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Making Preparations

People pointed and stared at him that night as he walked through the artisan’s quarter of the capital. Many knew who he was, but even those that did not were transfixed by his regal bearing and the resplendent uniform of his attendants, two full centurions. It was not often that the vizier waded amongst the everyday folk of the city, and whispers and murmurings broke out as he passed each doorway. It had been many years since he ventured this way, still longer since he had made a night visit, and back then he was a figure off little note, a simple Magian soldier, the personal attendant to the crown prince, not a remarkable personage in his own right. He ignored the mutterings of his subjects, moving smartly towards his destination without pause. A few times people tried to entreat him, either inviting him in for some warmed wine and hot cider, or asking for his intervention in some legal dispute, for he was the penultimate legal authority of the empire, his rulings could only be overturned by the emperor, which they all knew had never happened yet. None took notice of the battered leather satchel held by one of the centurions, a non-descript valise made of goat leather, slung around his shoulder and resting on his left hip, rubbing against the dull metal of his bronze armor.

‘You will wait here,’ he said curtly to the soldiers, though not without a tinge of politeness. ‘Allow no one to enter.’

The right hands of each centurion hand came to his hip, and the older one gave over the satchel while their eyes scanned the street, taking in the movements of the people about, illuminated, such as it were, by small cooking fires scattered hither and yon. Each took up post on opposite sides of the arched doorway. The house/workshop they were now guarding was an anomaly for this section of the capital, made of stone and mortar, not the more inexpensive wood like most others on this block. Steam and smoke drifted up from the rear of the house, byproducts of the forge in the rear yard. A small boy, perhaps eight years old, perhaps younger, approached them from down the street and stopped in front of them, coming no closer than about ten cubits or so. He looked upon the pair with eyes full of fascination and awe. Since they did not address him he stepped no closer, a trace of fear ascending his spine.

Upon entering the house the vizier saw his host, Achnai the smith. He mixed not with workers and artisans much lately, but remembered dealings with this man in the past, in his former life, that of a soldier and a young courtier. Achnai, he knew, was superbly skilled at metalworking, and an honest man to boot. These were not the reasons he was chosen for this important task. The most important cause which drew the vizier to this place was the fact that Achnai was a foreigner, a descendent of the Israelites who were deported from their homeland, Judea, during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, and brought in exile to Babel. Though some of their number had returned to their motherland after Emperor Cyrus had issued a decree allowing it, many had remained. It was a good thing for the empire, too, for many of these Jews were skilled at useful trades, and their contribution to the empire was disproportionately high in comparison to their numbers.

Recently over a shared cask of wine the vizier and Mecumman, the tax minister, had discussed the benefits of keeping these outsiders among their midst, and his companion had astounded him with tables of figures showing the amount of taxes paid by these people. By means of a double tax on Jews the empire was currently flush with gold and silver, money needed to support the armies of Devaryesh in their campaigns. This money was even being used to finance the construction of the new royal salt works at Pumbedita, a project dear to the heart of the emperor.

At the sound of his entrance the smith leapt to his feet. ‘Prime Minister, peace-be-to you!’ he cried, ‘To what do I owe this great honor?’

‘Peace-be-to-you, my old acquaintance. It has been a very long time since I have been here, Achnai.’ The vizier allowed his eyes to wander, scanning the interior of the workspace, and added warmly, ‘I see much has not changed in the shop since I last visited.’

‘Please, Minister, please, have a seat if you would. My furnishings are more humble than I am sure you are used to, but–‘

‘Gladly,’ the visitor replied, and with a stately gesture indicated to Achnai that he too could sit. Achnai pulled two wooden chairs up to the hearth which dominated the room, and than went to the cupboard for a flagon of wine and two earthenware mugs, placing the cups on the table, and the wine near to the fire so it would warm.

‘You are alone?’

‘Yes, Vizier. My wife is across town. My eldest daughter had a child last night, and my wife is still with her. Except for my apprentice, Shemaryahu, who is still in the shop, cleaning the tools, we are alone.’

They chatted for awhile, waiting for the wine to become ready to drink. A chilling breeze came through the doorway, for there was no door, but rather a rug covering the entrance. Ko’un-Zir sized up his host one last time before deciding whether to entrust him with this important task. He had chosen this Hebrew because no Baal worshipper would take the assignment. These Jews paid no heed or fear to the cult of the empire, and so would be without qualms against destroying one of its sacred relics. Shemaryahu came shuffling into the room and placed some dishes on the table between then the two men, silently retreating at his master’s nod of approval.

Ko’un-Zir took a honeyed almond from the nearest bowl and placed it over his tongue. He liked these Jewish treats, a proclivity he kept secret from his fellow courtiers. The confectioners of his own people never made these nuts as well as the Jewish ones, skipping the brief brining the Jews gave their almonds before sweetening. Achnai poured the wine, and they got down to business.

‘I have a commission for you,’ the vizier stated plainly.

‘Yes?’ the Hebrew smith answered, hoping that his guest didn’t pick up the raw excitement in his voice. A royal commission! With the money he earned on this job he would be able to make a dowry for his last unmarried daughter, the very thought of it began to consume him.

‘Two commissions, actually.’

Achnai was ready to faint, but he composed himself.

The first commission was simple. The Prime Minister wanted a necklace made for his wife, a filigreed piece, similar to one he had seen in a market stall in Tyre. He brought a drawing on parchment, and Achnai perused it, named a reasonable price, six talents of silver over the cost of the gold, and they quickly agreed on a delivery date.

Ko’un-Zir and the smith drank to the agreement, but instead of continuing he became pensive, not relating the details of the second commission right away. He reached for the wine and poured another cup for himself, and then gestured to his host to ask if he needed a refill.

‘Thank you sir, but I would rather pour my own,’ Achnai said apologetically to the second most powerful man in the empire, if not the world. This stirred up a memory in the vizier, and he realized that his host was following the Jewish custom which forbade them to drink wine which had been poured by a gentile. He was not upset, though he could understand Achnai’s consternation, Ko’un-Zir felt ill, and it was showing on his face. Being in the presence of the Orb did that to him, but after tonight that danger would cease forevermore. He reached down under the table and pulled up the satchel, opening it and removing the silver sphere from within. Power radiated from it, though only the vizier, Vessel of the First Seed, felt its waves.

‘I want you to melt this down,’ he said, almost grunting in discomfort as he spoke to the artisan. ‘I want you to melt this down, and then mix the slag with other metals, other silver ingots you have in your shop. The m
etal of this orb is exceedingly pure, and it must be mixed with less pure metals.’

Achnai thought to ask why, but held his tongue. If the vizier wanted this done, his will be done.

‘I will return in ten days. You will have by then melted down this orb, mixed it with baser metals, and created a replica of the orb for me. Oh, and don’t forget the rings we discussed earlier.’ He reached to his waist and pulled a large pouch from his waistband, placing it on the table. ‘One hundred talents of silver,’ he stated, bemused by the widening of Achnai’s eyes. Within thirty seconds he was gone, giving last instructions to the centurion who was taking up temporary post on the street in front of the Hebrew’s home/workshop. As his distance from the Orbis Tertius increased he began to feel better, his powers returning.

* * *

The summer was in full swing. Alan worked at the local paper five days a week, rotating among departments every week or so. It was fun, he liked the people there, and the work was interesting. Both Kate and Pauline were working with non-profit groups which had

received generous grants from the Van Devanter Foundation, a charitable organization (similar to the Ford Foundation, but on a rather less grand scale) funded by the family fortune, and chaired by their dad.

Pauline’s job was in town, she was a camp counselor for a day camp for the children of illegal immigrant workers. There had been in the last few years some accidents involving some of these children. With no child care options, and without even the six hour respite school provided to their parents, immigrant children were often brought to work sites, not the best place for them. The local authorities, with a generous grant from the Van Devanter foundation, had established a day camp, two day camps, actually, for these kids. Pauline was assistant activities director for the girl’s camp, and also group leader for the nine-year olds.

Kate worked in the city, driving in every day in her car, she was a staffer at a shelter for teen runaway girls. She had never done anything like this before, but just a little bored by the day camp work of previous summers she asked her dad to assign her something tougher, and though James was hesitant, he agreed in the end. Kate worked longer hours, often leaving for New York not long past 6am, and sometimes not returning before dark, though she only worked at the center four days a week.

She was more at ease with herself since that night in the Plaza. She was seeing a therapist, though not mentioning a word of what was happening between her and Alan. Mostly she was focusing on why she was not as nice to others as she could have been. Kate was healing.

Her encounters with Alan were as satisfying as ever, perhaps more so. There was a new tenderness about him, no longer did he verbally abuse her, and he even cut down on humiliating her so much she was thinking of asking him to keep at her a little, but she held her tongue, the submissive streak Alan had brought out in her holding her back. He almost never called her filthy names anymore (she sometimes missed that, too), and she had never called him ‘Master’ since that night, prom night. This gave her the strength to do some things she didn’t think she was ready to do.

First on that list was breaking up with Chad. She had kind of planned to just say goodbye to him when they went off to college, allowing nature to take its course, as it were. But right after the prom she called it off. When she threw the big graduation party at the family beach house on Fire Island Chad didn’t even bother to show up, though she had invited him, and his new girlfriend, Suzy Cormier, her gossipy friend.

* * *

‘Delivery for you,’ the mailroom guy said as he laid the package on Alan’s desk. Alan was sitting in his cubicle at the newspaper culling wire service reports for possible use in the next edition of the paper. The newspaper mostly was concerned with local matters, and had no national or international correspondents. The only out-of-town reporter worked in Albany, and she was more of a stringer than a full-time staff member, so it fell to Alan, who at the time was rotating through the Nation/World desk, to keep his eye on the AP and bring ‘possibles’ to the editor, Arthur Mahoney. He had spent a week at Obits, and another at the Local Business desk before coming to Nation/World. Though it was considered a very low-prestige part of the paper, he liked it, and liked working for Mr. Mahoney.

The Clarion was a ‘second paper.’ Most people who read it did so primarily for local coverage, and read the Times or the Wall Street Journal for their main source of national and international news. Arthur had explained to him that his was one of the least important desks at the paper because of this, but no self-respecting paper could call itself a newspaper without a minimum of world and national coverage.

Arthur Mahoney was a stereotypical newspaper man, right out of central casting, from the bottle of rye whiskey he kept in his desk drawer, to the hat with the press badge stuffed into the band which hung from a hook next to his desk. He never actually wore this hat, understanding that he would be laughed at if he dared, but Alan saw in the photos gracing his walls that he used to–including one of a very young Arthur Mahoney asking President Eisenhower a question at a news conference.

The paper closed at eight pm, and Mahoney rarely showed up before two in the afternoon. It was Alan’s job to clip wire reports for him, and also to suggest headlines to go with them, if they didn’t like the wire service ones. Arthur also wrote a twice weekly column on national affairs, and often had Alan doing some research for that. Alan was enjoying this assignment immensely.

‘Delivery for you.’

‘Thanks,’ Alan replied. He tore open the box, a small FedEx mailer, and peered inside. There was a leather case, about for inches square and three inches tall, hinged at the back. He opened it and gasped.

It was a ring, a ring just like the one he had on his finger, just like the one Massimo wore as well. There was no letter or card either in the leather box or the mailer. Alan froze, not knowing what to think. He couldn’t concentrate for more than the better part of an hour.

‘Why would Jack send me his ring?’ Alan thought to himself. It was the only explanation: the ring came from Massimo. No other person knew he was a Vessel of the Seed, and no other person knew about the rings, and what their significance was. He looked at the outside of the box and studied the waybill again. London. He knew no one in London. Sighing and shaking off his doldrums he turned back to his computer and began to once again scan the AP. The fourth story on the website caused a chill to run down his spine. The headline read ‘WORLD FAMOUS ARCHEOLOGIST DEAD IN LONDON HOTEL FIRE.’ He knew, without even clicking on the link to the story, he knew.

* * *

LONDON (AP) July 19, 2002

World famous archeologist Dr. Jean-Pierre Massimo died tonight in a three-alarm fire at the Hotel du Nord, one of this city’s most expensive and exclusive hotels. The alarm was sounded shortly after 7 pm local time, and the fire department was on the scene within minutes. After getting the fire under control the firefighters made a room by room search of the hotel, and found Dr. Massimo near death in his suite shortly after 8 pm. He died in an ambulance on route to the hospital, and was declared dead at 8:23 pm.

Two firefighters were taken to a nearby hospital and treated for smoke inhalation, they were held for observation and the released after a few hours. The Swiss-born archaeologist was the only fatality. Police and Fire Department spokesmen were unwilling to comment at this time about the source of the blaze.

Professor Massimo was one of the giants of twentieth-century archeology, at the time of his death he was semi-retired, holding emeritus teaching positions at both Oxford Univer
sity in Britain, and Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Most of his most famous field work was decades behind him. Born in Geneva in 1913, the son of a physician and an opera singer, in the first half of the twentieth century Jean-Pierre Massimo spent much of his time away from home, on digs in the Middle East. After taking a doctorate in from the University of Basel at the age of 24 he led famous expeditions near Baghdad and Damascus. Retiring from field-work he spent the next fifty years teaching at many of the world’s leading universities including Harvard, Duke, Cambridge, the Sorbonne, Moscow University, McGill, Columbia, Hebrew University, and many others.

His wife, Emile, died of cancer in 1979, and he is survived by a son, Claude, a physician in Geneva, and four grandchildren.

* * *

‘Shemaryahu, help me with this.’ Achnai was holding a pair of iron tongs and indicated to his assistant to grab another set. They lifted the ceramic pot from the huge oven and placed to on the stone workbench. It was heavy, filled almost to the brim with molten silver, and they rested their arms for a few seconds before reattaching the tongs to the hooks on either side of the pot and then took it into the workshop proper.

They poured half of the molten metal into one pot, and the other half into another one. Achnai dipped a small iron ladle in each one and set some of the silver aside to make the rings. He instructed his aide to wait in the shop and skim off the impurities which would rise to the top of the pots while he set the next set of silver, the baser silver, into the oven. Shemaryahu waited for the impurities to rise, but they did not come.

This was amazing silver, so pure, so beautiful. The young apprentice had never seen silver such as this, its purity unheard of. Furtively glancing to the oven room he figured he had time, so he took the ladle off the peg in the wall and dipped it into the pot of molten silver, then quickly poured it into a simple ingot die and tied the two halves of the casting device together with a short length of linen rope. By the time his master had returned the die was safely hidden the his cubby, lost among his tools and equipment.

His training would soon come to an end, and he was already planning his own shop, so this silver would help him get started. It was crazy really. The Prime Minister had commissioned his boss to destroy and then forge one of the most sacred relics of the empire. Achnai had not recognized the orb for what it was, but he knew, having seen it paraded through the streets up to the temple during one of the religious parades. Crazy!

* * *

‘Young man? Are you OK?’

The feminine voice shocked Alan back into reality. He had been sitting in his cubicle staring blankly forward for a while, and hadn’t noticed anyone approaching. He was surprised to see who it was, the publisher of the paper, Jamie McConville stood before him, impatiently tapping her foot.

‘Sorry, Ma’am. I spaced out for a minute.’

‘Quite alright,’ she said testily, as if to convey that she didn’t really mean it. ‘Is Mr. Mahoney around?’

Alan didn’t know where he was. Some days he drove into Manhattan and had long liquid lunches with some of his old-time pals, usually at a tavern near Times Square. Since Mr. Mahoney didn’t carry a cell phone or pager Alan sometimes had to call the bar and ask the bartender to get him to the phone. A few days ago he didn’t return before closing, and Alan had put the whole section together by himself. He couldn’t quite remember what the old man had said before, whether he was going into the city this afternoon or not, so distracted was he by the wire service report. ‘I’m not sure, Ma’am. Could I help you with anything?’

Jamie McConville was a decent boss, as evidenced by her giving a position to a dinosaur like Mahoney, and another thing in her favor was that it was she, as publisher of the paper, that had awarded this prized internship to Alan, so he liked her. Many of the others on the staff, the real workers, not interns like him, did not share this opinion. Oh sure, Mahoney liked her, but that was because she viewed him as a newsroom legend, and was always nice to him, and furthermore Mahoney and her dad were correspondents together in the war, so she always thought of him as Uncle Art. One of her first acts since inheriting the paper upon the death of her father was to coax Mahoney out of retirement and hire him for the Clarion. She knew he wasn’t a top-notch reporter anymore, but she liked the idea of having him around. He could always make her laugh, something she was in need of because of her numbing, soul-suppressing marriage.

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Destination AzaharChapter 22 Refugees from the Front

Commander Kehoe called Corporal Miller into his office at company headquarters shortly after approving her request to delay her pregnancy leave for three months. Miller was surprised to see Lieutenant Clark in the office with Kehoe and began to worry that she had pushed the young ensign just a bit too far and was about to get an ass-chewing. "Miller," Kehoe spoke in a very professional, down-to-business tone. "I see that you've put in a request to accompany Second Platoon's cruise to...

4 years ago
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Eva mit BabyBanane im Buumlro

Eva mit Baby-Banane im BüroKleiner Chat mit Eva und FrankEva:Ich habe heute Baby Bananen mitgenommen. Sie liegen in der Obstschale auf meinem Schreibtisch und lachen mich an.Frischobst in der Muschi, aber wie kommt das dahin und warum?Mach was draus mein großer Rammler und reis dich am Riemen das es eine Heise Story wird.Deine angefeuchtete Eva.Eva:Frank, mache mich feucht, habe heute Nachmittag etwas ZeitFrank:Hast du ein Höschen an?Eva:Ja, warum?Frank:Ziehe es aus und ruppel ein wenig deine...

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ME AT THE BACK OF THE PLANE:PART TWOME AT THE BACK OF THE PLANE:Maggie got up first and I watched her go to the back of the plane, with a quick look around I got up and walked to the same toilet and knocked twice, she opened the door and pulled me inside. We started to kiss and my hands were all over her and so were hers. I was grabbing her at her cloths ,I unbuttoned her green top she had on ,which showed off her well cupped breasts in a lace bra, in matter of seconds I had it off my mouth...

3 years ago
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Sex and KaraOke

I don't know what happens in the rest of the Philippines, but in my village the best place to meet local boys is at the open-air kara-oke session they have every Saturday night in the basketball court. The boys don't seem to like singing very much, but they just come along to drink and pick up the village girls. I guess the boys know why the girls are there, and the girls know why the boys are there. It makes it easier.Sometimes it doesn't go much beyond the flirting stage. But you see the...

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There I was, lying on the beach, stranded on an island. I was recollecting recent events which ultimately led to the situation I'm in. It was a lovely summer morning, so I decided to go fishing at sea, try my luck, and also get some free food, why not? After the last of the preparations had been made, I put on my "lucky" shirt and set sail. It was very warm, and I could feel the Sun massaging my skin. I finally found a nice spot, far from the shore where I thought should be plenty...

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Living the Dream part 22

Living the Dream, part 22 I was halfway through getting things ready when another call interrupted my plans. "Hello?" "Malissa, we found her. She's ok." "WH, what?" I asked. "Malissa, it's Old Elk, We found Night Bird. She was walking in the hills muttering about not being able to take a Spirit walk without people worrying about her every step." "And she's ok? She's not hurt or anything?" "No, not that old woman. Of course we had a bit of trouble with the Brown Bear that...

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Some people think that I’m a grumpy old git, and others that I’m just plain opinionated. Well maybe both have a point. I always try to be polite and kind to people, but I really don’t want to spend a lot of time talking, particularly about inconsequentialities. I also have no interest in football, the beautiful game, surely they are joking, twenty-two millionaires chasing a ball about and trying to injure each other if they can get away with it? Hah! So there you see, an opinion, and not one...

2 years ago
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SRU Poker With A Twist

I can't get enough of stories about games with slightly different rules than normal (I think you know what I mean!) so thought I would try one myself. They're all pretty similar so this one results in changes through a slightly different technique which I don't think has been used before. Enjoy, and don't forget to tell me what you think! I'd love to see more game stories on the site so keep writing them Please! SRU: Poker With A Twist By Gina R I stared at the strange store,...

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Mommy In Pool With Men8217s

Waseemdextrous: swimming pool kaisa rahega yaar waseemdextrous: matlab garmi mein wo swimming ki class gayi hui hai waseemdextrous: aur main wahan ka instructor hoon waseemdextrous: aur main sikhunga use swim karna aur bhi mard honge sis_mom99: yaaaaa its so nice per ismai jeyada converstion nahi hoga sitha chodan hi ho jayega waseemdextrous: hoga yaar Waseemdextrous: kyo nai hoga waseemdextrous: jab sikhunga to pahel use drees paheni padei aur bhi abujyt kuch hoga sis_mom99:...

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Amazon Nation Ch 01

The sun rose over the land of Thrace. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Tecmessa was restless under her tent. She had been having dreams again. Strange dreams. She was afraid of them. These were dreams that would get her into trouble if the others found out about them. She was dreaming of a strange man she felt was destined to become her lover. Tecmessa was an Amazon. The Amazons were female warriors that rejected the authoritarian ways of men. They lived apart from men and...

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A Misunderstanding Part 1

A Misunderstanding - Part 1 By undiecontrol ([email protected]) "I want you to go and stand in the corner while I work out how to deal with this." Her voice was steady and assertive, and any anger she felt was disguised. "NO!" Simon replied, in an equally firm voice, but with his anger barely concealed, "I'm not a child! We'll sit down and discuss this like adults." "You will go and stand in the corner, Simon. Your behaviour has been childish so I'm going to treat you like a...

2 years ago
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Bait and Switch Ch 06

When I woke up, my muddled brain didn't seem to want to work. I vaguely remembered being with Lela, making the switch that I thought would work on her (or trying to), and then waking up in my bed. Had I over used my ability at the party? A quick test on the lights confirmed it, as pain shot between my eyes. I rolled over and went back to sleep. I was tempted to sleep all day, till something reminded me that this next week was finals week, before the Christmas break. I'd meant to do...

3 years ago
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Lorry Park Fun

As a long distance lorry driver, I work away from home four nights a week and travel the country from top to bottom and side to side. I live in my lorry cab all week and return home on a Friday evening to my wife. This is a true account of an incident that happened just last week. It was Wednesday and I was in the north of the country making a routine delivery. It was late in the day and I was flirting with Suzi as I was booking in my delivery.  Suzi was asking where I would be staying the...

3 years ago
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The Taking Of My Wife Part 2 The seduction of my wife

After our first encounter with a foreign man at a club in Bangkok, in which he felt up and took advantage of my virgin fiancé, we had gone back to our small hometown of Chiangmai to our usual boring life. A few months later Viki and I were married and moved into a small house and started our life as husband and wife. We never discussed what had happened that night in Bangkok even though every time we made love I could sense that something was missing.Two years passed. Our love making became...

3 years ago
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My best friend Part 2

I woke up to my usual routine of getting ready and making sure I had my homework in my backpack. As I left my house I heard my mom call for me. “Don’t forget your permission slip that your father signed for you so you can return to the football squad.” I quickly grabbed the slip my mom held out for me. “Thanks mom.” My mom smiled at me and simply stated, “Have a good day at school hun.” I smiled back and walked my normal route to school. The entire walk I prayed to myself hoping that...

Love Stories
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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 12

Not surprisingly, Jane slept late the next morning and when she awoke she found herself feeling much better.  Her appointment was at eleven, and it was more than an hour’s drive to the city, so she hurried to get showered and dressed. When she came downstairs she saw that her mother had put out fruit and muffins for her.  Her mother was already dressed and ready to go, so Jane quickly sat down to eat.   Next to her place-mat was an envelope with her name on it in her father’s handwriting,...

4 years ago
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The Best friend and the Boyfriend

The best friend and the boyfriend We met on the first day of seventh grade in the girl’s washroom. She told me she liked my headband and asked me where it was from. I gave her the name of the store, a snobbish little girl look through the bathroom mirror, and walked out through the swinging door. Lauren Styles and I had been best friends even since. It was a friendship based on similar tastes, similar backgrounds, and rivalry. Both natural blonds, when we turned 16 Lauren convinced me to dye...

Oral Sex
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Club XXX

A/N If you like any of the content in the story please hit the like button, it really helps to motivate me to keep writing. Thanks and enjoy the story! Located in a rather rough neighborhood in the massive city, Club XXX fits in rather snugly with its dingy front and the 'Club XXX' sign flickering at random intervals, its neon red light illuminating the immediate surroundings. Staffed entirely by futas the club is a place like no other, a paradise for people of a certain inclination. Of...

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Bhai ki madad ki maa ki chudai mein 8211 Part 4

Mummy – Beta, savdhaan rehna jaruri hai. Warna kahi hamare rishte ke bare mein kisi ko pata chal gaya. To pata nahi kya hoga. Bhai – Mummy, kisi ko pata nahi chalega. Fir main bhi bed par aa gaya. Aur main mummy ki janghe chatne laga. Mummy mujhe hi dekh rahi thi. Aur halke halke aapne honton ko kaat rahi thi. Mummy ki jangho ko chaat te hue. Main mummy ki chut par aa gaya. Aur mummy ne khud aapni taange faila di. Aur maine bhi aapna muh mummy ki chut par laga diya. Mummy bilkul aaram se let...

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A wife doesn8217t like the way her husband acts in bed

I love my husband. Except for the few times when Bob gets carried away in bed, he is an excellent husband. I can’t understand what happens. Most of the time our love making is fantastic. He is considerate, and kind, but then every once-in-awhile, he just goes off the deep end. About four months ago, we started making love. Things were going good. All of a sudden, he ordered me to suck his dick. I’m not too fond of performing oral sex in the first place, but the way he ordered me...

1 year ago
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punishment fit the crime of Josie

Josie's Beginning by puppy girl ?? This was my punishment for cheating on my wife. I was always a crossdresser and really enjoyed the role-playing scenes with my wife Sarina. But I was selfish and wanted to enjoy some extra-marital affairs with other women. Sarina at first was put-off by my crossdressing but after a few years she got more and more involved. To the point that we would go out as girlfriends, or I'd be her "barbie doll" and she would pick out my clothes or decide what make-up to...

4 years ago
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Mom and My Friend8217s Father

What a monster, I thought and what feat as I watched his mom swallowing the sword. As I turn back towards Lee, I saw him wanking and having an erection myself, I neared him and watched him ejeculate and when he’s at thepeep hole, and having watched him, I wanked myself bringing myself to orgasms. Thatnight, I did get the chance to see how the woman was pounded to satisfaction very clearlyas his parents room was brightly lit by two table lamps. When the show was over, wesilently sat opposite...

3 years ago
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Gangbang at Ricks part 3

= Gangbang at Ricks part3 There i was knee deep in Big Cock. I don’t know why Guys like fight over a girl or gal the want to pound some Hot Wet, Tight, Hole real bad like a Bull. Wait a minute, I got to thinking, I am a guy in girl xxxy cothing. I got up told them all lets settle down, I was fresh fucked, Don his BBC, I was still Letting Daddy Rick up and my big load in his belly, he shot all over the sheets, He got up told me to clean up his mess, he made. Face down in his big load, Some one...

2 years ago
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Identical Twins

This story is a work of fiction... I don't even have a sister let alone a twin but I can dream can't I? Hope you like it......... I have a twin sister, not identical. That would be weird as I'm a bloke and she being my sister, obviously a girl. However we do have similar facial features and we have both inherited our parents lack of height, our mum is five foot dead and dad is five foot one. We both tower above them at five foot three For my sister the height isn't a problem in...

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Neighbour over the road pt 2

She dug deep in her bag and brought out a pair of silk gloves, sat down at the side of my bed and slowly started to wank my cock, the feel of her gloves had me trembling at the knees again and i could feel myself ready to explode then all of a sudden she stopped,' not yet got lots of plans for you' she said.Neve got off the bed and went back to over her bag, she dug deep and out came a cock pump and dildo. things now started going through my head that this was going to be the best afternoon of...

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Clash of the Generator

You were an average High School Graduate until an unfortunate accident causes you to go berserk and unleashing hell on your hometown, Lovely Las Vegas. So instead of going to jail or a maximum security prison for Evos Provenience has offered you to work with them and become there agent, what they really mean is there attack dog. You agree and ironically code names you Devil-dog. Who could blame them after the stunt you pulled in Vegas, but that's a story for another time. They classify your...

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Angels Bisexual young lovers Part 1

    Jason, Brad and Mark all sat on the couch with their cocks in their hands slowly pumping themselves waiting for Jason’s Angel baby to come back home. Jason had been fucking his “Angel Baby” for over 3 months now. Each time he had tried to do something even more wilder than what he had done before in order to please his Angel . Today he had brought Mark and Brad over, two of his buddies to surprise his girl friend with two extra cock for her to play with.     Leann was 40 years old when she...

Group Sex
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BangBus Vienna Black Latina Go Getter Gets What She Deserves

What would you do for $1500?? Well after picking up this couple and interviewing them for a bit the offering of $1500 to see them have sex came up. The guy wanted no part of this and as usual the money hungry “go getter” decided that she wanted to take in the action. We dropped off the guy and we quickly find out how hot and naughty Vienna is, all in the hope of some green. We have her get naked and suck off on my “random friend” which led to a hot sex scene. This is looks super hot from all...

3 years ago
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Fall From Grace 2 the Confession of Abigail Parrish

This document is dated March 16th 1869 during the Reconstruction after the Civil War. It offers different insight than the testimony of Cornelia Greaves Hutchings in that it casts a much different motivation on Cornelia’s only son and the new Plantation owner Master Charles Hutchings and his associates after the war. If you read Fall from Grace then both agreed that the origin of the unusual nature of bondage at the Parnish Billue House was devised by Cornelia’s Grandmother Madame Nancy...

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My Brotherinlaws Quick EntryChapter 2

The very hard-pounded bride Belinda Lee Johnson had her baby exactly nine months to the day after the best man shredded her 19 year old hymen on her wedding night following the failure of her enthusiastic but inept groom to reach the proper target with his premature spurts of stored-up man-juice. The best man Harold had traveled "around the world" with Belinda whilst the groom poor Jimmy snored away upstairs under the influence of a heavy load of wedding champagne. She had no doubt the...

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Daddy teaches

His daughter was growing up and soon would becoming sexual. He figured it was his job to teach her all aspects of great sex. Her body was developing and the boys were beginning to notice her. He was noticing her sexy body. She had nice big tits and an ass that swang when she walked. She was like a female sex machine.Her mom was gone for awhile taking care of her mother so the dad called her to his room to tell her he needed to teach her how to fuck and please a man. He told her to undress and...

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Kittys hitchhike

One Friday I went to the local shopping center about 5 miles closer to our home. I did some shopping and had a late lunch at a restaurant. But as soon as I got out, I came to know that some VIP has been murdered and there is a sudden transport strike. A 3 mile walk was no big deal for me if I had to. I started walking and putting my thumbs out hoping for a ride. Soon I was picked up by a guy who was noticeably older, driving a real nice older car. He said he could take me to the intersection...

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My Doctor Visit

Considering my adventures, I frequently see doctors to make sure I'm healthy. I like to see new doctors in different towns and always ask for a physical. It's a lot of fun for me to see if I can seduce the doctor. I'll tell the nurse the typical things; just don't feel good, etc. Then when the doctor finally comes in reading the chart, the nurse leaves the room. That's when the fun starts for me. It usually goes something like this:The doctor will ask something like how am I doing.  I'm already...

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Rock The Boat

It is ten in the morning I grabbing my keys and she follows me to the car, I’ve just bought and it is beautiful, a BMW Z4 in white and it really does the job. We hop in, I hit the button and the top retracts and soon it is in the boot. I fire up the engine and head out. It is a beautiful day, the sun is the single piercing object in the sky, and it is completely cloudless. It seems rather common Miami weather. ‘So what are we doing today?’ She asked me. ‘You’ll see,’ I simply said. I’m...

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