Fourth Of July Party
- 2 years ago
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Shay adjusted her red, white and blue sun visor to filter the glare from the bright Texas July sun from her eyes.
She enjoyed watching him in her world.
Her family and friends were so impressed with Rick.
She smiled to herself remembering what her eighty year old Uncle Gip had to say about him. ‘He is all right by me Shay, and one lucky dayum Canadian at that to have you on his arm!’ he scarfed as he swatted at her rose bush with his walking cane. Followed by, ‘ see if he can do something about that dayum rose bush Baby girl. It’s growing all wawker jawed.’
If Uncle Gip gave his stamp of approval, she was happy.
She was so excited that this was Rick’s first ‘Texas 4th of July.’ They were surrounded with about sixty friends and relatives. All making sure that Rick had a taste of how we celebrate our Independence Day.
The smoker was billowing huge plumes of hickory scented smoke from its stack. The briskets, ribs and sausages inside would be delicious. Marinated in the beer as usual.
The cook new that Shay had to have her ‘chicken titties.’ It was a given all over her part of Texas, you have Shay Lyn over for a cook out, you better have her chicken breast on the grill or smoker. When she would arrive at a neighbors cook out even the little ones would shout out there welcome and add…’Shay…your chicken titty is cookin!’ That was her acknowledgment of them being glad she made it.
And of course, some kids thought a hot dog was a food group and the only thing to eat. They were on the grill.
There was a huge container of foil wrapped corn on the cob, still in its husk, waiting to be roasted.
Huge onions covered in butter and wrapped in foil to bake slow on the grill.
An assortment of peppers that would make one think they were in ‘Little Mexico’. And there would be the usual ‘Pepper Eating Contest’ to see who could eat the hottest pepper.
Shay always purchased the largest containers of Rolaids and placed them strategically around the tables.
A pot of beans over a gas cooker and you can count on them being spicy.
The refrigerator inside the cabana poolside was loaded with relish trays. All kinds of potato salads and vegetable dishes.
And the desserts. There was three electric freezers spinning homemade ice cream. Fresh peach, Vanilla and Banana.
Under an umbrella poolside was a neighbor named Walt hand turning an old wooden ice cream maker. Rock salt all over the ground around him. He always talked about the way things use to be and said he wanted all the kids to sample the difference in the hand turned homemade ice cream and the electric ‘disgusting’ kind. Shay always said the only reason he would do this every year was to keep an audience around him to listen to his stories. Anyone over the age of eighteen knew them all line by line.
Cobblers and puddings
Pies and cakes.
Out by a huge oak tree were picnic tables. Beside them was a galvanized troff about a foot deep and five foot across. It was loaded with watermelons covered in ice. This was a must. The watermelons supplied them with the equipment needed for the ‘Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest.’ It was an annual event.
And there was no Texas Bar~B~Q without a fully stocked bar. Frozen margarita machine churning away. A blender always being heard making another batch of Pina Colada’s.
There were galvanized tubs in different areas loaded with an assortment of beer.
And through all of the good cooking going on, one could still smell the popcorn being popped in the popcorn machine on the patio area beside the snocone machine.
The snocone choice of the day was simple, a red, white and blue rainbow was all you could get.
The gameroom off the pool area was open so that everyone had access to a game of pool, dominoes, card games, Pac Man and electronic darts. Outside there was three horseshoe games going on at the same time. Shay always said that in Texas, the game of horseshoes was an art. And for some Texas men, the only taste of art they have ever experienced.
There was a washer game.
A volleyball set up was there that kept the toddlers being knocked over by parents out there trying to play. Shay would have the couples write down on a piece of paper what their individual bets were to their spouses or partner. That was always a lot of fun especially after the games turned into the males against the females which was always inevitable to happen. She loved telling the men what they just lost by allowing their ‘macho’ to consume them.
There was an inflatable castle. Huge thing for the kids to get inside and jump around. Some referred to it as the Moon Walk.
And the pool was always active.
The grand finale would be fireworks. Texas style.
And again, there he was standing in a group of men. A drink in his right hand and his left hand on his hip. She could feel his smile and he was not even smiling in her direction.
She sipped her margarita as she watched. He looked so good. His white muscle shirt accented his tan so well. She insisted he wear it. It had a red, white and blue shape of Texas on the front and read, ‘ Been there, done her, and I’m stayin!’. His blue jean shorts showed his great legs. Tanned and muscled. His butt sure knew how to wear ’em too she thought to herself. His sneakers and socks.
‘Rick!…Your up man.. And it’s up to you!’ shouted Jack. ‘ You can make us or break us here!’
Shay knew that remark too well. They needed a ringer to win. And it was up to her Canadian to pull these Texas boys through.
There was so much BS going on now around the game that no one could make out the heckling that was going on. She could see a smile on Rick and his team mates faces. They were up for the challenge. And Rick rose for it with his cute way. Her heart raced a little seeing the little boy in him for a brief moment.
He flashed a smile at Karla and was telling her something as he handed her his drink, then he took the three shoes that Roger handed him with a Texas size grin.
‘Show ’em what ya Rick!’ Karla reveled as she took a sip of his drink.
Shay slowly walked to where the group was. He caught her out of the corner of his eye.
She presented herself with such confidence. He was amazed at all that he has seen in her now after being unshackled from that computer they met on. She was not only the lover he had always fantasized about, she was warm, friendly, outgoing, tender yet a spit fire and had away about her that consumed him. He knew without a doubt long ago, Shay was his addiction.
She had a soft rose pink shade one piece swim suit on. The neck line plunged between her breast. It seemed to go on forever but it stopped a little past her navel. Her full rounded breast were daring her to make a quick move. It was a mind game they played with her when she wore this suit. They won sometimes. She had to tighten up the lacing on the front of the suit. She had a sheer scarf tied around her hips at an angle, it flowed past her knees, nipping at her calves as she walked. The scarf was a delicate floral pattern. A tropical type and it went along with her scent of Jasmine. And her gold ‘S’ charm navel ring, it spoke for itself as it would catch the sunlight and shoots rays of sparkle against her tight, tanned tummy. Her pink slip on sandals.
He pulled his shades down and looked at her. And then he playfully closed one eye. She could tell by the way his lips were formed, he was doing his usual…’pffftttt.’
Shay inhaled deep causing her breast to almost win on coming out of her suit. She pulled at the knotted scarf resting on her right hip. She knew his eyes would follow her hands.
They were so in sync with each other. Shay slowly placed her index finger on her ‘S’ charm. Glancing back at him she knew that he understood.
She was his good luck charm. The
hype was still going on around them. Rick positioned his shades and took his place. The side of Shay he loved so much began to surface. She loved to distract him and he knew there was a possibility she would do this. He decided not to look in her direction. Maybe.
He was right. She slowly reached for the laces of her swim suit. Pulling at them to loosen them. Rick could feel her. All through him.
Karla was aware of the electricity between them. She loved watching Shay play. It was evident to all that knew Karla, she would love to have Shay. She also knew where Shay stood on that. Karla would always say, ‘That’s you now Shay. I can wait..’
Karla laughed out loud. ‘ Shay Lyn!’ she shouted over the crowd. ‘ Don’t mess with him now! Let him be the Hero!’
The other players started shaming her and Rick knew his distraction was taken care of.
She seen him take his horseshoe and eye the post. As he squatted a little steadying himself the contours of his legs was so sensual. His arm moved back as he raised the horseshoe and his muscular arms were so nice to look at. With a smooth slice through the air he released the horseshoe and the sound of it spinning on the post echoed through the crowd.
One would have thought these grown men had just discovered something that would benefit mankind. Rick looks at Shay with that look in his eye. He shouted, ‘ OK everyone to my tub over here, beers for everyone!’
Shay just smiled that smile and shook her head. She wished the darkness would come.
Shay had talked with a few of their guest and shared with them her desire to take Rick to the clearing on their property to watch the fireworks. They would stay for a few with the guest but then they would leave. She was assured that they would see to it that things were secure at the house before they left.
The day continued with so much activity.
Everyone having a great time.
And Rick and Shay working the guest as if they had been doing it as a team for years.
He noticed how the men in the crowd watched her every move.
Shay also caught many of the women and young ladies hanging on his every word. Acting kind of giggly.
They both knew what they had in their partner. It was more than just sexual. It was a bond that had started online and then weathered many things until the time came they could be together. They agreed to live everyday to it’s fullest. They had a lot of things to share and experience.
The Texas Fourth of July was just one of many things to come.
The Texas sun was beginning to show signs of setting.
There were the impatient celebrators off in a distance that you could here setting off there fireworks.
Their guest had began to bring out lawn chairs and blankets setting up an area for spectators to watch the Texas sky light up in colors.
Shay was in conversation with a couple when she felt someone’s strong hands slide around her waist from behind. And then a kiss was placed on the back of her neck.
She looked down and knew those hands. She reached behind her as she felt him pull her backside into him.
‘There’s the Horseshoe King,’ Shay said with a giggle as she placed her hands on his.
Rick gave her a grunt and asked without hesitation,’ You want me to get us a blanket? I will get two. We will need one to cover up with. I’m going to play nasty with you under the cover. That’s my plan. So I hope your Texas friends can handle that as well as they can a Canadian showing them how to make a dinger in Horseshoes.’ He didn’t even stop for a breath. He placed his chin on her shoulder waiting for her reply.
She had to laugh. He was such a good sport about her razzing him when he messed up on his words.
In a laughing voice she replied, ‘ No Shuggar, we do not need a blanket and it’s RINGER…not dinger. You made a RINGER!’
Rick just laid his forehead on her shoulder because he knew he was about to face at least an hour of her abuse.
She went easy on him this time because she needed to get him informed of her plan.
Shay explained to him that at the far side of the acreage there was a clearing on a hill. It was a great place to watch fireworks from all around.
She took his wrist and looked at his watch. She told him in a motherly voice, ‘ Now hun, when the big hand and the little hand gets on the nine, you meet me at the four wheelers. Ok?’
She released his wrist and walked towards the house, calling out over her shoulder, ‘ Stop looking at my ass Richard!’
He smiled.
Shay managed to get into the house and back out with a blanket in her arms and was not detained by anyone. Everyone was busy getting ready for the fireworks display.
She walked to the small shed where the four wheelers were kept and seen no sign of Rick on her approach.
‘ Now where could he be?’, she mumbled out loud to herself.
Just then she heard his voice from behind the shed, ‘Lady…stop right there. There is something back here that might hurt you if you come any closer!’
‘And what might that be?’ Shay asked with a smile on her face as she stood still. She knew what he was doing.
He laughed and asked, ‘ Shay, how many shakes is it before it means you are playing with it?’ He was coming back in front of the shed zipping his shorts and was taken back a little at how she looked in the evening sunlight.
All she could do was smile at him.
She wanted him alone. She had shared him with many all day.
Shay asked him to back the four wheeler out of the shed.
Rick mounted the bright yellow Honda Sportrax 400EX and turned the key.
Rick sat on the four wheeler waiting for her to climb on behind him. As she got to the four wheeler she shook her head and pointed to the back. He smiled and began to slide back as he watched her pull her scarfing up around her waist to mount the four wheeler.
As Shay took off in low gear Rick begin to kiss her neck slowly. The strands of hair delicately lying on her neck tickled his face as they were blowing in the wind. He slipped his hands around her and began to cup her breast as he placed his chin on her shoulder.
He enjoyed the day but he was so glad there time alone had come.
Rick turned his mouth to her neck and slightly parted his lips. He begin to suck her sweet flesh knowing he was leaving a mark on her. He didn’t care.
Nor did she.
Shay was good at operating the four wheeler. She slowly started up the dirt road leading to the clearing and they were there in no time at all.
Too quick as far as Rick was concerned. He was enjoying riding behind her and exploring her breast.
As they pulled up to a spot with a good clearing of the tree tops, Shay shut the four wheeler off and dismounted. Taking the blanket from Rick’s lap and making their nest on the ground.
Rick was taking in the view not only of the location but of his Shay. He could not decide when she was most able to take his breath away by just looking at her, early morning light or dusk.
After spreading the blanket out on the ground she looked at Rick still sitting on the four wheeler.
She smiled and slowly curled her finger motioning for him to come to the blanket. Before she could be seated, he had slid off the four wheeler and was at the far end of the blanket on all fours, crawling up to her like a hungry lion after his prey.
The sky had darkened and you could hear pops and hisses in the distance. Every once in a while a burst of color would sparkle up the sky.
The fireworks were going unnoticed pretty much because the two of them were wrapped in each others arms on the blanket. When they got like this it was like nothing else mattered.
Rick’s hands gently stroked her back as they laid on their sides facing one another. He brought his right hand between them and stuck his
index finger inside the lacing at her navel. He loved to watch her face when he touched her ‘S’ charm. To see this by the light of the stars was so sensual to him.
Their mouths were tasting each others. Methodically touching the other, going to their place.
They loved cuddling and touching. They referred to their time online, before they took their places beside each other in the real world, as ‘slow foreplay.’ They vowed to keep that.
Shay’s ‘sweet sounds’ were letting Rick know she was needing him.
Shay knew the same about Rick. She had placed her hand on his chest under his muscle shirt and slid it down lower than his navel. He was there waiting on her.
Rick wrapped his arms around her and rolled until he was on top.
He straddled her tiny body holding himself off of her.
Shay slid her hands, palms down, up his tight stomach. Rick crossed his arms and took the hem of the muscle shirt and quickly pulled it over his head. Smiling down at her as he tossed it aside.
Shay pushed a little against him as he reached for the snap on his shorts. He un snapped and unzipped, then he leaned forward. He looped his index finger under the lacing between her breast that was laced back and forth down the front of her swim suit. Rick tugged gently on it causing it to gap open more. He could see the contour of her full breast. As she breathed the tight fabric would expand as she inhaled, and regain its shape when she exhaled.
He took her face in his hands and gently kissed her. His lips lingered on hers and she never took her eyes off of him.
Rick parted his lips slightly and closed them over hers. Mouthing her full pouty lips. He could stay there forever.
Still holding his lips over hers he asked,’You ever made it with the Hero of the Horseshoe Tournament?’
Rick could feel the smile forming on her mouth and she replied in sexy growl, ‘ Uh huh.’
Rick pushed his upper body off of her and replied, ‘ Well…let this one have his turn,’ as he pushed his groin into her.
Rick stood and offered his hand to Shay.
They both stood and began to undress as they looked at the fireworks exploding in the Texas skies.
Rick stood before her completely undressed. She loved his body. So muscular and tight.
Shay stepped up to Rick dropping her scarf to the blanket as she placed her open mouth on his right nipple. She slid the tip of her tongue over him and she could feel the surge through his naked body as his erection touched her still covered body.
Rick slid his fingers under the straps on her shoulders and began peeling the swim suit from her.
They could hear the fireworks exploding.
She held his hand as he bent down to remove the swim suit from her feet. Rick was so excited by his lady he could not stand back up.
Rick tugged on her hand and she lowered herself to him.
He held her on his lap, her legs wrapped around him.
Rick loved her breast. He never left them unkissed. Shay placed her hands at the back of his head holding him to her. Allowing him to take his time.
Rick slid his strong hands under her rounded butt and pushed her up a little.
Shay knew what he wanted. She arched her back and felt him enter her.
Immediately all surrounding sounds faded. It was just the two of them.
Rick’s focus was split now. He was still suckling her breast, and at the same time feeling her hold him inside her warm body.
The two of them found their rhythm quickly. They were the perfect example of becoming one in body.
Shay could tell by his breathing that he was close.
She also knew she was not going to be able to last much longer. Shay placed her hands on his chest, feeling it rise and fall quickly, again and again. She gently pushed away from him staying in time with him.
Rick could see the colors from the fireworks reflecting on her long blonde hair as it hung behind her as she lowered her back to the blanket. He grabbed her hips and held her on him as he continued to plunge deep inside his lady.
Shay could feel him touching her in places and that’s all it took for her to release.
As Shay dug her nails into his forearms her orgasm pulled his from him.
Instantly…as if choreographed, huge exploding balls of color lit up the skies.
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October 4th, 1995, 4:15 PM EST, Union Station, Dallas, TX Jill, Josh, George, and Akilah were still engaged in conversation when the PA system came on telling of things about to change heavily for the people involved. They, of course, had no idea that there was an issue with the world known as Hurricane Opal; they had been traveling for several days. They certainly had no idea of the exchanges that had gone on between Amtrak’s management about what to do with various types of passengers. So...
"Oh, come on, I'm not falling for an April Fool's joke," I said, balancing the phone against my hair, as I thought about what I was actually going to wear to class tomorrow.Most of my clothes were dirty. Anyways. I had this idea that if I just aired out my bras somehow, they would be okay indefinitely to wear over and over again. I fit into a DDD-cup at Victoria's Secret, but I have a suspicion it was only because Victoria's Secret didn't carry anything higher than a DDD cup and so they...
ExhibitionismOh, yes. She smiled as it came back to her. Texas. The lovely little blonde girl sat up in her strange American bed and stretched, looking at the harsh sunlight glaring around the edges of the window shades. July; the dead of winter in her native Australia, but high summer here. And so hot! She smiled again. So much the better. She would be sweaty, and sweaty means shiny, and shiny is sexy. She giggled and got out of bed. Today would be special. Her parents were in America on a...
Jim opened the door and entered the big office. The broad shouldered young Sheriff, Tadpole Wheeler, rushed to the door! "Jim! I'm proud to see you're still kickin', Pard. We got a wire the other day from Austin saying you'd left San Antonio headed for here after getting stabbed in a ruckus with Silas Hawkins. Me and the Captain have been burning up the wires all over Texas and we couldn't find hide nor hair of you!" Tad pumped Jim's hand energetically. Jim just barely managed to...
Chung-un had emigrated as a toddler with her parents from South Korea. She was extraordinarily smart, with an Ivy League diploma and a cutthroat business sense. She was also lots of fun, and Jackson considered himself quite lucky to be with her. She had left a promising career track in New York City to marry his sorry ass, and Chung-un rarely let him forget it. For his part, Jackson had once harbored plans for graduate school to teach history, but real life scattered those dreams like dust on...
This is probable the best example of what not to do, when your world falls apart. I can’t complain though, it worked out for me, but then again a chance meeting changed my luck. Chance, luck, and fate, three little words that can mean a whole lot of different things, to different people. Take a chance, make your own luck, and fate will take care of itself, that’s the way I see it. ***** Just after the first of the year, my wife of six years decided she wanted greener pastures. To tell the...
Chapter One – The Hold Up The four riders spurred their horses into a run as the stagecoach came into sight. Their leader, astride a big buckskin, adjusted his mask and drew his six shooter. ‘Let’s take it!!’ He said reining his horse around and heading down the hill. Shots started coming from the coach as soon as the driver and guard saw the four men coming at them. At the gallop, the outlaw leader aimed and fired. The diver slumped back in the seat, dropping the reins. ‘DAMN!!!’ the robber...
Texas Gal - Part 4 by C. Sprite Copyright 1999 Chapter Thirteen Lumber 102 Susan and I got out of bed and went into Auntie's room. She was still sleeping so I opened up her curtains to let the morning sun in, while Suz went into the bathroom to run our bath. Auntie stirred with the sunlight on her face and when I was sure that she was awake, I went into the bathroom. We were soaking in the tub when Judy and Mary arrived. As always, we talked about our...
TEXAS TRADE Texas, big Texas, wild west state and one of the few states where cowboy boots go with a suit, it's the state I was going through, easy to get lost in it, how true. Id come into some money from my grandmothers estate, about 50 grand. Part of it went to clear some debts, and the rest I put onto a holiday, a self drive one through the United States. I had the leave and the money, so why not. Id come into Texas through New Mexico, another state where cowboy boots...
TEXAS TRADE CHAPTER 2 That night I slept in segments. I knew it wouldn't be long until my male body returned and I could go back to being male. I had enjoyed being female, being a sexy cheerleader, shopping for sexy clothes and showing them off. It had all been eye opening, but I was still hoping to go back to being male. Jenna's 18yo body that I was still in was out of school and I was reviewing university options, there were a lot of them. Jenna's grades had always been good and...
Everything's Bigger in Texas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "I just can't get over her," said Connor. "You're a bloody millionaire, man," Replied Billy Bob as they sipped their beers at the bar. "I knew leaving New York might be an issue, but she's loved Texas since we've been here," said Connor. "Just not me anymore! I'm so damn lonely since she moved out." "Damn it, come on man! Pick yourself up," said Billy Bob. "With your money, you can have almost anyone...
Author's note: This story was originally hosted over on, but has been transferred over here so that people may read it again! Wherever possible, the original authors have been credited. Otherwise, the chapter was written by Squashedflat. The characters and settings are all from the game Texas in Trouble, which can be found here. Additions are more than welcome, and I've left character bios for all the characters in the story guidelines sidebar (which comes up if you're adding or...
Fetish... sweethearts or strangers, where do we go from here, I'll leave it up to you... Ahhhh... ! The lyrics of that sweet old country ballad from the 1930's came drifting back on Memory's Tide as I started to write this story ... hence the title. June Richardson wrapped her arm protectively around her daughter's shoulders. They stood watching a lone rider riding away from the wagon train. A few minutes later, he was just a small speck on the distant purple horizon. "Mommie, do you think...
I reserved two stalls for our four horses ahead of our trip, and I drove straight to the Kay Yeager Coliseum, so we could get them settled. Manny drove in right beside me when I stopped. We were still unloading the horses when I looked up to see Avery Denton and his wife Francine. “Wade, we’ve been expecting y’all to get here any minute. “Julie, you look like one of the flag bearers, dressed in those fancy jeans and that white shirt. You better hang close to Wade, or of one of these...
Rita and Chance were back at the ranch after spending the night with Sam and Nancy. They figured it would be another seven days before Ma and the three with her would return. The two punchers on the place came to the door while Rita was preparing the evening meal. “Did you bring food? We been living on flour fried in bacon grease and the grease was rancid.” “Oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot all about you guys. You know with our honeymoon and all. Yes, we brought food. We spent the night at the...
It was another long day. We stayed one more night with Tim and Faith, too tired to ride home. In the morning we mounted up. Marion was the saddest person standing watching Rod ride away with us. Ma wanted Sam to ride in the gig with her for awhile. I knew she wanted to tell him all about Rafe Barkley dying and what he had given her. Ma would never divide it and it was for all of us to use. Who needed a corporation with shares? We were all one family and would continue to live that way. We...
Introduction: My wifes friend, June, comes to live with us It was 6:30pm on Friday evening when I got home from work. I wandered around the house searching for July, my wife of 10 years. There was a large casserole cooking slowly on the stove. That was a good sign. Eventually I went outside at the back of the house to our pool area. There on two recliners were July and her close friend June, both stark naked. Whats going on?, I asked. Junes broken up with her boyfriend. I told her that she...
"Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and halted the boy. "How many of them are there, Jasper?" He asked. "About six, sir. They came in asking about Angelina and Bert sent me to find you!" "Buck, find us some...
Jim remembered there was a small cafe just down the street and he was making a beeline for it when his attention was drawn to angry shouts coming from the sidewalk ahead. He recognized the man coming toward him on foot as Mayor Dixon. The mayor was a middle-aged man who Jim had usually seen impeccably dressed in a nice store bought suit. At the moment though, he had his nightgown half stuffed into his pants and his suspenders were flopping around his legs. "My mare's gone; I've been...
Blake and Tanya arrived in Amarillo and went straight to a nice hotel and secured a room. It was dinnertime so before they got too comfortable they decided to grab a bite to eat."I don't know about you, but I'm starving!" Blake said when they had went up and put some things in their room."I am too... you kinda work up an appetite in me!" Tanya said, biting her fingernail coyly.He smiled and pulled her to him in a kiss. Then they left to go to the front desk and inquire about a restaurant. After...
Straight SexJim and Buck were working on their second cup of coffee when Jim glanced out the open door and noticed Jasper running down the street toward the office. He burst in through the door! "Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and...
Friday, after a full day of Cuttin’ Horse trials, Manny and Mandy decided to load their horses and head back to the ranch before dark. Watching Julie and Mandy hug and say goodbye made me realize how close those two have become since Julie came to live with us. Seeing them like this for the first time, made me realize too, just how much I have changed, since she came home with me. Though its only been three months, already I miss her when she’s not right by my side. I called Texas Roadhouse...
I was pushing it, but I wanted to see the range back of Ronnie’s Ranch. We saddled up three days later and took off for the hills. There was a ridge extending across the front of the rough land and it would be hell trying to trail cattle in from the Pickwell ranch. After we were beyond that, the ridges turned and traveled in a different direction, making it easier going. We found springs and seeps. Every once in awhile we would come on a small creek in the bottom of a draw. The grass still...
It was slow getting going in the morning because we had been out so late last night. The bunkhouse had a small room with two bunks in it for the Foreman. I took one and Sam was in the other. Ron took the one next to the door, knowing I wanted my brother with me. When I woke up, I went out and roused up the others. Rod jumped out of bed. I looked around, but was having to wait for someone to tell him what to do. I asked, “Where is Joe? Did he come back with us last night?” One of the punchers...
Sam went down to the bunkhouse to speak to Hamilton Burger the next morning. “Hey Ham, we meet again. You do get around the country, don’t you? Are you still in Texas?” “No, actually I haven’t been there since I found the Witherspoon woman. I understand you didn’t hang around there after you found out you weren’t married to her.” “No, her husband bought our outfit. Chance had come up here and started an outfit of his own. We knew he had been to Laramie and we were able to trace him. We got...
“What's going on?”, I asked. “June's broken up with her boyfriend. I told her that she can move in here, with us. We've been discussing how that could work.” “Oh! And what have you come up with?” “Well. I started by telling her that we sleep naked and often walk around the house naked and we are always naked when we use the pool.” “And I said that I wouldn't want you to change that for me, so I'll follow your example. That's why we're out here naked, starting the way that...
Asters in September Frost before the snows fly Violets in the springtime Daisies in July I remember the valley from when I was a very little girl. I don’t think it’s really changed much from then even though it’s been, what, almost thirty years. God, it couldn’t have really been that long, now could it? Of course I wouldn’t expect it to change very much. Most things in this part of the world tend to change slowly if at all. This valley is nearly a half mile from my house, up the mountain a...
The golden field was full of beer drinking good ole boys and NRA enthusiasts. It had been one hell of a fight and the local county law men were mightily relieved to have had them here; those guys packed some heavy duty firepower. Everyone knew what was a stake and those fuckers had it coming. It would have never happened if not for the tip off, the searching scaled back some time ago. The crazies were all dead now but so was one of the cops own men, the recriminations no doubt to follow....
When I learned Puckbunii’s name derived from her crush on Canadian hockey players, the possibilities swirled in my mind. So, with her permission, here is her story…. ‘The Canucks are coming, the Canucks are coming!’ For weeks, Cindi talked up the imminent arrival of her favorite Canadian hockey team, the Vancouver Canucks. She desperately wanted to go, but the combined cost of transport, hotel, meals, and tickets was too dear for her. Alice, from New York, was a Ranger fan, but agreed to go...
Caleb Winters sat easy in the saddle with his legs out of the stirrups and his spurs removed just to get them out of the way for the remainder of the journey. He seldom used the things except in emergency situations like getting out of the way of some marauding hostiles off the reservation making a general nuisance of themselves in the sparsely populated areas.His back trail was littered with bodies, but his conscience was clear and he had no lawmen posting wanted posters for his capture and...
Straight SexAaron and I managed to get together with Harris two more evenings during that torrid week in Houston. Each encounter was wonderfully fulfilling. I must confess, when I said goodbye to my ebony lover late Thursday evening, I was deeply saddened. I had developed a genuine affection for him. “Do you think we’ll ever see him again?” I asked solemnly.Aaron hugged me before responding, “I don’t know. Perhaps…You really like him, don’t you?”I nodded, “He’s the only other man I’ve been with…and...
Wife LoversI was on my way to a business meeting in Austin, Texas, which is about a four-hour drive south of Dallas. Just south of Waxahachie, about an hour south of Dallas, I was humming along in my rental car, making sure I minded the posted speed limit, when a very cute young redhead, about twenty something, flew past me in a red sports car. Two things crossed my mind. One – the flash of red hair and her speed. I knew she would be my ticket to get to Austin a lot faster than I had hoped, if only I...
College Sex