A Tale of Two Lovebirds
- 3 years ago
- 63
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Scarlett Johansson was bored. She was more bored than she had ever been in her entire life. What she was doing wasn’t supposed to be boring, but she was still bored. She was at a very elegant party in one of New York’s finest hotels. It was still early in the evening and Scarlett’s only hope for a more interesting night seemed to be the drink she was nursing.
Scarlett would rather be outside in the crisp winter evening, but she had promised her agent that she would attend this party. It was a very important party, with a lot of important people from the industry. Unfortunately most of them seemed to be stuffy older men. Scarlett had stated once that she liked older men, but none of the men she had been thinking about were around.
Instead she was stuck here with a fat assistant producer who went on and on about all the movies he had been involved with. Scarlett thought that most of the movies he mentioned were over-hyped and crappy, but she used her skill as an actress to fake interest. The man seemed to be unable to keep his eyes off of Scarlett’s chest so he didn’t notice that she let her eyes wander the room in search of something a bit more interesting.
She looked out through the windows and into the cold winter evening. It had been 2006 for a few weeks now, but Scarlett didn’t think it felt any different from 2005. She really didn’t believe that a new year would mean anything different, but she hoped for something new. She had learned that fame and fortune lose some of their appeal this winter and she felt a need for something more. She definitely wanted more than this conversation.
Scarlett had come to this party together with her co-star in the Nanny Diaries Alicia Keys. Scarlett looked over to Alicia and saw that she was stuck in an equally boring conversation. She was talking to one of the more overrated directors in Hollywood. At least he was in Scarlett’s opinion. She thought that his only strength was that he was a friend of George Clooney. Scarlett let her thoughts drift away to the hunky actor for a while.
The thoughts of George Clooney eased some of Scarlett’s boredom, but they didn’t help for long. She again let her eyes scan the room in pursuit of something interesting and this time she was lucky. The party had just started so guests were arriving all the time. Scarlett locked eyes with one of the new arrivals: she was a brunette in a stylish black dress. The girl fired off a warm smile and Scarlett responded in kind. Scarlett had instantly recognised Jena Malone.
Jena had briefly attended the Professional Children’s School in Manhattan which was a school that Scarlett had gone to as well. They had never really gotten to know each other closely, but they did talk at events and parties like this.
Scarlett immediately realised how beautiful Jena was. The dress was very tight and it showed a generous amount of cleavage. Scarlett felt as though Jena’s presence immediately lit up the room. All thoughts of George Clooney quickly evaporated as Scarlett watched Jena make her way through the room. Scarlett knew that she had to be close to Jena right now. Scarlett excused herself from the assistant producer and made her way through the crowd and over to Jena.
Jena had arrived with a group of people who Scarlett didn’t know. Scarlett and Jena greeted each other and Jena then went on to introduce the rest of the people in her group: they were Jena’s co starts in the play Doubt. Scarlett shook their hands and repeated their names to herself, but deep down she didn’t really care. It wasn’t like she had anything against them it was just that she was somewhat tired of old people at the moment.
Scarlett was determined to have a good time. After some obligatory small talk with the older actors she managed to get Jena away from the group. Scarlett had finished off her first drink so she swiped a new one and gave one to Jena as well.
‘I’m so glad to see you. I was dying from boredom among these people.’ Scarlett whispered into Jena’s ear.
‘That bad huh?’ Jena whispered back
‘Ohhh. Yes. I don’t understand how people can be so dull when they work in such a glamorous industry.’
‘I know what you mean. I really don’t like things like this, but I had a hard time saying no to the other cast members.’ Jena whispered.
‘My agent forced me to be here. I have to ‘network,’ as he says.’
Scarlett made citation marks in the air and made it perfectly clear that she didn’t like the term. This was too much business talk for Scarlett.
‘Look at the bright side. There is free food and liquor.’ Jena said with a smile.
She emphasised this by picking up an hors d’oevre from a nearby table.
They spent the next few minutes discussing their current projects and colleagues. Jena had just started in the critically acclaimed and very serious play Doubt and Scarlett was back in her home town to film ‘The Nanny Diaries’. They also went on for a while about the latest gossip in Hollywood. Jena wasn’t as in to the Hollywood scene as Scarlett was, but she listened intently as Scarlett gave her all the details. It was the same kind of small talk they had shared before, but it was clear that the two young actresses were enjoying each others company.
After a while Scarlett saw Alicia coming over. Apparently she had managed to get away from the pretentious director. Scarlett was glad for her sake. No one deserved to be stuck with that man for too long. Alicia wasn’t as good at pretending to be interested as Scarlett and the relief in her face was obvious.
‘Glad to see that you managed to break free, Alicia’ Scarlett said with a sympathetic smile on her lips.
‘Yeah. He was indeed very interesting and not at all pompous.’ Alicia answered.
She said this in a tone that made it perfectly clear that she meant exactly the opposite of what she said. Alicia and Jena had never met and Scarlett took it upon herself to introduce them. Soon all three girls were chatting happily amongst themselves. The three of them had a very good time before they were interrupted: it was Scarlett’s agent who had a list of people that Scarlett just had to talk to.
Scarlett reluctantly followed and spoke to the people she was introduced to. She kept a smile on her face and nodded when she had to, but her thoughts were elsewhere. The people just kept coming and Scarlett felt her boredom increase. It felt like hours as she was led around the party by her agent. She felt like a helpless child being led around and introduced to dull relatives. There were so many remarkably boring people in Hollywood and it seemed as if Scarlett had to talk to all of them tonight.
She kept telling herself that this was something she had to do, but it was no good. One more boring Hollywood person would make her head explode. Scarlett was hoping that her agent would let her talk to someone interesting for once, when she saw that her agent actually led her to doom. She was without a doubt being led towards that balding, scrawny, pretentious director that had tortured Alicia earlier in the evening.
Scarlett felt as though her soul was being sucked into a deep black void of nothingness and despair. It was somewhat of an over dramatization of course, but Scarlett sure as hell didn’t feel good about the prospect of talking to this man. He had made the most dreadfully boring movies and he had a tendency to talk about them a lot with a mind numbingly boring voice. Scarlett tried to think about something to say to her agent to avoid talking to the boring director, but her mind had frozen.
Scarlett’s ruthless agent led her closer and closer to the director and was just about to introduce the two when a true Hollywood miracle occurred. The fair lady was saved from certain doom in the last possible second. Jena Malone suddenly blocked the road for Scarlett and her agent. With a dazzling smile on her face, she asked the agent if she could borrow Scarlett for a while. Witho
ut waiting for an answer she took Scarlett’s hand and led her away from the danger and to a quiet corner.
Scarlett followed her instinct and thanked her saviour with a hug. It was a light friendly hug, but Scarlett couldn’t help to think that it felt good. She didn’t dwell on it though, instead she let her curiosity take charge.
‘How did you know that I desperately wanted to get away from him?’
‘Well. It was simple really. I remembered your comment from earlier and I saw the look of dread on your face as your agent led you towards him. I didn’t think I could let you suffer like that.’
‘I’m so glad you did. I might actually have lost my soul then and there if you hadn’t saved me.’
‘I could never leave a lady in danger.’ Jena said theatrically
She also bowed for Scarlett and kissed her on the hand in the manner of an old-fashioned knight. Scarlett couldn’t contain her giggles as she observed Jena’s antics. A few people around them looked strangely at Jena, but were too polite to comment.
‘My agent is going to be so pissed about this.’ Scarlett said between giggles.
‘Blame me then, he’s not my agent. Besides, you’re his boss, not the other way around. It’s not like you’re going to out of work anyway.’
‘I guess you’re right. So have you met anyone interesting here?’
‘I actually had quite a good time with my colleagues from the play. They’re genuine people you know.’ Jena said with emphasis.
‘I didn’t know there were nice people here. I thought everyone here was a demon who thrives on sucking the lust to live out of people’
Scarlett whispered this with an impish grin on her face and this caused Jena to start giggling. Scarlett tried to hush Jena, but this only made the problem worse. Scarlett didn’t want any more attention drawn to her so she gently took Jena’s hand and pulled her into the deserted hallway. Scarlett’s nervous behaviour only made Jena laugh more so Scarlett had to put a finger to Jena’s mouth.
Jena fell silent and they had a moment in which they just looked at each other. They were both a tad tipsy by now and for some reason they just froze up when they looked at each other. Scarlett’s finger stayed on Jena’s mouth for much longer than necessary and it wasn’t until several long seconds later that she realised this and removed it. As soon as Scarlett had removed her finger, Jena seemed to regain focus and control.
‘Let’s get the hell out of here, you and me.’
‘What? We can’t just leave.’
‘There is one relevant question here Scarlett. Would you like to hang out with me?’
‘Yes of course, but I have to be at this party.’
‘No you don’t Scarlett. Trust me. You need to relax and have some fun. Do you think I’m fun and relaxing?’
‘Yes I do, but…’
‘That’s all I need to hear,’ Jena interrupted
Jena led Scarlett over to the coats. Before Scarlett had a chance to protest Jena had asked for and received both of their coats. Scarlett knew that she was supposed to stay at that stupid party, but she felt like she had nothing to put up against Jena’s apparent strong will. Jena led Scarlett through the foyer of the hotel and out into the crisp winter evening. It was only when they stood there on the curb that Scarlett spoke up.
‘I have to be at that party. I have to…’
Scarlett was at a loss of what to say next. She was used to letting her agent handle her career and she didn’t want to cause trouble, so she always did as she was told. Jena knew that Scarlett would need some convincing to leave the party.
‘Relax Scarlett. Obviously you didn’t like it in there. Now if you don’t like it how do you think that you are going to make a good impression on people? And besides if they are people who you can’t even stand to talk to at a party, why would you want to work with them?’ Scarlett thought about Jena’s arguments for a while and realised that she made sense. She looked at Jena and saw how she was bursting with energy and enthusiasm. Jena had a playful yet determined look on her face. That look was what finally convinced Scarlett. She felt that an evening with Jena would be worth it. It wasn’t like Scarlett to leave a party like this early, but she was eager to break her normal routine.
‘Ok, I’m just going to go back in there and tell Alicia that I’m leaving.’
Scarlett went back into the party and told Alicia that she had to leave. Alicia was in an animated conversation with a well known comedian and actor.
‘Hi Jack, Hi Alicia. Sorry to budge in, but I have to tell you that I’m leaving. Is it okay with you?’
‘Yeah sure. It seems like you and Jena really hit it off huh?’ Alicia answered.
‘Oh yes. She single-handedly saved from certain doom and now she has somehow convinced me to leave and go do something fun. I don’t want to leave you hanging though. Are you sure it’s okay?’
‘Of course. What are you two crazy fugitives going to do?’
‘Don’t know. We’ll think of something.’
‘If you don’t know what you’re going to do, I know of a place.’
Alicia fished out a calling card from her purse and gave it to Scarlett.
‘It is a small jazz club. I played there a few times before I became famous. It is a very cool place. It is one of those places you can only find in New York. A nice mixture of interesting people and great music. I promise that you’ll love it even if you’re not that much into jazz.’
‘Thanks Alicia, We’ll think about it.’ Scarlett said with a smile.
Scarlett took the card, even though she didn’t feel like going out tonight. She had been harassed by paparazzi and fans more and more these days and that had greatly diminished her will to go out. Scarlett said good bye too Jack and Alicia and went back out to Jena who was waiting just outside the entrance.
‘So, what you wanna do then?’ Scarlett asked with a more nervous voice than she intended.
‘I dunno, something fun. Let’s go to some fun club somewhere. You’re from here right? You must know some place.’
‘Yeah, I guess, but I don’t know if I want to. People always recognize me these days. I’m tired of that. I just want to have some fun without having to worry about the paparazzi and stuff.’
Jena took a moment to think and then her face lit up.
‘I’ve got it. I know what we’re going to do. Just trust me Ok?’
Scarlett had no idea what this girl who she barely knew was up to, but she was curious to find out. There was something genuine and real about this girl and Scarlett had never met anyone like her before. She was in the mood for adventure and if that was what Jena wanted, Scarlett was happy to go along for the ride. Jena hailed a cab and they both got in. Jena gave the address and off they went. Scarlett didn’t recognise the address immediately and Jena insisted on not telling.
‘What is this idea of yours? Please tell me.’
‘No, you’ll have to wait till we get there.’ Jena said with smug grin on her face.
‘Please. Pretty please.’
Scarlett did her best big doe eyes pouty lips routine, but Jena just giggled and shook her head.
‘Look Scarlett. I promise that one little visit to where we are going is going to solve all our problems and make sure that we have a fun evening.’
Scarlett thought about what Jena had said for a moment and then a horrible thought struck her.
‘We’re not buying drugs are we?’ Scarlett asked with a shocked look on her face.
Jena burst onto another big laugh as she answered.
‘No, silly. This is perfectly safe and legal, no drugs. I promise.’
That guarantee made Scarlett feel a bit better but the curiosity was still eating her up on the inside. She wasn’t normally the girl who went on adventures like this, but Jena sure seemed to have an effect on her.
‘Can you at least give me a hint?’
‘Okay. I guess. Let’s see. We are going to do something that we’re both are good at.’
started to think about what Jena had said, but she could make no sense of it. She was just about to ask Jena again when the cab stopped. Jena paid the driver and dragged Scarlett with her towards the back entrance of one of the buildings. Jena fished a key out of her purse and opened the door and deactivated the alarm. She took a hold of Scarlett’s hand and led her through a few corridors until they suddenly stood on a stage.
‘This is the theatre where you work right now, right? What are we going to do here?’
‘You’ll see.’ Jena said.
She again grabbed Scarlett’s hand and led her through a few more corridors. The place was completely deserted, but that didn’t seem to bother Jena. She stopped at one big steel door and took out another key from her purse. She unlocked the door and opened it ceremoniously for Scarlett.
Scarlett looked into the room and what she saw amazed her. It all made sense now. Jena had taken her to the costume room. She walked into the room and tried to take it all in. The room was filled with all kinds of clothes, wigs and accessories. An entire wall was dedicated to wigs. Jena and Scarlett went over to it and took off their coats.
‘Wow. This is amazing.’ Scarlett said.
‘Yeah. They got all kinds of things here. We can borrow whatever we want and dress up. No one will recognise us and we can have fun without worrying.’ Jena said with a proud smile on her face.
Scarlett thought that was a brilliant idea and started to look through the wigs. She found a black wig with a punk haircut and put it on. Jena doubled over in laughter. Scarlett threw it to Jena and let her try it on. She did so and it provoked a similar response from Scarlett.
‘How about we find something that we can actually wear in public?’ Jena said.
‘Sounds good.’
The two girls went on trying on wigs in all colours and styles. They had a good time doing it and they did all kinds of impressions while doing it. Scarlett had to admit that Jena was much better at impressions. Jena did an excellent Condoleezza Rice and a very good Elaine from Seinfeld. Scarlett at least managed to pull off an acceptable Marge Simpson, by using the only blue wig in the room.
After some serious consideration they had both settled for wigs. Scarlett had put on a black wig similar to Uma Thurman’s in Pulp Fiction. Jena had decided to be a red head for the evening. The hair went about half way down her back and reminded Scarlett of an early Willow from Buffy the vampire Slayer.
‘Are we ready to go now?’ Scarlett asked.
Jena let here eyes wander up and down Scarlett’s body. Scarlett became nervous under Jena’s gaze. Did Jena just check her out?
‘We have to get you out of that dress’ Jena exclaimed.
Scarlett blinked and tried to comprehend what Jena just had said. Before Scarlett had a chance to ask, Jena went on.
‘If we’re going incognito, we can’t be wearing these expensive dresses, we have to find something else.’
‘Oh. I see. Good point. What about the dresses we’re wearing now. ‘
‘We can leave them here and come back for them in the morning. Now follow me and I will show you the dresses.’
Scarlett walked behind Jena as they went over to the dresses and skirts. There were hundreds of different dresses to choose from. They could have chosen to be anything from nuns to hookers. One dress caught Jena’s attention. It was a frilly white dress that was very similar to a dress she had worn in Pride and Prejudice. Jena turned her back to Scarlett and asked for Scarlett to unzip her dress. Scarlett was a tad surprised by the sudden request but did as she was asked.
Jena slipped out of her dress and put it aside. Scarlett kept looking at the dresses in front of, her, but couldn’t help to take a peek at Jena’s slim body. Jena was wearing matching black panties and bra. The undergarments contrasted to Jena’s pale skin and Scarlett couldn’t help but think that it was a nice sight. She tried to shake those thoughts though and kept focusing on finding a dress to wear. Jena put on the dress she had found and asked Scarlett what she thought.
‘Aww. You look so cute.’ Scarlett blurted out.
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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...
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Mind ControlThe client, heir to a banking fortune in Canada, nodded impatiently as he perched on his chair in the showroom.. He was young, he had speedboats and vacation houses and girlfriends and more money than he knew what to do with. Which suited Max just fine, because his firm catered to exactly such clientele. Max pressed a button on his desk. The door opened, and a woman trainer escorted the man's custom-designed LoveDoll to stand in the center of the room. The young man blinked. "She's so....
"Yes, Christina?" Lydia Dunn asked, without a loss of her legendary self control. "I don't recall us having an appointment." Christina weathered the stare and marched right up to her boss's desk. "I want to know why my investigation of the XTC Doll Company has been shut down!" she exclaimed. Lydia Dunn arched her eyebrows. "I was prepared to tell you during our normal staff meeting this afternoon. I saw no point in continuing this fishing expedition of yours. I would also...
A lady fantasizes about a horse cock and then gets the real thing. *** I am a 38 year old woman who was raised on a farm in the deep south. Ever since I saw one of our horses fucking a mare, I have fantasized about a horse fucking me. I am married and my husband has no idea of my cravings for a horse cock. I love to masturbate and do several times a week. At night when my husband is fucking me, I let my mind wonder to my secret fantasy, me being fucked by a huge horses'...
“Oh Amy, my love!! The show is begun!” I hurried to run a brush thru my hair, I hit a snag and cursed. I, like many others, love my long wavy hair, but maintenance is not its main asset. “You are going to miss out on all the fun!!” I picked up my favorite lipstick, but pictured having to go to a restaurant with a horrible red rush job and said screw it, leaving it on the counter. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, mascara on one eye, no rouge, hurry, hurry, hurry,” my satanic boyfriend, Dan, chanted. I...
Beneath me I could feel her. Her breath such a silk as it caressed my neck, the tender kisses falling from our lips to meet each other’s bodies, our necks. She paid close attention to there, just gently letting her kisses touch against my skin and running them up and down my neck. Then she turned her attention up to my face, the kisses, so sweet, connecting with my cheek and meeting my lips in the softest of ways felt like a bliss that shouldn’t ever end. Our lips parted and she entered me with...
Cheaters never prosper, they used to tell me. I’ve made a life of cheating, and while I wouldn’t say I’ve prospered, I wouldn’t complain. My wife never really understood me. Hell, I never much understood her. But over the years, we managed to develop an ‘understanding’. We don’t pry too deep into each other’s affairs, business or otherwise. I still remember the first time I broke those solemn vows to love no other but my lovely, frigid, back-biting, bitch wife. I mostly remember that girl’s...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Her: Hey babe!My phone vibrated noisily with the incoming message. The colleague who was standing at the front of the room shot me a glare but quickly got back to his presentation. I hurried to switch the phone to mute and debated putting it down, face-down on my folder just to make a point.But then, the presentation was so very, very boring and that particular colleague was a bit of an ass.So I opened the messenger.My girlfriend’s ‘hey babe’ was accompanied by a gif of two brown bears sitting...
Mind ControlWithin this world there exists a powerful force, a force fuelled by passion, pleasure and love. Known as the Lovelace, it grants the world the power of magic and blesses our lives with its presence. Blooming forth from the hearts of the truly happy, the Lovelace exists inside all of us, filling us with energy and happiness. Said to have been born in ages past from the wishes for a shining future, it has ended war and strife, stopped pointless crimes, ended prejudice and brought the races of the...
FantasyJohn and Doe membuka pintu warnet. John and Doe mulai membuka windows dan membuka irc. Di IRC itu John and Doe mendapat kenalan seorang wanita. Wanita itu memberi no hp nya.Wanita itu bernama Mia, berumur 23 tahun.
I bought this plug and got it a few days ago, I charged it up, put it in me, turned it on, and it turned me on. It’s got several settings and you can also control by Bluetooth with your phone. I wore it around the house for about 4 hours, changing the vibration settings. There are a couple settings I really like, the low constant vibe, and the high pulsing vibe, where it pulses every 2 seconds. I usually keep it on low when I’m sitting around, but the pulse is awesome when walking around. I...
I'm walking across a dealer parking lot looking over the new cars when I spot her.She was older and she was on the heavy side. She walked with a bit of a limp thatwas probably due to the wearing her feet and knees take from carrying the extraweight.As she came toward me I see her straightening out her blouse down over her pantson one side, then switching her purse to the other arm to do her other side. Thenshe straightens her collar, all the while taking glances at me. The lady wants to...
My very first sexdoll was a Sex Teen Love Doll. A company called PABO distributed free erotic catalogs in the students residences mailboxes and there was an offer for a 'starter pack' containing an inflatable lovedoll, some sextoys, some lube and an erotic comic. I was so excited to have a girl I could fuck anytime I ordered one by mail in 2001. She was kinda expensive for her quality but at that time I didn't know better. She was ugly but fortunately I could draw her a more beautiful face and...
Alan had been watching his new neighbour for months now, picturing her naked every time he saw her. She'd moved in a while back, and he'd been immediately struck by her beauty. His first glimpse had been while she helped the removalists by hefting some of the smaller boxes inside alone. She had a Mediterranean look, with a dark olive complexion, dressed in a pair of loose beige slacks and a country style red shirt, knotted together at the bottom with rolled up sleeves. Her copper coloured hair...
So I had given my little spy twink what he wanted, and he wanted more! I had caught him looking through my basement window while I was stroking and brought him inside to choke him with my Cock and feed on his young Cum. He did not disappoint and after getting his tight ass fingerbanged while I sucked him off, he was in desperate need to have my thick shaft buried deep inside him as well! He had already fed on my hot nectar and having my seed pulsing into his tight little ass is a gift that will...
Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they'd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden."Hello," a cheery voice called out.They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a...
He is but still rather young in years. The hangover from his 27th birthday was still fresh in his mind even though it was now almost two months past. He was always seen as the joker in school and he loved making people laugh. Cupid came knocking on his door about two years ago and even though his parents frowned at the fact that the love of his life was 42, she was his world. He understood that there would be instant responsibility as she had two k**s but he did the best he could. Even though...
Harry was lucky there weren’t any lessons the following day because he didn’t leave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in love with Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Cho had broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was a great friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streaked then the last. Harry read them but couldn’t bring himself to reply. The message was pretty much...
Luna took her wizard’s wand in hand and began stroking it firmly while rubbing her palm along the sensitive place just below his piss slit. The blonde had already cast the appropriate charm to ensure his prick would act as if lubricated so she was in no danger of rubbing his skin raw. Harry’s tool hardened approvingly of the blonde’s efforts. The couple were no stranger to each other’s bodies. Indeed the pair had done everything but penetrating intercourse. With a serene smile on her lips...
THIS STORY BY bigthighlover:I had been talking with this very beautiful sexy tranny from the southern part of the state for weeks and she told me she was going to drive up to Morgantown and check out the gay lesbian club Vice Versa on Saturday night so I decided to surprise her and be there I got there around 8 pm and got a table next to back wall in front of stage I could see from there desk the hostess set out and I watched for Steph to come in it was all most 9 pm and there she was walking...
Chapter Seven Xhamster Profile for Love2Bused After a quick thirty minute ride we pulled into a parking lot that looked like part of a biker bar. Right away my pussy started heating up just thinking about being used by a bunch of bad boy bikers. When Harold parked the bike he turned to me and asked me if I was sure I was ready for this? Looking Harold in the eyes I told him I have to be ready for this. My entire future is...
Chapter Five Xhamster profile love2bused It wasn’t long after that when Fred took me over to their frat house to meet with the guys. In the days leading up to this I kept going over and over in my mind what it was going to be like having men coming up to me and pointing their cocks at me and then jerking off in my face. I would imagining their cock heads being pointed so close to my face that I would be able to smell the pungent...
Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Wife Loversshe jumps at my touch,are you here i ask ?turns to me her eyes look past me yes is the reply,i move away from her hand reaching for me always usessex as distraction with intimacy ,with talking in general. you thinking about him again it goes unspoken between us affairs are wildfires burning fast all consuming and over too quicklyi've done worse to her ,and come back empty and emotionally drainedpart of it is the sex and majority is emotional guilt justifying the great sexnew body to...
Hey, guys!By now you probably all know what a complete slut I am when it comes to cock. I LOVE cock! Nothing in this world is more important to me than cock. I crave it! Need it! Whenever I meet a man for the first time my thoughts immediately go toward his cock; how big it is, how it tastes, how good it will feel inside me &, most of all, what I need to do to have it!All my favorite masturbation fantasies involve many, many hard glistening cocks - especially those big, thick, long black...
Hey, guys!By now you probably all know what a complete slut I am when it comes to cock. I LOVE cock! Nothing in this world is more important to me than cock. I crave it! Need it! Whenever I meet a man for the first time my thoughts immediately go toward his cock; how big it is, how it tastes, how good it will feel inside me &, most of all, what I need to do to have it!All my favorite masturbation fantasies involve many, many hard glistening cocks - especially those big, thick, long black...
Title: lovelylaura22Rating: NC17Summary: Not k**ding. I keep getting these emails in my spam folder from "lovelylaura22" with the subject "Looking For A F-Buddy??" Well, what if this was the real thing?Always Jan got these email messages in his "spam" folder. Always he immediately deleted them without a single thought.But as Laura's birthday got closer and closer, he imagined that one of them did contain the real thing, that it really was from the Laura Dianne Vandervoort that he was in so very...
for a long time I look at all the horny women here on the forum and rub my little willy in front of the monitor. Since no one can suffer me, my mother had always hung me as c***d sausages about the neck so that at least the dogs play with me. Now, I wanted to play along here so gladly and post also horny picture on the hamster. But from where should I take them? Not a single healthy woman wants to have me however. Therefore, I have ordered a whore from the lokal advertising. My Harz4 money has...
Chat Night Guest: Eddie Glover On Monday July 19, 1999 6 PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal I arrived a little late in the middle of a conversation... (*Anne-Mal) So did I miss anything good? (Eddie) I'm ready for my close up Mr. Demille! We were just speaking on the joys of computer freezes or lack thereof! (Carrie_g) It becomes the cruelest editor. :) (*Anne-Mal) At least you are forced to rewrite! (Eddie) No problem. I'm not nervous or anything. Really. :) (Carrie_g) I...
This Story is pretty much true I came home early one time my parents where out but my bedroom light was on.I crept up stairs and looked through the crack in my door! What I saw has changed my life forever! My sister was laid on the floor with her legs up in the air totally naked playing with herself.I looked on eagerly watching through the crack in door and started playing with myself my phone fell out of my pocket. I bent down too pick it up and when I looked up my sister was looking at me. I...
As long as I can remember I always had a hunger for a big hard cock. I'm not really sure when this all took place inside my body. I often wondered if I should have been born a female because I have female tendencies. It started when I was in the military that I had my first encounter with a big dick. I was staying in a hotel in San mataya with a friend and we were invited to a party. I was surprised when we got there that there was only men there. There was an...