Alan Ch. 27 free porn video

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Chapter 27: London Stalling at the Top of the Dial

Alan paused at the door before entering the room, so unused was he to seeing Michiko fully dressed and upright, not to mention outside of Jack’s townhouse. She’d just returned from three months in Japan, and the last time he’d seen her she was being wheeled down a jetway for her flight out. She looked amazingly fit, poised for battle.

The chill given off by the conference room’s air conditioning caused the sweat on the back of his neck to quickly evaporate. Months had passed since he and Jack had agreed to combine efforts with the Japanese order, and to their collective frustration, neither hide nor hair had been seen of their target.

Karick tapped a few keys on the laptop, and after a scant second his presentation started. He narrated as the subsequent images filled the screen.

‘The London apartment is a bad choice for this operation, for the following reasons,’ he began

Karick’s presentation went on a good hour, with plenty of discussion and debate, breaking up just before five o’clock. Jack wanted Alan to hang around for a private discussion, but Alan begged off.

‘Between summer school and coming here every day, with the commute time from the ‘burbs tacked on, I’m stretched a little,’ he explained to his mentor, apologetically. ‘I pretty much promised my folks I’d be home for dinner five nights a week this summer.’

Since the next day was Friday, the only weekday on which Alan didn’t have classes he would be able to come in for most of the day. He rode the train home with his dad, talking about the Mets game they were planning on watching on the tube that night.

* * *

It was just a day short of a week later that Lord Thornbow was first spotted. Well, spotted was not quite the right verb. Alistair Thornbow had been playing in a casino in Monte Carlo. Credit for the catch was shared equally by Jack and his assistant Anne-Marie. Jack had told her of his stepbrother’s propensity for the occasional flutter, and Anne-Marie had used her contacts in the gaming industry to have any activity on Lord Thornbow’s line of credit captured, and the information forwarded to New York. Within an hour of receipt Karick and three of his team were on route to Monaco.

The next morning Alan, Jack, Anne-Marie, Stanley Wilkins (their attorney, and fellow board member), and Peter Gant (Karick’s number two, a former Army Ranger) huddled in the conference room around the speakerphone listening to Karick’s report.

Monte Carlo, they agreed, was far too urban for the operation the had planned. They had already discarded London as a battleground due to its density, and Monaco was even less suited for this reason.

‘So we’re still on the same page?’ Karick asked near the end of the call. ‘We wait until he returns to Bankington Hall, his country estate.’

‘Agreed,’ Jack concurred, Alan nodding beside him. ‘We will stick to the plan you already detailed. An urban confrontation is to be avoided.’

‘Why don’t we double the watch on his country estate?’ Alan suggested.

‘That will be difficult,’ Karick answered, ‘He seems to have upped security there, with roving patrols every hour in the day, and every two hours in dark.’

‘Well,’ Jack noted, ‘That is good news!’

‘How so?’ Alan asked.

‘Simple, dear boy. He would not increase security unless he was planning to return. His London flat is hard to reconnoiter because it is so proximate to various embassies and whatnot. With these constant changes in terror alerts that neighborhood is too secure for us to keep close tabs on him there. We are lucky in that he probably doesn’t realize he is safer in the hurly-burly of London, than in what he believes is his much-more-secure country retreat. The time to move against him will soon be at hand.’

Karick thought about what Jack had to offer for a moment, and then agreed fully. ‘Right then, I’ll put Peter in charge of the mobile team, and I’ll go on to England to lead the static team in at Bankington Hall. Peter will call me at the first sign of movement in this direction, and I’ll get in touch with you.’

‘We’ll have a jet fueled and standing by at Teterboro.’

Another week went by, and still Thornbow hadn’t returned to England. Peter’s team was trailing him, now in Spain, and Michiko and the abbot had gone ahead to case the country estate. She liked to be very familiar with the terrain before any operation, and the satellite pictures Jack had secured for her study only revealed so much. Cyaxares had just opened a London branch office with two employees transferred from Rome, and Jack was able to pre-ship their swords and other weapons to it.

* * *

When he spoke to Kate that night she seemed a little bummed when he told her he was probably going to have to go off again to Europe, but he had assured her that it was only going to be for a very short while. Either way, if just for an inspection visit, or a confrontation with Thornbow, he wouldn’t be away for more than seven days. It wasn’t even that she was around to miss him. This summer she was supervising her troubled teen program again, though not actually going on the canoe trips as she had last year. The foundation had rented her a small office in Portland for the summer, and her dad had rented a small apartment there. Most of her days were filled with the logistics of shuffling over two hundred teens and ten counselors through five week-long sessions. Alan had come up every other weekend to visit.

As he was watching the Met game with his dad that night something Kate had said during their past weekend together came back to him. Just as he was about to board his flight to Boston to catch the shuttle she had made him promise something, something he hadn’t yet done for her.

‘Promise me you’ll call Pauline, and meet her for lunch in the city. She’s having a miserable summer, with Brian dumping her and my dad insisting on her working for Uncle Edward instead of doing what she wants.’

He had agreed, and then almost instantly it had slipped his mind.

Pauline had figured that she would end up working in town, at the foundation’s summer camp. However, she had gotten a prized summer internship with the new NFL network, which sadly she had to refuse when her dad had informed her that she would be working this summer at the bank. Her Uncle Edward was head of the family concern, Van Devanter & Sons, one of the largest privately-held investment banks in the world. She had protested vigorously, but to no avail. With Calvin headed to med school, and her sister ensconced securely with her foundation work, Edward had been quite firm that their branch of the family had been remiss at supplying VDS with new blood. It was Helen Van Devanter who had convinced her in the end. ‘Just do it for this summer,’ Pauline’s mom had counseled. ‘If you really hate it I’ll lean on your dad, and you’ll never have to go back again.’

On top of all that, the day before she came home from Harvard, she and Brian had split. She had complained to him that he never seemed to make time for them to be together, and they had fought. The argument ended when Brian said she was taking their relationship too seriously, and suggested that perhaps they weren’t right for each other. It was a good thing she didn’t have to drive home, that her parents had come for the move back, because she spent the three days following her falling out with Brian either crying or brooding.

At a commercial break Alan keyed Pauline’s cell number into his own.

‘Hey, cute stuff, whashapnin?’

‘Shit, Alan, I can’t talk now.’

‘Why, what is it?’

‘I’m stuffing two hundred invitations to the bank’s summer outing into dammed envelopes. They have to go out tomorrow.’ She sounded fragile.

‘OK, then I wont keep you, except to ask, what are you doing for lunch tomorrow?’

‘Nothing,’ she answered. ‘I’ll probably end up doing some sort
of stupid busy work here in the office. Why?’

‘Wrong answer, babe. I’m taking you out.’

‘I’m sure that wont be possible. Uncle Ed keeps me on a short leash. He’s a nice enough guy, but he’s always in my face, talking up how great a company this is, explaining in excruciating detail the ins and outs of investment banking. I haven’t had ten minutes to myself this whole summer.’

‘Don’t sweat it, I’ll talk to him. See you at one. Bye.’ He hung up before she could try to talk him out of it.

When he picked her up the next afternoon, after making things cool with her uncle by implanting a few commands in him, he was surprised to find her so collected. They talked a bit as they waited for the elevator, and he learned that Kate had been exaggerating a little. Pauline was completely over Brian, he learned right off the bat. She had cried for a few days, and been slightly depressed for a few more, but the happy bubbly Pauline was in evidence, and just to make sure, he scanned her, worried she was putting up a brave front for his benefit.

Since Alan had cleared a long lunch for them with Pauline’s uncle, and the day being so mild after the long heat wave, they decided to walk over to Chinatown. They ate in a hole-in-the-wall on Mott Street, and caught up. She kissed him, demurely, on the lips after the cabbie let them out back on Wall Street, and Alan caught an uptown IRT express train back to Grand Central. Minutes later he was in the office, and Jack had disappointing news.

‘Hong Kong,’ he said, pronouncing it like a curse. ‘He’s scheduled to speak at a conference of international NGOs. He’ll probably bore them to death with his diplomatic doublespeak. They’ll soon learn from my dear stepbrother that a few postings, and a brief ambassadorship to Upper Volta, or whatever the hell they now call it, an expert doesn’t make.’

‘Do we know about his itinerary after Hong Kong?’ Alan asked.

‘Not yet, but Anne-Marie is working on it,’ Jack replied.

An hour later Karick called from England. The abbot and Michiko had a proposal, and all of them spent the better part of the rest of the afternoon hashing it over on a conference call. All save Karick were enthusiastic about it, and in the end the former Czech intelligence officer agreed to head over to the Continent to acquire the best equipment.

Two days later Thornbow’s estate and London flat were rife with the latest state-of-the-art bugging equipment. Michiko and the abbot had brainwashed the staffs to allow the team’s entry. Even under the threat of torture Thornbow’s servants would be unable to remember allowing Karick access to the residences.

However, there was some troubling news in Michiko’s report.

* * *

‘Fuck! I feel like I’m going to boot!’ Alan swore as he stepped over the line. He was covered in sweat, his face flush, clothes disheveled. He stumbled towards the door, almost gasping to regain his breath. Quickly he was through it, the night breeze cooling him, making him feel slightly better than death. Jack was sitting in a lawn chair which was backed up right against the barn, waiting his turn for the ‘torture.’

‘Boot?’ the older man asked.

‘Puke, ralph, heave–ya know–vomit.’ Alan mumbled as best he could.

‘Ah, I see. Well, perhaps you’ve had enough for today. I’ll have someone drive you home.’

Alan nodded, relieved that Jack had suggested this, he didn’t want anyone to think he was a pussy, but spending four hours near the Fourth Orb was completely draining. Jack threw him a towel, and he dried his face. As he stepped into the second car of his two car convoy he saw through the windshield Jack square his back and stride purposefully into the barn.

One of the security staff drove him in his car, to be driven back to the base by the driver of the lead car. Once out on the road, another wave of fatigue came at him, and he only just managed the energy to unbuckle his seatbelt and squirm his way into the back seat so he could stretch out and attempt sleep.

Michiko had come back from Britain with intelligence that made little sense to her, but was highly troubling to Alan and Massimo. During her reconnoiter of the grounds and dwellings of the estate she had encountered numerous metallic spheres scattered across the landscape, and throughout the castle. Neil examined the pictures the security team had snapped with telephoto lenses, and confirmed that they looked identical to the Orb he had fashioned back when he was in the service to Lord Thornbow, the result being that Alan and Jack were spending at least four hours each day exposed to the sphere’s radiation.

Inoculation, Jack called it. By inuring themselves to the effect of the orbs they would be better able to carry out their ‘mission.’ Alan had agreed at first, but the very experience of exposing himself to whatever it was that the silver sphere was radiating had caused second thoughts to assert themselves numerous times.

The driver woke him a few block from his house, and not five minutes later was he asleep in his bed. He and Jack had been sleeping much more than usual than a ‘regular’ Vessel, certainly attributable to the effects of the training with the orb, in fact, he sleep patterns and requirements were now similar to that of a normal person.

The long days and nights were getting to him. Each day he was up at 6:30, took an early train into the city, mornings at Columbia, in class, a few hours in the afternoon at the office (mostly familiarizing himself with the far-flung Cyaxares holdings), then an early afternoon train home. He ate each night with his parents, and then drove up to Jack’s rented farm, more than an hour and a half north, into the Hudson Valley, rarely returning before one in the morning. It was a good thing Kate was away because he doubted he had the vim to be around her, to take care of her needs.

That next morning he allowed himself to sleep in, not arriving in Manhattan until after ten. He reasoned that since there were no scheduled meetings that day until after lunch, he would not be missed, but by when he walked in Anne-Marie cornered him, pulling him into her office over his protest that he was coffee-deprived.

As she trained him on the new communications gear which had arrived that day, Alan appraised her. She was stunning as always, dressed smartly in a white summer blouse and a skirt which was hugged her figure tightly, its length just barely on the right side of proper office convention. She had always dressed well, her allure was a necessary part of her work as an undercover casino security agent. The thing was that now she no longer needed to be appealing for professional reasons, yet continued to dress to titillate.

* * *

Two weeks later Alan was flying off the London. Karick had established a training camp on a rented estate halfway between the capital and Dover, and he was taking the red eye to join the rest of the team after a few days of business in the capital. Jack had departed New York a few days previous, and all the necessary equipment had been routed through the corporate offices. Karick had drilled the ‘normals’ (non-Vessels) in their roles for the past month, and with electronic surveillance indicating that Lord Thornbow was soon to arrive back in Britain, the time of action was nearing.

The flight itself was uneventful, however, he had a surprise encounter at Heathrow.

‘Alan! Alan! ALAN!’ he heard. He resisted turning his head, for the name on his travel papers was not his own, and he feared he was still within earshot of Passport Control. Instead he and his traveling companion, his bodyguard Pete, made smartly for the door and the waiting car. Just as they reached the exit Pete glanced back at their pursuer.

‘Shee-yit,’ he whispered to the increasingly nervous Alan, ‘If she was looking for me, I’d let myself be found!’

Alan twisted around just enough to catch sight of her. ‘Jesus, Chloe.’

The spring of his senior year of
high school, not long after he became a Vessel of the Seed of Paishiya’uvada, he had a brief sexual relationship with the British au pair from across the lane. She was one of a small number of people who knew that Alan possessed his cosmic abilities, though he had used them to see that she would not be able to communicate to anyone that he was anything other than a regular guy.

‘Go ahead, Pete, I’ll catch up,’ he told the bodyguard as he pushed through the door.

She had been running to reach him, and when she did she threw her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I thought that was you!’

‘Chloe, how are you?’

‘Great, thanks partly to you.’ She shuffled through her overlarge purse and extracted a glossy catalogue, a catalogue familiar to women, and more than a few men–Victoria’s Secret. She flipped the pages excitedly, and proudly showed Alan her picture. ‘It would never happened without you, you know.’

Alan was about to ask what she was talking about, but instead stole the explanation from her mind. She had, before becoming an au pair, made the rounds of the London modeling agencies, without finding success. Though her rejections had never been specific, the message had been clear, she wasn’t ‘curvy’ enough to get work. Since her initial encounter with Alan, she hadn’t had problem, and since returning to England following her year in the States she had slowly been building up her portfolio. Juggling modeling with university had been tough going at first, but she was managing, he read from her thoughts.

‘So, what brings you across the pond?’

‘Just a little business,’ he answered, and explained a little about the company he worked for, leaving out the delicate details. They had reached the car, and Alan offered her a ride. She declined, explaining that her agency was sending a car. She grabbed an eyeliner pencil from her purse and wrote her mobile number over her photo in the catalogue, tore it from the book and stuck it in the pocket of his suit coat.

Pete, waiting at the car, gave Alan a sly grin. ‘So, who’s Chloe?’

‘Oh, Chloe Mayhew, just some Victoria’s Secret model I know.’

‘You’re shitting me,’ he croaked.

‘I’m shitting you negative. She wasn’t a model when I met her.’ Alan explained how he came to know the fetching blonde Brit, leaving out the X-rated parts of their story.

* * *

Jack was waiting for them in the London office, the Japanese contingent was out in the country at Thornbow’s estate with Karick. Jack gave an update on Thornbow’s movements, and Anne-Marie brought Alan and Peter up to speed on the status of the preparation, and as to what sort of equipment and supplies still needed to be obtained. It was only yet early afternoon when all important matters had been fully discussed, and Alan, who had been cooped up, either in a plane, in a car in London traffic, and in the cramped offices, since ten pm New York time the night before, needed some air. Begging off offers of company from Jack, Peter, and even Anne-Marie, he set out on his own.

The London branch office was located in Wapping, a neighborhood dominated by some forlorn docks, and enormous office building housing Rupert Murdoch’s metropolitan newspaper holdings. Alan found a quiet bench opposite a pub, sat down and willed himself to relax. The weather was cool, much more mild than he was used to after experiencing all his past summers in New York.

He called Kate in Maine.


‘Hey Katie, what’s up?’

‘Nothing much.’

‘Are you OK?’ he asked. ‘You sound out of breath.’

‘Oh, it’s nothing, really.’

‘What are you doing?’

‘Masturbating, if you must know,’ she grunted. He cracked up. Looking at his watch he noted that it was early evening on the East Coast. ‘What are you doing tonight?’

‘Just hanging out. The last group of girls arrive tomorrow, plus Miranda is coming over on Wednesday. We’re gonna play. And what are you going to do tonight?’

‘Probably sleep. The time zones are starting to catch up with me.’

‘Are you going to be back in New York by the time I come home from Maine?’

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The spare bedroom sat directly opposite our bedroom and I knew it would give me a great view of the events that were to follow. If she left the lights on in our bedroom the spare bedroom remained in darkness allowing me to watch without my presence being known by the stranger. There were a few stipulations, I was not to get involved in the nights events, I would only be allowed to watch from the spare room but and after the stranger had gone I would be allowed back in our room and let her do...

4 years ago
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Classroom quickie Frenchie series

The classroom felt horribly hot and stuffy for a day of June, and she had her full breasts right in his face. Well, not exactly. But close enough.Pierre Gosselin, genius student in his younger days and now youngest philosophy teacher to a class of forty prestigious khâgne students, was finding it hard to keep them from raising their arm even when they didn't have an answer. As hard as the buddy in his pants that was very interested in that pair of breasts ready for the taking. As infatuated...

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The Internet Master

How to read this story: This story thread is being designed (albeit slowly) as a test build for a Visual Novel that I intend to actually put into production at some unspecified point in the future. As a result, this story is actually intended to be read beginning to end in a linear fashion, with choices being made in context. The way the site was designed, but not the way really very many people use it. Seriously. I love story map browsing. I almost never read a CHYOA story without poking...

2 years ago
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Kamwali Ko Seduce Karke Choda

Ye bat tabki hai jab mai 19 saal ka hua tha mere ghar me kaam karne wali naukrani ko papa ki ghadi churane ke ilzaam me nikal diya gaya fir mere ghar mein nayi naukrani aayi uska naam sunaina tha …. Wo kamsin kali si 18 saal ki ladki thi or wo bahut patli mujhse bhi choti 5.3 ki hogi uske bubbu kuch khaas bade nahi the wo 1 anaar k baraabar ka 1 bubbu tha or uske nipple jo uske suit se dikhte the ek anaar k daane k barabar honge wo kaali thi lekin bahut attractive thi kothe ki chudail lagti thi...

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The InvestigatorsChapter 9

It was 00:01 AM on day eight found Eddie fast asleep all warm and toasty in his newly insulated share cropper's house. He was dreaming of the day when his house was complete, and he could sit on the deck in the back yard and watch his goats graze. Eddie hadn't been joking when he said he planned to raise goats. First he had to finish his house then find the money for a fence over the whole property. Five acres of Chain link fence wouldn't be cheap even if he did it himself. He knew that...

4 years ago
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My First Time with Daddy

I couldn't believe it was Molly's eighteenth birthday. My wife and I were just eighteen when we had her, just two stupid k**s who were still in high school. Allison's parents were wild---they had wanted her to go to college, and thought I wasn't good enough for their precious only c***d. We tried for a few years to make it work, but Allison's parents worked on her enough so that she decided to leave me. She even left US--Molly was just four. It was supposed to be temporary. Allison's parents...

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Incident at Pima MesaChapter 9

In late afternoon of the next day, Miranda told Ellen she would love some company and asked if Ellen would come to her room after supper, Ellen was still shaken and embarrassed after last night and wasn't sure she could face Miranda even though she thought she had slipped away unseen when Miranda had come to the door. However, lacking any logical excuse and feeling a strange sense of excitement, she agreed to stop by as soon as she got Elijah to bed. Miranda answered the timid...

3 years ago
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Wife Trains My Ass Pegged

Friday had finally arrived. Time this week seemed to creep by after my wife Sarah had told me earlier this week that our k**s would be spending the weekend with the grandparents and that we had the weekend all to ourselves.As much as we love spending time as a family, we needed some adult time to pay attention to each other. When the k**s were younger, "adult time" meant basically sleeping all weekend with some occasional playtime. But as the k**s got older, we started to do less sleeping and...

4 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 42

I was there. Lana was there. And so were Owen and Abigail and Mortimer. The door swung open and a white clad lady with a stethoscope looped around her neck came smiling up to the soon to be proud poppa. “Doctor?” said Mort. “It’s a boy. Mom and our new young man are doing fine. You’ll be able to go in shortly. The nurses are in charge for next little bit. Everybody was talking at once to everybody else. Well, except Mortimer. He was talking to himself. He was kind of funny I thought. I...

4 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 4

Sunday morning light leaked through the window over a tousled mess of brown hair at the end of a misshapen lump under the blanket. The figure at the door looked on in annoyance. "Richie?" The lump shuddered, uttered a muffled curse, and was still once more. "Richie, get your ass out of bed now." The lump grunted something that sounded vaguely like "whatever." "I'm serious, Richie. I will not have us missing church because of your laziness." Richie waited until he heard the...

5 years ago
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Wife Sarah when she eventually got “knocked up” in late 1972 listened to some bad advice and would not let me fuck her the entire nine months gestation period! She was quite happy to suck me off and never failed to swallow all my baby goo and occasionally when really turned on allowed me to fuck her ass hole, but no pussy! Fortunately with our second c***d she dismissed no pussy as she confessed she,d really missed feeling me buried in her cunt and pumping her womb full of my heavy cock cream....

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BBC Party

In case you hadn't noticed it, black men are in demand. This is the 21st century and word has gotten out that black men have big dicks and there are dozens of white women lining up to try them out. And this is not just a phenomenon among young women, who obviously have less hang ups about interracial sex than the older generation.There are an increasing number of married women, with the permission of their husbands, who are seeking out big black cock (BBC.) I'm not sure if these women fall into...

2 years ago
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KatieChapter 2

I slept pretty late on Saturday as I didn't have anything to do. I put on some cute pink plaid flannel pants and a cream tank top that hugged my body. Since I didn't have school or really any place to go, I skipped a bra. Part of me was sad that I didn't need to wear a bra, but the other half didn't really like wearing them. I mostly wore them to school because I didn't want to get picked on. I knew a couple of girls whose moms won't let them wear one yet, and they got teased...

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Neighbor Mom And Me pt4

"How about a round of drinks for everyone?" mom asked as we all stepped into the kitchen."Sounds good to me." "I sure could use a drink for sure." I added taking another look at mom's sexy ass as I just about ran into Janet as she stopped in front of me."Danny, why don't you go put those dress' in the bedroom and get stripped, unless you want us to put the dress' back on.""I'll be right back down in a few." as I turned toward the stair case.All the way up to my room with the dress' d****d over...

3 years ago
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Threesome first time

It started as a party cant remember what the party was for. It had been one of my fantasies to see another cock in my wife. When I think back I think my wife may have set something up as , as people left the party one of my mates was not keen to leave, even his wife went home leaving him at our house. He was an ex squaddie so quite buff. When everyone had left not sure how we got to it buti remeber him saying it was quite common to have a naked bar in the forces and he preceded to strip off....

3 years ago
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Huck Finn Diner Delight Part One

Introduction: A first date gone right Cadee looked up at him from across the Formica topped table and smiled. His eyes were soft and rich, yet she was still uncertain what he thought about her. They had been chatting over French fries at the greasy spoon diner for more than hour and every minute that passed she found herself growing more and more drawn to him. He emanated masculinity, from his tall, full figure to his dense light-colored beard. His long hair hung past his flannel-covered...

2 years ago
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The Slutventure

The Beginning: Eros You were born on the planet Eros. You grew up learning it's history, from the elegant, graceful elves in the northern forests to the brutal orcs in the southern deserts, the dwarves who rule the mountains and caverns in the east and finally the humans in the western plains. The humans ruled the country of Venus; they were the race built on love, romance, marriage, and life-long marriages. Humans were master hunters, their main exports being various meats and pelts. They were...

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The 1st Time

The very first time Now at 18 years of age I have been dressing in secret using family members clothing when ever possible since I was around 12 years old. My parents are out for the evening at a local event and my brain is already swimming with ideas on which of her sexy lingerie I can wear this evening while they are out. My mother suddenly shatters my dreams when she tells me that I have been volunteered to baby sit for their friends 1 year old. Don't worry she says they will sleep right...

3 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 38 Hunting

The next week was a lot of fun. I’d brought hard miners hats that had my crystal lamps attached to the front of them. I’d also made a heap of small crystal lamps that we used to mark intersections. Albi and I would scribe arrows and one or two words to help anyone to get to a particular feature we found, or back to the main cavern. We also marked dangerous tunnels that had sudden drops to catch the unwary. One of the cavern entrances we had climbed up to and accessed from the central tunnel...

4 years ago
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The Contest 4

The Contest Part 4 How could she do this to me? I thought as I stood there looking at her. I thought she might just be joking but the look on her face dispelled that notion. "Judy, you can't expect me to kiss a guy. Please don't make me do that. I'd die." "So, what's it going to be? Are you going to make sure Mike enjoys the rest of his evening or will we all have a good laugh at your plight? The choice is all yours, but if I were you, I'd do my best to show Mike I'm interested...

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Nudist Experiences

My girlfriend and I often went to nudist clubs. Laying in the sun naked is such a feeling of freedom and the heat from the sun is often stimulating, esspecially when there is 50-60 other couples, of all shapes and sizes, laying out on the lawn naked with you. Some playing volleyball, fishing in the lake, taking in the sauna or jaccuzzi, or just walking around strutting their stuff.Sally, my girlfriend, and I had noticed this one couple that struck our fancy for both of us. Sally liked, his name...

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Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek by MichelleA Good night Gwen. Don't think anything of it; Bob was fine looking after James while we went out tonight. Do you have everything James? Alright goodnight again. Bob. Bob. Are you in your room? Janet hears sniffling coming from Bob's room. Opening the door she sees a young girl crying on Bob's bed. Looking up the girl sees Janet and begins to cry harder. Janet realizes that the girl...

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Rape My Mom How teasing lead to a rape

Fucking mom I’m 25years old. I’m a regular viewer and would like to share my story with you all. this story is about me and my mom pretty who is around 36 years and just mind blowing, gorgeous with large tits. My father is a charted accountant, so my cousin had brought a file from his dad. We reached there place in afternoon and came to know that my dad was out of town and would be returning after a week or so. we were a bit disappointed as we had some work with him. but still we...

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Nicolas to Nicole Part 20

N: I think... I'll be happier as your daughter... M: Are you sure? This is not a decision you need to rush on. N: I am. Over these last few days... Something has changed inside me. I?ve discovered interests I didn't know I had... Feelings I've never experienced before... My body... I?ve always ignored it but now I'm aware of it, I'm even beginning to enjoy it... I want to continue down this path, I feel so right when I?m this way. I feel like I'm finding myself... We stared deeply...

3 years ago
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BenjamandaChapter 7

Amanda’s turn: Poor Ben. And make no mistake. I have consciously changed HIS status in our relationship. Something just sort of clicked. Oh, my thoughts started going in that direction when Bink carried on about me living with my ‘hot’ uncle and how she might handle the situation differently. The switch really flipped, I guess, when she confided that she really did ‘handle the situation’. “I played with Ben’s thing last night.” Indeed. I love Bink, but sometimes subtlety isn’t her...

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Rider Ch 0609

Chapter 6 A Riding Lesson At least I was right about there being no mice in the loft, and even though everything in it was incredibly dusty and only after she was sure I’d checked it thoroughly she insisted on following me up in to the treasure house of memories, memories triggered by the innumerable assorted objects we found there, many of which had been mine. Amongst other things I found an old cowboy hat and as I shook the dust off it I smiled, remembering the Christmas my aunt had given...

2 years ago
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She was devastatingly beautiful  NATALIE  She is devastatingly beautiful.  It?s hard for me to describe her without immediately gettingstuck on the image of her in my head, becoming lost in her beauty, aroused,intoxicated, and completely overwhelmed. Her body makes me weak, but it?s her smile that breaks all of myresistance.  It?s such a sweetsmile, with her bright eyes sparkling and her lip gloss shimmering.  If you saw her, you wouldn?t be able tolook away, not the first time. Your whole being wou...

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Surprise at Girls Night Out

Surprise on Girls Night Out in New Jersey I explained in an earlier story that my life took a strange turn when I turned forty. I had not been cross dressing for many years, but I had the urge again to bring out my alter ego and the urge was stronger than ever. I really prepared for Cassie, short for Cassandra (I also go by Sandy) by taking a year to buy all the things I needed and get into great shape so I could wear sexier outfits. Sorry to all of you faithful readers that know all about...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 19 Berserker

When morning dawned I made my decision; I would join Eloise in her bed tonight. However, before, after, or even during, the meeting of our bodies I would kill her and somehow escape the temple complex. Knowing I would need all my energy for the forthcoming encounter I spent most of the morning catnapping, catching up on lost sleep. After a pleasant lunch of quail eggs and saffron spiced rice, I wandered the grounds of the temple. If I was to make good my escape I needed to figure out the...

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Mr Scatman

"Can we stop here for a minute? I'm really tired!" Alice said."Sure baby, whatever you say," I answered.It had been a long day. My girlfriend Alice and I had been camping out for our second honeymoon. The day was beautiful and we stopped by a cool, clean lake out in the mountains. I sat down and took of my boots, rubbing my feet to keep them from being sore. Alice was stretching her back out and looked absolutely beautiful. Her long brown hair glistened in the sun and her beautiful legs were...

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Elemental EncountersChapter 4

"You don't think Consuela saw me, do you?" "No, I was watching for that, even if Steetch was totaly absorbed in the freakyness of it all. Of all the freaky things you have done, this just takes the cake. So I need you to tell me, what are you feeling when you do that? It contravines all of the laws of Physics you know. How does it seem to you?" "Yesterday morning, as I was swimming I entered my excercise induced meditative state, and I felt connected to the water. The water seemed...

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The Public Toilet Orgy Part 2

They waited and listened and heard the heavy breathing of someone about to cum. Sharon whispered, “Someone is having sex out there. I wonder if she’s fucking a man. Kat smiled and said, “If we can hear them fucking then they heard us.”Then they heard, “Fuck Beth, finger me, quickly, hurry please, I’m going to fucking cum.Across from the cubical was a large vanity and basin with a woman sitting on the edge of it while another woman was on her knees eating her out. You could hear her lapping at...

2 years ago
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Alumni Bobbi and Dee

“I miss hanging out with the team,” Bobbi admitted. “It really kinda sucks that we have to leave that all behind now.” “I know!” Dee added. “I feel like we’re never going to see any of them again. I miss the coaches already.” “You mean you miss Mr. Evans,” Bobbi corrected, “I do too.” Mr. Evans had been their coach, and was a favorite of just about everybody. He had a good rapport with the kids, and was funny but in control at the same time. He was only in his mid 30s, so he...

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Dirty Little Secrets 10 Out in the Open

I’m on tenterhooks all Sunday waiting for the call. When it does come it’s almost dark out. It’s been just over a week since I’ve seen Catherine, what with her husband being home, although I’ve had videos of her to me to keep me company. I don’t care where he is, all I care about is that Catherine has said she has plans for us, whatever that means. She tells me to meet her in the car park outside a boarded up pub. She could have told me to meet her down in the sewers and I’d have gone.The blue...

Wife Lovers

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