Alan Ch. 23 free porn video

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Lord Thornbow leaned back, the leather desk chair squeaked slightly as he did so. Mr. Patel stood to the right of his boss’s desk, facing the visitor, his eyes had a distracted look about them, but his ears taking in all.

‘I might have a way, but,’ the supplicant began, his accent thick, but Thornbow cut him off mid-sentence.

‘I am wholly uninterested in ‘mights,’ Takuya-san. Have you, or have you not?’

The visitor hesitated, and shuddered slightly, either in fear of his host or his proposed solution, he knew not. ‘Hai. Y-yes.’ He nodded, his body language communicating that he was pulling out the last resort option, an option he would sooner not have to use. It was not too late, he mused, though if he continued on this course, the point of no return was imminent Mr. Patel excused himself to the small private office just off that of his Lordship’s. The smaller room was wired for sound, so he would be able to hear the offer without Takuya knowing. His choice was now made. There was no turning back.

As the Japanese visitor handed over a folder he pleaded with Lord Thornbow, ‘In exchange for this you must promise me two things. I must regain complete control of my family, and,’ dropping his voice to a whisper, ‘He must die, he must–this I demand.’

Thornbow slowly turned the pages in the folder, moistening his the tip of his index finger as he did so to facilitate the action. He did not answer until he had completed the dossier. As he closed the folder he deigned to answer. ‘Agreed, but you must leave the artifact with me.’

Takuya opened his attaché case and removed a small chamois bag with a drawstring at the top and handed it across the desk to Lord Thornbow, who opened it and removed a piece of mineral greatly resembling obsidian, about the size of a child’s fist. Oblong, tapering to the end to form a blunted point, the dark glass-like substance seemed to have a luster to it belying its black hue. Lord Thornbow noted that it was surprisingly warm to the touch.

‘When she has completed the task for me, when delivery is made, I will return this to you, and not before. Then he will die. The control of your family will once again be yours. I need not say, Takuya-san, that I am a man of my word.’

‘No, indeed, Your Lordship, you need not,’ was the answer the Japanese visitor gave as he stood and then bowed formally.

Mr. Patel returned and showed the visitor to the door.

* * *

It was a hot day in the concrete jungle that is Manhattan. Alan waited on the stoop in the early morning, the contractor due to arrive at any moment. A few minutes before nine Wilkins arrived, his briefcase bulging. The closing on the house, a medium-sized single-family brownstone in the West Nineties, just west of Amsterdam Avenue, had taken place at Wilkins’s office the Friday before, and Jack would be arriving in two days, renting an apartment on a short-term basis at the Apthorp until the renovation and modifications were complete. Alan was glad to see Stan, because he himself did not have a set of keys with which to allow the workers to enter.

Wilkins pressed Alan about coming into the office one day over the coming week. ‘It’s a feeding frenzy! The amount of money just laying around is enormous. I’ve talked to Bernard, and he thinks this contract could just about equal all of the work the company has ever done, in pure dollar amounts.’ The chaos in Iraq, specifically the looting of the National Museum and Library had necessitated the U.S. government to put out a request for bids for contractors to coordinate the restoration of the collections, including recataloging all of the recovered items, and a setting up of a system, in conjunction with Interpol, for tracking the illicit trade in looted artifacts. ‘We’re talking low eight figures, Alan. We need to set up a conference call with Rome, us, and Neil. We need Neil back here, or at the very least, in Rome. We need to hire a lobbyist, someone who knows who has the juice in Washington, and most importantly we need Jack to get in on this. He has the most knowledge.’

‘Yeah, totally,’ Alan put in, trying to stanch the lawyer’s over enthusiasm. ‘I’ll talk to him when he gets in. Pencil in Thursday or Friday, but I’ll let you know.’ He checked his watch, worried about the parking meter and missing Kate’s flight. ‘It’s a good thing Jack can travel so soon,’ he added absently, as he bid a good day to his attorney, and headed to his car.

Kate’s flight was late, so he bought a coffee from a stand in the Marine Air Terminal at LaGuardia. She had taken off from a small airport in Maine, and then transferred to the shuttle in Boston. When the flight arrived, only about ten minutes late, Alan watched the stream of passengers as they came out, but Kate was one of the last off the plane.

‘Am I ever happy to be home,’ she said wearily as they made their way to out of the terminal.

At first glance she looked good. Alan had never really seen her with a tan, but even her near-religious application of sun block during her canoe trips in Maine had not prevented Kate’s usually porcelain from bronzing. She was wearing a halter top tucked into khaki shorts, and sandals. Her upper body was toned, real definition to her arms, but her belt was cinched tight. Alan could tell she had lost weight, and she looked over-thin. They kissed in the terminal, the commuters averting their eyes to their wet reunion, and he took her duffel bag and led her to the car.

‘What are you doing?’ he asked with alarm as she began unbuckling his belt, leaning over his groin to better see what she was doing.

‘You have to ask?’ she giggled.

He grasped her by the shoulders and put her back in her seat. ‘Not here,’ he said with a grin. ‘Patience,’ he counseled, pulling out of the lot and steering the car towards the Grand Central Parkway.

The ride back to their hometown was fast due to the lull in heavy traffic common at midday. Kate filled him in on the going on of her summer.

‘Well, for a pilot project, it went really well. We had three groups of girls, and each group spent a week in the canoes, and then three days doing life skill building exercises. This summer we put through thirty girls in three groups in forty-five days. Next summer I want to double that, so I’m going to start drafting grant proposals for next year right away.’

‘Isn’t it your dad who hands out the grant money?’ he asked with a smirk, not taking his eyes off the road so she couldn’t see the expression on his face.

‘Yeah,’ she admitted, ‘But don’t forget, there’s still all the committees each proposal has to pass, and then the board of directors.’

‘Yes, the board of directors. Your aunts and uncles. Cousins. Your brother Cal. Your dad’s old college roommate.’

‘It still has to be a good proposal,’ she sniffed.

‘Are you going to do it yourself, or get professional help?’

‘I’m thinking that if I can squeeze the money out of the foundation I’ll hire a full- or part-time employee. Something to talk to my dad about. Someone to handle all of the organizational stuff, and the proposal writing, and I’ll just supervise and participate in the summer programs.’

‘Cool. It’s nice to see you getting into something like this.’

* * *

Michiko did not understand why the abbot of her monastery wanted to see her. A novice, a boy of twelve or thirteen, had interrupted her in the midst of her morning meditations, not at all a happenstance occurrence, handing her a small square of rice paper with the message upon it. Straightening her robes as she stood, she followed the boy through the hewn-stone passageways to the central courtyard. The novice stopped in place as she crossed the open area to the opposite side, towards the abbot’s office, not following her along.

She scanned the boy’s mind as they parted, hoping for a clue as to the nature of this unusual summons. She had lived at this holy place near the northern
end of Hokkaido almost half her life, rarely even leaving its walls. Now twenty years of age, at first a novice, then a student, and now a Mistress of the Art, a teacher of others, the last nine years had been spent honing her skills, deepening her abilities. Sadly, however, her sweep through the mind of the young messenger told her nothing. It was, of course a breach of protocol for her to even probe him at all, but he was new, unskilled in the Art, and would know nothing of her trespass. She was only slightly worried that the abbot would learn of her bad manners, he himself had recently told her that her own skills surpassed his, implying that at his retirement he planned to push for her to succeed him, to become the abbess. As she reached the entrance to the abbot’s place she put her worries behind her, confident she could suppress within her the act she had just committed from his ken.

The door to the abbot’s office stood before her, a door made entirely of wood, not a nail or any other metal a part of it. Even the hinges were of wood. The ritual upon entering his office was simple. One did not knock, but merely pulled the door and entered. There was a small stand holding a candle, and the visitor lit the candle, which illuminated the anteroom. The anteroom was separated from the main room by a rice paper screen, and the abbot would know the visitor had arrived by seeing the light from the opposite side of the screen. Michiko did this, and then knelt. Mere seconds passed before the abbot bade her to enter.

‘Much of what I am about to explain to you, young mistress, will not seem to make any sense to you, but listen you must nonetheless.’

She nodded.

He continued: ‘From time to time masters and mistresses are required to do service outside these walls. Often in the past, young one, these tasks have been distasteful, perversions of our code. Service to the Empire, to the emperor himself, made demands on our order, demands we would have been happier not to undertake. Gladly, those days have passed.

The abbot reached for a small glass of water on the table between them, and Michiko did likewise.

‘I regret to inform you that your services are needed, needed outside the confines of our monastery.’

A loud knock on the outer door interrupted him, startling them both. The abbot closed his eyes, frustration and dread upon his face. ‘Enter,’ he sighed. The new party opened the door and pulled the screen open without invitation. The man who intruded was big, especially for a Japanese, more than six feet tall. He wore a black Western-style suit, a white shirt with solid black necktie, but what caught her eye the most was the collar. Not the collar itself, but what was peeking out from the top of it. She saw the edge of a lick of flames, brilliantly inked into the man’s skin.


A gangster. The last sort of outsider she had ever expected to contaminate the purity of this place.

‘This man,’ the abbot said, not bothering with proper introductions, ‘Will inform you of your task.’

The gangster grunted, at which the abbot blanched.

‘If you would be so kind,’ the abbot said to the Yakuza, gesturing to the door, but the man failed to budge. His mission orders were explicit: once in sight of the mistress he was not to leave her side until she was delivered to Tokyo.

the abbot projected.

She bowed to her abbot and followed the man out. In the car to the airfield she scanned the gangster’s mind, finding no information contained therein the slightest bit helpful.

* * *

When Alan and Kate arrived at her house they found it empty. Conchita, the family maid, was on a long vacation, Pauline was at her job, as was her dad. The question her mom’s whereabouts were solved by a note left on the kitchen table.

‘Hi Kate,

Welcome home. Sorry I’m not here to see you, but Aunt Vicky fell in her apartment. We think it’s her hip, and I’m at NYU Medical Center dealing with the doctors. You can reach me on my cell if you need to.



‘Who’s Aunt Vicky?’ Alan asked, reading the note over her shoulder.

‘Not my aunt, my mom’s aunt. She’s like really old, eightysomething.’

‘Oh yeah, I think I met her at Pauline’s sweet sixteen.’

‘Probably. You know what this means? We have the house to ourselves.’ She took his hand and led him to the stairs, but they were interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. It was a steady BEEP BEEP BEEP, rather than its usual trilling ring, signifying that this was a call coming in on the secure line. Alan released her hand and answered the call.

‘Sorry about this, I have to take this call,’ he said to her as he brought the phone up to his ear.


‘Yes, Karick, it’s me.’

‘I’m back in New York, at the office. You have to come in. Now.’

‘Now?’ he asked with some exasperation. He was really looking forward to some alone time with Kate.

‘Yes, it’s imperative. Are you at home?’

‘No, at my girlfriend’s.’

‘Good. Do not go back to your house.’ Karick hung up.

Slightly puzzled, Alan pocketed his own phone and shrugged his shoulders as a form of apology to Kate. She had heard his side of the conversation, so he didn’t need to explain. ‘I’ll see you later,’ he said as he kissed her cheek at the door.

Karick had called immediately after he had cleared customs at JFK, and his cab reached the entrance of the office building just as Alan was walking up.

‘What’s the big deal?’ Alan asked as they entered the building. Karick put his finger to his lips and whispered that he wanted to wait until they were behind closed doors. Locking the door behind them the former Czech intelligence agent rushed to the computer in the corner and booted it up.

‘So?’ Alan asked again.

‘The team in London. They’ve spotted him. He’s moving. Coming here. The Indian, Patel.’ Karick often spoke like this when he was excited or anxious, spitting out short sentences in machine-gun fashion. He beckoned Alan over and tilted the screen. A slideshow of surveillance pictures was running, the first showing Patel, the man who had arranged Alan’s kidnapping last Thanksgiving weekend (which Karick had carried out), leaving a Belgravia mansion in a black car. Karick’s London team had trailed the car to Heathrow, calling him on the way, and Karick had grabbed the next flight. It was the first time the London team had spotted Lord Thornbow’s right hand man since last year.

‘Where is he now?’

‘The Marriott in midtown. I have a small group watching the hotel.’

Alan understood why his summons had been so urgent. Patel meant trouble. ‘So what now? I can’t go home?’

‘No, I have a team headed up to your place right this moment. I needed you here, and not there, to give them time to get settled.’

The phone on the desk started to ring, and Alan answered. It was Jack, calling from London.

‘Sorry to put a bit of a scare into you, young man, but Tadeusz and I discussed it, and we decided that his place was next to you, for the moment.’

‘No, no, it’s cool. I understand. When are you coming in?’

‘Two days from now, and a good thing, too. I think I’ll be needed. When my step-brother makes his move through this Patel fellow he will be in for quite a surprise. I don’t think they reckoned they were going to face two Vessels, as opposed to just you.’ He bade his good-byes and hung up. Five minutes later Karick’s team called in to say they were in place. Alan agreed to lend his car to Karick for a few days. It was better that way, anyway, since Thornbow’s people undoubtedly knew of his, and he could always borrow either his mom’s or dad’s.

‘Be careful,’ Karick said as Alan walked out into the hall. The door to the office clicked shut behind him.

* * *

The burly gangster said nothing to her on the drive to the airfield, instead concentrating on the road. To her su
rprise, upon leaving the abbot’s office, she saw that her belongings had been packed into a small suitcase, her sword in its scabbard placed neatly to the side.

A small private plane was waiting on the field’s lone runway, its engines already turning, and they boarded forthwith. Thankfully, from her point of view, the gangster (his name Kozo, a fact he had not volunteered, she had to steal it from his mind) took the seat farthest from hers. Without having anything better to do with her time she leaned back in the plush seat and slept. Danger would come to her, she knew, but it was on a distant horizon, Kozo, though dangerous, was not the slightest danger to her.

The sun was high in the sky, near midday, she guessed, as the plane began its descent. The change in pressure, that faintly uncomfortable popping of the inner ears, awakened her. A limousine was waiting for them at the bottom of the small set of stairs which protruded from the aircraft’s hull, but to her surprise Kozo did not follow her in after depositing her things in the trunk. The chauffeur closed the door right after she had settled in and pulled away with her alone in the rear. The windows were dark, not merely tinted but completely opaque, the divider separating her from the driver was raised, so her view of the outside was entirely blocked. She shut her eyes and opened her mind, her powers allowing her to follow the route precisely. They were leaving the city, traveling southwest. The highway was jammed as always, and the going slow. She opened her eyes, no longer interested, deciding instead to use the time to meditate.

Lost within herself she was shaken out of her trance by the opening of the door. The chauffer offered her his hand as she got out of the car, but she gestured him off. The house before her was modest in size, but the garden was large. She walked the path the driver had indicated, and it was less than a minute before she came upon her host. He stood square in the path, blocking any progress. He welcomed her and invited her to a small sitting platform next to the garden’s artificial pond. The man was all business, and their conversation was short.

Quickly they went through the dossier, and in less than a half hour after arriving she was back in the limo, headed back to the airport, a copy of the dossier and a mobile phone awaited her on the back seat in the limo’s passenger compartment.

Though her host had told her his name was Hiroshi, she knew that he was Takuya Tagumi older brother of the head of one of Tokyo’s biggest Yakuza clans. One of his men had stolen the crystal, and in return for her first killing this Alan Marshall person, and then performing the other more distastful act which she chose at that moment not to dwell upon, her order’s property would be restored. On this she concentrated, caring little about the target himself. Her training, which included hours in the classroom participating in long and drawn out ethical debates, should have stirred revulsion within her at the mere thought of this mission, but she was following the dictates of her abbot, the head of her order, and so was able to push these feeling to the back of her mind.

On the long flight over the Pacific she reviewed the dossier repeatedly, according to it Alan Marshall was a Master, like she was, but his power was derived from some other source. There were no gaijin in her monestary, and knew of no other similar institutions. If he really did posses powers like her own, which a small part of her doubted, she would have to move swiftly. She could not afford to stalk him for any significant amount of time, for he would be able to sense her presence. Her contact in New York, a man named Patel, would tell her where the boy could be found, and she would set out for his location forthwith, and do the deed. She would work at night.

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The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf A magical tale set in the Etz Chaim universe A message from the author. Words of warning: Because I'm a nerd: I like to world build I write for my own amusement: I will not apologize for not being PC to Tumblr definitions of what I am, or how I should act: I am a 45+ Transgender Woman: I am way past caring about other people's opinions of me. I am a USMC Veteran: I love firearms, I understand discipline (Not the BDSM stuff) and...

1 year ago
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Ann and Hattie

Copyright© 2003 (Read My Neighbour Hazel) One morning as I was returning from Joan and Mary's home, Hazel met me and we went back into my home where she had emerged. "I thought you were back you usually are by this time and I called to see you. I had a telephone call from a woman not connected with the LBG (Ladies Bridge Group), but who is a dear friend of one of our members. The member told me that I would be contacted by her, her name is Hattie. Her daughter is twenty-one years old and...

2 years ago
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Sex is on the rise in retirement communities My r

Men over 50 are having more sex than people of their age group in decades past because of the availability of ED d**gs like Viagra and Cialis. Bucking an expected natural decrease with age, the amount of sex healthy men have has actually increased after age 60 by as much as three times. Contributors for this are more time and energy after retirement, a relaxing of taboos they grew up with, and an increasing ratio of women over men of the same age.This is reflected not only in ED d**g...

3 years ago
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Ghost Town

You awake to the hot sun beating down on your skin. The sand blows over you, already coating you in a thin layer. When you press yourself onto all fours, it pours off of you like water. You cough, your throat dry, then get to your feet. About thirty yards away, you see the remains of the tour wagon, made up like an old west coach, laying on its side, sand beginning to cover it as well. Pieces of it have fallen off, leaving chunks of wood here and there in the sand around it. You stagger...

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I Work in a Doctors Office

I’m a 23 year old medical assistant. I work for one of the leading urologists in a major city. I know it’s unusual for a female to work in the urology field but I graduated with honors and was highly recruited by all the leading urologists in the city. I chose the field because I have a fascination with the penis and although the majority of out patients are older, we still get enough young virile men to keep things interesting for me. To be frank, it’s difficult for me during an exam...

1 year ago
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Sisters Wet PantiesChapter 9

Late that same night, hours after Mark and Janie had started their torrid suck-and-fuck-session, May awoke, instantly aware that her husband was no longer in bed beside her. She waited a few minutes, thinking that he must have gone to the bathroom. But when he hadn't returned to their room twenty minutes later, she rose from the bed to look for him. She wore only a very short, black negligee and the sheer fabric did little to cover the lush curves of her body. The hemline stopped at the top...

2 years ago
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MetamorphChapter 3

The next day, Dan felt he had to go home. It was time. He was still bewildered by June's actions – he knew in his brain what must have caused them; he only had to look in the mirror for that – but he didn't understand them on an emotional level. He thought he knew what the catalyst was, but to hear why – what she was thinking at the time when she decided to do this – he needed to hear that. Even though he knew he wasn't going to like what he heard. So there he was, standing on his own...

3 years ago
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House Owner Ke Sath Sex

Hii friends main sangram. Friends aap ko main ek indian sex story batane jaarha hun jo ki 1 saal pahle ki h. Jaise ki pahli story me main aao sabhi ko batayatha mera lund ka size 6 inch lamba aue 3 inch mota h, main ek average looking ladka hun aur body b average h. Na main gym jata hun na kuch sheducle itna busy raheta h ki sirf 8 baje k baad hi free hota hun. Jada bore na kartw huea story pe aata hun. Main 1 saal pahle raipur me modha para me rent pe raheta tha. Jaha main raheta tha waha ki...

2 years ago
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MELODY MEChapter 4

Let me explain... Until the Marriot Mansion was built, the tallest hotel in Indiana was in Indianapolis, the Salesforce Tower (formerly known as Bank One Tower) reaching 811 feet high and 49 floors tall. In belief of the concept, ‘If you have the money, spend it,’ Trillionaire Michael Thomas co-designed the Mansion and the Mansion Marriott, alongside the late General Contractor Mr. Kenneth Bell. In a letter he had put in every major newspaper in the 50 United States, Mr. Thomas proclaimed...

3 years ago
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Adventures DonnaPart 4 Amandas initiation

Adventures of Donna–Part 4 (Amanda’s initiation) And then she had an idea, but it meant leaving Mr. Fuck Stick for a few minutes and Donna didn’t want him to disappear. She grabbed his cock and spat a huge gob of saliva on his dick-head. She started to jerk him off, letting the spit grease his pole. Eric thought she was getting him ready for more deep throat action, and he closed his eyes, moaning deeply. Donna expected this reaction. She reached under the bed and found the pair of hand cuffs...

4 years ago
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What She Really Needed

I let go of your mouth, and your body trembles as I start to kiss and bite your neck hard, my hands move down to grab your breasts, mauling them through your shirt. You are whimpering now, and I rip your top into pieces to give me easier access to your heavy breasts. Your nipples are hard, I wonder if it’s the cold in here, or are you just starting to enjoy this? I begin to play with your nipples roughly, tweaking and pinching, your breathing is heavy and low, my teeth still sinking into your...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Scarlit Scandal Alexis Tae You Still Up

Two teens’ best friends, Alexis Tae and Scarlit Scandal can’t get any rest as they both toss and turn in bed… and it’s all because of the scary movie marathon they had during their slumber party! They’re both so tense and restless, wondering what they can do to relax when Alexis suggests brushing Scarlit’s hair. It always calms HER down,so maybe it’ll help calm Scarlit as well? Although Scarlit is a bit shy, she’s game for it. Of course, as Alexis...

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A Wizards World

In a world where modern technology coexists with magic and monsters, the wizards reign supreme. Magic academies cater to the elite giving the upper class of each race incredible raw power. While some use their power for good others use it for evil and most revel in simple hedonistic pleasures. Wizards are highly specialized, studying a specific school of magic in the academy. Those schools are as follow: Abjuration: This school specializes in protective spells like creating barriers or...

3 years ago
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CFNM When My Sister Makes Dinner

“Maybe it will be good,” Sandy teases. She grabs my erection. “We won’t know unless we try. ” She begins stroking me seriously.“Okay… okay,” I tell her as I grasp myself and begin pumping. My sister looks down and giggles as she turns to the table and grabs her plate. She positions it in front of me, looks at my pumping hand then up at me with a very dirty grin.We've been into this special sort of arrangement for the past two weekends – our parents go off to work on the new vacation house and...

4 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 10

“Hey stud,” Susie called out to me as I was leaving the girls’ dorm lobby. “What’s happening, Susie?” I answered. “Not my business, but one of your addle brained cheerleaders is flying the coup,” she said sarcastically. “Yeah, I heard about it tonight,” I said still confused by what had transpired with Misty. “No big deal, I’ll live.” “Well I have some good news for you,” she said smiling. “The good-looking babe next door, you know the little rich girl cheerleader, Delta? She was all over...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 56

It didn't happen very often, but every now and then, Mike knew that when he sat down at the computer to write, it was going to ignite a fire storm, and he'd never had the feeling more strongly than he had at this time. The Spearfish Lake City Council met every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. For twelve years, now, every other week Mark had come back to the Record-Herald after the meeting, to do the council story and with it put the finishing touches on the paper. There were some...

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Gayatri my darling

I am Rahul age 22 from Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh, I want to share my sex experience which I had with my maid, her name is Gayatri 36 years she works in my home from 2years she comes daily in the morning and in the evening, when she cleans the floor of my house her sarry pallu drops and her breasts are clearly visible she wears no bra, daily when she comes into my room to clean the floor I enjoy seeing her breasts and many times I feel as I fuck her sizes are 36-32-55 approx, her husband is a...

1 year ago
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The Game First Time Sex Part 4 The Interrogation and Inquisition

*** Please read the following stories that lead up to this point. The Game ... First Time Sex The Game ... First Time Sex : Part 2 – Virgin Sex The Game ... First Time Sex : Part 3 - Thanksgiving Recapping the previous stories, in part one, a boring afternoon turned into a great time with Donna who showed me how to fuck. Donna has a license and I don’t, so she picks me up on weekends. She learned to fuck very early, and fucking is natural and innocent for her. She genuinely likes to show all...

First Time
1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 295

We had barely made it to the fancy pillared front door when one of those weaknesses became apparent with all hell breaking loose; bullets started bouncing all around us. At the same time several Molotov cocktails came over the security fence. There were people trying to force open the main gate. I had a bad feeling that I had arrived in the middle of another Benghazi nightmare. My first thought was the shooter in the building across the street; I could see the muzzle flashes in third story...

3 years ago
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Taken in my own kitchen

Another weekend home alone again. And totally horny, of courseThis time my husband had not flown away for business; but he had gone off fishing with his mates; so, I had all this time to do my own thing.On Saturday afternoon I went down to the local mall for some shopping.I was enjoying Chinese food at the same mall, when I noticed two black young guys sitting at the next table, watching at me. I had been always used to young men staring at me, but I noticed they did not smile at me, just sat...

2 years ago
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Houston Top Nights Part 2

This is part 2 of my initial story “Houston Top Nights.”So it was around 7am Sunday morning and I woke up next to the gorgeous curvy Mexicana travesti I had spent the night with. She was hard asleep and being a morning person, I get most of my energy and creativity at first light. She was still fast asleep curled up in my arms her left hand wrapped around my cock where it had been all night long. I always get a huge boner first thing in the morning and I could feel mine growing in her now limp...

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Hidden Fantasy Of Women

Some fantastic reply from readers encouraged me to write one more true story in my busy schedule also. Well I am seema raut with my third story on ISS. Recently there was tension in that couple. Meena and Sahil were married in 2005 and living some distance away from my house. Meena is my friend some 6 months ago. She is complete funny character has no tension of anything happening surrounding and always smiling. She is very close friend of me and shares lot of secret. She trust me well. One day...

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Around Her Finger

AROUND HER FINGER - 01 By Libnos I woke and lay in bed for awhile waiting for my senses to adjust to a new day. After a few moments I remembered it was only 8AM, Saturday morning, and I didn't have to get up and go to work, which gave me a feeling of relief as I rolled over to go back to sleep. Then it all came back and with a start I bolted out of bed and headed to the shower. It was my wedding day. I'd lain awake, tossing and turning, most of...

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Mirror Mirror Universe TV Shows

You all heard of the Mirror Universe in Star Trek but other shows have there own dark side. They all have their own twisted counter part. A place that is a corruption of what the other part holds dear Buffy Mirror Universe- this is the one where the Slayer is evil. Apparently when they made the first slayer they made a mistake. The people who created the slayer couldn’t control the slayer dark side. The slayer now hunts vampires and humans a like. It goal is to be queen of the underworld. The...

3 years ago
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My shemale neighbor part 1

hello guys and gals this is a fantasy I had when I was in high school hope ya'll enjoy."Good Morning class today we have a new student" our teacher said. "Hey my name is Sabrina and I'm from California" said the new k**. She then took a seat next to me. She looked at me a said "Do you live in Hollow Creek". "Yeah I do" I answered. "Cool can you show me what bus to get on after school" she asked. "yeah no problem" I responded. Sabrina was a cute girl stand at 5 feet 8inches she had a butterfly...

1 year ago
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A very Naughty Girl Nearly Has An Accident

I slammed the brakes on hard. Really hard. The car skidded a bit, the anti-lock brakes kicked in and I watched in horror. My car stopped about three feet from the side door of the car in front of me. I gazed out of the front of the windscreen and stared at the blue car in front of me that had swerved to avoid the collision. I Looked to my right and then I remembered that there were white lines on the road that I had crossed. I should have stopped, it was all my fault. I had been driving along...

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My Wedding Gift

I hadn’t seen Linda since she and my daughter Shellie had graduated from high school over four years ago. They had been best friends but had gone to different colleges. They kept track of each other through social media, phone calls and the occasional chance meetings when they came home. I kept track of Linda for Shellie through chance meetings with her mother. Linda’s mother and I would talk when we stumbled into each other at the grocery store or post office. We'd update each other as to our...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Arranged Encounter Part 4 Second day at sea

The first day was far better than expected. After talking to David for a few weeks and meeting him to make sure he felt safe for his wife, I made all the arrangements and directed him in what to do to prepare. She came willingly. David was a good cuckold husband. He loved his wife and knew she needed to have fun with someone like me. They had been sharing her for many years, but she never had a lover or Bull to bring out and let her experience her true, submissive side. So, David put her on a...

Wife Lovers
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Izzy and Haley

15 year old Donald was seen sorta in between the 2 groups of the popular kids and the non popular kids he had friends in both groups but 2 special friends in the popular group. There names were izzy and haley. Donald had had an eye on these 2 girls since gr 8 when they had first meet but Donald couldn't tell which one he liked more. Until one day in gr 10 when he was walking down the halway and the 2 girls suddenly appeared next to him "oh hi Donald" said izzy "hi izzy, hi Haley what's...

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Ashley part 4

"You don't lie to me," Suri sings in her rhythmic, accented voice. "You don't lie to me," Priya sings, trying her best not to giggle. "You don't lie to me," Laura sings, casting an excited glance in my direction. "You don't lie to me," I sing in as authentic a girl's voice as my wavering vocal chords can manage. "No more lies!" The four of us all yell simultaneously, earning cheers from Harriet and Megan on the sofa. "Out of Heaven have got NOTHING on you girls!" Megan...

3 years ago
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Midnight Swim

The people knew shit. And it was the shit he didn't want them to be right about. Just a week ago he was so positive and happy, seemingly indestructable. Then when he decided to go to Lynn's house early ((Ex) girlfriend), he saw her riding Leon. He had seen him around school, never really talked. But now he knew who the sonofabitch was. "Goddamn it all to hell." Kyle muttered, sitting in his seat in his last class. He tilted his head and waited for the bell to ring. For the last 10...

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Small Problem

I have this small problem; well it's not that small actually, it's this thing I have with drink. It doesn't happen very often and most time my husband is there to protect me mostly from myself. Even with him there, I've been known to shed a garment or two before he stops me and takes me home. The problem is that he's not always there. Christmas office parties were the worst, I rarely go these days, I had to leave so many jobs, not being able to return and face my work colleagues in the new...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of ParisChapter 4 The Public Library

Friday, September 13th, 2013 – Paris, Texas There was an away game, so there was no cheerleading practice this afternoon. I missed those sweet, young Lionesses, and their even sweeter cooches. Every afternoon this week, just like last week, I had spent it with the cheerleaders, fucking one of them behind the bleachers, while the others practiced. It was an arrangement we reached; I had been disrupting their practices too much, so the girls started drawing straws to see who would keep me...

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A Weekend That Changed My Life Part 1

A weekend that changed my life (Part one) I somehow got through Friday and got home from the office but I was exhausted. I hated my job and after a tiring day Tracey, the love of my life, my beautiful wife, was on the warpath. Apart from being the dutiful wife she spent her time doing property investment work and coaching the local cheerleading squad as she had always enjoyed watching rugby. "What time do you call this? Why do you never telephone to say you are going to be late,...

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How I became addicted to Interracial porn

How did I become addicted to interracial porn? I am a middle-aged white married male, who had never really watched IR porn or avoided it out of racist jealously. One weekend, on a business trip sitting by the pool at my hotel, an attractive blonde was dancing on the deck drawing attention to herself. Needless to say I started getting hard, watching her dance along the pool. I managed to take a few secret pictures of her as I rub the outside of my swimming trunks. I’m a happily married man with...

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