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True Love

Shelly Ganders and Craig Zimmerman met in the first semester of their Senior year at Kansas State University, she was majoring in Human Resources and he in Marketing. Each needed a class in speech to meet the requirements for each of their prospective degrees, that is where they met, it was not love at first sight but a strong physical attraction that drew them together.

In the coming months their attraction turned to love and by the end of the year they decided to get married in July in her home town of Kansas City. But fate threw them a curve when Craig was offered a job in Miami in a Marketing firm that was willing to pay top dollar, it also helped that he was tops in his class and that the owner was a Kansas State graduate. In any case, they offered incentives for starting as soon as possible, providing assistance with finding a home, moving expenses, and if needed underwriting a home loan.

With this offer of employment Craig and Shelly decided to forgo their July church wedding for a civil ceremony in Kansas days before their graduation and to move right after graduation to Miami, a plan that was met with anger and scorn from her parents, whereas Craig's parents were disappointed but deep down were not all that upset.

Moving from the University to Miami was a challenge, they moved all of their belongings into storage and took only the essentials with them, mostly clothing. They were setup by the company with an apartment near work, a small one bedroom with a kitchen, full batch, living room, and a small dining area. Cozy, but double the size of their dorm room.

Craig went into work and Shelly began looking for a permanent place to live, looking for convenience, short commute time, and cost. What she found was a beautiful apartment that offered a lot in amenities that more than suited their needs and was reasonably priced. Their only challenge was moving all of their possessions packed in storage back in Kansas to their new apartment in Miami, a 25 hour drive one way. After a month being on the job they flew back to Kansas on Thursday night picked up a u-haul and packed everything up on Friday and were on their way back to Miami stopping in St. Louis Friday night, Atlanta on Saturday, and Home on Sunday where a quick unload of all their possessions followed by a total collapse from exhaustion ended their journey.

With their home established and Craig set at work Shelly began to look for a job herself. When the owner found out that Craig's wife was looking for a job he offered her an open position in HR, an entry level position, but a position none the less. Things were going well for the young couple.

Two years later they bought a home, it was new construction Georgian, with no added amenities save for two that were more wants than needs, an in ground pool with a hot. They didn't need the house, in fact there was a lot of debate whether to buy or continue to rent, but Shelly was thinking, well more hoping, that kids might not be that far off and when she mentioned this to Craig they both agreed that buying a home was the direction they wanted to go in.

The house was located far from their current apartment so the move meant that they had to make new friends, which wasn't a problem for either as they were both outgoing and engaging. But what they didn't think of was that everyone around them either had kids or were about to have kids, they were the only couple that didn't, at least within the houses on their block. That didn't stop them from making friends, especially Shelly, but it did to some degree as they found little in common with their neighbors.

Trouble came to them three years later when the company they both worked for went bankrupt. The owner, Harry Carson, embezzled millions from the company before fleeing the country moments before the feds came to get him. When the dust had settled and accounting had gone through the books there was no money left, nothing left except the assets. The board sold off the assets and paid off what they could and the company closed its doors leaving its employees without a paycheck.

Fortunately Shelly and Craig didn't have many expenses, they had no kids, their cars were old, but in good shape and more importantly they were paid off, and with the exception of last month's dinner they didn't have any credit card bills. The only expense was their new home.

The only thing that they took away from the company was their friends. Craig's friends from work consisted of his co worker Dennis Marshall and his wife Linda, Drew Snyder from shipping, and Kent Spencer from accounting. For Shelly there was Becky Stewart a single Mom, Tracey Edwards who was single and living at home, and Vera Cook who is married to Phillip. The difference between the two groups was in that Shelly was friends with Craig's group, while Craig was not necessarily friends with Shelly's group, seems that Shelly's group were more of a hen's group.

The first couple of months flew by, both were numb from the experience of being unemployed and making ends meet was somewhat of a problem, mostly in covering the mortgage. They thought about asking her parents for a loan to get them through the tough times, but they disapproved of her involvement with Craig, he being a bad seed as they called it, so Craig nixed the idea of asking them, and Craig's parents were retired and on a fixed income so there was little thought given to ask them.

But they adapted, like when they were in college they had survived on Mac n Cheese and other less expensive food items so that's what they did, changing their diet was not a big thing, but entertainment was another story. Eating out, cable tv, movies, golf and gym memberships were all dropped so they found themselves with a lot of time to do something that didn't cost anything. They couldn't come up with anything except entertaining at home, which meant pool parties for Shelly's group and poker parties for Craig's group.

The Poker Party

Six weeks after losing their job Craig had the guys over for a poker party, his house was the logical place since Dennis lived in an apartment, Kent lived at home, and Drew had a roommate that was not fond of having people over, and anyway, having the guys over was okay with Craig, one of the things he enjoyed was showing off the home, and Shelly was looking forward to hosting the event.

Shelly put together a small spread of sandwiches, potato chips, and assorted cheeses which Craig rolled his eyes when he saw it, and prepared the patio for the game as it was such a pleasant night. Since it as the first poker night no one knew what to expect, but with everyone being out of work the stakes were low, quarter to open and raises limited to one dollar. Craig had played poker in college, and was a good player, but with the low stakes he knew that everyone's losses would be minimal. The others were of the same opinion, this was a game to be played amongst friends, winning was important only in that the winner could hold it over the others heads, playing to win to take money from people who were out of work seemed to be, counterproductive and insulting to what the evening was meant to be.

At 5pm the guests arrived, Dennis was first and was alone as his wife Linda had other plans, and even if she didn't have plans she probably wanted nothing to do with playing poker. "So Craig, nice place."

"Thanks Dennis, our pride and joy." he said with a smile.

Looking around he asked, "First here?"

"Yes you are. So, no Linda?"

He waved him off, "Nah, she couldn't make it tonight, she had other plans, and even if she didn't she probably wouldn't come, she hates playing cards."

Kent was just a few minutes behind leaving Drew who was ten minutes late, which was nothing new for Drew!

They sat down around the table and began playing cards and bullshitting, catching up on things since the closing of the company. Drew was the first of the group with good news, "So, got a job at Sears, working in their warehouse."

"Cool, how is it?"

"Okay, in some respects better than most places. The guys I work with are, for the most part, pretty cool. My Manager is an asshole, but that's normal."

"What about you" Craig asked of Dennis.

"Got a couple of nibbles but nothing solid. Linda's job is secure, so far, and we can live off her paycheck, for now."

"And you" Craig asked of Kent.

"I have a second interview Tuesday at Langston and Mathers, an accounting office, in their acquisitions area. Not too promising, but I made the first cut so, got my fingers crossed. And you Craig?"

Shaking his head no, "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Thinking of heading down to Columbia and smuggle some drugs back to pay the bills."

"Nice. Little room for advancement though," laughed Kent.

"But think of the unlimited sex you'll get in prison" laughed Drew.

They all laughed, Craig was always good to lighten the conversation with his unique sense of humor.

"Is that a hot tub?" asked Drew.

"Yes it is. I love it. Nothing better than sitting back with a cold one."

"Yeah I bet. So have you christened it yet?" laughed Drew.

"Several time. In fact if you were a bit earlier you might have gotten an eyeful of pure Midwestern beef stake."

"Dude, that's just wrong. Now if it was cheesecake, well than I would be for all that!"

Everyone agreed on that.

"Calm down you horn dogs."

A few minutes later Shelly came out and being the good hostess asked the guys, "So you need anything?"

Drew jumped in quickly, "No, but I have a question"


"So if I would have been early would there have been a free show."

She hit Craig on the shoulder, "Really?"

"Nice going Drew" Craig said sarcastically.

"Hey, I just want to make sure that I'm never early, you know, so that I don't interrupt anything."

"Right. You early. Fat chance of that," laughed Kent.

"Just like having sex in the hot tub again. I can't believe that you told them" she scolded him.

Kent came to his defense, "Ah Shelly, don't get mad at him. He's just bragging."

Shelly hit Craig again as he replied, "Thanks Kent, but I really don't need your help."

Drew continued, "So Shelly, hot tub, nude right?"

Turning a deep shade of red, she said "No."

With a smile on his face, and moving to dodge the smack that was sure tom come Craig, said, "Come on honey, don't lie to them, in our hot tub, clothing is optional."

She hit him again, causing laughter to erupt from around the table.

She walked away from them with what she thought was anger, but realized it was excitement. That Craig had told the guys that they had sex in the hot tub mortified her, but it also sent chills of excitement threw out her body, causing her nipples to harden and her pussy to become wet.

She went up to the bedroom to get some laundry together when she sat down on the bed, feeling the tingling of excitement, of being naughty, of being very horny she moved her hand under her shirt and up to her bra covered breasts and began pinching and squeezing her nipples. It felt so good that she brought her other hand up to play with the other. She quickly took off her top and bra and shimmied out of her shorts and panties and lay back on the bed and began playing with her very wet pussy, rubbing her clit with one hand while moving her fingers in and out of her pussy with the other, making sloshing sounds that only added to her excitement.

Her mind was reeling from the intensity of the perverse things she was doing to herself, but it only fueled her desire. She thought of being in the hot tub bouncing up and down on Craig's cock, his head buried between her breasts as he sucked first one nipple and then the other. The two so lost in what they were doing that neither was aware of the presence of his friends watching them fucking.

"Oh yeah baby fuck me" she moaned. She wanted to scream it out load so that Craig would hear her and come upstairs and take care of her, but she wasn't that far gone, she couldn't do that could she? As her fingers were moving in and out of her wet pussy and her fingers were strumming her hard clit she knew she wanted to get fucked, but how? How could she get Craig to come upstairs and fuck her without the guys downstairs knowing? She had her answer. She doesn't care that the guys downstairs would know if Craig came up and fucked her! In fact it kind of excited her that they WOULD know that Craig came upstairs to fuck her.

That last thought sent her over the edge as her orgasm took hold, her legs kicked out as her back arched as she let out a groan of pleasure while she continued to fuck herself with her fingers. It was the most intense orgasm she has ever given herself, it even ranks up there with those that Craig had given her.

When she came down from the orgasm she lay on the bed catching her breath. She felt fulfilled but not satisfied, she needed Craig to satisfy her, to satisfy that itch. But, how to do it?

She formulated a plan to get what she wanted, she sat up on the bed and ran her fingers into her still wet pussy, gathering what juices she could and applied it to parts of her body, her neck, her hands, and her breasts, she wanted to make sure that the guys downstairs could smell her excitement, to know that she wanted to get fucked. She stood up and moved to her dresser and retrieved the special white bikini, special because she removed the inside covering making it see through when wet, and when Craig would see it on her he would know exactly what she wanted.

She quickly put it on, grabbed her swimming robe and headed downstairs on shaky legs. As she got down to the bottom of the stairs the laughing from the guys caused her to pause and question if she had the guts to go through with her plan. She didn't necessarily want the guys to see what she has, but she really wanted to get fucked by Craig. But after running it through her mind, a bit of the exhibitionism in her came out as the wetness returned to her knowing that the guys would have a good view of her body when she got out of the pool. Heck, they might even see more of her now that she was wet between the legs.

She confidently strode out from the hallway through the kitchen to the patio where the guys were playing, Drew was the first to see her and whistled his approval, which drew all of the attention her way, which just got her more excited.

Surprised by what she was wearing Craig said, "What the heck babe..."

She smiled and leaned down and hugged him putting his head in her chest and placing her wet hand on his cheek, "Yes, I know baby, I love you too."

The arousal scent was not missed by Craig, nor the other guys at the table as they looked at each other in disbelief, as conservation Shelly 5'2" shoulder length dusty blond hair with light green eyes and a killer 34d, 24, 26 body that reeked of sexual arousal, sensually kissed her husband and made her way to the pool, swaying her hips proactively.

"Dam Craig, you're the man!" laughed Drew.

Shaking his head Kent said, "I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're one lucky son of a bitch Craig."

"Yeah, you got it all happening for you dude" smiled Dennis.

All Craig could do was sit there his mouth open in shock as he tasted the sweet smell of his wife's arousal upon his face. He turned, as all his friends had done, to watch as she dived into the pool.

"With her swimming it's going to be hard playing cards" croaked Craig.

"That's not the only thing hard" laughed Drew.

Craig looked at Drew sternly, "Hey now, that's my wife!"

Slapping Craig on the back Kent jumped in, "Yes she is, and you are on lucky mother fucker!"

Shelly didn't pay attention to the conversation, but she knew what they were talking about, Her. And it excited her to no end. She did a couple of laps, feeling the coolness of the water as she swam through it. But the coolness of the water did nothing to ally her carnal desire, she was still hot for Craig. A couple more laps and she stopped at the shallow end of the pool and pinched her nipples to get them hard, not that they weren't already, before standing up and got out of the pool and walked sensually back to the table where the guys were playing, purposefully forgetting her robe.

When she got into the light from the patio her body was clearly visible through the wet bikini, especially her rock hard nipples. The conversation stopped immediately as all eyes turned towards her, drinking in the beauty of her body.

"Have a good swim Shelly?" asked Craig knowing full well what the guys were about to see.

"Yeah, it was great. Water is a little chilly though."

"Yes, we can tell" laughed Drew.

Craig turned to Drew and yelled, "Drew! What the fuck man!"

She placed her hand on her hips and stood seductively allowing her legs to part allowing all to see her bush, "Honey, I need your, uhm, tool, to open a drawer that's stuck. Can you help me, please?"

All of the guys, except Craig let out an ohhh, Craig just blushed a deep red and said, "Uhm sure."

She turned and made her way to the stairs, swishing her hips as she went, with Craig following behind her. As she entered into the kitchen she undid the tie on her bikini top and let it fall to the ground.

"Shelly! Holy shit! What the fuck has gotten in to you?"

She stopped and untied the bikini bottom and let it fall leaving her completely nude just out of eye shot from the guys before saying, "Hopefully you"

"Dam woman, let's go!"

She moved slowly and sensually through the remainder of the kitchen and headed up the stairs stopping when she half way up. She turned slowly to face Craig, "I don't think I can wait" and bent down and began unbuttoning his pants to get to his very hard cock.

"Shelly, what the heck has gotten into you?" but he didn't stop her, he helped her by pulling off his shirt.

When his hard cock was free she leaned in and took it in her mouth as far as she could savoring the taste. She pulled back and twirled her tongue around the head before moving back down. Craig held on to her head for dear life as his conservative beautiful wife gave him the best, and hottest, blowjob of his life. He had no idea what had gotten into her, but he liked it.

She bobbed up and down a couple more times before taking him out of her mouth and turned around on the stairs and bent over saying, "Okay baby I need it, give it to me."

He looked back down the stairs but no one was there, so he took his hard cock in his hand and placed the head at the entrance of her hot wet pussy, "You ready for me babe?"

"Yesss. Fuck me baby, fuck me good!"

He entered her and didn't stop until he was in all the way. He didn't think he could last long, but it didn't matter because as soon as he began fucking Shelly it triggered her orgasm, which was the most powerful orgasm of her life as she let out a loud grunt followed by, "Oh god, that's it. Fuck me, fuck me, ahhhhh."

And did he fuck her, for at least a dozen strokes when grabbed her hips and jammed his cock as far inside of her as he could and exploded into her letting out a loud "Arrrgggghhh." He held onto her hips as his body twitched as he spurted his cum deep inside her.

"Oh shit babe. Fuck! This is, oh my god, fucking great!" he said through gritted teeth.

She could only whimper as her body rode out her orgasm as her husband held her onto his spurting cock. Never had she felt so, sexually charged, as she was now.

As he finished dumping his load into her, he pulled out and slapped her ass playfully and walked back downstairs, not realizing that he was nude, but Drew didn't think twice saying, "Dude, what the fuck man, we all know you fucked the shit out of the wife, and it's your house and all, but can you please put some clothes on."

Looking down he realized he was nude, he didn't care, he shrugged his shoulders and walked back to the stairs where he just had the best sex of his life. His wife was gone, she must have just left, he picked up his clothes and got dressed and went back to the poker game putting on his best I've done nothing face as possible.

Drew stood up and clapped saying, "Bravo my man, bravo."

Dennis just smiled and said, "So, fix her drawer?"

Kent looked at him and said, "You are one lucky bastard."

Drew added, "So, you get this whenever guests come over, or are we just, lucky?"

Shaking his head no, "This never happened before. I have no idea what got into her."

"Sure, sure you don't. I know exactly what got into her" laughed Drew.

"Alright now, stop it" countered Dennis.

"So, Craig, do you think I might have caused the reaction from Shelly?" asked Drew.

"In your dreams" laughed Dennis.

"Yeah, it was probably me" laughed Kent.

The good natured ribbing went on the rest of the night, with each guy taking swipes at Craig, even Dennis the married guy took his shots. But it was all in good fun. And just after midnight after they all had left Craig headed up to bed and found his wife naked on top of the covers. He was going to wake her for a good fuck but she looked so peaceful that he decided to join her in sleeping. But tomorrow, tomorrow was another story.


He woke up late, it was 7:30, and was alone in the bed. He got up and walked downstairs looking for Shelly to discuss some unfinished business from last night. As he got to the bottom of the stairs he heard the unmistakable sound of bacon being placed in a frying pan. There standing before the stove was his wife making bacon as well as pancakes.

"Ohh, I was hoping to make you breakfast in bed!" she lamented.

"Bacon? Splurging a little are we?" he laughed.

"I thought it would be nice, you know, after last night" she said with a blush.

"What do you mean?" he asked coyly.

She blushed deeply, "Come on, you know,"

Raising his hands he countered "What?"

"Are you kidding? What happened after I had a swim last night."

"Oh, do you mean when you wore the see threw bikini? Or the stripping in the kitchen? Or could it have been the fucking on the stairs?"

Blushing deeply again, "I guess all of the above."

"Well I must say that it was the most awesome sex that I think we have ever had!"

"Oh you aren't kidding. Oh my god I came so hard. And so quickly."

"What got into you last night?"

"Besides you?"

He laughed and hugged her.

"I don't know, probably several things. The two glasses of wine, the sex in the hot tub before the guests arrived, the stress that we have both been under for the last month. All of that just, came out last night, and, well, you got the benefits of it."

"I'm not the only recipient of your pent up stress. The guys now truly know how sexy you are. In fact, they made several comments on your, womanly attributes, as well as your penchant for vocalizing sex."

"Oh god, they heard me?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors heard you."

"I'm so embarrassed!"

"Wait a minute, you're embarrassed that they heard you, but not that they saw you in that translucent bikini?"

"Well, I kind of expected that they would see me. That might have had something to do with the, rush, that I felt at the time. I mean it was sooo, exciting knowing that they could see EVERYTHING that God gave me."

"Well, well, well, you hot little piece of ass, you got off on it didn't you."

She looked away from him as she nodded her head in agreement.

"Are you excited now?"

"NO!" she said all too quickly.

He could clearly see her nipples poking through the thin fabric of the night shirt she was wearing, she was not being honest was she. He moved closer and slipped his hand underneath the bottom of the night shirt and up between her legs to her uncovered pussy, as he slid a finger into the folds he found it wet with excitement, "So, not excited are you?"

"Well, maybe a little."

He kissed her neck and said softly, "Maybe I should take care of this for you."

Moaning softly she said, "Ohh, honey, the bacon"

At three bucks a pound he can wait.

They ate breakfast quickly and went after each other like their life depended on it. Their sexual romp after breakfast was memorable. He had picked her up and put her on the kitchen table and taken her right there, taking her hard and fast as if his life depended on it. For Shelly this is what she wanted, what she craved. She put her legs on his shoulders giving him full access to her as he pounded her like never before.

After they were done they were both somewhat embarrassed with the ferocity of their love making, in fact it didn't feel like they made love, it felt that as if the animalistic side of their personalities had taken over themselves and satisfied their wild animal side. The embarrassment was short lived as they broke down laughing as they moved the kitchen table back into place, seems they moved it several feet out of place.

The week that followed was sexually charged as Shelly wore nothing more than t-shirts around the house, which kept Craig with a perpetual hard on. Several times during the week Shelly would sneak her hand into Craig's pants and give him a playful squeeze, and depending on his reaction would go down on him.

For his part, Craig was more forward as he would hug and kiss Shelly while getting her down on the coach or bed, and when she was laying down he would eat her out, bringing her off before getting on top of her and fucking her like he did in the kitchen.

That's that way it was during the week, fucking like animals, but on Saturday it changed. Craig approached Shelly from behind and wrapped his arms around her, feeling her unencumbered breasts and kissing her neck. She responded by moving her head to the side giving him access to her neck and pushing her ass back into him.

He whispered in her ear, "I don't know what got into you this last week, but, man babe, you're driving me nuts."

She moaned loudly as he kissed her neck and played with her breasts. She wanted him, badly, but was content to wait him out. "Do you like me like this?" She asked.

"Yeah, I love it when you are like this" as he slid his hand underneath the shirt and up to her breasts, continuing to give them the attention that they truly deserved. "It turns me on that you have become more open and freer with your sexuality."

"You like that? You want me to be more open?"

"Yes. I want you to be more open, to be more sexually active, more excepting." as he slid his other hand down between her legs to feel her wetness.

She spread her legs giving him better access before asking, "You want me to be more open baby?"

As he slid a finger into her pussy he said, "Yes. I do baby, yes I do."

"Open, like what I did before your friends when I put on the white bikini?" she groaned.

"Oh my god, that was so hot, yeah baby like that" he was now pinching her nipples as he began to finger fuck her.

"You want me to, show off my body? To them?" she whimpered.

Was she fooling around or was she serious? He was afraid to ask, afraid of what her answer would be, and he was afraid that he would agree to it as well. "Is that what you want? To turn on the guys? To flirt with them?"

"Uhn, baby, if that is what you want, I'll do it. Whatever you want..."

"No baby, this is all up to you, it's your decision. You have to want to do it, and say that you'll do it."

She bit her lip, she wanted so badly to say yes, but she was afraid of what Craig would say, of what he would think of her, that he would lose all respect of her. She didn't want that, no she loved Craig, loved him deeply, and she didn't want to lose him. But, could she deny what she was feeling?

"Oh baby, I love you, fuck me baby, please fuck me."

He turned her around and kissed her deeply as he stepped out of his shorts and underwear. He maneuvered her to the coach and gently laid her down and lifted her shirt exposing her breasts to him. He lowered his head and took the hard nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue over it a couple of times before moving to the other. As he did this he placed his hard cock at the entrance of her pussy before gently sliding the head in.

Shelly feeling the hard cock at the entrance of her wanting pussy lifted her hips in an attempt to take more of it in to satisfy her lustful need to be fucked. But Craig held back, he wanted this to be slow, to enjoy it, and make it last as long as possible. Shelly moaned in dissatisfaction and said, "Come on baby give it to me."

Taking her hard nipple out of his mouth he leaned forward slipping more of his hard cock into her as he whispered in her ear, "I will, but at my speed, how I want to do it."

She groaned as she placed her hands on his ass to pull more of Craig into her. Sensing her rising frustration with what he was doing, Craig abandoned this approach and slowly slid all of his hot meat into her until he hit bottom.

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Michelle had recently moved in next door, she seemed very pleasant and on the few occasions that I had said hello to her on the door step or in passing, she had smiled and said that we should introduce ourselves properly. Other than the normal pleasantries, we had not really spoken to each. I noticed that whenever she was at home, she liked to spend time in the garden and paid particular attention to her flowers. As the summer weather improved, I notice that she wore short and a t-shirt which...

3 years ago
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Dark ReasonsChapter 7

Jenna flipped out her badge at the uniform that was standing at the barricades in front of an old warehouse in the factory district down town. He quickly moved the bright yellow over sized saw horse aside and let Ethan drive his Grand Prix through, putting it back behind them. They had already driven through a warren of police and news vehicles, parked haphazardly down the street, some over the curbs, some in tow away zones, and some were even double parked. She made a mental note to send a...

3 years ago
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My First Experience With An Online Friend 8211 Part I

Hi all story lover. I m a big fan of this site and read a lot of stories. It is a great place to post your sex experience. Now i m going to tell my real experience which happened 5 months back.with the help of my lover I m narrating this story for all of you. I m a good looking girl and having good figure too but i don’t have any boyfriend with whom i can express my feeling my good and bad time. So to search a good friend I start chatting on yahoo. I used yahoo for long time but did not find...

2 years ago
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Meri Gaand Faati

Hi Friends this is Shweta from Delhi. Well My previous sex experinces has been narrated by the Abshiek but due to the some problems he cann’t carry on with his stories and my own sex experience. So now I am here to tell your experiences. Well My name is Shweta from New Delhi, working as a housewife and mother of the 3 kids. I am 32 years old and my sex life it was not so good before the Abshiek came into my sex life and fuck me hard. About myself fair in complex, nice and soft breast( or you...

4 years ago
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Endless Playground

He had been wanting to fuck her for three years. She was hot in the way Moms are hot. That sounds dismissive, but it wasn't, not to him. It was celebratory. She wasn't a twenty-something waif-thin hottie, she wasn’t a MILF, she wasn’t a model, she wasn’t a cartoonish divorcee on the prowl. She was just a single Mom, maybe a little prettier than the others, at least in his eyes. She had dark, alluringly unkempt hair and sea green eyes. Her ample hips curved deliciously into a trim torso before...

Straight Sex
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Cousins Apartment

My cousin’s apartment is on the fifth floor. So carrying up my desk is no easy task per say. See, I am going to be staying with her for a couple weeks before I go to the college that I am transferring too. I’m 22, went to community college for a couple years but am now going to a university. Though I can’t move into my place there for about sixteen more days and where I was living, the lease is up and I needed somewhere to go. No way would I go back to living with either my mom or my dad at...

1 year ago
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My 40 year old fiancée Suzie lived about 250 miles from me. Our engagement was the result of a year long long-distance relationship.Her parents were wealthy, lived in an elite suburb and held family gatherings on every holiday. The summer ones were the best, because they were held around the family swimming pool.Suzie's was a family of women. She had two older sisters. They ranged in age from the mid forties to forty (Suzie was the baby).Her father was quite a bit older than her mother, ages 79...

1 year ago
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Angela Tells Her Story

Prologue. To begin with, I should like to point out that the ‘Ang’ in ‘Angela’ is pronounced like the ang in angle, and not ‘Anj.’ She was of European origin and liked her name to be pronounced in the manner of her country. Angela was not her real name, but she still had problems getting people to pronounce her real one in the way she preferred. Angela told me her story, or at least part of her story, when she was seventy-six and I was living with her. She asked me to write it down, and when...

4 years ago
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A Home Invasion

My girlfriend and I stumbled back to my house about midnight, a little bit drunk, from a neighbor’s party in Cocoa Beach. We staggered upstairs, brushed our teeth and hit the sack right away. The next thing I knew, the clock on my nightstand said 2:53AM. Vicki was sound asleep beside me. And I had to pee. Coming back from the bathroom, I noticed a light shining up from ground level outside the rear bedroom window. I’d installed motion sensor lights above all the exterior doors and windows and...

1 year ago
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Papa and MeganCabin at the Lake Part I

It was perfect. Jim and Marge Harvey were always trying to get us up to use their summer cabin at Lake Jenny. I don’t know if they wanted us to buy it or what, but every spring they would encourage us to use it as much as we would like. We had been up there a couple years ago and had enjoyed it immensely, but we never took the time to repeat the visit. This year we had not heard from them, but I would not hesitate calling them as soon as we got home. “I’ve got an idea,” I said,...

2 years ago
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Mothers wish

Jack had decided upon a real razor today instead of electric one. It was the day before Christmas and there was some nostalgia in the air. Sure, he had an electric razor, but there was no romance in using this droning device, especially on such a special occasion. When the kids were still at home and it was oh so many years ago and Jack was still much younger, still before the war and even afterwards, he was preparing for his early Sunday morning ritual in the kitchen before church. ...

4 years ago
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Chudai Ke Liye Ek Lund Kaafi Nahi 8211 Part 12

Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai meri. Part 11 main maine bataya ki kaise maine aur neeta ne ek dusre ke bete ko chodne ke liye agree kiya aur phir us plan ko sakar bhi kiya. Please apna comment mein bhejen. Aapki comments mujhe aur bhi likhne ke liye majboor karenge. Please story ki sari parts padhe aur comment bhejen. Rahul aur mere bich ki wardaat ke 2 dino baad nisha ka call aaya tha. Minu: Hi...

2 years ago
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IntendedChapter 10 Trials by fire and water

Though twilight quickly yielded to darkness, Jakal did not stop to light a torch. The moon glowed full and bright, illuminating the path he traveled. In the Spirit World his senses, including his eyesight, were heightened; were he not completely familiar with the lake's location he still could have found it. It lay so close now he felt its moisture upon his skin. He could even smell the water, its cool crispness mingled with the scent of mixed leaves. The signs grew ever fresher as the...

3 years ago
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Friends for ever

He boobs ware very big in her early stages i always thought of catching them and squeezing them once i got a chance it was when i was in +2 we all use to play together in group of 8 people 5 girls and 3 boys And all our parents know about our friendship and they treat us with respect as we never gave any chance to prove our self (wrong ) we ware good in studies and games. Once we ware playing the blind game ( one among us will be tied with a cloth on you’re their eyes and then he should catch...

3 years ago
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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 25 Skye gets the lsquopointrsquo

Hearing Samantha’s somewhat plaintive complaint, Jax had smirked. He stopped fucking Meghann for a moment, wanting to exert more control over the whole scene, and walked over to the patio door. “Get over here cunt, you want my cock, lets continue while I call my lazy sister” Waiting as Meghann stood up, wobbly and moved over to where he stood, her body a bit of a mess, her hair in disarray. Pointing to where she should stand, he opened the patio door, and hollered into the house, “Robin!!”....

2 years ago
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The Triad and the Virgins Passion Chapter 2 Dryad Delight

Chapter Two: Dryad Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Seamus – The Dryad's Grove, The Kingdom of Haz I gripped my sword, the blade burning with the warrior god Gewin's enchantment, as I stepped out into the clearing. I had followed the sounds of moaning. I had thought the moans belonged to my wives, the twin sisters Fiona and Aoifa. I had lost them when the trees came alive and attacked us. I hacked my way through the trees, my sword stained with sap, and instead found the dryad...

4 years ago
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The DreamChapter 6

As told by Karen McGifford... I stripped in the car without being told and buckled myself in. One tit was hanging while the other was crushed in place by the belt. I held my pussy lips without being told as well. “You showed good restraint until the very end, Honey,” Master called me by my stripper name. I rolled my eyes and looked at my feet. He didn’t see because he was driving us away. Two different strippers were outside smoking pot as we left the parking lot. “The reason I let you...

2 years ago
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Matt and Natalie

It was a cold, breezy Friday night. You could see your breath as you exhaled. On the middle floor of a stylish hotel in the heart of the city, a young woman was waiting for a phonecall.. the phonecall. Natalie is a curvy, sensuous and seductive girl in her early twenties. Long, flowy red hair, big green eyes and tonight has an insatiable appetite for one man.. and he's coming.Matt is a guy from a far away place.. well.. London. He's nearly in his mid twenties, dark haired, handsome and wears a...

Oral Sex
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First Encounter 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, this is Austin again. I hope you all enjoyed my first sex story. I have a received a good response for that on my email. Happy people liked my last story. Friends any cute aunties r girls in your area please share my details and any naught girl r auntie wants to have fun can contact me at Privacy and satisfaction guaranteed…. Now let’s start with the remaining part of the story. Lastly I was thinking of asking my uncle about sex next morning. I was not able to sleep thinking about...

3 years ago
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my brothers visits

The door bell rang and l rushed to answer it, he was there, standing in front of me, my brother, my ex lover. I felt the butterflies in my stomach like the old days when l saw him, my pussy was twitching, he came in dropped his bags and we hugged, kissed cheeks. God l wanted to kiss him properly, writing about him on Lush had made me ring him up and invite him to stay. I wanted to know if there were still feelings between us, we hadn’t done anything or even seen each other since we went our...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 77

We had finished eating and I was tired, but I made sure to spend some time with the girls before I sent them up to get ready for bed. Tran and I tucked them in and we asked them when they were going to move out of the tent. "Can't we stay in here a little while longer, Uncle Harry? We all like it and besides, we're in no hurry to move all those beds back to the rooms." I busted out laughing and told them as long as they were getting along living in the tent, then they could make up...

3 years ago
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My Journey To The World Of Desires Part 4

I had not learned anything from my previous relationships. I did not find a reason why she decided to leave me or even humiliated me. It did not take me more than a month to recover. In new school I actually made Girl Friends, and not girl-friend. I suppressed my desires completely and continued to become friend. Boys did not care about what I appeared but girls did. I found it was very tough lying a girl. I concentrated on making them expressive than expressing myself. I watched pornography...

1 year ago
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The Store

Constructive criticism welcome -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Damn it” I shouted as I slammed my fist down on the bench, “not only did I get overcharged, but half this stuff is past its expiration date!” I load everything back into my car and drive back to the store; I load everything into a trolley and storm...

3 years ago
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I'm standing in the line at the grocery store, waiting to pay. There are two people ahead of me, and some one behind me. I am day dreaming, my hands full. The person behind me is doing something with a plastic bag, but I'm not paying attention until I feel a hand slip between my thighs, run up to my buttocks and for a brief moment, a thumb is pressed against me. In my surprise, my body stiffens and I turn my head to regard the woman who is already leaving the shop. Did she just...?She pauses at...

2 years ago
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lust for her abs female martial artist

It had been about 3 years since I fucked that amazing female bodybuilder. Although she lost interest in me shortly thereafter (started dating some bodybuilder dude to my understanding), my fetish for a fit, muscular women with rock hard abs hadn't died. Jerking off to that amazing night, or visiting female muscle sites simply wasn't enough anymore, I wanted another night, just like that one. I had just about given up hope...I was finishing up doing drills in my Taekwondo class. While I...

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great white witch p1

Recently I visited this antique store in the Chinatown section of my city.The store had numerous interesting objects that caught my attention, plusEverything in the store were being sold at a discounted price. After browsing Around I found an old trunk in the back of the store buried behind lamps and otherOdd articles. I asked the clerk on duty “if the old fashion item was for sale”.The clerk indicated “that I could have the chest and anything inside of it for $10”.I didn’t even open the chest...

2 years ago
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Its Flu Season Again

As I sit here typing I can feel as my sinuses fill up like a heavy water balloon ready to burst. The pressure pushes against my eyes causing an annoying pain, they feel as if they are about to pop out of my head. I can barely see the screen as I continue to write the story I am working on. My throat dry as the desert, tortured by the blast of the powerful coughs that push there way from my lungs. It is now raw and torn as if tiny little blades have sliced me from the inside out. The acrid...

4 years ago
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Wisconsin Ranger PT2

The buckle came undone. I let her do it too. I felt the zipper go down and I let her undo it as well. She rubbed my crotch. I loved it. I felt my jeans get unsnapped and I so wanted her hands down inside my underwear. Then it happened. They slid down inside my underwear. Ohhhhhhh holy fuck, I thought. Yes, ohhhhhh yes oh yes ohhhhhh holy fucking yes I told myself. Touch it, rub it, and squeeze it too. Have as much fun as you want while feeling her fingers on my limp dangling cock. “Is that...

1 year ago
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Do You Realise When Youre Dreaming

I’m too tired to write, I’d rather dream instead… Have you ever had a lucid dream? A state or place you awaken to, and you realise you’re actually dreaming? I don’t think I actually ‘know’ I’m dreaming, rather I am just pleased to be back in a place where anything I want will come to me. I’m floating somewhere in a deep green forest, just beneath the canopy. There are tiny sapphires set in mauve up in the sky. The sun hasn’t risen yet and I’m coming further out of the daze I was shrouded in....

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That Weeknd

“Sorry sir but we only have a single vacancy”. ‘No this could be happening to me, where would we go at this time?’ I thought. “Emma there’s only one room, and I don’t think we will be able to go anywhere in this night, what should I do?” “Take it we’ll stay together.” “Are you sure you will stay with a boy whole night in a room? Aren’t you scared or something?” “Ya! Ya! Very funny! Now make it quick, I’m chilling out here.” “Ma’am we’ll take it, but won’t there be any problem if we stay...

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BlacksOnBlondes Riley Reid Fifth Appearance

Makeup sex is the best. Riley craves daddy’s forgiveness just so she can get fucked really good. Sometimes she’ll even start shit, just to get Daddy mad knowing that makeup sex is soon to follow. She really fucked up this time. Daddy asked her to pack her shit and leave. So she put on the sexiest lingerie and said all the right words. Daddy caved real quick once she started rubbing up against him….groping his dick. So he let her have it. She dropped to her knees and service...

4 years ago
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Jens Story Ch 6

Chapter 6: Danny Breaks up with Jen with a Gangbang One afternoon shortly after the wrestling season ended Danny and Steve coaxed me into going to Danny’s house to listen to some new CDs Steve had gotten. I knew where this would probably lead, but had resigned myself to our little secret arrangement. Once we were at Danny’s house we settled in on the old couch with me in the middle snuggled up to Danny with his arm around me. Danny and I began kissing and fondling as Steve rolled a joint....

3 years ago
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Vacation with my daughter Day 3 Barcelona

“Daddy, wake UP! I want my orgasm now!” I opened one eye and saw Ashley opening the electric blinds to let in an overcast day in Barcelona. The sliding doors were already open from last night and I could hear the splatter of raindrops. Cars splashed along the wet Rambla street below. Ashley turned toward me and unbuttoned her pink pajama top. My other eye opened. I had come to love the exotic shape of her breasts in the last two days – more elongated than round, like small curved cones, each...

1 year ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 5 Breakfast Time

Saturday Morning "Cutie! QTD -- wake up! Quenelle Theresa Dahl -- get your lazy body out of bed. Your coach called a special meeting for noon today." Cutie's mom, Katie (Katherine Thelma) Dahl woke her from her dream. "All right, Mom. You don't need to yell. I'm up." A head was peering around the partly closed door of Cutie's room as she opened her eyes. "This is the third time I've called you. Breakfast is waiting. Take a shower and get dressed. I guess the news of Janelle's...

2 years ago
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More of cleaning lady adventures 01

By Dina PetroI was called by the office and informed of having a cleaning job to perform, they gave me the address and time to be there, at the exact time I was ringing the door bell, an older man who was at least in his late sixties or early seventies opened the door for me, from the first moment, he seemed to be a nice man with lots of flirting habits, he was always smiling and giggling.I greeted him smiling and saying “you have called the cleaning service requiring a maid Sir?” He nodded...

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E082 The rest of Wednesdays drive

Back on Interstate 95, they head to Connecticut, their next state.  They are getting closer and closer to their final destination. In less than fifteen minutes, they cross the state line.  Emma is ecstatic; she is now in New England.They continue to drive for about an hour more, being able to catch glimpses of the bay leading to the ocean.  When they reach Bridgeport, Connecticut Emma tells Donald to pull off the freeway.  She gives him the directions which wind them to the Discovery Museum and...

Love Stories
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 23

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 23Professor Colin Steeves slowly awoke and blinking the sleep from his eyes became aware of two new sensations. First was the pure bright sunlight that was streaming through the open window of his bedroom of the guest lodge on the high African plateau, it was quite unlike that which usually greeted him back home in the grey suburb where he lived. The second awareness was the feeling of a soft...

3 years ago
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Shopping KmartChapter 7

"Tell me, my pet, how do you feel right at this moment?" Your quiet, calm enquiry floored me. How do you expect me to feel? Foolish. Idiotic. Insane. "Small, Sir. Very small." My cheeks are burning with the embarrassment I feel at having urinated in front of you. It didn't matter that I couldn't control myself, that it was your fingers pinching me that started the flow. No, it didn't matter. What mattered to me was that I did it, me an adult. I breathe deeply once, to get my thoughts...

4 years ago
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A Love For The AgesPart 3

In the morning, Princess Gabriele found that she was sore down below. No one had told her to expect this. But she clung to it; it was perhaps the only certain thing in her life. The previous night, after the womanhood ceremony, had been a blur. The bloody sheet, evidence of her passing girlhood, had been presented publicly, much as the sign of her first menses had; there had been a long, ritualized ceremony, in which Queen Meralina officially invested her as heir-apparent to the throne of...

2 years ago
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Gothic Amy And Me Part 10 I Know Pronounce You

Introduction: Wedding and aftermath ,) Authors Note* I read a comment that gave me a good idea. But I have to say when I started this story I wanted it to be realistic. And slowly Ive been drifting from that but its all good. But Ive gotten suggestions for bestiality and pregnancy and I think someone asked for piss. Any thoughts or comments on these? Anyway&hellip,. REJECTS AND SHEJECTS&hellip,&hellip,I know pronounce you&hellip,. The moon glowed bright and the wind chilled my bones. It had...

1 year ago
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''So you the damn reason my baby can't play with his Xbox, Jamar I found some batteries'' Desiree said chuckling. ''Girl that ain't funny, I'm horny as shit and this damn vibrator ain't cutting it'' Click! ''Damn Mathius home I'll call you tonight .'' "Nawl, I'll be over there tomorrow." The phone went dead on the other end . "Hey babe" Mathius said setting down his briefcase. ''Babe sit down dinners almost done'' I said giving him a kiss....

2 years ago
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mum and me pt3

after a few weeks of touching each other,we got more involved mum would dress in nice underwear when dad went to work,and put on her elasticated trousers over them which would be easy for me to remove,and a top,so the first image i would get is a middle aged mum/housewife,going around her normal chores,i would usually be in my shorts or tracky bottoms,i would watch her from behind as she washed the dishes at the kitchen sink and then go up behind her kiss the back of her neck and put my hands...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 39

Indian Territory October 5, 1884: As the light of dawn began to spread across the plains, they harnessed the mules and hitched the teams to the wagons. They were all ready to meet the others at Pecan Ridge Cattle Company and start the pecan harvest. They saw how the nearby trees were loaded with pecans and knew this pecan crop was going to be a big one. Eli and Moses had been out before dawn, riding the western perimeter. Duncan and Joe had also been riding the eastern perimeter behind...

3 years ago
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A Love Affair Between Two Cultures

It started very innocently. A writer receives a compliment from a reader. However, there was something different about this reader. She seemed very sensual and forthcoming in her comments. They corresponded back and forth. The more they e-mailed the more details they gave up about themselves. Soon they were exchanging pictures. That is when he saw her true beauty, of not only mind but also her physical self. She was Malaysian, 5 foot 4, tiny body, small breasts lovely small tight butt. But...

3 years ago
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Reminiscences of My Rapturous Days With RanjaniChapter 3 Thursday

That morning also I did not see Ranjani and I assumed that she had left for school early for her rehearsal in connection with the oncoming celebrations. In the evening I came by 5 PM and I found Radha, Ranjani and Chitti with my aunty. After serving me snacks aunty and Radha left for temple. Much to my disappointment Chitti was left with us. I looked at him with some dismay and Ranjani tittered at my uneasiness. We sat with the carom board but Chitti again prevented our play. So we idly sat...

1 year ago
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Twitch ASMR

I’ve been mulling over this review for a while now, and for the longest time, I told myself that it’s just not worth it. There’s no reason to talk about Twitch. Twitch is just a gaming platform. The twitch thots will die out eventually when they get banned from the platform and so on. I could not have been more wrong. I know that most remarkable things on the internet eventually devolve into pornography, but I’m the kind of classicist who believes that porn and child-friendly spaces shouldn’t...

ASMR Porn Sites
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BBCSLUT 19 Laws of Conduct

1) No Black Man can ever be denied sex. He should NEVER have tojerkoff.2) Black Men NEVER wear condoms unless He requests it.3) Always defer to the intelligence and desires of Black Men. Seektheir advice on all matters first.4) Black Women always have first rights to Black Men.5) In the presence of Black Woman, a white woman must first ask theirpermission to serve Black Men.6) If a Black man consents, a Black Women may request the service ofawhite woman at anytime. No denial can be given.7) In...

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The Office Life

Week 1 - Day 1 at the office the CEO has an important meeting with the board. But first he must do his usual routine which is to listen to the financial news whilst he relaxes NOTE: This is my first Chyoa story and I am working on a far more elaborate Free Use world. Please show me your love by hitting that like. Also if you have any ideas, hit me up and lets create something!

2 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 15 SM03Eta Day 2 concluded

Steve, Ko, and Li entered the hallway connecting the bedrooms, and found Theresa and Consuela, somewhat ruffled, but rested from their earlier 'ordeal'. Steve greeted them, saying "Recovered your strength, I see? I seem to have acquired a new possession; would you care to watch as I break her in?" Conseula's eyes bulged, but she didn't speak. Theresa was just as surprised, but found her voice. "No, thank you. We're famished, and on our way to get something to eat. But I for one want...

3 years ago
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Asian Whore in Live Sex Show with Animals0

I’m standing in the middle of the room with the light directly above me. There’s a room full of men sitting on chairs watching me undress. I wear my long sleek black hair down and it contrasts against my milky white skin. I have red lipstick on and nothing else. As I sit on top of the mattress laid out at the front of the room, I caress my naked body looking at the group of men in front of me, the anticipation increases my arousal. The heat rises between my legs. I start to pinch at...

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