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It had been an awful few weeks the boat was so over crowded, there was noroom for anyone hundreds of us packed into this tiny little space no air, nolight, and no sun, hardly ever let on the deck for some exercise. Mid summerand the heat was searing the smell from all the human waste was over poweringbut still we could do nothing I sat in my little corner near the door and watchedpeople die on that journey, die from malnutrition die from heat exhaustionand disease which ran riot through the ship the dead left there for days theirbodies decaying and the smell emanating around this small enclosed space therats taking what they could of the dead and occasionally of the living if youmanaged to fall asleep.

When the boat docked it was such a relief, as we were filed off the boatstill in our shackles I saw some amazing sights, of course I had seen whitepeople before but never so many of them all at once, the noise, the huge buildingsI had imagined many different things but none that I could come up with inmy subconscious had even come close to sight I now beheld before me.

The market place was busy people pushing and shoving. Beautiful ladies inamazingly pretty dresses, horses and carriages of such grand gesture I couldnever have imagined it.

But as I looked around I noticed that my chains where the same as everyoneelse who's skin was the same colour as mine and we were being herded into abig stall like cattle as the white people came round and seemed to inspectus pulling at our heads and our teeth.

Myself along with a few other girls where taken into a stable near the backby some rather big robust looking men I was shaking in horror at the thoughtof what they were going to do but to my surprise they grabbed us one by oneand forced us over a barrel and proceeded to check us inside they insertedonly their finger and it was inserted very gently. I learned later that thiswas the procedure used to check whether a female has been untouched by malehands hence a virgin. And if she was she was worth more than the ones who werenot.

My arm was grabbed and I was pushed into a corner were I waited for therest to go through this most indecent and humiliating act then those of uswho were, were taken to a specific seller but as we left we could hear thescreams of the girls who where not as the large men who had inspected us wherenow taking what they wished from the girls. I shivered through my body at thethought of some of what some of those girls where going through then it struckme that there could be much worse things in store for me and started to shakemy eyes started to well up and I cried silently as I was hustled into a stabletype stall with a few others. We were thrown some bread and cheese just measlylittle portions but I was hungry I didn't care it had been days since my lastmeal.

I didn't have to wait long before the big doors opened and a group of gentlemencame through they walked down the stable stalls viewing us all beckoning usto come forward occasionally for a better view and to inspect our mouths somewhere rough with us some weren't but none tried to do anything more. Then avery large podgy man came through the doors and the others gathered round himdiscussing prices for us all. One by one we were sold to the highest bidder.

Once the money had exchanged and I was taken by this tall gentleman andtaken to this carriage, the carriage was driven by another dark skinned manand after my long journey I was so tired and fell asleep in the carriage onthe long journey.

I was awoken with a start as the horses were pulled to a halt and the manpulled on my shackles to awaken me and dragged me out.

I was taken into the large stately house and small children ran to the manand cuddled him and he produced toys for then they followed us to this largelounge area and I was seated in a small chair in the corner.

The children were ordered to go and have their tea and the man pulled meto my feet and dragged me to his desk.

"Very nice, Hmm" he mumbled as he inspected my face.

"What is your name" he asked.

"Its summer sir" I replied shyly my hands trembling at his touch my palmssweating profusely and my knees where going weak.

"Do you speak English well summer" he asked me

"Yes sir I was taught by the parishners who came to our village when I wasyoung" I looked at him shyly and he could see my fear of him.

"very well for a while you will be looking after the children until theirgoverness comes back and at that time I will found you a position in the kitchenor in the gardens are you capable of looking after the children?" he lookedat me solemnly

"Yes sir, I used to teach at my village" I looked at him things running throughmy mind "Where's the Mother of these children"? Why was the governess not here?What did this man want with me?

"very well but first you must change I will not have you present in my children'scompany dressed as you are there are some clothes in the governess bedroomyou may borrow some of those for now and we will have to sort you some clothout , you do know how to make your own clothes I assume?" he said

" yes sir, thank you sir" I never looked up at him always kept my head tothe floor I dare not to look into his eyes I might have seen something I didnot like.

I made my way up the large staircase the cook showing me the way and I wastaken to the bedroom and I had to choose some clothes not a hard task seemsas all the governess had was black dresses then I was shown to what was tobe my bedroom a small pokey little room at the end of the corridor but stillit had a nice soft bed and had space for clothes.

I was called to dinner where I was to help prepare things for the meal thecook and I ate in the kitchen but I was called to his presence after the mealto be introduced to the children and was shown the school room and what I mustteach them.

I ate what I could then I went to bed. it was a cold room and I was allalone, dreaming of my village I had left behind and the family I was torn awayfrom, then the nightmare began about the boat trip, the people dieing all aroundme the rats scurrying around everywhere and I woke with a jump.

I got my self dressed into the clothes he had told me to and went down stairsto help with the breakfast.

"So my dear, did you sleep well then" cook asked

"I'm afraid not demons haunt my dreams demons from the not so distant past" Isaid looking at her.

"Ah the boat trip yes had them myself for months, you speak like they dohow comes" she said

"I was bought up by parishners who had travelled to our village when my motherdied- they taught me everything I know" I answered

"well summer is it, I'm grace but they just call me cook, now come on don'tlook so sad it could have been a lot worse there are much worse masters outthere than Sir but I warn you to be good and don't cheek him mind what yousay and you will get on well with him."

"That I intend to grace believe me I do" I answered

I started my day and did as I was told until it was 5.00 and the children'sbed time once they were all tucked up I was summand to the masters room.

"Come now child don't look so scared I have paid a hefty sum for you andwould like to have a look at my goods" he looked at me like a hungry man looksat food a sly grin upon his face.

"I am here sir" I said a little confused he could see me.

"Don't be so shy remove your clothing "He looked at me expecting me to obey

"Excuse me sir" I said scared and naive I did not wish to do as he had requestedand if it could be avoided would not do it either.

"I have asked you to do something, when I ask you to do something I expectit to be done without question, slave you are my property you belong to meand I may do with you as I wish" he looked at me his eyes growing more andmore impatient.

I backed away from him looking at the floor thinking what to do.

He lurched forward and grabbed my arm twisting it till it felt like it wasgoing to break from the pressure he applied he bent me over his desk and Istarted to struggle to cry then started to lash out and I struck him acrosshis face, I went to run out of the door but he grabbed my dress and pulledme back, he twisted his hand up in my long black hair so he had a good gripforced me to the ground then dragged me down the corridor kicking and screamingoutside to his work shed.

He dragged me over to his bench and got some rope and tied me very tightlyto the wall. Bent over the desk my arms tightly secured to the wall he toremy dress right off my back with his bare hands stroking my body with his roughhands I started to kick out with my feet begging him to let me go he walkedover to where the rope was on the desk and grabbed another piece then walkedslowly towards me.

"I like a women with spirit but when I want to inspect my goods I will andwhen I want to do things with my goods I will so there is no point fightingme do you understand" he looked at me as he approached me with more rope inhis hands.

"please sir just let me go please I'm a person like you are I have feelingstoo" I started to cry tears streaming down my face I couldn't control it butI needed to tell him I was also a person who felt he didn't seem to understand.

"you are a slave and as such will be treated how I wish if I want to killyou I can do you not understand this are you that stupid slave I had no intentionof hurting you if you would have done as I had bid but you leave me no otherchoice you need to be taught a lesson" he looked at me with a sly grin on hisface I stood there in my underwear frightened trembling.

He reached behind me and grabbed hold of my legs and wrapped the rope aroundthem and tied each of my legs to a leg on the table. Then he went over andgot a pair of large scissors and cut my underwear open at the back down tomy crotch then bent down and inserted his fingers inside me like the men didbefore to check my hymen was still intact I wriggled and squirmed as this procedurewas done to me crying and pleading with him begging him to leave me alone hewas laughing to himself proud of the power he had over me as I stood therehalf naked and totally exposed.

Satisfied that I was as sold untouched he walked away out of the room andleft me there.

For hours I stood there my legs growing weaker by the minute and the harshcourse rope cutting into my ankles and wrists I was sobbing pitifully millionsof thoughts running through my head was this my punishment how could he dothis why was he doing this I was so scared and frightened

It was a long time and there were no facilities for me to use for a bathroom I held on as long as I could when I needed to wee but I just couldn'tdo it and just I was about to let out a long stream of urine the door openedand I clamed up he came over and looked me.

He did not look pleased at all as he inspected me and he pulled up a chairand sat down with a large riding crop in his hand tapping the arm of the chairwith it every now and again. By now my bladder was bursting and hurting me,

"Please sir may I go to the toilet" I asked him as nicely as I could .Hejust looked at me and laughed

"No you may not you will do it where you stand as I watch" he said in ameaning full voice.

I could hold on no longer I lent far forward and my face redden with sheerhumiliation as I urinated on the floor and it dribbled down my leg. He justsat there smiling to himself pleased with what he was doing.

Then he stood up came over to me and said

"You will learn your place slave and you will learn to pleasure your masteranyway he sees fit do you understand"

"Yes sir I do" I said meaningfully I had decided that I was going to doas he asked in future no matter what it was.

"Good then stop crying and look down" he asked

I did as I was told my legs trembling & my mind running away with meat the thoughts of what he was going to do.

My head dropped suddenly and the searing pain of the first lash of the crophit my back over and over again I screamed out for him to stop begging himto give me mercy then he did.

"when I whip you to teach you a punishment I don't want you to beg me orcry I want you to thank me for doing it I want you to say thank you sir toshow me that you appreciate what I am doing for you in showing you the rightway to please your master is that clear" he looked at me my back aching andbleeding from the lashes of the crop my legs weak from the amount of time Ihad been tied there like that.

"Yes sir" I managed to say under all the sobs and gasps for breaths

"Well then" he asked

"Sorry sir "I said looking at him. Not good enough slave I told you I wantyou to thank me.

"Thank you sir" I tried to spurt out but it was too late the crop came hammeringdown again onto my back this time it was much harder like he was putting allhis force into doing this and was really getting into it. My head hung lowand I gritted my teeth as each stroke felt like it was cutting my very bodyinto two I dared not to cry instead kept my crying inside at he rendered hisentire strength onto my bare skin.

"Thank you sir" I whimpered when he taken his last final brutal blow to myback he came to me and held me close to him stroking the wounds on my back

"Wed better get you seen too haven't we slave" he said.

H felt so caring as he stroked me and untied me from the wall and carriedme to his quarters so powerful and yet so soft.

He lay me down onto his bed face down and went to fetch some water to bathemy cuts, which he did with extreme care.

Then he sent me to my bedroom.

I lay awake all night in agony from the beating and in confusion as to howhe had treated me with such contempt but yet with so much affection and careat any time he could have raped me took me for his own and he didn't this Icouldn't understand why had he been so hurtful when he could have been a lotworse I could have been a lot worse it did not matter as I had made my mindup to try and obey him without question whether or not it happened was anotherthing as I had always had the curse of speaking my mind which is what had gotme into all this trouble in the first place.

The following morning I was stiff and aching and sore but nether the lesswent to the Governesses room and got my self some new clothes to change into(as mine had been ripped the previous night) and went downstairs to help withthe breakfast as usual.

"morning summer sleep well" cook had a funny look in her eye like she knewwhat had happened maybe it was me being paranoid we were well away from thehouse when it took place so she couldn't have herd but maybe she had been throughthe same thing?.

I decided it was silly to think such things and in any case it was noneof my affair.

Strangely I found my self wanting to be called by the master again that dayI wanted to see him and I had no idea why I did but all day I waited and allnight I waited too and I was not summoned to his presence.

It was three days before the master summoned me again and like before itwas when the children where all tucked up in bed and cook had taken leave togo and see her family.

I walked down the long corridor to his room my mind racing again my palmswhere wet with sweat by the time I got to his door and knocked on it and myknees felt like they had turned to jelly.

"I take it you are going to behave tonight" he asked as he looked at mewith a grim look on his face one which I knew I must obey.

"Yes sir I have every intention of doing as you bid sir" I couldn't understandwhy that came out I just wanted to say yes sir that was all.

"Well then get undressed then slave" he demanded

"yes sir " I said this time and did as I was bid although I did it slowlyI had never been totally naked in front of a man before and it felt strangehumiliating too to have to obey every order.

I stood there completely naked and exposed for his pleasure and he justlooked at me with a smile on his face.

He came over to me and reached into his draw and pulled out that dreadedpair of shackles those which I had come over on the boat on wearing and heplaced them round my hands.

"I do not intend to go anywhere sir there is no need for them" I said ashe looked at me sternly.

"I thought you had learnt your lesson to do as I ask and not to open yourmouth unnecessarily you really are a stupid slave" he said

"Not at all sir I was just saying I wasn't going to run from you and therewas no need to tie me up I will do as you ask without the need for the shacklesthat was all sir" I hastily added.

"Are you going to continuously misbehave yourself slave I thought you wouldhave learnt your lesson by now it seems you have not" he looked at me witha scowl.

He came forward with such a speed and grabbed my hair again dragging medown the stairs and outside to the shed again banging me against things ashe went my head was sore where my hair had been pulled and my shins hurt fromall the blows this time I was dragged around completely naked as I had undressedbut moments before.

"assume the position" he demanded I looked at him horrified I knew whathe meant but still my body wouldn't move the thought of another beating likethe one three nights ago sent shivers down my spine and I froze in terror.

"I thought I told you assume the position did you not say earlier on tonightthat you where willing to do whatever I asked with out question well threetimes you have already failed to do so" with those words he lent forward andpushed me to the table chaining my hands up again and then my legs I startedto wriggle and struggle to no avail but it only served to anger him all themore and he became more and more rough with me.

He went to his chair and fetched his crop again this time as I was neatlybent over the chair he started on my buttocks hard and searing flashes of painran through my body then he moved upwards to my back and mercilessly beat meharder than before with more vigour and then he moved the crop down to theback of my legs and struck with the most force I had ever felt onto the bareskin cutting the skin so the blood ran freely I lost all feeling in my legsand fell the rope cutting into my wrists as I went.

"hmm, I thought that you would have learned your lesson quickly more quickerthan this anyway never mind you will learn in time now what do you say" heasked evilly laughing.

"Thank you sir" I humbly mumbled

Crack the whip came down again onto the back of the other leg so I fell againand the ropes in my wrists cut deeper

"Not good enough" he said

"Thank you sir" I said as loud and as clear as I could

"good girl now lets get you sorted out" again he picked me up, carried meto the bedroom and tended my wounds this was the time I looked him in the eyeand realised that even though he has done all this to me he could be kind andthoughtfully too and even though I hated myself for thinking it I might evenhave feelings for this brute, was it me ,was I sick to think such a thing abouta man who has beat me twice now so bad that I couldn't walk I couldn't rationalisethe feelings that were running through me and I didn't want to they scaredme but he was so tender as he bathed my wounds and stroked my bare cut fleshthat I couldn't help thinking it I couldn't help feeling either.

He picked me up in his strong masculine arms and held me tightly as he carriedme to my bedroom and helped me to put my night clothes on then tucked me upin bed.

Again it was almost a week before I was called to see him again I thinkhe was so considerate he gave me time to heal before each visit either thator to give me time to reflect on how I was going to react next time he sawme or asked me to do something I'm not sure and will probably never know theanswer to this.

I opened the door to his room and stood there in my long black dress andwatched his eyes follow my every move as I went closer to his desk slowly andas gracefully as I could manage the last two times I was here I had receivedsevere beatings I did not want it to be the case this time.

"and so summer you come as always, are you ready and willing to serve yourmaster now?" he looked at me with slight question in his eyes.

"Yes sir I am and I come willing" I answered my mouth just had this habitof running away with me sometimes.

"Well then slut what are you waiting for get undressed" he demanded

"Yes sir" I said I had expected this to be his first request and did notwant to disappoint him so as I was told and I did it quite quickly.

"Now I want you to face the other way and bend over right over so I canget a good look at you"

I did as I was told I did not want to upset this man he did have the powerthe total control over me I could do nothing but to obey him.

"I want you to ask me. No beg me to rape you beg me to hurt you and to takeaway your innocence" I just stared at him again my body had totally frozenI stood there staring at him for a while till he made a move to stand up Iwas so over come with fright at the thought of another beating I muttered..

"Yes sir, please sir, I want you to rape me, I want you have me to makeme your own"

I could see him smiling but he could also see that my face was far fromfilled with sincerity,

"Now slave I want you to say it again and mean it, put some effort intoit and I will make you happy, if you please me enough" he looked at me withsuch deep thought in his eyes, I turned my head so I could face him while Isaid it my hands clasped around my ankles (still being in the bent over position)and said quiet convincingly I might add,

"Oh please sir I want you to rape me I want you free from my innocence andshow me how to please you" as I said it tears began to well up in my eyes butI managed to hold them back so they didn't fall down my cheeks.

I watched as he undressed him self then stood still like a statue as hefelt my body all over as his fingers ran over my whole entirety I was insidescreaming out wanting to hit him wanting to run from him yet also compelledto stay.

"Go to my desk and bend over it, "He asked

"Yes sir" with a sigh of slight relief I walked over to the desk and spreadmy legs slightly as I leaned over it.

"now hands over the other side and go into the draw at the bottom and handto me what ever is in there" he looked at me with a slight grin on his face,he had got me curious so I did as I was told, I opened the draw and felt insideand produced sturdy cane which looked like it had had some use the fear anddread of the beatings began to flow through me.

"Hand to me whatever you have found please" he asked quiet politely

I did as I was bid the horror of it all running through my mind I had thoughif I do as he wanted he wouldn't beat me I was wrong oh so wrong and this hithome as the first lash of the cane hit my thighs I fell to the floor whimpering.

"Get up slave and stay still, do I have to remind you of what will happenif you do not?" he looked so sincere so I did as I was bid and held on tightand gritted my teeth as he gave me 10 lashes with the cane each one cuttinginto my buttocks and stinging my bare skin the pain rushed through my entirebody touching every part inside me and my eyes could hold back no longer andI cried and sobbed but never once uttered a word until he was done then rememberingwhat he had said before I managed to utter the required thank you sir and helooked pleased that I had.

My backside red and sore admittedly not as bad as it had been the firsttwo times though I was bid to stay where I was as he came up behind me andinserted his large throbbing penis inside me the caning had obviously got himin the mood for this my entire body began to twist up as I felt him thrustdeeper inside me then with a large hefty blow I felt him break through my hymenand I could feel the blood trickle down my leg as he carried on each strokebecoming more and more painful until he had done his business and releasedhimself inside of me I fell to the floor in tears sobbing and gasping for airmy insides felt like they had been churned up and the sharp pain had stayedwith me gradually fading a touch but I felt so sick and violated I just wantedto physically vomit and when he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back tolook him in the eye I did I regurgitated all down my own face and it dribbleddown my neck, he laughed at me I could se he was enjoying this and that hehad every intention to make things much worse for me.

"From now on every night I want you to come to my room and strip off forme at this time then I want you to kneel naked in the corner for if and whenI feel ready to use you, do you understand" he asked

"yes sir " I managed to say what I really wanted to do was fight him allthe way but I dare not he was much stronger than me and the penalty for a runaway slave was death so I had to do as I was told ,even if it was as degradingand humiliating as this. I guessed there was much worse I could have been soldto a farmer to work me to death because it was cheaper to replace slaves every3 weeks than it was to pay people to do it and to pay to feed them.

And so it began every night I would attend his presence strip naked as hewatched me or not depending on his mood then kneel before him in the cornerand not mutter a single word all night sometimes he caned me to get himselfin the mood sometimes he would sit me out till I urinated on the floor thenmake me lap it up and sometimes he would drag me to the desk and rape my backsidejust for the hell of it I would always hate that I could feel every vein onhis penis when he did it and he always liked to shove his fingers inside thereafterward.

Some times he would spend the whole night tying me up and torturing me butit was never as hard as when he beat me for not obeying him.

One night in the autumn I went to him as usual and strip naked and kneltbefore him like I had become accustomed to doing he had a large fire goingeven though it was still warm,

"Slave come and lye face down over my desk "He demanded

I cringed he had never requested that before but I did as I was told andlay there as I watched him tie my legs and arms to the legs of the table soI was wide open and securely tied.

"you have been a good slave I would like to make you my own make it officialwould you like that slave?" he asked, I had become used to answering everyquestion with yes sir as he would always be mad and beat me for saying no ornot doing as he said before.

"Yes sir I would like that" I replied.

I watched him as he walked over to the fire and from it pull out a largebranding iron that was used on the livestock the end was gleaming red and inthe shape of a half moon crescent like on the families coat of arms.

I felt his strong arms hold me down then the searing intense pain as heheld the iron onto my bare backside and the smell of burning skin, the painover powered me I screamed out begging to be released crying it was very intensebut he held me fast until I fainted, sprawled across the table naked this bigmoon crescent burned into my rear end.

For days I was unable to sit down or do my duties he had already foreseenthis and had made arrangements for my replacement while I was in my room hetended the burn every night with cool water and soothing oils until it hadhealed over and the branding was complete.

I had been at the house for little over three months when he had done thisand I had noticed that my monthly cycle had stopped I dreaded to think of carryingthis mans offspring but there was nothing I could about it I just hoped itwould go away but by the time I was 4 months pregnant kneeled in his officeit was difficult to hide.

"Slave I have noticed you have got yourself into a rather awkward situationwith the stable boy no doubt "He said as he looked at me he knew this was nottrue and that it was his child I was carrying but he never did admit it.

"I'm not sure sir" I replied daring not to say yes to either the fact Icould be pregnant or who's it was as he was the only man who had ever beennear me like that and he knew it.

"Come here slave "He demanded, I walked to him my head down looking at thebulge which was now really rather visible on my front.

"You have disappointed me slave" he said as he looked at my belly then hetouched me and started to stroke my belly.

"I am sorry sir" I said still watching his hand stroke my belly

"You will still be required to do your duties every night slave but yourday duties will cease as I do not want you mixing with other members of thehousehold whilst in that state do you understand" he looked at me.

"Yes sir and what do you suppose I do instead then sir" I asked not knowingwhy he wanted me away from everyone.

"you will stay in your room all day I will have food bought to you everyday but you may not leave your room until this time when your duties lye withme" he told me quiet sincerely.

"And what do you propose I use for a bathroom if I am not allowed to leavemy room then sir" I asked unsure of his answer I thought he would permit meto go to the bathroom.

"I will have a bucket put in the corner of the room for you and to make sureyou do not leave your room you will be chained to the wall I will come foryou when I want you I will have the key now follow me". He led me to anotherroom at the foot of the stairs next to his bedroom and opened the door andled me in was a large room quiet nicely decorated he went over to the walland pulled back a decorative rug which was hanging there and there were shacklesnailed deep into the wall in a chain I could see he had used this room beforefor his purposes.

I walked slowly into the room he fetched the shackles still chained to thewall and locked them around my wrists.

"That will be the last time you leave this room until you have given birth" hesaid as he looked at me helplessly naked and chained to the wall unable toprotest or do anything to assist my situation.

"Yes sir I understand" then he turned and walked out.

I shrank to the floor and sobbed continually for hours I could do nothingbut cry at my pitiful situation and once again memories of my village floodedback, and it started me thinking if this was my village and even if I had beenraped if I became pregnant I would have been cast out if I was not marriedor if my husband suspected the child was not his so maybe this was a bettersituation to be in than being at home in the same one, still it would neverhave happened if I wasn't made to come over here.

I was made to my business in a bucket and was constantly chained to thewall for the remaining months but the master still visited me he caned me regularlyand raped me at least once a week even when I was at my heaviest.

My belly grew and grew like there was no stopping it I could feel this thingmoving inside of me I was constantly chained to the wall with just enough chainto get to bed and get to sleep it was uncomfortable and the chains would cutinto the skin on my wrists. I grew grotesquely large but he still came althoughhis beatings got fewer and less harsh the rape got deeper and more elaboratehe would regularly pull my chain in so I could go nowhere and make me suckhis cock using his fingers in the corner of my mouth raping me hard till Iwould be sick and gag continuously, he also liked to bend me over the bed somy lump was supported and ram his penis inside my arsehole till I bled andscreamed out as loud as I could.

Just before the baby was due he came to my room and told me to lye downon the bed

"I never really punished you for doing this did I slave?" he asked me, Iwanted to scream to him isn't this enough haven't I suffered enough under yourhands but I knew that that was not a wise thing to say so instead I answered

"no sir you have not" and looked down at him as he began to rope my limbsto each of the four posts on the bed making sure my knees where bent up enoughand tying them apart so I couldn't move, he left the room to return quicklywith a large tray with things on it when I looked I could see what looked likea scalpel and a small ceramic cup like an egg cup.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the little knife and I started screamingbegging him not to hurt me or the baby,

"now ,now slave I am going to do no such thing as hurt the baby but I mustteach you a lesson otherwise I would not be a very good master would I nowput your head up I want you to witness this" he placed a pillow under my headan I saw him take the knife from off the tray then with the other and he openedmy virginal flaps and caressed my clit with his thumb rubbing it lightly overand over again I start to feel the most wonderful tingling feeling buildingup inside me as he caressed my clit he would place his fingers just insidemy vagina and stroked me I felt like I was going to just burst with an explosivewonderful sensation,,,

"are you watching " he asked me I bought my head forward to see what he wasdoing, he took the knife and put it to my clitoris and I felt a searing painas he began to cut off the hood to my clitoris (female circumcision) I howledas loud as I could and tried to wriggle free as he took his time over doingit, taking the hood off me piece by piece he relished in his task and tooka good hour over it I was crying bitterly and had been pleading with him. allhe said throughout was "remember I am punishing you" when he had done he lookedat me writhing on the bed "well slave nothing to say" he said looking at me

"Thank you sir" I said between pitiful sobs. He took some water and bathedme then he placed the cup over my clitoris to protect it from the labia tiedmy legs closed together and left me there.

For nights I lay there doing my business on the bed he would come in andchange the sheets beneath me every day. How humiliated I felt tied and boundthis huge lump peering up at me as I lay there having to urinate and emptymy bowels on the bed in which I was made to lye in all day.

A week later he came to me and untied my legs and inspected my clitorisand he must have liked what he saw, but again he bade me stay where I was andhe began tying me to the bed again same position as before my legs tied somy knees where bent, then he crawled on top of me and slapped my face reallyhard which stunned me he had never hit my face like that before. Then he placedhis cock inside me and raped me as rough as he possibly could pounding me harderand deeper with each stroke getting as far inside me as he possibly could thenhe rammed it inside my ass as he came.

I felt a stabbing pain in my side and a crushing feeling in my stomach Ididn't realise I was in labour yet but I knew something was happening.

Harshly and forcefully he rammed his entire large male hand inside my virginaI felt him feel around then he rammed me as hard as he could over and overagain I was screaming each thrust feeling like it was going to tear me in two.

I just cried and sobbed and begged him but I knew by now he wasn't goingto stop till he wanted too.

He finally pulled out his hand when he knew I was going into labour andhe felt the contractions coming as it was my first it was long and slow andhe knew it was going to be.

As soon as he had pulled his hand out he untied me and pulled me over tothe wall where he tied my hands above my head I was turned to face the walland my legs tied apart my contractions were coming hard though irregular heheld my stomach and placed his fist inside me again then he bought out thecrop which by now I had got used to seeing and lashed me with all his strengthcutting my skin that coupled with the contractions made me scream out in excruciatingpain and anguish he did this for over an hour every part of my body ached thenhe shoved his hand inside me again I guess to see how far along I had got.

H e dragged me back over to the bed and tied me as before with my kneeswide apart and again thrust his hand inside me.

Then he left the room left me in labour tied up to the bed I could do nothing.

For hours I lay there in pain and anguish as the contractions started tocome thick and fast now I could do nothing not move or anything to ease thepain it felt like my whole body was squeezing the life out of me. When he returnedhe had some water and a tray of tea and biscuits I was so hungry but he satin his chair watching me occasionally putting his fist inside me to see howfar along I was then he would slump back down to his tea watching me sayingnothing just enjoying watching me he enjoyed seeing me writhing in agony.

My belly was starting to contract really hard I felt as if my back wouldcave in and the urge to push came over me I started to scream and he came upand checked me again smirking to himself he untied my legs then proceeded towrap the rope around my legs tying them closed I screamed and writhed begginghim to release me begging him to let me get this out of me but he kept on ropingmy legs tight shut.

My whole body was in agony every inch of me was hurting I wanted this babyout of me so bad but no matter how hard I pushed or how strong the contractionscame I couldn't rid my self of it I was exhausted and in so much pain, morepain than I had ever before felt in my life I was writhing around the bed tryingto free my self for over an hour until he finally laughed as he untied me andstrapped my legs back up.

"lets get it over with then slave" he said smiling I was so relived I pushedand pushed as hard as I could with every contraction the pain was unbearableand my strength was dwindling he placed his hand inside me and cupped the babieshead as I pushed and pushed until finally the head was out I lay back witha sigh of relief thinking it was all over but he just slapped my face and said "wellcome on then" the next contraction came so hard and strong it forced me tobear down as hard as I could and the baby slid out and I heard it crying.

He took the scissors clamped and cut the cord then wrapped it in a toweland took it away. I never even knew the colour of its skin or what sex it was.

I lay there still tied to the bed blood dripping and the contractions wherestill coming I didn't know anything about afterbirth or anything and thoughtI was going again but I had to push and bear down just as hard as with thebaby until it finally slid out of me.

Unable to do anything else I lay there in sheer exhaustion and pain theafterbirth between my legs as I couldn't do anything tied as I was and fellasleep through sheer exhaustion.

When I awoke I was cleaned up and sorted out the baby was no where to beseen and master was there,

"now you may resume your normal activities and teach the children and bein my office at the time requested naked kneeling in front of me and try notto disappoint me again slave" this he said with a funny smirk on his face hehad every intention of doing this to me again as I later found out but thatwould be repetitive.

By mystery girlie L.C

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I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than that. It was the happiest day of my life, the day I received that pendant. I had not been serving Master for very long, just long enough for him to...

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  Slave1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than that. It was the happiest day of my life, the day I received that pendant. I had not been serving Master for very long, just long enough for...

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Slave for my Princess

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Introduction: In a future society where slavery is accepted, Adam1992 is bred and born a slave. This story is about Adams first six months after being purchased for the first time. SLAVE Alan Goodman had never considered himself to be a cruel man. He never thought hed be a slave owner, didnt really like the idea, not until he saw Adam. Alans good friend Matt had dragged him along to a special slave sale. It was special because it was only the crè,me de la crè,me of slaves, those...

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Adam1992 was jolted awake before dawn when a dick started thrusting into him. Adam was bound as usual so that he could not move, but his legs were spread wide in case anyone should need him. He kept his eyes closed as the dick pounded into him again and again. Adam might have even liked it if he'd been a little more awake, but his sleep had been frequently interrupted last night by sporadic visitors seeking his legendary ass for comfort. The man on top of him was grunting now, saying...

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Slave Tracey

Tracey got up and rang the bell as the bus approached her stop. Clutching her handbag tightly she stepped off the bus and looked towards the big gleaming glass building to the right.At just over a month since her eighteenth birthday she had decided it was time to learn to drive and as part of that under the new rules for females she had to report to the licensing centre and have a medical completed.She started walking towards the building with some slight trepidation, she was naturally a...

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slave becomes a slave bride for theMistressforyou

After Mistress placed the chastity cage on slave's tiny clitty and slave placed the key to the cage around Her neck, T/they were officially Mistress and slave. That was the end of the ceremony and it was time to proceed to the Reception or Bridal Feast as Mistress prefers to call it. Mistress turned and tugged on the leash. "Come slave" is what She ordered before leading slave, who was crawling on all fours behind Her past the assembled guests, family, and friends. slave was still wearing it's...

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slave becomes a slave bride for theMistressforyou

Months after proposing to me to become Her permanent slave, which made me the happiest man alive, the big day had finally arrived. Mistress and slave had been planning the ceremony as soon as it became official and wanted it to be as perfect as possible. Mistress selected a beautiful farm which was well known for hosting weddings for the locale, but this ceremony would be different than what they were accustomed to.The guests arrived and were seated. Some of them were aware of our Femdom...

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Slave Daddy

Oh, you've been a very bad Daddy, haven't you?" I smiled to myself as I looked through the recent sites list in the web browser. I was sitting at my father's desk, in his study, and I hadn't meant to snoop, I was just checking my email, but I'd happened upon the favorites list as I waited for the web page to load. And there it was, "Bound for Glory" neatly bookmarked, and so I'd instantly become more interested in what my dad was doing with his spare time. It was an odd feeling, seeing pictures...

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Slave Auction A Charity Party0

by Francis Drake Posted by JackFD, with Francis Drake’s permission. Thia stopped reading the page she’d attempted to understand the last four times she’d read it. Her mind wasn’t on the current best-selling thriller, it was on the box in her bedroom and the masquerade. No need delaying. Since she’d told Derek she would accompany him, her mind returned to the costume with every other thought. She’d accomplished nothing at work. She’d be glad when the damn party was behind her. She put the...

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Slave Part 2

Introduction: The story of Master, Slave and X continues. Please feel free to comment and vote. Your feedback really helps me improve my writing. Enjoy Slave Part Two. 1. X entered the room and knelt before me. I walked behind her and lifted her skirt, she was not wearing any panties as I had ordered. Excellent. I praised her. You are learning quickly. Master will be here soon, so go on your hands and knees fetch your bag and place it by the front door. X obediently crawled away. She picked...

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Slave Island

ISLE D?ESCLAVES ???????????????????????????????? ISLE D?ESCLAVES  Day One ? the arrival. Lauren and Barbara learn the ropes. LAUREN MICHELLE stretched out languidly on the long leather bench in the luxury speedster as the young woman who had met them at the dock steered the sleek 40-foot Silverton convertible out into the open sea. Lauren had changed into a bright yellow PVC bikini on the way to the dock in Lady Barbara Kleinhold?s stretch limo soon after landing at Faa International...

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Slave Yoni one

This was me 22 years old, bored one evening and browsing the internet for stories about dominating women. It was a fantasy I had since I started puberty. I wanted to tie them up, to humiliate them and to take complete control over them. I came across one story, obviously written by a women. I was reading it and I was getting more and more positive that it was a pretty young woman who wrote it or at least one who didn’t have to much experience with this stuff. As I continued reading it I became...

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Slave Part 2

1. X entered the room and knelt before me. I walked behind her and lifted her skirt; she was not wearing any panties as I had ordered. “Excellent.” I praised her. “You are learning quickly. Master will be here soon, so go on your hands and knees fetch your bag and place it by the front door.” X obediently crawled away. She picked her bag up between her teeth and struggled towards the door. “Kneel up and wait there for Master” I instructed her. I then knelt beside her, my eyes on the floor;...

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Slave Ship

Of course it didn't hurt the fact that her father owned the biggest slave dealership in the area and she had been bought up in the ways of slave trading from an early age. Her fathers name also commanded respect around here, some of that respect rubbing off onto her. She was sure she wouldn't of got to where she was today with her fathers name behind her. Slave trading was a mans job she often heard and some of the dealers and sea captains barely kept their contempt in rein when they found...

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Slave to a prostitute

On my knees I sat in the corner, as my owner was just finishing with a client. As he pulled out I could see he left a huge mess. He got up and thanked my owner for her time and left a tip on the nightstand for her as he got dressed and left the apartment.        ?Slave!? my owner said ?get over here I need you to clean me up?        I knew what she was going to say before she even finished this was the routine that I have gotten used to. A client would call and come over and have their way with...

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Typing industriously away in my upstairs office, I heard the key in the door, the door open and shut and the sound, faint but recognisable, of clothes being removed. I looked at my watch; she was late. Having, for once, been on my own since breakfast, Jim Junior began to rise. I finished the sentence I was working on and saved my work then, as almost an afterthought, closed the computer down. I rather thought I would not be needing it for the rest of the evening. I removed the shorts which were...

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Kara Hubbard sighed as she collapsed backwards onto her bed. What a bore! she thought, a frown crossing her young but beautiful features.She hated family get-togethers, and for the love of god, why hadn't there been girls born into this family? All could look forward to was her younger male cousin and whatever mischief he would doubtlessly try on her - just as he had when they'd been teens.The monster! Oh, his name was Chad and that didn't sound bad at all, but what a little b**st he had always...

4 years ago
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Slave Girl Rita

It all started when my wife Janet and I decided to go to an erotic mask ball. We were both really excited about it even if we were not sure if we really wanted to fully participate in any swinging or swapping activities at the ball. All of these were optional and many couples just came to the ball to enjoy the erotic atmosphere.Anyway, the ball was indeed very exciting with many attractive couples involved in erotic activities. My wife and I, we decided to simply enjoy the view. Stage...

3 years ago
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Slave in the Theater

Part 1 This happened many years ago, before the AIDS scare. My current live-in slave had admitted to me that she wished to be dominated while we were on our first date. For our second date I had her come across town in the pouring rain and when she entered my apartment, it was totally dark. I grabbed her and stripped her and forced her to suck me and swallow (which she had never done before). She came twice during this and then we made love on the floor for her third and fourth. From that...

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Slave Surprise

SLAVE SURPRISE! By: perverse_cowboy I get a text from you, telling me to be at a local High End Hotel at 7:00 PM. I am to pick up a key to room 528, under the name of "Woodcock" from the desk and follow written instructions that I will find on the table in the room. When I pick up the key, the man behind the desk gives me a wink and a devilish smile. "I’m sure you will enjoy your stay with us." He states. I thank him and hurry to the elevator, as I am running about 15 minutes late. I enter...

3 years ago
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Slave Farm

CHAPTER ONEThe Seduction of Jenny I am a stunningly beautiful, sadistic Woman with long legs, a gifted athletic body, and the angelic, sweet face of the young Mother Mary in Michelangelo’s statue of the Pieta.   I have always been able to get Men to do anything for Me, often the most ridiculous things. My father was my earliest victim, the first to succumb to My childishly coy looks and pouts. He was the first man I wrapped around My little finger. To the boys at school, I was the cruelest...

4 years ago
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Slaves Revolt

Slaves RevoltSynopsisDaddy sent Mummy, my sister and me to become virtual slaves for two days as a punishment for our behaviour towards him. Slaves Revoltby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF bg NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to...

3 years ago
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Slave For A Day The Perfect Gift

Introduction: Happily married wife helps 17yo college girl raise money by convincing her to be husbands slave for his birthday. Honey, are you going to get up off that couch and help me with anything today, or am I going to have to get nasty about it? Jill asked half-teasingly of her husband, Chet. It was nearly one oclock on Saturday afternoon, and as far as she was concerned they were already an hour behind schedule. They were supposed to go out around five for an evening of celebrating, but...

2 years ago
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Slave Max

Ethan's shift at Tofu King had just ended and he was heading out of the food court and through the mall to the ATM to cash his weekly paycheck. His part-time job flipping tofu burgers didn't pay much, but he managed to live well enough on his $12.50 per hour minimum wage job to rent a tiny room in a boarding house and get cable HDTV. After working there for about 10 years since he earned his Ph.D., he had managed to save up a few thousand to, eventually, buy a car; but for now, he lived...

4 years ago
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Slave Girl 1

Walking into the basement of the hotel you look around to see many men sitting at tables waiting for the auction to being. The smell of smoke and sex hits your nose hard as you slowly scan the walls you see girls standing there some of the tied and gagged all of them naked and open for any man to have their way with them ,gently you lick your lips thinking of the fun you’re going to have with your new slave. You sit down and wait, one by one slave girls are brought out on stage blonds and...

4 years ago
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Slave for Hire

                       SEX SLAVE FOR HIRE                           Chapter 1                    My first Day on the Job     I've been beaten and tortured, had rigid cocks and worse stuffed into me fore, aft, andtopside.  And I consented to it.  I did it for money.     Do you know what it's like to be without a job, with rent to pay, a family to support?  Ido.  I walked a hundred miles, it seems, trying to get a job.  Even the fast food places weren'thiring.  I pawned everything of value that I...

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