Rim Fire
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
When the last report faded, Rick put his rifle down on the shooting stand and walked out to the target. It was an excellent grouping, all in the bullseye. He hung another target, and then headed back to the shooting stand.
A couple of minutes later, he was retrieving yet another excellent target. If he could perform that well in the competition the following weekend, he stood a good chance of winning. Roy letting him come over to practice whenever he wanted was paying off.
He heard the back door open, turned to see his friend’s little sister Gina strutting toward him, and quickly looked away. She had developed a crush on him years ago, and had flirted outrageously with him ever since. In the last couple of months, it had become increasingly difficult to ignore, as she’d pulled out all the stops when she turned eighteen.
She was hot as hell, and the rumor mill said she was incredible in bed, but she was his best friend’s sister. She was strictly off limits.
“I knew it was you when I heard the gunshots,” she said as she approached.
Rick picked up his ammo box, stuffed it in a bag, and said, “Sorry. Just leaving. Didn’t know anybody was home.”
“No need to leave on my account,” she said while stepping directly into his field of vision.
Her t-shirt was straining to contain her tits – which were a little more than a handful – and there was no way she was wearing a bra. Her nipples were visibly poking at the material. The shorts she was wearing barely covered her panties.
If she was wearing any.
Rick tore his eyes away from her well displayed assets and concentrated on putting his rifle in the case.
“Are those rimfire cartridges?” she asked, putting weird emphasis on the word rim.
“Yeah,” he answered, wondering what she was up to.
“Thought so,” she said with a knowing and oddly sultry tone. “So, I hear you’re single. Finally got rid of that Thot, Jamie.”
Considering he’d found out she was fucking some other guy, he could hardly argue with the description of his ex. “Yeah,” he said, continuing to pack up.
“Me too. We could fix that, you know?”
Here we go. “Not happening, Gina. You’re my best friend’s little sister.”
“Not that little, anymore,” she said and emphasized it by lifting and pushing her breasts together.
“Jesus. Cut it out,” he said as he – somewhat reluctantly – looked away.
“I don’t think you want me to.”
“Yes, I do,” he said, and he meant it. The sight had started blood rushing down below, and that was the last thing he needed.
“You know, I heard something about you...”
“Yeah, whatever,” he muttered.
“Jamie’s been running around telling all her friends that you’re nasty, and wanted her to lick your ass.”
Rick froze in the process of picking up his gun case to hoist it over his shoulder. “She what?”
“Uh huh. Said you wanted her to rim you, and wanted to do her up the butt. For a Ho, she sure is stuck up about sex.”
“Fuck,” he muttered, knowing that was likely to reduce his relationship prospects.
“Right here? Right now? Sure,” she said.
“That’s not what I was saying, and you know it.”
She laughed. “Too bad. I’d rim you in a heartbeat. I love it. I bet I could make you come bucketloads.”
Hearing that finished what her boob juggling had started. He clenched his teeth as his cock hardened.
“Okay, I’m going,” he said. He hefted his rifle over his shoulder and picked up his bag.
“I’m serious. I’d eat that booty like groceries,” she said, and then stuck out her tongue to wiggle it.
“Jesus, Gina,” he said as he walked away.
“You know you want it,” she called after him.
She was right, as little as he wanted to admit it. He ignored her and made a point not to look back. The last time he’d done that, she was flashing her tits at him. He could almost see them, with her hard nipples pointing at him like a pair of accusatory fingers. He could feel it and knew almost for certain that she had her tits out.
He stared straight ahead until he turned the corner to the front of the house, and then made a beeline to his truck. He kept his vision locked in front of him as he drove away as well because he wouldn’t put it past her to be frolicking around in the yard completely naked.
He was about to pull out of the end of the lane when he heard his phone sound off. He glanced at it to see a notification from a local number that read, “Guess who got your number?”
He flipped the phone upside down and ignored several more message alerts on the way home. Once back at the house, he slid it into his pocket without looking and put his gun away. Only then did he pull out the phone again.
He tapped through to delete the messages, but his finger froze when he saw the photos she’d sent. The first was a tits-out selfie, and that was immediately followed by one with her shorts and panties pulled down – stretched between her thighs. Though the preview images were small, it was obvious that she shaved her pussy bare. The last one was a close-up of her licking her lips. Then there was a message that said, “Anytime. You have my number now.”
That was followed by a kiss mark emoji, one with a tongue sticking out, a peach, an eggplant, and a splash.
Though he resisted the urge for a few seconds, he had to click on the messages and see the full sized images before deleting them – starting with her pussy. He’d seen her tits in person a couple of times, but that previously unseen, bare-shaven cleft was something he couldn’t just delete without looking once.
Damn, I wish she wasn’t Roy’s sister, he thought as he drank in the sight of that delicious looking little pussy.
He had just closed the image when she sent him another message. “Like them?”
That was when it hit him that he’d never turned off read receipts. His ex-girlfriend had made him turn it on – which should have been a warning sign – and he’d never turned it off. Now, Gina knew that he’d looked at her naked pictures.
Rick immediately changed the setting, silently cursing his forgetfulness and the bitch who had created the problem. He’d barely closed the settings screen when Gina sent him another photo.
He knew what her bed looked like, and she was lying on it with her legs spread wide, and two fingers parting her pussy lips. At least she wouldn’t know for sure that he’d looked when he opened the full-size image. She was visibly wet.
Steeling his will, he deleted the entire conversation. Having those pics on his phone was going to be more temptation than he could manage. He put the phone on the charger, and went to take a shower – a cold one.
She obviously wasn’t done. She sent four more messages while he was in the shower. He swiped the notification away without looking, hoping that she’d give up without a response. Then he got dressed to head out for the evening. Fortunately, Roy was at work, because he didn’t know if he could have faced his friend after looking at his sister’s pussy.
To his relief, no more messages arrived from Gina after that. When he came home, he got ready for bed and opened up the conversation to delete her new messages.
Once again, he couldn’t avoid looking. She’d sent a photo of her naked on the bed, with three fingers buried in her little eighteen-year-old pussy. A second showed her licking her slick fingers. If the flush in her cheeks was any indication, she’d made herself come before taking the picture. A final picture showed her from her sloppy, finger-banged pussy up to her tongue sticking out.
“Anytime,” the final message read.
He stared at that third image for a while. He was as hard as a steel bar in nothing flat. There was no avoiding it. He reached under the bed, grabbed a box of tissues, a bottle of lotion, and allowed himself to surrender at least that far to the temptation.
Rick was finally about to get up after hitting snooze three times when he heard the message alert go off on his phone. He picked it up with half of him hoping it was more pictures from Gina, and the other half praying it wasn’t.
The message was from Roy and said, “Where are the targets?”
He had completely forgotten in his haste to escape Gina. He always left the targets so Roy could try his hand at beating Rick’s performance.
“Forgot. I’ll leave them next time I come out,” he responded.
“After work this afternoon?”
“Is your sister going to be there? If yes, then no.”
“LOL She fucking with you again?”
Trying desperately, he thought. “Yeah. That’s why I forgot to leave the targets.”
“I’ll tell her to lay off again. I’d tell you to wait until I get home, but it will be after dark.”
“May head to the range.”
“Look for her car as you go by. If it’s gone, you should be safe. Mom and Dad are going out of town for a couple of days, so she’s probably going to go out and get drunk.”
“Thanks. I’ll check.”
“Targets,” Roy reminded him.
“I won’t forget.”
Rick swung his legs out of bed. When he saw the tissues and lotion still sitting on the nightstand, he quickly tossed them under the bed, and pointedly ignored the cum-soaked tissues in the wastebasket. He knew he should delete the pictures of Gina, but couldn’t bring himself to do it. He’d gone off like a volcano imagining her rimming him while looking at those naked pics.
Thinking about her had him growing hard again. He popped out of the bed and headed for the shower. Fortunately, he had to work, and that would certainly take his mind off his friend’s little minx of a sister.
As he returned from work, he glanced toward Roy’s house, and didn’t see Gina’s car there. That prompted him to slow down before the driveway when he was headed out to shoot. Upon seeing her car still wasn’t there, he turned in to save the money he would have spent to use the range.
Not long after, he had four targets even better than the ones from the day before. Upon putting up his gun, he took the two days worth of targets over to the shed where he left them for Roy. His friend was a good shot as well, but the four new targets were some of his best ever.
Feeling pleased with himself, he headed for the truck. As he finished stowing his rifle, he was surprised to hear the door to the house open.
Shit, he thought as he turned and saw Gina coming down the stairs.
His friend’s sister had a reddish-pink ribbon in her hair with a deceptively innocent-looking bow. She was wearing a little spaghetti-string top that cut off just below her boobs, and must have been made of gauze. Her pleated skirt was so short that he was amazed she wasn’t flashing him with every step she took.
As if that thought was a premonition, she grabbed the front of her skirt and pulled it up as she reached the bottom of the stairs. He was hardly surprised to see that she wasn’t wearing any panties. She laughed as he looked away – fighting the rapid tightening of his jeans.
“So, what did you think?”
“I think you need to stop sending me selfies,” he said while climbing into the truck.
Gina picked up her pace – setting her boobs to bouncing in his peripheral vision – and got in the way before he could close the door.
“Oh, come on. I bet you jerked it to them,” she said. Something in his expression must have given it away, because she gasped and said, “Oh my god. You did.” Then she let out an incredibly sexy moan.
“Just stop it, Gina,” Rick said. “Get out of the way so I can close the door.”
“You did, didn’t you? Did you come hard? I know I did when I was taking them for you.”
“Liar. I bet you’re hard right now.”
She caught him completely off-guard when she reached between his legs and squeezed his erection. It was an escalation of her seduction campaign far beyond what he would have expected, and he froze in shock.
“Oh my god,” she exclaimed as she squeezed and rubbed his cock. “It’s so fucking big.”
Rick finally snapped out of his stunned disbelief, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her hand out of his crotch. “Cut it out.”
She promptly avoided a hasty, warding swat and grabbed his dick with her other hand.
“My brother will never find out,” she said as she leaned into the truck, letting him smell her perfume. “I want to lick that ass and make you come everywhere. I know you want it.” At the same time, she yanked on the arm he was gripping, pulling the back of his hand against her firm, young breasts.
The next thing he knew, her tongue was flicking rapidly in his ear. His cock throbbed powerfully in her grasp as he imagined that tongue in his ass, and he lost the battle. He let go of her wrist, filled his hand with her breast, and groaned.
“Come on,” she whispered into his moistened ear.
Gina pulled away, straightened, and turned toward the house. She grabbed the back of her skirt and lifted it to reveal her tight little ass. Then she looked over her shoulder and flicked her tongue at him again. He stepped down out of the truck as if drawn inexorably toward her by pure sexual gravity. She giggled and continued toward the house with her bare ass swaying.
Rick caught up to her and grabbed that eighteen-year-old ass, which drew a moan from her. When she paused to open the door, his hand moved seemingly of its own accord along the curve of her buttocks, and between her legs. A finger slipped between her nether lips to find an abundance of warm wetness. That made her whimper as she stepped inside.
It was his turn to pause in order to close the door behind him, allowing her to get a couple of steps ahead of him. She negligently lifted her tiny, gauzy top, pulled it over her head, and tossed it on the back of the couch as she passed. Rick once again caught up and ran a fingertip over her stiff nipple.
“Mmm hmm,” she moaned, and brushed her fingers over his hardness.
The moment they stepped into her bedroom, Gina pushed her skirt over her hips, and let it pool around her ankles. While she stepped out of it, Rick pulled off his shirt, and then she kicked off her sandals. She grabbed a belt loop, drew him toward the bed, and then playfully pushed him down on it.
Gina moaned and ran her hands over her body, ending with a caress between her legs. Then she slipped a hand beneath his leg, instructing him to lift it. She caught his heel, and untied his shoe with a quick tug. It bounced a couple of times when she tossed it to the floor. His sock followed, and then the other shoe and sock. Then she pushed on his chest.
Rick leaned back onto his elbows, drinking in the sight of her forbidden, young body as she reached for the button of his jeans. She popped it open, and then tore down his zipper. A second later, he lifted his butt so she could yank down his jeans and boxers. She gasped when his cock sprang free, and tugged even more tenaciously on the denim.
Finally, his legs were free, and he was as naked as her. She reached out and caressed his bouncing member with one soft hand. In a voice just above a whisper, she said, “If I’d known it was this big, I’d have wanted you even more.”
With that, she looked deep into his eyes, offered a sultry, mischievous smile, and sank to her knees on the floor next to the bed. At her prompting, he lifted his feet up onto the mattress. Her hands settled on his butt, and she leaned in.
Rick grunted and his back arched when her slippery tongue washed over his puckered opening. His cock twitched up high, dropped down, and almost immediately shot back up several times as she lapped his ass.
“Feel good?” she asked between licks.
“Fuck yes.”
Gina moaned and swirled her tongue around the circumference before giving him several quick flicks.
Only one other girl had ever rimmed him, and that had been a drunken hookup. Whether it was sobriety, the danger of his best friend’s sister doing it, or just plain talent, that past experience paled mightily in comparison to Gina’s wonderful tongue.
One hand left his butt and began to caress his hardness with feather-light touches. She reacted almost instantly every time his cock throbbed, trying to press harder against her fingers, keeping the pressure light. All the while her tongue flicked and lapped at his ass.
She was in no hurry. Rick had never experienced such sweet torment as she took her time licking, stroking his cock, and mildly probing his back door. She moaned in delight, and sometimes giggled when his grunts and groans amused her. Just when he was teetering on the edge of frustration – needing more – she would provide it. Her tongue would press hard, penetrating him, or flick rapidly over the puckered opening. She would stroke the head of his cock with her thumb a half dozen times, and then move back to gliding her fingers over his turgid flesh.
His pleasure built slowly – and sharply. It reminded him very much of when girls would edge him, letting him almost reach orgasm, and then denying him. The sensation had that same bite, but was growing ever stronger. His teeth clenched, and his fingers fisted into the bedclothes. When he glanced down, he saw strands of pre-cum stretching and then breaking with every bounce of his cock. A small puddle of the clear liquid had pooled beneath the head of his cock as well.
He also saw Gina looking up at him, her eyes sparkling with both delight and devilry. She moved away from his ass briefly, lapping at his taint and tight balls while keeping him trapped in her eyes. When she dipped back down again, she pushed on his legs, opening him up further, and slipped her tongue deeper into his ass.
Rick groaned and let out an explosive breath. When one of her hands moved back to his cock, she slowly stroked her pointer finger and thumb up and down opposite sides, just brushing against the helmet at the top each time. The sudden increase in stimulation caused his pleasure to spike, and another thick ooze of pre-cum to roll down the head of his cock.
Gina dipped her thumb into the pool of slippery wetness, slid her hand beneath his cock, and curled her fingers around it. She pressed her thumb against the ropy frenulum on the underside of his cockhead, and began to rub it in short, soft strokes. At the same time, her tongue went into a frenzy on his ass.
Rick growled and yanked loose the fitted sheet from one of the corners of the bed when he lurched from the electric pulses of sexual energy she was generating in him. The slow burn of his pleasure turned into a bonfire, rising rapidly toward a peak. After a few seconds of almost painful pleasure, he erupted in a shout, and in orgasm.
Though his eyes pinched tightly closed on the first pulse of his cock, he could feel the hot cum spattering over his chest – all the way up to his neck. The ejaculation was so powerful that he felt it surging up the shaft, and tickling the slit as it erupted. Blast after blast covered him in cum, making him grunt and growl. All the while, Gina’s tongue continued to slather over his puckered ass, and her slippery thumb caressed his glans.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had come so hard. It never seemed to end, or even dull in intensity for the longest time. He had no idea how many times he had spattered himself in cum before he finally began to dribble. Panting for breath, he opened his eyes to see Gina standing up. She leaned over him, lifted his cock straight up, and slid her lips down over it.
She croaked when his hips lurched from the sudden stimulation of his sensitive organ, but quickly recovered and kept her lips wrapped around him. She sucked out his last few fitful dribbles, and then let him go with a pop, just as he was about to push her away. She kept his cock in hand, and leaned down to lick up the cum that had pooled beneath the throbbing organ.
Rick gasped for breath – regularly stiffening and twitching from the aftershocks of his orgasm. Gina licked and slurped up every drop of cum she could find, savoring it with hungry, delighted moans.
Once he finally had enough breath to do so, Rick growled, “God damn.”
Gina let out a deeper, sultry moan when she licked up a dollop of cum that had made it all the way to his chin. “Did you come hard?” she asked with a knowing gleam in her eye.
His entire chest was covered in smeared semen and her saliva. “What do you think?” he muttered, punctuating it with a weary chuckle.
“I think I told you I was going to make you come bucketloads. See what you’ve been missing?”
That made him wince. The heat of the moment was slowly fading, allowing the blood that had abandoned his brain for the smaller head below to remind him of why he’d been missing out.
“Here’s something else you’ve been missing,” she said.
Gina pulled her knees underneath her, and then stood. He swallowed hard as she walked over top of him, and squatted down on his face. With bare, sweet, teenage pussy in his face, he did what came naturally, and stabbed his tongue between her nether lips.
She rode his face hard, smearing it with her wetness. Rick lapped up her nectar, tongued her clit, and sucked the swollen little bud, drawing out whimpers. He tried a couple of times to reach the pucker of her bottom to return the favor, but she fought him, keeping him centered on her clit. She seemed determined – almost desperate – to come.
He decided he could live with that, and devoured her barely legal pussy.
It couldn’t have been much more than a minute later when she began to convulse atop him and wail in orgasm. Rick dug his fingers into the cleft of her butt, holding her against his mouth, and kept licking. Gina screamed, squealed, lurched, and pulled his hair as the throes of her orgasm took complete control of her body. Rick reveled in how hard she was coming, and did his best to prolong it.
Then, as suddenly as she had exploded in orgasm, she yanked his hair hard, and lurched off his face. Her sloppy pussy left another trail of mess on his chest, and then she collapsed atop him with her hot breasts squished against his left cheek.
She remained atop him – gasping and wheezing for breath – for quite some time. Rick absently stroked her back, feeling her chest heave, until her breathing began to slow. Eventually she shivered, let out a quavering moan, slid off him, and flopped onto her back.
Rick smiled as he listened to her moan and watched her caressing her breasts with one hand, and her glistening pussy with the other. He was lost in the moment until he saw the fading light coming through the curtains in his peripheral vision.
“Shit,” he exclaimed as he sat up. “Your brother’s going to be home soon.”
Her voice sad, and a pout on her face, she said, “Oh, damn. You’re right.”
“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath. Ignoring the now cold and clammy evidence of what he’d done, he slid out of the bed and began gathering up his clothes.
As he hastily dressed, Gina lounged naked on the bed, giggling and watching him. She let out a quiet moan of disappointment when he pulled up his boxers, covering his still sensitive cock. Once he was dressed, he turned toward her, but had no idea what to say.
“Go ahead, before Roy gets home. That was so worth waiting for. Grab my top out of the living room and bring it in here before you go?”
“Yeah, okay,” he said, and then headed out of her room. Along the way, it dawned on him that the only reason he’d stopped and gotten himself into this situation was because her car wasn’t there. When he returned to the room with her top, he asked, “Where’s your car?”
She gestured for him to toss it anywhere, so he put it down on her dresser. Then she answered, “I was reading over Roy’s shoulder when you two were talking about that, so I hid it in the garage where Mom and Dad’s cars usually are. Sneaky, aren’t I? Come on. You have to admit it was incredible.”
“Yeah. You made me come hard.”
“I loved it. You too, by the way. I needed that so badly.”
A half smile tugged at his lips when he said, “You did go pretty wild.”
“Uh huh. You know, this thing you’ve got with me being off limits is more or less all you. Roy knows that I sucked off Jack once, and he’s not pissed or anything.”
“He doesn’t want to know anything about it, but it doesn’t really bother him. Then there’s the fact that Roy fucked your sister a couple of times.”
Rick gave a violent shake of his head and exclaimed, “What?”
She laughed. “It was a rebound thing. They did it a couple of times, and then it was over. Neither of them are really into each other, but it happened. If anything, you still owe him one, if you want to think of it that way.”
He didn’t even know how to process that, other than to shiver at the disturbing thought of his sister having sex with anyone.
“Go on. I know I don’t even want you to get caught in the house smelling like pussy. I need to get in the shower and brush my teeth.”
Gina blew him a kiss while pulling open a drawer to retrieve a pair of panties. He headed out of the room, still reeling from the whirlwind that he’d been caught up in. He was a couple of miles down the road before he even realized that his face was still covered in drying pussy juice. The fast food napkin from the door compartment didn’t accomplish much, so he headed straight to the shower himself upon arriving home.
When Rick returned to his room, he found messages waiting for him – from Gina, of course. He opened the conversation to find an awkwardly framed photo of her bent over, holding the phone in one hand, and her ass cheeks spread apart with the other.
After that was a message that said, “You know, all you have to do is ask me. You can stuff my ass anytime.”
A few minutes later, just before he exited the bathroom, she’d sent another couple of messages. “Actually, you don’t have to ask. Want to do me up the butt?” The second said, “I could meet you at your place after you come over shooting tomorrow. Then you can shoot something up my ass.”
It was more or less a forgone conclusion at that point. He’d already broken the bro code, found out he wasn’t the only one, and she was offering what was essentially his sexual holy grail. He took a deep breath, tapped, and saved her number under her name, making it official.
He pondered how to respond for a minute or two, and then finally settled on, “Can’t wait.”
When the last report faded, Rick put his rifle down on the shooting stand and walked out to the target. It was an excellent grouping, all in the bullseye. He hung another target, and then headed back to the shooting stand.A couple of minutes later, he was retrieving yet another excellent target. If he could perform that well in the competition the following weekend, he stood a good chance of winning. Roy letting him come over to practice whenever he wanted was paying off.He heard the back door...
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Rima was lying on her bed thinking about the recent events in her life. She was wondering what had happened to her, why she gets so easily seduced by other men. The fucking with guards could have been easily avoided if she had acted tough, but instead she was excited and horny by the touch of other men. She keeps reminding herself that she was blackmailed but deep within her heart she knew she wanted it, she enjoyed it. Even after passing of two months since the first time both the guards...
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IncestHey there guys, Shaumit here back with another raunchy story that you guys will surely enjoy. About myself, I am a 20-year-old guy from Mumbai. I am a media student who just got graduated. I have average looks with an average body and a good-sized dick. Don’t want to brag, lol. Coming to the story, this happened when I was in the Third and Final Year of my BMM course. Although I have many friends, Garima is one of those who are really close to me. We are kinda best friends. About Garima. She is...
Hi All, I’m Debjit from Kolkata.It is an ideal city for almost everyone. You get what you’re looking for. Just you need to look in right place. And for that it is important you must know the place. So first things first, I’m 26, height 6 feet. My body built is average (maybe a bit thin), fair in color. Overall I’m good looking.This story is a real incident that happened few months back. I work in a bank. In my society (where I live) most of the flats are of families. So you get to see a lot of...
Hi All, I’m Ravi from Pune. My id is (boyravi3 at gmail dot come). Pune is an ideal city for almost everyone. You get what you’re looking for. Just you need to look in right place. And for that it is important you must know the place. So first things first, I’m 26, height 6 feet. My body built is average (maybe a bit thin), fair in color. Overall I’m good looking. This story is a real incident that happened few months back. I work in an MNC (as most of people do in Pune). In my society (where...
Hey there, readers! I am back to share another page of our life with you. Thank you for all the comments and reactions to the previous stories. Obviously, there is more to come. If you haven’t read my previous stories, do go through them to help yourself get horny and dirty while pleasuring yourselves. Now onto the event. On 24 December 2018, I got on an afternoon metro for an approximately 20-25 minute ride to return home. It was crowded for the timeline we were in. Rimi and I got on the...
Kahani ke 1st part ko padhne aur pasand karne ke liye shukriya.. Aap logo ka pyaar hi hume aage likhne ke liye prerit karta hai.. Ab tak aapne padha- Door bell baji aur mai apne kapde leke bed room ki taraf bhaga aur wo apni nightie pehenne lagi… Ab aage- Bedroom me aake mai apne kapde pehente hue parde ke piche se jhank ke dekhne laga ki kon aya hai.. Garima bhabhi ne apni nighty pehni aur apne aap ko vyavasthit karte hue darwaza khola.. Samne ek 29-30 saal ki sundar si aurat khadi...
Hi friends this is raj from Delhi….mne apni 2 story ISS par dali or dono par aap sb k comment or mails dekh kr acha laga. Kafi grls ni to or stories ki demand ki hai or kuch ne sex k liye invite kiya..to aaj m apno aap me se 1 ladki jo ISS reader h, ki story batane ja raha hu jisne mujhe mail kiya or mujse frndship ki.. Pahle m apne bare mai bata du m delhi se hu. 5”11 height, fair colour, 7inch long n 3 inch thck..To story suru krte hai. Mujhe mail mila tha 1 ladki ko jiska naam garima tha, wo...
What is rimming?Rimming is the act of using one’s tongue to lick/ stimulate a partner’s anus for sexual pleasure.Why do people enjoy rimming?The main reason why men and women enjoy rimming is due to the countless number of erotic nerve endings located at the anal opening. And stimulating them with your mouth or tongue, as anyone who has enjoyed oral sex knows, can provide a lot of different sensations.People also enjoy rimming because it can create a feeling of deep connection with a partner,...
CHAPTER ONE The guild of Companions had been established by Ysgramor a few hundred years ago and was home to many an honorable warrior from everywhere in Tamriel. They were big in fighting for those who couldn’t fight for themselves and those who were willing to pay them to do something for them within the law of course. They also acted as extra guards for the city of Whiterun as long as the attacks weren’t political or had anything to do with the war. That was why Farkus was outside the...
The alarm bell woke me up with a start. I saw the clock, it was 6 am. I freshened up and worked out in the gym of my apartment building. By around 7.30 am I had a shower and was sitting in the living room with a newspaper in my hand and a coffee mug on the table near me. But all I kept thinking was about Varun. There were several questions in my mind. What will he do to me today? How will he treat me today? How will he react if I willingly submit to him? The chain of question was broken when I...
CHAPTER ONE It had been almost four months since the death of Deino at the dwemer ruins. Since then the Companions had resumed their normal lives going on quests and continuing their training. Even so, Farkus had been waiting for any sign of the vampire woman’s daughter that she had said would be coming. He hadn’t seen her and he had asked question about her whereabouts with a few people that would recognize a new traveler. But there had been nothing so far and that included getting word from...
Roomie Sex Hey ISS readers, my name is Rani and I was 18, in my first year engg from a reputed college in Mumbai, when this happened. I am 26 now. I have been reading stories on this site for a pretty long time and trust me, I have loved many of the entries about girl-on-girl action. So you must have guessed it that I am a Lesbian. Well actually I am bi-sexual. I got an equally hot and interested babe for a roomie in my first year. Her name was Garima. I found Garima to be a wonderful girl to...
LesbianThere are many people who find asses extremely sexy but the asshole extremely disgusting. If that area is disgusting to you and/or gay sex, then you may not want to finish reading this. An anus itself has many sensitive nerves located in areas that can provide a great deal of pleasure for your man. The two most prevalent areas are the anus entrance itself and the prostate gland located inside the anus underneath the taint area. I am going to give you some tips on how to properly approach this...
"So, bet you didn't expect the night to turn out like this." Jessica smiled at me wickedly, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you that you met me today?""Yeah, that would be a fucking 11.""Thought so." She shook her head. "And look at you, eating one girl's ass out then going home with her roommate to eat her ass, too. You know, if you were a girl, people would call you a slut."I gave a tight smile, still feeling a little guilty about doing this behind Chloe's back. But I couldn't not go...
"So, bet you didn't expect the night to turn out like this." Jessica smiled at me wickedly, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you that you met me today?""Yeah, that would be a fucking 11.""Thought so." She shook her head. "And look at you, eating one girl's ass out then going home with her roommate to eat her ass, too. You know, if you were a girl, people would call you a slut."I gave a tight smile, still feeling a little guilty about doing this behind Chloe's back. But I couldn't not go...
CHAPTER ONE Farkus was a werewolf, he had just killed all of the Silver-Hand, and he was staring hard at Jahel. She had never felt her heart squeeze so hard in fear, felt her adrenaline rushing through her veins so quickly. It was causing her vampire blood to boil, she knew now that she had never been so close to her mother’s kind. Everything else she had experienced had just a taste of what she could become if she allowed it. Her concerns though were focused on the werewolf in front of her...
The first time I rimmed my wife was an experience we both will never forget. It forever changed our sex life for the better. This event took place on the Valentine's Day before I proposed to her. Let me explain a little bit about us.For a very long time, I had sealed my heart away. I dated some fucked up bitches when I was young and dumb. I was raised in Hawaii with influences from Eastern culture. The whole concept of respect is something valued in many cultures of the Pacific, more so than...
Note: This story is based loosely upon a letter that appeared in an early edition of the Petticoated website. I think it's still available to read, although I can't remember the name of it. Primrose House I took the call at 3pm on an idle Wednesday. I knew the voice was Helen's straight away. Even as a girl she had always spoken so precisely, so elegantly, that it was hard to mistake her soft Home Counties accent despite the advancing years. The way she pronounced the S...
That title is guaranteed to get the attention of guys and gals because it is something that can be done MF, MM, FF, and MMF and so on.I can remember the first time that I received anal sex and the absolute trepidation bordering on terror. He was my gay Irish sex mentor who seemed about fifty years older but must have been much less; I was sixteen and I guess he was in his forties.I used to go around to his place and we would have a coffee and then I would let him take me which ever way he...
Paul Carter looked across the driveways separating his – well, his parent’s – house from Brooke MacDonald’s house. He looked across a gulf as wide as his imagination, a chasm that had divided him from his impossible-to-endure one and only very-first-true-love. He had fallen in love with Brooke MacDonald the very first time he had laid eyes on her, which was, unfortunately, in third grade. Paul Carter could not remember one single day in grade school, junior high, or high school that he hadn’t...
I met Nicole at a party. It was still early in the night, and she was standing alone, untouched drink in her hand. To my surprise, no guys were lining up to hit on this very attractive girl in a classic black cocktail party dress, but she definitely was giving a stand-offish vibe - she was obviously uncomfortable, waiting for a friend to come back. I was pretty much in the same situation, so I decided to use that to break the ice."Waiting for a friend?"She looked up and smirked, "Yeah. Sort of,...
Hi dosto.. Apke mitra vicky sharma indori ka aap sabhi ko namaskaar… Meri pichli chudai story “Dhara madam ki maalish” ko aap sabhi ne bahut pasand kiya aur mujhe dher saare mails bhi aaye.. Itna pyar dene ke liye shukriya aur jinhe reply nahi de paya unse maafi chahunga… Jinhone meri kahaniya nahi padhi wo is link pe jaa kar padh sakte hai… #link# aur mujhe mail kar sakte hai… e-mail: Ab seedhe apni kahani pe ata hu.. To jaisa ki maine bataya us kahani ko bahut se logo ne pasand kiya aur...
My husband and I have had a couple of Hotwife experiences that just kind of happened to us. We had taken advantage of the opportunities presented, but had not been the instigators. As we were planning for a camping trip with friends I decided I wanted to see if I could make something happen myself.So I chose my target. Chad’s wife Allie had told me a couple of years back that her firefighter husband found me attractive and if they weren’t together he would want to be with me. Chad was a...
Wife LoversThe first time I ever performed analingus, I was already past my teens and unbelievably horny and eager to do it. The few girls I had been with before were all fairly young and inexperienced, eager to go down on me right away, then jump on top before I could even move. Don't get me wrong, I like a good blowjob from time to time, but I much prefer going down on women, and I get off from giving them pleasure. Most girls, in my admittedly limited experience at that point, enjoyed receiving...
---- Anna 1: Anna and the Firemen ----Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeezed Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she had, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She'd collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddled in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeezed her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I could roll her over, throw her legs over my...
Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeeze Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she has, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She's collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddles in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeeze her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I can roll her over, throw her legs over my shoulders, and fuck her hard and fast for my own...
Jo'alcar began to open his eyes as he felt himself moving and a bump under him. The Khajiit found himself setting in a wood carriage being driven by a man in brown arm. https://e621.net/post/show/459310/abs-anthro-armpits-biceps-black_background-blue_ey Jo'alcar is a attractive male Khajiit weighing 200 lbs. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall. His cock is 8 1/2 inches long. "Hey you. You were trying to cross the border. Got caught in that Imperial ambush just like us and that thief over there." A...
GayThe Christmas party sucked and Melissa left to go home at eleven. She wished now she hadn’t even bothered to go. Last week she bought a new silk dress just for the occasion. It rocked, totally hot: clung to her figure like the skin of a snake, low cut with a short sexy hem. Guaranteed to knock what’s-his-name’s eyes out, except when she arrived at the party what’s-his-name had already hooked up with a skinny brunette with fake boobs. Jerk! Slut! Even though the dress got her quite a bit of...
ChrisThis morning was straight out of Satan’s asshole.I woke up to a long, deep dent of red paint on the back bumper of my Escalade. Whoever hit and run me didn’t have the balls to leave a note, so I had to call insurance for about an hour, spending most of my time listening to some guy without chest hair complain about his grandma's cooking.The fucking Knicks can’t win a game to save their lives right now. Carmelo Anthony has been dog shit for us; have they heard of something called...
Straight SexJohn was a good-looking, Irish firefighter in his 50’s. He saw Jeanne’s profile and thought he would send her an email. To his surprise, she responded to it. He explained he had been a firefighter for a while, was divorced, and had two children. He also gave a physical description of himself. He had salt and pepper hair and was balding. Jeanne did not know what she thought of the baldhead since she always had liked men with lots of hair and preferably curls. One day he asked her to call him...
We’re lying on a grassy hill by this gorgeous lake somewhere pretty far away from the party we were just at. Its past midnight, but I really don’t know anything beyond that. Details are blurry right now…all that matters is the warm weight on my chest and the vanilla scented hair brushing my cheek. Oh god…the lights are so bright. So colorful and shimmering…there are too many of them. It would be scary if I didn’t have somebody to hold onto. ‘The stars, they look like fireflies…rainbow...
A second-person-viewpoint narration of a Pagan journey through a year-and-a-day of the familiar, to find the mystery behind the mysteries. Yes, this is a magical gendershift story. ---------------------------------------------------------- Between Two Fires --Kiai 24sep03/29jul06/05mar07 Perhaps it is being brought up Pagan that has brought you to this. Where other religions segregate the sexes with walls of guilt and shame, never to meet...
SPITFIRE by Alex B. Shannon Blake couldn't help it. She simply had to talk herself into trouble.This had been a problem for her growing up at home, at school and later on,wherever she worked. She seemed to crave confrontation and constantly foundherself arguing with others over the smallest of issues. Of course, this wasbefore she met Erik Powell. The two had been dating less than a month when Shannon managed to instigatea loud argument in the middle of a film they were watching. Aggravated...
The Firefly verse didn't exist for long. An incredible show destroyed by ruthless Fox execs who keep churning shit out on the TV. But enough of that. Firefly had plenty of incredibly sexy women. Choose what happens to these women, and what they get up to in the black.
My wife was a cute petite beautiful woman. She had a great body, a decent pair of tits and the nicest ass I’ve ever seen. She said she hated being so attractive because all guys did was stare at her all day. She married because I was the first guy she dated that was really interested in her work as a Surgical Nurse for a famous Ophthalmologist in town. She even assisted in doing eye transplants. Outwardly she was a quiet demure beautiful woman. That’s until nine o’clock rolled around and she...
The Joining that night went about as well as expected. While three mages and three templars had survived until the potion was ready, most of them were ravaged by the taint, barely able to stay upright, skin blackening, hair falling out, fever running rampant through their ruined bodies. Alim and Rolan were the exceptions; the mage looked pale, but otherwise well, and Rolan had black veins visible only under the skin of his hands and arms. Unsurprisingly, they were the only two who survived,...
Ce-ti poti dori la 19 ani cind vezi femei frumoase la tot pasul? Unde sa te duci pentru prima data cind te simti super-excitat de experientele erotice mai mult sau mai putin inflorite ale colegilor de serviciu? Oare ce trebuia sa fac? Doream din tot sufletul o femeie coapta, sa o am, sa ma ia si sa faca ce stie mai bine cu mine....Nu aveam decit 19 ani, ma masturbam din cind in cind, dar nu reuseam sa sparg gheata. Nu ma asteptam ca Mihai, prietenul si colegul meu de serviciu, un tip bine, la...
Prima NoctaThe King looked over to his left and smiled. On the chair beside the bed sat a soldier dressed in camo. His boots were tightly laced, and he sat with his legs outstretched, nervously tapping his feet together as he watched. He married his dream girl that afternoon, and was ready to be deployed as soon as he was called to duty. In a peculiar wedding gift arrangement, “The King” was to bless the marriage with a Prima Nocta fuck in the traditional custom of old England. It was a “role...
The Chauffeur (#58) The Fire By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 On Saturday I was awoken by my cell phone buzzing. I grudgingly got out of bed and scuffed over to the dresser to check my phone. I saw that the text was from Roger Johnson. The text read: Big Fire at an office tower in Wisconsin. CALL ME ASAP! Roger. I called Roger as soon as I read his text message. The first call went straight to voicemail. The second call Roger picked up. “Hey, David, not a good way to start a...
Friday evening and as usual Brad and I were in our local pub, drinking and talking about how we were going to change the world and make our fortunes. We also talked about girls, obviously; ones we knew and ones we never really knew, but would've loved to have known - the usual boy’s pub nonsense. Brad was my best mate; we had grown up together from school days. We told each other about our triumphs with any girl, and some of the let downs. We had no secrets from each other. We had been at the...
Wife LoversSo I've been reminiscing of late as I'm no longer sexually active, long story, and it frustrates me. This episode goes back a few years when I'd gone to a late night bar which had live music, usually jazz which I effing hate but the club stayed open till 3 a.m. and the talent was lush. It's relevant that this place was predominantly Afro-Caribbean and mainly heterosexual. I was accepted because 'You don't behave like a gay bloke', whatever that means,lol. Anywho, one night a group of fairly...
Eyes wide with shock, Lisa’s head whipped around at the sound of shattering glass; the object having hurtled past her shoulder and collided with the door frame. “Don’t you walk out on me Lisa, I’m not finished talking about this,” the edgy frustration in Jason’s voice was evident as he stood just inside the dimly lit bedroom. “You did not just throw that!” Lisa hissed furiously, her green eyes narrowing into emerald slits, as auburn curls swung angrily around her stiff shoulders. She continued...
ReluctanceShannon Blake couldn't help it. She simply had to talk herselfinto trouble. This had been a problem for her growing up at home,at school and later on, wherever she worked. She seemed tocrave confrontation and constantly found herself arguing withothers over the smallest of issues.Of course, this was before she met Erik Powell.The two had been dating less than a month when Shannon managedto instigate a loud argument in the middle of a film theywere watching. Aggravated by Shannon's behavior and...
My name is Jack, I am a New York City firefighter and this is the story of when my four firefighter friends and I met a girl named Camryn in a bar and changed her life forever.I have been a firefighter for six years and in those six years my fire crew and I have had some amazing adventures, but none so amazing as the night a simple couple of beers down the local bar turned into so much more.In our firehouse we have two crews and tonight, East Side, which is my crew made up of five firefighters...
Group SexI sat on the big chaise lounge by the fire pit. There was a slight chill in the air, summer had began to give away to fall. These were the days I enjoyed most of the year and yet like spring they also seemed the most fleeting. I could not help thinking that we lived mostly in the extremes: hot and cold, light and dark. There seemed little time to hold onto the twilights, the dawns, the subtler moments of being, the connecting moments. Knotted pine popped in the fire pit, sending an arc of...
Curiosity killed the cat. Everybody knows that. But with me, curiosity freed me, changed me, and let me loose to help other people become the person they needed to become to also, be free and changed. It started when I had been watching live cams on the internet, though not just any live cams, I was watching BDSM live cams, and was particularly interested in those that used fire. The fire was being used as a method or hair removal, rather than to harm the person. I had been watching a Dominant...
BDSMCaught Fire Part 1By DariUntil now my life had been pretty one-dimensional. I had never had the freedom to make my own decisions; there had always been others who were there to tell me what to do. First my father and aunt, who had done their best to raise me as a pious farmer's daughter. When it became apparent that I was not really suited for this kind of life - being a farmer is kind of the last job that you want to have when you can ignite whole fields of wheat with the power of your...