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Me to communicate a lot in a short period of time. Always a challenge. This is an idea that I've had for a while, and have never seen anyone else do it. I tbought, what better time to do it than for a contest. Even if it doesn't win, place , or show, I am proud of it ANIMA by Raven. Gloria Harding came highly recommended. The word was that she was very highly skilled at helping people who were gender dysphoric like myself. It didn't take very long for me to see that her reputation was very well deserved. She proved to be very insightful, yet her manner was very gentle. Dr. Harding had the type of personality which you often hear described as someone you feel like you've known all of your life. This type of demeanor is very helpful to gender dysphorics, who are naturally very reticent about disclosing what exists inside of them. After very few minutes with Dr. Harding, I found myself wanting to tell her of the things which I had kept hidden all of my life. Dr. Harding asked me a question which made a lot of sense. "Why do you feel a need to talk about this now Stephen?" "I don't know, really. I've tried every way that I know to be rid of this thing. Nothing that I have done on my own has helped. All that I know is that the fantasies that I dream about have always interferred with every relationship that I've ever had. I guess I just thought that it was time to seek the advice of someone like you, Dr. Harding." "Please, call me Gloria, or actually Glory, which I prefer. After all, you are telling me your most intimate secret. Don't you think that we should be on a first name basis?" Glory gave me a warm reassuring smile. "You're right Glory. Of course." "The first step is to not refer to your fantasy as it' or that' or by any other vague, non-descriptive name. The thing to do is to let it out....say what it actually is!" There was a pregnant pause. It was actually hard for me to say the words, and I thought, after all of this time, it would be a lot easier." Glory understood what I was going through. "Take your time. It's okay. You're perfectly safe here, and nothing horrible is going to happen to you." Her words gave me the courage to speak what was in my heart, and in my dreams. "I have always fantasized about being a woman." "Isn't that better, now that you've said it?" Glory was right. The fact that I actually told another living person, face- to-face, felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. It felt like I could breathe for the very first time. She let a moment pass for me to just enjoy the feeling, before inquiring further. "What type of woman do you fantasize being?" It came easier now that the hard part was over. "I don't know. All kinds really." "Well, is their any common characteristics? Is there any trait that you dream about over and over?" There was. I hadn't really thought about it until this very second. "Yes. She . . . I am short. Not short like 5'4" or 5'5", but really short like 5'0" or shorter. I guess that I fantasize about being petite, except for the breasts which are very large. I fantasize about being very pretty so that no man could resist me." Glory had me on a roll now. "Is there anything else Stephen?" I concentrated my mind's eye once again. "I dream that she . . . I am very feminine, very soft. I have very long, thick hair, that goes all of the way to my . . . uh . . . posterior. I guess the last thing is that I fantasize about having a real feminine name like Tiffany, Heather, Jennifer or something." "Do you fantasize about a particular color of hair?" "Brunette. Not the light brunette that sometimes gets mistaken for a blonde, but a very dark brunette." Glory raised one single eyebrow, as if she had heard something different or original. I imagined in her line of work she has heard fantasies very close to mine. I didn't think that she would be surprised in any way by what I had to say. Now that the physical description was out of the way, Glory asked a more pointed question. "Why do you think about this particular type of woman?" Many people would probably be stumped by such a question. However, it was a question that I had considered long ago. The answer wasn't hard. "It is a type of a woman who would never be alone. She would always have some one to love her, and someone to love back." Now we were getting down to the heart of the matter. Glory probed further, "You don't feel like you can find someone who loves you now, or someone to love back?" Her last query brought a tear to my eye. It struck a nerve. "We can stop now if you like," she soothed in a comforting voice. "You have come very far for a first visit. Most people who are like you sometimes take years to get this far. There is no need to push yourself if it's going to hurt. It will come eventually." The problem was that I didn't want to stop. Now that the dam of emotions had burst within me, everything was coming flooding out. I couldn't stop it now even if I wanted to. I shook my head "No." "Okay. We'll go on. If you feel like you need to stop, just let me know." I shook my head "Yes" this time, acknowledging her instructions. There was another pause as she waited for me to answer her last question. "You're right. That's exactly how I feel. I feel like I'm broken inside. You know?" "Yes I do Stephen. Many people who are like you feel just as you do. It's very common." That also made me feel a little better. Before I could say anything else, Glory challenged me, "What do you want to do about it Stephen?" I knew the answer to that query also. "I want you to take those fantasies away. I want you to erase that part of me." Glory pondered silently for a second. "Tell me. How long have you been fantasizing about being a woman." "Ever since I was a little boy. I used to take my G.I. Joe and pretend that it changed into my sister's Barbie." "So it has been a part of you for a long time?" "Yes. It has." "Don't you think that if I could erase it, that it would make you feel imcomplete. Don't you think that it might make a hole within you that would make you worse than you believe that you are now." It was a very hard question. In the end, it didn't matter. I couldn't imagine anything being worse. It was painful to go through life feeling like you were somehow like a freak. "No. I don't care. I just want that part of me to be gone." "What if we could do something else." "Such as?" "For instance, have you considered having a sexual relationship with a man?" "NO!" I objected. "I am not a homosexual." "If you were a woman, as you want to be, you would be with a man. It sounds to me like you would be with a lot of men. What is the difference?" "It just is. I would never, ever think of having a realtionship with a man. If I was a woman, it would be different. I would be able to enjoy those things because I would be a different person." "I see." rejoined Glory, as she wrote something down on her pad. I was silent as she wrote. "What if we try to integrate all of the parts of your personality so that you can go forward and find someone?" "I don't understand." Glory put down her pad, looking me in the eye. It appeared as if she was done asking questions, and was about to explain something to me. "Stephen, have you ever heard of something called the anima?" "Anima? No. I never have. What is it?" "Many psychologists believe that part of a man's personality is actually feminine. On the same token, part of a woman's personality is maculine. That part of a man's make up that is feminine is called the anima." My ears perked up. "Oh really?" "Yes. The problem is that we find is that, like anything, the anima appears in each man in varying degrees. We find that if the anima is strong enough, it causes gender dysphoria, along the lines of what you are experiencing." "That's very interesting. I have an anima." "Yes you do. In the cases of anima which are the strongest, we have found a dichotimous personality." "A dichotomous personality?" I asked, swallowing hard. "That is where a person's personality is, for example . . . creative on one hand and analytical on the other. However, those qualities never seem to be integrated as they should. Those parts become identified on one particular side of the personality. The anima can split off, identifying with one side or another." "That sounds a lot like me Glory. The thing is that those parts always seem to be working against each other, rather then working together." "Yes. That is always how it is. One of the African tribes that I studied when I was overseas had a name for it, B'nar'te'reth. It means divivded spirit." "What do you do if you have a divided spirit.?" "It is much like treating a multiple personality disorder, although not as extreme. The goal is to integrate the parts, including the anima into the whole personality. That is what I would like to try with you Stephen. If you'll let me." I thought about it seriously for a few minutes. Glory was good enough to let me alone while I pondered her proposal. "Would the anima still be a part of me?" "Yes it would, although, it would be integrated back into your psyche. It would make you functional." I didn't even hesitate. "Then I don't want to do it. I would rather have you erase the anima altogether." Glory seemed somewhat surprised by this. "Think carefully about that. Such an action could have dire consequences in a divided spirit. If we were to erase the anima, we could also erase a good portion of your creativity or analytical ability. It would depend on which side it has become associated with. It could also split some of your emotions or knowledge or other various portions of your personality. Basically, every portion of your personality has become associated with one side or the other. In a very real sense of the word you would be killing half of your being." "I don't care. The anima has been such a poison upon my soul that I just want it to be gone. This female part of me has prevented me from being a better man." Glory picked her tablet back up, writing down a long passage. I was impatient now. I sensed that I was close to some type of breakthrough. "Can you help me Glory? Can you erase my anima?" "I think I can help you. Your case is very extreme. In fact, I have only ever seen one other person who was so willing to surrender half of their being to be rid of the anima. There is a treatment that I have used only once before...." "Can you do it to me?" I inquired eagerly. "I can. You must know that it will, as I have said, make you incomplete. You will be dependent on other people for those parts of your personality which are missing. The cure for some can be worse than the actual problem." "I don't care. I am willing to take that risk." "Very well. Before we begin, there are two tests that I would like to do. They are simple test...but needed if I am to complete the treatment." Glory got up from her seat to gather various articles from around the room. As she did I asked her if I could have a glass of water. We had been talking so much that my throat and mouth were dry. I crossed the room to where there was chilled spring water. The liquid tasted so good...almost sweet. "Can you do this treatment all at one time?" Glory answered me from across the side of the office. "Yes. It takes only one. Would you come over here please?" I joined Glory by a long table. On the table where three items. There was a pair of reading glasses, a teddy bear, and a Susan B. Anthony dollar. Glory picked up the coin first, handing it to me. "Take the coin. I want you to simply flip it. You may put it on any side before you flip it, or catch it any way that you wish. However, you must flip it, and catch it." Strange test, I mused. I wondered what it could possibly accomplish? Nevertheless, I did as she requested, with the coin landing on "heads." "Hmmm?" mumbled Glory. "Okay. Now the glasses on the table represent intellect. The teddy bear represents emotion. I want you to pick the one which you believe identifies the real you." It was another odd test. There was really no contest here. Everybody has always decribed me as an emotional being. I chose the teddy bear. Glory took the teddy bear from me with another cryptic, "Hmmm." "Okay. You can go back over to the couch. I'll be there in a minute." I did as Glory instucted me to do. Glory returned shortly with what appeared to be a hand crafted medallion. She handed it to me, while at the same time instructing, "Here. Put this on." "What is this? I'm afraid that I don't understand." "It's part of a ceremony by that African tribe that I was telling you about. What you are holding in your hands is called the "Heart of Hearts," and they use it to cure the Divided Spirit." "Let me get this straight. You want me to participate in some African tribal ritual? How can that possibly help?" I was a little irritated now. I expected some technical psychological treatment, not some "hokey" shaman's ritual. I guess Glory could hear the concern in my voice because she tried to assure me, while begging my endulgence. "I know that it must sound like. Please just save your questions for the end. It operates much like hypnosis." "Like hypnosis?" "Yes, Stephen. That is what it has been compared to. There is nothing to be afraid of. If it is successful, it will set your spirit free." I reluctantly agreed to go along with Glory's request. I knew, after all was said and done, she was just trying to help me. She is trying to do as I asked her. I slipped the medalion on over my head. I could feel the weight of it pulling against my neck as it lay upon my chest. "Now just relax. I'm going to read to you the tribal chant. It's not going to make any sense to you, but just listen to it. You'll find it soothing, and will begin to feel tired. Don't fight it. Just go with it." The words were indeed strange. They were composed of many syllables and sounds. It took all of my concenration just to hear each of the alien words that Glory spoke. By and by, I found that such intense concentration was beginning to tire me. Exhausted would be more of an accurate word. I yawned. I slumped a lityle lower in the couch, as her chanting continued. It was so relaxing. I thought that if I could just rest my eyes, by closing them for a moment, maybe I could pay attention to the words. So. . .comfortable. Maybe. . .I. . . . ********** Glory had seen the narcotic effect of the chant only twice. Once was in Africa, with the shamen who shared its secrets with her. The other time was here, in the States, when she used the ritual on another lost soul, like Stephen. That rite, like the one she saw in Africa, worked perfecftly. It still amazed Glory that, in a world of daily technological breakthroughs, there were still matters of the spirit that were so poorly uinderstood. Glory continued her chant from the script in her hands. The body of Stephen began to soften, as it lost its cohesion. She watched as his form began to take on the aspect of a malleable substance . . . like clay. Glory well knew that she was not dealing with an inanimate substance like clay, but with flesh and blood. With each word, the body of Stephen softened still futher. His body appeared like it was having trouble holding a shape. In fact, it began more to resemble an ameoba like substance that was ever shifting, pulsing with the beat of life. The first passage of the chant was finished. Glory looked up from the arcane text to the gelatinous blob of flesh that was left on the couch. The mass, nearly double in size from that of Stephen, oozed over the cushions, as well as the sides and arms of the sofa. Deep with in that mass was the mind of Stephen. Now came the hard part. Glory flipped the text upside down, commencing to read the inverted words backward. The first time that she saw this done in Africa, she thought that it would simply reform the body. Not so. With each new word, the opposite sides of the quivering mass of flesh began to pull away from the other. There were distinct accumulations of flesh to either side of the mass, but the were not equal. One side seemed to have almost twice as much of the mass. Between them stretched a bridge of living flesh. To all of the world it would have looked just like a giant cell dividing by mytosis. This was more . . . much more. Glory was getting close to the end now. Her words took on more passion. This was a profoundly moving phenomenon, even to an observer like herself. The bridge of flesh between the disparite masses grew ever thinner, until it was barely more than a gossamer thread. Then the bridge was no more. Then slender tendril floated to the side of each mass, like a hair falling into place, only to be absorbed. Glory's work was done. The only thing left for her to do was to watch in amazement at the wonder before her. Later, after it was all over, there would be an adjustement period which would require her supervision. The two separate masses began to soldify, forming roughly humanoid shapes. As the seconds went by, they continued to form. The smaller mass on the left took on a curvaeous, softer aspect, while the one to the right was more angular. Glory knew from the past that the smaller mass was a woman, the larger a man. With the rough shape formed, details became manifest. The larger form resumed the familar visage of her patient, Stephen. However, the smaller mass took on the precise qualities of the girl that he fantasized about being. Stephen's anima took on a life and existence of it's own. Even the idealized clothing, as well as other smaller details came into being. For instance, the navel of the woman, exposed by a short shirt, was pierced with a gleeming ring. A few moments later, there, to the left side of the couch was a very small brunette woman, with very large, firm breasts. She looked like she was in her early twenties. This woman was extremely beautiful, her face framed by long thick brunette hair flowing over her shoulder, and down her back. She wore a short skirt, high heels, and a skimpy top that left nothing to the imagination. Her make up was even perfect. Glory had never seen a more sexual creature in all of her life. She stood, approaching the two bodies, as the eyes of the woman began to flutter into consiousness. ********** I woke up feeling very refreshed. In fact, it felt like a big wieght had been lifted off of my shoulders. I focused my eyes, which were momentarily blurry, on the smiling face of Glory. "Is it all over?" I asked, but abruptly halted. My voice was strange to my ears. It was much higher and softer than I remembered it to be. "It's okay. You're going to be fine. The first seconds are always the hardest. Just look down, and the worst part of it will all be over." I looked down to see a very low cut top, with two creamy, large breasts. "I-I've got boobs!" I cried in that voice. Now I knew why it was so high. "Of course you do. Most women do, although not in such a generous amount." "I'm a woman?" "Yes you are. That is what the Heart of Hearts does. It was made to separate a divided spirit into two beings." "But where is. . ." I started to say, looking around the room. My words were cut off by the sight of my old body sleeping on the other end of the couch. "He is over there, resting. He will regain consiousness in a few minutes. He has a bit of a harder job than you. The true form is always the one that recovers quicker." "I wanted to erase my anima, not give it its own body. Why am I here in this body, and not in my own?" The anger at what Glory had done to me boiled to the surface. "That is your true form. The tests revealed this to be so. The first was a test of mere chance . . . destiny. The second was to confirm, and to see that there was no conflict. You chose as your ture nature the more emotional, the more femimine." "B-but if I'm in here, who is that over there?" I implored softly. "That is also you. More accurately, it is an aspect of you. The Heart didives the components that make up an essence into two parts. One will be the more intellectual, the other the more instinctual, for instance. One will be the more emotional, the other the more analytical. So on, and so forth, including things like sex drive, or being good and bad. That is not to say that each part of a personality had to absolutely go to one side or the other. They just divided in uneaqual parts. Small parts of what makes up the other still reside within you." I had a hard time following Glory's big words. What was happening to me? "Go ahead. Try to remember anything that you learned in college," she instructed. I tried to do as she asked. There was nothing. All of my knowledge was gone. I felt tears form in my eyes. "You have a lot of the emotions. Don't worry. You also have almost all of the creativity now. You will find without the hinderence of a lot of intellect your artistic side will flourish. Tell me. Is there anything else that you have ever wanted to be?" "I always wanted to be a singer. They get to express theirselves better than anyone else." "If that was part of your fantasy woman, then I suspect that it will be a part of you." "You mean?" "Yes. You have become the physical equivalent of your anima." I just sat there taking all of it in. It was so hard to think, which I imagined was a part of my reduced mental capabilities. That didn't seem to matter anymore. The original outrage that I felt upon waking start to melt away. I was finally free of that male body. Everything seemed. . .as it should be. It seemed everything was as it was always meant to be. I was happy. My hands moved over myself, feeling everything. Everything was new and exciting, but at the same time felt completely natural. "There is one other thing." stated Glory. "Yes?" My voice didn't sound so weird anymore. "To your other over there it will seem that I have done as he requested. It will be only as if his anima was removed. Know that the two of you are two halves of a whole. You must always be with each other for you each to feel complete. You will see as soon as you talk with him. There will be chemistry. There will be attraction. You will be closer than any two lovers can ever be. You have become your own perfect mate. I tell you this because it is a woman's job to keep a relationship together." "I'll remember. I promise." While we were talking, Glory and I both noticed my male half starting to stir. Glory looked at me earnestly. "Perhaps you can go to the restroom while I orient him. There are things which I need to say to him, which you cannot hear, just as there are thing which I have said to you. It will give you a chance to get to know the new you. You understand?" I stood for the first time, uneasily, acknowledging Glory at the same time, "Yes. Of course." My first step toward her office door was a bit wobbly. The balance of my body felt all wrong, and the high heels weren't helping any either. The second step was a little easier. "Take it easy. It will come. Just move around, and don't fight the body. It will all feel quite natural." Glory was right. By the time I got to her office door, I was walking quite comfortably in high heels. The initial alarm at my rear end swishing back and forth, and my breasts bouncing with each step faded into pleasant sensations. Of course, the most alarming thing was discovering that I was so short. All of the furnishings in the room seemed a bit higher now . . . slightly bigger. "Oh God. How tall am I now?" I gasped. Glory's eyes scanned my form up and down. "No more than 4'11" I would say." "I really am the girl that I fantasized about being aren't I?" "Yes you are. That is how it works. The Heart separates your anima from your spirit into a separate being. Your consciousness chose to go with your anima. You might want to think of a name for yourself." "Uh . . . okay," I said opening her door. The feeling of my big tits on my upper arms as I moved about didn't feel the least bit unusual now. I did have trouble opening the door, as it felt stiffer than it did before. A glance at my wildly slender upper arms told me that my physical strength was no more. It was getting harder and harder to understand Glory's explanations. They were getting boring too. All I needed to know was that I was suddenly a girl. It was a girl that I had to look at right away. "Excuse me. Who are you?" I heard from behind me. I spun on my high heel easily, feeling my long, heavy hear swirl about me, and over one shoulder as I did. I came face to face with Glory's receptionist. I had to think fast, which was very difficult for me now. "Uh . . . um . . . I'm Stephen's girlfriend." She gazed at me suspiciously. "I didn't see you come in." The whole thing was scaring me now. "I . . . you weren't here when I c-came in. I came in late, after Stephen." "Oh. I must have been in the bathroom." That seemed to satisfy her. "Where's the ba . . . ladies' room?" I inquired, remembering my new sex. "Out the doors, and to the left. It's the first door on your left. By the way, what's your name." Now I had to think fast. I just blurted out the first thing that popped into my head. "Uh . . . Lorilei." The receptionist stuck out her hand to greet me. "It's nice to meet you, Lorilei. That's a very pretty name." "Thanks." I commented as I tried to open the double glass doors into the hall. The were very heavy because I was so small and weak now. Still, with a grunting effort, I was able to get the doors open. I walked as sedately as possible down the hall toward the restroom. There were a lot of people in the hallway, as Glory's office was situated in a popular office building. I felt so short walking by all of the people. They all towered over me, even the other women. Each and every guy, stared at me. They all did a double take at me, and I could feel them turn and watch me as I walked away. At first, it made me feel very awkward, and self-conscious. However, I found as the seconds passed, that I enjoyed the attention I was getting. It felt good to be looked at this way. Fortunately, there was nobody inside the ladies room. I paused for just a moment before stepping into the reflection of the mirror. The image made me gasp for a second time. The woman reflected there was the most gorgeous creature that I had ever seen. She was . . . me! My face was heart shaped, with flawless skin. The nose was pert, small, and slightly upturned. However, the eye were the most striking feature. They were dark brown, and dewy. They were the king of eye you would describe as "bedroom eyes." My lips were plump, and very kissable, completing the package. It was a face that looked as if it hadn't ever had an intelligent though in its head. It was a face that appeared as if the only thought that ever crossed its mind was of a sexual nature. There was the vapid expression of an air-headed bimbo permenantly afixed to it. Magnetic . . . hypnotic. My attention shifted to the large boobs on my chest. I lifted them, one in each hand. My hands now were small, petite, with finely manicured nails. It was just too much to take in. I was free . . . free of that prison that had kept me trapped all of these years. How could I have wanted to erase this part of me? How could I have ever wanted to give this up. None of the fantasies that I have ever had could compare with the reality of being my anima. It was the only thing I had ever wanted, and now I was free. I wrapped my arms around myself, giving myself an embrace of pure joy. I started to spin and spin like I had as a child. I was free from the curse of being a man. I looked at my perfect face again in the mirror. An evil smirk flickered across my lucious lips. As long as I looked like a bad girl, I wanted to really be a bad girl! Depraved thoughts of what I could do to the guys who stared at me while coming to the restroom danced across my mind. ********** Glory was just finising up with Stephen in her office. "That's right. I'm afraid that your anima good the better part of a lot of your negative qualities. She'll be vain, oversexxed, petulant, emotional, and not very bright. She'll be a real bimbo, in the classic sense of the word. You'll need to watch her every second. However, she will be affectionate, and she will love you . . .deeply. She'll sense in you the good that she isn't." ********** After ten minutes if more intimate self exploration, in one of the stalls, I strolled back to Glory's office. This time I walked slower so I could really enjoy the admiring glances of all the guys. I again had trouble opening the glass doors to Glory's office. However, some nice looking man helped me out. I thanked him by placing one hand on his and squeezing. The receptionist greeted me. "Lorilei. The Doctor said for you to go right back in." "Thanks." I opened the door to Glory's office. There, standing and waiting for me, was my old body, my other. The instant that my eyes met his there was a spark. There was a connection from across the room, the likes of which I had never felt before. It was an intense feeling of pure love, and I thought my heart would just leap through my chest. I rushed into his open arms, and we kissed deeply without ever saying a word. My tongue danced with his. I felt complete . . . whole. It felt like my heart was beating for the very first time. My big tits flattened into his abdomen, when he hugged me tightly. I could feel the bulge of his penis against me. He took my face between his hands, and began to run hid fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp. We kissed deeply again. It was the most profoundly erotic . . . and romantic expeirence of my life. Glory's words broke us our of it. We still stood there in an embrace, hands intertwined. "That is the truly special part of the ritual. Each of you are the other's true love. I never get tired of seeing that first time the two halves of a divided soul see each other. Love stories should be so intense." My other answered, "Thank you Glory. We both thank you. Everything will be perfect now." He looked down at me with a look of utter adoration. "It isn't going to be easy. Remember, she has no identity now. Your going to have to establish her as a person, and I can't help you with that." Glory gazed down at me, lost in my other's loving arms. "As for you . . . Lorilei. I would recommend that as soon as you establish an identity, that you go to modeling school so that you can learn all of the things that a woman should know." Modeling school, I pondered? What a great idea! "I will" I tugged on the hand of my other. "Let's go home. We have a lot of exploring to do. I have a feeling that I'll know what you like." He laughed, as I felt the nipples on my boobs swell for the first time. * * *

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Daddy and Daughter’s Perspectives Part 3 A 16 year old and her father slowly move towards incest Author’s introduction. This is the second episode of an unusual account of a taboo topic; incest between a father and daughter. What makes it unusual is that both my dad and I have written this from our perspective on what happened and why. Kelly is 18, Bill her father is 45. Kelly That night November 28 and the next few days. If it had been difficult sleeping before I went downstairs it was...

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Daddys Sleepy Girl

I was still asleep when my boyfriend got home from his night shift. He was a few years older than me, and he worked as a security guard. He was very big and strong, and I loved calling him Daddy.It had been a hot day so I had gone to bed naked, just the thin sheets covering my body.My boyfriend walked into the bedroom, seeing me asleep on the bed, laying on my stomach with one knee bent. The covers had slipped mostly off of my body during the night."Mmh, baby..." he whispered as he walked up...

4 years ago
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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 18 Used and Abused

The address Ramon had given me turned out to be a sports centre. I had been thinking about what the second phase might entail and had been nervous all day. In the end I arrived there well before the appointed hour which gave me a chance to have a look around. I recognized Ramon's car amongst the small number of vehicles parked outside. There were remarkably few cars, considering the size of the complex. When I entered the place, I realized why there were so few cars. Most of the facilities...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Jenna Ross Jennifer White The Study Swap

Jenna Ross and Jennifer white have not been doing great in school lately, so they decided to enlist their fathers to be their own personal tutors! After hours of studying everyone had just about reached their breaking point. The girls pulled away to the other room and came to the conclusion that the only way they were gonna get out of this was by swapping their daddys! When they got back to the table instead of putting their heads in the books they put their hands on their daddys cocks. The...

4 years ago
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Amity 3 TempestChapter 19 Rot

Keven wasn’t impressed. When Leslie had said that her Duchy hadn’t been doing well of late, she was wrong; it was a disaster. Keven, Aaden, Kale and Selwyn spent some time, just jumping around and looking at the state of her province and the businesses in and around her town. They found three deserted villages along the coast, one on the east side and two on the west. They found one farmer who had stayed on his land near the furthermost village. “Hi,” Keven said as they approached him, “can...

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Rise of the Witch Queen

Shairi swore under her breath. Anger bubbled inside her, and she’d reached a decision that would change her life. She was leaving her teacher. As always, she’d slept naked, and now she looked herself up and down in the mirror, admiring her body. It was slender and athletic. She had light brown hair, cut mannishly short. Her breasts were not huge, but were neat handfuls that perfectly fitted her petite frame. And she was a half-elf – it didn’t take a glance at her gently pointed ears to reveal...

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Chhat Par Chudai 8211 Part II

Hi this is Karan again from Aurangabad. I would like to thank u all for great response for my previous story “Aurangabad mein chudai.” I think many people asked me what happened after my first sex incident. So folks this is part two of Aurangabad main chudai. I hope u will enjoy this. My name is Karan from Aurangabad; right now I’m in Pune doing my mba from reputed college of puna. This story is about me and my girl friend barkha. I want to tell this story in Hindi. I think it wills more...

4 years ago
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College Fantasy Comes True Decades Later

A bunch of us are at a party, having a good time and having a few drinks. At first you are a little uncomfortable looking me in the eye after the chats we have had, but after a few minutes, it actually becomes more enjoyable – knowing things about each other that others don’t know. Easy to make comments to each other to try to get a reaction, like the ultimate inside joke. A little later in the evening, you and I are talking and Susan shows up holding her wine glass, giving you a hug and...

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Sex with sister0

I am a internet freak and spend most of the spare time on net. I am not one of those desperate guys who keep on flirting with many girls to lure them, I talk normal and decent, may be that’s the reason I have many friends online. I have various types of friends, some typical and others weird, and I generally talk matured, as such I have many girls who call me brother, which I usually don’t mind. Many girls keep telling their worries and I advice them properly, so they become pretty close...

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Purple Pills 2 David Becomes Sonya

"Purple Pills 2 - David Becomes Sonya" David looked at the pills laid out on his table. There were ten of the oval-shaped pills in all, each one holding the chemical compounds to restructure his DNA and turn him into ten different girls. Just last night his friend Mark had surprised the group and turned half of them into girls, and David had turned into a skinny teenage girl with a great body. He'd acted pissed off in front of everyone, but secretly he had wanted to explore his...

4 years ago
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After Practice A Freaky Ass Experience Pt 2

My mom’s going to work in half an hour. Give up now and your punishment won’t be as bad. I wrote her a note back and slipped the paper back to her side. That set her off. She continued to spew curse words at me for half an hour until her mother started to leave the house. As soon as she closed the door behind her, I heard the key to the bathroom jingle in the lock. She opened the door to the bathroom and immediately grabbed at my still naked body. She scratched and pulled until she’d...

2 years ago
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Josie gets a drink

Looking across the bar perched on this bar stool I see my mistress' grin and then her nod to me. I take a deep sigh and take my purse from my shoulders and open it up. I carefully take out the lipstick tube with my pink acrylic nails and slowly turn the lipstick up to where it is a small point and slowly apply it to my lips. Making sure that I cover all my lips and purse them as seductively as possible, it is happy hour here at Venturas bar. From 4-6 pm beer is a dollar a glass and its...

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Scarface Tamed Part I

Scarface tamed Part I By Faye Croft Rebecca and Scott lived together in a small flat in London, not married but now a year into a relationship which seemed to be working. At least Scott thought it was, but Rebecca seemed to dominate the space they lived in. His clothes had been confined to ever more small sections of the drawers and wardrobe. His books had to be taken to the local charity shop when he had read them, there was no room on the shelves for books which had been read....

3 years ago
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Well we had only been married a short time and Lisa was almost two moths pregnant but a wild animal in bed willing to try most anything so we were screwing everyplace and she was curious about my past experiences and was a little pissed that I had been with more girls than she had with boys but she pestered me for details so I began to make up things and one thing I had heard about was exotic massages and that really turned her on so we went on the web and started looking over sites and found...

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What Happened

You know how it seems some people are luckier than others? You see them win the lottery or get the best job in the world. I have a friend who is like that. Tom's confident, popular with the girls and good at sports. His parents are well off. He even drives a car. Yes, he is eighteen and in high-school. Yet for some reason, I'm his best friend and he is mine. Now don't get me wrong. My parents are great just not rich. I'm not bad in sports and have had a couple of nice girl friends. But the...

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Return to KrellChapter 4 Sweat and Scales

Lena removed her wrist-mounted computer, setting it down beside the computer terminal and hooking up a cable to link the two. She had meticulously cataloged the entire interior of the Krell temple, at least everything that she could reach. There was surely a whole Krell alphabet hidden in the photos that she had taken, and now she would offload the task of sorting through them and identifying duplicate characters to the computer. It had taken her a few hours, the heat and humidity taking...

3 years ago
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A Night On The Town

As you dress to go to the restaurant, you are literally glowing with excitement. You have been trying on different outfits... too long and concealing, too slutty, not slutty enough... You know from our conversations and shared fantasies that I am a real voyeur and want to make it an interesting night for both of us. Finally you settle on a short skirt... no underwear; and a loose fitting transparent top with a sheer bra underneath. You top off the outfit with black high heels. As you look...

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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 34 New Love

Eve and I were roommates in college. I was well aware of my attraction to women when I got there as a freshman, so when, at the beginning of our junior year, Eve and I first met in our new dorm room, I knew I wanted her right away. She was so beautiful, and so strong, and yet there was an intense vulnerability to her that drew me in right from the start. She hadn't ever been with a woman, though, so for the first several months I just kept my feelings to myself. Every once in a while it...

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Mai Or Meri Didi Ka Pyar 8211 Part 5

Ab mai aapko aage batata hun ki kya hua. Didi apna pair mere pair pair ke upper lakar daba rahi thi or halke halke apni kamar ko bhi hila rahi thi. Mai bhi didi ke upper chadha hua tha or apni kamar ko hila raha tha. Is ragad se jaise aag lag rahi thi hum dono ke jism se. mera lund didi ki chut par tha or humdono use ragad rahe the. Kiss karte hue hume lagbhag 10 min. ho chuke the par tann ki aag jo bujhne ke bajaye or badhti ja rahi thi. Meri or didi ki kamar ke jhatke badhte hi ja rahe the....

3 years ago
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sis and I finally hook up

Sorry I have taken so long in writing my stories, but, life has been hectic and busy. I hope I can continue to write about my life, so you can enjoy it almost as much as I have. So, on to the next chapter. I last left you with the story of Thanksgiving. Well, sadly to say, not much else developed with Kayla. From what I understand, as told thru family circles, she fell for a guy and is currently all about him. Oh well, life goes on. Now Kelly on the other hand, thru a lot of phone calls and...

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My hot wife

So me and the wife drove down to Durban ,she. Is going to compete in her second crossfit games.The evening before we leave her phone rings and it is her friend Lindy calling and ask if she can ride with us because she had a big fight with her boyfriend and she does not have a lift.All is set to leave early,my wife said sure just don't be late my husband gets mad if people are late,so what happened she was late with 30 min,damm i was so irritated to leave late i told my wife I'm leaving without...

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Stranger Danger

I had been broken up with Mac for about 7 months because he had to move a couple states away for work and I was so horny that I decided to go look for a fwb on CL. I went to place my advertisment not knowing I would instantly have my post taken down. then I was made aware 'Sex Ad's' where not allowed on CL anymore so I gave up.The next day I got to thinking about dressing up and going to the book store but am way to shy for that when I remembered that I might have some guys still on my email...

3 years ago
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My beginning and pathway to group sex Part 8

Read parts 1 – 7 first Elated by my second bareback fuck. I walked the rest of the way home with a satisfied excitement, my mind replaying what had just happened.   The quantity of his cum was the eye opener.   Two days in a row and it was huge.   I kept picturing the stream I had squeezed out onto the ground and wondered about the drips I had lost on the walk home.   On a whim, I stopped at my boyfriend’s house and knocked.   His Mum answered and called up to his room.   He came down and we...

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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 21

Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a special treatment. She was given Diksha and named Maya after Diksha. In Part 20 you Read What would I say more? The very thoughts of this idea was giving me a wild turn on and more so as I was not fully dressed also for a long time now. Master-ji: Ramlal, do not waste time, as anytime the snakes...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 405

This one is compliments of bill A man goes into a deli and orders a ham sandwich. The clerk behind the counter grabs two slices of bread, a slice of ham, reaches in the pickle jar gets some pickles. then spreads some mustard with his finger and hands the sandwich over. The customer is stunned. That is horrible he says. What. Well I do not know if you went to the bathroom and if you washed your hands or not. You are right. I am going to make some changes. Several weeks later the...

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Bringing a new girl for playtime

Carrie, Huda & Carlin Masturbation, Voyeurism, Bondage, The last session with Carrie ended with her sleeping for twelve hours without covers, we would check on her and she was dreaming so deeply there would be quivers and jerks. She finally got up and came for some food and sat in a daze while she chewed, we asked her if she had plans today and then she perked up remembering she was meeting someone in two hours. The wife helped her get ready and we drove her to her house to meet her...

2 years ago
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By Oediplex Watching the folks do it. How I got to make it with mom. You can cum too! For all sons and mothers who ever thought about committing incest with their parent or child, this piece of erotic writing is produced to make you cum. We all need a cum. To that end . . May your every fantasy take flight! Oediplex 8==3~ Home is where the hard-on is raised Ever since I turned eighteen I had been listening to my parents make love. Each evening when they retired, I...

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This is Your Lies Chapter 2

I don't know what they said next, I was too numb. I couldn't hear the words. I had planned to watch but couldn’t bear it. Any thought of telling them they were still on camera had gone out of my head, pushed out by the sick feeling and the tears.I left the cameras recording and retreated, looking for my whisky. I opened the drinks cupboard and looked at the bottles. I had four different single malts, plus a few exotic bottles from European holidays. Trying to focus on what to drink stopped me...

1 year ago
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Jacob Finds Emily Their Story Begins

Emily isn’t your average twenty-one-year-old girl. She is extremely shy and loves Disney movies. She has a secret that no one knows about. She is almost five feet tall with brown hair and bright green eyes.Running late, like always, Emily leaves her bag in the back of the kitchen out of the way, so she thought. Emily waits tables at ‘Il Piacere’, an upscale Italian restaurant. She is very good at her job but really hates the high brow clientele.Il Piacere’s executive chef, Jacob, is very...

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The Return of Red Blade

This is the fourteenth story set in my Legacy Universe and like the others is a stand alone story. You don't have to have read any of the others to understand this one, but it might help to have read Glamour Girl and the Infiltrator. This story is shorter than any of the others in this universe and was originally intended to be a bit of a quickie inspired by the powers of a character from Glamour Girl, though it did end up a bit longer than originally intended. The Return of Red...

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The Voyeur and the Unexpected Exhibitionist

The story begins in Italy, where my wife Danielle and I were on a one week holiday at a small coastal village. We had both been very busy with our work lives, and we'd decided that we needed some time together for some fun. Danielle is around five foot eight inches tall, with a slim but curvy figure that some people would call 'hour-glass'. She has a good round ass, and amazing breasts that look awesome in gym or regular vests, which she knows is a particular liking of mine. Like so many...

1 year ago
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Using Lace pt3

Lights flashed, whistles and rumbling music echoed off the tiled ceiling. The atmosphere of Richards Treasures rocked with sultry chaos. The establishment was packed with so many patrons it was hard to see an empty seat anywhere. This was the first time Lacey had ever been in a strip club. It was no where near what she would have expected. Tobacco smoke, alcohol, all assortments of perfume and colognes choked the room confusing her fragile senses. In different points of the room women danced in...

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Midnight Swimmer

The sound of a splash awoke me with a start. I half opened my eyes, still suspended in the dream state I often found myself in when my sleep was disturbed prematurely. I was lying naked on the bed, a light sheen of sweat colouring my skin with a silvery glow from the moonlight slanting in through the open balcony. The light bed cover was pooled in a crumpled mess somewhere around my feet. It was another hot and humid night and the scent of bougainvillea flowers swirled in the air, teasing my...

2 years ago
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Cindys Going Away Gift

I met Cindy the first week of college. She was from a small town close to the school. I was from a large city on the other side of the country. We didn’t have anything in common, but we hit it off immediately and a beautiful friendship was started. Cindy was a gorgeous girl. She was 5’ 8” and had thick, naturally blond hair. She was slim and well proportioned. I thought she was the most incredible woman I’d ever seen and was smitten instantly. But it was her personality that really drew me in....

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A Woman in Full Sharons Jounry Continues Part III Haves and HaveNots

A Woman in Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Part III - Haves and Have-Nots Wednesday was market day, the day the Farmer's Market took over Union Square. Sharon loved shopping there because it was a source for wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables. She knew most of the merchants by name, and they looked forward to seeing her each week. More often than not, Julie joined her, but today she was alone. As she crossed 17th Street, she saw a homeless man sitting up against the...

2 years ago
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Tits Have Benefits

transgender – crossdressing – shemale – transformation – feminization So there I was walking up to the most gorgeous creature in the room, a beautiful woman with incredible tits and ass and beautiful long black hair. This was the woman of my dreams who despite being the person who I could most open up to, nevertheless had been unobtainable in my mind. I had been a shy retiring nerd who could never hope to win the affections of a beautiful woman, but now things had changed and now I felt...

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Making of a Sissy Maid chapter 56

Making a Sissy Maid - Chapters 5- Reminder - Chris loves his mother and secretly longs to wear her sexy lingerie. Out of the blue his mother meets the very handsome and wealthy man of her dreams and soon marries. This introduces Chris to his new and somewhat dominant sister-in-law who recognises the sissy in Chris and transforms him into a pink frilly maid. Chapter 5 - Chrissie and Eve For that whole weekend Eve, his new sister-in-law, had kept me dressed in his pink maid's...

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NYE Change of Plans

My wife, k**s and I were supposed to go to a party out at the home of friends in a nearby state that a number of her old friends from school would be attending. We hadn't been to their party in several years and wanted to reconnect with everyone we hadn't seen much since the last time we attended. Unfortunately, with inclement weather forecasted and due to the full-strength cold my wife developed she decided to nix the travel plans. Imagine, she felt it might be rude to stay overnight and...

2 years ago
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Biwi Ke Saath Honeymoon

Yeh bilkul waisi he likhi gayi he jaisi mere saath hui hee Daya [ name changed ]aur Harsh [ name changed ] ki shhadi ki anniversary ka din tha. Dono kisi hill station par jaakar manana soch te hein aur week day hone ke kaaran unhe Top floor pe ek bada sa suit mill jata hee. Dono bohot deer ghoomne ke baad hotel par aate hein Daya bolti he boliye aap kya chate he gift mein. Harsh boltahemujhe to tujhe bas ek baar chum na he Daya: arre who to aap roz kare ho na? kuch spl pochiye naa Harsh:...

3 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 20

I left everyone else to settle things out and walked to the temporary horse pen. They didn't even seem to notice when I approached, since they were surely tired and somewhat sore. Probably they wanted a drink of water pretty badly too. I went back to camp for a good lead rope. I had one about twelve feet long for just this type of thing. Back at the pen I entered and went to the first one I'd caught, the big stallion. He snorted and tensed up a few times as I came close but he was too...

1 year ago
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Nurse Mummy and her daughter with the same man

Black tights and a very short mini-skirt. Call it a teenage rebellious mentality or whatever you like, but for me, not wearing underwear, was a new freedom of expression, an expression that empowered me and gave rise to new feelings of power, which brought to mind a comment I heard in a movie, "Brains, she does not need them, she has tits".I smiled when I heard that one-liner, I had tits, albeit struggling to make their points (Pun intended), but they were developing nicely, and nice to feel...

4 years ago
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The woman with the sleeping husband on the plane

I was travelling for business from London to New York like any other business trip. When I got onto the plane, I was really tired and exhausted, so I was looking forward to take a nap as soon as the plane took off. This time I had the window seat, since nothing else was free and the plane was packet. Usually I prefer the aisle seat. Boarding is almost completed and a woman with her (I think husband) sat down on the seats next to me (aged probably 35-40).And as soon as we took off and it was...

2 years ago
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A good morning after work

I work the late shift as a nurse. As I got off work and left the parking lot, I stopped at the light and there didn't seem to be anyone else around. I thought I was the only car moving in the state! No one else was awake yet. lol As I left the green light, a little white car passed me. I have never been a big fan of imports, but this car had the wing on the trunk and ground effects. It looked really cool to me. So I sped up to see who was driving. It was a black k**, probably around 20 or 21....

3 years ago
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An athletic girl with tiny tits gave me a wonderfu

I have read about the old Polish capital, Crakow. It is supposed to be a beautiful city and I decided to take a short trip to visit the place. It turned out to be a more than beautiful experience. Luv to cum back to Cracow soon.I arrived late in the evening and had to wait until next morning before walking through the old city in the bright sunshire. Truly nice. One beautiful sight after another. But better was to come when I sat down outside a local restaurant to have some lunch. Sitting...

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The Old Man

So I volunteered to do a check run to a non profit after a fundraiser we just had at work for health care workers. Their HQ was about 40 miles from the office so I left at around 1pm without planning to go back to work. I had been feeling horny all day thinking about my step daughters body but I was also interested in maybe finding some cock. I wasn’t interested in getting my cock sucked that afternoon but if the opportunity came around I would love to feel a hard cock explode in my mouth as it...

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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 15 I was the first

After work I hurried to meet Alicia. I was ten minutes early but she was already there. As I saw her, I felt a pang of conscience. She was so young, so pretty, so innocent, so wholly unaware of what was happening to her. And I, instead of looking after her and protecting her, was planning to take her home and fuck her and keep on fucking her to my cock's content. But, I reflected, it was pointless to think this way: my experience with Fran had shown that Uncle Albert's invention was not be...

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Pakathu Veetil Puthithaaga Kudi Vantha Akka 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil akka udan nadantha kama thodarbin thodarchiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, akka vaaiyil mendum sunniyai vida kathukondu irunthen. Akka eppozhuthu signel tharuvaal endru kathu irunthen, aanal indru paarthu aval kanavan velaiku selamal veetile irunthu vitan. Athanaal enaku ena seivathu endre theriya vilai, kai adikavum virupam ilai. Indru epadiyavathu akka vaiyil sunniyai vida vendum endru aarvamaaga irunthen. Neengale...

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Sauna play

A small town backwoods sauna experience. First off Steve is from the city and he is heading for a vacation a few hours away to relax and getaway. He has reserved a small cabin on a lake deep into the woods for the weekend. Steve is mid thirties and has been focusing on work the last year since he broke up with his girlfriend. He needs a break. So he packs his car and makes the 3 hour trip and arrives at his cabin. It’s a nice place with about a dozen other cabins around the lake just like his....

1 year ago
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Reddit Squirting, aka r/Squirting! A lot of guys like to brag about how good they can fuck girls, but girls don’t really think you’re good in bed if you can’t make them cum. Once you get them to feel what that feels like, that’s when your life can begin - when that happened for me, I became the Porn Dude, and now I sell and allocate virtual pussy like it’s a stock. Anyways, girls will only remember you if you made them cum, but they can always fake it - how are you really supposed to be 100%...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Babysitter Takes DogsChapter 4

If Cindy thought Frisky's young prick was nice to suck, it was nothing compared to Prince's. The next Friday night, when she babysat for the Turners again, Prince was glad to see her. He had been licking his prick all week, just as Cindy had been playing with her pussy every day after school. They were both horny when they got together on Friday night. Once the Turners were out of the house and the children were asleep, Cindy stripped off her tight denim cut-offs, and spread out on the...

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Allison Goes Back to SchoolChapter 2

Allison conspired with me so I could see some young teens naked and later spank them. Tina spent the night at one of her friends. We set up an extensive ruse so she could invite her classmates over. She greeted her classmates in her Allison wig and attire while Christine was getting ready. She met a number of the parents who were dropping off their teenage girls with us. Nine nubile young girls in all. We used planned voice recordings so they heard Allison talk while Christine was with them....

3 years ago
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Powers from Above

John Doe was once an ordinary man, until a god blessed him with three powers. First, mind control. Pretty self-explanatory. He could use this power to control the minds of people. This also meant he could modify their bodies as well. Second, time manipulation. This was a bit more complex. He could freeze someone in time, reverse their movememt, have them loop an action or phrase, and even reverse or fast forward their ages. Then the third, and possibly most bizzare power: he could make two...

Mind Control
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Problems and SolutionsChapter 10

“Are you OK?” Rachel asked. “Tired. Six hours driving and nearly three in Milbrodale. Plus lunch.” “I’ll get something ready for dinner.” “How was your day?” “Somewhat troubling. I was at the Gallery. I went to get another look at Emily Floyd’s installation. Really to walk around in it. The pieces are quite large.” “Is that what troubled you?” “No. It was the whole thing. Remember last week we were talking about cultural appropriation?” “Of course.” “Well, I no longer know what it is....

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She Becomes Her

She Becomes Her By Lord_Stormbringer Dr. Lansing sighed, leaning back in his chair as his favorite cocksucker did her job, polishing his hard cock, while he thought about the future. The past two weeks had brought some of his fantasies to fruition but he had many other ideas he wanted to try out. It seemed that there was no shortage of people that required his marriage counseling services, dissatisfied couples that could find no satisfaction without his subtle help and nudging. He...

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