Rowena Awakes free porn video

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Rowena was tired. Rowena was always tired. She was tired when she went to bed, tired when she woke up, tired all day long.

She took a last look round the room she had just finished preparing, noting the main items. ‘Bed. Quite an adequate desk – it was the one dad gave me for my eighteenth birthday. Good swivel chair. Armchair, wardrobe, dressing table, bright curtains and a rug, gas fire. Yes, it should be all right.’ She sighed wearily.

‘Wish I’d never volunteered,’ she muttered to herself. ‘Having to look after someone else, cook for them, and I suppose wash and clean for them. Why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut?’

Two Sundays before the minister had announced in church that people with spare rooms in their house were being sought to take in university students. The students came from inland rural areas, and there was a shortage of accommodation for them. Most of these students had never been away from their families before, so it was thought desirable for them to be boarded with families in the city.

Rowena had sniggered to her self in a weary sort of way. She thought, ‘I should imagine one of the last things these young people wanted was another family breathing down their necks. What they’ll be after will be the freedom to get into all sorts of trouble.’

After the service, she noted that few people seemed to be rushing to take on these students. ‘They probably realise the difficulties they might be getting themselves into, taking on seventeen and eighteen year olds,’ she thought.

Despite her gloomy prognostications about what might be expected from youth, and on the spur of an altruistic moment, she volunteered.

‘I’ve got that whole house to myself,’ she told the minister. ‘There are three bedrooms, and I could turn the big one into a bedroom and study.’ Now she regretted her impetuosity. She foresaw and foreheard, loud music, feet clumping, riotous behaviour, foul language and perhaps even drugs.

The minister had been doubtful. Not that he had said so, but you could tell by his attitude. He knew Rowena was a woman always in a state of depression, always brooding over her loss. She was a loyal church attendee and he did not wish to offend her, so he said, ‘I’ll let you know Rowena when I’ve got all the names of those volunteering.’

Rowena was only thirty-two but looked and behaved as if she was fifty. Those who had known her only since her beloved Ken had been killed five years before, would never have believed she had once been a scintillating and attractive young woman. Young men and not so young men had pursued her in those days, but in vain. It was not until her lovely Ken had taken her by storm, that she succumbed. Her wedding day had been the happiest day of her life. Both she and Ken had married as virgins. In the few years that followed their love had given rise to a great passion. Their marriage seemed to lack nothing, except the one thing they both longed for, a child. When Rowena announced to Ken that she was pregnant, it was a day of high celebration for both of them.

Three months later Rowena opened the door to find a policeman standing there. She knew before he even spoke. She simply said, ‘Ken!’ He nodded. Ken had been killed in a car accident on his way to work. Rowena fainted, and the shock caused her to abort the child.

Since that awful day Rowena had wandered across an emotional wasteland. At first, nothing could console her for her double loss. She told her story to anyone who would listen, and wept endlessly. Later she ceased weeping and seemed to close off from life.

She carried on the daily routines, but with a weary resignation. She rarely spoke to anyone, and those who did try to converse with her found her remote, looking all the time as if she was in some distant place and not hearing them. Physically she seemed to age suddenly, walking with bowed shoulders and shuffling feet.

In the weeks after she had volunteered to take in a student she heard nothing further. In fact, the minister had hoped he would not have to take up her offer. Rowena was relieved. ‘I won’t have to be bothered after all, ‘ she thought.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, the minister found he had one student he had been unable to place. Despite his doubts about the wisdom of it, he was forced to resort to Rowena.

‘He’s a young fellow from a cattle station up north,’ he told Rowena. ‘His name is Steven and he’s nineteen years old, and being so isolated he’s had a bit of a battle to make it to university. He’s never been to the city before and his parents are concerned that he will be a bit lost.’

‘I had hoped it might be a girl,’ complained Rowena. ‘They’re not so noisy and messy as boys.’ Having three teenage daughters the minister thought otherwise, but maintained a diplomatic silence on the subject.

‘We really do need a place for Steven,’ said the minister. ‘If you won’t take him I don’t what we’ll do.’

So Rowena had reluctantly agreed, and awaited the arrival of her student boarder.

The minister brought him to the house, introduced them, and left. Rowena and Steven weighed each other up whilst trying not to look as if they were.

Steven’s first impression was ‘Probably a spinster disappointed in love. Might look all right if she wasn’t so slovenly.’

Rowena was a little more favourably impressed in a grouchy sort of way. ‘Hmm, a big chap,’ she thought, ‘Looks as if he’s got a lot of muscle. Not bad looking, and I suppose he’s got a few brains or he wouldn’t be going to university.’

She showed Steven the room she had prepared, and he thanked her and said it was ‘very nice.’ She invited him to come and have a cup of coffee in the kitchen thinking, ‘And I won’t make a habit of that.’

Over coffee, they continued the surreptitious examination of each other in a little more detail. Steven was very quiet and not the rumbustious country bumpkin Rowena had anticipated. He seemed very shy and reticent, giving only brief answers to her hesitant questions.

Having a male in the house after so many years of living alone, Rowena was finding it more difficult than usual to make conversation, yet deep inside her self a little spark seemed to ignite. Could it be an ember of unruly interest? Rowena stamped upon it firmly.

Steven, whose life on the cattle station had not brought him into much contact with women, apart from his mother and two sisters, was still aware of the basic difference between men and women. In the manner of most males meeting a female, young or old, he surveyed Rowena with a touch of libidinous interest.

‘Pity about her hair,’ he thought. ‘Could do with a comb through it. Nice face, if she didn’t look so sour. Good Lord, she’s got great breasts. She should show those off a bit more. Can’t see her legs. I wonder what they’re like? Must have a look when they come out from under the table.

These assessments went on under cover of hesitant and polite conversation, and when the coffee was finished and Rowena had instructed Steven as to meal times, washing days, bed sheet changes and so on, a silence fell upon them.

From Steven’s point of view, it was a question of how one was supposed to behave in a strange house with someone you had never met before. Should he continue to sit in the kitchen or go to his room? If he sat in the kitchen, would he be unwelcome? If he went to his room, would he appear impolite?

Rowena saved the situation by suggesting that Steven go and unpack. Both parted with some relief.

In the following weeks the pair got to know each other a little more. Steven spoke of his life on the cattle station, his parents and sisters. He also occasionally talked about the agricultural science course he was doing, but he spent a great deal of time either at the library or working in his room. He seemed to have no social life at all.

Rowena’s worst fears were not realised. Steven continued
very quiet and she saw no sign of the drugs she had been sure would be in evidence. She revealed very little of her own life, her conversation being mostly limited to domestic matters and church activities. The little ember that had glowed the first day was still not quite extinguished, but she wrote it off as a ‘motherly interest.’ Steven on the other hand, had taken the earliest opportunity to inspect Rowena’s legs, and concluded, ‘Not bad, not bad at all.’

Rowena, having now lived alone for some years had, like many people who find themselves in this situation, become neglectful of her personal appearance. Such people have no one to please, no one to remark how nice they look, it does not seem to matter how they are, who cares? Add to this Rowena’s usual state of depression, and you have someone who might be called, ‘A bit of a mess.’

The advent of Steven into her life having, as it were, got rid of one side of the equation, namely, being alone, the other side of the equation, her depressed state, also began to disappear. Rowena actually smiled occasionally.

I do not suggest that Rowena suddenly became her old radiant self, rather I would like you to understand that a gradual improvement in her appearance and demeanor seemed to occur.

It is possible that it was simply the passing of time and the diminishing of her bereavement for Ken at the dictates of nature that brought about this slow, evolutionary change, and not the presence of Steven. Certainly, the people at the church took this view. But you see, they did not dare to take any other view, or they might have to admit that the arrival of a young man in the life of ‘Poor old Rowena,’ might have been the agent of change. That would be naughty.

Whatever the agent was, the practical outcome was, that Rowena actually went to a good hairdresser and had her hair cut and styled. She dug out from the recesses of her wardrobe garments she had not worn since Ken was killed. They were perhaps a little behind the times, but were a considerable improvement on the tatty skirt, blouses and cardigans she had normally been seen in.

Even more dramatic changes emerged. She found some old make-up and occasionally applied it. She showered more carefully, and noticing that there was a considerable bush of under arm hair, attacked it with a razor. She stopped short of assaulting her pubic hair with the cold steel, but decided that her legs were long overdue for a shave.

I should like to point out that, like all evolutionary changes, Rowena’s were incremental and slow. Steven hardly noticed any changes in Rowena until a critical moment arrived, but this was largely because he was so immersed in his study he hardly took time to notice anything else.

Th end of the academic year arrived. Steven was due to go home for the coming weeks. Rowena found herself regretting his departure. From being sorry she had ever volunteered to take a student, she had come to enjoy the presence of this quiet young man. The thought of being alone in the house did not appeal at all. She wondered if she should volunteer again if the chance came. Steven settled the matter for her.

A few days before he was due to leave Steven approached Rowena as she worked in the kitchen. ‘I’ve got a favour to ask,’ he began. Rowena wondered what was coming. ‘I shall be returning for my second year,’ he went on, ‘and I wondered if you wouldn’t mind if I came to live here again? I mean, if I’ve been too much for you, I could probably find somewhere else now I’ve got used to the city, but I have liked it here.’

Rowena’s heart gave a little lurch, and for some reason she could not quite diagnose, her hands started to shake slightly. Her mind seemed to go into a sort of spin, making it difficult to answer the request.

Pulling herself together, Rowena managed to say, ‘You’d be very welcome to come back, Steven, and you haven’t been ‘too much’ for me.’

‘Oh, thanks,’ said a relieved Steven, ‘but there is one other thing. I’d like to come back before the new academic year starts. I haven’t really got around much all this year, so I’d like to do a bit of sight seeing and go to one or two shows. Would that be all right?’ Rowena felt another lurch of her heart.

Dates were arranged for Steven’s return, and a few days later, he was on his way to the inland and the cattle station.

As she expected, Rowena found his absence and the emptiness of the house oppressive. This did not, however, have the effect of returning her to a state of depression or the careless condition of her personal appearance she had previously suffered from. ‘He’s coming back, and I won’t be alone again.’

Rowena started counting the days until Steven’s return almost as soon as he left. For no particular reason, she found herself going to the room occupied by Steven and adding little touches to make it more comfortable and cheerful. He had left some of his belongings behind, and Rowena just happened to pick up one or two items sometimes, and they would be hugged to her breasts.

During the year of his stay with her, there had been nothing overtly sexual in the behaviour of Steven and Rowena. After the death of Ken, Rowena had almost completely shut her self off sexually. When on rare occasions sexual tension had overtaken her, she resorted to a dildo, fantasising that it was Ken still with her. Now she found that sexual tension was making itself more evident, and her fantasy was no longer Ken, but…She would not admit who it was to herself.

Rowena had seen no signs of girls in Steven’s life, ‘Not,’ she thought, ‘that he had much time for that sort of thing with all his studies.’ But she did wonder about his sex life. ‘I suppose he masturbates,’ she thought, ‘ poor boy.’

As the time for Steven’s return drew near, Rowena decided that a change in her wardrobe might be in order. Armed with the means of financial transaction: cash, credit card and chequebook, Rowena set forth.

She started from the skin outward, and began by purchasing some rather sexy underwear not normally considered fitting for a widow, even if young. Slack suits, which she had never worn before, dresses that displayed more of her than was formally on show followed and, most audacious of all, a bikini swimsuit, ‘Just in case I go swimming,’ she persuaded herself. (She had in fact not gone swimming since Ken’s death).

When she got her purchases home and unpacked them, she began to feign having regrets. ‘I don’t think I’d dare wear some of these,’ she muttered, but at the same time smiled a secret little smile, and went out again to have her hair attended to.

The day of Steven’s return found Rowena quivering with anticipation and a knot in her stomach. When he arrived looking brown and fit Rowena did something she had never done before, and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Steven was somewhat surprised by this affectionate welcome, and recovering sufficiently to return the kiss said, ‘That’s a very nice welcome. It’s great to be home.’

This statement seemed to cause a pause in conversation. It was the realisation that for Steven, ‘home’ was no longer the cattle station, but here, with Rowena.

It was Rowena who broke the momentary silence saying, ‘Its lovely to have you home, Steven.’ There was another pause as they stood, arms still about each other, and then Rowena led him into the kitchen for the meal she had ready for him.

The old routine of Steven spending the majority of his time in his room studying would not start until the beginning of the academic year. That was three weeks off. Instead, Steven began the sightseeing he had promised himself.

One night he went off to see a play, and on his return, Rowena was still up. ‘How was it?’ she asked. ‘Oh, great,’ he replied, ‘but…’ ‘But what?’ asked Rowena.

He paused for a moment, then said, ‘Its not much fun on your own.’

Rowena, who had hardly been out to see plays or films, or anything much at all for some yea
rs, agreed. ‘Yes, its not so good going on your own.’

Steven spoke quickly with an edge of nervousness. ‘Would you come with me sometimes?’

Rowena, whatever her daydreams might have been, was not prepared for this. She hesitated and Steven taking this to mean he had stepped out of place, started to say, ‘Perhaps it’s not the sort of thing you like, but I…

‘Oh, no, no,’ cut in Rowena, ‘It’s just that I think you’d have much more fun with someone your own age.’

Now his time away from Rowena had given Steven the chance to see her in a new light on his return. While staying with her, he had noted some changes in her, but it was seeing her after the break that gave him a new vision of his ‘landlady.’ What he had perceived as a woman with potentially good looks, shall we say a caterpillar, had now emerged as a rather attractive butterfly.

Steven, not having had wide experience in the world of male/female relations, was not sure how to proceed. Like many shy people whom, when they do speak out in awkward circumstances, often put the matter directly, he blundered on.

‘I don’t know any girls to take,’ he blurted out, then realising that this was not very flattering to Rowena, resorted to rather old-fashioned style and went on, ‘But of course I’d be proud to be seen out with you.’

Rowena wanted to laugh at this rather inept attempt to date her, but feeling a great tenderness for him in his plight, she responded, ‘And I’d love to go with you.’

‘That’s great,’ said Steven. ‘How about tomorrow night? We could go and see a film.’

Rowena, having been startled by Steven wanting to take her out at all, decided that she might as well go with the flow, and agreed.

They pored over the newspaper to find out what was showing, and made their selection.

Once started, the going out together did not stop. There were more films, plays and of all things, ice skating, which Steven had never experienced. He departed the ice rink with a few bruises and a slight limp.

All was going very happily and one evening Steven suggested they should go swimming in the sea next day if the weather was fine. Living deep in the inland he had never swum in the sea, in fact he had hardly seen the sea at all. Rowena had now got used to accepting his ideas about where they should go and what they should do, so she agreed without much thought. It was only when she retired to go to bed that a thought struck her. Having disposed of her old one-piece bathing suit, she would have to wear the bikini she had bought.

She had never been sure about the wisdom of the purchase, and the thought of wearing it in public and in front of Steven made her feel rather apprehensive.

She took out the garment and tried it on. ‘My God,’ she thought, ‘Its even briefer than I thought it was.’ The top was more an uplift for her breasts than a cover, this meant she was exposed almost to the nipples. The bottom half seemed to her little more than pieces of string just hanging together. This was a slight exaggeration of the facts brought on by her nervousness at the thought of wearing the thing on the morrow.

For all her reticence about wearing the bikini, she did note that her pubic hair extended outside the little sliver of cloth that ran over her genital area. She retired to the bathroom were she wielded the razor very effectively because thereafter no pubic hair displayed.

She retired to bed with mixed emotions about the coming visit to the sea and the wearing of the miniscule pieces of cloth. The thoughts of appearing so revealed before Steven brought upon her disturbing feelings, and to relieve them she had to resort to the dildo.

The day dawned fine and warm. Rowena put on her bikini in place of underwear, and slipped into a loose dress. Steven had also put on his swimming shorts, so there was no need to change at the beach. Rowena got out her now aging car, and off they drove.

It was still early in the day when they arrived at the beach, and there were few other people about. They divested themselves of their outer garments, Rowena simply letting her dress slip off her shoulders to fall onto the sand.

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The Awaking

For me, it started the day after my 15th birthday.I had suffered through the embarrassing ordeal of having my mother be one of my teachers in the spring semester.  The ending of the school year trumpeted, for me the end of school, the beginning of summer which started of my celebrated birthday.  Despite my parents, both educators in the local school system, being nearly over bearing and puritanically conservative people, they were very considerate when they came to throwing my...

3 years ago
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My personal Awaking

For me, it started the day after my 15th birthday.I had suffered through the embarrassing ordeal of having my mother be one of my teachers in the spring semester.  The ending of the school year trumpeted, for me the end of school, the beginning of summer which started of my celebrated birthday.  Despite my parents, both educators in the local school system, being nearly over bearing and puritanically conservative people, they were very considerate when they came to throwing my...

2 years ago
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Ethans Awaking

Ethan had been watching his twin sister with envy for many years now. Not so much her, but her clothes. The jealousy was driven by what Ethan was coming to recognize as his over-developed fashion sense. He loathed the lack of style in boy’s wear available to him.He looked down and sneered at the white briefs he wore.  He looked over at the open bathroom door.  He could see right through it to the open door into Madison’s bedroom. It was like her bedroom was calling to him. Come look. Come...

First Time
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I did not like the battle plan. I did not trust those that had made it and I did not think we had a chance. It was simple we, a full company of highly trained soldiers would be put into capsules and ejected out of a ship. It would be behind the moon and we would be in stasis until we reached the planet. As we entered the atmosphere the capsule would wake us and then peel away. We would freefall in battle suits and use grav shrouds to slow and land. After that we had a hundred kilometers...

3 years ago
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Suddenly Wide Awake

He woke suddenly, in the type of darkness that only three in the morning can provide. An angry wind was blowing outside the window, and he had an aching erection, the kind of rock-hard cock only a certain type of dream can create. He was lying on his back, to one side of the bed, and he threw back the sheet to take his cock in his familiar right hand. He closed his eyes, and tried desperately to recall the dream. He knew it had something to do with a redhead, and he knew it was dirty, but that...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 21 Awake

I WAS woken up from a deep sleep when someone with extremely cold feet got in the bed and cuddled up behind me. “Uh, Mary?” I asked in a daze, while I was trying to unglue my eyelids. I noticed that a 20 watt lamp was lit on the back of one of the side tables, but the mattress on the floor was blocked from direct light by the overhanging table. “You’d wish,” said Hettie, speaking loud enough with her lips close up to my almost deaf right ear for me to hear her, “now, shift yourself over and...

3 years ago
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AfterglowChapter 7 Wide Awake

I went to work the next morning, anyway. Olivia tried her very best to keep me in bed, but I had to know what Robert was deciding on—Stalking in the Third or Fourth Degree. Fourth Degree meant Dan would only spend 90 days in jail; Third Degree carried a year sentence. Neither was a wonderful option, but Third was the best we could hope for. Of course if Dan pulled something when released, next time we could push further in court and the jail time would go up to at least 4 years. It was...

1 year ago
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The Ring AOChapter 3 Awaking

Helena awoke, refreshed from her long sleep and of the dream she had. Even 30 minutes later the memory of the dream was vivid in her mind. Having finished a small breakfast, she sat on her lounge and started to look at the ring. It seemed to glow, wiggle, and seemed to cuddle her. Looking at the bird nest setting she realised it was not twigs but snakes wrapped around in, like a birds nest fashion. It really felt like the ring belong to her. Her body started to relax, as if someone else was...

2 years ago
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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 23 Awake

I returned to the table where Har-Hi was talking with the former pirate captains and a former Union fleet petty officer, who had dealt with the Worm and now paid the price. “We need to get back to the ship, right away. “Har-Hi didn’t lose a second and got up, tossed a few Iridium coins on the table and was ready to follow me. Lemakr, the Togar said. “What about us, Black Velvet?” “I have all the crew I need and I am in a hurry, figure it out. “I was torn between showing them some sort of...

4 years ago
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Forgotten DreamsChapter 3 Awake

Someone held his hand. A light was shone in first one eye then the other, then the tube were removed. A dark skinned women in scrubs and a redhead in civilian clothes hovered over him. They removed the restraints from his arms. His right arm and leg were in casts. “Can you tell me what year this is?” asked the Nurse. Alex named the year. From the concerned look he received, it was the wrong answer. “Can you remember your name?” “Alex Bentley,” he answered. Apparently he got that one...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 7 Morning Mayhem

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, mmf, cream pie, exhib, inc, hand job, hp, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 7 – Morning Mayhem by Avatrek ([email protected]) Ron Weasleys dreams were strange, filled with time-travel and perversion, they were the oddest of his life. When...

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Picture A Day

Picture a day in which we’re too exhausted to go anywhere. Our backyard houses one of those wide hammocks that tie to either side of a stand. We assembled it the day you bought it, stashed a few books in a storage bin underneath, and haven’t gone back to it since. ‘It’s time we spend the whole day here,’ you say, already walking toward it. Leaving the blanket from our bed on the grass, you roll into the hammock, wearing only your pajama bottoms. I follow in my nightgown and nuzzle cold feet...

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How I Seduced My Virgin Girlfriend

Hi friends I am Rohit I am from Delhi 25 yr well educated guy.i only write true stories. maine 5 ladkiyo k saath sex kiya h aaj tak jisme se 2 main apni purani stories main bta chuka hu.which are already published at ISS.  Got a chance on my friend date  Mere Friend K Premarital Honeymoon  Mere Friend K Premarital Honeymoon 2 I got gr8 response for these stories. Thanx for response.baki 3 main se ek to prstitute hi thi to uske baare main koi story nhi likh sakta. bachi hui 2 me se ek...

2 years ago
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Time For A Shower No Longer My Private Gym part 2

Allan grabbed me by the jaw, pulled me up off my knees and kissed me passionately. His tongue explored the inside of my mouth and he also licked the remaining cum off my lips. I was both shocked and instantly turned on at the same time. My still dripping cock instantly swelled to display an enormously stiff erection. "That's the spirit, Dean," said Allan as he noticed my erection, continuing, "let's take a sauna and see if we can find a use for that cock of yours."  I noticed he was also...

Gay Male
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 22 Discovering KCrsquos Talent A High Stakes Vacation

Mark Tom and I got back to my condo about six o’clock. I was very pleased to see that KC was still there. I was enthralled with her for some reason. I had to stop myself and test why I felt that way about her. She’d touched my heart as fast as Brita had only a week or so earlier. I had to admit that I found her a lovely human being. Just like the other four girls, I could sit and watch and listen to her for hours and never be bored. She also made my heart beat faster, a feeling I really...

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Slut wifes feet get fucked

My wife Jenny has always had an ass that made guys crazy and she knows it. But until recently she had no idea that her feet were getting just as many dicks hard as her backside. Jenny is a stripper in the neighboring town to ours, she lives a respectible life here and no one knows how she makes her money. We live in a nice upper middle class neighborhood, the kind where strip clubs are looked down on.Jenny came home last week and told me that apparently not everyone in the neighborhood is...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Khloe Kapri Stuck at Home

With stay at home orders keeping Khloe and her boyfriend apart, she is insanely horny and decides to use her stepbrother Jake to scratch the itch. But after weeks of fucking guilt sets in and Khloe ends things with Jake. Trying to stay preoccupied at home with nothing else to do Khloe grows frustrated and before long, she’s back pursuing Jake again. This time, the two fuck good and hard knowing that eventually they will have to end things again – but not without a deep, dirty...

2 years ago
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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 13 By still waters

Near Leamington Spa; on the Grand Junction Canal. April 1832. “And this gentleman is Captain Wilhelm Erzählenmann of the Prussian Third Hussars, on attachment to the Fourth Light Dragoons.” Captain Hutton, the officer in charge of the troop of cavalry assigned as escort to The Progress, stopped in front of a man who was the epitome of le beau sabreur. The Prussian was at least six feet tall, broad shouldered and narrow waisted, with thick dark curly hair, a fierce moustache, and deep-set...

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CumSwappingSis Erin Everheart Kyler Quinn I Can See Your Pussy Lips In Those Leggings

Erin Everheart and Kyler Quinn are trying on their new leggings. They love how their bodies look, and that the leggings are so sheer Kyler can see Erin’s bush. They’re just giggling about how sexy they are when Erin’s stepbrother Diego Perez walks in. He ignores them and sits down with the intention of turning on the TV. Neither Erin or Kyler likes that. They walk up to Diego and ask him if he notices anything. He claims that he does not. Stretching Erin’s thighs apart to really make the fabric...

2 years ago
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Mutual Benefits Chapter Six

It definitely wasn’t just wishful thinking, nor a coincidence – Taylor and I were seeing each other more and more. We went from seeing each other once a week and maybe doing something sexually at the end of the study session, to seeing each other once every two days or so, with at least half of our time spent with our tongues busy working on one another.“Mmmh,” Taylor moaned as she engulfed my cock with her mouth for the second time that day. We hadn’t moved on from oral, and I was probably...

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Feels like a Dream

Feels like a Dream  This has to be a dream I tell myself. I even pinched myself to make sure and no this is for real. I am standing in the bedroom of this dark haired beauty. We exchange tender kisses as we slowly undress one another. We both want each other; but this is more than just lust. It is so much more than just a one night stand. I kiss her and she lovingly kisses me back. The tender touches of her lips, with her soft hands on my bare skin excite me. I feel as if I was a teenage boy...

Love Stories
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SugarDaddyPORN Kylie Halle Storm I Just Fucked Sisters

What more can I say… sisters…lol if only they were twins. Kylie has the perfect tits while Halle has the perfect ass. What happens when you put these 2 things together? Me… One happy SugarDaddy. All the money I spent flying these babes out was easily worth it the moment I had both of their mouths wrapped around my dick. You will love this video but I’m debating If I release the continuation later that night. These horny girls had me taking TOOHARD all weekend! Now my...

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Leave Me Breathless

Hey folks, I know the past two weeks have been a murder fest, but sometimes fictitious people have to die. I promise you that there will be no fictitious deaths in this story, so those of you who can't stand it when imaginery people die are safe. I did borrow the results of the car accident from one of my favorite classic LW stories. Those of you who've been around the block a time or two will probably recognize it. Thanks as usual to Mikothebaby for editing this story despite the fact that...

4 years ago
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Prison Slut or King

You are a guy that get to prison. While the warder bring you to your cell the other prisoners look at you like a tiger at a rabbit. A little bit scared you look at a guy that grins dirty at you. Then you realize that this is you cell. The wardener open the door and push you inside. You fell down right in front of this guy. You look up a bit shocked. "Yo. You want directly suck my cock eh?" he grins at you and grab you hair. ...

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The Pebble

The Pebble By Janet Harris Copyright 29/09/99 My wife Amanda and I lounged in deckchairs on the shingle bar of the beach, watching the activity of the crowds on the sand below. We were sun bathing to even-up our tans because the weather had been very patchy on our holiday and the sun had only seemed to shine when we were inland until today. I had on a cool long-sleeved shirt with the front unbuttoned because I had burnt my arms on the cliff-top walk yesterday, but apart from...

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Darkroom Saturday

Steve’s alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. ‘Sunday,’ they repeated after him, ‘Monday, Tuesday,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 176 Heading to Vegas

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 We'd gone to sleep just after half past midnight as Julia's considerable excitement had become non-verbal, which was far more enjoyable for me, so I awoke about 4:40am. Studying didn't appeal all that much, but something to eat would be nice, and I wanted to find out if we'd had an overnight improvement in our ability to share memories, as we'd had the previous night. We started testing our memory during first-breakfast, using a cookbook we found in the kitchen. We...

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She Stole My Wife Chapter 1 Betrayed

She brings another woman home, and leaves him out.She came to bed late that night. I remember her walking in the room, her body silhouetted against the light from the hall way. I could tell she was wearing her special robe, the red silk one with the royal blue collar and lining that made her body glow like the embers of a fire. She turned to close the door, and her backlit silhouette changed form as it began to bask in the subtle moonlight that spilled in from the large glass door that led from...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 117 A Cheeky Kiss

As Mr and Mrs Unsworth along with Jessie and Bjorn headed out of their hotel into the streets of Ulm they were greeted by several other hotel employees all wearing the same see through uniforms. They would have seen other employees in the same uniforms the night before but having just been many hours in an aeroplane then a taxi from Munich to Ulm they were just too exhausted to notice anything of any significance. They just staggered somnambulistically from their taxi up to their room and...

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Prostitution Academy 8211 Part 2

After having a steamy session with Candy, Rishi decides to explore the academy more. Candy was tired from all those multiple orgasms, so she stayed behind. Rishi entered the building and was astonished by the huge infrastructure of the college. Rishi: Damn, I came inside, but what will I do now? It’s not like chicks from the classes would be waiting for me. He walked a little more and found a swimming pool room. Rishi: A swimming pool. Man, this college sure got some good funds. But there is...

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TeamSkeetLabs Scarlett Alexis Breeding 2

What’s up, Team Skeet fans? It’s time for another Labs update, and this time, we’re bringing back a previous experiment with some modifications. Porn fans worldwide love creampies and seeing hot babes who love creampies is even better. In this episode, Scarlett just wants to be bad, and all she can think about is taking a massive load in her tight innocent pussy. She calls Donnie to assist her in making the fantasy become a reality. She passionately grinds and rides Donnie until he busts all...

3 years ago
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Slut I was fucking mom

This and all of my stories are 100% true.When I was in high school, I was seeing this bleach blonde slut cheerleader. She had a big round ass, chubby tanned legs,little b cup titties, blue eyes. This girl loved to fuck. We would fuck at least two to three times a day. We were on summer vacation so we just layed around and fucked all day. Her family had a pool, and if we were not fucking we were swimming.Her mom was just a older version of her. Big round ass, b cups, tanned. The only...

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Ann Meets James

It had been a long time coming. He looked as though he belonged anywhere, but with her. Then again, he wasn’t exactly hers either. He was tall - boy was he tall. It didn’t take much as she was just over five foot. She had never seen this man in jeans, always dressed for success, or to kill. That’s a matter of opinion. Ann’s? Well she couldn’t think straight around him. He had a lopsided smile. You know the one. The one that makes your insides flutter. He was lean and just looked like he knew...

Straight Sex
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Peeping FamilyChapter 4

I watched you fucking and sucking... I just happened to be coming by to talk to you when I glanced through the window and... Pete bit the side of his cheek and watched Robin move about inside the cabin of the boat. His pulse pounded. He was right on the edge of going down there and trying to talk to her, but he couldn't work up the nerve. The engines throbbed under him. Stray air currents brought the scent of exhaust over the transom and into his nostrils. He watched Robin come up the...

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