shoes, I now...

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Alice in Wondeland Takes a Turn

Alice, clad in a pink bra and matching pink panties, sat on the lawn interweaving her silken combed locks into a thick long plait. No sooner had she finished braiding her hair, then a high-pitched voice from nearby started her."Drat! Damn! Fuck a duck! She'll kill me if I'm late!!" the voice was saying in a very excited tone.Alice jumped up and looked over the hedge to see the speaker. To her astonishment, it belonged to a rather large, white rabbit. Not an ordinary rabbit by any means. This...

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Alice in Wonderland

The morning had passed quietly and quickly at the Pink Lady Boutique and that suited Alice Parks just fine. The twenty-one-year-old had spent so much time the previous week concentrating on finals that she had fallen behind on her responsibilities at the store. With classes having ended the day before, Alice was grateful for the chance to catch up. Standing high on a ladder as she put away some boxes that had been delivered earlier, Alice didn’t react when she heard the chimes that rang when...

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Alice takes her first strangers cockshes becoming a very good whore

“Hey sexy, you ok?” “Yeah yeah I’m fine”. Alice seemed a little quiet still so I probed a little more. “You want picking up again tonight baby?” There was an uneasy silence for about 10 seconds “Yeah ok, 10 o clock out back again”. “Hey Alice don’t wear your bra again, I’ll be in at 8”. And hung up the phone before she had time to answer me back. I was testing Alice, if she went to work braless again after a bollocking from the boss the night before and getting molested by a...

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The unusual case of Alice Jones

It was an early morning call to the police by a middle aged woman walking her dog that first alerted the authorities about the young woman discovered unconscious on the park bench. On arrival, the police thought that this woman was a sex worker, a prostitute, mainly because of the clothing that she wore. The young woman was found wearing a red transparent blouse, which did little to hide her massive breasts which struggled to be contained in the black bra which she was wearing. The...

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