Second Comings III The Mask Of Anar free porn video

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(Note: this is Part III of the Second Coming series. Part I was released last December, Part II a few days ago, confusingly titled Second Comings – Sex Type Thing. This current posting is Part III, and they should be read in order for the tale to make much sense. Thanks to ‘rightbank’ for pointing this out!)

Second Comings III: The Mask of Anarchy


Justin Lake sat behind Sharon Hastings as she drove towards Boston on the Mass Pike, Jordan Secord sat beside Hastings, looking out the window, his face a mask – lost in thought. Alternating between hope and despair, Secord ignored the world around the car, his thoughts oscillating through extremes as he felt his way through all the possible outcomes of this day. Michele…his Michele…was dying. What was left of this world but darkness?

A half hour into surgery she had crashed. Multiple cranial fractures created an almost impossible surgical environment, then fractured ribs and a punctured lung complicated the series of life-saving procedures her surgeons needed to get done simply to stabilize her. Both were general surgeons, however, and as events unfolded she desperately needed both neuro- and thoracic surgeons. The closest were in Hanover and Boston, the best at Mass Gen. A helicopter was summoned, the patient prepped for transport – still under anesthesia. Two physicians jumped in the helicopter before the patient was loaded, then the aircraft rose and dashed to the east. A Volvo wagon sped from the hospital, it too bound for Boston. The remaining general surgeon dashed back to the ER, to the gunshot wound that had just arrived – and he was now the only surgeon in the house. The on-call surgeon was summoned, an orthopedist, but she wouldn’t arrive for a half hour.

This new patient had three gunshot wounds, all from 9mm rounds: one in her upper right arm, two in the upper chest, both near the right subclavian artery, but her pressure was steady, the apparent bleeding minimal. She had been stabilized in the ER, taken up to OR5 and while he scrubbed-in he looked at her chemistries on the blue LCD display. Something didn’t look right, so he ordered a narcotics panel while the anesthesiologist prepped her. He went in quickly, wanted to talk to her before she went under.

‘What’s her name?’ the surgeon asked.

‘Grier, Laura Grier,’ a scrub nurse said.

He went to her, pinched her earlobe gently, waking her slightly. ‘Miss Grier, I’m Dan Wilkins, and I’m about to try to get these bullets out. Do you understand me?’

She nodded. ‘Yes. Where am I?’

‘You’ve been shot, and you’re in the hospital now. Can you tell me, it’s important now, but can you tell me what drugs you’ve taken today? Any medications? Any cocaine? Anything like that?’

‘Yeah, so what? Fuck you – why don’t you just let me die!’ Grier said raspily, then she turned away and closed her eyes.

He saw she was crying now. Not good. ‘Okay,’ Wilkins said. ‘That’s that. A soon as we get those labs let’s take her under. I wanna get to work while her pressure’s good.’

A police office stood in the corner of the operating room, taking notes.


Tony Bianchi sat in the small interrogation room, wondering what had happened to his life, what had gone wrong that morning. All Laura Grier wanted, she’d told them, was for them to rough her up a little, but when he saw her, right after they’d broken into that house, something inside him broke loose. He remembered kicking the bitch, stomping her head, then Kyle was pulling her panties down, fucking the fag-bitch in the ass, and all of a sudden it was like some kind of fucked-up war movie…like someone flipped a switch – the four of them were out of control. Animals, he thought, they’d turned into animals. He shook his head, looked around the little room again, then down at the handcuffs on his wrists – and the ankle shackles binding him to the floor.

Acoustic tiles, a one-way mirror, all props right out of central casting, Bianchi thought. A gray metal desk, three grey metal chairs, two lights in the ceiling, everything coated with the brown sheen of cigarette smoke. Decades of oily shit, coating everything, probably his lungs now too, he thought. None of it mattered though. He knew his dad would get him out, and get him off. He was a good lawyer, and he’d told him not to say a word until he got there. The detectives had given up on him and he smiled, but perhaps that was because Kyle Chandler, his friend from the Lacrosse team and the one who’d approached him about doing this shit in the first place, had been talking non-stop ever since they’d been caught inside the Secord residence. He wouldn’t have smiled if he’d known Chandler had blamed it all on Bianchi, and had proof to back up his assertions.


Hastings made her way to Storrow Drive, then to Fruit Street, looking for the main parking garage entrance as she got close to the Mass Gen campus. Both Lake and Secord were, she thought, impossibly quiet now, but she’d seen Secord’s hands shaking several times during the drive. Once she parked the car, she went to his door and helped him out, but she could tell there was something seriously wrong with him now. Secord could hardly breathe when he stood, and his gait seemed unsteady. Lake came over and they helped Secord walk, first across the glassed in walkway above the street, then into the Lunder Building, to the information desk, and this was where Secord fell to the floor.

Orderlies picked him up, put him on a gurney, and Sharon rushed with him into the ER. ‘I don’t believe this,’ Lake said as he shook his head and took off behind Hastings.


Wilkins looked at the films, looked at the bullets in Laura Grier’s arm and thorax, and due to the amount of damage he saw he decided to start on the arm first, as he looked at the latest labs. Worse than expected, he thought. Very high levels of Xanax, SSRIs off the charts, as well as what profiled out as a possible anti-psychotic. ‘Ah-ha!’ he said to himself: residual levels of cocaine too, but most unexpected were trace amounts of heroin in her system and almost undetectable levels of an amphetamine.

‘Whoa!’ he said to the anesthesiologist. ‘Jack, look at those T-cells, they’re kind of whacky. Can we get a quick-count HIV going?’

‘Yeah, I’ll pull a tube, but you do the paperwork, okay?’

‘Yeah. Is she under?’

‘Yup. You about ready?’

‘Yeah, coming in. She’s got a pretty serious cocktail on board. Everything from coke to H, uppers and downers and anti-depressants.’

‘A real happy camper. Her chemistries are a anemic, Dan, and her sats are falling. We better not dawdle on this one…’

Wilkins went into her arm, peeling away layers of muscle rather than cutting through them, hoping to preserve function and speed healing, then he got to the humerus. He looked up, saw Jane Wilson, an orthopedic surgeon, scrubbing in, he continued to expose the humerus until he had the head was fully exposed. ‘I can see a lot of damage in the brachial plexus, Dr Wilson, and the humeral head is just shattered. And I do mean shattered. Bullet must have hit there, then tumbled down…’

‘How’s the brachial artery,’ Wilson asked. ‘Intact?’

‘Yes, but I see some pooling near the ulnar.’

‘What’s going on up there,’ she said as she entered the room, pointing to the two entry wounds on her chest. ‘Was this woman shot?’

‘They didn’t tell you?’

‘No. Looks like 38s, maybe 9mil.’

‘Cops tried to arrest her, she resisted, with a knife,’ one of the nurses said.

‘Just what my dad always told me to do. Go after a cop with a knife. Smart. She a local?’

‘English prof, at the college,’ the cop in the corner said.

‘What are you doing here?’ Wilson demanded.

‘She’s under arrest. The chief told me to stay here and take notes.’

Wilson looked at Wilkins, both shrugged.

‘What did she do,’ Wilson asked.

‘Basically, it looks like she put out some kind of a hit. That’s all I know.’

‘Well, well, a real go-getter,’ Wilson said. ‘Dan, change places with me, would you? I want to look at those fragments. Would you go ahead and expose the clavicle? Let’s see what kind of mess we have there…’


Secord was on a gurney in Trauma Room 14, EKG and pulse oximeter readings just coming online, an intern looking at the screens.

‘He’s having a heart attack,’ the intern called out to a passing nurse. ‘Get Dr Anderson in here, stat!’

Sharon watched the transformation, almost in shock. The quiet little room exploded into frenzied chaos, yet even so everything seemed well-choreographed, almost like a ballet. Lines were started, IVs hung, stats called out, medications injected, then one of the nurses told her to leave. She backed out of the room, crying now, then turned and looked for Lake. She couldn’t see him, not anywhere, then a clerk from admitting was on her, asking about insurance and next of kin. She told the clerk what she knew, then asked about Michele: there was a Lansing in surgery – that’s all the clerk had now.

Lake was there, out of the blue. ‘She’s upstairs, they’re operating on her now. What’s up with Jordan?’

‘He’s having a heart attack…they pushed me out of the room.’

Lake shook his head, sat down, put his face in his hands. ‘This isn’t happening,’ he whispered. ‘This just can’t be happening…’

He grew restless, went and called called the hospital back in Vermont…

Grier still in surgery, nothing new to report…

He called the police department. Four suspects in custody, charges pending, arraignments set for tomorrow morning…

He found Sharon, they walked to a lounge and sat down, waiting for the world to make sense.

‘Did you find out anything about Laura?’ Sharon asked?

‘Nothing. She’s still in surgery too.’

‘What in God’s name are you going to do about her, Justin?’

‘I’ll have to talk with her, find out why…’

‘Why? I mean, what could she say to justify this?’

‘Oh, she can’t. Not ever. If what’s been alleged is true. Still, I can’t help but think people are innocent until proven guilty.’

‘Okay, but let’s say she got those boys to do it. And she used sex to manipulate them into doing it. Then what? Then what can you say to her?’

‘Oh, Sharon, I don’t know. Perhaps the only words that matter at that point will come from the judge that sentences her. You know, I’ve been thinking about, well, something I recall from a Renaissance Lit class. ‘Nothing is so firmly believed as that which we least know.’ I can’t recall who said it, but…’


‘Oh, yeah, that’s it. But I was thinking how much I loved her, how much I believed in her, and how little I knew her.’

‘Knew? Is she dead yet, Justin?’

‘No, of course not. I’m sorry, it’s just that…’

‘You know, Justin, Montaigne wrote something else you might want to think about now. ‘He who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears.’

Lake nodded his head, because he was afraid.

‘When you love someone, it’s a bond. As much as I detest what Dennis has become, what he’s done to our marriage as a result, I still love him. He’s still my friend. I can’t ever turn my back on that friendship. On him.’

‘Are you saying I should stick with Laura? After what she’s done? How could I…’

‘I always thought if you love someone that’s what you do, Justin. It’s not that you’re giving her the benefit of the doubt, or even that you forgive her. It’s that you love her, they need you now, and you’re there for that person. It’s a part of our humanity, Justin.’

‘You know, Jordan’s been sounding more and more like some sort of evangelical…’

‘Jordan? Hah! There may be a bigger atheist on campus, but I doubt it. Don’t confuse the Will to Goodness with some sort of Christian line, or any other religion for that matter. Religion is a cloak, Jordan told me once. The heart needs no shrouds, it needn’t hide in the shadows of ritual and dogma.’

‘Jordan? An atheist? I can’t…’

‘As you said, he’s a historian. And a good one, too, as it turns out. He knows Christ as a historian knows the man, not as a Christian might, perhaps, and he knows Buddha, and the Prophet in the same way – through the same eyes and ears. I think, from the little we’ve talked about these things, he sees that religions have more in common with one another than they have differences. I know he believes in goodness, but that goodness isn’t defined by or restricted to any religion, but that’s about as far as it goes with him. And you know, I doubt there’s a religion that would officially condone his relationship with Michele. I think about that too. Think about what his love for Michele really means, what it says about his humanity. Now I think about Laura’s, I don’t know, hatred, and what that says about our world. Your world too, I guess.’

‘If it’s true, if what they say she did is true, there’s no way I could ever look at her again, much less talk to her, or as you say, love her.’

‘You said she’s a monster, didn’t you? That she’s…sick? Don’t marriage vows have something to say about that? You know…like ‘in sickness and in health?”

‘We’re not married. And you still think I should talk to her?’

‘Whatever she’s done, Justin, she’s a human being. Something’s caused her immense suffering, maybe something beyond her control. You might be the only one able to help her get to an answer, maybe get to an understanding of the causes, and maybe help her.’

‘Maybe she’s just crazy, Sharon. Broken, a broken monster. I don’t want to spend my life taking care of someone like that. Someone who might just be sick, full of hate. She was dishonest, Sharon. If this is true, she was living a life of lies. Lies, as simple as that. Lies of acts and omissions, to me. If all this is true, she was using me. She was using me as a shield, and I became a part of her mask. She used me, to get at Michele, maybe even to Jordan. I’m not going to spend another minute with her if this is true. Period. End of discussion.’

‘Well, it’s something to think about, Justin. I hear you, understand what you mean. If I can help, let me know.’

‘You did this when Michele had her problem last year, didn’t you?’


‘Helped Jordan. Helped him get the whole thing under control?’

‘Yeah. Rough time.’

‘I guess Michele has caused you a fair amount of trouble this year. As a result of these things.’

‘Trouble? I wouldn’t call it that.’

‘Why not? If so, goodness seems to be just another mask. Humanity is good? I don’t know…’

‘I do what I think is right, Justin. What I’d hope people would do for me.’

‘Do you have kids, Sharon?’

‘Nope. We never got around to it.’

‘Oh. I wonder if we could be so dispassionate if she was our daughter.’

‘What about her parents?’

‘Her mother’s dead. Never knew her father.’

Sharon shook her head, then fell silent. An hour later a doctor came to the waiting room, asked for the family of Jordan Secord, and Sharon got up, Justin with her, and joined the doctor in a conference room.

‘Pretty good heart attack he had, not major, very little underlying pathology. Probably stress induced. You know of anything…?’

Sharon filled him in, and when the physician understood he went back to the OR suites and got an update on Michele’s status, then he returned.

‘She’s still on the table, but they’re wrapping up now. Her right orbit was fractured, the bone around her right eye, and that took time to fix. The eye’s okay. Ribs are stabilized, the puncture repaired. Fingers in her hand and wrist have been set, some with pins. There’s some concern about a thoracic vertebra. Won’t know the answer for a while.’ He looked at his notes. ‘Some anal injuries. Those I do
n’t know about. Uh. Let’s see…this is being treated as a sexual assault. I don’t know about the rape kit. You want me to get that going?’

‘Please,’ Justin said. ‘I don’t think the police back in Vermont had time to do that.’

‘And you are?’

‘A co-worker. He’s my friend.’

‘Okay. I’ll get the police here to supervise that, get it into custody. He’s a professor? What’s he teach?’

‘History,’ Lake said. ‘And Goodness.’

The physician looked at Lake, then nodded his head. ‘Okay. Here’s my name and cell, call me if I can help. Secord will move up to CCU in about an hour. No visitors ’til day after tomorrow. You’ll need to get with patient information for Lansing’s information. They won’t have it for a few hours, though.’

‘I’d better call Dennis,’ Sharon said. ‘Why don’t you call the hospital?’


Wilson had tried for an hour to reconstruct the humerus, but with many fragments either missing or too small she now looked down on a hopeless mess, Wilkins had had even less luck with the mangled shreds of nerves and blood vessels in the area. ‘We’re getting nowhere fast,’ she said after looking at the anesthesiologist. ‘How’s she doing?’

‘We’re three hours twelve minutes in. Holding her own.’

‘Okay,’ Wilson said, ‘this is my call. We’re taking the arm. Dan, start clamping the arteries…’


Detective Frank Marchand had worked homicide in Washington, D.C. for fifteen years, then grown sick of the life. He quit, moved to Vermont, starting doing what he loved most, doing finish carpentry on houses and building cabinetry, but keeping his wife and four kids fed and clothed had become difficult. When the local police department announced they were hiring a few years back he applied, was accepted, and soon found himself right back where he’d left off – doing detective work – nine to five. But while D.C. had hundreds of homicides a year, this town had a homicide about once every thirty years, and while assaults were more common, after the homecoming football game usually, Vermont just wasn’t, he soon discovered, a hotbed of crime. Even the drug gangs had given up on the state, it was just too damn cold, and too close to Hartford and Boston.

Marchand worked the few burglaries that happened, and all the assaults too, so he was called-in on his day off to work the Lansing case. His first impression, when he interviewed the kids from the college was that something was really wrong with the picture. Kids, college kids especially, didn’t easily get pulled into this type of crime unless drugs were involved. Not in his experience, anyway. When he learned that the Grier suspect had lured the boys in with sex he thought that might fit, but still, something was missing. When he learned that Lansing was a transexual, and this was a ‘hate-crime’, he understood – and he just about lost interest in the case. He might have let it go but for the behavior of the suspects, the boys who’d assaulted this Lansing character.

What bothered him was the sense of privilege he heard in the boy’s voices when he talked with them. The boys came from moderately wealthy families, and that wealth had conferred on them a sense of exemption, of being a little too above the law. The Bianchi kid was odious, too. His father was, the kid said, a lawyer and would get him off no matter what. ‘Why don’t you go write some parking tickets, and stop wasting my time, Pencil Dick,’ the kid said to him. Marchand was in a bad mood by the time he got to Bianchi, and that pushed him over the edge.

‘You know, Tony, you’re a very smart kid. I know that. I know you know that. So here’s the deal. Your buddy in the other room, Kyle? Kyle told me this was all your doing. You didn’t like Secord. You didn’t like the grades he gave you. You wanted to get back at him somehow. You had this Grier for another class, you two started fucking last fall, right after school started. Kyle says she was fucking everyone else too, lots of jocks. Anyone who needed a little extra help with their grades. She also wanted help beating up this Lansing back then, but someone ratted her out. This sounding familiar to you, Tony?’

‘I ain’t sayin’ nothin’.’

‘Yeah? Well, so you two were still fucking, like once maybe twice a week, sometimes more, right up until last week. You know how I know this, Dickhead? Hmm?’

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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

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Taming the Whores Pt III Heather Cucks Kyle

Vic knocked on my door, “Dude!” He yelled. “The pool will be filled tomorrow!” He could barely contain his excitement. “Make sure you let your cute, little lady friends know.” He winked his eye at me, then headed back down to the patio.“Hey Vic, I’ll be down in a minute,” I yelled down to him.Not much happens on this street that Vic doesn’t know about. I’ve been his tenant here for the last three years. I’ve got to know him really well. He’s come up to a couple of my parties and even got lucky...

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Mothers Birthday Present Part III

Mother's Birthday Present, Part III By Bobbi Gold Bobby and I got a last minute reservation at a nice restaurant in town. I left my lunch outfit on, but after I did my little lipstick presentation for Bobby, I freshened up the rest of my makeup. I put a few strokes of mascara on, added a little blush, and added a darker, plummy eye shadow for more of a nighttime look. Dinner was, well, it was a little weird. Because, Bobby and I always had this completely "normal" relationship. ...

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Me and My Brothers Chapter III

Chapter III. It Gets Hot in a Snow Storm A few minutes later in the kitchen as I was making some pancake batter, Bobby came in and asked, “What you fixing? “Pancakes.” “Why not waffles?” he asked. “Do you know where the waffle iron is?” I asked. “Sure,” he said as he went to a cupboard, pulled out the waffle iron, and plugged it in. So we had waffles. While we were eating we noticed that it was snowing. It was the first heavy snow of the season. Bobby and I dressed in our...

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How Did It Come To This Parts III IIII

I press my feet to the floor. I stand up and take a few moments to stretch. 'God, If I had tried to go and touch her pussy, I don't even want to think of what those... Those claws could do!' I start my clumsy walk to my bathroom. After I'm finished trying to make myself look presentable, I decide I had better go see what Felicia was getting at by "Long day." I open my door and step into my living room. Felicia was again in her crouching position, (of which I'm assuming is her...

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Mother and I Have A Super Bowl Party Part III

Mother and I Have A Super Bowl Party, Part III By Sandy Brown Author's Note: I was thrilled with the number of readers who emailed me asking for the version of the last chapter with images. For those who would like to see this chapter with images as well, feel free to email me at [email protected] That evening, when Mother and I got home, I went upstairs to my bedroom to get out of her clothes. She said to me, "Honey, when you get changed, come and get me. I'll show...

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Meeting Mother Part III

Meeting Mother, Part III By Sandy Brown Emily took my hand, and together we walked out of my bedroom and downstairs to Mother. I stood there with the two of them, wearing the pink sweater, and the almost-matching lipstick, feeling a swirl of emotions. I had spent years trying to put my girlish, sissyish side behind me, to find a 'normal' girlfriend and live a 'normal' life. And I had felt like I had done that, even though I knew, somewhere in the back of my mind, that I had put a...

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Slut Mother Gets Married Again Part III

Part III of how my Slutty Mother bagged herself a husband. Read part 1 and 2 to get the story line.==============================================With Bob's funeral was the most exquisite event that my mother or I had ever been to.We were introduced as employees of Bob to avoid embarrassment to the family. However, what Catherine didn't count upon was just how many people my mother had served. A few of Bob's minions had fucked mom when she worked the streets and even though they couldn't be...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part III

PART III "You are in danger, Harry Potter, but from yourself." Confined inside the Slytherin dungeons, curled up on the black leather couch, dressed in a green and silver coloured uniform was Heather Potter, now a Slytherin, apparently. It was the worst possible thing that the curse of the Emerald Witch could have done to her. To become a member of the house she had resented for so many years was not only sickening but it upset her greatly. She felt as if she was...

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Aunt Abby and the Artist Part III

Aunt Abby Makes Sex Fun... and Funny!Here is Part III of my reality based fiction, 'Aunt Abby and the Artist', dedicated to my dear friend Abby Rhodes. Again, if you'd like to see the real Abby, here she is... her beauty makes the story even more enjoyable, and she approves of this message: you haven't read Part I and Part II yet, I suggest you do so. If you have, then on with the show... and there will be a final chapter, Part IV 'Aunt Abby and the...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 12 Double Double

Dave woke at his usual early time. He looked at the clock and remembered that he had told Darcy and Alex that he wasn't going to practice after the late return from Florida. He tried to go back to sleep but the previous day played over and over in his mind. He had finally proven that he belonged at Wake Forest. He led the team to their first victory of the year and his good friend Alec had finally shown his previously unproven potential. Dave remembered vividly how both Alec and Darcy...

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Shannon III the wedding part A

To understand the Shannon series it is best to start at the beginning with Shannon then Shannon II part A, Shannon II part B and then this story. Each story can stand alone but you will get a better understanding of the characters and the events that brought them to this point in the story. However this story would work to go from “Shannon” directly to “Shannon III”. I would love praise and criticism as long as it isn’t about content. If you don’t like the things I write about then don’t...

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My Final Fantasy Part IIIThe Awakening

My Final Fantasy: Part III— The Awakening When we last left our two characters John was engaged in a long business telephone call inside the house and Marella was on the deck ostensibly looking at the up-coming dinner’s budget. Intrigued by a file named “Final Fantasy” on the far right of John’s computer screen Marella can’t resist the temptation to pry and has clicked open the file. Marella has begun to read John’s Final Fantasy story. As Marella reads she keeps shifting her eyes up and keeps...

Love Stories
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Band on the Run Part III

Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...

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Shannon III the wedding part B

Introduction: A woman is dominated by an older man This story, like Shannon III part A, is a more romantic tale than the other Shannon stories, however it has some hot scenes in it and some humor as well. Shannon III the wedding part B Previously on Shannon. Shannon and I were married two week to the day from the bachelor party that I had first met Shannon. The wedding was a fiasco that resembled the bachelor party in almost every way except Shannon is now married to me and Woof a huge pure...

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Lady In The House Part III

Lady in the House Part III By Michele Nylons From Part II Hot wet fluid suddenly soaked the tops of my thighs and the crotch of my panties. I felt stream after stream of his creamy seed shoot against my silken hosed thighs and being to slowly run down my legs. My crotch was soaked with hot sticky liquid and as I struggled to breathe I could smell the salty, slightly swampy smell that is associated with fresh semen. Eddie had ejaculated against me. He slowed down his thrusts...

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Melissas Tribulation part III

Melissa’s Tribulation part III Melissa lost track of time. She wasn't sure how long it had been since the three sailors had left her alone in the woods. She had been trying unsuccessfully to free herself from the rope that tied her wrists together ever since they had gone. What would they do when they came back? And then Melissa was struck with an even more frightening thought. What would SHE do if they DIDN'T come back? Would someone find her before she died of thirst? She was...

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My Neighbors Incest part III

Introduction: More of the story Part III redone. Part three of My Neighbors Incest. (If you have not read the first two, you might not follow this). Disclaimer: If you didnt like the first installment then hit the back button now. If you dont like stories with bestiality, incest, young girls craving and having sex, then hit the back button now. If you have not liked any of my stories so far, then hit the back button now, you will not like this one either. Additionally, I know I over used ass,...

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Summer of 93rsquo Borrow Him Part III

Summer of 93’ Borrow HimPart IIIMaggi took about 20 minutes before she was completing whole sentences again and Natalie kept asking me about The Venus Butterfly. We had a lot of fun. We moved into the kitchen bar and sat together snacking on some leftover pizza and replenishing our fluids. Natalie and Maggi got up and laid down in our bedroom. They were on their backs, legs spread, Natalie said, “come lay down Pete let’s kiss and cuddle.” I said, “in a couple of minutes I need some more water....

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Letrsquos Swing Spring of 92rsquo Part III

Let’s Swing, Spring of 92’Part III. Girls and their toysMaggi was filling our Jacuzzi tub in our master bath, it took about 20 minutes to fill. I put an adaptation on one of the water jets so a 2 ft hose comes out of one to apply direct water pressure. This was for Maggi, she loves holding it against for pussy it would make her cum in about 60 seconds. She would do this after a stressful day at work, this would help her unwind and relax.I went out to the swim spa to relax.Maggi ran over to see...

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Letrsquos Swing Spring of 92rsquo Part III

Let’s Swing, Spring of 92’Part III. Girls and their toysMaggi was filling our Jacuzzi tub in our master bath, it took about 20 minutes to fill. I put an adaptation on one of the water jets so a 2 ft hose comes out of one to apply direct water pressure. This was for Maggi, she loves holding it against for pussy it would make her cum in about 60 seconds. She would do this after a stressful day at work, this would help her unwind and relax.I went out to the swim spa to relax.Maggi ran over to see...

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Double Exposure Part III

Double Exposure... Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDThe saga of the Evans twins and their friend Leah comes to a climax!This is Part III of a three part erotic novel. If you haven't read the first two parts, I recommend you do so by linking it here: you have... then on to the finale!A thin line of morning sun shined through the curtains and onto the queen-sized bed where the three naked teenagers lay sound asleep. Sarah Evans, her fraternal twin...

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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter III

Nescafe Goes Wild In America And Hubby Approves. (Interracial, MMM……F, DP, BBC, BJ, Anal, Slut Wife, Cuckold) Introduction : My name is Aziz; I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever,...

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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter III Nescafe Goes Wild In America And Hubby Approves

ChapterIII Nescafe Goes Wild In America And Hubby Approves. (Interracial, MMM……F, DP, BBC, BJ, Anal, Slut Wife, Cuckold) Introduction : My name is Aziz; I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest...

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part III

Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part III Copyright 2001 by A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. ------------- Chapter Seventy-one Darla I was sitting in the office reflecting on recent events and on balance things could...

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All for Nothing Part III

Here is the last part to "All or Nothing" and I have no further plans to add on to it. Some have suggested that they might want to write within this "universe", creating other stories about Mason and Mason and its club, the Getaway. If you are so inclined, by all means do so. I would only be flattered. Also, if you are so inclined, feel free to post any of my stories here on Fictionmania to any other sites. Again, I would only be flattered. Anyway, this is Part III of "All or...

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Stupid Part III

Okay, part II wasn't as good as part I. Here's part III and like the other two parts, it's silly stuff, but I hope you like it. You can e-mail me at [email protected] Stupid part III Next morning I was woken up by a banging on my door early in the morning. Deborah walked in with a huge grin on her face. She was wearing tight jeans with heals and a loose shirt. "And how is our little slut this morning? Been dreaming about real men? I hope you're ready for a busy day...

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A Reward of Wishes III

A Reward of Wishes III By Bill Hart As I sat before the mirror, I brushed out my long silky hair. I was getting ready for my next date with Frank Carson; we were going to a party tonight that promised to be the highlight of my whole sophomore year. I smiled at the pretty girl being reflected by the mirror. Although I hadn't forgotten who I'd once been, I'd long since reluctantly concluded that the girl I saw there would be who I would see reflected back any time I looked into a...

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Long Lost Friend III

Long Lost Friend III By Teri Franken [email protected] Part II ended with Teri having Jack dress up in identical Victoria Secrets lingerie, they are both now dressed in powder blue panties, stockings, garter belt, stocking and black patent leather pumps. Jack is now called 'Mandy' and is checking out some new horizons.... Teri pushed me towards the bed and I fell backwards with her landing on top of me. The feeling of nylon against nylon almost put me on sensory overload! She...

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Princess Part III

Princess III By Teri Franken [email protected] Our Princess has basically lost her house to Tim; he has degraded her verbally, sexually and physically, taken over her bedroom and sent her off to sleep on the couch. -------------------------------- I closed my bedroom door. How the hell do I get myself out of this? I looked at my watch and saw it was 3am, I needed to wake 'Tim the King' in only three hours, plus I...

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Forced to be a Sissy III

Forced to be a Sissy III By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced feminization fictional story and any resemblance to anyone living or dead or any other situation is purely accidental. If you do not like forced stories in which some pain is administered do not send negative commentary. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure. Down loads for any other purpose or for putting on pay sites is strictly forbidden. Forced to be a Sissy III Jacob stood before Mz. Nelson with...

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Toothbrush Part III

TOOTHBRUSH PART III After a deep, dreamless sleep, John awoke on the sofa. He became aware of the crampy feeling he had felt the day before, but it was stronger now. He sat up, and pulled the front of his panties down a bit. "Woah" John said; he saw he needed to put some of the hygiene lessons Anna had taught him to good use. He softly padded off to the washroom to get a fresh maxi pad and properly dispose of the old very much used one. On the way he passed Anna's door, slightly...

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One Summers Day Part III

One Summer's Day, part III By- G.K.S (Sorry everyone, I didn't proof this. it's been sitting on my HD for a year. I feel like if I don't post it now, I never will...if you know what I mean. As always with my stories, if you want to see a part IV, then post a review! I only do continuations if the story gets reviews. After all...why continue a story that no one wants to read? I've got some sequels and continuations to some of my other stories on the way in the near future, so keep...

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From Gary to Greta Part III

This is Part III of Gary to Greta once again written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed The story isn?t for underaged people. So if you are too young or don?t like TG stories don?t read further From Gary to Greta Part III by Domme Mistress and Greta The beauty of our apartment was that it had huge windows overlooking Paris. The kitchen, the social area, her bedroom, and mine all overlooked the city. Every morning I would open the shades to let the light...

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Angel S1 E3 Pilot Part III

Angel S:1E:3 "Pilot Part III" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Pilot Part III "Icarus" ---Deliverance Exterior--- They weren't replying. Are they not hearing me? I kept my head against the hull so that the vibrations could reverberate into my ear. After repeating my message for about 5 minutes, I finally saw a body...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part II of III

Part II -- The Crime * * * * * ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Warning: potential trigger scene here. A brutal crime is described, and the reader may wish to skip to Part III. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * Part II -- The Crime Debby Taylor was dashing...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part III of III

Part III -- Other Participants' Stories The Witness's Story One of the witnesses in the rape/murder case against the Chester Caveman lived in a single room across the hall from Chester. Originally, he was a prosecution witness, because he'd seen Debby storming out of Chester's room and down the hallway towards the stairs. He'd been the last to see her before her body was found inside the trash bin. However, he turned out to be an excellent defense...

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