Death And Damnation: Book 2 Of Poacher's ProgressChapter 12: A Change Of Heart free porn video

I awoke early next morning. A soldier usually awakes at first light but here at the château I would just turn over and return to sleep. However this morning I had plenty of work to do, and plenty on my mind to think over. I got out of bed, trying not to disturb Annette and quickly got dressed.
"Why are you up so early, my love?" Annette spoke sleepily from the bed.
"I have many trips to make to the sawmill at Wallers, besides which I have promised François I would help in the stables: there are also many tasks to be done around the courtyard." I kissed her; she bore the scent of a bed-warm, sleep-drowsy woman.
"I thought last night was a dream, but now remember it as real. " She said, and her radiant smile saw me out of the door.
I had made four trips to the sawmill by midday, each time returning with a waggon load of timber. Some was destined for the rebuilding work that was needed, some for fencing and palisades, and of course plenty of firewood was required for the chateau's fire places and kitchen stoves. I had much time to reflect on what had happened between Annette and me last night as Hercules and Atlas plodded to and fro between sawmill and château. I admit to being greatly confused. Yesterday evening, prior to carrying Annette up to bed, I had thought my future actions had been resolved, in that I would return to England and await a letter from Caroline. My subsequent actions would depend on what that letter contained, how long the Earl of Hungerford remained alive, and how the relationship between me and Caroline Ashford developed. But after that soul shaking experience of last night I now believed I was in love with Annette Blanchard.
All the other woman I had galloped prior to Amy Fairfax had been just that, a bed warming galloping companion. For sure I held a fondness for them all, to a greater or lesser extent, but any sorrow I had felt when we parted quickly passed. However, when first Amy, and then Caroline, had left it caused me real pain, and the thought of not seeing Annette again filled me with a similar anguish.
Annette had said that love comes with time, and with shared experiences with, and respect for, ones lover. Although I had known Amy Fairfax far longer than I had known Annette I had spent more time in Annette's company than in Amy's. As for experiences, well, last night with Annette far outstripped any intimacy shared with Amy. Then there was the subject of respect. I have to say that when Amy told me she would marry for position but would continue to take lovers I was shocked. The word I threw at her -- whore --came from my heart, and some of the respect in which I held her dissipated.
I had found no reason to alter the high regard and respect that I held Annette Blanchard. She treated her maids as daughters; she was intelligent; she ran the estate with skill, and she had great regard for her workers. I had only spent one night with Caroline, although we did spend part of that night talking and learned many things about each other. I respected her for her loyalty to her friends, among other things, although finding out later that she was married to Braxton-Clark and that Krish Armityge had been her long-time lover came as a huge surprise.
So, comparing all three women there was no doubting the one whom I held in highest respect; whom I had spent most time with; who was the most perceptive, and who I had become emotionally closest to during love making.
The last of the timber had been unloaded and Hercules and Atlas were happily chomping on their midday bran. François and I started to muck out the stables, and I had finally resolved what I would do with regards to Annette Blanchard.
Not long after we had finished mucking out she arrived at the stables with our mid-day meal. As we were so close to the kitchen she had brought a container of hot, thick vegetable soup, together with fresh baked crusty rolls. Francois could see that I wanted to be alone with Annette, and diplomatically found some work to do in his room above the stables.
"I can see that you are eager to tell me something, Jacques, but can it wait until after we have eaten?" Annette put down the container and kissed me.
"No, I must speak now." I then told her of my plans for my future - our future. I would return to England at the end of my furlough, on the fifteenth of March, in three days' time. Once in London I would resign my commission; return the tenancy of my house in Queen Street to the Bureau and discharge my servants. I would then transfer my capital to a bank in Paris, return to Château Blanchard and ask Annette to marry me.

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