Death Row 2
- 3 years ago
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She was driving through the open space, wondering whether she would make iton time. The speedometer of her sedan was showing about 50 mph on a two wayroad just off the highway. There was nothing but dust and dirt on each sideof the road. She was not used to this kind of a terrain. She was from EasternMassachusetts where one quickly gets used to seeing trees on one side of theroad, and the ocean on the other. Being in Texas or the first time of her lifereally was a great experience for her. Before going on this business trip,she did her research about the state. She spent countless hours on Texas 'history, its judicial system, death row, climate, people etc? She loved todo research since she was a kid, but now doing a research was part of her joband she loved it. She lived with the motto "one should learn as much aspossible". Therefore she always investigated, traveled, learned and sawa lot of things on first hand.
When she found a new interesting story, no matter how scary or dull it mightseem to her readers, she was there. Now another interesting story came up.This new occurrence did not only interest her but the whole world. She wasnow going to a house where the inhabitants were the first ones to buy a slavefreshly from the death row market. That's what it was called now between theresidents of Texas . "Death row market" initially consisted of 12inmates. First household to buy a slave of this market was living in the suburbantown of Los Ebanos . This household was consisted of a woman and her 16 yearold daughter. She couldn't imagine why they would want a slave in their housewhere there was no man around at first place. She also thought about the dangerof having an ex-death row inmate around your house in the middle of nowhere.She actually had a lot of thoughts and questions in her head and in her notebookto ask, but now her first goal was to reach there on time.
She considered herself a lucky journalist since she was going to be the firstone to enter these people's home and interview them. She was also lucky becauseshe asked the mother whether she could spend two full days with them to observeand see their new slave's behavior and how they react to it. So it was definitelymore than an interview for her. She was going to experience the first ex-deathrow inmate's slavery first hand with the owners of him. She was very well excitedand also nervous. Her work-mates called her crazy before leaving for this job.They considered it to be an extremely dangerous work to spend couple of nightswith a death-row inmate under the same roof. But it didn't matter her, besidesshe always liked scary and dangerous jobs that no one dared take.
When her sedan passed Los Ebanos sign, she looked at her watch and saw thatit was just about the right time. She took the next right at the sing whichsaid "Calloway Residence" and her sedan started its bumpy ride ona dirt road. The three story house of the Calloways were probably about a mileoff the main road but it felt like it was about 10 miles off for her, sincethe dirt road was terrible to drive on. That's probably why they don't drivesedans around here she thought. When she came closer to the house, she sawa police car on the side, and immediately after, a police officer signed forher to stop.
Officer: ?Excuse me Madam; I am sure you know where you are going??
Caroline: ?Yes of course. I have an appointment with Ms. Calloway, here ismy ID?
She grabbed her purse which was on the passenger seat, and took her ID outand handed it to the officer.
Officer: ?Alright madam; carry on please, they had been expecting you?
Caroline: ?Thank you?
As she parked her car next to the garage, she saw two old pick ups parkedin it. She thought I am really going to look like a rich snobby town girl infront of these people.
She nervously came out of her car, took her stuff and closed the door of hersedan. As she turned to face the house, she saw the daughter of Ms. Callowayon the window. She waving her hand so she waved back. She went to the frontdoor of the house went up couple of steps and saw both the mother and the daughterstanding behind the door, smiling. Ms. Calloway was the one to open the doorfor the Boston Herald newspaper journalist. Her daughter stayed on her righthand side to make way for the reporter to come in.
Ms. Calloway: ?Welcome to our house? extending her hand.
Caroline: ?Thank you very much? extending her right hand.
They shook hands. Caroline was especially surprised at how firm Ms. Callowayshook her hand. She must be one strong of a woman, Caroline thought. ?She couldhave easily broken my hand? she said to herself. But being a reporter, whatevershe thought, always stayed inside of her. She would never let her facial expressionsor her body language to tell the story of how she was feeling inside. She learnedthat through being in this business for quite sometime.
She let go of Ms. Calloway's hand and she extended hers to Helen's. Helen'shand felt much better after her mothers. Helen's hand shake was soft but firm,the smoothness of her skin was astonishing. Caroline could not help but thinkto herself that, she must be growing old for sure. For a moment she wantedto hold Helen's hand for longer to feel her skin. Caroline immediately thoughtof her days, when she was 16. She tried to go back, but she couldn't becauseMs. Calloway broke the silence.
Ms. Calloway: "Would you like to have a seat in our living
room Caroline?"
Caroline nodded with a smile and moved towards the larger area where she thoughtwas the living room of the house. Caroline asked Ms. Calloway to address herwith her first name. She was going to spend a long time with this small familyso last thing she needed was formalities on her side. But Caroline was sure,Ms. Calloway was going to formal no matter what. Just as Caroline was movingtowards the room, she was also looking around, being aware of her surrounding.She was searching for a sight of a male, but she could not find any.
Ms. Calloway: "He is not here Caroline don't worry just yet" witha smile.
Ms. Calloway was not only strong, but also smart Caroline thought. "Whata woman" she said to herself once again.
Caroline: ?No problem, I was just examining by looking around, we reporterstend to do that often, sometimes unconsciously"
The first thing Caroline noticed in the house was the paintings on the walls.From where she was standing she could see portraits of several women on thewalls. They all looked very beautiful. She was impressed by the beauty of thesewomen as well as the quality of these paintings.
Caroline: "Who are they" while pointing to a wall where 3 of themwere hung
side by side.
Ms. Calloway: "Ohhh they are great aren't they? To tell you the truthI don't know who they are either. They are just some randomly painted women.As you can see the paintings are wonderful. They cost me a lot of money" smiling.
Caroline: "I am sure they are quite expensive, where did you get themfrom"
Caroline was now totally concentrated on the paintings. They were so beautifulthat she was about to get hypnotized.
Ms. Calloway: "They were actually given to me by my mother. But aftermy divorce, I went bankrupt and they were taken away from me and put into yourBoston Museum of Fine Arts" looking a little irritated.
Caroline felt a little anger in her voice. Ms. Calloway probably hated Northernersshe thought. She wasn't too sure of that but one thing was sure, Ms. Callowaywas a typical Southern Bible Belt type of a woman. She was an attractive blondewith green eyes. She was very well toned, despite her age, her muscles lookedfirm and tight. That explained why she was still so strong. She was wearinga tight mini- skirt which displayed her long beautiful legs and tight roundass. She looked astonishing and no matter what the age, she could be the dreamof any men. Helen looked exactly like her mother, only a little smaller versionof her. It was a shame that Helen was not as tall her as her mother. She stoodabout 5 feet 5 inches whereas her mother looked about 6 foot 2.
Caroline: "Oh I am sorry. Well at least you managed to get these lovelypaintings back. I am
sure it was not easy to take them out of Museum of Fine Arts "
Ms.Calloway: "Yes indeed it was not easy but there is nothing money cannot buy these days. You can even buy a man if you would like" laughing.
Helen and Caroline both started laughing too. It was definitely true. Ms. Callowayactually already did buy a man, and she looked as if she was really happy byher decision. Caroline finally stopped staring at the paintings because ofthis joke, and saw a large comfortable sofa where she could sit down.
Caroline: "May I sit?"
Ms. Calloway: "Of course dear, please relax, our home is your home" smiling.
Caroline: "Thank you"
Ms. Calloway: "We will leave you alone for minute. We are going to kitchento fetch some snacks and drinks. I don't know how you fellows do up north buthospitality is very important around here" looked very proud.
Caroline: "It is no problem, thank you"
Ms. Colloway and Helen left the living room and moved away from Caroline'svision. This forced Caroline to examine the surroundings a little more. Therewas nothing special about this house Caroline said to herself, besides thepaintings of course. It was a medium sized home, with white walls, glass tables,grey chairs and a sofa. It looked like Ms.Callowey and her daughter was reallyinto electronics. They had a top class home entertainment center. One of thosestereos which had a funky shape with its small size, but could play qualitysound and loud music. There were 3 remote controls on the side table next tothe sofa and Caroline did not dare to touch any of them. They looked way toocomplicated to be fooled around with. The house in general was very bright.There was sun coming in from every direction. It had a very nice and relaxingatmosphere. It definitely did not give any impression that it belonged to aslave owner and her daughter.
After couple of minutes Ms. Calloway and Helen came in, each carrying a trayfull of goods. Ms. Calloway put a glass of coffee to the side table next toCaroline and Helen put a plate full of pastries. They laid the trays on theglass table right in front of the sofa and each took their seats on a chairright in front of Caroline. They were just staring at her with curious eyes.This made Caroline get a little uncomfortable however as always her actionsdid not give it away. Caroline was a 5 foot 9. In front of these Southern women,Caroline did look a lot different. She had a much darker skin than the twowomen staring at her. She actually looked much more Latin American than anAmerican from MA. She had dark black hair and big brown eyes. She was thinbut fit. Her body looked a lot like Ms. Calloway's only it was weaker and lesstoned.
Caroline reached for the cup of coffee and brought it to her lips. Coffee
tasted really good. It was definitely a different coffee from the ones sheused to drinking.
Caroline: "This is great. What brand is this?"
Ms.Calloway: "Well dear it is a Mexican one. It is the best. I am sureyou folks up North do not have this kind" smiling.
Caroline: "We certainly don't. I need to get a box full of these beforeI leave here."
They all started laughing at this joke. They all started drinking and eatingand Ms.Calloway broke the silence once again.
Ms. Calloway: "So tell me, this is the first time for you in Texas right?"
Caroline: "Yes, that's correct"
Ms. Calloway: "So how do you like it so far?"
Caroline: "Well it is an interesting state for sure. It is much differentfrom Northeast that's for sure. It is going to be great experience for me tobe here. I should travel the country much more"smiling.
Ms. Calloway: "Yes you should. This country is not only made up of coupleof states in Northeast as you know, but I am sure you have been to states likeCalifornia , Florida . Everyone loves those places. And when people visit Texas, they never come near this ghost town anyway. It is way too far of from anyother interesting and entertaining town really. But that's what I like aboutit. It is quite, it is safe. There are no strangers. I am scared, now thatwe have a slave in this home; we are going to lose all those privileges. Itlooks like the whole country is watching us. Our Sheriff who has been sittingon his ass for the last 23 years, is finally working his ass off around thetown to keep every curious person in line"
Caroline: "I am sure things have changed a lot around this town afteryou got that man here"
Ms. Calloway: "Please don't call him a man my dear. No man would go aroundshoot people for money. He actually shot three young women in the middle ofa street in downtown Austin . No human being would do that."
Caroline: "Aren't you actually scared that you are keeping a cold-bloodedmurderer in your house? I mean he could kill you with the blink of an eye."
Ms.Calloway and Helen just burst out laughing.
Helen spoke for the first time.
Helen: "We keep that animal very secularly don't worry"
This was actually one of Caroline's concerns. She definitely did not want toget killed by an ex- death row inmate while in her sleep. That would just bestupid. A lot of people actually called her decision to spend couple of nightswith the Calloways' stupid. Living under the same roof with a murderer wasjust too much for a lot of people. But Calloways' confidenceand laughter made Caroline feel much better. Now she knew it was secure tolive in this house. With the thought o security, she was really starting towonder where this murderer was.
Caroline: "Forgive my curiosity but, where is he?"
Helen and Ms. Calloway both smiled.
Ms. Calloway: "Don't worry my dear; we are going to show it to you. Butfirst, after you finish your drink and your food, Helen will show you yourroom. After that you can take a bath, you room has one so you can act as ifyou are in your own place. Once you are ready we will take you to it."
Caroline: "OK thank you very much, so I am assuming we will not be ableto conduct the interview right away then?"
Ms. Calloway: "Don't worry about that right now. We have a lot of timeon our hands for that."
Caroline: "OK" smiling.
Caroline took the last bite of her pastry and nodded to Helen that she wasready to go to her room. Helen jumped out of her chair and showed Carolinethe way. Caroline made her way towards the front door, where she dropped hersmall sports bag, and then started following Helen. They went towards stairsand started going up. When upstairs Caroline could count 4 open doors.
Helen: "This is where our rooms are. We are very comfortable up here whereit is in a very uncomfortable and painful situation right now" smiling.
Caroline: "What do you mean? Where is he? What are you doing to him?"
Helen: "Sssssh don't worry about it, you will meet it very soon anyway.We should not be talking about it anyway, otherwise my mama will get pissedoff, and we wouldn't want that to happen would we?"
Caroline: "I don't know, how does your mother act when she is pissed off?"
Helen: "She goes mad. I never pissed her off, but the other day when itwas being electrocuted, it started pissing everywhere. My mother was reallypissed that it could not control his small dick. So she broke one his armsand left him hanging from the ceiling while the electrodes were still attachedto balls." laughing.
Helen: "It was a beautiful site, you should have seen it. Ohh by the way,his arm is still broken, and he has been hung by it for the last couple ofdays. I can't imagine the pain he must be going through."
Caroline was shocked with what she was hearing, this time she let her facialexpressionsto give away her thoughts.
Helen: "What happened, you look very pale? He is a murderer; don't tellme that you fell sorry for him all of a sudden?"
Caroline just kept quiet. She did feel sorry for this man even before seeinghim. Even a murderer should not be treated this way, she thought.
Helen: "Well anyway, here is your room hopefully you will like it. Enjoy"
Caroline was now standing in front of a very bright room which had a huge doublesize bed in the middle of it. She was wondering whether her stomach could takewhat she was going to see for the next couple of days. Now she knew why Ms.Calloway and Helen were not scared of the man they keep. Maybe she could justconduct the interview and leave these people to themselves. Or she could justgo back to Boston right now, before entering this room and getting settledin.
Ms. Calloway: "Ohhh they are great aren't they? To tell you the truthI don't know who they are either. They are just some randomly painted women.As you can see the paintings are wonderful. They cost me a lot of money" smiling.
Caroline: "I am sure they are quite expensive, where did you get themfrom"
Caroline was now totally concentrated on the paintings. They were so beautifulthat she was about to get hypnotized.
Ms. Calloway: "They were actually given to me by my mother. But aftermy divorce, I went bankrupt and they were taken away from me and put into yourBoston Museum of Fine Arts" looking a little irritated.
Caroline felt a little anger in her voice. Ms. Calloway probably hated Northernersshe thought. She wasn't too sure of that but one thing was sure, Ms. Callowaywas a typical Southern Bible Belt type of a woman. She was an attractive blondewith green eyes. She was very well toned, despite her age, her muscles lookedfirm and tight. That explained why she was still so strong. She was wearinga tight mini- skirt which displayed her long beautiful legs and tight roundass. She looked astonishing and no matter what the age, she could be the dreamof any men. Helen looked exactly like her mother, only a little smaller versionof her. It was a shame that Helen was not as tall her as her mother. She stoodabout 5 feet 5 inches whereas her mother looked about 6 foot 2.
Caroline: "Oh I am sorry. Well at least you managed to get these lovelypaintings back. I am
sure it was not easy to take them out of Museum of Fine Arts "
Ms.Calloway: "Yes indeed it was not easy but there is nothing money cannot buy these days. You can even buy a man if you would like" laughing.
Helen and Caroline both started laughing too. It was definitely true. Ms. Callowayactually already did buy a man, and she looked as if she was really happy byher decision. Caroline finally stopped staring at the paintings because ofthis joke, and saw a large comfortable sofa where she could sit down.
Caroline: "May I sit?"
Ms. Calloway: "Of course dear, please relax, our home is your home" smiling.
Caroline: "Thank you"
Ms. Calloway: "We will leave you alone for minute. We are going to kitchento fetch some snacks and drinks. I don't know how you fellows do up north buthospitality is very important around here" looked very proud.
Caroline: "It is no problem, thank you"
Ms. Colloway and Helen left the living room and moved away from Caroline'svision. This forced Caroline to examine the surroundings a little more. Therewas nothing special about this house Caroline said to herself, besides thepaintings of course. It was a medium sized home, with white walls, glass tables,grey chairs and a sofa. It looked like Ms.Callowey and her daughter was reallyinto electronics. They had a top class home entertainment center. One of thosestereos which had a funky shape with its small size, but could play qualitysound and loud music. There were 3 remote controls on the side table next tothe sofa and Caroline did not dare to touch any of them. They looked way toocomplicated to be fooled around with. The house in general was very bright.There was sun coming in from every direction. It had a very nice and relaxingatmosphere. It definitely did not give any impression that it belonged to aslave owner and her daughter.
After couple of minutes Ms. Calloway and Helen came in, each carrying a trayfull of goods. Ms. Calloway put a glass of coffee to the side table next toCaroline and Helen put a plate full of pastries. They laid the trays on theglass table right in front of the sofa and each took their seats on a chairright in front of Caroline. They were just staring at her with curious eyes.This made Caroline get a little uncomfortable however as always her actionsdid not give it away. Caroline was a 5 foot 9. In front of these Southern women,Caroline did look a lot different. She had a much darker skin than the twowomen staring at her. She actually looked much more Latin American than anAmerican from MA. She had dark black hair and big brown eyes. She was thinbut fit. Her body looked a lot like Ms. Calloway's only it was weaker and lesstoned.
Caroline reached for the cup of coffee and brought it to her lips. Coffee
tasted really good. It was definitely a different coffee from the ones sheused to drinking.
Caroline: "This is great. What brand is this?"
Ms.Calloway: "Well dear it is a Mexican one. It is the best. I am sureyou folks up North do not have this kind" smiling.
Caroline: "We certainly don't. I need to get a box full of these beforeI leave here."
They all started laughing at this joke. They all started drinking and eatingand Ms.Calloway broke the silence once again.
Ms. Calloway: "So tell me, this is the first time for you in Texas right?"
Caroline: "Yes, that's correct"
Ms. Calloway: "So how do you like it so far?"
Caroline: "Well it is an interesting state for sure. It is much differentfrom Northeast that's for sure. It is going to be great experience for me tobe here. I should travel the country much more"smiling.
Ms. Calloway: "Yes you should. This country is not only made up of coupleof states in Northeast as you know, but I am sure you have been to states likeCalifornia , Florida . Everyone loves those places. And when people visit Texas, they never come near this ghost town anyway. It is way too far of from anyother interesting and entertaining town really. But that's what I like aboutit. It is quite, it is safe. There are no strangers. I am scared, now thatwe have a slave in this home; we are going to lose all those privileges. Itlooks like the whole country is watching us. Our Sheriff who has been sittingon his ass for the last 23 years, is finally working his ass off around thetown to keep every curious person in line"
Caroline: "I am sure things have changed a lot around this town afteryou got that man here"
Ms. Calloway: "Please don't call him a man my dear. No man would go aroundshoot people for money. He actually shot three young women in the middle ofa street in downtown Austin . No human being would do that."
Caroline: "Aren't you actually scared that you are keeping a cold-bloodedmurderer in your house? I mean he could kill you with the blink of an eye."
Ms.Calloway and Helen just burst out laughing.
Helen spoke for the first time.
Helen: "We keep that animal very secularly don't worry"
This was actually one of Caroline's concerns. She definitely did not want toget killed by an ex- death row inmate while in her sleep. That would just bestupid. A lot of people actually called her decision to spend couple of nightswith the Calloways' stupid. Living under the same roof with a murderer wasjust too much for a lot of people. But Calloways' confidenceand laughter made Caroline feel much better. Now she knew it was secure tolive in this house. With the thought o security, she was really starting towonder where this murderer was.
Caroline: "Forgive my curiosity but, where is he?"
Helen and Ms. Calloway both smiled.
Ms. Calloway: "Don't worry my dear; we are going to show it to you. Butfirst, after you finish your drink and your food, Helen will show you yourroom. After that you can take a bath, you room has one so you can act as ifyou are in your own place. Once you are ready we will take you to it."
Caroline: "OK thank you very much, so I am assuming we will not be ableto conduct the interview right away then?"
Ms. Calloway: "Don't worry about that right now. We have a lot of timeon our hands for that."
Caroline: "OK" smiling.
Caroline took the last bite of her pastry and nodded to Helen that she wasready to go to her room. Helen jumped out of her chair and showed Carolinethe way. Caroline made her way towards the front door, where she dropped hersmall sports bag, and then started following Helen. They went towards stairsand started going up. When upstairs Caroline could count 4 open doors.
Helen: "This is where our rooms are. We are very comfortable up here whereit is in a very uncomfortable and painful situation right now" smiling.
Caroline: "What do you mean? Where is he? What are you doing to him?"
Helen: "Sssssh don't worry about it, you will meet it very soon anyway.We should not be talking about it anyway, otherwise my mama will get pissedoff, and we wouldn't want that to happen would we?"
Caroline: "I don't know, how does your mother act when she is pissed off?"
Helen: "She goes mad. I never pissed her off, but the other day when itwas being electrocuted, it started pissing everywhere. My mother was reallypissed that it could not control his small dick. So she broke one his armsand left him hanging from the ceiling while the electrodes were still attachedto balls." laughing.
Helen: "It was a beautiful site, you should have seen it. Ohh by the way,his arm is still broken, and he has been hung by it for the last couple ofdays. I can't imagine the pain he must be going through."
Caroline was shocked with what she was hearing, this time she let her facialexpressionsto give away her thoughts.
Helen: "What happened, you look very pale? He is a murderer; don't tellme that you fell sorry for him all of a sudden?"
Caroline just kept quiet. She did feel sorry for this man even before seeinghim. Even a murderer should not be treated this way, she thought.
Helen: "Well anyway, here is your room hopefully you will like it. Enjoy"
Caroline was now standing in front of a very bright room which had a huge doublesize bed in the middle of it. She was wondering whether her stomach could takewhat she was going to see for the next couple of days. Now she knew why Ms.Calloway and Helen were not scared of the man they keep. Maybe she could justconduct the interview and leave these people to themselves. Or she could justgo back to Boston right now, before entering this room and getting settledin.
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This is the story I was in Hyderabad, the days of call center just started, newly married, and me and my wife went to vegetable market in near Miyapur Hyderabad. This market happens to be on very Tuesday and the local farmers from far and wide sell their produce. And as usual this place was crowded, with lot of IT employees and construction workers, jostling for space and bargaining. As the vegetable were sold on the open ground with just a cloth below it, there was a lot of dust and stamping...
-The Lab- When James awoke he dazedly looked at his surroundings. When he realised he was laying half naked on Skay’s questionable operating table he was instantly worried. As he made to climb up he quickly decided this was a bad idea as the pain in his chest and ribs flared. With a soft grunt he laid himself back down and quietly contemplated on his recent encounter. He came to realise two things. Firstly he needed power to live in this world. The fact that cultivators could just kill...
Keri picked her blue running pants for today’s workout. She labored around the track at the end of the workout and was pleased with the slight tingle of fatigue that she felt. It felt good. She also like the way that she felt wearing the stretchy blue nylon workout pants, capri style. ‘Rowie should see me now!’ she giggled to herself as she finished the run and headed for the door. The running pants, pale blue and the white ones, were Keri’s ‘walk on the wild side’, as she thought of it. They...
The warm air of Texas is a relief after the cold northern breezes in the early part of the trip. The Harley has been running smooth for almost 2000 miles. I had to keep removing articles of clothing as I progressed south. Now I was left wearing my blue jeans and a white T-shirt, leather boots on my feet and a small black helmet covering my head. The rest of my gear rolled up in the bedroll tied on the back of the bike. After checking a map I roll through the town and head out to Mustang Island...
It was another hot, dry Texas day - the kind of day that made water thirsty. The countryside hadn't seen rain in several weeks. And the hot westernly wind picked up the sun-baked soil and threw dust into the air, making breathing even more difficult. It was 120 degrees outside, a temperature that broke the old record for the hottest day by two degrees. Nothing with any common sense was moving around outside in the stifling heat. Tanya-Lynn, the young, beautiful 23 year old cocktail waitress,...
Quickie SexTexas Hold Them - Part 1 of 2 - An Adult StoryI fumbled with my keys to my apartment as it had been a long day at the office. I had just started about 3 weeks ago and with the end of month falling on Tuesday we all had to work late. I had just started to make some friends with the guys hanging around the water cooler. Before I left for the day I ran into Tim from accounting and he invited me to a poker game at his house after work. He said "it's just some of the guys from the office and my next...
“Oh, Dios mio! Oh, fuck me more! Fuck me harder! I’m your slut!” Aunt Luna screamed as I pounded her sweet, slick snatch for the umpteenth stroke, thanks to having already cum that morning. “Will you two wrap it up so that we can eat? I love how wild and raunchy you are as a couple, but damn, breakfast is going to get cold at this rate and my stomach is growling like crazy!” Steph exclaimed, adding, “Besides, I deserve a few rounds with him myself, so leave some sloppy seconds for me!” That...
“Fun Center? Looks more like the fart center,” Lindsay didn’t look impressed by the two small buildings pressed close together at the edge of the property that Eddie introduced as the Fun Center. The twin buildings did seem very plain almost like warehouses next to each other compared to the much more ostentatious parts of Sunny Manor. There was a fenced in garden on one side and what appeared to be a third smaller unmarked building down an alleyway. “We built this as a phase two for Sunny...
Chapter 2 – The Market Author’s note: This is the much-delayed second chapter in a series. While it stands by itself, be sure to also read the first chapter in this story – ‘A&G Ch. 01: The Cottage.’ ——————————————————————— Gabriella slipped out of the castle before the first light of dawn. Her plan had been to leave very early in the morning before even the servants woke. The king and queen were notorious for enjoying a day or two alone together. Since the army’s safe return from battle,...
Dear diary, Yeah, yeah – I know, diaries are for girls and sissies, but hell if I care because I just needed to tell someone and it’s not really something that I can tell anyone being a bit sensitive in nature. So, today I was standing with my coffee stand at the market as I normally do – it was a bit slow and not many customers, just a few early bird tourists. I was in a bad mood – I had an argument with the old lady last night and it kind of spilled into the morning, so the last couples of...
The Meat Market By Boredsitting "Welcome to The Meat Market, boys! We promise to serve you hungry gents only the finest meat around. Satisfaction guaranteed!" The overweight pig of a man shouts at those of us entering from above dressed in a traditional butcher outfit befitting some horror movie waving around a cleaver like it's a director's wand. Whatever skin that is exposed from around the blood-stained apron is coated in dark, course body hair. Above him flashes a gigantic,...
I've never really cared much about what society says is legal. If it's profitable, I'm down. Don't get me wrong, I have rules and scruples. I'm just a completely dedicated capitalist. If people want it, I'll try to find it and sell it to them. I don't sell people. I don't kill people for money, I'm rarely violent unless someone else is, and I don't steal from people that don't steal from me. I sell i*****l things, all sorts of things. I'm not averse to selling people pharmaceuticals if they...
My wife was visiting her boyfriend in Germany and this is a story she told me.Almost every day on her visit, she would put on her skirt, or dress, as her boyfriend requested, and they would walk to the local market to get fresh food for dinner. Every day, they would walk through a pedestrian tunnel, that went under a main road. This tunnel was dimly lit, and at about the half way point, there was a little nook. She told me almost every time they went through there, someone was in that nook,...
THE SLAVE MARKET by "c.c." Your wife Joan always had a Thing about the Middle East -- Arabian Nights, Sheiks and their Harems, and all that, you know. All the while you spent enjoying a career as a successful writer, she spent studying her favorite subject, reading books, learning the language, even corresponding and networking with friends from what you laughingly called The Burning Desert. Once your career really hit big, though, and you could relax and live off royalties, you...
Dexter climbed off the ‘stair stepper’ and announced, “I hate that machine.” Surprised by the vehemence in his voice, Samantha asked, “Why?” “It’s boring,” Dexter said. “It’s everything that I hate in exercise.” “Really?” Samantha asked. “Yes.” Samantha had anticipated that reaction from Dexter, although not with the kind of emotion he had exhibited. She had put him on that machine, assuming that he would prefer the next machine more. She pointed over to the stationary bike. “Try that...
Rowena was tired. Rowena was always tired. She was tired when she went to bed, tired when she woke up, tired all day long. She took a last look round the room she had just finished preparing, noting the main items. ‘Bed. Quite an adequate desk – it was the one dad gave me for my eighteenth birthday. Good swivel chair. Armchair, wardrobe, dressing table, bright curtains and a rug, gas fire. Yes, it should be all right.’ She sighed wearily. ‘Wish I’d never volunteered,’ she muttered to herself....
Because I think men like the idea of a sexy stewardess getting naked, my outfit of choice is my actual flight attendant uniform. I feel sexy wearing it on the airplane attracting men’s extended glances with an extra blouse buttons undone, but so much more so when I'm stripping from it for a complete stranger. And in a practical sense, I already have it with me on my layovers so I don't have to think of something else to pack. I usually act out my fantasy at my layover hotel. I say...
“You’re ok now honey,” the nurse said setting up a saline drip. “You and your girls have been rescued safe and sound. The whole state has been tearing the place up looking for you five.” The Nurse then smiled; pleased with their collective efforts adding; “and now we’ve found you all.” Natasha mouth trembled and she shook her head, bitter memories coming back. “No, you’re mistaken,” she replied solemnly, there’s only been four of us in that house for a long time.” ***** Back...
The big bellied sheriff looked over to where the young women, lost for so long were been helped into ambulances. They'd have another story to tell no doubt about the officer laying below him. But denials are for later. His men had reported back from inside the house one of his female deputies looking decidedly pale and disturbed. "Well?" He asked tilting his Stetson to shade his eyes from the low sun. "What's down there?" "Sheriff," one of his officers said wiping his brow and...
It had been a long time. She didn’t know whether she had stayed away for him, or because of him. But there was the dance floor, and several cowboys sauntering up already. She doesn’t want to dance yet, so she turns and starts walking. It is a warm night, middle of summer… dry Texas heat wave coming on strong. Her Rockies fit like a glove. Her ass is framed with the denim seam so tight that it would show every flaw, were there any. Long legs hold that heart shaped ass up and...
Texas, 1848 My name is Susana Jackson. I was widowed two years ago at a young age after my husband Jacob moved us here. I did not like living in this hot place after my native Ohio, and after he died, I was so lonely. I now have two friends here and I need to run Jacob’s general store, so I am busy and do not have time to think about my loneliness. About a year after Jacob passed on, I was tending the store one day and a young Mexican came in. His staring at me filled me with anxiety. But I...
About 6 months after my husband I were married we finally settled into our new house outside of Fort Worth. I was 23 at the time and had already had sex with several people other than my husband. It was starting to become quite a rush to flirt and see who I could attract. The harder the task seemed the more exciting it was to try and succeed. That Fall my brother moved to San Antonio for college, and I told my mom I was going to drive down there on a long weekend to hang out with him. When I...
I had finally left before Tim got home and my dick was raw and ravaged from his wife. Buffy had fucked me in just about every room of there house. She was one hot MILF that needed some cock. I am sure Tim will thank me for turning her back into a sex demon. If he gets mad I'll have Buffy deny his attempts and hold out on him. I made sure Buffy got my note and she delivered it to Summer, Tim wife and I watched her from my car as she went down the sidewalk to Summer house. Buffy had on a sundress...
Texas Gal by C. Sprite copyright 1999 Prologue This is the story about a young boy who is forcibly introduced to cross- dressing and feminization, by his sisters, and their friends. It is involved, and detailed, as are our lives. If you are looking for a short, quick story, this isn't it. Chapter One A New Beginning "All right.., can I have your attention please, folks!" Mr. Robison shouted at the crowd assembled in the church parking lot. "Everybody...
Texas Gal - Part 3 by C. Sprite copyright 1999 Chapter Seven BBQ's and Auctions I awoke at my usual time and found myself still in auntie's enormous circular bed, of course. I worked myself off the bed, being careful not to wake her. It was Saturday, and she was entitled to sleep in if she wished. I went to my bedroom and ran my bath. I soaked in the warmth for a long time. When my fingers started to "prune", I got out and toweled off. I examined myself in the...
May02,2010 I went to see some friends in Texas. My friends just got out of the military. I got out 2yrs before them and moved to Fl. We was having fun, hang out drinking and everything that whole week. May 5th we went to a club, I mat this latin girl about 5'3 cute. We dance and we got fuck-up with my friends, drinking and later I took her to a hotel for a few hours. Her hands so little that she had to used both hands to hold my cock in her mouth. she had a nice taned skin with a cute lil ass...
I needed some time, and space, to get past this latest turn of events. Lori was a special woman and I had abused her. She would have done anything I asked, to please me, and I mishandled it. I opened the cuffs with my hide-away key, grabbed my gear, and left. I thought she and Steve looked happy together as I walked out the door. My last true love was waiting for me in the garage, and the road was calling to me. My only plan consisted of "Get the fuck out of here." I strapped down my gear...
The sun was beginning its decent; the afternoon air hot and sticky over the Texas fields. Four college babes and their beautiful teacher had taken the wrong turn and now hours after the first crazy attack on that deserted back road they'd eventually found themselves split and in desperate need of help. Miss Simms the groups sexy 30 something teacher had gone to get help, but only managed to run into trouble of her own. Natasha had asked the help of two white trash brothers and now she had...
The really neat thing about working at the Ranch was that I was naked nearly the entire time. That was three months of a Texas summer and the most I wore was a pair of panties at that time of the month, and a riding bra. I did a lot of riding, too. My legs toughened up because I'd wear a hat and the riding bra, and that was it. Bare skin against a saddle, or just the horse's skin, will do that. There was also a lot of companionship. I saw Tom about once a week. He'd come out to the Ranch...
The year progressed in the usual way. Sometimes days raced past, and other times they moved so slowly it was agonizing. We still had the usual things going on at the Ranch, though cool weather hampered doing it outdoors. If this suggests that the activities at the Ranch were a barely disguised sexual free-fr-all, well, it was. If you wanted sex, it was available. If you didn't, that was fine, too. The thing I began to run into was the age problem. There weren't many rules for us kids. No...
With my 17th birthday rapidly approaching, things began to change. I still couldn't have sex with those over 17, that would be illegal, but I could see the videos that were "naughty" under Texas State Law. This was supposed to be a big step. Yawn. Most were fairly tame, or if explicit, long on build-up, and short on context. Take one of the ones that was incredibly popular on the internet. It was what they called a "Creampie Compilatyion". Now excuse my ignorance, I had to have...
“My turn, Uncle Alex. It’s time to breed your niece!” Stacey took her turn very enthusiastically, her luscious body pinning me down as she rode me. “So ... we’re making my ... grandnephew or grandniece, then,” I grinned as I pushed back up at my girlfriend/niece, who licked her lips at that prospect. “Hell, yeah!” Stacey agreed as her tits waved in my face. “Yep, you’ll be the new ancestor of all the Collins in the future ... they’ll trace back to you!” Steph licked my face before she...
Saints Row Queen Tomisha Jack Vs the GhostBy lilguy [email protected] runs a foul with a Russian mob.Tomisha Jackson was called many things. She was called a hero, rebel, villain, Anti-hero, nympho, gangster bitch among other things. She was also referred to as one of the most dangerous criminals and Saints Row. She was a king pin who took out any gang who got in her way and rage a war against a crooked Corporation know as Altor. Her battle sent blood and bullets through the streets...
This is the story of a very exciting, and very strange summer I had, some years back. The events that took place that summer, were quite extensive. Which I think is a great excuse for naming the chapters meaningfully.Feel free to start from episode 1 - Discovering the forbidden fruit or looking up the stories on my user page. All story names start with the title "My family reunion trip".The next morning we all got up early. Aunt Tania had sent us, Olka and me to be precise, to the nearby big...
I had just turned 18 and it was back in the days of the 35mm porn theaters. Being the horny k** that I was it didn't take long before I decided to go see one of those movies. Nervous doesn't begin to describe how I felt as I paid and entered the theater. But I was horny and curious enough to do it and soon found myself just inside the door gawking at the screen.The screen! I had never seen actual sex and there it was bigger than life on that screen. My jeans immediately felt too tight as I...
Superintendent Fred Bates was chairing a meeting of his senior officers. "I am getting flack from above because of the amount of stolen and smuggled food that is finding its way on to the black market in the London area. We have had several warehouses blitzed recently and it seems that they are managing to get in and out quite quickly with a large amount of rationed goods." PC Fay Tonks an attractive slim blonde sat at his right hand was the daughter of one of the Deputy Commissioners at...
Saints Row- Tomisha JacksonBy lilguy [email protected] man meets Saints Rows toughest Gangsta at a bank RobberyBase on a character I created in Saints Row 2 Tomisa Jackson just click next to see her other pics Reynolds was a bank clerk. He recently move there from moving out of his parents house after years of avoiding...
WELCOME Bart Carlson TO ESCAPE THE FLEA MARKET YOU WILL NEED: 8D6 [8 six sided or standard game dice] OR An on-line Dice Roller Something to keep stats on OBJECT: The Object is for you to get from your starting point through two areas of the flea market and out the back to the parking lot, with or without the friends you came with. RULES OF COMBAT At the start of the adventure you get 100 Stamina points and 50 Breath Points You Lose Stamina or Breath in...
I found myself sitting on the floor in a large room one hanging light was directly above me shining down, My hands had been tied behind my back, my ankles had been tied together in front of me and a gag had been securely fastened over my mouth. Looking round the room was too dark for me to be able to see anything other than the small area being illuminated by the light above me, but sounds could clearly be heard of other people crying and whimpering the number of people here I couldn’t be clear...
The ringing phone interrupted her train of thought as she reached out and snatched the receiver off the hook. “Hello?” She wedged the phone into the crook of her neck, freeing her hands to once again dance over the keyboard of her laptop. “Hey, it’s me. I heard a rumor that you were thinking of making fried okra for the BBQ tomorrow. If it’s true I’ll email you a rockin’ recipe and worship you forever.” “Hmmm, that sounds like an offer I might...
Straight SexD?j? vu for a DrowChapter 1So far everything had gone to plan for Liavondra. Despite being unwilling to leave her free and unplanned life, she had agreed to her friend Alcala’s request for help. As a Drow she was not trusted by many, as her kin were notorious for their treacherous, violent ways. Lia was different though, and had striven to be different from all other Drow for centuries. Thus, when an infiltrator was needed for the Drow, she was the first and only choice. The mission had been s...
The vast lawn at the back of the house stretches to a forest of trees. The aroma of spicy magnolias, conversations between crickets, and the crescent moon pouring into the open door.Isabella sits, curled on a chair beside the door, the midnight air sticky sweet. She loves it. Being home. But this heaven has a price, and she wonders if all heavens do.The cost for this place is time. Making money for a house she’s rarely in; an irony not beyond her.Isabella stands up, hand resting in that spot...
SupernaturalAs usual my missus was at work and not due home till around 10:30, so I was curled up on the sofa totally immersed in my new book when there was a knock on the door. My neighbour, Jenny was standing there. “Can you do us a big favour?” she asked Every time we went away, for a weekend or holiday totalling a dozen or more times a year, they would feed and look after our cat for us. So, I had no hesitation in replying “Of course.” “My parents,” she explained “were supposed to babysit for...
So there I was, standing naked in a long line of women, naked and vulnerable, awaiting my fate as determined by the two men before me. I suppose I should tell you about myself before I get into how this whole situation began. My name is Elizabeth, but I have a feeling it'll be a long time before I'm called that again, if ever. I'm a brunette with hair down to my neck, 5' 6", and breasts that aren't that huge but look firm on my petite body. I turned 19 a week ago. My small size has always made...
BDSMHello dear randi bhabhiyo, chuddaakkad auntiyo aur chinaal bahno……Happy new year to all of u fucking lusty “chudasi haseenao”…..Jaisa ki aap sab jante hai ki mai lucknow shaher ka rehne wala hu aur lucknow tehzeeb aur nawabo ka shaher hai…To mai chudai ki khaniya(aap-beeti) dhamakedaar likhunga lekin tehzeeb k sath……To lund ki pyasi haseenao kaisa rha nya saal…Agar tagde lund ki kami mehsoosh ho rahi ho to email me my mail id : kasam shikayat ka mauka nahi dunga gaand faad ke gadar macha...