King Of The Rim-Chapter 2-Courtmartial free porn video

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John grabs her by the shoulders and exclaims, "DAMN IT ALL TO HELL JANE!! MY GOOSE IS COOKED!! THE CAPTAIN HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO SEND ME TO THE PENAL PLANET!!" She looks him steadily in the eye, ready to endure his wrath, "If I had known that Jones and Walsh were involved, I'd have never involved you. The only reason that they know is that they saw me at the clinic. Because of me, that clinic is now an Imperial Clinic and all of the staff is slaves." ['John's black wavy hair and piercing blue eyes makes him as him an Adonis. He may be small and lean, but his whipcord physique makes me drool,'] He is speechless for a few moments as he contemplated the full implications of what she just said, "Those two will tell Bronson and then they'll tell the Captain!! He sighs heavily. "I wish that things had worked out better for my knight." ['He looks so lost now, all because of me!! Was it worth his court martial for me to be defended?'] Then he slumped into a nearby bench against a retaining wall, "My career is over now!! I apologize for yelling at you. I was defending your honor as any Knight should." ['And I would do it again to protect her too.'] Going over to John Carter, she gently kisses his cheek and sits by him, "The knights of old slayed dragons. Are you really a knight?" His sense of humor returns when she calls him her knight. He remembers the Oath he swore as a Knight, "On my world, I am actually a Knighted Prince. We are very much like the Knights of Camelot," he chuckled humorously. He grinned at her to let her know that he was not angry at her. Why do I feel so comfortable around her? Could she be the one for me? She begins to feel at ease in his presence, "Oh, so I am talking to royalty?" she giggled. Her eyes glistened with laughter. ['Here, all of this time, I never believed that I could ever find true love. Yet, in my heart of hearts, I yearn for him. Is he the one for me?'] Wiping her eyes with his pocket napkin, John sees a sweet soul that has been longing, for acceptance, "My Home Trillannii is a Free Port World. We believe all are equal. Unfortunately, some have need of our help because of the Empire. Which is why we Trillannii Knights help those in need?" Looking at her wrist chronometer, "Too bad I was not born there; I have no doubt that I'd have been free to be me. [Sigh] But it is time for me to return to my ship. But do not worry about your career. I believe that you won't go to the Penal Planet," ['Come to think of it, he just might be the Prince of Trillannii that we have been looking for.'] Standing up, he helps her up. "Why do you say that? Is there any hope for me?" he asked in wonder. ['Why do I care that she should care?'] He gently kisses the back of her hand, treating her like a Lady of the Court. She smiles in approval of his Court manners, "I am sure that somebody will buy out your contract with the Navy. That is the only way out for you." ['To be specific, the Captain will if you are the Prince that I believe that you are. If not, we will still be of service to another Trillannii Knight.'] "But then I will be the slave of the purchaser. Not much of a hope, but at least there is some hope for me. " "Johnny, whoever buys your contract can free you. My Captain is looking for an Executive Officer. Hopefully he can buy you, and free you." ['If he won't, I will! I have the money thanks to cashing in my scholarships,'] Then after they shared a long, lingering kiss and embrace, that inflamed both hearts with longing for the other, she turned reluctantly away and boarded her ship the Rim Queen as he stared up at her retreating form. The ship she boarded had a long oval body with delta wing attached housing the fuel and Star Drive nacelles. The stern housed the reaction drive and twin "V" rudders that guided it during atmospheric flight. ================= [Interlude: Rim Queen] "Jane, what's wrong lassie? ya' look like ya' lost ya' bes' fren'. Wanna tell Sparky abou' it?" ['Wha' could cause our ray o' sunshine ta' cloud up?'] She hugs the Chief Engineer, "Sparky, I may have met my True Love, but he's in trouble for defending me from attack by Imp. Navy," she wept. "All because o' Imperial Policy. Get ya' fanny to tha' Cap'n. He'll do what he can for tha' man." Then a gray haired legless man in a hover chair spoke, "No need to Jane, I heard you just now, and I'll do what I can for him. But next time, dress less sexy when you go ashore please," he chuckled. Jane hugs him, "Thanks Daddy." "You're welcome my daughter. If only your family would accept you." "Daddy, they are not my family after disowning me. You're my new daddy." "And wha' abou' tha' crew? Are we na' family too?" Jane hugs her, "Yes, all of you are family, now let's help Johnny please." "It all depends upon if his Captain chooses to sell Johnny's commission to me, but old Steel Britches is a firm and fair commander. He'll not let Johnny rot in jail." ['Can't let them know that he is a Trillannii Friend.'] ====================== Then John Carter turned and headed for his ship, the Aztec. The Aztec was a long, lean version of the Rim Queen. Approaching the gangplank, he saw his best friend, Security Chief Brett "Brick" Steele standing there waiting for him with a bemused look on his face as he pondered the scene that he had witnessed below. Brick is a dark-skinned bald Adonis with gray eyes, his somber brown armor accentuating his physique. Standing aside to let his shipmate enter, "Hello John". 'Looks as if Johnny now has a sweetheart. If she is the one that has caused all of the trouble, then I must say that she is most definitely worth it in my book, but does John think so too?' He relaxes upon seeing his friend. Seeing his bemused expression, he knows that Brick witnessed his kiss and perhaps more, by his trusted friend, "Hi Brick." he sighed tiredly. ['At least Brick is there for me in my time of need. I never would have made it through boot camp without his friendship.'] thought John has he reflected upon his buddy Brick. He smiles as he remembers John's reputation among the crew, "I heard that you opened a can of "WHUPASS" upon Bronson and his cohorts Jones and Walsh. I wish that I could have been there to help you out. If it had of been me instead of you, then it'd have simply been me dealing out justice as Security Chief as a ship's security matter. As it is, you are in trouble that I can't get you out of," he sighs. Johnny shrugs, "Yes, did they say why?" ['I wonder if they tried to lie? Not that it'd do them very much good with the Captain and Brick. Brick sadly shakes his head, "No, sadly only that YOU attacked them. As if you would!! No, I know you far better than that my friend and so does the good Captain. Knowing him, he'll ferret out the truth from them even without the security tapes and my eye witness of the incident." "If you saw it, why didn't you help me?" "I was on Monitor Duty and couldn't get to you before you ended the fight. You were so quick that I couldn't get to you in time. Besides, you didn't need my help!" Then Johnny sighs as he looks down and shakes his head and chuckles, "I guess you didn't believe them then. Brick, you never did like Bronson's attitude." Stopping the both of them, he sits down and John follows. Then he looks him square in the eye. with his hands clasped together, "Would you?" His question conveying understanding to John. "No, not at all, but he has his friends on board who can cause trouble," he sighed. "Ah, my friend, if you only knew about all of the support and friends that you have made on board." ['Poor Jonathan believes that the coward has a way to influence the outcome of the trial ********************** Interlude-M.I.B.D. Moon Base *********************** Deep in the heart of Moon Base One, is a simple shop with 'Mary's Apparel' above the doorway. Within the shop are racks of clothing of all sorts for all genders and ages. The store itself takes four acres of space to house a factory to produce the goods, and a tailoring section to modify any clothing to fit the needs or wants of the customer. Behind the sales desk is a door, leading to the Manager' Office and Utility room with a hidden door leading down into the bowels of the Moon. This hidden Base of Operations is the new headquarters for the M.I.B.D. The Agency's former bases are now sanctuaries for the transgendered people, stranded on the Moon by Imperial Policy. Each client is treated to a session in the Booth, A personal sized tubular chamber that uses nanobots to transform the body. Once transformed, the client is given a new identity and sent to the Rim. A woman entered the shop, wearing a black skin suit with an equipment belt around her waist. The emblem on her rebreather tanks on her back showed her to be a freelance repair engineer. As she steps up to the counter, an Oriental woman wearing a black, silk kimono with a stylized red dragon on the back greeted her, "Greetings, my Lady. How may I, Lotus Blossom serve you, this fine day?" [It's not often that we get an Agent from Earth up here. Something big must be up.'] She grins , "Thank you, Lotus Blossom. I am Starr. I am looking for a very special gown." "Oh? What sort of gown, Starr?" ['DAMN! I was right! What in the hell has the Emperor done, now?'] She sighs, "One for a concert, I have the chance to see the Princess.'] Lotus triggers the door, letting Starr behind the desk, "Follow me then, we have a selection of special gown, hidden away." "Oh? Why hidden?" ['If not for the Imperial spy cams, there would be no need for our coded phrases.'] Lotus giggles, "Few can afford the prices of these. Now, if you were one of the Royals, you'd easily have the money." ['That will make the spies laugh. They know that none of the Emperor's Clan would visit here.'] "Proceed, please." Lotus led her deep into the base below, going through a hidden door located between solid bulkheads, while another Agent replaced her from the Manager's Office. They entered a transport tube that whisked them down into the bowels of the Moon, shielded from Imperial scanners via a shell of foam that fooled all scanners. The base itself was in one of the Lunar caves that inhabited the Lunar Mountains . "Care for anything?" "I wouldn't mind a mug of ginger beer, Lotus. Are you fully female?" ['If she is a man, I can't tell the difference.'] Lotus operated a control on the panel by her seat and a foamy mug came out with a plate of pretzels, "One beer, with pretzels for you. And yes, I am now fully female. I was awarded a session with the Chamber upon graduating from training." Starr sips her beer, "Good ginger. So, are you an Agent, or simply here until transport can be arranged for you?" "I am an Agent from Japan . I knew that I was a girl at a young age, so my family sent me to the Agency's Training School in America." "Oh? I thought that you'd have attended the school in Japan." "Oh, I would have, but my parents graduated from there." "OK, does that mean that you can still see them?" "Yes, at least when I'm at the base school, they are teachers, now." "OK, that makes sense." "Thank you." By this time, the tube had deposited them at the reception desk, "Greetings, ladies. I am Mary, the Base Commandant. I bid you welcome." said a red hared woman wearing a black swimdress. Starr stepped out after finishing hr beer, "Thank you, Mary. I am Starr. I have vital data to pass on to J.O.S.H.U.A." Mary sighed, "Very well. Lotus, since your time top side is almost up, you may see your family over in the Eastern Farming Compound." [There, Lotus will be able to pass on the data to the Organic Computer for its analysis.'] Lotus bowed, "Thank you, Mary," she sighed happily as she contemplated her family reunion. "As for you, Starr, come with me to my office. There, you can have another ginger beer," Mary smiled. She may be from Texas , but she fell in love with the British during her tour over there.'] "Thank you kindly, Ma'am. I do have a hankering for that tasty brew." In her office, Mary grilled Starr, "OK, what is the data?" "We now know why the Emperor is amassing the Fleet around the border, Ma'Am." "Why is that?" "To protect his daughter, Princess Ariel from harm, but that's not the worst news. Jellico is her guardian." "SHIT!" ********************* "And what of Bronson? With his contacts and being the son of a Grand Admiral, he can call on his dad to bail him out. I know that the rest of the crew respects me, but how many support him? And that's one of the Empire's greatest vices. But how do you stop it when the entire system is based upon passing your Title on to your chosen Successor!" Brick chuckled evilly, "Bronson's dad, Grand Admiral Carl Riley Bronson is from the Imperial Merchant Fleet. Do you think that he has any authority in the Fleet?" John adopts Rodan's "The Thinker" position as he looks at his friend Brick in amusement, "No, THAT he never revealed. There are Grand Admirals out there in charge of different Departments and projects. I never thought about the Merchants having one," he chuckles. ['I am glad that I have Brick on my side during the upcoming court martial, he will keep things real for me.'] "I thought as much," Brick chortles. "Besides, The Captain heard the sirens and saw them attack that woman, and you defending her. Don't worry; I didn't include you and her kissing in my report, nor on tape with the Captain's permission. Bronson is being interviewed by the Captain himself." Johnny sighs, "Thanks my friend, but I have news for you. She was not a regular woman, Brick." ['And my friend, I would do it again too.'] His gentle amusement is replaced with a surprised awe as he contemplates the possibilities, "Oh? What is she then? The only other possibility that can be causing you this much trouble is that she is one of the Trans. And knowing you and your luck, she is," he sighs. Placing his hand upon Brick's shoulder in friendship, John utters the bad news, "She is a Trans, my friend. I seriously doubt that you will enjoy the news, knowing how much it is that you detest the Trans haters." ['If he had known, he'd have been sorely tempted to hurt them.'] Brick looked his best friend in the eye and sighs in resignation, "Then unfortunately your career is over and there is nothing that the Captain can do but follow Naval Policy. The Captain will hate having to lose you, but now, he will have no choice in the matter. DAMN IT ALL!!! Why in the blazes did Bronson have to attack her?" ['He causes nothing but trouble.'] Then John stood up, know that it was time to face the music, "I know," he sighs. ['At least Bronson will be gone after this.'] Then, going over to Carter, Brick placed a massive, meaty hand upon each of his shoulders, "John Carter, I will miss you. But now I must be strong for the both of us and do my duty and yours until the Captain finds another Executive Officer to take over." ['But with Bronson, it will be a pleasure to guard him.'] Then John smiled as he remembered the much shore leave that they had shared, "Thanks Brick, I will miss you too. [Sigh] No more Casino runs or poker tournaments for us. Too bad, we were the best of the best too." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interlude: Grand Admiral ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After signing off, the Grand Admiral called the bridge. "Captain Jackson, take us to the Imperial Palace Dock." ['I wonder just what it is that the Emperor wants for me to do now?'] Then the view screen activated to show a worried middle-aged balding man. "Lord Admiral, we are about to leave the system. Why must we abort the jump?" "Because the Emperor has demanded my presence immediately, I can't really blame you Captain for asking. After all, I am basically ordering you to scuttle his ship with a *Full Burn." Then the Captain did some quick computing and saw a solution, "A jump will cause as much damage as a Full Burn, shall I make a jump to the dock then?" "Please do. That is if it's quicker than a Full Burn." ['This Captain deserves a medal for original thinking. I'll make sure that the crew is saved from The Pits for harming Imperial Property. They are obeying the Emperor after all.'] Checking the results, "At this distance, a jump is quicker, but the Short Jump will scrap the Transition coils." "Scrap 'em then, the Emperor is impatient," the Lord Admiral cut the transmission. ['Not even a Throne Ship can withstand such stresses. No need to punish anyone for carrying out the order. Too bad, I could use some entertainment.'] Captain Jackson saw the Imperial Seal on the screen, denoting transmission end, "Well, since Jolleck ordered it, compute and initiate a jump to Imperial Palace Dock, but keep an eye on the coils. It's barely possible that they'll survive. If not, they'll make great projects for the Engineering Colleges." "Aye aye, Sir. Course plotted and initiated." Then the vessel jumped as the coils shredded from the stress. *{A Full Burn is when the Reaction Drive goes to full speed. Such an action will create a time warp as time on the ship slows down. If the Coils were already hot from a Transition, the Full Burn and Short Jump will not harm the Coils which are why a ship seldom if ever shuts down the coils. The Transition Coils help the ship govern the tidal forces of the engines and prevent jumping to another time.} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then they broke up and Brick escorted John Carter to the Captain's Ready Room where Captain Hector Abraham was seated behind his desk while Bronson stood in front of the desk. Seeing Carter, he immediately began to show fear. ['SHIT! Now that he is here, I have no chance to redeem myself! Any hope of him actually going AWOL is gone now! My goose is cooked as well as his!'] As John entered with Brick, the Captain smiled at them. "Welcome John Carter, it seems as if Bronson has a complaint against you. As if I would ever believe that scoundrel what with all of his demerits stacked against him." ['He has bullied the civilians when he could and shows very little respect for anybody. His father will be ashamed of him.'] As the door closed, both Brick and John stood "at ease" as was the custom, whereas Bronson leaned forward over the Captain in disrespectful bravado to bolster his waning courage. "And I have a complaint against him as well," replied Johnny. ['If I know the Captain, then he will just love the chance to cashier Bronson out of the service and now I can help even though I will be too.'] Then Bronson turned towards them and placed his hands upon his hips, "What are you, a tranny lover!?" sneered Bronson. "Can't you find a real woman or do you enjoy slumming to get your demented jollies? You disgust me with your perverted ways!" ['Even if I am as good as dead, I can still make sure to have a record of this hearing.'] Tired of Bronson's attitude, the Captain subtly signals the Security Chief, "Brick?" ['Brick can act in ways that regulations prevent me from doing. Too bad, because I would love to manhandle that toad for causing all of this,'] mused the Captain. Then Brick grabbed Bronson by his lapels and growled menacingly, "Have a care Crewman Bronson. You are up for court martial. It would be my distinct pleasure to space you as you deserve." ['Now to make him fear me, this shouldn't be that hard to do with this wimp.' he chuckled silently.'] Seeing that Bronson was suitably cowed, the Captain smiled. "Easy there Brick, you may tend to him shortly, but I must deal with his charges against John," he sighed. ['One of the most dreaded burdens of Naval Command for me. If I was the Captain of a Merchant Cruiser, I wouldn't be having this problem.'] Then Brick dropped the frightened crewman who promptly wet his trousers, "Yes Sir." ['Ah, so Bronson is a 'wetter' then, this should make things even better.'] Looking at the spreading stain, the Captain then remarked, "Unfortunately for you, you will have to wear your uniform as per regulations, until all charges are dropped, all of your other uniforms are confiscated." ['He must have spent a small fortune upon his custom tailored wardrobe. Too bad for him because now all of his belongings are the Navy's and will go to the Naval Thrift Store, at least that which the crew doesn't help themselves to.] Then Bronson knew that he was in trouble. "But Captain!! This is my only uniform now that you've taken my others!!" ['You sadistic bastard, you know that regulation is only enforced at your discretion!!! You know that I paid out good money from my personal fortune for my designer wardrobe!! Now your using your authority to punish me before I leave!!'] Observed a maddened Bronson. Then the Captain smiled at his discomfort. "You should have thought about that before you wet yourself. Now one of your shipmates can of course loan you one of their spares." ['Which I seriously doubt will happen since you are so small in size, but you just might like dressing as a woman.'] Hoping against hope, Bronson knows that his small size now works against him, "Captain, the only one on board that is my size is Doctor Finley, and she is a woman. And it is against Regulations for me to wear her uniforms. So now you will have to give me back at least one change of clothing, even if it is from the replicators." ['Glad that regulations will deny him that choice.'] Then the Captain flipped a switch upon his desk. "Doctor Finley, please report to my ready room." ['Now for my fun to begin as I humiliate this jerk.'] "May I ask the reason?" "Bronson!" "On my way." "While cross-dressing for men is against Regulations, Captain's Discretion gives me the power to veto any Regulations when it comes to a Court Martial, including all Records. So your accusing John of loving a tranny is moot because there will be no record. John's Court Martial is for attacking you while within the ship's landing area. That I can not stop." ['Thank God about that Rule or Johnny would be sent to the Penal Planet for life.] Bronson falls into a nearby seat as John Carter looks at the defeated crewman. "You wouldn't!!" No, you would now that you can get away with it thanks to the regulations, you sneaky bastard, I wholly approve of what is about to befall Bronson," chuckled John Carter. ['Now I have a chance at life, guess Mary was right after all.'] The Captain smiles as he sees the dismay on Bronson's face "Yes John Carter, I would like to show him just how it is to be treated as he treats women." Then looking at Bronson in disgust, "You asshole, because of you, I'm about to lose the best damned Executive Officer in the Fleet! And all this time, you fancied yourself as his replacement. HARDLY!!!" Bronson does his best to defend himself. "But that was a tranny!! Can't you see that I was doing just what the Emperor would want me to do?" ['Maybe that will change his mind.'] The Captain then defuses Bronson's defense with his track record, "Yes Bronson, and you have been brought up upon charges of rape before now. Your punishment is to dress as a woman for the crew until we reach a naval base, then you will be returned to normal." ['Even if the Emperor would disapprove of my punishment, he hates rapists.'] Then Doctor Finley entered the room, seeing Bronson, she smiled. "May I assume that Bronson is why I am here? I knew that this day would come after he raped me and got away with it." ['This is the only reason that I stayed on.'] Then the Captain helpfully pointed at Bronson's dishonor, "Yes, he seems to have wet himself and needs a change of clothing. She will simply delight in your punishment since you got away with raping her, thanks to your connections." ['Now let him stew over that fact!! I couldn't punish him before for raping her, all that I could do was promise her retribution when the time came, and now it has come.'] Delighting in the dismay etched upon Bronson's face, she continues to humiliate him, "Does he not have his own uniforms, '[giggle] or has he decided to wear my uniforms for a change of pace?" ['None at all knowing the Captain. This is so much fun!! Pay back is a bitch when it comes around.'] The Captain continues the charade much to John, Brick's and Finley's delight as they look on silently chuckling at Bronson's dismay, "Well now, normally he would, but he is court martialed for accosting a civilian." ['Let him just TRY to justify what he did and defend his actions!! Both Imperial Law and Naval Policy punish rapists, even if the victim is Trans-Gendered.'] Bronson tries to gain some dignity. "I accosted a tranny you mean. A tranny is NOT a woman, nor was my other victims except for the doctor. Besides, they deserve it for being a Trans." "Yes, you got away with those rapes because of your connections AND the fact that they were being inter-sexed which Imperial Policy allows them to chose their gender. Raping them almost ended you up in the Penal Planet, but your dad stopped it." Finally, the doctor tires of the charade, "Brick, if you will please follow me with him, I can tend to his needs momentarily. I have the perfect outfit too. ['One that'll show off Bronson's assets quite nicely too.'] Then the Captain reluctantly stopped her from completing her fun. "Please wait, Doris , I have the sad duty of the court martial of John Carter too. I want that bastard to see what a real Officer and gentleman are." ['He had his chance and he blew it royally.'] Then she stopped in her tracks and did a double take before turning around and facing the Captain, "But why? John Carter is the best that you have except for Brick here! They have both been there when I had my nightmares from the rape. They treated me like a sister." ['And I can never thank them enough.'] Then John placed a friendly hand upon her shoulder. " Doris , I stopped Bronson and his friends from raping a Tranny earlier tonight. He should have been canned long ago. THAT is why I am here." ['Little sister, you will still have Brick here for you while I shall be alone.'] Then she hugged him to her and wept, ["Oh Johnny, you and your high ideals. But at least you took out those three scum bags. I will miss you my sweet Knight, how I wish that things were different." ['Then WE would be lovers, but you are too much of a gentleman and friend to let sex interfere with our friendship because you knew that Brick and I are intimate.'] Then after sitting down with Doris and wiping her eyes, "Well Doris, you have Brick now to console you. I know that you two are a good match." ['Maybe it's time for Brick to make his move.'] Then John motions to Brick, Then Brick comes over and kneels by Doris , and holds a golden band in his hand. " Doris , light of my life, will you marry me?" ['Thanks John, I was reluctant to ask what with your trouble taking place, but I know that you want to hear her answer.'] "Brick, you know that I also fancy John. Do you trust me not to fail and seek him out?" Then Brick laughed heartily, " Doris , I love you with all of my heart!!! I know that you fancy John, but you LOVE me!! Will you marry me?" ['John, I trusted you and you did not fail me, thank you.'] Then Doris smiled, "Yes Brick, I will marry you." Then they gathered John into a warm embrace and let him go. "OK you two, we three musketeers are splitting up now. Doris , the reason that I never pursued a relationship with you is that Brick loves you and you love him. I'm simply a best friend to both of you. Captain Bart bought our contracts because he was our Sponsor. If he hadn't of been waiting for the Aztec to be refitted, who knows where we'd be. But now thanks to his help, I'm either going back home or posting on a new ship. Either way, we'll still stay in contact." Brick held Doris firmly, "Yes we will. And if you post on a Merchant Cruiser, you can get us a discount." "Agreed." "Then I'd best hope that I can sell you to a Merchie," chuckled the Captain. John looked at the Captain, "Captain, what about the other two? Surely they are gone as well. If not, there may be trouble." Then the Captain smiled, "They are already gone, I sent them onto the Prison Barge. Where they just might salvage their careers. They were just following Bronson. Once they serve their time, I'll restore their rank if they learned their lesson. They were actually duped into the attack." Then fingering his Academy Ring. "What are the charges against me? Will I have to give up my Ring? Damn!! I hope not!! I went through hell to get it!! Looking down at the report, the Captain cleared his throat to dispel the rotten taste in his mouth "Accosting three crewmen while upon shore leave. Unfortunately I can do nothing about the charges because they were filed with the Imperial Naval Office instead of through me. But you keep your ring since you aren't going to prison." ['If through me, I could have swept this mess under the rug and dealt with it myself and only lose Bronson!!'] John smiled at Doris as they stood up and John hoped against hope. "Will the record show why? As if there were any doubt," he sighed. Then the Captain offered him a slim hope, "Yes, that you were defending a woman. At least I can hide the fact that she was a Tranny, otherwise, you would face a Firing Squad or prison."['I can at least do that for you because the Envoy is my brother.'] Then John saw the favor that the Captain had done for him, "Then I plead guilty." ['You rascal, you have made the case against me a moot point',] John chuckled to himself. Then Bronson caught a whiff of hope. "What about me? If you helped him, I just might have a chance of salvaging my career." ['Any hope is better than no hope at all.'] Then holding his gavel in his right hand, "Do you drop the charges against John Carter? Your answer will either save or condemn your career." ['And the only hope that John has of salvaging his career.'] Then Bronson sealed his fate, "HELL NO!! Let him fry, I can take any punishment because my family will buy my freedom and buy your contract and make you my slave." Then the Captain brought down his gavel with authority, "Too bad, because your friends dropped the charges. They will only serve out their term of service then get an honorable discharge or return here if they so choose. You however get a dishonorable discharge effective now!" Then the Doctor smiled as she saw her chance, "May I assume that it is time for me to help Bronson? He will look cute when I am through with him," she giggled. Then the Captain spread his hands, "Sure Doris , have fun with him, he deserves your handiwork," he chuckled. Then Brick quickly grabbed Bronson. "HEY! HANDS OFF YOU OAF!! You have no right to touch me!!" Then Bronson slumped as Doctor Doris Finley administered a hypo onto Bronson's neck, knocking him out. Brick then easily carried the limp form into the Sickbay Ward where he placed him upon a diagnostic bed. Then the Doctor selected different hypos and injected Bronson with them, causing him to take on a female form. "It's a good thing that disguising Naval Personal is standard or making him look like a woman would take more time. More than one male has gone on shore leave in disguise." "Yes, as spies and for the decadent pleasure of the Emperor or Grand Admiral. But even the spies stay in disguise for life unless recalled." John looked at the now female Bronson. "Is he still a guy then? He looks so cute now; he will become quite popular with the men now." The Doctor noticed the bulge in their uniform trousers. "Yes John, he can revert easily enough. But will keep a hairless body." Then Bronson awoke, feeling the change in his body. "What's gonna happen to me now? I have to make the best of things now that I lost," he whimpered. Then Doris took charge of her new nurse, "You shall be here as my nurse, now go change into your new uniform." ['I am very sure that these two will appreciate the new and improved Bronson,'] Then Bronson followed the doctor to a cubicle and followed her back out, now attired in nurses whites. Bronson now wore a white mini-dress uniform with matching bloomers over white tights and Mary Janes, "That is my old uniform from my academy days Bronson, now if you do a good job here, you will have it a lot easier than you think. It's up to you. You can still have a career if you choose." ['As a nurse that is,'] Bronson looked at herself in the mirror. "But the men will be pinching my butt. And these two are getting excited, looking at me too!!" Doris placed a sympathetic hand upon her shoulder as Bronson wept. "Yes they are, and you will be making visits all over the ship. They do it to me too, that is why I use male nurses, but you need this lesson." Bronson wiped her eyes and looked pleadingly at Doris . "Will they know that I am me?" ['Please say no.'] The doctor smiled to reassure her, "It is up to you to reveal that. All that they will see is a nurse, not a former crewman." Then the speaker sounded, "Nurse needed in Engineering." Then the Doctor hung a necklace with a RED CROSS emblem pendant. "Gather your kit and go nurse. Good thing that you passed Advanced CPR." Then Bronson saluted her new Commanding Officer. "Yes ma'am. Maybe I can salvage my career. As a nurse, I might sleep my way to the top," she sighed in regret for her actions. Then Nurse Bronson headed to Engineering where she had to deal with fresh men as she answered the call. After answering the call, she hurried back to Sickbay while the Doctor headed back to the Captain's Ready Room with Brick and John where they view Bronson's misadventure in Engineering. "Well, as you can see, she is getting a crash course in men." she giggled. ['Looks like Bronson is a closet girl coming out from her actions, so few know until they're given their chance,'] "Just so Doctor, as for me, I am glad that I am not her," chuckled the Captain. "All she needs now is to bed one of them now." Then Doris turned towards John, "Take care John." Then she gave John a kiss. "Goodbye for now, I hope we meet again," she wept. Then John takes her right hand and kneels to her and kisses her hand. "Thanks Doris . You have been a good friend and sister to me." ['I could never love you more as my sister.'] Then Brick escorted John Carter to his quarters, while the Captain remained to talk to the Doctor.

Same as King Of The Rim-Chapter 2-Courtmartial Videos

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The Grimoire Part 7 Catherine the Great

After our trip to see Bertie (Henry VII), Agnes and I took a break. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that we had limits on our sexual escapades, but we probably didn’t have Bertie’s zeal for sex twenty-four hours a day. That man’s sexual appetites were inexhaustible.Agnes and I regained our happy domesticity and spent blissful days in each other’s company. I spent some time at my computer doing research for our next trip while Agnes continued her studies of the Grimoire. She hoped someday to be...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 4

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 5

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 3

"What the hell are ya talkin' 'bout? Git that God damned gun outta my back afore I gits real mad!" "My pistol is on full cock and my finger is on the trigger. If you make a sudden move, I might slip and blow a big fucking hole in your back. Now, do you want me to do that?" "Shit, no! Don't do that. OK, I'll come with ya, but ease off on that gun muzzle. It hurts the way ya're pressin' it inta my back." "Not yet, I won't. Put your hands behind your back and cross your...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 7

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Meri Saali Garima Ki Palang Tod Chudai

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Garima And Nuzla Unleash Their Girl Power

I was bent over a spanking bench with my arms tied behind my back. In front of me was Naksh, seated in a chair and naked. His huge monster cock was 10 inches down my throat. I was sucking and slurping so passionately. I love Naksh’s big cock. Garima had spanked my butt for 300 swats with a large wooden paddle. My poor butt was sore. Nuzla had shoved a vibrating dildo so deep in my ass that she could not get it back out. She tried to grab it and wanted me to push, but I was too ass-full to push....

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 8

Ethel and Adam dropped off the gold at the bank in Wilsonville and rode to the ranch. They hastily packed supplies on a pack mule for an extended wilderness trip, picked four new horses so that they would have remounts, and dashed off for that cabin in the woods near Harley Springs. They pressed as hard as they could, but it was still the next day before they reached the shack described by Willy Simpson. The shack was empty, but there was a trail to follow. Adam was a very good tracker,...

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Meri Saali Garima 8211 Part 2

Hi doston main kabir wapas aaya hun apni story ki part 2 le kar. Jinhone pichla part nahi padha pls ek baar padna mijhe itna acha response mila hai ki main ye doosra part likhne ke liye majboor ho gaya hun. All comments are welcome on To doston jab maine garima ko iss tarah apni choot mein ungli krte dekha to mujhe shararat soojhi, maine socha agar ye abhi jhad gayi to shayad raat mein mujhse na chudegi to maine plan banaya kyon na usse abhi beech mein hi rok diya jaaye jisse wo unsatisfied...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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King David and His Forbidden Destinee Revised

Late on a rainy and thunderous Thursday night, David is leaving work from downtown Cincinnati. He rushes from the building to his car soaking wet he quickly starts the car and pulls off to head home. The storm is calming to him, therapeutic almost, yet he for sure wants to get off of the roads as it is becoming dangerous to drive with the strong winds, and heavily pouring rain. Ten minutes into his drive he notices a woman walking on the side of the freeway, he's no fan of picking up...

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Meri Cute Saali Garima Ko Kaise Seduce Kiya

Hi doston…mera naam kabir hai aur main indore ka rehne wala hun.umar 26 saal abhi haal mein shaadi hui hai.shaadi k baad main aur meri wife honeymoon k liye goa gaye the aur just laute hi the.meri chuttiyan abhi bachi thi to mai apne sasural mein ruk gaya.agale din meri wife ne bataya ke unke ek door ke rishtedaar ki tabiyat thik nahi hai aur use jaana hoga ssath mein mere saas saur bhi nikal gaye.honeymoon k turant baad biwi se bichadne ka gham main apko nahi bata sakta. Usne jaate jaate bola...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

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A Love Making Saga With Marketing Manager Garima

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When the last report faded, Rick put his rifle down on the shooting stand and walked out to the target. It was an excellent grouping, all in the bullseye. He hung another target, and then headed back to the shooting stand.A couple of minutes later, he was retrieving yet another excellent target. If he could perform that well in the competition the following weekend, he stood a good chance of winning. Roy letting him come over to practice whenever he wanted was paying off.He heard the back door...

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Biye Barite Rimi Magir Good Er Porda Fatalam

Hii friends ami prai ei choda-chudir lekha gulo pori..Amar khub valo lage..Amar nam som chatterjee.Amar bari bankurate.Aj tomar kache amar ekta sex er experience share korbo..Jeta porle jkono meyer gud theke tos tos kore ros berobe ar chelera handel marte thakbe.Golpota suru kori.Tar age bole ni amake job er jonno kolkatate thakte hoi.Ami saltlake e thaki.College ses kore sobe software companyte job peyechi. Amra flat e 4 friend thaktam.Ami,rajuda,chiranjit ar amit. Ekdin office theke fire...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 2

Ethel bid farewell to the Flying H ranch and her friends there as she left to catch the train to Philadelphia. Jim drove her to the train station in the town five hours away. For someone familiar with the cities of the East, towns certainly were far apart in this part of Texas. Jim did not wait around for the train to leave, since he had so far to travel to get home that night. This particular railroad only ran as far east as Austin, so she bought her ticket for that city and sat in the...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 9

Ethel and Adam repacked their camping stuff and headed for Wilsonville as fast as they could travel. They had no idea why Charley Wilson would head for Wilsonville. As far as they knew, he had no ties to the town, so why would he go there? The most logical reason was because he knew who Ethel and Adam were, but how could he know that? The other possibility was that he intended to rob the bank, but a lot of towns had banks, so, why would he pick Wislonville? They might never know the answer...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 3 Downsizing

“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....

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Rim Fire

When the last report faded, Rick put his rifle down on the shooting stand and walked out to the target. It was an excellent grouping, all in the bullseye. He hung another target, and then headed back to the shooting stand.A couple of minutes later, he was retrieving yet another excellent target. If he could perform that well in the competition the following weekend, he stood a good chance of winning. Roy letting him come over to practice whenever he wanted was paying off.He heard the back door...

3 years ago
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Rim Fire

When the last report faded, Rick put his rifle down on the shooting stand and walked out to the target. It was an excellent grouping, all in the bullseye. He hung another target, and then headed back to the shooting stand. A couple of minutes later, he was retrieving yet another excellent target. If he could perform that well in the competition the following weekend, he stood a good chance of winning. Roy letting him come over to practice whenever he wanted was paying off. He heard the back...

1 year ago
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The Kringle Sisters Are Ready for ChristmasChapter 2 Gunther the Reindeer Handler Gets Laid

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...

3 years ago
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Chronicles of Rima A night to remember

Rima shook her head groggily as she woke up the next morning. Her head felt strange. She remembered bits and pieces from the night before, how lonely she'd been. Then her memory slowly cleared. Varun had been here, and she did not remember him leaving, and they had been drinking. Panic gripped her as she looked about, mercifully finding her bed empty. She stood up quickly and regretted it as her head spun, the aftereffects of too much wine still disorienting her. Her mouth was dry and tasted a...

2 years ago
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King Part Two

As King released my legs and lifted himself off of me I thought ok now he just wants a blow job and then we would be done. But I was wrong for the second time tonight. King removed his boxers and was now sitting on the couch legs open wide with 10 thick inches of dick standing straight up. I knelt between his massive thighs and started sucking his balls like I always do. First trailing across them with just the tip of my tongue then taking them in my mouth one by one while his dick rested on my...

2 years ago
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King Part Two

As King released my legs and lifted himself off of me I thought ok now he just wants a blow job and then we would be done. But I was wrong for the second time tonight. King removed his boxers and was now sitting on the couch legs open wide with 10 thick inches of dick standing straight up. I knelt between his massive thighs and started sucking his balls like I always do. First trailing across them with just the tip of my tongue then taking them in my mouth one by one while his dick rested on my...

1 year ago
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King Part Two

As King released my legs and lifted himself off of me I thought ok now he just wants a blow job and then we would be done. But I was wrong for the second time tonight. King removed his boxers and was now sitting on the couch legs open wide with 10 thick inches of dick standing straight up. I knelt between his massive thighs and started sucking his balls like I always do. First trailing across them with just the tip of my tongue then taking them in my mouth one by one while his dick rested on my...

4 years ago
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Rima Boss Gets her first taste of BDSM

Rima was lying on her bed thinking about the recent events in her life. She was wondering what had happened to her, why she gets so easily seduced by other men. The fucking with guards could have been easily avoided if she had acted tough, but instead she was excited and horny by the touch of other men. She keeps reminding herself that she was blackmailed but deep within her heart she knew she wanted it, she enjoyed it. Even after passing of two months since the first time both the guards...

1 year ago
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Rima Boss First taste of BDSM

Rima was lying on her bed thinking about the recent events in her life. She was wondering what had happened to her, why she gets so easily seduced by other men. The fucking with guards could have been easily avoided if she had acted tough, but instead she was excited and horny by the touch of other men. She keeps reminding herself that she was blackmailed but deep within her heart she knew she wanted it, she enjoyed it. Even after passing of two months since the first time both the guards...

3 years ago
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Daughters Incestuous TherapyChapter 2 Therapistrsquos Incestuous Treatment

Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her naked body. We were cuddling on the bed in my therapist office. Over the course of the last eleven sessions with her, I had guided her into this naked...

2 years ago
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Garima Rules James The Slut

James, the slut, sat on the floor, wearing only a tiny pink lace thong panty, and looked up at Garima. She stood over him with her hands on her hips and giggled at his predicament. He panted to catch his breath, with his face blushing bright red with intense embarrassment. He had been bouncing up and down on his butt cheeks on the floor. His butt was now very sore. But the most embarrassing part for James was that he had been fed 35 Indian cocks as Garima watched and laughed. His throat was so...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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King Frederick IChapter 2

King Frederick of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 8 September, 1831 Lord Clarence, my great-uncle and regent, had suggested a much simpler coronation than Grandpapa’s, and I readily agreed, not so much from a desire to economise as to avoid the tedium and discomfort of an extended ceremony which required me to wear a heavy robe and train with full hose. Naturally, the hose irritated my legs and feet tremendously. Upon my accession to the throne my school-masters and...

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