Keeping a Family Tradition Sue s Initiation
- 3 years ago
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Robert came home and entered his house. He saw Sherri's car and half expected her behind the door waiting for him. No, not there, her stuff was on the kitchen table, she hadn't taken them upstairs. He smiled realizing she probably went downstairs, but called upstairs to be sure. No answer after a couple moments.
She heard him up there, he called her name, she tried to scream for his help, God please come soon her gag muffled her sound until it was inaudible up there. Please look down here soon. Master, please come save me. Tears were rolling down her cheeks now, and she sobbed in agony. How could it hurt that badly?
Robert decided she must be downstairs. He fingered the lock and started down the stairs, loosening his tie as he did. He turned the corner and saw her. She was in the stocks and wiggling. No she wasn't squirming, she was shaking, crying. He stepped closer and then saw the anal jewel sticking out. "Oh God, Sherri" he said rushing to her. She was in the stocks and crying freely as he rounded them to see her. He knelt there and opened the top. She was in agony, and he could see it. He removed the gag.
"God get it out, it hurts, Please get it out." she cried sobbing.
Robert moved behind her. He looked, no blood, good. He began to ease it, twisting it, and then worked the ring over the edge and down. Sherri screamed in agony as the ring cleared the largest locking part of the plug. She was crying and Robert looked and checked the still open hole. No tearing that he could see. She might be OK after all, but she was still in agony right now.
He took the nipple clamps off scooped her up and. He rushed carrying her up two flights of stairs to his bathroom. She was crying into his chest, and he stepped fully clothed into the tub with her in his arms. He sat in his big Jacuzzi and turned the water on with one hand. He got both hot and cold water going, and hugged her close to him and talked to her, telling her it was going to be OK. She was going to be OK.
She sobbed and hugged him, and kept saying "Sorry Master, I'm so sorry".
The water rose enough to start to sooth her backside. He kept filling the tub. He kept talking to her and telling her it was OK. She tried to move from his lap a bit and cried out again. Damn, she hurt herself bad he thought.
Sherri thought the pain would subside when the plug was out, but this was bad, it hurt, not as bad as when the plug was in, but this was horrible.
"What did I do to myself" she said to him.
"Well baby, I looked and didn't see any tearing, perhaps a small one, but nothing bad, and that is good. That means we probably don't have to worry about Septic infection." Robert told her.
"That is where the bowels leak into the abdominal cavity right?" she said horrified.
"Yes, and it looks ok so far. No worries on that. If you show any signs, we will rush you to the ER and I'll have Surgeons from around the country flying in to work on you ok?" he said reassuring her.
She nodded and then asked. "Why does it still hurt so bad?"
"Well babe, have you ever over extended your knee, or twisted your ankle?" he asked.
She nodded, everyone had he knew.
"That is what you did, you over stretched it, and essentially, sprained yourself." he told her.
She smiled, and then gave a short bark of laughter followed immediately by a cry of pain. "You mean I sprained my asshole?" she asked incredulous.
"Yes my love, that is what you did." he answered.
She laughed and cried out again as she felt a new flash of pain. "Oh that hurts. How humiliating."
He kissed the top of her head and told her it was OK.
"You ruined your suit, no I ruined your suit" she said.
"Suits are cheap, you are priceless my love." he answered.
She hugged him tightly and said "I wanted to give you a surprise. I wanted to show you how much I loved and missed you."
"I see, and thanks for trying, next time, please just wait for me OK?" he said.
She nodded, she felt so bad. "I ruined your homecoming."
"No you didn't you were home, and alive, and that is all that matters to me, is that you are alive and more or less well." said Robert. He fished into his shirt pocket.
Sherri raised her head in question. "Who are you calling?"
"A Doctor I know real well. I think I can talk him into some pain pills and muscle relaxes." sad Robert.
Sherri said "No I don't want to explain this." she said humiliation in her voice.
"Trust me my Slave, and all will be well. I just helped you up, and think you have a strained lower back, nothing major." he said thumbing through his phone number selections.
Pushing the call button, he raised the phone to his ear. "Doctor Johnston, Robert Mason here, I hope I didn't interrupt anything. (a pause) At dinner, I am very sorry to interrupt however I need a favor. (another pause) Well my girlfriend Sherri Chenowith has apparently sprained her lower back, muscle spasm I guess. (another pause) No, I don't think there is any spinal damage. (pause again) I felt it and didn't feel any bulges or misshapen parts. (longer pause) Well I am fairly familiar with her anatomy, if not familiar with all anatomy. (long pause and some laughter audible) Yes that is the pharmacy I use, and something mild, it's not too bad, just something to ease the pain and make it possible for her to rest. (last pause) Thank you Doctor, and yes, if there is no progress, I'll get her to you first thing Monday morning. Or call you back this weekend."
Robert hung up and turned to her. "He's going to call in something for you, something mild so you don't have to worry. I don't ever lie to you, I am not opposed to lying to someone else for you." he said kissing her head. He tossed his phone to the floor near the door. "Ready to get up and go to bed?" he asked.
She steeled her will, knowing it was going to hurt and nodded.
Robert eased her to a sitting position, and then got out of the tub. He moved to his closet and got a Kimono and returned to her. He dried her and wrapped her in the Kimono and carried her to the bed. He eased her into his bed and covered her with a sheet. He sat and brushed her hair away from her face. He waited a few minutes to make sure she was OK, gave her a phone, and changed his clothing to something dry. He grabbed his phone and wallet and went to the Pharmacy. He got gauze pads, large ones, some stool softener, and then the prescriptions. Mild painkiller, and Skelaxin, some new muscle relaxer he figured.
He was home 40 minutes later. And gave her one of each and told her it would be fine in a few days.
He put a gauze pad on her asshole and told her it was to check for bleeding. If there was a tiny spot, no problem much more than that, might be a problem. She looked worried and he told her it was a double check, and he thought it was probably not needed, but in her case, the double check was worth the effort.
He comforted her while the drugs took effect and she drifted off to a drug induced sleep. Robert relaxed, and went for dinner. He ate in the bedroom in case she woke up and wanted him. He was in a chair reading three hours later when she woke. He was checking on her every new page.
He turned the page and looked up and found her looking at him. She was smiling. She knew he was watching her and staying up to care for her. She loved him for it.
"Hey Baby, how are you feeling?" he asked.
"Better, but I need to use the bathroom." she said.
"OK, let's do that shall we?" he said.
He helped her up and supported her as she walked to the toilet. He left the room and waited out of sight so she could relax. He heard her go, and waited. The toilet flushed soon afterwards and he waited. He wanted her to have some dignity, that was important to anyone who was ill or injured. Her hand appeared at the door, holding the doorjamb, he rushed forward. He took her back to bed. She smiled at him, and went back to sleep.
Sherri woke in the morning, hurting again, the pills had worn off. She looked around, Robert was asleep next to her. She saw daylight, which meant he had not set the alarm. He was letting her sleep and heal.
Robert woke with her looking at him, and smiled at her.
Breakfast in bed, more pills. Dozing through the day, and Saturday was a memory, Sunday dawned next. Television, newspapers, and meals in the bed. Robert cared for her all weekend.
Sunday afternoon, she asked the next question "What about work, I have to go in the morning."
"No you don't, your hurt, and I'll call my old friend Franklin, at home if you like, and tell him your under a Doctors care for a horseback riding accident." said Robert.
Sherri giggled "It felt like a horse, I didn't think it would hurt that bad, it wasn't much bigger than the pink one, and smaller than the blue one between the pink and the jewel. I had the pink one in, and figured I could take the slightly larger jewel."
"It's chrome, and doesn't compress like the rubber ones." said Robert.
"That's an important difference and a painful way to learn it." she said.
Robert nodded. They watched 60 minutes, they slept. Robert woke early Monday, he exercised alone, and then called her office at 8am sharp.
"Franklin, Robert Mason, yes got back into town on Friday. Thanks, and I appreciate that. Certainly however the reason I called, well two reasons. I wanted to send a contract by so you could take a look at it and give me some advice. Right on the Houston thing. Second thing, Sherri was horseback riding on Saturday with me, and well, she took a spill. No she's all right, Doctor Johnston has taken a look and thinks that she just has a sprain, or muscle spasm I think he called it? Right, anyway she is pretty sore and unable to work for a few more days. I think I can handle everything on that end, I will pass that along to her. I am certain she'll be glad to hear you asked after her. Thanks Franklin, I appreciate that." and with that he hung up.
He leaned over Sherri, and kissed her gently on the lips and then said "See, leave it to your Master, and he will take care of everything."
She smiled and dozed off to the bliss of the pain pills and muscle relaxes. She knew he would take care of everything, he had been taking care of things for her for more than three weeks now, and it was wonderful.
She woke and heard him on the phone. He was talking to someone saying "I told you they were good." and ended saying he was looking forward to the Scotch.
Sherri woke to meet Carmen the housekeeper, and later Suzanne the cook. Suzanne hoped to enlist her help and get Robert to stop doing things like using that unholy sauce honey mustard. Sherri smiled and promised to try.
Robert moved Sherri to her own bed carrying her easily so Carmen could change the sheets on his. Sherri had lunch upstairs, and liked the salad that Suzanne had "thrown together" for her. She slept most of the afternoon and woke in time for dinner. She could make it to the toilet alone, but sitting still hurt. It was getting better, but slowly.
On Tuesday, she surprised everyone by walking down the stairs, but needed Roberts help to make it up the stairs. She whispered to him "I never knew a sprained asshole made any movement so difficult."
Robert smiled and winked at her while helping her up the stairs.
She only took one more set of Pills Tuesday and that was to go to sleep at night, curled up next to Robert on his bed.
Wednesday, she was restless and feeling bored. She had been cooped up for five fucking days, and her patience was wearing thin, a sure sign she was feeling better according to Robert. Sherri announced in the Kitchen that she was going to work Thursday and that was that.
Robert told her to sit down, and Sherri hesitated and did so letting out a small groan as she did. Robert didn't countermand her, instead he picked up the kitchen phone and dialed a number.
"Mabel, it's Robert. Right, look Sherri has hurt her back but is bound and determined to go to work. Right I need a driver here in the morning, a town car should be good, and he is to stand by all day in case she wants to go home early. Make sure he has a working cell phone and tell him to bring a good book. Have him here at 7:20 ready to go OK?" Robert told the phone.
Robert went out in the afternoon to run a couple errands and checked on Sherri's mail at her house. The change of address had just kicked in so there was only a couple days worth, Saturday and Monday's mail. He looked around and noticed something was wrong. There was nothing from the cops. There was no sticky note saying please call us, we want to talk to you. No letters, an no messages on her machine from the cops. They should have been in contact to follow up. That was normal, that was what they did. When they ran down all the leads in a case, especially a homicide. They went back, and checked all the facts again, hoping to get a new one or maybe two new stones to look under. They hadn't done that yet. He hadn't been contacted, and there was nothing here. Why not?
Wednesday night, Sherri rolled over and surprised her Master, by starting to lick and suck his dick. She hadn't ever gone from start to finish, and was determined to start paying him back for his week of kindness to her. She smiled when some 20 minutes later, she was rewarded for her effort, and discomfort, with his gift. She accepted it hungrily and replied in kind when he said he loved her.
She wasn't ready for sex, even oral sex to be given to her, it was still too tender, but she was hopeful of the weekend.
Thursday, Robert got her up, showered and dressed for work. The chauffer was waiting for her outside and took her to work.
"Mabel said I needed to bring a book so I got these to read." he said holding up a half dozen comic books.
Sherri smiled and said they looked interesting, and they should keep him occupied while she was at work.
Robert started to work as she pulled out of the drive. He surfed the net, checking newspaper files, and stories He had an idea, and it just might work. By noon, he had a list of 58 names, and called a lawyer who was known to be a slimy son of a bitch ambulance chaser who would sue his own mother.
He asked for the Lawyer to get some autopsy reports for him. "I need them for a client, but the problem is I don't have attorney client privilege so I can't refuse to identify my client. You do." and then faxed the list to the lawyer. The lawyer had said it would take a few days, but no problem, happy to be of service to a customer like you sir.
Thursday, Sherri worked half a day, and came home at lunch. Carl had welcomed her back and questioned her early return, and told her no problem if she wanted to leave early.
Friday dawned and the routine was repeated. Sherri went to work and Robert went to his work. The Chauffer was neat Sherri decided, but she missed driving her Lexus.
Robert accepted the first 20 Autopsy reports an the one he wanted was in there. He opened it and began reading. He read it again, and stared out the window. Carmen saw him and stayed quiet, Mr. Mason didn't like to be disturbed when he was thinking. Robert read the file one more time. There was the answer, that is why the cops weren't interested in interviewing anyone again.
He stood and stared out the window, he had a decision, and it wasn't time for this one yet, but it was here. It was too soon, Sherri probably wasn't bound to his soul yet, and if she wasn't she would be free and leave. He hadn't lied to her since she had come here, and he wasn't about to start now. He quietly said "If you love something, set it free." and put the file on the desk as he turned from the window.
He walked out of his office, grabbed his keys and got in his car, driving to a bank he rarely used. He opened the Safety Deposit box and got out a large manila envelope and then left the bank headed home. Too early or not, it was apparently time.
Sherri arrived home at 3pm, and found Carmen and Suzanne had already left. Sherri had thanked the driver and promised to tell Mabel how good a driver he was.
She went into the house and found Robert in his office staring out his window, looking at the back yard and seeing nothing. "Is anything wrong Master?" she asked.
"Yes, and we have work to do, how are you feeling Sherri?" he asked
"I'm feeling much better, what is wrong? What work do we need to do?" she asked. There was something in his voice, a sense of dread that had her scared.
"First, please read this file" and he handed her a file.
Sherri opened the file and saw it was an Autopsy report. Victim, oh my God. It was her victim, the man she had hit.
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This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. * Friday morning started as usual with the alarm, they skipped the workout and went straight for the shower. The night had been a late one when work comes early. Sherri lathered him up and washed him lovingly. This part of her morning ritual, washing her Master was becoming important to her, she cherished the intimacy and the feeling of...
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IncestThis is a continuing work of fiction, any resemblance to anyone or any place living or dead, real or imagined, is purely accidental. * Sherri woke thinking of him, and knowing this was the last day she would have to leave him. She smiled, knowing her dream, which a month ago she hadn’t known was a dream, was about to come true. They exercised, like always. She washed him and enjoyed the easy intimacy of it. She was sure Lisa would think it horrible, but it was nice, an intimate moment in the...
Part 02: Preparations. This is a continuing work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person or place, living or dead, real or imagined, is purely unintentional and coincidental. * At just before midnight, Robert was awake, and completely off his normal schedule. He showered, addressed his ravenous appetite. The he. the mystery man had work to do. He measured the basement first. Considered, did a couple rough sketches, and checked his watch. Too late, he would have to call in the morning....
Part 04: Acceptance This is a work of fiction, the names used are fictional. Any relation to any person, real or imagined, living or dead, is purely unintentional and accidental. * Sherri awoke to a tapping on her door, light, polite, but present. Sherri upon waking thought to herself Robert, it was Robert. There was no sense of confusion, that normally accompanies a night in a strange bed, in a strange place, she was instantly aware of who she was, where she was, and him. The clock said...
This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. Monday Morning, Robert dressed her in a skirt and blouse outfit, and sent her to work to give her notice. Two weeks and tell them about the new job and her responsibilities. Robert hadn’t canceled the driver so Sherri rode to work driven by the same young man with new comic books. She arrived out front and got out of the car, and bumped...
This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. Sunday morning they woke and Sherri looked into the mirror as she entered the Bathroom and saw what happens when you sweat into makeup and don’t wash it off. She gasped and began scrubbing as fast as she could. She used the toilet, put on one of her extremely high cut thong leotards and went downstairs. Robert had coffee going and they...
This is a continuing work of fiction, any resemblance to anyone or any place living or dead, real or imagined, is purely accidental. On Wednesday Sherri was reviewing the documents and she read it a second time. The dumb son of a bitch Carl had left out a section which meant if this went through Robert would have a liability loophole big enough to sail the Queen Mary through. Sherri called and told Franklin that this was unacceptable and told him why. Franklin apologized, and said he had...
Part 03: Indoctrination of the Slave This is a work of fiction, the names used are fictional. Any relation to any person, real or imagined, living or dead, is purely unintentional and accidental. Answering the bell, Robert opened the door, and was not surprised by what she had dressed in. He had assumed she would rebel, and show her independence. Good, he liked that, it meant she had spirit, and passion. He wanted both from his submissive mate. Sherri entered without saying a word, and once...
It seemed a shame that John's birthday was going to be on a school day yet again. It seemed to defy the calender that he never gets to have a weekend birthday to actually enjoy the day. He knew how it'd go tomorrow: wake up, get a few presents from his parents and older sister, have a little breakfast and then on to school for a day all too similar to many others. He'd spent most of the night doing last minute homework for the next day and watching TV, with him now ready to enjoy just enough...
IncestThank you to Linda62953 for editing this story and making it a much better read. * Christmas didn’t mean much to me anymore, it will never be the same. I had lost my wife Mary, earlier this year. Even though it wasn’t unexpected, it still hurt like hell. After two years of chemo and dozens of trips to the doctor and stays in the hospital, Mary and I became closer. Like people have always said, ‘You don’t know what you have until you lose it’, and it really was true. We hadn’t gotten along...
Author’s Note: This story involves female nudity and light spanking in a family setting. Biological parents of the opposite sex are not involved but it does involve mother-daughter nudity and spanking. At some point the story may contain a step-mother punished in front of her step-son. There is no graphic sex involved other than some references as appropriate to the story. Comments/Feedback will be appreciated and responded to. Also, please take a moment to vote. – – – – – – – – – – – – – –...
Author’s Note: This story involves female nudity and light spanking in a family setting. Biological parents of the opposite sex are not involved but it does involve mother-daughter nudity and spanking. There is no graphic sex involved other than some references as appropriate to the story. Comments/Votes/Feedback will be appreciated and responded to. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – The following Friday evening, Dave decided it was time for their weekly punishment. ‘Karen, have...
The long white limousine rolled down the highway towards the mountains, where they are booked at honeymoon resort. John and Lucy are snuggling along with Larry and Beth Anne across from them. They pulled up to the large hotel that is in front of a mountain. The limousine pulled up to the front door of the hotel. The bellhop opened the back door of the limousine and offered a hand to Lucy and Beth Anne. Lucy looked at the front of the hotel and looked back at her daughter. "You shouldn't...
I grew up in a small village with maybe 100 families and every single family attended our non-traditional church. Most couples were married into arranged marriages and it was widely accepted as the norm. There was many more unusual traditions.My parents were a very happy couple and I had several siblings. I was the second oldest with an older brother. There was only about a year between us so we were close.The church had dinners every week and most of the k**s had sleepovers when the adults...
A Traditional Marriage Completely devoted. On our wedding day we'd exchanged the traditional vows. Never to part and all that. But afterward we had recited our own private vows to each other. To always support each other. To be completely devoted to each others' happiness. To be completely devoted to the relationship. We left the church ready to enter into our new lives. In our families, a few modern ideas had slipped in and become accepted, but in general we believed that family and...
TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE Traditional is the adjective Jane always uses to explain our marriage. Contemporary, or perhaps even more aptly, futuristic would be a better description. It is true as she emphasizes, that one spouse is the breadwinner while the other stays at home to keep house, make the meals, and in general care for the physical needs of the working partner. It is also true that the head of the household is an exceptionally caring and loving individual, albeit strict in...
October 20, 1984, McKinley, Ohio After Vespers on Saturday night, I headed back to campus and found a note saying the gang had gone to see Thief of Hearts and would be back around 10:00pm. I was dying to know if Clarissa and Sandy had received their letters from McKinley, but it looked as if I’d have to wait a few hours to find out. Given that my close friends were out, I really didn’t have much to do, so I picked up my guitar and played, though I didn’t sing. I started messing around with...
"Thanks a lot, Sis!"Laura was sitting on the front porch as her older brother, Thad, came up the steps looking disgruntled and annoyed and slightly flushed.Laura, at that time, was a very pretty blonde teenager with a nubile, bouncy body. Her tits thrust out saucily in her tight sweater and a lot of slim, shapely thigh showed below the hem of her then-fashionable miniskirt.Now she looked surprised by Thad's attitude."What's wrong?" she asked. "Myrna Jones is what's wrong!" he snapped. Myrna was...
After over two years and countless weeks of working on this series I am both glad and sad to see it conclude. I would like to thank everyone who joined myself and the Fletcher family on this journey. Thanks to all those who read the series, rated it and especially to those who commented and urged me to keep writing. It wasn't always easy, other projects and life in general often got me sidetracked but I was intent on seeing it through and glad that I did. If I offended anyone who read this...
Tiffany James was dressed in her typical work attire, which was to say “business sexy.” She had on a cream colored blouse, which was slightly too small and had one more button undone than should be. A short grey skirt fitted tightly around her hips and well-shaped bottom. The length of the skirt was short enough to make it hard to not stare at her legs, and just long enough to not show off the tops of the thigh high black nylons that covered those legs. She was perfectly balanced on three inch...
SpankingHerro everyone, it’s yo nigga; Terrance Prescott. Here to bring you another sample of living, the not so human way. If you aren’t used to my nihilistic, cynical & rebellious ways; you’re about to be because this past weekend is everything but you & you’re going to enjoy it. Want to know why? Well, here it go!!Back in October 2016, I was working into the wee hours of the night. Sometime, early in the morning; I came across somebody looking at my profile. Who had black hair, with a jaw...
In the morning, Sherri had a smile on her face that told the whole story. Lisa shook her head and at breakfast said "I may not understand it, but you two are happy, and I guess that is all that matters." "It is to us, and should be good enough for anyone." Sherri said. Lisa took her leave of her friends, and went back to her own apartment. She told them she had the rest of her life to figure out and should probably get started. She promised to be at work Monday. Robert said no problem,...
"Becoming Traditional" by Geode Jack's life could never be described as "traditional". He was raised by a strong mother and three harsh older sisters. Being Married to a woman that was an electrician that owned a very large and successful contracting company. Even his work was untraditional, being a man in the predominantly female Social Work profession. Although all that changed on his Silver Wedding Anniversary second honeymoon. I was born nine days after my father's death in...
I'm sorry i neglected this series lately, as I hope many of you saw, I ran into an unexpected project I just could not ignore. I found it strangely difficult returning to writing fiction after writing "The Things We Do at Home" and that's partly why this part took so long. I hope you enjoy and as always comments are highly appreciated. For those who commented on previous parts, thank you, I plan to implement many of your suggestions in the following chapters if I hadn't done so...
The next morning, Friday, Donald is up at dawn. He empties their luggage and puts their things away. The masks they brought with them Donald leaves on the coffee table by the couch in their bedroom for now. He slips out, as Emma sleeps and checks that everything is ready. Karen and Julie took care of every detail perfectly, as they always do.Donald slides back into bed as Emma begins to stir around eight am. As she opens her eyes, she smiles at him, leans, and kisses him good morning. 'All...
Love StoriesIf I went by accepted popular belief, she was impossible to conquer. She was a South Indian Brahmin. Unsurprisingly she was conservative but she was also intelligent, proud, sharp witted and very beautiful. Srila was attractive in a very Indian way, I guess. She was small at five and a half feet but had magnificent boobs and wide, curvy hips with a lovely unblemished complexion. Her pretty face, jet black hair and glorious smile could summon a second look. She did not look like in the late...