Alan Ch. 27 free porn video

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Chapter 27: London Stalling at the Top of the Dial

Alan paused at the door before entering the room, so unused was he to seeing Michiko fully dressed and upright, not to mention outside of Jack’s townhouse. She’d just returned from three months in Japan, and the last time he’d seen her she was being wheeled down a jetway for her flight out. She looked amazingly fit, poised for battle.

The chill given off by the conference room’s air conditioning caused the sweat on the back of his neck to quickly evaporate. Months had passed since he and Jack had agreed to combine efforts with the Japanese order, and to their collective frustration, neither hide nor hair had been seen of their target.

Karick tapped a few keys on the laptop, and after a scant second his presentation started. He narrated as the subsequent images filled the screen.

‘The London apartment is a bad choice for this operation, for the following reasons,’ he began

Karick’s presentation went on a good hour, with plenty of discussion and debate, breaking up just before five o’clock. Jack wanted Alan to hang around for a private discussion, but Alan begged off.

‘Between summer school and coming here every day, with the commute time from the ‘burbs tacked on, I’m stretched a little,’ he explained to his mentor, apologetically. ‘I pretty much promised my folks I’d be home for dinner five nights a week this summer.’

Since the next day was Friday, the only weekday on which Alan didn’t have classes he would be able to come in for most of the day. He rode the train home with his dad, talking about the Mets game they were planning on watching on the tube that night.

* * *

It was just a day short of a week later that Lord Thornbow was first spotted. Well, spotted was not quite the right verb. Alistair Thornbow had been playing in a casino in Monte Carlo. Credit for the catch was shared equally by Jack and his assistant Anne-Marie. Jack had told her of his stepbrother’s propensity for the occasional flutter, and Anne-Marie had used her contacts in the gaming industry to have any activity on Lord Thornbow’s line of credit captured, and the information forwarded to New York. Within an hour of receipt Karick and three of his team were on route to Monaco.

The next morning Alan, Jack, Anne-Marie, Stanley Wilkins (their attorney, and fellow board member), and Peter Gant (Karick’s number two, a former Army Ranger) huddled in the conference room around the speakerphone listening to Karick’s report.

Monte Carlo, they agreed, was far too urban for the operation the had planned. They had already discarded London as a battleground due to its density, and Monaco was even less suited for this reason.

‘So we’re still on the same page?’ Karick asked near the end of the call. ‘We wait until he returns to Bankington Hall, his country estate.’

‘Agreed,’ Jack concurred, Alan nodding beside him. ‘We will stick to the plan you already detailed. An urban confrontation is to be avoided.’

‘Why don’t we double the watch on his country estate?’ Alan suggested.

‘That will be difficult,’ Karick answered, ‘He seems to have upped security there, with roving patrols every hour in the day, and every two hours in dark.’

‘Well,’ Jack noted, ‘That is good news!’

‘How so?’ Alan asked.

‘Simple, dear boy. He would not increase security unless he was planning to return. His London flat is hard to reconnoiter because it is so proximate to various embassies and whatnot. With these constant changes in terror alerts that neighborhood is too secure for us to keep close tabs on him there. We are lucky in that he probably doesn’t realize he is safer in the hurly-burly of London, than in what he believes is his much-more-secure country retreat. The time to move against him will soon be at hand.’

Karick thought about what Jack had to offer for a moment, and then agreed fully. ‘Right then, I’ll put Peter in charge of the mobile team, and I’ll go on to England to lead the static team in at Bankington Hall. Peter will call me at the first sign of movement in this direction, and I’ll get in touch with you.’

‘We’ll have a jet fueled and standing by at Teterboro.’

Another week went by, and still Thornbow hadn’t returned to England. Peter’s team was trailing him, now in Spain, and Michiko and the abbot had gone ahead to case the country estate. She liked to be very familiar with the terrain before any operation, and the satellite pictures Jack had secured for her study only revealed so much. Cyaxares had just opened a London branch office with two employees transferred from Rome, and Jack was able to pre-ship their swords and other weapons to it.

* * *

When he spoke to Kate that night she seemed a little bummed when he told her he was probably going to have to go off again to Europe, but he had assured her that it was only going to be for a very short while. Either way, if just for an inspection visit, or a confrontation with Thornbow, he wouldn’t be away for more than seven days. It wasn’t even that she was around to miss him. This summer she was supervising her troubled teen program again, though not actually going on the canoe trips as she had last year. The foundation had rented her a small office in Portland for the summer, and her dad had rented a small apartment there. Most of her days were filled with the logistics of shuffling over two hundred teens and ten counselors through five week-long sessions. Alan had come up every other weekend to visit.

As he was watching the Met game with his dad that night something Kate had said during their past weekend together came back to him. Just as he was about to board his flight to Boston to catch the shuttle she had made him promise something, something he hadn’t yet done for her.

‘Promise me you’ll call Pauline, and meet her for lunch in the city. She’s having a miserable summer, with Brian dumping her and my dad insisting on her working for Uncle Edward instead of doing what she wants.’

He had agreed, and then almost instantly it had slipped his mind.

Pauline had figured that she would end up working in town, at the foundation’s summer camp. However, she had gotten a prized summer internship with the new NFL network, which sadly she had to refuse when her dad had informed her that she would be working this summer at the bank. Her Uncle Edward was head of the family concern, Van Devanter & Sons, one of the largest privately-held investment banks in the world. She had protested vigorously, but to no avail. With Calvin headed to med school, and her sister ensconced securely with her foundation work, Edward had been quite firm that their branch of the family had been remiss at supplying VDS with new blood. It was Helen Van Devanter who had convinced her in the end. ‘Just do it for this summer,’ Pauline’s mom had counseled. ‘If you really hate it I’ll lean on your dad, and you’ll never have to go back again.’

On top of all that, the day before she came home from Harvard, she and Brian had split. She had complained to him that he never seemed to make time for them to be together, and they had fought. The argument ended when Brian said she was taking their relationship too seriously, and suggested that perhaps they weren’t right for each other. It was a good thing she didn’t have to drive home, that her parents had come for the move back, because she spent the three days following her falling out with Brian either crying or brooding.

At a commercial break Alan keyed Pauline’s cell number into his own.

‘Hey, cute stuff, whashapnin?’

‘Shit, Alan, I can’t talk now.’

‘Why, what is it?’

‘I’m stuffing two hundred invitations to the bank’s summer outing into dammed envelopes. They have to go out tomorrow.’ She sounded fragile.

‘OK, then I wont keep you, except to ask, what are you doing for lunch tomorrow?’

‘Nothing,’ she answered. ‘I’ll probably end up doing some sort
of stupid busy work here in the office. Why?’

‘Wrong answer, babe. I’m taking you out.’

‘I’m sure that wont be possible. Uncle Ed keeps me on a short leash. He’s a nice enough guy, but he’s always in my face, talking up how great a company this is, explaining in excruciating detail the ins and outs of investment banking. I haven’t had ten minutes to myself this whole summer.’

‘Don’t sweat it, I’ll talk to him. See you at one. Bye.’ He hung up before she could try to talk him out of it.

When he picked her up the next afternoon, after making things cool with her uncle by implanting a few commands in him, he was surprised to find her so collected. They talked a bit as they waited for the elevator, and he learned that Kate had been exaggerating a little. Pauline was completely over Brian, he learned right off the bat. She had cried for a few days, and been slightly depressed for a few more, but the happy bubbly Pauline was in evidence, and just to make sure, he scanned her, worried she was putting up a brave front for his benefit.

Since Alan had cleared a long lunch for them with Pauline’s uncle, and the day being so mild after the long heat wave, they decided to walk over to Chinatown. They ate in a hole-in-the-wall on Mott Street, and caught up. She kissed him, demurely, on the lips after the cabbie let them out back on Wall Street, and Alan caught an uptown IRT express train back to Grand Central. Minutes later he was in the office, and Jack had disappointing news.

‘Hong Kong,’ he said, pronouncing it like a curse. ‘He’s scheduled to speak at a conference of international NGOs. He’ll probably bore them to death with his diplomatic doublespeak. They’ll soon learn from my dear stepbrother that a few postings, and a brief ambassadorship to Upper Volta, or whatever the hell they now call it, an expert doesn’t make.’

‘Do we know about his itinerary after Hong Kong?’ Alan asked.

‘Not yet, but Anne-Marie is working on it,’ Jack replied.

An hour later Karick called from England. The abbot and Michiko had a proposal, and all of them spent the better part of the rest of the afternoon hashing it over on a conference call. All save Karick were enthusiastic about it, and in the end the former Czech intelligence officer agreed to head over to the Continent to acquire the best equipment.

Two days later Thornbow’s estate and London flat were rife with the latest state-of-the-art bugging equipment. Michiko and the abbot had brainwashed the staffs to allow the team’s entry. Even under the threat of torture Thornbow’s servants would be unable to remember allowing Karick access to the residences.

However, there was some troubling news in Michiko’s report.

* * *

‘Fuck! I feel like I’m going to boot!’ Alan swore as he stepped over the line. He was covered in sweat, his face flush, clothes disheveled. He stumbled towards the door, almost gasping to regain his breath. Quickly he was through it, the night breeze cooling him, making him feel slightly better than death. Jack was sitting in a lawn chair which was backed up right against the barn, waiting his turn for the ‘torture.’

‘Boot?’ the older man asked.

‘Puke, ralph, heave–ya know–vomit.’ Alan mumbled as best he could.

‘Ah, I see. Well, perhaps you’ve had enough for today. I’ll have someone drive you home.’

Alan nodded, relieved that Jack had suggested this, he didn’t want anyone to think he was a pussy, but spending four hours near the Fourth Orb was completely draining. Jack threw him a towel, and he dried his face. As he stepped into the second car of his two car convoy he saw through the windshield Jack square his back and stride purposefully into the barn.

One of the security staff drove him in his car, to be driven back to the base by the driver of the lead car. Once out on the road, another wave of fatigue came at him, and he only just managed the energy to unbuckle his seatbelt and squirm his way into the back seat so he could stretch out and attempt sleep.

Michiko had come back from Britain with intelligence that made little sense to her, but was highly troubling to Alan and Massimo. During her reconnoiter of the grounds and dwellings of the estate she had encountered numerous metallic spheres scattered across the landscape, and throughout the castle. Neil examined the pictures the security team had snapped with telephoto lenses, and confirmed that they looked identical to the Orb he had fashioned back when he was in the service to Lord Thornbow, the result being that Alan and Jack were spending at least four hours each day exposed to the sphere’s radiation.

Inoculation, Jack called it. By inuring themselves to the effect of the orbs they would be better able to carry out their ‘mission.’ Alan had agreed at first, but the very experience of exposing himself to whatever it was that the silver sphere was radiating had caused second thoughts to assert themselves numerous times.

The driver woke him a few block from his house, and not five minutes later was he asleep in his bed. He and Jack had been sleeping much more than usual than a ‘regular’ Vessel, certainly attributable to the effects of the training with the orb, in fact, he sleep patterns and requirements were now similar to that of a normal person.

The long days and nights were getting to him. Each day he was up at 6:30, took an early train into the city, mornings at Columbia, in class, a few hours in the afternoon at the office (mostly familiarizing himself with the far-flung Cyaxares holdings), then an early afternoon train home. He ate each night with his parents, and then drove up to Jack’s rented farm, more than an hour and a half north, into the Hudson Valley, rarely returning before one in the morning. It was a good thing Kate was away because he doubted he had the vim to be around her, to take care of her needs.

That next morning he allowed himself to sleep in, not arriving in Manhattan until after ten. He reasoned that since there were no scheduled meetings that day until after lunch, he would not be missed, but by when he walked in Anne-Marie cornered him, pulling him into her office over his protest that he was coffee-deprived.

As she trained him on the new communications gear which had arrived that day, Alan appraised her. She was stunning as always, dressed smartly in a white summer blouse and a skirt which was hugged her figure tightly, its length just barely on the right side of proper office convention. She had always dressed well, her allure was a necessary part of her work as an undercover casino security agent. The thing was that now she no longer needed to be appealing for professional reasons, yet continued to dress to titillate.

* * *

Two weeks later Alan was flying off the London. Karick had established a training camp on a rented estate halfway between the capital and Dover, and he was taking the red eye to join the rest of the team after a few days of business in the capital. Jack had departed New York a few days previous, and all the necessary equipment had been routed through the corporate offices. Karick had drilled the ‘normals’ (non-Vessels) in their roles for the past month, and with electronic surveillance indicating that Lord Thornbow was soon to arrive back in Britain, the time of action was nearing.

The flight itself was uneventful, however, he had a surprise encounter at Heathrow.

‘Alan! Alan! ALAN!’ he heard. He resisted turning his head, for the name on his travel papers was not his own, and he feared he was still within earshot of Passport Control. Instead he and his traveling companion, his bodyguard Pete, made smartly for the door and the waiting car. Just as they reached the exit Pete glanced back at their pursuer.

‘Shee-yit,’ he whispered to the increasingly nervous Alan, ‘If she was looking for me, I’d let myself be found!’

Alan twisted around just enough to catch sight of her. ‘Jesus, Chloe.’

The spring of his senior year of
high school, not long after he became a Vessel of the Seed of Paishiya’uvada, he had a brief sexual relationship with the British au pair from across the lane. She was one of a small number of people who knew that Alan possessed his cosmic abilities, though he had used them to see that she would not be able to communicate to anyone that he was anything other than a regular guy.

‘Go ahead, Pete, I’ll catch up,’ he told the bodyguard as he pushed through the door.

She had been running to reach him, and when she did she threw her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I thought that was you!’

‘Chloe, how are you?’

‘Great, thanks partly to you.’ She shuffled through her overlarge purse and extracted a glossy catalogue, a catalogue familiar to women, and more than a few men–Victoria’s Secret. She flipped the pages excitedly, and proudly showed Alan her picture. ‘It would never happened without you, you know.’

Alan was about to ask what she was talking about, but instead stole the explanation from her mind. She had, before becoming an au pair, made the rounds of the London modeling agencies, without finding success. Though her rejections had never been specific, the message had been clear, she wasn’t ‘curvy’ enough to get work. Since her initial encounter with Alan, she hadn’t had problem, and since returning to England following her year in the States she had slowly been building up her portfolio. Juggling modeling with university had been tough going at first, but she was managing, he read from her thoughts.

‘So, what brings you across the pond?’

‘Just a little business,’ he answered, and explained a little about the company he worked for, leaving out the delicate details. They had reached the car, and Alan offered her a ride. She declined, explaining that her agency was sending a car. She grabbed an eyeliner pencil from her purse and wrote her mobile number over her photo in the catalogue, tore it from the book and stuck it in the pocket of his suit coat.

Pete, waiting at the car, gave Alan a sly grin. ‘So, who’s Chloe?’

‘Oh, Chloe Mayhew, just some Victoria’s Secret model I know.’

‘You’re shitting me,’ he croaked.

‘I’m shitting you negative. She wasn’t a model when I met her.’ Alan explained how he came to know the fetching blonde Brit, leaving out the X-rated parts of their story.

* * *

Jack was waiting for them in the London office, the Japanese contingent was out in the country at Thornbow’s estate with Karick. Jack gave an update on Thornbow’s movements, and Anne-Marie brought Alan and Peter up to speed on the status of the preparation, and as to what sort of equipment and supplies still needed to be obtained. It was only yet early afternoon when all important matters had been fully discussed, and Alan, who had been cooped up, either in a plane, in a car in London traffic, and in the cramped offices, since ten pm New York time the night before, needed some air. Begging off offers of company from Jack, Peter, and even Anne-Marie, he set out on his own.

The London branch office was located in Wapping, a neighborhood dominated by some forlorn docks, and enormous office building housing Rupert Murdoch’s metropolitan newspaper holdings. Alan found a quiet bench opposite a pub, sat down and willed himself to relax. The weather was cool, much more mild than he was used to after experiencing all his past summers in New York.

He called Kate in Maine.


‘Hey Katie, what’s up?’

‘Nothing much.’

‘Are you OK?’ he asked. ‘You sound out of breath.’

‘Oh, it’s nothing, really.’

‘What are you doing?’

‘Masturbating, if you must know,’ she grunted. He cracked up. Looking at his watch he noted that it was early evening on the East Coast. ‘What are you doing tonight?’

‘Just hanging out. The last group of girls arrive tomorrow, plus Miranda is coming over on Wednesday. We’re gonna play. And what are you going to do tonight?’

‘Probably sleep. The time zones are starting to catch up with me.’

‘Are you going to be back in New York by the time I come home from Maine?’

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Half Priced SaleChapter 5

Bob left Marie to her thoughts as he packaged the filet to send off to the government testing facility. They would test and then store the filet for the five years; the same length of time that her meat license was valid. One month after the license ended the remainder of the sample would be destroyed. Bob tried several times to find someone to run the register, but everyone he was able to reach was either busy or afraid to go out in the snow. Up until noon, other than Ryan, Bob was alone in...

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New Maid Wheres Alice

by bistander Greg and Marcia were driving home from the University of California, Santa Cruz. “Thank God for Spring break,” Greg said and pulled into the driveway. Marcia said, “It's not like we're gonna get to do anything fun here. Might as well have stayed at school.” “That's fine for you,” Greg said. “You majored in drinking and going down on your roommate while I spent the semester working on a 4.0 GPA. By the way, do Olympic long jump hopefuls taste better than the other girls...

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Lactation room

CRASH!!! "What the hell was that," Andy Ozinski said to himself, as he walked passed the closed office door on his way to the copy machine room! The long corridor was empty, as most of the staff were out to lunch, and Andy wondered who could possibly using the vacant office at this hour. Well who ever it was, they sure as hell were making quite a racket in there, so Andy put his ear to the door, listened for a few moments, and then slowly turned the handle and pushed into the supposedly empty...

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Roger The Lodger

God, she was horny! It was difficult to concentrate on her prayers as she knelt by her bed in her long flannel night gown. She gave thanks for the good things in her life, remembered her husband who had passed away three years ago and her two children who were both away in college. She started to get up, remembered something and dropped back to her knees. ‘Also, send me a man. I haven’t had sex with another human since my husband died. Amen.’ She climbed into bed and pulled the covers tight...

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BetrothedChapter 2

Nick quickly put is hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. She looked at him with terrified eyes and started to thrash and claw at him. Nick heard footsteps outside her door, and wondered if someone had heard her scream. Nick didn't know what to do. There was no time to explain who he was, because she would just ask questions about where he had been, and refuse to leave with him until she got the answers. And there just wasn't any time. "Don't scream or I'll kill you," he whispered...

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Outward BoundChapter 25

I had just come from a meeting with the food services and supply people. We had been discussing dry goods. What we had on hand, what we needed, and what we could make ourselves. It was a long and boring meeting. After all, how much can be said for herbs and spices? I’m sure that the topic is interesting to some folks. I had to struggle to stay awake and interested. Finally, the meeting concluded, and as usual, nothing was decided, and everything was to be discussed at the next meeting,...

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Chrissie Takes Command

All this started almost incidentally at the end of a perfect evening when I was feeling especially wild. It was a beautiful spring night and my wife, Chrissie, and I had gone to a great engagement party for a friend who was marrying for the third time. The pavilion in the park where the party was held was beautiful and romantically lit. Many old friends were there. The band was terrific and we danced until the wee hours, drinking a great deal of expensive champagne. We let the top down on the...

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My wife and our new neighbor part four

Our wedding anniversary was the following Wednesday, and I had worked it out that, this was the day that she slept at Chris’s house. I talked to her about it and she asked me if I wanted to change the plans so that she would be with me on that night.Deep down, I wanted her to make love with him on our wedding anniversary night; for some strange reason, I found that incredibly hot.“Baby, you should sleep at his house next Wednesday,” I told her. “Tou should be fucked on the anniversary of your...

Wife Lovers
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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 19 Rescue

I never really passed out, but I wasn’t in a mood to keep talking. The immediate threat was contained, and since I was trapped under a tree and wounded, I wasn’t going to wander around the battlefield. After a few minutes I began to hear sirens, both police and fire department; I wouldn’t be alone for long. I twisted my head to the left but couldn’t see to the end of the driveway out on Lakeside Drive. I did see flashing lights approaching, and the sirens went silent. Moments later I heard a...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 8

Steve Wednesday morning, I was up, dressed, and out at the airfield by six. I was sitting in the charter office, monitoring the radio, when I heard Wes' voice on the radio, requesting permission to land. Operations gave him permission along with wind conditions. I stepped out of the office to go watch the small twin come in. The plane did a smooth approach and a smoother landing. The plane turned onto the taxiway and came back toward the hangars. One of the night maintenance guys had seen...

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Wife surprise 6

Hi as previous sexcapdes my wife is getting even more surprising and daring, the last one started unexpectedly as I was late home and we were talking and I was telling my wife that on the train home I had heard a group of young women discussing open and frankly there sex lives and what they liked and wanted to do of have done, well this seemed to turn her on, and was soon asking me to tell her more as she played with her pussy, then she said why don't we try and see if we can pick up one of...

4 years ago
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Hot Pongal

Hi iss readers , this is my third story to your pleasure.. However i can give you a summary of my 2nd story in case you’ve not read that. Its pongal time in madurai. Dad , a department store worker in mumbai sends me and mom to meet grandpa(dad’s father) who lives alone in madurai ever since grandma left us 11 years back. Inside train we got messed up with hijdas who cupped my balls and pressed moms boobs.I felt shocked i lost my courage to respond to that act.Mom however was cool said to me...

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Fat FarmChapter 29

Day 255 Wednesday Denise stopped by Dale's office rather than return straight home. She didn't want a repeat of the events of the previous evening. Claire heard her enter and stuck her head out of her office door. She said, "Come on in, Denise." Denise entered the office and sniffed the air. She said, "It smells like pussy." "Joye just left," Claire said with a grin. "That explains it," Denise said with a laugh. "So how is life in the program?" Claire asked. She was always...

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VacationsChapter 8 Driving To Indianapolis

Ronnie Mercer leaned forward in the passenger seat of the big Dodge pickup and shrugged into her coat. They were getting close to her sister’s house in the Indianapolis suburbs, and it was sure to be a lot chillier than back home on Tilghman Island, Maryland. Her husband Frank’s coat was tucked behind the seat, and she pulled that out and set it between them as well. It had been a long drive, almost eighteen hours, what with a few bad stretches of road, and they had been driving almost...

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I am such a slut3

I woke up the next morning with a soft smile on my face and my little asspussy feeling a bit tender. Was it a dream? Did it really happen? Did a man, a man who I did not know and had not even seen, fuck my ass and cum in my ass? The tenderness of my ass and the marks told me so. How wonderful. How delicious. It had not satisfied me, only released a hunger within me for more. More cock. More cum. Sucking and tasting a man. Licking a man. Maybe kissing a man. Maybe a long soft warm tender kiss. I...

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SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) VOL. 6BARNSTORMINGIn the Prairies, where I was brought up, and especially on farms which were distant from any villages, going out at night had a very different meaning. In my area, many of the boys in their late teens and early twenties would regularly gather in an abandoned barn which was across the road from Mr. White’s farm. With time, the grass had stopped growing in a large area in front of the barn because the trucks had parked there for decades. The door was...

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Walk A Crooked Milf Chapter Five

Chapter Five - Can I Get A Passport? After four weeks of being confined in Mrs Cashmore's house I desperately wanted to go out, the furthest I had been was the back garden to hang out the washing and assist with the gardening. Delores did the shopping on Saturday and went to church every Sunday. I quizzed her about that but her response was vague. She said that she had been bought up a Christian and despite her chosen profession she still practiced her faith on Sundays. Most...

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Identify Chapter 9 of 10 Time Passes

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. A huge thank you to Oklaliz for the editing help. If you enjoy this, it is largely thanks to Oklaliz making it much more readable. Mistakes are mine, not his. Thank you to everyone who commented on the previous...

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The stare that changes Cindy forever

I have been a cross dresser ever since I could remember, dressing up in my sister's clothes when I was 5 and then my mother's as I turned into a teenager. I still remember with love my mother's red lacy bra and suspender set that I adored playing in - often hidden under my clothes when I went to school (on a non-sports day!). My female self, Cindy, has always been a secret, apart from one person, my ex-girlfriend Ann. I told her of my wish to dress like a girl early on in our...

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Desert Interlude

Desert Fun.    Norm deals with an associates wife's indiscretions firmly but gently.She swept into the Casino like an old time film star, a vision in white and cream, immaculate grooming her blond hair cascading over her shoulders. Conversation diminished as men turned to stare and women scowl with jealousy. I stood and she changed direction to glide towards me, "Mr McGuire" I kissed her gloved hand."Ah Mrs Stephens, you came". "Was it not, as they say, an offer I could not refuse."...

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Part Time Guy

I am 24 from rajkot. It was a one of those hot afternoons, a holiday, I was in my shorts and a T-shirt and I was half asleep when the bell rang. There stood my neighbor from the flat above, a sexy looking young lady, 25 yrs married for about 2 years, looks real sexy big boobs, slim and a fairly looking tight ass, I used to always eye her from the gallery, when she would go for her walks she had a very sexy walk, I once even followed her to make a conversation but it did not work out then. Well...

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Teenage Roma King of the WorldChapter 15

“We’re much closer to the end now, I think. All of the murderers shot. Death by firing squad. Very fitting indeed. Most murders are conducted by firearms, more than anything else, I believe. How many dead from that?” I asked Dad, who looked at the data, though I could have just found out on my own. Still ... it gave him useful work to do ... and built up the suspense, did it not? “Surprisingly, twice as many or so as the rapists and pedos. It seems that murder really is a basic crime....

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Sheriff PorterChapter 139

It was up to Happy to convince Wilson to take the job even though it meant starting his own company. If he said no, I would just be forced to use the Swamp's nerd, if he would do it. The investigation might go to committee hearings and I might be questioned. The nerd couldn't be sure I wouldn't roll over on him. Wilson shouldn't worry about that. He knew how far I would go to protect him. He knew where I kept the keys to the office, so he could set up there temporarily. He might do that...

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had the week with a sexy granny

So my mom has been working with this older lady that she knows, in her early 60s, and she lives in a really nice part of town. She has a big house and her husband and her can't really do most of the hard labor around the house so my mom decided to volunteer me to help while I'm on winter break from college.So I had been over to their house a couple times (its a 3 story house right on the ocean in Long Beach, Ca) and did some yard work and moved some furniture around the house. She looks very...

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And, of course, I was the last one to get to know. That bastard made me feel just 6 inches tall. I just can’t get it out of my head that he was fucking Jenny behind my back.’ You could almost see steam coming out of both ears as my s****r, Rosie, was talking on the phone to one of her friends. ‘Just how I’m going to get my money back I don’t know. I guess the travel insurance would only pay out if I got knocked down by a runaway bus and I can’t just tell them my boyfriend was fucking one of...

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Kinky Smosh Quarantine

Like the majority of people from 2020 onwards, Kimmy had to get used to the new normal of wearing a mask whenever she was outside. She had them in various colours and styles, also one to pair with each of her most worn outfits. However, one thing that was consistent in her outside outfits, was the bright pink ball bag behind her mask. Kimmy loved all things bondage and seeing as she could only enjoy self-bondage right now, she took to wearing her favourite ball bag whenever she could. She loved...

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Jennifer Wilk

(To readers this is my first story so any help with ideas would be greatly appreciated) ( also please bear with me I know it's gonna take a little bit to get to the good stuff sorry for the short chapter but I'm trying to make it so that you have as many choices as possible) ( I created a new chapter called update so that I can let you guys know if I am not going to be riding for a little bit ) Jennifer Wilk, an 18 year old farm girl from PA. Perfect red hair, gorgeous green eyes, 42C cup...

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Daddy I cum The wedding arrangements

As a few years had past Sammy and I stayed intouch not going down the same road as we did, before with me fucking the hell out of my daughters pussy making her cum, She phoned saying rob her boyfriend had proposed to her and they where getting married the following year, I offered to pay as the duty-full father but she said no they had got it all sorted. That weekend she came down to my house with Rob so I made up the spare room and waited for their arrival. They arrived early friday evenin...

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My Iraq Deployment Fantasy

I have always enjoyed looking at pornographic photos, and watching pornographic videos. The reason I have always enjoyed this is because every women is different and you can never find any that looks the same. I am married to a beautiful woman with a great body and who has the perfect natural and perky 36 C tits. It always turned me on when she would lay with me at night and rub my cock while looking at porn on the internet. During these great times we would always talk about our fantasies and...

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middlesbrough model escort

this is another old story, so probly somewhere around 20 years i looked online and found a club/forum on yahoo for escorts working in Middlesbrough/Stockton area, it has closed long time ago now.there was lots of photos of escorts and a few vids.i saw there was a link to a lovely looking 18 year old blonde who had modelled for some professional glamour photographer. looked at his site her photos looked real good, nothing too extreme mainly just topless.sent a message to person on site...

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Granny FUCKS at the RETIREMENT Home

My name is Marsha and I just turned 72. I still have a nice body although I do have a few wrinkled here and there but I take care of myself and I still have a really tight pussy!My husband and I had been married for 45 years and we moved to a retirement community in Florida called The VILLAGES. You may have seen all the ads they put on TV all the time and it is a really nice place. We had been living there for around 5 years and everything was nice but as far as sex goes, my husband and I...

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Thom and Tabithas First Time Together

I want to start out by saying my sister-in-law, Tabitha, is so hot. She is the kind of hot that does not realize how sexy she is, which is the best kind. She stands about five-feet, one-inch, has medium length, dark black hair, pretty light blue eyes, and is pleasantly plump (135-140lbs). Tabitha has full, beautifully shaped 36C breasts. Her skin would not be considered pale as she has some color and it is so soft. The kind of skin I would caress all night if given the opportunity. She thinks...

1 year ago
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Library A different kind of learning

While in high school, my buddies and I used to find a different kind of learning in the library. We used to hide and check out the girls as they looked for books and did their research amongst the many book filled aisles. After our many observations , we would meet outside and compare notes. Some of us would catch glimpses of a girls breasts as they gently pushed up out of their blouses and others would get glimpses of a girls panties as they worked overhead in the balkonies. My particular find...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 17 Busted From the Army

Colonel Mary Chamberlain was waiting in the small interview room when Second Lieutenant Gordon Brian Venters the Third, also known as Trey, was escorted in by the guards. "Lieutenant, I need to show you something," Colonel Chamberlain stood as she spoke. "I intend to scare you senseless. Follow me soldier." "With all due respect--" Trey began. "Your objection is noted, Lieutenant," the colonel snarled, "now MARCH!" Trey's objection was cut short by the colonel's finger on a...

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