Fairy III: The Adventure Continues free porn video

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Fairy III The Continuing Adventures By Machiavelli Dedication: To those that are willing to believe that there is still magic in this sad old world. Dream on! For those that liked my previous work, three of them, the Faerie stories and The clothes make the... are posted online on lulu.com. If I sell enough of them, I can keep this up. Acknowledgements: To the most dedicated fan of the series, Marie Vin. She has followed the series, made salient suggestions that have improved the work, and most importantly, has bought a copy of everything in it so far. I hope this is worthy of your attentions. Preparation Erika looked at the passport again. Martin's connections were excellent, and everything except the fact she was really Eric Sanger was there in neat print blocks. "Erika, we have to finish." Henry Stimson called. She started guiltily, then slid the passport back into the case. She had packed, but still being a man in a lot of ways, she hadn't packed a lot. Three suitcases with enough clothes for over a week, the medical kit, a makeup bag, and camera case. The camera case was special. It would hold a camera in foam bedding at need, and had a 35mm SLR Konica nestled in it. But below it was space for the Faerie that would accompany them. There was a purring sound in the air, and she looked up as Bromeliad flew in. She was now close to giving birth, and had a glow that was partially from her being a Fairy, and the rest to being an expectant mother. The small figure landed on her collar, rubbing her stomach. "How are you feeling?" "Queasy," Bromeliad admitted. "I also have this overpowering urge to eat strawberries and sweet pickles." Her accent was French. She had been a fur trapper when she had met the Fairy and been converted back in the late 18th century. "Are you sure you are up to a sea voyage?" "I volunteered to stay with ma petite chou." Erika chuckled. "I never understood how 'Brussels sprout' could be a term of endearment." "And calling someone 'vomit of a bee' is?" "What?" "Do you not know where honey comes from? Well a bee drinks nectar, and-" "Spare me." Erika said. "I didn't eat eggs for a month when I was a kid because I found out what they were." "At least we French do not expect our food to come in neatly wrapped packages!" Henry came in. To contact the clans they met and for protection for the pregnant Fairy, they had decided to take four. The other three Faerie swirled around Henry as he lugged a suitcase into the room. Henry had even less than Erika did. Two suitcases and another camera case. The cases had been designed by Martin, and were being manufactured here at the Chicago complex. Sections had been neatly cut out, and converted into Faerie sized kick panels. The weapons manufacturer in Las Vegas had turned out a couple hundred swords including the ones the team members carried, almost five hundred collapsible spears, and as many bows. The problem they had with the metal flights had been corrected by him as well. The new flights were actually segments of soft plastic now. There was a murmur of voices, an admonishment to be careful, and the Faerie in the room dived for cover. Madison the butler came in, motioned to the bags, and two silent young men began carrying them downstairs. "I do not believe madam has packed enough." He said haughtily. "However we did supply two small trunks for the both of you for any purchases you make." The faerie came out of hiding as the men started down the main stairs, flying in a circle around Madison's head. Like any good butler, he ignored them. "You're a treasure, Madison." "Yes, sir. I know. Madam Monica and the others are in the conference room. They are waiting for you." The last was said blandly, but they could detect just a bit of admonishment in the phrase. One of the Faerie settled on his collar, licking his ear. He flinched just a bit, but his voice did not waver. "We're on our way." Erika said. Madison had been brought into the secret about the Faerie by accident the day after Christmas about two months earlier. One of the pregnant faerie had a midnight craving, and had been in the kitchen trying to find something in the refrigerator. She had left the door open, and Madison, a good conservationist had closed it. She had screamed, Madison had opened it, seen her, then as if he dealt with people only about four inches tall all day, found her a snack. He refused to attempt ironing their clothes, but did hand wash them, even buying carbon tetrachloride to dry clean the things that would have been ruined by normal washing. He had disappeared for a day every week, which to everyone meant that one of the Faerie had added yet another notch to their bedstead, but you would have never told it from his manner. The pair walked down the hall, down the stairs to the first floor, then to the conference room. The teams labeled 'First Teams', the ones who had been doing this for the longest time, were there. Next week the three new teams, all students from the college would be in. Erika and Henry had grandfathered in. Henry because he had been the one to design an unbreakable code for them to use, Erika because she had been among Faerie, and had been a boy before that event. Faerie sex is long and convoluted. During the midst of it, there is a chemical reaction that causes the Faerie to become male as the boy that supplies the seed turns into a girl. Unfortunately for her, the Fairy that had been in the midst of the lovemaking with Eric Sanger hadn't mentioned that to him, or perhaps he didn't understand. When the change occurred, Eric had panicked, trying to fly away. The Fairy had pursued, primarily to complete the act, but also to calm the boy down. A coyote had killed her, leaving Eric in female form, and wounded. There was only two thing that could have been done at this point. One was for a female Fairy to bring the newly female Eric to orgasm, sealing him into Fairy form permanently. This is what they had always done before. But Martin Runningfox, an ex-special operative for the US government and Lady Penelope Carstairs, a one time dancer from Vegas and holder of a title in England had suggested allowing the second option. Allowing him to return to fully human form again. Faced with centuries of being crippled as a Fairy, or having two whole legs as a human being, Eric had taken the second option. His DNA had been rewritten in a manner that still could not be explained, and the local Genetics chair at the university still hated Erika with a passion as purple as her hair. She had refused to answer any questions about how her DNA matched a branch of mankind extinct for over 200,000 years. Professor Jenner now was on icily polite terms with Associate professor of Anthropology Monica Braziani, and wouldn't speak at all to Erika. The problem was that Erika's records were a creation of computer science. The boy she had been was decidedly male and had nothing at all to do with her present DNA structure. That was verified by a getting copies of his late family's DNA and having it checked against what Erika's body now had. Somehow the Faerie were linked to a DNA structure considered extinct, and over 250,000 years old. This had pretty much proven their oral history, but did not remove the problem. Jenner. The only way to give Jenner what he wanted would have been to reveal that Faerie existed, and he would have wanted to publish immediately. To save them from being revealed too quickly, Monica had suggested they stonewall the professor. He had proof that the L0 strain of mankind was not extinct, but couldn't prove where it had come from. But the professor had tried. When Professor Jenner tried to trace her lineage, it ended with her. Luckily for them Martin and Lady P had been returning to Chicago to go into winter quarters. A single visit by 'Agents' Runningfox and Carstairs of Witness Protection had the same effect on Jenner that a cross did for a vampire He finally agreed to define Erika as 'female transient, unable to question' when he finally did publish. Unable to publish a work that would have him remembered forever, all he could do was give the samples to other labs, which had proven at least that he was correct in saying L0 was not extinct. A much smaller footnote in history. Martin nodded to them. He was a huge man, broad as well as tall. Beside him the six foot tall Lady P looked almost anorexic. Cynthia Conroy and Rob were sitting across from them. Rob was the grandfather of them all in a way. He had been the first emissary from the clan in the Angeles Forest, and had operated alone until Cynthia had convinced him to take her along. The Xavier Brothers sat beside Martin and Lady P. What is sarcastically called a 'white-sican' by racial purists, they were Mexican by birth, but had spent their entire lives in Texas. They were the only pair that was not mixed sexually. At the head of the table was Monica Braziani, associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago, granddaughter of a mobster, and de facto director of operations. Behind her was a plasma screen TV, and at the moment it showed a room in what looked to be an 18th century French manor house. As they watched, four Faerie entered. First was Queen Periwinkle, the ruler of the Angeles Forest clan. Beside her was Anise, her constant companion. Behind them was Holly, the mate of Dandelion, the one that had started it all, and Dandelion herself walked beside her. Both Holly and Periwinkle carried babies. Lilac, Holly and Dandelion's child was a year and a half old now, and started to struggle. Dandelion patted her, and the child calmed down, leaning into her. Caitlin, daughter of Rob and Periwinkle looked around. She was now about seven months old. If the viewers had not known that the tallest of the group (Holly) was only 105mm tall, and the shortest (Anise) 99 mm, it would have been just two groups of normal sized humans in conference. The Queen paused before the camera, turning idly on her heels as she rocked the baby. "Say hello to your father my precious." Periwinkle said gently. She took the tiny hand, waving it at the camera. Rob instinctively waved back. His face was transformed from the hard lines that were normal to a softness no one would have expected. "Greetings, everybody." Monica said. "We're just getting ready to send the teams out, so I felt a last meeting was in order." "Face it, you just like chairing meetings. It's the Mafia influence." Dandelion teased. Monica leaned back in her chair, then did a slightly high, but credible imitation of Marlon Brando. "And what favor would you ask of me this day?" Everyone laughed. Monica dealt with being the granddaughter of the late Guido Braziani by playing with it. She sometimes pretended to get angry, and would drop into the same voice, ordering whoever was handy to 'whack' someone. Those who knew her well would do the bit where you turn your hand into a gun, and pretend to shoot them. It was only among those that knew the secret of the Faerie that she felt comfortable enough. There were so few friends from before. "Well to business. Rob?" "Everything's set up. We're taking a cruise ship to Hawaii, then a passenger freighter to Sapporo. From there we start at Shiretoko National Park, located on the Shiretoko Peninsula. Figure three weeks to a month to finish Hawaii, another two months for Hokkaido, then we take a ferry from Hakodate to Hachione in Tohoku Prefecture. That will keep us occupied for the next year." "Lady P?" "We will be taking the Queen Mary II to Southampton, West to Dartmoor on the Cornish peninsula, then to Exmoor. We do not expect to complete our entire run through the British Isles this year, but we can get through England Wales and start on Scotland at least." "Excellent. Morgan?" Morgan Xavier looked at his Treo. "We leave Houston on the 1st of March, heading down the coast from Texas to Panama City, stick to the roads where possible, rent a helicopter as needed. Every clan we meet, we check to see if there are others inland. Considering the jungle, I expect to have a lot of them literally where we can't get to them. When we hit Panama, we will work up the west coast to California. Like Lady P we don't expect to finish too quickly." "Henry?" "We're going by the ship with Martin and Lady P. Transfer to a ship to Nikolaos on Crete, and do that island first. Then we're going to rent a motor-sailor and cruise the islands. I know definitely we won't finish this year. There are over 3,000 islands in the ocean between Greece and Turkey. We are taking one Fairy that speaks Greek, and another who speaks Turkish just in case." "Any foreseeable problems?" Dandelion asked. "We'll have to buy all of the commo gear local." Rob said. "Otherwise we're going to run into serious customs duties, especially in Asia. If necessary, we can order the solar panels and hand generators from here." "Henry gets seasick, but he knows more about sailing than I do." Erika said. "If possible, maybe we can find a local that sees Faerie and is worth taking on as a guide." Monica looked around the table, then turned to face the monitor. "Anything to add Your Grace?" "I can think of nothing." Periwinkle looked at Dandelion. "Have you anything to add ma petite?" "No." Dandelion was holding Lilac by the hands. Then she let go. The small figure looked around, then took two staggering steps before falling on her butt. "My baby is walking!" "Does she talk?" "Yes. She said her first word at six months." "Dandelion my love, Blurple is not a word." Holly admonished. Everyone laughed. "Then I will call this meeting as adjourned." Love reunited George Harricord stood beside the building. He was an old man, eighty years old this winter. He visited because it was his duty to his wife who now was kept alive thanks to a life support system. He walked stoically to the corner, sat on the park bench then all the emotion poured over him like a flood. His wife of almost sixty years was in there. The court was still deadlocked on whether they could pull the plug. He didn't want to think about it. Had it only been a year since she complained about a headache? There was a dog a few feet from him growling at a small hole in the concrete. It snarled, trying to worry something out of the hole, then tried to dig. George wasn't sure, but he thought he heard a scream from the hole. He stood, waving his stick at the dog. It growled, but centuries of genetic imprinting told the animal that this was one of the masters. It backed away, lunging at the hole again. He smacked it with the cane, and it backed, yelping. George tried to kneel down, but he slipped. He moaned as he felt his femur snap. He sat on the concrete, tears running down his face at the pain and the shame of it. Forty years he had spent doing high steel, walking a thread four inches wide as much as a thousand feet in the air. Now he was crippled by a drop of less than two feet. "Are you all right?" a small voice asked. He looked at the snarling dog, then at the small figure that hovered a few inches from his face. The stick automatically waved, and the dog finally fled. "I don't know. They say seeing things is one of the first signs of senility." "If you see a Fairy, you are not senile." She replied. "Of course if I saw something that was a figment of my imagination, it would help that it told me I did see them." He snapped back. He clutched the leg. "You've been injured!" "Yeah, I kinda noticed." "I'll get help." She went straight up into the air. Sure you will, an illusion will find illusory help, and my mind will go bye-bye. Just fucking wonderful. He was about to shout for help when a van pulled up and two young men got out. George shook his head when a dozen small figures flew from the van behind them. One of them was the little figment of his imagination. One of the men who looked like he should be on horseback out of a western knelt beside him. "Broke his leg." He said. "I figured that, Morgan." The other opened the side of the van. pulling out a roll of hardware cloth. "Give me a minute to cut a splint, and we'll take him to the hospital." "Charles, why must he be inflicted with modern medicine?" One of the flying figures piped. "We can fix this much more rapidly!" "That's true, your grace." The man slid the wire back in. "Why don't you explain it to the man, Morg?" "You helped our friend." Morgan told him. "We can offer you a choice. Tomorrow around sunset, you can be home with a perfectly healed leg, or we can pick you up, put you in there-" He jerked his thumb toward the building, "-and about a month from now, you'll walk out." "I'm not sure which of us is more crazy." George said. "I see Fairies, and have a guy I don't know promising me a whole leg again. What's your psychosis?" "Enough. Come sisters." One of the Faerie in the air gestured imperiously. Half a dozen Faerie settled on his neck and hands. He felt bites, and bit back a scream. He tried to swat at them, but Morgan caught his hands. "Don't worry about the splint, Charles. The girls took the matter in hand." George wanted to ask him what the fuck he was talking about, but noticed that Morgan seemed to have moved away from him as he sat there, even as the grip on his hands remained. The van was farther away too, but he couldn't figure out how that had happened. Charles, who seemed to have grown to seven feet tall was walking over, and picked him up. Seven, try eight, no nine foot tall. His arms were the size of telephone poles, and George was the size of a baby in adult clothes. The Faerie flew about him, and they seemed to have gotten larger. About a foot or so tall. They followed the man and the tiny victim as he lay him in the back of the van. George cursed, clawing his way from the muddle of clothing, finally standing on top of them in the buff. "Hey, what the fuck is happening?" Charles didn't answer. He closed the side door, and George could see him walking around front, then both doors opened and the men climbed in. "Hold onto something." Suddenly hands caught him, Faerie were holding him. They were two almost three feet tall now, and they wrestled him to the ground as the van began moving. A breast hit him in the face, and he found himself looking at the Faerie he had rescued. "I must thank you for what you did." Her lips lowered, and her felt her kiss him. "Hey, I'm an old fart!" He said trying to push her away. His arms looked different. More like they had been when he was twenty-thirty years old. The women clustered around him laughed, then one of them made a circle in the air. The air within it shivered, then silvered. She held it while another pair lifted him up to look at himself way back when. The mirror vanished, and another pair of lips brushed him. "He is yours Nettle." this one said huskily. "But I hope he can be mine in a few days." Nettle, the one he had rescued slithered up him, taking him in her mouth. It had been a long time since that part of his normal equipment had worked, and he gasped. She only worked on him long enough to get him erect, then slithered up farther, sliding him into her. ***** George looked at his leg in wonder. He was a female fairy at the moment, and he hadn't really understood what was happening, but all of the Faerie and even the two men, the Xavier brothers had been very supportive. He wanted to see what he looked like, and had flown into the hotel bathroom to look. "Oh god." He stared at the face, touching it, then touched the mirror. "Becky. Oh god, Becky!" Nettle found him kneeling, sobbing his heart out. She signalled, and half a dozen of her sisters flew in then pushed the door closed. "Who is Becky, George?" "My wife. My wife!" He sobbed. "Did she die?" "No! The hell of it is she is still alive. She's in that goddamned hospital." The door opened, and Charles looked in. "Sorry." "Wait Charles." He stopped at the call from Spearmint. He nodded, stepping in and closing the door. "Yes, your highness?" "This one has a wife in that horrid place." She motioned toward George. "I know of what happened in Brownsville. This time I do not care about the consequences." Spearmint told him imperiously. "All or none." Charles looked long and hard at her, then at the sobbing Fairy. "Oh hell. I'll get Morgan." He opened the door. "Morg?" "What?" "Go rent another van." He looked at the Faerie. "We're doing a mass breakout tonight." "Tell me your bullshitting." The door opened a little. "Your Highness-" "I will not let him suffer knowing he is young and alive, and his wife lays in a bed dying!" Spearmint snapped. "From what you have told me, they took fifty in Chicago two winters ago!" "Yeah, but they took those that could see Faerie." "And how many died in the winter because they could not?" She snarled. "Among us they would at least have been alive!" The brothers looked at each other. They had heard about the Brownsville hospital directly from the Fairy that had once been their aunt. Leaving people to die by inches was not what they wanted to do. "Shit, she's right." Morgan sighed. "But we have the same conditions Rob demanded, Your Grace." "And they are?" "Once they're shrunk it's their choice if they stay that way. If they want to go back to life, even if it means dying, it is their right." Spearmint looked at him long and hard. Then she sighed, nodding. "It shall be as you say. "I'll be back." ***** Becky felt someone touching her face. She had felt nothing for so long, she wasn't sure if it was yet another dream. Then lips pressed on her forehead. A body, definitely female pressed against her. "Becky. Wake up Becky." She didn't recognize the voice, but something about it drew her. She opened her eyes. Above her she saw a concrete ceiling about 20 feet up. She was laying on something soft, with a blanket of a warm fabric over her. A woman with scarlet hair was looking at her intently, and she wondered how this woman had her own face from long ago. "Oh god, Becky, you're well and awake." The woman said, then she burst into tears, burying her head against Becky's side. "Where am I? who are you?" The girl with her sat up abruptly, wiping her face angrily. "That's right, you don't know." Behind the woman's back, a pair of wings extended, then folded back. "I'm George." "George is my husband. He is not a woman, and he definitely does not have wings!" Becky sat up, suddenly realizing that she felt wonderful. As if she had merely lay down, not been in a coma for over a year. She felt her head, but there as no sign of the biopsy for the tumor, or the shaven spaces where they had released intercranial pressure. It was as if the operations had never happened. Then she stopped. Two antennae like a moth extended from her head! At the thought there was a buzzing sound and a lifting sensation. She froze, staring at the wings that had sprouted from her back. A man with wings came in, nodding to acknowledge that she was awake. "Mrs. Harricord, I am Charles Xavier. I don't have time right now, but in a while I will be back to greet you properly." Before he could walk out, a Fairy with bright lemon yellow hair walked in, stretching. Charles ignored the fact that the woman was not only nude, but reeking of sex. "I don't think I'll ever get used to this, Charlie." "You think I will Morgan?" Charles motioned. "The patient is awake. You talk to her. I have an appointment with Acacia." Becky looked at the woman warily. She approached, her stride an unconscious strut. "Mrs. Harricord, I am Morgan Xavier. Unlike my brother, I am pre med, so I have to examine you." "Who the hell are you? Where the hell am I? Who the hell is this woman! Where is George." "Ma'am. There is a lot to explain. Houstonia?" Another Fairy, this one a bit shorter than Morgan came in. Like him she also reeked of sex. "Yes, my love." "Could you do the mirror thing?" "Of course." Houstonia came over, sitting on the edge of the bed, her two pairs of wings fluttering. She scribed a circle in midair which became a mirror. Becky looked into it, hand touching her face tentatively. The same face the fairy in the corner had looked back. What she had looked like at about 30. "What happened?" "You know about Fairy?" "Creatures of fantasy." Becky harrumphed. Then she looked at Houstonia, at Morgan, at the Fairy claiming to be George. "I'm having a nightmare I will wake up any moment." "Becky-" "Shut up, whoever you are!" She snapped at George. He looked shocked by her outburst. "I have always been the rational one, and will be to the end!" Morgan came over sitting down. "I can't explain all of what happened. Maybe one of the natural ones or converted can tell you. I'm just a guy that is helping them survive." "Guy." Becky leaned forward, poking a nipple. Morgan moaned, moving back out of range of that digit. "Haven't seen a lot of 'guys' with those." "Ma'am, I can explain, but it depends on what you want to believe as to whether it will be believable. If you'll come with me, you can see it as it's happening, as it were." Becky harrumphed, standing. When the creature that said it was George tried to follow, she signalled imperiously. "Stay there." The next room was a hive of activity. Dozens of Faerie were gathered around. She noticed that there were solitary Fairy with two or more others speaking with them along the walls out of the way. She ignored it. It was after all, merely a figment of her imagination. There was a huge machine in the corner, and a Fairy knelt before it, tapping the touch sensitive screen with a stylus. Becky suddenly realized it looked like one of those palm computers, whatever they were called. The Fairy that had called itself Morgan walked up behind her. "First news story, Cowslip." The kneeling fairy nodded, using the back button to move back to a Breaking News Logo. MASS DISAPPEARANCE Ft Worth Texas James Cantrell. The South End geriatrics hospital had no clue as to how almost one hundred patients in their new Geriatrics wing have disappeared. The mass disappearance was reported yesterday when a nurse on rounds called the police. 97 patients between the ages of 50 and 90 disappeared during the night, and the hospital is unable to explain why. "We'll get to the bottom of this' The hospital administrator Michael Connor declared, but he was unable to explain how the patients had not only been moved, but how they had been moved without the assistance of hospital personnel. The missing patients were immured in the hospice long term care and Geriatrics wards. A number of them had been in comas, or in conditions where they need life support to survive. The Hospice wing contains patients near death, who have refused further medical assistance. If there is any information concerning these patients, contact the Ft Worth police' "What they don't know," Morgan told her, is that those patients were taken by our friends." He waved at the Faerie around them. Becky looked around. There were Faerie standing alone. But most of those she had seen surrounded by others were now gone. "What do you mean?" "You called Faerie fantasy creatures." He turned, sitting against the machine. Of course 'he' was built like Sandahl Bergman. "They are real, and we are in their home right now." "I-" She looked at the concrete above her. If she were to accept what this 'being' was saying, that looked a lot like the top of an old septic tank. But it couldn't be real! "I don't know what to believe." He stood, hand out. "Come on. George and I can show you the rest of it." "George? Where is George?" "You told him to sit as if he were dog just a few moments ago." "That girl? That can't be George!" "Part of the explanation." Morgan said. "George!" The Fairy with her face came running in. She looked at Becky with such longing that the woman felt uncomfortable. "Stop looking at me like that!" She rounded on Morgan. "Why is she looking at me like that?" Morgan grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to turn and look at the Fairy for the first time. "Becky, when someone is made into Fairy, they take on the appearance of the woman that made them the most sexually aroused before. That is George. You are his ideal woman, and he took on your form." She shook her head, struggling against the hands. "No. I'm a little twist he liked as a boy!" "Oh really?" Morgan laughed. "Ask him anything." She stiffened. "The first time we made love was in 1946-" "Wrong." George snapped. "I was seventeen years old, and had decided to join the Marines to go to war. You tried to talk me out of it." The Fairy looked at her. "You said in the spring of 1943, 'If giving you my body would stop you, I would drag you off behind the shed right now!'. "I explained why I felt I had to. You agreed, and our first time was in the back of your Father's La Salle in the garage that evening." Becky looked at her, mouth working. "We got married in 1946-" "True. But I had come home in September 1945. You greeted me and spent a week in bed with me." The Fairy replied. "Oscar was conceived on that last leave. before I got out." "My son's name is not Oscar!" "That's true. But you joked about my dick being like a wiener, and when you found out you were pregnant I joked about him being the son of a Wiener and saying I should name him Oscar Meyer so much you named him Phillip in self defense. It bothered you that every time I said his name I might start giggling." Her mouth worked silently. The Fairy came over, a hand delicately touching her face. "Remember when I left to go overseas? The last words we ever spoke before I boarded that ship?" The face turned tender. "I promise I will come back. Dead or alive, in body or in spirit-" "-Nothing will keep me from you." She finished, then she leaped forward. The women hugged, tears running down their faces. "Oh god, George." She laughed. "I don't think I will get used to you looking like that." "You will if you wish to survive." George told her. "Morgan?" Morgan sighed. "Becky-" As he said it, a statuesque woman that looked like Brigit Nilsson with vermilion hair walked in, stretching. "I think I threw my back out this time!" The woman said. She stuck out her hand to Becky. "Charles Xavier. You know my brother Morgan." "But a short while ago... You're a woman and Morgan is..." Becky grabbed her head. "What's happening?" "You haven't gone off the deep end." Charles said, taking her hands in his. "Feel this. Human flesh and blood." "But.. you were... Now you're..." "She's not used to it yet, Chuck." Morgan said. "Faerie can use human seed for their children. But to do it, they need to shrink us to their size." "Shrink." Becky rubbed her head. "So this is, an old septic tank?" "Good call. It's a disused septic tank in what is now the Big Thicket National Park. They moved in here back in the '20s. "As I told you, they are still human and we can interbreed with them, but to make it safe, they have to shrink us to their size." He stretched his jaws as if he were yawning, and two fangs stretched down behind the canines. "They inject us, and we shrink. "Then there is an enzyme reaction that is still unexplained during the sex act. The female Fairy becomes male, and to keep herself not only able to breed but alive, she has to return semen to the person that was up until that time male. That causes the process to reverse. However they are naturally acclimated to this, so we," He waved at George, Morgan and himself, "Will return to normal human size and our own sex in a few hours. "We might as well call it magic, because there is nothing in nature like it. They can do magic as you have seen with the mirror trick. They can also cook and keep food without modern appliances. They also can hide themselves from predators including humans except when they are pregnant." "Why are males at danger?" "Again we don't know. Male Faerie tend to lose intelligence. They reach the point where they are big two year old children. You have to keep them safe every minute. The oldest Faerie here is about 1000 years old-" "A thousand!" "Yep. They live a long time. I don't think there is a remembered incident where one of them die of old age. Most die from animal attacks and accidents though recently a lot have been dying from pollution. But that Faerie told us that she had heard from her grandmother that the same process didn't work with the natural males. Being naturally this tall, they didn't go through the sex change process. Of course we're talking a tale told by her grandmother which had been told by her grandmother and on back to about 50,000 years ago." "So they breed with humans and the humans return to human size and their normal sex." Becky repeated. "Except for one point in the process." Morgan looked at George. "For some reason, again call it magic, they can make the change permanent. If someone were to make love to you in your present form and size, you would remain Faerie. That was why they pulled that mass breakout you were reading about. They went in, bit all of the patients, and brought them here. All of those Faerie you saw being talked to by others a while ago were patients in that hospital. If they wish to, they can remain faerie and alive. "But..." She looked at them really for the first time. "Xavier. Your aunt was Margaret Bell, the one who wrote about..." "How do you think she could write about them so well?" Charles waved. "She spent time with the Faerie down near Brownsville in the Palo Alto National Park." "Wait a minute." She considered the question none of them had asked. "This process, it heals, yes?" "You're standing here arguing with me, so yes." "And I had an inoperable brain tumor and had lapsed into a coma." "So far you're batting a thousand." "Then why can't they use the same process to heal their sick?" She asked. Charles opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked at Morgan. "Morg, see if the queen can come in here." They waited. Spearmint, a svelte woman with hair of a soft green came in. "You wished to speak with me, Charles?" "Becky, it's your nickel." Becky explained. Spearmint blinked, then her head cocked. "I don't believe it has ever been tried." She turned. "Honeysuckle find Jasmine." "While we're waiting for the shaman, I'll check online." Charles said. "Online? What the Physician's desk reference?" Becky asked. "Charles grinned. "You don't think this is all of the Faerie in the world do you?" He brought up the internet connection, clicking a fairy icon on the screen marked CHAT. The system opened, and he found the chat interface. Fifteen rooms. He clicked the first one Queen's Court. "This is saved for the various monarchs of the clans and realms." He explained. "Those of us that do the grunt work of contacting them have special access. But it means we can contact the Queens directly, and they can contact their shamans." There were 15 people in the room. Charles pointed at three of the screen names. "That's Erika. She was a human boy, but is now a human girl using the same process, with two good legs mind you. That's Cynthia, who is a member of another team. They're enroute to Hawaii right now. And that," He tapped Dandelion201, "Is the person that started all of this." He typed swiftly. X-MAN 71: HELLO LADIES. I HAVE A QUESTION. HAS ANY REALM TRIED USING SEXUAL TRANSITION FOR HEALING??? It was if he'd tossed a rock into a school of fish in a pond. there was no answer for a long moment. DANDELION210: SENT FOR YUCCA. I HAVE NEVER HEARD IT MENTIONED. TAG-ALONG 17 (Erika): GIRLS W/US SAY NO. WE HAVE THE GROUP W/ LADY P AND MARTIN HERE AS WELL. REPS FROM THREE DIFFERENT CLANS IN THE CHI-TOWN REALM. ALICE 772: CENTRAL PARK CLAN HERE. OUR OLDEST IS 2,000, SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER ANY ATTEMPTS BEING MADE. SHAMAN ENROUTE. MAPLE 42 (MAINE): OUR OLDEST IS 3,000. CAME ACROSS W/ VIKINGS IN 200 AD. SHE DOES NOT REMEMBER EVER HEARING OF SUCH A THING. OUR SHAMAN IS PRESENT, AND SHE SAYS NO. X-MAN 71: WOMAN RESCUED FROM DEATHWATCH ASKED. SHE HAD TERMINAL INOPERABLE TUMOR. ASKED 'WHY NOT USE IT TO HEAL YOURSELVES? PERIWINKLE REGINA: PLEASE HAVE HER COMMUNICATE WITH US, CHARLES. He handed Becky the stylus. She was not as fast as he was, but the people she was dealing with were new to computers as well, so no one complained. X-MAN 71: BECKY HARRICORD HERE. PERIWINKLE REGINA: DEAR CHILD, TELL US WHAT YOU ARE SUGGESTING? X-MAN 71: CHARLES AND MORGAN TELL ME THIS PROCESS REVERSES AGING BRIEFLY, CHANGES THE PERSON'S SEX BRIEFLY, AND ALSO HEALS. I HAD TUMOR, THEY TELL ME SOMEONE NAMED ERIKA HAD BEEN CRIPPLED AT FAERIE SIZE YET HAS TWO GOOD LEGS NOW. CAN'T THOSE THAT ARE ILL JUST-YOU KNOW? I'M A WOMAN IN HER EIGHTIES, AND WE JUST DIDN'T TALK THAT WAY WHEN I WAS YOUNGER. ALICE 772: DANDELION OF CENTRAL PARK HERE. MY REMEMBRANCES GO BACK SEVEN THOUSAND YEARS. NO MENTION. X-MAN 71: CHARLES HERE. DIDN'T SOMEONE SAY THIS IS A NEW PROBLEM? ALICE 772: YES IT IS, CHARLES, BUT THOSE OF FRANCE WERE ALSO AFFECTED BY THE CHLORINE AND PHOSGENE GAS THE FIRST WORLD WAR. WE ARE ALSO AFFECTED BY WHAT WAS CALLED CONSUMPTION. X-MAN 71: SAME THING, JUST DIFFERENT CONCENTRATION. MODERN POLLUTANTS CREATE GASES THAT AFFECT THE LUNGS, AND CAN CAUSE EMPHYSEMA AND BRONCHITIS. TROUBLE BREATHING. IN THE 19TH CENTURY THEY HAD THAT PROBLEM BECAUSE OF ENCLOSED SPACE. THEY CALL IT TUBERCULOSIS NOW. PERIWINKLE REGINA: WAIT, YUCCA HAS JUST ARRIVED. THE ADVENT OF THIS TUBERCULOSIS WAS THE FIRST MENTION SHE HAD OF DISTRESS WITH BREATHING. ALL OF OUR PROBLEMS ESPECIALLY WITH THE MODERN POLLUTANTS BEGAN AT THAT TIME. SHE HAS ALSO INFORMED ME THAT HER MEMORIES GO BACK ALMOST TEN THOUSAND YEARS, AND THERE IS NO MENTION OF USING OUR SEXUAL CYCLE FOR HEALING. "Why do they keep saying memory or remembrances?" "Oral tradition." Charles replied. "They may have come from our genes originally, but they never bothered to develop their own language to read or write. Those that do, the ones who have been speaking, were all humans that converted as we're trying to get you to do, or those that have learned since. "Periwinkle is one of the more educated ones. She learned to read and write in French around the time of the first Crusade, picked up Latin German Hungarian and English all before the French Revolution. From what Dandelion tells me, she's learning Japanese Korean and Russian even now." DANDELION201: WAIT A MINUTE, ISN'T TUBERCULOSIS SPREAD BY BEING IN ENCLOSED SPACES? X-MAN71: CHARLES HERE. YOU'RE RIGHT, DANNY-BOY. DANDELION201: WITH THE BREASTWORKS I HAVE, I DON'T THINK I CAN BE CALLED 'BOY' ANY MORE, CHARLES. X-MAN: TRUE, TRUE. ANY SUGGESTIONS HOW WE CAN PROCEED WITH THIS? CAMILIA201: (Charlottesville South Carolina) CHARLES, WERE YOU THE ONES THAT EMPTIED THAT HOSPITAL? X-MAN: I DROVE ONE OF THE GETAWAY VANS. BUT IT WAS SPEARMINT'S IDEA. BECKY IS ONE OF THEM. PERIWINKLE REGINA: WE WILL HAVE TO DISCUSS THIS, CHARLES. WILL ALL OF OUR ASSISTANTS PLEASE LEAVE THE ROOM? COUCH-GIRL2:(Cynthia) IF YOU INSIST. BUT DOES CHARLES HAVE PERMISSION TO TRY IT? CAMILIA201: WE HAVE NO AUTHORITY OVER WHAT THE OTHER REALMS DO, ERIKA. YOU KNOW THIS. HE MUST DISCUSS IT WITH SPEARMINT. X-MAN71: ALREADY HAVE PERMISSION HERE. SIGNING OUT.

Same as Fairy III: The Adventure Continues Videos

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Fairy Gobblers Pt2

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A Mothers Helping Hands Part III

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Fairy Gobblers

“Be careful,” she told me, “when you’re trekking through the foothills in France. There’s a legend of fairy gobblers that goes back centuries and I would hate for you to come across one unprepared.” She was old and was starting to lose her senses so I didn’t think much of the story she told. She explained to me that the fantasy tales of fairy godmothers were twisted by Hollywood into something cute and sweet but that the true legend came from the legends of fairy gobblers. She told me...

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Replacement Therapy III

Replacement Therapy 111 By Cheryl Lynn This is fiction and any resemblance to any person, place or thing is coincidental. Please read prior chapters before this as they are crucial to understanding this chapter. Maybe downloaded for personal use only. Other use is strictly forbidden unless approved by the author. Comments are welcome on grammar and story line; however, derogatory comments over the treatment of characters or story plot are not. Author may be contacted at...

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My So Called Sex Life Part III

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter III

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Day and Knight Volume III

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Fairy The Stars at Night are Big and Bright

The Stars at Night, are Big and Bright! The East Texas wetlands were around them. The trip to Louisiana had found a huddle of Faerie in the North of the state, but few in the South. Katrina had taken care of that. Rob had decided after New York to first head north briefly as far as Maine, then down the East Coast. When he had completed the first circuit, he and the Council that had been formed of the Faerie Queens would decide on a second junket, covering places that as yet had not...

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Captian FeatherSword III

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Scarlett and the Yankee CarpetbaggerAct III

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Hite Report Type III Female Masturbation

Type III means masturbating by thrusting into a pil low or other soft object. Four percent of the women masturbated in this way, plus an additional 1.2 percent who could also Masturbate in other ways. Type III is similar to Type II because it is done on the stomach, in the face down position, but different because no hands are used. It involves thrusting or grinding the pelvis, especially the pubic area, against the bed, some pillows, or a clump of clothing, or perhaps moving one’s body in...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter V

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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Fairy Tale Therapy

Geraldine sat with her elbow propped on the desk, forehead resting on her hand. She had just eaten the basket of goodies her granddaughter brought her for lunch. She was really going to have to talk to her daughter-in-law about letting the child go out by herself. She wasn’t old enough to go tripping through the forest. It just wasn’t safe. She sighed. No use postponing the inevitable. She hated conducting the fairy tale families’ group therapy sessions, but there was no one else qualified....

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Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes

FAIRY TALES AND NURSERY RHYMES My name is Colin. I am a single man and, as I have to travel around the country in connection with my work, I seize any opportunity I can to explore local nightlife. On the occasion about which I am writing I was working in Birmingham. It was a substantial project and it looked as though I was going to be staying in Birmingham for at least three weeks. I was delighted to be staying put for a decent amount of time as this would enable me to really get...

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Fairy Tail The Magic of Normality

(Authors Notes: I recently reached 100 likes, which seems like as good an excuse as any to finally start my own story! This will be my ultimate test, to see if I can perfectly blend story and smut to make the ultimate Fairy Tail free use fantasy, hopefully something unique that hasn't been done here before. I've seen the others on this site, but this will focus mainly on the kink of Free-Use and Normality. So, any feed back would be appreciated, and by all means, if you see a scenario that...

Mind Control
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Adventure Day With Five Men 8211 Part III

That Adventurous Day with five men in fifteen hours Part 3 By Lata. It is Latha continuing from where I left in Part 2. The paragraph below in the bracket is the last few lines of part 2 which I am repeating for the sake of continuity (When I was driving the vehicle I was contemplating all that happened from the morning. I was certain that night neither me nor my father in law can keep quiet when we are alone particularly with whisky at that time I was not aware that it is not just with my...

2 years ago
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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter XIII

In this chapter, Bobby has fun with Cori, Tess, and Rhianna at the slumber party. Everything seems to be going fine ... until someone walks in on Bobby while she's getting changed for bed. Will anything ever be the same for her again? Read on and find out! Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter XIII Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Even though we were in Cori's living room, it almost felt like a...

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Shannon III the wedding part A

Introduction: An older man dominates a young woman, Shannon III the wedding part A To understand the Shannon series it is best to start at the beginning with Shannon then Shannon II part A, Shannon II part B and then this story. Each story can stand alone but you will get a better understanding of the characters and the events that brought them to this point in the story. However this story would work to go from Shannon directly to Shannon III. I would love praise and criticism as long as it...

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Second Comings III The Mask of Anar

(Note: this is Part III of the Second Coming series. Part I was released last December, Part II a few days ago, confusingly titled Second Comings – Sex Type Thing. This current posting is Part III, and they should be read in order for the tale to make much sense. Thanks to ‘rightbank’ for pointing this out!) Second Comings III: The Mask of Anarchy May Justin Lake sat behind Sharon Hastings as she drove towards Boston on the Mass Pike, Jordan Secord sat beside Hastings, looking out the...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter I

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age saga. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as complete, the reader...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter II

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her long latent sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter IV

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter VI

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter VII

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine came to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...

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SlutSport Part III

Part III - Day 1 of Tournament Fighting of the Sluttimay Tournament! (It is suggested you read part I and II for context, backstory and to get primed and ready for Part III you sluts...and as always, comments/suggestions are always welcome!] SlutSport - Part II After the "opening ceremony" of Sluttimay, I had to refocus at the task at hand. So much had happened in so little time on top of which I recognized the number two terrorist in the world in Kong Fi and I couldn't do...

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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

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Taming the Whores Pt III Heather Cucks Kyle

Vic knocked on my door, “Dude!” He yelled. “The pool will be filled tomorrow!” He could barely contain his excitement. “Make sure you let your cute, little lady friends know.” He winked his eye at me, then headed back down to the patio.“Hey Vic, I’ll be down in a minute,” I yelled down to him.Not much happens on this street that Vic doesn’t know about. I’ve been his tenant here for the last three years. I’ve got to know him really well. He’s come up to a couple of my parties and even got lucky...

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Mothers Birthday Present Part III

Mother's Birthday Present, Part III By Bobbi Gold Bobby and I got a last minute reservation at a nice restaurant in town. I left my lunch outfit on, but after I did my little lipstick presentation for Bobby, I freshened up the rest of my makeup. I put a few strokes of mascara on, added a little blush, and added a darker, plummy eye shadow for more of a nighttime look. Dinner was, well, it was a little weird. Because, Bobby and I always had this completely "normal" relationship. ...

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Fairies III A day in the life England

A day in the life: England Lady Penelope looked across the small town of Ryde on the Isle of Wight. "Where now?" she asked. Martin had the listing Erika had made the previous year. "Down two streets. Corner of North Walk and Appley Lane." She nodded, walking in the direction he pointed. The town was sprawled out along the English Channel across from the port of Portsmouth. The shop sign said 'Herbalist'. Lady P smiled at it. On the sign a dozen Faerie danced. She pushed in,...

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Fairies III A day in the life Mediterranean

The problem with lawyers... The man leaped at the Coach as he stepped from his car. Having spent several years as a Marine before he became a coach. what happened next was a foregone conclusion. He grabbed, slammed the man face first into his SUV (Wincing at the dent his face left) and set his foot on the man's back. "What the hell are you doing?" He snarled. "Coach Henderson I am serving you with a subpoena!" the man said. Of course with a broken nose and other injuries from his...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 7 The Wake Forest Adventure Begins

Dave and his parents were awake and on the road by five o'clock in the morning. They each took turns driving and, except for quick re-fueling, they only stopped twice: once for dinner in Portland, Maine and once for supper in Hartford, Connecticut. They drove past New York and Washington during the night and continued until they found a motel in Virginia and stopped for the night. They slept until ten o'clock; then they got up, showered, ate, and got back on the road well before noon. Dave...

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The Three Sides Of A Triangle 8211 Part III Saturday Night Adventure

Author’s Note: This is the third part of the story ‘The Three Sides of a Triangle’. I would suggest to all readers to read the previous parts before reading this part so as to get familiar with what all has happened. In the previous parts, events of Thursday night were narrated by Koushik and Ratna. The event of Friday night was narrated by Geeta. In this part Ratna shares her activities, thoughts and feelings of the Saturday night. Ratna’s Narration *************** It was so beautiful to see...

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The Adventure Part III

The three of us burst into the house. Sexual anticipation filled the air.  Carol and John were flushed from their backseat makeout session.  I was still mind blown by what we were doing.Carol stood in the middle of the room, her blouse still pulled down and her skirt was still pulled up showing her bald cunt.I said,  "Let's move to the bedroom"John and I each took one of Carol's arms and escorted her to the bedroom.  The bedroom was softly lit and beckoning.  My mind was reeling, pulse...

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