Alan Ch. 26 free porn video

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‘Go somewhere where there are lots of people and wait for me. I’ll have Karick pull the car around and call you once we get moving. Keep away from this guy.’

Alan clicked off his phone and walked smartly to Broadway, to the West End Grille, and ordered a draught beer, brushing off the counterman’s request for proof of age with a light mental push. He took a small sip and called Massimo back.

He considered the last half hour…

It was a cool early November night as Alan snapped his laptop closed and stowed it in his backpack. He had eaten a fast dinner in Wein Hall’s cafeteria and then spent the last five hours finishing a paper. His joints were a little stiff, he had worked on the paper at the Hungarian Pastry Shop, a small coffee house opposite the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, a few blocks from campus. The Hungarian was a student hangout, people spent hours within its confines, some just reading, others talking, some, like him writing and working. It’s been said that a significant number of doctoral dissertations were wholly composed within its cave-like interior.

As he emerged onto Amsterdam Avenue he was braced by a chilly wind. He zipped his parka up and pulled his knit cap over his head so his ears were covered, and then donned a pair of wool gloves.

He could have gone back to his dorm through the streets, a more direct route than cutting through campus, but he had borrowed a book from a friend, and needed to return it right away. Steve, the lender, lived in Wallach, so he headed north to the wrought iron gates to campus, at Amsterdam and 116th. As he emerged through the tunnel formed by Kent Hall on his right and Hamilton Hall on his left, he could see the expanse of the center of campus. Only a few steps into the clear and he was brought up short. There was a man sitting alone on the sundial in the center of College Walk. That in itself was not unusual, people were always hanging out there day and night, but this man was Japanese and middle aged, dressed in a monk’s garb. He wasn’t even wearing a coat to protect himself from the cold night.

Alan reached out with his mind and sent a stealthy probe forward, he held back from giving the full scan, hoping not to alert the monk. To his horror, the monk turned and saw him, and Alan knew he was revealed. He hastily retreated to Amsterdam Avenue, and decided to walk down two blocks so he could cross to Broadway and avoid further contact. He had barely taken a few steps when he realized he was being stupid. He had been tracked again. The monk knew who he was and where he lived, both on campus and at home. He pulled his phone from the pocket of his pants, bit the end of his glove and brought his head back to free his right hand, and speed dialed Jack.

* * *

Leaving three-quarters of his pint unfinished on the bar when he saw the car pull up Alan turned his collar up as he made his way to the exit.

‘We’ve been waiting for you. It’s surprising really that it has taken so long.’

‘Please forgive me,’ the abbot replied, ‘My English is weak.’

Alan and Massimo nodded, waiting for the man to continue. They were sitting on facing stone benches at the western edge of Morningside Park, a weather-beaten chess table between them. It was late, past midnight. Occasionally a dog and owner passed, but as this was a very underused byway they were seldom disturbed.

‘I am here to barter, if that is the right word. Trade.’

‘What is it that you would like?’ Massimo asked, his voice remaining deeply respectful. ‘What do we have that a man such as yourself, could possible want.’

The monk said nothing for a minute, preparing his answer.

‘You want the woman,’ Alan said.

‘Yes, I want her back, for the order, but, that is entirely up to you.’

‘If not the woman, than what? What else?’

‘You…I…Apologies. I know you have abilities like those of the members of my order. Before I can make you an offer I feel I need to ask exactly how much information you have managed to extract from her.’

Alan was about to say something, but Massimo raised his hand, stopping him.

‘I’m afraid,’ Jack answered, ‘That to do so would provide you with information concerning the extents and limits of our abilities. You understand.’

The visitor sighed. ‘Very well. Then I must be frank. An object has been stolen from us. In order to secure its return she was sent to kill you,’ he said, nodding is head at Alan. ‘This object is vital to the continued existence of my order, and we had no choice but to cooperate. Had it remained in Japan we would most likely have been able to effect its return, but we are now certain that it is no longer in the country.’

‘We know who has it.’

Jack shot him an unpleasant look, unhappy that Alan had shown their cards so early in the hand.

‘You don’t even know what it is,’ the abbot insisted.

‘A small stone. Shiny and black. It’s usual place is resting on the altar in the center of your chapel.’

‘Yes, yes!’ The abbot licked his lips, but only because the cold wind was chapping his lips.

They we all getting tired of being out in the open, so Jack suggested they adjourn to his brownstone, and they all left. Jack put their visitor in one car with Peter, and Karick drove Alan and Massimo.

‘When we get to my place, boy, let me do the talking.’

* * *

Alan was prepared to leave for London at once, but Jack and the abbot wanted to wait. The reasons for the delay were twofold: Michiko needed time to regain her strength, and Thornbow had gone missing. The surveillance operation in Britain had kept close tabs on him for more than a year, not a hard task with a person so public as His Lordship, but he had not been spotted in weeks. They had followed him to his country estate in the Midlands, but had seen neither hide nor hair of them since then. Either he had holed up or shaken the watchers, and until they knew for sure they had no good business over there. If he was cloistered in his castle they would wait him out, and if he wasn’t, they were confident the trail could be reacquired if they were patient.

By the end of the night the abbot was installed in Jack’s guest room, and Michiko in the townhouse’s basement apartment. Her novice would be arriving in two days to attend her in her recuperation.

Karick would be leaving the next morning. He was planning to ramp up their surveillance operation against Lord Thornbow, and to do so properly he felt he needed to be closer to the action.

For Alan, one of the benefits of this new alliance was that his own security had to be lessened. No longer would Cyaxares-employed security men and women trail him around campus, they were needed in Britain. They weren’t obtrusive, but he knew they were there, and sometimes he wished he could have a more normal college life. He was discussing the new security protocols with Karick on Massimo’s stoop when the Jack popped his head out the window and called Alan inside.

‘She wants to talk to you.’


Jack nodded.


Jack led the way, down the stairs from in back of the kitchen, and he knocked and waited for her reply before letting Alan enter.

She was in bed, the cover pulled up to her shoulder line, propped up on a pile of pillows so that she was nearly sitting upright.

‘Hello,’ he offered. Her eyes had never left him since he had crossed through the door, as if she was worried for another attack.

‘Good evening,’ she answered, her voice still betraying the weakness of her condition.

‘So, what is it you want to talk about?’

She did not answerer right away, marshaling her thoughts. The silence was deafening.

‘If you’re still not feeling well, I can come back later.’

‘No, please stay. I want to thank you.’

‘For what?’ he asked. ‘For capturing you and keeping you locked up for weeks on end?’

‘Yes,’ she replied, to his shock. ‘I have been doing–I think the idiom is ‘soul searching’–and I have come to some decisions. One day I will tell you about them, but for now I just wanted to thank you.’

‘I understand,’ he said, but he didn’t really.

‘Also, the two of you could have raped me, with nothing to stop you, and without any consequence, and for the fact that you did not, I am still grateful.’

‘Yeah, well, we didn’t capture you for that reason, you see. We took you because you attacked me–‘

She tried to interrupt, to explain what she had attacked, but he held up his hand, and she allowed him to continue.

‘–No, I understand why you did what you did. We kept you not for sexual pleasure, but to gain intelligence.’

‘Yes, with your abilities I’m sure your quests for sexual pleasure are easy ones at that.’

He blushed, for the first time in a long while. At her request he turned off the lights as he let himself out.

* * *

Jenna hand paused before knocking on Kate’s door. She had really, really, needed to use the toilet. She had fought her urges all day, not wanting to face the humiliation of having to ask another human being permission to perform a simple biological function, but the discomfort was approaching unbearable levels.

It had been a weird day after a sleepless night, as she sat in her classes the plug felt funny. It didn’t hurt or anything, but she felt uncomfortably full, and she had to position herself carefully as she sat so as not to put too much pressure on the plug. Her one attempt at removing it had not gone well. The second it came out her stomach heaved, and she felt an intense nausea pass through her, with cramps so severe they made her monthlies seem like a hiccough. Curled up in a fetal position on the floor of her room she grasped blindly for the plug and replaced it to stop the terrible sensations. Disobedience equaled discomfort seemed to be the lesson of the day.

‘Hi Jenna, what’s up?’ Kate asked the blonde girl.

‘Can I come in, please?’

‘Why?’ Kate could see that Jenna was uncomfortable, uneasy, and shifting her weight back and forth from one foot to the other. Kate had an inkling as to why Jenna was here.

‘I have to ask you something in private,’ Jenna said, her voice at a regular volume, but she dropped it to a near whisper before she added, ‘Mistress.’

Kate smiled and stepped aside, allowing the fidgeting girl to enter. ‘You don’t have to call me that. We’re not playing now.’

‘Oh, OK. Um, well, I need to, uh, go to the bathroom,’ Jenna said as she unbuttoned her pants and slid them down just past the bottom of her panties.

‘Here?’ Kate asked with mock alarm.

Jenna turned her back to Kate and pulled her panties down just off the hips so that the white plastic of the plug was visible. ‘Please, Kate, take it out. It’s been like torture. I’ve been holding it in since five o’clock.’

Kate took a wad of Kleenex from the box on her desk. Jenna moaned as she felt the dildo move within her, and she let loose a small ‘eek’ as it popped free. Kate set it in the tissues and handed it to her as she was redoing her pants.

On the toilet Jenna considered her position. In the most pressing matter she realized at once she would have to return to Kate’s room to put the plug back in. Kate had the lube, and though she thought it was possible to reinsert the plug without any jelly, she shuddered at the thought. The next thing she realized was that it might not be a bad idea to get to know Kate better, and not just in the ‘biblical’ sense. She needed to humanize herself in Kate’s eyes. Chat her up a little.

She wiped herself, and cleaned off the plug with plenty of hot water before returning to Kate’s room. Kate gave her the tube of jelly, and then was so kind as to help her put the toy back in.

‘What are you working on?’ Jenna asked, gesturing towards Kate’s desk. The monitor showed an essay in progress, and the computer itself was surrounded by neat piles of note cards and photocopies of research.

‘English Lit. paper. It’s coming along nicely. It’s on Blake’s use of religious imagery.’

They made small talk about school work for a bit until Jenna steered the conversation towards more personal subjects.

‘So how long have you and Alan been together?’

Jenna was slightly puzzled by the blush this question brought forth from Kate as she stuttered out an answer.

‘A little more than a year.’

‘Oh. Did you meet him here?’

‘No. We grew up together. I’ve known him since elementary school. His mom was the music teacher in our middle school. They moved to our town when we were in third grade, uh maybe fourth, I can’t exactly remember.’

‘So you knew him in high school?’ Jenna asked, still confused by the embarrassment these innocent questions seemed to bring out in Kate.

‘Yeah,’ Kate mumbled.

‘Was he always that way?’

‘What do you mean, ‘that way?”

‘I think you know what I mean, Kate. You know, that commanding presence he has, like he can look right through you and see your most secret thoughts. The way he can get you to do whatever he wants.’

Kate’s face was bright red now, her thoughts shuffling back to the day Alan had first fucked her, that day when he had first imposed his will open her. She sighed wistfully, enjoying the recollection. ‘Yeah, I know what you mean. We do that a lot together. I’m not always ‘Mistress Kate,’ you know. I love it when he takes the lead with me, like we did with you last night. No, he wasn’t always that way. Most of high school he was just this nice, quiet guy, the kind you would give a second glance to. Sometime during senior year he just transformed. The ‘Commanding Alan’ like appeared out of nowhere.’

‘So you didn’t hook up until you got here?’

‘No, that’s the weird thing,’ Kate answered, surprised that she was sharing so much info with Jenna, ‘We slept together almost all of spring semester in high school, but we weren’t boyfriend/girlfriend. I was dating this really cute guy named Chad, though he was a dud in the sack, and Alan, if you can believe this, was dating my sister.’

‘You’re shitting me!’

‘No, God’s honest truth. I broke up with Chad right after the prom, and Alan and my sister decided that with him going to college they should see other people. Pauline started dating this really nice guy. She and Alan are still really close friends, and she doesn’t mind at all that we’re together now. She told me she thinks he’s good for me. I was amazed really, when I told her we were a couple. She’s really in love with her new boyfriend, AND she still talks to Alan about twice as often as she talks to me. It’s weird really. I think he loves her in his own way. Pauline’s the sister he never had. I know it’s a cliché, but it’s true.’

‘And he obviously doesn’t mind that you’re into girls.’

‘I wasn’t into girls until recently. Actually, Scarlet’s the one who got me thinking along those lines.’

‘And was Alan surprised?’

‘No. If you can believe it, we actually discussed it a lot before I actually had sex with another woman.’


‘No, someone else.’ As Kate wasn’t too forthcoming about her first lesbian encounter, Jenna decided not to press.

‘What about you?’ Kate asked. ‘I know almost nothing about you.’

Jenna started with the bare facts. She told Kate that she grew up in Denver, but that her family relocated to Houston during the summer between her freshman and sophomore years in high school. Her dad is an executive with a Christian television syndicate, and her mom teaches religious studies at a Dallas area christian academy, and they would each have heart attacks if they knew what she had done last night. They thought she was a virgin, not knowing she had been sleeping with boys since she was sixteen.

‘I’m surprised your folks let you come here. I mean Barnard has such a lib
eral reputation, and New York, well, isn’t the center of all sin in the universe?’

‘Yeah,’ Jenna laughed, ‘You would think, wouldn’t you? They are worried about me like that, but my mom went here, and loved it, so I’m a legacy.’

They conversed for a long time. Both were surprised how easy it was to talk to the other. Kate had always considered Jenna a bitch, akin to the way she was not so long ago. Jenna never really had many girlfriends. She always hung out mostly with guys, teasing and flirting. It was one of the things that made her hesitate before enrolling at Barnard, that she would have to hang out with women. She had really never seen the need to it before, but now she realized that she had missed out on having relationships with members of her own gender. The sex that happened between her and Kate was still somewhat an uncomfortable situation, but she was resigned to it, and now that she knew Kate better she was feeling less awkward. By the end of their hour together Jenna was amazed that they were even making plans for an outing next week.

As she stood to make her exit she felt the plug. She considered asking Kate to help her out by removing it, but did not want to seem to be trying to cash in on their new friendship.

‘Leaving so soon?’ Kate asked, her eyebrow arched. She had noticed that even though their chatter had been friendly, Jenna had retained a bit of her natural standoffishness, that she had made sure to always stay physically out of close range.

‘Well, yeah, I thought–‘

‘You know, Jenna, we just had our first real conversation, and we learned a great deal about one another, but in all this time you never once brought up last night.’

Jenna blushed.

‘So,’ Kate continued, ‘You come in here, ask me to remove a plug from up your butt, and then spend the next half an hour just pretending it never happened?’

Jenna backed away from Kate, bumping into the dorm room’s closed door, and was then unable to move at all as the black-haired slowly advanced on her. ‘P-please. I don’t want to talk about it right now.’

‘OK, Jenna. Don’t talk about it, if that’s what you want,’ Kate whispered, nose-to-nose now with her prey. Kate leaned in, tilted her head and pressed her lips lightly against Jenna’s. The blonde moaned softly and allowed Kate’s slithering tongue entrance past her own trembling lips. Her knees buckled slightly as arousal built rapidly within her. Kate reached around and placed her palm against the back of Jenna’s head, cupping it, as she slowly led the trembling girl back to the narrow bed.

Kate threw an arm around Jenna’s shoulder and drew her close for another kiss. ‘Did you like that?’ she asked the trembling girl, receiving an affirmative nod in response. ‘Do you want to kiss me some more?’ Another nod. As she resumed the kiss Kate brought her free hand up and cupped Jenna’s petite breasts, teasing the nipples so that she could feel them harden through the other girl’s thin cotton shirt and satiny bra.

Jenna pulled back and gasped, ‘Oh my, that feels so good!’

Kate removed her arm from around Jenna and peeled the t-shirt from her. ‘I want to suck your nipples,’ she said, a sultry whisper in Jenna’s ear. Jenna nodded again and reached behind her own back to unfasten the bra clasp.

Jenna purred as Kate suckled on her. Her head fell back, limp, her eyes closed so to concentrate on the pleasures running through her. She ground her ass into the mattress, trying in increase the wonderful feelings as Kate’s lips and the hormones coursing through her caused her to approach release. She moaned as Kate nipped a little at her left nipple while simultaneously squeezing the other. So close.

‘This is wrong,’ the small part of her brain that was yet to succumb to total bliss screamed out, and she summoned the strength to push off of Kate and scamper down the length of the bed. She held her arms over her breasts in a small attempt at modesty, and panted as she tried to return her breathing to normal.

‘Let’s not do this, Kate, it’s wrong,’ she whimpered.

‘What’s wrong? I’m doing it wrong? It didn’t feel good?’

‘No,’ she sobbed quietly, ‘It feels good, but I don’t want it to.’

Kate pulled her sweater over her head and slipped off her bra. Jenna’s eyes became fixed on the glinting rings. Kate held one of her own nipples between her thumb and forefinger and gave it a light pinch.

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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JaneI have been friends with a guy from work (Dan) for a long time he and his wife (Jane) have been swingers for years we used to talk about some of the places they would go on their vacation . My wife would never do anything remotely like the things they were doing . So after my divorce I got to know them much better . I have been invited over to their house about a month after my divorce (no k**s) because Dan said that I looked depressed at work which I was . My regular supply of pussy when...

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BDSM School

BDSM School Synopsis- A School where all sorts of BDSM stuff is taught to the male students while the female students and teachers help them to learn their BDSM lessons in better ways.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.� If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing...

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The List Ch 04

Family Oriented It was 6:00 am and Carrie could not sleep. The room felt incredibly empty since Courtney had been the one to leave last night. No one was more surprised than Carrie herself when at the first of three ring rituals, Courtney had been the only one left without a emerald ring. The shock on her face was matched by the shock on the others’ faces, but Hunter was especially stricken. Hunter had cried all evening and Carrie spent the better part of the night consoling her. When Carrie...

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Body Image

BODY IMAGE by Monika Ikon "Sit down Mona. We have to talk." He had heard those two tiny sentences more than a few times in the last several weeks. Every time he did he felt a strange queasiness in the pit of his stomach. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he could not refuse. He walked over to the couch across from the chair where Kathleen was already sitting and sat down. He sat at the very edge of the couch, crossed one smooth leg over the other and folded his hands over his...

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My Brother and I Get Closer Chapter 6

My brother Tommy and I have become closer than most siblings. We fuck like rabbits, and now we brought his girlfriend into the act. Jennifer just didn’t know it yet. My brother and I were plotting her first lesbian experience. It would be my first too. I was attracted to Jennifer, and Tommy was more than willing to feed my pussy lust. I had gotten past casually thinking of her. I wanted to see those beautiful tits, spread her legs and have the full experience in return. He clearly wanted to...

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Cum Eating made easy CEI guide with no acrobatics

This post is dedicated to all of those, like me, that have fantasized about eating their own cum. This kind of fetish is something really, really hot and kinky, and I know that most of you are already excited and in... mmmh tension, I guess. And I also know that most men who indulge in such a fantasy have often chickened out as soon as they experienced their orgasm. All lust gone, all desire of a thick load in their mouth gone. Of course there are already an awful lot of CEI videos out there...

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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 19 Niece Belinda

Perhaps if Police Chief Reardon had never had sex with the prostitute Henrietta Jackson his fantasies about his teenaged niece would have remained just fantasies. And certainly he had no idea that his brother's lovely daughter had sexual fantasies about him. Belinda Reardon at eighteen was still a virgin. She had however an active libido and when she stayed with her Uncle Patrick and Aunt Kate she always listened for sounds from their bedroom signaling that they were having sex. She would...

4 years ago
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Anal Fantasy Come True Part 2

I thought about Paul and I had talked about earlier in the day and evening on my way home on the metro. Even though all we had done was talk about, I found myself getting wet just thinking about. I tried to cross my legs to alleviate the feeling growing between my legs, knowing that with the car filled with people, there was little chance of me taking care of the "problem" myself.We I got home, the first thing I did was strip off my dress and panties and fetch my favorite "friends" - my 12in...

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Long time Cumming

Callie had been away for two years serving in the Peace Corps.  While she loved what she did the time away from Brad had left her wanting and in deeply need of passion.  The letters and skype calls helped but nothing replaces the feel and touch of Brad’s warm hard body. Finally Brad was able to schedule a visit and Callie spent the next few weeks doing nothing but think and fantasize about how great it will be to see and feel him again. The two and half hour drive from the airport was torture...

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My son with me

My cunt was thirsty for cock. After my husbands death i was lonely for years & only imagining sex with my son. He just completed his 12th standard.After dinner he was sleeping with me & his hand was on his dick. He was slowly rubbing his penis with trouser. My leg was open & thin white gown was not sufficient to hide my hair & pussy lips. He was looking but he was feeling nervous. I was trying to show him & he must be hot to obey me.I just lift one leg. The gown lifted half & my white thigh was...

3 years ago
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My Wife the Best

My wife loves to feed me cum out of her pussy or ass. I love to suck her clean. But lately she has been making me suck her boyfriend's cock till he cums in my mouth. She puts lipstick on my lips and feeds me his cock. She says it makes her real horny to see me suck a cockOne day she brought home a friend of hers from work a long legged blonde with big tits. Well, there I was hoping to get to suck her pussy or ass. My wife made me strip and masturbate in front of her till I got real hard. Then...

1 year ago
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VogoV Whitney Wright Anal Delight

Lying in the sun in a beautiful black swimming suit and high-heeled shoes and enjoying a beautiful scenery is a very pleasant thing but even that can get rather boring. At first, hot smoking brunette babe tries to entertain herself by rubbing her perfect body and taking seductive positions but soon she realizes even that does not help her. So she moves on to stronger actions and that means she enters the house, kneels in front of her man and gives him a blowjob which leads to anal sex and mouth...

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A Night I Will Always Remember Chapter 2

I sucked Marcells cock harder and stroked his shaft wanting him to cum in my mouth as I had my climax.  He moaned and pushed his cock into my mouth deep and I could feel it spurting its hot cum into my mouth filling it full.  I swallowed as much as I could and kept sucking trying to get more. The cock in my pussy began to erupt and pump its hot cum into me.  I could feel it jerk and spurt into me each time.  I pushed back against it hard feeling it hit the bottom of my pussy as it jerked and...

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E014 Pearl Four

Donald appreciates Emma’s newest talent as he bestows her third pearl and realizes she is cumming just from her accomplishment.  He does comprehend that her twitching and the rising of her pelvis is from so much longing in her.  It is rather endearing to him that she so lusts for his touch, or more. His plan for her tutorage is to rotate between her learning to give pleasure and learning to receive it.  For Emma is to learn that she can have as much gratification from each.  Yes, a perfect...

Love Stories
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Mom and Dad Are Away

It's been two weeks since your parents left for Hawaii, and you and your sister are near clawing the walls down in boredom. Sure, you have a car, but this small town your parents decided to live in proved there was no entertainment to be had for miles upon miles. Most of your friends have gone off to other places this summer as well. The air conditioner decided to bust yesterday, and you and your twin sister are sitting in the living room wearing as little as you can to keep cool. Beads of...

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My First Triple Penetration

I was sixteen and an expert in sex! I'd done it on my own, with implements, with my dog and then my brother. I'd gone boldly to the varsity football team's private party and let them know my body was available to them. All forty-five team members made free use of me through that night and I ended up covered and full of cum, exhausted from more orgasms than I could ever imagine, amazed at how erotic it was to watch black cocks go into my white pussy and contracted syphilis. Yes, I'd...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 32

Once again, Dave could have skipped this month's trip to New York, except for the need to bring Shae home. Spending the time with her made it worthwhile, and he was anxious for the waiting to be over with. For the most part, the rest of the trip could have been done over the phone or not done at all. He visited Aaron Tietelbaum, more for a face-to-face than for a document signing since they'd been calling, faxing, and e-mailing back and forth regularly. Aaron had been able to defer and...

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UNCERTAINTY By Ingrid Halb The room was dark. It was the middle of the night and the blinds were drawn, but that did not explain the atmosphere. There was darkness here that went beyond the normal pall of night. It was a darkness that subdued the LED clocks and computer power indicators that stood out like beacons during the afterhours of any normal office building. This was a very normal office in a very normal building. There was however, a rather unusual ceremony under...

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Wife And Maid Fucked On The Same Bed

Hi All, This is a real story, which happened a few months back. Me Sameer and my Wife Sona both are working couple. And as every couple requires one, we also had a maid servant named Radha. Radha was a lady in her 30’s I guess. With a pleasant face and body. This story happened on a Sunday when both I and my wife sleep till late as no office and no kids to lookout for. I get morning erections, good ones, which my wife Sona uses for her morning quickies and sucking before the maid comes and...

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The Storm Part 1

There was a heavy atmosphere that hung in the air as a storm raged throughout the evening. Aiden and I ran towards my house, which I shared with my mum. The deluge of rain ricocheted off our bodies. With the key in my wet hand I fumbled trying to get it in the lock. Eventually, the door flew open and we darted inside. There was a harmonious silence of relief to be inside and out of the rain. We looked at each other both drenched and dishevelled, my makeup smeared, and rainwater dripping from my...

Quickie Sex
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Happy 18th Birthday

January 26 It was the night before my birthday and as usual I was stuck doing homework for hours on end so I had barely any time to talk with my girlfriend Nicole. It was nearing 11 o’clock when she gave me a call. “Hey daddy. Are you almost done with your work? I need you to be awake for my surprise tomorrow.” She said as I could hear her giant smile over the phone. I smiled and laughed at her concern and said, “Almost baby. I should be done by 11 or 11:30. Alright? And then I’m gunna...

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A True History Book TwoChapter 24

“You’ll have to get this through the school board, you know,” Terry said about fifteen minutes later. “I think they’re all still inside. Jerry, would you ... oh. Never mind. I didn’t realize that we’d have an audience.” When they realized we’d stopped messing around, two men and a woman walked over to us. “Other than simply saying hello inside, since we all came together, I don’t think we introduced ourselves to you, Mister Lewis. I’m Denny Fisher, President of the School Board. This is...

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Jock TalesDevestation PT1

Jock tales---Devastation PT 1(This is a pretty long story, so I broke it up in two parts. There is no sex in pt 1, it just tells the events that led up to pt 2--thanx for checking me out)Summer had been totally awesome. The best ever. Having finally got the jeep prolly helped the most—independently mobile, lol. The yard jobs were going great, and the 'personal service' that followed up on about half of them, I was bringing in about a grand a month. That was just about a years salary for a...

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Used By A Couple

It was always the same, Mrs. Michaels would come to my line at the grocery store, even if it was the longest. I worked as a cashier there for about eight months, and without fail, I'd see her twice a week, waiting in my line. She would always initiate a conversation, and seemed genuinely friendly. We got to know each other on a first name basis, Tina Michaels, and myself, Paul. "Paul, youre quite the charmer. From what you told me about your school, I can tell you have a good head on your...

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The GovernorChapter 3

A shout from the stairs alerted him to others appearing, three, no, four female faces appeared, rushing down and crying in anguish. “Please sir, spare him!” The father looked pained, but stayed silent. “Drop the knife boy” The kitchen carving knife fell from his hand and impaled into the wooden floorboard beneath. Ling was dimly aware of the cut on his arm, it wasn’t life threatening; later it would start to throb, but for the moment adrenaline was controlling his body. “Are you...

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One night we went out to a club in Sydney Anne was wearing a dress that zipped all the way down the front it could be unzipped from the bottom to show as much leg as wanted and down from the top to show as much cleavage as wanted quite sexy really. This night Anne chose to wear it with just stockings and suspenders beneath, the last time we had been to this particular club there had been some really good looking single guys that had danced with her and on the dark dance floor they had happily...

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Saint and a SinnerChapter 33

Roger rang the doorbell, waited and tried again. Finally he pounded on the door. He could see into the entryway, see up a great staircase that curved towards the second floor. Finally he saw life in the house. A light upstairs turned on and then another in the entryway. He saw a woman approach the door timidly, her hand clutching a blue velour robe tightly to her throat. She was thin, not an appealing thin, but a scrawny one. Her face was all angles and would have been much less scary if she...

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SleepwalkerChapter 35 Truth and Consequences

Allison and I looked at each other for a moment. It was time. Allison set her fork down, turned and put her hand on Shannon's. "Shannon." Something in her voice instantly got the girl's attention. Shannon stopped and swallowed hard as their eyes met. "What? Did I say something wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" I set down my own fork, stood and moved around to where she was sitting. I took her hand and pulled her to her feet. I could feel the tension and knew she was...

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"Are you old enough to be buying this?" The scrutinizing old lady sneered as she held onto the pack of cold beers in her hand. You gave a groan, before telling her, "Like it says on my ID on the table, I was born in 1997. I am well over the legal age to buy and drink alcohol." The old lady gave a dismissive glance-over at your driver's license, before curling her arms and saying flatly, "I don't think this is a real ID." This wasn't the first time you've ever experienced this, and this...

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Different Kind Of Riding

It was the 17th February, the day was surprisingly mild after the terrible weather we had been having. Looking out my bedroom window I could see the rolling fields of green, speckled with sheep or cows. I loved living in the country, on snowy days it was magical to just look out the window and see nothing but white. Walking downstairs and into the kitchen, the scent of eggs and bacon met me before I opened the door, as usual mum always made us a good hearty breakfast, eggs and bacon was...

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New World New Rules

Foreword: This story is set 25 years after an overthrow of the government led to the complete removal of any rights for women.  Women were property of men, property of their fathers until they were married and became property of their husbands.  Parts of each chapter are told from the perspective of different members of the three families the story focuses on:  The Eatons – James, Sarah, their son Kevin, and their daughter Katie The Harpers – Bill, Jessica, the twins (Samantha and Alexandra),...

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Teenage Games With Chubby Cousin Part 8211 2

Hi Readers, this is the continuation of the first part of my story. Any feedback or comments please drop a mail to Anju had closed her eyes and I was sucking her lips, she was breathing heavily. I was hard and wanted to free my Penis from my pants. I asked Anju to give her tongue in my mouth and she obliged, the taste of her saliva and tongue was sweet. I kept on sucking her for 5min and after that, she pushed me aside. I was disheartened that now it’s over, but she had something else in her...

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My Favorite Chair

“Pass it and turn it up!” She had that infectious grin on her face and reached for my pipe with her small nimble fingers.I handed it to her and without hesitation, she brought it to her beautiful full lips, lit the lighter and took a deep hit. I was mesmerized by her. I always had been. Her small frame squirmed, dancing in the overstuffed armchair and took another hit.  Music. It was always music with her. Whenever she was around there was an endless supply of music she could dance to. I looked...

Oral Sex
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White Farmers in the South Africa Gang of Little

At once, some teenagers from neighbor village caught Caroline and Edwin on the way to the town center. It was a lonely path inside the corn fields near their house and they told Edwin to stay away from them and Edwin watched everything from a hill and he had to watch how they undressed Caroline in 10 seconds. Suddenly they stopped and let Caroline to talk. Edwin didn't hear what they were talking (she was extremly terrified and she begged them and said she is ready to everything for the boys...

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 13

The following character returns from the original Magic Ink story: Sean Patrick Martin O'Hennessy Senior Master Sorcerer, head of the Boston council, 5'8" tall, a thin old man with a long white beard and hair When we arrived home, it was mid-morning on Friday the 11th of June in Statesboro. Our Moms called our sisters to let them know that we were back. Dad called the printing plant to let Uncle Will Stuart know the same thing. Sean and I didn't have anyone to call. Neither did Annie...

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