A Topless Texas Tradition Chapter Two
- 3 years ago
- 32
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"Oh, come on, I'm not falling for an April Fool's joke," I said, balancing the phone against my hair, as I thought about what I was actually going to wear to class tomorrow.
Most of my clothes were dirty. Anyways. I had this idea that if I just aired out my bras somehow, they would be okay indefinitely to wear over and over again. I fit into a DDD-cup at Victoria's Secret, but I have a suspicion it was only because Victoria's Secret didn't carry anything higher than a DDD cup and so they just pulled the largest size they had and convinced the girls with the bigger breasts that these undergarments actually fit through "sister sizes." But mine never did- at least not quite right. Though, I never seemed to notice in the store.
"Google it if you want. I did it myself," my sister said casually.
"You walked around the campus naked?" I asked incredulously.
"Not naked. Topless. It's legal in Austin. Besides, it's like an Austin State University tradition."
"So, everyone goes around naked to class all day?"
"Not everyone. Obviously, it's mostly guys that go around shirtless, missing the point. But yeah, probably half of the girls will go topless at some point or another. Most of them don't during class, but if you do, it's not really a big deal."
"No way," I said flatly.
"It's really not anything once you get used to it. It happens all over Austin. I mean 'keep Austin weird' right? You should totally do it this year."
"So, I just...don't wear a top? Just show up to my morning class naked?"
"I mean, if you want," she said. "Who knows- you might make an A."
"It's Philosophy 101 at Austin State University: the Janitor's making an A," I retorted.
"Hey, it was good enough for me!"
My sister was incredibly proud of her career. Emily was nearly thirty now and had spent the past eight years as an elementary school teacher in her hometown. She had had her college experiences, enjoyed them to the point that she was always talking about them, and then settled down to have a family. Though that never seem to bother her, I couldn't imagine myself deciding to settle down ten years from now- giving up on my dreams for the comfort and stability of a 'normal' life.
I used to be more outgoing. For two years after high school, I did nothing but travel and stay with friends. I lived the crazy, party, no tomorrow, blackout drunk, no idea I had been fucked life and I was done with that. I reached a bottom at twenty and changed completely. I was serious about getting my grades together and getting into a real college, like the University of Texas, especially since I majored in art and loathed the idea of teaching. So now, two years later, I spent more time inside: reading, studying, drawing, and painting rather than flirting or thinking about going around topless.
Though, as I considered it, when I was home (I scored a single dorm), I did spend a lot of time naked, a lot of time taking pictures of myself (no faces) that made it to "rate my boobs" sites (my record had been 7.3), reading and watching all matter of porn before masturbating myself into a coma, cumming over and over again. Between work and studying, I barely had time to talk, and the time I did have I poured into my passion.
Now that Emily's identity was inseparable from that of mother, it was almost hard to imagine her going along with a college tradition which seemed so interestingly sensual. But even though she was my sister, right now I was thinking about how exciting her life had been, how exciting it would be to walk stark naked around the campus all day, showing off every inch of my body, having someone finally see me. It wasn't that I wanted to be a sexual object; nudity just always seemed natural to me. I was often the subject of my own paintings; my breasts drawn in every angle, at every curve, all showing off how they sloped down at just the right angle and curved under with just the right fullness.
I always thought I was okay to look at, pretty, even on the right day, but it had to be the right day. I had done away with the busty, rebel girl driven more from angst than actual anger and now emphasized the simple. I wore glasses now; usually, I did my hair up in a messy bun or ponytail, bangs constantly falling over my lens-shielded eyes. But when I tried, when I actually bothered to straighten my long brown hair, to put on an outfit than emphasized the right curves, to flaunt my femininity, well, I could turn a few heads.
I just didn't know that I wanted all the attention anymore. Attention had made me do some pretty risky, pretty stupid, pretty scary things. Scary, not because the things put me in immediate peril, but because even the perverse excitement that comes from knowing any second I might be caught riding the cock of this random guy on a park bench gave me almost too much satisfaction. That I so eagerly sought these overly sexual exposures and displays, scared me sometimes.
So, I sought them out in porn, in art, in erotica. Brunette woman, with darker skin like mine, tall, athletic yet feminine, finding themselves being the subject of everyone's attention. In real life, the men I chose were temporary and disposable, replaceable and largely irredeemable.
Everything changed for me in the middle of a one-night stand. I mean, literally during the middle as he was inside of me, I had a life-changing epiphany. This guy, not bad looking, was doing alright, I guess, though he was one of those who needed to ask about my orgasm in the same tone as a status report. And when he asked again (it wasn't happening), I thought, God, I could be drawing, I could be making something in the world, and creating something that would make me happy.
It sounds cliched, but I focused on me. Instead of surrendering to my urges to do something wild, fun, or sexual, I started working part-time, took out loans, and went to college two years late, having done the wild spin out earlier. Sure, I still had needs, I just had other things to do than guys.
I found value in other things: in working hard, in earning my grades, and especially through improving my art.
In doing things for me.
I'm here at this Podunk school long enough to put together a portfolio good enough to submit to some real school.
"So why not? Who's gonna know?"
My sister cut into my thoughts again. I couldn't believe she was still trying to sell me on this, but not as much as I couldn't believe that I was listening to her argument. My sister had continued to talk after I'd drifted off into thought, ignoring the actual voice for the ones competing inside my own head.
"Look, I mean you've been in school for a year and a half now," Emily said. "Really, Morgan, when else are you going to be able to walk into a building without a shirt and show off what our mama gave us? Not when you have two kids and a husband."
"I'm not doing it," I insisted.
"Look, Google it," Emily insisted once more. "You say you're serious about this art thing, so come on! Experiment a little! Fuck, live a little, get out of the dorm. You have your 3.5. Might as well enjoy yourself before you're slaving away behind the brush for nothing."
"I won't slave away for nothing..." I cut in. "I'll just become a teacher like everybody else."
I guess it would be below the belt if Emily cared about things like that. She had a supernatural sort of patience and an infuriating sense of condescending self-righteousness that translated from her work into her social interactions. Being nearly ten years younger than her didn't help, especially when Emily was left alone to babysit me. Back then it was all about covering up for her. Hiding cigarette butts, wine bottles, or more often boxes, and of course marijuana. Rebellion hit hard in her early twenties- protests, activist groups, 'save the earth so long as you're also smoking it' rallies. Then she met her husband John, and the phase passed...
Maybe I was missing out.
We talked about bullshit for a while, but I found myself still thinking about my sister, walking class to class with her perky little tits out for everyone to see. I kept wondering what her professors had thought, what her friends had said, or if everyone had just accepted it is normal. Of course, I Googled it and found that the tradition dated back to Austin's rather progressive laws promoting topless equality.
The tradition started in Austin State as a way of making fun of the more enlightened alumni of the puritanical Texas A&M was well-documented. Some girls even wore Aggie shirts to take off and burn. There were probably a few hundred committed to participating this year, though I figured maybe half would back out simply due to social norms, but it seemed like the movement had a progressive point about gender equality.
I found several legitimate-looking sites, using April Fools' Day as a platform to call out the foolish double standard that allowed men to behave one way while forcing women to behave another. There were dozens of different messages, even a Facebook group. These people were actually gonna do it and begged people to join them. And it was all about equality, the right to take back our bodies as something to be shown as we chose!
Yes, I had suddenly found my stupid college cause, but it was fun to feel connected to my campus as I prepared to leave it.
That this happened here, endeared the college to me. People were actually going to do this! I could hardly believe it. That women, for whatever reason, and there seem to be dozens of them, would stand together and show off their bodies as a sign of unity seem like something I could only take part in during college. How could I pass up an opportunity so unique? This wasn't doing a keg stand then streaking through the city like that one dumb-ass Will Ferrell movie that just came out. This actually meant something.
But there was something else.
Something inside of me. Something that made me take out a razor and make sure to leave only the barest landing strip, even though I knew no one would be able to see my pussy. It was the same thing that made me reach under my blankets and start playing below the little tuft of hair I had left, softly touching my clitoris as I moved around slowly and softly, in gentle circles, teasing myself even with the moves I knew would work to perfection. Putting myself over the edge as quickly as possible, not because it was a chore, not because I needed the sleep, but because I needed to be satisfied as I thought about showing myself off to the campus.
I don't remember falling asleep.
I do remember the next day as a kind of continuation of lying in bed, debating back and forth if I would actually join in the fun. I hadn't actually heard anybody talk about it, but then again, when did I really ever talk to anybody? I spent all my time reading between classes, my textbooks or whatever novel I was worming my way through. I might have never noticed something like this.
A few times I got up in the middle of the night and started looking through the official website. Of course, it wasn't on the school's website, but there were plenty of people posting and giving advice about how to ease into it. And I already knew of places like Barton Springs where it was perfectly common for women to just spend time topless in the middle of a public park. No one ever said anything on the official government website, and could I really imagine asking one of the university tour guides, hey is it okay if I take my top off? But Austin was one of the few places in Texas that actually allowed women to legally go topless. The rest of the state had the whole Panhandle up its ass about the very idea.
I hit the alarm on my phone before it went off, having spent all night working up the courage to join in on this political statement. I doubted that the creator of the site did so for truly altruistic motives, nor that nudity could be entirely divorced from sexuality. But outside of one guy, which was actually more a best friend than dating thing, my sexual experience had been staggeringly unimpressive lately, largely frustrating and stunted. I remember once being flirtatious, fun, and fucking all sorts of boys, notice I say fucking, not dating, because I wasn't serious, about anything back then, especially my fucking grades. Even now, I only really cared about painting.
But God, doesn't everybody? Don't we all want to be some form of artist or entertainer? So, to have an actual career, I need a doctorate from a school with a respected degree. A place like the University of Texas where the name actually counted. So, if I didn't earn my GPA in these two years, I was fucking screwed, so I had no time to get fucked nor screwed at the moment.
So why not? I didn't have any friends here, and only a month left until I could transfer out. I could afford myself some fun.
I was up early enough to actually care about my appearance. If I was going to go actually show the world my breasts, it wasn't going to be looking like some creepy bag-lady or a lazy slob who ran out of clean underwear, even if the latter was somewhat true.
I didn't want to overdo it, just polish myself up. Tinted sunscreen to even out my skin tone, mascara to frame my eyes and a lip stain just a shade rosier than my own. I wanted to look good, but like I hadn't tried to look good, so I just combed my hair out, emphasizing my bangs, my dark hair flowing down and stopping just below my breasts.
I ran a few inches under six foot, tall enough for a goalkeeper. I didn't run every day anymore, so I'd gained a few pounds, but it spread out well enough over my figure. Of course, I knew where every inch of flab had replaced my once entirely muscular body, but only I could notice. I still held an athletic figure.
No matter what, no matter how I tried, I always felt a sense of doubt. But I had played soccer in high school, at least my freshman and sophomore year when I actually gave a shit. When I quit soccer, it was really only my art teacher who kept me from dropping out of school altogether and doing God knows what, other than smoking weed, wasting time, and sucking every guy who looked hot.
My body may have gained a few pounds, but I wore it in all the right places. I was an Amazonian Queen when I could muster the courage, and today, I knew I could. But I've always felt so self-conscious about my breasts, not the size, but my nipples. They always seem so big next to the porn stars with their artificial breasts and specially selected attributes. I did a turn in the mirror and saw how I looked, knowing that whenever I bent over even the slightest bit, it looked like they sagged downward simply due to their size. It was as always something I worried about, and one of the reasons I was so easy for so long. None of the men did anything but worship them, and I always craved that attention to sap away at my insecurities.
Because to me, my nipples also seemed a little too puffy, especially when I was cold or aroused. The tips stood out like almost little buttons or nubs that didn't seem normal compared everybody else's. But it'd been months since anyone noticed them in person. I didn't know which was worse that I couldn't remember the last time I had sex or that I couldn't remember the last guy.
I gave myself a look in the mirror. I had straightened my hair, my bangs stopping just before my eyelashes. My legs looked long and luscious, their dark tan drawing attention from the horribly short skirt I had chosen, one that I'm sure showed every inch of my most defining feature. I looked again at my breasts, trying not to judge myself. And then I realized this was the most time I had spent getting ready the entire semester.
How lame.
I think it was that thought, that sudden realization when I finally decided to hell with this and marched towards my dorm door.
My class is at seven, an ungodly time that no one would choose unless they had last choice as freshmen, like me. The hallways were clear, except for the random brightly colored leaflets and posters hanging over the communal space that touted the ability to join and do anything because everybody is crammed all into this tiny building. Inwardly, I felt I was lucky enough to have my own space.
I peeked out at the hallway, inching my way towards doing what I already decided in my head would be the easiest thing in the world. As if someone just seeing my breasts would just be the most casual normal thing in the world today. I had made up my mind but that didn't mean I was prepared to actually skip out the dorm door shaking my tits back and forth like a 'Girls Gone Wild' girl.
So, I ducked my head out one more time, and then sort of crept down the hallway, as well as someone can creep wearing heels and the miniskirt I had chosen that showed exactly the right amount of leg, nearly all of it. I was sure that if I bent over, every inch of my orange thong would've been visible. There was a reason I hadn't worn this outfit before and would not have if anything else had been clean or made sense without a top.
As I took each step, there was something that slowly made me feel safer. I had my books clutched against my breasts like a shield at first, as if this position would somehow preserve my modesty. I looked like a schoolgirl going to class for the first time with my books pressed against my bare chest as I made my way outside. Again, I found myself grateful that no one was around. All the confidence that I had in my own room, after spending so much time making myself up and getting ready for a class I usually showed up to with bags under my eyes and little more than pajamas had dissipated into a thin cloud of vanishing self-esteem.
That my classmates, even if there were over fifty of them in my philosophy class, would certainly see my breasts when I put down the book to actually highlight what the professor said, hadn't really hit home yet. I was sure it would be all stares. Certainly, more than when the blonde girl bothers to show up. The thought of all those eyes watching me, all those boys shifting uncomfortably in the seats, made me more than just excited about a cause. There was something so exotically thrilling about the idea of being seen. Of having everyone notice me.
Of having someone think of fucking me.
I still had no idea what I would do when I saw an actual person. It's a 7 AM class and I'm the type that's usually thirty minutes early, so campus was completely empty. I kept looking around and seeing no one, so eventually, I dropped my guard a little bit. It was still so early; I must have been the first one in. Panic thoughts hit me that I might be the only one who goes through with this, and this might actually be just some bullshit April Fool's Joke.
But after all, my sister did it.
And the only barely rational part of me keeping my heart from forcing its way past my throat, keeping me from bolting, was the thought that it was already too late. I had to go through with this.
And there it was. My first chance to show someone my uncovered body. He was running down on the grass, eyes straight ahead as he jogged along one of the many paths on campus. He was the type that was always running without a shirt on, and honestly, neither of us would go unnoticed for entirely different reasons. He didn't quite have a six pack or anything, but his muscles were well-defined, and there's a part of me that gets excited about that type of guy seeing me. Well not just seeing me...
He didn't seem to notice me at first; he was at a far enough distance away. Normally he wouldn't turn his head at me, but that day I was not wearing anything. He's far enough away on the other side of the sidewalk, oblivious, so I didn't feel the need to hold my books tightly to my chest. I even managed to let them drop, enough for him to see most of me. He didn't notice at first; he just kept jogging, and then he slowed for just a second, his eyes darting towards my nipples. I didn't know what to do other than cock my head and raise an eyebrow, hoping I'm far enough away that the gesture does not make me seem offended. He kept running, a little slower, more jogging in place as I continued my normal route towards the Harrington building.
I couldn't believe it.
He must have really liked what he saw.
And that turned me on.
But he was hot. Really hot, in the old fashioned rugged sense. I didn't get much of a look, but any man shirtless and running this early in the morning had something going on for them.
Would it turn me on when it was some heavy breathing pervert or an older, lecherous professor?
Part of me thought it would.
Just being outside, just enjoying the sun starting to shine on my breasts, glowing over my whole body as I started my day being someone new. I tried not to look down; I knew my breasts were moving with me. I could only imagine and hope that it was a show worth watching.
At least that jogger confirmed it.
As I headed towards the center of campus, there were a few people around. A bus dropped off about a dozen people, and I quickly brought my books up to my chest, hiding little more than my nipples. As everyone started to disperse in their own direction, I noticed this uptight bitch give me this scoff as she stormed off, taking a wide berth all the way around me in the other direction.
Fuck her.
Everyone else just sort of walked past me, a few guys take a moment to linger, but no one had the nerve to come within ten feet of me except this one tiny, petite, and probably younger girl. Her reddish-brown hair was done up in a ponytail, and she was wearing an oversized T-shirt, black with Lou Reed and the words "Coney Island Baby" across her chest, along with some jean shorts. She was pretty, though probably like me starting to be concerned about the freshman fifteen that was starting to appear.
"Long night?" she asked good-naturedly. "You know I might have a sweater, things usually get cold in my class. Wait! That's where I know you from!"
"What?" I still couldn't believe I was actually talking to someone so casually without clothes.
"Did you lose your things last night? We've all been there."
"Oh no, sorry, I'm just new to the whole April Fool's tradition."
"April Fool's tradition?"
"I didn't know either, but my sister went here back in '99. Apparently, April Fools' Day is the day that Austin City College celebrates that Austin has sane laws about being topless."
"Are you sure? I've never heard of it, and it's my sophomore year."
That made me nervous, but my sister said not everybody did it. It would be easy to miss, especially if what she was referring to was largely nude sunbathers. I went to Barton Springs all the time as a kid but never noticed that on the top of the hill, women shed their bikini tops for all the world to see. It wasn't until later that I read about it.
"My sister did," I said as if that decided it.
"Oh, so you come from a very brave family," she remarked.
"Not really, just a broke-ass one, which is why I'm here."
Which was partly true. My mother and father both worked as teachers, so not going to college was never really presented as a viable option. But there wasn't a lot of money to attend an expensive private school like Baylor or Rice even if I'd had the grades. Instead, I'd spent the better part of two years drifting from city to city, party to party, following this friend or that friend, getting fucked and fucked up.
"Plus," I added. "I ran out of bras that actually fit today."
She laughed at this. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath her T-shirt, something I never could have pulled off, but I doubted she'd ever had difficulty finding one that fit.
"I'm Sammy by the way," she said. "Or Sam, but never Samantha."
For someone who was awake for a class at 7 AM and hadn't bothered to get ready, she exuded an oddly energetic charisma, an almost spritely energy as if something had shaken her awake, especially considering her dress indicated she clearly wasn't a morning person.
I liked her immediately. I could feel the cover of the textbook pressed against my hardening nipples. I was excited. I was having fun. And that other girl with a sneer in the upturned nose can fuck herself so long as this girl is nice about it.
Sometimes being confident is all about just finding just one person to accept that weird part of yourself, even if they don't reciprocate.
"I'm Morgan," I said, extending my right arm, and forgetting myself as a change from the protective stance I had with my textbook, leaning forward enough so that I'm sure she could see all of my right breast. I had to calm myself down, take a deep breath, and remind myself that she wouldn't be talking to me at all if she felt that all uncomfortable.
"Well, Morgan, I admire your courage, going around campus like this, but we actually have to get to class. Can you believe I signed up for a 7 AM Philosophy course? That's it. I need to hear bright and early, all about how we all secretly want to fuck our fathers."
"You have Dr. Spiros too?"
"Oh my god, yes. I guess we never sat near each other or I would probably remember you more,"
"Well, I'm usually not dressed like this," I commented.
And with the new confidence in this newfound confidant, I let my textbook drop to my side, pushing my hip out to one side in a way that I hope revealed my entire chest in a flattering way. I knew from experience, and from the photos I took, but never posted whenever I felt sexy enough, but if I bent over, simply the size of my breasts would make them look like they fell down a little more. No matter how many times I told myself that this was nothing to be self-conscious about, sometimes I longed for the body of petite, pixie-like goddesses.
My favorite type of porn was the public disgrace series, but I had to really be in a mood. And now there I was, parading myself around in public like one of those girls being led around by some domineering mistress before being led into some seedy bar or upscale mansion to be passed around like a toy.
I doubt I could ever go that far
But part of me wanted to.
Especially now that I could see more and more eyes shifting in my direction. And while there was certainly wonder, shock, and even judgment, I was drowning in the lust-filled attention. After a long wait, I was the object of sexual desire again.
But god was it fucking nerve-wracking.
Just standing in front of her topless as a campus started to pick up, suddenly seemed too far. Samantha, I mean, Sam acted like she didn't notice, almost artificially, as though by not addressing my nudity avoided any need to look away or blush, even though my breasts were almost at eye level for her. An awkward silence sort of hung in the air until I could hear a few hoots in the distance, probably from some lucky perv who just got their first sex story to tell in college.
I could feel myself turn bright pink and had to look down. My books went up to my breasts again, shielding them from the noxious assholes of the world who can't just let women be without turning every inch of them into intrusive fantasies. Yeah, I wanted them to look, and to even enjoy my body, just don't whistle about it.
"Do you want me to walk with you?" Sam asked, genuinely concerned.
"You don't mind?"
"That guy was a fucking asshole! See if I won't bitch slap the next one,"
We laughed and made our way to the Harrington building, where we both had been taking the same Intro to Philosophy class without knowing it. Somehow during the conversation, I'd nearly forgotten that I was walking around my college campus wearing nothing but the smallest skirt and the tiniest thong. I saw some glances, a group of girls sitting on part table averted their eyes and glanced at their phones as they openly tried not to notice me. I saw a heavyset man, pretending really hard to be reading a book on the grass as we reached the doorway.
As Sam held open the door for me, I paused for a second. Something about the taboo of entering a public building topless, even though I had been sauntering outside with the confidence of a porn star, suddenly seemed too far.
"What's the matter?" asked Sam. "Trust me, you've got nothing to be worried about."
"Oh, I'd kill for your boobs. They're everything I imagined mine would be."
"Oh, come on, I'm sure yours are fine."
She looked at me as though I had just hit her in the gut.
"More than fine, actually," I flailed. "I'm sure they're great. Voluptuous, um..."
Thankfully, she saved me.
"It's okay, don't throw your back out trying to save that one," Sam said. "You don't really strike me as the type that would pay particular attention to a woman's body."
"Now and then I've done a little more than just notice."
I don't know why I lied. I'd never done anything more than kiss a girl. And yes, I guess I liked it, though I would not write a pop hit about it.
"Sure," she said. "It's college after all. That's what you're doing right now, experimenting."
She cocked her head a little bit, indicating my bare breasts.
"So, are you doing this? It's not too late to back out; I don't know about you but I could afford to skip a class."
So could I, but I'd come this far and wasn't about to chicken out, not even as an older professor, clearly in his early sixties walked past me making no effort to even avert his eyes. Somehow, I willed myself forward into the building. Social osmosis prevented every polite person but Sam from talking to me or making it obvious that they were glancing at me, though some couldn't help it.
I did my best not to notice.
Well really, I just tried not to make it so obvious that I enjoyed being noticed.
I could feel a noticeable change in temperature inside the building. Harrington was always a little frigid, and my nipples instantly hardened. I tried not to look down to my breasts, doing so from that angle tends to dissipate any of the confidence I've built up. Still, it's hard not to occasionally glance down and see the gentle slope of my bare body and feel self-conscious, especially indoors. As I walked towards the lecture hall, I could feel myself losing my nerve. I could imagine the view, them seeming my boobs bounce up and down as I took each step down the stairs. I think Samantha more than understood. She touched my shoulder delicately as I descended awkwardly.
I tried not to make eye contact with another guy staring at me, but it didn't quite work. It wasn't an all-at-once thing, but I might as well have entered with a siren blaring naked girl, naked girl, or screamed at the top of my lungs like some doorman to some seedy strip club in New Orleans or Las Vegas. It seemed like every head had turned, every mouth opened, with everyone whispering and pointing at me, even as social pressure dictated that no one do any such thing.
Eventually, the room became deathly quiet, and I worried I had made some tremendous mistake. I was the only one naked, what had I really expected? I let myself get worked up with an impossible fantasy instead of coming the two or three times I usually needed to feel satisfied. I wondered if I had just worked myself up with the idea of finally doing something sexual after so long. Now I was the weird chick on campus for the next month. I would've run out of their screaming if not for the social inertia, the artificial construct that flies directly into the face of the fight or flight reflex. The deer-in-the-headlights pause human beings can also feel when confronted with their own unnatural sense of shame.
And I thought I was so fucking progressive.
And still that part of me was underneath, lurking, lying to me, chipping away at all my confidence.
I'd like to think my cause gave me courage, but that would be bullshit. It was a sort of stubborn pride that for some reason made me feel that to walk into a classroom naked and then walk out as if I suddenly realized I had forgotten to put on the top, would've seemed more ditzy and fucking dumb than deliberately having no sense of modesty.
There weren't any seats available except up in the front, so somehow, I summoned the sheer will to take each tentative step slowly down the room, past over 100 eyes. Each step seemed to last an eternity, especially with the knowledge that the wrong bend, the wrong step, the wrong angle and I'd probably be giving the whole classroom a fine view up my tiny skirt. I kept scanning for an empty chair, but wasn't going to work my way through one of the rows. It was hard enough to sit next to Sam, unreal enough to feel like the stereotypical nightmare finally realized by my own stupidity. I would probably be thrown out of class, at the very least, expelled or arrested despite Austin's liberal laws. It was all I could do to sit my ass in one of the awkward, left-handed desks in the corner, the first I could grab, as I let Samantha move awkwardly past me to sit in the desk to my immediate right.
Of course, that meant I got a firsthand look at the reaction of everyone who moved past me to the last remaining seats right in front of the professor's podium. Several guys were very blatant about where their eyes were leering, and I couldn't suspend my disbelief about being the center of attention. I also couldn't keep my books close to my chest the entire class. With a deep breath, I put my notebook and textbooks on the desk.
The professor walked in through the side door. Dr. Spiros was from Athens and looked it. He had dark black hair, thick glasses, and the sharp chin to go with the thin, wiry and tall frame. For a man in his late 40s, he certainly had his effect on me as a lecturer. If there was a professor I wanted to respect me, he was probably it, not that I hadn't asked all my professors for help at some time or another. I tend to care about my grades for once, and for the most part, my instructors appreciated that I prepared while others procrastinated and partied the tuition away.
"Okay class, apologies for being late," Dr. Spiros began. "I think we left off with hubris, something that would be an excellent start for a thesis in your comparative essay. Hopefully, by now you're finished Antigone; I'd like to direct you to a couple of comparisons between the obstinate stubbornness that drives both her and Creon to- "
He stopped for a second, clearly having spotted me after glancing into the crowd.
"Class for the next two minutes, please talk amongst yourselves," he said, now clearly walking towards me. "Or, for those of you who haven't read the material and are trying to fake your way through this course, you might actually try picking up the book."
I could not blink. My eyes stood transfixed and shocked as he made his way towards me as if I had not expected any sort of confrontation from walking around campus topless. As if I was the normal one, and everyone else was weird. I suddenly felt so conscious about the way I was seated and tried to adjust myself to appear more at ease. I slightly pushed my chest forward, sucked in my stomach a little bit, and did my best to look like some big boobed hottie that had every right to be here.
It didn't really matter that Dr. Spiros tried not to call me out in front of the class. No one was looking at the textbook, and certainly, no one was talking. They were all listening to the professor and what he was trying to say in a quiet manner to me without coming too close. It was almost like a stage whisper.
"I am certain that you have prepared an explanation, Morgan," Dr. Spiros said his quietly as he could from a few short steps below.
"I do have one, yes, I'm... Well, you see," I said.
And then stopped
"Take your time, collect yourself," he said patiently. "I assume this is not some sort of a joke?"
"More of a political statement," I offered lamely.
"Ah, I see, and what is this political statement that you must make in my classroom," his voice grew stern.
"It is about the sexual repression and objectification of women and the double standard between genders regarding the laws about topless women in Texas. Our group chose April Fool's Day to draw attention to a myriad of women's issues and start a dialogue by gaining attention."
I couldn't believe I had said anything, especially not this. But it seemed that when pushed to it, I would stand my ground and rely on the rationales I had given myself at 4 o'clock in the morning during a masturbatory fever.
"You have attention." The word came out deliberately. And almost harshly. "And I would gladly talk to you about these issues; however, I would ask you as a professional to respect my need for attention in the classroom. As an instructor here, I am familiar with this tradition as something that occurred in in the 90s. I understood it to have ended as camera phones became more prolific. I do not know the university's official policy, though I imagine they would respect state law. As far as I know, no male student has ever attended my class without a shirt. I would also ask a male student as I ask you, to find a suitable covering or leave my classroom as I feel your presence currently is disruptive."
I could barely breathe. The thought of being kicked out of class was embarrassing enough, but to have to do a walk of shame back up those steps and be in out on the campus would've been unbearable. I couldn't believe how stupid I was to not even have brought a shirt as a just in case.
Before I could even know what was happening, Sam was tearing off her own shirt. Underneath it she had a white bralette, and with how it hung on her body it was almost half a tank top. For me, my nipples would've still shown through such a garment, and my chest would've never fit in something that size. For her, just the smallest bit of cleavage showed through, and to be honest, I found myself staring a little bit at those tiny perky curves that seem to stand out exactly like all the boots I had seen in porn. And that I had a strange thought.
Fuck. Sammy is hot.
"Take my shirt for the rest of class," she said. "Will that work?"
Dr. Spiros simply nodded and returned to his lecture. On me, her black Lou Reed shirt didn't quite fit. She was too petite and I felt self-conscious the entire time about how much of my stomach was showing, especially since the thing only reached down to my belly button. Sam had almost been swimming in it, but then I was a good six or seven inches taller than her at least.
I couldn't really focus on the lecture. I just wanted class to end and this embarrassment to be over. And when it finally was, I couldn't get out of the room fast enough. The next thing I knew I had dropped all my stuff.
Without thinking, I bent to retrieve it halfway up the steps.
I knew I had just probably flashed half the classes as they were able to see most of my ass and probably a little bit of the lips of my pussy, if they were looking close enough, which Sam must've been.
I finally felt like I could breathe when I was a few steps away from the building.
"So, do I get my shirt back now?" Sam said playfully.
"I'm sorry, sure, of course. Uh... you mind if we just go back to my dorm first," I said. "I have a bunch of time to kill before my next class and I don't think I can do that again."
"Why not?"
"Are you kidding me? That was so humiliating being called out like that."
"Are you fucking kidding me, Morgan!" Sam almost yelled at me. She was bouncing up and down in excitement, her tits barely moving. "I cannot believe you actually gave him a lecture. Jesus, you are a bad bitch."
"He was right," I said embarrassed. "I did disrupt the class. It's really not fair."
"We aren't in class now," Sam said. "I'll do it. If you do it."
To be continued...
October 4th, 1995, 4:15 PM EST, Union Station, Dallas, TX Jill, Josh, George, and Akilah were still engaged in conversation when the PA system came on telling of things about to change heavily for the people involved. They, of course, had no idea that there was an issue with the world known as Hurricane Opal; they had been traveling for several days. They certainly had no idea of the exchanges that had gone on between Amtrak’s management about what to do with various types of passengers. So...
Jim opened the door and entered the big office. The broad shouldered young Sheriff, Tadpole Wheeler, rushed to the door! "Jim! I'm proud to see you're still kickin', Pard. We got a wire the other day from Austin saying you'd left San Antonio headed for here after getting stabbed in a ruckus with Silas Hawkins. Me and the Captain have been burning up the wires all over Texas and we couldn't find hide nor hair of you!" Tad pumped Jim's hand energetically. Jim just barely managed to...
I reserved two stalls for our four horses ahead of our trip, and I drove straight to the Kay Yeager Coliseum, so we could get them settled. Manny drove in right beside me when I stopped. We were still unloading the horses when I looked up to see Avery Denton and his wife Francine. “Wade, we’ve been expecting y’all to get here any minute. “Julie, you look like one of the flag bearers, dressed in those fancy jeans and that white shirt. You better hang close to Wade, or of one of these...
Rita and Chance were back at the ranch after spending the night with Sam and Nancy. They figured it would be another seven days before Ma and the three with her would return. The two punchers on the place came to the door while Rita was preparing the evening meal. “Did you bring food? We been living on flour fried in bacon grease and the grease was rancid.” “Oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot all about you guys. You know with our honeymoon and all. Yes, we brought food. We spent the night at the...
It was another long day. We stayed one more night with Tim and Faith, too tired to ride home. In the morning we mounted up. Marion was the saddest person standing watching Rod ride away with us. Ma wanted Sam to ride in the gig with her for awhile. I knew she wanted to tell him all about Rafe Barkley dying and what he had given her. Ma would never divide it and it was for all of us to use. Who needed a corporation with shares? We were all one family and would continue to live that way. We...
Aaron and I managed to get together with Harris two more evenings during that torrid week in Houston. Each encounter was wonderfully fulfilling. I must confess, when I said goodbye to my ebony lover late Thursday evening, I was deeply saddened. I had developed a genuine affection for him. “Do you think we’ll ever see him again?” I asked solemnly.Aaron hugged me before responding, “I don’t know. Perhaps…You really like him, don’t you?”I nodded, “He’s the only other man I’ve been with…and...
Wife LoversJim remembered there was a small cafe just down the street and he was making a beeline for it when his attention was drawn to angry shouts coming from the sidewalk ahead. He recognized the man coming toward him on foot as Mayor Dixon. The mayor was a middle-aged man who Jim had usually seen impeccably dressed in a nice store bought suit. At the moment though, he had his nightgown half stuffed into his pants and his suspenders were flopping around his legs. "My mare's gone; I've been...
Blake and Tanya arrived in Amarillo and went straight to a nice hotel and secured a room. It was dinnertime so before they got too comfortable they decided to grab a bite to eat."I don't know about you, but I'm starving!" Blake said when they had went up and put some things in their room."I am too... you kinda work up an appetite in me!" Tanya said, biting her fingernail coyly.He smiled and pulled her to him in a kiss. Then they left to go to the front desk and inquire about a restaurant. After...
Straight SexFriday, after a full day of Cuttin’ Horse trials, Manny and Mandy decided to load their horses and head back to the ranch before dark. Watching Julie and Mandy hug and say goodbye made me realize how close those two have become since Julie came to live with us. Seeing them like this for the first time, made me realize too, just how much I have changed, since she came home with me. Though its only been three months, already I miss her when she’s not right by my side. I called Texas Roadhouse...
I was pushing it, but I wanted to see the range back of Ronnie’s Ranch. We saddled up three days later and took off for the hills. There was a ridge extending across the front of the rough land and it would be hell trying to trail cattle in from the Pickwell ranch. After we were beyond that, the ridges turned and traveled in a different direction, making it easier going. We found springs and seeps. Every once in awhile we would come on a small creek in the bottom of a draw. The grass still...
It was slow getting going in the morning because we had been out so late last night. The bunkhouse had a small room with two bunks in it for the Foreman. I took one and Sam was in the other. Ron took the one next to the door, knowing I wanted my brother with me. When I woke up, I went out and roused up the others. Rod jumped out of bed. I looked around, but was having to wait for someone to tell him what to do. I asked, “Where is Joe? Did he come back with us last night?” One of the punchers...
Sam went down to the bunkhouse to speak to Hamilton Burger the next morning. “Hey Ham, we meet again. You do get around the country, don’t you? Are you still in Texas?” “No, actually I haven’t been there since I found the Witherspoon woman. I understand you didn’t hang around there after you found out you weren’t married to her.” “No, her husband bought our outfit. Chance had come up here and started an outfit of his own. We knew he had been to Laramie and we were able to trace him. We got...
Our Texas Hill Country wine tour plan had been to follow Route 290 from Fredericksburg to Austin. I had downloaded maps and winery guides, it’s best to travel prepared for what you’re looking for. Louie and I were heading into Fredericksburg about noon on another hot Texas day. I’d changed clothes in the car hoping to catch Louie’s attention, and maybe I did. I put on a short blue skirt, white high sandals, and a white blouse combination with a long strapped white purse. Myself, it was about as...
Shay adjusted her red, white and blue sun visor to filter the glare from the bright Texas July sun from her eyes. She enjoyed watching him in her world. Her family and friends were so impressed with Rick. She smiled to herself remembering what her eighty year old Uncle Gip had to say about him. ‘He is all right by me Shay, and one lucky dayum Canadian at that to have you on his arm!’ he scarfed as he swatted at her rose bush with his walking cane. Followed by, ‘ see if he can do something...
CAUTION!!! This story has explicit sexual content. If you are under the age of 21, DO NOT CONTINUE! Or if stories involving sex or forced crossdressing offend you, do not continue. This story is provided without charge to anyone who will enjoy it. Other writings by Cindi include "Dalia's Story", "Michelle's Story", "Rebecca's Peace", and "A Texas Change". Crossing Texas By Cindi Johnson Dallas, June 2004 Prologue I was driving across Texas on a late autumn afternoon. The...
We batted it around, Louie and I did, as to where we wanted to go for our spring break. I know that term is overused, but a spring break from office and business stress can be a good thing. We are not kids, but we had been going every April to Naples, Florida, where my mother has a fine home. But Florida, at least Naples, is boring. Once past the beach, there’s nothing there. They have no cuisine, no olive oil, no wine – everything is imported. The good restaurants are $100 a plate, you’ll get...
Texas Gal - Part 2 by C. Sprite copyright 1999 Chapter Four Despair & Hope I was sure that somebody had just punched me in the stomach. I couldn't get my breath. I got dizzy. I would have fallen but for my sisters holding onto me long enough for the police officer to reach me from where he had been standing a few feet away. I thought, 'Daddy dead. Mommy dead also, maybe?' The world started to spin. The police officer picked me up and carried me to the...
There is no geographic location on Earth that more clearly demonstrates how a few men with guns can change the course of history than the state of Texas. But, with their opening gambit being The Alamo, and its example being the standard for all that followed, what else could be expected of native-born Texicans? The populace may squabble like a horde of siblings who constantly fight with each other, but it's patently impossible for an outsider to pick a fight with just one Texan. An assailant...
“Take the 12th Avenue Exit, then swing back underneath the interstate ... and take a right on Holiday Drive. There’s a western store down there where we can get you some work clothes.” “Wade, you’re investing a lot of money in me before we even get to your ranch. I hope I’m capable of doing the job you have for me.” “I still think you’re worth it. Besides, I don’t like the thought of dropping you off down at Sherman where you’re afraid to go to sleep. You have a lot to offer this world, and...
"I hope you realize what's going to happen when you get back," Melissa said. "You're going to do nothing but sate the lusts of older men." "I know. I've talked with the other girls. They told me what's happened to them." I cocked my head and studied Melissa out of the corner of my eye. "Is that why you gave it up and moved away?" "I didn't give it up entirely," she said. "I belong to a nudist resort in Kissimmee. That's on a lake south of Orlando. Very private, and without...
Sam sent Hey Pete over to the Barkley ranch to tell me that they had discovered another twenty-three cattle carcass’s that had been missed last winter when we tried to get the cattle under the bluff. Sad, but nothing we could do about it. Nancy had included a note to Rita. “Rita, everyone busted their butt to get through the winter and we will soon be sorting out the cattle. Steers to fatten to sell, see how many heifers we have that came through the winter, and how big a calf crop we are...
The Yellow Rose of Texas This story or song parody is to be sung to the tune The Yellow Rose of Texas. Peace. (After or with a few beers.) Belle Starr There is a doc I know in Texas, I am going there to see. You may want to know him, but he going to give me Double D's I want the looks that will break the hearts of all world to see, but the Yellow Rose of Texas is what I want to be. Chorus I will be the the sweetest little rose bud a feller ever knew. My eyes will be like the...
Everything's Bigger in Texas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 3 Conner walked outside with Carrie and Trisha and spotted a small back suv. A girl opened the door getting out and greeting him as she introduced herself. "Hey Lori Lynne!" said the girl hugging him. "I'm Savannah, and this is Mary Jo." "Don't you worry about a thing Lori Lynne," said Mary Jo. "We got your back darlin' and we'll help you reel in that stud." "Thanks ladies," said Connor as they drove...
Foreword: This story is actually a sequel to "Crossing Texas". That story tells of a young man who, while passing through Texas, simply drank too much and awoke from his drunkenness accused of rape. He had a choice: either he could stay and work as a maid at the motel where the alleged rape occurred, or the motel owner would call in the authorities. Rather than sit in a Texas dungeon for years, the young man chose to be a maid. This sequel occurs nearly a year later. It focuses upon...
The concept of TexasBukkake may come as a surprise to anybody who thought the genre was strictly a Japanese hobby. But, come on, my dudes! Not only are American pornstars just as freaky as their Asian AV idol counterparts, but our porno movies don’t censor all the sperm-squirting dongs and cum-catching twats. Now that’s what I call freedom!Anyway, Texas is known for doing things big, so why wouldn’t they go big, wet, and messy when it comes to the gangbangs? That’s the entire premise behind...
Premium Extreme Porn SitesEverything's Bigger in Texas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 Conner drove off dialing Mr. Porter, as he headed to the reception. "Not bad for a city boy," said Mr. Porter. "I'm stunned how well you turned out. For the record, the red dress was the best choice. I find it quite ironic that you look almost like a bond girl type on a mission." "Very funny. The stylist and Trisha made that decision," said Connor chuckling. "Wait, you saw me?" "Hey, surveillance is my...
CAUTION!!! This story has explicit sexual content. If you are under the age of 21, DO NOT CONTINUE! Or if stories involving forced crossdressing offend you, do not continue. A Texas Change By Cindi Johnson July 1999 Part 1 It was a beautiful spring day, sunny, not too warm, the earth cloaked in lush green. My spirits were high as I went on my afternoon break at Texas Instruments in Dallas, where I worked as an accountant. And why not? After all, a three day weekend would begin...
She was driving through the open space, wondering whether she would make iton time. The speedometer of her sedan was showing about 50 mph on a two wayroad just off the highway. There was nothing but dust and dirt on each sideof the road. She was not used to this kind of a terrain. She was from EasternMassachusetts where one quickly gets used to seeing trees on one side of theroad, and the ocean on the other. Being in Texas or the first time of her lifereally was a great experience for her....
Alexis Texas is one of the OGs of the porn industry. Just about every guy who regularly surfs the internet in search of videos of sexy chicks getting fucked at some point or another has jacked off to videos of her.The actress retired a couple of years back and has not acted in any scene in a long while. However, she remains one of the most talked about and most searched adult film stars in the world. That is just how deep of a mark she left in in porn industry.Alexis Texas' fascinating booty is...
Twitter Porn AccountsDisclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen. Prologue If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us like we're the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen. Prologue If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us, like we're the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the...
Saturday afternoon ED LOOKED AROUND THE ROOM. Five guys, all white, not surprising since they all hated everyone who wasn’t white. They were all men he’d decided he could trust. Except perhaps for Jones. He’d joined them with a recommendation from the Sons of Liberty down in Florida, but there was something about him Ed didn’t like. Ed smiled to himself as he thought about the reaction of the city’s Department of Parks and Recreation if they knew what the Southern Tradition boys were using...
It was noise that woke me up, the noise of big jets flying low over the hotel coming into the San Antonio airport. The half light of early sunrise lit the room. Louie was already up, in the bath. The door was open and I could hear him urinating a strong long piss that probably drained a quart of liquid from his body. When he came back to bed, he noticed that I was awake. ‘Are you OK today?’ he asked. ‘Yeah, well pretty much…get me a glass of water.’ Next thing Louie carried the water over,...
Introduction: Taking in a stranger is more than just a quaint Texas tradition Jackson was legitimately excited about the prospect of leaving Minnesota. Hed lived there all his life, and despite his genuinely cosmopolitan mentality, he realized that, even with his really expensive liberal arts college degree, two adorable dogs and his fantastic wife, Chung-un, he was just a homer with too many snow shovels. Chung-un had emigrated as a toddler with her parents from South Korea. She was...
When I was growing up we built a huge tree house in the back yard. Every summer we built on to it and made it pretty cool. In my mid teens we did not do much remodel work but hung out in there alot. We kept some porn mags hidden in there and me and my friends would even sleep up there. One of my friends even fucked his first girl up there. We were all impressed. The house behind ours had been vacant and for sale for several years but it had sold. The tree house looked right down into the back...
This story is for my good friend KantgetenufI walked through the busy street of New York hurriedly trying to get to work. For the last five years I was an accountant for a very large firm. I enjoyed my job and devoted every minute of my life to my company in hopes for a big promotion. As I walked into my building Mr. Dean, my C.E.O, spotted me and called me to his elevator.“Miss D’Arcy.” He began. “I have a big job for you; it would require a trip to Texas.” He added clearing his throat. “Would...
Straight SexAbout a year ago, we moved to Texas; Austin, to be exact. My father got a new job there and the house we bought has become my favorite; it has a beautiful pool. Being fifteen, I loved having a pool at home that I could swim in and lounge around all summer long. It was hot, I mean, it's Texas, but we did have some trees and I could put my chaise under the shade, then run and take a dip when I needed to cool off. Perfect. Mom took me shopping and we bought me a couple of real cute two-piece...
His friendship with Vickie was over. Hellfire, he fumed, he hadn't ever asked that crazy female woman to fall in love with him. Due to his association with her, a good woman he might have learned in time to really care for wouldn't even give him the time of day. The one good thing he'd done in the last month was to kill that damned Silas Hawkins, if you could call his having killed another mother's son a good thing. Any other time Jim would have been proud of having been the long,...
It was another hot, dry Texas day - the kind of day that made water thirsty. The countryside hadn't seen rain in several weeks. And the hot westernly wind picked up the sun-baked soil and threw dust into the air, making breathing even more difficult. It was 120 degrees outside, a temperature that broke the old record for the hottest day by two degrees. Nothing with any common sense was moving around outside in the stifling heat. Tanya-Lynn, the young, beautiful 23 year old cocktail waitress,...
Quickie Sex“Oh, Dios mio! Oh, fuck me more! Fuck me harder! I’m your slut!” Aunt Luna screamed as I pounded her sweet, slick snatch for the umpteenth stroke, thanks to having already cum that morning. “Will you two wrap it up so that we can eat? I love how wild and raunchy you are as a couple, but damn, breakfast is going to get cold at this rate and my stomach is growling like crazy!” Steph exclaimed, adding, “Besides, I deserve a few rounds with him myself, so leave some sloppy seconds for me!” That...
The next morning Wendell, the chauffeur, met the Leer as it landed at the small private airport it was kept at. He saw the Hawaiian kid, Garry exit the plane leading a dog on a leash. An Asian girl followed with an Asian boy and woman following her. Willie, the pilot, brought up the rear. Wendell walked by all the rest and drew Willie aside. "What's with the gooks?" the Vietnam vet asked the pilot. "The kid showed up with them and the dog when I called and said we had to return to...
Mr. Rogers asked me to hang around until the end of the month, and I was agreeable to that. When I was ready to leave, he paid me my $500 in monthly wages and my $500 bonus. Jesse Maddox had died two days before, so Mr. Rogers felt that he and his wife were safe enough. When I left, that 217 white face Hereford herd was still on Bar 59 property, but I figured that it was none of my business. I heard about a year later that Mr. Rogers had sold out to an Englishman only three weeks after I had...
It is an ancient custom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the new intake of pupils, upon arrival at the school, to first line up in front of the Sorting Hat to begin the process that in some ways will determine their experiences for the rest of their school days, and perhaps their lives. Professor McGonagall tapped a spoon upon a glass. Although faint, the clink of the glass, like the ringing of a bell, could clearly be heard, commanding instant silence. "First of all, let...
Oh, yes. She smiled as it came back to her. Texas. The lovely little blonde girl sat up in her strange American bed and stretched, looking at the harsh sunlight glaring around the edges of the window shades. July; the dead of winter in her native Australia, but high summer here. And so hot! She smiled again. So much the better. She would be sweaty, and sweaty means shiny, and shiny is sexy. She giggled and got out of bed. Today would be special. Her parents were in America on a...
Chung-un had emigrated as a toddler with her parents from South Korea. She was extraordinarily smart, with an Ivy League diploma and a cutthroat business sense. She was also lots of fun, and Jackson considered himself quite lucky to be with her. She had left a promising career track in New York City to marry his sorry ass, and Chung-un rarely let him forget it. For his part, Jackson had once harbored plans for graduate school to teach history, but real life scattered those dreams like dust on...
This is probable the best example of what not to do, when your world falls apart. I can’t complain though, it worked out for me, but then again a chance meeting changed my luck. Chance, luck, and fate, three little words that can mean a whole lot of different things, to different people. Take a chance, make your own luck, and fate will take care of itself, that’s the way I see it. ***** Just after the first of the year, my wife of six years decided she wanted greener pastures. To tell the...
Chapter One – The Hold Up The four riders spurred their horses into a run as the stagecoach came into sight. Their leader, astride a big buckskin, adjusted his mask and drew his six shooter. ‘Let’s take it!!’ He said reining his horse around and heading down the hill. Shots started coming from the coach as soon as the driver and guard saw the four men coming at them. At the gallop, the outlaw leader aimed and fired. The diver slumped back in the seat, dropping the reins. ‘DAMN!!!’ the robber...
Texas Gal - Part 4 by C. Sprite Copyright 1999 Chapter Thirteen Lumber 102 Susan and I got out of bed and went into Auntie's room. She was still sleeping so I opened up her curtains to let the morning sun in, while Suz went into the bathroom to run our bath. Auntie stirred with the sunlight on her face and when I was sure that she was awake, I went into the bathroom. We were soaking in the tub when Judy and Mary arrived. As always, we talked about our...
TEXAS TRADE Texas, big Texas, wild west state and one of the few states where cowboy boots go with a suit, it's the state I was going through, easy to get lost in it, how true. Id come into some money from my grandmothers estate, about 50 grand. Part of it went to clear some debts, and the rest I put onto a holiday, a self drive one through the United States. I had the leave and the money, so why not. Id come into Texas through New Mexico, another state where cowboy boots...
Everything's Bigger in Texas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "I just can't get over her," said Connor. "You're a bloody millionaire, man," Replied Billy Bob as they sipped their beers at the bar. "I knew leaving New York might be an issue, but she's loved Texas since we've been here," said Connor. "Just not me anymore! I'm so damn lonely since she moved out." "Damn it, come on man! Pick yourself up," said Billy Bob. "With your money, you can have almost anyone...
Author's note: This story was originally hosted over on Writing.com, but has been transferred over here so that people may read it again! Wherever possible, the original authors have been credited. Otherwise, the chapter was written by Squashedflat. The characters and settings are all from the game Texas in Trouble, which can be found here. Additions are more than welcome, and I've left character bios for all the characters in the story guidelines sidebar (which comes up if you're adding or...
Fetish... sweethearts or strangers, where do we go from here, I'll leave it up to you... Ahhhh... ! The lyrics of that sweet old country ballad from the 1930's came drifting back on Memory's Tide as I started to write this story ... hence the title. June Richardson wrapped her arm protectively around her daughter's shoulders. They stood watching a lone rider riding away from the wagon train. A few minutes later, he was just a small speck on the distant purple horizon. "Mommie, do you think...
The story is true. Unfortunately I had a HUGEEE intro typed out, then I accidently exited out of this window, so now i'm just going to do a basic intro and get into the action.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------I had just turned 18. I was a wholesome guy I wouldnt break any rules, so naturally I had waited until I was 18 to engage in any sexual activity. My 18th birthday was a week ago and I was finally ready to be on my own. I had been captain of...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen. Prologue If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us like we’re the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the...
"Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and halted the boy. "How many of them are there, Jasper?" He asked. "About six, sir. They came in asking about Angelina and Bert sent me to find you!" "Buck, find us some...
Jim and Buck were working on their second cup of coffee when Jim glanced out the open door and noticed Jasper running down the street toward the office. He burst in through the door! "Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and...
It was explained that we got here two weeks early to explore the grounds and get to know each other so the year would go smoother and no one would get lost the first day of class. There where several small group tours that where assigned so that we toured the grounds and facilities with different people the first week and ice breaker events to help us get to know each other and “break out of our shells” as the leadership put it. The activities covered all areas from trivia nights to a learn...
Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...