The Descending Of Jessica Ch. 12 free porn video

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Several months ago, I hinted at an epilogue to wrap everything up. Unfortunately, this has turned into not only another chapter but probably should have been two or three. Oh, well. If you haven’t read the preceding chapters, you probably should or none of this will make any sense. If, on the other hand, you want to plow right in then have at it. I make no promises as to whether the continuity will make any sense to you, but you are welcome to try.

As always, all names have been changed. Some events have been embellished and others ignored because, well, I didn’t know anything about them. Thanks again for reading!


I woke up crying on Brent’s shoulder. This was not how I had envisioned our wedding night when Brent had proposed at the end of summer. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

After Brent and I had it out, the mood in my hospital room became more festive. I practically drown in hugs. Brat snuggled up at my side on the bed and soon fell asleep, it now being rather late in the evening apparently. I held her as closely as I could without hurting. Brent sat on the bed at the other side. He held my hand and just generally gazed at me as I stared back. Our eyes confessed our love for each other in ways words could not express. Everyone else was trying to catch me up on events over the last couple months. Carolyn and I chatted quite a bit about her new man, who happened to be one of my doctors.

‘I don’t know, Jessie,’ she explained. ‘When you were at your worst and I needed a shoulder to cry on, he was there and, well, we just kinda connected. You’re going to love him. He’s a great guy!’

‘I guess you introduced my parents?’ I asked.

‘Oh sure, they all know him. He’s here everyday,’ Carolyn said with an odd look.

‘No, I’m sorry. I meant to each other!’

‘Oh! No! I was in the ER getting my head stitched up when they met. Other than bruises, the only injury I got in the wreck was a piece of glass in my scalp underneath my hair. I’m not sure how that happened,’ she replied.

‘I can answer that,’ Ron smiled. ‘Since you’re 18, your mom is legally your next of kin. So, well, she was kind enough to keep us involved in your care decisions.’

‘Well, I couldn’t, you know, I mean Ron and Allison have taken care of you for so long, it just wouldn’t be right…’ Donna’s voice tapered off in confusion before beginning again. ‘We heard the wreck and when I saw it was you, I came running out. The EMTs kept me back but when I told them who I was, they let me fly to the hospital with you and gave me your purse and phone.’


‘Yes, they had you medivaced. Your vitals were crashing pretty fast. Anyway, once we got to the trauma center, I remembered Mr. Anderson was a dentist. so I checked your contacts and found a ‘Dr Ron’ and called. They came running, along with your fiancé and this young lady. You didn’t tell me you had a sister.’

‘Well, I didn’t plan for you all to meet this way, but I’m glad you have. Let me be clear about something. I love all of you, and you’re all my parents,’ I said, tears welling up again. My voice was still as weak as my body. ‘Is that okay?’

‘Of course, darling. It’s not a contest!’ Allison wept with me.

‘Nearly dying three or four times isn’t going to get rid of us,’ Ron added.

‘I’m just happy to be a part of your world again, Jessica,’ Donna whispered almost under her breath.

‘Jessie,’ I said with a grin. ‘So, you work here now?’

‘Well, once I got my boards back, what with the nursing shortage, I could pretty much work doing something at about any hospital I wanted. Since you were here, I figured I could be here if you needed anything. I’m not actually assigned to this floor and I’m not supposed to care for family members.’

‘I won’t tell if you won’t,’ I interrupted.

‘Oh, I’m not working now. I just don’t have anything else to do in my off hours, so I just hang around. Once the Andersons get back, I run home. I sleep a bit, then come back to work. The only person that’s here more than me is that guy of yours there,’ she said, indicating Brent.

‘I’m glad you are. Come to think of it, Carolyn! Its Christmas Eve! Why aren’t you home in Ohio with your folks?’ I said when I realized.

‘Well, when we thought you might…. well, I couldn’t leave,’ she sniffled. ‘Then they said you should wake up pretty soon and I couldn’t miss that. Then you kept waking up and going back to sleep and I wanted to be here and spend time with you so I couldn’t go… Anyway, I’ll go home in a couple of days. No biggie.’ She smiled.

‘You’re all so good to me,’ I whispered as my energy started to wane.

My dinner of jello, applesauce and, I think, more jello revived me a bit. It felt like I hadn’t eaten in weeks. I guess because I hadn’t, yet it took very little for me to feel full.

Finally, a nurse came around and quietly announced visiting hours were ending. She added that my friends and family could stay in the family room down the hall, but I wanted them to go home. The worst was over. I was out of the woods and, more than anything, felt like I needed rest. I was wary of falling asleep, though, for fear of not waking up. I was told earlier that physical therapy would start in two days due to the Christmas holiday, and I was fine with that. I gave Allison a list of things to bring me. Most importantly were hair removal cream and razors, shampoo, conditioner, and my tablet so I could read.

Everyone kissed me on my forehead, cheek or brow and said goodnight. Of course Sarah, being the Brat, announced she was staying with me but, after a few minutes negotiating, we convinced her to go home with Ron and Allison. I had to convince her that I needed to borrow back my copy of Sorcerer’s Stone, and that neither Ron nor Allison knew which copy I needed, but she finally agreed. What kind of child would rather be at a hospital than opening presents on Christmas morning?

Carolyn left with them. Apparently, since school ended, she had pretty much moved into the guest room. This left just Donna, Brent and myself. Donna politely excused herself, saying we would talk in the morning.

‘I hate you have to go home,’ I said, once again staring at the love of my life.

‘I’m not going anywhere,’ Brent replied.

‘You have to, silly. Get some rest and I’ll see you in the morning. I love you.’

‘Okay, look, I’ve been without you for two months. Part of that was my fault, and now that we’re past that, I’m not ready to be away from you again. I was here when we thought you were going to die from the wreck, then from pneumonia and infection. I was here when they told us over and over that you might never wake up. They can call security and arrest me but, short of that, I’m not leaving you right now. I just can’t stand the idea of being apart. Please don’t ask me to go….’ Brent gasped, then kissed my brow as he gently embraced me. He cradled my cheek in his hand and I felt a tear fall from his face to mine.

‘You need you to rest, darling,’ I whispered.

‘I can sleep easier here than away from you. When I’m home, I just toss and turn or walk the floor worrying about you. Please. Just let me stay,’ he said.

‘Do they let family stay here?’

‘Yeah, but, well, they say fiancés aren’t family.’

‘Well, duh! You’re still my brother, too, aren’t you?’ I giggled as I slid to one side of the bed, referring to us having been foster children in the Anderson’s home together.

We kissed again for the second time in as many months. His lips were sweet and delicious. Mine were still dry and parched. I couldn’t return his embrace much due to the still present IV line, but our mouths became more passionate just the same. Finally, I remembered something Dr. Jones had said earlier and stopped. Brent continued, then, when my lips ceased. He kissed my cheek and neck ever so gently and sensuously.

‘Whoa,’ I said,
‘They don’t want me to get too worked up or I might rupture something in my brain. We can’t… you know, for a while. I’m sorry.’

‘Yeah, Rick told me that too when your EKG, or EEG, or whatever that brain wave machine is called said you were waking up.’


‘Carolyn’s new guy. He’s good people.’

‘Oh. Okay, well you probably know more than I do, then.’

‘Not really. He just told me that so we wouldn’t do something stupid. I don’t know when they think you’ll be ready, and I don’t care. If we never have sex again I’m happy as long as I’m with you.’

‘That’s sweet, but I’m sure we’ll be able to, and I wouldn’t be okay with it! But can I tell you something?’

‘You can tell me anything.’

‘Even if we could right now, I wouldn’t.’

‘Because you’re still mad at me and trust and all that?’ he said with agony rising in his words.

‘Oh! No! No! Not that at all! No! I love you! I want to be with you, just not right now! I’m sorry, I,uh, that came out all wrong, I didn’t mean it that way at all! Its just, well, I haven’t shaved in a couple months and I’m gross!’

‘I don’t care about that!’

‘I know, but I do and trust me, my legs are all hairy, I look like a bear or a wolf or something. I don’t ever want you to see me like that.’ I smiled.

‘I’m in no rush. I’m just happy to be with you. And I can’t wait to get married.’

‘We may not be able to then, at first, either. If you want to wait I understand, I guess,’ I said, contradicting my demand that we get married as soon as I got out of the hospital. I didn’t consider at the time I made the demand that I might not be physically able to be with Brent as a husband and wife should.

‘Jessie, we’re getting married the day you get out of here. No later. Understand? I’ve found the woman I want to spend my life with and I don’t want to wait another day to start spending it with her. End of discussion, okay?’

‘Okay.’ I smiled, then considered some other issues.

‘Brent, we need to talk about a couple of things.’

‘Sure,’ he replied as I used the control to elevate my bed more so I was sitting up more.

‘I’m not sure how to tell you this,’ I said as I stared in his eyes. ‘I hope it won’t change how you feel about me, but you deserve to know. When I was in the wreck, I didn’t know it, but…’ I began to cry.

‘Jessie, don’t cry, it’s alright,’ he said, embracing me gently.

‘I… I … I was carrying our child.’ I broke down in tears. ‘And I lost… lost our baby.’ Brent gently wrapped his arms around me before speaking.

‘Don’t torture yourself like this. I know already, Donna and Allison told me weeks ago. I’m all cried out over that, too. It would have been great but after we’re married we can try again, if you want. We’ll have lots of babies if you want. We’ll fill a house with them and adopt more if you want. Don’t beat yourself up like this,’ Brent said as he held me in his arms and I wept on his shoulder.

‘It’s not that. It’s that I, uh, I didn’t even know I was pregnant. I wasn’t trying to get pregnant or anything like that, but I would have told you, Brent. Please, you have to know I would have told you if I knew. I would have married you, right then, if you still wanted me. I…’ and after this I just cried while he held me and told me it would be alright.

We were now both reclining on the bed and I was on my right side, with my head on his shoulder, weeping.

He stroked his hand down my hair and neck and whispered, ‘It’s okay. It’s going to be fine. Please don’t cry. I love you. I hate to see you so sad.’

Eventually, just his warmth and comforting words calmed me down and I was just sniffling again. I reached for a tissue to blow my nose, but he sensed what I was trying to do and got it for me.

‘If you need anything, you just have to ask me. I’m taking care of you tonight and forever, okay?’

‘Okay, thank you,’ I said accepting the tissue and blowing my nose into it. I was still emotional but decided that if we were going to be a couple, Brent needed to know the full truth.

‘There’s something else.’

‘What’s that, honey?’

‘Well, the week we were apart, before the wreck, when I was so mad at you,’ I began.

‘Let’s don’t talk about all that now. You’ve been through a lot and you’re fragile and upset and …, We don’t need to talk about all that now. Let’s talk about it tomorrow after everyone goes home, okay?’

‘No, I need to tell you something now, while I still have the courage to.’

‘Honey, you don’t need courage. You can tell me anything. I just don’t want to see you upset.’

‘I know, thanks, but please, just let me. I need to get it out. I won’t be able to rest until I know I’ve been totally honest with you. And if you’re going to hate me or be mad, I’d rather know now than tomorrow. Something happened that week.’

‘Something or someone?’ he asked.

‘I guess more like someone,’ I whispered feeling like I had cheated. I wasn’t sure if being with Carolyn that week counted as cheating, as for the most part I had written off our relationship and was free to see whomever I wished. But I didn’t feel like Brent and I could move forward if I kept it a secret, either.

‘Well, you were emotional that week. I mean, you were mad at me and thought I had stepped out, and, well, you didn’t know it but you were carrying a child. Whatever happened, I don’t care about,’ Brent said, but I could tell by his voice he was disappointed. Disappointed that the girl who had given herself to him might have given herself to another guy.

‘It’s,’ was all I got out before he interrupted me.

‘Jessie, I’d rather you stop now. I don’t want to talk about any of that. We’ve made up. We’re getting married. Okay?’ he said. His voice was quiet but stern.

‘Okay, but if I don’t, I’ll carry it forever. I want you to know what happened.’

‘What if I don’t want to know?’ he asked.

‘I think you should anyway. See, Carolyn and I…’

‘I know all about you and Carolyn. I know how she was dancing on the bar with your roomie and you all dressed up all slutty for Halloween. Okay? Carolyn already told me. You don’t have to. You didn’t want me at the time because of what you thought I did, and its my fault I wasn’t there with you.’

Brent had just described what we had done for Halloween, pretty accurately, but I couldn’t tell what else he knew about that week.

‘What else did Carolyn tell you?’

‘Just that guys were buying you all drinks all night and she and Trisha were flirting with all of them and they were all flirting back and trying to hook up with you. She said you were well behaved and the designated driver and didn’t do anything wrong. Are you going to tell me now she was lying? That you took some guy home?’ He stared.

I had never seen Brent like this, showing his anger towards me. I didn’t like it.

‘No! I didn’t take any guys home, and neither did Carolyn. Trisha left with some dude, and we drove back to the dorm. We were only out because Trisha talked us into going. And Trisha is the one that made Carolyn dance on the bar. I refused to. Plus, I wasn’t drunk like Carolyn. No, she didn’t lie to you about that. I didn’t do anything with any other men that night, or that week, or ever since we started dating. I don’t want any other man. My heart and soul only want you. Even when I was mad at you, I never dreamed of being with any other guy.’

‘So, you wanted to tell me that Carolyn and Trisha got drunk and danced on a bar? Every night that week I was scared to death you had taken off with some other man. I just knew that and couldn’t get the thought out of my head that I had lost the most perfect girl because I was stupid and didn’t throw Steve and his damn whore out….’

‘I never said Trisha was drunk. She just liked the idea of dancing on the bar. It’s something they do at that place. It was in a movie, I think,’ I
interrupted. ‘And no, there are not now and have never been any other men for me. You even know all the guys I dated before you.’

‘That’s funny. She seems like such a nice girl.’

‘She is. But she’s a tramp, too. She’ll fuck anything that moves.’ I giggled, then became serious again. ‘But she was there for me. She came back to school that Friday and tried to take us out and cheer me up and she’s my friend. So I shouldn’t talk bad about her. Did Carolyn tell you anything else?’

‘No, just that you were an emotional wreck. I usually cut her off because, well, it made me feel horrible.’

‘She was there for me, and…’ I stopped, trying to think of the right words.

‘And?’ Brent asked, his angry voice now replaced with his soft whisper again.

‘And… well, when I said I wasn’t with another guy, well… I didn’t say I wasn’t with another girl.’

There was a long silence while Brent digested what I had said.

‘What?’ he asked. He was still calm.

‘When I was hurting and crying Carolyn took care of me. Well, remember Steven had broke her heart, you know, a couple weeks before, and she was still getting over that, and well…. We were all emotional and hugging and crying and started kissing and one thing led to another…. Well, I don’t love her. I mean, I do love her, but not like that. Not like I love you. It’s different. It’s like we’re friends, but more, but I don’t know if… Well, I don’t… I mean, she’s not going to take me away. She wasn’t trying to do that. She was the one that convinced me to get back with you even when I thought you had, but… I can’t explain,’ I said, dejected at my loss for words. ‘I thought you should know everything about me.’

‘So you hooked up with Carolyn?’

‘Yes. Do you hate me?’

There was another long silence.

‘That’s kinda hot,’ he whispered, his voice not betraying much emotion. If anything, he sounded relieved.

‘What?’ I asked sitting up and not sure if I had heard him correctly.

‘That’s kinda hot. I mean, do you love her?’

‘As my best girl friend, yes,’ I answered. ‘But you’re my best friend since, well, since we first met, and boyfriend and fiancé and the guy I want to spend my life with and have kids with and grow old with, and I love you differently and more than I love her or anyone else.’

‘So you love her like you love everyone else?’

‘Well, no. I don’t love anyone else that way. I mean, look, we were hurting emotionally, and we comforted each other physically. But if it never happened again, she would still be my friend. We aren’t a couple. We weren’t a couple. And neither of us expected any kind of relationship. She described it once as we were bi, but just for each other and, we just, well, took care of each other. If you don’t want to marry me…’

‘Shut up! Stop that! Nothing is ever going to make me not want to marry you, Jessie,’ he interrupted.

‘Well, if you don’t want me to hang around with Carolyn…’

‘Why would I not want you to hang around with Carolyn?’ he interrupted again.

‘Well, because, uh, we were physical like that.’

‘Are either of you lesbians now?’


‘Did she take care of you and, well, as you say, comfort you, when I wasn’t there and should have been?’

‘Yeah. I mean, I guess that’s about it, yeah.’

‘Are you wanting to be in a relationship and marriage with me?’

‘Yes, more than anything.’


‘Oh, god, yes! I want that more than you can imagine,’ I said, clutching him as closely as the IV line and other medical stuff would allow.

‘Are you wanting to be in a romantic relationship with Carolyn or anyone else?’


‘Next time, can I watch?’

‘What? No!’ I said, shocked for a moment before I realized he was joking.

‘Aww, crap,’ he snickered.

‘Look, I never said there would be a next time, I just wanted you to know it happened.’

‘So, I can’t watch or take pictures?’ he teased.

‘No!’ I said ‘Because you and I are getting married. You don’t need pictures of Carolyn.’

‘Well, no, I meant you and Carolyn,’ he laughed.

‘Look, you can’t watch. You can’t take pictures. It won’t happen again because it was during a time of emotional turmoil for me and her. But if it does, we won’t let you watch or take pictures because you’ll have to join us and you’ll be too busy to operate a camera.’

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Just Jessica

Just Jessica I There are a few things that played a prominent role in shaping my life as I was growing up. This first event occurred even before I was born. My mom and dad dated throughout high school and it was a sure bet that they would get married. That lasted right up to graduation night. That's the night that mom got pregnant. It was actually six weeks before she knew for sure and she kept the secret to herself. When she finally told dad about it, to say the least he was not...

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Login Vincent Password Jessica

July 10, 2004 Dearest Vincent, These last few weeks are driving me crazy! I can’t wait to finally be married to the man of my dreams. You’re everything I have always wanted. You have given me my confidence back and you make me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. I love, love, love you, with all my heart! Your soon to be smoking hot 19 year old wife! Jessica October 2, 2010 ‘I know these are a bit pricey but if you want a clean picture, in color and different angles… This is...

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I am not the original author.Fred takes JessicaIt took me a long moment to remember exactly where I was, looking at my watch I noticed that it was nearly three in the morning. “Jesus” I thought “Jess is gonna kill me.”I slowly gathered myself and arose from Fred’s couch. I was alone. I guess the party was over, and I couldn’t help but feel a touch of anger over the thought of no one waking me to let me know.My name is Timothy Grant, I’m 35 and I’m a Regional Sales Rep for a national supplier of...

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Login Vincent Password Jessica

July 10, 2004 Dearest Vincent, These last few weeks are driving me crazy! I can't wait to finally be married to the man of my dreams. You're everything I have always wanted. You have given me my confidence back and you make me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. I love, love, love you, with all my heart! Your soon to be smoking hot 19 year old wife! Jessica October 2, 2010 "I know these are a bit pricey but if you want a clean picture, in color and different angles... This is...

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And Then There Was Jessica

Okay. So, I’m love’s bitch. I admit that. I always have been love’s bitch. Right now, I’m a bitch for a beautiful, red-haired, white goddess, and she treats me like she knows exactly how I’m supposed to be treated.First, I should tell you that I am a tall, slender, athletic, black man with a dark, mahogany skin tone. I’m not unattractive by a long shot, though, being in my fifties, I am quite a bit older than Jessica. I’m financially stable, with some very lucrative investments adding to my...

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Genie Jessica

(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 9 Playing Hooky With Jessica

When she realized I was there she apologized for walking in on me. “Sorry Tony, I didn’t realize you were in here but judging by what’s going on down there I’m glad I did.” “That’s fine Jess, I’m happy to see you. You were pretty quiet last night. I thought you would have popped in at some point.” She said, “I thought about it but wanted to leave Char alone so she could enjoy her time with you. Did you have fun?” “Of course I did and I think Mary Ann and Char won’t be waking up for a...

1 year ago
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The Bosss drunk girlfriend Jessica

It was a Christmas party my boss was a lush , drunk as hell as always at the party's he was off talking to some office workers about who knows what and his girlfriend was walking toward me. She is about 5 feet 3 and about 100 lbs and about 10 lbs of that being her tits she had a big rack for a small girl she had to be about 24 years old the boss was in his late 40's lucky bastard to get a fine young one like her. Lisa was her name I think or was it Jessica, Dam it think think. Hello she said do...

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The Doctor Part 8 Jessica

Jessica could not get the night with Tessa off her mind all the way to the airport. The conversation with Tessa’s dad was stilted as a result. But she made it.She went through check-in and was on the plane in less than half an hour. Sitting in her seat on the plane, she kept thinking about how she could sense Tessa masturbating, and how intensely aroused it made her when Tessa orgasmed. She knew she was soaking wet, and getting wetter by the minute, but could not stop remembering.Jessica...

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A weekend away with Jessica

After our final matric exams. Jessica's parents as well as mine agreed for us to go away together for a weekend. We hadn't seen each other since before our final exams as we sat down, studied and gave it our all. We chatted over messages and planned and booked the weekend away to leave the Friday morning and returning the Monday. We finished our last exam the Thursday afternoon and we both were looking forward to seeing each other.After my exam I went home and pack my bags. Once my stepsister...

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How I Got Seduced By My Friends Mom Jessica

Hi everyone, I am Raj, age 22, from Mumbai. Today I am here to narrate a real incident. It took place a few months ago during my trip to Assam. To start with, I had a friend in my college who was 2 years younger than me. His name was Sarengyam, and he was an Assam native.  We became good friends as we lived in the same hostel. After a few months, Sarengyam told me that he is going for a few days to Assam to meet his family. He asked me if I was interested in accompanying him. Since I wanted to...

5 years ago
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Not A SaintChapter 4 The Capture of Jessica

Friday morning I woke up with a strange feeling. I knew something was going to go good for me. I took a shower letting myself jerk off for a while as I thought about Jessica, my usual masturbation inspiration. I got to work thinking I'd be feeling bad because of my conversation with Jessica the day before, but instead I felt better than I had in a long time. I knew Jessica usually worked late on Friday's to try to get as much work done so she wouldn't have to come in for the weekend. I...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 38 Amy and Jessica

Down in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, at a small lake, some friends were spending a week camping and fishing. As the sun was setting, David Granger walked back to his tent, his pole over his shoulder when he looked up and saw his roommate Brad Wilson walking towards him. Holding up the string of trout, he grinned. "Brad, it looks like we have trout for dinner..." seeing the look on the face of his friend he stopped speaking for a second, and asked, "What's wrong?" Walking up to his...

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A Sex Lesson For Jessica

A Sex Lesson For JessicaHer mother got up to make breakfast and she slipped into be bed beside me. When I first met them last night I thought she was only about 15/16 but it turns out she was nearly 18 and still a virgin. I was the resident solo artiste at the local beach front bar for the holiday season. I had seen them come in every night and sit at the back of the room. They were devout listeners to my songs. I don’t think they missed a word of any one of them. Last night the young girl came...

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"Hi, I am new to the neighborhood and thought I would come and introduce myself," the pretty girl announced as soon as I had opened the door. "My name is Jessica and I live just next door there with my father." At the time I did not have a screen door so could clearly see this young girl as she could see me, a man in my mid-forties. "Well, hello, very nice to meet you. My name is Steve and I live here with my son. I'd call him to meet you, but he's in the shower." "That's okay,...

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The Biography of Jessica

JJ Vaughn sat on the shore of Zuma Beach and took in the beauty of the early morning. It promised to be a lovely day as it was not too warm and a light breeze was blowing by. The sun was already out and some people had walked by, nodding at her as they passed. JJ wondered if any of them recognized her. If they had, they had all been polite enough not to cause a fuss. Dressed the way she was now, she really wasn’t ‘JJ Vaughn’ anyway. The tiny, form-fitting white bikini had been a gift from...

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The Adoption of Jessica

This a story by written me, you can repost it but don't change it. The Adoption of Jessica by Darlene 1997 Robert had lived with his Aunt Diane now for a year, ever since his mother died, and the final visit from the Social Services and Diane Jones' signature on the last document meant that Robert was now the charge of Diane. Diane Jones knew that her sister would have expected her to look after her son Robert on her death but to adopt a child now, at her...

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The Early YearsChapter 3 Jessica

Where in the hell does the time go thought Don when he was leaving school at the end of another school year. It was hard for him to accept that a year had gone by since Joyce had left to move to Southern Illinois. To Don it was a good new bad news school year. The good news was that his basketball team had won the conference title and then in the State tournament they won District but lost in the Sectional final. The bad news was that he hadn’t yet found anyone to replace Joyce as a lover....

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It all began several years ago. Now, before I get into my story, I’ll tell you a little about me – not the why, just the who – why may explain itself. I’m just a man. Nothing special about me, just in my middle sixties with a graying head and beard, glasses, and a bit of a pot belly. I retired before I hit sixty just because my body was tired of the physical demands of the job, and I had more than enough to be comfortable until Social Security kicked in. I’ve been married – once, and that...

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My Best Friend Jessica

I was always a little jealous of her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 5’4 115 pounds, perfect ass. Prefect everything, at least that was how I saw her. Most of all she always had the perfect boyfriends. Even though I had never been with another girl, I would fantasize about her. It freaked me out a little bit. I never thought of myself as a lesbian. I had been with my fair share of guys. But Jessica was different, she was my college together, and we were going to live together...

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My wife walked out on me a year ago; not so much walked out, as drifted out; out of both mine, and my daughter Jessica's lives. She had slowly but steadily devoted more and more time to pursue her career and had made a rapid rise to higher and higher posts within the government and now she was stationed in Brussels at the EU-office. We hadn't divorced or anything and I think we still were in love, but the love had been put to a simmer while she worked. Her paycheck still found its way to our...

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Interviewinghellip Jessica

Interviewing… JessicaAuthor: Bonercreator69I’ve always been a huge Jessica Ennis fan. Ever since she won the Olympics in 2012, though, the hottest British athlete has been in high demand. It’s always been a dream for me to meet one of my favourite women and finally the opportunity has arisen. My very own TV show, interviewing famous women from the world of sport, and who was my first guest, none other than Jessica Ennis. This woman’s arse had been the centre of many men’s affections over the...

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My Cousin Jessica

It was mid-July when my cousin Jessica came to stay with me. I was 21, free as a bird living on my own. I just got a new job not too long ago and was making good money. So I invested in a small house in the country, far from the peering eyes on neighbors. "Hi Chris!!!" my cousin said to me busting through my front door. I got up to grab her bag, but instead, she dropped her bag and gave me a big hug. And all of a sudden, I started to get turned on. I had to let go of...

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What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...

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What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...

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Jennifer Meets Jessica

WANTED: Responsible person to house sit over summer,weekends only while family is away on educational trips. Would suit student seeking part-time vacation employment and a place to study in quite solitude. Please reply: Box XX0143When Jennifer first saw the ad she didn't think much of it, but after thinking it over some she dashed out a brief note introducing herself, with her college tutor's references and forgot all about it. So it was a surprise when she received an invitation from "Mr....

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SRU Jessica

This one isn't very original and its not one of my better stories, but it was what I felt like writing at the moment. SRU: Jessica By Morpheus Brandon dodged around a couple people and sped past on his roller blades. Brandon was a junior at the local high school, and though he already had his driver's license, he actually preferred roller blading most of the time. He thought that driving a car couldn't give the degree of control and freedom that a good pair of blades...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 35 The UN and Jessica

The black car pulled up to the United Nations building and came to a stop. Across the street angry protesters picketed against the war in Iraq, while in the distance came the bustling sounds of one of the most populated cities in the world, coming to life. The driver opened the door and a man got out. He was carrying a black briefcase that was chained to his wrist. He walked towards the main doors of the building. Ambassador Joshua Chandler strolled into the United Nations building, passing...

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Girl Time 1 Becoming Jessica

Girl Time: Becoming Jessica. By Maria Ski Can I let you in on a secret of mine? It's nothing major as far as I am concerned. But if my mother found out I don't think she'll like it. My secret is that I want to be a girl. I have wanted to be a girl for as long as I remember. And perhaps if you are reading this. You have that secret desire too. I don't know about you. But I found my final year exams at school very stressful. I couldn't sleep, I wasn't eating and my temper was...

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The Untimely Demise of Jessica

The Untimely Demise of Jessica My name is Jessica and I am a 38 year old part time cross-dresser. One night a week usually Wednesday or Thursday and always on Saturday night I shed my non- descript dull accountant male persona named John and emerge as a tall, willowy, red haired, confident, sexy gurl called Jessica. I am 5'11" in my stocking feet but I am always in at least 3" heels. I weigh 160 pounds, with a nice soft round ass. My entire body is shaved smooth and my skin is soft to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 26 Becoming Doctor Jessica

January 9, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “I really should have called and postponed today’s lunch with Ailea until next month,” I said. “You already missed three months because of me and the injury,” Jessica said. “I know, but it’s been a crazy weekend. And we haven’t spent enough time together.” “We have all afternoon,” she replied. “It’s OK.” “If you’re sure. I do need to go see Matthew. He was pretty sad when Jason and Abbie left in the limo.” Neither Jessica nor Kara objected, so I went...

1 year ago
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Home Alone With My Sister Jessica

Growing up with 2 sisters was a real pain sometimes, but it also had some benefits. Most of the time I couldn't even get into the bathroom without their permission. It did mean that I always had my own room. And on a couple occasions I had seen Jessica and Jackie come out of the bathroom topless. I even caught a brief glimpse of Jessica's bush one day when she was rushing down the hall and her towel happened to fall. She looked at me and smiled as she quickly pulled it back up. I still remember...

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Showering with Jessica

I don't know who else has this in common with me, but I am sure there are many others who would love to fuck Jessica Alba. Ever since I saw her on Dark Angel she has been in my fantasies. Here is one of my favorite fantasies. Jessica and I, already well acquainted, are together in a shower. It's a nice big space with detachable twin showerheads on opposing walls and a padded bench. We're both completely naked. I'm on my back on the tile floor jacking off, and Jessica is squatting over me...

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Expoited Jessica

Before she even opened her eyes Jessica Sampson knew something was wrong. This wasn’t her bed and Barney, her dog, wasn’t there. Slowly she opened her eyes and surveyed the strange room. The windowless sparsely furnished room was lit only by a small TV in the corner. She looked over at the TV and found a scene that scared her even more than waking up in a room that certainly wasn’t hers. On the screen was a redheaded girl who looked a lot like her was tied to a bench and sucking on the penis of...

4 years ago
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What have you done to Jessica

I slowly opened eyes and saw a beautiful girl sleeping beside me.Her soft pale skin, lovely eyes, juicy lips, soft nipples, juicy nipples were making me feel how lucky I am to have her.I still remember our relationship back then before she left the house. We never had a brother-sister like relationship. We never used to talk much. She was busy in her world and me in my world. She was 8 years older than me.So I didn’t like the idea of staying in my sisters house when my mom decided to go on a...

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A visit to a Hotel with Jessica

Jessica and myself saw each other very few times over the time we went back to our 3rd term in our matric year. On the occasions we did see each other, I enjoyed myself with my new sexy girlfriend and we did make a number of plans to have some fun, in the back seat of my car, in the bathrooms at the shopping mall late at night. But we both agreed that we needed some alone time in a bedroom with each other but with our parents being around it was rather difficult. We eventually discussed and...

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Girl Time 2 Becoming Jessica

Girl Time 2: Meeting Jessica by Maria Ski Hi dear reader my name is John. I'm 18 and I have to be honest with you. I mean really honest. For you see I have this feeling that I am not who I meant to be. I have felt this way for a long time. To be frank with you, I've had this feeling since I was a very young child. I would like to be... no I sense... no I think that I should've been born as a girl. I can not explain why I feel like this but it's true. Looking at it from my point of...

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Jessica picked up her drink as the bartender moved toward her. He was busily wiping the bar down with a damp towel. He smiled his thanks at her courtesy and continued on past her, cleaning as he went. While taking a sip of her brandy she curled a tress of her long blonde hair around her finger as she surveyed the room. She noted there were not many people here, just a few couples in booths and a couple of businessmen at a table. Perhaps the place would get busier later. She sighed and beckoned...

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Becoming Jessica

April 1987It had become a bit of a Saturday ritual. I’d cycle over to Matthew’s house mid-morning, and we’d spend the day doing boy stuff together. We were both into sport and keeping fit, so we’d maybe go for a three-mile run, do some fitness training in the garden, then watch TV or goof around in his room in the afternoon.Matthew’s mum and dad were very pretty laid back. They usually went shopping after lunch, and Louise, Matthew’s hot younger sister, was mostly out with her latest boyfriend,...


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