The Interviews - A Jake - Joyfully StoryChapter 6: The Nature Of The Beast free porn video

She is twenty-five and her daughters are but twelve and eleven. She has been only a month in this country. Her older daughter, Jasmine, is pregnant. The younger daughter, Ginger, is but a leaf in the wind. Jinkie is married to Howard. Howard is fifty-seven. Howard is balding with gray. He is about five foot five inches tall with a potbelly. It would be charitable to call him handsome. It would be a lie to call him attractive. They live in a rural part of northern Idaho, some fifty miles from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Jinkie doesn't care about that. Her husband loves her and has solved every problem she had. She would die before considering leaving him and Howard knows and appreciates that fact.
Jinkie fell in love at age twelve with an eighteen year old boy from her barangay[*12]. Her parents could not pry them apart. Even after the first pregnancy, she was attached to the fellow. After the second child, he joined the Army. She never saw him again. Jinkie was heartbroken. A fourteen year old with two children doesn't command any interest among other boys or men. She could not go to school. She could not work. Life for Jinkie, for ten years, was a struggle. The fact that her daughters were exceptionally bright and pretty, and that she was as well, were the only saving graces. It eventually got them into Jun's school. Ginger proved a little bit of a problem, but it seems Jun's school had dealt with that problem before and knew what to do.
When we got accepted to Jun's school I can't begin to explain how happy I was. I had not had a man between my legs in ten years. I saw my whole life lost. And then this wonderful thing. I knew there was nothing wrong with having sex at a young age for the girl, so long as the future was assured, and the way Jake and Jun had set it up, we would be safe for the rest of our lives. I don't care what they said to do. If they said to do it, we did it. They knew what they were doing and we just had to put our faith and trust in their hands. We did that and look at the results. I have Howard and he loves me. My children have a real future. And there are the basic things. We have food, we have a place to live, we have schools to attend without fear of not having the tuition.
You want to know how I feel about Howard fucking my daughters? Ha! I help him to fuck my daughters. Let each of us give him lots of children! He deserves it and so long as he is fucking us, and giving us our white American babies, there is no problem! It is what we want. Everyone in this home is a winner.
Howard is our husband. Look I know what you are thinking. That I am twelve! That I can't really know anything. That all I can do is repeat what I have heard from others. Ha! You Americans are fools. I know what my life was and where I was headed. No matter what I did, I had no options. None. I might be pretty. I might be smart. It didn't matter.I have heard the term, 'game changer.' You know that term, yes? Well Jun and Jake are the game changers. And out of eight thousand girls in my year, twenty were chosen and I was one of those. Each of us was as poor as my family was. Each of us had to be very pretty in Jun's and Jakes eyes. Each of us had to be very, very smart in our schoolwork. Our mothers had to be very pretty according to Jun and Jake. And our mothers had to be single or separated from their husbands.
The fact that I was one of the twenty is a miracle from God. It is true. If it were not from God's hand, I would not have been selected.
You know the phrase, 'God works in mysterious ways'? Well he does. Jake and Jun do not claim to be God's agents on the earth, but they are. I told them that they are. They laugh at me but it is true. I have read that a person can be an unknowing agent. I think that is what Jun and Jake are.
I cannot begin to explain all they stuffed into our heads in ten months, one school year. I am not the girl I was when I entered the school and mom is not the woman who was with me that first day of school. You know she was the world's worst cook when we first got there. Now she cooks great. We both are different people today. Our old selves would never have found our personal savior. Both mom and I know that.
You don't think I am mature enough to love anyone yet. But that is not my problem. That is yours. You don't know how to love. You can't see that someone outside of your own head can be that important to you. Jake calls that the Western Civilized Mind disease. I know how to love. I know how to give myself completely. I have learned that in doing that with the right person I can and do grow wings to fly over things I never could have before. I also know that those wings do not belong to me. They are for me, but they only exist because I love unconditionally. I know the love must be real, not fake, or someday I will fall out of the sky. God can take away everything he gives and I have no control over that. All I can do is be faithful in my love and pray that God sees that.
I know that I love Howard. I don't love the 'idea of Howard', I love the real Howard. You do not find him Pogi [*13], I do. You look around and see other men. I look around and only see the men who never raised a finger to save me. And then I look at Howard and see the one and only man who did save me.
Does he deserve my unending love? Yes! Does it matter that I am only twelve? It doesn't matter to Howard and I glory in the fact that he loves me. I am the reason he married mom. He loves mom too ... but I am the reason we closed the deal. When he slides his cock in me, he is hard. When I let him remove it, it is always soft. I need Howard's love to fly and I don't want ever to be without it.

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