Fairies III A Day In The Life: Mediterranean free porn video

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The problem with lawyers... The man leaped at the Coach as he stepped from his car. Having spent several years as a Marine before he became a coach. what happened next was a foregone conclusion. He grabbed, slammed the man face first into his SUV (Wincing at the dent his face left) and set his foot on the man's back. "What the hell are you doing?" He snarled. "Coach Henderson I am serving you with a subpoena!" the man said. Of course with a broken nose and other injuries from his run in (as it were) it came out, "Coash Hen-erson Ah am serfing you wit subpoena." The Coach sighed, kicking the man on his back. The process server stared at him terrified. "Get up you shit," he snapped. The man staggered to his feet. Henderson snatched the paper from his hand. "A word of advice. Don't jump out of the bushes at someone who might be a able to defend himself you pissant. Now get out of my sight." He looked toward the cameras the stadium had put up. Sure as hell the idiot would claim he had assaulted him. But the Coach had picked his marked parking with malice aforethought. It would have aimed right at the bushes the idiot had used, and would show that he had lain in wait. That suggested (at least legally) criminal intent. As the guy staggered away, Henderson opened the paper. He tried to puzzle it out, but he had never learned legalese, and the paper was full of it. He walked into his office, and called the Manager's lawyer. He told him what the paper said, then waited for the translation. "It's a lawsuit claiming damages because the father of some girl named Stephanie Holcombe is no longer getting SSDI due to your actions." "Wait a minute." Henderson reared up. "Some kid is cured of cancer, and her father is suing because he doesn't get federal assistance any more?" "It gets better," the lawyer said glumly. "The man is claiming that her cure is a fake, and that you have maliciously deprived them for reasons as yet undetermined." Henderson sighed. Curtis Eubanks, his star quarterback had met the little girl during a trip to the hospital. He had been drawn to her because of her stoic calm as she went for yet another chemotherapy treatment, and she had been ecstatic that someone she considered important had spent even a few minutes talking to her. So all right, when Spearmint had heard, they had even come into town to fix this problem. Henderson thought. It had taken only a few minutes to convince the mother, and if they had told her the truth it wouldn't have mattered. We can guarantee that your daughter will be healed. We can't tell you why or how. But all we need is two days. The mother would have danced naked in the Post Oaks Galleria if they had asked. She was that desperate. But the secrecy had backfired. Little Stephanie Holcombe had promised not to tell any adult what had occurred, but that didn't mean she wouldn't tell the kids she had met in that damn Cancer ward. Suddenly everyone of them had been asking their parents to send a letter asking for the team's help, and all of the ones written by the kids had mentioned Fairies. Doctor LeMoyne the head of juvenile Oncology at the University Medical Center had been adamant. Either he knew how, or none of these kids would be released. Now this. "All right, I'll see what we can do." He considered sending an e-mail to Charles or Morgan, but they had just reached Tampico, and asking them to come back would screw everything up. Besides, once some shyster discovered that a corporation was involved, the lawsuit would grow real teeth. Instead he called Frank in Los Angeles. ***** Frank considered how his life had changed in the last two years. From real estate czar to drunk to head of a branch office for Inner World. He had finally gotten his feet back underneath him and the one thing he did know was the law. "First, we get this doctor on your side," he told the Coach. "Then we see what the lawyer has to say when he has a medical professional saying the kid is cured." Henderson hung up, then got on line. Spearmint was in the Queen's room, and he asked her to talk privately. SPEARMINT: DO NOT WORRY, MY FRIEND. WE WILL DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE. THINK INSTEAD OF WHAT WE MUST DO TO CONVINCE THE DOCTOR. ***** Russ Perkins, attorney at law smirked at the phone. Why the Coach had told him he'd call at midnight wasn't clear. He looked around the office, waiting. He'd decided to wait until he had listened to the Coach's argument before he decided on the amount. The advantage in dealing with the court he had chosen was that unless the team could bring in some heavy hitters to deal with him, he'd win. After all, most family court judges automatically assumed something was wrong with the defendants. They weren't supposed to, but they did. He heard a humming from the ventilation system, and his smirk soured. Damn antique buildings. Once he got the payoff from this... The ventilator grille fell, and he stood, looking toward it. The grille just sat there. He walked around the desk, kneeling to pick it up. Strange, the screws were on the floor as if they had just fallen out. Something bit him on the neck, and he slapped at it. Whatever it was, it was bigger than any bug he had ever seen. Another bit him, and another. He was slapping at himself frantically as the damn things bit. His clothes were feeling loose for some reason, but he ignored it. Now he could see shadowy shapes. They looked like women with wings. Something hit him at knee level, and he went down, his arms pinned as they descended on him. His clothes were being ripped away by hands that looked to be the size of children. The women were almost a foot tall now, and stronger than they looked. He felt a sharp pain in his back, and would have screamed if one of them hadn't clamped her hands on his chin and head. She was over three feet tall now, and he saw no pity in those eyes. They dragged him to his feet. He was their size now, or they were his. He hadn't figured out which yet. A dozen of them had flown up to the window, and it shot up as they lifted. There was another pain, this one agonizing, then he was lifting into the air, headed for the open window. Then he felt himself falling. Oddly enough, something as small as a mouse or a Fairy can survive a fall of as much as four stories with little or no injury. But that assumes it reacts properly. He hit the street, bones in both legs shattering. But it wasn't the fall that killed him. It was the taxi that ran over the four inch body a few moments later. ***** Matt Holcombe rubbed his hands together. His lawyer had told him that the Coach had offered to deal, and he was already counting the money he?d get. Teach that bitch to run him out of her life! He picked up some beers, and went to the apartment he had. It was an old hotel someone had made into apartments, but once he had the money, he wouldn't be here long. He heard a thrumming sound, and fifteen faerie dived on him. ***** Doctor LeMoyne looked in on Mickey Lambreath, at the moment his favorite patient. There were too many types of cancer that affected the young for him to hold much hope out. "Juvenile leukemia," he read on the chart. One of the nastier killers because there was no cure. Except for Stephanie. He thought. Remission rate almost zero, survivability zero. Yet she left the hospital on her own two feet, and had come back to visit a dozen times in the last month. Every time more healthy than the time before. His phone bleeped, and he checked it. He didn't recognize the number. "LeMoyne." He snapped. "Doctor, this is coach Henderson-" "Damn it Henderson, I will not say it again. Either I find out what magic fucking wand you waved, or you don't even get to talk to my patients. Is that fucking clear?" There was a long silence. "You guys have a helipad, right?" "Yeah, so what?" "Be up there by yourself at midnight, and I will answer your questions." The phone clicked. "Yeah, right," he snapped at the buzzing device. Mickey Lambreath smiled at him, and his heart sank. White count so far up it was surprising that he was still alive. The boy's life expectancy was measured in days, Damnit! He wished he could just reach out, wave a fucking magic wand and cure him. He finished his shift, staring at the night sky. He had read a Tom Clancy book where a doctor in Boston had always faced the cemetery where Edgar Allen Poe was buried, and tell the long dead macabre poet ?You lost this time'. How he wished he could say that! In the weeks since Stephanie had been healed somehow, the parents of every patient in the ward had asked for the same time she had spent away. When he asked what Henderson and his ball team had offered, no one would tell him. Five of those children had died and he had felt each death as a massive weight loaded onto his back. Mickey's parents had asked the same damn thing. Am I willing to kill another one? He snarled at himself. He'd sell his soul to the devil to save those kids. He was sick and tired of watching kids who hadn't even gotten a chance to go to school yet die! He went to the cafeteria, got a cup of coffee, and walked up to the helipad. The city spread around him in a sea of light, and as much as he had always loved the city lights, they only brought him down tonight. He thought of every light as another Mickey. Going out and no one giving a damn. Well I give a damn! He flung the coffee off the building. It was almost an hour earlier than he had been told to be here but Damnit he would stand here until fucking dawn if he- The door opened, and Coach Henderson came up onto the pad. "You know, Doc, you're predictable," he commented. "I said I'd be here at midnight, and you arrive an hour early." He held his jacket against the cold of the ocean breeze coming up the river. "I'm here. So what the hell did you have to tell me?" Henderson smiled. "I was going to show you something." He stood looking toward the river. There was a string of moving lights flittering down there. "What you're going to see may shock you. You might not even be willing to admit what you are about to see. But I will tell you this right now, doctor." He turned to face the smaller man. "You tell anyone who blabs to the press, and the kids in this hospital lose their chance at survival." "What. Threats?" "Not a threat." Henderson looked at him coldly. "Remember this, doctor, we helped Stephanie because one of mine wanted to. He put not only Stephanie but her parents and my team in danger doing it, without asking me. The people you're going to meet could be the cure for just about every disease known to man. The problem is, how many of them are you willing to kill to try to grab that cure?" "Will I kill?" LeMoyne stared at him. The lights came over the edge of the roof, flying in a perfect little vee formation. then they stopped. Slowly they drifted forward. LeMoyne gasped, then staggered back, falling on his ass. "Oh god..." "We are not followers of your god," one of them said. Then she shrugged. "There are followers among us, but most do not." The woman flew forward. "Can you see us, man?" "Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit," he gasped. Henderson pushed his head down between his knees. "Breath Doc," the voice was kindly. He gasped, getting himself back to normal, or as close as he could come considering... He looked back up. The women still flitted up there, impossible, unbelievable. And real. "You're..." "What?" The woman that had spoken flew closer, now less than a foot from his face. "Fairies?" She smiled at the confusion. "Some have called us that, yes." "But..." He looked at Henderson. "They can... They can cure those kids?" "We don't know why yet, Doctor, but they are unaffected by pretty much anything we die from that doesn?t directly affect the lungs." "And why are you telling me this?" Henderson looked at him for a long moment. "I looked through your wing. What, seventeen kids?" "Fourteen." LeMoyne suddenly looked at him. "They cured Stephanie?" Henderson nodded. "That explains why you haven't told anyone yet. But think about what you said to me a few minutes earlier! Every disease? What about AIDS?" "We aren't sure on that yet. But they have cured spinal cord injuries, tumors, strokes-" "South End Geriatrics!" he suddenly said. "It was them?" Henderson nodded. "Five of those up there right now were patients there. You see, we've found out that after puberty, their bite is different from happens with a child." "I don't understand." "I can explain, but it will take a while. When is the next time you have a couple of days off?" "Next week, Thursday and Friday." "I can give you the whole guided tour then. But I need your help with another matter." "Oh, you expect to be paid?" "Nothing even close." He handed the subpoena over. The doctor read it, Having had training in malpractice insurance, his face grew longer. "I remember the father. Hasn't paid child support in five years, and blew in here expecting to get something out of us on top of it. The lawyer is an ambulance chaser too." He handed it back. "What do you need?" "For you to tell the truth if they call you into court. She's cured, and you don't know how." "But..." He waved at the faerie wordlessly. "Doc, less than fifty people worldwide know they exist. You say in court, that fairies right out of a fairy tale cured this girl, and you ruin your life. You tell any doctor you know how to cure these kids and prove it to them, what happens to them?" Henderson waved at the faerie himself. "Do you think for a minute someone can't figure out how to spot them if they really try? How soon will it be before some medical organization decides to trap them in the wild and use them for research? Start catching them to dissect them? Think of the goose that laid the golden eggs!" He shook his head. "If it came to that, there is no reason in the world they should care about the human race if it's a matter of survival." He looked at the lights. Yeah, he could see other doctors willing to do that. Even rationalizing why they did it. "So we have to let these kids die?" "Now I didn't say that." Henderson smiled. ***** DISAPPEARANCE AND CURE STILL UNEXPLAINED Houston Texas Matt Ryder The mass disappearance from the Children's Oncology wing of Logan Hospital last week has a new twist. Fourteen patients between the ages of seven and 13 disappeared and were found 48 hours later. At the time, the police were called, and every room in the hospital had been searched. Amber alerts had been issued, and three states had been mobilized for a manhunt. All of the children emerged from the park near the hospital at sunset of the next day and were immediately spotted. They were still in their hospital gowns, and were in good spirits. Their stories had been incoherent. According to one patient Fairies had appeared in his room, and promised to cure him if he went with them. Other patients corroborated the story, but the police are unsure how to proceed. The children have clung to this story, refusing the help of child services which assumed the worst. But that isn't the last of the story. The children, six boys and eight girls were listed as having been patients with juvenile cancers ranging from leukemia to bone marrow cancer, yet the doctors of the Hospital claim that all have been cured somehow. Under fire for losing his patients, Doctor Patrick LeMoyne has tendered his resignation. The remainder of the staff of the wing is being reviewed. No criminal charges have been filed. The hospital has refused to comment on the strange occurrence until it?s internal investigation is completed. The parents of the patients have been equally unresponsive to the press. Sources have reported however that the families have refused to file any charges. This is the second mass disappearance from a local hospital, and the State of Texas has authorized the expenditure of five million dollars for surveillance systems to be installed in the Oncology and Geriatrics wings of State funded hospitals. ***** Judge Hiram Lockett looked at the clock. Fifteen minutes late! That ambulance chasing bastard was fifteen minutes late! He looked at the lawyer and Coach Henderson, then at the clock again. "Mister Wainwright?" "Your honor?" "Since your opponent and his client have not done us the decency to appear at this hearing, I rule in your favor." He slapped down his gavel. "Case dismissed." ***** Doctor LeMoyne looked at his office, then at the buildings around him. He'd never considered the difference in cost between a practice in Texas, and one in Mexico. The Hacienda was almost a mansion. He looked at the sign he had commissioned. La casa de las hadas, The House of the Fairies He took out the Treo. DOC601: OPEN FOR BUSINESS A day in the life: Mediterranean "Just a little rock in the sea." Bromeliad commented. She lay on the deck with Lantana Wormwood and Tuberose. It must have been the pregnancy which had made her so ill, because the short sailing jaunt from Marseille to Naples had been a lark for her. The two new additions, Lunaria who had joined them in Paris, and Gerberas who had come aboard in Naples merely looked at the island. "Well from those stories we heard in Naples, I thought we should stop." Henry had matured more than he thought possible in the last six weeks. The trip to Marseille from Dunkerque to Marseille had been planned to last only two days maximum. It had taken them three weeks. Meeting the Jardin de Plantes realm had caused them to spread through the city and notify the other realms within it. Two thousand Faerie lived in the environs of the City of Paris. All wanted to meet these foreign humans, all ecstatic that someone in the larger world remembered them. The shopkeeper that had grumbled about 50 Bayberry hand computers had almost hit the roof when he discovered they now wanted over a hundred! They had figured out why there were so many after less than a week. The older cities of Europe had been built in a much slower and calmer time. The architecture had been more forgiving, the area left for parks and trees much wider. This gave them space to hide, and the influx of people had created ideal environments for the small people. Of course they had been in even greater danger than those that lived in America. No one had fought a war on American soil since the Civil War, but Europe and Paris had been hit three times in the last century and a half. The calm voice of Lupin, Queen of the Monmarte realm had spoken of a thousand or more across the city dying in the Terror as the revolting peasants had smashed homes of the Aristo. How many had died merely because the peasants hadn't bothered to think of what they saw was unknown. Almost as many died during the fighting during WWII. But they had finally begged free of the welcome. Thanks to modern communications and the newly created Branch office, they would not be forgotten again. Henry and Erika had to go on. But little Lisette had blindsided them. When she was talking on the bayberry with Periwinkle in LA, the little sneak had gotten the list of French contacts Erika had made the year before. Henry and Erika found themselves directed to Dijon, Lyon Toulon, then finally to Marseille. In or near each city, they had found more Faerie. Which is how they had ended up creating more branch offices in a month than Rob had created in the first year! But they had finally gotten to Marseille. The married couple there who had opened the Branch office had suggested they go along the coast. The 8 meter boat they had supplied had taken them about a week to master. In fact Erika proved to have a flare for it. The gentle lazy mode of travel made the girl smile. She gauged the wind with a now well trained eye. "Get ready, Henry!" She shouted. He walked forward, setting the anchor line over the cleat. "Remember to run it under the rail and tie it off this time!" They had bought another anchor and line because he'd forgotten to tie it off right before they had left Marseille, and he didn't want to have Erika spilt her sides yet again. He had been the expert for all of a week. Of course his experience had been with boats small enough to pick up and carry in the sailboat they now sailed. He'd accidentally run the line over the rail, which meant when the anchor had caught it had tried to rip the rail from the boat. He gave her the bird, then waited. "Let go!" He threw the anchor over, letting the 50 meter line run. Then he had immediately leaped to the jib sail as Erika cranked down the main. The boat slowed smoothly. The anchor caught, and the boat pirouetted as the boat stopped. Henry had to admit that Bromeliad's characterization had been accurate. The Island was less than a quarter mile square, with forbidding cliffs on all sides but one, where a miniscule beach lay. There was no way to get to the upper area from below. Erika came over to stand beside him. She had begun to tan under the late spring sun, and had taken to wearing the Riviera style bathing costume, which was just a bikini bottom with less cloth than a handkerchief. He had gotten used to it, but just barely. "I'll rig the Zodiac. Want to get our supplies just in case?" ***** Tagete chopped into the leg of the crab, breaking it free. She leapt back as it spun, and Chicory chopped the nearest leg on her side. Crab hunting was fun, but dangerous. The heavy fighting claw could break their backs. But it took skill and the pair of Faerie had been hunting them for almost a millennia as a team. Tagete backed away from it, then her club smashed down on the joint of the smaller claw. The chitin cracked, and the crab tried to run. The pair flew past it, Chicory's spear catching under the shell, and they heaved it on it's back. There was a cheer from the half dozen others that had encircled the animal. Freesia and Marabilis moved forward, pinning the claws down as the two elder hunters went around shattering the rest of the legs, and jammed a stick into the mouth. "Excellent!" Gazania shouted. She leaped into Tagete's arms, bussing her firmly. "You just say that because I am so wonderful." Tagete teased. But she grinned as wide as the far younger girl. Gazania had joined them during that horrible war half a century or more ago, Her accent sounded odd even after all that time. The tribe gathered around, catching the still moving legs of the crab, and hoisted it. They carried it up the slope from the small beach. Ropes had been rigged to lift it to the promontory, and the huge ancient tree that was the Queen's nest. Tagete looked out over the sparkling blue of the sea, and stopped. She shaded her eyes, staring. A boat moved out there. Perhaps... She grinned, leaping into flight. Queen Aquilegia was busy making a blanket of silk removed from a black widow's web. She looked up as the Fairy entered, but her loom did not stop. "A boat comes, my queen." Aquilegia stood. She was shorter than the younger Fairy, but a Queen wasn't chosen because of her size. She walked out of the hollow, looking across the ocean until she saw the gaily painted sailboat. "I hope there are men aboard," she whispered. She had seen her tribe shrink to less than 20 in the last two millennia. She knew from what the younger converts had told her that there was a great land just a few hours flight away. But she wasn't sure enough of that to take the chance. The problem was, the ships of the humans had become so much better than they had been that her home was no longer a danger. For centuries they had been blown onto the rocks and sunk, and the survivors had joined the Faerie. But that had ended almost four centuries ago. Gazania had been the last human to join them, and that was what? She mentally counted. Over sixty years. Even that had been a fluke. A huge flying machine had crashed off shore. The wounded boy that had somehow survived later told them there had been ten men aboard it. She shook her head. Her people would die out. It hadn't been a quick process, but like the sunrise, it was inevitable. But wonder of wonders, the boat was coming closer. The shoals were fierce, and she wondered if they would survive to reach the beach below. Then she saw the anchor go over the side, and the sail came down. Close enough that they could try the old way, perhaps. She sang, calling the tribe together. ***** Henry tapped the taut skin of the Zodiac. The Faerie had gone below to help Erika pack. Not that she really needed it. The new ones were just so interested in the kits they had put together, and the older hands would sit and explain for hours how an electronic device worked. Not that they had it right, but it was fun to listen. He stopped, cocking his head. He looked at the island, his face draining into an almost sleepy expression. ***** Erika pulled the backpack up the ladder grumbling. Henry could be such a dork sometimes. She had expected him to come down and help. After all, all he had to do was use the air bottles they had bought to fill the flipping boat, and that took what, less than a minute? She glared around her, then stopped. Henry wasn't there. "Henry?" she called. The Faerie came up from below, and Bromeliad looked around. "Henry!" the fairy shouted. "There!" Lunaria shouted. Erika ran to the rail. Henry was swimming toward the island. She shook her head, there was something... "Vous chiennes voleurs!" Bromeliad screamed. Clutching Jennine to her bosom, she flew off in hot pursuit. "What is happening?" Erika shook her head. "Have you heard of the legend of the Sirens?" Tuberose asked. "Where do you think it came from?" "That's what..." "We can sing and call people from a distance, but it takes a number of us," Tuberose replied. "Get in the boat, we'll deal with this." She whistled, and the other Faerie shot off toward the island. ***** The Zodiac made the quarter mile to the beach in just under four minutes. Above Erika, there was a flurry of motion as the half dozen Faerie she had brought screamed and fought with almost three times their number. The only two Faerie in fact that weren't fighting were Bromeliad and a smaller Fairy that were hovering ten feet up, screaming at each other. The smaller Faerie might have been willing to attack her, but the squalling baby in Bromeliad's arms stopped her. It was a lot like watching a battle like the one in Braveheart, but with beings able to fly in three dimensions, and with lightning fast reflexes. Erika shouted, but they ignored her. Fine. She grabbed the megaphone that was in the boat, and hit the squelch button. Everyone recoiled at the electronic scream, staring at her in shock. "Stop it this instant!" she shouted. The Faerie that had been with her pulled back, and the others retreated. Except for the pair that still screamed at each other in midair. It would have helped if they had been speaking the same language. Tuberose flew down to land on Erika's shoulder. "They were singing Henry in like a fish when we arrived. Bromeliad and that one had started screaming at each other right before we got here, and the others started in when we arrived. But they don't speak French, Greek, Italian or Turkish, so we've been sort of trying to figure out how to talk." She settled her sword a little lower on her hip. "If we hadn't had these, they would have diced us up like fish." "Is that American English I hear?" someone called. A Fairy with a bright green hair hovered above them. "St Paul!" Erika snapped back. "Flat bush New York!" The Fairy settled down toward them. "Gazania. Once I was airman Hollace Muir, 515 Squadron, 376th Bomber wing." She snapped a salute. "Shot down February 18th, 1943." She waved toward the Faerie that hovered in an angry cloud. "They saved me." "Can you speak their language?" Erika asked. "After sixty odd years?" The Fairy laughed. "I should hope so, it's ancient Latin and Mycenaean Greek!" "Could you stop that?" Erika waved helplessly toward the still shrieking Faerie. Gazania flew upward, and by dint of shouting louder than anyone else, was able to end the argument. The Faerie on both sides began to settle down. There was a shriek of fury, and everyone spun as Henry came out of the water, royally pissed. "Didn't anyone here me screaming for help?" He roared. Bromeliad flew over, catching his ear as she hugged him, glaring at the now contrite Faerie. Henry spun, pointing at Erika. "Damn it did you even know if I could swim?" Now all of the women were contrite. The small fairy settled down near Erika. She spoke and Gazania nodded. "Queen Aquilegia apologizes for her actions. It's just been so long since anyone came near the island." Henry stormed over, glaring down at the miniscule woman. Then he huffed, sitting beside Erika. "What I want to know is what the hell they did to me." Gazania asked the question, and Aquilegia replied. "You must know that the Faerie can do some magic?" Henry nodded. "They can sing fish out of the sea, and it goes farther when they concentrate. They know different songs if you will to pacify bees so they can raid beehives, or distract birds so they can steal eggs. They can also pretty much hotwire a guy's libido. They just sing, and every guy heads ashore with a boner. Just like you." There was a bell like tinkling of laughter as Henry covered his crotch. "Anyway, they remember how to do it when they need to. Problem is, there hasn't been a ship near enough for them to do it since Roman times. They came here from the coast around the time of Homer, and have been stuck here ever since." Gazania looked at them solemnly. "And this is all that's left." "Not surprising," Erika murmured. "It's what, almost fifty miles to the coast? They would have had problems flying that distance in one shot." She looked at the small group of Faerie. "Maybe..." She leaned forward. "Maybe we can relocate them to the coast? Or perhaps to one of the closer islands." Aquilegia listened to the translation, then spoke. "She says you should accept her hospitality first." Henry shook his head. "First we have to go through the spiel!" "Damn!" Erika leaped up, grabbing the Zodiac. "I left the damn kit on board!" "Why did you choose this island to come to?" "Legends." Henry replied. "When our faerie contacted the tribe here near Naples, we asked if there were legends about ?haunted islands', that kind of thing. One of theirs who is what 1500?" Erika nodded. "She said that a small rocky island off the coast was taboo among the human people back since Roman times. Ships would go past there, and their crews would disappear. We were able to use this map to find this island, because everything bigger has people on it." He looked at her. "Thanks to modern navigation steam engines and steel hulls, they don't linger long enough for you to pull that any more." He waved. "If I were your size this would be a paradise to live in. But you live too far away from the mainland to maintain your population, and if you would like, we can move you to the Italian coast." "We must discuss this." ***** Gazania leaned into Tagete as the others bustled about. "People who speak your own language," the elder Fairy said. "Well we were pushing the world around a lot back when I was young." The Fairy told her. "Most people didn't like us much." "But I love you," Tagete whispered. "That's because you know me." Gazania looked up. "What's wrong?" "Will you leave me now that you can talk with someone?" "Oh baby." Gazania pulled her down. "If they'd found me back during the war, I would have taken off like a shot. But this is my home, you are my life. I'm not going to leave you now." They hugged. "But we will move to the coast. There will be more of us there, more of them." She jerked her head toward Henry and Erika, both Faerie sized as they connected the wires to run the Playstation plus. "Wonders I can never give you." Gazania rolled over, looking into her eyes. "Taggie, I am not leaving you. I promise." "Gazania, could you help, please?" Erika called. Gazania took her lover's hand, and brought her down. "Could you explain for everyone what we're doing?" "If I knew, yeah." Erika looked at her. "Have we done something to offend you?" "Nah. Just... It's been years since I spoke English. It brings back a lot of memories. Not all of them good." "I know what you mean. After World War II, the only major country that was still on it's feet was the US. They have hated us ever since." Erika shrugged. "Of course our own attitude that we can do anything better than anyone else hasn't helped." Gazania laughed, translating for Tagete. The girl nodded, then locked her eyes angrily on Erika. The fairy spoke angrily. Gazania flushed. Then translated. "So you will come in and we will dance to your tune?" Tagete spoke again, and Gazania replied softly. The elder Fairy motioned toward Erika, and Gazania translated again. "Shall you now pick and choose who will be together as well?" Erika looked at the pair for a long moment. "Can you translate for your lover for me?" "Why?" "Just translate, please." "Sure." "Tagete, we do not come to disrupt your lives." "But you are a woman of her country." "Only for about eight months now. I was a man. I came out of it as a woman by chance. But I have my duties to your people, and they do not include stealing away your lover." "But Gazania has said she would go with you!" "And why can you not go with her?" Tagete looked at the earnest young woman. "To leave my home..." "First it won't be forever. Once we have relocated your tribe, you will know where they are. Do you think we will wander and never come back? Gazania offered because she understood what we forgot." She waved at Henry. "We're so used to dealing with Faerie that have constant contact with other humans. We would have been screwed if Gazania had not been here because neither language you speak is used any more. They haven't spoken Latin as a common language in almost 2 thousand years, and Mycenaean Greek hasn't been used in almost four thousand. You heard Tuberose. She speaks modern Greek. How much did you understand?" "A word here or there," Tagete admitted. "Which is more than she understood when your clan has spoken." Erika pointed out. "Here. Henry, you deal with this." She dusted off her hands, and led the pair to the Bayberry. She turned it on, and went online. She brought up the National Geographic site, touching the screen on Greece. Then she expanded it until the nation filled the screen. "Over 3,000 islands. A lot of them are too small for humans, but large enough for the Faerie. But they are surrounded by Turkey over here, and Greece over there. Which language do they speak?" She turned back. "We will not ask Gazania to leave, but quite frankly, we need the help. "And we would welcome you if you come with us. After all, you know more about your people than any of us do!" The diminutive Queen came over, asking a question. Gazania explained what the conversation was about. "We are where?" Erika used the cursor to bring the map up larger, then brought it down again. "This is the Island of Capri. This is the mainland. And your island is here." "There is nothing there," Aquilegia said. Erika brought it closer until a pinprick of brown lay on the ocean. "Your island is about two hours flying time for your people northeast, It's four hours by our boat. But we are going here after your people have been moved." She brought the map out again, pointing at the ocean between Greece and Turkey. "Gazania has offered to go with us. I'm just trying to convince Tagete that she is welcome as well." The woman looked at the map. Erika had gotten pretty good at estimating heights, and she put the Queen at about 85mm tall, what would be about four foot nine for a human. But there was no mistaking the authority she projected. "My child, you must make this decision, Aquilegia." "My Queen-" "What good is a Queen who will not let her people grow?" Aquilegia asked mildly. "We could have moved to the Mainland, this Italy four hundred years ago, but we did not. How many of mine have died because of that decision?" She shook her head. "We will miss you. But there will always be a place for you and your beloved at our fires." Everyone jumped as a drum riff came from the PSP. They spun and stared in astonishment at the screen. Henry clapped his hands as the blonde woman cavorted in a belly dancing routine. "Shakira?" Erika asked with a laugh. The local Faerie gathered around, watching in silence. The clip was only about 30 seconds long, but there was almost a minute of silence that followed. "Well?" he asked. Without a word the women exploded away from him, and moments later there were a four with drums and one with a flute made from the wing bone of a bird. A Fairy came over, speaking in a liquid tone as she shoved the fairy sized man until he sat. Gazania laughed, hugging Tagete. "Marabilis said that if that's what you like, the best dancer on the island will be your mate for the night." "I must get to compete!" Bromeliad shouted. Tuberose and Wormwood shouted the same. "And Erika!" Lantana cried. "Oh no." She shook her head. "He chooses me, and we'll have to put up with his whining about carrying everything forever!" Gazania shouted, translating, and all of the girls laughed. One of the drummers began a gentle beat, and Erika was shoved out to dace. She winced, but did her best. A local Fairy moved forward, touching Erika, moving her from the limelight. The Fairy did not stop there, however. She motioned with forked fingers to her eyes, then to her own body as if to say 'watch me?. Then almost gently, she began to move her body. Erika watched, dry mouthed. She had always known intellectually that dance had been created to attract a mate, but she had never considered it would have the same effect on her as it would have when she was a boy! The Fairy stopped moving, then motioned for Erika to repeat it. As she began to move, the woman moved up behind her, using her hands to maneuver Erika's body. Slowly, Erika learned the dance. The woman's eyes grew fonder, and Erika found she wanted to please her teacher. The moves became more sinuous, more languorous, more naturally seductive. The woman began to hum a gentle song, and Erika flushed, her nipples hardening in desire. One by one the women danced. Henry was riveted, and at the same time, appalled by his own reaction. Of the women that had come from the States with him, he knew the youngest was ?only' about fifty years old. Of the locals, the youngest was almost 70. But he had never considered what a century or more of practice could do for the way a woman moved. As each came on to dance, (by age he knew) the dance became wilder, more exotic, and at the same time more erotic. Let's face it, when it came to attractive women, he loved them all. But as the older women came forward, he found yet another reason to love them. Then there was a pause in the music, and he shook himself from his revelry. Every eye was looking expectantly to the darkness beyond the fire. Aquilegia seemed to simply appear there, fading into view. Just walking, the woman exuded sexual appeal. She stopped, one foot in front of the other, and paused. Her eyes were daring him, and as the music began, she moved. He found suddenly that he had forgotten to breath for several seconds. Her movements weren't overtly sexual or lavish. She didn't need any of the props most strippers used. All she needed was her body and the music. It was just that her very movement attracted his eyes, and kept them riveted on her. She moved forward with sinuous grace, kneeling before him, then slid up his body not touching, eyes locked on his. He suddenly felt as if he was the most important man in the world to this woman, that anything he wanted to do was not only acceptable but greeted with equal pleasure. She leaned forward, and he found himself kissing her. ***** Gazania watched the show grinning. When it came to dancing, the Queen could have taught classes if they'd rent out Yankee Stadium for them. She looked to the side, where Portulaca had his friend bent over in a dip, her mouth settling toward Erika's nipple. She suddenly felt a thrumming in the air. No! "Portulaca," she said. The other woman looked up, then licked, Erika's body spasming as her tongue swiped at the suddenly hard nipple. "What." "If she has an orgasm, she will never return to human size." "So?" Her mouth dropped down, and Erika spasmed against her, moaning. "It is not right to force her. Stop." "I like her, I want to keep her." "She is right," Tagete snapped. "Release her." Portulaca snorted, setting the staggering girl back onto her feet. "Oh god." Erika gasped. "I..." She stared at Gazania. "I almost went over." "It's okay," Gazania said. "We'll take care of you." "That isn't the point." Erika almost wailed. "She touched my nipple, and I wanted to go over. I wanted to feel her tongue licking me for the rest of my life!" She sobbed into her hands. "Stop!" Gazania shouted. Everyone looked at him. Henry sat there, looking dazed. "My queen, we cannot treat them this way." "What do you mean?" Marabilis demanded. Gazania walked over beside the Queen and the man she was kneeling over. Henry looked dazed. Not surprising both of them, the Queen and Portulaca had been using their abilities to seduce. For the guy it wouldn't be so bad as long as she didn't carry it too far. "These people cannot join the tribe. They must go on." "But I want her!" Portulaca complained. The woman was over four hundred years older than the ex-flier from New York, but she spun to face the elder. "Fine we need to get off this island. How do we do it? We need their boat, and without them we can't use it!. If we cut it loose and try to drift across, we might, might make it! But do you think she will thank you for making her a Fairy?" He asked waving toward Erika, who still huddled in the corner. "Do you think this boy will be thankful afterward?" "And you are not?" Aquilegia asked. Gazania took Tagete's hand. "I accept that this is my life. If we had been able to talk then, maybe I would have stayed human. But no one ever came looking so I would still be down there in that old uniform hoping to be rescued today. You saved my live, and I found my love when you did. For that I am forever grateful. "But their lives are not in danger as mine was. They will not be a burden you must carry as I was. They have come offering help and you want to treat them like the crab you collect on the beach? You didn?t treat me that way at first!" The queen leaned forward, her lips brushing Henry's face. "You are correct. It would not be a proper use of our hospitality. But does that mean I cannot collect this one's seed?" "That you can do according to what they have told me." He motioned toward the tense group of Faerie that had accompanied the humans. "As long as you do not continue when you are both women." ***** Erika sat bolt upright. She tried to clutch blankets to her, but there were none, only the firm flesh of two fairy who had sandwiched her between them. One moved, eyes opening, then said something, rolling back over. The other opened her eyes, looking at the girl. "Go back to sleep, Erika." "I had a nightmare." "What about?" "That I was in a woman's arms, and she was licking me!" "Not a nightmare. We just stopped it from finishing," the woman said. "Now go back to sleep." "Where-" She felt movement. "Where are we?" "Actually you were so frantic to escape we flew out to your boat, and locked ourselves in one of the cabinets." Gazania said. She stood, walked across the cabinet floor, pulling what looked like a washcloth from the stack. Of course to them at that size, it was the size of a comforter. She spread it out, gently pushing Erika back down, then snuggled in so that Erika was spooned against Tagete, and Gazania spooned her. "You're safe," Gazania repeated. "Henry! Where-" "He and Bromeliad are down in the berthing area. Now go back to sleep." ***** HSTIMSON220: TO ALL MOBILE TEAMS; WARNING. OLDER TRIBES MAY HAVE NOT HAD RECENT CONTACT W/HUMANS. TRIBE RELOCATED TO VIVERA ISLAND OFF CAPRI MADE UP OF PEOPLE SPEAKING MYCENAEAN GREEK AND LATIN. LOCALS ON VIVERA SPEAK ENOUGH LATIN TO GET BY WITH THEM, AND THEY ARE LEARNING ITALIAN NOW. SOME OLDER TRIBES SUCH AS THIS ONE HAVE HABIT OF CONVERTING ALL, I REPEAT ALL VISITORS. PURE CHANCE THAT WE ARE STILL HUMAN AND MOBILE. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THEM, TRY TO FIND A TRIBE NEARBY THAT CAN. IF IT IS IN A SECLUDED LOCATION, SUCH AS AN ISLAND WITH NO HUMAN OCCUPANTS, DO NOT CONTACT UNLESS YOU LIKE BEING FAIRY!!! QUESTION; THESE FAERIE ABLE TO ATTRACT HUMANS AS THE ONES IN HAWAII DO WITH FISH. WHY DIDN'T YOU LADIES TELL US THIS??? MAPLE 42: OUR ELDEST SAYS WE CAN DO IT, BUT DO NOT BECAUSE IT IS NOT NECESSARY. SORRY YOU WERE NOT INFORMED. HSTIMSON220: IF I END UP FAIRY FOREVER BECAUSE YOU GUYS FORGET TO TELL ME SOMETHING I AM GOING TO BE WICKED PISSED AT THE LOT OF YOU!!!! MALVA774(Monmarte): BUT YOU HAVE SUCH A TIGHT LITTLE BOTTOM WHEN YOU ARE FEMALE HENRI! PERHAPS THEY MERELY WISHED TO PLAY WITH IT A LITTLE LONGER. HSTIMSON220: I GIVE UP.

Same as Fairies III A day in the life: Mediterranean Videos

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SlutSport Part III

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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

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Taming the Whores Pt III Heather Cucks Kyle

Vic knocked on my door, “Dude!” He yelled. “The pool will be filled tomorrow!” He could barely contain his excitement. “Make sure you let your cute, little lady friends know.” He winked his eye at me, then headed back down to the patio.“Hey Vic, I’ll be down in a minute,” I yelled down to him.Not much happens on this street that Vic doesn’t know about. I’ve been his tenant here for the last three years. I’ve got to know him really well. He’s come up to a couple of my parties and even got lucky...

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Train To Real Life Thrills 8211 Part III

Overwhelming support from readers is received about this series. There were lot of suggestions about the future of Prakash and Sumati. However the real story was more interesting than the suggestions received from regular readers. That is why it is kept as such. Again for new readers of this series I will have to give links to Part I and Part II. I request the readers to read part I and part II, before proceeding further. Link to Part I: http://goo.gl/vXXkV6, Link to Part II:...

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My Lifes True Incidents 8211 Chapter III Gold Necklace

Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names are fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband names is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...

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The Ultimate Bridal Weekend III Life Goes On And On

Please read 'The Ultimate Bridal Weekend I and II' to make sense of this story. The Ultimate Bridal Weekend III - Life Goes On and On By Sheila Anne Morgan The Holidays were hectic, but fun. I cannot remember having a better time sharing with family and friends. The new year started with a baby shower for Denise, the woman from Feed The Families who was having a baby boy. I gave her the booties and blanket I had knit for her along...

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Life Of A Rich Boy 8211 Part IV Malaysia III

******* Story Cont….. (You need to read Part I, II, & III for better understanding) When I woke-up it’s 2 pm and we had long sleep. But my sexy baby still sleeping and naked. Seen her naked body my dick got erect in no time. I saw her pussy lips and only I can see there is red color all over and I didn’t feel to do anything. I gave her nice and slow licking around pussy and she woke up for that. SIL : hey darling you wake… slowly I kissing her all body and came to near her lips and we had...

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Fairy III European Adventures

An English Country Garden Carrying gear for Faerie through customs can be... interesting. The Customs agent looked at the small pile of metal sections before him, curious. "What is this?" he asked. "Models of pikes," Lady Penelope told him. "May I?" "Please." She took one of the sets, and assembled it into a 16" pike, long haft, with a wide razor sharp blade on the end. She held it out, and the agent looked at it. "Not really a period piece." "No. But it was made by an...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 59 Three Birthdays Two Jobs and a Play Part III

April 1981, Milford, Ohio The rest of the week went along as usual, with Kara accompanying me to the computer lab, and me going on my date with Elyse. Kara didn’t raise the issues that were clearly spinning around in her head, but I knew she would, eventually. I did pull Mary and Tracey aside separately and ask them to be careful about their teasing and joking around Kara. They both agreed to tone it down a bit, which I figured was the best I could do. On Tuesday when I arrived home, I had...

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A Life of Servitude Part III

A Life of Servitude by Christine A young imprisoned man begins his new life in Afghanistan at the mercy of his captors. Part III The Auction Begins and Ends The bidding began as Jim was paraded around the stage, forced to walk on the heels, holding his huge tits with his hand. The theatre was full of Arabian looking people, some with women by their sides. The bidding began, in a foreign currency. Jim had no idea who was bidding what. Finally the auctioneer brought the gavel...

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Me and My Brothers Chapter III

Chapter III. It Gets Hot in a Snow Storm A few minutes later in the kitchen as I was making some pancake batter, Bobby came in and asked, “What you fixing? “Pancakes.” “Why not waffles?” he asked. “Do you know where the waffle iron is?” I asked. “Sure,” he said as he went to a cupboard, pulled out the waffle iron, and plugged it in. So we had waffles. While we were eating we noticed that it was snowing. It was the first heavy snow of the season. Bobby and I dressed in our...

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Fairy Godmother

This isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...

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Mother and I Have A Super Bowl Party Part III

Mother and I Have A Super Bowl Party, Part III By Sandy Brown Author's Note: I was thrilled with the number of readers who emailed me asking for the version of the last chapter with images. For those who would like to see this chapter with images as well, feel free to email me at [email protected] That evening, when Mother and I got home, I went upstairs to my bedroom to get out of her clothes. She said to me, "Honey, when you get changed, come and get me. I'll show...

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Meeting Mother Part III

Meeting Mother, Part III By Sandy Brown Emily took my hand, and together we walked out of my bedroom and downstairs to Mother. I stood there with the two of them, wearing the pink sweater, and the almost-matching lipstick, feeling a swirl of emotions. I had spent years trying to put my girlish, sissyish side behind me, to find a 'normal' girlfriend and live a 'normal' life. And I had felt like I had done that, even though I knew, somewhere in the back of my mind, that I had put a...

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Fairy III Paradise

Taking one for the team The argument was hot and heavy in the control room, but silent. Spearmint finally admitted afterward that her actions had caused a furor among her fellow monarchs. They understood why she had done it, but at the same time, the news that almost a hundred geriatrics and terminal patients had merely disappeared had made not only national but global headlines. Dandelion and Periwinkle had calmed them down, and they had decided to meet once a week for the next...

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A mothers present for her sons birthday III

The morning the day before her son´s birthday, Sofia Guevara was actually surprised by his behavior, but never really understood his intentions behind his sudden restraint. After she made that promise to him for his birthday, David had been relentlessly trying to cum all over her whenever the opportunity presented himself. Of course, he still continued to ogle, grope her, and kiss her whenever he could, but he didn’t try and get her to swallow his load again. “Morning, sweetie!” Sofia called...

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Slut Mother Gets Married Again Part III

Part III of how my Slutty Mother bagged herself a husband. Read part 1 and 2 to get the story line.==============================================With Bob's funeral was the most exquisite event that my mother or I had ever been to.We were introduced as employees of Bob to avoid embarrassment to the family. However, what Catherine didn't count upon was just how many people my mother had served. A few of Bob's minions had fucked mom when she worked the streets and even though they couldn't be...

1 year ago
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Cruising the Mediterranean

Through the open porthole the moonlight beams in. She’s full tonight and hanging heavy near the horizon, slowly pulling up as the night begins. I move towards the opening and catch the breeze blowing in. The moon sparkles on the water as I look out over the seascape. As I breathe in the fresh sea air, I also catch another scent, one of flowers and spice, coming down the outside of the ship and finding me. Slipping me into a little ecstasy from the way the scent soaks right through me, deep...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part III

PART III "You are in danger, Harry Potter, but from yourself." Confined inside the Slytherin dungeons, curled up on the black leather couch, dressed in a green and silver coloured uniform was Heather Potter, now a Slytherin, apparently. It was the worst possible thing that the curse of the Emerald Witch could have done to her. To become a member of the house she had resented for so many years was not only sickening but it upset her greatly. She felt as if she was...

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Aunt Abby and the Artist Part III

Aunt Abby Makes Sex Fun... and Funny!Here is Part III of my reality based fiction, 'Aunt Abby and the Artist', dedicated to my dear friend Abby Rhodes. Again, if you'd like to see the real Abby, here she is... her beauty makes the story even more enjoyable, and she approves of this message:http://xhamster.com/user/AbbyRhodesIf you haven't read Part I and Part II yet, I suggest you do so. If you have, then on with the show... and there will be a final chapter, Part IV 'Aunt Abby and the...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 12 Double Double

Dave woke at his usual early time. He looked at the clock and remembered that he had told Darcy and Alex that he wasn't going to practice after the late return from Florida. He tried to go back to sleep but the previous day played over and over in his mind. He had finally proven that he belonged at Wake Forest. He led the team to their first victory of the year and his good friend Alec had finally shown his previously unproven potential. Dave remembered vividly how both Alec and Darcy...

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Shannon III the wedding part A

To understand the Shannon series it is best to start at the beginning with Shannon then Shannon II part A, Shannon II part B and then this story. Each story can stand alone but you will get a better understanding of the characters and the events that brought them to this point in the story. However this story would work to go from “Shannon” directly to “Shannon III”. I would love praise and criticism as long as it isn’t about content. If you don’t like the things I write about then don’t...

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My Final Fantasy Part IIIThe Awakening

My Final Fantasy: Part III— The Awakening When we last left our two characters John was engaged in a long business telephone call inside the house and Marella was on the deck ostensibly looking at the up-coming dinner’s budget. Intrigued by a file named “Final Fantasy” on the far right of John’s computer screen Marella can’t resist the temptation to pry and has clicked open the file. Marella has begun to read John’s Final Fantasy story. As Marella reads she keeps shifting her eyes up and keeps...

Love Stories
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Band on the Run Part III

Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...

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Shannon III the wedding part B

Introduction: A woman is dominated by an older man This story, like Shannon III part A, is a more romantic tale than the other Shannon stories, however it has some hot scenes in it and some humor as well. Shannon III the wedding part B Previously on Shannon. Shannon and I were married two week to the day from the bachelor party that I had first met Shannon. The wedding was a fiasco that resembled the bachelor party in almost every way except Shannon is now married to me and Woof a huge pure...

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