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Me to communicate a lot in a short period of time. Always a challenge. This is an idea that I've had for a while, and have never seen anyone else do it. I tbought, what better time to do it than for a contest. Even if it doesn't win, place , or show, I am proud of it ANIMA by Raven. Gloria Harding came highly recommended. The word was that she was very highly skilled at helping people who were gender dysphoric like myself. It didn't take very long for me to see that her reputation was very well deserved. She proved to be very insightful, yet her manner was very gentle. Dr. Harding had the type of personality which you often hear described as someone you feel like you've known all of your life. This type of demeanor is very helpful to gender dysphorics, who are naturally very reticent about disclosing what exists inside of them. After very few minutes with Dr. Harding, I found myself wanting to tell her of the things which I had kept hidden all of my life. Dr. Harding asked me a question which made a lot of sense. "Why do you feel a need to talk about this now Stephen?" "I don't know, really. I've tried every way that I know to be rid of this thing. Nothing that I have done on my own has helped. All that I know is that the fantasies that I dream about have always interferred with every relationship that I've ever had. I guess I just thought that it was time to seek the advice of someone like you, Dr. Harding." "Please, call me Gloria, or actually Glory, which I prefer. After all, you are telling me your most intimate secret. Don't you think that we should be on a first name basis?" Glory gave me a warm reassuring smile. "You're right Glory. Of course." "The first step is to not refer to your fantasy as it' or that' or by any other vague, non-descriptive name. The thing to do is to let it out....say what it actually is!" There was a pregnant pause. It was actually hard for me to say the words, and I thought, after all of this time, it would be a lot easier." Glory understood what I was going through. "Take your time. It's okay. You're perfectly safe here, and nothing horrible is going to happen to you." Her words gave me the courage to speak what was in my heart, and in my dreams. "I have always fantasized about being a woman." "Isn't that better, now that you've said it?" Glory was right. The fact that I actually told another living person, face- to-face, felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. It felt like I could breathe for the very first time. She let a moment pass for me to just enjoy the feeling, before inquiring further. "What type of woman do you fantasize being?" It came easier now that the hard part was over. "I don't know. All kinds really." "Well, is their any common characteristics? Is there any trait that you dream about over and over?" There was. I hadn't really thought about it until this very second. "Yes. She . . . I am short. Not short like 5'4" or 5'5", but really short like 5'0" or shorter. I guess that I fantasize about being petite, except for the breasts which are very large. I fantasize about being very pretty so that no man could resist me." Glory had me on a roll now. "Is there anything else Stephen?" I concentrated my mind's eye once again. "I dream that she . . . I am very feminine, very soft. I have very long, thick hair, that goes all of the way to my . . . uh . . . posterior. I guess the last thing is that I fantasize about having a real feminine name like Tiffany, Heather, Jennifer or something." "Do you fantasize about a particular color of hair?" "Brunette. Not the light brunette that sometimes gets mistaken for a blonde, but a very dark brunette." Glory raised one single eyebrow, as if she had heard something different or original. I imagined in her line of work she has heard fantasies very close to mine. I didn't think that she would be surprised in any way by what I had to say. Now that the physical description was out of the way, Glory asked a more pointed question. "Why do you think about this particular type of woman?" Many people would probably be stumped by such a question. However, it was a question that I had considered long ago. The answer wasn't hard. "It is a type of a woman who would never be alone. She would always have some one to love her, and someone to love back." Now we were getting down to the heart of the matter. Glory probed further, "You don't feel like you can find someone who loves you now, or someone to love back?" Her last query brought a tear to my eye. It struck a nerve. "We can stop now if you like," she soothed in a comforting voice. "You have come very far for a first visit. Most people who are like you sometimes take years to get this far. There is no need to push yourself if it's going to hurt. It will come eventually." The problem was that I didn't want to stop. Now that the dam of emotions had burst within me, everything was coming flooding out. I couldn't stop it now even if I wanted to. I shook my head "No." "Okay. We'll go on. If you feel like you need to stop, just let me know." I shook my head "Yes" this time, acknowledging her instructions. There was another pause as she waited for me to answer her last question. "You're right. That's exactly how I feel. I feel like I'm broken inside. You know?" "Yes I do Stephen. Many people who are like you feel just as you do. It's very common." That also made me feel a little better. Before I could say anything else, Glory challenged me, "What do you want to do about it Stephen?" I knew the answer to that query also. "I want you to take those fantasies away. I want you to erase that part of me." Glory pondered silently for a second. "Tell me. How long have you been fantasizing about being a woman." "Ever since I was a little boy. I used to take my G.I. Joe and pretend that it changed into my sister's Barbie." "So it has been a part of you for a long time?" "Yes. It has." "Don't you think that if I could erase it, that it would make you feel imcomplete. Don't you think that it might make a hole within you that would make you worse than you believe that you are now." It was a very hard question. In the end, it didn't matter. I couldn't imagine anything being worse. It was painful to go through life feeling like you were somehow like a freak. "No. I don't care. I just want that part of me to be gone." "What if we could do something else." "Such as?" "For instance, have you considered having a sexual relationship with a man?" "NO!" I objected. "I am not a homosexual." "If you were a woman, as you want to be, you would be with a man. It sounds to me like you would be with a lot of men. What is the difference?" "It just is. I would never, ever think of having a realtionship with a man. If I was a woman, it would be different. I would be able to enjoy those things because I would be a different person." "I see." rejoined Glory, as she wrote something down on her pad. I was silent as she wrote. "What if we try to integrate all of the parts of your personality so that you can go forward and find someone?" "I don't understand." Glory put down her pad, looking me in the eye. It appeared as if she was done asking questions, and was about to explain something to me. "Stephen, have you ever heard of something called the anima?" "Anima? No. I never have. What is it?" "Many psychologists believe that part of a man's personality is actually feminine. On the same token, part of a woman's personality is maculine. That part of a man's make up that is feminine is called the anima." My ears perked up. "Oh really?" "Yes. The problem is that we find is that, like anything, the anima appears in each man in varying degrees. We find that if the anima is strong enough, it causes gender dysphoria, along the lines of what you are experiencing." "That's very interesting. I have an anima." "Yes you do. In the cases of anima which are the strongest, we have found a dichotimous personality." "A dichotomous personality?" I asked, swallowing hard. "That is where a person's personality is, for example . . . creative on one hand and analytical on the other. However, those qualities never seem to be integrated as they should. Those parts become identified on one particular side of the personality. The anima can split off, identifying with one side or another." "That sounds a lot like me Glory. The thing is that those parts always seem to be working against each other, rather then working together." "Yes. That is always how it is. One of the African tribes that I studied when I was overseas had a name for it, B'nar'te'reth. It means divivded spirit." "What do you do if you have a divided spirit.?" "It is much like treating a multiple personality disorder, although not as extreme. The goal is to integrate the parts, including the anima into the whole personality. That is what I would like to try with you Stephen. If you'll let me." I thought about it seriously for a few minutes. Glory was good enough to let me alone while I pondered her proposal. "Would the anima still be a part of me?" "Yes it would, although, it would be integrated back into your psyche. It would make you functional." I didn't even hesitate. "Then I don't want to do it. I would rather have you erase the anima altogether." Glory seemed somewhat surprised by this. "Think carefully about that. Such an action could have dire consequences in a divided spirit. If we were to erase the anima, we could also erase a good portion of your creativity or analytical ability. It would depend on which side it has become associated with. It could also split some of your emotions or knowledge or other various portions of your personality. Basically, every portion of your personality has become associated with one side or the other. In a very real sense of the word you would be killing half of your being." "I don't care. The anima has been such a poison upon my soul that I just want it to be gone. This female part of me has prevented me from being a better man." Glory picked her tablet back up, writing down a long passage. I was impatient now. I sensed that I was close to some type of breakthrough. "Can you help me Glory? Can you erase my anima?" "I think I can help you. Your case is very extreme. In fact, I have only ever seen one other person who was so willing to surrender half of their being to be rid of the anima. There is a treatment that I have used only once before...." "Can you do it to me?" I inquired eagerly. "I can. You must know that it will, as I have said, make you incomplete. You will be dependent on other people for those parts of your personality which are missing. The cure for some can be worse than the actual problem." "I don't care. I am willing to take that risk." "Very well. Before we begin, there are two tests that I would like to do. They are simple test...but needed if I am to complete the treatment." Glory got up from her seat to gather various articles from around the room. As she did I asked her if I could have a glass of water. We had been talking so much that my throat and mouth were dry. I crossed the room to where there was chilled spring water. The liquid tasted so good...almost sweet. "Can you do this treatment all at one time?" Glory answered me from across the side of the office. "Yes. It takes only one. Would you come over here please?" I joined Glory by a long table. On the table where three items. There was a pair of reading glasses, a teddy bear, and a Susan B. Anthony dollar. Glory picked up the coin first, handing it to me. "Take the coin. I want you to simply flip it. You may put it on any side before you flip it, or catch it any way that you wish. However, you must flip it, and catch it." Strange test, I mused. I wondered what it could possibly accomplish? Nevertheless, I did as she requested, with the coin landing on "heads." "Hmmm?" mumbled Glory. "Okay. Now the glasses on the table represent intellect. The teddy bear represents emotion. I want you to pick the one which you believe identifies the real you." It was another odd test. There was really no contest here. Everybody has always decribed me as an emotional being. I chose the teddy bear. Glory took the teddy bear from me with another cryptic, "Hmmm." "Okay. You can go back over to the couch. I'll be there in a minute." I did as Glory instucted me to do. Glory returned shortly with what appeared to be a hand crafted medallion. She handed it to me, while at the same time instructing, "Here. Put this on." "What is this? I'm afraid that I don't understand." "It's part of a ceremony by that African tribe that I was telling you about. What you are holding in your hands is called the "Heart of Hearts," and they use it to cure the Divided Spirit." "Let me get this straight. You want me to participate in some African tribal ritual? How can that possibly help?" I was a little irritated now. I expected some technical psychological treatment, not some "hokey" shaman's ritual. I guess Glory could hear the concern in my voice because she tried to assure me, while begging my endulgence. "I know that it must sound like. Please just save your questions for the end. It operates much like hypnosis." "Like hypnosis?" "Yes, Stephen. That is what it has been compared to. There is nothing to be afraid of. If it is successful, it will set your spirit free." I reluctantly agreed to go along with Glory's request. I knew, after all was said and done, she was just trying to help me. She is trying to do as I asked her. I slipped the medalion on over my head. I could feel the weight of it pulling against my neck as it lay upon my chest. "Now just relax. I'm going to read to you the tribal chant. It's not going to make any sense to you, but just listen to it. You'll find it soothing, and will begin to feel tired. Don't fight it. Just go with it." The words were indeed strange. They were composed of many syllables and sounds. It took all of my concenration just to hear each of the alien words that Glory spoke. By and by, I found that such intense concentration was beginning to tire me. Exhausted would be more of an accurate word. I yawned. I slumped a lityle lower in the couch, as her chanting continued. It was so relaxing. I thought that if I could just rest my eyes, by closing them for a moment, maybe I could pay attention to the words. So. . .comfortable. Maybe. . .I. . . . ********** Glory had seen the narcotic effect of the chant only twice. Once was in Africa, with the shamen who shared its secrets with her. The other time was here, in the States, when she used the ritual on another lost soul, like Stephen. That rite, like the one she saw in Africa, worked perfecftly. It still amazed Glory that, in a world of daily technological breakthroughs, there were still matters of the spirit that were so poorly uinderstood. Glory continued her chant from the script in her hands. The body of Stephen began to soften, as it lost its cohesion. She watched as his form began to take on the aspect of a malleable substance . . . like clay. Glory well knew that she was not dealing with an inanimate substance like clay, but with flesh and blood. With each word, the body of Stephen softened still futher. His body appeared like it was having trouble holding a shape. In fact, it began more to resemble an ameoba like substance that was ever shifting, pulsing with the beat of life. The first passage of the chant was finished. Glory looked up from the arcane text to the gelatinous blob of flesh that was left on the couch. The mass, nearly double in size from that of Stephen, oozed over the cushions, as well as the sides and arms of the sofa. Deep with in that mass was the mind of Stephen. Now came the hard part. Glory flipped the text upside down, commencing to read the inverted words backward. The first time that she saw this done in Africa, she thought that it would simply reform the body. Not so. With each new word, the opposite sides of the quivering mass of flesh began to pull away from the other. There were distinct accumulations of flesh to either side of the mass, but the were not equal. One side seemed to have almost twice as much of the mass. Between them stretched a bridge of living flesh. To all of the world it would have looked just like a giant cell dividing by mytosis. This was more . . . much more. Glory was getting close to the end now. Her words took on more passion. This was a profoundly moving phenomenon, even to an observer like herself. The bridge of flesh between the disparite masses grew ever thinner, until it was barely more than a gossamer thread. Then the bridge was no more. Then slender tendril floated to the side of each mass, like a hair falling into place, only to be absorbed. Glory's work was done. The only thing left for her to do was to watch in amazement at the wonder before her. Later, after it was all over, there would be an adjustement period which would require her supervision. The two separate masses began to soldify, forming roughly humanoid shapes. As the seconds went by, they continued to form. The smaller mass on the left took on a curvaeous, softer aspect, while the one to the right was more angular. Glory knew from the past that the smaller mass was a woman, the larger a man. With the rough shape formed, details became manifest. The larger form resumed the familar visage of her patient, Stephen. However, the smaller mass took on the precise qualities of the girl that he fantasized about being. Stephen's anima took on a life and existence of it's own. Even the idealized clothing, as well as other smaller details came into being. For instance, the navel of the woman, exposed by a short shirt, was pierced with a gleeming ring. A few moments later, there, to the left side of the couch was a very small brunette woman, with very large, firm breasts. She looked like she was in her early twenties. This woman was extremely beautiful, her face framed by long thick brunette hair flowing over her shoulder, and down her back. She wore a short skirt, high heels, and a skimpy top that left nothing to the imagination. Her make up was even perfect. Glory had never seen a more sexual creature in all of her life. She stood, approaching the two bodies, as the eyes of the woman began to flutter into consiousness. ********** I woke up feeling very refreshed. In fact, it felt like a big wieght had been lifted off of my shoulders. I focused my eyes, which were momentarily blurry, on the smiling face of Glory. "Is it all over?" I asked, but abruptly halted. My voice was strange to my ears. It was much higher and softer than I remembered it to be. "It's okay. You're going to be fine. The first seconds are always the hardest. Just look down, and the worst part of it will all be over." I looked down to see a very low cut top, with two creamy, large breasts. "I-I've got boobs!" I cried in that voice. Now I knew why it was so high. "Of course you do. Most women do, although not in such a generous amount." "I'm a woman?" "Yes you are. That is what the Heart of Hearts does. It was made to separate a divided spirit into two beings." "But where is. . ." I started to say, looking around the room. My words were cut off by the sight of my old body sleeping on the other end of the couch. "He is over there, resting. He will regain consiousness in a few minutes. He has a bit of a harder job than you. The true form is always the one that recovers quicker." "I wanted to erase my anima, not give it its own body. Why am I here in this body, and not in my own?" The anger at what Glory had done to me boiled to the surface. "That is your true form. The tests revealed this to be so. The first was a test of mere chance . . . destiny. The second was to confirm, and to see that there was no conflict. You chose as your ture nature the more emotional, the more femimine." "B-but if I'm in here, who is that over there?" I implored softly. "That is also you. More accurately, it is an aspect of you. The Heart didives the components that make up an essence into two parts. One will be the more intellectual, the other the more instinctual, for instance. One will be the more emotional, the other the more analytical. So on, and so forth, including things like sex drive, or being good and bad. That is not to say that each part of a personality had to absolutely go to one side or the other. They just divided in uneaqual parts. Small parts of what makes up the other still reside within you." I had a hard time following Glory's big words. What was happening to me? "Go ahead. Try to remember anything that you learned in college," she instructed. I tried to do as she asked. There was nothing. All of my knowledge was gone. I felt tears form in my eyes. "You have a lot of the emotions. Don't worry. You also have almost all of the creativity now. You will find without the hinderence of a lot of intellect your artistic side will flourish. Tell me. Is there anything else that you have ever wanted to be?" "I always wanted to be a singer. They get to express theirselves better than anyone else." "If that was part of your fantasy woman, then I suspect that it will be a part of you." "You mean?" "Yes. You have become the physical equivalent of your anima." I just sat there taking all of it in. It was so hard to think, which I imagined was a part of my reduced mental capabilities. That didn't seem to matter anymore. The original outrage that I felt upon waking start to melt away. I was finally free of that male body. Everything seemed. . .as it should be. It seemed everything was as it was always meant to be. I was happy. My hands moved over myself, feeling everything. Everything was new and exciting, but at the same time felt completely natural. "There is one other thing." stated Glory. "Yes?" My voice didn't sound so weird anymore. "To your other over there it will seem that I have done as he requested. It will be only as if his anima was removed. Know that the two of you are two halves of a whole. You must always be with each other for you each to feel complete. You will see as soon as you talk with him. There will be chemistry. There will be attraction. You will be closer than any two lovers can ever be. You have become your own perfect mate. I tell you this because it is a woman's job to keep a relationship together." "I'll remember. I promise." While we were talking, Glory and I both noticed my male half starting to stir. Glory looked at me earnestly. "Perhaps you can go to the restroom while I orient him. There are things which I need to say to him, which you cannot hear, just as there are thing which I have said to you. It will give you a chance to get to know the new you. You understand?" I stood for the first time, uneasily, acknowledging Glory at the same time, "Yes. Of course." My first step toward her office door was a bit wobbly. The balance of my body felt all wrong, and the high heels weren't helping any either. The second step was a little easier. "Take it easy. It will come. Just move around, and don't fight the body. It will all feel quite natural." Glory was right. By the time I got to her office door, I was walking quite comfortably in high heels. The initial alarm at my rear end swishing back and forth, and my breasts bouncing with each step faded into pleasant sensations. Of course, the most alarming thing was discovering that I was so short. All of the furnishings in the room seemed a bit higher now . . . slightly bigger. "Oh God. How tall am I now?" I gasped. Glory's eyes scanned my form up and down. "No more than 4'11" I would say." "I really am the girl that I fantasized about being aren't I?" "Yes you are. That is how it works. The Heart separates your anima from your spirit into a separate being. Your consciousness chose to go with your anima. You might want to think of a name for yourself." "Uh . . . okay," I said opening her door. The feeling of my big tits on my upper arms as I moved about didn't feel the least bit unusual now. I did have trouble opening the door, as it felt stiffer than it did before. A glance at my wildly slender upper arms told me that my physical strength was no more. It was getting harder and harder to understand Glory's explanations. They were getting boring too. All I needed to know was that I was suddenly a girl. It was a girl that I had to look at right away. "Excuse me. Who are you?" I heard from behind me. I spun on my high heel easily, feeling my long, heavy hear swirl about me, and over one shoulder as I did. I came face to face with Glory's receptionist. I had to think fast, which was very difficult for me now. "Uh . . . um . . . I'm Stephen's girlfriend." She gazed at me suspiciously. "I didn't see you come in." The whole thing was scaring me now. "I . . . you weren't here when I c-came in. I came in late, after Stephen." "Oh. I must have been in the bathroom." That seemed to satisfy her. "Where's the ba . . . ladies' room?" I inquired, remembering my new sex. "Out the doors, and to the left. It's the first door on your left. By the way, what's your name." Now I had to think fast. I just blurted out the first thing that popped into my head. "Uh . . . Lorilei." The receptionist stuck out her hand to greet me. "It's nice to meet you, Lorilei. That's a very pretty name." "Thanks." I commented as I tried to open the double glass doors into the hall. The were very heavy because I was so small and weak now. Still, with a grunting effort, I was able to get the doors open. I walked as sedately as possible down the hall toward the restroom. There were a lot of people in the hallway, as Glory's office was situated in a popular office building. I felt so short walking by all of the people. They all towered over me, even the other women. Each and every guy, stared at me. They all did a double take at me, and I could feel them turn and watch me as I walked away. At first, it made me feel very awkward, and self-conscious. However, I found as the seconds passed, that I enjoyed the attention I was getting. It felt good to be looked at this way. Fortunately, there was nobody inside the ladies room. I paused for just a moment before stepping into the reflection of the mirror. The image made me gasp for a second time. The woman reflected there was the most gorgeous creature that I had ever seen. She was . . . me! My face was heart shaped, with flawless skin. The nose was pert, small, and slightly upturned. However, the eye were the most striking feature. They were dark brown, and dewy. They were the king of eye you would describe as "bedroom eyes." My lips were plump, and very kissable, completing the package. It was a face that looked as if it hadn't ever had an intelligent though in its head. It was a face that appeared as if the only thought that ever crossed its mind was of a sexual nature. There was the vapid expression of an air-headed bimbo permenantly afixed to it. Magnetic . . . hypnotic. My attention shifted to the large boobs on my chest. I lifted them, one in each hand. My hands now were small, petite, with finely manicured nails. It was just too much to take in. I was free . . . free of that prison that had kept me trapped all of these years. How could I have wanted to erase this part of me? How could I have ever wanted to give this up. None of the fantasies that I have ever had could compare with the reality of being my anima. It was the only thing I had ever wanted, and now I was free. I wrapped my arms around myself, giving myself an embrace of pure joy. I started to spin and spin like I had as a child. I was free from the curse of being a man. I looked at my perfect face again in the mirror. An evil smirk flickered across my lucious lips. As long as I looked like a bad girl, I wanted to really be a bad girl! Depraved thoughts of what I could do to the guys who stared at me while coming to the restroom danced across my mind. ********** Glory was just finising up with Stephen in her office. "That's right. I'm afraid that your anima good the better part of a lot of your negative qualities. She'll be vain, oversexxed, petulant, emotional, and not very bright. She'll be a real bimbo, in the classic sense of the word. You'll need to watch her every second. However, she will be affectionate, and she will love you . . .deeply. She'll sense in you the good that she isn't." ********** After ten minutes if more intimate self exploration, in one of the stalls, I strolled back to Glory's office. This time I walked slower so I could really enjoy the admiring glances of all the guys. I again had trouble opening the glass doors to Glory's office. However, some nice looking man helped me out. I thanked him by placing one hand on his and squeezing. The receptionist greeted me. "Lorilei. The Doctor said for you to go right back in." "Thanks." I opened the door to Glory's office. There, standing and waiting for me, was my old body, my other. The instant that my eyes met his there was a spark. There was a connection from across the room, the likes of which I had never felt before. It was an intense feeling of pure love, and I thought my heart would just leap through my chest. I rushed into his open arms, and we kissed deeply without ever saying a word. My tongue danced with his. I felt complete . . . whole. It felt like my heart was beating for the very first time. My big tits flattened into his abdomen, when he hugged me tightly. I could feel the bulge of his penis against me. He took my face between his hands, and began to run hid fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp. We kissed deeply again. It was the most profoundly erotic . . . and romantic expeirence of my life. Glory's words broke us our of it. We still stood there in an embrace, hands intertwined. "That is the truly special part of the ritual. Each of you are the other's true love. I never get tired of seeing that first time the two halves of a divided soul see each other. Love stories should be so intense." My other answered, "Thank you Glory. We both thank you. Everything will be perfect now." He looked down at me with a look of utter adoration. "It isn't going to be easy. Remember, she has no identity now. Your going to have to establish her as a person, and I can't help you with that." Glory gazed down at me, lost in my other's loving arms. "As for you . . . Lorilei. I would recommend that as soon as you establish an identity, that you go to modeling school so that you can learn all of the things that a woman should know." Modeling school, I pondered? What a great idea! "I will" I tugged on the hand of my other. "Let's go home. We have a lot of exploring to do. I have a feeling that I'll know what you like." He laughed, as I felt the nipples on my boobs swell for the first time. * * *

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Cathy had been worried all day, every time the teen left the house she started to get aroused, but only when she noticed men staring at her body. She felt that their eyes were drawn by her exposed body, as if dressing sexy was a way of teasing, and she had to use every bit of will power not to start REALLY flirting. She had always felt a strong compulsion to flirt and tease, but now it was out of control, she was getting wet whenever a man ogled her tits, wich was all the time! And nearly...

4 years ago
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Debby and her first vibrator

It was Friday which was her day off. After the boys had left the house to go to school Debby quickly took the dog out for a walk. Underneath her jeans she was wearing lacy top hold ups and a thong. The thong felt tight against the crack of her bottom and she liked the rough feel of the material of her jeans rubbing against the cheeks of her backside as she walked along. She also liked how the tops of the hold ups felt against her thighs. Normally she would only wear ordinary knickers when she...

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ConfessionsChapter 6 Secretarial Sucker

It was late when I got up off the floor and helped Irene to her bed. Even though she'd drained me with her snug cunt and tight ass I felt a stirring in my groin from her submissiveness. For no particular reason I peeked in her roommate's bedroom before I left and I got a shock. On the other girl's bed was a sheet of paper that I picked up and read. The message was brief but quite clear. Irene was telling her to be away tonight so she had been lying when she pretended surprise that her...

3 years ago
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Puberty and the AftermathChapter 4

If I had correctly guessed what Mom was thinking then she was right. As soon as my bedroom door was securely closed behind me I was digging out her panties and was soon stroking myself through their silky softness. The pent up excitement of the afternoon very quickly had me spurting and yet again Mom's knickers were wet and sticky, but oh, what a relief. I was exhausted after it all and I lay down for a quick nap, not even bothering to pull my shorts back up just dropping the panties on the...

3 years ago
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My Sisters Hot Friend

I was really disappointed. For months I had been anticipating my big sister coming home from college and jumping into my bed. For months I had been planning how I would fuck her and how surprised she would be when she found out what I could do and how much I had grown. Almost every day this spring I had been mounting a full grown woman after I cut her lawn, and every single one of them orgasmed and praised my efforts as well as giving me some money, in fact a lot of money. I was ready, ready...

4 years ago
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It was well past midnight when Harry opened his computer and was surprised to find mail from Doreen who he had set goodnight too only an hour or so before. ‘Randy cunt’, he muttered to himself. ‘Can’t she get enough?’ He smiled for prior to going out for dinner that evening that had fucked, naturally after a nice long suck for she knew he loved a suck job. He read the mail and was surprised for there had been no mention of a theatre ticket during that evening’s entertainment. ‘I suppose she had...

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The New Years Eve Party

It was a true to life scene right out of the daily lives of a typical family of the local Native Tribe that inhabited the area many hundreds and thousands of years ago. It was made up of three manikins, a father figure, his mate and a young boy beside a stream gathering food. The father was catching a fish from the stream while the mother was picking reeds from the shoreline. The young boy, about four or five and the source of the girls embarrassment was running towards his father with a...

2 years ago
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A Part of Us

The perfect girl brings life-long friends together.Prologue16 years agoSamantha Raney took a deep breath and followed her DSS caseworker into the group home. She shoved her fear deep down and told herself over and over again that this would be a better life, even if she was passed around the system. Her mother died from a d**g overdose a year ago and left her in the hands of her junkie boyfriend, Earl. Her mother was never going to win mother of the year, but at least she made sure that Sam had...

5 years ago
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I Seem To Always Do the Wrong Thing2

With a powerful push of his hips Bruce pressed against my inner muscle ring till his cock popped through. I caught my breath and gripped the bed covers in my fist, bit into the mattress with my teeth and tried to hold him back with my feet over his calves. Bruce slowly grind his cock farther up into my bung till his pubic hair was pressed into my buttocks. Panting and gasping for air as the pain increased I begged 'get it baby, bust that ass, fill me with your seed baby. oooh please hurry and...

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 17

Lester was already awake when Sherry woke up the next morning. She looked over at him and asked, in a low begging voice, “Please! Can I go to the bathroom?” Lester untied her wrists and Sherry jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom nude. She quickly sat down on the toilet and let out a huge stream of pee, along with globs of cum from the five loads of cum that had been deposited in her. After wiping herself, Sherry slowly walked back into the bedroom to find Lester sitting on the side of...

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Summer CampPart 3

The next morning, John, Angie and the girls all spent waiting patiently at the local clinic for the Doctor to remove Angie's cast and put on a splint. The procedure actually took about fifteen minutes, but as with many hospitals, they had to be there early so that they could wait longer. They arrived back at the camp just in time to make the last call for lunch. Olivia stayed behind at the cabin to get ready for her experience, and she was ready and waiting for the rest of the group when...

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Across the AlleyChapter 4 Moving and Settling In

By the end of the month, my old house was on the market. I had found the perfect house for myself. Situated just about 10 miles southeast of the city where I was now working. It was just a mile off the interstate and 25 minutes from the ocean. The house was large for just me; having four bedrooms, three baths with an attached two-car garage. Best of all, set off slightly to the side behind the house was a 30 by 60 shop. All of this was on 5 acres. I fell in love with it and used a small...

4 years ago
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An afternoon in the pool

My name is Amee. I am 24 years old and I am currently working as a volunteer in a remote community educational project in Southeast Asia. The conditions are very Spartan and the nights are long, my only enjoyment being my thoughts, fantasies and fingers. Like many girls I suppose, I remember every delicious second of my first sexual encounter with a boy. I often think about it when I masturbate, (which is quite often in this place,) so, for no other reason than that I was terminally bored,...

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Penguins Preference a Toby Wakefield storyChapter 3

The world remembers Saturday, November 1st, 1952, as the day the United States detonated the first thermonuclear bomb on Eniwetok atoll in the Pacific Ocean. But in Burling Village on that day the explosions I remember are the personal ones that would change my life forever. At the age of seventy-six few days go by when I don’t think of Sister Natalie. Having lost my virginity that day to Sister Natalie Callan, 40-year-old Mother Superior of St. Bartholomew’s Convent I have forever revered...

3 years ago
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A new wife for a widowed father

A new wife for a widowed father By Warst Note from the author: This a somewhat rather long story that I have in mind. I will try to make regular updates, but I cannot say when the next update will be uploaded. I am not an English native speaker, there will be some errors but I hope that the overall result is understandable. Chapter I - Halloween Tom and Alice were getting ready for the Halloween costume party. As for the last five years, Tom was dressing up as a girl, this...

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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 6 First Base

(Four years ago) Alex started to think about her 7:00 o'clock date at about 2:15. She'd never been on a date before. In high school she was a geek: she had skipped grades and was graduating at 16; she was on the chess team; she was a math-lete; she always entered the county-wide science fair, and in her senior year, the state fair also. It wasn't that she was unattractive, but she wore clothes that hid her best features. Sweatshirts that were too big, baggy pants, and exuded an attitude...

3 years ago
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What one cant have

To give you some backstory I had a sister that was younger then me, though I never much paid attention to her for years finding my own girlfriends and never being into any kind of relations like that. So we grew up grew apart I became a doctor but she was 7 years younger so right as I was finishing up school she was just starting college. I always thought she was young naive stupid kid and really never paid much attention to her but in the summer after her first year of college our family...

1 year ago
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Send Me An Angel

He didn't remember how or when he got here. Now he stood in front of a college campus looking at this one particular beauty. Many would not have called her pretty, but he knew that deep down she was a goddess. Her hair was shoulder length and jet black. Her eyes were the deepest blue and her skin was pale. She had a little petite body and was somewhat short. She wore some black dressy pants and a tight bright red low cut top that barely showed her small cleavage. It appeared that she was...

2 years ago
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sex with cousine

This is my real story that happened 6 years before, let me introduce first , I am sujit, 27 from Delhi working in a software company and having some handsome income with good looking wife around me. I am well built, 5.11 with good toned body. This happened when I was studying in Agra, me along with my friend shared a home near by our collage. This is a big home with two bed room with attached toilet, a reception room and a kitchen. That was one holiday when my friend left for home on weekends...

4 years ago
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Mother and I are soild as sex slaves

MOTHER AND I ARE SOLD AS SEX SLAVES TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER    It was our turn.  They motioned that we should walk on to the auction block. The block had three step s on the left side to walk up. Mom looked nervous so I took her by the hand and led her up The block was a meter high and about three meter s wide and deep.  There was a crowd of people, both male and female around us.  The block had room for the auctioneer and in the back were a few men. They were holding ropes and chains to bind us...

3 years ago
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The College Retreat

‘Shhhh!’ I said hushing my best friend beside me.‘What?’ she retorted, ‘That wasn’t my fault!’ She looked at me honestly, though we both knew she was just clumsy, and we started silently laughing.‘Honey, you are just something else!’ I whispered to her, smiling. But secretly the aching between my legs was just too much. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t control it. It happened whenever I was with Claire, she was just beautiful in a way no one could comprehend. She was slim and toned, with...

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Big Brother

I was sitting in our back yard when my brother told me to go to the lake with him. We walked to the lake and laid a blanked back in the bushes and he then told me "Take your pants down so I can see your pussy." I was surprised but he was five years older and had always bossed me around. I then pulled down my pants and he spread my legs and did look at my pussy. He said "I like looking at your pussy. Now I am going to touch it." He ran his fingers over me and played with me and I felt myself get...

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The Maid 2 The New Contract

Let me explain..... I was originally hired to be Miss Laura's house maid to make extra money for college. After I graduated, Miss Laura offered me the position of her personal maid. With this position came all of the normal duties associated with taking care of her personal care. Included in my tasks was to wipe her after she went to the bathroom, or as she prefers to call it.... Her Throne Room. I was to call her Ma'am or Ma'dam, not Miss Laura anymore. I also received a very nice...

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I RememberChapter 6

When I walked into the house mom was in the kitchen cooking something. She looked over at me and asked. “Where have you been all day?” I was at Ralph’s a while, then we went skate boarding. We did some other stuff and I’m home.” I said shrugging my shoulders. “I made a crock pot of clam chowder. It’s almost ready so just grab a bowl and have dinner, I probably won’t be home till twelve tomorrow, I have to pull a double shift. Will you be all right? I could get a sitter.” “Nah, I’ll be...

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Deep Dive Part 1

We’d known each other for many years, getting together about once a month.Kate had been cutting my unruly head of hair for more than a decade.  When we first met, she was in her twenties: sharp, lively, full of questions and ideas.  Often, as she worked, we’d talk about everything under the sun: travel, politics, music. At other times, we said very little, preoccupied with our separate lives and problems.  But every time we saw each other, we connected.Occasionally, Kate would let her guard...

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Motorcyclists WifeChapter 3

"Typing speed?" the pinched-faced employment-office lady snapped even before Sandi had a chance to settle herself down in the squeaking metal folding chair. "Shorthand speed? Telex experience? Dictaphone?" she continued as though reciting a litany, never even glancing at the nervous young blonde. "I... I'm afraid I... I never worked in an office," Sandi stammered, trying to smooth her short navy blue skirt down over her ripely rounded thighs. She'd chosen the skirt, a relic from her...

4 years ago
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Party foul turned party favor

?No. No one thinks you’re a prostitute. Look all the guys are expecting from you is for you to dress up andsaunter around serving everyone a couple of rounds. Then when you’ve served everybody the 2 rounds Parkers buying ‘em, you get up and give everybody a little striptease.? Said the virtual stranger causing Debra to drop her jaw in disbelief and glare at Ray angrily. ?I just want to warn you now so you aren’t surprised by it later. I am sure a few guys will want lap dances and hell you know,...

3 years ago
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The Great Pumpkin Face Epidemic

It started sometime in early October. Little Jenny Osborne was the first of many to come down with it. It was a Monday, just like any other in the first grade when Jenny started feeling a little woozy. After giving her the third degree and not being able to break her, Miss Hendrix, her teacher, sent her to the school nurse. Nurse Jenkins went through her checklist, making sure Jenny's birth control shot was up to date and she didn't need an abortion, checking to see if she could have ODed...

5 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 34

I couldn’t believe it. The woman was deliberately figuring out ways to hurt me. If not her words then her influence with the children. I was being cut out of their lives. I knew the children, the twins for sure, wouldn’t actually realize it, or believe me if I pointed such out; but it was a dead-mortal-lead-pipe cinch that that was exactly what Abigail Cord was doing. Well fuck her and the wild ass of Borneo that she rode in on. My hate for her would never die. Oh no, it would indeed not ever...

2 years ago
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SisSwap Gaby Ortega Krissy Knight Fugitive Swap

Best friends Gaby and Krissy are reminiscing about their stepbrothers Victor and Nicky who’ve been locked up in jail for a while. The girls realize they miss their stepbrothers and it turns out they had just escaped prison and were heading their way! Nicky and Victor sneak in and find their stepsisters sitting on the couch, and they realize they’ve grown up a lot since the last time they saw them. They also haven’t seen any women in years so when they give their respective stepsisters a hug...

5 years ago
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Tale Told to a Soul Saver Trainee

I’m at the Celestial Energy Bar awaiting my trainee. I need a tall Liquid Sunshine before I tell the newbie the introductory tale. We Soul Saver (SS) Training Troopers (TT) own up to some professional failure at the first meeting with a new recruit. At induction, they hear all the good news—the personal satisfaction, the benefits, the camaraderie, the flexibility, the immortality. Before boot camp, the newbie hears a story of a failure. This is how we explain the numbers. Because humans have...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 32 Farewells Part III

June 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden When I arrived home, I changed into my trunks and went into the sauna. I wasn’t surprised when Suzana came in a few minutes later. She had joined me as often as possible the past few weeks. “I see you didn’t come home last night!” Suzana smirked. “Yeah, I spent the night at Elizabeth’s.” “I thought you guys were just friends. What happened?” “We are just friends and we’ll always be friends. A few months ago, we realized we really wanted each other. We...

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After the FallChapter 10

The trip north was a little more promising. We flew over some lava fields with a few volcanic cones showing through. Undoubtedly, there were minerals down there that we could use, but we were not going to find them from the air. However, the trip was not wasted, since we now knew where we could search with a reasonable chance of success. Of course, that still left the area near our cave to explore. We had been doing this sort of exploration for the last few years, but there had been nothing...

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Natalie Hears a Songbird

Natalie was sitting in the sun. She was covered with sun-screen to protect her skin. The grass was mowed and the blades were all trimmed short and neatly. She inhaled deeply to catch the scent of the freshly-cut grass. She loved that smell. It made her feel fresh and clean like right after a shower. Her sister and brother were away at some silly game. She has happy to be alone and have some peace and quiet. She loved them dearly but sometimes they could make her feel so vexed. “Thank goodness...

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Fucking beggar8217s wife

I am a very rich person. Live in an independent house. My age is only 29. My father mother live abroad. I am always interested about matured ladies who are very innocent very poor have husband and children, and a very well build body. I always dream to fuck this type of lady whole night. Now I will tell you how my dream came true. In front of my house everyday a beggar come for begging. His age must be around 60. One day he met me while I was entering the house. He begged me some money for his...

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Professor Puppetmaster

You walk into the auditorium and step up to the podium. 300 Freshman stare back at you. “Hello everyone,” you begin, “I'm Porfessor Smith and this is a class about the law. No, the university doesn’t require you to take it because they expect everyone to become lawyers. They just want you to obtain some simple facts about how to live within the law. “You see, it all boils down to what you can afford to get away with. I’m not here to teach you how to be perfect. I’m just going to teach you how...

Mind Control
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Getting a Big Dick PT3 Gay

-Work sucks. (Justin messaged me this week after we returned from the trip. The semester was winding down and with projects, papers and exams all coming due, I didn't have much free time and the time I did have didn't mesh with Justin's schedules for class and work.)-So does school.-Haven't seen you in weeks.-I know. It bites.-It does. Not much longer before classes are over.-Yep, two weeks. But I only have a week before summer classes start. I'm going to take a few.-Had a great time on the...

2 years ago
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my first time with sheilacd of xhamster

u know exactly how to please a man. u make it hard to say no...(as my cock grows again)even when u come in to kiss a straight guy he cant deny ur feminine essence that is so strong his body betrays him. he surrenders knowing he is in good hands..."soft white hands"he knows his manhood is between full, hot, pulsating red, wet lips.u lock eyes with him as you consume his most private part...the swollen throbbing big dick of a sexy strong black manthanks to ur skill in swallowing...

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Private Chloe Lamour Eveline Dellai Anal Threesome

Today in Private’s Lingerie Model Agency, photographer Chloe Lamour has taken on the task of shooting with models Eveline Dellai and Angelo Godshack, and as expected, when our girls are on set… things get wild! It’s hard to stay professional working with such horny models, and soon enough Chloe joins in on the fun as she puts down the camera to join Eveline for some double blowjob action. Then watch Chloe put her busty, tattooed body to work in this stunning anal threesome as both girls take...

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Eyes closed.. arms embraced.. Soft lips barely touch.. Anticipation builds.. the kiss deepens..we search for more. Tongues caress.. lightly nibbling.. gentle sucking ... Passions flare.. shaking to the core. Hands roam.. fires ignite.. wanting.. skin on skin... Gasping breaths.. eyes glazed with lust.. heated to the brink. Moans escape.. with whispered encouragement... Wanting... needing... the desire.. in a daze... cannot think. Your shirt unbuttons.. fingers fumble.. my hands slide up ......

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Tara And The Red Indians

It is 1874 and eighteen-year-old Tara is travelling west in a wagon train with her mother and father to start a new life for themselves in California. They have been travelling for many weeks now and are half way through the most dangerous part of their journey. The wagon train is deep inside Indian country and all the men are on the lookout for hostile Indians. All of a sudden, out of nowhere comes a band of one hundred plus red Indians. They soon kill all the brave and gallant men of the...

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A Facial In The Alley

There I was in a crowded sports bar with a large group of friends & coworkers from my husbands job. Most were couples but tonight there were a few single guys & girls. It was after work & by the time I get there to meet up with my husband the party was well underway. They had just ordered some snacks & the liquor was flowing. This place had a small dance floor that would get jam packed as they also played great music. My husband had a few drinks by now & I could see him...

4 years ago
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Day of Destruction AftermathChapter 7

The rest of our trip was fairly quick and without incident. We dropped off Uncle Jack and drove up to our house and found Ed's truck outside and the front door open. Dad, Shirley and I went in with drawn pistols. In the living room, Mom was tied to a chair with a welt on the side of her head. I could hear rhythmic grunting from the guest room. Shirley went to Mom and started to untie her. Dad and I stealthily went down the hall to the guest room. Ed and his son had not tried to close that...

3 years ago
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The Descending of Jessica Ch 12

Several months ago, I hinted at an epilogue to wrap everything up. Unfortunately, this has turned into not only another chapter but probably should have been two or three. Oh, well. If you haven’t read the preceding chapters, you probably should or none of this will make any sense. If, on the other hand, you want to plow right in then have at it. I make no promises as to whether the continuity will make any sense to you, but you are welcome to try. As always, all names have been changed. Some...

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Watching My Sister0

A month later, the same thing happened but it was more interesting. Tom, her boyfriend was trying to get his hand up under her sweatshirt without success. I snuck down under the rose bushes, lay down on the mulch, and got a good show. She was one prude; he never got a hand under her shirt but did get a good feel over the shirt. I made a point of checking every so often to see what was up. It was always the same, not much going on. That is until I snuck up for a peek one warm evening in...

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The Lighthouse

A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal.  * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!!  The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I'd often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore. Now,...

Straight Sex
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Tara 5 BoasChapter 18

The three men enjoyed their afternoon working together. Having two people who had learned magic independently of you was always fun when swapping spells. Darcy became the teacher mostly because he had the most experience, but he’d learnt a thing or two as well. He was even more determined that they would have barbies so they could swap knowledge and he could get to know each of the Lord wizards and their people better. The amusing part came when they went to replace Trae’s items with the...

1 year ago
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Dirty Dancer 2004

We were just married, it was my twenty first birthday and my husband took me out to the local bars. I had a little too much to drink and began “dirty dancing” with my husband, whom I’ll call Dan. I attracted a lot of attention, a little too much attention. I had a hot little body; I still looked like a cheerleader. With long, blond hair, blue eyes, soft skin, perky breasts, nice little ass. My measurements were 34-30-32. I had a hot body and everyone in there knew it. I’d never been with anyone...

Group Sex
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FaceTime with Ann Next Door

I never FaceTime. I'm not a adolescent girl. I don't need to see your face when a simple text will do. Call me an old bastard, get-off-my-lawn type, but that's the way it is. (By the way, I'm not that old).So when that mechanical beeping emanates from my phone that someone wants to FaceTime me, it's definitely out of the ordinary. Especially when it's 10:30 on a Tuesday night. I got to my phone and it said "Ann FaceTime video."Well, this was different. Ann Next Door and I been fooling around on...

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Devlins StoryChapter 27A

She was horny. As the light filtered past the blinds Devlin shifted in her bed and pressed her hand between her legs. She was hot and could feel the dampness of her panties. She knew what it was: the last time she'd been with a man was... Sunday? Yeah, because she and Danny hadn't gotten together on Monday. She'd been going to go to Cindy's on Tuesday, but that whole mess with Jeff had blown up instead. A whole week. She'd gone longer than that before; when she was 16, Danny had been...

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Just a SecChapter 10

Over the next couple of weeks, there would be several developments for which some or all of the employees at J.A.M. Aluminum would soon become partially or fully aware. Mr. Morris announced at one of the daily meetings that he and Gene Kennedy had decided to bring the nomination of Tim Davis to the panel for a vote to elevate him to the Senior VP vacancy left by Gavin Riggs’ ouster. The unanimous vote formally sealed that deal. They would begin consideration of replacement candidates to fill...

4 years ago
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she was totall satasfied


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my first grannie

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!When I was working in the building firm back in the 80’s there was a chap there that would fuck just about anything. You’d dare not bend over in front of him ‘cos if he had...

2 years ago
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Best sleepover ever

Just another normal sleepover at my friends house, and we were watching a movie home alone. We decided to go get our pjs on in the ad break and he came back wearing very loose fitting boxers and no tshirt. We then went and sat back down on the couch to watch the rest of the movie. It was a very hot summer night so we didn't have a blanket over our laps. I was just enjoying the film when I glanced down and got a glimpse of his thick bushy pubes through the large leg hole of his boxers. A shot...

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