Texas Trade free porn video

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TEXAS TRADE Texas, big Texas, wild west state and one of the few states where cowboy boots go with a suit, it's the state I was going through, easy to get lost in it, how true. Id come into some money from my grandmothers estate, about 50 grand. Part of it went to clear some debts, and the rest I put onto a holiday, a self drive one through the United States. I had the leave and the money, so why not. Id come into Texas through New Mexico, another state where cowboy boots go perfect with a suit, on the interstate 84 to Amarillo, then the I 27 down to Lubbock. Following the map that came with the rental car I was driving, I took my time, I was in no rush. Names like Slayton, Post, Snyder, I passed through them all. Picking up lunch in Roscoe, I stopped at an empty picnic area just outside Colorado City to have it while it was at least warm. Sitting down at one of the picnic tables, I spread out the map as I had lunch and sipped from my drink. I was on my own time, my own timetable. Getting up to use the restroom, I wondered if there was a strike or something around here, or if it was always this quiet. Sitting in the stall, I looked up as I heard another vehicle stop, taking my time, I did my business and washed my hands, then walked out. I saw a black SUV parked not far from my rental car, but no one in it. Thinking nothing of it, I sat back down to finish my drink, noting a different taste to it, I finished it off and stood up to throw it in the trash. The second I stood up, my vision blurred and my balance shifted for some reason. Trying to sit back down, I fell to the grass. Dimly awake as I lay there, I heard footsteps coming towards me and realised only then that I'd been drugged, something in my open drink, it had to be, before I heard any voices, I closed my eyes and passed out. Feeling as if I'd slept for days, I opened my eyes and slowly sat up, even before I glanced down at my body, I realised something was wrong, the long blonde tresses in my face was the first sign, then the breasts under my crop top rising and falling was the next sign. Scared and confused, I quickly got to my feet and walked to a mirror in the bedroom I'd woken up in, a strangers reflection greeted me. Instead of my normal male 6ft reflection, the one that I saw was maybe 5ft 2inches, maybe 15 or 16 at the most, a cute face that could win any beauty contest, one that I knew would only get more beautiful, she was wearing a red halter top and black skirt. Slowly reaching up, I traced my hand over my new breasts, they had to be size 34d at least, an early bloomer definitely. Trying to stay calm, I took in every detail, long, slender arms and fingers, the fingernails painted a frosted silver colour, long legs with toned thighs, from riding or something else, she kept fit and active, I knew that much. Knowing that I had to be sure that this wasn't a really vivid dream, I slid a hand under my skirt to feel for what I hoped was there, instead of my cock, I felt her smooth panties, a void where my cock had been for the first 30 years of my life, trying not to collapse, I held onto one of the posts of the bed until I could stand properly again. Turning around, I took in the details of the room I'd woken up in, a king size bed, with a copper coloured quilt set, and matching copper and black pillows. I recognised it as an atmosphere set, one I'd seen in a few shops along the way. A closet, make up table, drawers and a couch completed the room. Framed prints covered the walls, some of Texas, others were of Europe, another feature she had was stuffed penguins, a lot of them, on the chest of drawers, on the couch, the windowsill. Exploring the closet, I found it filled with hanging clothes, dresses, skirts, tops, several pairs of heeled sandals were on the floor under the dresses, wedges, a lot, the highest had a 3in heel. Turning as I heard the door open, I stared at the man that stood in the doorway, he was at least 6ft tall, dressed casually, he was about 40, and showed no sign of greying. "Ah, good, your awake, I was wondering when you would wake up, it was the first use of my invention and wasn't sure if the transfer had worked, you have a lot of questions and I can answer them, please come with me," he said to me as he offered me his hand. Still confused and in need of answers, I slowly walked to him and let him take my slender hand in his bigger one to lead me downstairs. I was unsure what to expect, was I dreaming, was I high on something, there had to be a rational explanation for this. As I walked downstairs into the lounge room, I stopped as I saw my own body sitting calmly on a sofa, the same face I saw every morning when I shaved, came out of the shower, washed my hands. Looking from the man to my own body, I nervously sat down across from my own body and saw myself from a different angle. "Do you remember everything about your life Scott, your schooling, travels, parents?" he asked me as I sat back and crossed my legs before I realised I'd done it, looking back at him, I could only nod my head as I took a better look around the room. "I told you it would work daddy, I knew you could do it," my former body said to him, saying things I never said. "I never doubted you and you were right, it worked completely, I even feel taller and stronger." "Just hold on, how did you do this to me? however you did it, I want it undone.. Now," I said as forcefully as I could, but in my now younger, female form, it didn't quite sound like that, I sounded like any teenage girl that wanted something she couldn't have. "Of course, I'll answer your questions.. To your first one, I invented a device that can swap a persons memories and personality into another body, I'm under a US Government contract to create one, you can just imagine the 1001 uses for it, infiltrating countries, gangs, criminal enterprises, anything that's required, but I needed to test it first. My daughter was willing, and you were?shall we say, at the right place at the right time." "Well, I can tell you that it works, it works perfectly, now reverse it so I can continue on my self-drive holiday," I asked him as they exchanged glances. "No, I cant do that, I need more than a test, I need long term data on how it affects both of you in terms of behaviour, intelligence, everything, for at least 2 years for optimum results," he replied as if he had every right to do this to me. "No, you undo this, whoever your building this.. Device for, I don't care, I want my body back, and I want to get out of here," I almost yelled back to him. "No, if you ever want your body back, you'll do as your told, plus, my backers have very deep pockets, I can properly,.. Reward you for going along with it, say.. Half a million dollars." Shocked as I heard that, I thought about it, what that money could do for me, I could buy a house of my own, help out my family and travel some more, the more I thought about it, the more I felt pressured, but he did have me in a bind, they knew where the device was, and only they could undo this. Sitting back down, I gazed back at him. "She knows nothing about my life, and I know nothing about hers, it wouldn't work." "That's why both of you will tell the other about their life, work, friends, bank details, family, everything, my daughter has a very good memory, and I'm sure you do as well," he told me as they exchanged glances again. Knowing that I was choiceless, I sighed and nodded my head, which brought a smile to my former face. Helped to my feet by my former body, she guided me up to her bedroom to tell me about her life, schooling, her friends, everything, she had a lot of friends. Her name was Jenna, that was the first thing I learned about her. We learned a lot about each other that night, her father wasn't evil, just driven to succeed, she told me the names of her friends, showed me photos, where she'd been with her father. They had travelled a lot through Europe and the middle east as well for a time before coming back to the US. She taught me how to properly style my long hair and apply make up, which was easy, probably because the body I was in remembered, or a leftover memory from her, I wasn't sure. In return, I told her about my life, my job, my extended family, and my future travel plans, which extended all the way to Florida and up to Washington DC. We talked deep into the night before I felt tired and she guided me onto her bed and lay beside me until I fell asleep. CHAPTER 2, FIRST DAY. Sunlight streaming in through the window woke me up, I thought it a dream until I saw a familiar looking slender hand and blonde hair on the sheets. Sighing as I was still in Jenna's teenage body, I left her room and headed downstairs, as I reached the ground floor, I smelled breakfast, reminding me that I was hungry. Guided by the scent of scrambled eggs and toast, I made it to the kitchen to see my "father" at the kitchen bench. He must have sensed me there because he turned and walked towards me, wrapping his arms around me, he kissed my forehead and brushed a lock of hair behind my ear. "Good morning princess, I trust you slept well," he asked me as I tilted my head to look up at him, new to me as I'd been his height just yesterday. "Yes, I'm fine, where's Jenna?" "She left to get a head start, said he'd try to reach Dallas by the end of the day, but don't worry, she said she'd call and check in, even in your rental home in Australia, but your not Scott, are you?" he asked me as he got my breakfast ready. "No, as far as everyone knows, I'm Jenna, your daughter, 16 years and 3 months, that's who I am now." "Good girl, that's my Jenna girl, just keep that thought in your head and you'll get your body back and leave richer." As we both ate breakfast, I tried to pump him for information on the device, but he changed the subject, asking me details about Jenna, which I answered correctly every time, then he asked me what I planned to do for the day, I planned to try to find the device, but didn't tell him that, instead, I told him I'd become her, learn more about her and meet her closest friends, as they met as often as possible. My first time out with Jenna's friends was an eye opener alright, her closest friends, Michelle, Erica, and Nicole met me at 4pm and we drove to Erica's parents house to watch some new release dvd she'd released, then it was onto Colorado City to visit the local shops and look as if we were shopping without intending to buy a thing and take an interest in every cute guy that we passed. Carrying a purse around was a new experience, I was afraid someone would snatch it out of my hand, making me resolve to wear jeans next time I went out with them. We somehow left without getting thrown out or taken advantage of, many of the guys gave us the once over, making me feel both exposed and tingly at the same time, which worried me as I would be Jenna for two more years. When I got home, my new dad asked me where I'd been and what I'd done, he took detailed notes, asking me what it felt like to be given the once over, as I'd done to so many girls back home and here in the states. During dinner, he told me about his early life, how it had brought him here, but I got the idea he didn't tell me everything, he didn't tell me much about his time in the Middle East, but went on in detail about Europe, where Jenna had had the most fun. FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL Waking up to my first day at school, I sighed and laid back on the covers, although I enjoyed my own high school years, I was in no hurry to return, but I guess it gave me a second chance to do things I hadn't done when I was 16. Pulling myself out of bed, I had a warm shower and used Jenna's shampoo and scented body wash. As I rubbed it over my silky smooth body, I moaned softly as I caressed along my sides, down my shoulders and over my breasts. Teasing them, I gasped as my nipples hardened up, rubbing them as I stood under the warm water, I bit my lip gently as I didn't want to stop. Keeping one hand on my right breast, my other hand traced down my taut belly to my trimmed pussy and stroked over it, nearly making me collapse as a shock went through me, a brief shock of pleasure like I'd never felt before. Tracing my fingers around my sensitive pussy lips, I teased my clit as well and leaned against the glass as moans left my lips, over and over as my hips shook and quivered. Slipping a finger into me, I collapsed and gasped as waves of pleasure went through me, parting my thighs as I sat there, I orgasmed right there and then. I had no idea how long I sat there, but I slowly got to my feet again and reluctantly turned the water off, then stepped out to dry myself. Changing into a white underwire bra and matching bikini panties, stepping into a pair of white jeans , white 2in heeled sandals, and a snug tshirt, with short sleeves of course, another mystery I had to solve. Having breakfast with my dad again, I waited for Michelle to arrive to pick me up, as she picked up all 3 of us every morning. She showed up on time and opened up the car door for me, before she started driving again, she focused on my face. "You bad girl you," she said to me as she turned the key. "What?" was my only response to that. "Nothing, nothing at all," she replied as she drove off with all of us to high school. Somehow she knew what I'd done, I don't know how she knew, or any other girl could have figured out what I'd done in the shower, another mystery to solve. The high school was like any other I'd seen in movies, no uniform, so everyone was dressed differently, there was every group here, so it seemed. Stepping out of her car, attention was drawn to us for a second, then went back to their respective groups or business, walking fast to keep up, I walked into Jenna's school for the first time. The weeks passed, I learned Jenna's routine, got more comfortable in her skin and her courses, I also got more comfortable being Jenna and the attention she got. Jenna did have a hot body, I couldn't deny that, I even put an extra sway in my hips as I walked down the corridors, knowing that attention would be drawn to my firm ass and legs. I wore more skirts after that, as I felt more comfortable in them, along with halter tops and ones that showed off my trim belly. Stopping to chat with Nicole and Erica, I heard them whisper quickly before I got close to them. Standing across from us, going through his locker, was one of the nerds, now I'm not talking a stereotypical one, but close enough. "Probably never even been kissed by a girl, never will," I heard Nicole say to Erica. This I know isn't all true, she may end up working for one, as Bill Gates once said to a class, I looked him over myself, and something happened to me, I found myself focusing on his shoulders, chest and ass.. Then acting on a sudden whim, I strode over to him, went up on tiptoes and kissed him. Not a quick kiss, not a quick peck on the cheek, but a full on passionate kiss. He didn't know what to do, remembering the way a girl had once kissed me on an earlier trip, I held onto him and touched his tongue with mine as I pressed my hips and breasts against him. Gazing into his surprised face, I stepped back to see him still standing there, as shocked as many of the students who saw it, not to mention Nicole and Erica. Knowing how hard he had to have been, I winked at him and strode back down the hallway, knowing deep down that he would never forget that and that I'd acted on a sudden whim, one that even I didn't understand. My father was very excited to hear that, more proof that I was more comfortable with Jenna's body and thought patterns, more proof that I'd take on more of Jenna's mannerisms as time went on, and I did. But it wasn't all fun and games, my first period was the first unpleasant experience, for one week, I missed being male more than ever, I bled for days and didn't die, but it was a test, one that I passed. I never talked to my former male body, but I'm sure my ?father' did, they had to have talked while I was at school or with friends. I hoped she would do as well in dealing with my life as I had with hers. More time passed, Christmas was a special day, I bought my dad some dvds he was after, and he got me a voucher to spend at the closest victorias secret store. Jennas friends got me scented soaps and other things I'd seen at the body shop chain back in Australia, feminine and special things that came from them. The new year started well enough, at Michelle's urging, I joined them to try out for the cheerleading squad, I hadn't wanted to, but they were very persuasive. Nicole and I were accepted, Michelle and Erica weren't, they took it well, but deep down, they wanted me on the team more than anything for reasons they never told me. I was petite, light enough, and flexible enough to be a welcome addition to the team. I got used to being tossed in the air and caught, being up high on the shoulders of my fellow cheerleaders, and showing off for the students that came to watch. The first game we performed at is one I wont forget, we'd worked on our routine for over a month, our uniforms were white and green, and accentuated my body, the skirt showed off my thighs a lot, but I'd grown to like the attention. For someone that was introverted before I came to the states, I became an attention getter in record time. The year passed before I knew it, game after game, routines, we got invited to a lot of parties and recognised whenever we were out, the other members of my squad were like surrogate sisters, advising and helping me with outfits, make up tips, even standing up for me at times. My 17th birthday came before I knew it, I had two parties, one was with my dad and friends, the second was with my squad, as to what we did, I'm sworn to secrecy. Id been counting the months and weeks until my male body was due to return, part of me would miss being jenna, but another part of me would be glad to return to being male. But like Murphy says, what can go wrong, will go wrong, and things were about to go very wrong. End of part 1,part 2 will follow soon.

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Texas, 1848 My name is Susana Jackson. I was widowed two years ago at a young age after my husband Jacob moved us here. I did not like living in this hot place after my native Ohio, and after he died, I was so lonely. I now have two friends here and I need to run Jacob’s general store, so I am busy and do not have time to think about my loneliness. About a year after Jacob passed on, I was tending the store one day and a young Mexican came in. His staring at me filled me with anxiety. But I...

4 years ago
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Texas Hill Country

About 6 months after my husband I were married we finally settled into our new house outside of Fort Worth. I was 23 at the time and had already had sex with several people other than my husband. It was starting to become quite a rush to flirt and see who I could attract. The harder the task seemed the more exciting it was to try and succeed. That Fall my brother moved to San Antonio for college, and I told my mom I was going to drive down there on a long weekend to hang out with him. When I...

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Texas Hold Them Part 2 of 2

I had finally left before Tim got home and my dick was raw and ravaged from his wife. Buffy had fucked me in just about every room of there house. She was one hot MILF that needed some cock. I am sure Tim will thank me for turning her back into a sex demon. If he gets mad I'll have Buffy deny his attempts and hold out on him. I made sure Buffy got my note and she delivered it to Summer, Tim wife and I watched her from my car as she went down the sidewalk to Summer house. Buffy had on a sundress...

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Texas Gal

Texas Gal by C. Sprite copyright 1999 Prologue This is the story about a young boy who is forcibly introduced to cross- dressing and feminization, by his sisters, and their friends. It is involved, and detailed, as are our lives. If you are looking for a short, quick story, this isn't it. Chapter One A New Beginning "All right.., can I have your attention please, folks!" Mr. Robison shouted at the crowd assembled in the church parking lot. "Everybody...

3 years ago
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Texas Gal Part 3

Texas Gal - Part 3 by C. Sprite copyright 1999 Chapter Seven BBQ's and Auctions I awoke at my usual time and found myself still in auntie's enormous circular bed, of course. I worked myself off the bed, being careful not to wake her. It was Saturday, and she was entitled to sleep in if she wished. I went to my bedroom and ran my bath. I soaked in the warmth for a long time. When my fingers started to "prune", I got out and toweled off. I examined myself in the...

2 years ago
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Texas Girls and Shemale part 1 She look like a gi

May02,2010 I went to see some friends in Texas. My friends just got out of the military. I got out 2yrs before them and moved to Fl. We was having fun, hang out drinking and everything that whole week. May 5th we went to a club, I mat this latin girl about 5'3 cute. We dance and we got fuck-up with my friends, drinking and later I took her to a hotel for a few hours. Her hands so little that she had to used both hands to hold my cock in her mouth. she had a nice taned skin with a cute lil ass...

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Texas TerrorChapter 4 Headed West

I needed some time, and space, to get past this latest turn of events. Lori was a special woman and I had abused her. She would have done anything I asked, to please me, and I mishandled it. I opened the cuffs with my hide-away key, grabbed my gear, and left. I thought she and Steve looked happy together as I walked out the door. My last true love was waiting for me in the garage, and the road was calling to me. My only plan consisted of "Get the fuck out of here." I strapped down my gear...

4 years ago
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Texas Dildo MassacreChapter 3

The sun was beginning its decent; the afternoon air hot and sticky over the Texas fields. Four college babes and their beautiful teacher had taken the wrong turn and now hours after the first crazy attack on that deserted back road they'd eventually found themselves split and in desperate need of help. Miss Simms the groups sexy 30 something teacher had gone to get help, but only managed to run into trouble of her own. Natasha had asked the help of two white trash brothers and now she had...

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Texas Sex RanchChapter 5

The really neat thing about working at the Ranch was that I was naked nearly the entire time. That was three months of a Texas summer and the most I wore was a pair of panties at that time of the month, and a riding bra. I did a lot of riding, too. My legs toughened up because I'd wear a hat and the riding bra, and that was it. Bare skin against a saddle, or just the horse's skin, will do that. There was also a lot of companionship. I saw Tom about once a week. He'd come out to the Ranch...

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Texas Sex RanchChapter 10

The year progressed in the usual way. Sometimes days raced past, and other times they moved so slowly it was agonizing. We still had the usual things going on at the Ranch, though cool weather hampered doing it outdoors. If this suggests that the activities at the Ranch were a barely disguised sexual free-fr-all, well, it was. If you wanted sex, it was available. If you didn't, that was fine, too. The thing I began to run into was the age problem. There weren't many rules for us kids. No...

3 years ago
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Texas Sex RanchChapter 11

With my 17th birthday rapidly approaching, things began to change. I still couldn't have sex with those over 17, that would be illegal, but I could see the videos that were "naughty" under Texas State Law. This was supposed to be a big step. Yawn. Most were fairly tame, or if explicit, long on build-up, and short on context. Take one of the ones that was incredibly popular on the internet. It was what they called a "Creampie Compilatyion". Now excuse my ignorance, I had to have...

4 years ago
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Texas SwitchChapter 4

“My turn, Uncle Alex. It’s time to breed your niece!” Stacey took her turn very enthusiastically, her luscious body pinning me down as she rode me. “So ... we’re making my ... grandnephew or grandniece, then,” I grinned as I pushed back up at my girlfriend/niece, who licked her lips at that prospect. “Hell, yeah!” Stacey agreed as her tits waved in my face. “Yep, you’ll be the new ancestor of all the Collins in the future ... they’ll trace back to you!” Steph licked my face before she...

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Tyrians Adventures in the Japanese Sex Trade

A Peak into the Japanese Sex Trade By T. Koenig Introduction It just goes to show how one wild night can open doors. My wild night opened doors to places I'd only fantasized about before. How does a six foot three, ex-hockey player from Canada end up working in stiletto heels as a hostess in Tokyo? A series of coincidences, an excellent sensei and a little natural talent is how. Having been on this wild ride for almost four years now, I feel lucky to have experienced a...

2 years ago
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Green DoomChapter 20 The Trade

Orzad pulled his tired pony to a halt, muttering a curse under his breath as a whistling shriek echoed down the trail from somewhere up ahead. "Tiger lizard!" He cast a worried glance at his back trail, toward where the King's soldiers were probably still hunting his tracks. "On the prowl, too. Wonder what it's after?" Another whistling scream was answered by the bass honking of a gronch. Orzad guided his nervous pony to the crest of a nearby hill where he could look down on the...

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The Trade

You all know the legal bull crap required at the beginning but here it is anyway, The following story is a complete work of fiction, It is for Adults Only, Do not read if under 21 years old, Do not read if it is illegal to do so where you live, ya-da&hellip,ya-da&hellip,ya-da. Also, this is story about adults having sex with minors, if this offends you, DONT READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Trade Chapter 1 I live on the west coast and am the sole owner of a medium sized electrical supply...

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Freedom of Trade

Advertisements of one kind or another were all Lance could see wherever he looked around him. They dominated the supermarket aisles, were suspended above the shelves and plastered all over the store's windows. But how could it ever be different? A man needed help when he went shopping. And at the moment, he was browsing in the pharmaceuticals section where the dominant ads paraded images of infeasibly muscular men and seductively desirable naked women, What Lance was looking for wasn't...

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An Even Trade

Sandy, as we his friends called him was flying into Africa. The trip planned and looked forward to by Sandy the previous months while attending college. He like his stepfather was a student of science; had another year to go before gaining his bachelor degree in Biology. He was looking forward to three weeks of fun and friendship as he visited his stepfather's new African expedition. Dr. Francis L. Chapman was the only father that Sandy had ever known. His real father had divorced his mother...

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An Evil Trade

Sandy, as all his friends called him was flying into Africa; a trip planned and looked forward to these many months back at college. A student of science he was soon to get a degree in Biology. Now though he was looking forward to three weeks of fun and friendship as he visited his Father's new African expedition. Dr. Francis L. Chapman, Sandy’s father, had for the past ten years working on a special project, "The Nunji Tribe and their plant enzyme medicines." As Sandy got off the plane, he...

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South of Bikini 4 Colonial Trade

Danger, heart wrenching loss, catastrophe, and unforeseen temporal chaos challenge Alex and her away team as they set out to repair some revolutionary glitches perpetrated by Clemson's ignorant and callous 'corrections' to history. Chapter 2 "Colonial Trade" 1303hrs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Colony, June 17th, 1779 Independence Hall appeared beside us. I had never been here before; instead, I recognized it from my...

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Fair Trade

Once upon a time two brothers were walking in the desert outside the village near where they were born. The older brother Kalik was a strong young man of 14. He was proud to be the head of his family now that his older brothers were off fighting in the war. His little brother, Mustafa, was a spindly 8 years old. His mind was as bright as the desert sun. He could figure things out in a wink which Kalik would never understand in a lifetime. It was a fine, hot morning. The boys were out looking...

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Tattoo trade

Let me preclude this story by saying that we wrote this about a month ago right after the situation happened, and are now posting it because Erin is going to see Brian again for more work this weekend.....My wife Erin loves tattoos. She has a large one on her back but until now nothing more. She’s wanted what’s referred to as a “sleeve” for some time now and decided it was time to get one done by the same fellow who did her back, a great artist named Brian. Brian’s studio is in another city,...

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Bound Trade

The door bell rings. When I answer he is standing there in black jeans and a t-shirt that hugs his muscular chest and arms. Without a word he goes over to the couch and lowers his jeans. There is no underwear beneath them, just an already hard cock that bounces when it is released. Next he pulls off his shirt and drops down on the couch. Without a word he spreads his legs for me and stares down at his cock over the tattoos on his tight chest and belly. He is tough and hot with his shaved head,...

Gay Male
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Tricks of trade

INTRODUCTIONThe aim of the Tricks of the Trade workshop is to provide health and safety information relevantfor street sexworkers and those who work with them.A street sexworker needs to:• attract customers;• negotiate with the customer about what s/he will do, where and for what price;• provide the service agreed;• maintain health, safety and dignity in the process.Sexwork styles and the problems that people have with it are individual and various. Handingout pamphlets and supplies can never...

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Angel The Trade

(Thanks to CJ; my partner in crime for Televisions based tales for looking this short story over for me.) I do not own the Characters, J Whedon and WB do - I am just playing with them. Angel: The Trade By Eric The latest premonition attack had left Cordelia weakened again. It was getting more than she could bear. It wasn't only physical pain but the agony of always seeing someone in desperate, mortal danger. Often, Angel and Wesley could save them. Often. Though sometimes they...

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Skin Trade

Skin Trade By Cal Y. Pygia Sixteen-year-old Jennifer Beale put down her romance novel. The sun was hot. It burned mercilessly, baking her. She wished she'd worn a swimsuit instead of a halter top, a knee-length skirt, bobby sox, and sandals. A two-piece suit or, better yet, a bikini would have exposed her upper legs, her back, and her tummy to the air, allowing the faint, intermittent breeze to cool her. She'd looked forward to reading the last chapter of "Blithe Boys",...

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Even Trade

Allison groaned slowly on hands and knees as her husband's softening member slipped out from her stretched, dripping pussy. A dribble of cum ran down her thigh as she panted heavily, trying to catch her breath and slow the spinning room. She collapsed, immersing herself into the satin sheets of their bed. She basked in the warmth of her fourth - or was it her fifth? - climax of the night. Travis finished wiping his cock with a tissue from their nightstand. He reached down, and with a...

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Japanese Slave Trade

Japanese Slave Trade.     A Story by Tor MalatiChapter OneGeorge was beginning to regret signing on for this voyage. His brother Harry had promised him that this ship was carrying a valuable cargo and that his plan would make them rich. Together with Harry and his two friends, Jim and Andy, they had been secretly searching the vessels cargo holds from stem to stern. The ship had left Canada a month earlier and after picking up their cargo in Tokyo, were now on their way back to Vancouver. Their...

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Slave Trade

SLAVE TRADE It had been an awful few weeks the boat was so over crowded, there was noroom for anyone hundreds of us packed into this tiny little space no air, nolight, and no sun, hardly ever let on the deck for some exercise. Mid summerand the heat was searing the smell from all the human waste was over poweringbut still we could do nothing I sat in my little corner near the door and watchedpeople die on that journey, die from malnutrition die from heat exhaustionand disease which ran riot...

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A teacher learns a new trade

She begged them to stop the dogs but they only laughed. One of the young men told her that unless she wanted to get bitten she had better pleasure the dogs. Crying she rose up onto her hand and knees and at that time the first dog mounted her. She screamed as the dogs large , long cock was driven deep into her virgin pussy. She opened her mouth to scream and her head was grabbed and forced down onto a dogs cock of a dog that was laying on its back under her face. She was forced to eat dog...

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Not Exactly A Fair Trade

"Mom?" she asked, coming into the living room."Morgan, I don't know what you're about to ask for, but the answer is no.""Come on, Whitney, hear your daughter out," I said, peeking at her.She shot me a dirty look and glanced at Morgan. "What is it, Morgan?"Morgan swallowed. "Mom, this can count as my entire birthday and Christmas presents this year, so may I have $700 for a trip to Paris?""Hell no, Morgan," she objected, shaking her head no. "I'm not made of money, and Spencer and I are saving...

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The Dragon Mistress Heathers Trade

Heather couldn't believe she was standing in the castle keep of the Dragon Mistress. Legends were told of this woman's power. The fear she command was only exceeded by her beauty. Her hair was long and thick, a fiery copper coloured. Her eyes were a commanding bright green, so green it was as though even in human form she couldn't keep the dragon from showing inside her. She sat on a throne and stared at Heather in a way that was both enticing and dismissive. Heather wanted to shuffle her...

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The Trade

"A fair exchange is no robbery." Old proverb. Orzad hauled on the reins of his lathered pony, bringing it to an abrupt halt as a whistling shriek echoed against the valley walls from farther up the trail. "Tiger Lizard!" He gave a worried glance at his back trail where the King's soldiers were hunting for his tracks. "On the prowl, too. Wonder what it's after." His question was quickly answered as another whistling scream was echoed by the bass honking of a gronch. Orzad guided his...

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