Alan Ch. 25 free porn video

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The rest of the summer had passed happily, blackout notwithstanding. Scarlet’s parents had swung by with the rest of her things, and Alan enjoyed meeting them and her brother. A few days later Alan’s folks and Mrs. Van Devanter drove the three of them and their stuff back to campus, Mr. Van Devanter was still in Cambridge with Pauline, getting her settled into her dorm and attending some parent orientation and welcoming events. He was on cloud nine, one of his offspring at last following in his Crimson footsteps.

Alan was rooming with Soren again, this year in Shapiro Hall, a dorm on the opposite side of Broadway from the center of campus. They liked it because it was quiet, a great many of the buildings on campus were undergoing renovation due to the upcoming 250th anniversary of the founding of the college.

Kate had a single in Brooks, a dorm right on Barnard’s campus. Scarlet was in another single just across the hall.

A week into classes Alan met Jack at the office. Jack updated him on his last month of progress with the female assassin. He hadn’t fully exploded her mental shields, but he was getting close. Most of what he learned concerned her last mission, and he was viewing tantalizing memories concerning some kind of crystal artifact, the details of which the ninja (ninjess?) was trying desperately to conceal. Wilkins, Karick, and Anne-Marie joined them after a scant hour, and Alan was updated as to the efforts in securing the Iraq contracts, and on security and business matters in general. Anne-Marie mostly kept out of the conversation, chipping in a comment or two when the talk touched on one of her areas of responsibility. When the trio had left Alan asked why Anne-Marie had been taken notes.

‘A promotion, my dear fellow!’ Jack enthused.


‘She is now an ex-officio member of the board, and the corporate secretary, on top of her regular work. She was compiling the corporate minutes.’

‘So she’s working out? I’m glad.’

There was a twinkle in Jack’s eye, the source of which Alan was knowledgeable.

Harriet, Stan Wilkins’s secretary came in with coffee service, and Alan and Jack helped themselves to some brew. Jack asked about his classes, and Alan pulled out his schedule.

‘Hmm,’ Jack said between sips of coffee as he examined the printout. ‘You’re taking both Aramaic, at school, and Classical Hebrew with me, that’s ambitious. Well, well, well, I see you in good hands with your other classes as well. Mancini for Literature and Sources of the Ancient Near East.’

‘Do you know him?’ Alan asked.

‘Know him? Know him?’ he was almost choking. ‘Why, he trained at my feet! An excellent sort, yes.’ He scanned the paper again, taking note of who was teaching the Aramaic language class. ‘S. O’Dwyer? I didn’t know Seamus was at Columbia. A very able chap, but be careful, or you’ll be speaking Aramaic with an Irish brogue.’

‘I keep that in mind,’ Alan answered with a chuckle.

Jack couldn’t make out the rest of the classes on Alan’s schedule. ‘What’s CC?’

Alan explained that Columbia had a rather extensive core curriculum, the centerpiece being a lit course known as CC, covering stuff from the ancient Greeks to the modern period.

‘Well, enough of that. Are you ready?’ Jack asked as he made to unlock the heavy door.

‘Ready,’ he responded, steeling himself.

The door swung open slowly. Alan followed the older man in, his eyes adjusting to the dimness of the windowless office. The young woman was wearing a collar around the neck, attached to a heavy bolt in the center of the room. The leash had only five feet of slack, so her movements were quite limited. She was handcuffed with two soft leather cuffs encircling her wrists, connected by a short length of steel chain. Her ankles were bound likewise. She was blindfolded with a black nylon cloth, and she was wearing gym shorts and an I NY t-shirt.

Alan arched an eyebrow at Jack, and he responded telepathically.

‘She is still dangerous. He physical combat skills match her mental acumen, therefore the cuffs and collar,’ the former professor projected. ‘As for the clothes, well, what can I say, or in this case, think. The shorts have an elastic waist. I couldn’t very well nip her off to the shops to try things on, could I have? A very nice young man from Senegal, proprietor of a small table right outside the train station, sold me the chemises,’ he added, gesturing to the touristy shirt, ‘ten tees for forty dollars. I could never pass up a bargain.’

She had been asleep when the pair had entered, but she was clearly awake now, her head swiveling around trying to hear the movements of her captors. She could sense them communicating telepathically, but was unable to tune into their mental conversations. Her frustration mounted, a she squeezed her eyes shut under the sash of cloth which blinded her. She had no idea how long she had been imprisoned, and her terror was starting to build.

Dying in battle was one thing, but capture was a far worse thing. She knew her mission was a dangerous one, but never had she imagined circumstances like the one she now found herself in. The man, the older one, the one who had thwarted her at the last moment of triumph, was getting to her, breaking her down, eroding her mental defenses, and she was coming to realize that it was just a matter of time before she crumbled completely. Nothing in her training had prepared her for this. The arrogance of her training astounded her, overwhelming the sense of shame she knew she should at this instant be rightly feeling. Never in her years of training and mastery of the Art had she been instructed against the possibility of capture. Such a fate had never befallen a member of her noble order.

One of them was touching her, holding her by the shoulders and lifting her into a crouch. She was pushed onto the sofa, on her back. She did not resist, knowing she had no choice. The only saving grace was that she hadn’t been raped, but she feared that this would not be the case for long. She trembled. A hand on her head, attempting calm her. Sympathy, just what she needed. With a mighty effort she lashed out with her weakened mind, hoping the physical contact would help transmit her commands more powerfully.

Alan tensed, feeling her mental energy stream forth. His hand hurt as he held it to her forehead. It stung, but was bearable. ‘What’s she doing?’ he asked Jack, speaking aloud for the first time since they entered the room.

‘Attack,’ he answered, shrugging his shoulders. Alan withdrew his hand and the sting dissipated.

‘She’s much weaker,’ Alan projected, resuming the communication by mind. ‘It was almost effortless to keep her from my mind. In fact, I didn’t even know she was attacking until you said it.’

Jack approached the couch and sat her upright. Alan took the left flank, his partner the right.

‘I think it’s time we double up on her,’ Jack projected into Alan’s mind. ‘She’s been eating of late, a good thing too, because she refused the smallest bite for quite a while. I think the isolation has been trying on her.’

‘What do you need me to do?’ Alan asked, his lips not moving.

‘Try to scan her.’

Alan tried. He got virtually nowhere. He could see inside her mind, but all was shadowed by the shields protecting her consciousness. Jack was monitoring his progress, and shot him a wry grin as Alan withdrew his ineffectual probe.

‘What were you looking for?’ the older man asked.

‘I was trying to learn why she allowed herself to be set against me. We already know some of it, the part having to do with Lord Thornbow. What we still don’t know is why she and her order have allied themselves with him.’

‘A vexing point, yes. Did you see the crystal, the black crystal on the wooden stand in the center of the chapel?’

‘What about it?’

‘I believe,’ Jack said slowly, marshaling his thoughts, ‘that we
have reached the ineffable core of our dilemma, and by ‘our’ I am referring to all of us, you me AND the girl.’

Before he went on he tightened the assassin’s bonds and led Alan out of the secure room, into the conference room next door.

‘I’ve been making some calls, asking around, making inquiries,’ the European gentleman began as he gestured Alan to have a chair.

‘But, but, you don’t know anyone, or rather no one knows you,’ Alan sputtered in reply.

‘My dear boy, when you are a Vessel of the Seed, introductions, and, dare I say, earthly pedigree means nothing. There are numerous human resources available here in your fine city. I had a very interesting afternoon with an elderly professor down at NYU yesterday afternoon, and another interesting meeting the day before last up at your current place of education. If you didn’t know it, the Starr East Asian is an excellent resource. Sad to say, I haven’t discovered too much about this monastery, but time, young man, is most certainly on our side.’

Alan voiced his doubts. ‘Your brother–‘

‘STEPbrother,’ Jack corrected sharply, but without malice.

‘Your stepbrother has made two attempts on me, and tried to kill you in London last year. Tell me again: How is time on our side?’

‘We have a number of natural advantages, or supernatural advantages, you might say. First, we are Vessels. Second, my stepbrother thinks there is only you. Third, Mr. Patel informed me there is no firm backup plan if the young lady next door was to fail. Fourth–no–I could go on, but you get the point.

‘There are legends, Alan, legends of ninja assassins with almost supernatural power. Never confirmed to the most slightest degree. I believe our female guest is myth personified. We need to find this mysterious order, and perhaps ally ourselves with them. I’m somewhat surprised that nobody’s come looking for her.’

Jack went on to tell Alan of his research, but Alan didn’t follow much of it. After a while Harriet came in and asked if they wanted to order lunch up, and they did, Jack ordering for himself and a separate meal for the prisoner.

Wilkins came in after lunch and the rest of the afternoon was spent at business. Jack had sheltered some of his investments and business concerns from his estate, and Wilkins had spent much of the summer reorganizing them under the Cyaxares umbrella. The lobbyist in Washington was making progress with the Iraqi contracts, but the three of them agreed that Jack’s presence in D.C. would be required to close the deals. He and Anne-Marie would be leaving Monday, and spending the whole week away, and Alan agreed to stop by the offices each day to feed and tend to the prisoner.

Still, Alan was uncomfortable as to the manner in which the corporation was now structured, specifically that he was President and CEO, and he made his worries known.

By the time they adjourned Jack was President and CEO, and Stan and Alan were board members. Karick and Neil were also added to the board, and Anne-Marie was confirmed as corporate secretary, a non-voting member.

* * *

A few weeks later…

Kate sat with her friends at a table in McIntosh picking at her food. Alan was late, something very out of character for him. She was following the conversation, but not really participating, and with a shock she realized that Scarlet was leaving, along with almost all of her companions.

‘Hate to dine and dash, dear,’ the redhead said as an apology as she bussed her stuff of the tabletop, ‘but I have about two hundred pages of sociology to read by tomorrow.’

The only one left at the table beside Kate was a fellow sophomore, a pretty blonde named Jenna, who Kate had noticed being increasingly catty towards Scarlet over the past week.

‘I know you were roommates and all,’ Jenna sneered, ‘But I can’t for the life of me understand why you’re still friends with her.’

‘Who?’ Kate asked, ‘Scarlet? Scarlet’s great. What the beef between the two of you? I thought you liked her.’

‘Really?’ Jenna sniffed. ‘How much do you really know about her?’

Kate turned away for a second, troubled by what Jenna was insinuating, and she saw Alan enter just as Scarlet was exiting. They met near the door and exchanged pleasantries. Kate stood and waved so Alan would see where she was sitting.

‘That your boyfriend?’ Jenna asked, watching Alan and Scarlet chat.

‘Yeah, that’s Alan.’

Kate had only begun hanging out with Jenna since the start of this term. They sort of knew each other freshman year, but they had lived in different dorms, and hadn’t shared any classes. This year they were in two classes together, and lived only a few doors down from each other.

‘Well, from what I’ve seen, Kate,’ she said acidly and starting in again, ‘You wont have to worry about Scarlet stealing him,’ she said, smugness clear in her tone, ‘I know for a fact she’s a dyke. You know, a–‘

‘Excuse me?’ Kate said with indignation dripping from her voice, now that Jenna was laying her cards on the table.

‘You know, a lez, a carpet muncher, a–‘

‘I know what you meant,’ Kate huffed, ‘And you shouldn’t spread rumors.’

‘It’s not a rumor. I saw her kissing Jess Starmer. Her door faces mine, and last Sunday night Jess went in there and didn’t come out until morning. And when she left I saw them swapping spit, and–‘

‘Just can it, Jenna! Scarlet’s like my best friend, and you shouldn’t be a gossip. Hi Alan.’ He had just arrived with a sandwich in hand from the Montague’s Deli counter.

‘Are you two ladies gossiping? Anything good?’

‘No, nothing really,’ Kate said quickly, her eyes shooting daggers at Jenna. The other girl took the hint.

‘Nice to meet you Alan. Gotta run, I’ve got Latin American Literature in Translation in five. See ya ’round.’

‘She seems nice,’ Alan said, putting his tray down next to Kate’s.

‘I thought so until just now,’ Kate answered.

‘What happened?’

‘She called Scarlet a dyke. Scarlet is very private about her sexuality, you know, and by this time next week everybody’s going to know she does it with girls. You and I plus a few more people know, but her boyfriend back in Ohio doesn’t, her family has no idea. It could get back to them,’ Kate sighed.

‘Maybe we can figure out a way to have Jenna not tell.’

Kate snorted, ‘Fat chance of that.’

‘Don’t be so sure,’ her boyfriend replied, a wry smile plastered across his face. He changed the subject. ‘I’ll come by tonight, we’ll get some dinner, and I’ll study in your room.’

‘Sleepover?’ she asked expectantly. He nodded.

* * *

Jenna Roush stepped off the elevator, it was near ten o’clock, and she was satisfied that she was prepared for her next day’s classes, having cloistered herself all afternoon in a library carrel. As she made her way down the hall greeting friends she could see the dyke’s door was closed. The idea of having a lesbian right across the hall disgusted her. What was worse was that she had actually witnessed it. She had heard a quiet rumor that Scarlet was gay, and so she had mostly tried to avoid being near her when she could avoid it, and she made it her business never to be alone with the damned dyke. She liked Kate, admired her really. Kate was rich, exceptionally smart, pretty, and had a cute (but not movie-star handsome) boyfriend. All of her friends who knew Alan thought he was great, but, in her mind, if Kate was friends with that fucking rug muncher, this Alan fellow could do better.

Kate’s door was open as she passed, and to her surprise, the only occupant of the room was Alan, lying on her bed propped up with a big bunch of pillows, a book in one hand, a pencil in the other.


‘Oh, hi. Jenna, right?’

‘That’s me,’ she giggled seductively. ‘Where’s Kate?’

‘Finished her coursework, so she went to UFM to get some sodas and snacks. Should be back soon. Ar
e you looking for her?’

‘What are you reading?’ she asked, twirling a finger through her blonde locks.

‘Enuma Elish.’

‘Huh? What’s that?’ she asked as she moved towards the bed.

‘The Epic of Gilgamesh. I’m reading it for this great class I’m taking. Literature and Sources of the Ancient Near East.’

She was standing right next to him, so close he could smell her perfume. ‘You can read that?’ she asked.

‘Sure. I’m still learning the cuneiform, but it’s an interlinear translation and transliteration. See, each line of Akkadian text is followed by a phonetic rendering, and then a translation.’

‘Impressive.’ She sat down next to him, her boob pressing into his arm. ‘Is that what you want to study? Old stuff?’

He laughed, and she knew she was getting to him, her feminine charm doing its business. Guys were easy, calculus was hard.

‘Yeah,’ he said, ‘I like this stuff.’ He made a last note in the margin and closed the book. ‘How was your class? Latin American Lit?’

‘Great. It’s a great class.’ She leaned against him with more of her body. He didn’t object.

‘Hmmm, maybe I’ll take it next year.’

‘I,’ she started, leaning in to him, her face approaching his, Alan not objecting, ‘Highly,’ she continued, her lips almost brushing against his, ‘Recommend it,’ she concluded, pressing her mouth to his.

‘Stop,’ Alan commanded, holding her by her shoulders, pushing her away and holding her at arms length. ‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’ he demanded.

‘She’s not good enough for you. Her best friend’s a lez. Hell, they probably were licking each other out all last year, when they were roommates.’

‘What’s going on in here?’ Kate asked, setting the shopping bag down.

‘Kate,’ Jenna gasped, ‘I can explain.’

Kate shut the door and turned the desk chair to face the bed and sat. ‘This I’ve got to hear. OK, Jenna, shoot.’

‘I’m sorry Kate, I really am. He started coming on to me, and I should have tried harder to get away, but he grabbed me, hell, he’s still grabbing me!’

‘Oh? And what, pray tell, were you doing in my room, with my boyfriend. I know you tried to steal Carole Foster’s guy last semester. Keep this up and you’ll get a rep.’

‘You don’t believe me!’ she gasped in false indignation. ‘Your animal of a boyfriend tries to feel me up, and you don’t believe me?’

‘Alan?’ Kate asked, looking right in his eyes. Verbalizing the question was unnecessary. He shook his head, grinning, winking at her.

‘You bitch!’ Kate yelled, though not loud enough for her voice to carry.

‘You’re the bitch!’ Jenna shot back. ‘Just you wait. The minute I leave this room I’m going to tell everybody on the hall that your boyfriend is a filthy rapist who tried to get over on me because you and your bitch friend Scar-lez go down on each other every other night!’

Kate shot out of the chair, moving faster than Alan had ever seen her reach and slapped the blonde girl on her cheek, hard.

Jenna was stunned, and decided to flee before things got out of hand. She shoved Alan off of her and sprang off the bed, heading for the door. ‘Fuck, I’ll tell everybody that you and Scarlet started hitting on me, and it was a close escape just to get out with my panties intact.’

‘Stop,’ he said again. His voice was calm and measured, and for some reason she couldn’t fathom she obeyed, her hand inches from the door knob. ‘Turn around,’ he commanded so quietly she had to strain to hear him, but she acquiesced nonetheless. He was looking right at her, and for the life of her she couldn’t tear her eyes from his.

‘You owe us an apology. Scarlet, too, but that will come later.’

She tried to speak, but couldn’t find her voice. She was outraged, and as her lips flapped soundlessly as bile built up within her. She tried to scream, to berate the pair of them, but nothing came out. As her hate built within her she became more and more frustrated, her horror boiling over as she realized she was unable to move or speak. She passed out, her back sliding down the door until she was sitting, her head lolling forward.

Alan took two steps to the door and grabbed her under her arms, lifting her up, turning, and the dropping her flat on her back on Kate’s mattress.

Same as Alan Ch. 25 Videos

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“Adnan jaldi se meri gaand maarlo nahi tau Ghazi washroom se baher na aajaye.” Mein tau tayar hi tha. Mahboob ko bahir balcony mein leyjaker aur jhuka ker usski khoob gaand maari. Doggy style mein abbhi gaand maar ker room mein aaye thay ke Ghazi bhi shower leker aagaya. Aur itna chikna lug raha tha. Ke mera Lund ko masti aarahi thi. Ke kiss tarah isski virginity ko pharrey. Mager Mahboob ko daikhker khamoosh raha. Kooch dair baad mein ne Mahboob ko kaha. “Mahboob. Ke baher jaaker canteen se...

1 year ago
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Secrets Fantasies Lust and Mischief CHAPTER I

Introduction: Nicki settles into her new place and meets her beautiful carmel skinned neighbor Ding dong! I was just wrapping up my daily 1-hour yoga routine when I heard my doorbell. I quickly grabbed the hand towel I always kept sitting on my dumbbell stand and wiped the sweat from my face. I wasnt expecting the delivery company to be ready with my washer and dryer until 5:00 and it was only 4:00. I was trying to give myself enough time to hop in the shower after my workout, but it looked...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 36

We all transferred to Lexington after that. Our Sisters all knew where to go as there was only one real jewelry store in town, and all of our female relatives had been there multiple times. The manager was a French gentleman and smiled as we all entered. The store only had a limited selection of engagement and wedding rings. The engagement rings were mostly wide rings that were engraved but had no gems set in them and certainly no diamonds. They were, however, made of 20 carat gold. The...

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One Night Stand

My name is Neha. I am 19 years old and study in Mumbai. I live with my parents and elder brother in a flat. I love my family, especially my brother; he is 25 years old, handsome and efficient in whatever he does. I have always idolized him in whatever I do. He explains me small, little things of life and the best thing about him is that he doesn’t treat me like a kid. He trusts my decisions and I used to trust his, till the day he got married. My brother Rahul fell in love with a girl from his...

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Dont Speak to Me of Desire

Don’t speak to me about desire. I know more of that word than most know about their own heartbeats. I have desired many things, some of which I have actually managed to grasp. I know desire. I know it well. I desire her with a part of me so ancient that it is nothing more than the spawn of patience. I look at her and wonder what it would be like to know her touch on my skin. Soft? Harsh? Dominating? Submissive? This part of me, an elder of mankind be eons, does not wonder… it waits. It waits...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 42 Kentucky for Christmas

November 13, 1983, McKinley Ohio Kimiko had spent the night with me on Saturday, and Clarissa joined the two of us to go to church. The previous night, when Clarissa had spoken my thoughts, we’d simply hugged, she’d kissed my cheek, and left, letting Kimiko know I was waiting for her. The previous twenty-four hours had been almost surreal, but also clarifying. But it wasn’t over just yet — I had my date with Tasha, which I felt was going to be equally enlightening. Kimiko hadn’t said...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...

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My days at Platos Retreat in NYC 1980s

It all started after my first marriage ended in divorce. One k** and a crazy ex-wife left me broke and not able to date or for that matter go to a good massage parlor to get off. I used to read a magazine call pleasure or the village voice personals. Back then this was our Internet.As I read a story about a swing club called Plato's Retreat the article spoke about couples swinging and select singles admitted. I was not the select single they were talking about single ladies. I did not have the...

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Eric will Make a B MovieChapter 27

Then a snake slithered in to my Garden of Eden. It walked like a human, talked like a human, but it was a snake of the lowest magnitude. I hadn't laid eyes on my old friend Eric in three years. I'd get a sporadic email every once in a while. I'd always respond, update him on the family, and invite him to visit. He never came. He dabbled in film a few more times, before giving it up. I figured he would, his penchant for getting bored quickly still in force. I'd seen two of his efforts,...

1 year ago
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Fun at friends house

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Phil and this is a made of story of what I would like to happen. I am in a wheelchair and 19 years old but in this story I am not. To this day I have never had sex but I have a plan in mind. I have had nurses throughtout my years of school and some of them are fucking hot. One has huge fucking tits, she is kinda big and her daughter is hot as well. Her name is Susan and her daughter names is Jackie. I remember when susan has taken care of me...

3 years ago
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Sirs Special Birthday

It’s Your birthday. i thought and thought about the most special thing i could get You, what would best express how i feel. i even asked You a few questions to try and get inside Your head a little. Ultimately, i realized, what could I possibly offer You that would be more appropriate than myself? My gift to You is not only my body but my mind. However You choose to use it. i give You plenty of notice. And then i don’t say a thing more about it.We meet for drinks on Your special day. i hope i...

2 years ago
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Revenge Is a Dish Best Served ColdChapter 3 The Confrontation

Ryan slowly awoke from his dreamless sleep. He knew where he was, but something was wrong. He was lying on his back on their bed, the rustic four-post bed that had belonged to his grandfather. He was turned sideways in the middle of the bed. His arms were secured to the right side posts. He had a leather strap secured to each wrist, and around each post was a similar strap just high enough that he could see it. There was a chain that ran between the two straps. He tried to move his arms;...

4 years ago
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My Blind Date With a Super Model

My name is Derek. My last name is not important. I am a sort of nameless clog in the system that plays by all the rules and seldom if ever takes any risks that would expose me to danger or ridicule. At least that was true until I had my date with a "World Famous" super model. It was that long awaited day of the anticipated date and I was on my customary journey back home from my 9 to 5 job in the City. I reached up to the luggage rack to remove my backpack and I felt the sudden little...

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Mountain Man

Jefferson McElroy silently stole down the path to his favorite fishing hole. He had cut school to engage in his number one hobby. If his dad or mom caught him skipping school, it would probable cost him a little hide, but it was a nice spring day and he didn’t really care. Like most fourteen year old boys he wasn’t interested in the future. Today is what he lived for. He rounded the bend around a thick brush patch two hundred yards from his spot. A faint mewling sound like a wounded cat...

1 year ago
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New PleasuresChapter 15

"There are hardly any bluebells left," Abi moaned as we fought our way through the trees. "Are you sure this is the spot?" "Yep. And yes, there won't be any this time of year as they have all died out. You are going to have to wait eight months or so," I told her and she sighed, as she put her bag down. "But then you should know that as I did tell you yesterday." Abi pouted. "It is still bonnie and peaceful though, isn't it?" "Very," I muttered with a smile. "It's a...

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Sovereignty 17

Slowly Alan reached under the covers and began to gently massage the outer section of Hopix's breast that was crushed up against him. God! Alan thought she had felt soft before but this! I am going to go insane if this keeps up Alan thought I need to finish with this so Hopix and I can be alone for a while. Merlin was doing his best not to make a sound, he remembered the first time he'd seen and been with his Glimmer. The things he thought he knew about love were completely blown...

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Sarah Goes To Paris Reposted

A friend seemed to need a break. When Sarah opened up her messages there was one from Ellen: Clear your weekend. “Why” Sarah replied. “You’ll see” was the cryptic reply. A day later a Fedex envelope arrived; in it were round-trip tickets to Paris, a hotel reservation and a taxi voucher to get her there from the airport. Sarah’s mouth fell open with surprise, but having never been to Paris and nothing on for the weekend, she packed.The next morning, her taxi lurched to a sudden stop. "Voila!"...

2 years ago
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Biwi Ki Hawas

Mera naam rahul hai ye lagbhag 2 saal purani baat hai mai ek bade company me general manager ki naukri karta tha mere mata pita ne mere saadi k liye ladki dekhna suru kar diya tha unhone meri saadi ek sundar ladki naam avani se saadi karai dekhne me ekdam sudaul badan 36” ki chhati chharhara badan aur bahut hi sundar maine suhagraat ko use 5 baar Choda usne bhi mera pura saath diya aise hi 3-4 mahine gujre ek din meri biwi ne kaha ki mujhe blue film dekhna hai mai achambhit ho gaya phir bhi...

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Back to My Brother

"Hello?" In spite of my discomfort, I couldn't help smiling at the sound of his voice, "Hello stranger" "Sarah, is that you?" "Yup" "Ha, ha, ha" he laughed, "Come on up" I thought I heard the click of the door as he pressed the switch in his flat and then my legs gave way and I fainted! "Sarah" He was a million miles away, strange that I could hear his voice, he kept on and on saying my name, but I couldn't see him. "Sarah" he said it again and he seemed nearer, a lot...

3 years ago
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Amandas Wedding Album

Amanda's Wedding Album Chapter 1 - The Photo Shoot Michael realized just how fortunate he was. He was one of the lucky few whose wives actually preferred them to keep their bodies hairless. She often asked him to shave his chest and legs, and he would reluctantly give in after putting up a brief fight, making it seem like it was all for her while secretly enjoying every minute of it. She had no idea that he was a closet crossdresser, and he was pretty sure that she would neither...

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My Best Friend Linda

Linda was a good friend to my husband, Don, and myself. We lived a just a few doors apart from each other in a northern Dallas suburb. Linda was divorced and was quite a gregarious and outgoing person. She was also striking beautiful, with a lean and slender frame and large boobs. I often told her she could make a lot of money off of those boobs and her long blonde hair, but Linda, while outgoing and friendly, didn’t see herself as anything special. We’re all in our thirties, so going out and...

Wife Lovers
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My Shy Teen Slave Ch 05

We were up against the wall by the screen door, soaking wet with our clothes sticking to our bodies and our hands unable to keep to ourselves. Our flirty, innocent, almost youthful kissing had grown hungrier, more frantic, with her kissing me with as much passion as I was her. It was easy, both of us smiling, her giggles sometimes escaping with a soft gasp as I would nearly pull her off her feet in an attempt to get her closer to me. And I could only chuckle an apology, which we both knew I...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 136

Dressed in jeans, polo shirt and sneakers, Jeff left the bedroom and his sleeping wife. He stopped by the living room to check in with his other wives, the other Alphas and their mates. Giving them a sketchy summary of what had happened, he promised to go into detail later. As he started to leave, Fred walked to the living room door with him before touching his shoulder. "We need to ask you something." "Sure," Jeff replied. "Uh, again, I apologize for not eating breakfast with you...

2 years ago
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USA Mein Train MEein Group ChudaiPART 2

Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, MALE, 38 YEARS OLD, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at Alternatively, call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time I AM THINKING OF GETTING MARRIED, SO LOOKING FOR A HOT WIFE. WHO LIKES GROUP SEX AND KINKY THINGS, SO IF YOU ARE BROAD MINDED EMAIL ME,...

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Lisas DilemmaChapter 3 Tuesday night and the Wednesday detention

Ted ordered Jenny to dress and suggested to Lisa that she straighten herself up but leave her urine soaked clothes in place. He then announced that Jenny should make her way home and tomorrow morning present herself to him in the pavilion before the start of school. "By the Way Jenny, bring with you, your three favourite sex toys and at least two items to be used as spanking tools!" he demanded. He told Lisa "As you're soaking wet in piss, we shall walk home and you will invite me to...

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You dont remember what happened Ill t

I carried you in through your front door, up the stairs, and set you down gently on your bed. You had a few too many drinks at that party and asked for me to take you home and I happily agreed; I only went because you begged me to take you. You were wearing a plain black dress that fit to your body perfectly. I noticed a stray piece of your long brown hair laying across your face. I gently pushed it put of the way and leaned down to kiss you goodnight. But as soon as our lips touched your hand...

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The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

Back in my escorting days I had this one client who, whenever we were getting down to it at the end of the evening, made a big thing about how she didn't do anal. About how her arsehole was sacred and no cock was ever going up it. She said anal sex was dirty and only desperate women did it because they couldn't get a man any other way. I'd been seeing her once or twice a month for four or five months by this point. She was in her very late 40s, petite, with bottle blonde hair and a wardrobe...

1 year ago
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My First Time Touching Another Boys Cock

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi! My name is Scott. When I was little, my family had just moved into this house and it was different from the last house we lived in and the family had even changed a little. You see we had moved into an actual house! Whereas before, we had always lived in apartments. In this house my mother, sister and I occupied the first floor and the basement, while my mothers' best friend (my aunt) took the upstairs. We all shared the bathroom on the second...

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Total Confusion P1 EDITED

Intro: Hey, this is the story of a boy , a prince in fact, who went through his life not understanding the feelings he had for men. By one boys actions this is going to change. The story is of a young boy up to the point of being a teen. (If the story goes well then it will continue further in age but I dont expect it to) Soon the boys aspect on life will change. Soon there will be someone to hold his heart. This is a romantic tragedy much like Hamlet. (IMPORTANT: DUE TO RECENT CHANGES IN...

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Human ManChapter 21

September turned to October and the city of Levall was celebrating its first official Oktoberfest. For reasons that Scott didn't understand, the city had historically avoided the fall festival popular with Texas's many German enclaves. Instead, the city held a very successful Jazz Festival in the spring. The Jazz Fest wasn't going away, but the embrace of Oktoberfest was a welcome boon to downtown businesses and the student population of NTSU. The Black Horse was enjoying the celebration...

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SIBLINGS First, a little something about me. My name is Cassandra James. I stand five feet, six inches tall, and have auburn hair and chocolate eyes. It should be said that I am 22 years old and I am the oldest of three c***dren. I have a brother eighteen months younger than I am and his name is Chandler. We also have a younger sister who is almost 19 and graduated High School last year. Her name is Charity. Yes, all three of us k**s have the first name beginning with the letter C. We...

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MagicChapter 38

Sean reached into one of the dozen pockets of his pants and pulled out a box of bandages. Opening the box, he proceeded to put bandages all over his chest and stomach. Looking down at the patchwork of flesh colored bandages, he said, “I should have gotten the ones with ducks on them.” He put on his bright white tee shirt covering all of the bandages. Thinking about what he was going to have to do a little later, he said, “It is going to hurt taking all of them off.” No one had gone anywhere...

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Finding BathshebaChapter 9

"Hey, beautiful," Jack said into the phone receiver. "Been busy today?" "Definitely. We slept in, but we took a cab up to downtown and visited some of the sites. We had dinner at a great seafood place overlooking the waterfront." Abigail hesitated a moment, seemed unsure. "Jack, there's some stuff we need to talk about." Jack's blood went cold. "Um, OK. What's up?" Did she know? Had Allison confessed their indiscretions? He wouldn't blame her if she did and part of him wanted...

3 years ago
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Me and my lover and my friend

Hi everybody i love group sex . If any body wants to have sex please mail me at Her comes the story . My age is 24 . Completed my ug. My name is lakshmi from madurai. Once i went to ooty with my boy friend and his friend and his lover. We four went in bus and reached there by 8pm. And we booked two near by rooms . I was wearing orange chudi and my friend anitha was wearing green chudi. After dinner we entered the room my boy and his friend went outside . I and my friend were in room we were...

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Jasons TaleChapter 13 Cleanup

We spent the next several days cleaning up. Millie, Gina, Jim, and I were all unscratched, but Henry had a broken collarbone where a pirate had thrown an axe at him. His hardened leather armor had kept it from slicing into him, but the blow had still broken his collarbone. He would be unable to work for weeks, but he was alive because of his armor. He had good reason to be proud of that as he had made his armor himself. Both of our wagons were damaged, but it was all minor and not worth...

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