Alan Alice free porn video

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Alan-Alice by Unknown Alan had gone off to work with an "uneasiness" he couldn't describe. He had indulged his desire to spend hours dressed in pretty feminine maternity wear for almost forty years and through most of his married life his wife knew of his interest, though all his "advances" to have her "participate" fell on disinterested ears. The prior day he had spent a full day "dressed", and it seemed as always, his wife, Susan, was "down" after these "extended" sessions. Alan often feared it was because Susan felt "neglected" or maybe a little "jealous" of the "friend" that was something "special" to him. So, again Alan was worried that he had spent too much time or had done something "wrong". Allen sensed something was different as he left the house. He spent most of the day wondering and worrying about what the evening would bring. Was he going to have to promise to give up his time with this "special girl"? Could he keep that promise if he made it? Did he want to? Something was going to change, He didn't know what. It had been a particularly hot July day, coupled with the "worrying" Alan had been feeling "hot and sticky" and much in need of the refreshment a cool shower would give. When Alan arrived home, he detected his wife's attitude had improved, he hinted that after he took a shower they might want to "lay and watch TV for awhile", which usually translated into sexual fun and games. Getting out of his clothes, Alan headed for the shower. Indeed it was a refreshing shower. The cascading streams of cool water washing the cares of the day from his body as well as his mind. Soaping and rubbing his flesh brought a restored vigor to his spirit and he was ready for a romp on the sheets. After drying off, he reached into his underwear drawer only to find it empty. It was unusual to have an empty underwear drawer so he called to his wife, asking where he could find clean clothing. "I'll be right there", Susan called back. In Susan walked carrying a pile of pink colored cottony garments. Momentarily he was dumbfounded, then he realized what Susan was holding but he said nothing, waiting for her to speak. "Alan I have decided", Susan started "if you want to experience wearing female underpants you are going to have to start where every little girl starts, which is wearing these pretty pink diapers that I've made. You'll also wear this pair of rubber pants just in case you have any "accidents"." "Of coarse if you have any "accidents" you will have to wait longer before you "graduate" to "big girl" panties". "You will be well trained in controlling yourself before you get that opportunity", Susan finished. With mild protest he started to question, "do I have to wear these all the ..." Susan interrupted, "you will wear them all the time, unless we are going away as a family. I will keep enough washed that you will have one clean diaper each day, if you run out you will have to wear the wet one until I wash them again. Changing wet diapers will be your responsibility and you will rinse them and leave them in the bucket I've placed in the bathroom". Susan went on, "if you are good and don't wet your diaper you will get to "nurse" for an hour each evening but if you wet your diaper you will be put to bed with a bottle of formula, if you wet your clean diaper you will wear it all the next day." "Until you are "trained" you will not wear any other feminine garment. You will have to learn all the aspect of being a girl before you can experience "motherhood" again. Handing him a razor and shaving cream Susan continued, "you will shave all the hair off your body, little girls don't have hair, "anywhere". Alan started to speak, "even down..." yet somehow he knew not to continue his protest. In a way this was a dream come true but he was also experiencing a "loss of control" that was disturbing. As he eyed that pink pile in her hands, Alan knew he wanted to feel those soft garments covering his behind. He promised to follow her rules. Snugly diapered, Alan came to the dinner table and no more was said about his situation. Things went very good for several weeks, until he had his first "accident". Alan had been torn between wanting to have an "accident" and wanting to get out of these diapers into real panties. Somehow Alan knew he was tempting fate when he had several large drinks with his lunch. Alan always had a strong bladder so he didn't figure he'd have any problem making it until he got home. He did get a little worried when he was asked to finish a document he was preparing, it was already past four. By 6:30 he had it finished and started home. Alan hadn't planned for a delay in traffic. He had been stopped for almost an hour when the need to find a "potty" began to come on strong. The vibrating engine aggravated his need and he hoped traffic would start to move soon. Alan nervously shifted his legs and strained to keep them held tightly together, in a desperate attempt to restrain the need to empty his swollen bladder. He felt like a little kid doing the "I don't have to go to the bathroom dance". As much as he told himself he didn't have to go the more he knew the inevitable was going to happen if he didn't get under way immediately. It was only a trickle at first and he was able to stop it. He figured he could hide this "little accident", hoping it would not affect his "graduation". Another "trickle" began to escape and he tried hard to stop it but it soon turned into a steady stream. Alan felt a warmness cover his entire bottom as the wetness permeated the pretty pink cloth he was wearing. He hoped the rubber pants would keep his secret. Alan checked as he exited his car and his outer pants were dry. Thank goodness! His "guilt" must have been showing. "Your not dry, are you?", Susan quizzed as Alan went right to the bathroom. "And I was beginning to think you were ready for your big girl panties. Well, you'll just have to wait." "Now change and get ready for supper." Alan never suspected what was to come as his ice tea glass was refilled several times during supper. At bedtime he dutifully took his bottle as he slumbered off to sleep. The events of the day came back to him in his dreams. Alan had gone to bed fearful of wetting his new dry diaper, knowing what the punishment would be. His dreams were filled with a series of events that brought him to the brink of having wet pants. At one point he was in a "Three Stooges" scene and was being chased by a mad scientist wielding a seltzer bottle who was trying to squirt it down his pants. Then he was chained to a wall by a band of mad nurses who were using squeeze bottles to soak the diaper that they had placed on him. The last scene Alan remember was standing at a stove, heating water for some purpose. For some reason he plunged his hand into it to test its warmth, with that he felt his bladder relieve itself. The warm fluid coated his genitals and then fully encircled his diapered bottom. Alan hoped he was only dreaming. When Alan awoke, his worst dream was true. He was soaked. A lumpy coldness permeated the diaper. He left his bed with a feeling that a weight had been tied around his bottom. The wet heaviness was more than he had expected. He no longer felt he wanted to wear this soaked diaper all day. Alan was going to test the opportunity to change when a voice in the darkness said, "maybe after wearing that all day you won't want to have a wet diaper again." He made no further arguments and got dressed for work. Each move during the day was a constant reminder of his "condition". Fear that he would be discovered flooded his mind. He was beginning to see that this was not as much fun as he had imagined. Alan was very self- conscious about his movements and tried to limit his needs to go about the office, calling folks that he would normally "walk over and see". The day drug on slowly, by noon he was feeling a noticeable "itch" and rawness that became more uncomfortable by the minute. He knew he was getting a case of "diaper rash" that would only worsen the longer he remained in these wet pants but the fear of discover and unsure how to dispose of the evidence made him continue his plight. By days end his thighs were warmed from the itch, his balls and shrinking penis were on fire. Even his butt cheeks felt the scratchy itch of the spreading rash. Alan did not want this to happen again. Alan's spouse greeted him at the door so she could make sure he had stayed diapered all day. When Susan patted his front with a "good boy" gesture he winced from the pain of the added pressure. His wife immediately understood his condition. "What'sa matter, baby got diaper rash"? "Let me take care of that for you". Susan told him to go to the bathroom and remove his wet garments and then come to the bedroom. In the bedroom Susan had him lie on the bed, his red raw bottom exposed to the rooms cool air conditioning. The fire from the rash and the coolness of the air brought life to his shriveled member. It quickly grew to it's full seven inches, engorging hard with blood as it blossomed. With a damp cloth his wife soothed as she wiped clean his irritated bottom. Then Susan spread baby lotion over most of the infected area. His throbbing member Susan reserved for her warm lips. Slowly she bathed his rigid pole with balm like saliva. The moisture cooling in the air, only added to the intensity of his hardness. He knew if this pleasure/pain ritual continued he would erupt like a long dormant volcano. Alan's wife sensed his readiness to orgasm and ceased her oral manipulation of his manhood. "It's time to put that were it does the most good", Susan told him as she spread her legs. Gingerly he applied his prickled penis to the lips of her sex. Her honey pot wrapped its moist lips around his burning flesh and soothed his flesh as he entered her to the hilt. His mind was still racing with the thoughts of the day. He had been so scared that he was in for some unusual punishment but her he was being "rewarded" with the most enjoyable sex he could recall for some time. Alan was also preparing himself for the letdown of having to put on the diapers again, he was so hoping to graduate into "big girls" panties. As he erupted with climatic frenzy he lapsed into euphoric calmness. He was almost asleep. He was brought around by his wife calling him and saying, "your new things are in the bathroom. You should be able to put them on yourself". Things had really turned out better than he had hoped. Not only had he enjoyed great sex, he was going to get "graduation" panties. Anxious with excitement he rushed into the bathroom. His elation quickly evaporated as he picked up the things that had be set aside for him. He examined the rather plain cotton panties. They seemed to be extra think, he didn't know why. The cotton bra was also void of any fancy lace or design that would make it look more feminine. The tank top camisole was more like a boys t-shirt, to say he was disappointed would have been an understatement. Knowing not to object, Alan put on the garments and stepped into the bedroom. "Well, what do you think?", his wife asked. "I guess I was hoping for more sexy, feminine things", he almost inaudibly whined. "Come now, you just got out of diapers. Don't you know you need to go through some time with "training panties" so we can be sure your not going to have any more "accidents". Handing him a pinafore smock like dress Susan continued, "you'll wear this or something like it all the time your around the house. For the time being you will be able to wear your male clothes to work but gradually you will get more feminine or gender neutral attire. Around here you will be 'Alice' and you will call me "mommy" until you "grow-up" then you will be able to call me "sis". Alan's wife left him to finish dressing. His new cotton garments were a strange sensation. Jockey shorts had always been cotton but the bulkyness of these were different. He also noticed that the cut of the legs came more squarely across his thighs and there was no opening in them for when there was a need to go to the bathroom. He knew without asking that he would have to pull them down and sit to pee. His "training" was working. Alan, now Alice, wearing a dress that barely covered his pantied rear and wearing socks that rolled at the knees left what had been the safe world of his bedroom and ventured to the dinner table. Alan/Alice was quick to notice the coldness of the wooden furniture on the bare flesh of his legs that would normally be covered with slacks of some kind. The experience was something he had never thought about has a guy but would have to get use to as a "girl". "Alice, I bought you these today. You're very own patent leather shoes. They should go real nice with that dress." Alan/Alice was surprised how easily the shoes went on his feet. Their openness and boxy design coupled with their EEE width added to their fit. Bending to fasten the straps he felt a breeze caress his thighs and knew his panties had been exposed by the elevation of his smocked dress. "No, dear, you mustn't bend like that to fasten shoes. You must stoop "ladylike" and not expose yourself to the world." "Now undo them, and try again", Susan ordered. Alan/Alice lowered himself without letting his dress ride up and fastened the buckles on each shoe. Alice looked to "mom" for approval before rising. Alice liked her new shoes. Alice stood to admire her new footwear and was enjoying the vision of the bobby socks and glossy leather when he was taken by the site that it did indeed appear his pantied bottom indeed reflected in the shine of those shoes. Alice knew however, she would never get the opportunity to flaunt such "indecent" behavior. Alice pranced around the house all evening in his new role, even from time to time walking with a little "skip" step like a "girl" his age might do. At bedtime his wife produced a pair of "Dr. Dentin's" complete with feet and a "trap door" seat. "These are "little girl" pajamas and you will wear them until I am sure you are "grown" enough to have "baby dolls" or something more erotic." Alan put on his new garment and climbed into bed. Today had brought enormous changes to his life. He was still unsure of the lengths his wife was going to go but he knew if he ever wanted to wear his beautiful maternity clothes again he had to do what ever he was told. "Being a "little girl" wasn't so bad"' Alan thought, "as a matter of fact maybe it would be fun." The "little girl" lifestyle continued for about a month. Each morning "Alice" would neatly fold her PJ's and place them in his dresser. He would then retrieve a clean set of underclothes and take his shower. Each day as he stepped into those cottony garments he longed for the time when they would be replaced by silk and lace. And so the days went on. After a particularly hard day at work, Alan was thinking less about how he would "transform" once he got home and more about how he would come up with the next promotional campaign to sell their dying products. As a matter of fact, the change process was taking so long that Alan was tiring of the sport. He was beginning to believe his wife was only going to carry this so far and then "punish" him by not allowing him to ever bring out the pregnant girl he say in himself. Alan considered calling the whole thing off. Promising to rid his closet of all "Alice's" clothing and returning to the days when he "secretly" made his transformation on his many travels out of town. However, he knew more than ever that was a promise he would not keep. Alice's things were so pretty and had cost so much. He needed to put them on again. Alan, as would "Alice", would just have to be patient. Alan dutifully went direct to the shower passing and noting the cotton underwear laid out for him on the bed. He had hoped and dreamed that they would change but there they were in their "plain" white cotton purity. Alan, having washed the cares and weight of the day from his tired body was ready for his transformation into the girl he was trying so hard to become. Even the cotton panties would now be welcome as his skin felt alive and fresh from the pounding of the steamy water on his hard flesh. The erotic thoughts he had been exercising in his mind while showering had his loins boiling. The thought of those cotton panties caressing his manly flesh had brought him close to climaxing. He could only fear the punishment he would receive if he "came" in his clean white panties. As he retrieved the panties and began to step into them he was interrupted by his wife. "Wait, you will need this," his wife ordered him to stop dressing. Susan was holding what seemed to be some sort of white belt. Alan could not even guess it purpose. "What is that?", Alan inquired hesitantly. "It's to hold your sanitary napkin in place", his wife instructed. "Sanitary napkin?", Alan question, not understanding. "If you are to get pregnant", his wife continued, "you have to have "periods". I have decided that yours have started now and you will wear these pads for four consecutive days." Continuing her explanation about what he was to do Susan added, "even though they won't actually have a period but I bet that dripping cock of yours will provide enough spunk to soil them regularly, you must change them three times a day." Further instructing, Susan challenged, "since you don't carry a purse you will soon understand the embarrassment many woman go through when they have to try and conceal such necessary items, not wanting to draw attention to their plight by carrying a purse to the ladies room. I wonder how ingenious you will be". Alan pulled the belt up around his middle. He then attached the pad to the rear stay and reached under his hardening cock, pulling the pad forward, he attached it in the front. He forced is stiffened member to lay along the pad and hoisted his panties up his long nervous legs. Alan's training was progressing well. All these feminine things had Alan thinking very female, often errantly wondering into the ladies room by mistake. Along with tiring in the quest Alan was beginning to fear the changes he was experiencing. He began to worry that his actions might get him into trouble that he would be unable to offer any believable excuse. His ladies room escapades had already become the whispers of the office, split evenly between being "over worked", "gay" or "perverted". Alan was examining the calendar when he realized he was coming up on his ninth "period". He realized how instinctively he had "checked" the days to see if it was "that time of the month". Somehow he sensed the significance of the nine months of "periods". He began to believe that it was his wife's way of showing him what the nine months of "expecting" would hold. He was sure that when this period was over he would be told that he was "pregnant". He would be a nervous wreck before the end of the next three days. His suspicions where reinforced when his wife told him the morning of the third day, "I'm sorry your having such a difficult time this month, your "period" will last five days. Oh, well! Sometime that happens." He had done this for nine months, Alan was sure he could continue for two more days. The day his "period" ended Alan planned the most direct trip home from work. His thoughts filled with erotic wonder. He was ready for his "impregnation". He welcomed the opportunity to once again dress in his lovely maternity clothing. He waited to feel those wonderful feminine garments that had been packed away for such a long time. Before he left the office he changed his "pad" one last time. Alan did not want his pending "pregnancy" to be delayed because he failed to "take proper care" of himself. Alan's sexual thoughts were producing a steady seepage from his throbbing manhood. He could not exercise any measure of control to lessen its eruptions. He would just have to deal with any consequences when he arrive home. There was no discussion about Alan's "condition", either upon his arrival or during small talk during dinner. Alan knew not to bring up the subject. During the next days, Alan began to believe he was going to have to "experience" the days after one had a "period" and the days they could get pregnant. Once again Alan attempted to predict when his wife would "introduce" his pregnancy. With a small dot he marked the calendar, noting a three day period beginning ten days after the end of his last "period". His "fertile" period as he understood female biology. Alan wondered if his wife would put him through some sort of "impregnation" ritual. Susan did have a variety of large didoes and he could imagine them being used on him. though he dreaded them because of their size he thrilled in being violated by such a weapon and ending up "in the family way". The prime time came and went and Alan found nothing new in his wife's behavior. Clean lingerie was always available. "Alice" was enjoying the increased femininity of the styles and material. The occasions of wearing male oriented under clothing were now limited. Only when he would have to change clothes in "public" circumstances, like his periodic visits to the health club would Alan revert to his male attire. "Alice's" "periods" continued. Each month Alan hoped it would not come. Alan was "Alice" more and more. His dress became more androgynous. Alan's fitness had reduced his weight and honed his shape into a very attractive person that one could surmise a slight shift would make "her" more male or "him" more female. His presentation was confusing to most who met him. Strangers did not know whether to address him as he or she. Alan knew he was still Alan. He understood his male self and enjoyed it. He also understood "Alice" much better than he had almost two years ago when his wife gave him this ultimatum. For the first time in his life he felt a "control" that he had not previously experienced. He could be "Alice" as often as he liked. His wife had even been helpful in establishing her existence but he knew Alan. Alan controlled "Alice". He had thought for sometime that his wife controlled "Alice". He realized that he wanted "Alice" to be but did not want to give up Alan's masculinity. He had the best of both worlds and his wife in her own way had helped him to see the possibilities. Alan realized the way he would get pregnant was to have a date. He knew it would be one that his wife arranged and he wasn't sure exactly how it would turn out but he knew it was the next step in his progression. For Alan the "periods" continued. Each month with disheartened acceptance he found "pads" in Alice's dresser drawer. Again he added a fresh supply to his briefcase and longed for "next month". Alan was having a particularly bad day. He had begun to understand what men were referring to when they would remark "she must have the rag on, she's so bitchy". And though "Alice's" period had ended about a week ago the days events were making Alan increasingly "bitchy". Alan's phone had rung well beyond the three rings within which he was expected to answer. He yelled at it, "I'm coming", as if it understood his request for patience. Yet the phone continued to ring. Alan dropped the stack of papers he was trying to sort and swore as they scattered to the floor. Alan coarsely shouted "hello" into the phone. He was stopped in his tracks when he heard his wife's voice say "dear, you must get home as soon as possible, Alice has a DATE for this evening." Her emphasis on DATE had Alan's heart racing as it usually did when these unexpected overtures of advancement presented themselves to him. Alan had been having an increasingly difficult time walking by Chrissy's Maternity Boutique and wishing he had many of the lovely outfits that were displayed in the window. A particular lavender dress had caught his eye. The dress with lace collar and high waist were two features that Alan knew would show off his femininity as well as his "pregnancy". Alan quickly put his days work aside, sketched out his next days schedule and hurried to his car. A world of anticipation ran through Alan's head as he crawled his way through the rush hour traffic. His anxiety made the volume of traffic seem significantly worst though it was probably the normal days flow. The only feminine garment that Alice had on today were the silky blue lace unmentionables that his wife had given him just this past weekend. They really were sexy and far more "mature" than what he had wore in the previous weeks. Excitement had started his throbbing manhood to give up an amount of pre seminal fluid that was damping those lovely panties causing Alan to fear this "accident" might thwart the opportunity his wife had planned. Today was not to be a "disappointment" for Alice. As a matter of fact Alan's wife seemed pleased at the amount of stimulation Alan was showing in his panties. With a pumping "milking" action Susan brought on the full release of his seed that showed as white foam on the blue sea of his panties. "Before we go on your "date", I'm going to milk you completely dry of any maleness within you. You will fill my pussy and be prepared to receive an equal amount later", Susan warned. Susan then led him to the bedroom and pushed him onto their bed. Alan's wife removed her shorts and revealed her freshly shaved pussy. Susan lowered her naked sex onto his pulsing rod, seizing his tool with all the strength in her pubic muscles. Susan was riding his piston with furry that a oil rigger uses when driving that last few feet, knowing they will soon strike black gold. With each rebound Susan was coaxing the fluid from his loins. His wife's passion had him on the verge of explosion, yet for some reason his balls did not want to give up their precious load. Alan's body was saying "erupt", but his mind had not released the mental blocks that kept the eruption in check. Alan's rod was being rubbed raw from the friction of his wife's cunt. He was experiencing a strange sense of pleasure and pain, neither of which he wanted to cease. Orgasmic waves rushed over the gyrating body of his wife. The quick jerks triggered the same response in Alan and he felt streams of hot cum shoot upward into his wife's warm hole. The intensity of the orgasm was so great that Alan envisioned his cock being a large white fountain spewing streams of warm fluid into the air, then cascading back, forming pools of white foam. They locked in orgasmic ecstacy. Their loins welded together in the final throws of passion. Then with exhaustive release they ceased all motion. Alan's wife left the bed. Upon her return Susan was carrying Alice's clothes for the evening. The attached sales tags told Alan that this was a whole new wardrobe. One that would be a fitting number to have someone want to get Alice "in the family way". The black panties were as sensuous as he hoped. The lace scratched his cock as it struggled to confine his growing penis. "I thought I took care of that", his wife scolded and struck his throbbing manhood smartly on the head. Her swift blow seemed to instantly deflate his menacing member. The delicate lace on the bra matched the panties. This was more than Alan ever thought possible as he put his arms through the bra straps. He secured the padded cups over his flat bust but admired how the padding gave him a modest figure. His wife chided him when he began to retrieve the bust inserts that had long been stored in Alice's dresser. "Alice will have to "grow" into those cups. Believe me as her "pregnancy" advances so will her bust. For now you will have to be satisfied with a "budding" figure", Susan ended. Alan, now dressed in bra and panties felt Alice coming alive. Through all his "training" he had longed for this moment. There were times he thought his wife would never let him wear these "grown-up" girl fashions again. Alan felt an increase thumping in his chest as his heart raced in response to the simulation these garments were producing. He was "Dressing" again and even had a "date". Alice sat on the edge of the bed so "she" could easily veil "her" lovely legs into the black seamed pantyhose that were next on the pile. Alice found stepping into the straight navy skirt an easy task. She was a little disappointed that the length wasn't a little more "provocative", which translates to "shorter", but did find it's simplicity, and the way it hugged the curves of her bottom, rather alluring. The frilly white blouse with stand up collar was almost and "innocent" schoolgirl type of blouse. The black bra was eye-catching as it showed itself through the blouses thin material. Alice loved it. Patent leather pumps with slight two-inch heels completed the outfit. Alice was ready for her date. Like two girlfriends leaving for a date they headed for the door. Alice was thankful for the lower heeled shoes. She preferred the three plus inch heels but understood that for this "first time out" she would feel less awkward in this mid-size heel. Nervousness added wobble to her legs as they approached the door. Alice fought hard to subdue back the panic, as she realized that in an instant the door would open and they would be outside. Alice, fully dressed would be introduced to the world. Beads of perspiration were forming on the top of her brow. Tremors could be felt the full length of her arms. Alice knew if they didn't get through the door soon her knees would begin to knock. The last thought that struck Alice before opening the door was that her imprisoned member, so fully drained had not even stirred through all this excitement. She was going to be ok. Alice stepped out into the night air. The cool spring breezes caressed her nylon clad thighs. The teasing wind poked sparks of life into the manhood concealed under those layers of feminine finery. Alice stopped in her tracks, fearing continued motion would bring on a spontaneous explosion that would soil her pretty panties and worse yet bring on his wife's wrath and possibly cancel the evenings exploits. "What's the matter, getting cold feet", his wife inquired? "Cold something else", Alice joked, trying to hide her predicament. "I guess you understand what we woman go through when you men insist we wear such short skirts", Susan answered. "The car will be warmer, once you get over the feel of how cold the vinyl seats will be", Susan continued. Alice went to the passenger side not knowing their destination. She stood at the door and waited for instructions. "Get in, I'll drive", came his wife's command. They quickly left the neighborhood and Alice was glad. Alan felt pretty confident that he "passed" as a woman but a small twinge of doubt still existed. He wanted to be long gone from the neighborhood if he was "discovered". Soon the city lights were behind them. The road was dark to their advance. Alice could see the flickering of a dimly lit house in the distance. Trees and rolling hills sporadically hid the growing structure but with each advancing mile the building became brighter and more defined. They were less than a mile away when Alice could see the main house. It was truly a mansion by any standards. It's straight white columns brought on thoughts of "Tara". "What a dream house to be going to on your "first date"", Alice thought. As they entered the driveway Alice's heart had increased its pace. The ride had been calming but now the anxiety was beginning to build once more. When the vehicle stopped at the canopied entrance, Alice froze in the seat. "Would she be able to nonchalantly exit the car when the doorman beckoned", Alice questioned in her mind? Alan waited for his wife's lead. Both doors opened simultaneously by young tuxedo wearing attendants who greeted them with "good evening, "ladies"". Alice detected no exposure in their greeting. The men seemed to recognize them as companions, arriving for "the party". They received warm greetings at the door by an attractive woman in what appeared to be her mid-thirties and noticeably pregnant. Alan lingered in the hug that was bestowed upon him by this gorgeous creature. The bulging belly against his sensuous attire was almost too much to handle. He wished he could hold her long enough to take on that bulge by some magical assimilation. Guests arriving behind him made him break the embrace and they continued through the doorway into a large receiving area where about twenty other couples were already assembled. Alan's wife selected two drinks from the tray being offered by a scantly clad waitress. Alice put the drink to her lips and winced from the strength of the drink. After a few more small sips Alice decided to leave the glass on the fireplace mantel. When Alan's wife noticed he didn't have a drink she quickly secured him another. This one was more tolerable. Its pleasant sweet taste was even enjoyable. This was more to Alice's liking. As the pair socialized, Alice became suspicious that others at the party were also spouses that enjoyed being dressed as the opposite gender. Though it was difficult to detect which might not be the gender displayed, Alice was sure all was not as it seemed. Nothing to odd had occurred until they were introduced to a "man" named Jacque. Alice felt certain that Jacque was really Jackie but accepted the introduction and addressed Jacque as "sir". "Jacque" took Alice by the arm and led her out to the rear garden. The magnolia blossoms were bursting with color and fragrance. Roses of many varieties grew in blankets of pastel colors throughout the garden. With his hand about her waist Jacque steered Alice through the paths of the garden until they came to a small building in the far corner of the garden. Alice now assumed "Jacque" was her date for this evening but never thought his wife would carry the fantasy this far. Jacque entered the building first and tugged Alice's wrist, beckoning her to follow. The building appeared to house two rooms. The one they entered was almost a formal sitting room with high back chairs, antique end tables and a plush oriental rug covered the center of the hardwood flooring. To the rear of this room through a slightly open door could be seen a rather sterile looking white room. Alice thought the only piece of furniture that could be seen look like some sort of stainless steel table. Maybe it was a sort of a summer kitchen she thought. Jacque invited her to be seated. Dutifully Alice took a seat near the fireplace and warmed to its gentle glow. With one hand back on Alice's waist, Jacque offered Alice a small glass filled with wine. "it's a very nice sherry", Jacque insisted, not allowing Alice to refuse. Alice put the glass to her lips and the fluid warmed her throat and continued the path of warmth down her chest. The wine didn't taste bad but Alice never thought of herself as a "drinker". Controlling the urge to say no to the wine, Alice decided that she could drink this one glass. It wasn't long after finishing the wine that Alice felt light headed. This was only her second drink this evening and it shouldn't have been affecting her so much but she felt she had to recline and ask Jacque to help her to the sofa. Jacque guided her head to the pillowed arm rest and just before her eyes closed Alice thought she saw several others enter the room. Alice was unsure of the length of time she had been passed out. She was becoming more conscious but her eyes were still unable to focus on anyone or thing in the room. As the figures came into clearer view Alice noticed that she no longer had her lovely clothes on that she had worn to the party. She appeared to be wearing a sort of long white gown, very similar to a hospital gown she thought. At first she assumed that she had gotten ill and they had to remove her clothing. Panic seized her. Had they discovered "her" secret? As her senses returned she was greeted with a different kind of pain. Sharp abdominal pains made her wrap both arms about her waist and gasp for air as the pain took her breath away. When she recovered she notice the room had filled with a number of the guests from the party and Alan's wife was standing at the head of them. Susan was first to speak. "Well, Alice, you are about to experience the closest thing to pregnancy a man will ever be able to do. The doctors I contacted said it was too risky to actually plant an embryo in your belly though it could have been done, so what we have done is inserted a "bladder" between you abdominal muscles that will be filled with a liquid solution on a daily basis to simulate the weight gain of pregnancy. Since you would gain about thirty-five pounds over the nine months I will only be adding about two ounces of liquid a day. That way it will take you a while to "show" and your abdomen should be able to gradually stretch with the expanding bladder. Who knows you may even get "stretch marks". This had really gotten out of hand in Alice's mind. "What about my job", Alice asked? His wife replied, "I've arranged for you to take a year of "parental leave", I had no problem convincing your boss that you were a little timid to ask for it." "Here is another "gift" ", Susan added while handing Alice a small package. Alice quickly open the package. Immediately Alice knew the device was a breast pump. "What am I suppose to do with this", Alice questioned? His wife responded, "the doctors have advised against you taking any hormones if I still wanted to get any "use" out of you during your pregnancy but they thought if your breast were "stimulated" enough they could start producing a small amount of milk." Alice sure was getting more than had been bargained. Had she really wanted this? She wasn't being given a chance to turn back. Alice raised her gown to see what had been done. Her stomach was still flat like before but there was small tube protruding from her belly button. Alice wife continued her explanation, "the tube will be used to add the fluid to the bladder. It will be covered to give you an "outee" belly button much earlier in your "pregnancy" than others but it probably won't show through your clothing until you start to get "bigger". Don't think you are going to get to wear maternity clothing right away. "First time" mothers usually do want to run right out and get their first maternity outfit once they know they are pregnant, you will also wait until you are "officially" told you are pregnant, for tonight consider you've been "screwed" ". Alice returned to the couch and sat back down. The events of the evening were becoming overwhelming. Had this really happened to her? Was this some bad dream? Alice lay back on the couch and slept. The next time Alice regained consciousness they she was in the car presumably on their way home. "That had been one wild party," alice murmured to herself as they continued down the road. She found herself dressed in the clothes she had worn to the party and couldn't remember much more about what had occurred during the night. Alice did notice a numbness in the lower abdomen, brushing her hand across the sensation she felt a strange hardness but not additional sense to her touch. She allowed her hand to travel to the center of her stomach where she felt a hard "button". To the air she questioned, "is it true"? Alan's wife responded, "yes". Susan continued, "you are now fitted with a bladder that will be filled at the rate of a normal pregnancy. There are some other surprises that you will notice as time goes by. When we get home I will introduce you to our friends as my cousin Alice who has come to stay with me since Alan has taken a job in Saudi Arabia for a year." "Everything has been taken care of for you to live this next year as a pregnant woman. Also, yours will not be a "normal" pregnancy you will get as big as the doctor feels safe and forced to "carry" for at least a year. By the time you "deliver" you might never want to be "pregnant" again. Alan began to realize he was not going to be able to change out of the clothing he was wearing. He felt the silkiness of the nylon covering his legs and wondered if it was going to feel the same knowing he "had" to wear them. Were panties going to have the same allure? Would a bra feel as good? Did he really want to go through with this? Did he have a choice? During the next week each morning Alice would be handed the pump to start the massage of her breasts. An IV type assembly was being used to start the fluid into the bladder planted in Alice's belly. Later it would be necessary to use a pump but for now gravity feed would work fine. Not enough fluid had been added to create any outward visual changes but Alice was beginning to feel the pressure from the fluid build up. It was the beginning of a "bloated" feeling. The pressure on her stomach was also creating a feeling of nausea. Her introduction to "morning sickness". By the end of the first week, Alice had "gained" about a pound and her tummy was beginning to feel "hard". Alice even thought she could feel a slight "swell". Alice's breasts had also began to "tingle" from the constant stimulation. Alice had not notice any increase in size but sensitivity was sure up. It was almost the end of the second week when Susan handed Alice a nicely wrapped present. "Carefully read the instructions", Susan advised Alice as she exited the room. The package was too small and weighed too much to be some article of clothing. Alice could not identify the contents of the package. Like a kid at christmas she torn the wrappings from the box. E.P.T. were the letters across the box. Alice understood what they meant but could not figure how this kit could be of any use to her. She opened the box and begin to read the instructions. The test did not seem difficult to perform. "How could she get anything but a "negative"", she wondered. The instructions suggested more accurate results if the test was done upon rising, she placed the package on the her nightstand, planning to use it the following morning. While showering Alice noticed how strange it was to have a swelling belly yet also observe the "manhood" that was jutting out between her legs. It was hard to reconcile these images on the same body. Alice tried to imagine the day she would look down and because of her swollen belly, not see what hung below. Alice examined the hardness of her swelling belly as she prepared to perform the test Susan had given her. Alice was unsure what it would prove but knew it was part of the process and understood she would have to have a positive test before she was allowed to get her first maternity outfit. Not expecting it to work she captured some of her urine and looked for the strips to perform the test. Alice was about to call Susan when she caught the note attached to Susan's vanity mirror. The note just said, "good luck" and had one of the test strips attached. Alice took the cup containing the urine and slowly submersed the test strip. Alice knew her belly was swelling but somehow she needed this test to say "positive". Alice knew if it didn't Susan would say, "well, you must just be taking on water, that time of the month you know, better luck next month". Three quarters of the strip was submerged in the urine. Alice watched it closely. Nothing was happening. Alice wanted bells to go off, chimes to ring, an announcer to blast "YOUR PREGNANT" but there was just the quiet cup of urine with a small paper strip submerged. Seconds turned into minutes. The minutes were uncountable. Alice noticed the first signs of a mark appearing about the center of the strip. A reddish line spread horizontally across the test indicator. A negative sign would mean "no pregnancy". Alice's hopes began to fail. Disappointment had been hers throughout this whole ordeal. This would just be another step in her dream. Alice was preparing to discard the test solution when she noticed that the line had turned a darker, almost purplish color. Alice's breasts began to tingle as she noticed a vertical line begin to form and the overall color of the indication grew darker. then it was staring at her. The strip clearly had formed a plus sign. A plus sign meant the a pregnancy had been detected. Alice held her hardening belly and gently allowed her hands to follow the swelling curves. She did not understand how it was possible but the test said she was pregnant. Her belly would even swell large. She wanted that. Clutching her belly she envisioned when it would be larger than her hands could cover. She was thrilled. Naked she ran from the bathroom calling to Susan, "I'm PREGNANT!! I'm PREGNANT!" Susan was preparing breakfast and as Alice caught the smell of the grease fumes a wave of nausea over took her. There she was overjoyed trying to tell Susan how happy she was and about to spill her guts. How could she be so happy and feel so bad at the same time she wondered. Alice sat at the table, trying to calm down enough to settle her stomach. Susan came to her and simply said, "I know", while offering some crackers to eat. "How can the test show positive?", Alice inquired. Susan responded, "I thought you might enjoy getting a "positive" pregnancy test so I had the strip treated so that when you performed the test it would be to your liking. Seems you got the response I thought you would. I'm glad you enjoyed it." "We'll do some shopping today if you're up to it", Susan offered. "Of coarse I'm up to it", Alice assured. "We haven't given you your fill up for today and I've planned a few extra ounces so you'll have an even more bloated feeling. You'll probably be a little more uncomfortable for a while." Alice lay nude on the bed waiting for Susan to administer the days ration of fluid. Alice closed her eyes as she applied the breast pump to her small titties. The pump was doing something to force the little nipples to enlarge. Even the area around their base was beginning to take on a swollen look. Maybe her breasts were growing. Alice found it hard to believe that someday they would actually produce mother's milk. Alice's tummy was hurting from the pressure of the additional fluid. She was beginning to feel the almost constant urge to go to the bathroom. She now understood why many pregnant woman complained about having to "pee" so much. This was going to be her fate also. Susan instructed Alice to get dressed in what ever fit and improvise if she must. Alice was not sure what that meant until she tried to put on her panties. As she stretched the waistband over her stuffed belly she felt the elastic band cutting into her tender flesh. Taking a small pair of scissors she snipped the elastic and a slight "v" tore in the fabric. With the pressure gone the panties felt much more comfortable. Jeans were not as much trouble since she was able to let the top snap undone. A loose fitting top completed Alice's outfit. Like two sisters, Alice and Susan were off to the mall. Alice could not find any thing she really liked in the department stores but she was a little afraid to venture into the scrutiny of the boutiques for fear of being discovered. "First of all they want to sell things and they don't really give a care WHO buys", Susan encouraged Alice. "You are very convincing and pregnancy is a good cover", Susan assured. After a small amount of coaxing Susan was able to convince Alice that she would do fine. In the first store they decided to look mostly for lingerie. Susan examined a rather expensive nursing bra as she told Alice why it was important to have a good bra in her condition. Both girls entered the dressing room, each holding several articles of silky finery. Susan helped Alice remove the pullover top, then stood momentarily observing the flat- busted but obviously swollen belly shape that Alice was now exhibiting. "We're going to have to do something about those breasts", she said while holding the bra for Alice to steer her arms between the straps. Susan hooked the bra in the last set of eyelets, then tried to smooth the cups over Alice's figure. Susan forced some of Alice's flesh into the bra and it began to take form. "In time", she commented, "in time". Susan held up a pair of white nylon maternity panties. Alice hesitated slightly. The panties were beautiful. They were being offered to her. Alice could see the contracted roses that would blossom as the stretch panel is drawn over her swelling belly. She would not have to snip the elastic for them to fit comfortably around her middle. Oh, she was anxious to wear those panties. Alice removed her jeans and caught her reflection in the dressing room mirror. The bra was lovely. The panties she was wearing with their cut "V" was also strangely attractive but she was about to go from the unofficial "V" cut panties of pregnancy to official maternity panties. Panties to her that said, "you are pregnant". Alice slid the panties down her long legs, gracefully stepping out of them as she reached her heels. Alice felt she did that just as she had been taught. Standing erect, Alice noticed that her manhood was moist from the excitement but had not stiffened as it had in the past when she transformed. Alice was very comfortable with what was happening. Susan offered a shoulder to steady Alice while she stepped into the panties. Alice slowly began their journey up her legs. She was exploring every feeling as their soft silkiness electrified the sensitivity of her skin while making their advance. The bands first obstacle was her deflated manhood. A slight pull on the elastic captured the alien member. Placing hands at each side of her waist she guided the elastic silk over the mound of her belly. The floral pattern burst into life as it was stretched to meet the shape of Alice's abdomen. Alice stood and enjoyed the reflected image. A nursing bra whose cups were filled only with her flesh. Panties that only showed expanding flesh. With a hand held lightly on her tummy, Alice felt pregnant. With things going so well, Alice felt she could live this way a very long time. She was so excited with the look of her figure and knew it would get bigger. Alice realized she looked pregnant in these underclothes but knew the small shape would disappear once she added more clothes. Alice wanted to be big enough so she left no doubt that she was pregnant. Susan opened a package of pantyhose and handed them to Alice. Carefully she started the hose up each leg, extending them to the top of her thighs before she tried to pull the panty over her belly. The pantyhose also had a panel insert that allowed them to comfortably expand around her middle. This just kept getting better. Telling Alice to put her jeans back on and the top she had been wearing, Susan left the fitting room to pay for the garments that Alice was now wearing. She dropped her training bra and cut panties into the trash can. Hand in hand the two girls left the shop. Outside, Susan began questioning Alice about her new underthings. "Where they what she expected?" "Could she feel that they were different?" "Was she ready to wear them for the next nine months?" Everything Susan said or did amplified the fact that Alice was being treated like a pregnant lady. Susan was almost taunting Alice about her condition. To Alice it seemed that Susan was challenging her to be able to enjoy this for the duration of her pregnancy. Alice could not imagine this ever being anything but fun. Their next stop was the Maternity Factory, a chain type store that carried designer maternity fashions, at discount prices, of coarse. The shop was large and few sales clerks could be seen. The nice part about this shop was the ability to browse and not be constantly attacked by sales people as often was the case in the intimate boutiques. Susan was attracted to the modern almost business attire clothing that she commented weren't available when she was pregnant. These fashions were a sign of the increase of women in the workplace and a dictate that business almost meant boring. Alice searched through the more feminine "little mother " outfits. More lace, bows and colors were available on these "traditional" fashions. Alice found a white eyelet top with two side bows that could be adjusted to accommodate a growing figure. The collarless neckline might draw attention to Alice's masculine neck but it was low enough to display an amount of cleavage that would dispel most doubts. Alice knew she would at least have to try it on. Alice continued her search for that perfect top while carrying her first selection by the hanger. Alice's next pick was a plaid jumper with a gathered bustline. Alice was sure it would flow nicely over her budding belly. There was a plain white blouse displayed with the jumper, Alice decided to try the pair. In the dressing room Alice removed her jeans and top. The reflection of the lovely maternity lingerie caught her by surprise. Alice had forgotten she was wearing it. At first glance Alice thought someone else was in the dressing room with her. The figure seem much more lovelier than she had remembered. The pregnant curves were titillating. Alice was in awe of her reflection. She was afraid this was a dream from which she would soon awake. Alice took the blouse from its' hanger and held it to her chest. With her right hand she smoothed it over the her belly. Her baby bulge was very slight but she could feel a discernable arch as her palm travelled the distance from her breast to a spot just above her legs. Alice slipped her arms into the blouse and admired the exposure of her maternity unmentionables with the unbuttoned garment. Susan called, "What's taking you so long?" Alice broke from her revelry and quickly buttoned the blouse. She fastened every button with the Peter Pan collar capturing her throat in it's white lace. Alice then dropped the jumper over her head. Alice worked her arms through the openings and had to tug slightly to get the garment to fall below her bust, a good indication that she was "developing" tits. Alice stepped from the dressing room, twirling as a model would as she asked Susan opinion. Susan agreed that it matched Alice's personality and that it could be an outfit in her closet. Alice tried on several more outfits but only decided to keep a pair of jeans and a T-shirt that proudly stated, "YES I AM", and in smaller letters "pregnant". Susan decided that Alice should wear the T-shirt and jeans. Alice returned to the dressing room and changed into her maternity outfit, handing her "regular" clothes to Susan. Because she was still so small Alice could no longer see the bulge of her belly with these expanded clothes. She hoped for an acceleration of her pregnancy so she would look "more pregnant". Not very much changed over the next several weeks. Each morning after she "pumped" for an hour or so, Susan would attach the apparatus that added liquid to her belly bladder. Her belly harder and she felt fuller but Alice wasn't as large as she hoped to be. She could still see that feature that gave away her true identity but she did notice that she had to lean forward a little more, it seemed, each day. By the end of the third month almost twelve pounds of fluid had been added to the bladder in Alice's belly. Alice was beginning to feel a strange sensation as if there was "motion" within her make shift "womb". The first few times it happened she didn't know what to make of it. When it became pretty regular she decided to ask Susan how it might be happening. Susan had the explanation. Alice's "womb" as they now called the bladder was fitted with suspended weights that would float and move once the liquid level reached a certain point. It would start like the slight sensations a new mother would feel when she thought she felt "motion" and get more "active" as the pregnancy progressed. Alice wouldn't be awakened at night with any sudden kicks but during the day in the coarse of her activities she would have some constant movement in her abdomen. Alice again didn't know how to thank Susan enough. During the next month the two girls did a lot of talking about babies and the feelings of pregnancy. From all that had been done Alice was feeling many of the things they talked about. She had become accustomed the to weight in her belly and the morning nausea had subsided. By the end of the fourth month almost twenty pounds had been added to the "womb" and her clothes no longer "hid" her pregnancy. What was more satisfying to Alice was the fact that she could no longer see the extremity that would give away her secret. Even Alice's breast had grown considerably. They weren't big by any means but they filled the "B" cup nursing bra and Alice was proud. Alice was surprised how often Susan wanted to have sex. Most times Susan would have her strip completely nude before they would start their love making or have Alice put on Alan's underwear. Alice found this a strange reversal of delight. She had longed to get out of Alan pants and into panties she could enjoy but now she had worn panties for so long that Alan's cotton shorts were an interesting turn-on when they were pulled over her bloating belly. The two enjoyed long sessions of foreplay with a large amount of time suckling each others breasts and Susan massaging Alice's swollen belly. The enormity and the hardness of his cock reminded Alan that he was still a man and he loved driving it home into Susan's warm hole. Alan's passion was intensified by the movement he felt in his belly while pounding his manhood into Susan. Their climaxes intensified as they found new ways to accommodate Alice's growing belly. With his manhood buried in Susan hole it was difficult to determine which of them was being screwed. Two pairs of breasts could be seen while the swollen belly disguised Alan's gender. Alice remained on the bed, Susan stepped into the bathroom for that cleansing ritual that was necessary after being screwed. Susan hadn't yet figured a way for Alice to experience the discomfort of cum running down her legs but she was working on it. Alice enjoyed the reflection of her swelling body that could be seen in the dresser mirror. Her belly was nicely rounded and her breasts were definitely larger. The staff that had just exploded in Susans warm folds was now deflated and almost minuscule in comparison to the mound of flesh above. Alice slightly crossed her legs to obscure this distraction from the view she enjoyed. As Alice entered her sixth month of pregnancy she began experience less erotic emotions when getting dressed and had even noticed a sense of tiring of the delight. Alice was beginning to want this to be over. In comparison with Alan's normally flat belly, Alice was now enormous. A distinct forward weight in breast flesh was a constant reminder of her engorging titties. Titties that now were producing about six ounces of milk each day due to Susans required two hour "pumping". During their lovemaking Susan would suckle a mouthful from those bloated breasts then let it flood over Alice's penis as she sucked it to life. Alice's back and shoulders constantly ached as she strained muscles to walk upright with this mound extending in front of her. Six months of pregnancy was taking its toll. Alice now ventured out of the house freely. Alan and Susan never had much contact with the neighbors so there was no one to question Alice's arrival. Alice was even able to stroll the block in front of their house. If a passerby would wave she would smile and continue to walk. Alice's mental state had improved greatly and the physical burden of her condition had become as difficult to deal with as the psychological strain had been. The three and four inches heels that Alice loved to wear had to be replace with flats and even sneakers because Alice's "pregnant waddle" was accentuated when she wore heels. As Alice neared her ninth month she marked the calendar two weeks before and two weeks after what she thought would be her "due date". She circled the days in alternating blue and pink and wrote across the page "baby days". In the ninth month of pregnancy, Alice had gained almost thirty five pounds. Alice had remained very active, losing many pounds of body fat so the weight gain was substantial and disproportionate to her frame. The flesh build up around her breasts probably accounted for a couple of pounds but most of the "gain" was in the fluid that had been pumped into the "artificial womb", stretching her abdominal skin paper thin. Many tiny blood vessels could be seen through the opaqueness of her flesh. The pressure and stretching had caused some those vessels to rupture, forming spider like images over most of her bloated belly. Down the middle of that swollen mound, Susan had drawn a red-brownish line to mimic the condition know as xxxxxx, Late in August, Alice had now been pregnant for almost eleven and a half months. She had suffered the exhausting heat of two summers. It hadn't been so bad in the early part of her pregnancy when she was able to enjoy the newness of the situation. It was even fun buying all the nice maternity sportswear, and Alice loved maternity swim wear. Now it was a struggle to maintain any type of positive front. Alice was no longer comfortable with her condition. She wanted it to be over. Susan had made Alice gain over forty-five pounds and those who saw her would say she was "all baby". The bladders construction held all the fluid, high and forward. Alice clearly endured an unbelievable amount of pain and discomfort. She rarely got dressed past putting on a bra and stretching into the largest support panty she could find. She had grown out of all her pretty maternity clothes and was relegated to a few T's and a large Muumuu that could have, in her mind, blanketed an elephant. The glamour of pregnancy had long ago escaped from Alice's mind. Alice's pregnanc

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Alan Ch 24

The street was dark as she briefly exposed herself to view. The Indian had dropped her off a few blocks from the target’s house, and she stealthily moved through various yards, each time she had to cross a path she made a complete job of looking all about, making sure she was not seen. It was slow going, but before long she was standing in the Marshall’s back yard. She pressed herself against the side of the house, inching to the front. Taking a deep breath she then darted out of cover, and in...

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Alan Ch 17

Captured for a Time The plates were long cleared from the table, and the men sat around the living room, a football game shining off the screen of the television, volume turned low so as not to disturb the baby resting in his cousin Jack’s arms. Jack was married to his cousin Nina, and Shara was their first baby, though number two was a work in progress, more than seven months along inside Nina’s belly. Nina sat down next to Alan on the couch, across from her husband and Alan’s dad. She...

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Alan Ch 12

Graduation (Summertime, and the Livin’ is Easy) At nine AM Alan threw the garment bag holding his cap and gown in the backseat of the car and headed to school. It was the day before graduation, and though there were no classes scheduled for the seniors, there was a commencement rehearsal at noon. He planned on spending the morning hanging out with friends and cleaning out of his locker a year’s worth of detritus. As he was going through his locker, making ample use of the large wastebaskets...

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Alan Ch 23

Lord Thornbow leaned back, the leather desk chair squeaked slightly as he did so. Mr. Patel stood to the right of his boss’s desk, facing the visitor, his eyes had a distracted look about them, but his ears taking in all. ‘I might have a way, but,’ the supplicant began, his accent thick, but Thornbow cut him off mid-sentence. ‘I am wholly uninterested in ‘mights,’ Takuya-san. Have you, or have you not?’ The visitor hesitated, and shuddered slightly, either in fear of his host or his proposed...

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Alan Ch 05

What Immortal Hand or Eye/Could Frame thy fearful symmetry? Alan spent Sunday relaxing around the house. He had some schoolwork to make up from the days he missed, and he set to it, lounging on his bed, his textbooks scattered around him. He was making good progress, but once in awhile his mind drifted back to his encounter in the hospital with the old man. He turned a page in his notebook to a clean sheet and began taking notes, on the top line the wrote in capital letters, ‘THE SEED.’ 1....

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Alan Ch 26

‘Go somewhere where there are lots of people and wait for me. I’ll have Karick pull the car around and call you once we get moving. Keep away from this guy.’ Alan clicked off his phone and walked smartly to Broadway, to the West End Grille, and ordered a draught beer, brushing off the counterman’s request for proof of age with a light mental push. He took a small sip and called Massimo back. He considered the last half hour… It was a cool early November night as Alan snapped his laptop...

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Alan Ch 13

Promenade yer Partner, Round and Round… ‘You look fantastic! Stunning!’ ‘Thanks, Mom,’ Pauline answered, blushing furiously. It was the afternoon before the prom, and Pauline was at the salon. Mrs. Van Devanter had been ferrying her daughters about town all morning and afternoon. Kate was at the dressmaker’s, which was Pauline’s next stop. Mom was going to take Pauline there and drop Kate off in exchange back at this salon. Her usually billowing light-brown hair was up, held by lavender...

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Alan Ch 19

Chapter 19: Kate’s (new) first, reports from the field. ‘You’re such a coward,’ he said in between bites of his pizza. He, Kate, Scarlet, and Soren were splitting a pie at V&T, a college favorite across the street from the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Soren had stepped away to chat with some people he knew at another table, and Scarlet was in the lady’s room. Kate had just admitted that she hadn’t acted upon her attraction to her roommate, despite the fact that she had resolved over...

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Alan and Me

Alan and Me ??????????????????????????????????? Alan and Me!?????????????????? ??? "How lucky am I or what?? So, I have these friends. Straightmarried couple. Very liberal and free. They pride themselves on their wideopen attitude toward life. So what do they do when they discover theirfourteen year old son is gay?? They come to their gay friend (me) and ask meif perhaps I would be willing to mentor the boy because they don't know howto handle it, and they want him to be happy. Well...

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Alan Ch 16

Prey ‘Hey, Paul, I could lose my job for this, you know,’ the paunchy middle-aged retired NYPD detective said sotto voce to his former colleague as he hesitantly pushed a plain white envelope across the Formica tabletop. ‘I know, Mike, but this should make it right,’ Paul Riley, known on his current job as Agent Nine, replied to his former partner as he passed a paper bag containing a hundred hundred dollar bills under the table. They were sitting in a diner in lower Manhattan, not far from...

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Alan And Eva And Kim

I opened my eyes and tried to clear the fog in my brain. Images flashed across my consciousness. Really nice images. Eva, my co-worker at Big 5, naked and her ripe ass pointing in my direction. My cock was pistoning in and out of her...tight asshole? What?I shook my head. I had used that image several times while jacking off since starting my new job. Eva was the clothing manager and she was so hot. A petite ex-cheerleader with a hard body that got a rise out of me and every guy that walked...

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Alan Ch 14

Making Preparations People pointed and stared at him that night as he walked through the artisan’s quarter of the capital. Many knew who he was, but even those that did not were transfixed by his regal bearing and the resplendent uniform of his attendants, two full centurions. It was not often that the vizier waded amongst the everyday folk of the city, and whispers and murmurings broke out as he passed each doorway. It had been many years since he ventured this way, still longer since he had...

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Alan Gets A Tranny

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went to Alan's house after work one day to talk to him. His mom was single and she need a male figure to discuss masturbation since she had caught him doing it. I rang the bell. I heard footsteps on the stairs and then the door opened. "Hi Alan." "Oh, hi Mr. Jones." “Can i come in?” “Sure,” he said holding the door open. “Alan I have to be home soon, so let me just say this quickly: I know your mom caught...

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Alan Ch 20

Chapter 20: Resurrecting Jack (part 1) As the spring semester’s end approached Alan was as busy as he had ever been. Between preparing end of term papers, studying for final exams, his regular meetings in midtown with Wilkins and the others, the birth of Megan’s baby (Marshall Philip Kelly (‘Phil’), 7 pounds even), and his daily readings of the complete files and notes of Jean-Pierre Massimo, left him little time for leisure. To make matters worse, for some unknown reason he was losing his...

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Alan Julie and me MMF bi

A true account of the events of 1/8/2013The day started off early when, around 2AM, I awoke to find my wife's talented mouth wrapped around my cock. She said I was stroking it in my sleep. I knew she was mostly right – I was only slightly awake and thinking of how today's threesome might progress. I enjoyed it for a short while, but had her stop so I could go back asleep – I knew there was time for much more later. I am 48 years old, married, and bisexual. I'm a lucky, lucky man; my wife gives...

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Alans Story

It was just a few blocks away. Not too far to get her too sweaty and far enough that she would never get caught. Like any other day, she was in typical jogging attire onlycuter than any other mid- thirties woman that ran around the lake, and probably the onlyblonde. Whatever guilt she felt was overcome by the certainty that her husband had beenhaving his own little secret liaisons through the years, so she was determined to similarlypleasurably degrade herself. Of course, she did not know that...

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Alan Elena Easy Bake

A Moment with Alan and Elena, from "In Love with You" "you Take the cake, and you slide it in the oven" any cooking show. "Let's see, flour, eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla, baking powder, bowl mixer, spoon, cake pan, and frosting, I think that's it. "thinks Elena as she inspects the ingredients to make an anniversary cake for her parents, when they come home this evening, soon she has the dry ingredients mixed together as she is about to add the wet ingedients, she hears a knock on the...

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Wonderland in Alice

Introduction: Alice is all grown up but no less madder… The crowded room was hot, and filled with the scent of alcohol and smoke. Alice didnt usually attend these kinds of parties, but made exception for this one. This was the last party of her senior year in high school, and she decided that one last blowout wouldnt hurt. Alice quickly found herself caught up in the pounding rhythm of the music that flowed throughout the house, and the punch that was being served was definitely spiked with...

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Alice worked for the department store for several years. Recently she witnessed several changes. The corporate executives brought in new managers to increase sales. Mr. Jake Benton was assigned to the store where Alice worked. When Mr. Benton spoke to the group where Alice worked he stressed that there would be lay-offs and poor performance would be grounds for termination. Alice remembered how large Jake Benton looked. He was black, over six feet tall and appeared extremely muscular. He...

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Who The FK is Alice

Hello, Little Miss. This is the first in what I'm going to call my "Little Miss" selection. They are stories I've written over the years which, for reasons of embarrassment at having written so many stores of a (fairly) similar ilk, and also that I was never particularly happy with them as a whole, I didn't publish. Then I thought, get over yourself! Who cares? You're not Dickens, King or some famous high-brow author (the ones I pretend I've read) and never will be. There may be...

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AliceDDR - 1980Alice, eine wundersch?ne 22-j?hrige Frau, mit den Traumma?en 92 – 58 – 94 und h?ftlangem honigfarbenem Haar. Ihre gro?en, runden und vollen Br?ste wippen elastisch auf und ab, wenn sie grazil an einem vorbeischreitet. Ihre Haut ist leicht gebr?unt, ganz glatt und seidig weich. Mit ihren 1,84 m ist sie f?r eine Frau ?berdurchschnittlich gro?. Wenn man ihre Beine anschaut, kommt es einem vor, als w?rden sie nie enden, so lang sind sie. Mit ihrer Schuhgr??e 40 hat sie f?r ihre K?rpergr??e ehe...

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A Friend of Mine Called Alice

A Friend of Mine Called Alice ? I am more than a little feminine in looks with very little hair on my body and a smallish frame, some women have commented that I'm too good looking for a guy! I've always found it really hard to attract my ideal woman, the women I like always seem to want the sporty macho types rather than my offbeat creative nature. All that began to change the moment I met my beautiful Alice. I have written my story to let those of you who struggle with...

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My Weekend with George and Alice

I took a deep breath and reached for the doorbell. I could hardly believe I was really going to go through with this. And I was still pretty sure that they would back out at the last minute. But what the hell, I pushed the button. Let me give you a brief overview of how I got to this point. Not long ago my live-in girlfriend of about five years had run off with a mutual friend. Some friend! And since then I hadn't met a woman I was even interested in enough to get to know well. I was stuck in...

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Twilight Jasper Alice

Author's Note: The characters of this story are based on the hit vampire novel/movie series Twilight. This novel was written by Stephanie Meyers and has a strong fan base (mostly females and even some males). I am a fan of any vampire literature of any concept, regardless if it is a love story or a normal horror story or even social arte farte or sci fi. As for why I wrote this story was because I liked some of the characters in it. Not Edward and Bella, but other characters. The story...

5 years ago
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The Treatment of Alice

The Treatment of [email protected] I think of Alice the image that flashes through my mind is of her naked and tied to the long low butchers table in the barn, her legs wide apart and the wood stove being lit. However, I’m getting ahead of myself here. Writing about events of the distant past can be difficult, the passage of time dulls one’s recollections and details become lost. There are of course, certain things that seem to become etched on our minds. Alice, a pretty but otherwise...

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Theres Something About Alice

Finally, July was upon us and I was sitting in the living room of our house waiting for Nicola to finish her preparations for the afternoon and evening at Diane and James' house. While she did her ablutions and I waited, my eyes fell on the picture gallery on the wall.I looked at a picture of Nicola and Olivia, she was growing into the spitting image of her mother, only at fifteen, she was already a couple of inches taller. My eyes then drifted to one of the three of us in the hospital when...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 28 Alice

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-Eight: Alice Visit my blog at Giggling, we burst into the Wedding Lace, a bridal shop near my house. It was Tuesday afternoon, and I was here to for my wedding dress's second fitting. The seamstress was finished with the alterations and we had to make sure that her adjustments correct. Her name was Bonnie, and she was a purple-haired beauty covered in piercings. Even her cunt was pierced and I remembered how I...

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My Hot Wife Alice

Chapter One:The soft evening Nashville breeze is a welcome change from the Wyoming winds I have dealt with for two months.  I smile and take in a deep breath as I step out of the baggage claim and out onto the sidewalk looking for my Uber.  Dusk is just fading into the night sky as I approach my Uber. I am dragging two large suitcases, so I ordered a Tahoe.  Once I have loaded the bags and my backpack into the back, I settle in next to the driver and we head out of the pickup lane then on...

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Kevins coach and his daughter Alice

Kevin is an 18 y/o, blond-blue eyed, very successful sports student, promising a bright future. When his coach Mr. Adams invited Kevin over for dinner, Kevin was very excited.Coach Adams was a handsome,fit and lean, salt & pepper type, grey haired guy in his late 40s', Kevin was gazing admiringly at all these gold and silver cups Coach Adams won since his early teens in the living room when he heard Mrs. Adams' voice, letting them know that dinner was ready.It was Kevin's first time meeting...

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Everyone who has been bullied dreams that, when they leave high school, everything will change. Everyone lives in hope and likes feel good stories where the nerd gets the girl in the end. As we say at Victims Anonymous, “My name’s Sam, and here’s my story”: My last year at high school was a shit year. I wasn’t popular to begin with, wasn’t good looking, wasn’t trendy, had zits. And on top of that, I had lots of shit happen in my life, all in that same year. My mum walked out. Well, it felt...

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My daughter Alice

Note : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real life! When my daughter was 2, my wife left us. I was left to raise her all on my own. I think that I babied her. When she asked if she could get her ears pierced I said no. When she was invited to a sleep-over, I wouldn’t let her go. I didn’t want her to be exposed to anything bad. When she turned 12, my life changed. “DADDY!!” Alice screamed from the bathroom. I went running to find Alice sitting on the toilet, she had got her...

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                                     Alice                                                                               Alice was watching through the chain link fence.  She saw        Juan approach the border in his fancy car.  It had cost nearly a quarter        million, but Juan could  afford it.  She watched as he was waved into an        inspection bay by the customs officers.  The trunk lid went up, and Juan        was escorted into a low building.  Alice could only...

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You Dont Argue With Alice

Joanie had known Alice since they were at Manchester University together, nearly twenty years ago. They were close friends and Joanie always knew that if she had a problem, she only had to talk to Alice. Alice would know what to do and lay it all out – you didn’t argue with Alice. It always worked. Not that Alice was bossy or dominant but, when it was needed, you knew that doing it the way Alice suggested was the only way. The way she raised her eyebrow or uttered the immortal phrase, “I think...

5 years ago
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Alice had known about bondage almost all of her life, since finding one of her parent?s magazines showing girls in rope Alice had known about bondage almost all of her life, since finding one of her parent?s magazines showing girls in rope. She didn?t think her parents had found out she had discovered their magazines, and Alice was careful to make sure she always put them back exactly where they were after she had borrowed and read them. Though read may not be the right word, she had...

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The first BDSM session of Alice

Alice was a young bisexual girl. She was never into love or marriage. And she was definitely not into the mainstream. She was into something that's very different- BDSM. “Ugh. This assignment is so boring.” Said Alice with anger in her voice. Alice hated doing college assignments. In fact she hated this life of studies, job, retire and die. She also hated the concept of marriage. All she wanted was to serve someone dominant and she ne facing their wrath. As a bisexual girls, she...

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The Devils PactChapter 28 Alice

Giggling, we burst into the Wedding Lace, a bridal shop near my house. It was Tuesday afternoon, and I was here to for my wedding dress's second fitting. The seamstress was finished with the alterations and we had to make sure that her adjustments correct. Her name was Bonnie, and she was a purple-haired beauty covered in piercings. Even her cunt was pierced and I remembered how I played with the silver ring in her labia as I ate her pussy out during the first fitting. And her tongue...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter II The Other Alice

Alice’s eyes lit up with joy as the cat dangled the silver key teasingly before her. Her freedom was within grasp, only, with her hands trapped behind her back, she wasn’t exactly sure how she might grasp it.“I don’t suppose you could assist me, Cheshire.”“I could,” the cat grinned.“Thank you ever so much,” Alice sighed in relief and waited. And waited. And waited, finally frowning as the cat had done nothing but stare at her, never once even blinking. Finally, her patience wore out.“Well?” she...

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Ellens Sex Shop 4 Maid Alice

Alice bounced happily through the store. She loved when they had sales drives, and today’s was one of her favorites among the common repeats. While some events were unique, like Amber modeling that new bondage line two weeks ago or Mara’s day in the Light Box, others were repeated, with some variation, whenever Ellen felt the time was right. The event this week was a sort of game for the customers, with various discounts for winners, and a lot of sexy fun for both them and the shop girls. Each...

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The Adventures of Alice

Alice was at home when she got a text from her friend asking if she was free that evening as she needed a big favour. Alice called her back straight away to ask what was wrong and her friend just said it was to do with her hubby and she really needed Alice to help her out with something. Intrigued and concerned Alice got straight into her car and headed for her friends house, she only lived a few minutes away and when Alice pulled up outside her house she was waiting at the door arms folded and...

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Carla and Alice

“Lada dedadeda de, la de da, la de da,” Carla hummed a snippet of Mozart’s Minuet in G to herself as she dialed the phone. “Hi, Carla! What are you up to, girlfriend?” Alice asked into the phone. “How did you know… oh, duh. Caller ID. Silly me. I just finished an experiment, and thought I’d bring it over to share, and get yours and Gerald’s opinion on it,” Carla replied. “Experiment, huh? So you want me to be your guinea pig? How do I know it’s edible? What is it, anyway?” “I promised the...

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Entertaining Alice

Things have been pretty awesome lately at home. My mother has had one of her friends staying with us for the summer. They used to be college roommates. My mom and Alice have not seen each other in many years. Alice moved to Japan shortly after college and has lived there ever since. Alice has no children. She recently got divorced and moved back to the states. Alice’s new home isn’t ready to move into yet, so my mother asked her to stay here during the construction phase. My father is the...

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At sixteen my life wasn’t typical. I lived alone with my older sister Alice who’s only seventeen. We lived with our eighty-two year old grandmother, but she fell a while back and had to be taken to live in a nursing home leaving us to live alone. We visited granny daily as she was our only living relative and we loved her dearly. Since granny’s fall our lives have taken on a rhythm of school, home, chores and then relax for a movie. No one seemed to know or notice that Alice is...

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My Wife Alice

It had all started innocently enough when my friend Dr. Jim Amamba told me about his research work on an sexual performance enhancement d**gs for women. Jim and I went back years. We had even done our doctoral research in the same field. The fact that I was white and short while Jim was as black as the ace of spades and built like and American footballer made this friendship seem unlikely on the surface but we shared many common interests. I listened as Jim explained to me that the male market...

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