Alan Ch. 13 free porn video

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Promenade yer Partner, Round and Round…

‘You look fantastic! Stunning!’

‘Thanks, Mom,’ Pauline answered, blushing furiously. It was the afternoon before the prom, and Pauline was at the salon. Mrs. Van Devanter had been ferrying her daughters about town all morning and afternoon. Kate was at the dressmaker’s, which was Pauline’s next stop. Mom was going to take Pauline there and drop Kate off in exchange back at this salon.

Her usually billowing light-brown hair was up, held by lavender ribbons and the better half of a can of hairspray. Her fingernails and toenails were lacquered to match the hair ribbons. After some last-minute hemming and stitching her dress would be ready, also the same color. She was giddy with anticipation.

This was all a bit new for her, she had never been a satin and lace type of girl. No tomboy her, but she hadn’t really been one to doll it up very often. She preferred comfort to coture, not that she was ever indifferent to her appearance. Rather she strove to find the happy medium between form and function, favoring nice skirts and pants, pretty blouses, eschewing short skirts and clingy tops. But for the prom she went whole hog: a spaghetti-strap dress, open-toe shoes (dyed to match), this ultra-feminine hairstyle, and the nail polish.

* * *

‘Gorgeous! Absolutely Gorgeous!’ James Van Devanter enthused as his two daughters came down the staircase. Pauline was resplendent in her lavender dress. It was low-cut and tapered to the waist. The bottom was separate, a knee length skirt under a pale translucent ankle length piece which sort of resembled a sarong. It wasn’t your typical prom dress, and that was what she wanted. Kate was wearing a more traditional dress, a pastel yellow off the shoulder number, tailored up top to hug her lush figure, cut very low in the back, the hem coming to her mid-calf. Her hair was French braided and up, two yellow bakelite barrettes holding them in place. Mrs. Van Devanter had helped them with their makeup, and they both seemed to glow. Their dad was clicking away like a half-crazed paparazzo.

Alan and Chad, waiting in the living room, came out upon hearing the fuss. They had spent the last twenty minutes or so successfully avoiding conversation. Chad had barely said two words to him since that day, weeks ago, when he confided in his counselor. After he pissed himself a few times he realized that it was pointless to try to tell anyone about what was happening between Kate and Alan. The most embarrassing time was when he had shown up at the Van Devanter’s knowing that Kate was not home. The reason he was sure Kate wasn’t home was because he had just dropped her off at Alan’s.

* * *

It was a late-May Saturday night, the weekend before Memorial Day weekend. They had been out on a date, a teen social at the country club, Kate’s cell phone rang just as he had returned from the punch bowl with two glasses. Kate was on her cell phone, and he could tell, just from her side of the conversation to whom she was speaking.

‘Yes, Master.’ Pause. ‘i’ll be right over, Master.’ Pause. ‘Yes, he’s right here. We’re still at the club, Master.’ Pause. ‘No wonder You and Pauline left early.’ Giggle. ‘i’m sure she was good, she is my kid sister, after all.’ Throaty laugh, then calmly, ‘Yes, Master, we came in his car.’ Pause. Giggle. A look from her which made him feel like the lowest form of life on the Planet Earth, followed by a short–yet derisive–laugh, which he was sure came at his expense. ‘i’ll see You soon.’ She hit the end button, terminating the call.

‘Pity,’ she said to him, sighing wistfully. ‘I was hoping to stay till the end of the dance, but when He calls, I go.’ She picked up her purse and started out. Try as he might he couldn’t resist following. As he passed the entrance he spied the trashcan near the door. All he had to do was throw his car keys in the trash! Then he wouldn’t be able to take his girlfriend over to Alan Marshall’s house, and that turd wouldn’t fuck his pretty little Kate. In a way he would be protecting her!

He slipped his hand into his pocket and felt the keys, but for some reason he was unable to grasp them. Meanwhile he was still incapable of ceasing his forward progress behind Kate. He kept jabbing his hand into his pocket and coming up empty. Fuck! Goddamn hands! What the fuck is going on?

Kate was waiting at his car, tapping her foot impatiently. When he was within five yards of his Beamer he was at last able to fish his keys out of his pocket, but instead of heaving them into the bushes he just pressed the electronic button on the fob to pop the locks. Kate jumped in and fastened her seatbelt, but he seemed rooted in place, trying with all his will to keep himself from even opening the door on his side. She upbraided him, and his resolve crumbled.

It was a short drive to Marshall’s house, and he attempted to talk her out of going, but she was having none of it. As he turned onto Alan’s block he was shocked to look at her. She was touching up her makeup in the vanity mirror on the visor, and he could see her quivering in anticipation, her shoulders vibrating, making it harder to work the lipstick across her mouth evenly. He cut the engine and gave her a doleful look. ‘Kate, baby, are you sure you want to go in there? You don’t even know what sick and perverted things he’s going to do to you.’

She laughed. The sound of it cut through him like a rusty chainsaw. It was a cackle of pure contempt, and it tore him up inside.

She opened the door and started up the path. ‘Let’s go, my Master wants you to come in, too.’ she ordered, and he found himself following her again, right into the house so he could face Alan Marshall, his humiliation personified. The haughty puke opened the door as she approached, he was wearing slippers and a bathrobe.

In the living room Kate fell to her knees, kneeling before him as if he were a god, which to her he was. By merely prostrating herself before him she was becoming aroused, her nipples popping out to press against the fabric of her dress, her shaven slit slowly secreting juices, the labia becoming sensitive and puffy. She nuzzled her face in Alan’s groin, enjoying the feel of the soft material of his robe against her cheek. Alan reached down and pushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders, and it fell to her waist. Her gold nipple rings sparkled in the light. He parted his robe and she mewled as he held the head of his cock against her bright red lips, smearing his manhood with her lipstick. She kissed the head lovingly, and then licked around the crown, savoring the taste of him, greedily lapping up his pre-come.

Her eyes had been closed, and she had all but forgotten that Chad was still here when he spoke.

‘Alan, please,’ he whined. ‘Do I have to stay here and watch this shit?’

‘Yes. Shut up. I’ll let you go soon.’

Kate’s oral skills were fantastic. She had him fully hard in almost no time, and in just a few minutes was taking him to the hilt, her throat stretched out around him, her lips nestling in his pubic hair as she moved her face forward and back on his shaft. She was slobbering profusely and making obscene slurping noises, a curtain of saliva on her chin and all around her mouth, glistening by the light of the room, and little droplets of it falling to her chest. Periodically she would release him and rub his shaft across her cheeks, over her neck, and she even leaned forward to swish her glossy black hair around his crotch, but these were just respites, times she needed to catch her breath before swallowing him whole again.

Alan moved back to the sofa and pulled Kate along with him. He sat, and she crawled up onto the couch on all fours, perpendicular to him, her mouth quickly covering his erection again. He reached under her to rub her pussy.

‘You’re incredibly wet. More than usual,’ he commented wryly.

She lift her mouth off of him, gasping because she had been deep thr
oating him. ‘i like it when you make him watch,’ she chuckled.

‘And you like it when I use you, don’t

you?’ This was for Chad’s benefit, for he had no doubts that she liked his use of her. She demonstrated that every time, in both word and action.

He pulled her up so she was sitting next to him. ‘Tell him,’ he said softly. She looked up at her master with questioning eyes, so he elaborated, ‘Tell Chad why you ditched the dance and came here at my order.’

She looked over at the pathetic form of her quote-unquote boyfriend. He was slouched in a chair, facing them, his eyes downcast. Alan put one arm around her shoulder, the hand hanging down and rolling her nipple and ring through his fingers, causing her to pant gently as she continued to answer Alan’s questions.

‘Because You wanted me to come here. Because You’re my Master.’

‘But why, my little slut,’ he pressed on, and Chad noticed her quiver when he called her that, ‘Why did YOU want to come here tonight?’

‘i don’t understand,’ she whimpered, her upper lip tremulous. ‘i came here because You wanted me to. Isn’t that the right answer?’ She shifted a bit in her seat so she could look at Alan, so she could see His face and gauge His reaction. She wanted so badly not to displease Him.

‘Did you want to come here because of the sex?’ he asked. His voice was barely above a whisper, not a decibel more than was needed so that Chad could hear from where he was seated.

‘Yes,’ she exhaled, beaming at him.

‘But there’s something more, isn’t there?’ he asked, leading her on.

‘i, i don’t know. i think so. B-but i’m not sure what You are trying to get me to say, Master. Please! Just tell me the words and i’ll say them.’ She began to sob lightly, and He took His hands from her tits and hugged her to Him, holding her firmly in His arms and caressing her gently until she calmed.

‘When I called you just now, when you were at the dance, did it excite you?’

She nodded.

‘When did you begin to get wet?’

‘Almost immediately,’ she cooed. His gentle hands on her body were very relaxing and comforting.

‘But you said before that you like coming to me, that you liked serving me, for the way I touch you and use you. Right?’

‘Uh huh.’ A glimmer of comprehension lit in her eyes.

‘But you were already becoming aroused. Before I touched you. Before I used you.’ He was running a hand through her long and silky black hair, and it made her feel extraordinarily kittenish.

‘Yes, my pussy was already dripping wet by the time we got to his car.’ She was going to go on, but he stopped her. He wanted to lead her to water, not just give her the map.

‘Why? Why were your juices flowing even before you arrived here and I started using you?’

‘Uh, anticipation?’

‘OK. Any other reason?’ he smiled down on her.

She thought for a bit, chewing her lips as she worked through the problem.

‘Um, reliving memories. You know, thinking back to the other times You used me.

‘OK, another reasonable answer. But concentrate now. Let’s review recent events: One, I called you. Two, you agreed to come her right away. Three, your pussy immediately began to get wet, and before very long was completely soaked.’ He paused to let her reflect on that. ‘What were you doing when you pussy began to moisten?’

‘i was walking to the car.’

‘But in a broader sense, what were you doing right then and there. Don’t answer right away, give it some thought.’ She went back to absently chewing her lower lip.

Suddenly she looked at him, fire in her eyes, a broad smile across her lips ‘i think i figured it out!’ she squealed excitedly.

‘Go on,’ he prodded bemusedly.

‘i was following Your orders, Master. That’s what turned me on! i was OBEYING You.’

Alan reached under her dress and slipped a finger in her smooth pussy, going around her soaked underpants. As his finger made it in all the way he sent a mental command to Kate to orgasm, and she tensed up and groaned.

‘By George, I think she’s got it!’ Alan exclaimed with his best Rex

Harrison imitation, and she laughed despite the climax still raging through her. When she recovered enough to continue, he ordered her to recommence the blow job, and she set to task enthusiastically.

She could tell Alan was nearing the end of his string. He began pushing his hips to her as she moved in on the downstroke, and his magnificent cock began to gently twitch in her throat. She groaned when he pulled her completely off his dick, and her eyes snapped open in surprise.

‘Why?’ she half-moaned, half-whined.

‘You question me?’

‘No, Master. Sorry, Master,’ she whimpered.

‘I want to come on your face, but I don’t want to get any on the upholstery, so get into the middle of the room and kneel.’

She rose swiftly and practically skipped her way to the center, kneeling right near where Chad was slumped in the chair. Alan held back, waiting for her to take position. ‘She’s so damned cute,’ he thought to himself. He held still even longer, watching her in the dim light of the room. Her shiny body shook gently as she kneeled. Her knees dug unto the deep carpeting of the den’s floor, and thereafter her ass came to rest on the back of her nicely toned calves. When she had completely settled down her excitement overcame her, and Alan watched as she began to ever so lightly bounce her ass up and down over her long legs. ‘Ready?’ he asked gently, his eyebrow arched.

‘Always,’ she sighed wistfully.

‘What are you ready to do?’ he asked her, his voice becoming louder, more masterful.

‘Ready, Master, to receive Your come on my face?’

‘Is that all, slut?’

‘No, Master, No! i’m ready, always ready to obey You!’ she groaned, her bouncing increasing in pace.

‘Why? Why are you always ready to obey?’

‘Because, because, BECAUSE i LOVE IT! i LOVE OBEYING YOU, MASTER!’ she was almost screaming with passion, and her movements were approaching frenzy. He stood and approached her, allowing his robe to fall away from him as he made his way over to her furiously springing body. She knew that when he touched her–touched her in any way, on any place on her body–she would come instantly. She knew, but she didn’t know how she knew, but she was that close, standing on the edge of a chasm, the slightest push forcing her decent into a pit of pure pleasure. He stood before her and she reached up to take his cock in her hands. As she touched him she knew she was right, and exploded in orgasm.

‘Aiyeeee,’ she screamed. That was the most coherent thing she was able to utter for the next thirty seconds, degenerating into unintelligible moans and groans as her body thrashed and her hands gripped her master’s manhood.

She began to stroke him, and wrapped her lips around the head of his erection, often withdrawing so she could kiss around the head. Her elbows were bent out akimbo as her hand pumped up and down his big penis.

‘Yes, Kate. Pump it. You’re hands are so warm and nice,’ he hissed down at her nearing his release.

‘Shoot your come at me, Master. i want it so much! Soak me. Please. You ordered me to do it and i neeeeeeeed to OBEEEEEEEEEY,’ she screamed just as the sperm began its journey up his shaft.

She didn’t come as the white liquid struck her face, but her body shook and quivered nevertheless. Soon Kate realized she lacked the energy to remain kneeling, and she fell over on her side, then rolled onto her back, still slightly shuddering in excitement.

Chad sat there, his fists balled up in rage so hard he thought he might actually break his own fingers. She’s such a fucking slut, he thought. Then it hit him. She’s not really a slut, not in the most basic sense of the word. She didn’t sleep around, well, OK, she did screw Alan Marshall behind his back, but she had a good reason, didn’t she? I could never get her off,
so she had no choice, right? And she’s really has been faithful to Alan, right? Well, that was certainly a mark in her favor, wasn’t it?

He shook himself. What the fuck am

I thinking? Why am I trying to rationalize her disgusting behavior?

He began to weep from his confusion. Alan looked at him because he had heard the sobbing. This is so fucking humiliating! Then, a change. Whatever force that was holding him here had evaporated. Chad stood and slowly backed out of the room. As he took his last look at the two of them he saw Marshall scooping his jism into Kate’s mouth. She licked it off his fingers with enthusiasm.

‘Mmmm…come,’ Alan deadpanned, doing a fairly good Homer Simpson impression, and she giggled, the sound of which was still echoing in his ears as he closed the front door of Alan’s house behind him.

* * *

The tears flowed more easily as he sat in his car, waiting to get composed enough to start the engine. It took a few minutes.

What to do? What to do?

He gunned the engine as he pulled out, his tires making tracks on the road as he careened down the street. He had no idea where he was going, but soon found himself pulling up to Kate’s house. Mr. Van Devanter let him inside.

‘Hey, where’s my daughter?’ he asked the quarterback jocularly, a friendly punch to the arm.

‘Good question, honey,’ Kate’s mom agreed, laughing.

Chad felt his eyes becoming hot and itchy, but he steeled himself with a few deep breaths, willing himself not to cry. ‘I have to tell you something,’ he began ominously.

This got their attention.

‘Is Kate OK?’ Helen Van Devanter gasped, worry evident on her face.

‘I can explain,’ Chad whined, hesitation in his voice and manner.

‘What, Chad? What?’ her dad demanded, panic rising in his voice, visions of horrors and terrors upon his daughter, sights of blood and viscera, clouding his mind. ‘Is Katie hurt? Goddamnit, son, Speak!’

‘No, it’s nothing like that. I, I, I, I just dropped her off at the Marshall’s. She’s–‘ He was going to tell them Kate was OK, but that didn’t seem to be right to him. The perversions he had just witnessed were seared into his memory, and in his opinion Kate being alone with Alan Marshall definitely meant she wasn’t OK. ‘She’s unhurt. B-but she and Alan–‘

Mr. and Mrs. Van Devanter visibly relaxed at this news.

Oh my fucking god!

Oh my fucking god!

Oh my fucking god!

I have to get out of here, RIGHT NOW!

Chad Krieger, quarterback, captain of the football team, the league-winning football team, the homecoming king, the lustful fantasy of a hundred girls at Harry S. Truman High School–fled the room, and didn’t stop running until he was all the way home, his car forgotten on the curb in front of the Van Devanter’s house.

‘Am I imagining things, or did he just pee his pants?’ husband asked wife.

‘I’m not sure, but he has seemed weird lately, hasn’t he?’ wife asked back, a tinge of wonder coloring her voice. ‘I’m going to call the Marshall’s and see what’s going on.’ She lifted the phone.

* * *

‘Hello, Alan?’

‘Hi, Mrs. V.’

‘Kate wouldn’t happen to be over there with you, would she?’

‘Yeah, but she can’t come to the phone because I’m giving her a bubble bath. She’s gonna sleep over.’

‘Uh, OK. Tell her goodnight from us, and I guess we’ll see her tomorrow.’ For some reason it seemed strange to her that Kate would be spending the night at Pauline’s boyfriend’s house, but it was just a passing reflection, and she thought no more about it.

* * *

She looked great, he thought to himself as her dad kept snapping away. Pauline too, for that matter, though she wasn’t really his type. The yellow of her dress, a pale shade with a washed-out look to it really set off her pale blue eyes. It was a bitter pill. Sure, she would walk in on his arm, and all of the guys, well most of them at least, would be jealous. But they didn’t know. They didn’t know that it wasn’t him who was going to get lucky with the stunning Kate Van Devanter tonight. They didn’t know that his ostensible girlfriend was the sexual toy of the turd standing less than ten feet

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Kathaliyai Thirumanathirku Pinbu Santhithen 8211 Part 1

Hai friends, en peyar gopal naan kalluri padipai padithu mudithu vittu ippozhuthu velai paarthu kondu irukiren. Enaku oru kathali irunthaal, aval perya sharmila. Iruvarukum ore vayathu aagi irunthathu, iruvarum ondraaga thirumanam seithu kolalam enbathu varai pesi irunthom. Anal naangal pirithu vitom, avaluku thirumanam aana udan santhipu eer patu kaamam eppadi malarnthathu enbathai intha tamil kama kathiyil ungalidam solugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Ithu oru kala kaathal kathai...

1 year ago
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Raving Bliss

The piercing high-pitched tone of the mobile phone ring shattered the blissful illusion of Tina’s dreams and she struggled through the sticky mass of sweat-soaked sheets to reach to her bedside table and turn off the screeching sound. As she picked up the slim sleek phone, she noticed the word “CHANTELLE” highlighted on the glowing screen. Her heartbeat quickened as she answered the call. “Hi?” “Teenie! It’s me!” an excited voice screamed down the phone, almost drowned out by pumping music in...

4 years ago
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How a desi mom and wife gave in

This is my friend, a desi mom and wife that I met about 5 years ago now. We worked together at the time. This is a true story about how she finally gave in, just before we were never to see each other again. We still talk on WhatsApp, but even nice iPhone pics of this mom/wife's bare tits just doesn't do justice for me... Password protected

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First Anal With My Irish Exchange Student

I woke up as usual on a Saturday morning and expected to see my boring 45 year old wife lying next to me. Instead, I looked over and realized how lucky I was. I glanced over and there was my beautiful naked Irish exchange student twenty year old Kathleen next to me with her long red hair covering the pillow and gently brushing up against her bare breasts. Then it all came back to me. Last night I was lying flat on my bed, Kathleen straddled me as she furiously rode my cock. Out of the morning...

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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 02

“What? Oh…morning dad…” Dylan said, yawning. “It’s half 5 in the evening actually,” his father Gareth said. “You’ve not been in bed all day, have you?” “No, I was…” Dylan then remembered what he’d done. He shot up in bed, realising he was still naked under the covers, and his eyes darted to his laptop, which was still on his bedside table. The screen was off and it wasn’t making any noise. “What’s wrong?” Gareth asked. “Um…nothing,” Dylan replied. “I unwrapped my presents and messed with...

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Chaste NancyBoy Husband 2

CHASTE NANCY-BOY HUSBAND 2 by Throne My wife Miki had gotten me a something new to wear. I'm always uneasy when she finds anything else for me to add to my expanding wardrobe of female clothes. It's usually something shameful, that's too tight and leaves too much skin exposed. But what can I do about it? Nothing. Ever since I foolishly let my chastity fantasy do my thinking for me, and agreed to have my cock locked up, I've been at her mercy. She rarely sets me free and, when she...

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Arzthelferin wird gekidnappt

Einleitung Regine ist eine 20jährige Arzthelferin aus München. Sie ist etwa 1,80 m groß, hat lange blonde Haare, blaue Augen, einen weichen vollen Mund, Titten der Größe 75C, ein schön geschwungenes Becken und unglaublich lange schlanke Beine. Sie ist also eine Frau, nach der sich die Männer umdrehen. Aber sie reagiert verstört und abweisend, wenn ein Mann sie anspricht. Denn im letzten Winter hatte sie ein Erlebnis, dass sie für ihr Leben gezeichnet hat....

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Screaming Darkness

Screaming Darkness by Nikita ? 2005 Screaming Darkness by Nikita ? 2005 The fan moved slowly, circulating the warm air over the two lovers in the war torn bed.? The air was heavy with sex, candles, and cigarette smoke. While the soft rays of sunlight slipped through the curtains, the white sound of the ocean lulled the spent ones to sleep in between bonfires of passion. Nikita moved first.? Dreamily, her cuffed hands stroked her puffy pink pussy lips.? The brief attention stiffened her...

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Give Me Life Pt 3

Without warning his gray eyes flash to the brilliant vampire-light blue, his fangs sinking instep. I gaze into those illuminated blue eyes, hypnotized. Curiosity took over me, making me tilt my head slightly to invite him to drink from me. But he didn't bite. With his vampire agility he penetrated my womanhood. And before I could cry out in pain, Shadow sunk his teeth in my neck and began drinking my life force. Shadow laps furiously at my neck, draining me further than I'd ever thought he...

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Malachars CurseChapter 4 Like Mother like Daughter

Sunday, July 16th, 2006, Boston Massachusetts “Hey, Jake!” Abby greeted me warmly as she climbed up into my truck, which caused her breasts to jiggle enticingly. I couldn’t help but stare; her tits were just bursting from the tiny tight white Hooters shirt that she was wearing. The cleavage that she was sporting was huge; she had to be wearing some sort of push-up bra to get a look like that. I think that I must have zoned out just staring with my mouth open. Damn, she’s smoking hot! Much...

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William Redman CarterChapter 11

Mark Howell sat at his desk staring at the empty chairs across from him. He had just returned from his doctor's office. The results of his tests were not good. Everything that William had told him was the truth. He leaned forward to ease the pain in his abdomen. The act only reminded him of the disease eating away at him. Alone, William entered the room. It wasn't necessary for his father to attend this meeting. He looked at Mark and said, "I'm sorry." "It is not your fault," Mark...

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Katie Cooper and the Goblet of Fire Chapter 4

Katie left the Professor's office in a stupor. She would never be a boy again, was what the headmaster had told her. Her entire life would be different, and she was all alone. Her mind was racing with all the horrible things that she would have to deal with now, if anyone found out, she didn't think she could handle the humiliation she would endure. How were her parents going to react? "KATIE!" she heard Hermione saying loudly as she was shaken. "Are you okay?" Katie's mind cleared...

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Virgin Sacrifice

Introduction: The village must select a virgin to satisfy the sexual hunger of a god. I stand naked in the caves entrance, shivering slightly as each breath turns to fog and vanishes. My heart pumps furiously as I try to urge my feet forward, reminding myself that I have a duty to perform, to my family and to my clan. Its an honor, I tell myself for the millionth time. My family will become wealthy as payment for their sacrifice. My reward from the Gods will be greater still: guarantee of an...

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Cindy I Part 2

Chapter 5: Lake Tour Waking in the morning we cuddled and kissed many times. "Morning wife."She giggled, "Morning husband." I threw the sheet back and bent down. Cindy grabbed me and in a hushed voice pleaded, "No, please don't! I'm still not sure about that, besides I gotta pee."She hadn't pulled me away. I paused to consider then said firmly, "I only want to say good morning, please let me."She released me with an, "Eww." I lightly kissed the closed lips and said, "Morning Penelope."Cindy was...

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My Dads New Wife Pt 2

My Dad’s New Wife Cont. It’s been three months since I started fucking my dad’s wife. Terri and I did it with him and at other times. Sometimes it would be just a quick fuck with me lifting her skirt and pushing her panties aside. One day Barbara, my wife, and I were over at dad’s house for a backyard cookout. Barbara and Terri had been working in the kitchen and dad and I were tending to the fire and drinking a beer. Dad commented that Barbara looked good today, as usual, and that while he...

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This story was written for Tiffany, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, the fantasies described her were fantasies that we shared. My biggest regret is that we never got to act them out in real life; we have to be content to enjoy them in our minds.Living in an apartment complex can mean that ones privacy is sometimes compromised. This is not however always a bad thing as I found out.My wife, Tiffany, and I had recently moved into a very nice 3-bed room apartment on the ground...

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A Birthday Favor

By ladywolf526 8/23/04, Lesbian Sex It was several hours before Jennifer's 21st birthday bash. She couldn't wait. She had been looking forward to this all week. "wow, I can't wait" she said with a smile. Then she started thinking of who was gonna be there. Mostly her girlfriends, but she wondered would he be there. Charlie, was a very handsome well built guy she had been eyeing for months now. He was tall about 6'3" crew cut black hair. Very nice muscular chest....

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Under His Spell

Introduction:A horny housewife finds herself unable to resist the advances of her daughter’s new boyfriend.Under His Spellby PanWhen I felt the hand of my daughter’s boyfriend on my ass, I didn’t say anything.How would you have reacted? We’d been asking Georgia to invite her boyfriend around for weeks now—we didn’t know anything about him, except that the two of them seemed to be getting along. My husband and I had literally no idea what to expect—and yet, Ash still managed to surprise us.He...

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Crazy revenge on ladyboy part 2

So as she looked slightly shocked at the seriousness in my eyes I also noticed her guilty face trying to hide her arousal... I felt so in control and like this moment was mine , she was flushed and in awe just by me being in the room.. I thought to myself, that although my nature is more tender and caring, if she wanted me to be dominant and sissy'd then who am I to deny her...She showed she wanted this In every way possible.. And to be honest, I just craved to see her gag on my unwashed cock...

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Same Time Next Year

Same Time Next Year ? by: Cindy My dominant Mistress and I, a lowly submissive cross-dresser, get the opportunity to play with each other just once each year. We met on the internet a few years ago and we don't live in the same city. We always arrange to see one another for a wild weekend in the fall of the year and this year she chose our location to be sin city itself, Las Vegas. Here are some highlights of this year's happenings; we do hope you enjoy them. The players:...

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Outpost 2 Snowed in Bisexual EditionChapter 3 Uninvited Guest

Riya steered her dropship through the blizzard, the winds buffeting the little craft as it glided on its stubby wings, a sensor overlay projecting on her cockpit window in an attempt to help her see through the almost opaque flurry of snow. It was coming down harder than she had ever seen it, battering the craft’s hull, audible even over the sound of the thrusters as they pulsed to maintain altitude. This should have been a routine supply run, she had been tasked with delivering a cargo bay...

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Lolas Punishment Essay 2

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The Day I Became A WereWoman

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Kylees Sauna Fantasies

I had to leave early because I still had to work at the hotel that night. Reluctant I was to leave because I had pool duty that night. Later after the pool closed I went in to clean the floors and the sauna. It’s the humidity that kills you, said a rather familiar voice coming from the sauna. I was mopping the floor and the voice made me jump. I lost balance and fell into the pool. I couldn’t picture whose voce it was, but I knew I’d heard it before. I opened the door to the sauna to...

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The Video Tape Ch 05

As usual I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Also for the speed in which they both turn around the chapters of this story. As I often play around with a story after they have read it, I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story. * * * * * Chapter 5 Over the following few days there was a quantum change in Emily’s attitude towards me. The trouble was it had been so long since we’d...

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Entry To The Glory World Of Gay Sex 8211 Part 1

Hi, guys this is Vikram, I was very happy on receiving your comments if I get chance I love to kiss all yours dicks… Those who don’t know me visit my story “Https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/desi/new-year-treat-whiskey-cock/” Ok as always this is going to b in tamil, sorry for others, please forgive me… Ithu nan epdi gay world ku vanthen nu solra katha, but katha illa unmai, unmaya sollanumna nan pinjulaya paluthavan, mm ukg irukum en annan appo 4th irupen avanuku enga ithellam theriyum nu...

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It was a dress-up party that I met him at    Saul.  ?? I met him at a slaves and masters dress-up party thrown by a friend of mine. I?d gone as a slave, naturally, and I looked hot. I wore a black studded dog collar around my neck with a chain attached to it, coiled, for the moment, around my upper arm. I had one end of a pair of hand-cuffs locked around my left wrist, the other cuff dangling free, and the key to them hung round my neck on a black satin ribbon, resting between my barely...

3 years ago
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Magic Pantyhose

Magic Pantyhose By Paul G. Jutras One warm Friday evening in early summer, Louis sat in his father's lounge chair with a curly blonde wig, purple dress and matching two inch pumps. His pink toe polish looked good through his suntan pantyhose. The tape of Cinderella he was watching was just at the part where the fairy godmother had appeared to start using her magic. Louis let out a sign and glanced out the window at the twinkling stars. "I wish I had my own fairy Godmother."...

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My Pegging Wedding Night

A month ago, I married the love of my life. It was the best day I’ve ever had in my 31 years so far. But more importantly, it was the best NIGHT I’ve ever had. Let me set the scene…We had a destination wedding in Cancun. The resort was absolutely beautiful and the service was incredible. Since we were getting married there, they gave us all the upgrades. We had paid for a junior suite, but were upgraded to a massive two-bedroom, three-bath suite with a bar and full kitchen. It had a pool table,...

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sex with my cousin1

It was a Monday evening when I was in my room playing my Xbox, when I heard a creaking coming from my parents room; which I found weird as my parents had gone out for a romantic meal together and had left my brother in charge, as they thought that they might get a hotel for the night. So with this anoying creaking noise putting me off my game, I decided to go and find out what it was. I opened my door and poked my head out into the corridor and saw Mary on her knees and looking through the...

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Anniversary DelightsChapter 4 Samias Night

Samia was ushered into the Emir's bedchamber to find him lying in bed reading. She dropped into a deep gesture of obeisance as she had been told, and tried to remember what she was to do next. When the Emir called to her to carry on, she was still confused, but remembered just in time that she was to start by kissing his feet and legs. She started to do this, but had never done anything remotely like it before and really didn't know what to do. This made her more nervous, and in turn her...

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Auntys New Girl

This is the continuation of Tickets Please!  Shakily, I keyed in the URL from Trixie's card, my mind in turmoil, heart racing as her sweet gift seeped from my aching pussy and soaked into the lacy panties I was wearing. I was wedged behind one of the 'tables' thoughtfully supplied for the busy passenger. You know the ones, if you move a fraction either way you end up concussing your neighbour, or at the very least, be greeted with the very English insult of a shake of the morning paper and a...

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locked up in the school with two sexy girls

I couldn’t believe I hadn’t cumed yet! “ looks like we have a tough one here!” said nacarssa with a sex smile. After just about ten more minutes I finally cumed nacarssa got off just in time and a load of cum shot up into the air. Thank god for gravity, because it came back down and soaked the girls! They began fiercely licking in off each other, if two 17 year old girls licking load of cum of each other doesn’t turn someone on, nothing can. While trying to finish of the cum nacarssa was giving...

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A Show of RealityChapter 10

Custer had had a plan. Right now, I envied him. Admittedly, the end result of his plan was a couple of thousand Sioux Indians descending on him like a dropped anvil, but at least he had started with a plan. Right now, I was faced with a puzzle. I had to get Dr. Dementoid in front of this computer so he could complete whatever sequence was hanging it up. And then I had to get him to show me how to use the computer to re-write Lauren Tremont back into history as an award-winning teen...

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ohhhhhhhhh mom

Coming, mother!Shellie lay on the small deck of the houseboat, the hot sun burninginto her already golden flesh.She rested on the foam mattress, on her stomach, her bikini topuntied and her tits smashed beneath her. The bottoms of her bikiniwere so skimpy that the luscious sweetness of her swelling ass washalf exposed. The sun heated her body, and she writhed sensually,opening her legs to allow the rays to touch her inner thighs.Shellie was slender, like a fashion model. But still, even...

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Mage Retriever

I looked at the hundreds of tall mage spires that were spread across the city. I glanced back into the spire I was in, “are you sure he knows I am coming sir?” The wizard Garme smiled, “he knows. He refused the city council summons by killing their messenger. Do not let your guard down and expect him to try to kill you.” I rotated the ring on my left hand middle finger until the stone was to the inside. The ebony stone had a white moon stone in the shape of a hawk inset in it. I used my thumb...

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