- 2 years ago
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Lord Thornbow leaned back, the leather desk chair squeaked slightly as he did so. Mr. Patel stood to the right of his boss’s desk, facing the visitor, his eyes had a distracted look about them, but his ears taking in all.
‘I might have a way, but,’ the supplicant began, his accent thick, but Thornbow cut him off mid-sentence.
‘I am wholly uninterested in ‘mights,’ Takuya-san. Have you, or have you not?’
The visitor hesitated, and shuddered slightly, either in fear of his host or his proposed solution, he knew not. ‘Hai. Y-yes.’ He nodded, his body language communicating that he was pulling out the last resort option, an option he would sooner not have to use. It was not too late, he mused, though if he continued on this course, the point of no return was imminent Mr. Patel excused himself to the small private office just off that of his Lordship’s. The smaller room was wired for sound, so he would be able to hear the offer without Takuya knowing. His choice was now made. There was no turning back.
As the Japanese visitor handed over a folder he pleaded with Lord Thornbow, ‘In exchange for this you must promise me two things. I must regain complete control of my family, and,’ dropping his voice to a whisper, ‘He must die, he must–this I demand.’
Thornbow slowly turned the pages in the folder, moistening his the tip of his index finger as he did so to facilitate the action. He did not answer until he had completed the dossier. As he closed the folder he deigned to answer. ‘Agreed, but you must leave the artifact with me.’
Takuya opened his attaché case and removed a small chamois bag with a drawstring at the top and handed it across the desk to Lord Thornbow, who opened it and removed a piece of mineral greatly resembling obsidian, about the size of a child’s fist. Oblong, tapering to the end to form a blunted point, the dark glass-like substance seemed to have a luster to it belying its black hue. Lord Thornbow noted that it was surprisingly warm to the touch.
‘When she has completed the task for me, when delivery is made, I will return this to you, and not before. Then he will die. The control of your family will once again be yours. I need not say, Takuya-san, that I am a man of my word.’
‘No, indeed, Your Lordship, you need not,’ was the answer the Japanese visitor gave as he stood and then bowed formally.
Mr. Patel returned and showed the visitor to the door.
* * *
It was a hot day in the concrete jungle that is Manhattan. Alan waited on the stoop in the early morning, the contractor due to arrive at any moment. A few minutes before nine Wilkins arrived, his briefcase bulging. The closing on the house, a medium-sized single-family brownstone in the West Nineties, just west of Amsterdam Avenue, had taken place at Wilkins’s office the Friday before, and Jack would be arriving in two days, renting an apartment on a short-term basis at the Apthorp until the renovation and modifications were complete. Alan was glad to see Stan, because he himself did not have a set of keys with which to allow the workers to enter.
Wilkins pressed Alan about coming into the office one day over the coming week. ‘It’s a feeding frenzy! The amount of money just laying around is enormous. I’ve talked to Bernard, and he thinks this contract could just about equal all of the work the company has ever done, in pure dollar amounts.’ The chaos in Iraq, specifically the looting of the National Museum and Library had necessitated the U.S. government to put out a request for bids for contractors to coordinate the restoration of the collections, including recataloging all of the recovered items, and a setting up of a system, in conjunction with Interpol, for tracking the illicit trade in looted artifacts. ‘We’re talking low eight figures, Alan. We need to set up a conference call with Rome, us, and Neil. We need Neil back here, or at the very least, in Rome. We need to hire a lobbyist, someone who knows who has the juice in Washington, and most importantly we need Jack to get in on this. He has the most knowledge.’
‘Yeah, totally,’ Alan put in, trying to stanch the lawyer’s over enthusiasm. ‘I’ll talk to him when he gets in. Pencil in Thursday or Friday, but I’ll let you know.’ He checked his watch, worried about the parking meter and missing Kate’s flight. ‘It’s a good thing Jack can travel so soon,’ he added absently, as he bid a good day to his attorney, and headed to his car.
Kate’s flight was late, so he bought a coffee from a stand in the Marine Air Terminal at LaGuardia. She had taken off from a small airport in Maine, and then transferred to the shuttle in Boston. When the flight arrived, only about ten minutes late, Alan watched the stream of passengers as they came out, but Kate was one of the last off the plane.
‘Am I ever happy to be home,’ she said wearily as they made their way to out of the terminal.
At first glance she looked good. Alan had never really seen her with a tan, but even her near-religious application of sun block during her canoe trips in Maine had not prevented Kate’s usually porcelain from bronzing. She was wearing a halter top tucked into khaki shorts, and sandals. Her upper body was toned, real definition to her arms, but her belt was cinched tight. Alan could tell she had lost weight, and she looked over-thin. They kissed in the terminal, the commuters averting their eyes to their wet reunion, and he took her duffel bag and led her to the car.
‘What are you doing?’ he asked with alarm as she began unbuckling his belt, leaning over his groin to better see what she was doing.
‘You have to ask?’ she giggled.
He grasped her by the shoulders and put her back in her seat. ‘Not here,’ he said with a grin. ‘Patience,’ he counseled, pulling out of the lot and steering the car towards the Grand Central Parkway.
The ride back to their hometown was fast due to the lull in heavy traffic common at midday. Kate filled him in on the going on of her summer.
‘Well, for a pilot project, it went really well. We had three groups of girls, and each group spent a week in the canoes, and then three days doing life skill building exercises. This summer we put through thirty girls in three groups in forty-five days. Next summer I want to double that, so I’m going to start drafting grant proposals for next year right away.’
‘Isn’t it your dad who hands out the grant money?’ he asked with a smirk, not taking his eyes off the road so she couldn’t see the expression on his face.
‘Yeah,’ she admitted, ‘But don’t forget, there’s still all the committees each proposal has to pass, and then the board of directors.’
‘Yes, the board of directors. Your aunts and uncles. Cousins. Your brother Cal. Your dad’s old college roommate.’
‘It still has to be a good proposal,’ she sniffed.
‘Are you going to do it yourself, or get professional help?’
‘I’m thinking that if I can squeeze the money out of the foundation I’ll hire a full- or part-time employee. Something to talk to my dad about. Someone to handle all of the organizational stuff, and the proposal writing, and I’ll just supervise and participate in the summer programs.’
‘Cool. It’s nice to see you getting into something like this.’
* * *
Michiko did not understand why the abbot of her monastery wanted to see her. A novice, a boy of twelve or thirteen, had interrupted her in the midst of her morning meditations, not at all a happenstance occurrence, handing her a small square of rice paper with the message upon it. Straightening her robes as she stood, she followed the boy through the hewn-stone passageways to the central courtyard. The novice stopped in place as she crossed the open area to the opposite side, towards the abbot’s office, not following her along.
She scanned the boy’s mind as they parted, hoping for a clue as to the nature of this unusual summons. She had lived at this holy place near the northern
end of Hokkaido almost half her life, rarely even leaving its walls. Now twenty years of age, at first a novice, then a student, and now a Mistress of the Art, a teacher of others, the last nine years had been spent honing her skills, deepening her abilities. Sadly, however, her sweep through the mind of the young messenger told her nothing. It was, of course a breach of protocol for her to even probe him at all, but he was new, unskilled in the Art, and would know nothing of her trespass. She was only slightly worried that the abbot would learn of her bad manners, he himself had recently told her that her own skills surpassed his, implying that at his retirement he planned to push for her to succeed him, to become the abbess. As she reached the entrance to the abbot’s place she put her worries behind her, confident she could suppress within her the act she had just committed from his ken.
The door to the abbot’s office stood before her, a door made entirely of wood, not a nail or any other metal a part of it. Even the hinges were of wood. The ritual upon entering his office was simple. One did not knock, but merely pulled the door and entered. There was a small stand holding a candle, and the visitor lit the candle, which illuminated the anteroom. The anteroom was separated from the main room by a rice paper screen, and the abbot would know the visitor had arrived by seeing the light from the opposite side of the screen. Michiko did this, and then knelt. Mere seconds passed before the abbot bade her to enter.
‘Much of what I am about to explain to you, young mistress, will not seem to make any sense to you, but listen you must nonetheless.’
She nodded.
He continued: ‘From time to time masters and mistresses are required to do service outside these walls. Often in the past, young one, these tasks have been distasteful, perversions of our code. Service to the Empire, to the emperor himself, made demands on our order, demands we would have been happier not to undertake. Gladly, those days have passed.
The abbot reached for a small glass of water on the table between them, and Michiko did likewise.
‘I regret to inform you that your services are needed, needed outside the confines of our monastery.’
A loud knock on the outer door interrupted him, startling them both. The abbot closed his eyes, frustration and dread upon his face. ‘Enter,’ he sighed. The new party opened the door and pulled the screen open without invitation. The man who intruded was big, especially for a Japanese, more than six feet tall. He wore a black Western-style suit, a white shirt with solid black necktie, but what caught her eye the most was the collar. Not the collar itself, but what was peeking out from the top of it. She saw the edge of a lick of flames, brilliantly inked into the man’s skin.
A gangster. The last sort of outsider she had ever expected to contaminate the purity of this place.
‘This man,’ the abbot said, not bothering with proper introductions, ‘Will inform you of your task.’
The gangster grunted, at which the abbot blanched.
‘If you would be so kind,’ the abbot said to the Yakuza, gesturing to the door, but the man failed to budge. His mission orders were explicit: once in sight of the mistress he was not to leave her side until she was delivered to Tokyo.
the abbot projected.
She bowed to her abbot and followed the man out. In the car to the airfield she scanned the gangster’s mind, finding no information contained therein the slightest bit helpful.
* * *
When Alan and Kate arrived at her house they found it empty. Conchita, the family maid, was on a long vacation, Pauline was at her job, as was her dad. The question her mom’s whereabouts were solved by a note left on the kitchen table.
‘Hi Kate,
Welcome home. Sorry I’m not here to see you, but Aunt Vicky fell in her apartment. We think it’s her hip, and I’m at NYU Medical Center dealing with the doctors. You can reach me on my cell if you need to.
‘Who’s Aunt Vicky?’ Alan asked, reading the note over her shoulder.
‘Not my aunt, my mom’s aunt. She’s like really old, eightysomething.’
‘Oh yeah, I think I met her at Pauline’s sweet sixteen.’
‘Probably. You know what this means? We have the house to ourselves.’ She took his hand and led him to the stairs, but they were interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. It was a steady BEEP BEEP BEEP, rather than its usual trilling ring, signifying that this was a call coming in on the secure line. Alan released her hand and answered the call.
‘Sorry about this, I have to take this call,’ he said to her as he brought the phone up to his ear.
‘Yes, Karick, it’s me.’
‘I’m back in New York, at the office. You have to come in. Now.’
‘Now?’ he asked with some exasperation. He was really looking forward to some alone time with Kate.
‘Yes, it’s imperative. Are you at home?’
‘No, at my girlfriend’s.’
‘Good. Do not go back to your house.’ Karick hung up.
Slightly puzzled, Alan pocketed his own phone and shrugged his shoulders as a form of apology to Kate. She had heard his side of the conversation, so he didn’t need to explain. ‘I’ll see you later,’ he said as he kissed her cheek at the door.
Karick had called immediately after he had cleared customs at JFK, and his cab reached the entrance of the office building just as Alan was walking up.
‘What’s the big deal?’ Alan asked as they entered the building. Karick put his finger to his lips and whispered that he wanted to wait until they were behind closed doors. Locking the door behind them the former Czech intelligence agent rushed to the computer in the corner and booted it up.
‘So?’ Alan asked again.
‘The team in London. They’ve spotted him. He’s moving. Coming here. The Indian, Patel.’ Karick often spoke like this when he was excited or anxious, spitting out short sentences in machine-gun fashion. He beckoned Alan over and tilted the screen. A slideshow of surveillance pictures was running, the first showing Patel, the man who had arranged Alan’s kidnapping last Thanksgiving weekend (which Karick had carried out), leaving a Belgravia mansion in a black car. Karick’s London team had trailed the car to Heathrow, calling him on the way, and Karick had grabbed the next flight. It was the first time the London team had spotted Lord Thornbow’s right hand man since last year.
‘Where is he now?’
‘The Marriott in midtown. I have a small group watching the hotel.’
Alan understood why his summons had been so urgent. Patel meant trouble. ‘So what now? I can’t go home?’
‘No, I have a team headed up to your place right this moment. I needed you here, and not there, to give them time to get settled.’
The phone on the desk started to ring, and Alan answered. It was Jack, calling from London.
‘Sorry to put a bit of a scare into you, young man, but Tadeusz and I discussed it, and we decided that his place was next to you, for the moment.’
‘No, no, it’s cool. I understand. When are you coming in?’
‘Two days from now, and a good thing, too. I think I’ll be needed. When my step-brother makes his move through this Patel fellow he will be in for quite a surprise. I don’t think they reckoned they were going to face two Vessels, as opposed to just you.’ He bade his good-byes and hung up. Five minutes later Karick’s team called in to say they were in place. Alan agreed to lend his car to Karick for a few days. It was better that way, anyway, since Thornbow’s people undoubtedly knew of his, and he could always borrow either his mom’s or dad’s.
‘Be careful,’ Karick said as Alan walked out into the hall. The door to the office clicked shut behind him.
* * *
The burly gangster said nothing to her on the drive to the airfield, instead concentrating on the road. To her su
rprise, upon leaving the abbot’s office, she saw that her belongings had been packed into a small suitcase, her sword in its scabbard placed neatly to the side.
A small private plane was waiting on the field’s lone runway, its engines already turning, and they boarded forthwith. Thankfully, from her point of view, the gangster (his name Kozo, a fact he had not volunteered, she had to steal it from his mind) took the seat farthest from hers. Without having anything better to do with her time she leaned back in the plush seat and slept. Danger would come to her, she knew, but it was on a distant horizon, Kozo, though dangerous, was not the slightest danger to her.
The sun was high in the sky, near midday, she guessed, as the plane began its descent. The change in pressure, that faintly uncomfortable popping of the inner ears, awakened her. A limousine was waiting for them at the bottom of the small set of stairs which protruded from the aircraft’s hull, but to her surprise Kozo did not follow her in after depositing her things in the trunk. The chauffeur closed the door right after she had settled in and pulled away with her alone in the rear. The windows were dark, not merely tinted but completely opaque, the divider separating her from the driver was raised, so her view of the outside was entirely blocked. She shut her eyes and opened her mind, her powers allowing her to follow the route precisely. They were leaving the city, traveling southwest. The highway was jammed as always, and the going slow. She opened her eyes, no longer interested, deciding instead to use the time to meditate.
Lost within herself she was shaken out of her trance by the opening of the door. The chauffer offered her his hand as she got out of the car, but she gestured him off. The house before her was modest in size, but the garden was large. She walked the path the driver had indicated, and it was less than a minute before she came upon her host. He stood square in the path, blocking any progress. He welcomed her and invited her to a small sitting platform next to the garden’s artificial pond. The man was all business, and their conversation was short.
Quickly they went through the dossier, and in less than a half hour after arriving she was back in the limo, headed back to the airport, a copy of the dossier and a mobile phone awaited her on the back seat in the limo’s passenger compartment.
Though her host had told her his name was Hiroshi, she knew that he was Takuya Tagumi older brother of the head of one of Tokyo’s biggest Yakuza clans. One of his men had stolen the crystal, and in return for her first killing this Alan Marshall person, and then performing the other more distastful act which she chose at that moment not to dwell upon, her order’s property would be restored. On this she concentrated, caring little about the target himself. Her training, which included hours in the classroom participating in long and drawn out ethical debates, should have stirred revulsion within her at the mere thought of this mission, but she was following the dictates of her abbot, the head of her order, and so was able to push these feeling to the back of her mind.
On the long flight over the Pacific she reviewed the dossier repeatedly, according to it Alan Marshall was a Master, like she was, but his power was derived from some other source. There were no gaijin in her monestary, and knew of no other similar institutions. If he really did posses powers like her own, which a small part of her doubted, she would have to move swiftly. She could not afford to stalk him for any significant amount of time, for he would be able to sense her presence. Her contact in New York, a man named Patel, would tell her where the boy could be found, and she would set out for his location forthwith, and do the deed. She would work at night.
© 2003 Have you ever been in love so bad, your bones hurt. You think of the person day and night. They get in your brain, in your blood and in your soul. You dream of them, dreams of passionate love making. Well, I've felt that way about one of the most beautiful, caring, and loving persons for most of my life. She's been there for me since the day I was born. No, it's not my mother. But, my beautiful sister, Alana. She's ten years older than me. She has been my sister, my mother,...
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My eyes focused on the clock 9:02 stared back at me. I love sleeping in on a Saturday. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and sat up raising my arms above my head and arched my back then relaxed. I stretched right, exhale, left, exhale; then relaxed my arms down and stood up. Such a stress free way to start the day. ‘What to do today… no projects due, no errands to run, no meetings; just a no nothing day. I can’t wait to relax by the pool and soak up some dangerous sun.’ I thought as I...
Oral Sex"Don't be silly, Lisa. He'll be hurt if you don't sleep with him," Molly said. Lisa was reluctant to take her now customary place in Bert's bed when they returned around midnight Thursday. "You're sure he won't be upset with me for not skinny dipping this afternoon?" "Why has he had you sleeping in his bed? Why has he talked you into getting naked a few times?" "He says so I can survive the Program. But about all I can survive right now is having a boy in the showers with...
I am a Slut. I’ve known it from the first time I ever saw a cock. It gave me a thrill I’d never had before, a tingling through my entire body. When I saw my first cock I knew that I wanted it inside me, to suck it, to be filled by it. I’ve always looked older than my age, I think that’s why boys were always attracted to me and were always hitting on me. The thrill was even better when I touched a cock for the first time. The cock in question belonged to a boy who lived in the flat opposite me....
HardcoreChris couldn’t wait for him and his wife Jamie’s hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn’t wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the tightest pussy he had ever...
I got up earlier than usual to see Mrs. Parsons off on her trip to Chicago. She asked me several questions about my reconciliation with Brenda, seeming quite satisfied with my answers. She kissed me lightly on my lips when she gave me a hug goodbye. "After tonight, Kenny, the company will effectively be out of my family's hands for the first time ever. I'm going to hate signing everything away. It isn't the money that I wanted, it was knowing that all of the employees and their families...
I don't know what was different, but when I woke up that morning, there was a strange feeling in the air. I stood up, and stretched, looking at myself in the mirror. I ran my fingers through my hair. I looked closer in the mirror and saw something I had never seen before. Around the pupil of my eye there was a fine, old ring. I rubbed my eyes and looked closer. I hadn't imagined it, there was a gold ring that was glistening back at me. "John, you're going to be late for school!" I heard my mom...
Mind ControlWe needed to move due to Elaine's job as a reception class teacher and rented a flat in Birmingham city centre. It was not the best block of flats or the best area, but as we had to move quickly it was all that was available. Elaine started work the following week. I had bumped into a couple of the people living in neighbouring flats and I got chatting with a 60 something guy from the flat below named Lenny. He was unemployed divorced and seemed lonely. I started to pop into his place for...
Megan had a new nickname at school, CATNIP: Caught And Taped Naked In Public. Her sorority pledge tasks this past month had her at various stages of undress in and around campus. Both boys and girls would get a night-time glimpse of some mysterious girl in her panties and bra, or just her panties dashing this way and that, from cover to cover in what Sigma Theta Chi called 'sneak-streaking'. Not that Megan was allowed to cover herself up, but she did manage to duck between parked cars or hide...
While almost everyone in our neighborhood has a pretty healthy attitude about sex, and an openness about it, some people just keep to themselves and don't feel the need to join in our sexual games. Our next door neighbors Fred and Lannie are one such couple. Fred travels all over the country for his marketing business, while she is a retired professor from the University, who occasionally fills in as a substitute teacher at the local high school. They're both rather quiet, but very nice people....
Soon after the Prince became Khan of Tirfil, the raids into Kobekistani territory increased dramatically. Whole villages were razed, their men killed and their women and children taken to Tirfil as slaves. Diplomatic notes were exchanged to no effect. Finally the Emir wrote personally to Khan Habib demanding that the incursions stop forthwith and threatening punitive action if they did not. Ghada Baroud, the Emir's diplomatic advisor was loth to show the Emir the reply, but his Master...
Sarah tried to feel guilty. She kept telling herself she shouldn't have been with Gabe, but curled into a bed and feeling sorry for her loss. But when her sister and brother had invaded, the sorrow had turned to rage. When Gabe called, she wanted escape and he had offered. She snagged up the lifeline. She told Gabe about her childhood. The first few years, she admitted weren't fun. Her parents struggled with Trevor and Denise's jealousy at having a new child in the house. Though looking...
My sister's lips closed around my cock, her tongue sliding over the head as she pulled me deeper into her mouth, sucking me for all I was worth. Her fingernails dug into my ass as she tried to pull me closer and force more of my cock down her throat. One of her hands slid from my ass to cup my balls and gently massaged them. I threw my head back and groaned softly as I felt the familiar tightening of my balls. "Aimee, I'm about to cum!" I said breathlessly. But she merely sucked harder and drew...
IncestI couldn’t believe how long it took to get a follow up visit with Dr. Hills, but five weeks later I finally found myself sitting anxiously in one of her exam rooms, already stripped to my boxers, sitting on the exam table in sweet anticipation. Dr. Hills came in with a manila folder and sat in the chair by the table. She opened the manila folder and began commenting. “I’ve reviewed the results and comments reported by my sister’s office. She was impressed with your progress, Mr. Jameson.” ...
Office SexI was thoroughly drained the night before, so I needed a full night's rest to recover from a marathon of pleasuring my ladies, not that it wasn't worthwhile. I was fully reinvigorated the next morning, as I awoke in a tangled heap of naked, sweaty bodies from the consummation orgy, none of us having quite made it to the bed. I wasn't quite sure which lady or gentleman had last serviced until I got to use the john and my lovely Assyrian princesses both followed me to it. "Hey, Princesses,...
“So you're telling me you want a bonus?”“Yes, sir.” She said as she looked down at her boss. He reclined in his chair with his hands behind his head.Sarah had come by after work on a Friday, knowing her boss, Mr. Jackson, would be done with work and perhaps in a good enough mood to listen to her. She stood there in her black pinstripe pencil skirt and delicate white blouse as he liked. Mr. Jackson had mentioned that it suited her well, Maybe, just maybe, it could work its magic when she need...
Pierced by Jacqueline Gold It had been a long hard day at the office. Max had been very irritating with his silly jokes and toilet humour, the boss had been as unreasonable as ever and I was exhausted. A long hot bath. A long, hot, fragrant bath - that was what I needed. The advantage of stopping away from home was the extra time to myself in the evening. I walked into the hotel at 5 p.m. sharp and booked in. Room 376. Not too bad for a discreet exit. I humped my two cases up the...
Headmaster Ozpin was in a bit of a difficult situation. Thanks to the after effects of the breach the city of vale had to spend large amounts of Lien to repair for the damages. Because of the amount of money spent it would be quite difficult to properly prepare for the Vytal festival. If he could not find a new source of money he may have to cancel the festival all together. Letting out a sigh of frustration Ozpin took a sip of his coffee before he turned to his computer and decided to see if...
my very first was one extremely eye opening experience, we were at a club (my hubby and a girlfriend),with plans to have a night out and then all back to ours for a night of playing, all was well with excitemnt building towards later on when my friend had noticed someone and began chatting to him, she soon brought him to the table and introduced us ,he was a really nice fella and we all got on ,my hubby spotted an old friend and left the table ,soon, because of the mood we were already in the...
The story until now.Lyn and I had just returned from the US. During our trip, we had gained a new friend and lover Julie who was also a barefoot water skier. Julie had returned to Australia with us on the pretext that I would coach her in her sport. I was looking forward to it.On our return journey, Lyn had announced to me that she had met a friend, Ron. She had asked me for my blessing to enter into a relationship with him. I understood that it was her way of calling off our relationship so...
Love StoriesThis story was inspired by a fantastic picture by Leila Stoat, which can be seen here: --- Deep within the woods, miles from any permanent civilization, a place known only to campers, fisherman, hikers, and bears - lived a tiny little caterpillar. Unlike most yellow and black varieties that inhabited the area, this tiny little fellow shone bright with highlight of pink and green, and remained...
Early Saturday afternoon Linda left to do some shopping, and seconds after the sound of the garage door announced that she was on her way, Bill headed to the computer room. He intended to listen to the telephone recording only, as he was not yet prepared to watch the videos again. It took him out over half an hour to listen to the phone calls up to the end of his Thursday night call from Colorado Springs. He found it unusual to listen to his conversations with his wife, as it was almost as...
Buddy was first to react. “Put a knife to her throat..and if she makes a sound use it” he ordered. Richie obeyed by pulling Colleen to her knees and putting one hand over her mouth and a blade to her throat which forced her cheek against his now flaccid cock and spent hairy ball sac. Buddy in turn moved behind the still partially open lounge door, knife in hand and waited. We all heard the key opening the front door and I saw Buddies muscles tense as he waited naked to punce. “Hey kids Mom,s...
Finding full-length Japanese adult videos (JAV) can be quite the challenge if you don’t know where to look. While it is true that there are so many Asian porn videos out there, not all of them deliver the kind of content that you are looking for. Some of them seem too vanilla, while others just don’t feel like they are from the ‘Land of the Rising Sun.’When you want authentic JAVs and want no fucking excuses, you need to visit JAVFindX. Here, you will find a wealth of JAV videos just waiting...
Asian Porn SitesCo-written by: Mojavejoe420 and Melanieatplay "The Hunters" “And so, I decided not to wear a bra to Brooke’s birthday party. I didn’t know she was going to have a water balloon fight. I was just hoping to get Tommy Marston’s attention.” Mel rubbed her breasts as the night air breezed past us. I kept sneaking looks at her while trying not to crash the car, being that it was a beautifully restored 1967 Mercury Cougar (351 Windsor, naturally), and of course, it didn’t have airbags. So I...
Kate and her four friends were coming back from a trip when their car broke down. They were in the middle of nowhere and their cell phones couldn’t pick up any signals to get any help. They were a little scared and decided to walk until one of their phones got a signal. It was getting a little dark but they saw a light from a distant house and none of them remembered one being there before.Kate checked her phone seeing that there was still no signal and decided that they should knock on the...
LesbianAs she walked toward me I was lost, forever and ever. I would NEVER be able to look at another woman without comparing her to Ellen Caretaker. She wasn't what is sometimes referred to as a BBW, but she sure as hell wasn't skinny either. At 5' 8", she looked to be about 170 pounds but with her bone structure and bone density she was actually closer to 220 pounds, and those beautiful lavender eyes, just like Chris had. She almost seemed to bounce as she walked toward me. Then I remembered...
The President Addresses the Nation By Rosie Julie Weiss carefully put the hot dish down on her dining table. Her husband, Jake, and her son, Tommy, were hungrily awaiting the steaks she served them. They didn't even wait until she sat down at the table, they dug right in. Julie looked at her men with pride. Tommy was beginning to look more and more like his father gentle faced and slim. Not quite tall as him, but Julie never cared for too tall men. She wasn't a tall woman herself,...
'Hi daddy!' She exclaimed. She always calls me daddy, so did most people, and I always called her my baby girl. 'Hey baby girl, Aimee's had an early night, she's asleep in her room. Ill be back around 11, 11:30. Feel free to anything inthe fridge baby. Make your sweet self at home' I said, cheekily slapping her ass. She giggled, and sat on the sofa with her legs spread apart. It was almost painful to walk away from that hot cunt. I left the pub early, about ten o'clock and I...
This story continues where Student Slut Part 1 left off...You don't have to read the previous parts, but it will help. Check out my other stories too! I appreciate all of your comments too.As he let me breath again, I knew that was it. I took him deep into my throat as Buzz pinched a nipple hard, rubbed my clit and had his cock push hard against my G spot. I felt the orgasm rush through my body, my muscles clenching and relaxing uncontrollably as it went. Woody held my head as it happened,...
Group Sex"Read this pamphlet over, Mr. Hansen. Before you even sign up for our course, we will want you to have a full medical with one of our approved doctors. That's a state requirement." "Yes, I understand. If you give me the list of doctors, I'll make an appointment right away and then we can talk again." I had been interviewed by Terry Jackson, son of the owner of Jackson Driving School and V.P. of Training. He was not much older than me and, while very pleasant to talk to, he was very...
“I hereby give myself over to chronic masturba- tion,” I announced to myself. My words were chopped up in the ceiling fan and then fell dead in the silent flat. Traveling alone to Cairns, Australia was excit- ing in one way. I mean there is the barrier reef and islands and topless beaches. But in other ways, such as at nine at night and being in a place where there were strict blue laws, well it was not so exciting. But laying in bed and lubing my prick with baby oil was...