King Of The Rim-Chapter 1-Shoreleave free porn video

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As the Aztec approached the system, Commander John Carter entered the bridge and stood by the Captain as he surveyed his kingdom. He looked over at his Executive Officer with Fatherly approval. "Well John, are you ready to take us in?" ['You have never asked for the honor, you've always let your Junior Officers have their chance ahead of you. That selfless attitude has gained you their respect and admiration, and now they say it is your turn.'] Looking at the Captain in surprise, he salutes the Captain who returns it with a smile, "Thank you, Sir. Yes, I'm ready, but I thought that Crewman Bronson was scheduled to bring us in?" ['Not that I am complaining, mind you,] he chuckled to himself. Getting up from the Throne, the Captain smiled warmly at John. "No, he's not ready yet and I seriously doubt that he ever will be with his attitude and track record of demerits. Please, be my guest." ['Besides, it is your time to shine.']. Then John saluted the Captain who returned the salute and crisply exited the bridge. Then John sat in the Throne and surveyed his Kingdom. Each Captain was by tradition treated as an emperor ruling a kingdom. As he viewed the bridge, he saw the tell tale light warning of leaving hyperspace. "Lonnie, ship's status?" ['I can see that she will make a fine Captain one day. That is if she decides to stay in the Service and not marry, but that is her choice to make.'] John mused as he observed her as she went about her duties. Up front in the Navigator's seat came the crisp reply from the shapely brunette, "All systems are green sir." ['Damn it all!! I simply can't wait till we land so that I can get pampered by Michael's hands at the spa again.'] Turning to the helm, John saw the competent Less at work. "Less?" ['Damn!! She still looks good being pregnant!! That Evan is one very lucky Chief Engineer to have found such a find.'] Less stretched as she answered John. "Yes John?" ['I know one thing for sure and certain. I will be more than happy when I drop my load. But even though carrying our child has been painful for me, I wouldn't trade my pregnancy for anything. Evan and I will retire and settle on Trilannii after this tour, she promised herself as she felt twinges ease as her back loudly popped, releasing the pent up stress in her lower back.'] John smiled at Less as she popped the kinks out of her back "Take us in system." ['Evan, if you had to carry our twins, you'd stay in bed. Like they say, If men had to give birth, the human race would have died out years ago'] ['Damn!! I could hear her poor back pop from here!! She sure did enjoy it from the way that she is smiling.'] "Need anything for pain?" asked John walked over to the replicator, ready to assist his crew member. ['It may not be tradition for me to serve a lower ranked Officer, but this is my way of honoring them.'] Less moaned loudly as she put her hand on her lower back, then shyly smiled at John. "Well, I could use a shot of my relaxer. You know that the Navy frowns upon you doing this." ['It's not every Exec that will lower himself to help his crew out, John is the best there is, he will make some lady very happy. I hope as happy as I am with my Evan.'] John smiled, "One order of relaxer coming up, and let the Big Wigs frown for all the good it'll do them. The Aztec is a Patrol Cruiser, NOT a Battle Cruiser or Dreadnought. We don't have the space for a Yeoman to serve as a maid or butler." Then flipping through the menu, he entered the order. After the replicator filled the order, John carried a tray with a tall glass of amber liquid frosty with ice, a glass of green foam and a mug filled with a frothy brew. Walking over to the ladies, he sat their orders upon the awaiting pads. "One mint tea for Lonnie and one relaxer for Less as ordered." ['Now for their response.'] "Thank you Johnny, but I did not ask for my mint tea," sighed a puzzled Lonnie. ['He is always so nice to us ladies, too bad others aren't as nice.'] "Well. I knew that you'd want one as soon as we landed, so I went ahead and got it as I got Less her drink," replied a very pleased Johnny as the main view screen went from showing the fluid light of hyperspace to a static star field as the Aztec slow to sub light speeds. The wings began to glow as the solar cells powered up the reaction coils and thrusters to drive the ship safely to the awaiting planet that dominated the screen. As the Aztec entered the atmosphere, the solar wings transferred the kinetic energy of the landing into the reaction coils and absorbed the energy of the sonic boom. The Aztec was one of the countless smaller, more efficient Patrol Cruisers now used to replace the aging Fleet. The newer ships were capable of atmospheric landing like the civilian Merchant Cruisers. The only differences were that the Naval Vessels heavy armor replaced the spacious cargo holds of the Merchant Cruisers. With the smaller size, came smaller crew. Now the Yeomen who were in training transferred to other Departments and Ensigns took their place. Yeomen still served, but only at bases or on board the older ships still in service. As the Aztec landed, a ping sounded from the intercom. "John, they want to talk to you," said Less with a smile. ['I just love getting to set him up like this, He is so naive for an Executive Officer at times and he reminds me of my kid brother too.'] Then a frowning John furrowed his brow. "To me? Who wants to talk to me?" ['Is there something that I am forgetting? Some obscure Regulation that I forgot about?'] Then the main screen activated and an opulently dressed Lord Duke appeared. He was dressed in the combat green livery of the Imperial Army. Lord Duke Augustus Pompeii got his jollies by scaring naive Naval Officers since he failed all of the requirements to be a Navy Officer, "Aztec, how dare you keep me waiting!! I have more important things to do than to wait while you play!!" ['Now to put fear in this newbie and see him grovel to keep me from inflicting my wrath upon him. he chuckled evilly to himself.'] Then John sat back in the Throne and laughed out loud. "I dare because I am your equal you conceited toad!! You know very well that according to Regulations that the Person selected by the Captain to sit on his Throne is second only to the Emperor Himself. Now if you want to salve your pride by denying us entry here, we will go to another star port on this planet and tell other Naval Vessels about you. Can you afford the Imperial Fines for refusing us entry?" ['That arrogant ass is bluffing!! He knows that he can't afford to pay the fines levied against him for refusing to accept an Imperial Navy Ship if I do leave.'] John could see the pompous ass visibly deflate as he pondered the fact that John was not bowing before him in fear as a plebe would. He could lose his position and Title at the whim of Imperial Envoy if He felt that he was ineffective, "Now there is no need to leave, you are most welcome here Lord Captain." ['Oh shit!! Now I've done it!! This is no newbie here, this is the Exec!! Best to butter him up and stay on his good side. If it were a Merchant Cruiser, there would be no fines levied.'] Then John leaned back as he saw that he had the pompous ass set up. "Do you expect me to allow you to raise my rank without the authority? Only the Captain or the Emperor Himself has that Authority. You will have a lot of explaining to do to the Imperial Envoy once His Imminence has viewed the tape." ['Now let's see YOU do some groveling.'] Then the Lord Duke blanched as he heard the news, "I beg of you Sir, Please have mercy upon me, your most humble servant." ['DAMN IT ALL!! I HATE HAVING TO GROVEL AND SAY THAT TO HIM!!! BUT THAT IS THE ACCEPTED PHRASE WHEN I PLEAD FOR MERCY!!!'] John stood up and placed his hand upon his sword as per regulations, "I accept your apology my humble servant. Now are we cleared to stay or shall we leave?" John chuckled evilly at his expense. ['I love to see these pompous asses having to grovel. It serves them right for being so stuck up.'] Staying bowed before John, he lowered his head, "You are cleared to stay here at my most inadequate home Sir." ['Dear me, I wonder when this nightmare will be over?'] Then John smiled. "We are most happy to accept your hospitality." Then turning to Less, "Cut transmission." Then Johnny let out a belly laugh and wiped his eyes when he saw the ships logo signal transmission's end. There was an ongoing unofficial feud between the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy that went back to Old Earth and the Nation of America where the respective universities regularly engage in competition to this day. Then the screen went dark. "Transmission has been cut sir." [giggle] "Do you think that he wet himself?" [giggle] asked a mirthful Lonnie. ['I know that I need to go to the head now.'] Then they heard the Captain's deep throated chortle. "If not, he at least has to shower to erase his odoriferous smell from pooping his trousers," ['You did very well John, much better than I expected for you too. It's been my pleasure to groom you for Command. You'll either take over when I retire in a few years or transfer to a new Command.'] Then a look of astonishment came over John's face as he realized what had happened and pointed at the smiling Captain, "You set me up to humiliate that pompous fool!! [chuckle] Then pointing at him self asked. "But why me?" laughed Johnny, ['You sneaky bastard, you planned this and I fell for it. Glad I'm on your good side.'] Then motioning with a bow in good humor. "Yes,[chuckle] I admit that I set you up,[chuckle] I knew that you wouldn't let him railroad you into accepting his bullshit.[chuckle] He has been causing problems and I used you to deal with him." sighed the humored Captain. ['Best of all, you didn't let me or the Navy down.'] Then John clapped his hands three time in sarcastic good humor.[chuckle] "Very well, glad to be of service to the Navy, [chuckle] It was my distinct pleasure to put him in his place," snorted John as he chortled over recent events. ['Now maybe the Empire will replace him with a trained monkey, which couldn't do any worse.'] Then the Captain stood up at attention to show that humor was past. "Please follow me John; we have a bit of a problem to discuss before you take liberty." ['I just hope that it doesn't cause you any harm, but you're about the only one that I can trust.'] Then, John saluted the Captain to acknowledge the seriousness of the request which the Captain crisply returned, "Aye aye Captain." ['I wonder what it could be that needs my attention?'] Then the Captain turned and went into the Staff Lounge just off the bridge. "Less, Lonnie, you're free to take liberty," said the Captain with an exasperated sigh. ['Wish that I could go on liberty, but being Captain means dealing with red tape, and I am meeting with Imperial Envoy Eric Cameron, Glad that he is a Rimmer and his Loyalty Oath is unquestioned as mine is.'] Then John followed the Captain as the two women squealed with delight and rushed past the men like girls going on Spring Break after signaling their spouses below. In the Staff Lounge, the Captain sat in his Throne while John sat at the console to record the meeting, "As you know, the Empire has been sending out more of its upgraded ships, now we know why." ['It's against Imperial Policy, but letting him know so that he can notify his family & friends through their network is the right thing to do. They don't know that he's the Prince of Trillannii, if they did, they would seek to destroy or subvert him because of the inherent Power of Trillannii Nobility. Unfortunately for the Imperials, once corrupted, that Power is gone and only the heir of a Corrupted may access the Legacy.'] Then John activated a series of controls to access the Ship's Library, "No doubt they are planning upon a massive assault all across the Rim." Thanks to friends like the Captain, we Trillannii are ready for the war, but it's best to let the Council know what ships are being sent.'] The Captain was one of a few Imperials that supported the Rimmers. He grew up on Old Earth and was raised to respect all People in Hayfield Hall. The Hall was continuing its Policy of teaching the T.G. in secret, only now the Graduates left Old Earth behind and took their families to T.G. friendly worlds. The Captain nodded in approval at his activities, "No, [chuckle] normally, that would be the case, but not this time." chortled the bemused Captain. ['Just wait until you find out, I doubt that you will believe it, I don't really believe it myself.'] Then after accessing the Imperial Naval Files on Ships, John paused to send the information to his communicator which would discreetly send the accumulated information once a ship with the proper coding arrived. He noticed that one was here already, "Oh? if not a planned assault then what?" ['This had better be good. Wonder which ship is in port? Good thing the Port Authority pays lip service to Imperial Policy or we couldn't risk the transmission.'] The Captain smirked in approval of his question, "The Princess is coming out here on a Good Will Tour of the Rim." ['That will cause more than a few tongue waggers to gossip, which is what the Imperial Palace wants no doubt. She has been kept ignorant of the Truth, once here, we can show her the Truth.'] Then John sent the message & closed the terminal, erasing all evidence of his activities in case Imperial Intelligence [Imp In ]should check, " Well, THAT IS different. No doubt the Emperor is fretting over her being here, but He can't deny Her without causing Her to wonder," ['I bet that the Council back home will be debating this tidbit of news for awhile.'] Then the Captain stood up to escort John out, "No doubt an excuse for the build up, take care John, and Pray that we don't go to war over this," ['I hate war, such a waste of ships and crew. But the Rim is ready I hope.'] Then John shook hands with the Captain. "And no doubt that I had best take my liberty now before my shift starts or I'll be stuck here on Monitor Duty instead of Brick," ['Can't wait to get to Maxie's Tavern and relax with a proper steak and ale.'] ================================= Interlude: Trillannii Throne Room ================================= King Reginald sat on the Throne, meeting with petitioners, as was the Custom when Chancellor Merlin approached. He was wearing the blue robes of his Office which consisted of a matching bodysuit that protected him from chemical, gas, and radiation. The robe gave protection against all other forms of attack. Even though the need for such security measures was long since passed, with the current political situation, the Government was taking no chances. Each member of the Government was similarly protected, but the Ruling Family even more so. For them, their minds and bodies were subjected to special training that released the body's untapped potential, and the mind's hidden gifts. Utilizing the mental bonding with their medallions, a Trillannii Royal could perform many mental feats of the mind and body. The Chancellor's tall, rugged body and classic Roman features made him look like Zeus, or Apollo among mortals. Only King Reginald's 'Fabian' looks were more appealing. Merlin approached the Throne, "Your Eminence." ['Reggie says to never use that term unless I need a private audience with him.'] Reginald lifted his hand, "Yes, Chancellor? ['HM. What could be the reason for this interruption?'] Forgive me, Your Eminence, but it is time for you to review the new additions to the Fleet." Reginald chuckled, "So, the new Throne Ship is ready?" ['Damn! Has the Emperor finally decided to invade?" "Yes, Sir. The crew is ready for you." ['I hate this subterfuge, but it's the King's decision to keep the public ignorant of the war. Time enough later when war is declared.'] Reginald hit a small gong with a mallet, sounding an end to the session, "People of Trillannii, this session is now over. I now go to attend to my duties as your King!" As he stepped away from the Throne, the many petitioners applauded him. They knew that he would listen to them when he could. And he had a habit of visiting the People in their daily lives, learning exactly what their needs were. He wanted for his People to prosper, so had set up a republican government to handle the needs of the People. To ensure that there was no abuse of power, all offices had a four term limit. The official could still serve in other areas, but not in the one they had served in before. "Come, Chancellor, I am sure that you will want to check out the Fleet with me," he chuckled. Arturo has always had a thing for building special ships, it's a good thing that he went to the Naval Design College.'] "Coming, your Majesty, who shall attend to Your Duties if You are detained?" ['We need to make an official Change of Command, now that Reggie will be overseeing the Navy, and attending to His ambassadorial duties.'] "I appoint you, Arturo Merlin as my Regent, kneel before me." [DAMN this pomp and circumstance! But the People need this show in order to qualm their fears. If not for the Emperor's tendency to do secret appointment's, I'd not need to do this.'] Arturo knelt before the King, "Yes, your Highness." Reginald unclasped the sword from his side, and touched the flat of the blade to Arturo's shoulder's, "By the Authority invested in me by the Most High God, I name thee, Chancellor Merlin Arturo as Regent of Trillannii. Now arise, and fulfill thy duties." ['Not that he needs this ceremony, as Chancellor, he is automatically next in line, but there are those whose agendas are contrary to mine, and if in charge, would cause trouble.'] As the audience applauded the scene, Royal Guards escorted them to their waiting carriages, or to the Public Transport Terminal to board one of the transport hubs. There was an air hub for sky taxis and sky buses, the subway and boats. But for those who could afford it, or lived within Capitol City, there was the teleporter. "OK, Merl, where did this data come from, and just how current is it?" "We got it in our last data transfer from the Emperor's Palace. They waited until the Emperor called his pet terrorist, Jellico back to escort the Princess on her tour of the Rim. Until then, the Naval Maneuvers were all speculation." "DAMN! Did the data include ship movements?" "Yes, we were lucky, that way, and some of it came from our friends in black." By now, they had reached the King's Chamber which only a few knew about. It was accessed via teleporters and trapdoors that prevented an enemy from attacking the King. Its exact location was behind the Throne Room, but showed up on scanners as a column of dirt. "Oh? Really?" "Yes, Reggie, What's on your mind?" "Well, it seems as if they're able to see what we do, I wonder if we should make an alliance with them." Arturo busied himself with getting Reginald a frothy brew of Trillannii Beer to help him ponder upon his musings. The brew worked with the Medallion to streamline the thought processes. "Considering their nature, they make excellent allies, but are they willing to fight if war is declared?" Reginald accepted his mug, "According to our records, they are against the Emperor. They have fought against those that have tried to force a gender change upon a victim, but that might have changed," he sighed. ['If the M.I.B.D. have allied with the Emperor, I am the best one to sense it, other than my son, John. That's what makes my decision so damned dangerous! If caught, I could endanger the Rim.'] Sitting down across from Reginald, Arturo shook his head, "It's too damned bad that I can't do it, but then again, I don't have the ability to sense subterfuge as you or John do." "All too true, old friend. How is the Queen doing?" Arturo began to cry, "The poison continues to ravage her body. Soon, there will be nothing human left of her body. She will become a living statue." "Have the S.P.A. schools left the Earth? That is the only thing that would give my wife's sacrifice any meaning." "You wife, my daughter. Yes, thanks to Doris spilling that vat of poison, the schools were able to get away." "Good, her sacrifice is another in a long list of grievances against the Emperor." * * * The pub's dim and smoky atmosphere had become the standard by which other pubs on the Rim went by. For the pub was well known for its brews and excellent menu as well as its catering, emporium and take home services. More than one ship had loaded up upon the pub's vast variety of prepackaged meals for the journeys between ports of call where the crew could safely dine while away from their ship. Using his connections as the retired Governor, Max made the planet the transport hub for the region for both Merchant Cruisers and the Imperial Navy which had its own base adjacent to the base. The tavern was the first one established on the port and grew with it until it had taken over the warehouse complex. Now Max used his influence to establish other taverns around the planet, especially at other star ports. There were other taverns, but his was the best. ['Well, here I am in Maxie's Tavern having a few pints after my steak. Unfortunately, that Bronson shows up without taking the Antidote, and now that wet-behind-the-ears plebe is drunk as a skunk!! He was told by the Captain that anymore trouble and he'd send Bronson to the Penal Planet in spite of his contacts in the Navy.'] thought a sullen John Carter as he drained his glass and the waitress refilled it as he handed it to her. "That'sh one purty gal there. [hic] Wonder if she'sh wearing undiesh?" "Careful there Bronson, your drunk!" ['DAMN IT ALL!! All I wanted was to sit down with Max and talk over old times after that excellent dinner, but he had to go break up a brawl. [chuckle] I remember being a wet- behind-the-ears plebe on my first liberty furlough and coming into this tavern when it first opened its doors. I was his first customer and he gave me my first pint of root beer. He couldn't believe that I drink the stuff. [chuckle] But when he pulled his first pint of Trillannii Root Beer, he found out just how much of a kick it has.'] "Sho?" John finished as the waitress returned his now full glass with her customary smile, "And you did not take the antidote as per regulations. Your flaunting of regulations has just ruined any chance of a promotion." ['Back then it was the only tavern here, but Max converted this old warehouse into his tavern and emporium. Thanks to him, this depleted agri-world is now a hub center of trade.'] "Look at that babe coming in." drawled Bronson. "I am shure that she is good for a bit of fun. "leered Bronson, who drained away his beer and poured more from the pitcher. Make another notch on my bedpost. [hic] Looking towards the door of the bar, John Carter saw a petite redhead enter wearing a green bodysuit and matching boots. She looked quite capable of handling any trouble with her laser pistol and truncheon, "Careful there Bronson, she is from a Merchant Cruiser, I doubt that she is willing from the way that she carries herself," John chuckled as he remembered more than a few times that he had seen such a display in the seedy streets of the star port. "Sho?" Bronson then began to greedily down the contents of his flagon. ['A challenge will be nice for a change from diving into the slave pits.'] ['Damn it all!! I have to stop him from doing something foolish!!'] thought John as he sat hid mug down. Then he said "If you do what I think your gonna' do, that is a Court Martial Offence. And you are drunk as a skunk. You know very well that the Captain warned you about getting into trouble." "And you would be more than happy to shend me packing Mishter Clean." accused Bronson as he belched loudly enough for other patrons to turn and stare at him in open disgust. "I just enforce the regulations," sighed an exasperated John. "I do not make them." Then John looked Bronson square in the eyes, "Can't you tell that I am trying to save your sorry ass?" Then he turned Bronson's empty pitcher over. ['I hope that he gets the message through that alcoholic fog.'] ['Guesh that I was wrong about 'im. 'e ain't too bad at that.'] "Well then, [hic] I guesh that I will head back before I muck it up. [hic] Good night Shir. [hic]" Then he saluted sloppily. Then John returned his salute, "Good night Bronson." Then he finished sipping his brew, thankful that he HAD taken the Antidote before he left the ship. ['I won't feel that she is safe until I make sure that she's been escorted back to her ship.'] Then the drunken Bronson drained his mug of beer and staggered out, weaving a wobbly trail to the exit followed by his friends Jones and Walsh, together, they went looking for fresh meat. ========================== Interlude: Imperial Palace ========================== In the opulent Throne Room, Emperor Augustus Sylvester Pendragon awaited his daughter Princess Ariel Selena Pendragon as he sat upon the Crystal Throne. The Crystal Throne was built by Master Artisans and Craftsmen, taking gold, precious gems and silver, they worked with Master Technicians and Engineers to create a throne from which the Emperor could rule His Empire. Inlaid with technology, the Crystal Throne could convey the Emperor anywhere safely and protect Him with an array of weapons. Running up to her Daddy, the Princess hugged Him to her, "Oh Daddy, guess what your little girl did," she beamed. Looking at his precious daughter who had perched herself upon the arm of the throne so that her hose encased legs could dangle, he smiled, "You caught a fish in the Royal Pond," he chuckled. ['She is the only one that I will ever allow to disturb me as she does, and I wouldn't have it any other way.'] She reached over to the decanter and poured herself a glass of chilled water kept there for the Emperor & Princess. "[giggle] No silly, [giggle] I got the part of the Good Fairy in the play,[giggle] can't you tell by my costume?" she giggled at his remark. ['My Daddy just loves to tease me and I love it.'] The Emperor clinked his glass to hers and they both then sipped from their glass. "[chuckle] Now that you mention it, [chuckle]yes.[chuckle] When do you perform? "He chortled. ['She looks so cute in her pink tutu & tights. She may practically be an adult, but she still acts like a little girl. I purposefully kept her away from Court Intrigue, but that has weakened her too. She needs to start taking responsibility, yet I want to protect my precious daughter from Court Intrigue.'] She sets her now empty glass down by her Daddy's also empty glass. "After my Royal Tour of the Rim." ['I know that my Daddy hates the idea of me going out there, but I must start doing my duty as the Princess. I hope that my Daddy understands.'] Then the Emperor frowns at His daughter. "Ariel, are you sure that you want to go on the Tour?" he asked with his voice heavy with concern. ['Is My daughter finally ready to act as the Princess? Can I trust her to make the right decisions out there away from me and the Court?'] She looks her Daddy in the eye. "Daddy, I'm an adult. It is time for me to start taking responsibility and show people that I can lead. So far, all that I've done is go to school and attend Royal Balls. I need to show the People that I'm not a spoilt brat of a Royal-Pain -In -The-Neck- Princess." she pouted. ['Daddy thinks that I am a naive and gullible girl. My teachers taught me about his depredations. When I am Empress, the evil will end. But I need the help of the Rim to consolidate my position.'] He now looks at her with respect for her decision "[sigh] Very well Ariel, the Throne Ship the Majestic is yours for the Tour. It is ready for you, shall I escort you to your ship?" he smiled. ['It will be one of my very few pleasures that I have as your Daddy. Too bad you're an adult, I loved seeing you growing up.'] Then she squealed in delight," Oh thank you Daddy!! I'll go and change now." Then the petite Princess ran out of the Throne Room. ['Have to maintain the image of the little girl or I can't do what I must.'] Then after she left, the Emperor thought long and hard. ['Who shall I appoint as the Captain of her ship? Who can I trust to both uphold Imperial Policy & keep her safe for me while she's out touring the Rim? Ah yes!! NOW I know the perfect man for the job.'] Reaching over to the intercom, he activated a special button. "Grand Admiral Jolleck," he called out. Then a hologram of a silver haired Santa Claus in a crisp white uniform appeared before the Emperor. "Greetings Your Majesty, how may I serve the Empire?" ['I wonder what that old bastard wants me to do for Him now? He has given me many an hour of pleasure as I engaged in my vices while serving Him.'] he chuckled to himself. The Emperor grinned at the sight of His friend, "Get you ass to me at once you rascal, I have a job that needs your special touch." ['He is the only one that I KNOW that I can trust to get the job done to my satisfaction.'] Then he saluted the Emperor who crisply returned it. "Aye Aye your Majesty." Then the Emperor cut the connection and awaited the Grand Admiral while the Royal Attendant brought out an ornate tray and filled it with refreshments and sat a much smaller chair on the other side of the table. * * * Then John Carter saw the redhead approach the table, "Hello, I am Jane Meadows." she said as she held out her hand in lady like fashion. ['I saw him with his drunken friend. He must be a rare one. Is he the gent that I hope he is or another cad?'] Then he took her hand in his and gently kissed as she wanted as he could tell from her smile, "I am John Carter." ['She moves with grace, must know a few Court Dances or I hope so.'] Then John Carter held the seat as she sat down, "My oh my, are we not a Gentleman John Carter of Mars. So very few out here on the Rim," she giggled. "Actually, my family came from Mars, but we settled out here on the Rim," he chuckled as he remembered the first time he had read the John Carter of Mars stories. "Oh, which system?" she purred seductively. ['What a handsome man, is he single and available?'] "The Trillannii System." Then John ordered another of his brew from the waitress who had placed Jane's order of wine be her. "Then you are one of the few that support the T.G." she sighed grateful to have found a possible friend. ['So few people out here on the Rim openly support us because of Imperial Policy and the damned Imperial Navy is more active, it's even more dangerous to openly support us.'] "Yes, I am. As soon as my tour is over, I am retiring and going back to the family farm," he took a swallow of his brew. ['If she only knew what my family farm actually is, she would have a fit. Retiring as the youngest Captain at thirty in four year will be even sweeter if I find me my Queen out here.'] "Then perhaps you could help me then." She sipped her wine and set the glass back down, "I hope that I am doing the right thing, I'd hate to have to see you get hurt," she sighed. ['How will he react to my news? Is he simply giving me a spiel about being pro T.G. to imprison me? Good thing my pistol is charged.'] "Sure, what do you need?" he finished his drink, sensing an end to the conversation. "John, I am a T.G." Then she drained her glass in order to steel herself for trouble. ['Well, in for a penny, in for a pound.'] "Whew! Jane, you look like a G.G. to me," he eyed her appreciatively. ['I can't tell that she is T.G., not that it matters to me, I like her.'] "Thank you, actually, I did serve upon a naval ship before I transitioned. I served as Ship's Surgeon on board the Dreadnought: Terra Queen. Now it's been converted to a Merchant Cruiser hauling liquids, "She wiped her forehead as the wine began to take effect. ['Now I know that I am safe with him, but who in the hell spike my wine? I can't trust myself to shoot straight now Have to rely on him now.'] "Oh, how complete is the transition? For you that is. That Merchant Cruiser comes here every month," he smiled at her. ['Damned good looking girl here, well worth knowing in my book.'] "Complete enough, only by scanning my records can you tell that I used to be James," she sighed. ['Looks as if I have found a friend in John.'] "So, you can? uh, ..." ['I think that I am in love with her.'] "Yes, I can. And I do want to have a family," she sighed. ['I think that he could be the one for me in spite of the fact that he is in the Navy.'] "Don't worry Jane, your secret is safe with me," ['Besides, none of the crew would ever believe me, even if I was to tell them. And I wouldn't mind being the father of her children.'] "I know that, but I saw your shipmate leave & I need you to escort me back to my ship." ['I hope that you will do it, because I doubt that there are any of the crew ready to help me out thanks to shore leave.'] "You think that he will attack you," he stated. ['She is scared of Bronson and with good reason. He won't take no for an answer.'] "Yes, and if successful, I could get..." ['Can't say it. It's too horrible to think.'] He held out his hand, "Then I shall be your Knight my Lady." ['If she only knew that there ARE knights out here.'] She accepted his hand, "Thanks, but I am not a lady." ['Not with my record.'] "Princess then," he smiled. ['She will never believe the truth that I am both a knight and Prince.'] "If you insist," she giggled ['Is he some minor nobleman?'] Then after paying up the bar bill, John Carter escorted Jane to her ship, but as they neared, her fears were realized as Bronson attacked them with the aid of his cohorts Jones and Walsh. As they tried to have their way with Jane, John Carter knocked them out before they succeeded. He stepped in front of her and let loose with his Command Baton, leaving their shoulders numb from the stun charge. Bronson attempted to raise his laser pistol only to have his pistol arm stunned as John delivered the nerve pinch to the shoulder, ending Bronson's fight. Walsh put on brass knucks that gave him shielding from the Baton as Jones went for his vibroblade. John threw Bronson into them as he withdrew his star sword to do battle with his opponents. But instead of fighting, they fled back to the Aztec. "Thanks John, they almost had me!" she wept as she thought of what could have happened. "Glad to be of service. I will have Bronson sent packing along with Jones and Walsh," Then he wiped her tears away with his hand. "Only one thing John."[sniff] ['Will he hate me now?'] "What is that." "[sniff] Jones and Walsh were shipmates of mine, [sniff, sniff] they know who I am." [sniff] ['Oh please John, don't hate me.'] "SHIT!!" * * * End Of Part One To Be Continued In Part Two

Same as King Of The Rim-Chapter 1-Shoreleave Videos

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The Grimoire Part 7 Catherine the Great

After our trip to see Bertie (Henry VII), Agnes and I took a break. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that we had limits on our sexual escapades, but we probably didn’t have Bertie’s zeal for sex twenty-four hours a day. That man’s sexual appetites were inexhaustible.Agnes and I regained our happy domesticity and spent blissful days in each other’s company. I spent some time at my computer doing research for our next trip while Agnes continued her studies of the Grimoire. She hoped someday to be...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

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King8217s Son And Mother Queen

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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The Prime Travellers Life Thelma

There’s something about the universe. It’s just so universal. If you think about it (and I don’t recommend that you do) the universe can’t help but be a strange place, because everything strange is in it. Most of the time it makes no sense, and when it does make sense that’s even stranger, because there’s no reason why it should. In all the chaotic fields of energy, why should there be something as regular and dependable as matter? And amidst all of the dead matter why should some of it be...

Straight Sex
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King Frederick IChapter 6

Lady Elizabeth Russell It was a great honor to be selected as a lady-in-waiting to the new queen. Of course, everyone knew that the king wished to use the ladies-in-waiting to supplement his wife’s affections, but I would much rather be mistress to a King than married to the poltroonish squire father had in mind for me. The wedding itself was the most lavish affair anyone could remember, and concluded with a feast and a display of fireworks. The most spectacular fireworks, however, came...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 4

Anna introduced Ethel to her father, Jonas Strong, when they met him in Wilsonville. Jonas was owner and manager of the bank and was a pillar of the community. He was surprised to see a woman dressed as Ethel was, but was completely taken by her when he found out that she had saved his daughter's life. He was impressed by any woman who had the gumption to be a gunfighter, and he was further impressed by the way she was armed. Jonas wanted to get to know Ethel better, so he and Anna stayed...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 5

Ethel developed a really great liking for Adam Strong in the week she spent visiting them. He did not exactly remind her of her dead husband, Archy, but he had a lot of the same characteristics that she had loved in Archy. His main attraction, though, was that he let her be her. Adam did not try to change her to fit some sort of "ideal woman" in his eyes. Ethel hated to leave at the end of her week's visit, but she knew that she had to if she was ever going to satisfy her vendetta against...

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The Burning Love of the Brothers Grimm

The Burning Love of the Brothers Grimm 1977 "Timmy! Jarrie, are you coming down? Mommy's got cookies! That is, if Timmygot his work done!" WHACK! WHACK! Jared Grimm gritted his teeth as Timmy Grimmbrought the wicker carpet beater down on his bare butt. "Those math problemsbetter be right...I want to go play ball with the guys. Are they, Jared?" Jared squeezed tears out of his eyes as he rolled his head over to look athis brother. How did Tim get him tied up like this? Jared was older and...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 6

The next afternoon, Ethel, Hester, and Anna rode into Wilsonville. Ethel had her horse, but the other two ladies were riding in a carriage driven by Anna. Ethel was planning to open her bank account and stay over to play poker, but the other two were going to do some shopping and return home in time for supper. They met Jonas for dinner (lunch to you damyankees) and had a very nice meal at the hotel restaurant. Of course, it was not up to what Hester could and would fix, but it was still...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Durga Puja Celebration 8211 Part 1 Rimi8217s Encounter With The Driver

It was approximately 3:00 am. Rimi was on her way to Ani’s place. The Uber cab halted outside the designated destination a few minutes ago. Anybody peeping inside or passing by would be able to see Rimi in her birthday suit. In the backseat and moaning, while being fucked by the cab driver. Her completely wet one-piece dress was drying on the front seat with the help of the car heater. She was savoring the moment being naked and fucked. The driver was enjoying her huge melons and already...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 3

"What the hell are ya talkin' 'bout? Git that God damned gun outta my back afore I gits real mad!" "My pistol is on full cock and my finger is on the trigger. If you make a sudden move, I might slip and blow a big fucking hole in your back. Now, do you want me to do that?" "Shit, no! Don't do that. OK, I'll come with ya, but ease off on that gun muzzle. It hurts the way ya're pressin' it inta my back." "Not yet, I won't. Put your hands behind your back and cross your...

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Harry Thelma and HarryChapter 2

I suppose it was about a month later, that Thelma stumbled one day in those bloody high heals that she was back to wearing, breaking a bone in her ankle. I got a frantic call from her when she was at the hospital asking me to come and collect the girls. When I arrived the doctor told me the break, although not serious, needed to be set in plaster. But there was a problem. Thelma's ankle had swollen up and they would have to wait until the swelling had gone down before the plaster could be...

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King Charming

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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King And I

King had a rough face, that managed to be both masculine and pretty. His nose had been broken at some point in the past and it was slightly crooked now. His eyes were emerald, stunningly so, and glistened when he looked anyone in the eyes. His chin was covered in 2 or 3 day old stubble, never more and never less. He was covered in scars; they ran across his hands and up his arms and further. I could see one protruding from his collar; the skin there slightly discoloured, it was lighter than his...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 7

The poker game that Ethel and Adam found was in a rougher saloon than they realized. This was the kind of place where cheating was rampant, and, not only did you have to watch your cards, you had to watch your back. As a matter of course, Ethel and Adam did sit on opposite sides of the table so that they could keep an eye out for the safety of the other. That was not because of this particular saloon, they would have done it at any saloon. The first few hands did not bode well for Ethel, as...

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Meri Saali Garima Ki Palang Tod Chudai

Hi doston mera naam kabir hai aur main iss ka naya member hun aur apni pehli kahani lekar aya hun ummid karta hun aap sabko pasand aayegi aur khaas taur pe meri sexy female frnds ko jo ki apni bur mein finger kar rahi hain.Yakin maniye main apko nirash nahi karunga. Meri umar 26 saal hai aur meri body kafi athletic aur well built hai.Main college ke time se hi games khelta tha aur regular gym jata tha.Mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai jiske wajah se meri kafi ladkiyon se dosti thi aur...

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King David and His Forbidden Destinee Book 2 Love Unleashed

Come With Me, My love. Standing alone, his powerful chest and arms are bare, garbed with white tribal harem bottoms in an immense multi-colored flowered meadow. The warm sun gleams through the callosal mountains that surround him in the distance, shimmering on the flowing river. A breeze gently rustles the grass as a cacophony of whispers fills the atmosphere of the meadow. Among the many voices he hears Destinee's voice majestically call to him, "David my love, my King come with me."...

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Garima And Nuzla Unleash Their Girl Power

I was bent over a spanking bench with my arms tied behind my back. In front of me was Naksh, seated in a chair and naked. His huge monster cock was 10 inches down my throat. I was sucking and slurping so passionately. I love Naksh’s big cock. Garima had spanked my butt for 300 swats with a large wooden paddle. My poor butt was sore. Nuzla had shoved a vibrating dildo so deep in my ass that she could not get it back out. She tried to grab it and wanted me to push, but I was too ass-full to push....

Gay Male
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King Ropemaker and the Revenge of the Fairies

King Ropemaker and the Revenge of the Fairies (RopemakerStory II) By C I. The Crisis Under his wise and benevolent rule, Ropemaker's kingdom had grown rich andhappy. His favorite pastime was, and remained, fairy hunting. On many a day,the people of the kingdom would see him and his men riding back to the castlewith a line of caught fairies stumbling behind them, their wrists and wingsbound, their lovely faces red and wet from crying. Each one knew that soonshe would be kicking at the end of...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 8

Ethel and Adam dropped off the gold at the bank in Wilsonville and rode to the ranch. They hastily packed supplies on a pack mule for an extended wilderness trip, picked four new horses so that they would have remounts, and dashed off for that cabin in the woods near Harley Springs. They pressed as hard as they could, but it was still the next day before they reached the shack described by Willy Simpson. The shack was empty, but there was a trail to follow. Adam was a very good tracker,...

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King Rentokil PenetRATion and the Mouse King Mann

The RatArmy King sat on his throne, one hand under his chin, the other tapping nervously on the handrail. "I am bored", he said to no one in particular. He didn't had a decent fuck in hours. And with his sexual appetite, that was quite unusual. "You there!" he said to one of his goons, "C'me here and suck my dick". The servant obeyed him blindly and King Rentokil PenetRATion's dick responded immediately to the warm mouth. He looked down from his throne how the little Mouse sucked him off with...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

3 years ago
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Meri Saali Garima 8211 Part 2

Hi doston main kabir wapas aaya hun apni story ki part 2 le kar. Jinhone pichla part nahi padha pls ek baar padna mijhe itna acha response mila hai ki main ye doosra part likhne ke liye majboor ho gaya hun. All comments are welcome on To doston jab maine garima ko iss tarah apni choot mein ungli krte dekha to mujhe shararat soojhi, maine socha agar ye abhi jhad gayi to shayad raat mein mujhse na chudegi to maine plan banaya kyon na usse abhi beech mein hi rok diya jaaye jisse wo unsatisfied...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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King David and His Forbidden Destinee Revised

Late on a rainy and thunderous Thursday night, David is leaving work from downtown Cincinnati. He rushes from the building to his car soaking wet he quickly starts the car and pulls off to head home. The storm is calming to him, therapeutic almost, yet he for sure wants to get off of the roads as it is becoming dangerous to drive with the strong winds, and heavily pouring rain. Ten minutes into his drive he notices a woman walking on the side of the freeway, he's no fan of picking up...

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Meri Cute Saali Garima Ko Kaise Seduce Kiya

Hi doston…mera naam kabir hai aur main indore ka rehne wala hun.umar 26 saal abhi haal mein shaadi hui hai.shaadi k baad main aur meri wife honeymoon k liye goa gaye the aur just laute hi the.meri chuttiyan abhi bachi thi to mai apne sasural mein ruk gaya.agale din meri wife ne bataya ke unke ek door ke rishtedaar ki tabiyat thik nahi hai aur use jaana hoga ssath mein mere saas saur bhi nikal gaye.honeymoon k turant baad biwi se bichadne ka gham main apko nahi bata sakta. Usne jaate jaate bola...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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A Love Making Saga With Marketing Manager Garima

Hi all, I am back with another exciting escapade of mine that happened a few months back. For those of you reading my story for the first time, I am Amit, 39 years old and from Mumbai. I am 5’10” tall, athletic built, fairly good looking and have big eyes. I am an adventure freak and love to travel. This incident happened recently on a business trip to Delhi. I had a meeting with the MD of a company and had earlier got this fixed through the marketing manager, whose was Garima. I hadn’t seen...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 22

Mina Sutherland ... Doctor Mina Sutherland ... came back from town ten feet tall and walking with her feet off the ground. Mina knew how to glide, but this was more than that. Mina was going to handfast to Calvin P. Potter ... but he might take her name. Calvin Percival Sutherland sounded better than C.P. Potter. Cal was, by way of a million past ancestors, related to one Helen Potter ... she of Peter Rabbit fame and the artist of a multitude of illustrations for the scientific community of...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 7

Introduction: Catherine and Tonys Wild night of sex! Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 7 Chapter 7 But this motorcycle officer was no normal police officer? The city of Columbus had started hiring female officers over 20 yrs ago mostly for addressing domestic issues. But women and especially women libbers on the department had viewed these jobs for years as non traditional police work. Being a female officer in a police cruiser with another male was one thing, but a female patrol...

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When the last report faded, Rick put his rifle down on the shooting stand and walked out to the target. It was an excellent grouping, all in the bullseye. He hung another target, and then headed back to the shooting stand.A couple of minutes later, he was retrieving yet another excellent target. If he could perform that well in the competition the following weekend, he stood a good chance of winning. Roy letting him come over to practice whenever he wanted was paying off.He heard the back door...

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Biye Barite Rimi Magir Good Er Porda Fatalam

Hii friends ami prai ei choda-chudir lekha gulo pori..Amar khub valo lage..Amar nam som chatterjee.Amar bari bankurate.Aj tomar kache amar ekta sex er experience share korbo..Jeta porle jkono meyer gud theke tos tos kore ros berobe ar chelera handel marte thakbe.Golpota suru kori.Tar age bole ni amake job er jonno kolkatate thakte hoi.Ami saltlake e thaki.College ses kore sobe software companyte job peyechi. Amra flat e 4 friend thaktam.Ami,rajuda,chiranjit ar amit. Ekdin office theke fire...

2 years ago
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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 2

Ethel bid farewell to the Flying H ranch and her friends there as she left to catch the train to Philadelphia. Jim drove her to the train station in the town five hours away. For someone familiar with the cities of the East, towns certainly were far apart in this part of Texas. Jim did not wait around for the train to leave, since he had so far to travel to get home that night. This particular railroad only ran as far east as Austin, so she bought her ticket for that city and sat in the...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 9

Ethel and Adam repacked their camping stuff and headed for Wilsonville as fast as they could travel. They had no idea why Charley Wilson would head for Wilsonville. As far as they knew, he had no ties to the town, so why would he go there? The most logical reason was because he knew who Ethel and Adam were, but how could he know that? The other possibility was that he intended to rob the bank, but a lot of towns had banks, so, why would he pick Wislonville? They might never know the answer...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 3 Downsizing

“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....

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Rim Fire

When the last report faded, Rick put his rifle down on the shooting stand and walked out to the target. It was an excellent grouping, all in the bullseye. He hung another target, and then headed back to the shooting stand.A couple of minutes later, he was retrieving yet another excellent target. If he could perform that well in the competition the following weekend, he stood a good chance of winning. Roy letting him come over to practice whenever he wanted was paying off.He heard the back door...

4 years ago
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Rim Fire

When the last report faded, Rick put his rifle down on the shooting stand and walked out to the target. It was an excellent grouping, all in the bullseye. He hung another target, and then headed back to the shooting stand. A couple of minutes later, he was retrieving yet another excellent target. If he could perform that well in the competition the following weekend, he stood a good chance of winning. Roy letting him come over to practice whenever he wanted was paying off. He heard the back...

2 years ago
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The Kringle Sisters Are Ready for ChristmasChapter 2 Gunther the Reindeer Handler Gets Laid

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Rima A night to remember

Rima shook her head groggily as she woke up the next morning. Her head felt strange. She remembered bits and pieces from the night before, how lonely she'd been. Then her memory slowly cleared. Varun had been here, and she did not remember him leaving, and they had been drinking. Panic gripped her as she looked about, mercifully finding her bed empty. She stood up quickly and regretted it as her head spun, the aftereffects of too much wine still disorienting her. Her mouth was dry and tasted a...

3 years ago
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King Part Two

As King released my legs and lifted himself off of me I thought ok now he just wants a blow job and then we would be done. But I was wrong for the second time tonight. King removed his boxers and was now sitting on the couch legs open wide with 10 thick inches of dick standing straight up. I knelt between his massive thighs and started sucking his balls like I always do. First trailing across them with just the tip of my tongue then taking them in my mouth one by one while his dick rested on my...

2 years ago
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King Part Two

As King released my legs and lifted himself off of me I thought ok now he just wants a blow job and then we would be done. But I was wrong for the second time tonight. King removed his boxers and was now sitting on the couch legs open wide with 10 thick inches of dick standing straight up. I knelt between his massive thighs and started sucking his balls like I always do. First trailing across them with just the tip of my tongue then taking them in my mouth one by one while his dick rested on my...

2 years ago
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King Part Two

As King released my legs and lifted himself off of me I thought ok now he just wants a blow job and then we would be done. But I was wrong for the second time tonight. King removed his boxers and was now sitting on the couch legs open wide with 10 thick inches of dick standing straight up. I knelt between his massive thighs and started sucking his balls like I always do. First trailing across them with just the tip of my tongue then taking them in my mouth one by one while his dick rested on my...

4 years ago
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Rima Boss Gets her first taste of BDSM

Rima was lying on her bed thinking about the recent events in her life. She was wondering what had happened to her, why she gets so easily seduced by other men. The fucking with guards could have been easily avoided if she had acted tough, but instead she was excited and horny by the touch of other men. She keeps reminding herself that she was blackmailed but deep within her heart she knew she wanted it, she enjoyed it. Even after passing of two months since the first time both the guards...

2 years ago
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Rima Boss First taste of BDSM

Rima was lying on her bed thinking about the recent events in her life. She was wondering what had happened to her, why she gets so easily seduced by other men. The fucking with guards could have been easily avoided if she had acted tough, but instead she was excited and horny by the touch of other men. She keeps reminding herself that she was blackmailed but deep within her heart she knew she wanted it, she enjoyed it. Even after passing of two months since the first time both the guards...

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Daughters Incestuous TherapyChapter 2 Therapistrsquos Incestuous Treatment

Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her naked body. We were cuddling on the bed in my therapist office. Over the course of the last eleven sessions with her, I had guided her into this naked...

2 years ago
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Garima Rules James The Slut

James, the slut, sat on the floor, wearing only a tiny pink lace thong panty, and looked up at Garima. She stood over him with her hands on her hips and giggled at his predicament. He panted to catch his breath, with his face blushing bright red with intense embarrassment. He had been bouncing up and down on his butt cheeks on the floor. His butt was now very sore. But the most embarrassing part for James was that he had been fed 35 Indian cocks as Garima watched and laughed. His throat was so...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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King Frederick IChapter 2

King Frederick of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 8 September, 1831 Lord Clarence, my great-uncle and regent, had suggested a much simpler coronation than Grandpapa’s, and I readily agreed, not so much from a desire to economise as to avoid the tedium and discomfort of an extended ceremony which required me to wear a heavy robe and train with full hose. Naturally, the hose irritated my legs and feet tremendously. Upon my accession to the throne my school-masters and...

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