Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Chapter VIII free porn video

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Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER VIII It felt like I was crying for ages as I rocked in Aunt Joan's arms. Between sobs, I tried to describe the dream I'd had about my fifth birthday party. Even though it had been a dream, most of it was just like what had happened on that day. When I got to the nightmare part and told her about what my father had done, it brought back up all anger I felt towards him and reminded me of why I was afraid of him. I got to a point where there were more sobs than words and stopped trying to speak. Aunt Joan held me close and made soft, comforting sounds. What was making me cry the most was the sense of loss. My father, the man who had loved me and was always there to protect me, had disappeared the day he saw me in the dress Aunt Marie had given me for my birthday. While he had never hit me again, he also barely touched me after that day. Eventually, I had no more tears, just a deep ache. I was still sniffling when I realized where a faint but painfully familiar stink had been coming from. "Aunt Joan, I think I ...." "Sh sh shhhh, we'll take care of that in a moment." Aunt Joan turned towards Cori and Terri, who were partially blocking the light coming in through the doorway. "It's okay girls. You can go back to bed, but I'll need to talk to you in a few minutes, Cori." After they both left, Aunt Joan pulled a tissue from a fuzzy box sitting on the nightstand beside the bed, blotted at the tears on my cheeks, and then held the tissue up to my nose. "Blow your nose, sweetie." The trumpeting sounds she made when I blew my nose made me giggle, but it didn't take away the shame I was feeling. "Aunt Joan, I'm so sorry I wet Cori's bed." "Don't worry, Bobby. I'm certain she'll understand." "But the mattress ...." "... Will be just fine." Aunt Joan brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, stood up, and walked over to Cori's dresser. "Let's find you some fresh clothes to change into." The stink was a lot worse after I pulled back the covers. My guilt doubled when I rolled onto my side and felt the chill on the back of my damp pajama bottoms. I stood up and turned to strip the bed, but wasn?t on my feet long after I shifted my weight onto my right foot. No sooner had I yelped in pain and stumbled than Aunt Joan dropped the clothes she was holding back into the dresser drawer and ran over to me. "What do you think you're doing, Bobby? After she helped me back into bed, I reached for my aching foot and felt the bandage wrapped around it. "I'd forgotten about my ankle. In my dream it wasn't hurt." "Well, we can't have you trying to walk on it yet. If you're anything like Cori had been after she slipped out of that tree a few summers ago, I'd probably have to sit on you to get you to stay in bed." For a moment, I found myself worrying what I'd do if someone as big as Aunt Joan tried to sit in me, but the wink she gave me before walking over to Cori's closet told me she was just teasing. I spent a few minutes sitting on the bed, trying not to breathe through my nose while listening to the scritch of hangers sliding across clothes racks and the scrape of boxes being shoved around the closet. "Aunt Joan, whatcha doing in there?" "I'm looking for ... ah, found it." She walked out of the closet carrying a small aluminum crutch with pink padding on the armrest. "I was hoping Cori would still have this. She's almost as much of a packrat as her sister." After helping me balance on my good foot, Aunt Joan placed the crutch under my right arm and showed me how to use it as an extra leg so I wouldn't make my injured ankle any worse. Once I more or less got the hang of using the crutch, Aunt Joan lead me out of the bedroom, across the hall, and into the bathroom. While I stood in the middle of the cold tiled floor, wishing the back of my pajama bottoms weren't wet so I could sit down someplace out of the way, Aunt Joan reached past me to drop the clothes she had been carrying onto the closed toilet lid. I was expecting her to wrinkle her nose when she was standing so close, but all she did was smile at me before kneeling down in front of the bathtub. The faucet knobs squeak as she adjusted them; soon, a cloud of steam began floating out of the tub. When she added the bubble bath, the flowery scent didn't completely cover the smell that had followed me since I got out of bed, but it helped. "Okay sweetie, let's get you out of those wet clothes." Without really being aware of what I was doing, my elbows clamped down to my sides as Aunt Joan started pulling at my pajama top. She froze for a minute, looking embarrassed and slightly worried, before letting go. "I'm so sorry, Bobby. After hearing about what happened when you were little, I should have ... would you rather me not help you?" I had to think about that. It hadn?t been so long ago when Aunt Joan had taken off my shirt before shampooing the mud out of my hair. I hadn't felt at all shaky then, just a bit shy. "Any other time I think I'd be okay. But right now, after having had that dream ...." Lightly stroking my cheek with her fingertips, Aunt Joan nodded and smiled, but her soft sigh sounded sad. "I think I understand." She pointed to a small wicker basket with the edge of a trashcan liner peeking out from under the plastic lid. "When you change out of the jammies you're wearing, just toss them into the little hamper over there by the sink." Aunt Joan glanced at the tub, and then turned the knobs until the rumble of falling water wound down to a trickle, ending in a few muffled plops as the last of the water dripped into a tub full of fizzing soap bubbles. "Try not to get the bandage on your foot wet when you're in the tub, sweetheart. If you need help with anything, just call. I'll be right across the hall in Cori's room." "Thank you, Aunt Joan." The words seemed so empty compared to how I actually felt. What I really wanted to do was hug her, but it didn't feel right while still in my wet clothes. "You're welcome, Bobby." Aunt Joan ran her fingers through the back of my hair. "When you've washed and changed, come back into Cori's room." Once Aunt Joan closed the door behind her, I stripped off my clothes and tossed them into the hamper. After climbing into the tub, I slowly slid down into the bubbles, being careful to keep my right foot from getting wet. The warmth of the bath water seemed to melt away the last bit of fear left over from the nightmare. For some reason, this got me started crying again. It only lasted a minute and was a lot less noisy than before. A weight I hadn't realized was there seemed to slip from my shoulders when it was over. It was tempting to just sit there and soak, but I was too afraid of falling asleep and going back to where my nightmare had left off. Instead, I quickly washed up and shampooed my hair before letting the bubble bath drain out of the tub. It was a bit tricky trying to rinse off under the shower while standing on one foot and holding the other out of the tub. After I was finished drying off and cleaning up the water that had splashed out of the tub, I went to the clothes Aunt Joan had left for me. The white panties on top were almost like the ones I'd been wearing earlier, except these had pink hearts and smiling blue moons around the waistband. I still had some trouble deciding which side was the front. They felt better the second time I pulled them up when the tag was against my left hip, so I decided to keep them on like that. The only other piece of clothing left was what looked like an extra-long t- shirt. It seemed unusually plain for something coming out of Cori's dresser. The one thing that made it look a little girlish was the large picture on the front of Hello Kitty wearing a frilly blue nightgown and a matching bow over her ear. After slipping the shirt over my head, I hung my damp towel over an empty towel rack, grabbed the crutch, and headed back across the hall. The first thing I noticed when I reached Cori's bedroom was how the air smelled fresh and clean instead of stinking from wet bed sheets. I glanced at the bed, noticed the covers looked different, and wondered who had changed the sheets and made the bed for me. I turned to the desk and saw Aunt Joan sitting there with Cori in her lap. They were both staring at the computer monitor on the desk. Before I could decide which of them to thank for changing the sheets, Aunt Joan turned to me, smiled, waved me in, and then whispered in her daughter's ear as I came into the bedroom. Cori nodded to whatever had been whispered, slid off her mom's lap, and walked up to me. For a moment, she just stood there, staring at her feet. "There's ... there's something I wanna tell you, Bobby. It's kinda personal, but I think you might understand." I felt confused by the sudden shyness. "What's wrong, Cori?" Cori finally looked up. "Nothing's really wrong. It's just ... it'd be easier to show you." Grabbing my left hand, Cori led me into her closet and opened the door to one of the cubbies inside. It was the same door she had been so upset about me trying to open before. She took out what looked like a pair of thick, white underpants with a butterfly print on the front. "These are called Goodnites." "What are they?" "They're sorta like panties, but they help keep you from wetting the bed." "You mean ... like a diaper?" For the first time since I'd met her, Cori blushed. "Not really. Diapers are made for babies, but Goodnites are made for kids." "Oh." Things started clicking into place in my sleepy brain. "So, do you wear them all the time?" "No, only when I go to bed." I glanced down at my friend's hips, but couldn't see any noticeable extra thickness under her pajama bottoms. "You mean, like right now?" Cori nodded and her blush deepened. "I ain't had to change the sheets since I started wearing them." Cori closed the cubby door and held the Goodnites out to me. "Would you like to use a pair?" The idea of never waking up to wet bed sheets was almost too amazing to imagine. "Wow ... ummm ...." Cori put the Goodnites in my hand. "These are yours. You can put them on if you want when I go back out to the bedroom. If you decide not to, just put them back in the cubby." She gave me a quick hug around the shoulders. "Either way it'll be okay." After Cori left, I stood there for a minute, balancing on my good foot and the crutch while looking at what she had just handed to me. While I really wasn't sure about wearing what felt a lot like a diaper, I also knew I didn't want to take a chance wetting my friend's bed again. Once my mind was set, I took off my panties and pulled the Goodnites up over my hips. They weren't as tight as I had been expecting and a bit warmer than the panties. The extra padding between my legs felt a little odd, but being able to wake up to a dry bed more than make up for that. Aunt Joan was still in front of the computer when I came out to the bedroom. Her arm was around Cori, who was standing beside her mom. Aunt Joan was speaking to her daughter in a low voice when she turned to me and waved. "There you go, Bobby. We were starting to wonder when you were coming out. You can put the panties in the hamper by the door." Even though I should have known it was impossible, considering how well most mothers could hear, I had been hoping to find someplace to put the panties before anyone saw so they wouldn't know for sure what I was wearing. After tossing the panties in the hamper, I turned and saw Aunt Joan holding her arms out to me. "Come here for a minute, sweetheart. I'd like to show you something." I barely had time to lean my crutch against the desk before Aunt Joan picked me up. There was a soft crinkling as I settled into her lap, but I seemed to be the only one to notice the sound. ?Whatcha wanna show me?? ?There?s some information online Cori and I have found helpful; we thought you might like to take a look at it.? Aunt Joan reached around me and typed something on the keyboard in front of us. A window popped up on the monitor and I quickly noticed the Goodnites logo in the upper left corner. "Is this the place that makes those ... panties?" I'd almost called them diapers, but I didn't want to think of them as that, especially since I was wearing a pair of them. Aunt Joan's cheek rubbed my ear as she nodded. "That's right, Bobby. They have a special website for kids and parents dealing with bed-wetting." She began clicking through the site, pointing out where they had info about why some kids wet their beds and how to wake up dry more often. We even spent a little time scrolling through their message board, looking at post where people were asking for help and getting advice and support. "Wow, I kinda knew I wasn't the only kid who wet the bed, but I had no idea there was so many." I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes as I started reading the next message. Cori leaned over my arm and looked at what I had up on the monitor. "Oh, that's another post from Anna. She's always got good advice. I've e-mailed her a couple of times when I had questions I didn't everyone to see. If your mom says it's okay, I'll give you her address." "I ain't got a computer." "Oh ... well, does your mom let you borrow hers?" "She ain't got one either." I was feeling both annoyed and embarrassed. I hated being the only kid I knew who didn't have a computer at home. Cori stifled a yawn. "Well, you could use my computer if you want when you come over to visit." Aunt Joan hugged her daughter around the waist. "That's a very thoughtful thing to offer, honey. But I think it's about time we turned off the computer and got you two back in bed." Cori pouted after the computer was turned off, but it didn't last long after Aunt Joan tickled her ribs and Cori started giggling. "Moooom, n-no fair!" Aunt Joan's voice was playful. "I can't have you going to sleep grumpy. Now get that bottom back in bed." Reaching behind me, Cori wrapped her arms around her mom and squeezed tight. "G'night, Mom." Aunt Joan swung an arm around her daughter and squeezed back. "Good night, honeybunch." After kissing her mom goodnight, Cori surprised me by kissing me on the cheek. "Goodnight, Bobby. I hope you don't get no more nightmares." Before I could think of more to say than, "Thank you," Cori was out the door. I scooted around in Aunt Joan's lap until I was sitting sideways and could look up at her. "I dunno if I can go to sleep just yet." Wrapping an arm around my back, Aunt Joan began brushing loose strands of damp hair out of my face. "You know, when my girls have nightmares, I usually rock them back to sleep." "Even Terri?" Aunt Joan grinned. "Not as much as when she was little, but there are still times when she needs to be held. Would you like to rock for a little while, sweetie?" I only had to nod once before Aunt Joan stood up with me in her arms and carried me over to the wooden rocking chair in the back corner of Cori's room. Before she started rocking, Aunt Joan pulled a knitted blanket from under the chair and used it to cover my bare legs and feet. Cuddled up under the covers, I leaned against Aunt Joan and listened to her heart beating. "I love you, Aunt Joan." Almost as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I felt guilty. "I mean, not the way I love my mom, but ... I mean ...." Aunt Joan pulled me closer. "I think I understand what you're saying. Nobody could ever take the place your mommy has in your heart, and I would never try. Love is a pretty amazing thing; you can feel it in many different ways for as many different people as you know." "Can you love someone and hate them at the same time too?" "Yes, it is possible." Aunt Joan was quiet for a moment. "Were you thinking of someone in particular?" "I guess I was kinda thinking about my dad. I always feel so mixed up when I think about him." Aunt Joan's chin touched the top of my head as she nodded. "Love can be confusing sometimes, but it can be simple as well. For instance, I know I will always love my daughters, no matter what." We rocked in silence for a few minutes. "You know what else, Bobby?" I yawned and stretched my legs out under the blanket. "What's that, Aunt Joan?" "I love you too."

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part VIII By Cal Y. Pygia Another torrent of semen rushed through the cavernous vagina, sweeping Buffy before its irresistible force. Again, she felt millions of fresh sperm wriggling over her bare flesh, thrashing their whip-like flagella against her erect nipples, puffy areolas, pert breasts, concave tummy, downy pubes, stiff cock and bunched scrotum, rounded ass, and shapely legs. The male sex gametes were all over her, writhing and squirming...

4 years ago
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Green Acres VIII

"Green Acres VIII" A week later it was officially the end of summer vacation, the night before the county bus was to come and pick up the boys just like it did every fall. Mr. And Mrs. Foster sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee as the evening wound down. It was obvious a conversation was ongoing. "You've been giving him female what!?" Mr. Foster exclaimed with surprise as he looked to his wife. "Hormones, female hormones," she said quietly. "It's made Dale so much more...

4 years ago
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All Dolled Up Part VIII

By Missy Crystal All Dolled Up - Part VIII Jamie wants his mother to buy him a doll for a birthday present. She does and a journey of discovery begins for both of them. The phone rang four times. I was just about to hang up when a woman's voice answered. "Hello." "Helen?" "Yes." "This is Virginia, Ginny McCarthy. I'm Jamie's mother. We met last week in the park. I hope I'm not calling at a bad time." "Ginny, no, not at all. Your timing is perfect. We just...

4 years ago
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The Curtsey part VIII

The Curtsey Part VIII By Sissy Smith Alicia sat there staring into the mirror hardly believing it was his own reflection looking back. "How could he look so feminine? What had Lisa done to him that so magically turned him into such a feminine looking person." "Well Alicia, what do you think?" "About what?" "How you look silly." "I, ah, I..." "Well you look very cute if you ask me. In fact I think it was a mean trick to have you act like a man all this time when you...

1 year ago
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From Gary to Greta Part VIII

Part VII From Gary to Greta was written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed. This story is definetely not for people underage. So if you are too young or don?t like TG-Stories stop reading. By Domme Mistress and Greta From Gary to Greta Part VIII Friday evening my wife and I went out for a long walk along the river Seine. Two women, arm in arm. Granted, my wife is really beautiful. And next to her, I too in a tight skirt, sheer blouse, bra clearly...

3 years ago
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A Year Ago part VIII

A Year Ago - part VIII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phase of the story... As I entered InteriorBent I noted that Avery was wearing a dress and Madison was in heels and a skirt. Her medium pumps were saddle colored with a rolled nose. Those breasts were settled in a gray brassiere I noted. Avery's dress was at least 3" above the knee and she wore slingbacks in black. The three of us had clearly dressed for...

3 years ago
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Taffeta Torment VIII

VIII Joyce was waiting eagerly in her bedroom. When Barbara and Joan opened the door and ushered John inside, she was not disappointed although she could not hide a voice that was thick with lust as John tottered and swished towards her settee. "Come darling, sit beside me. I have some work for you perform. But nothing too difficult on your first day." She was dressed in a black taffeta frock, pure 1950s style, with a satin bodice and skirt draped in chiffon. Black stockings and...

1 year ago
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Away for the Summer Part VIII

Away for the Summer, Part VIII by Forsythe This is a continuation of an ongoing story. Please read Parts I through VII before continuing. Further edited versions to the segments of this tale may be found on my Deviant Art account: Sally had a hard time sleeping that night, as she tossed and turned trying to decide her best options for telling Joe some version of the truth that would also prevent the revelation from undoing part or all of the work...

3 years ago
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Revenge of a Goddess Part VIII

Revenge of a Goddess, Part VIII By Limbo's Mistress Chapter Fifteen I didn't move from my spot on the stool for several minutes. All I could do was sit there, paralyzed with shock while the images from seconds before continued to swirl around and around in my brain. Sections of my mind, deep in the recesses, attempted to remain in denial about this new revelation. However, the core part of me, the main part, had already moved on to the acceptance stage. I was horny for my...

2 years ago
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Sisters Gift VIII

Part VIII End of Part VII: The doctors came in and saw that Abby had woken. They had to check vitals and see how everything was. He said that in the next few days Gabby could go home, but she had to stay away from anything too strenuous for the next couple of days. Before the doctor could even finish his sentence, Gabby asked, “Does that include sex?” Abby and I couldn’t help but smile. “You have a special someone at home?” The doctor inquired. “Something like that…” came the sly response,...

2 years ago
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21st Century Subterranean Slavery Part VIII

21st Century Subterranean Slavery Part VIII          Back in the lineupOne-eight-six felt wild and untamed on her first day back in the lineup. She deliberately stumbled within the chain gang next to the board walk. She stopped now and then defiantly yanking the chain in front of her, forcing the slave behind her to crash into her back. When the guard lashed her she spat in her face leading to more lashes. By the time she got to the display section her ass and thighs were well striped. She...

4 years ago
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A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII

A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII - Jezebel has returned to hir classes at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. We are all getting an education on the Matriarchy in hir sissy life skills class. (Authors note: We are definitely at that world building point, where I really let my imagination fly off the hook. I am throwing out a lot of ideas, but hopefully in...

3 years ago
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Dont Be Too Familiar VIII

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR VIII Jessica ran to the bathroom and threw up. Rinsing her mouth and gargling, she did her best to rid herself of her failed attempt at punishing her disrespectful minion. Stubs followed her into the room, concerned for her. Brushing her teeth and repeatedly spitting, she just wished everything could be normal again. Standing with both hands grasping the sink, wearing clothes that were adulating unseen by anyone but the wearer, she gathers her strength....

1 year ago
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Becoming an Egirl Part VIII

Author's Note: this is a fan made continuation of the original 2 part story written by the brilliant and beautiful Ashley barron, and a continuation of Mystery Girl's continuation of Ashley's original 2- parter series. Please follow Ashley on her on Twitter or Instagram (@AlsoAshleyB), Tumblr (AlsoAshley), Reddit (AlsoAshley) and as always, you can find all her modeling stuff on Patreon ( and OnlyFans ( The original concepts are all her's...

1 year ago
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Party Women Need Love too VIII

Indiscreet Innocence VIII: Kathleen Does It Like a Pig Kathleen found herself now surrounded since everybody. Laura looked as pig-like as a woman could get and still be attractive with her full breasts flailing from her masturbating, and cum dripping off her chin and nipples. She wanted nothing more than to bring the once-haughty Kathleen down to her level. "Good! The slut came! We got her nish an opened up for some cock. NOW, LESS GET HER FUCKED,” announced Laura who with the other hand had...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part VIII

Dans le Murs – Part VIII Synopsis: Simone has discovered Sonia and Pippa, two of her compatriot school friends, performing for JOKER and involved Colin in their education. The pair supervise filming with the teenagers and Simone persuades Colin to allow her to accompany him to the Sect. Now read on. Part 8 – Advancement Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK, which currently stands at 18 years. Whilst consensual sexual relations...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Rainy Day Woman Chapter 2

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 2 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 12.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon work of John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 2: As soon as Mrs Atkinson had left the room, Mr. Hawkins expostulated "Thank god that arrogant bitch has left! How dare she take control of the meeting? She'll have a little pansy like you for breakfast. I shall...

2 years ago
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Rainy Day Woman Chapter 4

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 4 Author: - Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 18.05.2016 - 6.6.2017 This is a work of fan fiction based upon John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in the 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Apologies to those following the story for the long delay, I have been rather ill and required surgery which rather took away my muse. Here's hoping I can recover it. Laura, Glynis and Julie entered the lift but it...

3 years ago
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Rainy Day Sex Marathon

I was gasping for air as the cum launched out from my cock and hit me in the face. It was a very powerful orgasm, not huge in volume, but very strong intensity because it was my 3rd one of the morning. I’d woken up to the sound of pounding rain outside, and, of course, to my daily “morning riser” hardon. When it rains like this, it makes me remember one of my favorite sex experiences almost 4 years ago, the summer I turned 16. My girlfriend Kellie and I had hiked about a mile through the...

3 years ago
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A rainy day with sister

I am deep from India 24years old having normal physical structure. We are having a small family of five persons. My mom is a normal house wife and father is working a job. And my sister Shikha a 22 years now. My sister was reading in high school then she was 19 years old she was studying in twelve standards. Her height was 5″ 2″ then. She is thin and beautiful. Her boobs are perfectly shaped and her butts are very hot and give her a very sexy look. She is having black hairs and when she lets...

1 year ago
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A rainy day with Shikha

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am raju from india 24years old having normal physical structure. we are having a small family of five persons. My mom is a normal house wife and father is working a job. And my sister shikha a 22 years now. My sister was reading in high school then she was 19 years old she was studying in twelve standard.Her height was 5' 2" then. she is thin and beautiful. Her boobs are perfectly shaped and her butts are very hot and gives her a very sexy look. she...

3 years ago
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A rainy day with Roma

Following is another real life account sent to me by my friend Soham. It describes his account with his then girlfriend Roma at her house on a rainy day. I still remember her silky thighs, the thin layer of fat on her tummy, her perky boobs, her kohl lined eyes and the soft moans she made when I licked her moist pussy… She was a sumptuous lady who knew her body; she wanted pleasure and was not afraid to please either… I’ll tell you a story of a rainy day… The monsoons were raging in their full...

1 year ago
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RuneswardChapter 64 Rainy Days and Onedays

“You might as well just come out and say it,” Gillen said around the succulent venison she was chewing. As usual, she was taking her evening meal with her old mentor, Tergin Givens. The two had transcended their original teacher-student relationship and had become good friends. Gillen looked up into the evening sky. There was no moonlight or starlight to provide light. Nearly the entire day had been dark, with black and gray clouds rolling over the sky. Towards the evening, the wind had...

2 years ago
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Katy Perry Best Worst Rainy Day

WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the video games, characters, developers etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Katy Perry (Singer)Best Worst Rainy DayA celebrity erotic storyBy DaxG2001 ([email protected])Codes: MF, Cons, Oral, Anal.* *...

2 years ago
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A Rainy Day In Village

By : Themariner Every October we visited grandfather house. But for me this was my first visit in nearly 8 years. I was very much excited as I could live on my child hood life again, running in the paddy fields, catching fish by the river, sleeping under the tree in afternoon etc. My parents, my younger sister and I were very happy as we all were going together again after a long time and I knew how much I missed grandfather house and the freedom of enjoyment. But never did I or anyone else...

3 years ago
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Bobbys Submission

Introduction: Some of this story is true, some just hasnt happened . . . yet! My wife, Dana, and I have been experimenting with bondage and other kinky activities for a year or two now. She is not interested in being the submissive/bottom, and I prefer that role. So with that decided from the beginning we have slowly added more and more to our list. I have fantasized about all kinds of things for some time, but was hesitant to bring it up with her. Finally I did and we started with simple...

4 years ago
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Bobbys day EPSOM racecourse

On Wednesday last it was a lovely morning so I had an idea to go up to the downs for a walk, I stopped by the tea hut to get a nice cuppa, sat on the bench to drink it, spoke to a few dog walkers as they went on theyre way across the race course. Which is where I had planned to go also. after finnishing my cuppa. Well I thought I had better go for a pee before heading out for my walk. I headed down to the public toilets about 200 yards away from the tea hut, when I went in, there were 2 guys...

1 year ago
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Rainy Nights can be Exciting Too Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I remember being stuck inside my apartment during those rainy nights. Boredom and frustration lead me to chat with strangers online and suddenly my rainy nights weren’t so depressing anymore. I saw Katya that night and just loved the way she responded to me. Even though we were physically apart she definitely lit my fire. Today is another rainy night, but today we are face to face. I place kisses on her body and see the blush that covers her. I kiss her face, her neck and her belly. I want to...

1 year ago
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Rainy day play

I think it all started when Jill and I ran into Joe and Sue in the strip mall on a rainy afternoon last summer. We were married only a couple months, living in a rental condo, and Joe and Sue were neighbours we sometimes met on walks. So we knew each other just well enough we had to say hello when we met. Not that we didn’t like them, its just that we had nothing in common with them. They were a little older, not much, but enough so they lived in their own house. They were just people we could...

2 years ago
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A Rainy Day In The Old Barn

"Gerald, Is that you?" a familiar female voice asked from somewhere behind me. Turning, I just barely recognized Jenny Wolf. She had been one year behind me in High School. She was also one of the prettiest girls in the Junior class the last time I had seen her. Now all grown up, she was, in a word —stunning! The last time I saw Jenny was over two years ago. Since then, I had been half way around the world. At the moment, I was home on leave from the Navy. With my leave almost over, I had...

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