Alan Ch. 07 free porn video

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Chapter 7 The Ring (No, not THAT one)

The sun was shining high over the horizon as Alan navigated his mom’s Volvo through the streets of Manhattan. They had come over the Triboro bridge and Alan elected to head downtown through the streets instead of taking the FDR Drive. At the corner of Second Avenue and 79th Street he made a right turn and aimed the car towards Central Park, turning north on Madison Avenue. He found a spot on East 81st Street, less than a half a block for the museum.

They met Nina and baby Shara in the Stanhope Hotel, where they were going to have lunch. The hotel is directly opposite the Met, and Nina and the baby were waiting in the lobby for them. After a pleasant lunch they crossed to the other side of Fifth Avenue and entered the museum. Alan’s mom was keen to see a visiting exhibition of the works of the 19th Century British photographer Benjamin Brecknell Turner, and they started out in that gallery. Alan had been to the Met a number of times over the years, and remembered that they had an Assyrian collection, so he excused himself from his mom and Cousin Nina, and told them he’d catch up with them later. Both he and his mom carried cell phones, and they would be able to remain in contact.

Alan went to the second floor, and headed over to the south wing. There were a number of enormous stone tablets depicting Assyrian battle scenes, but looking at the dates on the labels Alan saw that they were dated much to early to be related to the Seed of Paishiya’uvada. In the next room Alan peered into the various glass display cases. One of the objects caught him up short. There was a ring, and Alan thought it was glowing. Funny, the guy standing next to him didn’t seem to see the glow. Alan asked him about it, and the guy gave him a funny look. Alan really wanted to see this ring, to touch it, maybe even slip it over his finger. He summoned a guard over to the case and asked him to open the case, but the guard didn’t have the key. That made sense, what kind of a museum give out master keys to security guards? The guard told him that he would have to speak to someone in the curatorial staff to get the case open, and helpfully, he spoke into his radio and asked his dispatcher to get someone from the Near East department to come meet Alan in the gallery.

Alan walked around the rest of the other cases in the gallery, peering into them intently. No other object seemed to give off a glow, and he hastened back to have another look at the ring. He read the label next to it. In his first look he had missed it, distracted by the glow. The ring, according to the label, was a sixth century B.C.E. signet ring belonging to the prime minister in the court of Darius the Second. Shortly a man from the curator’s office arrived, from the Near East Division. He introduced himself as Dr. Neil Swindon-Smythe. About thirty years old, and speaking with a British accent he explained that the ring used to have two parts, and that the seal had never been found. Evidently, all orders and official documents of the empire were affixed with the courtly seal, which had been attached to the ring, the prime minister dripping a bit of hot wax on the parchments and then pressing the seal to it. It was found in a crypt, and markings etched into the wall of the cave indicated that the occupant was the vizier of Darius the Second, a man called Kanteer.

‘Ko’un-Zir,’ Alan thought to himself, ‘That’s Ko’un-Zir’s ring.’ Alan asked how the museum acquired it.

‘Well, it’s not particularly valuable. The ring was found during a dig in what is now Iraq. It was an international expedition undertaken in the 1940s, and I believe that the team that unearthed the grave was led by a Swiss archeologist named Jean-Pierre Massimo. He was a famous researcher, and we have a number of his finds in our collection. This ring was found by him on one of his earliest expeditions, before he really made a name for himself. Because this museum was one of the underwriters of the dig we were allocated a share of the finds. The Kanteer Ring is not considered a very important piece. If it had been found intact that would make it a completely different story. Most of the time we don’t even display it. It is one of the many Assyrian pieces put out in rotation to fill the cases.’

Alan sent him a mental command, and he unlocked the case and handed him the ring. In his hand the ring seemed to vibrate, and the glowing became more pronounced. Alan and the man walked back to his office, and Alan ordered the man to delete all references to the Ring of Kanteer from the inventory databases. As he was walking out Dr. Swindon-Smythe came up to him and presented Alan with a business card. Alan considered slipping the ring on his finger right then and there, but because of the trance he had fallen into in his room last weekend he figured it would be better to wait until he was home. Slipping it into his pocket he was surprised that it continued to vibrate gently against his thigh.

He met up with his mother, and then drove her, Nina, and the baby to Nina’s apartment on the Upper West Side. He parked the car in a garage and headed for the nearest subway station, catching an uptown local at Broadway and 72nd Street. Ten minutes and six stops later got out at 116th Street, and once he reached the top of the stairs he found himself just outside the gates of the university. He presented himself at the admissions office, and was delighted to find that a tour of the campus was set to begin in less than a half an hour. He had taken this tour last fall, but now that he was admitted he paid closer attention. They hit the major highlights, the library and some of the academic buildings, plus a look inside one of the dorms. When it was over Alan asked the guide where the bookstore was. He wanted to buy a sweatshirt, and he also needed some books.

Twenty minutes later Alan walked back to the subway, carrying his bundles. In one bag was the sweatshirt and one of those rear-windshield stickers for his car. In the other bag was a hardback copy of the complete stories of Jorge Luis Borges, and a few books on the Ancient Near East.

* * *

He headed over to Nina and her husband’s apartment. He had called his mom before descending into the subway, and she told him that dad was still busy at work, and they would meet up with him some time after seven. Alan and his mom decided to have the dinner at El Faro, an old Spanish restaurant in Greenwich Village that was a family favorite. Nina and her husband Jack joined them. Jack and his dad worked at the same firm, Jack was a fresh-out-of-law-school associate when Alan’s dad introduced him to his niece Nina, and they had married less than a year later. All through dinner the ring vibrated in Alan’s pocket.

When he got home he was hesitant about putting it on. Perhaps it would be a mistake. Better first to read more about the Ancient Near East in the books he had bought.

* * *

Alan slept late the next day, not rising until well after ten o’clock. He had stayed up very late reading his new books. The Borges story, ‘Tlon Uqbar, Orbis Tertius,’ was interesting but not terribly informative to his situation. It centered on the discovery by Borges and his friend Adolfo Bioy Casares of a magical land. They never actually visited this place, but rather read about it in books. It turned out in the end that he whole thing was a fraud devised by a vast conspiracy. Smerdis was mentioned, though only in passing, and the imprint of the conspirators was called Orbis Tertius.

In his other books Alan read that there was a rebellion against the rule of Cambyses II and that his brother Smerdis had crowned himself in his place. Later Smerdis was killed by a detachment of seven Persian men. Smerdis was killed in secret, and no one outside the palace knew the rebel king was dead. When Cambyses II left to put down a disturbance in Egypt, a pretender who claimed to be Smerdis, a man named Gaumata, seized the vacant throne. Cambyses II died in h
is travels and was succeeded in election by Darius II, son of Hystaspes, also known as Devaryesh, and the new king had Gaumata and his Magian followers put to the sword. They day of the slaughter was known as Magophonia, from the Greek magosphonos, or ‘Magi Slaughter.’

Alan thought about the ring, but left it in his desk drawer. He could swear he could hear it buzzing in the drawer all the way over on the other side of the room.

* * *

Around Tuesday in the late morning Kate watched from the front window as Chad pulled out and drove off, as he made the turn out of the driveway he thrust his arm out the window and waved. They had just had an argument about Alan, Kate denied that she and Alan had something going on. Chad, after a long round of convincing, sort of believed her, and they kissed and made up. The past couple of days, since the big party, Kate spent some time thinking about her ‘relationship’ with Alan, and she had come to some conclusions.

Alan made her feel good, made her engines roar. She didn’t want to be his girlfriend, she just wanted him to touch her. She certainly wasn’t in love with him, he was just the most amazing fuck any girl could hope for. She also knew she wasn’t in love with Chad, but he was good ‘arm candy,’ that is to say that he was the proper kind of guy for a girl like her to have as a boyfriend. Kate was considered one of the prettiest girls in school, if not the most pretty, and it just seemed to be proper for the prettiest girl to date the football captain. They were the favorites to be chosen the king and queen of the senior prom. She didn’t want to walk down the halls of the high school holding hands with Alan Marshall, not because she didn’t like him, but rather that she would rather just fuck him.

Alan wasn’t a geek or anything, and many of her friends thought he was very good-looking, but he wasn’t a member of the high school elite, and they disdained him. He was on the school newspaper all of his four years in high school, and that crowd had never been considered among the coolest. His famly didn’t have less money than hers, but he didn’t live on the Hill, and he didn’t drive a fancy car. (Chad had a BMW.) He wasn’t on student council, nor did he play any sports. On top of all that he was a relative newcomer to the town. Sure, he had lived here since he was ten years old, but many in the in-crowd had been in school together since kindergarten.

‘Still,’ Kate thought as she watched Chad’s car move off in the distance, ‘he can do things to my body that no one else can.’ So it was decided: she would keep dating Chad, and keep fucking Alan. She would even fuck Chad once in a while to placate him, though she imagined that she would have to keep her eyes closed and her mind focused on Alan to even hope to have an orgasm with Chad. Without even thinking about what she was doing, she went into the house and dialed Alan’s cell phone.

Alan told her to come on over to his house, as his mom was going out to a garden club meeting, and his dad wasn’t going to be home for hours. ‘I have a surprise for you when you get here slut.’ She almost bolted out the door.

* * *

In the car on the way over her cell phone rang and she reached to the dash to key the phone which was lodged in the hands-free unit. It was her friend Suzy Cormier, and she was calling about Alan and Chad. Suzy was a insidious gossip, and had known that Chad was going over to her house that morning to confront her about Alan.

‘So Kate, you and Chad bust up?’

‘No. Where did you hear that one?’

‘I heard he was pissed off about you hanging out with Alan Marshall. What is up between the two of you? You drove up to Geoff Sherman’s in his car, and a couple of weeks ago we saw you two together at the mall.’

‘Suzy, it’s nothing. Really. Nothing. My mom and dad made me go to the mall with Alan. He and Pauline were going together, and I wanted to go in my own car, but my folks insisted Alan drive me because I fainted the day before. And the other day, you know, at the party, I didn’t want to drive because of the beer, and Chad had gone over early to help Geoff set up. So when Alan offered Pauline a ride I asked if I could tag along.’

‘So you’re not fucking Alan? ‘Cause that’s what we all think.’

‘No. No, I’m with Chad,’ she responed vehemently.

‘Well, if you were fucking Alan I couldn’t blame you. He may not be ‘one of us,’ but he’s kinda cute. I wonder if he’s seeing anyone? I wouldn’t kick his tight body outta my bed, huh?’

‘I, uh, I think he and Pauline are getting back together.’ Kate did not want Suzy anywhere near Alan. Though Suzy was her friend she was also a tramp, Suzy was known to put out on the first date, often. ‘Ah, the perils of not being as pretty as me,’ Kate thought to herself. Though Suzy was pretty, she wasn’t nearly as good-looking as Kate or her kid sister. It’s not that she would be jealous if Suzy made a play for Alan, but she didn’t want him to have any distractions. She needed Alan to be there for her, and it was better to have Suzy think that Alan was dating Pauline than to have her on the prowl for him. ‘Anyway, Pauline’s a virgin, so Alan would have plenty of energy left to satisfy me after their dates,’ Kate thought. ‘I’m going to encourage both of them to start dating again.’ She had no way of knowing that Alan and her sister already had planned a date for that night.

* * *

She ended her conversation with Suzy as she pulled up to Alan’s house, pleased with her scheming. Mrs. Marshall was pulling out as she parked on the road, and they waved at each other as Alan’s mom drove off. Alan was waiting for her on the front porch, and she threw herself at him. Embracing him around his torso she rubbed her body up and down against his. ‘You seem happy, slut,’ he said to her.

‘Yes Alan, I’m your slut,’ she panted back. He pulled her into the house, and led her to his bedroom. Sitting down on his bed she picked up the book next to her. ‘Hmm, doing a little light reading? The book was titled, ‘Assyrian Origins: Discoveries at Ashur on the Tigris.’

‘Recently I’ve become very interested in ancient Babylonia. You know, their fertility rites were very complex.’

‘You’ll have to tell your slut all about them. But later.’ Kate was peeling off her clothes as she answered him, and by the time she had finished she was sitting on his bed clad only in a pair of skimpy black bikini panties. Alan approached her and cupped her breasts, his fingertips stroking her ringed nipples. Kate purred and leaned back, lying flat against his bed, her head propped up on his pillows. Alan hooked his thumbs under the strings at the sides of her panties. Kate liked this part best–when Alan first touched her. Just the feel of his hands on her body made her somewhat light-headed, and she felt as if Alan was taking possession of her. As he eased her panties down Kate’s breath caught in her throat, and she looked up at him with awe in her eyes.

‘My, my, my. I see a little growth on the field,’ he said apprising her now exposed pubis. ‘Do you think we should do something about it right off the bat, or wait until later?’

Kate’s breathing increased, and she couldn’t answer. She knew that by not responding Alan would decide for her, and she wanted that. Better to leave all decisions to him, it was better for her that way, and it increased her feelings of submission. Submitting to Alan was a big part of the turn-on, she was coming to understand.

Alan returned with a towel and a sleep mask. He blindfolded Kate and put the towel under her ass. He cupped her mound with his hand and began to rub it vigorously, and the short hairs on Kate’s pussy began to fall out where he touched her. His hands were all over her body from the neck down. Everywhere he touched he used the Seed to kill the hair follicles under her skin. Soon he had finished her legs and underarms, and he turned her over to complete the task. He also made her more responsive, but only to his touch.
He dipped his fingers into her mouth, butt, and pussy, and then used the Seed to implant within her a command to orgasm whenever her came in any of her orifices.

He was about to remove the blindfold when he remembered the purchase he had made at the sex shop. Opening his armoire he pulled the brown paper bag from the top shelf. He removed one of the three butt plugs from the bag and went into the bathroom to get some vaseline. Kate hadn’t moved an inch since he had gotten off the bed. He could see that she was very aroused, moisture visible on her labia. Her legs were spread in a V and her butt was arched upwards, her tits mashed into the mattress. ‘Are you ready for the surprise?’ he asked, and Kate whimpered in response. Alan sat next to her supine form and placed the tip of his index finger against her tight rosebud. Greased with vaseline it almost slipped in right away, but he held it steady, wanting to tease her.

‘Do you know what a dildo is, slut?’

‘Yes,’ she whispered in her little-girl tone of voice.

‘Have you ever heard of a butt plug?’ She hadn’t, but she could use her imagination. She just nodded.

‘I have a butt plug for you, and it had some amazing abilities, but I’ll let you discover most of them on your own. First things first. If you agree, I am going to place the plug into you soon. You are not to remove except under the following conditions. When you need to go to the toilet you must first be sitting on the seat before you take it out. You have one hour to put it back in, so you can have it out for gym class and the shower afterward. You must sleep with it every night, and in the morning you can take it out before you shower to wash it. If you break these rules you will suffer the consequences, but I wont tell you what they are. I will only insert the plug if you agree, and if you don’t want it, don’t worry. The decision is solely in your hands. I’m going to go downstairs now for five minutes to give you time to think.’ He shut the door behind him and went to the kitchen table, grabbing a soda on the way.

* * *

Kate’s purse was in the kitchen, and he opened it and took out her cell phone. Scrolling through the entries in her cell phone’s phone book he selected Chad’s home number and called him.

‘Chad, Alan Marshall here,’ he began after Chad’s mom had called Kate’s boyfriend to the phone, ‘I understand you are mad at me because of Kate Van Devanter. I think we should talk about it. I want to explain to you what is going on between me and her.’

‘Look Alan, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. You know me, I’m pretty laid back for a football jock, but something about you, and especially the idea of you near my girlfriend, pisses me off. We’ve always got along. Remember last year when we were chem lab partners? We never once got on each other’s nerves, but something about this is different.’

‘Yeah, Chad, I understand. But if you come over to my house right now I’ll make it so you understand about me and Kate. See, dude, I’m not trying to steal your girlfriend. I’m just trying to help her with some things. Come on over. I’ll show you. She’s here right now.’

‘She is?’ Chad was angry. They had fought that morning about her spending time with Alan, and here it was not even lunchtime yet and she was already at his house! Chad wasn’t a particularly violent person, but his juices were boiling at the thought of Alan Marshall and Kate alone together. ‘I’ll be right over.’ His voice had hardened, but Alan foresaw no problems in keeping him under his control using the power.

Chad lived only a few minutes away by car, five by Alan’s estimation, but he wasn’t surprised to hear a knock on the front door in less than three. As he opened up he placed Chad in a kind of waking trance. Chad would remember everything he was to see today, but he wouldn’t be allowed to make any movements or speak aloud, or even tell anyone anything about what he was about to wittness. ‘Welcome. Kate’s upstairs in my bedroom waiting for us. Follow me.’

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I was spending the night sleeping over at my friend Tony's house. We had gone to the pool for a swim and when we returned to his house I met his new stepmother Kelly for the first time. She was 28 years old and incredibly sexy, 5'9" tall with a curvy figure and beautiful perky breasts that bounced and jiggled around under her shirt as she moved around the house. After Tony introduced us he and I headed back to his bedroom to change out of our wet shorts. Once inside with the door closed I said...

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Hard Nipple

I can see your erect nipple though you’re mostly see though dress that you’re trying on and I would love to see your other one. I like when you like showing off your sexy body and you know I like it and that turns us both on. You want to be controlled and taken advantage of and want me to use your body for my pleasure whilst getting pleasured yourself. I can’t help but move toward you and cup your breast, supporting its wait and gently squeeze your nipple though the dress between my fingers....

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“Would eight this Friday night be satisfactory for you?,” my contact asks after we negotiate a fee with some included for him. I am looking to what might eventuate tonight as I arrive right on time. “I am Christine, Sue’s secretary, you probably saw her on TV this week as she made some announcements concerning her business expansion in this city. “Sue has an incredibly high sex drive with a huge libido to match. She hasn’t had a man to fuck her for weeks, not that I am aware of anyway. Was...

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Breaking In Ones New Self

------------------------------- The Doctor flipped a switch, and the familiar vworping sound was heard, as the TARDIS dematerialised from the planet Skaro. “Well then, that was certainly a challenge, wasn’t it, Doctor?” Romana said. “Oh hardly,” the Doctor smiled. “Defeating the Daleks is mere child’s play for me. You know, I faced them just after my first regeneration too. The planet Vulcan I think it was. Of course, I had Ben and Polly to look after me.” “Vulcanites?” “No no, they...

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The Massage

It had been such a long week and I was exhausted... My boss had made my work over time all week and, being a physical job, my body was in pain. I could feel every muscle in my body that was sore and just walking around was difficult. It was 4PM and I was thinking about going home, taking a hot shower and then just going to bed. I know, it was early, but I just didn't feel like moving. As I drive home, I pass in front of a massage place that a friend had told me about. He had went in for an hour...

2 years ago
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Its Only Sex

‘I don’t know about this Sally.’ Pam sat at the table across from her friend in the little café where they had first met back in high school. High school, such a long time ago, where two young girls one an outcast, the other a rich cheerleader, befriended one another over coffee one fall afternoon. Now, both of them in their thirties, with families sat here once again, like they did every Saturday, but the conversation was not of who’s child’s birthday was coming up, or who’s husband was more...

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The House Sitter

The House Sitter I don't want him taking care of our house when we go on vacation. I think he is snooping through my clothes and maybe even wearing them. You're overreacting Carol. John's an honest guy and wouldn't do that. Besides he is the only one we know that can do it. That's fine Tom, but if he goes through my things and wears them we will find out, and he will be sorry. Alright Carol I'll call him and remind him that we are going next week. I answered the...

4 years ago
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Watching my wife

I love watching my wife fuck other men. It turns me on to no end. The more she cums on his cock, the hornier and harder I get. And when he squirts his hot load deep inside of her, I am crazy with desire. One of my ex wives, Janie — I have had a few — loved to indulge me in my fantasies, and she got to have other cock which was her turn on to no end. She loved watching me watch her get fucked in all of her holes by different cocks. Here is one of our experiences… Salvo was a Greek guy we met...

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The Martian Land

The Martian Land By Brad Miller "Why do we have to go to Mars anyway dad?" Sarah whined. "Because honey it's my job. NASA chose us as the first family to colonize on Mars. Then, if it's safe, more and more people will move up to Mars and we'll eventually leave Earth all together!" Mr. Miller explained to his 16 year old daughter. "So we're just a couple of Guinea Pigs? Is that what you're saying?" "No, it's not like that. Here, think of it this way. We are the first family to...

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The horny neighbor A surprise Orgy Part B

..Continued from Part A.Sunday morning has arrived - Ram and his family woke early and I told them and Casper i’ll stay and study “For what test” Casper asked - “I have special assignment for Jerroti, i’m volunteering for the education center” - Capster nodded - “yea you sure love to stay up late with him” Yea if only he knew, actually he probably knew I was fucking him regularly and now maybe Ram suspected also, but my guess he probably knew I was whoring around. As long as he got his dick...

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Journeys West Chapter 15 The Visit

Chapter 15 - The Visit by Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Editor: Qmodo They dropped Emily off at her place before heading out of town. Leslie and Emily had spent a few minutes talking quietly before Emily turned away with a smile. Leslie watched her walk inside before getting into the car with a smile of her own. "I take it that you have plans for this evening?" Mary Sue asked, looking at Leslie with a grin. Leslie turned her smile on Mary Sue and replied, "Yes, I think so. ...

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I just want to watch

Introduction: I wanted to watch, only to watch the wonderful fucking I just want to watch . ……………………………………… I sat just inches away from the couple fucking on the bed. I studied her face as she was being fucked from behind. Her eyes half closed and at times rolled back in total enjoyment. From time to time our eyes would meet and we would hold each others stare, until she would break off as result of the pounding her pussy was getting. Shed bite her lower lip in ecstasy. Even though my...

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Her New Surprise

Dominique could not wait to put it in my ass. Dominique (you) bought the strap-on almost on a whim; you were walking by Good Vibrations and saw it proudly displayed in the window. It almost appeared like it was begging her to come inside. It is black and good sized. The light makes it seem shiny. When you touch it, the silky smoothness has you hooked. This is your cock. The harness is just as beautiful. Designed with black leather with metal studs, it reminds you of some dirty cowboy movie with...

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Living the Dream

--- Living the Dream (MF, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Angela stirred from her sleep, feeling warm flesh pressed into her back. Graham, her boyfriend, had moved into the "spoon" position, his pelvis grinding into her butt. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. His pelvis dipped lower, allowing his erect penis to stray under her bum, searching for that magical spot. Angela blushed. He hadn't said she was beautiful in months, and she was beginning to think...

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Fucking Desperate Betty

As I crossed the lawn into Bettys yard, I couldnt help but think what a prick of a husband she had. I have no clue why she was even with the fucking jerk off. A beautiful woman in her early 40s, slightly above average height with shoulder length jet black hair and these amazingly beautiful deep sea green eyes that seemed to change colors depending on what she was wearing. She had a wonderful build, a womanly figure not so thin youd have to rattle the sheets to find her but not so plump youd...

1 year ago
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She was stiff as we began dancing, which seemed odd, because she moved with such ease, her tall willowy body moving through the crowd as if floating. I had been watching her for some time, waiting for a chance to talk to her without a gaggle of guys around. But she was the kind of girl to attract a crowd, and she did. Then, as the party moved along, she was getting more available, and soon we were dancing. But, as I said, she was stiff, and I soon determined it was because she was waiting for...

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It Started With an Apron Episode 1

IT STARTED WITH AN APRON By Monica Graz Author's note: This is my very first story, written in the mid 70s and concluded several years later in 1983. It is developed in five episodes. Episode 1 was published in 1976 in the magazine 'Astounding TV Tales no 2' published by Empathy Press. I edited it 30 years later, mainly improving expressions etc. The basic canvas of the story remains the same. EPISODE 1 Bob Burns returned home around six this Friday...

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Safe Haven

Another beautiful tale of love between a mother and son. This story contains no i****t but is more dirty and perverted than a mom and son fucking. I know my regular readers will like it and as always send me comments/feedback at [email protected] ====================================================================It was 3 in the morning. I was sleeping on the couch. The TV was still on. In a small room next to me was my 47 year old mother on queen bed."Boom", I awoke with a start. Someone was at...

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Indian WinterChapter 3

Sharmila worked quickly. Lacking a phone, she had walked the streets calling into Real Estates offices, Property Consultants and Investment Brokers. When she returned to the shop that afternoon, she had a pile of papers to show Jake. He invited her into his small office and she got down to business immediately. She had, she said, the bones of a financial plan. As she explained, Jake looked on, both fascinated and alarmed. It felt like he was delivering his life into her hands. Sharmila...

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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 8 The Night Out With Joe And Sally

Sunday morning was bright and sunny, a lot brighter than my wife, Sue. She awoke sometime after me and entered the kitchen where I was preparing breakfast, complaining of a headache.“What time did you get home last night?”“About five minutes after Jon left I imagine.”“What do you mean, after Jon left?”“I saw him walking down the road away from our house when I arrived home.”“Oh, I’d forgotten, he came over asking could you help him out with a couple of jobs. I’ll call him to tell him you’re...

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Role Reversal Part 1

Getting promoted to VP of finance at thirty-five had been Brett Andersen's dream. He had a gorgeous apartment filled with designer furnishings, a BMW convertible and a closetful of bespoke suits. Of course, he'd worked his ass off to attain that dream. And along with the dream came stress. Lots of it. Late nights, weekends, tight deadlines all meant that he needed a way to blow of steam. He ate well and went to the gym with what little spare time he had; he'd even tried meditation. But still,...

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Maneater Chapter 1

I've desperately needed to tell this story for a long time. I'm not sure I believe it myself, so for years I thought no one else would. Honestly, I still don't think anyone will believe me. I just don't care anymore. I'm not as unique as I thought, so people need to know. This could eventually lead to my incarceration, so please understand the sacrifice I'm making by divulging this part of my personal story. I'm not bragging, and I'm not proud. I find it humiliating, but I did it to...

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Thorn take charge of my life

I am finishing my chores when Thorn rises from the sofa:"Is the bathroom done yet?”“Yes, just finished.”“Good. I’m going to shower while you finish the kitchen and then you are to take me out dancing."That might sound good, but she knows I can’t dance and don’t even like it. Still, nothing to be done about that. I get on with my work as she gets ready. I see her flit from the bathroom to the bedroom and back again a couple of times. Obviously unable to decide what to wear, she passes in varied...

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Arasanga Auntyai Matter Aditha Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil police auntyai sexiyaaga matter aditha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu veedu irukum arugil oru palli irukirathu. Naan salem gramathil vasithu varugiren, enathu peyar vikram vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Thirumana vayathil irukum ennai entha aunty paarthaalum ooka thaan aasai paduvaargal. Athu thaan enathu kathaiyilum nadanthathu, election time vanthathu athanaal enathu veedu arugil irukum palliyil niraiya pen police vanthu thangi irunthaargal. Naan...

1 year ago
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WalMart 2

When he woke up, Jeanne was asleep on the table. He quickly untied her and gathered her into his arms. He brought her to a mattress section, and dropped her onto the bed. "Oh!" She woke with a start. "P-please, don't kill me, ill do whatever you want!" she cried as he checked his shotgun. "Oh shutup bitch, I'm not going to kill you." he snarled. He tied her hands behind her back and walked away, she saw him pull out a radio. "Hey...ya, she's here....Mmmhmm...Yup, she's ready.. Oh shut up man,...

Group Sex
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Eve in the Marital Garden

Weeds in the Marital GardenWhen Eve returned from John’s condo, she and Tim hugged and cried and then spread out the spring rolls and Kung Pao chicken she’d brought. They talked openly about the secrets of his sex life. She was shocked to learn Tim masturbated daily and he’d had more orgasms with himself over the ten years of their marriage than he did with her. She fully expected he masturbated with the same frequency she did. Perhaps a couple of times a month.“Be honest with me. Why are you...

Wife Lovers
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The Vacation

The Vacation**I and Nadiya and her husband have been talking for a little over a year. As well as exchanging emails and photos. We decided to go on vacation together and for them to come to the United States. We agreed to meet and rent a beach house just north of Bangor, Maine. They were so excited about their first trip to the states.**** When they arrived they went to retrieve the rental car. We met at one of the stores I researched and found so she can buy her some sexy clothes. I called...

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Double Trouble

Sometimes you surprise even yourself. On the couch, you lean over and kiss him full on the lips, parting yours as you do, your tongue darting, enticing his to give chase.You break off the kiss with an impish grin before turning to the other side and kissing his best friend even deeper. As your tongues dance lustfully, you rub your hand slowly down his bare chest, along his firm abs, and rest it on his bulging jeans. You squeeze feeling the hardness within. You turn back to the first and kiss...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1

Introduction: Reposted by poipular demad and numerous e-mails Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1 Hello readers and fans. I know it has been quite a while since my last post and I am sorry, but in my own defense I have been around the world a few times and Ive been very busy. I will report that I did get to see my brother-in-law Hirito while on a return trip to Japan. He is still a little pissed at me, but our seeing each other was at least cordial. He is now a father of 11 year old twin girls. His girls...

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What Just Happened Here

What Just Happened Here? Author's Note: This story came from an idea suggested by a comment on my first body swap story. Tony Johnson stood in front of the mirror and checked himself over one last time before heading to work. He was very aware of how he dressed and looked. Even today, casual Friday, he chose pressed khaki's, a bright yellow polo, and sensible brown loafers. Others came in jeans and some even wore dressy tees, but he preferred to dress up even on dress down days....

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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 3

Okay, I know you're waiting for me to tell you about how I woke up with three women in bed with me and in fact I think I had some dreams about that judging from the state of the bed covers. I was mighty disappointed when I woke up needing to pee at four in the morning and found I was alone in the bed. I went to the toilet in the adjoining bathroom and stood there thinking of how much more enjoyable it had been the morning before and how neglected I felt. Where had I gone wrong? Still, I...

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I flipped my tousled blonde bangs out of my eyes and lifted Nathan's dick up with my tongue, before bobbing my head forward and filling the room with a loud slurp. I felt him stiffen ever so slightly in my mouth, and continued sucking. My eyes worked their way up his body, following the trail of hair from his pelvis up to his stomach. I soaked in every detail of his chiseled hips, my eyes tracing the V-shape of where his flat abs met his pelvis. I felt myself hardening and quickly slid down...

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My best friend I

Well too start out this is a True story about me & my best friend that I fell In love with.. It started Couple months ago when we became friends. He was dating my exs s*s so we just kinda became friends, well we started working together then we all started staying together. Long story short he told me how shity & worthless my gf was so me & her split & she moved out well they all told me I'm more then welcome to continue staying there, well after doin little thinking I...

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Fillmore Girls

Here’s a pic of the two: It started as a typical Friday night for the Gilmore Girls: they had ordered pizza, rented one of their favourite movies, and Rory’s boyfriend Dean was over to join them in their fun. Dean had been to enough of these Friday-Movie-nights to know that their favourite movies were ones that were easy to make fun of. Tonight was no exception, with the showing of “Plan 9 from Outer Space”, generally accepted as one of the...

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