Alan Ch. 16 free porn video

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‘Hey, Paul, I could lose my job for this, you know,’ the paunchy middle-aged retired NYPD detective said sotto voce to his former colleague as he hesitantly pushed a plain white envelope across the Formica tabletop.

‘I know, Mike, but this should make it right,’ Paul Riley, known on his current job as Agent Nine, replied to his former partner as he passed a paper bag containing a hundred hundred dollar bills under the table.

They were sitting in a diner in lower Manhattan, not far from where the towers once stood. The nervous man was now employed in the corporate security department of the most-popular cell phone carrier in the metropolitan area (rhymes with ‘horizon’). The day before they had met at a bar in midtown, and the agent had given his old buddy a cell number he wanted traced, including the carrier frequency for that phone, and the billing information. Once they had this data they could send out a few vans with sensitive antennae and get a location for the target by triangulating the signals they monitored.

The break had come a few days earlier, Agent One, the team’s leader had decided that they had exhausted their leads. The target had not been spotted during long weeks of mind-numbingly boring surveillance– neither at the lawyer’s office nor at Grand Central Terminal.

After consulting with his boss in London, Agent One and a team of three other agents had broken into the law office again. They couldn’t gain access to the steel-doored room, and the attorney’s office itself contained nothing of use to them, but the secretary’s desk yielded an important clue. Her desk calendar, the calendar upon which she logged her boss’s appointments and calls, showed an appointment with Carl Sutherland (a name which they knew to be a pseudonym) at the exact time they had first spotted the target, more importantly there was a phone number next another, more recent entry in the call log, 914 area code, indicating that this Sutherland lived in one of the suburbs north of New York City, in Westchester County, most probably, but perhaps Rockland or Orange counties, or even one of the other more distant suburban regions.

Further investigation–there was no entry for the number in the reverse directories, and Agent One had called the number itself the outgoing voicemail announcement indicated it was a cell phone, and this complicated things, making it harder to pin down their prey. This was why One had dispatched Nine, the retired detective to meet and bribe his old friend from the force, ten thousand up front, another ten when the info was delivered.

* * *

‘Hey,’ Soren greeted him as Alan returned to their room on a cloudy Saturday morning in October. Alan could sense the dejection in his voice.

‘What are you doing back?’

Soren had left Friday morning and taken a train home, he was from Rockville, a suburb of Washington, DC, and his girlfriend was a freshman at the University of Maryland, about halfway between the nation’s capital and Baltimore.

‘My girlfriend wanted me to meet someone: her new boyfriend. His name is Charlie, and he’s a senior. Pre-med. Isn’t that great?’ he asked facetiously, grimacing.

‘Oh shit. Jeez man, that’s terrible,’ Alan commiserated. ‘Come, I’m taking you out for brunch.’ Soren demurred. ‘Seriously,’ Alan insisted, ‘Come on, we’re going to La Rosita.’

La Rosita is a Cuban coffee shop on Broadway and 108th Street. It’s cheep and delicious, and Alan ate there at least once a week. After a brief bit of haggling Soren agreed, it was one of his favorite eateries too. The crisp autumn air made Alan wish he had worn a jacket, but since it was a relatively short walk he decided not to run back into the dorm for one. Soren, Alan could sense by scanning his roommate’s mind, was on the cusp of a serious depression. His now ex-girlfriend, Debra, had been his first serious relationship, and he seemed devastated by the loss, they had spoken on the telephone almost everyday since school had begun.

After their cafes con leche had

arrived Alan started the conversation, because his roommate had said nothing for a long while.

‘Look, don’t blow a head gasket over this, dude. I can spout off all of the clichés: long distance relationships almost never work out, she’s your high school girlfriend, and those relationships aren’t meant to be permanent, there are plenty of other fish in the sea, etc. But you don’t want to hear them, so I’ll leave it at that and not try to chew off your ear. What I do want to say to you is this: these are supposed to be the most fun years of your life. Don’t fall into a funk about some girl who broke your heart. I know it sucks for you, and I know you loved her–‘ Soren looked up at Alan and stared him in the face, a questioning look in his eyes, ‘–Yeah, I heard you on the phone, I could tell by the way you talked to her, and about her that you loved her, but you have to move on. Now, I don’t mean go out and marry the next girl who rocks your world. Just go to parties, drink beer, flirt, you know? I’m not going to let you stew in the room for the rest of the semester. Anytime I have someplace to go, you’re coming with, and I wont take no for an answer. OK?’

‘m’kay,’ he answered morosely mumbling into his coffee.

Two middle-aged men with short haircuts and flesh-colored wires snaking out of their jackets and into their ears came in an took a table near Alan and Soren. They made an effort not to look directly at the two teens. One of them sat facing them, not looking their way, while the other sat opposite, observing them in a mirror on the wall in front of him. He put his hand on his cheek and whispered into a microphone his sleeve. No one in the coffee shop took any notice. A surveillance van was parked across the street on Broadway.

Soren digested this little speech as he ate his eggs, rice, and beans. He was still very quiet, trying to hold back the tears. On the way back to the dorm they had stopped at a corner waiting for the light to change, and Soren put his arm around his roommate, around Alan’s shoulder. ‘Thanks,’ he croaked, a half of a smile forming on his lips.

Alan smiled inwardly as he gave his roommate a pat on the back. ‘Lock up your daughters: Soren’s on the loose!’ he joked, and was rewarded with Soren’s hearty laughter.

* * *

‘Yes, I understand, Your Lordship. Your instructions will be carried out to the letter. We will take the boy on the first of December. Surveillance teams have him covered twenty-four hours a day. It will not be a hardship. I will call again if there are any, ah, unusual developments.’ Agent One was consciously avoiding saying the word ‘problem.’

‘You do understand, Tadeusz, the penalty for failure,’ the voice on the other end of the phone said, the arctic coldness–intensified to a great degree by the clipped tones of an upper-class British accent–of his voice easily transmitted through the international circuits.

‘Yes, Your Lordship, I understand.’

‘You are doing an adequate job. Continue down this path.’

Tadeusz Karick hung up, shuddering slightly. He knew very well the consequences, for he had executed the leader of the failed London team, the team that had failed to capture Massimo. A bullet to the back of the head would ruin your day, and he resolved not to be the next recipient of such a treatment. He had done a great deal of ‘wet work during his dozen year’s service with the StB, the Czech equivalent to the KGB, and he had hoped his now freelance status meant murder was a part of his past.

He gave another shudder, thinking of that terrible summer night just a few months ago, he had coaxed the last ‘Agent One,’ a disgraced former commander in the French Surete, his true name unknown to him even as he rested the barrel of his pistol, silencer attached, against the back of his head, pulled the trigger, and then shoved him into the Thames.

Two mornings later, sitting in a cafe and si
pping coffee, his stomach lurched violently as he spied the front-page photo in the morning’s

paper, a picture of two bobbies standing near the riverbank holding two long poles with hooks at the end, fishing out of the water the corpse he himself had deposited in those waters. He didn’t want to, but found himself compelled to read the article anyway. Yves-Marc Didiere. ‘Shit! I didn’t want to know his name,’ he had thought at the time. ‘There but for the grace of God go I.’

Now Karick leaned back in his office chair, looking out the window and zoning out while watching the cars crawl downtown in heavy Lexington Avenue traffic, hoping that his second-in-command wouldn’t be tasked with the job of dumping him into the river–in this case, the Hudson.

Little did he know that his date with a nine millimeter headache was forthcoming, no matter the outcome.

* * *

On the other side of the Atlantic the photographs and reports were being closely examined by the man Karick referred to as ‘Your Lordship.’ The former Czech intelligence operative had good reason to address him that way, for the man who employed him was indeed a member of Britain’s upper house, a hereditary Lord whose mother’s second husband just happened to be Jean-Pierre Massimo’s father’s second wife. The London team had bollixed the job, though the death of Massimo, his step-brother, was hardly saddening for him.

‘Alan Marshall,’ Lord Thornbow thought to himself. ‘I should have known.’ All of this could have been avoided if Swindon-Smythe had contacted him sooner. This Marshall, this boy, is a much fatter target than Jean-Pierre ever was. Probably new to his powers, unsure of himself. A satisfied grin crept across his leonine features. Soon, very soon, the power would be his. He pressed a button on his desk, and his assistant, Mr. Patel, entered through a side door.

‘You have reviewed the files of all the New York team members?’

Patel nodded, he was a man of little talk.

‘I have just spoken with Mr. Karick in New York. We will be taking action on the first day of December, in the late evening. That is the last day of a four day holiday weekend in America. Thanksgiving. You will depart two days earlier. You know what you must do.’

Mr. Patel bowed in the formal fashion and withdrew. The day before they grabbed the boy all but three members of the New York team would be dismissed, sent packing with extremely generous cash bonuses. Karick and two others would take the boy to their secure location, a warehouse in the Bronx. There, Mr. Patel knew, they would meet their end, he himself would do the deed. After that he would transfer Alan Marshall to another van, and set the warehouse afire as he left, then proceed to the second secure location and rendezvous with Lord Thornbow.

He checked the files of all the men on the overall team, and picked the two others to accompany Karick, about half the squad was made up of former NYPD officers and detectives. None of them would die in this operation, because their murders would be too conspicuous.

* * *

Kate was in her dorm room, studying for a French quiz, when her roommate came in.

‘Hey, Kate.’

‘Hey, Scarlet, s’up?’ she answered back casually. Scarlet had been acting sort of weird lately. When they first met in person at the beginning of the semester, after spending the summer e-mailing and IM’ing back and forth, they had really hit it off, hanging out together and going to parties together, but about a week ago the amount of time they had been spending in each other’s company had been trickling off dramatically, and it wasn’t due to course load. Even when they alone together in their room over the last seven days or so Scarlet seemed distant, Kate thought.

‘Nuthin’ much, you?’ she said diffidently.

‘Same old, same old.’

Scarlet went over to her desk and started on her own coursework. The radio played softly in the background, and neither spoke or moved from their desks for the better part of an hour.

‘Listen, Kate, there’s something I have to tell you, but I’ve been hesitant because I’m not sure if you’d take it well,’ her roommate said nervously, breaking the awkward silence between them.

Kate put her book down slowly and swiveled her chair to face her. She could see the tension written across Scarlet’s face. ‘What is it?’ she asked guardedly, thinking she had offended her in some way.

‘There’s no easy way to tell you this, and I will totally understand if you don’t want to room with me anymore, but,’ she paused, sighing portentously.

Kate looked at her, suddenly very worried, no longer that she had done something wrong, but now simply worried about Scarlet. ‘You can tell me, I promise. Are you in some kind of trouble? Can I help? What?’

‘No, no trouble.’ She paused again, her throat suddenly becoming really thick with anxiety. ‘I’ve decided to become a L.U.G.’

Kate was puzzled, and worried. ‘Lug, what’s a lug?’

‘Not a ‘lug.’ An L.U.G., a Lesbian Until Graduation. See, the thing is, I like boys and all, but I’ve recently found out that I’m bisexual, and while I’m in college I’m only going to, uh, do it, with girls. That way I can concentrate on classes, not guys.’

‘Whoa! What brought this on? And when exactly did you find out that you were bi?’

‘Are you upset? It sounds like you are. Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! I’m really really sorry. If you’re uncomfortable I could put in for a new room,’ she exhaled rapidly, unable to look Kate in the eyes. This was unfolding just as she had feared, she should have waited until later in the semester.

Kate put up her hand to stop her. ‘No, no no, it’s not that. It’s just a lot to take in all at once. I’m just curious as to when this all happened, and no, I don’t want another roommate, so just relax on that score,’ Kate assured her.

Scarlet visibly relaxed. ‘Well, you could say to some extent I’ve always had certain, um, feelings towards other women, but I never acted on them before I came here. The place I come from is fairly conservative, and I would never have acted on those, um, tendencies, there.’ Scarlet was from small-town Ohio, not a place that looks too kindly on most sorts of sexual experimentation.

‘I see,’ Kate said, hoping that she would continue without further prompting, trying to frame a question that Scarlet wouldn’t think was judgmental was taxing, to say the least, and Kate really, really, really didn’t want to come off that way.

Scarlet said nothing for about half a minute, gathering her thoughts. ‘You know Jessica, that girl from my seminar? Jessica Starmer?’

Kate knew her. Tall and blonde with large breasts and a curvy behind, a very pretty face. She nodded.

‘We were talking, Jess ‘n’ me, and she just kind of brought it up. We got lunch after seminar last Thursday. She has a very serious boyfriend back in L.A. He’s a senior at UCLA, and he’s planning to go to law school out there, so they’ll be on opposite ends of the country for the next four years. So I asked her, like, ‘How can you stand it? Being so far apart for such long periods of time.’ And she said, ‘Phone sex.’ And I laughed, and asked her if that was enough, you know, like as a joke. And there was this twinkling in her eye, and then she explained what being an L.U.G. meant, and I almost choked on my veggie burger! Then I asked her, ‘What does your boyfriend think of you having sex with other girls?’ And she’s all, ‘What do you think we talk about when we have phone sex?’ And then we both cracked up.

‘So we talked some more, and I admitted to her that I had had sexual feelings towards other women–OK, she wormed it out of me–but that I was sure I wasn’t completely lez,’ Scarlet said softly, almost whispering, a dopey grin on her face. She stopped for a good thirty seconds before mustering the courage to go on. ‘So I went back to her room–her roommate was at a class–and we, um, did it.’ Her eyes were sealed shut in embarrassmen
t for the last part.

Kate and Scarlet talked for the next hour. She assured her roommate she wasn’t offended or anything,

and that she didn’t mind continuing sharing space.

‘I had a feeling, like, you’d be cool with it,’ Scarlet said near the end of the conversation, a slight smirk across her face.

‘Why is that?’ Kate shot back teasingly.

‘I can tell you’re into some kinky shit.’

Kate’s face reddened. ‘Oh?’ she said stiffly.

‘You deny it?’ Scarlet asked playfully.

‘Why would you think that?’ Scarlet could see the tension spread thought Kate’s whole body, especially her face.

‘It’s just something about a girl with pierced nipples and a shaved vagina that set me to thinkin’ I’m not dealing with a future nun here,’ she joked, winking, and watched in satisfaction as the color of Kate’s face matched her own name.

‘You’ve seen that?’ Kate asked in half a state of shock, she thought she had been extra careful in concealing this from her roommate. ‘Anyhow, I’m not Catholic.’

Scarlet giggled.

* * *

‘So, it didn’t freak you out?’ Alan asked her later that same day, the early afternoon sun shining through the window. The two of them were laying in Alan’s bed, his softening erection slowly slipping from her depths as he held her, spooning her from behind. Even though he was picking up the thread of conversation from before they had fucked, Kate knew what he was talking about. She had told him about Scarlet right before they had started up, but that conversation had been interrupted by the commencing of the ‘festivities.’

‘Which part?’ she asked. ‘The idea of lesbian sex? The idea of living with one, sorta? Am I worried that she’ll try to make move on me?’ she giggled, considering her situation. ‘Nah, it’s just the surprise of it all. Hey, my sex life is nothing to tell momma about, either.’ She punctuated this with a laugh.

They spoke quietly for a few more minutes, and then disengaged. Kate cleaned herself down below with some tissues she grabbed off of Alan’s desk, and began to dress. ‘I spoke to Pauline this morning. She’s getting kind of serious with Brian Lacy, but I think she didn’t want me to tell you.’

‘No, I know about them. He’s a great guy.’

‘That sounds a little forced, Alan.’

‘Not at all,’ he assured her sincerely. ‘Pauline and I, as you surely know, decided that we would each see other people. It’s not as if we were married or anything. We only dated five months, for God’s sake. I love her, but some of that is a brother/sister-type thing. She was always my friend first, and my girlfriend second, even during senior year.’

Kate chuckled, ‘Alright, alright. You convinced me. If you’re lying, you hide it very well.’

‘Well, not to change the subject or anything, BUT, what are you doing for the rest of the day?’

‘Library. Paper due on Thursday. Dinner in the dining hall. You?’

‘Same. Which library?’

‘Lehman. Paper’s for Poli Sci.’

‘What a coincidence, mine too. Go get your stuff and I’ll meet you downstairs.’

‘Deal,’ she replied, a smile forming. Sex with Alan was great, OK, better than great, but she also liked spending time with him. Kate returned after a short while and they walked to the other end of campus, out the Amsterdam Avenue gates and up a few blocks to Lehman Library. They filled each other in as to the topics of their respective Poli Sci papers, and then Alan told her about his conversation with Soren earlier that day.

‘I might know some people,’ she said thoughtfully, her mind sorting out a list of potential candidates for Alan’s roommate’s rebound relationship.

‘Cool,’ he said back, oblivious to the van slowly following the pair of them up Amsterdam.

They found a big table in a quiet corner of the library, set their stuff down and headed off into the stacks, each in separate directions, reuniting at their table after about a half an hour or so. They put in a good two hours of work, Alan finished up first. Sitting back in his chair he stretched his back, regarding Kate closely, she didn’t look up from the texts she was

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Getting caught Twice Chapter 2

Mrs. O’ Connor was a beautiful woman. Standing 5’6, with a slim figure, what looked like 34C tits, amazing golden hair and an ass to die for. She had been a friend of my mother’s since their childhood, seeing as the town was very small and both families had lived there since the town was established over one hundred and fifty years ago. ‘Mrs. O’ Connor I… I’m so sorry! I didn’t think anyone would come around the house today so I thought it would be OK!’ I said, in a very upset tone. ‘Shunika...

3 years ago
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“Do you trust me?” You look confused as you stand in front of me in the room. “Trust you? What do you mean?” I smile. “I wouldn’t hurt you. I just want to try… something.” “What?” My grin widens. “I want to see how… good… I can make you feel. If you ask me to stop I will. But if I stop I won’t make you feel as good as I could. Well?” “Err, I suppose so, what are you…” I cut you off by placing my finger on your lips.

2 years ago
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Innocent wife turned slut

My wife and I have been happily married for several years and have a very active sex life. We are perfectly matched, as I am a dominant and she is quite submissive. Although she is often shy, once she gets worked up she becomes a sex crazed a****l. It's a wonderful transformation to see and one I put to good use on a regular basis.This one particular weekend, I decided to give my wife a thrilling tease and told her I was taking her to an adult theater one state over where nobody would know...

2 years ago
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Susie Ch 14

My name is Susie. I am 18 and my boyfriend, Corey is 20. During a ‘skinny dipping’ party I teased some of the guys with my private parts and an orgy followed during which I let some of the guys put their cocks in me. Corey was upset about that and asked me for my ‘troth’ and I agreed. This meant that our parents would arrange for our marriage. Both sets of parents met at Corey’s father’s mansion to work out the details. It got late and Corey’s father invited us to stay over. My parents used...

4 years ago
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Akka Nu Dengina Tammudu

Hi, ISS readers naa Peru Rajesh(name changed) naa vayasu 22.well build body vundhi. B-tech final year chaduvuthunanu.nenu hyderabad lo vuntanu.nenu iss lo stories some 2 years nundi chadhuvuthunanu. so nenu e roju na sexlife gurinchi chepalani e story rasthunanu. nenu first time kavadam valla adhina tapulu vunte sorry nanu excuse cheyandi.e story lo nenu ela na sontha akkanu degano daniki na luck ella kalisi vachindo chepalani anukuntunanu. First nenu ma enti gurinche, maa family gurinche...

2 years ago
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Samantha Her brother

Samantha was really disappointed as she opened the front door of her house. She had planned on spending time after school with her boyfriend Tony. Unfortunately he had received a detention notice and was going to be there instead of fucking her!Life could be so unfair! On the other hand she was thrilled to be Tony's girl. First he was a wonderful lover and second Samantha also got to enjoy the company of his mother in bed. It was so sexy when the three of them had sex! His mother had introduced...

3 years ago
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College life spring semester 23

*******************I woke later than normal on our Spring Break trip to see Garrett and Coreytalking with Scott missing but accounted for. He was staying with Aidenfor the night and had called Garrett to say so."Garrett thinks I'm making this shit up about last night and what we weretold," Corey stated after I finished in the bathroom."Garrett, it is so true," I said. "I'm in a daze to be honest with you.Not a one of them other than maybe Kendall and Noah can say a word aboutthe three of us...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Alison Rey Rebecca Vanguard Suspicious SisterInLaw

Alison Rey is meeting her new sister-in-law, Rebecca Vanguard, for the first time, although she’s not too excited about it. She’s a bit worried that Rebecca is just using her brother to move from the States to Canada. In fact, she’s so worried that she’s determined to find out once and for all. When Rebecca visits alone one day, Alison is suspicious of how bubbly and sweet she is. She doesn’t want to be abrupt, so she tries asking Rebecca questions about how she...

3 years ago
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A Governess for RichardChapter 14

Richard ate with relish the food that Claire and Rachael had prepared for him. His earlier embarrassment had now completely disappeared, The girls had been careful not to refer to his bath and had instead talked to him about the estate and the different areas that he would find interesting Claire had noticed a slight furrowing of his brow as she mentioned the lake. She was aware of the happenings there from Wendy and instead of rapidly changing the subject she talked of the wildlife to be...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 24 The Ramirez Deal Its Aftermath

The deal, as deals go was relatively simple. Ramirez was to supply the cocaine; Conrad would buy it, and bear responsibility for moving it to Genoa, Italy, where it would be combined with the heroin already on hand to manufacture the crack. Conrad had eight airline employees who would transport three-quarters of the finished product back to the states. That meant, Chicago, Washington, DC, Dallas and Denver. New York and Los Angeles were considered to risky, with the DEA having too many agents...

4 years ago
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The Chaperone BluesChapter 3

Somehow Claire got back to sleep. But again she dreamed. This time it was a dream about her daughter, who walked into the kitchen, her belly enormous, as if it held more than one baby. "Morning Mom" she said brightly. In her dream Claire turned to her daughter and said "It looks like there's another one in there this morning." "Yeah." sighed Lori. "Bobby fucked another one in me last night. I think that makes four. I may have to have a C Section." They were interrupted by Bobby,...

3 years ago
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I hate this woman. I hate your girlfriend. I really, really hate her. I feel like I have to keep reminding myself of that because she’s stood in front of me, smirking. I guess she’s pretty, objectively. Not my type even if women were my type. But she’s skinny and blonde and has eyebrows to die for. I’m hesitating and you can tell. Your rough hand skims over my upraised ass, ever so gently. It’s unusual for you to touch me so softly. “Open up,” you say again, and while your tone is gentle, it’s...

2 years ago
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Handyman Candys Cabana

This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 30 Reflections

Dec. 22, 2018 I meant to write this yesterday but life disagreed. Instead, I got to see my grandchildren for awhile. I have little to share but that little is a lot. My mind is becoming quiet. I’ve caught myself working on plot points for stories without realizing I was doing it. I do phone work and had to get off the phone yesterday because I started bawling my eyes out. A Hebrew song had started running through my mind and I was able to sing it. Passages and verses came in and out of...

2 years ago
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Carolines MomChapter 10

The phone rang and Caroline answered it. Her face seemed to turn white. The fear in her face was quite obvious. As she walked toward Rachel and I the tension built. "Allan your parents are coming for a visit. What will we tell them?" Rachel spoke almost immediately. "Tell them the truth." Both of us were shocked, neither of us believed that my parents would approve of me sleeping with Rachel, much less me fathering her child. Nor would they approve of me living with both women. And I...

4 years ago
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En Chithi Enaku Sorgam

Hello friends, en peyar Suresh vayathu 22 aagugirathu, ippozhuthu chennaiyil ulla kalluriyil thaan padithu varugiren. Enaku oru chithi irukaraargal avargal en veetil vanthu adikadi thangi vitu selvaargal. En chithiku vayathu 35 aaugirathu, avargalin kanavan vayathu 45 irukum. En chithi parka sexiyaaga irupaal, aval mulai irandum perithaaga irukum, mulaiyai vida soothu thukalaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Niraiya aangal chithiyai paarthu eanguvaargal, en chithapa athanaale chithiyai engum thanimaiyil...

1 year ago
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Restaurant Cherry

It started out as just another day in the week. Get up, catch the train in to town, go to work for 8 hours then catch the train home. I work in a bank and have been in this branch for 8 years. I had started out as a teller and progressed through to the lending department.There are a lot of really nice looking girls working there and some really good looking female customers as well. I’ve had a couple of girlfriends, but can take or leave them.Ever since I was 17 I’ve wondered what it would be...

3 years ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 10

"We can't leave them Captain, please, we can't leave them behind!" Jane didn't trust herself to respond to Missy's pleading. She continued her task, working calculations to determine the planet's rotation since they'd landed. Jackson sat next to her, doing similar calculations to determine the vectors of the orbitals around the planet. The work was going slowly since the rest of the ground team was refusing to help. "You know that Missy is right Captain," Aimee backed up her...

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My Hot Cousins In Bangalore 8211 Part 1 First Pussy Licking

The story is about me and my cousins. We have had some heavy encounters among ourselves. And when everyone got to know, we began sharing our stories. I have changed all our names for the sake of privacy. Hi guys, I am Mayur. I am a 23-year-old engineer based out of Hyderabad. I am a single child to my mom. To give a brief of my cousins, I have two uncles. Both my uncles have 2 kids each. My eldest uncle is the father of a boy Sameer and a girl, Siri. My other uncle is the father of Nidhi and...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 5

Jack had told her every detail of every dream he could remember. It wasn't until then, that he realized that the secret she had said she wanted to share had not, in fact, been shared. Still, she sat upon him. She had rocked, somehow, exactly at the right pace to keep him iron hard, and on edge. It was obvious she wasn't disgusted and that, alone, made his heart soar. His guilt still lay heavily on his heart, but her acceptance of his confession somehow made it feel a bit lighter. "If she...

4 years ago
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Sara Finds Solace Part I

It was early in the day. The sun hadn’t risen and Sara was frazzled, tired and thought she was coming down with a cold, but despite this, as she was running on the treadmill she was still noticing multiple appraising looks from everyone in the gym. Her long blonde hair was pulled back tight, her smooth skin covered in a light sheen of sweat, her hair was a quality that both women and men loved. If worn down, it could almost cover her toned ass now in tight black running shorts.  Sara’s thoughts...

2 years ago
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Tattletale The Aftermath

Edited by the incomparable ‘Wires’ as was TATTLETALE. To my eternal shame I failed to annotate TATTLETALE to credit Wires for his assistance. I hope he forgives me. His efforts have improved all my stories he has edited and this one is no different. Emily sat at the table crying while she watched her husband and best friend walk from the restaurant quietly talking together. Pete had his arm around Vicky’s shoulders as she leaned into his embrace. Ryan started after Pete, striding angrily. He...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alexa Grace Longing For You

Lucas Frost is a handyman who has encountered a difficult problem with the plumbing in Alexa Grace’s house. The blonde babe can’t get over how hot the repair guy is. When Lucas catches her staring, Alexa decides she’s sick of following him around the house and wanting. She’s going to take what she wants and get all the pleasure she knows she deserves. Stealing Lucas’s toolbelt, Alexa exits the room and the returns wearing the toolbelt and nothing else. When Lucas...

2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 4

I stumbled into the hotel room, dropped my suitcase, and collapsed on the bed. As required by the agreement to keep me on at work, I had spent the day traveling across the country on yet another trip to Phoenix, which meant yet another six hours on a plane, yet another two-hour layover, another terribly unhealthy airport-food-court lunch that Leanna would kill me for eating, and, of course, yet another week of trying to train people convinced they know more after six months on the job than...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 31

“Are you going to hire a guy and break up your ‘harem,’ Richard?” Jenn asked. “I don’t know Jenn – He sounds nice, He’s Alex’s cousin so he’s bound to be good looking?” “Do you want me to be there, Rich?” Jenn asked. “It doesn’t matter to me, you can check your email and check out Steven at the same time.” We arrived at the office, where we found all of the girls there working the phones. A young man was sitting in the waiting area as Jenn went to her desk, letting Karen stay up front to...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 46

November 11, 1978 This year things were very different for Benny. In the past, he would have worked at the office building every evening from 5:00 until 7:30. It was as regular as clockwork, and brought the four of them together every workday. The four would often eat dinner together after work, but without exception Benny ate dinner with Tim. Since they had sold the business, Benny didn’t have that hanging over his head. Sandra and Cathy were still working there, but were now answering to...

3 years ago
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Nathans New School Part 3

It had been a month since Belinda Kripke had told Nathan Turner about the baby and Nathan hadn’t been able to get a real night’s rest since she did. He was scared. How was he going to be a father? He was only fifteen. Not to mention, how was he going to tell his mother? He didn’t just get a girl pregnant; he got his twenty-four year old teacher pregnant. Nathan couldn’t see a good way of that conversation going down. It just couldn’t happen. It wasn’t just a matter of telling her. It...

2 years ago
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14 January 2009Chapter 7

“Dan, will you please get the rear seat warmer turned on? My ass is freezing on this cold leather,” Wendy lightly complained, sitting between Abby and Tiffany. “I’d gladly warm up that pretty little ass of yours with some warm kisses,” Dan joked. “When we get home,” she smiled, touching his right shoulder. Dan noticed a Tim Horton’s restaurant and using the drive-thru, stopped for everyone to get a hot coffee or hot chocolate. “This coffee is good but I’d sooner have your warm hands and...

4 years ago
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Port Visit Palma

I first met Lisa in Palma Spain. I was walking along the beach in a pair of blue jeans and a gray button up shirt when I saw her from a distance. She caught my eye right off the bat.  Now Lisa’s about 5′ tall so for me to see her at a distance is remarkable to say the least. But there she was, sitting on a white lounge chair over looking the ocean. Her light brown hair was blowing softly in the wind. She was wearing a silver bikini that accented her golden brown tan and ample bosom. 

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A Weekend In The Country

Author’s note: This story was inspired by the lovely English actress Christina Cole, and her performance in the movie ‘Marple: Murder at the Vicarage’. * * * * * Late one Wednesday afternoon during the last week of July, 1952, I was sitting at my desk in my room at Oxford. I was trying to concentrate on an essay that I was writing that was required by Friday, and was far from finished, when my roommate Tony came rushing in. Tony was a rather excitable sort of chap, and something obviously...

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The Prize Rules Ch 02

***** Eden learns a little more about the handsome member of the crew on the ocean liner in this. As well, I offer a few little views of other things which happen at other times in the story. Please try to remember to look for changes in the year and the locale if it’s there at the top left as the scenes change, otherwise it will take a lot longer to figure things out – which is not what I’d want at all. I hope this is enjoyed. 0_o ***** 1945 Kiel, West Germany ‘There is only one bed in...

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My sexy wife keeps teasing my friends

That Friday night my sensual wife had performed a striptease in our home, for a group of my friends. Later we fucked like rabbits and I even could take her tight rosebud just for me…Ana had been turned on by the experience and the resulting excitement and appreciation of those men watching her. One of my buddies had recorded the entire show with my own camera; now the group was badgering me to watch that video…So finally one night the guys returned to my house and we watched it together. The...

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Crossing the LineChapter 5 Nicole

It’s mid-January and High-school seniors across the country are stressing out about making their final decisions for which colleges they want to apply to, having only a few weeks left to get their applications sent out, that way the colleges can make their decisions and send out responses by April. The last couple of years, Sam had been just assuming she would go to NorthWestern State University in Louisiana. That is where both of her parents had attended and both sets of her grandparents...

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The Coaches Tradition Pt 2 Going to States

THIS IS THE FOLLOW UP TO MY FIRST STORY WHICH CAN BE FOUND AT THE LINK BELOW. WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ IS ALL TRUE AND REAL. First Story: big game was finally over, and this game really meant a lot. By winning this game we would be sent to the state championships in Austin, Texas, we were from Dallas so it'd be nice to get away. As the team walked off...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Rebecca Volpetti Ready For You

Dressed to impress in stunning lingerie, Rebecca Volpetti struts onto the scene! Matt Denae is waiting for Rachel in bed, and when she arrives he just can’t believe his eyes. He’s a lucky man to have such a hot number all dolled up and ready to have a good time with him. Coming in for a kiss, Rebecca caresses her hand over Matt’s cheek. That hand reaches steadily lower, fondling his chest and then lower still. When she reaches her goal, she pulls Matt’s hardon out of his...


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