The Whale - A Jake - Joyfully Story free porn video

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My name doesn't matter. This is not about me. It is about one of the Girls.

It is part of an archive of stories that cannot, must not, be published for maybe another century, but needs to be recorded now, or the histories of these women, Jake's Girls, will forever be lost.

It is the hope of some of the Girls that laws will change and what they have lived will become legal. In the meantime, it is not legal and so these stories are for the ages, just not this age.

I won't describe who Jake's Girls are here. (Or should I say 'were'? If you are reading this a hundred years hence, they will all be dead. But what if the document is published too soon?) If you need to know, and this story will make no sense unless you do know, you should read Jake's Journal #2. I will assume you do know and go on from there.


Jezelle was a mother from the fourth graduating class of Jun's academy. Her daughter, Akiko, was a real stunner, but then all the daughters were. Jezelle married a Geoff Webster of Tivoli, New York. Geoff was a Civil Engineer, and by all accounts, a very good one. Their marriage was a good one too. There were no problems ... at least the girls say there were none, and that's all we have to go on. Geoff was, of course, in Jake's way, also 'married' to Akiko.

Akiko adored her father/husband. You can say she worshiped him. She knew where she and her mom had come from. She knew that she never would have had a chance to graduate from Red Hook High School. She wouldn't have been accepted to both Vassar College and Bard College and she certainly would not have been able to pay for either except for Geoff. She knew there was food and good food on their table every night. She never had to ask if there was supper, only what was 'for supper'. She had new clothes each season of the year. She had a soft bed on which to sleep, her own computer, and by seventeen, she had a driver's license and a car. None of those things would have happened if she was still living in the Nippa hut outside of Tacloban, on Mindanao, as she had been until she was selected to study at Jun's school. And even then, if it wasn't for Geoff, all the rest would not have mattered. It was Geoff who made all she had and was today.

Akiko knew right down into the marrow of her bones, why she was where she was, and what it took to get there. She never, ever resented it or rejected it. Geoff was her mother's one and only. Geoff was her one and only as well. Jun and Jake might have been the Saints who helped them find Geoff, but it was Geoff who caused the rains to come and the sun to shine. Geoff was their God. Akiko knew that.

For twenty years, Akiko was married to Geoff, as was her mother. They kept his house, did his shopping, washed his cars, did his laundry, cooked his food and gave him children. Geoff was their life and they never left his side.

For his part, Geoff knew that he was a very lucky guy. He loved his girls with a devoted ferocity that knew no bounds.

And then he was dead.

A heart attack took him in his seventy-sixth year. There had been no warning. He was at work in his office in Red Hook when he collapsed that late October day. He was rushed to Northern Dutchess County Hospital in Rhinebeck but it was too late. Geoff was dead.

Jezelle and Akiko were not poor now. Geoff had been a conservative man and he left them with savings, with the house paid for and a life insurance policy of three quarters of a million dollars. The girls were safe. If they had needed help, the network of Jake's Girls would have taken care of them anyway.

Jezelle was forty-five and Akiko was thirty-two at the time. Jezelle and Geoff's two sons, Brad and Charley, were nineteen and sixteen. Akiko and Geoff's daughter, Cynthia, was ten.

Brad was in his second year at Brown. Charley was a Junior in Red Hook High and Cynthia attended Mill Road Elementary School as a fifth grader. Brad took a week off from Brown and was home for the funeral, but Jezelle spoke to the counseling center at Brown and with their help, Brad returned to Brown, albeit with a lot of counseling services and many trips that year across the Mass Turnpike and then down the Taconic Parkway. Brad was a good boy, smart and agile.

Jezelle was adamant that he not allow his father's untimely death divert him from his path to success. Jezelle knew what it took to succeed and never stopped making sure her children got their shot at the gold ring. The money from the insurance policy allowed her to pay the tuition at Brown. It was not easy to see that much money just flow out, but it was an investment in her son and so it was done.

Charley was not forgotten either. With the help of a local clinical therapist, and the support of his mother and Akiko, Charley pulled through the Junior year without his grades falling and with a good shot at college.

Jezelle and Akiko did not work outside the home. There was no new money, but they were not worrying about that. They kept their eyes on Charley making sure he was OK. And he was. Charley had his mother's intelligence and every possible advantage society could afford him. His SAT's were good, if not perfect. His grades were strong. Charley applied for and got into the college he had hoped for, Oberlin. When his friends suggested that Bard was the same as Oberlin but a lot closer, Charley just winked and said, ' ... And your point is?' He knew, as did Jezelle, that he was ready to cut the apron strings. While it hurt, she was also proud that he had made the choice. So twenty-one months after the death of her husband she had two sons in college. It was making a dreadful impact on the family's finances, but she would get the boys through school. That's what mattered.

In this part of the country, folks take Halloween very seriously and decorations dotted the countryside with the season's colors and themes; making Washington Irving's tales seem to come alive. The local orchards were busy. Some apples picked for cider and others were the best for eating. Macoun Apples were so good to eat right from the tree but had no shelf life. When they came into season, which was right now, the girls could not get enough of them.

But the big house, overlooking the Hudson, on the west side of Tivoli felt empty that late October evening. Both boys off and gone to school, it was just the females at the dinner table.

The girls loved this time of year, but tonight as the shadows gave way to true night, they were feeling sad, more than a bit lonely, and very quiet. It was the second anniversary of Geoff's death. Jezelle and Akiko had been Geoff's bedroom partners for twenty years and they had more than enjoyed their matrimonial duties. Now for two years there had been no man for them, not that they had wanted one in the beginning, but by now they were sorely missing the joys of a happy bedroom.

Cynthia looked upon the dour countenances of her mother and grandmother and for the first time asked a question, she had wanted to ask ever since she was old enough to formulate it. Cynthia was now in seventh grade at Linden Avenue Middle School. She was twelve years old and her brain was on fire.

Mom, Gran, how did it happen? I mean how did you both end up being wives to Dad? And Gran, how can you be Mom's mom? You are only thirteen years older than Mom is.

Is there a good time for a child to ask such a question? Probably not. But this was possibly the most apropos time and they both knew it. The two women looked at each other over that huge harvest table and with eyebrows and pursed lips communicated as only two Filipinas do. To translate, the first eyebrow went up on Akiko. It was a question: Yes? Should we? Jezelle's eyebrows came up firmer and twice: Yes, we should. Then Akiko gently pursed her lips: Will you tell it? Jezelle pursed hers: You tell. Akiko pursed harder: No, you tell please.

Jezelle spoke in a way that Cynthia had not heard before. Her Gran, Jezelle, was a woman of very few words. But the tale that was woven that night over macoun apples, aged cheddar cheese, strawberry jam and potato bread was the stuff of old legends and gothic novels. Cynthia learned about Nippa huts, the town of Tacloban, the island of Mindanao, of grinding poverty and desperation; of a foreigner and his strange family who for special, bright and pretty girls and their mothers offered a way out of the desperation of lives without options and within months changed their lives forever. Cynthia learned about whom she was; how she came to exist and about the slippery slope, we call morals, which can tangle you up in knots if you allow it. No, no one was hurt. Cynthia's father had still been a good man. But, he was a good man with a secret, and Cynthia now knew she was the daughter of that secret. Now there were three women at the table sharing that one big secret.

And so it was, that a bond that had held two of them, was extended to and if not holding then at least touching and informing the third. But ... this is the beginning of their tale, not the tale itself. This is where they are at the end on one epoch and the dawning of a new one.

The Story

The holidays are a time when the Hudson River Valley finest dress up in their finest, cover that finest with heavy coats, get into 4 wheel-drive all-electric SUV's with all weather tires and head off to other fine homes in the valley for eggnog or a wassail bowl and assorted cakes and cookies.

It is a time of parties and good cheer to warm up the spirit as the snows and cold breezes make the drives slow and laborious. It is also a time for showing off one's home, all done up for the season; trees, ornaments, lights, garlands; and all done to tasteful perfection. Women are in their holiday best, men wearing casual, but not too casual slacks, with either dress shirts and casual sweaters or a top shelf Pendleton wool shirt. Good cheer and broad smiles applied to faces, sometimes revealing true hail fellow well met ebullience, and sometimes applied with a spackling trowel in a dimly lit room.

Geoff and Jezelle had attended such gatherings and hosted them for many years. It was simply part of the River Valley society two-step. When Geoff died, all that had stopped. Jezelle was not hosting anything and the invitations – though they certainly came in the mail, were always graciously declined, 'with regrets.'

Akiko would receive solicitous invitations from young men hoping for an intelligent, attractive companion for such a party. She also declined each offer with regret.

So it had been for two years, two years of missing Geoff and mourning his loss. But the loneliness was taking its toll and both women needed to find a palliative for the ache. Additionally, Jezelle, who had the responsibility for the family's finances, knew that something had to be done to staunch the drawdown of their funds. They were OK for now and would be for five to seven more years. But, now was the time to act, not later when the job would be harder and the situation more desperate.

This year the two women decided to rejoin the social swirl. Jezelle accepted each invitation with the note that she would be attending with her daughter Akiko. That put them both in play each time and meant Akiko was not relegated to wait for a date, and then be held to that date for the evening. The two even took a few days for a trip to the City. And so via train from Rhinebeck into Manhattan, they shopped for dresses and shoes. They wanted to look their best.

These were two beautiful women. They had been lovely twenty years prior and now Jezelle in her later 40's was still a stunning figure. Akiko, who had been the prettiest of adolescents, grew up to be a ravishing beauty in her own right. Both were full Filipina: small, under five feet, trim, delicate, with straight black hair and black eyes. They were exotic and at the same time approachable. After twenty years Jezelle's English was not perfect, but Akiko's was impeccable. Jezelle was a wonderful woman, an exquisite cook, an inspired home decorator, with a sixth grade formal education. Akiko didn't have her mother's cooking skills, but she did have a BS and a Master's degree in Geology.

In town, both were considered 'available' and if you asked any of the married women at the parties, they would be hard pressed to tell you, which was the greater risk to their own happy homes! Those other women had nothing to fear. Neither Jezelle nor Akiko was a home wrecker. It was the furthest thing from their minds. If they had been aware of the fears of some of their 'friends' they would have been mortified.

Jezelle and Akiko had lived and loved together with one man for twenty years. They could have chosen to split up and go their own way at this point and none would be the wiser if they had done so. But their need, desire, their complex mother/daughter/lover relationship made the willingness to do that more than unlikely. They were bonded together. They needed a new 'Geoff;' a man who would stay with them; a man who would be happy to be with both of them. A man they could share.

The first party of the season, by agreement between the two women, was just to get their feet wet. They intended only to look around and see who might be available. That did mean that they could play; they could even pick someone up to quench an immediate need; but that first night was just for openers.

They laughed and giggled for the first time in a long time as they selected what they would wear, as they did each other's hair, put on their stockings, did their makeup and finally put on their shoes. As they left the Master Bedroom, a room they had shared now for twenty-two years, they presented themselves to Cynthia. Cynthia just shrieked. Not out of horror, but out of 'holy shit' amazement. For her, Mom and Gran were just family, nothing special, and never, ever in her short life had she ever seen the two of them look anything like this! There were two incredibly – fashion model – beautiful women and it was Mom and Gran! So Cynthia shrieked and jumped up and down and the women laughed.

It was Friday night. Cynthia could stay up until ten thirty and then off to bed, even though Mom would not be home. Yes, Mom. Don't worry Mom. Have a good time Mom.

Off the women went east on county road 76 across US Route 9G at Kelly's Corner all the way to US Route 9, the old Albany Post Road, and then south to Red Hook. The stately home to which they were headed was three hundred years old. Some of the northern part of Dutchess County's best people would be there tonight. Over the last two decades, Jezelle had met and entertained many of them. She was liked and respected as a member of the community. Akiko was also well known. This was their town. These were their people – if not by blood and cultural heritage, then by volleyball, swim meets, school plays, band, school board meetings, zoning board meetings, and supermarket aisles. Their Geoff had been an important man here and that had to a large extent showered grace down on them.

So when the women entered the house it neither was for the first time, nor did they need to be introduced. No, it was just the opposite as person after person came up and said:

'How good to see you out again.'

'It must have been hard.'

'How have you been, we've missed you.'

'Are you OK. How are things?'

'I bet you miss him, don't you.'

And sweetest of all... 'Oh God, I have so much gossip to catch you up on! It's going to take hours!'

Jezelle took a lazy inventory of the men in the room. She knew many of them, not all, but those she didn't were probably going to be covered by the gossip she needed to catch up on. She was enjoying herself and feeling good. A number of men had given her appreciative glances. She knew she was looking good but not dangerous. That was her goal and she had succeeded. As she was reaching to fill her punch glass at the sideboard, she noticed Ben Whitting, one of Geoff's old clients. He was taking a good look at a woman in her twenties. The girl stood about five foot five with shoulder length red hair, and what looked like green eyes. Her figure looked athletic in her above the knee cocktail dress. Her legs certainly looked good in the sweet red pumps she had on. Yes, she was certainly pretty but she was flirting with men twenty to thirty years younger than Ben Whitting; and yes she might be fun to play with, but she was too silly and clearly not Ben's caliber. If the girl was fishing, it was in shallow water and she had her hook set for small fish.

Jezelle approached Ben.

Oh Ben, she is fun to look at and she might be fun for a roll in the sack for a night, but she couldn't carry it off for even a long weekend. Still, I wouldn't mind a bit of it myself.

Ben looked over at Jezelle and gave her a deep appreciative smile.

By God Jezelle, if that's the type of pillow talk Geoff got from you, I can see why he married you and stayed with you for all these years. Good for you woman! Good for you! Yes, you are just right. And that is exactly what I was thinking. I'd love to give her a toss, but how do I get rid of her after that? It would be a mess!

Oh, Ben there are always options.

Jezelle, not that I'm likely to follow up on those options, but what options?

Sweet Ben, I would tell you but then I'd have to either kill you or marry you!

State secrets! I see! Oh well, I don't want to die and I'm not marital material, but how about I date you? I'd enjoy having a woman on my arm with whom I could have these conversations without getting my face slapped.

Well Ben, that depends.

Oh, I know I'm going to regret this ... Depends on what Jezelle?

On a number of things Ben.

OK let's take them one at a time.

Are you married or involved with anyone, man or woman?

Jezelle are you inferring I might be gay? You are sweet! You don't want to break up a gay relationship! I love it! Jezelle, you have my solemn word, I am not in a relationship with anyone. I do date, but I am not in a relationship.

Have you ever hit a woman?

No Jezelle, I have never hit anyone. But I respect you for asking.

Are you an alcoholic or drug addict?

No to both!

Do you have any diseases I can get from you?

STD? Nothing dear.

Then I say OK Ben. You have a date!

That's it? You didn't want to know if I can afford you? Where I work? How much money I have?

No Ben. Geoff worked with you and trusted you. On that level, I know you are probably stable and that's all I need to know.

It doesn't matter if I am not wealthy?

Ben, I was very very poor as a child. Nothing that can happen to me now will be like that. Besides, we're just dating.

OK so how do I get that girl for a roll in the hay?

You want her tonight?

Sure, let's say I do.

Anyone at your house tonight?

No one.

Is it clean and picked up Ben?

Ha! Yes, Jezelle it is fine!

You are going to be a busy man tonight Ben. You are going to have two girls in your bed. I hope you can handle it!

Jezelle are you saying 'we' are going to have the girl together?

We are unless you don't want to. Do you Ben?

You and her, Jezelle? Is that who you are saying I will have in my bed tonight?


Well Jezelle, if you can pull it off then all the more power to you! Yes, sure I'm up for it!

Enjoy the party Ben. I'll catch up with you later, but do not leave until you see me again.

Jezelle worked the room but kept an eye on the redheaded girl. In the process, Jezelle learned the girl's name, Grace, and where Grace worked. She learned that Grace was unattached and just dating around. In the process, she caught up with Akiko and let her know that she might not be coming home tonight and if she left, then Akiko should just take the SUV home and they would catch up in the morning. Akiko made a brief comment that Jezelle sure was fast as hell. Akiko had hardly even gotten started.

Grace headed for a bit to eat, and she found herself at Jezelle's shoulder as she got to the table. Reaching for some finger sandwiches at the same time, they smiled at each other. Jezelle smiled with a big wonderful grin that just seems to require a big smile back.

Hi, someone told me that your name is Grace, is that right?

Yes, a'huh, sure is. And you are?

Oh, sorry, I am Jezelle. You are causing something of a heartache with my friend Ben.

Who's Ben?

That man over there.

Really? He's cute, but I'm too young for him! Are you serious? He wouldn't be interested in me!

Oh girl, he is! Really interested. It's the 'He'd like to take you home tonight, ' type of interested.

Wow, I've never been out with an older guy like that before. I'm not sure I wouldn't make a fool of myself. Is he nice?

Yes, Ben is a nice guy. If you like, I will introduce you to him and hang out to make sure you don't make a fool of yourself. But honestly, Grace, I think you will do fine. Maybe it will make him more comfortable at the party if it looks like he is with both of us and not you alone. That way neither of you raises any eyebrows. What do you think?

You'd do that for me?

No Grace, I'm doing it for Ben. OK?

Yes, and thanks for the honesty.

It's nothing, nothing.

Five minutes later Jezelle was introducing Grace to Ben and telling him about what Grace does for a living and when she moved to town, and that she had gone to College at Northwestern. Ben knew her employers and asked about how they were to work for and what her goals were. He asked about hobbies she might have. He asked her what sports she was interested in, either playing or as a fan.

After a while, Jezelle whispered in Ben's ear, but not so that Grace couldn't hear if she wanted.

Ben, why don't you offer to take us both somewhere, (and then in a voice the Grace could not hear, ) To your house.

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Introduction: This is meant to be an epic: Jake Parker is a very long character an I hope that people like him enough to give me a positive review on this prologue. Thngs start getting interesting after this thought, so if you like it positive ratings please. Hello? His house was empty. The door was open though, it shouldnt have been open. He locked it every day. Hello? Walking inside, Jake looked around. The house was two stories tall with ten or so rooms. Jake knew someone was there. His...

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The Interviews A Jake Joyfully StoryChapter 4 The Nature of the Beast

Mom and I had a difficult year in Gensan. I was never sure why we couldn't go back to tito and tita's but mom said we couldn't. I remember I was always hungry, even before when we lived with tito and tita's. I also remember that I had always had to share a bed with many people. I had no privacy unless I was in the CR.[*11] But everyone was just like us. I knew, most of the kids I grew up with never went to school beyond sixth grade. If they did and they were lucky, they might get a job...

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Jake and Jackie

The taxicab pulled up the driveway and Jackie sprinted downstairs to greet her brother. Jake Jr. had been away in school in New York and she hadn't been able to see her brother for over a year. Her heart pounded, as it always did when she saw him. She flung the front door open and the siblings' eyes met. Jackie ran outside and threw her arms around her brother placing kisses all over his face. "Hey, hey," Jake laughed holding his little sister close to him. "I'm so glad you're home!...

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Jake Ryans heart trouble 1

 “All set. According to my monitor here, you have just a small heart murmur. Nothing too concerning, I’ll schedule a follow-up appointment so we can look at it in detail.” Nurse Jackie went over to the large monitor on the wall and pointed to an unusual looking peak on the ECG screen. In a whirlwind of activity, she had printed a number of medical forms and removed her gloves. “Here, I’ll need you to sign these and then we can schedule for next time. Just take it easy on the physical activity,...

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Jakes Magic Remote Part XIV Just Rewards

Jake woke early, having already slept between moments. Time was already a totally different concept to him than it had been before, it seemed. He looked at the clock by the bed, noting that it was only 4 in the morning. Plenty of time to get started on the day. But first, it seemed there was some unfinished business to take care of. Jake had meant to spend some time next door last night, and had got so caught up with Katie that it had slipped his mind. A quick shower to freshen up and an apple...

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Jakes Magic Remote VIII Oh Baby Baby

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.----------------------------Breakfast Sunday morning was a lot less awkward than...

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20 Year Old Jake Pounds And Dominates A 40 Year Old Milf

Liz was agood looking 40 year old redhead who was a mom of two. She had been happily married to the same man for the past 15 years and had two children. She did everything a good wife should do including taking care of the children along with doing the chores around the house. She also did a lot of volunteer work at her children’s school along with helping take care of an older love one. You would say she was a hero of sorts as she did everything for everyone but herself. One day Liz knew she...

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20 Year Old Jake Pounds And Dominates A 40 Year Old Milf

Liz was agood looking 40 year old redhead who was a mom of two. She had been happily married to the same man for the past 15 years and had two children. She did everything a good wife should do including taking care of the children along with doing the chores around the house. She also did a lot of volunteer work at her children’s school along with helping take care of an older love one. You would say she was a hero of sorts as she did everything for everyone but herself. One day Liz knew she...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 11

Whilst Millie was sailing through her pregnancy with no problems, other, of course, than those of which all women not unnaturally complain, Caroline’s condition was still causing concern. She was, unfortunately, not a good patient since she wanted to be out working, although she did realise that physically that simply wasn’t possible. Always the more placid of the two sisters she was now developing a temper to match Victoria’s. Jake spent a lot of time with her when he wasn’t working, but...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 13

“A little job, Mr Hatherley? So far they seem to have developed into rather more than little.” said Jake. “Oh, this is simple enough. Take a letter over and deliver it to an address I shall give you, and collect a parcel from the same address. No problems, I assure you.” Jake raised an eyebrow. “When?” “I’m not sure. Probably not until ‘Moonfleet’s’ next trip after this one. I expect you’ll have young Fitzherbert with you by then. In fact I’m sure of it. I’ll be in touch. Good day.” “Good...

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Jake Pleases His Pregnant Wife Melody Episode 1

Introduction: Again, sorry about the paragraphs. I dont care about the format, I just care about getting the story on here. I am gonna make a series of these two people so yes there will be a second episode. There are hints in this story as to what the second episode is about. Hope you enjoy! Ahhhhhhh! Shouts a young Mrs. Housened. Its just a spider, sweetie. Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 22

Edited by Old Rotorhead Jake was sitting in his office with several large ledgers in front of him. After studying them for some time he sat back and relaxed. There was no doubt that the business, or rather businesses, were in good shape. He had some time ago decided that each division should be accounted separately in order that he could keep an eye on how they were performing. There were profits showing from all the divisions, although some were better than others. The difference was that...

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Jake Pleases His Pregnant Wife Melody Episode 1

“It’s just a spider, sweetie.” Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are high school sweethearts, married right out of high school. Married a few months after graduation. “Flush it!” Melody Housened demands. “No, I want to keep it as a pet.” Jake Housened jokes. He gets a glass jar from the recycling bin and sticks a piece of lettuce inside. “See, it won’t hurt us.” “NO! FLUSH IT! KILL IT!” she...

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Jakes Magic Remote Part III Karma Chamele

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------------------Sarah got home only a few minutes after...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 24

St Petersburg station was an impressive building, but so, Jake and Hermione discovered, were the rest of the buildings in the city. And the hotel was wonderful, with first class service, comfortable suites and every modern convenience, and, much to Hermione’s delight, French cuisine. The next morning after a breakfast of French style viennoiserie, which Hermione found most acceptable, they considered their options. These, or more accurately, this, came down to starting at the police...

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Jakes Magic Remote VI Shenanigans

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.-------------Jake walked into the steakhouse with his favorite two women close...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 19

Editing by Old Rotorhead Stunned silence would be the best description of the scene in the studio. Nerissa had run up the stairs after Jake had left. She burst into the studio to give the news to Victoria that Millie had been run over and taken to hospital. Victoria’s reaction had been simply to leave. They could hear her footsteps running down the stairs, and then silence after she went through the front door, leaving the other three looking at each other. Nerissa knew Millie only from a...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 17

It had been several weeks since the evening that Hermione spent with Jake, and which had ended up with the beginnings of her sexual education. She had been very busy between her royal duties, although now that the Queen had become a virtual recluse that had become much less onerous, and being required to spend time with her aunt. Why Aunt Honoria, despite being the Duchess of Skegness, should want to live in a draughty castle on the east coast she could not imagine. Alright, it wasn’t a...

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Jake Elf

In Jake’s first year of university, he was paired up in residence with a guy named David, who bore such a striking resemblance to Orlando Bloom that everyone on their floor just started calling him Elf. Jake himself was quite good-looking, but never quite saw himself that way. He was in fact deeply insecure about his looks because he’d been a little too nerdy in high school to ever get the attention of girls. He didn’t realize that what had made him unattractive in high school—his bookishness,...

Gay Male
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Jake Part XVIII Creative Anachronism

Thank you all for being such faithful readers. I love interacting with my fans! If you want to read these faster, please go to my post on voat: post there first, Reddit second, and here last because it's harder to get to through work firewalls and it has that long wait time for posting.After all the excitement and sunshine at the beach, Jake wanted to go somewhere cool and relaxing. Petra agreed with him about the heat, but had other ideas about the...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 12

Jake returned to Bristol alone the next morning. Victoria was staying for another day or two to make sure that the painters were aware of exactly what she wanted. And, he was quite sure, she would make certain that Annabelle got what Victoria wanted. He arrived back in his office to find that since he was now available to be consulted that was exactly what was happening. “Dennis, what have you been doing for the past few months,” he asked his assistant. “Umm ... well, I’ve been running...

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Jakes Magic Remote Part XIX Tempered in Fi

Carol held her coffee as though it was the elixir of life. It very well looked like it was, too; in the cafe’s more direct light, Jake could make out dark circles under her eyes that hadn’t been there before.“Are you alright?” Jake asked. “You look…”“ hell,” Petra offered.Carol gave that crooked smile again. Something about it was really familiar. “I’ll be fine. It’s just… really exhausting getting here.”Jake shook his head. “I don’t get it. Getting here? From where? And why?”Carol...

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Vanna White Meets Jake and Bud

Vanna White was lost, sort of. The 47-year-old beauty, star of Wheel of Fortune was on a lonely Nevada road looking for any kind of road sign. She gave a heavy sigh thinking back on how she got into this predicament. She was looking for a house away from the public eye, a place she could bring her children for some peace and quiet sometimes. She was on the summer break from Wheel of Fortune shooting and her friend Amy said she had a good friend that was a realtor in Nevada. She had mentioned...

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Jake Cums at Home

This story is continued from "Daydreaming on the Hardintown Bus" here is a link: walked home from the bus as fast as he could he really wanted nothing more than to jack off and think of Natalie feeling his cock! It had only been an accidental touch but for a teen boy it did not take much!He arrived at home and was alone. He quickly went to the dirty clothes hamper. With two sisters and a mom there was always a pair of used panties to sniff...

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Jakes Magic Remote Part XII Exploration

Jake winked at Petra as she returned from the bathroom. “Everything alright in there?” he asked. “Just fine, Daddy,” she said. She walked over and leaned in close to where he sat in his recliner. “What did you do? That was hilarious.” Jake chuckled. “Just a little teasing. You want me to keep going?” “Yes, please!” She kissed his cheek, then turned to head upstairs to her room. Halfway up the stairs she flipped up her bathrobe to show off the way her panties hugged her ass. Of course, as...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 18

Editing by Old Rotorhead Florence’s new dress was ready by mid morning, and it would have been impossible to have found a girl who was happier. She was dancing up and down the workshop, and all production ceased as everyone watched her. Kaitlyn had to catch her and wave the women back to work. The dress was one of their finest creations and fitted Josephine perfectly. Whilst Josephine was undoubtedly female, her figure was almost straight up and down, with just a small amount of padding on...

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The Esper Jake

Then: “Go jump off a bridge!” 15-year-old Jake watched the anger drain from his father’s face as the older man’s brain absorbed what his son had just yelled at him. He looked confused for a moment, and then turned and exited through the front door, closing it behind him. Jake had been so angry. Now, decades later, he couldn’t even remember what the argument had been about, but the deed was done. Jake had never seen his dad look like that before. He wouldn’t actually... ? No, of...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 5

The evening of the day of Victoria’s chastisement both girls looked absolutely lovely at dinner and the flow of conversation showed no sign from either of the girls regarding the day’s events, but only discussions of how things could move forward. Aunt Lydia of course disapproved of business being discussed over dinner but the enthusiasm of the younger members of the family was infectious. After dinner Jake had a short discussion with his uncle before retiring to bed. It was less than half...

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Jakes Magic Remote XVI Favors

Jake had been feeling pretty good about himself lately. He had answered two more “summons” as Danica’s “not-Jake” in the last week, and it was starting to make a marked difference in the girl. She was bolder, more outspoken and confident, and smiled a lot more. It was as if some great burden of stress had been lifted from her. Which made sense, because in a way it was true. Danica liked being brought down to the level of an a****l; in fact, she loved it. She’d told him as much after their last...

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Amber and Jake An Altered Fates Story 2

Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Thanks again to the editor without a peer Steve Zink Part 4 Jake gulped. This was way beyond awkward! She had to talk to Bob pretending to be Amber and not make any mistakes, yet at the same time remember she was at work and the real Amber might pop in at any time and not like what was said. Feeling like a cat trying to ice skate, Jake answered. "Hello, darling." (That was safe enough) "Hello yourself, sexy!" said...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 16

Jake called on the bank and met with his contact. They sorted out the financial aspects of the business, and established lines of credit. Having completed that he hailed a cab and gave the driver the number of the pier where the ‘Rigel’ was berthed. When he arrived he stood for a few minutes looking at the ship. She was rigged as a barquentine, having square sails on the foremast and gaff rigging on the main and mizzen. This would reduce the size of the crew required to sail her. Jake already...

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The Contraption Gemma and Jake

she could be a right pain in the arse. They'd grown up together like any other brother and sister, fighting over trivial things like who controls the remote, or who uses the shower first. When Gemma asked for a lift to the shops Jake was going to say no but he had nothing else to do so he thought why not. They drove mainly in silence to the local mall which was about 5 kilometres away. They lived at the end of a very long dirt road with no other houses around for a few...

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Bree 7 Shannon and Jake The Donkey

Introduction: Wifes Girlfriend Accidently Encounters a Donkey BREE 7 BREE & SHANNON AT THE RANCH Shannons Encounter with Jake The Donkey by Rodeotexas December 2010 NOTE: If you have not read the Bree stories 1 thru 5 previously posted on this forum, I would highly suggest you do so you can have a perspective of the past history of the people involved, the events that had lead up to each individual related chapter and how this lifestyle has evolved among these friends, however you can read...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 8

Although the wedding was not a major event in the life of Bristol, it nevertheless made waves in the family. The ladies had, of course, turned out in their finery, and Uncle John was taken into the church in a chair with wheels attached. He took little interest in the proceedings and returned to his room at home immediately after the ceremony. The waves in the family were caused by the fact the the house was simply no longer big enough, and the answer would be to move, but in the meantime...

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Jake goes for help

Jake goes for help Chapter 1 - The first Session Jake Carstairs buzzed the office of the councilors, and went inside when the door unlocked. He went to the receptionist desk, and told the lady his name. "Who are you seeing?" she asked. Jake pulled a piece of paper out of his jeans and read the name. "Jill. I think." "Ah, yes. She's just about done with her current client. Just have a seat. Would you like some coffee?" "Sure." Jake moved into the waiting area,...

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Jake Mari

Jake and Mari - Part One        It had been one of those frustrating evenings.  Jake loved his beautiful wife.  She had proved to be submissive to him.  Over the years they had played at Master and sex slave, but there was always an underlying current of resistance from Mari.  Even when they engaged in ?vanilla? sex, she would tend to resist turning loose and enjoying the action.  This was one of those evenings.        Jake had tied her hands behind her back, and had spanked her delicious ass...

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Jake and Lindseys Halloween Odyssey

Jake was a twenty year old sophomore in college. He loved the college life, and why shouldn't he? Sure, the workouts for the wrestling team were grueling, but they kept him in fantastic shape. That really paid off at parties, and he could always find at least one party to go to on the weekend. Usually though, he was partying both Friday and Saturday night with knowledge of multiple parties on either night so that he could switch venues if he wasn't making any progress with the available women...

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Jake the Snake Cuckold

It's funny how random events can impact our lives. Emma and I had been married less than a year when our marriage sailed into parts unknown. It turned out to be a hell of a detour, but in the end one we're both glad we took. She's 22, and blessed with girl next door good looks. She was a gymnast in high school and college, as well as part of the dance team. At 5'2" and 105 pounds, she is an incredibly fit blue-eyed blonde and prides herself in staying in shape. As a football and soccer jock in...

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Bea and Jake meet again

Introduction: This story is about Jake and Bea, two friends who had been almost like siblings for nearly nine years, and the day they were both awakened to each other. It takes place during Jakes Freshman year at university, and Beas second here there. Jake was 19 and Bea had just turned 20. Its a long lead-up to the sex, so just bear with me. Its also what I hope is the first of many stories on this site. Jake and Bea met nine years ago, when Beas parents invited them over for lunch one Sunday...

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Bree 7 Shannon and Jake The Donkey

BREE & SHANNON AT THE RANCH “Shannon’s Encounter with Jake The Donkey” by Rodeotexas December 2010 NOTE: If you have not read the Bree stories 1 thru 5 previously posted on this forum, I would highly suggest you do so you can have a...

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