Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure: Chapter III free porn video

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Dinner conversation turns into an asparagus eating contest between Bobby and Cori. But why is Cori grinning like that? Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2005 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER III As we entered the small, brightly lit kitchen, Corina announced, "After a daring rescue from the bathroom and a dangerous journey through the wilds of the hallway and living room, may I present to you our special dinner guest, Bobby!" Corina's mom, Aunt Joan, and her sister, Terri, clapped and cheered as Corina led me to the table and pulled out my chair. Until that moment, I had thought I could handle being seen in girl clothes. Now all I wanted to do was melt into the floor. "Go ahead and sit down, sweetie." Aunt Joan titlted her head toward the chair. "Lasagna tastes as good cold as it does hot, but the asparagus won't." To my relief, the applause died when I sat down and Corina slid my chair in for me. Terri reached across the table, picked the paper napkin up from beside my plate, and dropped it in my lap. "You look so cute in Cori's teddy bear top, Bobby. It's a shame Mom couldn't find the matching skirt." "Theresa Anne Moreno." Aunt Joan's glare could have melted steel. "You're fourteen years old. You should know better than to tease someone like that." Terri stared at her mother, her mouth hanging open. Aunt Joan silently stared back. Eventually, Terri closed her mouth and turned to me. "I'm sorry, Bobby. I'd meant to compliment you, but I guess it came out wrong." Terri hadn't sounded like she had been teasing, which just made it more confusing when she'd said I looked cute wearing girl clothes. But the compliment had felt nice, and I couldn't think of a reason to be mad at her. I looked down at the teddy bear on the front of my t-shirt and touched its fluffy fur. "To be honest, I don't think I'd be able to think of anything else to call this besides cute." Aunt Joan sighed. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to find anything else for you, Bobby. None of Terri's clothes would have fit you, and most of what Cori has is a lot frillier than what your wearing." "It's okay, Aunt Joan. It ain't like I'm wearing a dress or something." Terri patted my shoulder. "You sound just like me, Bobby. I was a serious tomboy when I was your age. That's probably why Mom's had Cori in nothing but dresses." "I do NOT wear nothing but dresses." Corina shoved her seat back as she stood up and threw her napkin on the table. "In fact, I'm wearing jeans right now. I can be as much a tomboy as you ever were." Terri leaned back in her chair and smirked at her sister. "Really? While wearing that lacy pink blouse?" "Being a tomboy ain't just about clothes. And for your information, this ain't pink; it's strawberry sorbet." "Hah! That shows how much you know about being a tomboy." "That's enough, girls. Corina, sit back down. " Aunt Joans firm tone wasn't especially loud, but it was enough to put a quick end to the argument. "This is no way to behave, especially in front of a guest. I think you both owe Bobby an apology." After both girls apologized, Aunt Joan said grace. Soon the table was filled with the clink and clatter of a family enjoying dinner. As I took my first bite of the rich, gooey lasagna, Corina asked, "So how ya liking third grade?" Aunt Joan and Terri jumped up as I started gagging, but Terri got to me first. It took a couple of sharp smacks between my shoulder blades before a piece of food shot from my mouth and landed with a soft plop on the table. "Sorry about that," I managed to croak. Aunt Joan took the napkin from my lap, wiped my mouth, and then cleaned up the mess on the table. "No need to apologize, Bobby. Accidents happen. How do you feel?" "My throat's a little sore, but besides that, I'm okay." "That's good. Okay, take a sip of your iced tea." Aunt Joan already had the glass in her hand and was holding it to my lips before I could reach it. As I drank, the cool, sweet tea soothed the rawness at the back of my throat. Aunt Joan seemed satisfied after I swallowed a few mouthfuls, put my glass down next to my plate and carried the used napkin over to the trash. Terri, who had been rubbing the spot on my back where she'd just whacked me, brushed a few hairs from my face before strolling back to her seat. "What happened, Bobby?" Corina looked confused and worried. I remembered what had made me choke and frowned. "Third grade? What makes you think I'm in third grade?" Corina frowned back. "Well, you seem a little too old for second grade." Fortunately, I hadn't tried to take another bite, or I would have been choking again. "Second grade? You're waaaay off. I'm in FIFTH grade." "Really? Then why did I see you sitting with the third graders at lunch?" "I...I didn't know they were third graders." Corina's frown turned into a knowing grin. "Not at all?" " least, not at first. I'd just sat down at the first table I saw with an empty space. Rhianna and Tess were really nice to me and introduced me to the other girls sitting at that end of the table. It was a nice change from lunch at my old school. On a good day there the other kids ignored me, but I had some pretty bad days too." "That's awful." Terri stabbed at her lasagna. " You're such a sweet kid and deserve better. I'm glad you were able to make some friends at your new school." The smile on my face went all the way down to my toes. "So am I. It almost made it worth going to school today." "You had problems at school?" Aunt Joan asked as she returned to the table. I tried to think of anything I hadn't had problems with. "I really wasn't expecting to be taking all those tests on my first day here. Except for lunch and recess, that's pretty much all I did today. The reading tests weren't so bad, but I think I flunked most of the others." "Don't worry about those tests, sweetheart. There are no passing or failing grades. They give them to all the new students to get a better idea of what you learned at your old school so they can find the best place to put you in your new school." "That's a relief. I wasn't looking forward to explaining to my mom why I'd washed out on my first day at school." As Corina and Terri began telling Aunt Joan about their day, I started wondering what was making things different for me at my new school and lost track of the conversation for a while. I was rolling a spear of asparagus across my plate, trying to get up the nerve to take a bite, when Corina poked me in the arm with the handle of her fork. "Hey Bobby, did you hear me?" "Sorry, I missed it. What'd you say?" "I said I bet I could eat twice as much asparagus as you." Aunt Joan chuckled. "I thought you just said you didn't want to eat it." Corina smiled at her mother. "Uh huh. And you said I should find a way of making it fun. What's more fun than a contest?" "I'm not too sure about that. But if it'll get you to eat your vegetables, I guess we can give it a try." Terri leaned across the table and patted Corina on the head. "That's my li'l sister, always coming up with zany ideas. So what are you putting up for the bet?" Corina ignored Terri's love pats and tapped the edge of her plate with her fork as she concentrated on an answer. "It's gotta be something good to make it a real contest. How about a week's allowance?" Aunt Joan's eyebrows popped up in surprise. "Are you sure you want to do that, honey? Once you agree, you can't take it back." I could hardly believe it when Corina nodded. Money had always been tight at home and my parents were never able to afford to give me an allowance. "That sounds tempting, but I don't have anything to match something like that." Corina grinned slyly. "How about I get to pick what we play after we're done eating?" That grin made me nervous. But I'd seen the PlayStation when Corina had led me through the living room and figured I'd be able to handle whatever game she picked. I grinned back when I realized it was pretty much a win/win situation for me. "Okay, you're on." I picked up a spear of asparagus and was surprised it felt firm and tender instead of limp and slimy. As I bit it in half, Corina shoved a whole spear into her mouth. The asparagus was buttery with a bit of lemon and something spicy, but when I began to chew...well, it was still the worst vegetable in the world. Corina began chewing too, barely making a face. By the time I'd swallowed my fifth spear, I knew I couldn't handle another. How Corina had managed nine was beyond me. Terri began cheering her sister on. "You're almost there, sis. Your tongue must be numb by now, so ingnore the taste. Bobby's already stopped. Just eat one more and you'll win!" Corina gritted her teeth and stared at the green death in her hand for a few seconds before she closed her eyes, popped it into her mouth and began chewing. I couldn't help admiring her determination and began cheering as she swallowed. "Wahoo! That's totally amazing. I really can't eat any more, so I guess that makes you the winner." Aunt Joan began laughing and clapping. "Congratulations, baby. Looks like we have a new champion asparagus-eater in the house." Getting into the spirit of the moment, Corina climbed out of her chair and did a victory lap around the table, waving her arms and smiling ear to ear. Aunt Joan grabbed Corina by the arm as she started going for a second lap. "Once is more than enough, young lady. Now take a seat or you'll miss out on the peach cobbler." While Aunt Joan was pulling something sweet and spicy from the oven and Terri was carrying the dinner plates to the sink, Corina flopped down in her chair and looked at me with the same sly grin she had before the contest. "So, you still gonna let me pick what we play?" "Of course, Corina." I couldn't imagine what kind of video game would make anyone grin like that, but I was pretty certain I could handle whatever she had chosen. "I would've expected you to do the same if I won." "I'm glad. But please call me Cori. The only person who calls me Corina is Mom, and that's only when she's either mad at me or doing her formal introductions." When I nodded, Corina''s grin softened into a thoughtful smile, and I thought nothing more about the game when Aunt Joan and Terri brought plates of steaming dessert to the table. As the conversation picked up again, I began feeling more like I was having dinner with family rather than people I'd just met. While Terri, Cori and I did just about everything but lick our plates, Aunt Joan was barely nibbling at her dessert. Terri gently touched her mother's elbow. "Something wrong with your cobbler, Mom?" Aunt Joan looked up from her plate, "It's fine, honey. I'm just worried about Bobby's mommy. I'd asked her to call as soon as she reached her lawyer's office, but I haven't heard from her yet." I glanced out the kitchen window and saw the storm was still in full swing. My blood turned to ice as I started imagining all the awful things that could happen on a rainy night like tonight. "Do you think she's okay?" "I'm sure she's fine, Bobby. She must have had a lot on her mind when your daddy asked to see her about the divorce settlement. It's quite understandable that she forgot to call." Aunt Joan's smile looked brittle and her voice seemed strained as she changed subjects. "Now Cori, since you set up the table, you can go play with Bobby; Terri will help me finish cleaning up." I barely had a chance to finish eating before Cori was pulling at my arm. I dug my heels in when Cori led me through the living room and we started walking past the PlayStation. "Wait a minute, where are we going?" Cori dropped my hand and turned around. "To my room to play." "You've got video games in your room?" Cori giggled. "I'd probably never come out if I did. All we have is here in the living room, but Mom won't let us play on school nights." Cori took my hand again and lead me out of the living room. "Let's go before she realizes she didn't ask us if we had homework." "So, what did you want to play, then?" Cori looked over her shoulder and smirked as she opened her bedroom door. "Mommy and Baby." I was barely able to absorb more than a general sense of frilliness as we entered her room, since I was pretty busy trying to wrap my brain around her answer. "'Mommy and Baby'? What kinda game is that?" Cori closed the door and led me over to a narrow bed with a lacy pink and white canopy. The box springs squeaked a little as she flopped down on the bed and giggled. When she managed to pull herself together enough to sit up, I realized the comforter spread across the bed had the same kitten I'd noticed earlier on the sneakers I had borrowed. "You like Hello Kitty too, Bobby?" "Hello who?" I was beginning to think that confusion was a way of life in their house. "C'mon. Stop pretending you never saw her before and answer the question." "What about my question?" "Okay, I'll answer your question. But since you're a guest here, you've gotta answer mine first." I really wanted to argue over such a dumb rule, but Mom had asked me to behave, so decided to play along. "I dunno. I guess so." "That doesn't sound like a real answer." "First off, just because I've seen her before doesn't mean I'd know her name. Second, you only see her on girl stuff. What kinda answer do you expect from a boy?" Cori patted the space next to her and waited for me to sink into the soft, fluffy comforter. "I expect an honest one, Bobby." Her serious tone took me by surprise. I looked down at the pink shag carpet and tried to think of a decent answer. Cori gently rested a hand on my shoulder. "Is that why you had the necklace?" Cold fear dropped into my stomach. "What necklace?" Cori reached towards a fancy white nitestand, opened the drawer, and pulled out a thin gold necklace with a tiny Hello Kitty charm. "This one. Mom asked me to check through the pockets of your clothes before I started up the washer. I found the necklace in your jacket. Where'd you get it?" "It was a prize." "Really? How'd you win it?" "You're probably gonna laugh when I tell you this." I quickly regretted what I'd said when I saw Cori's hurt expression. "Okay, maybe you won't. You see, I wound up going to recess with the girls I'd had lunch with and was playing against Tess in some jumping game. I forget what they called it, but there were a couple of girls with the rope stretched between their ankles and me and Tess had to in and out and stuff." "You beat Tess at chinese jumprope?" "Oh no. I was barely able to keep up with her, and I'm pretty sure she'd been going easy on me. I can't tell you how many times I got tangled in the ropes. But Rhianna had said I deserved an award for lasting longer against Tess than anyone else." "I've never heard Rhi say something she didn't mean. If she told you that, then you must have been pretty impressive. So what happened next?" "Well there was an award ceremony, which was a little embarrassing. I was totally shocked when Rhianna took off her necklace and put it around my neck. But then we started playing again and I forgot I was wearing it. When I got back from recess I nearly walked into class with it still around my neck. I'll hafta look for Rhianna tomorrow so I give it back to her." "You might have been able to give it back if you'd borrowed it from her, but I doubt she'll take it back if she gave it to you; and she'd probably be pretty hurt if you tried." "Wait a minute. How do you know Tess and Rhianna so well? They're both in the third grade." "Tess is in my gymnastics class, and I'm in Rhi's math class." I managed to hold back for maybe two seconds before I burst out laughing. "You're in a third grade class?" "Don't laugh too hard, Bobby. If you did as bad as you said on those tests today, you may wind up being in there with me." That stopped me cold. "You mean they'd send me back two grades?" "Not unless you did bad in all the tests. Most of the time, when you're having problems with certain subjects they'll just put you in the classes where you'll be able to get the most help on those subjects." I was trying to decide how I'd feel about taking classes with Tess, Rhianna and the other girls when Cori dangled the necklace from her fingers. "But getting back to my you like Hello Kitty?" The coldness in my stomach felt like it was seeping into my lungs. I could barely breathe. I nodded, not trusting myself to be able to speak the words. "I thought so." Cori kicked her sneakers off and scooted up onto the bed until she was kneeling behind me. I nearly jumped from the bed when she started to gather my hair off my shoulders. "What are you doing back there?" I tried turning my head to see was going on, but only managed getting my hair pulled. "Oops, sorry Bobby. You'd better hold your hair." "Huh? What for?" "So I can help you put your necklace on." Cori had called it my necklace. And it WAS mine. But it couldn't be; shouldn't be. As much as I wanted the necklace, one really important reason why it could never be mine popped into my head. "'s a girls necklace." Cori let go of my hair and looked over my shoulder. Even though we weren't touching, I could feel the warmth of her skin. Her faint flowery and baby- powder scent mingled nicely with the bubble-gum and clean, soapy smell left over from my bath. I wasn't too sure how I felt being so close to her. I had seen girls who were good friends sitting this close when they were talking and wondered if Cori thought of me as a girl, a friend, or both. It wasn't really bad, but experiencing first hand what I'd only seen before was a lot different than I'd ever imagined. "And?" Cori's simple question bounced around my head. "'And'? How can you just say, 'and'? I'm a boy. People will think I'm weird if they see me wearing it." "No they won't. They'll just see a girl wearing a pretty necklace." I should have dropped the argument right there, but the question fell out of my mouth before I could stop it. "Who would take me for a girl?" "I know Terri does. She wouldn't have fixed your hair like that if she thought you were a boy." I reached up and carefully touched my hair. "It feels weird having it all fluffy like this." "You don't like it?" "I dunno. It feels nice, but it's a lot different from what I'm used to. Nobody ever did my hair like this before." Goose bumps broke out on my arms when she ran her fingers though a few stands of my hair. "It does feel nice; very silky. Terri did a good job. It really looks nice on you. Maybe you could ask your mom to fix it for you like that when you go to school tomorrow." "Are you kidding? Everybody would laugh seeing me with a girl's hairstyle." "I don't think they would, Bobby. I know at least some of the kids at school think you're a girl." " one." "Well, when I had gymnastics class this afternoon with Tess, she'd been telling me about a new girl named Bobbi she met at lunch." "Tess thought I was a girl? Even after seeing me up close?" "Yup." Cori leaned away from me. When I twisted around to see what she was doing, I found too many expressions drifting across her face to make sense of them. The odd look only lasted a moment and was quickly replaced with a small smile. "But that's not really the point. Instead of worrying what people would think about you wearing your necklace, you should be thinking about how YOU feel about wearing it." "I think..." The coldness in my stomach turned into a fluttering and my fingers started to tingle as I worked up the courage to answer. "I think I'd like that." "Then quit fussing and hold up your hair." Cori helped me gather it up at the back or my head and tucked a few loose strands in my hand before she drew the chain around my neck and fastened it at the back. She then slid off the bed, stood in front of me and adjusted the charm so it dangled just below my collarbone. "Oh Bobby, you really do look...would you mind if I said pretty?" For a long moment, I barely dared to breathe. "I...ermm...what I mean is...I dunno." "That's okay. I guess it ain't an easy question for a boy to answer." "Speaking of questions, I think it's your turn to answer mine." Cori's smile was both warm and playful. "Fair enough. Playing 'Mommy and Baby' is pretty easy. It's kinda like playing house, where one of us is the mommy and the other is the baby. Me and Terri used to play it all the time. So which would you like to be?" "Couldn't I be the daddy?" Cori's smile faded a little. "I suppose, although it wouldn't be 'Mommy and Baby' anymore. You don't look too much like a daddy right now, but we could probably borrow one of Mom's hats to hide your hair and maybe one of her blazers. Are you sure you wanna play a daddy?" I thought about Dad, and what it would like to pretend to be him. "Maybe not. But I dunno about dressing up as a mommy, either. Would it be okay if I was the baby?" Cori squealed and nearly choked me as she hugged me around the neck. "Of course! Terri hardly ever lets me be the mommy. We're gonna have loads of fun!"

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Rainy Day Sex Marathon

I was gasping for air as the cum launched out from my cock and hit me in the face. It was a very powerful orgasm, not huge in volume, but very strong intensity because it was my 3rd one of the morning. I’d woken up to the sound of pounding rain outside, and, of course, to my daily “morning riser” hardon. When it rains like this, it makes me remember one of my favorite sex experiences almost 4 years ago, the summer I turned 16. My girlfriend Kellie and I had hiked about a mile through the...

3 years ago
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A rainy day with sister

I am deep from India 24years old having normal physical structure. We are having a small family of five persons. My mom is a normal house wife and father is working a job. And my sister Shikha a 22 years now. My sister was reading in high school then she was 19 years old she was studying in twelve standards. Her height was 5″ 2″ then. She is thin and beautiful. Her boobs are perfectly shaped and her butts are very hot and give her a very sexy look. She is having black hairs and when she lets...

1 year ago
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A rainy day with Shikha

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am raju from india 24years old having normal physical structure. we are having a small family of five persons. My mom is a normal house wife and father is working a job. And my sister shikha a 22 years now. My sister was reading in high school then she was 19 years old she was studying in twelve standard.Her height was 5' 2" then. she is thin and beautiful. Her boobs are perfectly shaped and her butts are very hot and gives her a very sexy look. she...

3 years ago
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A rainy day with Roma

Following is another real life account sent to me by my friend Soham. It describes his account with his then girlfriend Roma at her house on a rainy day. I still remember her silky thighs, the thin layer of fat on her tummy, her perky boobs, her kohl lined eyes and the soft moans she made when I licked her moist pussy… She was a sumptuous lady who knew her body; she wanted pleasure and was not afraid to please either… I’ll tell you a story of a rainy day… The monsoons were raging in their full...

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RuneswardChapter 64 Rainy Days and Onedays

“You might as well just come out and say it,” Gillen said around the succulent venison she was chewing. As usual, she was taking her evening meal with her old mentor, Tergin Givens. The two had transcended their original teacher-student relationship and had become good friends. Gillen looked up into the evening sky. There was no moonlight or starlight to provide light. Nearly the entire day had been dark, with black and gray clouds rolling over the sky. Towards the evening, the wind had...

2 years ago
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Katy Perry Best Worst Rainy Day

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the video games, characters, developers etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Katy Perry (Singer)Best Worst Rainy DayA celebrity erotic storyBy DaxG2001 ([email protected])Codes: MF, Cons, Oral, Anal.* *...

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A Rainy Day In Village

By : Themariner Every October we visited grandfather house. But for me this was my first visit in nearly 8 years. I was very much excited as I could live on my child hood life again, running in the paddy fields, catching fish by the river, sleeping under the tree in afternoon etc. My parents, my younger sister and I were very happy as we all were going together again after a long time and I knew how much I missed grandfather house and the freedom of enjoyment. But never did I or anyone else...

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Danis Story Book II First Days Chapter III

Book I - Awakening dealt with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self - it is a coming of age story. Book II covers the remaining eight days of Dani's vacation and her kinky little band's further exploits. Although each Book is meant to stand on its own as complete, the reader is urged to first read Book I. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex together with all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or...

4 years ago
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Adventure Day With Five Men 8211 Part III

That Adventurous Day with five men in fifteen hours Part 3 By Lata. It is Latha continuing from where I left in Part 2. The paragraph below in the bracket is the last few lines of part 2 which I am repeating for the sake of continuity (When I was driving the vehicle I was contemplating all that happened from the morning. I was certain that night neither me nor my father in law can keep quiet when we are alone particularly with whisky at that time I was not aware that it is not just with my...

3 years ago
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Bobbys Submission

Introduction: Some of this story is true, some just hasnt happened . . . yet! My wife, Dana, and I have been experimenting with bondage and other kinky activities for a year or two now. She is not interested in being the submissive/bottom, and I prefer that role. So with that decided from the beginning we have slowly added more and more to our list. I have fantasized about all kinds of things for some time, but was hesitant to bring it up with her. Finally I did and we started with simple...

4 years ago
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Bobbys day EPSOM racecourse

On Wednesday last it was a lovely morning so I had an idea to go up to the downs for a walk, I stopped by the tea hut to get a nice cuppa, sat on the bench to drink it, spoke to a few dog walkers as they went on theyre way across the race course. Which is where I had planned to go also. after finnishing my cuppa. Well I thought I had better go for a pee before heading out for my walk. I headed down to the public toilets about 200 yards away from the tea hut, when I went in, there were 2 guys...

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My So Called Sex Life Part III

Forward by 'Lexi'Hi guys and girls, it me again, Lexi!! First, I have loved all the comments you've been leaving on Parts I and II of my story... thank you all!! Now my love DizzyD had intended on making Part III the finale, but it would have just been too long because Diz has a way of making my sex life read like a beautiful, erotic epic, so their will be a Part IV. For now, here is Part III, and I don't mind telling you all that I masturbated twice while I was proofreading it, and it's my...

1 year ago
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Rainy Nights can be Exciting Too Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I remember being stuck inside my apartment during those rainy nights. Boredom and frustration lead me to chat with strangers online and suddenly my rainy nights weren’t so depressing anymore. I saw Katya that night and just loved the way she responded to me. Even though we were physically apart she definitely lit my fire. Today is another rainy night, but today we are face to face. I place kisses on her body and see the blush that covers her. I kiss her face, her neck and her belly. I want to...

1 year ago
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Rainy day play

I think it all started when Jill and I ran into Joe and Sue in the strip mall on a rainy afternoon last summer. We were married only a couple months, living in a rental condo, and Joe and Sue were neighbours we sometimes met on walks. So we knew each other just well enough we had to say hello when we met. Not that we didn’t like them, its just that we had nothing in common with them. They were a little older, not much, but enough so they lived in their own house. They were just people we could...

2 years ago
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A Rainy Day In The Old Barn

"Gerald, Is that you?" a familiar female voice asked from somewhere behind me. Turning, I just barely recognized Jenny Wolf. She had been one year behind me in High School. She was also one of the prettiest girls in the Junior class the last time I had seen her. Now all grown up, she was, in a word —stunning! The last time I saw Jenny was over two years ago. Since then, I had been half way around the world. At the moment, I was home on leave from the Navy. With my leave almost over, I had...

1 year ago
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A Rainy Wednesday

Without a second thought he says, “I can give you a lift”. Now normally...on a regular day when the morning goes to shit I would've said I’m ok...I would have thanked him and returned to the call to my sister. Today wasn’t a regular day….it was Wednesday. It was supposed to be sunny. It wasn’t, and this handsome man..whom I wished would talk….and explore naughty things with me had just offered me a ride. It was a rainy Wednesday. An overcast day that once again the WeatherChannel had guessed...

Sex With Stranger
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Me and My Brothers Chapter III

Chapter III. It Gets Hot in a Snow Storm A few minutes later in the kitchen as I was making some pancake batter, Bobby came in and asked, “What you fixing? “Pancakes.” “Why not waffles?” he asked. “Do you know where the waffle iron is?” I asked. “Sure,” he said as he went to a cupboard, pulled out the waffle iron, and plugged it in. So we had waffles. While we were eating we noticed that it was snowing. It was the first heavy snow of the season. Bobby and I dressed in our...

2 years ago
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Giselle A conquered wife Chapter III

CHAPTER III – Mobu’s Big Black CockOn Friday evening, Mobu arrived as agreed at Becca’s house. During the previous week he had thought a lot about how he would court and seduce Giselle. He thought about what Becca had told him about her friend’s marriage in crisis, and wondered how Giselle put up with her miserable husband Francesco, who was not able to give her the sexual satisfaction a woman like her needed. He had no doubt that he would be able to conquer Giselle, and add her to the list of...

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Lucky In Rainy Day Mating

Hi, folks thanks for the awesome reviews I got after my first story and which made me write a second one. I appreciate the time taken by all of them who personally wrote to me on email or on hangouts I hope I can create those same emotions here too. Well not to waste more time and getting back to the story again. 2018’s monsoon month of July as Mumbai is completely clogged with heavy rains as expected and that was one of the lucky days for me. My girl “Aashni” again giving me the same favor but...

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Rainy Day People

‘Well, at least I got a foot into the stirrup’ I thought as I looked around the crowded room. For 2 years now, since my divorce had been finalized, most of my friends on both sides of the sexual war had been urging me to get back in the saddle. This place seemed too busy and far too stressful for me to even consider staying for this speed dating party. There were more men and women here than the hotel’s safety codes would allow. People were crammed in like sardines, with barely enough room to...

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The Hot Rainy Day With Friend8217s Married Cousin Sister 8211 Part 2

Hello to all Iss readers. This is Manish again with the 2nd part of my story THE HOT RAINY DAY WITH MY FRIENDS COUSIN. I hope you liked the first part of my story now coming back to the story without any delay. We started our journey towards my friend’s home on my bike and it was almost full dark. After traveling for more than 45 minutes she grabbed me tightly. I was in shock and feeling good too because her hands were on my chest and her boobs was injected on my back and head on my shoulder...

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On A Rainy Day With Wang

That happened in a rainy day, was not accidental , but really well planned…. Ok let me introduce my name is Jason (name changed) and I am living in Kochi working with a software company in managerial cadre, I am in my 30’s like 31 years….. I am a regular visitor of a branded showroom in lulu, this guy been catching my attention for so many days, yes I like north east guys, they are really so cute and sweet to be with, on my last visit I gave my mobile number to him and got a message back with...

Gay Male
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Sharing Me In Shareauto On A Rainy Day In Wet Saree

It was a rainy day in Chennai, where i work as a Receptionist for a Sales and Marketing Company in Maraimalai Nagar. I am a pretty girl in early 20s with 34D-28-34, fair skin, black long hair, brown eyes. Usually i wear official uniform of Shirt or t-shirt and Pant except Friday, when i wear my choice ranging from saree, half saree, skirt, t-shirt, other casuals. On this Friday i was in my sleeveless red chiffon saree. Morning sky was clear and reached without issues. But evening, it started...

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Mom and Me on rainy day

100% fiction! Hi freinds, i'm vivek from Nagpur. I will not waste your time, i'll come directly to my story.This is a true incident of my life belive it or not. It was happend on rainy days of 2006. Me and mom living together on nagpur ,as i was doing my 11th from nagpur. dad was got transfered to Pune just 4 months ago. He hardly visited 2 times in 4 months.Now he was busy upto diwali. so it was only me & mum upto diwali. Since it was rainy season most of the time i would bunk the college &...

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A Story For A Rainy Day

A STORY FOR A RAINY DAY A STORY FOR A RAINY DAYEDMUNDO SLOTH  I know that you are feeling playful. You have locked the bathroom door but not before selecting your favourite outfit from the special wardrobe. You had polished the latex on the outside so it gleamed as it caught the light and talced the inner layer so that you will be able to easily slide into it.You adore the black latex maid?s dress with its high top and short puff sleeves, elasticated waist and pleated skirt that is so...

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A Mothers Helping Hands Part III

A Mother's Helping Hands - Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDFORWARDI can't thank all my fans and friends enough for the wonderful support, and countless inquiries about Part III... and most of all your understanding and compassion as I dealt with my loss in 2014. Now onto the story. If you haven't read Parts I or II recently, or not at all, I might recommend you do so for continuity's sake. You can link them...

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Scarlett and the Yankee CarpetbaggerAct III

As the curtain fell down on Act II, Scarlett was lying on her bed. Her sobs were heart-rending and pitiful. The creamy white cum from both Rufus and Horatio was still leaking from her roughly-used pussy and anus. Her nipples were still sore from their nasty treatment at the hand of the disgraced girl's schoolmaster, Horatio Sherman. She had asked for this special treatment to her titties to drive her into a mind-blowing orgasm. It was just what she needed as her posterior was stretched...

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Danis Story Book I Awakening Chapter III

Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. Chapters I and II took Dani through her initial transition in the hands of her Mummy and Sir John. She is now to be presented to (a very select) society as a sissy debutant. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I...

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Niece Goes To College Chapter III

*Authors note: Please read chapters one and two before this as this is a continuing story. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. ReebThere was a light tap on my door, “Uncle Ronnie, can I come in?”Not sure what to do, I quickly set the laptop on the night table next to the bed and answered her, “Sure honey, come on in.”She opened the door and stood there in her gorgeous blue lingerie panty and bra set. The crotch of her panties was dark and soaking wet, a very dark blue compared to her sexy bra. She had...

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A rainy night late shopping

A rainy night late shoppingIt was a Friday evening, Victor away for the rest of the weekend; home alone.I went downtown to the local mall for some late shopping. As I walked down the hallway on my way out, I noticed the lights went out. It was a rainy night, filled with thunderstorms and surely this was the reason of the darkness: some thunder had stroke the energy.At least I knew that the lights would return in a moment. So, I just stood there in a dark corner of the parking lot waiting before...

1 year ago
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Rekha Aunty 8211 Rainy Night Under The Blanket

It was a typical sunny day in cochin in rainy season. I opened my eyes and looked at the time in my mobile, usually by this time I will be on my way to office. But today I was on leave as my aunt from my native place coming to city on some work. As she don’t know anything in the city, she asked my help. I got ready in few minutes and started to railway station. Train was little late and I was waiting on platform for my aunt. My aunt name is Rekha. She lives in our neighborhood in my village,...

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The Chace McCartson Tale RW Chapter III

This is a rewrite of a story I had published here in 2012. This is an attempt of finishing it, taking over where it stopped in 2015 after I am done rewriting. It has re-checked and better English, additional scenes and lines, probably heading to a totally new experience altogether, as I took in consideration all the evaluation and comments I received back then. So, if you're new to this, please, don't go looking for the old ones that are still up, as it may ruin your reading. Some...

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Trumped Up Punishments Chapter 10 Fundraiser III

Trumped Up Punishments – Chapter 10: An unusual fund-raiser, Part IIIRebecca’s mother, Mrs. Ward, was seated in the first row of the school theater at Millennium High. She was a Hillary supporter, a feminist through and through, and she simply could not believe what had just happened to Eloise and Ibby. She was worried about her own daughter, still seated on the stage, and dead set to win the right to determine her punishment when the time came. She tried to concentrate on the ‘Friends of...

2 years ago
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter III

Chapter III – Teacher’s Education (based on Falling in Love No. 9 cover, DC Comics, Jan-Feb 1957)I am a student at Wayne School of Business where I take Administration and Foreign Commerce classes along with my boyfriend Allan. We are good students there but there was one time that we both had trouble with Miss Fiona McMillan, one of the professors of the place. Allan and me had a bad grade on her classes and therefore we could be in danger to miss part of the summer with extra classes. And...

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Marks Dark Desires Chapter III

Again, the same as last night, as she turned around, he was gone. She couldn’t stand it any longer. She had to feel her brother’s cock deep inside her, wrap her lips around him and suck him dry, feel his lips on her nipples or licked the folds of her young pussy. She wanted him so badly that her body ached to feel his touch.Kayla stepped from the shower and quickly dried off. She wrapped the towel around her body and as if she was walking on air, she walked down the hallway towards her...

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It Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time Chapter III

It Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time Chapter III Juliette Lima Well here's a how-de-do, now I lie flat on my back hands and feet bound to the tie downs in my own pickup truck dressed in bra, corset, thong, and heels. The tailgate is down showing anyone following my pantied and red-paddled rear. My sore derriere chafed on the remnants of the pine bark mulch I had just hauled home for my garden, the roads Marie was taking were obviously back roads as the bouncing was severe. I...

2 years ago
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My Niece Comes to Stay Chapter III

As I ended my twenty laps, I sat on a step with the warm water up around my chest. My thoughts returned from last night as I envisioned my sexy young nieces licking each other to orgasms. My cock hardened as I sat there thinking of Lauren and Allison’s sweet little teenage hard bodies. Suddenly I was brought back to reality as I felt a presence over my left shoulder. There stood my youngest niece Allison in an absolutely too small red bikini. Her bikini was a string type with such small patches...


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