Alan Ch. 05 free porn video

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What Immortal Hand or Eye/Could Frame thy fearful symmetry?

Alan spent Sunday relaxing around the house. He had some schoolwork to make up from the days he missed, and he set to it, lounging on his bed, his textbooks scattered around him. He was making good progress, but once in awhile his mind drifted back to his encounter in the hospital with the old man. He turned a page in his notebook to a clean sheet and began taking notes, on the top line the wrote in capital letters, ‘THE SEED.’

1. Old man touched me.
2. Felt tingling sensation in whole body.
3. Heard voice in my head, but old man wasn’t speaking aloud.
4. Voice said (not verbatim) ‘Am giving you gift. Power to control actions of others, more power to come later. Develop your skills’
5. Old man said, ‘You are good boy, worthy to carry THE SEED, use it well and all you desire can be yours.’
6. Old man released my arm from his hands, and died. Tingling stopped when he let go.
7. Next day in school, buzzing sensation in brain when talking with Megan, and then she kissed me.
8. After school in classroom buzzing again, wondered what it would be like to fuck her, and then we fucked. I thought she looked hot, and she kept saying, ‘I’m so hot.’
9. Buzzing in penis, grew 3′
10. Made ruler fly into my hand.
11. Modified appearance (hair, build).

His list continued to the bottom of the page, and then he turned it over and began writing on the other side. When he was done he read over it carefully. Turning over another new page in the note book, Alan headed this one, ‘Conclusions.’ As he put pen to paper he felt funny. The buzzing sensation returned, and he felt it through his whole body. The last thing he remembered before falling into a weird trance state was that the clock on his bedstand read 4:51pm.

When he came to, the clock read 6:13pm.

Alan’s head hurt. As he reached up to massage his temples he saw that the pen he had been using roll off the notebook and fall to the floor. Leaving one hand on his head, he lifted the notebook and glanced at it in amazement. Five pages were filled with writing Alan couldn’t remember writing. Even more amazing was that the writing was not like his own handwriting. He was eager to read it, but his head was still spinning, and he felt sort of nauseous. He rested his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes waiting for the feelings to pass, about five minutes. Returning to his room after a quick trip to the kitchen for a glass of water, he picked up the notebook and began to read the words.

Vessel Alan Marshall, you are the 109th receptacle of this Seed of Paishiya’uvada, the first Seed, the Seed of Hyrcanus. 31,273 lunar cycles ago I, Hyrcanus, created the seven Seeds. Five of them have been passed down through these many generations. Today, the fifth day you exist as the Vessel, the truth will begin to be known to you. My story is long, but I will endeavor to be brief. In the days and years to come more will be revealed to you.

Though history records me as a rebel, a usurper of the throne of my father Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, this is untrue. History is written by the victors.

History also records that I claimed to be the son of Smerdis, also known as Bardiya, the brother to Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes. I was not the son of Smerdis, I was the son of Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, and never a more loyal son there was, but this loyalty was repaid in my blood. Just before my death I transferred my Seed to Magi soldier loyal to me, my faithful attendant Ko’un-Zir, so that the truth of my loyalty and courage, my power and faith, would live on as long as the Seed was passed forward.

You, Vessel Alan Marshall, will carry the record of my deeds, the truth of my action, and the power of the of the Seed of Paishiya’uvada for the rest of your life. The vessel of the truth of my life is the Vessel of the power of the Seed.

My uncle, Smerdis, usurped the throne of my father when Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, was away in Misri’im (which you know today as Egypt) putting down a rebellion. The pretender installed around him a mighty guard of Magian soldiers, circling the court of the Medes, and sent masses of centurions throughout the Empire to destroy all of the temples and monuments erected to the glory of my father Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes. So numerous were his soldiers that no one loyal to my father Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, could dare approach the Palace of Cambyses. I fled in exile, to the Tsai Klaldun Valley, to the delta of the Axa River. Hiding on an island in the delta named Paishiya’uvada, I lived among the wild horses, having taken with me two sacred relics: the Chalice of Ahuramazda, and the Orbis Tertius.

Alone but for a small cadre of men and women loyal to the crown of my father Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, I created the Seeds, on the sacred hill of Arakadris. Using the powers hidden in the Orbis Tertius, I fashioned the Seeds, collapsing to the ground after the seventh emerged from the Chalice of Ahuramazda. I picked six men, the strongest and most loyal of my group, and bestowed upon them the powers that you, Vessel Alan Marshall, now possess.

Our plan was simple: by using our powers to bend the will of the minds of the men guarding the palace we would be able to penetrate the court and kill the cursed Smerdis. Our plan worked, I, myself, stabbed my sword into the pretender, shedding not a tear at his death, caring not he was my uncle.

Then the slaughter began. We put to the sword thousands of people partisan to the hated Smerdis. The day of this slaughter, the tenth day of the month of Viyakhnah, was for generations celebrated as Magophonia, the festival of the Blood of the Magians.

My father Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, returned to the court seven months later and was restored as king. When he learned that I was a vessel of the Seeds of Paishiya’uvada he saw me no longer as a faithful son and his ally against the treason of his accursed brother, but a son to be feared, a threat to his reign. I went away from court at my father’s urging, to study at the great academy of Susa, but the messengers he sent ahead of me carried my death warrant. When I arrived at Susa the master of the academy, Nidintu-Bel (later to become, along with Atsani of Elamh, my father’s hated enemy), murdered me in the doorway. With my last bit of strength I passed the Seed to my attendant Ko’un-Zir. The other six vessels were also marked for death, but four of them managed to transfer the Seeds to new hosts before being murdered. They had been tracked down by my father Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes using the Orbis Tertius and the sacred chalice, which allowed him to hide his mind, his deadly intentions, from the vessels of Seed.

Ko’un-Zir, having escaped the murderous Nidintu-Bel, fled back to the Palace of Cambyses, declared fealty to my father Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, and was welcomed back to court, later rising to become my father’s trusted vizier. My father Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes did not know that Ko’un-Zir was now the vessel of the Seed of Paishiya’uvada, the seed of Hyrcanus, his son, and that my former attendant had used the seed to secure his advancement. Ko’un-Zir died many years later, but not before he managed to destroy the Orbis Tertius. With it destroyed, the Chalice of Ahuramazda was rendered devoid of power, no longer a threat to the vessels. For centuries the inert Chalice of Ahuramazda was used in the rite of succession, the vessel of the holy oil used to annoint the newly crowned king.

The deeds of my entire life were given to the glory of my father Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, and Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, betrayed me. You are now among only five men alive on earth who know the truth. You hold almost unlimited power in your body, which is now the vessel of the first Seed of Paishiya’uvada, created by me more than 2,500 years ago. You have the power to control the actions of others, and more powers will come to yo
u as you develop your skills. Use it well, and all you desire can be yours.

I, long dead–my blood resting under the ground of Susa, buried beneath generations of dust and debris, yet still staining the hidden marble floor of the long-buried academy–have no more battles to wage. The monks and students of Susa tried in vain for years to scour the stain of my blood from their door, but without success. Their legend held that the red stains were the only monument to my life, the only marker of my existence. They were wrong. Your Seed, and the four others that yet survive, are my legacy.

Vessel Alan Marshall, in this existence you are known by that name, but to the cosmos you are known by mine: Hyrcanus, the son of Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, The creator of the seven Seeds of Paishiya’uvada, Exile in the Tsai Klaldun Valley, to an island called Paishiya’uvada, Champion over Smerdis the Heresiarch, Restorer of Devaryesh, son of Hystasapes, to the throne in Cambyses.

Alan reread the manuscript a dozen times over the next half hour before his mom called him down for supper, and he still didn’t quite believe it. The story, though short, was a lot to digest, and Alan wasn’t sure he was up to the task of dealing with it all at once. He planned to hit the library soon, and start researching the names and places contained in the account. For the short-term, he decided to head over to Megan’s tonight, if only to take his mind off the new information.

Megan and Leila were relaxing in front of the TV, waiting for ‘Sex in the City’ to start when Alan knocked. Megan kissed him on the cheek as she led him to the living room, delighted at the surprise. Alan didn’t initiate anything right away, letting Leila and Megan enjoy the show. After it ended Alan offered to drive over to D’Agostino’s to buy some pints of ice cream, and the girls agreed, telling him what flavors they liked. As he was leaving he made some mental changes to both of them.

‘Great episode, huh?’ Megan offered, draining the last few drops from her wine glass.

‘Yeah. I wish my sex life was a good as theirs, maybe even as good as yours. Your hands were all over Alan while we were watching, it was turning me on just looking at the two of you. He really must be a stallion in the sack.’

Megan tried to change the subject. ‘Hey Leila, which character do you think you’re most like in the show?’

‘Oh, I don’t know. Probably Carrie. I’m not a romantic like Charlotte, and I don’t sleep around nearly as much as Samantha, and I’m definitely not a cynic like Miranda. Carrie seems like the happy middle among the other three.’ Leila paused. ‘But you’re changing the subject. Is he a demon in bed? Come on, you can tell me.’

Megan was worried that Alan could be back at any minute, and didn’t want him catching them in this kind of conversation. She wouldn’t mind talking about it another time. ‘Uh, hey, I’ve got a good one. If you were a man, which character would you like to sleep with?’ she improvised.

‘Don’t want to talk about it anymore? OK, I’ll humor you.’ She thought for a second. ‘Charlotte, because she had the least experience, so if I did a mediocre job in bed she might not realize it. You?’

Megan hadn’t thought about it, so she agreed with her friend, citing the same reason.

It was Leila’s turn to ask and she dropped a bombshell. ‘Which character would you sleep with, Megan?’

Megan was shocked, and refused an answer. Leila approached her, sitting next to her on the couch. ‘If you wont answer, then the topic has to be Alan.’ Megan shook her head, but Leila was having none of it. ‘What does he do for you? Does he lick you out? Does he fuck you hard?’

Megan refused to speak. This enraged Leila, and she grabbed Megan, pushing her back into the cushions of the couch, pinning her down so she couldn’t escape. ‘Not talking, eh?’ she half-sneered at Megan. She rammed her hand under Megan’s skirt and slipped her fingers under her panties. Alan had set it up so that Leila would be the aggressor, and Megan would be a Kate-like submissive. Leila’s fingers explored under Megan’s panties, and she couldn’t do anything about it, being pinned to the couch. Beads of sweat were forming on Megan’s forehead as she fruitlessly tried to struggle out of Leila’s strong grip.

‘Does he touch you here?’ Leila demanded as she put her fingers against Megan’s slit.

‘Yes,’ Megan whispered back, so ashamed she hoped she could just die.

‘Does he rub you like this?’ Leila asked, drawing her fingers up and down Megan’s labia.

‘Yes,’ Megan whispered, whimpering a little as Leila’s fingers began to arouse her.

‘Does he stick his finger’s up you like I’m doing now?’ she asked as she jammed two fingers into Megan’s moistening pussy.

‘Ooooh, that’s so nice. Ohhh, what was the question?’

‘Does he finger your wet pussy? Does he make you come with his hands? Do you melt at his touch?’ Leila was watching Megan become visibly aroused. ‘Are you gonna come for me, honey? Is your pussy gonna squeeze my fingers until you come all over my hand?’

Megan couldn’t do anything except gasp and pant, and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from Leila’s steely gaze. Leila was now pumping the two fingers into her at an ever increasing pace. Megan felt Leila’s thumb on her clit, and exploded, howling her orgasm so loud she thought she would wake the dead. Leila kept manipulating her, a new climax building from the ashes from the last one. After another two minutes Megan exploded again, and Leila finally got off of her, allowing her to sit up straight on the couch. When Megan caught her breath she looked up and saw that Leila was standing in the middle of the living room, naked. Leila marched at her, and pushed her over so that Megan was prone on the couch, facing up. Leila straddled her head, and pushed her pussy at Megan’s mouth. Megan tried to turn her head away, but Leila had a good hold on her head. ‘Lick it Megan. Make me come and I’ll lick you. I’m so horny from watching you come, I need an orgasm so bad.’ Leila rested more of her weight against Megan, her labia pressed against her pursed lips. She reached behind her and pinched Megan’s nipple, twisting it hard. When Megan gasped in pain, her mouth opened and her tongue shot out and onto Leila’s pussy lips.

The taste wasn’t so bad Megan thought. ‘I wonder if we taste alike, and this is what Alan tastes when he eats my pussy.’ The thought turned her on, and she began tentatively exploring Leila’s outer labia. Leila’s pussy was covered in hair, unlike hers, which she shaved for a bikini. The hair was the same color as the hair on her head, coal black, and it was extremely silky. She had never given head before, not to any of her previous boyfriends, and certainly not to a woman, but she imagined that men’s pubic hair wouldn’t be as soft as Leila’s was. A man’s would probably be hard and wiry, and not as pleasant to run your tongue across like Leila’s bush was. Though, if Alan ever asked her to go down on him, she wouldn’t have hesitated for a moment.

‘Lick me, Megan. Lick me,’ Leila urged, and Megan became for adventuresome with the path her tongue was taking. She licked up and rolled her tongue over Leila’s clitoris. ‘Yesssssss,’ Leila hissed in response. She began to grind her pussy into Megan’s face, urging her along with her words and responses. ‘Stick you tongue in my pussy. My pussy is wet for you. My pussy is burning up for you.’ Leila’s entire existence was now centered around her pussy, and the pleasure it was receiving at the end of her neighbor’s tongue.

Megan hesitantly stabbed her tongue into the depths of Leila’s pussy. She was getting into the act of eating out Leila in a big way, and could feel her own pussy begin to moisten slightly. She even began to savor the taste of Leila’s pussy, and her tongue began to move faster, in and out of Leila, occasionally pulling out to lick over her clit. Leila began to buck wildly, and Megan knew she was about to orgasm. Leila stiffe
ned up and slammed her crotch into Megan’s face, coming wildly around the invading tongue.

Leila was amazed at the situation. She had never had sex with another woman before. All of the threesomes she had been in were her and two men. She never even imagined that being with another woman could be so pleasurable. She got off Megan’s face, and then flipped over, so that she was face-to-pussy, with her friend, the two of them forming a sixty-nine. She briefly admired Megan’s pussy as she pulled the panties even more to the side so she could begin licking her. Megan’s skirt was in a bit in her way, but Megan reached under and unzipped it, allowing Leila to pull it off. She eased Megan’s panties off, getting a first look at her naked crotch. Megan was still undoing the buttons on her blouse when Leila plunged her tongue into the red haired pussy.

Megan groaned, the distraction slowing her pace at getting naked. Leila began doing to her what she had done to Leila. She licked the lips of Megan’s pussy up and down, paying particular attention to the clit.

Neither of them noticed that Alan had returned. Upon entering, seeing that his mental commands were being followed, he made himself invisible to the two of them. He took a seat on the chair facing the couch, unzipped his pants, pulled his cock out, slowly jacking off. ‘That Leila has one hot body,’ he thought to himself as he watched them go at it.

By then, Leila had forced her pussy down into Megan’s face, and they ate each other to orgasm a few more times. Alan used his power to make himself visible again, and then cleared his throat, calling their attention to his return. ‘I see you were enjoying yourself in my absence, ladies.’ Megan’s face turned so red she thought it might be a match for her hair. Leila, though, was unembarrassed. Megan had given her some of the best climaxes of her life. She mused about all the time she had wasted not pursuing sexual relationships with women.

Looking Alan over she was impressed by the size of his cock. She had seen bigger in her adventures, but Alan’s was amongst the biggest, top five probably. She wasn’t impressed by size alone, though, and she knew the proof of the fucking was in the doing, and right at that moment she was desperate for a nice fucking. ‘Howdy there cowboy, that’s some big gun your packing there. Know how to use it?’

Alan, indulging her conceit replied, ‘Well there, Miss Leila, I reckon you can’t be made the sheriff in this rough and tumble town if you can’s shoot straight like I can. Care for a demonstration?’

Megan was collapsed on the couch, lazily watching the give and take between her young lover and her newest lover. She felt she should be upset, but for some reason she found it arousing, this was also Alan’s doing.

‘What’s a nice sheriff like you doing in a cat house like this?’

‘Just thought I’d stick my head in to see where the action was, Miss Leila. I hear they got a new player piano in this joint, and I thought I might take in some music.’

‘You know sheriff, some of the boys here in Deadwood think I’m a great singer. They especially like how I sing when they jam their hard cocks up my tight pussy. Ooh, goodness, me, I’m being very indelicate for a fine woman such as myself.’

‘You know Miss Leila, suddenly I figger the idea of listening to that new player piano seems a bit bland. Perhaps you would be so kind as to treat me to a concert. I understand you are an accomplished hummer. Perhaps a demonstration?’ She watched with baited breath as Alan got naked.

Leila slid off the couch and walked on her knees over to Alan’s chair. She took his cock head into her mouth and sucked for a minute, then began to lick up and down the shaft. Megan pulled herself up, and walked over, keeling next to Leila, wanting to see how it was done. She couldn’t believe how much of Alan’s cock Leila was taking in. Almost half of his shaft disappeared into her mouth, and Megan noticed that shiny saliva was slobbering down Leila’s chin, some of it dripping off on to her chest. She was amazed at the relish with which Leila attacked Alan’s cock.

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When I did the dishes, now with a full stomach, I hummed a little tune I had heard and liked in the radio, but not gotten the name of. It felt a bit strange, doing it naked, especially when the corner of the towel brushed against my nipples or tummy. Something I hadn’t experienced before, the touch too soft and flighty to be felt through clothes. All too soon I was finished and traipsed out into the living room. Jess and Cat were lounging on the couch, Jess’ head in her flat mate’s lap, both...

3 years ago
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Adventures with Hannah Chapter 1

Finally, after squirming and seeming a little antsy, she spoke up. “I’m not really tired, so, want to hang out at your place for a while?” “Sure,” I replied. Thoughts of potential sexual exploits entered my mind briefly, but Hannah and I hadn’t even come close to making love yet, so I honestly didn’t expect too much action tonight. Hannah and I had been dating for a few months now, and believe me, I’ve taken a bit of abuse from my friends for not having gotten anything more than a few...

4 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 6 Katies Revenge

Katie’s Revenge It had been four weeks since our encounter with Joel. Katie and I had talked about what had happened and how I ruined her trust, didn't respect her and embarrassed her. I had sent her flowers, cards and took her out for romantic dinners. She said she wasn't going to divorce me but I had to regain her trust. Katie and I hadn't had sex and I hadn't cum since the dressing room at the Gap. I was horny as hell. I tried everything to get my wife to have sex but she refused telling me...

2 years ago
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sex with Boss in Office

These are the days when I went to the office for the first time and as soon as I entered the office, all eyes were on me. Everyone's eyes were wide open when they saw my tall, thin waist and big boobs. I went and sat on my seat and after a while the office boy came and told me that the boss was calling me. I was also a little nervous. When I reached the boss's room, my eyes were opened, Such a beautiful room and a young man was my boss, I just got water in my mouth and sat down under control....

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After club Ecstasy fantasy

Wow… You pick this story up at the end of a crazy night clubbing in Ibiza…. what started off as a quiet drink, ended up as a crazy night of unexpected excess!What an amazing night! So much laughter & amazing fun was had, I was literally on cloud nine. little did I know, but this was only just the beginning of one of the most memorable nights of my life…….I had been out to an amazing club night, a load of us, me & friends, got a little twisted on Ecstasy & before we knew it, the club...

2 years ago
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Wife In Charge

WIFE IN CHARGE by Throne Nona whisked into the bedroom, just as her husband was finishing with his make-up. He was standing in front of her vanity table, one hand on its surface, leaning in to see his face better in the mirror. His other hand held a tube of lipstick, a bright orange shade she had found at a boutique she favored. After using lip liner he had just applied it to his puckered mouth. She put herself alongside him and bent her knees until their faces were at the same...

4 years ago
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Teens Night of HorrorChapter 3 The Next Party

Damon and Susan had both slept soundly following the last Halloween costume party at her Master's mansion. She awoke the next morning feeling happy and refreshed. Her pussy was sore but not terribly painful. After all, her Master had been gentle this time as he took his mate with his massive cock. It had been only her second sexual adventure. She had been painfully initiated into the world of sex and the occult the preceding Halloween. Her new Master, the Warlock, had torn her virginity...

4 years ago
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(MF, wife-cheat, husb-voy)I met Wendy at work, she was a legal intern and she instantly knocked me off my feet. I fell for Wendy hard. She was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen, with dark blonde hair and a dark tan. Her athletic body and eager outlook on life were just icing on the cake, so to speak. For some reason Wendy, who was 25, took a shine to me even though I had just turned 44 that April. After our relationship became physical, she confided in me that she had always liked...

1 year ago
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MyFirstSexTeacher Nina Elle 22465

Poor Nina Elle. The math teacher is having difficulty getting her student Ethan to understand exactly how pi works. He’s having such trouble that on National Pi Day, he brought Prof. Elle an actual baked pie with some whipped cream! But with that in hand, Nina decides to try a different approach by showing Ethan what her favorite kind of pie is — a creampie! And that doesn’t mean heading to the bakery for another dessert; rather, it means Nina stripping off her lingerie, fishing out her...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e19 Michelle 44 former air hostress from High Wycombe

Series 3, Episode 19: Michelle Williamson Welcome to High Wycombe, a small commuter town just west of London. We’re currently sitting infront of a very nice two-story house with ivy growing up the front wall, and bushes in the small front yard. It’s quiet, with virtually no traffic on the narrow bending street. The house isn’t huge, but it’s bigger than the average detached home in the area. We approach the front door, shooting with a hand-held camera, and the door opens as we arrive and...

3 years ago
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Dolce a la Gondola PeaktoPeak

During one of my recent business trips I needed to spend a weekend in Vancouver, Canada. A lovely city with beautiful sights including the women. On Friday night after my last meeting I headed down to the gaslight district to have a good meal in one of the ethnic restaurants. I found a very typical Italian restaurant and ordered a tasty pasta which I washed down with some good Canadian red wine. Travelling a lot for business, I am acustomed of having dinner alone now and then and I always try...

Straight Sex
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 6

'Polack' took a deep breath as he punched up the holo of a ship's engine room with figurines placed at points about the diagram. "We decided to look at a destroyer's engine space; we had to start somewhere and all ships are but a destroyer writ large". He waved away McCock's raised eyebrows. "We know that's not absolutely true Sir..." "Aggy." "Uh, Aggy, but as I said we had to start somewhere and small and simple we thought was better than jumping in on a BB's...

2 years ago
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The First Experience

There had been a couple of days since our chat with the parents about having sex with one another and none of us had done anything yet, too nervous to approach anyone. I think we were all still trying to process it all and get used to the idea of having sex with a family member. We all got called for another family meeting and we all knew deep down what it was going to be about so we braced ourselves for the news. We all sat in the living room and my father asked if any of us had tried it out....

2 years ago
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Online Complete Excitement edited

I was not very happy with my insurance writing career, when I received a phone call from my sister, who encouraged me to pack it up and move back to my home town. She said they had a one room studio apartment adjoining their house, and that I was welcome to move in there, until I settled down. Two days later I handed in my resignation. I packed up all my possessions in my car, arranged to have the rest sent down to me, and headed towards my old home town. It was a long trip but not very...

4 years ago
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Ryans prompts and scraps

Welcome once again to my own little dumpsite where I write down what I'm thinking and discard them due to problems that range from a lack of time to write or a lack of inspiration/motivation doing so. Most of these will be fanfiction as I lack originality to do anything but there will(hopefully)be original works so keep an eye out. If a concept inspires or interests you, all I ask is that you link your chapter/story to me so I could read it, I'm very well interested as to what ideas you came up...

2 years ago
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Angelique and the Priest

My name is Angelique Tornetta and my mother is French and my father is Italian and both are hot-blooded. I have inherited my mother’s small bones and slim body and my father’s full mouth and tan skin and my dark hair and eyes from both of them. What I have not inherited—and I’m glad of it—is any hot bloodedness whatsoever. I think I know what that refers to and I’d like to state that at sixteen I’m pure and fully expect to remain so for all eternity. We live in Manhattan My father is the art...

2 years ago
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A Royals Lust

I whined and pushed my ass back against him trying to feel his thick cock deeper which in turn made him groan and grip my hips tighter, he was trying to hold off until I was fully satisfied as my father would flip the guest dining table if he found out what we were doing when I was supposed to be finishing up my studies, however, I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied until I felt him release whether in or on me which he was completely avoiding and it was annoying me, I grabbed one of his wrists and...

1 year ago
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Sexy Candid Girls

SexyCandidGirls could not have a more obvious name as to what it has to offer, so I am pretty sure you can all guess what is all about. Of course, there are always the ones who are a bit on the dumb side, which is why I am here to tell you everything you need to know. If you love to look at spontaneous pics of hot and cute chicks, you’ve come to the right place.A very basic picture site, with lots of naughty posts.If you’ve clicked on this site, that means that you are...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Bridget Rising 001

This is my first venture into publishing on Literotica – please be kind! The story is my own, though the characters are not. Well, one of them isn’t. If you haven’t already, you must read Patricia51’s novellas Bridget’s Nights and Bridget’s Days. This story is based around the character Bridget O’Brien, and while it is effectively a stand-alone, it would help to get the background. Patricia has graciously allowed me to take her beguiling heroine into the most tumultuous period of recent Irish...

1 year ago
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ImageFap Group Sex

Every fapper wants a no-frills smut site when doing God’s work. Who wouldn’t love to minimise their hassles by getting good jerk-off material when they want to bust that nut? There’s just something about a nice, clean and sexy photo album that other kinds of porn can’t capture. No one has disagreed to agree with you morons, that videos are fucking awesome. But the truth is that most of the videos you have seen while scouring through the internet are produced mainly by the same lot – famous...

Gangbang Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 136 Identity crisis

John flailed in the darkness, his stomach turning as he fell through the gloom. Suddenly he was gazing up at a brilliant blue sky, fluffy white clouds scudding past as he plunged towards the ground. Twisting frantically, he looked over his shoulder and gasped as he saw a building rapidly fill his field of vision. He hit the terracotta roof with a mighty thump, then crashed to the floor in a pile of broken beams, shattered tiles, and a billowing cloud of dust. Groaning at the burst of agony...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Riley Reid Rides 2 Cocks At Once Dp8217d By The DP Masters

Riley Reid gets all her holes filled by the DP Masters in this airtight fuckfest! Porn Goddess Riley Reid is back at JJV for more hardcore action. She’s dressed in black lingerie with white gloves, a top hat, and black heels as she runs her hands across her body. Riley pulls her lingerie to the side to expose her perfect tits, then covers them back up as she teases us with her amazing assets. She pulls her panties down to show off all of her glorious holes before, again, covering herself...

3 years ago
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Caught My Friend8217s Mom With A Dildo In Her Room

Hello friends, Myself Rushi, I am 5’6″, fair and normal built. Penis size enough to satisfy a women’s desire. Actually it’s not about the size, its about how you use it ! I’m from Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Presently I am 31 yrs old, married and a 4 yr old son, this incident happened way back in 2003. This sex story is about my friend’s mom and me. Shweta (my friend) & Rekha (her mom) When I was studying in first yr. Engineering, I had a classmate who stayed in our area. Both of us used to daily go...

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home alone well not quite proper version part 1

Characters Andy – 16 Amy – 15 Beth – 15 Lily – 15 My name is Andy; I’m 16 years old and in my final year of high school. My mum left me on my own while she went to some concert. She would have got my brother to look after me, why, I do not know, lucky for me; he took his girlfriend to the same concert, so I’m “alone”. Me and my ex Amy are still friends and I asked her if she wanted to come round to watch a film while I was on my own. Lucky for me she said no as she was having her...

3 years ago
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My Favourite Memory Pt 5

Well, as soon as I think I'm going to get to the favourite memory a few others crop up. This time its probably my second favourite one. I metioned a pretty girl called Viv in part 4 and this involves her. We began to go out just after I left school and began to work in the factory. She was into her finals which means she would have turned 16 during that year. I was over the moon having got hold of the best looking girl around and was on the best behaviour.We did plenty of kissing and soon a lot...

1 year ago
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Beth OuttakesChapter 4

“You five ... You each could lose your most attractive feature and each of you would still be amazingly alluring. I really am the world’s luckiest man. It’s probably good that I’ve already found, found and married, the love of my life, because if I had to choose among you five, I couldn’t do it. I’d have to marry all of you.” Heather dropped to one knee, grabbed his hands with hers, and said, “Dad, would you marry us?” Dad’s eyes nearly rolled up into the back of his head. His head tipped...

2 years ago
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A strange place called Florida The price of the bid pt 1

Jessica, or Jess as she preferred to be called, was a nineteen-year old college girl who had taken a gap year after high school before going to a large and well respected university in her state. From a working class family, Jess had a tough time affording college. In her gap year, Jess modeled for a good amount of pay because her good looks got her noticed. As a tanned blonde standing at five-foot-eight with the build of a Victoria's Secret model, Jess was catcalled a lot. The blonde had a...

College Sex
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MommysGirl Aften Opal Shay Sights Cunning Linguist

Shay Sights is sitting on her bed, looking a bit worried about something. Aften Opal, Shay’s stepdaughter, walks by her open bedroom door and Shay decides to call her inside. Aften’s always glad to help out her stepmom, so she comes to sit next to her, asking her what’s on her mind. It turns out that Shay is back on the dating scene, and has recently met a LOVELY woman. Thing is, that woman hasn’t been impressed with Shay’s dirty talk in the bedroom. Shay reveals...

3 years ago
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Kanes Cum Bucket Bitch ch 8 end

She emailed, "These are fine." I wrote, "He has started to bite my shoulder while he mounts me, when I stick him in my bum." I rubbed my shoulder upon typing that. Kane was biting almost hard enough to break skin. "I see." She replied. "I'll guess that he wants more variety. Therefore, you must flip a coin each time he mounts you. Even you can guess what to do based on the result. Except -- tomorrow and the next day you will let him mount you however he chooses. Afterwards, flip a...

2 years ago
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Sis on Tape

© 1999 - all rights reserved. The day did not start out at all well. I was in my third class - algebra - when the first signs of queasiness hit me. It wasn't too bad at first. Just a mild discomfort in my gut. I tried to push the feeling aside and concentrate on the problem Miss Killey was illustrating on the blackboard. Or more precisely, I tried to return my attention to the sway of Miss Killey's tight little ass as she wrote the correct formula on the board. She did have a...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Emma Bugg Step Daughter Trickery

You reviewed Emma’s test and she fail. You go and yell at her, and tell her that you’re going to discuss this with her mom. She lashes out and reminds you that you’re not her real dad. Even though you are the step guardian you still want her to succeed in school. She storms off. Emma gets in the shower and the next thing you know she needs a towel. You get her one, she asks you to hand it to her. She pulls back the curtain and she is naked. Emma manipulates you into not...

3 years ago
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I Saw Mommy Kissing the Grinch

Two days after Carol broke up with me, our division was shut down. I don't think this was coincidence; she was much better connected to things going on above us in the company than I ever was. I think she didn't want to have to deal with a boyfriend who'd just been laid off, especially this close to the holidays when there's basically nothing you can do about it besides mope around. But there was something I had to do about it; I had to find work, some kind of work, fast, because with my...

3 years ago
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The Matriarchy Aimme Brodeur

I wasnt sure who I wanted to use it on first. I remember doing a rehearsal for drama class. It was 4th period and me and a handsome lead boy in my class who will remain nameless had 5th and 6th period off. I was doing my finals and he was my acting buddy for the drama exam. I asked him if he wanted to continue rehearsing after class. I remember joking around with him and not getting much work done. I guess you could say I felt for him, he was as fit as the rugby lads just much more handsome....

4 years ago
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Eager CockSucker Gay

I put on a fresh pair of panties, I knew I was going to obey. I put on a pair of black pantyhose and a bra, before hiding my inner slut with a suit and tie. I stared at the phone, praying he would text back. My hunger for cum, for being on my knees, possessed my every thought.I noticed my phone was flashing.A rush of excitement coursed through me that it might be the black guy. The fact was that even though I had just swallowed two loads and should have been satisfied, I instantly wanted more....

1 year ago
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Tube Stack! When you first enter the site, you’ll see that unfortunately, it has closed down. Luckily though, they’ve merged with their other porn site - You won’t be disappointed though, it’s got an excellent variety of videos that you will definitely enjoy. The layout of the page is simple, having a basic background color of grey, with a splash of rainbow color on the word “Porzo.” There’s a bar at the top of the page with all the options you can click on, to better...

Porn Aggregators
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Bringing Over Food For The Neighbors

My mother is one of the nicest people I know. She's always volunteering her time around town. Lately, she's been making food and bringing it over to some of the neighbors. She likes to help out with the older, widowed people. They absolutely love her food and are quite grateful that she does that for them. I wanted to do nice things too. However, what I wanted to give them wasn't food related. What I wanted to give them was sex. I’ve always been a very sexual person. I just wanted to make our...


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