- 2 years ago
- 42
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Zoe looked into a pair of eyes of the most intense blue she had ever seen. They were piercing, as blue as the clearest summer sky and they seemed to see all the way into her soul.
She heard Robbie make a croaking sound. His many days of being unconscious had obviously left his mouth dry and raw. She continued to suck on him, running her tongue over the head of his cock as if she was trying to get the most flavour out of her favourite lollipop. She also kept her eyes on his face, the excitement of seeing him awake adding to her mounting pleasure as she licked and explored the hard, fleshy rod in her mouth.
Robbie felt her begin to bob her head up and down, letting his cock slide into and out of her hot mouth. He was virtually in sensory overload, awakening to the ICU room and feeling his flesh and blood penis in the mouth of an eager thirteen-year-old was almost too much to take. He tried to take it all in, the feel as his cock pushed against the inside of her cheek, the thrill of her tongue swabbing over the sensitive flesh at the head of his pole and the sensation of feeling his cock nudge the opening to her throat all combined to really drive him crazy.
He knew he wouldn't last long. The feelings were just too intense to resist and soon he felt his balls tighten and his cum shooting up the length of his cock. He tugged on Zoe's hair to try to warn her but the excited look in her eyes suggested that she was already well aware of the state he was in and relishing the prospect of him coming in her little mouth. As he experienced the blasts of cum fire from his cock he locked his legs straight-out rigidly, riding the wave of pleasure. His eyes were screwed tightly shut, his head thrown back and he groaned his release.
Zoe had been getting hotter and hotter, loving the feel of him in her mouth, trying to cram more and more of his length into her, even part-way down her throat. She was trying to fit his entire 7" in, to take him all, seeing this as a challenge. When she sensed he was getting close she slid her hand down to cup his balls, enjoying the weight of them in her hand but taking care to handle them gently. She was aware of how sensitive they were supposed to be. When she felt his balls lift up as if trying to retreat back into his body, she guessed this was a clear sign that he was close to coming. As she felt him tug on her hair she realised he was trying to warn her. "How sweet," she thought, "even now he's thinking about me. But I'm not stopping now, no way, I want to feel him cum in my mouth for this first time."
When Robbie shot off in her mouth she was amazed at the volume of cum he produced and she had to swallow frantically to stop it from spilling from the corners of her mouth. As the volume receded she savoured the last mouthful, letting his softening cock slip from her mouth and rolling the thick semen over her tongue before finally swallowing the final drop. She was left with a salty, slightly oily taste after it had gone and she decided that she quite liked the taste. She wondered whether it was the combination of feeling the effect she had had on him, feeling his physical response, of knowing she had summoned up and then swallowed his very essence that added to her enjoyment.
She sat up on the bed, still licking her lips. She smiled somewhat shyly at him, perhaps at odds with what she had just done but certainly in keeping with what after all was their first meeting in 'the flesh'.
"Hi Robbie. I came to say I was sorry for shouting at you earlier. I was acting like a baby I guess, exactly like you said I was."
"But you have to believe me. I really thought through the other thing we've talked about and I do want you to be my first. Perhaps you're right and I need to think on it a bit more, wait a while longer. But I feel strongly deep down that the answer is going to be the same whether it's next week, next month or next year."
"I know you probably wont believe me given my reaction to seeing you with your nurse, but once I had calmed down I could see you were right, there was nothing you could do to stop her. I admit I was very jealous, I wanted you and you told me to wait but then not two hours later I saw you doing it with her."
"I promise I wont jump to conclusions in future."
She realised she had a captive audience who couldn't talk back and giggled to herself, "perfect," she thought, "just how men should be!"
"Now my hunky Scotsman I need to get you some medical attention and make up a story about how you regained consciousness. Here, put these headphones on and listen to some of your music while I go and fetch a doctor or a nurse."
Zoe left the ICU room in search of a member of staff. Robbie smiled at the sensations still tingling through his body from his orgasm, at the sound of AC/DC's Rock 'n' Roll Singer through the headphones and at the fact that he hadn't shared with Zoe the fact that he could still hear her thoughts, despite being back in his body. He had recognised when he read her thoughts that she presumed that, now he was back in his body, his mind reading was a thing of the past.
"Payback can be such a bitch," he smiled to himself. "Anyway, the next time I'm with her I want it to be in person."
He felt as though his body had been weakened somewhat through the lack of solid food and through the days of inactivity. He figured he would need a few days to get his strength back but it felt good to be back amongst the living.
Zoe returned with Dr. Anderson. The doctor was all business, immediately conducting a battery of tests on Robbie to ascertain whether there was any lingering effects of his period of being in a coma and of the car accident.
"I put his headphones on and within minutes he opened his eyes Doc," Zoe said, clueing Robbie in to the story she had concocted. "It really works, doesn't it? Isn't it great that he's come round?"
"Yes, it has been known to work in the past, but it doesn't work for everyone. I guess we got lucky in this case, well done."
The doctor seemed satisfied that Robbie had all of his faculties in terms of physical awareness and by the looks of his eyes following people around the room, his eyesight seemed to be okay too.
"Robbie, I don't want you to try and speak just now. I've called for a nurse and she will bring you some iced water to help ease your throat. You'll feel some pain there for a few days as we needed to insert some tubes into your throat to aid your breathing, but it should be fine in no time at all. Now, I need to just check over some things. Can you hear our voices?"
Robbie nodded.
"Good. Did you understand what I just told you about your throat?"
Again Robbie nodded.
"Excellent, it seems your hearing and cognitive abilities are working just fine. Can you see Zoe and myself clearly?"
Robbie nodded for a third time.
Nurse Becky appeared in the ICU room, bringing with her a plastic beaker of iced water and a straw. When she had been summoned and told to bring the water she had guessed that Robbie had re-gained consciousness so she had had time to school her features to hide her disappointment. She helped Robbie sit-up and held the water and straw up to his mouth, allowing him to take repeated small sips, stopping him when he tried to drink too deeply.
"Not too fast bucko or you'll make yourself sick. You need to take small sips and not too much at once."
"Need food," Robbie croaked.
"No talking Robbie," Dr. Anderson said firmly, "I told you, you need to give your throat a few days to recover. As for food, we will only allow you to have some light and mostly liquid intake for a while until we see how your body is going to react to it. You have to remember that you have been subjected to a number of drugs and your body has had nothing but intravenous feeding for some time. The nurse will bring you something later."
Zoe had disappeared and Robbie wondered where she had gone but he was distracted by nurse Becky fussing over him. He eyed her intently, all the while remembering that the young blonde hottie had already initiated sex with him on a number of occasions ("okay, she thinks I don't know that," he admitted to himself). He continued to watch her as she bustled round him tidying the room and plumping up his pillows.
"Nurse, can you make arrangements for moving Mr MacRae to a recovery room please and think about getting him something to eat? I need to have a few words with our patient here."
Robbie watched Becky leave to go and do whatever had to be done to prepare to have him moved. He then turned his attention to Dr. Anderson.
"Robbie I'm not sure how much you remember about how you got here. Do you know you have been in a car accident?"
Robbie nodded to confirm that he knew what had happened.
He looked at Robbie as he explained "We need all the ICU rooms available as quickly as we can. In any case you'll be far more comfortable in one of our private rooms so I want to move you pretty quickly if that's okay."
Robbie tried to smile to indicate that he was okay about moving.
"Robbie, I need to tell you that it was quite a bad crash. There is no easy way to tell you this so I'm just going to get straight to the point. Although you seem to have come out of this relatively unscathed, I'm afraid that both your mother and father died in the accident." Dr Anderson paused to gauge Robbie's reaction. He was surprised to see little change in the expression on Robbie's face and was sure that Robbie hadn't taken this news in.
"Do you understand what I'm telling you Robbie, neither of your parents made it out of the crash, neither did the driver of the other car."
Robbie nodded to indicate he had indeed understood. Anderson made a note to arrange some psychological evaluation of the young boy, a little worried by the lack of what he would have expected in terms of a 'normal' response.
"I can re-assure you that they wouldn't have suffered if that is something you are worrying about."
Robbie nodded once more, getting somewhat frustrated at this form of communication.
"Robbie can you tell us what relative we should contact to inform them of what has happened?"
This time Robbie shook his head from side to side.
"Do you mean you don't have any relatives?"
Robbie nodded.
"Ok, I'm going to have to arrange to have someone from social services come talk to you about some things."
Nurse Becky returned with two hospital porters and confirmed with the doctor that it was okay to move Robbie to his private recovery room.
His new room was certainly more comfortable, more like a hotel room than a hospital, it even boasted a TV and a phone. No sooner had he been settled into his new bed than the door to the room burst open and Zoe and Amanda entered. Zoe was obviously still very excited and Amanda seemed highly amused by her antics. They visited for perhaps thirty minutes, basically introducing themselves with Zoe going along with this, managing to maintain a front for her mother's benefit. No way could she explain to her mom that Robbie and her knew each other very well already.
At last Amanda decided it was time to leave, she realised the hospital was already being very accommodating and she didn't want to push it too far. They said their goodbyes with Zoe insisting on giving Robbie a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
Amanda stopped off to talk with Doctor Anderson on the way out of the hospital.
"How is he Doctor?"
"So far as I can see he is in remarkable health. There seem to be no complications, no concussion, no internal damage. The only thing that bothers me is that he didn't respond as I expected when I told him that his folks had died."
"Maybe he just doesn't like others seeing him in an emotional state."
"Amanda, it would take a lot of will power on the part of an adult, never mind a kid, to be able to listen to that kind of news without reacting at all. And that's what I got, nothing, nada, not even a blink of the eyes to indicate he understood but was covering things up, absolutely nothing."
"Is it possible he already knew, perhaps he remembers more about the crash than you realise?"
"What's going to happen to him now?"
"Well he's confirmed that he has no other relatives we can contact so I will have to arrange for social services to come see him."
"Oh that poor boy, and all because of Jason. We feel so responsible for the position he is in."
"Now forgive me for saying it Amanda, but that's plain stupid. There's no way Jason could be blamed for this much less you and Zoe. It was an accident, pure and simple. We will make sure the boy sees social services and it will be up to them to help him from here on in."
Amanda glanced at Zoe and could see that this was not something she was happy about. Before she could say anything Amanda tugged her arm and told the Doctor that they would return the next day to visit Robbie again. She dragged Zoe from the hospital whispering to her not to make a scene.
They remained silent all the way home and it wasn't until they were side by side on the sofa in the family room that Zoe finally erupted.
"Mom, we can't leave Robbie to those idiots in social services. They never get anything right, you know that, they're morons."
"Baby there's nothing else we can do. Social services are trained to deal with situations like these, we can't interfere in this. They will do what's best for Robbie."
"I will not leave my Robbie to those goons mom, we need to do something to help him out. Please mom can't we try to do something?"
Amanda noted Zoe's reference to 'my' Robbie and was again intrigued by how closely Zoe seemed to align herself with him, after all he was a virtual stranger, wasn't he?
"Zoe, I need you to tell me now, do you know this boy from somewhere?"
"Of course not mom, how could I? It's just that I feel we have responsibilities here and although I don't know him I think I'm going to like him a lot. You will too. But that isn't going to happen if we abandon him to social services."
Zoe felt herself tense up inside as she imagined social services whisking Robbie away from her.
Amanda considered the situation, taking in the determined look on her daughter's face. She again admitted to herself that she also felt they had some responsibility to try and look after the boy who had been orphaned by her late husband. She decided that she would ask the family lawyer for advice as to whether there was anything of a practical nature they could do to make things easier for him.
"Okay baby, I will ask our lawyer what if anything we can do to help him. I'm not promising anything but we can only ask the question."
Zoe calmed down at apparently having managed to get her own way once again. The Gray's had a strangely subdued night together before retiring for the night.
At the Valley County Hospital, Robbie was sitting up, continuing to sip water to try and ease his raw throat. He too was thinking about what would happen to him next. He admitted to himself that he was growing very fond of Zoe. Closing his eyes he could easily picture how her auburn hair shone as the light picked out and highlighted the various complex tones, her deep brown eyes into which he knew he was losing himself, her pouting lips that he knew were soft and welcoming. He enjoyed her smile and her quick humour. He even found her moments of thirteen-year-old childishness endearing.
The intimacy they had shared was also something to be treasured but he knew that wasn't the thing that drew him to her most. No, it was the whole package that made up his 'angel' that he was falling for and falling for deeply. He sighed as he dragged himself back to his current position. He knew that he would have to return to Scotland. He would need to arrange to have his parents bodies returned and for a funeral for them.
He then recalled that there was at least one person at home who would be worried about him, his athletics coach, Bruce. While he might be worried only because his star runner might be injured rather than for Robbie's loss and emotional distress, at least that was something. "Wasn't it?" He thought. Robbie was a talented young athlete. He had been Scottish champion in his age group from the age of thirteen and he was consistently close to beating the age group national records for his event each year.
He eventually fell asleep, dreaming alternatively of the feeling he remembered of crossing the finishing line in first place and of Zoe's warm mouth surrounding his cock. He thought the thrill of victory couldn't be beaten but now he knew better.
What I've written below describes how I met Eve. When she read my narrative, Eve made a number of edits - mostly to the conversations we shared - to reflect what she recalls saying and to reflect the way that she speaks. Some people may complain that I've included too much detail in the description of how we met, or that the narrative is too slow to progress. Both Eve and I respectfully disagree and think that it is important that a reader understand all of the circumstances...
Some people may complain that I’ve included too much detail in the description of how we met, or that the narrative is too slow to progress. Both Eve and I respectfully disagree and think that it is important that a reader understand all of the circumstances surrounding the events that transformed our lives. It’s the only way that anything makes sense. We are not posting this everywhere – only on – and if there’s enough interest we will share more of our memories of...
Robbie wanted to take his time over this; to make sure Zoe's first time was perfect. She however, had other ideas. Sleeping with Robbie had never been far from her mind over the past few weeks and she couldn't get him upstairs fast enough. She took his hand and tugged him along behind her, only pausing once she had led them both to her room. Turning, she began to tug at his shirt, eager to get it off. "Zoe, slow down, this is not how your first time should be. It's too rushed, we should...
Traffic on I-95 wasn’t too bad as I headed north through New Jersey toward New York. Three days of meetings and property tours around Trenton had been very productive and I had just one last client to visit outside of Boston before I could head back north to Montreal. I could have flown rather than spending time on the road, but I love driving and it allows me to drop in unannounced on properties owned by the REIT (real estate investment trust) that I work for. My surprise visits help to keep...
When Zoe woke up the next morning she was keen to leave Alison's house as quickly as possible. She remained worried about her friend but that was outweighed by the creepy feeling Zoe felt about Alison's dad. She grabbed her bag and used the bathroom to freshen up, washing her face and brushing her teeth. She opened her bag, removed her mobile phone and phoned her mother, asking her to come pick her up. Returning to Alison's room she quickly dressed and hugged her friend, whispering that...
Robbie only had one more day before he was released from the hospital and he couldn't wait.Ever since the 'Beggin' On Your Knees' incident Jade and Beck have been distant. When Tori broke up with Ryder she was a wreck and Beck was there every step of the way. He blew off Jade to hang with Tori and that didn't make her happy at all.That's when Jade had Robbie in her sights. When he got beat up by moms at the park Jade was there for him and when they were alone after that things started to got a...
"So," said Zoe quietly "the last time I was in school neither bears nor soft toys could speak so there is obviously more to this than you've told me so far. Now you know that I won't freak out on you, will you tell me? If I can take lying here having a conversation with my favourite stuffed animal don't you think I can take what else you might have to explain?" Robbie sighed. He decided she was right and that he might as well take the chance and get everything out in the open....
The girls went downstairs to have a quick supper of cookies and warm milk. Amanda told them that they should share Zoe's room and her Queen sized bed so that the guestroom was free for Robbie. They rushed to get ready for bed, still keyed up from their display for Robbie and the effect they had had on each other. Zoe had on her usual sleep tee and panties. Alison slipped into the bathroom and when she returned Zoe was surprised to see that she had on the camisole and French knicker set she...
Robbie put his key in the lock of his parent's apartment in the North side of Glasgow and opened the door. He entered, closing the door behind him, and, dropping his bag, slowly walked round each of the rooms. All too familiar yet now changed forever. The loss of his parents hit him hard as he realised he would never see them here again. No more family discussions, no shared time with dad watching their favourite football team on the huge plasma screen TV. No more mum putting her fine...
Robbie had also been woken by Doug's shout. He was slightly slower in reacting than Amanda, but nonetheless was only fractionally behind her in the hall and was appalled to see Doug standing in Zoe's bedroom. "How did he get here? He's in prison. How did he get into the house?" Were all thoughts that ran through his head. Then he heard Doug shout at Amanda and he saw him unleash his mental assault. The sight of the black cloud made Robbie shiver at the memory of his last painful battle...
“Uncle Donnie!” Robbie squealed, “what are you doing here?” She flew off her porch, ran to my outstretched arms, and literally jumped onto me, wrapping her slim legs around my hips and her freckled arms around my neck. She kissed me on the cheeks, over and over. When she dropped her feet to the ground, she looked up at me and said, “I just can’t believe this. I was just thinking about you this morning. I was looking through some old pictures, and there you were,” she took my hand and...
Amanda watched her daughter enter the kitchen through eyes that remained heavy and tear stained after a restless night crying over the loss of her husband Jason. She was surprised to see that Zoe seemed much brighter this morning despite the trauma of losing her father the previous day. "Morning angel, how are you feeling this morning?" she asked. "Okay mommy" Zoe replied. "I think in the circumstances you should skip school today" Amanda suggested. "Yeah" thought Zoe "A day away...
Back at Valley County Hospital nurse Becky was back on duty and doing her rounds to check on her patients. She has started in the general wards and worked her way towards the private rooms and the ICU rooms. Eventually she came to Robbie's room. She licked her lips and unconsciously squeezed her thighs tightly together remembering the episode the day before. She paused outside the door and dropped her hand to her crotch, pressing her fingers hard against her already wet pussy. She sighed and...
Zoe held Alison as she continued to sob quietly. The girl was so upset that her father could read in her thoughts that she would be incapable of following his instructions anytime soon. His connection to Zoe also informed him that she had no interest in him, in fact that was an understatement. His ghostly spirit departed, returning to his body which was lying on the sofa in the family room downstairs. Zoe comforted Alison, continuing to question her softly as to how her little body seemed to...
I’m awake. Suddenly and without reason, so I think. But I know there is always a reason I wake. I just don’t know what it is yet, this time. I am snug in my bed on this cold December eve, but now awakened for a reason I can’t discern, my senses are hyperbolic. I hear the wind warbling its way through the oak outside my window. A whisper beckons, but it’s only the furnace starting to heat before the fan kicks in. A tiny creak high above draws my ear – the roof or attic perhaps shrinking ever so...
I’m awake. Suddenly and without reason, so I think. But I know there is always a reason I wake. I just don’t know what it is yet, this time. I am snug in my bed on this cold December eve, but now awakened for a reason I can’t discern, my senses are hyperbolic. I hear the wind warbling its way through the oak outside my window. A whisper beckons, but it’s only the furnace starting to heat before the fan kicks in. A tiny creak high above draws my ear – the roof or attic perhaps shrinking ever so...
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The heat in my cock hasn’t diminished and your hand still grips me there. You shift slightly in the bed as if sensing my wakefulness. My arm is still across your shoulder. With your free hand, you guide my fingers to your breast. Your hand over mine you encourage me to explore. Are you awake? Or, are you dreaming? A deep sigh and your body shifts again. You grip me tighter. My cock pulses in your hand with a life of its own. You release me. Disappointment floods through my...
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(WARNING/DSICLAIMER; This story begins a little slower than most others on this site. If you are after some quick sex-type action read something else, have some patience and bear with this story or just skip and skim through the first few pages till the sexual facets kick in. I intend this to be a big story. All characters involved in sexual situations are eighteen years of age or older. And this aint' necessarily an incest's a bit of a sexual soup. Anyway...let's get on with...
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It was dark when I woke. The room was cold and unfamiliar. I lay on my back, which was unusual—I normally slept on my side. Recently I’d been sleeping spooned up behind Clarissa, which was heavenly. But not this time. This time I was on my back staring at the ceiling. I turned my head to the side slightly and that’s when the pain hit me. Everywhere, and I mean everywhere screamed its agony, overloading my brain until all it could do was shut down. And everything went black. It was dark...
Chapter Four – Easter Robbie drove to Tampa to see his battered sister, Karen, as soon as he could pack a bag. He was worried sick about her. His parents were already at the hospital and were keeping Robby posted on Karen’s status by cell phone. In addition to the concern for his sister, Robby was also as pissed off at her asshole of a husband as he had ever been at anyone in his life. Robbie was an easy-going guy but his good nature had an edgy side when he was angry. Karen’s husband, Jason,...
Part Two – New Years in New Orleans Laura Miller stood in front of the mirrored bi-fold doors of her closet, critically examining her reflection. Laura wasn’t a vain woman, but she did take care of her appearance. Of course, now that Robby was in her life, she was even more careful to ensure she always looked her best. A flush went through her as she thought of Robby, and her heart went pitter-pat. ‘Robby, Robby, Robby’ she mentally chanted, ‘what you do to me.’ In the three days since Robby’s...
Summer 2001 When Robby reached puberty at the age of fourteen and started to really be interested in girls, it was only natural for him to seek advice from his sister. After all, Karen was twenty then, a pretty and popular coed at the University of Florida that the guys all drooled over. It had started innocently enough during summer vacation, she taught him how to act around girls and told him what they liked and disliked. Confident from Karen's instruction, Robby asked a girl out for the...
Laura Miller stood in front of the mirrored bi-fold doors of her closet, critically examining her reflection. Laura wasn't a vain woman, but she did take care of her appearance. Of course, now that Robby was in her life, she was even more careful to ensure she always looked her best. A flush went through her as she thought of Robby, and her heart went pitter-pat. 'Robby, Robby, Robby' she mentally chanted, 'what you do to me.' In the three days since Robby's unexpected arrival on her...
Robby woke up the morning after the melee with Karen's husband stiff and sore. He reckoned the only part of him that was not sore was nestled between the panty-clad butt-cheeks of Karen, as he lay spooned against her back. His dick was not sore, but it was as stiff as a crowbar. Unlike the previous morning he did not pull away from her and leap from the bed. Instead, he pulled her tighter against him and nuzzled her neck. Karen gave a little sigh of contentment and wiggled back against him,...
Chapter 1: Christmas Laura Miller idly tapped the plastic amber pill bottle with her freshly lacquered, pink fingernails. She had a lot of emotionally charged capital invested in that small container of Nembutal. She was sitting at the table in her neat-as-a pin kitchen. In addition to the white-capped bottle of pills, a packet of photographs and a long stemmed glass filled with Blue Nun sat on the table in front of her. The photographs had been taken last Christmas, a year ago tomorrow. They...
Part Three – Valentine’s Day Laura Miller glanced at her watch for the millionth time, Jesus, time was standing still. It was Friday afternoon, February 13th, and she had an hour left before she could leave work for the day. Laura was not normally so antsy to depart, she had not become the youngest branch manager at the bank by being slothful. Tonight, however, she had plans. It had been an arduous week and she was ready to let her hair down. She shook her head in wonder. Imagine that, she...
This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or repost this story as long as the text is unaltered, and our copyright and this notice are...
Slowly, but surely, the spectral mist floating around Marie’s sleeping form coalesced and solidified. The body of the demon materialised beside her bed, seeming to take physical form. But there was nothing monstrous or grotesque about the demon’s body. If anything it was beautiful. The perfect image of an attractive naked young man in the prime of his life, fully of energy and virility. The demon Leere looked down at his newly formed body. He admired and caressed the athletic form of his...
Laura Miller glanced at her watch for the millionth time; Jesus, time was standing still. It was Friday afternoon, February 13th, and she had an hour left before she could leave work for the day. Laura was not normally so antsy to depart; she had not become the youngest branch manager at the bank by being slothful. Tonight, however, she had plans. It had been an arduous week and she was ready to let her hair down. She shook her head in wonder. Imagine that, she was Laura Miller, the poster...
Janet Awakens I am Linda and Janet is my mother who has a been great despite the fact that she was only thirteen when she gave birth to me is a great mother and since we are close in age a great friend. We shared a lot of things while I lived at home our tastes in cloths, food, T.V., movies and a lot more. I believed that there could be no secrets between us since we were so close. Mom raised me at first with the help of her parents since my Mother did not know who my father was due to...
This is my first complete novella. Please commentThe Right Side of Forty: The Story of a Midlife ReawakeningBy Lindsay CascoChapter 1: ReunitingI faintly remember coming to this house thirty something years ago for play dates when I was allowed and then a few times with my mother to visit during the holidays and different occasions, but I never realized her family called this side entrance the “back” door. Karen did say over the phone to come to the back door near the driveway. And she was...
Awake By Karen Marie As I awoke from the fog of my dreamy state the light entered my eyes and consciousness returned. I experienced a moment of total disorientation. Where was I? What was I doing? A glance to my right revealed three empty wine glasses on the table next to a sink. I found myself reclining in a salon chair with a severe neck cramp. I heard the sound of a hair dryer off in the distance. The pungent smell of hair permanent solution filled the air, stinging my nose. As I...
I remember waking up, as I had many times before, to the touch of his hand on my stomach. He would slowly rub his hand over me and gradually work his way down to my underwear and slip his hand inside to find my cock already hard in anticipation of what was to come. I always pretended to be asleep while he did this and laid there for him to do as he pleased. He would take my hand and place it on his cock and then wrap his hand around mine, so I was gripping him while he touched me. He always...
AWAKENINGS I really dont know where to start with this but I have to get it off my chest or the stress will just go on. My husband is a military hardware contractor. Weve been happily married for four years, and trust each other implicitly. His job entails a lot of travel, but that has never been a problem for me until recently. We moved to Washington, D.C. a few months ago, where I dont know a soul, and for some reason, making friends here is difficult. The one exception is Randy, a chef who...
Finding out about nylonOh, those awkward teenage years. The sexual awakenings of one’s youth and the sexual desires and tastes that would be brought forward into adulthood. I think I must have been about 12 the first time that I masturbated myself to orgasm, and from that point on I had developed a new hobby that I would participate in several times a day! And it really didn’t take much to arouse my younger self in those days, either. There would be unwanted erections in school lessons,...
Story: Anal Awakeningsm/f, m/m/mI love women's arses; I love them small and pert, I love them wide andfleshy. I love to watch them in movement; I love to feel them in myhands. I am a bugger; I enjoy putting my penis up women's bottoms. Thereare many reasons why I love fucking women up the arse. I get off on thefact that the women I've buggered have often needed a lot of persuading,and have often agreed only grudgingly, so it feels like a kind of ****. Ilove the dirtiness of it - nice women...
Awakenings By Heather St. Claire Sydney Hughes rolled over in his bed, glanced at the alarm clock, and saw it was well past 2 a.m. He muttered an obscenity, got out of bed, and wandered to the bathroom. Too late to take another sleeping pill? Yes, he decided. He would have to try to get back to sleep on his own. He was having so much trouble resting these past couple of days. These strange, vivid dreams kept filling his head. A few moments later, Syndey's head plopped down on...
Celestial Awakenings By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Chapter 1 Celeste Farnsworth was reading the morning paper when Dr. Nancy Chen joined her for breakfast in the dining room of her Southampton estate. A short, middle-aged woman with raven hair brought in a fresh pot of coffee. "Good morning, Celeste," greeted Nancy, as she sat down next to the pretty young woman with auburn hair. "Good morning. Looks like you were up late again," commented Celeste. "Thank you, Ina." The...
Dragon and Tiger By Darian Deamos Chapter One: Awakenings Jason woke slowly. There was an ache in his body and his head was pounding. There was a feeling of wrongness as he slowly fought his way to consciousness. He went to wipe the detritus of sleep from his eyes, and became aware of a problem. His hand was manacled up and away from his body. Moments after his fact made itself known, its implications percolated into his awareness, and alarm chased the remnants of sleep from...
I hope you all enjoy the start of this tale, its actually the first creative writing I have attempted since I was in college. We'll just say that was 20+ years ago. This story has just been bouncing around in my head for a while and I felt the need to tell it, to the best of my ability. Some of the story is pulled from my actual experience, some are just daydreams of a 40 something lady now. Anyway I hope you enjoy, and I don't mind constructive feedback. I hope to get better as the...
Needless to say, I didn't sleep well that night, my mind kept playing over and over the horrors that had happened to Robin. I was trying to get ready this morning and I couldn't stop yawning. Thankfully, my parents didn't notice or if they did they didn't ask anything. I did perk up a bit once I got to school, the last thing I wanted was a repeat of the altercation with the two idiots so I kept alert on the way to class. I was still kicking myself for letting my guard down like I...
Author's Note: I wanted to personally thank all of those who have read and left comments. You all have made me feel a lot better about sharing the musings of a mad transwoman's mind. Hehe. I couldn't quite finish Robbie's Revelation with this chapter, so here in the next few days I will be posting the epilogue. Again though... Thank you... ~Rebecca Chapter 22 I was lying in my bed, in the middle of an extremely pleasant dream, when I felt my Mom trying to wake me. "Honey, it's...
Author's Note: Closing out this part of the story, I want to say that writing this has been an amazing experience for myself. I truly hope those of you that have read to this point, and who have endured my first attempt at writing a story, are left with a good feeling, and that you have enjoyed the journey I was lucky enough to take you on. Thank you, everyone... While this is the end of Robbie's story, I'm not quite done though telling Rebecca's journey. I will return to finish her story...
Rowena was tired. Rowena was always tired. She was tired when she went to bed, tired when she woke up, tired all day long. She took a last look round the room she had just finished preparing, noting the main items. ‘Bed. Quite an adequate desk – it was the one dad gave me for my eighteenth birthday. Good swivel chair. Armchair, wardrobe, dressing table, bright curtains and a rug, gas fire. Yes, it should be all right.’ She sighed wearily. ‘Wish I’d never volunteered,’ she muttered to herself....
Deep within the volcano the tremors begin they shake the entire island. It feel like an earthquake and as the hours go by the tremors only increase. They are so intense that great cracks appear on the island. One of these cracks accidentally breaks open an ancient tomb sealed and buried deep in the earth. As the sunlight enters the tomb and strikes the statue all tremors cease. The statue shatters and from within emerges the great wizard dargin. He is a powerful wizard and sealed himself inside...
FantasyQuite recently I was lucky enough to experience a little more Wifey hand action, discover a vibrator for guys, and wake up my inner sub. I'd been checking out some E-stim videos now gaining popularity on the internet. One here at X-Hamster called 'My cock Cum electro Estim' especially piqued my interest as it showed a guy stimming while using an unusual looking vibrator.This vibe didn't look like the usual vibrator offerings from the sex industry, about as large as a hair dryer it was hand...
Part 2, The Desire AwakensIt had been about a week since my first experience with a transsexual. I had lost my job over this incident and was soon to be homeless. To make matters worse I couldn’t get the thought of cock out of my mind. Every guy I saw I wanted pull his pants down and suck his cock until he shot his load in my mouth. I didn’t even like the taste of cum. In addition to wanting to suck every guys cock, all the women I meet I wondered if they were a transsexual.The obsession was...
Molly Awakens by Molly A story of how the author would like to have his life turn out one day, a fantasy story written with my love to Sandy my best friend and teacher. The day that my girlfriend Sandy decided to leave school and go work for her mother as a hair stylist was a sad one for me. We had been dating for close to a year, I had known her mom wanted her to join her, but I felt she would at least finish school first then go and work for her....
A mother begins to feminize her son who was always feminine and beautiful. She instills upon him the want, the desire to become a woman. He, later on she, loves this and gives into his unknown desire to be a vivacious, sexy and beautiful lady. He will become the perfect proper daughter, a powerful woman and a true Goddess. Mother's Love: A Goddess Awakens My father had left my mother when I was a child. I know he caused her a great amount of pain when he left. Since those days I...