Prima Data Cu O Femeie De 34 De Ani free porn video

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Ce-ti poti dori la 19 ani cind vezi femei frumoase la tot pasul? Unde sa te duci pentru prima data cind te simti super-excitat de experientele erotice mai mult sau mai putin inflorite ale colegilor de serviciu? Oare ce trebuia sa fac? Doream din tot sufletul o femeie coapta, sa o am, sa ma ia si sa faca ce stie mai bine cu mine....Nu aveam decit 19 ani, ma masturbam din cind in cind, dar nu reuseam sa sparg gheata. Nu ma asteptam ca Mihai, prietenul si colegul meu de serviciu, un tip bine, la 24 de ani, casatorit si cu o experienta vasta-cel putin asa sustinea el, imi va rezarva o experienta deosebita.Intr-o dupa amiaza, dupa servici, merg cu Mihai la un bar select sa bem o bere si poate sa regulam ceva. Atmosfera extra in bar, fete simpatice cu picioare lungi bronzate si sini superbi.Bem citeva beri, Mihai intra in vorba cu doua pustoaice dornice de aventuri dar si de bani, se pare. Deja ne ametiseram, ne simteam bine....
Simteam o stare de excitare continua, un gol in stomac numai la gindul ca una din interlocutoarele lui Mihai ar putea sa-si dea chilotii minusculi jos si sa ma puna-n fata faptului implinit...Simteam penisul sculat , tare si injectat in pantaloni. Ma decid sa merg putin la toaleta sa rezolv doar la laba ma pricepeam bine ...cel putin la acel moment. Ma simteam excelent, putin ametit si extrem de excitat dar inca timid, gindindu-ma la posibilitatea de a ma dezvergina una din fetele experte care te imbiau cocotate la bar, cu buzele lor senzuale si carnoase...."Ce faci Virgil? Esti cam infiebintat din cite se vede. Iti plac pustoaicele cu care vorbeam? Sunt super dar au tariful cam mare-astea te seaca si de bani si de scula... te sug de te termina" imi spuse Virgil la toaleta in timp ce urina si ma privea cum imi frec scula incet si cu placere. " Mihai, nu stiu ce sa zic, ma simt putin cam intimidat, e prima oara, nu am mai fost cu o femeie. Poate e mai bine asa; termin imediat, mai bem o bere doua si apoi mergem" "OK, lasa-o asa, nu-ti da drumul aici, nu fi asa disperat; mergem la mine vedem un film si ne simtim mult mai bine. Fara nici o poanta; nu-ti fie teama, stii ca nu sunt gay..." "Dar sotie ta nu e acasa? Ce-o sa zica? "Nici o problema" spuse Mihai. "Este destul de matura si rafinata, si in plus ii plac filmele pentru adulti si fanteziile erotice...dar asta ramine intre noi, las-o pe ea daca vrea sa intre in joc. E o fata dulce, de fapt ai cunoscut-o.Sa stii ca te place, si te plac si eu, altfel nu te-as lua pe la mine daca nu mi-ar place inocenta ta. Si in plus, o sula de barbat virgin n-a mai vazut nevasta-mea de cind m-a regulat pe mine prima trecut vremurile alea...Din cite-mi dau seama Mihai avea ginduri serioase cu mine, fara sa-i pese prea mult daca Stela, nevasta-sa, va participa si ea la fanteziile chiar cred ca-l excita putin ideea. Oare el nu vrea nimic mai mult? daca vrea sa ma reguleze? Nu mi-era teama ca o sa ma reguleze caci tare as mai fi lins-o pe scumpa de Stela; in cel mai rau caz o luam si gata, poate imi dadea sa gust putin din vaginul fierbinte si probabil dornic de ....Plecam din bar, Mihai lasa unei fete un nr de telefon si ii promite ca s-ar putea sa il aibe de client zilele urmatoare."Asta te suge extra, in cinci minute dai tot din tine, si e si fata de gasca-se fute si te suge numai daca-i place de tine.." imi prezenta Mihai situatia pustoaicei de la bar.Acasa ne intimpina Stela, o doamna bine facuta, cu picioare lungi, sini mari, ale caror sfircuri tari si maronii ieseau in evidenta cu tupeu prin halatul transparent pe care il purta. Purta o perche de bikini minusculi, care ii scoteau in evidenta fesele albe,rotunde si moi si dresuri tot de culoarea roz. se imbracase parca special pentru a petrece o seara in compania a doi barbati excitati si dornici. Stela era cu 10 ani mai in virsta ca Mihai si totdeauna m-am intrebat care o fi secretul. dar aveam sa aflu in curind de ce era atit de speciala pentru Mihai."Buna seara baieti! Ati ajuns si voi in sfirsit? De ce lasati o doamna sa astepte? Va place cum arat? M-am pregatit mai special pentru tine Virgil, esti cel mai bun prieten al lui Mihai si mi-ar place sa te cunosc mai bine." "Stai draga linistita, Virgil s-a hotarit in sfirsit sa vina sa petrecem o seara impreuna"spuse Mihai."Draga Virgil, eu sint ca si prietena voastra mai mare. Daca esti baiat dragut si daca vrei sa te implici in jocul nostru erotic, vei avea numai de cistigat pentru ca Mihai nu este gelos, el a avut primul ideea sa fim toti trei impreuna." spuse Stela in timp ce se apleca spre mine si ma saruta adinc pe gura. ii simteam aroma placuta si limba care patrunse adinc in gura mea. Ma simteam total pierdut.. nu stiam ce sa fac. Am apucat-o de fesele moi si-am imbratisat-o usor. Mi-a luat o mina si a dirijat-o spre pasarica ei ascunsa in spatele bikinilor minusculi. N-am mai putut. "Stela, ma innebunesti.. dar hai sa vedem filmul si mai vedem ce vrea si Mihai.Stii mi-e cam jena de el.." "Stai linistit, Mihai se multumeste sa i-o sug o data si bine, iar daca vrei sa facem la fel, chiar mai mult, Mihai nu va dori decit sa ne priveasca. de mult doreste sa te aduca aici..fii relaxat, nu intra in panica fiindca e prima data. Am sa te ajut eu cum ma pricep mai bine..."Intr-adevar, era foarte foarte excitant, pervers, un film care nu te lasa sa stai pasiv. Un negru cu o sula impresionanta cunoaste doua blonde si le reguleaza pe rind, in toate pozitiile si gaurile care le are la dispozitie. Incet incet incepem sa ne dezbracam, cel putin eu si Mihai. Stela isi pipaie sinii in timp ce se uita la umflatura din chilotii mei.O mina fina de femeie imi patrunde usor in chiloti si-mi apuca scula cu delicatete.Cu cealalta mina Stela ma apuca de cap si ma trage spre ea bagindu-mi inca o data limba in gura, sarutindu-ma patimas. Simt aroma de femeie si parfumul ei fin, nu rezist si o trag la piept strivindui sinii pietrosi in timp ce ea se joaca cu penisul meu.Mihai deja terminase al doilea pahar si era destul de ametit si concentrat la intimplarile din film. Isi daduse chilotii jos si isi freca agale dar plin de excitare sula lunga si groasa care nu prea voia sa stea sculata. Incepu sa-si frece membrul cu frenezie in timp ce se uita cum negrul de la televizor tocmai ii umple gura cu sperma uneia din cele doua blonde superbe in timp ce cealalta il lingea pe testicule. Nu a mai putut rezista. " Stela!!! Hai iubito, suge-ma cum stii tu, hai Stela, hai si tu Virgil, haideti dragii mei,regulati-ma, sugeti-ma, trageti-mi-o cum vreti voi." Stela se aseza deasupra lui si deschise gura lasind ca penisul lui Mihai sa intre pe de-antregul in gura.Apoi incepu sa-l suga, bagind si scotind penisul lui Mihai din Gura de parca acesta o regula. Ma excitasem la culme. M-am apropiat de Ei si am luat-o pe stela pe laspate, sarutindu-i fesele."Asa iubitule, linge-ma bien ca-mi place, hai draga c-o sa-ti sug toata sperma din tine, asteaptaputin.." imi spuse Stela care gemea usor in timp ce sugea cu frenezie scula intarita a sotului ei."Hai Stela, inca putin...Hai Virgil , lasa-ma sa-ti ating putin penisul tau cel gros" OK zisei, si il dadui sa se joace cu el, frecindu-l si din cind in cind sugindu-l puternic facindu-ma sa simt fiori de placerea. "Astepta 2 minute sa-l termin pe labagiul asta simpatic dar fara dotari si-apoi vreu sa te ocupi special de mine, sa mi-o bagi adinc in vagin, asa groasa cum este,sa o simt bine de tot, dupa atita timp..." mi se adresa Stela.Incepu sa-i suga scula mai tare si mai tare in timp ce cu o mina imi mingia penisul erect. Suge din ce in ce mai tare, dar Mihai nu da semne ca este aproape de ejaculare; la un moment dat, cind penisul era supt la mare arta de Stela, incepe sa -si miste scula adinc in gura Stelei gemind usor de palcere si excitare,semn ca sperma e pe cale sa vina si sa-i unmple gura Stelei care astepta de mult sa-l termine." Hai Mihaita draga, hai umple-ma acum, da-mi-o in gura, hai scumpule... Cu un gest brusc Mihai ii infipse scula adinc in gura si incepu sa o reguleze "Ahhhhhhh Stelaaaa... Acuuuuum vine, ah ce vine , fierbinte, ia-o draga, primeste-o in gura, trage-mi-o draga. Sugeeee...asa, asa draga, suge-mi-o toata, acum suge-o tare...inca putin draga si ma termini de tot" , in timp ce primul jet de sperma fierbinte o stropi pe Stela in gura, urmate de alte jeturi de sperma sub presiune care ii umplura gura iubitei lui sotii; astfel, in citeva clipe, minunate penteu Mihai, Stela primi, gusta si inghiti rind pe rind toata sperma pe care Mihai o elibera .Stela continua sa-i suga penisul, sa-l linga si sa incheie astfel sedinta de sex oferindu-i lui Mihai palceri totale.Intre timp Mihai, se intinse pe pat complet epuizat de bautura si de bine ce fusese regulat, fara nici o intentie ca se va scula curind. Stela se duse la baie, isi facu un dus si reveni complet goala, cu un prosop mare in mina rugindu-ma sa o ajut. Avea ochii sclipitori, prevestind dorinte nestapinite de sex. "Hai draga Virgil, simt nevoia sa fiu regulata, sa-ti simt scula ta frumoasa de baiat virgin sa simt cum sperma ta imi inunda gura...Reguleza-ma draga..ia-ma"Imi dadu chilotii jos, apoi, se puse in genunchi asfel incit gura era la nivelul penisului meu. Aveam o scula extrem de sculata si injectata dupa toate cele petrecute. Aveam o scula groasa si frumoasa, mai ales in erectie, dar asta nu o impiedica sa o inghita cu lacomie si sa o suga lung si cu placere . Incep sa o doresc si mai mult. O iau usor de cap si o dirijez cu gura astfel incit sa-mi ia cit poate inghiti din penisul meu. Geme in semn de aprobare si se arunce simai cu patima in penis sugind din cind in cind capul mare si excitat. Ii iau sinii moi si carnosi in cu miinile si incep sa-i framint, simtind ca incepe sa se excite.
La un moment dat Stela se opreste; sunt oarecum dezamagit, crezind ca vrea sa o regulez in vagin; mi-ar fi placut totusi sa dau o muie de prima data, cu o femeie frumoasa, distinsa si experta in asemenea delicii erotice.Dar ma insel: Stela ma intinde pe pat, iar eu o trag peste mine si-i trag vaginul la nivelul gurii mele. " Vrei sa ne regulam reciproc? Iti place pozitia 69? Hai ca te invata iubita ta Stela ce-nsemna sa fii supt" zise Stela, nefiind deloc deranjata ca vreu sa i-o dau sus. Drept raspuns ii infipsei adinc limba in vaginul dulce si umed. Nu auzii decit un geamat de placere dupa care mi-o lua la supt intr-un mod de-a dreptul criminal...Continui sa-i ling vaginul, ii ling labiile, apoi trec la clitoris in timp ce cu un deget o penetrez vaginal, rotind usor degetul in vagin si excitind-o puternic. Se misca din ce in ce mai rapid, isi lasa toata greutatea corpului pe mine, strivindu-mi vaginul si labiile de buze. Este maimult decit excitata, este inebunita, tremura din tot corpul, in timp ce-mi serveste tot vaginul pe gura, frecindu-si nebuneste clitorisul de limba mea" Virgil!! Acum te vreau draga, linge-mi pasarica draga, hai linge-ma...asa..... haiiiii.Aaaaaaa..vine draga, te umplu scumpule, mai saruta-mi putin pasarica...Ahhhhh ce bine e, hai Virgil, hai, mai vreau putin, suge-ma draga. Aooooou................Sta intinsa pe spate de 2-3 minute si nu-si revine inca-mai tirziu aveam sa aflu ca asta-i cea mai puternica pozitie de sex. " Hai Virgil draga sa te sug sa te introduc in categoria barbatilor. Mi-o lua incet in gura si-ncepu sa mi-o suga in timp ce eu stateam pasiv, intins pe spate, asteptind ca jetul sa tisneasca si sa-i umplu gura scumpei mele partenere. "Hai Stela, inca putin. Hai draga, suge-ma inca putin. Ah ce bine e... scuza-ma, mi-e cam jena sa termin asa.." "Stai linistit Virgil, vreau sa ti-o sug si sa-ti simt sperma fierbinte cum ma stropeste si imi umple gura. Sunt nesatula dupa un barbat crud ca tine. Stai linistit, las-ma sa ti-o ling pina la capat. Vreau sa ma inec in sperma ta, sa ti-o inghit pina la ultima picatura" Nu apuca sa o bage din nou in gura si sa inghita toata scula pina in adincul gurii, ca am simtit sperma in virful capului, gata-gata sa-i umple gura dupa dorinta partenerei mele."Vai Stela, vine acum, acum, ahhhhh ce bine eeeee!!" primul jet de sperma o stropi in gura in timp ce eu rusinat incerc sa-i scot penisul din gura. Dar Stela il ia mai adinc in gura in timp ce primeste si restul de sperma care pare sa nu se mai termine. Ma suge si dupa, ma suge pina si de ultima picatura de sperma, o inghite pe toata cu o pofta nebuna de parca nu se mai satura. Apoi se ridica si se aseaza satifacuta linga mine. O sarut lung pe gura, simtind gustul sarat al spermei mele. Imi vine sa o sarut peste tot, sa-i ling vaginul fierbinte si primitor, imi vine sa o iau de la capat. Ma simt minunat, satisfacut, super-satisfacut."Pa Stela" ii spun la plecare. "As vrea sa ne mai vedem pe viitor, singuri sau cu Mihai, daca iti place sau nu te deranjeaza""Draga Virgil, poate ca Mihai nu ti-a spus; am capricii si fantezii erotice care tin aiti cit tin si nu intotdeauna mi le satisfac cu barbati; de obicei imi plac fetele, sunt mai finute, dar si in cuplu...Tu esti un tip dulce, care te-ai nimerit in viata mea sexuala exact cind treceam printr-o perioada de criza pe plan sexual pentru mine. Esti dulce, te-am dorit cu patima, eu l-am pus pe Mihai sa-mi faca acest mic capriciu. Dar asta nu inseamna nimic pentru viitor....Sau nu in mod cert.. este posibil totusi...Am sa te mai chem, uite! Cind va veni Mariana de la Mare, este o doamna de familie, dar putin cam nimfomana. te-ar suge si-o noapte-ntrega. Te sun eu daca voi aranja ceva..Nu uita totusi sa fii recunos**tor lui Mihai, ca el a fost cu ideea. Du-l la bar si fa-i cinste, apoi mergeti la muistele alea si va descarcati ca oricum, pentru Mihai mai mult decit o muie scurta si doua pahare de whiski, sexul nu a reprezentat nimic altceva.Aaa..stai putin, mai bine il lasi pe el sa-si faca treaba si-apoi veniti impreuna la noi...Ce zici, mai poti viziona inca un film cu mine? Ca pentru Mihai esti Ok, te place."OK Stela, sincer sa fiu nici nu indraznesc sa sper.Te sarut si deja mi-e dor dor de tine. Salutari lui Mihai!"Ii bag adinc limba in gura si-o sarut lung apucind-o strins de fese in timp ce ea-si striveste sinii de pieptul meu. Apoi plec repede fara sa spun un cuvint si dispar pe scara blocului.

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IPL Stadium To Bedroom Part 2 Enticing Anisha

The match between CSK and KKR was going on. With CSK scoring only 130 odd runs we were all highly disappointed but waited in anticipation hoping for the best. As the match progressed, we kept coming close to each other virtually. When it boiled down to the last over it was tense, and with a 6 required off the last ball, it was too much to handle for Anisha. She held my arms and kept her head there. When CSK won we all hugged each other. It was so close and most important was I could feel her so...

4 years ago
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A Story for Stefani

It was just another evening, or so I thought. I was tired of going out alone, and I was even more tired of the dating scene. Ever since Sandy left, my life has been dead, or at least it had felt dead.“Hey old dude!” said a familiar voice on the phone. “Whatcha doing tonight, old buddy?” Wow, it was Jackson. I hadn’t heard from him for at least 5 years. I just knew that he went on a cruise in the Caribbean, and met a woman in the Virgin Islands and ended up marrying her and then moving to...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Married Maid Shani

Hi readers, this is my 3rd story on ISS, I’ve come along way on this site reading everyone’s stories, learning from everyone. If u want to read this story then you should also read my other story (Blackmailed Maid For Sex) to understand this one. If you’ve read my previous stories then u know about my short gay relationship with my house guard and you know i got my maid faima to have sex with me. I have grown in a very modern lifestyle but no matter how modern, I always get very horny thinking...

2 years ago
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Origins Of Sarah Part 15 8211 Happy To See Anissa

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. ‘Adventures Of Sarah’. This is an Instalment of a series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. These parts will be longer than...

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Sex With My Sister8217s Friend Anitha

Dear ISS readers, I am very happy and excited to tell me my real life story… I wanna thank my sister for giving me a nice and gorgeous girl Anitha to be my friend… My first time sex with Anitha was really awesome. This is my second sex experience with Anitha, which i will never forget. One day Anitha called me and asked me to come to Marina beach. I was really excited and I went there. Anitha: Hi dear Me: Hi ma Anitha: how r u Me: not fine without seeing you Anitha: (Laughed at me and Hugged...

3 years ago
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Jefferson Highch3 amber jeanine

"Why did you lock the door?" asked the male voice. "I'm sorry it's just a habit of mine." Danielle replied. "Just don't do it again allright." "Fair enough." I heard a stall open and close next to me. I stood there on the toilet and bent over so my head wouldn't be exposed. Then I heard the girl leave. I stepped off the toilet and unlocked the stall door. I ran out of that bathroom as fast as I could. I jumped into my car and drove off the campus. While driving,...

4 years ago
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Maviah Modda Pakkinti Lanja Manisha

Hi Everybody. This is a Telugu Story written in Roman Script. It is not a short story But I hope you all will enjoy it.Ma illu first floor lo vuntundi. kinda ground floor lo house owners vuntarru. Kanni pillalu chudadaniki anni USA vellaru. ma pakkana illu votti ground floor.Ma rendu illa madhyana gap challa thakuva. samayamu summurga udayamu 11 ayyi vunda vachuu. nennu newspaper thirgestunna. appuddu vehicle vachi aggina sound vinnapadindhi. yevarra anni paiki legisi chusannu. voka truck aggi...

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Tried Seducing My Elder Sister 8211 Anitha

Hi, this is Santhosh, aged 24 yrs from Bengaluru native from Vellore. We live in a rented house with a hall, a kitchen, and a bedroom, I am staying with my elder sister Anitha aged 26, my mom and my younger sister Kavitha aged 22 as my father has expired. This is my real sex story. This is my first sex story, lengthy, hoping to be approved, Coming to the sex story which is from my teenage lust. I studied in a govt school where our friends of four use to bunk our afternoon class in a week to see...

4 years ago
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Sex With Sexy Cousin Vani

Hi, Friends. This is Shyam from Hyderabad. I am working for an MNC in Hyderabad. I am a normal person doing regular gym and aged about 30 yrs. Her name is Vani with nice color and beautifully built body with handful weights at required places and her sizes are 36D 32 24. This is my real sex story. Coming to the story Vani is my cousin and we were never close earlier. I was always busy with my work and never had any chance to think about her. It was in the year 2015 when I have attended a...

5 years ago
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Bhai ki game by Sania

My name is sania from banglor . I m 27 year old ham two brother and one sister haien mera aik bahi muj se two year bara hai and one bro muj se chota hai 5 years.yeh baat jo mein app ko sonaney ja rahiey hoon yeh ajj se 3 sall pele ki hai. Os waqat mery age 14 years thi mera colour saaf tha aur smart thi meri chest ka size us waqt b 32 tha jo ab 36 hai and my big brothers age 16 thi.mein 9th class mien thi. Aur bahi ne matric ke paper deiy hove thiey. Woh dekhney mein boot bara lagta tha. Kuch...

4 years ago
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Completely Make Satisfied Divorced Lady Anitha

Hi friends this is Sudheer, I am 22 years old. staying in hyderabad. I am fair in complexion and 5.7 in height. Any aunties or females wants sex please contact me at I am sure i will put them in heaven. Well coming to the story. This is the story that recently happened in my life with Anitha (name changed) who is staying near to my area. She is in Indian sexy complexion and 36 years old and her measurements are around 36-30-40. Yes she has big assets. Most attractive part of her body is her...

3 years ago
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Perfecting The Art Of Sex With Danica

POV: Kirk "You don't think I'm some taboo freak for wanting to do it with your daughter, do you?" I asked, bringing her to my bed."No, do you think I'm some cheating slut?" she pondered, lying down."No, you deserve to be fucked, I'm sorry my dad doesn't please you, but I can't do it again after this though," I let her know, getting on top of her. "I love you so much more now than I did just yesterday, but I can't help you commit adultery," I explained, before kissing her."You...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Bombshell Teacher Suhani

Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. This is gautam basically from jaipur but currently in delhi, india. I am 24 yrs, 5ft 11 inches male with a good physique, with some really hot looks & a very strong sex drive & I have a 8 inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. I’m very good in massage and women find it erotic when someone who can satisfy them in bed as we as make their body dip with oil. You can mail me at So without making you bored. Lets just start...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Sexy College Friend Sania

This story is about how I fucked my friend Sania and cummed in her mouth. Please do email me your suggestions and reviews at my email. You can also read about my previous encounters from We were ex-college friends and are very close to each other. My friend Sania, 23 years old was travelling from Hyderabad to Delhi for some interview and I invited her to stay with my family in Delhi. My parents knew her very well and agreed to be good hosts. Our home has two floors and we gave Sania the top...

3 years ago
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The New StartChapter 22 Tani

Nearly five months had passed since Tani and Steve's return and much had been accomplished in that time. Tani's belly was really swelling now and she was finding it difficult to hide from her three lovers. She was wearing camis all the time now and she replaced them each time with ones that were increasingly baggy. Finally she approached Mika and Naomi asking them if she could stay with them using the excuse of long training hours and having to come to the village each day anyway. Mika and...

3 years ago
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Taking Virginity And Getting Engaged To Bhavna8217s Daughter Tania

Hi readers. My mom was very worried about me as I did not have sex with anyone of my age. I used to have sex with women of all her age. She thought there was some problem in me and it needed to be rectified soon. My mom called her friend Bhavna aunty. Bhavna aunty had an 18 year old daughter. My mom asked Bhavna aunty to bring Tania along with her. When I asked her about Tania, she said, “You are gonna get lucky once again”. I was confused by what my mother said. I sat on the sofa, when Pooja...

3 years ago
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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn’t really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she’d put off, and she knew that she simply couldn’t relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours slipped...

2 years ago
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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn’t really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she’d put off, and she knew that she simply couldn’t relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours slipped...

Group Sex
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Smug Sister Tania

I hated Tania, my goddamn smug fucking bitch sister. The older she got the worse it was for me. About the time she outgrew pigtails and started wearing bras she found out that mom was hyper sensitive about her growing sensuality and would howl like an injured dog that I was spying on her or trying to sneak peeks at her. The attention whore was lying like a politician but that didn't matter to my mother who thought I was the most evil big brother on the planet to her precious chaste...

2 years ago
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Tania was different! She looked and smelt so feminine. I'd been with other tgirls in the past but she was just different.We'd been emailing and swapping sexy pics for some months now but now the day had finally arrived when we were at last going to meet. We'd arranged to meet in a lay-by just of the A46 just past a little village called Upton Crosby. I'd spent the last couple of days in a state of constant turmoil! What to wear? What would we talk about? What would we do? Would she like me?...

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I dream of jeanie

I Dream of JeanieI have been happily married for 13 years now. My wife and I, like most other couples have had our ups and downs over the years. It just so happens we are on one of our downs now. I am not really sure how it all got started but the end result was me getting thrown out. I don't resent her for it, sometimes some time apart is good to regroup then rekindle your love. But during my time away I began a new chapter in my life. I only hope she can accept it and go along with it.So our...

4 years ago
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How I Fucked My Best Friend Shivani

Hello everyone. I’m a regular reader of ISS and always dreamed of having sex with a girl, and then Shivani happened to me. This is a true story and my first-time sex story so ignore any errors. I’m Abhi aged 25, Shivani was a year younger to me and her body measures about 30-28-26. Today I want to share my first-time sex experience with my classmate Shivani. Shivani and I are good friends. Moreover, we’re like brother and sister. Every day we chat and mostly it’s about our studies or any...

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Meri Padosan Manisha

Hello readers M vicky my age 26 Avrage body with 6 inches penis Mera rang thoda sanwla hai Ab mai aap ko sidha apni story par lata hu Hum yani mai or meri mummy ek sehar ke chote se gaw me rehte hai or humare ghar ke sath hi ek ghar hai jisme 2 bhai apni wife ke sath rehte hai jo unki biwiya hai wo hai to moti but unki choochiya bahut solid hai bole to 38d hoga unki choochiyoo ka sazi waise to wo dikhne me bahoot hi sexy hai sath hi unka gudila sarir lund khada karne wala hai kyu ki jab bhi...

3 years ago
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I was annoyed…At first …Then I was amused.- - -I have lived in Midtown Manhattan for most of my adult life and Eugenia’s Creations just off Herald Square is my favorite boutique. I am a curvy girl and Eugenia designs specifically for ladies with a figure. I tend towards the slightly edgy side of strong tailored pieces, which means I don't do frilly stuff well. Nevertheless, I have a great appreciation for good design that is executed with style; wearable, functional clothing that doesn't...

Love Stories
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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn't really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she'd put off, and she knew that she simply couldn't relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours...

2 years ago
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Romancing Tania

Tania woke up to a loud thump. She sat bolt upright in her bed. It was dark in her room and her eyes were unfocused yet, but she thought the clock said 7:15pm. When did she fall asleep? She really couldn’t remember. Looking off the end of her bed, there appeared to be a yellow glow outside her door, particularly toward the living room. She reached up and rubbed her eyes again. She focused on the glow. It was uncharacteristically quiet. Where were her children? What was this about? Could she be...

4 years ago
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Modala Sihi Kahi Anubhava With Vani

Hi to all readers I’m fond of ISS from 4 years I used to read stories periodically basically I used to red stories from erotic books, I’m not aware of this site…..when I know this I became fond of incest stories. Before coming to story I’ll introduce my self Ram age 25 from Karnataka , height 5.6”, gun kuda 6” ide solid, medium built just good looking . and heroine is my uncles daughter she is 2 year elder to me her name vani. Now she is mother of two baby boys. Her self attractive village girl...

4 years ago
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The New StartChapter 32 The Healing of Tani

Redi approached Tani and told her they needed to talk in private. Tani nodded and the two women slipped into a store room where they could talk. "What's up Redi? Why all the secrecy?" Tani asked. Redi began to speak, "Tani I have perfected my process of re-growth and I now can restore your reproductive system but..." The revelation was like a breath of fresh air to Tani who very much desired to have additional children someday but had resigned her self to the fact that was not going to...

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Getting caught with Joanie

After reading all of the life diary entries that i had made in my blog, One of my online friends on Hamster asked me to write a story for her involving her and her wife. I did so and sent it to her and she loved it then asked me to post it in my blog for all to see. So, here it is, my first fictional story. I hope readers approve. Joanie was kneeling in the bedroom, wearing full feminine lingerie, bra, panties, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. She had on a shoulder length blonde wig...

2 years ago
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Top Ten PantsSpunks Miss Danica

It’s not as if some of Miss Danica’s fans didn’t meet Her. Those who were able to travel to wherever Her amateur photos-sessions were held – Aunty Jayne’s ‘photo seminars’ – would have seen Her pose, taken photos for their own ‘personal use’ - and, oh yes, she knew what that was alright – talked to Her etc. I’d gaze longingly at the photos of those sessions but I could only press my nose up against the window, so to speak. Attending for me wasn’t an option, much though it would have been a...

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Mere Sapno Ki Rani Shivani

hello friends, how ru ., hope aap sabhi virgin lardkiyaan ,bhabhiyaan ,antiyaan sab thik hongi,,, aur apni chut ki aag bhuja pa rahi hongi ,sabke saman chut mein barabar ragad rahe honge…aur mere lund dhari bhai aapki chut ka bhosra baana rahe honge… phir bhi aap mein se kisi ki chut ko yaa aap ki kisi saheli ko accha lund nasseeb nahi hai to muzhe mail yaa contact kar sakti hai… mein wadda karta huin ki uski chut ki aag mein bhujaa dunga…u can contact me on my id (). dosto aap jaante ho mein...

3 years ago
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Dream Cums True With Hot Maid Raani

It was a hot summer morning and I had just finished my workout. My house was a mess. That’s normal for a bachelor’s life, right? So, as I was trying to figure out from where to start the cleaning work, I heard a *ding dong*. My doorbell rang. I went and opened the door and boom! There she was. A young 25-year-old hot looking girl right at my door. She was wearing a tight red tank top and tight black yoga pants. I was taken aback thinking who the hell was this hot dame at my doorstep. She...

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Nathaniel Janet Stickney [email protected] Nathaniel is 15, a frustrated teenager who is unable to find any solace to his dilemma. He was average in everything. 5' 6" tall, 130 pounds wet, brown hair, green eyes, an average student that did not like sports and did not join any clubs in school. Nondescript and unassuming, he had managed to hide himself from the world, yet stay in plain sight. As his mother, I am worried about him because I could not figure out why he was so shy....

3 years ago
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Pyaari Raani

Mere Pyare garma garam lund wale aur fudakti chooton wali mahilaao (ladkiyan bhi). Aaj mai jo dastaan sunane jaa raha hoon wo ek bahut hi garma garam wakye ki hai. Mujhe to aap jante hi hai. Mera Naam Sanjay hai aur mai Thane (Mumbai) me rehta hoon. Vaise ek baat ka mujhe malal hai ki aaj take mai ye sochta tha ki Mumbai ki auraten ya ladkiya sex ke mamle me kafi advance hai aur achche chudayi ke liye tayyar rehati hai. Lekin mujhe aaj take Mumbai ke bahar se jyada female ne offer diya aur...

4 years ago
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Anal And Threesome Sex With Pooja And Tania

It was a normal day. I woke up at 7 in the morning. I had a morning erection and wanted to fuck really hard. I asked Pooja aunty for sex but she was very sleepy and said she would fuck me later. I went to my mom and started kissing her. She enjoyed it and we went ahead. She removed her gown and showed her hot naked body to me. I removed my clothes. We were kissing very passionately when the bell rang. I covered myself with a bedsheets and went to open the door. Bhavna aunty and Tania were...

2 years ago
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Sexy Naukrani

Namaste, mera naam Ankita hai yah kahani meri naukrani ki hai. Woh dikhne mein khoobsurat thi uska ek pati tha lekin use raat ko sone ke liye kam se kam 4 mardo ki jaroorat padti thi. Uska ji uske pati se nahi bharta tha, use bahut shok tha gair mardo ke saath apna muh kala karvane ka. Woh apne sharir ko garam karne ke liye naye naye mardo ki talaash mein rehti thi. Uski is besharami ki vajah se koi bhi shaadishudha aurat use apne ghar mein kaam par nahi rakhti thi kyuki woh kisike bhi pati par...

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Sexy Kalyani

Hi guys and gals…… I just want to share my experience to you all. I finished my engineering 3 yrs back.. I’m a shy guy. During my college days, I came across many gals. Even though I had bad intention with some girls, I don’t reveal that… I’m so soft speaking. So I earned good name in my group after my college days, I joined a company in coimbatore. I stayed with my friends over there just nearer to the company. Some friends are working me in the same company. Since all of them are college...

4 years ago
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Papa Bary He Zalim Thai by Sania

Pyary pyary desi dosto im very thankfull k ap ny meri story *baji ny aisa kion kia ko itna response dia. Sania baig from banglor india looking very sexy with 36 boobs. Apny bary mien kafi baar ap ko bta chuki hoon k males mien jb b koi mjy daikhta hai to dewana ho k reh jata hai aur uski bhooki nazrein hamesha mjy apny sharir py feel hoti hain. Dosto aaj mein ap ko kuch ajeeb c baat ya story batany ja rahi hoon. G haaan apny papa k bary mein… ap b sochien gay k kia sari family hi aisi hai jo...

2 years ago
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Losing Virginity With Shivani

Hey all fans of iss, let me tell you all about myself, I’m Ashish, 21 years, from a small town Rohtak situated nearby NCR. I’m a skinny guy, 5’10” height and a tool of 7″ length and enough hard to please and tease a girl or woman of any age. Now, let me introduce you all to my sex partner, Shivani who is 19 years, 36 26 37, well built, 5’4″, big eyes, and big boobs, hot enough that she’s been the eye candy for every guy of college. Now, lemme start with the story, I met Shivani on the first day...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Dennis Part 1Janis

My buddy Jason and I sat on a porch outside a house party in November, watching the partygoers exit a house party. We were drinking scotch and coke and I was numerous sheets to the wind. Jason burped.“I’m gonna flunk that test tomorrow,” he said.I watched the legs of the girls wandering outside. A few of them stumbled on the doorstep like drunken high-schoolers (which was basically what we still were, as freshmen ages 18 to 19), some of them were helped out by their equally smashed, wonky...

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