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Allison groaned slowly on hands and knees as her husband's softening member slipped out from her stretched, dripping pussy. A dribble of cum ran down her thigh as she panted heavily, trying to catch her breath and slow the spinning room. She collapsed, immersing herself into the satin sheets of their bed. She basked in the warmth of her fourth - or was it her fifth? - climax of the night. Travis finished wiping his cock with a tissue from their nightstand. He reached down, and with a flourish swept the blankets up to cover them both. He snuggled up behind Allison, reaching around to cup one small breast with his hand and mumbling "Goodnight, babe" contentedly. His body enveloped hers, his softening rod poking insistently between her ass cheeks: a soft reminder of the night's depraved acts. Allison hugged herself. Travis had thoroughly used her body to fulfill his every desire. Her skin burned with humiliation as she relived her wanton behavior in the bedroom. She felt like a used sex toy. Worse still, she had loved every second of it. Somewhere deep in her mind, unconscious impulses betrayed all conscious thought, sending excited tingles through her abdomen and down to her nether regions. Curled up in bed, with Travis' naked body draped over her, Allison fantasized about being taller; more assertive. A powerful figure of womanhood. She desired a chance to just once play the commanding role. But her body was singularly aroused by the act of being dominated by her strong, powerful husband. Her mind was at odds with her own body's desires. Tonight before bed she had prepared to take the dominant role - to shove Travis down on their bed and climb on top - but Travis had simply waved his erect cock in front of her, and subconscious images of a submissive, slutty Allison took over. She found herself once again on her knees, jerking his saliva-coated cock with both hands and begging him to fuck her silly. Allison stood only 5 feet, 4 inches tall, and adulthood had not managed to shed a youthful thin layer of chubby baby fat. Her arms and legs were dainty and feminine. Her breasts were small: barely a handful, even in her feminine hands. Her waist was slim. Every aspect of her physical appearance practically screamed frailty. It begged to be dominated. Her cunt flexed involuntarily at the thought, a renewed blush of warmth spreading between her thighs. She cursed her body silently. She imagined life from Travis' perspective, having a girlfriend like herself. She would ravage her, too. She licked her lips. Her face flushed in the cool, quiet night, as she drifted slowly to sleep with one hand clutched between her legs. ************ "A package arrived for you today." Travis played a sensitive balancing act with the bag of groceries and the day's stack of mail. He deposited a small box unceremoniously on the table where Allison sat paging through a magazine, and continued into the kitchen. Allison eyed the tattered brown package curiously. It was littered with fading ink - rubber stamps from countries all over the world. Some of the stamps had dates on them, going back months, possibly years. There were others that were too faded to read. It was addressed simply: 'Allison Williams.' "That's weird," she called into the kitchen, "there's no address." She picked it up and turned it over, examining each side. "There's no state or zip code on this entire package. It's just my name." Travis walked back into the dining room and stood behind her. "Maybe it's not really for you." He grinned. "I can take it back to the post office if you want." He reached over her, making a grasping motion with his hand, moving slowly so that Allison had time to snatch it out from underneath his grasp, giggling. She held it protectively. "No, I want to see what's in it!" She tore at the waxy, brown paper, ignoring Travis as he wondered aloud behind her: "but really, how did it get here?" She pulled the scraps aside, revealing a small, plain black box. It was lined with velvety black felt. A strip of gold trim encircled the middle, where the lid sealed. Its simplicity entranced her. "A jewelry box," she breathed quietly. Handling the box delicately, Allison lifted the heavy, felt-lined lid. Her eyes grew round as the shadows lifted away. The early evening sunlight streamed in through a nearby window, illuminating a bright blue opal, wreathed in silver and fastened to a long, thin, silver chain. No, not silver, she noted, feeling the softness of the metal. White gold. The necklace was a rope of sparkling white gold. The gem it shackled glittered ferociously. Allison reached out and touched the soft metal. It felt cool against her fingertips. She stroked it in admiration. It tingled beneath her touch and sent a shiver of excitement down her spine. She lifted it carefully with both hands, fingers lightly clasping the flexible rope of shining white metal. Travis held up the scraps of brown wrapping paper, examining them. "Well, the name on the box was Allison Williams, and you're the only Allison Williams I know..." he concluded with a smile. Allison lifted the necklace above her head, looping it carefully around her neck and allowing the large blue jewel to settle comfortably between her small breasts. It felt right. "It looks good on you," Travis admired. "You should wear it to Jen's party tonight." Their evening plans came flooding back to her. Allison clutched the bright blue stone against her breast, groaning inwardly. "Can't we call off, just this once? Tell them I'm sick or something!" "Sorry, babe. You know these dinners are huge for business. Jen needs me there. And I need you there." Travis made a generous living for the both of them at a consulting firm. His supervisor - Jennifer Miller - hosted a series of fancy dinner parties from time to time, allowing potential clients and employees alike to socialize and cut loose. The entire affair was treated as a posh sales opportunity for the employees, and wives and husbands were dragged along to enjoy the rich atmosphere. Allison might have enjoyed herself, but being around Jennifer always put her on edge. Allison knew that Jennifer and Travis had dated briefly, back in their college days, and to this day, Jennifer was never subtle about her flirtations with Allison's husband. Allison prepared to argue her case. "But-" "No butts. Go change. We need to leave in a few minutes." Travis grabbed Allison by her shoulders and spun her towards the hallway. He smirked. "Okay, maybe one butt." He smacked her ass with his palm, just hard enough to make her wince and yelp cutely. The cheek stung, but her heart fluttered as she obeyed, her body immediately responding. She grabbed the jewelry box as she went upstairs. In their room, Allison placed the velvet box on the dresser and noticed a slip of paper tucked neatly against the inner lining. She took it out and unfolded it to reveal hand-written scribbles in faded ink. It appeared to be a poem, or a limerick of some kind. She read the tiny parchment: What once was theirs is yours to keep. Your heart's desire, each touch can reap. Switch this for that or rearrange; this pendant powers each exchange. Trade tall for short or strong for weak; this gift will give you what you seek. Gain anything which you may lack. Take your want, and send scraps back. The necklace tingled around her neck as Allison puzzled over the words. She gradually returned the poem to its resting place and prepared for another night with the world's biggest bitch. ************ "Oh. My. God, Allie! I love your necklace!" Jennifer Miller - blonde super-hostess extraordinaire - swooped down on Allison and Travis as they entered the extravagant mansion. She carried a champagne flute in each hand. She wore a shimmering red dress, frosted with glittering, ruby- colored facets. The fabric hugged every curve of her luxurious hourglass figure. Her round tits strained against the strapless dress, threatening to spill over the top. Allison's eyes narrowed. Those tits seemed even bigger than Allison remembered. Jen handed Allison one of the glasses. "I'm so glad you both could make it." She turned to Travis, sliding close. "Travis, you're looking handsome as always." She brushed her chest against his, holding the other glass up for him to take. She casually placed her hand on Travis arm, allowing her fingers to squeeze the toned definition of his arm beneath his sport coat. Allison smoldered as she watched the scene unfold, but held her tongue. Travis - always the gracious guest - took the glass with an uncomfortable smile and a stiff nod. Jennifer turned to Allison once again with a wink and an impish smile. Allison glanced away, looking through the crowd of people. Through the main hallway she could see a small crowd of women gossiping with one another in the living room. She recognized some of them as Jennifer's friends. Travis took her hand, diverting her attention. "I'm going to work my way through the crowd a bit, and see if I can't work on some potentials. Why don't you go with Jennifer so I can maneuver?" Allison's protest was cut off as Travis tilted her chin up and kissed her on the lips. She closed her eyes, relishing the subtle scent of his cologne and the tilt of her neck as he towered over her. She melted. "Back in a jiffy." With that, he turned and disappeared into the crowd, arms spread wide as he greeted some familiar faces. Jennifer took Allison by the hand, practically dragging her into the living room as she gushed over the latest in the world of fashion. ************ An hour later, two glasses of champagne had temporarily dulled the sting Allison felt at being left alone with Jen and her personal army of airheads. No amount of alcohol could completely drown out the scene currently playing out in front of her, however. "Oh my God! They're amazing." "It's called Stem Cell Breast Enhancement." "...I think I saw that on the news a few months ago!" "Don't they inject you with fat from some other part of your body?" "Basically." Jennifer held her shoulders back as the small crowd of women 'ooh'd and 'ahh'd at her chest. Allison made sure to keep her distance as the others pressed in, rolling her eyes inwardly. She her arms. Allison still wasn't sure how the topic had come up, but apparently Jen had recently enjoyed an augmentation to her already substantial chest. A top-of-the-line medical procedure, where her boobs were enlarged at the cellular level. The important thing was, Allison's imagination had not played tricks on her; Jennifer's boobs were bigger. "They look so natural," one of the other ladies cooed. "They are natural," Jen beamed. "Since they use stem cells and fat cells, it's just as if I was born with natural double-Ds! The doctor explained that since fat cells have a 'memory,' if I ever gain any weight, it will all be centered on my chest." The other women chattered away as Allison felt a small pang of jealousy. She looked down at her own meager offerings. She wasn't na?ve; she knew her boobs had convenience on their side. It was admittedly nice not having to worry about wearing a bra all the time - especially on nights like tonight, when she wore her flimsy silvery dress, and it was hot outside - but the small lumps on her chest could hardly be called 'boobs.' Jen, on the other hand; she had the best of both worlds, now. Her heaving chest defied gravity, hanging perfectly in the air despite all known laws of physics. They seemed to support her dress with singular purpose and yet still managed to look natural, forming a round teardrop shape with a slight upturn on the tips. There was nothing plastic about them. Some of the women had taken turns feeling them. Alcohol had loosened everyone up. Jen caught Allison looking and slid closer to her. "Come on Allie; you've got to feel!" Before Allison could protest, Jennifer grabbed Allison's hands and brought them up to her chest. Allison grimaced but did not resist. Her palms pressed against the yielding flesh through the satin material. They felt softer than she had expected. They really did feel completely natural. Allison corrected herself - as Jen had already pointed out, they were natural. Allison hesitantly squeezed them with both hands, her fingers sinking easily into the soft skin. She felt silly with both arms outstretched, feeling up this annoying debutante. Her mind drifted with the slight haze of the champagne. She imagined how nice it would be to have a pair as big as these. Why did Jen need them so big, anyway? If only boobs were like currency - if only she could just take some of Jen's extra assets for her own... Her necklace tickled against the skin of her breastbone. It tingled, the way a tongue tingles when it touches an alkaline battery. Her hands mindlessly roamed outward and followed the contours of Jen's new boobs, feeling the crease of flesh underneath and caressing the curve along the sides, as they lifted up into her armpits. Allison's own chest tingled with warmth for a moment, and she inhaled deeply. She exhaled, but her chest did not seem to fall in the same way. Allison shook her head and lifted her hands away, suddenly remembering where she was. She looked around quickly, expecting everyone to be staring at her awkward, too-eager examination. Her face felt hot with embarrassment, but nobody appeared to pay her any attention. They were once again wrapped up in their own gossip. She looked back at Jennifer's face and noticed it too appeared flushed, but not from embarrassment. Jennifer was breathing heavily, almost panting. Her eyes seemed unfocused and distant. Her nipples were hard and thick, noticeably pushing through her dress. Allison recognized the signs of Jennifer's arousal easily, and excused herself before she could attract any attention. As she fled the scene, her own chest felt different. Heavier. More pendulous. Her dress felt more constricting. She walked briskly to the bathroom. Once inside, Allison placed her hands on either side of the sink, taking a couple deep breaths and examining her image in the mirror. Her face was flushed like Jennifer's had been. Her skin glowed. She had seen this look in the mirror before; she looked like this every time Travis gave her a good hard fuck. This was her 'afterglow' face. As she took in the image, something drew her eyes downward. Her boobs had grown. Her hands flew up, grabbing them in disbelief. They were definitely larger. They weren't just swollen - that sometimes happened when she had her period. These were at least two cup sizes bigger, maybe more. Allison turned sideways, admiring her profile. She cupped her breasts and lifted them slightly, testing their weight. They hung perfectly. They were soft. They were natural. They were real. They were like Jen's. No, she amended, they weren't quite like Jen's; Jen's were huge. These were probably a C-cup, now, but Jen's had been much bigger. Still, Allison could recognize subtle features of her new bust that reminded her of Jen's newest investments; the perfect teardrop shape, the upturned nipples. Allison realized something else with a rush; she was horny as hell. Rubbing her legs together, she could feel the hot stickiness of her underwear clinging to her crotch. All she could think about was filling her pussy with something hard, bringing herself some relief. But she didn't dare do anything about it, here. She tried think of a reason for her sudden rush of desire; looking at her own boobs had never flipped this kind of switch within her before. She refused to consider her little scene with Jen; she wasn't attracted to girls! There had to be another reason, but she couldn't explain it. The building lust seemed almost supernatural in origin. Allison splashed some cold water on her face and readjusted her dress. She breathed deeply, waiting patiently for her craving to slowly dissipate. After a few moments, the feeling remained, but seemed a bit more manageable. Taking one more deep breath, Allison returned to the party. Casually, Allison returned to the group of gossiping women. She looked around, searching for Jennifer. She spotted the hostess some distance away, talking to a random male guest and laughing at some shared joke. If Jennifer had any recollection or awareness of their recent encounter, she gave no obvious indication. With growing fascination, Allison discovered that Jennifer's dress seemed a bit bigger on her. She wandered closer, the gears in her head turning quickly. The dress definitely hung more loosely than before. Once she knew to look for it, it was impossible to miss; Jen's enormous chest had shrunk. If anything, they looked slightly smaller than Allison remembered them ever being, even before her recent medical procedure. Allison marveled at the implications. She placed a hand on her chest in contemplation, feeling her breasts sway as she turned away. Her fingers rested against the blue opal pendant. Something clicked. The pendant. Allison struggled to remember the poem from the jewelry box. What once was theirs is yours to keep. Your heart's desire, each touch can reap. Had the necklace somehow facilitated this shift? She thought back to the moment she had placed her hands on Jennifer's swollen breast. The necklace had tingled as she fueled her desire for bigger boobs. Had she stolen some of Jennifer's ample size with her touch? Allison was further intrigued by Jennifer's mannerisms with the gentleman. Too frequently, she reached out to place a hand on his arm. She laughed a little too often. She stood a little too close. Her eyes sparkled. Suddenly, to Allison's amazement, Jennifer brazenly took the man's hand and guided him through the crowd. Together, they ascended a large staircase to the upper floor. To the bedrooms. Allison's mouth fell open in amazement. The corners of her mouth threatened to pull back in a laugh, but she settled for a tight-lipped smirk. She tried to connect the dots; maybe the necklace had caused this 'trade,' and it appeared to have some additional side effects on the both of them. Jen seemed to have been overtaken by the same, sudden waves of lust that threatened Allison just moments ago. Allison shook her head. This was all speculation. It was silly. And there was one easy way to confirm all of it. Allison surveyed the crowd, scanning across the tops of heads until she spotted a random man that stood tall above the other guests. She was able to pick him out easily from a distance. Before she had time to second- guess herself, Allison was brushing her way through clusters of people, a plan formulating in her mind. As she passed a wandering waiter, she stopped just long enough to pick up a drink. When she was just a few feet behind the tall gentleman, she turned her back to him and slowly inched closer, pretending to admire the ceiling fixtures amongst the throngs of guests. She drew closer. When she could sense him immediately behind her, Allison turned sharply, letting out a mild shriek of surprise as she bumped into him. Her drink splashed up into the air, and the glass fell from her hand to the ground. Some of the nearby guests backed away, but the man immediately procured a handkerchief and kneeled to help her blot up the spill. Allison knelt down next to him. "Oh gosh," she stammered. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there at all!" "Please don't worry about it," he replied. "It's alright." "Really, let me take care of it." Allison reached out and placed her hand on his. The moment she touched his skin, she allowed her mind to drift. She recalled how often she felt disadvantaged by her small stature. She imagined how nice it would be to have just a little more height; only an inch. Maybe two. She considered the man in front of her; he could spare a couple extra inches of height. She needed it more than he did. The tingling around her neck returned, and Allison knew immediately that her suspicions had been confirmed. From their kneeling position, Allison could not notice a difference, but the subtlest wave of vertigo suggested that her center of balance had shifted ever so slightly. She knew that her necklace had done its job. The man protested Allison's attempt to help clean the spill. "No really, that's alright, I..." His voice drifted off. Allison looked up at his eyes and saw the glazed look that she saw in Jennifer just moments ago. The man's breathing slowed, deepened. From the corner of her eye, Allison was oddly delighted to see a bulge slowly pushing out from his slacks. Her own privates throbbed and she knew it was time to go. Allison stood. Looking down at the kneeling man, the small change in her perspective was immediately apparent to her. "Thank you so much for your help. Again, I'm so sorry." Allison turned and walked briskly away from the confused, embarrassed man. As she retreated, each step caused her to gasp inwardly; even the slightest movement seemed to rub her hard nub of a clit. Allison's heart raced as she maneuvered through the crowd. She was taller! Even though she had only taken a couple inches, the change in perspective was marked. She achingly placed one hand on her pelvis as she hunched forward slightly. Her pussy throbbed. She could feel the heat radiating between her legs. She had stolen someone's physical stature; made him smaller. Even if nobody else noticed, she knew. The knowledge drove her wild with desire. She had to tell someone. She searched for Travis, spotted him at the other end of the dining room, and a maneuvered toward him. "Hey babe," Travis saw her approaching and smiled broadly. "I see you managed to escape Jennifer's clutches!" His gaze drifted down her neck and settled on her newly-expanded chest. His eyes widened in bewilderment. "Whoa." Allison gripped the underside of his arm and steered him toward the nearest opening in the crowd. "I need to talk to you about something," she hissed excitedly. In a secluded corner, away from the buzz of the party, Allison told him everything. She described the poem she found in the jewelry box; explained her silent wish for larger breasts, and the immediate tingling sensation that started around her neck and spread through her body. Travis grinned when she described herself feeling Jennifer up, but otherwise listened intently. She recounted the experiment with the tall man, and upon inspection Travis admitted that she appeared to be an inch or two taller. To his credit, if he felt any skepticism at her story, he did not display a hint of it. When she was done, the persistent feeling of arousal had not subsided. She could feel warmth creeping up past her collarbone, into her face. Her breath came as halted gasps. She ended her story, awaiting his response. "Well? What do you think? Am I crazy?" Travis thought for a moment, in silence. He stared at her breasts. He glanced at the top of her head, which was now only slightly lower than eye-level. "No, I think I believe you." Allison sighed in relief, grabbed Travis by the tie. She leaned in conspiratorially. "There's one more thing. These transformations - these 'trades,' if that's what you want to call them? They make me uncontrollably fucking horny." Travis' eyes lit. This time it was his turn to grab her by the arm and guide her further away from the party. "Come with me." Together they ventured a little deeper into the extravagant mansion. They passed two, three doors and Travis pushed open the fourth, pulling Allison into one of the guest bedrooms. Allison's heart raced, as she unclipped his belt. He faced her, allowing his trousers to drop to the ground. His cock stretched up, pointing accusatorially at their faces, straining against the skin. "Suck me," he commanded. Allison detected the faintest sour, fruity aroma of wine on his breath, mingling with his spiced cologne. Her mouth watered at the sight of his rigid cock, and she dropped to her knees. She reached out and gripped his member, reveling in the feeling of the warm, velvety flesh beneath her fingers. Her fingers traced up and down along the smooth ridges. She looked up at Travis and blinked innocently at him. He loved that, and she knew it. Travis gently placed a hand behind her head, pulling her in. She obediently opened her mouth and took his entire length into her throat. She moaned contentedly around him. With her free hand, she reached beneath her dress and pulled her panties to the side, plunging her fingers into herself. Her body loved this position. It loved being controlled, in service to her man. Travis groaned. "Yeah, just like that. Good girl." Allison slid her fingers out of her pussy and began rubbing her clit earnestly as her head bobbed up and down on his shaft. Her tongue traced along each line, each hill and valley. God, he was so powerful; so confident. He had total control over her, and he knew it. Allison imagined all the things he had commanded her to do for him during their time together; remembered how eagerly she had complied with his every whim. The things she could do with that kind of confidence! With his cock buried in her mouth, she silently wished for some of that authority. And then, she had some. The change was imperceptible to both of them. The ache within Allison soared to even greater heights. Her pace on Travis' cock quickened. Travis drew in a sharp breath, his voice catching in his throat. His knees grew weak and he almost lost his balance, but the edge of the bed caught his fall. He lay back, unable to handle the increased sensation. Allison quickly adapted, climbing forward and placing a hand on each side of his hips. Her head bobbed up and down excitedly. Travis' moans increased, his head rolled back, and Allison gripped his balls with one hand as they pulled tight against his body, his orgasm imminent. Allison moaned in pleasure around Travis' cock as his seed sprayed deep into her throat. She swallowed every ribbon of his cum as he continued to pulse. They remained in this position for a few moments, frozen in the throes of ecstasy. When the spasms finally subsided and Travis' cock began to soften, she lifted her mouth off the tip with a satisfying 'pop.' Allison stood and looked down on Travis as he lay still on the bed, out of breath. She licked her lips as a wicked smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. "Let's go home," she said. ************ Allison tried to keep her desires under control during the ride home and failed. Occasionally she would reach over and rub Travis' package through his pants. The thin material of his black slacks did nothing to hide his arousal. Travis had a difficult time concentrating on his driving. He would groan occasionally as she teased him. Eventually she hiked up her dress and began fingering herself in the passenger seat. She moaned loudly, huskily. The car swerved more than once as Travis fought hard to keep his eyes on the road. By the time they pulled into the driveway, they were both struggling not to tear off their clothes and ravish each other in the night air. Travis reached for Allison as soon as he shifted the car into park. Allison caught his wrist. "Ah-ah. Not here. Wait five minutes and meet me upstairs." Travis raised his eyes and wondered where these new instructions were coming from, but said nothing. Allison pulled the handle of the car door and slipped out into the cool midnight breeze, walking into the house without a second glance back. Travis sat in the car, not daring to touch himself for fear that he'd get too excited. He tried to think of something else, anything to take his mind away from his rigid erection. An unearthly hunger had consumed them both tonight. The digital clock ticked to minute five, and Travis threw his door open. He marched purposefully into the house and up the stairs. The bedroom door was closed; he pushed it open and stepped inside, halting before the sight that greeted him. Allison stood tall, her swollen breasts barely contained in the cups of a laced, black bra. A few strands of hair fell around her face, the rest tied back in a high pony-tail. Her hair was held tightly in place by a thin black ribbon. Dark, sheer stockings encased her legs, stretching up to the middle of her thighs. Her cream-colored skin glowed in the dim light, and reflections of dancing candle flame flickered in her eyes. Her hips remained bare, her crotch as smooth and pale as eggshell. Around her neck, the necklace glittered. Travis' eyes devoured her. Allison had never worn anything so seductive, so... intense, in all the years he'd known her. He walked up and placed his hands on her slim waist. Her skin tingled coolly beneath his touch. He had to have her. While he reveled in the sight of her, Allison wordlessly unclipped his belt; unbuttoned his shirt and pants. They worked their way across the room. Before he knew it, Travis was standing naked before her, once again trapped between his wife and the edge of the bed. As Travis unclipped her bra, releasing her heaving bosom, Allison leaned in with half-lidded eyes and whispered, "I want to be on top, tonight." Travis' excitement grew. Allison was always the submissive one, always the one getting bent over and fucked. This side of her was alien to him. She reached up and rubbed her hand against his chest, tracing his toned muscles. She pushed him back with both hands and he fell against the bed. Allison climbed on top, and straddling his waist. Travis said nothing as he watched Allison reach down and pleasure herself above him. She rolled her clit between her fingers, spreading the lips apart and occasionally changing her rubbing motions. Travis' cock throbbed in protest and he groaned. He looked up at her. Her eyes captured his. She crawled higher up his chest, past his face, until her wet pussy hung in the air above him, the smell of her arousal tickling his nose. Travis felt Allison's fingers run through his hair and clench gently, angling his chin up as she lowered herself onto his mouth. Her shallow breathing was all the encouragement he needed to begin lapping at her sex. His tongue flicked out repeatedly. His lips occasionally pursed to suck on her tiny clit. Above him, Allison panted and moaned, her hand occasionally tilting his head this way or that to change the angle. Allison lifted her pelvis away from Travis' face with a grunt. She was flushed; frustrated. His tongue was not enough. She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed her way back down to his hips, her moist slit gliding across his cock teasingly. Travis inhaled sharply. She smirked and met his gaze again, enjoying the position of power. "Is this what you want?" she teased, spreading her pussy lips apart and using her free hand to point his member straight up, towards her inner canal. Travis nodded, swallowing hard. The taste of her juices lingered on his lips and tongue. With a building groan and a sharp intake of breath, Allison slid down onto his cock, reveling in the fullness he provided. He felt huge. She lifted up and dropped down again, harder. She increased her pace, humping him in earnest. She rolled her hips in circles. Her wetness streamed out around him. Travis could only moan in pleasure. Allison rubbed her clit furiously as she rode him, her frustration increasing. She couldn't reach the edge. Something was lacking. She thought back to how horny she'd been after 'borrowing' some of Jennifer's extra breast size. She remembered doing the same with the random stranger's excess height. She considered her tiny clitoris, and Travis' impressive cock. She slowed her thrusts. "Sweetheart," she purred. Travis opened his eyes and moaned at the interruption. "I'm so close. But I want my clit to feel even better. This necklace, do you think... could I..." she paused, her eyes glittering. "Could I borrow just a tiny bit of your cock?" Travis' eyes widened at the implications, "What?! Of course not, I-" "Oh, baby, pleeease," she begged. She lifted her hips and slid down again, slowly, causing Travis to choke on his words. "Just the teeniest bit. My clit is so small, and you're so big. Just the tiniest millimeter of length... please? You know a small clit doesn't need much to be a big clit" she winked. Travis found it difficult to concentrate with Allison's slow, sensuous rhythm. Allison reached down and hooked her slender fingers and thumb around his cock, masturbating the base of his shaft him as she fucked the tip, waiting for his answer. He relented. "Alright," he whispered. No sooner had the words left his mouth, than Allison's eyes rolled up dazedly as she continued her ministrations. Travis felt a tingling begin from the tip of his cock, deep within her vagina. The warm feeling spread down through his pelvis, soaking through his entire body. It felt fuzzy. Euphoric. As he gazed down at their joined bodies, he could see Allison's clitoris throb once and engorge slightly. She cried out in happiness and began fingering herself again. Allison moaned loudly. This was so much better. The familiar wave of insatiable lust washed over her as the transference completed. Her clitoris absolutely buzzed with sensitivity. She cried out in pleasure, but knew she could do better. "Oh! Oh god, baby! Just a little more! Can I please take a little more?" Her thighs slammed against Travis hips as she cried out to him. Travis was lost in his pleasure. He clenched his eyes shut. "Yes! Yes!" The buzzing returned and Travis felt something poke against his skin, just above the base of his cock. Above him, Allison cried out in surprise and stopped, suddenly. Travis opened his eyes. Above him, Allison gazed down at herself, clasping her engorged clitoris between thumb and forefinger. It was easily two inches long and throbbed with arousal. Allison's breath came in short, twitching gasps as she touched it. "What is it? What's happened?" Travis asked, exasperated. "I bumped it too hard!" Allison gasped. She looked at it in wonderment. She lifted off Travis, her pussy sucking desperately at his member as he popped out of her. Travis couldn't help but groan in disappointment. Allison smirked at him. "Don't worry, baby. I just need a second." She returned her attention down below, fingering her small organ gently. "It looks so much thicker," she marveled, her voice thick with lust. Travis noted silently that his rigid cock had diminished, almost imperceptibly. It was barely noticeable, but she had definitely borrowed more than just a millimeter. Allison's voice snapped him from his trance. "It's almost like a tiny cock," she observed. Travis looked. She was right, her clitoris had swollen enough that the tip almost resembled a tiny glans. Allison laid her head against his chest, her thoughts drifting. "You know," she began, dreamily, "it's so much more sensitive now. I sort of feel bad. Did I take any sensitivity away from you?" Travis thought for a moment. "No, I don't think so," he concluded. "It still felt amazing. Maybe even more-so, since I could tell you were getting off on it." Allison smiled mischievously. "It's not really fair," she commented. "I'm getting all this extra pleasure. You should get some too." She brought her hand up next to her face, resting it on his chest. Through the haze of their arousal, alarm bells rang softly in Travis' mind as his chest grew warm. Then the fog thickened once again. Allison's hand felt soft against his skin. Her fingers seemed almost to sink into his muscles, massaging them away. Travis felt his strength seep out of him. Down by his chest, Allison giggled softly, causing Travis to lift his head again. Sitting atop his once-toned chest were a pair of small, pert, breasts. The nipples poked skyward, thick and rosy. Travis' initial reaction was to struggle to stand, but Allison had the upper hand. She held him firmly in place. She seemed stronger. Allison sat up, straddling him again. Her cunning eyes met his and she reached out, pinching one of his nipples. Electric currents of pleasure arced through him and Travis arched his back, an involuntary gasp escaping from his mouth. "Mmmm... not quite what I want yet," Allison murmured. She grabbed his breasts with both hands, intensity sparking in her eyes. She cupped his small tits, squeezing gently. Travis mind reeled at the foreign sensation. Before his eyes, Allison's breasts diminished while his own chest expanded; filled; matured. Under her grasp, Travis felt each subtle movement of his flesh. The foreign weight shifted and rippled naturally while she played with them. When the changes finally stopped, Allison's recently-ample breasts looked more like a young girl's - small, perky and firm. Travis was horrified to see the huge twin globes of flesh perched atop his now smooth, feminine chest. Allison squeezed and tweaked them. Travis writhed beneath her, gasping at the sensation. "Do you like that, baby?" she cooed. Travis wanted to cry out; No! He wanted to demand that she return them to normal. To tell her that she was crazy and throw her off of him. But he couldn't. Something deep within him drained him of his resolve. Part of him trusted Allison to take care of him. Part of him was uncontrollably aroused at the submission. Allison continued to tease him. "Looks like you're the one with the tits, now." She glanced down at his throbbing cock. "Don't you feel guilty for hogging all the assets? Naughty boy." She gripped his cock, wagging her clitoris with her other hand as it began once again to engorge and enlarge. This time Travis saw, as well as felt, his member recede. Slowly his cock shrank as Allison's clit grew; gained definition and length. The changes slowed, stopped. Allison paused to admire her handiwork. "They're the same size!" she declared with glee. Her clitoris was virtually identical to own erect organ. Travis estimated that they each measured somewhere between 3 and 4 inches. She slapped his dick with her own, laughing airily. She stroked hers. It throbbed. A dimple was visible on the tip, and Travis had the sneaking suspicion that Allison might be able to pee standing up. His cheeks burned with humiliation, and yet he could not deny the lust washing over him. He looked at it in wonderment. "This is so hot," Allison marveled, and then looked up at him, excitement in her eyes. "Wouldn't it be hot if mine was bigger?" Travis' eyes widened, but no reply came. Allison reached down, breathing huskily as she gripped her small cock with her entire hand; like a cock, Travis mused. It swelled larger again as Travis' small dick shrank. Travis' alarm grew as the skin around the base of his small penis puckered and bunched, forming a ring of flesh around his receding organ. The changes stopped again, and Allison reached out tentatively with her hand, bent her finger, and flicked Travis' tiny nub dismissively. "Now who's got the clit," she giggled. Travis moaned, his voice hitching in his throat. The sensations were too much. Allison's simple flick of a finger had sent a hurricane of pleasure rippling through him. Allison began rubbing his nub, leaning down to suck his engorged nipple deep into her mouth, and Travis' world crashed down on him. He thrashed and groaned under her administrations. Eventually Allison relented, quietly lifted her mouth from his breast, leaving a thin trail of saliva. She appraised him thoughtfully as he continued to clench his eyes and pant under her. She considered his tiny nub of a cock - no larger than her own clitoris had been - as she rolled it between her fingers. It looked absurd, sitting atop a set of balls as large as his. Allison made a decision. Reaching down with her free hand, Allison cupped her mound. Her fingers splayed around her jutting member, spreading the thick pussy lips below it, while simultaneously stimulating Travis' miniature member with the other hand. Wriggling, Travis felt the familiar warmth of change wash over him, but could not find the strength to overcome her manipulations and open his eyes. His breasts ached to be sucked again. His tiny nub radiated pleasure. A warm wave of ecstasy washed over him, followed by a disorienting feeling of vertigo. He felt the room spin around him. Something shifted within Travis. Something he couldn't identify. The fingering stopped. He felt something rigid poke the space between his legs, beneath his tiny clit. He felt an unnatural, wet parting that caused his eyes to fly open in shock. "Oh, god!" he cried, but the cute sound of his own melodious voice cut him short. That had sounded like Allison's voice. Mustering all the strength he could, Travis lifted his head from the bed, noting the long delicate strands of hair falling down around his face. Below him, his body was completely foreign to him; small and petite, with breasts that were impossibly large and soft. Above him, his own face grinned down on him, his former cock pressed mercilessly at the wet, throbbing opening between his legs. He whimpered in his small feminine voice as the long, thick organ parted his pussy lips and slid - unhindered - deep into his cunt. Travis couldn't help it. He came. His small body twitched and jerked as he screamed out. His delicate, manicured hands gripped the sheets as his back arched. Allison proceeded to fuck him rhythmically, grunting with each thrust. Sweat stippled her brow. Her necklace hung around her thick, corded neck, the opal glittering like cold fire. Travis involuntarily pressed his hands against Allison's muscled chest, running them through the short, black hairs. His thin legs wrapped around Allison's waist as her thrusts became more frantic. She suddenly groaned loudly, pushing her hips forward. Within him, Travis could feel Allison's cock throb, its seed pouring into him. He cried out once more as a final ripple of overwhelming euphoria crashed through him, and collapsed, with Allison's masculine frame falling on top of him. Travis could feel, deep within him, Allison's cock twitching with orgasmic aftershocks. He could feel the dribble of cum slowly trickling towards his feminine opening. After a moment of silence, Allison slowly withdrew. She grabbed a tissue from the bedside table and wiped her glistening member. Reaching down, she grabbed the blankets, pulling them up and rolling Travis onto his side. She settled in behind him, cupping his small frame. Allison hooked her arm around Travis' side and gripped one heaving breast in her hand. Travis' mind clouded over with exhaustion. He felt the pull of slumber dragging him inexorably downward when he was troubled by a thought; "Babe," his tiny voice whispered in the darkness, "can we switch back now?" Allison cleared her throat gruffly and smacked her lips, preparing for sleep. She squeezed his breast tenderly. "Maybe tomorrow."

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Stevens Story Part 4

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Steven is Hung

*** Well hung Neighbour explores with me.... It was around 1990 give or take a year when Steven first moved in next door, i came to know soon enough he had relocated from down south a good distance away, i never knew how or why he came to end up living literally next door to me but what i did know was - looking back on that time in my life was i was very happy he did! Steven was the same age as me, in fact he was about a month younger his birthday was early June mine the beginning of May. He...

3 years ago
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Stevens Story Part 1

Steven was standing in his girlfriend's bedroom searching through her dresser. He pulled out a pair of panties and quickly stuffed it in his pocket. He reached back in and picked out a matching bra. "OMG, what are you doing?" Steven jumped and turned to see his girlfriend, Anna, standing at the door with a shocked expression. "It's not what it looks like," he stammered. "Well, I hope you have a good explanation because it looks like you're trying to steal my...

3 years ago
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Stevens Story Part 2

That Saturday Steven went to Anna's to start preparing for the pageant. Since football season had ended a couple months ago, he had grown his hair a bit. It also meant he could shave his legs without having to worry what the guys in the locker room would say. Though he had heard some of his friends were also shaving for the pageant, so he knew he wouldn't be alone. When they got to her room, Anna locked the door and asked him to strip down to his boxers so she could see what she was...

2 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Path of Prosperity

ZANNOPOLIS WAS A CITY larger than any town Steven had visited. It was surrounded by a wall, and soldiers at the gate saluted smartly as the knights galloped past with Steven running behind. The broad road on which they entered turned sharply to the left, then to the right and right again. Amid the towering shops and houses closing in on them, Steven quickly lost his sense of direction. There was not just one inn, but a row of hostellers lining the street they traveled on, and the knights...

2 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Unwinnable War

THE DAYS THAT FOLLOWED proved just as strange. For now, Steven traveled eastward on the road and encountered other travelers on a regular basis. But it seemed that the more people he saw, the fewer saw him. Occasionally a traveler would greet him as they passed. Sometimes as he caught up with a slower traveler, they would walk together some few steps, but Steven now was feeling a more urgent need to press forward and soon, even those he spoke to were quickly forgotten. After his first night...

1 year ago
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Steven R McQueen Slash Series Episode 2

Episode 2: The ColleagueSeries: Steven R. McQueen Slash SeriesRating: NC17Summary: Something incredible happens to me when I mistake my hot male colleague to be alone in at the police department.Hmmm... my hot colleague Steven R. McQueen.I couldn't stop thinking about him.He was so hot, a body to die for. Of course I had seen him nude in the showers, I had been the same. But we had never hooked up. I was not that close with him. Was he into guys or girls?Men or women?I had no idea.However, I...

2 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Humble Haberdasher

PERHAPS HE SHOULD have paid the tinker for his story with one of his own right away and set off at a more brisk pace to put steps behind him, Steven thought; but the tinker was such good company and Steven had so many questions that it was difficult to part. Steven spent the entire walk the next day asking for more details. While others he had met confessed to have heard of a dragon, the tinker was the first who actually knew a story about one and may have even seen the impossible pot at some...

2 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Underwater Well

CAMP WAS COLD AND EMPTY when Steven awoke in the morning. There was no sign of the tinker, his cart, or his donkey. The market flags were gone and what people Steven saw were distant even when he was near them. He ate sparingly of the food he had been given for travel at the manor the evening before, shouldered his pack, and started up the long road ahead. Steven soon settled into his long one hundred steps per minute stride and was amazed that his time with the tinker had allowed him to...

2 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Impossible Pot

A SMALL MOUNTAIN OF A MAN towered over Steven as he shook his head to clear the ringing in his ears. His hat shook wildly back and forth with each movement and Steven put both hands on it to steady his head. In one ham-fisted hand, the tinker held a cast iron frying pan. “Well?” demanded the tinker. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Steven pointed a shaky finger at the tinker’s cart and donkey now coming into focus. “I thought it was a dragon,” he said feebly. For a moment the man...

2 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Obstructive Bridge

STEVEN CONTINUED on his journey in the morning with a light heart, a ridiculous hat, and sore feet that were slowing his normal walking pace. He changed socks in the morning, washed out his first pair, and hung them from his pack to dry. He discovered that he had blisters from the previous day and they made walking painful. He had traveled only 11,256 steps that day when the blisters got the better of him and he was forced to make camp to tend to his feet. He used a pinch of the wise woman’s...

2 years ago
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Steven George the DragonThe Gypsyrsquos Dance

GUARDS ROUSED STEVEN with a boot in his ribs. He lay in dirty straw and the guards were shouting at him to get up and be gone. The innkeeper of the Inn of the Lost Soul was standing behind the guards querulously complaining of the vagrant tramp in his stable. “His master rode off early this morning complaining that the worthless page could fend for himself,” said the innkeeper. “He still owes a gold coin for lodging last night.” “Where is your purse, fellow,” barked one of the guards. He...

4 years ago
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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 3 Inside Trader

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

3 years ago
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Steven George the DragonHow to Slay a Dragon

BY THE FIRST LIGHT OF DAWN, Steven was up with his bedroll packed and his staff in his hand. Jasper arose sleepily and slowly. “Do we have to leave already?” he said plaintively. “It’s hardly morning.” “You don’t have to leave, my friend,” said Steven, “but I want to be on the road and searching for the dragon.” “Can you wait while I get ready?” Jasper asked. Reluctantly, Steven agreed, but couldn’t help pacing back and forth in impatience. 103,320. 103,321. Steven had added three hundred...

2 years ago
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Steven R McQueen Slash Series Episode 1

Episode 1: The WoodsmanSeries: Steven R. McQueen Slash SeriesSummary: I find myself at the mercy of a very attractive man chopping wood... and get wood of my own.It was a beautiful day out so I decided to take a walk out in the woods. I always loved coming there and just be by myself, 'share', or keep my secrets to myself. I'm not special, certainly don't possess any magical skills or anything. The only real secret would have to be my sexuality. I love men.Something about those attractive...

1 year ago
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Steven gets another lesson from his Mom Part II

I had been away at college for about a month, and was home visiting my Mom for the weekend.  I was  still the same old Steven, a virgin, a girlfriend who we didn't do much but kiss and hug.  Kate was a beautiful girl of Korean descent, a  lovely, slender, petite athletic body, a gymnast's body.  She had a pretty, round face with bell shaped, "Dick Van Dyke' -era Mary Tyler Moore hair.  Come to think of it, she was physically and  Asian version of my Mom. She  like me, was also inexperienced and...


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