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Chapter Four – Easter
Robbie drove to Tampa to see his battered sister, Karen, as soon as he could pack a bag. He was worried sick about her. His parents were already at the hospital and were keeping Robby posted on Karen’s status by cell phone. In addition to the concern for his sister, Robby was also as pissed off at her asshole of a husband as he had ever been at anyone in his life. Robbie was an easy-going guy but his good nature had an edgy side when he was angry. Karen’s husband, Jason, had been arrested for domestic violence but was already out on bail courtesy of his wealthy parents and their compassionate attorney.
Karen was in a private room at the hospital, asshole Jason’s parents were footing the bill for that as well, on advice of counsel. Jason Oliver was in hiding somewhere to avoid the bad press he was bringing his family, that was their main concern – bad press. It broke Robby’s heart to see his sister there in the bed, her face swaddled in bandages. She was so small and looked so vulnerable. Carl and Louise Davis were relieved to see their son arrive. Karen had been asking for him every since they had been there. Carl and Louise went to the hospital cafeteria while Robby sat by the bed and held his sister’s hand. Robby asked her what had happened.
‘Jason came home after being gone for two days, I was angry and we started arguing. I told him I knew he was seeing other women and was involved in drugs and I wanted a divorce. He went crazy over that and started slapping me. He tore off my robe then started beating me while he raped me. He said he would kill me before he would let me have a divorce.
‘I must have passed out because, when I woke up, he was gone. I called 911 from my cell phone and the police showed up with an ambulance. Jason showed up at the police station with his parents’ lawyer. He spent the night in jail but then got out on bail. I am so scared, Robby, what if he tries to kill me like he said. He is mean and crazy,’ Karen sobbed.
‘That’s why I came here, and, when you are better, you are going home with me,’ Robbie promised.
‘That’s what I want, Robby, but what about school? I’ll be here at least a week,’ Karen said.
Then she started crying harder and touched the bandage across her nose and over her left eye.
‘The bastard broke my nose and chipped my eye socket. The doctor fixed my nose but said it will not look the same. And he won’t know if my vision has been permanently affected until the swelling goes down,’ she wailed.
‘Take it easy, Kari, everything will be just fine. Besides, I’ll still love you even if you end up with two noses and one eye,’ he teased.
‘Thanks, Robby, I know you mean that even if you said it as a joke. You are the only man I’ve ever met that loves me unconditionally. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to marry that jerk. He was so sincere and loving when we were dating then he turned into an animal after we were married. Did you know he even tried to swap me with another guy on our honeymoon? I thought he was just drunk so I laughed it off. I am such an idiot. That’s why we stopping coming over to visit. I did not want you or Mom or Dad to know anything was wrong, I was ashamed of the jerk I was dumb enough to marry.’
‘Don’t beat yourself up over it, Sis, he was a good actor. He even fooled Mom and Dad. I never liked him just because he was taking you away from me, but I could never imagine him doing this.’
‘Well, I’ve learned my lesson, I won’t make that mistake twice. I feel so much better with you here, Baby Brother. Can I have a kiss, or am I too ugly?’
Robby leaned over the bed and kissed her gently. She wrapped her slender little arms around his neck and sighed.
‘The pain medication is making me drowsy. I wish you could hold me. Will you stay with me if I fall asleep?’ she asked.
‘You bet I will. I’m going to do some school work while you nap. I have all my assignments for the next week with me. I don’t plan on you being out of my sight for a while.’
Robby talked to Laura a couple of times a day while Karen was in the hospital. Laura said she was so lonely without him and missed him terribly. She would have felt even worse if it were not for their friend Jenna. Robby missed Laura also, they had been inseparable for four months. Laura told Robby that Jenna had met a man who seemed to be perfect for her. It was early — but, so far, the guy had done everything right. Laura had met him and even gone out to dinner with them. Robby teased her about already stepping out on him even though he had been gone for only a few days. Laura said to not even joke about that, she was his and his alone.
Karen spent four more days in the hospital, mostly as a precaution for the slight concussion she had suffered. The bandages came off the day before she was discharged. Robby’s anger flared anew when he saw the livid purple bruises that still covered her face. Mr. Jason Oliver had an ass-whipping coming if Robby got his hands on him. Anyone that hit a woman was a worm in Robby’s opinion. But to beat his sister, who was barely five foot two and a hundred pounds, was truly despicable. Robby knew that he could kick big soft Jason’s ass. His dad had boxed in college and taught Robby how to handle himself since when he was seven. Carl Davis had also insisted Robby take martial arts to counterbalance the music lessons Louise had Robby take.
Carl had to go back to his business after a couple of days. He drove Robby’s truck back to Orlando and left his wife and son his Caddy. Robby usually teased Carl mercilessly about his flashy maroon ‘pimp-mobile’. Carl protested that he needed it to impress clients — but even Louise said he had bought the car because he had always wanted one.
Robby and Louise bundled Karen into the plush back seat of the car and drove her to her house. Robby went in first, half-hoping Jason was there. Jason, however, was still lying low, hiding out at his parents’ place, and being a model citizen. When Robby had thoroughly checked the house, Louise and Karen came in and packed a couple of bags of necessities. From Karen’s house, they drove straight back to Orlando. Karen said that she was never going back to that house or anywhere near Jason again.
At the Davis’ home, Karen blanched and balked at the thought of being alone in her old room. She was petrified that Jason would come there and hurt her again. They settled on her sleeping with Robby in his room. Robby had always sought Karen’s bed for comfort when he was small and something had scared him. So, it seemed only natural that he would provide the same comfort for her. But that was for later that night, for now, Louise and Robby made Karen comfortable on the couch where she could watch the television. Robby sat at the end of the couch with her feet in his lap. She cooed in contentment as he rubbed her tiny feet.
Louise Davis stood in the kitchen and watched them over the counter top as they shared the couch. She had never seen a bond between siblings as strong as her childrens’. Karen had never resented Robby for a second, not even when she was a teenager and was stuck baby-sitting him. Even with their seven year difference in age, they were best friends growing up. Karen had been fiercely protective of her brother when he was a youngster. She had even once taken on the neighborhood bully to protect him, a boy considerably bigger than she. Their roles reversed when Robby hit puberty at thirteen. Now, he was the protector and comforter. Louise knew that if Jason Oliver showed up at their house, he would be in for some serious trouble, even if her husband were not around.
Laura made a bee-line straight to the Davis’ house when she arrived home from work. She walked into the house and straight into Robby’s arms. She knew she was probably making a spectacle of herself but did not care as she covered his face with kisses. Karen sat up on the couch wrapping herself in the quilt Robby had covered her with
to make room for Laura to sit. Laura had met Karen a few times but did not actually know her very well. Karen had been in college then off on her own since Laura had moved in next door four years ago. Laura was equally aghast at the lividly bruised and still-swollen face of her man’s sister. She had never seen anyone that badly beaten in real life.
Carl arrived home shortly after Laura. They all shared a nice dinner and sat in the family room watching TV until ten. Robby walked Laura home and they talked on the porch for a few minutes. They exchanged a couple of passionate kisses, Laura began massaging Robby’s hard dick through his covering trousers.
‘If you come in for a minute, honey, I’ll take care of this for you,’ Laura said.
‘That sounds like the best idea I’ve heard lately,’ Robby said. ‘But if I go in I can’t keep an eye on the house. I don’t believe Jason is stupid enough to show up here, but you never know.’
Laura glanced around, no one was outside, and it was dark on the porch. She pushed Robby backwards until he fell into one of the wicker rockers on the porch. His eyes widened in surprise as she sank to her knees and started unzipping his pants. For Laura, it was the most wickedly brazen thing she had ever done in public. She finally managed to free his beautiful big penis from its cotton prison and enveloped it with her mouth. In fewer than three minutes, he filled her mouth with his seed. Laura had a small orgasm herself just from the act of pleasing him. She cleaned him up with her tongue and tucked him back into his pants.
Robby stood up and took her in his arms. When he had kissed her until she was breathless, he let her go. She started to turn and slip into the house.
‘Not so fast, Blondie,’ he said as his hand snaked up under her skirt.
She spread her legs and clutched his arm as he fingered her to a very public and very intense climax. When she had stopped shaking and regained her composure, he pulled his finger out of her and licked it clean. After another kiss, she finally walked into the house on rubbery legs.
Robby returned home to find Karen in the family room by herself. Their parents had already gone bed.
‘How are you feeling, Kari?’ Robby asked as he sat down on the couch.
‘Grungy, stiff, and sore, but glad to be out of the hospital,’ she replied.
‘Well, maybe I can help you feel better. Stay here and I’ll be back in a minute,’ he said.
Robby went to the shared bathroom that connected the children’s rooms. He turned on the hot water to fill the tub, then rooted around under the sink until he found a bottle of Mr. Bubble bubble bath. He dumped a bunch of the bubble mixture into the tub and, after the tub was full of steamy foam, went to retrieve his sister. Karen smiled when she saw the bubble-filled tub.
‘You are the greatest, Robbie,’ she said kissing his cheek.
Robby went back to his room and shut the bathroom door. He was sitting at his desk when Karen called him from the bathroom. Robby peeked his head in the door and asked what she needed.
‘Come wash my hair for me, Robby, like you use to. I want to be pampered by someone who loves me.’
Karen was submerged in bubbles up to her chin so Robby knelt by the tub and she handed him the shampoo. Robby had always loved washing his sister’s long thick chestnut hair. He worked the shampoo into a lather on top of her head then scratched and massaged her scalp. Karen groaned and sighed her appreciation as he worked. When he had finished with the shampoo, he took a large cup from under the sink and rinsed her hair. He applied conditioner next and combed it through her thick mane with his fingers.
Karen sat up, leaned forward, and handed Robbie the wash cloth. Robby soaped the cloth and washed her back. When he finished her back, he rinsed the conditioner out of her hair.
‘Thanks, Sweet Baby, no one in the world makes me feel as good as you. I’m going to lie here for a while and soak out some aches and pains, ok?’
‘Sure, Sis, call me if you need anything.’
Robby went back to his desk to finish the last of his school assignments. Tomorrow was the last day of class before Easter break and Jenna Billings, his friend and English teacher, was coming by on her way to school to pick up his week’s work. He was just finishing gathering all his papers together to give to Jenna when Karen walked out of the bath wrapped in a towel with another turbaned on her wet hair. She opened her suitcase and took out a pair of tiny pink panties then rummaged through Robby’s chest-of-drawers until she found one of his t-shirts. When she had her sleepwear assembled, she unceremoniously dropped the towel from around her body and removed the towel from her head.
Robby started at her unabashedly as she stood five feet in front of him as naked as the day she was born. The saying that dynamite came in small packages was coined to describe his sister. She was short and slender yet had long legs and perky breasts that were surprisingly full. Her ass was a perfect shape and jutted out saucily.
‘You still have the nicest body I’ve ever seen,’ Robbie said admiringly.
‘Thanks, Robby. Yours is the one opinion I know isn’t a line of bullshit.’
She slipped on her panties and his t-shirt then went back to the bathroom to blow dry her hair. Robby stood up, stripped, and put on a pair of flannel pajama pants. He turned off the overhead light, turned on his bedside lamp, and crawled under the covers. Robby was just nodding off when Karen slid under the covers. Robby rolled over on his side, snuggled up to her, and draped his arm over her.
‘This is the first time in forever that I’ve felt comfortable in bed with someone. I’m sorry I’m keeping you away from Laura,’ Karen said, pulling his arm tighter around her.
‘That’s not a problem Kari, Laura understands and knows how close we are. Now go to sleep and let me hold you.’
She did just that, and he followed her into dreamland.
Robby woke up the next morning with his morning erection pressed into the crevice of a delectable ass. He squeezed the plump breast that was somehow in his hand and sighed in contentment. Then he realized to whom the breast and ass belonged. He quickly let go of his sister and scooted backwards. Karen made a little disapproving noise at the loss of contact with him but thankfully stayed asleep.
Robbie went into the bathroom and took a shower. Karen was awake when he returned to his bedroom. She stretched luxuriously and shot him a smile.
‘That was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a while, baby brother. I feel almost human this morning.’
Robby thought she was incredibly cute even with her black eyes and still-swollen nose. Her hair was tousled and his t-shirt was about ten sizes too big for her. She looked as if she were about twelve. Karen slid out of bed and padded barefoot into the bathroom so Robby quickly dressed in some cut-off jeans and an old shirt. He was slipping on his rattiest sneakers when she reappeared.
‘Where are you going?’ Karen asked in alarm.
‘Nowhere, Kari. It’s Saturday, I’ve got to mow the lawn.’
‘Ok, sorry to be such a sissy, but I don’t feel safe without you near me.’
Robby went downstairs while she dressed. His mom and dad were up sitting in the nook and drinking coffee. Robbie grabbed a bagel and popped it into the toaster then joined them. Carl was already dressed to go golfing, he had an eight o’clock tee time at the public golf course a few miles from their house. Karen came down a few minutes later and kissed her parents on the cheek. She told them she felt better today and was up for midnight mass that evening. Carl had asked if he should stay home but Karen insisted he go golfing as planned. She felt bad enough about disrupting Robby’s life, she did not want to ruin her father’s too. Carl finished his coffee then headed out. He reminded Robby to make sure the pool was clean and the chemicals
right so his sister could use it if she wanted. The pool had been uncovered since the first of April and the pool’s heater had the water temperature up to eighty-five.
Robby followed his dad out to get his lawn equipment from the garage. He had three lawns to mow today, including Laura’s and the next door neighbor’s on the other side. Cutting grass proved Robby what little disposable income he needed above his allowance. His parents had nixed the idea of a part-time job during the school year. They told him he was already stretched thin enough with school, sports, and band activities.
Robby checked the pool, cut his own yard first, then mowed the Fillmore’s next door. As he was using the weedeater around Mr. Fillmore’s prized Canary Island Palm tree, Laura walked up to his house and waved to him. Robby waved back. Laura was carrying a beach bag and had on a pool cover-up. Clearly, Karen had invited her over for a swim.
Robby refilled his mower with gasoline and hurried over to Laura’s. He was looking forward to a dip in the pool himself as it was already above eighty degrees and it was only nine-thirty in the morning. Robby mowed Laura’s backyard first then headed for the front. He had just cleared the edge of her house when he spied a strange car in his drive-way. His heart did a flip-flop as he let go of the mower and sprinted towards his front door. The door was standing wide open and Robbie skidded through it.
Robby took a quick look around, the house was deserted, but the French door leading out to the pool was open. Robby raced through the family room and out the door. Jason was standing on the deck taking off his shirt.
‘Come out of the pool, bitch, if I have to go in there to get you, you’ll be sorry,’ Jason said menacingly.
Karen and Laura were standing in chest-deep water in the center of the pool. Both women were petrified with fear.
‘Get out of my house, shithead,’ Robby said as he stepped out the door.
Jason spun around and stared at Robby. Robby knew immediately that Jason was high on something. His eyes were fully dilated even in the sunlight and he had a feral expression on his face. Jason was a big man, probably six-four and two hundred and fifty pounds. He was thirty pounds heavier than when he played second string tight end at the University of Florida.
‘Well, well, well, if it’s not the fag brother. This is between me and my wife, queer boy, stay out of it if you don’t want hurt.’
Robby backed towards the far end of the pool away from the door he had just exited. If Jason followed him, the women might be able get into the house and phone the police. Robby decided to give Jason some incentive to come after him.
‘Seems to me you’re the real faggot since the only person you can beat up is a defenseless woman,’ Robby taunted.
Jason bellowed and charged towards Robby. Robby noticed his mother was standing at the door with the phone to her ear. His mom looked as frightened as the other women as she franticly motioned for the women in the pool to come into the house with her. Robby stepped to the side to evade the charging Jason but, for all his flabby bulk, Jason was still fairly quick. Jason veered at the last minute and managed to sweep Robby off his feet with his extended arm. Robby fell against the plastic picnic set, sprawled across the table, and hit his head against the umbrella pole. Jason ended up stumbling over one of the resin chairs and fell onto the pool deck on his hands and knees.
Robby’s head stung where the pole had smacked it — but it was nothing serious. He jumped up and managed to regain his balance before Jason could stand. Robby drew back his foot and planted a football type kick into Jason’s ribs. Jason grunted as his breath whooshed out. Robby was surprised that Jason continued to rise despite the kick. Robby glanced at the pool to see if Laura and his sister were out yet. The pool was empty so he turned his attention back to Jason. This close to his brother-in-law, Robby could smell his acrid body odor. Jason smelled like the speed-freak skinheads at school. Jason was high on methamphetamine. That meant big trouble for Robby. Jason’s reflexes would be heightened, he would feel less pain, and he would not tire as easily. Robby hoped Jason had been high all night and was starting to run down.
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xmoviesforyouJennifer and I sat at my kitchen table on Saturday afternoon sipping beers following our fuck fest with Holly and Nick the night before. Jennifer didn’t have to worry about picking up her kids until Sunday late afternoon and Jerry wouldn’t be home until later Sunday night. We had both woken up late that morning and just now sat down to chat about what happened the night before.Jennifer had taken a long bath and looked exquisitely sexy with her hair back in a ponytail. She wore one of Jerry’s...
CrossdressingJanuary 24, 2026, just over a year had passed since the merger of the century, as the press had labeled it. LDC and The Whitten Companies were now officially known as Whitten/LDC. With the combined resources of the world’s largest company, Sean figured now it was time to announce his boldest plan yet, the building of a colony on Mars. Sean had studied various other close planets as candidates. However, two things kept him coming back to Mars. The first was time; it took two and a half years...
Petticoats and boyfriends Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I saw the clothes I tried to move away, but my dad stood there with his hand firmly grasping my arm, so I was unable to do anything but moan. My mother stood next to the bed, grim faced but determined. I was told to strip, and looking at my dad I knew I didn't have a choice, so I undressed to my shorts. "Those too," mom said, "then I want you to put these on." "Do I have to? I'll never do it again! I...
My name is Daniel, but everyone just calls me Dan for short. I'm a nineteen year old adolescent lad whose got pictures of topless models on his walls. I have this fascination with older women like, I think that Michelle Phieffer is hot even though she's in her late forties. After seeing her in that tight, leather black cat suit in Batman Returns, I was in awe. Speaking of sexy older women, one of my Mum's friends called Andrea is gorgeous. Forty eight years old I think. With long. golden blonde...
MILFAt seven-thirty James was driving his car to Abby's house. He was very early, and embarrassed to be so eager, like a schoolboy on a first date. There he was, however, unable to contain his energy in his tiny apartment. As he got closer, he realized just how early he was and detoured away from Abby's house in order to use up some time. As he drove his circuitous route he purged all the conscience pangs and second thoughts. The adultery was Abby's responsibility, he reasoned. "Am I my...
First Outing By Pat The Bunny I thought about adding a disclaimer here about not reading this piece if you don't like its nature, but I don't need one. Because not only is this relatively mild story true, but I just returned from the events forthwith I shall now describe. I, like many here, have a fascination with the delicacy of the female form, their easy grace of mannerisms, and the constraining yet paradoxically free-form shape of women's clothes. Through the years I've...
Lissa felt a little nervous sitting in Meg's car as the two of them drove to Sandy's apartment. She had never been to Sandy's place before, but that wasn't the reason. It was only natural for a girl to be a little scared knowing that in a few minutes she would be starting on the road to becoming a lesbian. Meg asked her for the fourth time if she was sure this was what she wanted, and Lissa nodded. She had made up her mind. This wasn't just about seducing Alya, though that was a large...
Just out for a joy ride I was doing something I have only ever fantasized about. I borrowed my sister’s fire engine red convertible and drove with the top down on the interstate to see how many people notice that my skirt is up to my belly uncovering my bare pussy. It was a wonderful day for me. I got horns honked and yells with suggestions the whole time. I was so hot I played with my pussy and was dripping wet and super horny so I pulled over to the nearest rest stop, pulling to the back so...
Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah A nervous lust tingled through my pussy and electrified my body as I posed with my three friends before the horde of hungry boys crowding the bleachers of our high school’s gym. Naked, my round, dusky breasts quivered before me. On my right, my blonde friend Kimmy already had cum staining her thighs, leaking out of her pussy while she had such a glowing smile on her lips, her braces flashing as she kept glancing at my younger...
WARNING!!! The following story contains sexual acts between consenting adults. If you are below the legal age (18 most places) to read such matters, or it is illegal where you are, stop it right there! Also this isn't meant to be fine literature, so there are mistakes and errors in there somewhere, and the writing is not meant to be airtight. if you're looking for revolutionary fiction, look elsewhere please. iBod by Potrzebie "Son of a bitch!" Aaron swore as his music...
Prologue My name doesn't matter. This is not about me. It is about one of the Girls. It is part of an archive of stories that cannot, must not, be published for maybe another century, but needs to be recorded now, or the histories of these women, Jake's Girls, will forever be lost. It is the hope of some of the Girls that laws will change and what they have lived will become legal. In the meantime, it is not legal and so these stories are for the ages, just not this age. I won't...
The following day Clarity and I drove up to LA a little early. I wanted the extra time to see how the renovations to the Hollywood hills house were coming along. When we moved to San Diego we had decided to keep both the Beach House and the Hollywood hills house. Oddly enough the Beach house we ended up leasing to Michael and Margaret Curtiz, the same folks I learned had purchased the home when I had gone back to 2006. The Hollywood hills house we left vacant in the event any of us needed a...
Carrie spoke with my folks and asked if I could spend Saturday evening at her house as her folks were going away for the weekend. I told my mom that I had no plans and would be glad to keep her company. Got home about 5:00 pm, washed up and headed over to Carries, about 15 minutes later her friend Donna arrived. Donna was one voluptuous young lady, a bigger frame than Carrie and built like a “brick shithouse,” big breasts and a nice round ass. The interesting part, she is only a few...
You slide out of your jeans, revealing that you didn't wear any panties. I try to pay as much attention to the road as I can but it is becoming very difficult. I adjust the rear view mirror so it is aimed at you. I watch as you rub the vibrator all over your thighs, your mound and up over your stomach. Finally you settle in rubbing the vibrator over your clit and inside your vagina. You rub the vibrator over your pussy as you massage your breasts and pinch your nipples. Knowing that...
Chapter 5 A Special Dedication Erin and Shelly dressed and left for Hershey, PA. Shelly wanted to say good-bye to William since she hadn't gotten to say good-night to him the night before. Michelle explained that William was leaving for Europe very soon and couldn't stop packing or he might miss his shuttle. That held little water with the little girl. She was clever in an innocent way and had resolved it in her mind that William didn't have to stop packing, she could just...
Rajesh's Humiliation By Michelle Kendall A young boy comes up with a crazy plan to protect his older brother after he does something very stupid This is a very rough first attempt at a larger story I am planning. This will be fleshed out and expanded more. Rajesh laid in his bedroom this night and he was very troubled. He paced his room for around twenty minutes before he decided to lay down for the night. Then he heard them giggling again and his mind was filled...
Sanderson's is one of the older stores, but very well known. I thought It was strange that I was instructed to go in through the side door and stop at the will-call desk. I asked for the name I had and one of the assistant managers led me to the back of the store, passing loaded stock carts, and boxed goods piled in what could best be described as junk stacks. We kept going and I was about ready to back out. What kind of an operation would be run from this dingy place? "Go in there," she said,...
People think being The Porn Dude involves nothing but jerking off to taboo anal movies and explicit voyeurism hentai, but the world of pornography is so much wider-ranging than that. Today, for example, I spent the day shaking my dick at an adult video game about a dark magician trying to corrupt my sister. Normally, I’m fine with any kind of sister corruption that goes on in adult entertainment, but in Vixen Wars, you fight alongside sexy broads who want to hook up, so maybe the trade-off will...
Best Porn GamesWe completed our errands and went shopping for the food and supplies we’d need for the evening. Jess looked so hot around town dressed as the was, and the attention she received seemed to turn her on even more. My cock never softened, and after several hours of this, it was getting a little sore. Finally, I couldn’t stand it any longer, and, as promised, I fucked her. In the grocery store bathroom. After watching her bend over in the frozen foods isle. Reaching for something deep within the...
We were in Europe over the summer and spent some time in Amsterdam. The day of our return flight, we stopped at a coffee shop in the morning, since we weren't scheduled to leave for the airport until 10pm. As we sat down at our table, a man in his late 40's, early 50's, salt and pepper hair, no facial hair, and about 5'7; introduced himself and asked if he could join. We accepted and began conversing, during this time, we both felt that his energy showed a real interest in us as a couple. We...
When the neighbors asked Tim to feed their cat while they were on vacation, he happily agreed. Tim had been looking for a way to do a little snooping in his new neighbors house. He fantasized about finding some of sexy Jodi's nude pics! Jodi and her husband Bill had moved in about 5 months ago. Tim and his wife, Sloan had gotten along with them well from the beginning. Jodi was incredibly sexy to Tim. He began to lust after her immediately....
Xanthos - Continuing Where We Left Off I was sitting there smiling, facing my two lovelies as we were taking off on our trip to North Carolina from El Paso, Texas. (The seats face each other - front to rear.) "Xanthos?" Anna asked. "Yes, kitten?" She smiled at that. "When are you going to tell us where we're going?" "What, you don't like surprises?" "Not really. They have a habit of being bad." "Well, I think you'll like this one. I thought we'd take a quick...
The embarrassment of the younger couple was apparent the next morning when Traci calmly asked Charlie to make sure to air the house out the next time Kathi stayed over. With the others laughing at their discomfort, they all had breakfast before Mandy left to pick up Jenni from Grandma and Grandpa's. While she was gone, the trio told Charlie and Kathi about the honeymoon, leaving out all the sex they had, though the couple was strangely silent about what they had done. Mandy was walking in...
Frank was recently hired on by the company as a Desktop Support Technician. His job was to help the personnel with computer problems varying from network issues to printing problems. He was there about two weeks when they had received a phone call from their remote office. "George, you over there?" "Yeah, Bob, what's up"? "Gina just called from the remote office. Network connectivity is down again." "Dammit. Bob, head out there and call me when you get there." "No can do George....
“I'm not sure about this...” she said, her voice hesitant, lacking any of its normal fire. “You said I was your precious comrade of the Hidden Leaf Village. If that is true, why don't you trust me?” came a reply, booming from the darkness beyond the huge bars. “This isn't about trust!!” she shouted back, glaring into the darkness and waving her arms angrily. Realizing she had exposed herself, the sexy blonde immediately snapped her arms back to their former positions and turned her...
Once again, we fade in on our harshly lit bedroom set ... Looking at that ugly old, rusty steel bedframe, and the dirty mattress that’s resting on it. It’s an appalling sight, truly disgraceful ... It’s a bed that only the worst kind of person would even consider sitting on ... And yet we’re getting used to seeing it every week. Our guests, however, have never seen the set – because this was all recorded before the first episode aired ... And here comes our next subject, ready to see the...
Introduction: Marsha counted the days till her date with Dot the week following the tailgate orgy. Dot inspected her nude body in the mirror with pride as she prepared for her friends visit that afternoon. Her breasts still rode high on her chest at thirty-five, nipples prominent with large pink aureole. Her flat belly led down to the whisp of blond pubic hair that marked the top of her prominent mound of Venus. She cupped her breasts, palming the nipples until they grew even more erect. The...
His son’s hockey schedule would soon take him to the metropolis, nearby to where she lived. From there it would only be about a 30 minute drive to finally meet. He at age 45 and she in her 30s were old enough to know what they were missing in their lives. They had no intentions of leaving their spouses, they loved them, but the sex....oh the sex... was frustrating at best. For her, she was married to a selfish lover. Not having felt a climax from love making in months, and even those...
The next morning, Jeff could hardly wait to examine his first effort at making steel. All he knew for sure was that this would be a steel with a high carbon content. At the moment, he had no way to determine the actual carbon level, so he could not know the quality of the steel he produced, but that was of secondary concern. The big deal was whether or not he had made any steel at all. There was no question that the stuff in the cup was metal, so he was halfway to his goal. He took out the...
Hello everyone I wanna tell you all about my cross dressing fetish and how it all started. Before I begin let me start by telling you all a bit about my family and myself. We are a family of three, my mom, dad and myself. Both my parents worked which gave me a lot of time to be alone. Although both of them worked it was my Mom who was the main bread earner of the family. Her name is Shikha and she is the vice president of a private company and earning a good salary apart from amenities like...
Lesbian“I had thought Chicago was inevitable, like diarrhea.” —John Varley, The Persistence of Vision 18 AUGUST 2020 I think Cindy has become a part of our regular lunch table. It’s natural enough, I suppose. She traveled with us this summer and became part of our performance troupe. Everyone in the pod likes her and she gets along with everyone. Plus, we’re in orchestra together and that means we break for lunch at the same time and just naturally walk to the cafeteria together. It’s...
My wife just let herself get fucked by a complete stranger. She had met him through a Craigslist ad and communicated a few times before through emails, but this was the first time they had met in person. His name is Brandt. Laura had surprised me with a weekend getaway to northern Georgia and he had been waiting in the cabin my wife had rented. In less than ten minutes after arriving, my wife had her pussy filled with his cock. Within twenty Brandt was shooting his hot cum down her throat. I...
Wife Lovers