Keeping a Family Tradition Sue s Initiation
- 3 years ago
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Part 05: A Slave’s Life
This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental.
Sherri woke to the alarm clock’s gentle chiming and realized this was her first Monday as Robert’s slave. Robert didn’t move, and 20 seconds later, it stopped chiming. Sherri realized her first thought was of him again and her smile widened. She snuggled into him, and gripped the arm that was around her tighter.
They rose and used the toilet and she dressed in another one piece thong backed leotard. Sherri followed Robert downstairs and joined him in exercising. She was still a little sore from Saturday morning, and the stretching did seem to help. Sherri watched Robert work his abdominal muscles and then doing reverse lifts, watched his back flex as she stretched and asked if she would be exercising like that before long.
‘Sure, but you have to start slow, if you jumped right in, you wouldn’t be able to move at work, stiff and sore from the exertions.’ Robert told her while doing fly exercises holding two dumbbells.
After her stretching, they showered and she washed him again. This time, she didn’t find it frightening, instead finding it erotic, and fun she admitted.
She washed herself next and came out of the shower to find Robert had fetched clothing and had it laid out for her. A pant suit, blouse, and underwear for her. She smiled as she realized she was wearing lingerie to work, and he had chosen it. She dressed, finished her hair, and then checking her lipstick, and putting the tube in her pocket, she headed downstairs. Finding Robert laying out breakfast, she went to him, hugged him and then joined him in the food prep. Sherri smiled as she ate breakfast, she had seen the smile in the mirror and suspected it would be with her all day. She didn’t know that smile would tell the world, she had gotten laid, and had experienced good sex.
During breakfast, Sherri began to think about her day, and realized she would probably get the file Robert had arraigned. ‘Master, what should I look for in the file you have sent for me?’
‘Just do your job, you’re a lawyer, take care of your client, and it will be perfect.’ He replied glancing at the newspaper.
‘But you said it was a test of some kind, and I would find the Easter Egg.’ she said confused.
Robert put the paper down, and turned towards her. ‘You will find it, I know you will, but I won’t tell you where, or what to look for. You have to find it, you have to accomplish this. Don’t ask me anything else about it, I’ll say nothing else.’
Sherri considered, and got frustrated. Damn it, she needed a hint of what to look for. It could be anything, and it could take weeks of research to find the small thing it could be. There were thousands, no millions of little things. What if she didn’t get the file, what if it went to someone else, and they found it. She forced herself to remain calm, and to think. ‘Master’ she said ‘will you give me no hint?’
‘Sherri, you need only be yourself, apply yourself, and look to the interests of your client, and do the job you are trained to do.’ Robert replied.
Sherri felt herself getting angry and forced her mind to other subjects. ‘Master, I’ll need to go by my house today, pick up mail and other things.’ she told him.
‘If you like, I will go by and do that. I assume there are some things you would like to have here, certainly you are welcome to bring anything you wish.’ Robert said.
‘No Master, I’ll go by, however I’ll need to put my things in storage if I’m going to rent the house out.’ she said considering. It was a nice house, and she should make about $700 or so on rent if she could find a small starter family to take it.
‘When you have what you want from there, and have changed your address, let me know, and I’ll see to that with some of my own people.’ he replied.
Looking at her watch she took a travel mug of coffee and headed to work. Her car, her Lexus she corrected herself waited. The thong felt strange, and the pants rubbed on her ass and that felt strange. The two inch heels made her feel different. She had put a little blush on in addition to her lipstick, and she checked her lipstick in the mirror. It was becoming habit she noticed.
Lisa was at her desk going over things from last week, things that were going to carry over when she looked up and saw Sherri walking down the hall. Lisa put her eyes back to her work and then looked up again. Holy Shit, Ms. Stick up her ass had a grin plastered on her face, was wearing lipstick, and very nice clothing. Lisa gaped in surprise.
Sherri saw Lisa and smiled and said ‘Good Morning Lisa, and how was your weekend?’
Lisa’s eyes nearly bugged out, Ms. Stick up her ass never said good morning, at most just a flat emotionless morning, and asking about Lisa’s weekend? ‘Fine Sherri, and yours?’
Sherri’s smile got wider and she said ‘Wonderful, let me know if anything pops up today will you?’
Lisa watched Sherri walk into her office and gaped once again. Shit, she doesn’t have those horrible panty lines she usually has, she isn’t wearing any, or is wearing a thong. Those clothes have to cost about $1000 minimum. That blouse looks Italian, and the suit was a silken blend that you don’t get at a department store. Where had she gotten high end clothing from? How had she afforded it? Sherri was an associate and they don’t make the big bucks the Partners and Senior Partners make. What is going on?
Lisa went back to organizing the day and saw Carl coming down the hallway. Carl was the Partner that Sherri reported to. Carl said good morning, and then walked into Sherri’s office. Sherri was looking at e-mail and glancing at things to orient herself.
Carl said ‘Good Morning, I have that file we talked about Friday, the new client. The Cenotaph corporation is apparently overcrowded at their office, and want a second opinion on the feasibility and cost analysis on the tax benefits of the move.’ and handed her the thick legal folder with the information. ‘It looks pretty straight forwards, just go over the numbers their in house council came up with, and double check him. Shouldn’t take too long, and if possible, I’d like it by Wednesday or Thursday.’ he told her.
‘Certainly Sir, and I’ll get right on this. I don’t have anything else particularly pressing at the moment.’ she said with obvious sincerity.
Carl was brought up by this. Sherri usually answered with a dead voiced ‘sure’ and hardly ever used Sir in her language. Carl noticed the smile, she was cheerful. She was dressed in expensive clothing. Carl didn’t know Women’s fashion, but he did know quality. Those might be real diamonds in her ears. ‘Great Sherri, thanks for taking a look at this, I do appreciate it.’ figuring a little encouragement might go a long way. This cheerful and polite Sherri was preferable to the sullen and withdrawn Sherri he had overseen for three years. ‘I’m going to Kansas City this afternoon, I should be back Wednesday after I meet with the people at Baker Construction about the audit.’
Sherri opened the file after he left, she had risen and seen him to the door and then told Lisa ‘I’m going to get some coffee, would you like some?’
Lisa had just stared at her and shook her head no. After a moment adding ‘No thanks for the offer though.’
Lisa was sure she was on some sort of Candid Camera, or perhaps had seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers one too many times. Sherri was being NICE, which is one thing she never was. She walked with her head up instead of looking at the floor. She went for her own coffee. What the fuck is going on.
Lisa suddenly understood, thinking to herself I know that grin, Sherri got laid. Lisa said a silent prayer for the pipe layer, may his sword stay long and hard and keep Sherri happy.
Sherri opened the file
and began reading, by Lunch she was oriented with the problem facing her. It was a double check, certainly but there was more than just the tax information in the packet. Someone had put the building specifications in the packet, and Carl hadn’t dumped them into a ‘dead’ file which meant it was really outside their purview. Essentially this Cenotaph Corporation wanted a bigger headquarters, near Chicago, to replace their existing facility in Chicago. They figured that building outside the state of Illinois would allow them to realize the cost of building and moving in something like 12 years. Additionally they would have lower utility costs with the newer construction materials and insulation available. They could lease or sell their existing building and show additional profit.
Sherri gave half the tax numbers to enter into the database program to Lisa and asked her to give Sherri a hand with these, and then surprised Lisa more by asking that everything be double checked. Sherri brought up the address on the Indiana State tax site, and saw it was currently wooded and rural area, with new development in progress. The site was zoned C-1 which meant it could take a Commercial Development, but only a single owner development. No mini mall. OK, that was fine, Cenotaph would be the only occupant, and didn’t need the C-2 or C-3 zoning that multi occupant businesses needed.
Sherri started to punch in her own share of the numbers, and then had an idea. She looked into the file and found the building specifications. The plans included the assay plot of the prospective building, and something that she had ignored when reading. It had Co-ordinates. She had complained about the current system ‘Section 1 of plat book 456 in county records known as plot 438 which is located 1.4 miles West of known point 539 and 1.3 miles North of known point 215.’ which meant nothing to the person looking at the land. It was the old way before good maps were made, and before GPS and Satellite overheads.
Sherri brought up Google Earth, she had the Professional Model, and used it to look at cities she wished she was in instead of here. She punched the co-ordinates into the program and watched Google show her the exact location of the property and there it was.
‘Happy Easter’ Sherri said at 2:24pm. She had found it. She had found the Easter Egg. The building was going to cross the State Line, and would be liable for two State Property Taxes, the full value of the building was going to be taxed not once, but twice. It would bankrupt the company instead of save it money.
Lisa looked up from her data entry. She was sure she had heard Sherri say something, and saw Sherri smiling broadly while looking at her computer monitor. Lisa didn’t know what was going on, but didn’t want to ask for fear of ruining Sherri’s good mood. Ms. Stick up her ass was being nice and human, and Lisa didn’t want to fuck it up.
Sherri’s grin widened as she went back to crunching numbers, she had lot’s of work to do to get this done by Wednesday. She breathed a silent ‘Thank You Master’ for doing this for her. No tax lawyer would look at the actual property, they dealt in numbers and percentages.
Sherri worked past 5pm, stopping at nearly 6 and deciding to beg her Master to take care of the mail at her old house tomorrow. Perhaps he would let her pay off the favor.
Arriving home, and it was her home now, at just after 6:40 having caught the tail end of the rush hour traffic out of St. Louis. She parked and walked to the door much more quickly than would have been considered normal. She rushed into the house, and looked everywhere. He wasn’t on the first floor, she ran upstairs and found him at his desk, sipping Whiskey, and reading a file of his own. She ran to him and as he rose to meet her threw her arms around him and embracing him warmly. ‘Thank you Master’ she said.
‘Happy Easter’ he told her. She had found it, he knew it, and knew she was proud, and rightfully so.
Robert knew the legal genius who had come up with the Easter Egg, and knew he was paid well above average, and was well worth the money. Robert had learned of it from his ‘good friend’ and thought it brilliant. A test, how far would a law firm go to protect the client? The really good ones took everything in the file and went over every line checking and double checking. They were the ones who found the Easter Egg, and they were the ones who got the business and reputation to go with serving some of the biggest companies in the nation. Robert knew she would find it, if her head was in the game. If she approached it sullen and resentful, and went through the motions, she would fail to go over everything, and would fail to find it, instead finding a couple numbers transposed as a false flag.
She had found THE egg, only that would make her this happy. Something small that when you really looked at it, would be HUGE in it’s implications.
Sherri talked about it through dinner, having added her collar for the meal to ‘dress up’ as he said. She was so happy and excited, and Robert drew pleasure knowing he would be getting a case of Scotch Whiskey in a couple weeks. Winning was good, even if the cost to him was more than the case was worth, it was good. Her dream of working on Wall Street was possible now. In a couple years, she would be getting offers from major firms who wanted her genius on their own staff. Her firm, Whitman and Parker, would be begging her to stay and offering perks too.
They ate dinner in Roberts Office, and ordered clothing from online stores while eating. So much to do they agreed, so little time tonight to get it all done. She watched him order another $50,000 in clothing, and then order another $25,000 in Jewelry. She would comment and suggest and bow to his wisdom as was proper for a Slave in his service.
Robert and Sherri trained after dinner, working on her walk and her manner of sitting. Sherri wearing a Posture collar, which held her neck rigidly in an extended manner, forcing her to use her eyes to check locations of steps, and other things. She wore a thong, and little else but the shoes. Robert directed, encouraged, and a few times used the whip to get his point across. Smacking her on the ass when she did something wrong which she hadn’t done the last time. Sherri would jump and apologize with a ‘Sorry Master’ and try again.
They went to bed once Sherri was able to walk and sit confidently and with grace. Sherri had leather bindings placed on her wrists, but they weren’t connected to anything yet. Robert laid her on the side of the bed, and began to caress and kiss her. Sherri responded to his attentions, reaching for his cock and finding it fully erect. Robert took her hand, and placed it on her cunt.
‘Feel yourself Sherri? Do you see how wet and hot you can be?’ Robert asked.
Her fingers weren’t in her, just on the mons, but it was hot and humid, so wet already. She wanted his hands there, caressing her as only he could. She reached for his cock again.
Turning suddenly, Robert placed ropes from the headboard to her leather wrist restraints. Sherri tugged at them and found she couldn’t move her arms at all. Robert licked and caressed her, breathing hotly on her nipples, licking her clit and plunging his tounge into her love.
Moaning and squirming Sherri wanted to have his cock. She whimpered and silently begged him to fuck her. She was so close to an orgasm, so close to having one. He was teasing her again, driving her insane with desire. ‘Please, please Master.’ Sherri begged him.
Mounting her Robert eased his length into her. She moaned, and as he reached her bottom, she came crying loudly into the night. Her body shook as the orgasm gripped her and waves of pleasure spread outwards from her clit.
Robert pounded into her now, fucking wildly. As he reached his own orgasm and her third one subsided, he pulled out suddenly and gripping his cock ejaculated on her breasts, coating them with his thick white sem
en. As he lay beside her, he took a small strap and connected the two bindings on her wrists as he released her from the headboard. She was to sleep bound next to him.
Sherri woke to the alarm, and another day serving her Master began. She first asked to be released, she had slept with her wrists bound by leather straps, in front of her, but still attached.
Sherri considered washing the residue off herself before working out, but decided to enjoy the workout with the heady scent of their love filling her nostrils. It felt so dirty, so slutty, and she grinned wickedly as she stretched in the high cut thong leotard and worked on her flexibility. She was sore, and at first felt a little sorry for that, but then realized it was because he had ridden her like a race horse last night, and pounded her pussy into multiple orgasmic joy. However this morning, she was sore, and mentioned it to Robert. He smiled, brought her close to him, and kissed her gently.
‘We’ll take a break tonight, I don’t want to send you to work bowlegged after all.’ said Robert.
Sherri blushed, and smiled at him. ‘Thank you Master.’ she answered.
They exercised, and she washed him, paying extra attention to his pecker, and wondered if she would be sore when she got off work, if it wasn’t too bad, perhaps there would be a change in plans.
She dressed in clothing he had lain out for her. Another pant suit, this one in a conservative gray, and instead of a thong, a body suit. Robert explained that it was worn in lieu of underwear, but she did wear a Bra. He explained that the top looked like a blouse, and in the pale blue, it would go lovely with the gray suit. He then told her it had a snap crotch for easy access for trips to the restroom. She felt an erotic thrill as she wore it to breakfast, and purposely got a little flip with him. She then told him she hadn’t gone by the house to get her mail, or filled out a change of address, but would attend to it sooner or later.
Sensing her desire, Robert sent her for the riding crop. After twelve lashes, her ass was warm, and so was her sex. She left for work without her house keys, he would attend to the mail and anything else, and with an ass which glowed red and kept her warm through the morning.
Lisa saw another expensive outfit, and another silly grin on Sherri’s face. She was getting curious, and resolved to see if Sherri wanted to go to lunch together, and perhaps spill the beans.
Sherri sat and smiled more as she felt the warmth of her ass. He had paddled her until she had begged forgiveness, and then sent her to work, chastised and aroused. She dove into the file, and went back to work. She had finished checking the Indiana numbers, and had found the mistake there, and laughed. If she had punched the numbers in before doing Google Earth, she might have missed it. She then started on the Illinois Tax Information before lunch. She wanted this done before the day was out, so she could spend tomorrow looking for possible answers to the problem. Obviously, the building could not be built where they planned it and obviously, they would have to buy more land to get the building firmly into Indiana, at least a 50 foot buffer zone she thought. As she checked reference tables and other tax information, she worked out how much money the company would save by not building as they originally intended.
Lisa had come at lunch, and asked if Sherri would like to join her for a Salad.
Sherri consulted the clock, and said ‘Sure, that would be nice, I usually have a salad or soup but whatever you would like would be fine.’
They walked to the soup and salad place, ‘Souper Salad’ it said. Sherri decided to get a small bowl of French Onion Soup to go with the small Chef’s salad, and then insisted on paying for Lisa’s lunch. Lisa had been doing great these last couple days, and Sherri wanted to show her appreciation. Sherri hadn’t realized it was only her own perception which had changed, Lisa was the same, if a bit confused by the changes.
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I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me and I didn’t want to pay for a domme. So, I tried self-bondage. I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me...
BondageTRADITIONT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please contact...
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It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...
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ExhibitionismI come from a town in India… We have a barber a hair salon, a small restaurant, a nick knack and used furniture store as well as a saloon where all the locals hang out. Most everyone in our family is related. I will explain later in the story. I am laying here in bed contemplating my life and wondering what my future is going to be. In some ways from a sexual point of view, it has been good and in other ways, you may say terrible. My name is Betty Jo, I am 18 and most men think I am pretty or...
IncestSaturday afternoon ED LOOKED AROUND THE ROOM. Five guys, all white, not surprising since they all hated everyone who wasn’t white. They were all men he’d decided he could trust. Except perhaps for Jones. He’d joined them with a recommendation from the Sons of Liberty down in Florida, but there was something about him Ed didn’t like. Ed smiled to himself as he thought about the reaction of the city’s Department of Parks and Recreation if they knew what the Southern Tradition boys were using...
Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...
Wife LoversBefore the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...
Wife LoversI have trained maybe 6-8 women now how to safely tie up their man for some added spice and fun, but Jenn will always be my favorite!!Jenn was not the first woman I had ever trained how to tie and tease a man. She was just the first of several that I taught whom I had met only for the express purpose of teaching. We had worked out all of the details through PM’s on XHAMSTER and then I agreed to rent the hotel room of her choice and provide a variety of things that could be used so she could...
Lee started here about a month ago. He's a doctor, about 29, over 6 feet tall, dark hair, and very handsome. He's everything a girl could want, smart, funny, and a real hunk. Anyway, we both work what they call the late shift, from one to ten, when the clinic closes. Sometimes, things get hairy, but not often. Past nine o'clock, the place usually gets pretty dead. If they have a runny nose, or their back hurts, they wait till morning. As a result, there aren't to many people working past eight....
Lee started here about a month ago. He's a doctor, about 29, over 6 feet tall, dark hair, and very handsome. He's everything a girl could want, smart, funny, and a real hunk. Anyway, we both work what they call the late shift, from one to ten, when the clinic closes. Sometimes, things get hairy, but not often. Past nine o'clock, the place usually gets preaty dead. If they have a runny nose, or their back hurts, they wait till morning. As a result, there aren't to many people working past eight....
************************************************************************* This little vignette was written as the dream ending to my last dress up it is, it will never happen.....but one can always dream! ************************************************************************* So here I am covered head to toe in PVC as per Master Stanley's instructions. Master Stanley being my online master. Black PVC body, thigh high boots and shoulder length gloves. A latex hood hides...
Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, with the exception of bondage. The idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party. Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He's really into bondage and he's always been after me to give it a try. Anyway, Steve’s 50th birthday was coming up, so Mark and I decided that as his gift we'd...
SwingerSo, yeah, this story contains sex. It contains weird stuff as well. I'm doing my best, though, to make this story very worthwhile. It's going to have likeable characters that will be developed by action instead of discription. I think that it's time that I make a good, well-written story. Keep in mind that this little message is being written before-hand. I'm going to try and collaborate with people to make it a good one. I've been kind of inspired from reading a lot of...
It is an ancient custom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the new intake of pupils, upon arrival at the school, to first line up in front of the Sorting Hat to begin the process that in some ways will determine their experiences for the rest of their school days, and perhaps their lives. Professor McGonagall tapped a spoon upon a glass. Although faint, the clink of the glass, like the ringing of a bell, could clearly be heard, commanding instant silence. "First of all, let...
Family Tradition I was a fifteen-year-old boy at the time and a horny son-of-a-bitch according to my fourteen-year-old sister Bianca. I had been fucking her twice a day for a few months. I would fuck her before school and after school. If I got a chance I would also fuck her at bedtime but that was dangerous because our parents were home then. Sure enough we got caught one night. Mom came into Bianca’s room and there I was just about to cum in my sister. We were both in the throws of...
Joseph and John grew up together, and even attending the same boarding school and college. It was no surprise that they were so close, having such similar backgrounds and being members of the two wealthiest families from the same small town in Pennsylvania. They were inseparable, so much so that no one was shocked at the announcement that John's daughter would marry Joseph's son. It was a huge event for their town, with everyone being invited to watch Rose Acker marry Frank Porter. Lucas,...
I woke up with a start and realized that Srila was twenty-five minutes late. Just as I toyed with the thought of calling her, there was a sharp knock on the door! I peeked through the viewer and my heart sank as I saw the uniformed hotel concierge instead. I opened the door irritated and was about to be snappy when I saw her standing by his side. ‘Good evening, sir,’ the smiling young lad greeted. ‘The lady was lost trying to find your room.’ I ignored him while Srila thanked him as he...
She checked her instructions carefully for at least the tenth time in the last half an hour, the printed sheet now crumpled from repeated folding and unfolding, Number 17 Naysmith drive, left out of the station, down Arkwright street for three hundred yards and turn left at the Red Lion into Merethorpe Gardens and then second left. The high arch of the honeysuckle shrouded pergola gateway loomed above the street, setting No 17 apart from it's matching stone Edwardian town house...
A Penny-Worth of bondage My name is Worth, Penny Worth, and I love being in bondage, yep I know that`s a conversation stopper but it is the truth! It all started when I was c***d by my reckoning, my mother leaving me in a harness on a dog chain to stop me wandering away when she was doing housework or working round the garden! It was done with the best of intentions by loving parents but its left its mark on my brain. Anyway I now have a kink about being chained up and most of my friends...
My husband's younger brother lives with us while he attends college. We have fixed up a room for him in our basement. Sometimes I clean his room and one day, I came across a box under his bed that was full of pornographic magazines. Many of them dealt with bondage. The magazines had color photos of nude woman tied up in all kinds of positions. I just couldn't understand the appeal of being tied up like that and on a lark I wrote my brother-in-law a note and stuck it in the magazine. I told him...
She checked her instructions carefully for at least the tenth time in the last half an hour, the printed sheet now crumpled from repeated folding and unfolding, Number 17 Naysmith drive, left out of the station, down Arkwright street for three hundred yards and turn left at the Red Lion into Merethorpe Gardens and then second left.The high arch of the honeysuckle shrouded pergola gateway loomed above the street, setting No 17 apart from it's matching stone Edwardian town house neighbours, she...
Female Celebrities both past and present have found themselves in a state of bondage. Who has done this to them? Was it of their own accord or the will of others? Is some higher being responsible for the celebrity’s current state of restraint or perhaps there is a supernatural aspect was involved? Are they the captive of some perverted wish made by a horny fan looking for some alone time? A clone of the original celebrity created by a mad scientist who wants a woman to warm their bed at night?...
BDSMSpicing up the act. Part two; The Bondage. We fell back on the bed, totally exhausted. It had been yet another marathon sex session, only this time, it was as Jason and Annie. We were celebrating our third wedding anniversary and after a celebratory meal at the local pub with friends and family we had retired to the family home where we ended up in the bedroom. We were exhausted, but not so exhausted that we couldn't manage it twice. We had also promised each other that if we...
All of my life I wanted to be tied up. I think I was in to bondage from day one. I started off doing self bondage in by bed room when I had the house to my self. I found ways to tie myself down to the bed spread eagle. I had to use a knife to cut my self free. I even was able to hog tie myself. One time I had a hard time getting to the knife to get free. mom, all most found naked and hog tied. But, I all ways wanted to be suspended. The thought of me hanging there naked and help less. At that...
First TimeAlex was born into a very prominent family. It was a tradition for the men in the Stephens family to attend college at Yale. Alex had been under a lot of pressure from his father to produce a letter of acceptance from Yale. Alex understood that Yale was quite an honor, but at the same time, he had no desire to attend Yale. An arts school in the mid-west caught his attention a few years ago. It was the school he had planned to attend, even if it was without his fathers blessing. When he told his...
Once there was an ancient village where widowed women used to be kidnapped by people living in surrounding villages. There was no one to protect them from those people and women used to be property to be claimed. Women used to be of that man who can claim her. For every woman, there used to be a husband who protected them from other men. But for the widows, there was no one who could risk their life. Widows were easy targets to get fucked and claimed as a wife by other men. So to protect them...
IncestAs long as Shelly could remember, their family has had a twisted little Christmas tradition that any clothes or such that you got, you had to model them to the rest of the family. At least, that is what she had told Eric. At first, when Eric was dating Shelly, the garments were mild, such as a t-shirt with snoopy dressed as Santa or a pair of red plaid polyester dress pants. However, after they got married three years ago, the 'wearable' gifts he got more crass and risqué, such as a pair of...
This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. * Friday morning started as usual with the alarm, they skipped the workout and went straight for the shower. The night had been a late one when work comes early. Sherri lathered him up and washed him lovingly. This part of her morning ritual, washing her Master was becoming important to her, she cherished the intimacy and the feeling of...
The story was edited by Vixen4770. I wanted to thank her publicly for her efforts and advice, it was gratefully appreciated. This is a work of fiction, the names used are fictional. Any relation to any person, real or imagined, living or dead, is purely unintentional and accidental. * Sherri drove her bright yellow Kia Sportage home. It was after 9:30, earlier than she had expected, or perhaps hoped would be a better word, and she was depressed. She was also a little tipsy she admitted to...
Chapter Three: Sleepover Bondage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I wanted to skip as I walked down the street to Sun's house. I wanted to throw my arms wide and skip, my body bursting with joy. Such excitement burned inside of me. Tonight was Friday. Tonight, Sun was spending the night and Daddy would make her into a good girl, too. We would go down into the basement and see Daddy's workshop. My eighteen-year-old body trembled in delight. I loved being Daddy's good girl. I was so...
"Hey Jason" She said walking into his house “you said you got something you want to try? Well I’m you’re girl", "Hey Willa I’m over here just give a second to finish things up here first" Jason said from his living room. Willa walked in and there was Jason on the couch over top of a girl. He was pounding his enormous cock into her cries filling the room as she orgasm. Just watching this scene made her wet and horny wishing she was the one getting pounded. "Hey Tano" She said...
It was excruciating. Hannah still hadn't made a move. Samantha was convinced she had left her waiting for over a hour by now. With her eyes and ears covered she couldn't check on her. Of course her fine hearing could not be completely dimmed, but it hindered her enough to get a clear picture. Hannah was probably on the other side of the clearing. A few moments ago Samantha had heard some noises from that direction. The whole situation was rather arousing for her. She tried to close her legs a...
This is an absolutely true story. To prepare for my evening, I have put on an outfit like I wish that I could wear all the time, everyday. First, I shower, and shave everything below my hair silky smooth. Then, I put on my complete, extremely heavy makeup, with concealer, foundation, powder, eyebow penciling, eyeshadows, eyeliner, several coats of mascara, blush, and glossy lipstick. I then begin dressing. I pull on my silky panties and Legg's Sheer Energy pantyhose. I put in some front...
296 Essen bondage, a case of careful what you wish for! Essen 1981, I was on a working trip there at the time, as a model for an underwear company, working with a team of three other models and a group of salesmen, none of whom I really knew as I work for an agency and had been called on to sub for one of their own. Anyway, it being Friday night, we went out with couple of the managers from the group I was working with, I suspect they felt obliged as the other girls worked for the group full...