Alan Ch. 09 free porn video

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A New Friend

It was the Sunday night, the last night of spring break. Alan spent the day completing his assignments for school, and by early evening he was done. He fiddled around on the computer for a bit, surfing sites and reading e-mails, but by eight o’clock he was bored. ‘The Simpsons’ was a rerun so he had decided not to watch. With nothing much to do Alan began to clean his desk and organize his papers, but before he had made much progress he came upon the ring.

He had enclosed it in a sheet of notebook paper and some tape, and when he drew it out from the desk drawer it took him half a second to realize what it was. Slowly he unwrapped it. It just looked like a regular ring now, not glowing or buzzing like it had before. He examined it closely, it was silver but badly tarnished, unsurprisingly because it was two-and-a-half millennia old. He decided to polish it, and as he put it down on the desk it began glowing and vibrating. He picked it up again, and it stopped. Palming it in his left hand he went downstairs and grabbed a rag and his mom’s silver polish and quickly returned to his room, closing the door behind him. He had never polished silver before so he didn’t know if he should apply the polish to the ring directly or first to the rag. He scooped out some polish, a gooey pink substance, and rubbed it on the rag with the tips of his fingers, then placed the ring in the center of the moist part of the rag, folded it over, and began to rub the ring through it. After a few seconds he stopped to check his progress and saw that the ring was now gleaming.

‘Should I try it on?’ he asked himself silently. He was still new to his powers, and he didn’t know what the ring would do to them. He put the ring down again so he could continue to think. This time the glow from the ring was intense, so intense that the light was almost blinding, and when he reached down to pick it up again, in hopes of stopping the terrible light from damaging his eyes he was chagrined to see that it was not abated. ‘For some reason this ring wants me to wear it,’ Alan was figuring out, so he slipped it on his finger, the middle finger of his right hand. He didn’t know why he chose that finger, but it felt right.

Instantly the light faded, and after a few seconds it had stopped completely.

‘Alan,’ he heard his mother call from downstairs, ‘Were you expecting company? There’s someone at the door for you.’

Alan went downstairs and saw his parents speaking to his unexpected guest. He wasn’t quite sure who this man was, but he was certain that he had something to do with the ring, the Ring of Ko’un-Zir.

‘Ah, there you are Alan,’ the man began. He had an accent, European for sure, it sounded like to Alan. He couldn’t tell if it was French or British because it sounded like a little of each. ‘It’s nice to meet you at last.’ His parents were at a loss, and he could see his father about to say something, but instead he took his mother and they walked away from Alan and the stranger, and up the stairs.

‘I don’t want to be rude or anything, but who are you?’

‘Awfully sorry young man, frightfully discourteous thing to do. Well, you know, manners were never my string suit. I am Jean-Pierre Massimo, and I am here because of you. Because you are wearing the ring.’

‘I’ve heard of you! The man at the mus–‘ Alan stopped short, not wanting to tell Massimo that he had stolen the Ring of Ko’un-Zir from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. ‘You’re an archaeologist, that’s uh, that’s where I’ve heard of you.’

‘And you, young man, you are the vessel of one of the Seeds of Paishiya’uvada.’

‘What are you talking about?’ Alan bluffed.

‘Please don’t patronize me Alan. You are a vessel of the Seed. There are five Seeds in existence, and you contain one. You received it last month in the hospital from its former vessel, a man named Grossman.’

‘I didn’t know his name.’ A few seconds later Alan realized he had blown his bluff.

‘So, the lies are over, thank goodness.’

‘How did you know? Did the ring tell you? I know you found it in Iraq many years ago, so you must know something about it. Please Mr. Massimo, I know virtually nothing about the Seed, and less about the Ring of Ko’un-Zir.’

‘Patience my son, all in good time. And by the way, it’s ‘Dr. Massimo.”


‘Call me Jack. Everybody does.’ He laughed.

They went into the living room and sat across from each other. Alan noticed that Jack was also wearing a ring identical to his own, but he held his tongue, wishing for Jack to tell him more.

‘Just out of curiosity, do you know which of the Seeds you contain?’ Jack asked him.

‘Uh, yeah. My Seed is the Seed of Hyrcanus.’

‘Really! Well I’ll say! Excellent, excellent.’ He clapped his hand on his knee. ‘The first of them all, well met!’ He paused before continuing, leaning closer to Alan as if to confide, ‘I am the vessel of the third Seed, the Seed of Cyaxares.’

Alan had a million questions, and Dr. Massimo could see him chomping at the bit to ask them. ‘Right, right. You are dying to ask me some questions, but please, all in good time. I am used to lecturing, so you’ll have to indulge me.

‘So, about a month past you became the vessel of the Seed. And earlier this week you ‘acquired’ the Ring of Ko’un-Zir at the museum in Manhattan, correct?’

‘Yes, how did you know?’

‘After the firing and arrest of Dr. Swindon-Smythe I realized that someone had found my ring at the museum, and I had to rush there to rectify the situation.’

‘Oh Jeez! He was arrested? That’s awful.’ Alan dropped his eyes, ashamed of himself.

‘Oh, I fixed it for the chap. He’s back on staff–as you Yanks say, ‘No harm, no foul.’ However, if your powers had been more advanced this would not have happened. Before I leave here tonight you must promise me to practice.’

‘But I don’t really know what I’m doing. How am I going to practice? Is there a manual or something?’

Jack chuckled. ‘Sorry young man, there’s no set of instructions. Just find a quiet hour to exercise your powers. You don’t need to meditate, you need not concentrate. Just exercise your powers like you would your body. The better you become using the skills you know you have, the easier it will be to discover new ones.’

‘How did you find me?’

‘Oh simple really. I had the chief of security at the museum review all of the videotape from last Monday, and then I ‘hired’ a private investigator to track you down. He found your cousin Nina first because she lives in New York. I paid her a visit this morning and she told me where you live. The clumsy alterations Swindon-Smythe made in the curatorial databases pinpointed the time of your visit, so thankfully we didn’t have to sit through watching hours upon hours of videotape. It was quite easy, really. A lesson to you for the future to cover your tracks better, what ho.

‘And now we come to the ineffable motive of my contact: the ring. How much do you know about the creation of the Seeds?’

Alan told him about the incident when he passed out and found the story written in his notebook, and he even went upstairs and retrieved it to show to his visitor.

‘Very good, very good. I hope you are keeping this in a safe place? You might think about a safe-deposit box.’ Alan agreed.

‘So, after Ko’un-Zir destroyed the Orbis Tertius he had five rings fashioned from the metal. He took the orb to Achnai the Smith, the best metal worker in all of Mesopotamia. To prevent it from ever being used as a weapon against the vessels, Achnai melted the orb down in his oven and then mixed the pure silver of the orb with base metals, but before he did this Ko’un-Zir had him set aside enough slag to make the five rings.’

‘What do the rings do? Do they increase my power?’

‘No, not really. They may help you to develop them faster. Your learning curve will shorten, and your mastery
of your abilities will intensify. You will be able to discover the limits of the Seed better.’

‘Do all of the vessels find rings?’

‘No, as of yet only two have been found. Both of them be me, as a matter of fact. But I’m not here for a pat on the back, don’t you know, don’t you know.’

‘If you don’t mind me asking, why are you here? Is there something you need to tell me?’

‘Well, to be perfectly honest, I have never met another vessel, though I was close to tracking down Grossman when he met his end. I left the ring at the Met on the off-chance that another vessel might encounter it there. Since New York is a major tourist attraction, and the museum is one of the most visited places there, I figured it was the best place for it.’ He paused a bit before continuing, ‘I must say, I’m frightfully excited to meet you.’

They talked for awhile longer, Dr. Massimo suggesting a few exercises for Alan to do to develop his powers, and when the hour grew late Jack took his leave, suggesting he would drop in again, but making no promises. He left an address, care of a Swiss bank, which he told Alan would forward any messages.

* * *

The next Saturday morning Alan was up with the birds. Since he had been setting aside an hour each day to exercise his Seed powers he was finding that he could get by with about half the sleep he previously needed. There was a club ride this morning and he decided to go. The local bicycling club sponsored group rides every weekend of the year, but Alan really didn’t like to ride in very cold weather, so it had been months since he last joined a ride. As he was wheeling his bike down the driveway he was startled by a voice. ‘Hello there! Hello, you on the bike?’ He looked across the road and saw a girl dressed for cycling. She was doing stretching exercises as she called out to him, and Alan crossed the road to talk to her.

‘Hello,’ she offered a gloved hand, ‘I’m Chloe, the Anderson’s au pair. And you are?’

‘Alan, Alan Marshall. I live there,’ he answered, pointing his thumb back over his shoulder to his house.

‘Nice to meet you Alan Alan Marshall,’ she joked, and they both grinned at each other.

‘I don’t think I’ve seen you before. Are you new?’ Alan was enjoying the conversation, Chloe’s sexy British accent was nice to listen to.

‘I just started a few weeks ago. The Andersons are away at Mrs. Anderson’s mum’s in Connecticut, so I’m free this weekend. Just thought I’d take a spin around the town and have a look. Where are you headed?’

Alan explained about the club ride. ‘Forget that,’ he told her, ‘Do you want to ride with me? I’ll blow off that other thing.’

‘Sure,’ she answered, and they set off. ‘I hope you can keep up with me. I’m a serious rider, unlike most of you Americans.’

‘Do you want to set the pace, or shall I?’ he asked back, a small smirk evident.

‘Better off you, I don’t think you’d be able to keep up with me. My chums and I ride long distances back in England.’

They mounted up and Alan led her down the road, keeping a moderate pace. After they’d covered a couple of miles they reached the old state highway, a thoroughfare which saw little regular vehicular traffic, less so on the weekends, and almost deserted on a weekend in the morning. The road was built in the 1930s, and unlike the new highway, which had been built three decades later, it was unevenly graded, rolling hills and valleys of asphalt. Alan picked up the pace and Chloe stayed with him. After a few more up-and-down miles he accelerated again, popping up out of the saddle to power his way up a particularly steep hill, or as it was called in the parlance of cycling, ‘a good hill.’ As he neared the crest he turned to see how Chloe was faring, and he could see her struggle to climb the incline. She too was up out of the saddle, and he could tell she was huffing and puffing.

He faced forward again and shifted out of his climbing ring into the small one. As he zipped down the hill he cranked the pedals hard, and by the computer on his handlebars he saw he was approaching seventy miles per hour. Quickly coming to another hill, albeit a smaller one, he shifted again and climbed it almost effortlessly, his momentum helping him traverse it. He hammered on the pedals for another couple of miles or so and then pulled to the side of the road and waited for Chloe to catch up. He was sitting leaned up against a tree facing the road, his bike resting against the opposite side, taking long pulls from his water bottle as she pulled up to him, gasping for breath. She laid her bike on the ground gently, walked up to him and fell to her knees in exhaustion. He pulled a second water bottle from the rear pocket of his racing jersey and held it out for her, and she grabbed it from him gratefully, falling down on her side as she did so. She pulled the valve open with her teeth, squeezed some water into her mouth, swished it around a bit and then spat, immediately returning the bottle to her mouth and sucking water like she had just crossed a desert. In less than half a minute she had drained the whole thing, and she just stayed down on the grass, breathing heavily, occasionally letting loose a groan.

‘Sorry about that,’ he said to her. She didn’t answer immediately, marshalling her energy and respiration.

‘I should be apologizing to you. I thought I was teasing you. Americans aren’t supposed to be good a cycling! They all drive cars and never exercise. You had to go and pull a David Millar on me!’

‘Figures you would pick a British cyclist!’ he roared in laughter, and she began to chuckle as well. ‘What I did was more of a Jacky Durand, you know, pulling away from the pack on a long and unadvised escape. Hey, we Yanks can bike, or have you let Lance slip your mind?’

She had managed to pull herself upright by now and was looking at him with interest. ‘So, you know a bit about racing do you? Well, you managed to tear up the road this morning. I haven’t been dropped on a ride in more than three years! David Millar’s got nothing on you.’

‘Well, I wouldn’t say that! I’ve never won a stage in the Tour de France, nor have I worn the yellow jersey like him. Though you know, of course, that he only wore the yellow because of a fluke.’

‘You take that back!’ and they both laughed. Alan pulled two bananas from his jersey and gave her one, and they munched in silence for a moment. As she stood up to go back to her bike she squealed, grabbing her thigh and collapsing to the grass. ‘CRAMP!’

‘Do you need me to help?’

‘Cheeky chap, aren’t we? Trying to get near my knickers right off the whistle, eh?’ she taunted through gritted teeth. Alan went over to her and began massaging the bothersome thigh, and using the Seed caused her knotted muscles to relax. ‘Mmmm, lovely, bloody nice.’ After a short while he helped her up and they remounted their bikes.

Alan unzipped his seat pack and pulled out a small bottle of Tylenol, and gave her two. She popped them in her mouth and pulled her water bottle from the cage on her bike, and swallowed them down. ‘Thanks love!’ she said to him, flashing a dazzling smile.

‘Do you want to keep riding, or should we head back?’

‘Back, I think. Ugh! I don’t fancy riding those hills again.’

‘We’ll go another way. Through the streets. More traffic, less hills, but a slightly longer route OK?’

She nodded, and they were off.

* * *

‘Look, I feel bad about pushing you so hard out there,’ Alan told her as they pulled onto their street, ‘Let a guy take you out for breakfast?’

‘Lovely, mate. Let me just shower off. Meet you at your house in thirty?’

‘Cool with me.’

Half an hour later Alan watched her amble across the road up to his door. He was waiting on the porch, having quickly cleaned up and changed. As he watched her approach he was taken aback by her looks. She was almost as tall as him, probably 5’9′, and she had a killer body. He had noticed
it before, when she was dressed in her tight cycling gear, but seeing her in a pair of tight jeans and form-fitting blouse she was absolutely stunning. Her long blonde hair, which had been tucked into her helmet under a bandana before, was tied in a ponytail, and he hadn’t noticed her eyes because she had been wearing sunglasses on the ride. They were pale blue, and gorgeous. Alan intercepted her in the driveway, and led her to his car. They went to a coffee shop in town and ate heartily, their appetites stoked by the ride.

‘So, tell me about yourself,’ he asked her.

‘Oh I’m just a London girl spending a wee bit in the colonies. Figure I’ll spend a half a year with the Andersons and then see a bit of this great land of yours before I head back home to University.’

‘How old are you?’

‘Well, that’s not a gentlemanly thing to ask a lady, you know! But of you must know, I’m eighteen. Just finished ‘high school’ as you Yanks call it, and have been an au pair here in the states since last summer. I go back in September.’

‘Where were you before the Andersons?’

‘I was in a small town in Pennsylvania, and I couldn’t be happier to be out of there! Thank god the mum there decided to quit her job and send me back to the agency. But enough about me, mate, tell me about you.’

‘Oh, well, there’s nothing much to tell. I’m in my last year of high school, and then I’m off to college in the fall. Columbia in New York City, though I’m hesitant to inform you that Columbia used to be called King’s College until we got wise and threw off the yoke of British oppression. ‘ She thought that was funny, and told him she was envious. She would be willing to cut off an arm to get the chance to live in New York City.

‘So that’s it? You just go to school and nothing else? Surely there’s more to you? I mean it’s not everyday you meet a guy who is both handsome and can drop a cyclist like me. Hmmm, girlfriend?’

‘There is one girl I’m seeing now.’

‘Tell me.’

He told her about Pauline, how they were friends for many years and then they went out for a bit, and stopped, and then started up again recently. ‘That’s sweet,’ she said.

‘So, you, boyfriend?’

‘Nah, not at the moment. It’s frustrating you know? Haven’t had a good snog in a long time. You sleeping with Pauline?’ She figured she would get a blush out of him, but he was nonplussed.

‘Yep. Her and a few others to be truthful.’

‘Really. Now I am fascinated. Do tell.’

‘I took Pauline’s virginity a few days ago, but I’m also sleeping with her older sister, whom I have turned into a sex slave. I’m also fucking my English teacher, and her next door neighbor. The two of them are also sleeping together.’

Chloe’s eyes were as wide as the English Channel. She had almost choked on her coffee, and her hands were shaking as she returned the cup to her saucer. ‘What did you just say?’

‘I think you heard me right.’

‘How? How? How are you doing this? I mean you are a tasty treat to look at, as I’m sure you’ve been told,’ Alan grinned at her waiting for her to continue, ‘But I mean good god man, I never would have pegged you for some sort of a satyr.’

‘There’s an easy explanation. I have the power to control minds, among other powers.’

‘Now you’re just making up stories.’

‘Want to see a demonstration?’

‘Not likely!’

‘See that waitress over there? I’ll make her drop those plates of food she’s got.’ Chloe turned, and watched her do it.

‘That doesn’t bloody prove anything!’

‘What kind of proof do you need?’

‘Do something to me. Me mum and I went to a hypnotist’s show once and he chose me from the crowd, and I was the only one who he couldn’t get to go under. Try me.’

Alan looked at her and gave it a moments thought. ‘Open your blouse and show me your tits.’

‘Yeah, right, boyo!’ But as she was protesting she began to unbutton he blouse, and after she had pulled her bra down she dropped her hands to her side. ‘Nice try, mate. You didn’t even try to put me under. The last chap had a gold watch on a chain.’

Alan looked at her chest, and she followed his gaze. ‘Oh my stars! How did you do that?’ she half-screeched as she rearranged her bra and top to cover herself back up.

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Shower Power

The heat of the day had taken its toll. I was feeling tired and impatient to getaway. Hopefully, I would get home before the rain came again, so I could get my feet up and have some well-earned rest and relaxation, as I had been so busy at work. If truth be told, I felt as though I had been meeting myself coming back. There seemed to be someone in the shop all day. I hadn’t even had the time to eat all my lunch before someone else came in looking for one book or another. A young man came in...

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Richard and I got married a month after graduating college. We struggled financially at first. He was working as a technician for a medium sized security company. His days were spent installing security systems in homes and businesses. I landed a job with a small accounting firm. I worked mostly on commercial accounts, data entry and helping prepare for audits. We saved our money religiously, but we just didn’t seem to be getting ahead. We were falling well short of our goals, both short term...

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Shy Gujarati Aunty Turned Hot

Hello all to your readers this is an experience of me Raj, with my sexy friend Pooja aunty a sexy Guajarati lady with big boobs and butts. I live in Ahmedabad in India. This is the first experience of mine at age of 25. This story starts with the place where I was just searching rooms of yahoo to find out anyone to do hot chat with me and ccidently I met Pooja, a Guajarati aunty. Pooja was coming from a decent family and as usual like most of Gujarati lady she was very shy in the chat...

2 years ago
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Hard to HandleChapter 2 I Can Give You What You Want

The mini-bar, pool table, poker table, and stylishly comfortable couches made studying in our basement a never-going-to-happen event at night unless Morgan's sorority sisters needed a quiet place for a group study session. During the day, it was good for a few hours of social studying. Translation: I don't really want to study, but I will if there's nothing else to do. A couple of days after the comic book shop incident, I was having no luck in with the nothing else part. I fell into a...

2 years ago
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She loves girls

When I met my wife she was pretty wild. I met her at a Goth club in New York’s lower east side. The first time I saw her she was on the dance floor covered in sweat and dancing hard. She had thick and luxurious jet black hair that flowed over her back, moving with the motion of her body and the heavy beat of the music. She was wearing ripped up blue jeans and a black tank top with a pink bra showing through. Her hour glass figure moved with the beat of the music in an erotic rhythm,...

3 years ago
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An Unwanted AliasChapter 14

"If someone had told me, following my rescue," I declared, "that one day, I'd be going back to China of my own free will ... I'd have said they were batshit crazy." I was wolfing down an Italian sub, complete with ham, capicola, pepperoni, Genoa salami, and a generous helping of provolone cheese, all doused with vinegar and olive oil. So much for eating right, but I was hungry, and I knew it would likely be quite a while before I had access to this brand of cuisine. Odalys, picking her...

4 years ago
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The Avon Lady

I was sitting at home not doing much on a day off when the doorbell rang. I answered it to find an attractive 30 something blonde on the other side. Good afternoon, she said, my name is Sue and I'm your new Avon lady for the area. would you be interested in taking a catalogue? I was about to explain that I lived alone bot then thought why not? I have sisters and nieces and it could be a good source of presents for them. So I invited her in and she sat on the sofa next to me. As she went through...

3 years ago
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More than a Dance

More than a Dance 4th installment in the ClubDance series By Becky Marie Prologue In our last installment, Bob/Missy experienced further humiliation at home and at work in his increasingly feminine attire. His dance classes continued and he was introduced to another sissy dancer, Dan/Daphne. Dan/Daphne was a forced-femme little sissy at the insistence of his stepmother and stepsister. Bob/Missy was also forced to endure much more time with his co-worker Joe...

4 years ago
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That One Muslim Woman

Madina was a unique Muslim woman; unique in her bravery to wear clothes that provide a spectacle/show her long-hidden treasures. Years of covering up emboldened her to give the world a good ass show with short skirts with back slits (above the knees, barely the length to cover her ample ass that she had to force through some clothes in order to get dressed) and nylons to cover her juicy legs alongside her tight black hijab. She loved the male attention at her job as a bank teller where she...

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My wife (now ex-wife) Sonia was an aerobics and yoga instructor. She worked for a small studio in the California mountains. There was also a boutique attached to the studio, where she worked as a salesperson/cashier, selling workout clothes and accessories. One day, I stopped by her favorite deli and picked up some sandwiches and soup to take by as a surprise (actually, I did this a couple of times a week, so I don’t know how big a surprise it was). When I arrived at the studio, I was the one...

2 years ago
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Family Changes

Family Changes By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 1999 May be archived to free sites "You're out of your mind!" I told Sue, my sister, older by two years. "I could never do anything like that and neither would any normal guy!" "It happens all the time," She replied with an indifferent shrug of her shoulders. "You might be surprised to find out just how many guys do it." "Queers and pansies sure," I sneered. "But no normal guy would ever consider dressing up like a...

4 years ago
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Hot Tub Service Girl

Emily here. I'm "No-boobs," remember? (From "Summertime Sex Ed.") They aren't any bigger now, even though I'm a year and a half older than I was then. I'm a sophomore at a big Midwestern state college now, with a tennis scholarship (thank you, Title 9!) I had a boyfriend in my freshman year, but it wasn't much of a relationship. For now, let's just call him LB (for Loser Boy). I fucked him and gave him a blow job from time to time, but I felt that I was investing a lot more in the...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 13

We arrived at the Denton Airport Friday afternoon. Sue's mom and dad were waiting to pick us up. During the flight, Sue and I had discussed the acceptance of Lin into her family. She said not to worry, she had talked to everyone in the past and everyone was looking forward to seeing her. Sue had a way with people and especially our families. If she accepted something, everyone respected her opinions and accepted. I knew this because I valued everything she said. Mom and dad came out to the...

1 year ago
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Random Building Maid Part 2

Hello guys, so this is a continuation of my earlier story. I’m sure you guys must have read it. In case you haven’t, I suggest you guys do that to get a feel of the build up till now. So now continuing the story. Next day I get home about the same time and quickly change and get to my plan. I see her sandals outside the same flat and keep waiting for her. This time she gets done in like 5 minutes and gets out. I just throw the condom and wait for her again. She is getting out alone and I see...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Island Day 3

Fantasy Island Day 3 (The Farewell) Darren’s story 6:00am Awoke to find Katrina was snuggled up to me on the rug by the fireplace with my arms around her. I looked down at her and as I stroked the hair off of her eyes and smiled as her nose wrinkled up when I leant down to kiss it. We had both slept naked and I could see that she must have been having a good dream as her nipples were hard and her hips were moving against my legs. The feeling of her pussy slowly grinding against my leg was...

3 years ago
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A friend fixes a couple up with a black man to fulfill the couple8217s fantasy about sharing a stranger

Diane said, “I didn’t forget about fixing you up.” Pam laughed. “Fix me up?” “You know, with a black man,” Diane said smiling. Pam’s heart beat a little quicker. Diane handed Pam a piece of paper. “Here’s his number. He lives in Round Rock and he’s bi-sexual like your husband, too.” “How do you know?” asked Pam. “I used to date him,” replied Diane. “We always did 3- somes. It’s how I met...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e4 Aiman Ali 31

We open on a photo of a geek sitting infront of a computer, looking into camera. Then fade through to a stunning bit of fantasy artwork – a large, muscle-bound and windswept hero – with the same face as the geek. Then fade to another photo, a greasy haired kid trying to look tough. Fading through to a hero with Brad Pitt ‘Fight Club’ type body, and Brad Pitt ‘A River Runs Through It’ type hair blowing in the wind. A woman’s voice, well spoken, light and friendly, with a slight...

2 years ago
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Fucking my boyfriends roommate

If you've ever read my stories or chatted with me, you know how much I love doing naughty things. My entire life I've always done things I wasn't supposed to do. Even when I was a kid I would purposely do the opposite of what I knew was right. It's such a rush. Nothing beats the feeling of doing something wrong, except getting fucked of course. But to combine the two together? Ugh, I can't even tell you the feeling. Now as a nineteen year old girl in college, I am exactly the same when it comes...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 08

Peggy Sanford actually felt her hand tremble as she slipped the DVD into the slot of the player in her bedroom. She chalked it up to the jittery mix of excitement and emotions she was experiencing. First she was sexually frustrated. It was a Thursday night and the last time she had an orgasm was on Saturday night. She and her husband flew home from their trip to France and Germany on Sunday morning. Due to the time zone change they arrived home very early on Monday morning. She took off from...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 44

Tiani, Jane, and Maria all decided they should be between my legs with their heads on my stomach some time during the night. Lisa was on my right shoulder, and Tina was on my left. Our entourage's three tiny girls were lying on their back, one between my legs and the other two beside each of my legs. This was amusing, but also confusing. How am I going to get out of this one? I lifted Tina from my left shoulder and put her next to Lisa. Then I moved Jane from my left side to next to Maria....

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MageChapter 12

It was a meeting with the full Council in attendance, accompanied by the ambassadors from the various allied Earths. They were gathered to hear what Mage Roxanne had to report on what we’d discovered on the Orc worlds. They were there in person, rather than have a mailed or memory crystalled version. Essentially, she was there to answer questions, as were the rest of us, and there were some nervous Mages in our party who had never faced the Council before. “So, progress has been made in all...

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Sex With School Friend

Hai, lusting boys and horny girls.I like ISS a lot.Stories from this site really help my imagination and i masturbate remembering them.This is my first story and forgive me if i made any mistakes.Getting to my story,my name is kumar,22yrs old from Hyderabad m a student n just an average guy. When i was in school there was this gal called vaishnavi.She was dusky n i like such a complexion.Once i saw her in saree n i liked her curves,must bE 30 at the age of 18.I lusted her ever since.I lost...

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Lets Fill Every Pair of Shoes We Own With Cum

Sharon woke up with a start. She had fallen asleep in her car again. She wiped the sticky drool from her chin. Her neck hurt. She tried to roll it out. Sharon’s neck always hurt after she took naps in her car, a 2001 Saab something or other that used to be her mom’s. It had gotten dark out in the time that Sharon had been sleeping. She tried to remember why she had gone to sleep at all. Maybe the therapy she had just come from had been especially draining. Sharon tried to promise herself that...

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Angies Dog OrgyChapter 4

Sally McLucas unlocked the front door and entered her living room, followed by a handsome, strongly built male of about thirty. She wandered about the room, switching on lights and drawing the drapes, all the time moving her well-shaped ass with an exaggerated wiggle that was coldly calculated to catch and hold the attention of her companion. Saxon had come bounding into the room at the first sound of key turning in lock, and Sally now took the big dog by the collar and led him gently but...

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Oh my sisters

Gopi was 22 years old but while all his friends in the village who were of his age, had gotten married, Gopi’s marriage was in the distant horizon. The reason was he had to work for many more years to pay off all the family debt. His father had passed away due to pneumonia attack when he was 16 without marrying off any of his four daughters and he did not leave any money behind except the house they lived in. So as soon as Gopi passed out of high school, he wrote the public service commission...

1 year ago
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fanfic Chapter 7

Tonight's the kind of night I hate, the wind is blowing. It always makes it hard to sleep I’ve been tossing and turning with unease for-- I don’t know how long now. Do I dare look at the clock? I lay in bed wrestling with the decision only to finally give in. I reach over and pick up my phone, its 1:30 am, “Crap.” I let out a frustrated sigh. I just can't fall asleep even though I'm so tired. It's the kind of night I wish I had someone I could cuddle into and feel protected someone...

4 years ago
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Paradise Trail Parts 1 2 and 3

-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) (Part Three starts at Chapter 9.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be skeptics who doubt the veracity, but that is a measure beyond my control. Forgive me if I am not the best of all authors. Truth be told, I am no author at all. If I jump from first...

2 years ago
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The Furrier

By all aspects to most people Kelly Marie Munson was an enormous success. She had inherited the fur shop from her parents as a young woman. She had sold enormously expensive fur coats to every celebrity anybody had ever heard of. She was one of the town leaders in fundraising for many of the charity events in town and the surrounding areas. She knew so many celebrities that she was constantly including them on the guest lists of high profile events for fund raising. Kelly had returned home...

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Breaking the Norm Ch 01

Ch.1 Workout to Remember It was a Tuesday morning and I was back to the daily hustle and bustle of the everyday grind. Perhaps it sucked that much more after having just returning from the sunny Caribbean, fresh off of my first cruise. (Sighs) I am already missing the fine sand between my toes, yet here I am stuck in traffic 30 minutes into a 75 minute commute to my first call of the day. Here I am 23 years old and had been working as a computer technician for about 2 years out of trade...

1 year ago
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Successfully squirting like a sissy

After getting home from a long day of work i realized i would be alone for a few hours. I haven't came in a week. An all time record for me! Then i thought about using my toys on my sissy hole. My cock stands up throbbing with agreement. I thought about trying to make my cock squirt just by use of toys sad that i don't have the real thing.I showered, cleaned out with a douche and stripped naked i sat down in front of my computer my cock rock hard.Looking on xhamster i found a few sissy trainer...

4 years ago
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A Quickie then More

I owned this little sports bar, I whispered in Lisa's ear " Let's go to the office in the back." She loves my touch. My nails scratches her smooth skin. The electricity radiated from her back to every hair on her arms and neck. She pulled the glass from her mouth, just in time to gasp. Wanting to get the dirty deed over with quickly, she unzipped my pants to fish out my throbbing cock. Pumping at my cock, wanting me to shoot off so she could go to home, Lisa can't help but to grind her...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Mom II

Chapter 1 Susan had been seduced by her son Eddie's friend, Philip, within only a few weeks of their graduation from high school. Philip had long been lusting "to do" Susan, and he'd finally taken the chance and come over to their house one afternoon when he pretty well knew Eddie, his best buddy, wouldn't be around. He wanted to fuck Susan, but he wasn't sure how Eddie would feel about knowing Philip was fucking his mom or if he'd even want to know those realities. Susan and Philip...

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The Hot Pink Dress

The Hot Pink Dress Husband who had bought himself a dress experiences more crossdressing fun at the hands of his wife and her best friend. This is a continuation of the story begun in The Green Dress. They say there is no going back in life. Time, like a river, always moves forward. So, after being made to return to the store where I had purchased a dress for myself, and then openly diving into the world of feminimity at the hands of my wife and my co-worker/her best friend,...

2 years ago
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Answer the Door

"He's here, Sissy- answer the door," she calls confidently from the dining room where I just poured her a glass of wine. I steel myself for the humiliating ritual that's been perfected through rote repetition- though the number of times it's performed, like every other degradation I suffer through on a daily basis, does little to lessen the sheer gut punch of the act of pure submission. I open the front door and step back to allow Sir through, my gaze downcast as not to make the...

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Bengali Landlady Bhabhi Became My Whore 8211 Part 6

Now, we continue from the last night incident. I fucked my Bengali landlady bhabhi Mouni very well last night and then slept in as yesterday. As usual, I woke up early in the morning. Mouni was still sleeping on me. She looked like a sleeping angel. Seeing her boobs slam on me almost woke my devil with hunger, but I controlled it. I still needed to recover from last night. I was having a lot of sex on a very short time. Even with viagra, it was still taking a lot of time! I needed to take it...

2 years ago
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Lunch with Annie and Michelle

We all head out of the office, Stuart and Michelle in the lead with Richard and me following behind. I can’t help but smile looking from one fine ass to the other. I glance over at Richard and he is doing the same he looks up at me and laughs saying,   “They do look good coming or going don’t they?”   “Mm-hmm, yes they do.” I reply as I lock the doors behind us.   “A word of advice Annie, if you’re going to play the submissive you really need to just keep your mouth shut and do as you’re told....


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