Carla And Alice free porn video

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“Lada dedadeda de, la de da, la de da,” Carla hummed a snippet of Mozart’s Minuet in G to herself as she dialed the phone.

“Hi, Carla! What are you up to, girlfriend?” Alice asked into the phone.

“How did you know… oh, duh. Caller ID. Silly me. I just finished an experiment, and thought I’d bring it over to share, and get yours and Gerald’s opinion on it,” Carla replied.

“Experiment, huh? So you want me to be your guinea pig? How do I know it’s edible? What is it, anyway?”

“I promised the Women’s Club I’d bring a homemade cheese cake to our next meeting, and since I hadn’t made one in about three years, thought I’d better do an experimental run. I think it’s pretty good, but I upped the ratio of lemon juice, and wanted someone who isn’t quite as enamored of tart flavors as I to taste it.”

“Well, I can taste it for you, but if you want Gerald’s opinion, you’ve called on the wrong weekend. He and his brother Ron are in Maine, salmon fishing with their father this week.”

“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that,” Carla lied. “Well, you can taste it and see what you think. That is, if you haven’t anything on today.”

“Well, actually, I AM clothed, but that could be easily remedied,” Alice laughed.

“Smart ass,” Carla replied. “Not on, as in ‘wearing anything’, Silly; on as in ‘going on’.”

“Nothing special. I was just going to do some laundry, and read Lush stories on my laptop while I sit on the washer during the spin cycle.”

Carla giggled, and said, “I’ll be over in about fifteen … no, on second thought, make that an hour. That way, you’ll have time to get yourself off and catch your breath before I get there.”

“Why not just come over now? You can help.”

“Help you do laundry?” Carla asked in mock horror.

“No, Silly. The other.”

Carla giggled. “I thought you’d never ask. I’ll be right over.”

She hung up the phone, gathered up her purse and the cheese cake, and headed toward the front door. She glanced at herself in the hall mirror as she passed, and suddenly realized she needed to put something on over the tank top, in case she should meet anyone on the street. It would never do to put someone’s eye out with these sharp nipples, she thought to herself, as she pulled a sweatshirt over her head. She slipped her feet into a pair of flats, and went out the door.

Alice was frantically running around the living room, gathering bits and pieces of clothing in her arms. Oh, Lord, that would have been embarrassing, she thought as she snagged Gerald’s tie and one of his socks from atop the curtain rod. Her mind wandered back to the previous night’s frolicking. I don’t think we’ve been that eager to tear into each other’s clothing since that first night in this house five years ago, she thought. It’s amazing what a few erotic email messages during the day can do for your evenings. Then, thinking about Carla’s eminent arrival, I wonder which roll we left on the piano. Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I’m sure it’s something suitable. “Lada dedadeda de, la de da, la de da,” she hummed to herself as she climbed the stairs with an armload of clothing.

Bing-bong! The doorbell rang just as Alice unceremoniously dumped the armload of clothing onto the bed. “It’s open!” she shouted, assuming it was Carla, and not the UPS man or somebody else. Com’on in. I’m upstairs, putting clothes away. There’s coffee in the kitchen. I’ll be right down.”

Carla let herself in, and went through the living room to the dining room toward the kitchen. She saw what appeared to be one of Gerald’s socks lying in the open piano, and smiled to herself.

Setting the cheese cake on the counter, she opened a cupboard and took out a coffee mug. She was just finished filling it, when Alice appeared in the doorway, her finger hooked through the handle of an empty mug.

“While you’re at it, do you mind giving me a refill?” Alice asked.

“Not at all. While I fix our coffee, and slice the cake, you can go take the dust rag out of the piano,” Carla said, and gave Alice a big grin.

Alice blushed, set the coffee mug down, and hurriedly left the room. Presently, she reappeared, tucking something into the pocket of her jeans.

Carla, seeing her chance to needle a bit, said, “I like to put my socks into my jeans pockets when I wash them. That way, I’m not giving one away each time I do a load of laundry.”

Alice burst out laughing, then. “Busted,” she said. “Can’t snake anything past you, can I?” She took the sock back out of her pocket, and laid it on the edge of the counter.

“I saw some of the email messages yesterday,” Carla said. “I don’t know why Gerald keeps forgetting that nothing on a company computer is private. Sometimes, for an attorney, he is incredibly trusting.”

“Speaking of attorneys, what is my favorite kinky female attorney doing in a Women’s Club? I thought that was a bunch of old blue-stockings sitting around talking about aphids on the heliotrope and how to beautify the neighborhood. You know; Lady Bird saying, ‘Plant a sher-ub’ and such.”

“It’s a long story. Let’s cut the cake, and I’ll tell you, while you taste it.”

Alice handed Carla a knife, and went into the dining room to get two dessert plates. “Here,” she said, setting them on the counter next to Carla. “Put it on these, and bring them into the dining room. I’ll take the mugs of coffee in, and get out a couple of forks and napkins.”

As they ate their cheese cake, Carla explained how, when she was an undergraduate student, majoring in horticulture and business, she thought it might be wise to join a local garden club. “So after I passed the bar, and moved here, they forwarded my contact information to the local Women’s Club. I was going to ignore them, but then I thought maybe it would be a way to meet some discreet like-minded women.”

“Closet dykes, you mean?” asked Alice.

“Yes, though you needn’t be quite so crass about it. And, as it turns out, quite a few of those, what did you call them? Blue-stockings? Have some VERY kinky skeletons in the closet. They are also a convenient source of divorce casework.”

“Horticulture, huh? What’s that old adage? You can lead a horticulture …”

“But you can’t make her think,” finished Carla. “Yes, I’ve heard them all. Now, of course, I legally charge for my services.”

“Okay, okay!” laughed Alice. “Enough with the bad puns, already. You’ll make coffee come out of my nose.”

“What’s in a name? That which we call a nose still smells …”

“STOP IT!” Alice exclaimed, laughing.

“… what we eat,” Carla finished. “Speaking of which, what do you think?”

“It’s pretty good,” Alice said. “But I’ll bet I know what would improve it.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ll show you.”

Alice stood then, and took up the empty plates, heading to the kitchen. She crossed over to the counter, and sliced another piece of cheese cake and placed it on one plate. Carrying it through the dining room, she said over her shoulder, “Well, are you coming or not?”

“Where?” Carla started to ask, and then her mouth formed an ‘O’ as Alice opened the door to the basement stairs, and flicked on the light.

Alice led the way down the stairs, and pressed a switch at the bottom. The room lighting dimmed and Carla found herself stepping off the bottom step into the wine cellar of an old French bistro. The walls were dingy with what appeared to be tobacco smoke stains, and the vaulted ceiling was plastered with labels peeled from bottles. There were several wall sconces. Alice crossed the room to a small table along one wall, and opening a drawer, withdrew a box of wooden matches. She struck one and proceeded to light the candles in the sconces.

“Oh, my!” Carla exclaimed. “You guys really did this room up right, didn’t you?”

“Well,” Alice replied over her shoulder, “Gerald and I wanted a wine tasting room, and after we put in the vaulting, he had the bright idea to paint the walls with a mix of yellows and browns, to imitate the smoke-stained walls of an old European-style bistro wine cellar. Then we really got ‘into it’ and decided to plaster the ceiling with all those labels we had been keeping in our wine tasting card file. Here’s what I thought ought to go with the cheesecake.”

She placed a bottle of Penfolds Grandfather Port on the small tasting table. Reaching into the cupboard beneath the table, she got out a pair of Reidel port glasses, and poured a generous measure into each.

Carla reached for her glass, and Alice stopped her, saying, “Wait. Try this; the pièce de résistance ,” and popped a small chocolate truffle into Carla’s open mouth.

Carla let the chocolate melt in her mouth, and followed it with a sip of port. She could taste the almost too sweet, too sharp chocolate flavor being dissolved, absorbed and smoothed by the flavors of the port. “Oh. My. God.” she whispered. “That is positively orgasmic.” She could feel her crotch swelling, and clamped her legs together.

“Now have a bite of cheesecake,” Alice suggested.

“But you’re too far away, Dear,” Carla giggled.

“Smart ass.”

“Everyone needs one …” Carla started to say.

“It helps you sit better,” they said in unison, and burst into laughter.

Carla had a small bite of cheesecake as instructed, and was pleasantly surprised to find the tangy, slightly citrusy flavor of the lemon cheesecake made a perfect complement to the sultry sweet warmth of the chocolate and port.

Alice stood up from her stool at the tasting table, and went ‘round to Carla’s back. Wrapping her arms around Carla’s waist, she nuzzled the side of Carla’s neck and softly breathed into her ear, “Wait here, and have another sip of port. Your comment about chocolate and port has given me an idea. I’ll be right back.” She released her, and turning, walked across the room and scampered up the stairs.

The whispering into her ear, and Alice’s warm breath on her neck only served to further charge Carla’s libido. She listened to the floor creak above her as Alice crossed the living room, and reached for her glass. As she was raising it to her lips, she heard the piano start up with the strains of Mozart’s Minuet In G. Knowing as she did that the vacuum pump for the player piano was connected to the devices in the “play room” next door, she opened and closed her legs involuntarily, and her lips began to engorge.

She swirled the port in her mouth, feeling its sensual velvety texture sliding over her tongue and against the roof of her mouth. As she did, she could taste a hint of old oak, brandy and leather. The velvety feel combined with the flavors reminded her of penis and English Leather cologne. Swallowing the mouthful, she felt a subtle hint of citrus and pepper lingering at the back of her palate. Her breathing was becoming a little uneven, and she leaned back in the high stool, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Alice arrived at the bottom of the stairs just in time to see Carla’s ample breasts rise, and her nostrils flare. She was carrying a box of plastic refrigerator wrap in her left hand, and she placed it on the table.

“I think we need to cover the rest of the cheese cake so it won’t get stale,” Alice said, and proceeded to unroll a piece long enough to cover the plate. “I think it will cling to the polyurethane surface of the table,” Alice said, ”at least well enough to last for the next hour or two, while we repair to the playroom with our port. Come, Carla, grab your glass and let’s go see what trouble we can get into.” She took Carla’s free hand in hers, and walked over to the hidden door.

Pressing on the upper right corner of the door using the back of her hand that held the glass, Alice opened the door to the basement “playroom”. She released Carla’s hand and turned to switch on the lights.

Carla involuntarily took in a sharp breath. She had been to the room many times, but seeing it never ceased to elicit a little reaction of surprise and excitement. It seemed to her that each time she first entered the room; she saw something hanging on the wall, or noticed something about one of the pieces of equipment that she had never noticed before.

The room was as large as the upstairs dining room, which was large enough to graciously seat eighteen for formal dinner. The light glittered off the chains, shackles and spreader bars neatly hung on one wall; and shone dully off the large copper air tank in the corner. The smell of leather permeated the room, and Carla was reminded of the well-kept tack room where she often went horseback riding. She briefly thought of the feel of a strong horse’s back beneath her, the saddle occasionally rubbing her nether parts as she picked her way along the wooded trails she so loved. She remembered and smiled at how the white blossoms of serviceberry and dogwood lit up the open areas in the woods, and how the spring beauties littered the floor.

Her brief reverie was broken when Alice said, reading from a notebook lying open on the desk, “Last time we were playing, you said you’d like to try the breast suction cups.”

“Yes, I did. I was intrigued by them, and wondered how they would feel as my nipples hardened at the moment of orgasm.”

“Well, dear you’re in for a treat. Gerald has modified them slightly. He added electrical contact rings at the base of the cups, and copper cones around the suction ports. As your breasts are drawn into them, you get impulses from the TENS box he mounted under the table. Be careful, though. Turn the power and wavelength up very slowly; it’s easy to make them really painful if you turn the knobs too quickly.”

“Oh, I don’t know about electricity…” Carla started to say.

“It is AMAZING, girlfriend. You’ll love it, believe me. Here, I’ll show you.”

So saying, Alice reached out with both hands and in one motion pulled Carla’s sweatshirt and tank top over her head. “NOW, stand there a minute, while I stick these pads to you.”

Alice placed one pad on the underside of Carla’s breast, and another just above the nipple. Carla’s nipple hardened as Alice touched her breast. Alice attached leads to the two pads, and handed Carla a black box with three knobs on it. “Okay,” she said. “The left knob controls the pulse rate, the middle one the width, and the right knob controls the power. Why don’t you start with the rate and width in the center position. Now slowly turn on the power.”

Carla did as she was told, and was surprised to feel like her breast was being vibrated from inside. It was like having a vibrator placed on her nipple, but it seemed to come from deep within her breast, and permeated throughout it. Her nipple was standing very hard, and she felt almost as if someone was sucking on it. She turned the power up a bit more, and the vibration became more intense, until she suddenly decided it was too much, and quickly turned the control back down. She stood there, breathing heavily, and suddenly realized that her pussy was soaking wet, and she could feel herself completely engorged. “Holy shit!” she exclaimed. “That thing is amazing! I have a Hitachi vibrator, and have put it on my breast before, but it is nothing compared to that thing. That thing feels like it has a gas powered chainsaw motor inside my boob.”

“Incredible, isn’t it? But chainsaws and boobs? You sound like a grade B movie.” She went on, “Now do you want to try the suction cups?”

“Oh, Lord, yes!” Carla quickly stripped off her shorts, and peeled the electrode pads from her breast. Holding her hand out, with one pad stuck to each of her first two fingers, she asked, “What do I do with these?”

“Oh, I know just the place for them.” Taking one from Carla’s hand, “Spread your legs,” she ordered.

Carla did as she was told, and Alice bent down and placed one pad on the smooth skin next to Carla’s clitoris.

“Okay, now give me the other one.” Alice placed it on the opposite side, and connected the leads to them. “Now, lay back on the table, Dear, while I fasten your wrists and legs.”

When she had Carla securely affixed to the table, she wheeled the air-powered fucking machine into place between Carla’s legs and inserted the end of the dildo into her vagina. She opened the valve, and the machine started moving in and out, making a slight hissing noise as it did.

Carla gasped involuntarily as she felt herself being filled. She closed her eyes and listened to the strains of Minuet in G from the player piano. The machine was still thrusting in and out, and she could feel the butterflies beginning in her tummy.

Next, Alice lowered the cups to Carla’s breasts, and opened the suction valve slowly. Carla arched her back and moaned softly as her breasts were drawn up into the cups. When her nipples were firmly against the top contact in the cups, Alice said, “Okay, Love. Now turn on the power.”

Carla slowly turned the power knob. She could feel her breasts being vibrated and it felt as if her nipples were harder than they had ever been. She was just about to turn it off, when the power stopped. She gasped and started to say something, when suddenly she felt a vibration at her clitoris. The vibrations grew stronger and stronger until she almost felt they were too much, when they stopped. Almost immediately, her breasts began vibrating again. She heard herself then, almost as if from a distance. She was making moaning and gasping sounds, and her stomach felt as if she was going to have cramps. She began thrusting her hips wildly into the machine as it moved into her, and her voice rose in pitch. She felt like she was right on the edge of orgasm, but couldn’t go over the top. “Oh, please, please,” she begged, “let me come, Alice.”

Alice laughed, and turned off the machinery.

“Oh, God,” Carla gasped.” Oh shit. Please. Don’t stop now, dammit.”

Alice reached out and gently wiped a strand of hair off Carla’s forehead. She leaned over, and kissed her gently on the lips. Carla opened her mouth, begging for Alice’s tongue, but Alice held her head up slightly, and Carla was forced to just lie there and take whatever she could get. Alice’s tongue darted out, and she quickly swiped it across Carla’s parted lips. “Soon enough, my Sweet. Soon enough,” Alice said, and slowly opened the valves once again.

Carla gasped as the power came back on in the TENS machine, and the dildo started moving in her again. She could feel her moisture running out and down into the entrance to her anus.

Alice turned the speed up slightly on the fucking machine, and then lightly raked her fingernails across Carla’s abdomen.

Carla’s stomach muscles contracted involuntarily, and she felt her insides clamping around the artificial cock. Her legs began shaking uncontrollably, and her stomach muscles were clamping and releasing and clamping down again, spasmodically. Her nipples felt as if they were in a vise and the pain felt so good. It felt to her as if there was a direct connection between her nipples straight to her crotch. She heard a switch click, and suddenly the electric vibrations were on her nipples and her clitoris all at once. She rolled her head from side to side wildly, and suddenly came, gushing a torrent of fluid from her vagina. She screamed as she did, and Alice hit the kill switch that suddenly stopped everything.

The suction slowly went out of the cups, and Carla’s breasts began to recede from the cups and sag to the sides. Her chest was heaving up and down, and perspiration was beaded across her upper lip and forehead.

Alice pressed her hand on Carla’s abdomen, and with the other hand slowly wheeled the fucking machine backward, withdrawing the dildo.

Carla moaned as it left her, and felt a sudden emptiness. Her eyes began to tear up, and she felt her tears rolling from the corners of her eyes toward her ears. She wondered why she was crying. She had just had the most powerful orgasm of her life; she should be laughing. And then, just as suddenly as she had started crying, she did laugh. It was a long peel of laughter than came from deep inside, and she tried to raise her arms to hug Alice.

Alice quickly released all the buckles, climbed onto the table with Carla, and wrapped her in her arms.

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Carla and Carrie II

As our mouths met, Carrie lowered herself onto my hard cock. She moaned as my cock went deep inside her. Carla moved some. Carrie couldn’t help herself. Her movements became more pronounced. Faster. She wanted to cum. Carla was waking up. Her eyes opened to see her daughter’s face and my face close and our lips together. We looked at Carla and she smiled. Her hand came up and over to us caressing our cheeks. At that moment Carrie had her morning orgasm. Her pussy gushing her juices out and...

3 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 12

To reiterate, Carla absolutely hated the thought of clothes when she was around the house (and, as time went on, whenever she could get away without clothes away from home, she did so). Carla always called nudity "addicting." In the spring and summer of '85 or so, when Carla's young girlfriend Cheryl started hanging around our place, I noticed that Carla was also increasingly growing addicted to not only being nude, but showing herself off. Cheryl was the one who got the most blatant...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 15

Carla explained that they'd just finished rehearsing a pivotal scene in which both she and her leading man ended up nude and heated up onstage, making love. "Actually, it's more like fucking than making love, I think, but Charles - he's the director of the play - well, he may disagree. Anyway, I'm dripping, see?" And I could see the shine of perspiration still on her body, vibrant in the trio of red, blue and purple spotlights shooting down from the rafters. But I also noticed that...

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Carlas Inhibitions

I just can't stop thinking about sex.I wake up in the morning, and it's like I have this uncontrollable impulse to masturbate. Thankfully the shower has that sprayer on a hose so it only takes me a few minutes to get myself off.Most times now when I go to class, I think about having sex with almost every boy I see. Jocks, geeks, teachers, even the derpy goth k**s. And when changing for PE I find myself thinking about what the girls in my class would be like having sex. Oh no, not actually...

4 years ago
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CarlaThis story is fictional (much as it pains me to say) and, if it does in any way resemble anything close to reality, it is entirely coincidental. The first chapter is slow, but any following chapters will be very graphic.She sat at a desk, leg nervously thrumming away as the meaning of what she read crashed through her. Taking a deep breath, Carla leaned back in her chair, wincing against the sharp sound of creaking wood. She was taking a stupid risk as it was – spending any longer in the...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 4

After Carla's "accidental" nude display, Tommy started spending a lot more time around our apartment. He became Carla's "swimming buddy" as she called him. Tommy became such a fixture that his uncle, a single parent who lived on the apartment complex grounds several buildings away from us, worried that he was becoming a nuisance. Carla met him at the pool one day and told him not to worry, that Tommy was good company and that he was helping her with some projects around the house. I was...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 8

Carla loved to be nude so much that she called it "addicting." The minute she got to our apartment, off came the few clothes she bothered to wear sandals, cutoff shorts and a blouse. She never wore a bra and only once in a very great while did she bother with a micro-thin thong. If we were in for the rest of the day and night, then Carla was nude for the duration. If we happened to be running to the grocery store quickly, she'd usually wear an oversized T-shirt that ended about two or...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 3

About two weeks later, we were spending a sunny Saturday basking by the apartment's swimming pool. This provided Carla with another way to show off, although I was surprised that her hot-pink bathing suit was surprisingly modest. I actually teased her about the suit and asked if she was losing interest in exhibitionism. Hardly, she explained. She just figured she was going to ease her way into more daring public exposure. A few minutes before we were going to pack up and call it a day, a...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 9

One of the things I discovered before too much time passed was that this particular pizza-boy flashing incident was much bolder than the first one Carla and I engaged in together. Shortly after I got home on the night of the "pizza flashing" incident with Cheryl, Carla said she was going to crash early. I could tell she was pretty bombed, so I told Cheryl that I was going to go tuck her in (more like tuck into her). As soon as we got to our bedroom, Carla and I attacked each other. She...

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Carlas wild initiation

When living in Savannah, I used to attend my girlfriend Shelley’s lingerie party meetings.We had become a very nice group of bitches. Sometimes a new girl could be invited; but she could be considered part of the group after passing an initiation… When Shelley invited me for the next meeting, she warned me that Carla would be there for her very first time. Carla was a nice young babe in her early twenties; she was Shelley coworker and the girl was hot. She had been addressed some lines about...

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Carla Goes Cougar

Carla was talked into going by her friend Lillian, although it wasn't hard to do. A motel twenty miles down the highway had a pool party every Wednesday night and Lillian came up with the idea of going down on some hot July night. They could get a room for the night, party it up as late as they wanted and sleep it off in the morning. Besides, they could get lucky and meet some men. It seemed like a good plan for a couple of over-forty divorcees, so Carla decided she was up for it. So Lillian...

1 year ago
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Carla has fun

Note : This story is completely fictional! Carla lay in bed with Garry his brother. She never wore panties or a bra. She was a slut and her boyfriend knew it. They had come back from a night of drinking and her Garry thought a threesome would be exciting. "Kiss her Donald" said Garry. Carla opened her mouth and let Donald her. Then the brothers took turns sucking her breasts. She moaned with pleasure and spread her legs."She's ready now, do her" urged Garry.Donald jabbed his prick in the girl's...

5 years ago
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A married, but promiscuous, female PhD psychology professor, Jennifer, 32, has a steamy affair with her female housecleaner, Carla, 24. Their summer together and the year that followed were life-changing for them both. Their lust and love was intense and gratifying. They feverishly coupled three and four times a week while, Ray, Jennifer’s hubby, was on frequent business travel. The story is arousing and stimulating, and will heighten the senses of men and women, alike. The author hopes you...

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Carla Our BiMFM threesome

I had run into Carla at the deli a couple times during the week. She gave me a nod and a wink, we spoke briefly but nothing about the wild sex that we were having. Saturday morning, she texted me and asked me to come to her house around noon. I got there and she was wearing a black lacy skirt with pink panties visible through the fabric. She had on a loose fitting black sweater and she looked hot. Her freckles looked so pronounced and her thighs looked so inviting. She guided me out to the back...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 14

Carla's involvement in her latest play meant a cool-down period of sorts in the sexual arena for us. This is not say that we no longer had sex -- indeed, we did, to the tune of at least once every night or so -- but the extracurricular and obsessive nature of our sexual antics slowed to a comfortable simmer. At least they did for me. But as you can tell from the previous chapter, Carla's libido took no back seat when it came time for me to do some serious buckling down due to school and...

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Carla and Carrie

Life was difficult for her she said. I shared some things about my life. Later in another series of text we share more. I asked if I could give her advice. She really wanted to meet, needing the money. I said I could not at that time. A few days passed; Carla sent a text. We chatted some. Later that evening, I said I could meet, asking just to talk. She agreed. We meet, talked, and I gave her $150. We hugged. A few days later another text from her, I gave her some ideas. After that...

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Carla the BBW A little weekday fun

Carla had the week off and her k** had school so she was free for several hours during the day. She called me this morning and asked me to stop by if I had a little time. So, I quickly showered, dressed and went to Carla's. She answered the door wearing a long t-shirt that went down to her knees, I figured she didn't have much else on and was hungry for some action.She suggested that we sit on the couch, but I suggested the bedroom. Carla smiled and I followed her to her bedroom. As soon as we...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 7

Carla behaved for a few weeks after the Tommy incident. I think whatever occurred at the condo spooked her. I'm not saying that Tommy did something to her or threatened her in any way. Rather, I think that Carla's own desires and her capacity to go full-throttle into major taboo territory shook her up. In other words, she scared herself. The result was a strong attempt on my girlfriend's part to channel her desires into our own sex-life. Carla is the only woman I know whose libido matched...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 10

I don't know if it was my being constantly exposed to Carla's own exhibitionism or if I simply got tired of being a voyeur, but in time, my own dormant exhibitionist tendencies flared up. I think that for a long time I grew quite satisfied to obtain my exhibitionist thrills vicariously, by watching Carla exhibiting herself. I got off on the idea of my girlfriend taking center stage and enjoying it so immensely. Some of you reading this story can surely relate to the thrill you can get by...

4 years ago
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Carla the Wallflower

The wallflower, everyone I know knows at least one. You know that girl or guy that is always there but know one wants to be in a relationship with them. They are usually a little nerdy, and are always there to help sort things out. They are usually on the chess team or the math team or something like that. Carla, was the one wallflower that really stands out in my head. I knew her in high school, and although we talked all the time, I didn’t really feel attracted to her. Right out of high...

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Carla Chapter 5

Previously in ‘Carla.’ Carla is a professional bodyguard and assigned to protect the CEO of a large pharmaceutical company who has been targeted by animal rights activists. She was shot in one attack. Now fully recovered she has employed a former colleague, Harry, to help her find the assassins and to check out a woman, Angie, who had got close to her. She feared she was potentially connected to the killers, and using Carla as a source of information. Angie had disappeared briefly, and Harry...

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Carla The Cute BBW School Teacher

I've seen Carla around town a lot over the last several years. I'd often run into her in the supermarket or the d**gstore, but in the last few months our paths have crossed a lot at a local deli. It turns out that we both stop in for our morning coffee around the same time at the same deli. We would often have small talk and would joke around as we stood in line. Sometimes (usually in summer) she would have her son with her, I think he's in 3rd or 4th grade. As I got to know her from our brief...

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Carla The Cute BBW Teacher

I've seen Carla around town a lot over the last several years. I'd often run into her in the supermarket or the drugstore, but in the last few months, our paths have crossed a lot at a local deli. It turns out that we both stop in for our morning coffee around the same time at the same deli. We would often have small talk and would joke around as we stood in line. Sometimes (usually in summer) she would have her son with her, I think he's in third or fourth grade. As I got to know her from our...

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Carla Returns

Lauren arrived back at her hotel, the Hotel Stein, one of Frankfurt’s finest at around 9pm that Saturday night. Throughout the day she’d been shepherded by two local bodyguards, Erich and Hanse, since Carla and Frank were not allowed to carry weapons in Germany. She was glad finally to be alone. The hotel had plenty of security and she felt quite safe. Every visitor and guest had to pass through x-ray checks and there was discreet muscle everywhere. She collected her key from reception and made...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 6

The beach episode was one bout of exposure after the other. Carla wore a thin top that consisted of the proverbial tiny twin triangles doing their best to conceal her pendulous breasts. The bottom consisted of a tiny-string that her puffy bald pudenda bulged out in a cute triangular-shaped package. She was a sight. Men and women alike ogled her. Some lusted after her, some admired her tan, and some probably couldn't believe she could be that audacious in the company of her boyfriend and...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 2

Carla took to wearing very little around the house. In fact, she was stark naked at home most of the time. If she got home from class or the store, the first thing she did was pull off her blouse or t-shirt and kick off her shorts. She never wore underwear. If she wasn't going anywhere that day, she stayed nude all day and night. On many occasions she stayed nude for forty-eight and seventy-two-hour stretches. Carla called them her "nudie marathons." My girlfriend was also often stark...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 5

Carla and I saved up enough to get away to a beach condo for the weekend. I was looking forward to watching my beautiful girlfriend shamelessly display herself in one of her many thong bikini bottoms. It was a topless beach and I knew that Carla would take every opportunity to display her beauty. Little did I know that she had exhibition plans of her own that would make my own projections of things to come seem pretty tame. "Baby, don't be mad," Carla said after a very satisfying...

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Carla and a New Position 2

There is, if you look, a bar like it in every town. Back home it was Ernie’s; a small friendly bar where women meet other women. In LA, where I found myself working as close protection for an actress, Faye Millerton, it was Matt’s. A good friend, Hannah, had recommended it and when Steph had to go home. It was where I went to fill the vacuum her departure left. I’ll explain why Steph had to go home a bit later on.One Friday evening while Millerton was in DC attending a ball at the White House I...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Carla 3

When Lauren is busy so is everyone around her. She’s driven and drives her staff. Sometimes it is difficult because although she recognises the need for security, especially in the light of the threats, she is adamant in not curtailing her activity. ‘If I do that, they’ve won, beaten me. I’m not having that.’ A great attitude but not always easy for Frank and me to persuade her to take sensible precautions. Like the night she had a date with a woman in Edinburgh. She wanted to fly to save time...

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My Weekend with George and Alice

I took a deep breath and reached for the doorbell. I could hardly believe I was really going to go through with this. And I was still pretty sure that they would back out at the last minute. But what the hell, I pushed the button. Let me give you a brief overview of how I got to this point. Not long ago my live-in girlfriend of about five years had run off with a mutual friend. Some friend! And since then I hadn't met a woman I was even interested in enough to get to know well. I was stuck in...

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Alan Alice

Alan-Alice by Unknown Alan had gone off to work with an "uneasiness" he couldn't describe. He had indulged his desire to spend hours dressed in pretty feminine maternity wear for almost forty years and through most of his married life his wife knew of his interest, though all his "advances" to have her "participate" fell on disinterested ears. The prior day he had spent a full day "dressed", and it seemed as always, his wife, Susan, was "down" after these "extended"...

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Alice worked for the department store for several years. Recently she witnessed several changes. The corporate executives brought in new managers to increase sales. Mr. Jake Benton was assigned to the store where Alice worked. When Mr. Benton spoke to the group where Alice worked he stressed that there would be lay-offs and poor performance would be grounds for termination. Alice remembered how large Jake Benton looked. He was black, over six feet tall and appeared extremely muscular. He...

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Kevins coach and his daughter Alice

Kevin is an 18 y/o, blond-blue eyed, very successful sports student, promising a bright future. When his coach Mr. Adams invited Kevin over for dinner, Kevin was very excited.Coach Adams was a handsome,fit and lean, salt & pepper type, grey haired guy in his late 40s', Kevin was gazing admiringly at all these gold and silver cups Coach Adams won since his early teens in the living room when he heard Mrs. Adams' voice, letting them know that dinner was ready.It was Kevin's first time meeting...

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Who The FK is Alice

Hello, Little Miss. This is the first in what I'm going to call my "Little Miss" selection. They are stories I've written over the years which, for reasons of embarrassment at having written so many stores of a (fairly) similar ilk, and also that I was never particularly happy with them as a whole, I didn't publish. Then I thought, get over yourself! Who cares? You're not Dickens, King or some famous high-brow author (the ones I pretend I've read) and never will be. There may be...

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AliceDDR - 1980Alice, eine wundersch?ne 22-j?hrige Frau, mit den Traumma?en 92 – 58 – 94 und h?ftlangem honigfarbenem Haar. Ihre gro?en, runden und vollen Br?ste wippen elastisch auf und ab, wenn sie grazil an einem vorbeischreitet. Ihre Haut ist leicht gebr?unt, ganz glatt und seidig weich. Mit ihren 1,84 m ist sie f?r eine Frau ?berdurchschnittlich gro?. Wenn man ihre Beine anschaut, kommt es einem vor, als w?rden sie nie enden, so lang sind sie. Mit ihrer Schuhgr??e 40 hat sie f?r ihre K?rpergr??e ehe...

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A Friend of Mine Called Alice

A Friend of Mine Called Alice ? I am more than a little feminine in looks with very little hair on my body and a smallish frame, some women have commented that I'm too good looking for a guy! I've always found it really hard to attract my ideal woman, the women I like always seem to want the sporty macho types rather than my offbeat creative nature. All that began to change the moment I met my beautiful Alice. I have written my story to let those of you who struggle with...

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