Fair Trade free porn video

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David Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger.

“You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn’t you? ‘Don’t worry Chelle, it’s a back road but it’s fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.’ Which numb-nut told you that? “ Michelle seethed.

David just cringed behind the wheel.

“And of course we are both perfectly dressed to make mechanical repairs or go for a romp through the desert to find help! We might as well be on fucking Mars! We haven’t seen a single vehicle since we left the blacktop back where we got gas!” Michelle’s anger was simmering but David knew that she was about to boil.

Michelle hardly ever swore and when she did he knew that there was no reasoning with her until she’d expended her fury and calmed down from her tantrum

David was dressed in an expensive Hugo Boss suit and Michelle was clad in a figure-hugging designer dress, nylons and heels, as they were en route to their friend’s wedding to he held that evening at South Lake Tahoe. Michelle had wanted to fly from San Francisco but David had insisted on taking his new SUV for a nice long drive. The only way he had convinced Michelle to travel by car was to promise her an overnight stay in a five-star hotel at Lake Tahoe hotel followed by a day’s gambling and another overnight stay in Reno.

Michelle rummaged in her purse and found her cell phone; she looked at the screen contemptuously, wound down the window and held it up to the sky for a minute and then threw it on the dash.

David cringed.

“Surprise! Surprise! No fucking service!” Michelle crossed her arms, fuming.

“I’ll have to get the Triple A,” David said, trying to placate her.

“You are a fucking dumb-ass! I just told you there is NO FUCKING SERVICE!” she snatched the phone off the dashboard and threw it at him.

“Maybe there’s a phone inside,” David said meekly.

The look of contempt that Michelle gave David required no words to be spoken.

When the engine had started to overheat they had pulled into an abandoned roadhouse service station. It looked deserted, the Texaco sign was faded and broken, hanging drunkenly from a rickety pole. The dusty driveway was choked with weeks, the ancient gas pumps were rusted; the hoses had been ripped off them likely by some scavenger. The awning over the gas pumps was equally corroded; holed and lopsided, almost ready to collapse, but at least it provided shade.

Not that the day was particularly hot; in fact out in the desert it was quite brisk.

David popped the hood and stepped out of the Explorer; he gingerly lifted the hood and waved at the cloud of steam, trying to dissipate it.

He stood there looking in the engine bay of his brand new pride and joy with a bemused look on his face. The collection of boxes, hoses, wiring looms and engine parts baffled him. He knew how to fill the window washer and check the oil and coolant and that was the extent of his mechanical expertise.

“Dumb-ass,” Michelle had stepped down the car and appeared beside him.

“I think it’s coming from that hose down there,” David pointed into the engine bay.

Michelle snatched his hand away from under the hood.

“Don’t get that fucking suit dirty David. You’re taking me to that wedding if you have to carry me there; and there is no time to change our clothes,” Michelle seethed.

David knew that telling Michelle that the chances of them making the wedding were about the same odds of them winning a jackpot in Reno would only infuriate her even more.

“Lets look inside,” David tried to sound hopeful.

Michelle looked at the dilapidated roadhouse diner and shuddered. It looked even more forlorn than the gas stand. The sheet-iron roof that had once been adorned with a Texaco logo was hitched and broke-backed, holed in places and corroded. The windows that were not boarded over were dirty and cobwebbed and most of them were broken or cracked.

As they approached the door, which hung drunkenly from its hinges, they passed a rusty old Coke machine with the faded decal bearing the image of a smiling woman in a bikini drinking an ice-cold beverage with the words ‘For Real Refreshment’ peeling off it.

Michelle looked at the decal with suppressed rage and sighed despondently.

“Right,” she muttered contemptuously under her breath.

David led the way into the ramshackle building and Michelle followed; both careful not soil their clothes and in Michelle’s case, snag her nylons.

Most of the furniture had been taken away or vandalised beyond use. The place smelt musty; a lingering stench of mildew, stale cigarettes, stale liquor and a faint undercurrent of ancient fried food. The filthy floor was littered with beer and liquor bottles, drug paraphernalia, cigarette butts and decaying used condoms.

Some joker has pinned a pair of lime green satin panties to the flaking dry wall like they was on display in the lingerie section of a department store. The same joker had scribed graffiti on the wall besides the undergarment ‘I fucked Stephanie here 05/12/18’ with an arrow pointing to the crotch of the panties. Whoever Stephanie was, she was long gone and sans underwear.

Beside the panties a series of nineteen-sixty era framed advertising posters had been hung from the wall, probably in an effort to provide cheap decoration and cheer up the baby-shit yellow painted walls. Besides the usual advertisements for cigarettes, beer, motor oil and other products one would expect in a gas station was an advertisement for Hanes Underall Pantyhose. It featured the buttocks and thighs of a woman clad in sheer pantyhose with the slogan ‘pantyhose & panties all in one’. Someone had drawn an ejaculating penis between the buttocks of the woman with a sharpie.

Michelle nodded at the lime green panties and then at the Hanes poster.

“A budding artist has been at work,” she said sarcastically.

David was just happy that her tone had changed from anger to sarcasm.

He checked behind the dusty counter and any hope he had when he found an ancient rotary dial handset dissipated when he saw the cord had been ripped out of the wall long ago.

Michelle continued to explore the decrepit diner being careful not to touch anything or step into anything unsavoury. In the corner she found an old mattress with a crumpled stained blanket surrounded by several used condoms, one or two of which seemed to have been recently filled. Her gorge rose and she breathed through her mouth to avoid having to savour the stench.

“David...” she said, her voice shaky.

“Can we please get out of here,” she turned her back on the makeshift sex nest and began to walk briskly to the door.

“Yeah let’s go Chelle, this place is a dump and it stinks. Looks like we’ll have to backtrack to the blacktop and hitch a lift to the gas station where we gassed up,” David said.

David knew that this edict would likely send Michelle into another rage but she was too occupied with getting out of the creepy diner to become any angrier than she already was.

Just as they got to the door that they both heard the faint one-note drone of an engine. They looked at each other hopefully and hurried out the door and back to the Explorer. The road they had come down dissected two low hills in a sweeping descent and they could just hear the buzz of the engine in the distance.

They look expectantly at each other.

“Is it getting closer?” Michelle asked.

“Shh!” David held up his palm, listening intently.

Michelle’s temper was about to flare when the indistinct growl became louder and settled into the rumble of a motorcycle engine.

“A motorbike?” Michelle looked questioningly at David.

“No. Two motorbikes,” David replied.

The grumble now clearly defined as two motorcycle engines was confirmed when two motorbikes crested the rise of the low hills and began to descend towards the roadhouse; two blurred orbs wavered like a mirage then solidified into two headlights.

David and Michelle both smiled. Hopefully one of the riders could ride back and get help.

As the motorcycles got closer Michelle’s smile turned to a frown.

The motorcycles were choppers, extended forks, custom paintjobs, ape-hanger handlebars and the two men riding them appeared to be members of a motorcycle club, dressed in jeans and leather jackets with cut-down denim jackets over. Michelle had watched Sons of Anarchy and knew that the denim jackets, emblazoned with emblems were known as ‘cuts’ or ‘colors’.

The two bikes threw up trails of dust as they turned off the road and into the gas station, the roar of their engines such that both David and Michelle grimaced.

The bikes skidded to a stop just short of the couple, the riders faces obscured by black visored full-face helmets. The riders revved the engines of their machines menacingly and then shut them down. They dropped the kickstands and leaned their bikes on them, the engines ticked as they cooled in the sudden silence.

Michelle shivered and hooked one arm through David’s and placed the other on his shoulder; sidling up to him in an unconscious act of defence.

David still had an imbecilic grin on his face; Michelle often thought that he was like a friendly dog that approached strangers looking for a pat and was bemused when he got kicked instead. He was too trusting.

The riders took off their helmets simultaneously. They both had long hair, one blonde the other jet-black and they were both undeniably handsome; Michelle once again unconsciously compared them to actors in the Sons of Anarchy.

“You folks look like you’re in trouble. You need a hand?” the blonde-haired younger of the two smiled and any fear that Michelle harboured, melted away.

“The engine’s overheated and I think there is a coolant leak,” David grinned.

He walked over and offered his hand to the blonde biker.

“David Cashmore. Pleased to meet you; this is my wife Michelle,” David smiled and nodded at Michelle who stood a pace behind David and to the side.

“Brin Sarsgaard. Pleased to meet you, and this is Kyle Shipton,” the blonde biker nodded at his companion and shook David’s hand.

“Please to make your acquaintance too ma’am,” Brin nodded deferentially to Michelle as did Kyle.

Michelle was taken aback by their chivalry, she expected them to behave boorishly being bikers.

The bikers climbed off their machines with practised ease; Michelle was impressed with how tall and muscular they were. She would describe them as ruggedly handsome in any of the books that she edited for a living.

The bikers rested their helmets on the seats of their rides and walked over to the Explorer; David followed like a loyal pet trying to keep up with their long strides.

“I was hoping you might ride back to the main road and to the gas station and get me some help, or call the Triple A on my behalf?” David said, struggling to keep up.

“Sure man but let’s have a look at your cage before we commit to having to backtrack,” Brin replied.

“I can pay you for your trouble,” David continued.

“Don’t worry dude; we’ll work something out,” Kyle Shipton turned and grinned at David.

David grinned back at Kyle but Michelle sensed something malevolent behind Kyle’s smile and she shivered.

Brin and Kyle bent over the engine bay of the Ford Explorer, prodding and poking at the engine as they muttered to each other. David stood behind them feeling useless.

“You popped a radiator hose there friend,” Brin turned to David.

“It’s an easy fix; we’ll have you back on the road in no time,” Brin smiled.

Both David and Michelle were relieved; the bikers were actually going to help them out of their jam.

“Where are you two off to all gussied up anyway?” Brin asked.

“Our friends are getting married at Lake Tahoe this evening; were dressed for the wedding,” David explained.

“Well you both sure are pretty,” Kyle grinned and looked them up and down; his eyes lingered on Michelle making her feel uncomfortable.

“Don’t worry; you’ll make the wedding. I’ll get Brin to get me my toolkit out of the pannier on my ride, fix this cage and we’ll be done in no time,” Kyle smiled and Michelle began to think that maybe she might have been unchristian and too distrustful of him.

“Like I said; I can pay you for your trouble,” David sounded relieved.

“No payment necessary partner; maybe we can trade later but let’s get this vehicle repaired and roadworthy; we all got things to do places to be. Brin can you get my toolkit?” Kyle said.

Brin was already on his way back to the motorcycles where he rummaged around in the pannier on Kyle’s Harley and came back with a small toolkit wrapped in oiled hessian.

Both Brin and Kyle took off their jackets and passed them to David and Michelle.

“Will you folks hang our cuts over our bikes while we work on this puppy, and stand back a little; don’t want you getting any grease on your Sunday going to meeting clothes,” Kyle joked.

“Don’t drop our colors or we will have to take retribution,” Brin guffawed, joking along with his partner.

David looked back and saw that the two bikers were busy under the hood. He lay Kyle’s colors over his Harley and held up Brin’s so that he and Michelle could see the back of the denim vest with the embroidered snarling wolf insignia in the centre. A rocker above the wolf insignia, emblazoned in gold letters on a black background read ‘Beasts of Burden’ and a similar rocker below read ‘Los Angeles California’. On the front of the vest an OMC 1% badge high on the right breast and below it, again in gold on black, was the patch ‘Original’ and another above it that read ‘Sargent at Arms’.

“He’s a founding member of the chapter and the Sargent at Arms; in charge of discipline and keeping order in the club,” Michelle said, absentmindedly reaching out and stroking the vest.

“He’s what now?” David looked nonplussed at his wife.

“And that patch there above the ‘Original’ insignia, ‘Men of Mayhem’. That is a special patch worn by a club member who has committed violence against someone on behalf or in the best interest of the club; usually a murder,” Michelle shivered.

“Jesus Michelle you have some imagination! They’re good guys; they’re helping us, they’ve been nothing but polite. Not everyone who rides a Harley Davidson and wears colors is a member of an outlaw motor cycle club; you’ve been watching too many episodes of Sons of Anarchy,” David draped Brin’s cut over the handlebars of his bike.

“You’re paranoid; you ever hear about a gift horse?” David was a little annoyed with his wife and sulked off back to the Explorer.

Michelle followed David feeling a little scalded and petulant.

Kyle’s face appeared from under the hood; he had a greasy streak on he forehead where he’d brushed his hair out of his eyes.

“Hey David; can you take that old water can next to the pump there and see if this place still has a working water faucet? Give it a good rinse and fill it and bring it back. You’ve lost all your coolant but water will be a fine substitute until you can change it,” Kyle said.

David had felt pretty useless and was glad to be given a task. He picked up the old can with the rusty spout and wandered off to the diner in hopes of finding water. Michelle hovered near the SUV watching the bikers work.

She felt that she had been unfair judging the bikers as outlaws when all they had been was friendly and were repairing her husband’s vehicle. She decided to try and make some small talk as a conciliatory gesture.

“So are you a mechanic Kyle?” she asked as Kyle seemed to doing most of the work with Brin handing him tools when requested.

“Nah. But I was bought up on a farm and daddy didn’t have any money to pay mechanics so he did his own repairs to the farm machinery and I had to help. Learned a lot from that old boy when he wasn’t giving me a whupping,” Kyle looked Michelle’s way and smiled.

“This reminds me of one time when I was boy and we were all going to church dressed in our Sunday best and dad’s truck threw a fanbelt. He made mom take off her nylons and made a temporary fanbelt out of them; although I doubt those flimsy things you’re wearing would be up to the task.”

The biker scanned his eyes up and down Michelle’s long legs. It caused Michelle some disquiet that he would talk so solicitously whilst staring at her; she self-consciously smoothed the hem of her dress, pulling it down her legs. Kyle smirked and went back to the task of repairing the radiator hose.

David returned, carrying the watering can two handed; water sloshing over the side of it as he hobbled from side to side due to the weight of his burden.

“Well done my man; just in time. Kyle had re-attached and tightened up the clip on the bottom radiator hose, lets fill it up and flash her up,” Brin grinned.

They filled the coolant reservoir and Kyle climbed in the cab of the explorer and started the engine. It fired up right away. Brin and David leaned in the door and watched the temperature gauge. It settled down in the normal range and they all grinned at each other.

Brin returned to the front of the SUV and packed up the tools and closed the hood; he took the tools back to Kyle’s ride, packed them away and returned.

“Looks like she’s running good,” Michelle couldn’t help but notice how handsome Brin was when he smiled.

Kyle killed the engine and hopped out of the Explorer.

“I can’t thank you guys enough,” David’s grovelling was beginning to annoy Michelle.

“Like I said I’m happy to pay you for your troubles,” he held out his hands in supplication.

The two bikers looked at each other and smiled; they were both wiping their hands on rags.

“Like we said David; we don’t want your money. Maybe just a fair trade,” Brin grinned.

“Fair trade?” David looked bemused.

“What’s that?”

“A fair trade; you give us something of equal value for our time, expertise, and getting our hands dirty,” Kyle explained ominously stuffing the keys to the Explorer into the front pocket of his jeans.

“Ok sure; what do you propose?” David asked.

Brin and Kyle looked at other and then started to laugh. The laughing became infectious and David started to laugh along with them but Michelle began to feel wary.

“Well we’d like to fuck your wife for a little bit,” Brin had stopped laughing and looked deadly serious.

David paled and Michelle felt faint; she thought that her legs were going to give way.

“Don’t worry; we don’t wanna keep her; just borrow her. You can have her back in time to make that wedding,” Kyle made a show of looking at his watch.

“I ... I don’t understand,” David stammered.

“He don’t understand Brin,” Kyle mocked him.

“She understands; don’t you Michelle?” Brin looked at Michelle who had dropped to one knee and was shaking.

“Fuck this we’re wasting time,” Brin grabbed David by the arm and began to drag him towards the abandoned roadhouse.

“Come on bitch!” Kyle pulled Michelle to her feet and dragged her along in the same direction.

“Stop this! Stop this at once!” Michelle squealed but Kyle ignored her.

“Come on guys! Enough already! A joke is joke but really; this is too much!” David still hadn’t accepted the gravity of the situation.

The bikers forced the couple inside the dusty roadhouse and pushed them into the corner near the old mattress with the crumpled stained blanket. Brin dragged over two stainless steel framed chairs with ripped vinyl seats. He made a show of dusting them off with his rag.

“Don’t want you folks getting them wedding clothes all dirty,” Brin joked.

“And watch you don’t snag those sexy nylons on the leg of the chair; they’re pretty banged up,” Kyle sniggered.

“I have more in my suitcase,” Michelle replied.

Right after she had said it Michelle regretted what she had said. She knew that what she had said was dumb and that it was some sort of nervous coping mechanism because she was obviously in shock. She shook her head and tried to clear her mind.

“Do something David! For fuck sake do something! I’m your wife goddamit!” she screamed.

“Yeah do something David. Go ahead and do something,” Brin sniggered.

David was slim and fit; but gym membership fit, not weightlifter fit. The two bikers had packed-on bulk that was all muscle, no fat; they would tear him apart in a fight.

David bowed his head and choked out a sob.

“Just as I thought,” Brin chuckled.

“Hey David! See that poster there? Did your wife pose for that; is that her ass and legs?” Brin turned David’s face towards the wall where the fading posters hung.

He pointed at the Hanes Underall pantyhose poster featuring the buttocks and thighs of a woman clad in sheer pantyhose with the slogan ‘pantyhose & panties all in one’.

“I bet she’s got an ass and legs at least as good as that bitch in the poster,” Brin turned David’s head and made him look at the poster.

“Well have you Michelle? Is your ass that good?” Kyle had hold of Michelle by the arm and the neck and he shook her when she didn’t answer.

“Never mind; we’ll find out soon enough. Brin why don’t you make David comfortable,” Kyle said to his partner.

Brin kicked David’s feet out from under him and he fell hard on his ass into the chair.

“Oh god David please do something! Do something for god’s sake!” Michelle whimpered.

“We’re past that honey; just relax and this will all be over soon,” Kyle turned her face to his.

David sat in the chair shaking with rage and fear. He knew what was about to happen and knew that he was helpless to stop it; he wished they’d take him to another room or even knock him out. He didn’t want to witness what was to come.

“Ok lets get comfortable here, don’t wanna fuck up those wedding clothes too much now do we?” Brin took off David’s jacket with only a little struggle from David.

He hung it over the back of the second chair.

He reached into his back pocket and produced a handful of cable ties. David tried to fight when he saw them but Brin grabbed him by the throat and choked him until he nearly lost consciousness. David stopped struggling and Brin cable-tied his ankles to the legs of the chair and his wrists to arms. He took a boxcutter and put it on a table nearby.

He turned the chair to face the mattress.

“There, there. Now we’re all set,” Brin chuckled.

“Ok, take off the dress honey,” Kyle whispered in Michelle’s ear.

Michelle shook her head violently and began to cry.

“If you don’t take off your dress I’m going to get that there boxcutter. Then I’m going to start cutting off little pieces of David until I get bored and then I’m going to cut you out of that dress. Or you can step out of it, fold it neatly, put on top of David’s jacket and it will be nice and clean and unwrinkled for you after we finish,” Kyle spoke into her ear loud enough for David to hear.

“Don’t do it honey! Fight them; I can take the pain!” David cried.

Brin grabbed David’s ear and twisted it. David squealed like a girl.

“What do you think he’s going to do when I take to him with the boxcutter?” Kyle shook Michelle.

“Leave him alone! Leave him alone!” Michelle pleaded.

She reached behind her neck and took the zip in her fingers and unzipped her dress. It was a sleeveless and figure-hugging with a scoop neck. She caught the bodice it as it parted and held it in front of her breasts.

“Come on sugar; all the way off,” Kyle teased her.

Michelle sobbed as she lowered the bodice and stepped out of the dress; carefully keeping it off the dirty floor. She folded the garment and placed it on top of David’s jacket hanging on the back of the chair. She crossed her hands over her chest, crossed her legs and hung her head in shame. David was sobbing uncontrollably.

“Jesus!” Brin walked over to the wall where the soiled green satin panties were hung on display and snatched them down.

He stormed back to David and pushed them into his mouth.

“There! Now that hubby is gagged he won’t spoil our fun,” Brin lifted Michelle’s chin so the she had to look at him.

David nearly choked on the panties stuffed in his mouth; but with some effort he was able to control his gag reflex. The panties tasted of stale vaginal secretions and dried semen; even in the dangerous situation he was in right now he couldn’t help but wonder if Stephanie, the alleged owner of the panties was attractive. Had she been fucked on the mattress in the corner? Had she liked it or had she been forced? His subconscious summoned up the picture of a girl, her legs high in the air, kicking, high heels dangling from her feet as a man lay rutting between her legs; her green satin panties pushed aside as he fucked her.

“Ok. Let’s stop with the modesty now shall we. Put your hands by your side, lift your head and uncross your legs,” Kyle said to Michelle.

She did as she was told and uncrossed her legs, dropped her hands, and stared defiantly at the ceiling.

Brin and Kyle circled Michelle; appraising her.

“Goddamn David you got a fine piece of ass here; there is no doubt that this is a fair trade,” Kyle mocked him.

David’s eyes were wide with panic and terror as he watched the two rough bikers circle his pretty wife now dressed only in her lingerie and heels.

Michelle had worn fifteen denier flesh-toned sheer to the waist seamless pantyhose under her tight dress and transparent, whispy-thin, full-cut nylon panties over them to hide any visible panty line. She didn’t want to spoil the lines of her dress and had nearly decided to go to the wedding sans panties but decorum dictated otherwise. Her brassiere was equally diaphanous; being childless her breasts were still pert and needed little support.

“Nah! She ain’t as good as the model on the wall wearing those Hanes Underalls,” Brin jeered.

Michelle knew it was absurd, but she couldn’t help feeling offended that the bikers thought the saggy-assed bitch in the poster had a better derriere and legs than her.

“What do you think David? Nothing to say?” Brin teased.

“Well I’ll tell you her legs and ass ain’t as good as that chick ... they’re better!” he sniggered.

“So who’s going first brother?” Kyle asked Brin.

Michelle suddenly couldn’t breathe; she thought she was going to pass out.

“You go first Kyle; I don’t mind watching,” Brin spun the chair with Michelle’s dress and David’s coat draped over the back around and straddled it.

Kyle circled Michelle admiring her. She had a voluptuous figure, wide at the hips, slim waist, a little belly bulge, and pert breasts but her best assets were her legs and ass. Her buttocks were plump and firm and her legs long and shapely, accentuated by the sheer pantyhose. He stopped in front of her and forced her to face him; her face was beautiful, shoulder-length, bob-cut black hair with bangs resting above her smoky eyes. She’d had her makeup done professionally before setting out; long mascaraed lashes, manicured eyebrows, heavy black eyeliner, rouged cheeks and bright red lipstick. She wore an emerald encrusted choker necklace, matching earrings and bracelets on her wrists. On her left hand she wore emerald engagement and eternity rings either side of her wedding band.

Kyle lifted her hand and kissed her fingertips; Michelle shuddered.

“You probably shouldn’t be wearing that wedding band while we do what we do Michelle; pretty sure its against your wedding vows,” Kyle said sarcastically.

“Please don’t,” Michelle begged when he ripped the rings off her finger.

“Here David; look after these for your wife while I fuck her,” Kyle sniggered and dropped the jewellery into David’s lap.

David was still sobbing, tears running down his cheeks.

“Ok enough small talk,” Kyle made his way back over to Michelle.

“One last thing. I’m serious about the boxcutter; if you try to hurt me or try to escape I’ll use it on David and make you watch. Got it?” he grasped her hair and lifted her face.

Michelle nodded.

“Good, lets get started,” Kyle took off his clothes and let them fall to the dusty floor.

His body was ripped and tanned with very little hair but his jet-black mane was long and well groomed. His eyes were dark and he had handsome chiselled features. He also had an enormous erection; at least seven inches long and with plenty of girth; it curved upwards slightly and a little dewy gobbet of precum had formed at the tip of the glans.

Michelle didn’t want to look at him naked but she couldn’t help doing so; when she saw the size of his manhood she trembled in fear.

Kyle entwined his fingers in her hair and pulled Michelle’s face to his. He began to kiss her, pressing his lips against hers and then forcing his tongue into her mouth.

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Tyrians Adventures in the Japanese Sex Trade

A Peak into the Japanese Sex Trade By T. Koenig Introduction It just goes to show how one wild night can open doors. My wild night opened doors to places I'd only fantasized about before. How does a six foot three, ex-hockey player from Canada end up working in stiletto heels as a hostess in Tokyo? A series of coincidences, an excellent sensei and a little natural talent is how. Having been on this wild ride for almost four years now, I feel lucky to have experienced a...

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Green DoomChapter 20 The Trade

Orzad pulled his tired pony to a halt, muttering a curse under his breath as a whistling shriek echoed down the trail from somewhere up ahead. "Tiger lizard!" He cast a worried glance at his back trail, toward where the King's soldiers were probably still hunting his tracks. "On the prowl, too. Wonder what it's after?" Another whistling scream was answered by the bass honking of a gronch. Orzad guided his nervous pony to the crest of a nearby hill where he could look down on the...

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The Trade

You all know the legal bull crap required at the beginning but here it is anyway, The following story is a complete work of fiction, It is for Adults Only, Do not read if under 21 years old, Do not read if it is illegal to do so where you live, ya-da&hellip,ya-da&hellip,ya-da. Also, this is story about adults having sex with minors, if this offends you, DONT READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Trade Chapter 1 I live on the west coast and am the sole owner of a medium sized electrical supply...

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Freedom of Trade

Advertisements of one kind or another were all Lance could see wherever he looked around him. They dominated the supermarket aisles, were suspended above the shelves and plastered all over the store's windows. But how could it ever be different? A man needed help when he went shopping. And at the moment, he was browsing in the pharmaceuticals section where the dominant ads paraded images of infeasibly muscular men and seductively desirable naked women, What Lance was looking for wasn't...

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An Even Trade

Sandy, as we his friends called him was flying into Africa. The trip planned and looked forward to by Sandy the previous months while attending college. He like his stepfather was a student of science; had another year to go before gaining his bachelor degree in Biology. He was looking forward to three weeks of fun and friendship as he visited his stepfather's new African expedition. Dr. Francis L. Chapman was the only father that Sandy had ever known. His real father had divorced his mother...

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An Evil Trade

Sandy, as all his friends called him was flying into Africa; a trip planned and looked forward to these many months back at college. A student of science he was soon to get a degree in Biology. Now though he was looking forward to three weeks of fun and friendship as he visited his Father's new African expedition. Dr. Francis L. Chapman, Sandy’s father, had for the past ten years working on a special project, "The Nunji Tribe and their plant enzyme medicines." As Sandy got off the plane, he...

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South of Bikini 4 Colonial Trade

Danger, heart wrenching loss, catastrophe, and unforeseen temporal chaos challenge Alex and her away team as they set out to repair some revolutionary glitches perpetrated by Clemson's ignorant and callous 'corrections' to history. Chapter 2 "Colonial Trade" 1303hrs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Colony, June 17th, 1779 Independence Hall appeared beside us. I had never been here before; instead, I recognized it from my...

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Tattoo trade

Let me preclude this story by saying that we wrote this about a month ago right after the situation happened, and are now posting it because Erin is going to see Brian again for more work this weekend.....My wife Erin loves tattoos. She has a large one on her back but until now nothing more. She’s wanted what’s referred to as a “sleeve” for some time now and decided it was time to get one done by the same fellow who did her back, a great artist named Brian. Brian’s studio is in another city,...

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Bound Trade

The door bell rings. When I answer he is standing there in black jeans and a t-shirt that hugs his muscular chest and arms. Without a word he goes over to the couch and lowers his jeans. There is no underwear beneath them, just an already hard cock that bounces when it is released. Next he pulls off his shirt and drops down on the couch. Without a word he spreads his legs for me and stares down at his cock over the tattoos on his tight chest and belly. He is tough and hot with his shaved head,...

Gay Male
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Tricks of trade

INTRODUCTIONThe aim of the Tricks of the Trade workshop is to provide health and safety information relevantfor street sexworkers and those who work with them.A street sexworker needs to:• attract customers;• negotiate with the customer about what s/he will do, where and for what price;• provide the service agreed;• maintain health, safety and dignity in the process.Sexwork styles and the problems that people have with it are individual and various. Handingout pamphlets and supplies can never...

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Angel The Trade

(Thanks to CJ; my partner in crime for Televisions based tales for looking this short story over for me.) I do not own the Characters, J Whedon and WB do - I am just playing with them. Angel: The Trade By Eric The latest premonition attack had left Cordelia weakened again. It was getting more than she could bear. It wasn't only physical pain but the agony of always seeing someone in desperate, mortal danger. Often, Angel and Wesley could save them. Often. Though sometimes they...

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Skin Trade

Skin Trade By Cal Y. Pygia Sixteen-year-old Jennifer Beale put down her romance novel. The sun was hot. It burned mercilessly, baking her. She wished she'd worn a swimsuit instead of a halter top, a knee-length skirt, bobby sox, and sandals. A two-piece suit or, better yet, a bikini would have exposed her upper legs, her back, and her tummy to the air, allowing the faint, intermittent breeze to cool her. She'd looked forward to reading the last chapter of "Blithe Boys",...

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Texas Trade

TEXAS TRADE Texas, big Texas, wild west state and one of the few states where cowboy boots go with a suit, it's the state I was going through, easy to get lost in it, how true. Id come into some money from my grandmothers estate, about 50 grand. Part of it went to clear some debts, and the rest I put onto a holiday, a self drive one through the United States. I had the leave and the money, so why not. Id come into Texas through New Mexico, another state where cowboy boots...

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Even Trade

Allison groaned slowly on hands and knees as her husband's softening member slipped out from her stretched, dripping pussy. A dribble of cum ran down her thigh as she panted heavily, trying to catch her breath and slow the spinning room. She collapsed, immersing herself into the satin sheets of their bed. She basked in the warmth of her fourth - or was it her fifth? - climax of the night. Travis finished wiping his cock with a tissue from their nightstand. He reached down, and with a...

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Japanese Slave Trade

Japanese Slave Trade.     A Story by Tor MalatiChapter OneGeorge was beginning to regret signing on for this voyage. His brother Harry had promised him that this ship was carrying a valuable cargo and that his plan would make them rich. Together with Harry and his two friends, Jim and Andy, they had been secretly searching the vessels cargo holds from stem to stern. The ship had left Canada a month earlier and after picking up their cargo in Tokyo, were now on their way back to Vancouver. Their...

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Slave Trade

SLAVE TRADE It had been an awful few weeks the boat was so over crowded, there was noroom for anyone hundreds of us packed into this tiny little space no air, nolight, and no sun, hardly ever let on the deck for some exercise. Mid summerand the heat was searing the smell from all the human waste was over poweringbut still we could do nothing I sat in my little corner near the door and watchedpeople die on that journey, die from malnutrition die from heat exhaustionand disease which ran riot...

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A teacher learns a new trade

She begged them to stop the dogs but they only laughed. One of the young men told her that unless she wanted to get bitten she had better pleasure the dogs. Crying she rose up onto her hand and knees and at that time the first dog mounted her. She screamed as the dogs large , long cock was driven deep into her virgin pussy. She opened her mouth to scream and her head was grabbed and forced down onto a dogs cock of a dog that was laying on its back under her face. She was forced to eat dog...

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Not Exactly A Fair Trade

"Mom?" she asked, coming into the living room."Morgan, I don't know what you're about to ask for, but the answer is no.""Come on, Whitney, hear your daughter out," I said, peeking at her.She shot me a dirty look and glanced at Morgan. "What is it, Morgan?"Morgan swallowed. "Mom, this can count as my entire birthday and Christmas presents this year, so may I have $700 for a trip to Paris?""Hell no, Morgan," she objected, shaking her head no. "I'm not made of money, and Spencer and I are saving...

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The Dragon Mistress Heathers Trade

Heather couldn't believe she was standing in the castle keep of the Dragon Mistress. Legends were told of this woman's power. The fear she command was only exceeded by her beauty. Her hair was long and thick, a fiery copper coloured. Her eyes were a commanding bright green, so green it was as though even in human form she couldn't keep the dragon from showing inside her. She sat on a throne and stared at Heather in a way that was both enticing and dismissive. Heather wanted to shuffle her...

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The Trade

"A fair exchange is no robbery." Old proverb. Orzad hauled on the reins of his lathered pony, bringing it to an abrupt halt as a whistling shriek echoed against the valley walls from farther up the trail. "Tiger Lizard!" He gave a worried glance at his back trail where the King's soldiers were hunting for his tracks. "On the prowl, too. Wonder what it's after." His question was quickly answered as another whistling scream was echoed by the bass honking of a gronch. Orzad guided his...

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A Fair Trade

My name’s Chip Campanelli. I’m a retired repair shop supervisor for a major airline. My wife and I invested wisely (her wisdom, my income) and by the time we were 49 years old, I was eligible for a 30 year pension and we had investments worth 2.8 million dollars. Our happy retirement lasted all of eight months before she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was well advanced and she died five months later. At least she got to see London and Paris and Rome and Zurich and Venice. She loved...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 269 Lets Make a Trade

Anya kept watch over Uri while I went across the street to tool up. I came back with the 10 mm glock on my hip, the hammerless .38 revolver in one of my jacket pockets, the .410 gauge derringer in pocket of my jeans and a recently acquired switchblade knife on the other side. I bought the knife for fun during a recent trip out of the country. I didn't think that I was going to be having any fun that night, excitement for sure, fun no. I also carried the shotgun cane, since I had to have a...

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Adventures With LindzChapter 5 The Trade

We were having lunch at the Belga Café near eastern market a couple weeks later when the subject of injecting my balls came up again. "Still up for a trade?" Lindz ask, snagging a mussel from the bowl in front of us and noisily slurping the contents. "Maybe." Things had mellowed some since our night with Anna and I could tell that Lindz was itching to try something new. "It sounds relatively safe," she murmured, breaking off some bread and dipping it in the sauce. "How...

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DominationChapter 7 The Trade

"Come in, there is someone I want you to meet," said Alexandra. It was three days since Catherine's encounter with Rhonda at the restaurant. Once again after collecting her wits she had attempted to ignore her weekly session with Alexandra, so ashamed of her performance at the restaurant that she thought nothing could possibly persuade her to continue this decadence. Yet here she was, not simply in spite of, but mostly because of, the humiliation and erotic spell of subjugation in which...

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Life Diverted Part 2 AdulthoodChapter 6 Tradecraft

August 1973, age 18 Helplessness is a truly horrible sensation. Agent Marks’s unvarnished proclamation that our home had been bombed caused Caity and Charlie to start crying and asking questions. Simon and Susan were trying to console Caity, and the Wilsons didn’t understand the significance. I was as shocked and upset as anyone else, but it eventually hit me that I was the only person in the room who could step up and act as parent. “Everyone, quiet! QUIET!” They stopped talking, though...

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Slave Traders

The time was late in the spring and we were on a late night drivein the countryside watching for all of the new spring animals that wereborn. We spotted a doe that was grazing in the cool grass. My sister and I were on our spring break from college and didn'twant to spend our time in the local bars looking for men. We love natureand watching all the new growth that rises from the dead of winter. As we spotted the new doe, we left the safety of our car to geta closer look when we heard...

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Ally is currently lying face down on her bed wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of shorts that Dean has pulled down to her ankles. Before attempting to enter her ass he had spread a large portion of Vaseline on the outside and pushed it into her with his large fingers. She had groaned loudly each time they slipped inside her. She already feels exhausted simply from clenching the muscles in her ass tightly for the past ten minutes as he has probed her. On top of the fact that Dean's...

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Fairwater II

She was looking forward to having dinner with one of the party, an young man near her age by the name of David. The thought of being near him brought a smile and blush to her cheeks. A simple dinner, maybe a bit more flirting, and as usual nothing ever seems to go right for my simple plans.... Tonight was no exception... David was waiting downstairs for her to arrive, watching the main room gradually fill with all manner of people, human, elven, dwarf, etc (editor - imagine Lord of the...

5 years ago
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Faire LAmour Within the Winds Of Hell

originally published in Ophelia’s Muse May 2002 Lamps sputtered against dank subterranean air as he squinted at the papers. Fuel fumes stirred a bouillabaisse of tobacco, coffee, soup, sweat and mildew. The muted breath of those around him sounded more distant than the trickle of sewers beyond the chamber walls. “I’ll be dammed,” Bradley muttered in English. Six of the surviving members of Etienne duMarche’s Resistance cell exchanged uncertain grins, they might not understand his words, but...

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Fairies I

Fairies Daniel checked his traps. A shy boy, he had never really gotten along with his peers. He was too short for basketball, too light for wrestling or football, little hand to eye coordination so baseball was out. What could a kid do? He discovered an interest in insects. They never expected him to hit a glove at 90 feet. They didn't care if he could kick, hit, pitch or anything else. They went about their lives with indifference to anything they didn't need to do. Sometimes he...

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Fairies One Enchanted Evening

One enchanted Evening... Dandelion flew alongside the Queen toward the national forest. "It's so beautiful from up here." She sighed. "Yes. But the smog is murder," the Queen replied. They skimmed over a freeway, and entered the depths of the forest. Here, without the taint of man, it was a wonderland Dandelion would have never imagined. The few Fairy he had seen were multiplied fourfold. They danced, and in some places he saw two light merge, pulsing. She asked about the...

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Jack of All Trades

Jack of All Trade by EmileDon't read this if you are underage.  This is fantasy, stick to consensual sex._____Jack Harper reclined on the white silk sheets, his bronzed torso rippling beneath the halogen lights. On both his solid pecs, his large dark nipples stood erect in the breeze that wafted through the photographic studio, matching his bulging dicklump in the tight black speedos, that jutted forward from over his large balls thanks to the hidden thick chrome cockring. He raised one arm up...

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Fair is Fair

This is my first story, please let me know what you think Growing up I was a nerd. Living on the east coast of Florida most of my classmates were more interested in the wave forecast while I focused on atomic weights and the possibilities that black holes really existed. This is not to say that I was all study and no fun, I looked forward to the weekly game of Dungeons and Dragons. Being a nerd and more introverted than even most of those I had few friends. Okay, I had two people that I would...

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Fairies III A day in the life Mediterranean

The problem with lawyers... The man leaped at the Coach as he stepped from his car. Having spent several years as a Marine before he became a coach. what happened next was a foregone conclusion. He grabbed, slammed the man face first into his SUV (Wincing at the dent his face left) and set his foot on the man's back. "What the hell are you doing?" He snarled. "Coach Henderson I am serving you with a subpoena!" the man said. Of course with a broken nose and other injuries from his...

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Fair Trade Man Is Forced To Watch His Wife Fucke

Fair TradeByMichele NylonsDavid Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger."You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn't you? 'Don't worry Chelle, it's a back road but it's fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.' Which numb-nut told you...

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Fair Is Fair

"Honey, I'm home!" Richard yelled, closing the front door behind him. He'd lucked out and gotten the day off early and wanted to surprise his wife, Helen. When he didn't hear a reply right away, he walked up the stairs toward their bedroom. Puzzled, he looked down and saw a bra laying on the ground, as if it had been stripped off and discarded there. Down the hall he could hear some sexy music coming from the bedroom. Richard smiled to himself, remembering the last time this had...

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Fairwater I

However, one special rule of the game is that there are some slips stating challenges to be done, or punishments carried out, none of them real difficult or more than embarrasing. Yet, one command is that of the hearts desire, in which the dice are rolled one more time, then contestants are counted from left to right, with the lucky person chosen getting bedded by the drawer for the night. The game has been played for centuries, both honor and tradition bind the two to carry out the...

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Fair Justice

Fair Justice CHAPTER IGreenville High Street had a new attraction today.  Judge Fair of Greenville Law Court, who had a reputation of not living up to his name, was always keen on cruel and unusual punishments.  Today’s treat was one of the housewives of plush Greenville convicted of adultery.  Normally for such an offence Fair would dole out any combination of branding, a flogging, and a prison sentence anywhere between a month and six years (as the law prescribed) depending on the case and...

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Fairytale of Christmas

To the tune of "Fairytale of New York" by Shane MacGowan and Jem Finer This may be archived/posted anywhere: Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Fairytale of Christmas By Pretzelgirl It was Christmas Eve, again In the closet I finished donning my gay apparel And then I poured a drink My memories erase I strung some mistletoe Tear trickles down my face God, I'm the lucky one I've been the favorite son I've kept it hidden I've been the golden boy The toll has...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 3 Inside Trader

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Fair Grounds

Fair GroundsIf Only Dreams Came True...This is a short story of a dream I had.Dawn and I were at a fair in town. Like always she was dressed to kill in tight jeans, boots and a very sexy top. Every guy there was looking at her like I was not even there. We went on every ride they had and played every game there. She kept going back to the Tilt-A-Whirl and talking with the operator. She saw I was getting a little upset so she came up to me and gave me a kiss."Oh, stop getting upset I was just...

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Tricks of the Trade

No matter how late she was running, there was always time to make love to the mirror. It was the only way to keep doing her job and save just a smidgen of self-confidence. Gina Divine stood before the mirror in the bathroom preening for work. Hunter kohl eyeliner was applied in a single unwavering stroke to emphasize her emerald eyes. She brandished the wand to her mascara like a pro. Puckering her lips, she applied the final coat of shellac and pouted seductively. Gina wiggled into her slinky,...

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Grey Area Wades Trade

My phone was ringing.  I fished it out of my pocket and checked the number.  It was Sophie, my wonderful, amazing, beautiful fiancée.  I waited a moment before answering.“Hey, Soph.  How are you?” I asked.“Hello, Mr. Grey,” she replied.  “I’m fine, thank you.  I’m just checking up on how your schedule is coming along?”“Everything is going right to schedule so far, Ms. Dunn.  Just this last client to go.  I’m parked outside, but he’s not quite ready for me to go in.”“I love you, Wade.  So…,...

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Slave trade

I opened my eyes slightly the light was blinding and the heat of the sun quite intense, where was i? Through squinted eyes I could make out a number of figures standing around hold guns, I suddenly became aware that my hands where tied and I was gagged, as I looked around I was not the only one. As my eyes adjusted to the light I could see about fifty other people tied up in the same manner as me, men and women of various ages and in various stages of dress, we have all obviously been...

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Rough Trade

Before you start…this is quite a long story, but please have patience. Thanks. Cindy’s ice blue eyes stare deep into mine, a rock solid, unflinching gaze. I get the impression she is not going to deliver good news. “Rob, I won’t hold back, you’re a dear friend and I care about you. I think your accounts are a wreck, and your projected figures for the next year do not inspire confidence at all. If I am brutally honest, your business might not even be around for that long anyway.” Talk...

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Siblings Trade

You wake up in your bed on a friday, thinking you were late for school after checking your alarm, only to remember you had the day off. You hop out of bed hearing a snore from above you, you think: is it a bad thing if I have sort of a hate for my sibling? You always get into fights and arguments about things only to stop because you didn't want to get into any trouble with a teacher or parent. You always slowly stand up and walk to your bathroom to splash some water on yourself to get yourself...

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Cuckold Learns his Trade

I paused briefly to admire the view of my cock halfway out of the woman's vagina. Her silky secretions coated my shaft, glistening softly in the light of her bedroom."See, this is how it is done." I instructed as I turned to the woman's husband who was standing by me to my left."Yes, I see," the miserable wretch agreed, "but your shaft is so much longer and thicker than mine. It reaches deeper in her.""Mmm,, oh yes it does. It feels wonderful." the woman breathed excitedly.Her face was buried...

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The Trade

A while back me and a friend of mine and his twenty year old girlfriend went to the next town over from ours for a long weekend. We were putting away some drinks in the hotel bar when a couple of older men approached us. My buddy, Mike, and I are twenty five and okay looking guys. Mike's girlfriend, Lisa, is a super hot twenty year old blonde, 100 lbs., nice "C" cup tits, about five foot tall. A petite thing that looks like she is ready to fuck. These men I am going to guess are in their...

2 years ago
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Rough Trade

Before you start...this is quite a long story, but please have patience. Thanks. Cindy’s ice blue eyes stare deep into mine, a rock solid, unflinching gaze. I get the impression she is not going to deliver good news. “Rob, I won’t hold back, you’re a dear friend and I care about you. I think your accounts are a wreck, and your projected figures for the next year do not inspire confidence at all. If I am brutally honest, your business might not even be around for that long anyway.” Talk about...

Group Sex
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Slave trade

I opened my eyes slightly the light was blinding and the heat of the sun quite intense, where was i? Through squinted eyes I could make out a number of figures standing around hold guns, I suddenly became aware that my hands where tied and I was gagged, as I looked around I was not the only one. As my eyes adjusted to the light I could see about fifty other people tied up in the same manner as me, men and women of various ages and in various stages of dress, we have all obviously been...

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Rough Trade

We often visited the sauna where my wife and I would occasionally indulge in threesomes. My wife Cathy is a petite brunet. She is only 19 and although she had a very limited sex life before we married she has certainly made up for it since. She prefers men who are well mannered and she can't abide rowdy types and bad language. Knowing this about her made what happened the other night, such a shock. We were alone in the Jacuzzi at the sauna, when we could hear some loud-mouthed men in the next...

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