Janet s Life
- 2 years ago
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Janet Awakens
I am Linda and Janet is my mother who has a been great despite the fact that she was only thirteen when she gave birth to me is a great mother and since we are close in age a great friend. We shared a lot of things while I lived at home our tastes in cloths, food, T.V., movies and a lot more. I believed that there could be no secrets between us since we were so close. Mom raised me at first with the help of her parents since my Mother did not know who my father was due to the fact her first sexual encounter was with an unknown number of guys. She had agreed to have sex with her boyfriend at that time that she was only thirteen years old and he was several years older. He talked her into letting him tie her to the bed and blindfold her then he and several of his friends had sex with her. He is now serving a life sentence for rape and he never has revealed the identity of the other guy’s. So the true identity of my father is unknown and neither my mother nor I after eighteen years care anymore. I moved out of my Mother’s home when I was eighteen and we remain in close contact normally we have dinner at her place or mine once a week or more sometimes since we still live in the same city. Mom called and invited me to come over after work on Friday for dinner she told me it would be ready around seven o’clock. I told her I’d be glad and that I’d see her Friday around seven.
Friday came and I was looking forward to my mom’s cooking it is truly great tonight she planned a roast with all the goodies. I left work and arrived at my Mother’s home since we are so close I just used my key and let myself in. I called out to let her know I was in getting no response I was concerned since her car was in the driveway. I started looking around for her and when I got into the spare room I was shocked at what I saw. My Mother was bound securely in a strange chair she was naked and a moving cylinder to which a fairly large dildo was attached that was fucking her quite forcibly. On her tits there were clear plastic cylinders that apparently were sucking on them there were also wires that were attached to pads on her tits probably giving her electric shocks. Her body was shinny with sweat and she was breathing very hard. Drool was dripping around a ball that was held in her mouth by a series of straps around her face and head. I don’t know whether or not she was aware that I was in the room because she was bound so completely and securely she could not turn her head or move anything but her fingers. I was to her left and slightly behind her in an area that would be blind to her sight. My brain started to become unfrozen I was so shocked when I entered I did not make any sounds and did not make my presents known to her. I will assume she did this to herself since there was a bondage movie playing on the T.V. I walked around to her and let her know I was here.
When she saw me she started crying. She was making a lot of noises that I could not understand due to the ball in her mouth. I started to unbuckle the straps holding the ball in her mouth. She moved her jaw around and was crying about she told me she was embarrassed that she had shocked me this way. I asked her what going on she told me that she practiced self bondage for years and turned this room into her personal playroom. That she used me as a safety if something went wrong like today I could free her. But for now would I let her loose as something went wrong with the release device that should have released her. Mom told me to check the timer on the floor to see what it said. I looked and told her it didn’t say anything it was blank looking a bit further it was plugged in to the outlet. I turned on the fan that was plugged into the outlet but it did not come on. I went to check the breaker box and there was a breaker that was tripped I reset the breaker and went back to mom. The fan was running and the timer had 120 minutes on it.
Mom was gasping for breath on the brink of an orgasm. In gasps she told me she’d had enough and to run the timer down manually it would set the release mechanism working and let her loose. I looked at her and said it looked like she was having a great time. Mom said she’d had enough for today I told her I thought the thrill of bondage was the feeling of helplessness. I had an evil thought and told her to open up her mouth she looked at me and refused so I pinched her nose and held her lips together I had the ball in the same hand. I told her if she knew what was good she’d open up voluntary she shook her head no. I told her she would open up anyway I waited for her to run short of breath and she was getting desperate by the look in her eyes she started to need air and finally I let go of her lips she gulped for air. I did not get the ball in I did manage to get some fingers on her cheeks and push them toward the inside of her mouth so that if she tried to close it she will bite the inside of her cheeks. I started applying pressure to her cheeks and pushing the cheeks down and up onto her teeth telling her to open up. Finally she had no choice and opened up wide. I put the ball in and forced it behind her teeth. I took the straps and buckled them tightly around her head and when I got finished I looked at mom smiled and told her that I’d fix dinner mean while she should relax and enjoy herself we could talk at dinner.
I noticed that the movie had stopped and I picked another one up from the rack put it in the player started it. I said enjoy she made some awful noises and I said let’s see what these knobs do here. There was a panel well labeled it said vacuum, shock, dildo, anal probe. I looked at my mom and noticed that she did not have anything in her bottom. I looked closely at the chair and notice that there was a place for a second cylinder and found it alongside the chair I attached the bottom of the cylinder and then looked around the room found a large box with a lot of bondage stuff in it. I selected an anal probe that looked like a balls on a stick and some lube I lubed it up and showed it to mom she closed her eyes since that is about all she could do the ball gag harness attached to the chair so she could not move her head. I fitted the probe to the cylinder and moved it in position to enter her ass. Putting some lube on her ass I inserted the probe fully into her ass then I set the cylinder so that it would only enter to that depth. Next I set the cylinder so that it would retract yet leave the tip in her ass. Mom was trying to shift around to get off the probe.
I again looked at the panel and said well Mom looks like I need to make a few adjustments let’s see random shock value min value 2 max 6 and wave form, Random speed for the anal probe and dildo. Vacuum suction from 2mg vacuum to 40mg vacuum alternate right, left, both tit pump and random speed. Mom was making some noises and I told her that if she kept making noise I’d change the shock settings she made some more noise and I told her have it your way I made the min shock value 6 and the max 25 she made some loud sounds and I told her I’d make the max 30 she continued and I said 30 it is. The machine must have delivered a max shock as her body went rigid and I laughed and went off to cook dinner it would take a couple of hours.
I got in the kitchen and started dinner occasionally hearing sounds from the room. I wondered how my mom was coping with her chair and wondered what it would be like to be in her position. I set the table and was almost ready to get mom. It had been about two hours I went to the room and she was there sweating like crazy her eyes were blood shot and she looked completely wasted. I looked at the chair and found that the timer activated several small electro magnets that pulled back the locking latches on the ratchet device that tightened the straps. On the wrists there were a different type of release one end of each strap was held in place by a bar with pins the other end had a weight on it that went through a buckle that only allowed travel in one direction. The bar was pulled back by a solenoid actived by the timer.
I ran down the timer and watched the release mechanism go to work. In just a min or two the straps were either lose or open. I undid the straps holding the ball gag in her mouth and removed the dildo and anal probe the cylinders came off with their weight and were laying on her lap. Mom told me that was completely unfair and she was exhausted since originally the chair should have let her go about 3 p.m. and it was now almost 9 p.m. she complained about being really sore in all of her openings and her tits were so sore also. I helped her out of the chair and she was not steady on her feet so I helped her she wanted to get a shower. I asked her if she was strong enough to get one without help. Mom told me she did not know so would I at least give her a hand. I helped her get a shower and I got a robe for her.
We went into the kitchen and I served her dinner. She ate like there was no tomorrow and did not speak much. After dinner I put the dishes in the dishwasher and started it. Mom went into the living room and told me that she figured that I was owed an explanation. Mom started by telling me that since her first sexual experience being tied and having no control excited her since then she had several relationships in her life but none were satisfying. She learned about self bondage and started practicing it. She designed the chair and actually marketed it for sale and it has done well. So well in fact that she was considering the option to stop working and just live off the profits of the chair. She had several changes and options that she was working out the bugs in. I asked her what about the movies she had acquired. She said that they were just additional stimulus and that there was one that was her favorite it was of a man that most people would consider torture. The man dominated the woman and tortured the woman into doing his bidding the woman was forced to do humiliating sex acts. I asked her why she did not try to find such a person. She told me that after a great deal of thought a man like that most likely would be abusive all of the time she did not want to be controlled all of the time she did like her freedom and a person with the temperament in the movie would not listen. Mom did not believe that such a person would be interested in her since she was not picture perfect. Her breasts sagged slightly and she had some stretch marks and a few extra pounds. The man in the movie was so handsome in her picture of an ideal man that anyone else would be second best. Besides that man with his looks could get any woman he wanted with his looks.
I told mom that I was sorry for the way I treated her this evening she told me it was something of a turn on for her. That for the first time she really had no control of the settings on the panel or anything else she just had to endure it but she also knew that I would not hurt her. I looked at Mom and bit my lip somewhat she noticed it and asked me what was on my mind? I looked at her and told her that I had fantasies about being a sex slave and that one or two of my boyfriends tried some simple stuff but either they did not have their heart in it or just did not know how to dominate without feeling stupid so that they did not enjoy it. I told her it was Friday and that I did not have to be back to work till Tuesday because of a holiday did she want to get even for the way I treated her? She thought about it and asked me if I wanted to spend the weekend here and they could take turns dominating each other? I told her we did not have any secrets before and now that this was in the open why not. Moms said well then get a shower and I’ll set the chair up again that she would meet me in the bathroom she said get a good hot shower. I went to the bathroom and started the shower making it as hot as I could stand and when I could take more heat I made it hotter. I heard mom in the bathroom she was holding a sack so I got out of the shower. Mom asked me if I was serious and that if I was for the next 8 hours I would have no choices and if I did not comply with her orders I might be sorry. I dried myself and felt really odd being naked in front of my mother; no I felt more than naked as I dried my body off. I giggled and replied yes mistress anything you say. She told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back grab my elbows. When I did this she put some kind of leather sleeve around my fore arms and tightened some straps then ran a strap around my chest just below my tits. I soon found that my arms were now effectively useless. Next she put a collar on my neck and it had several rings attached to it she made sure it was a snug fit. She told me get on my knees and when I did she pulled something leather from the bag it turned out to be a hood with built in pump up gag. She fitted the gag in my mouth and then pulled the hood over my head the smell of leather was euphoric because of the smell I did not realize how tight she was lacing up the hood it was really tight. Then she tightened some straps under my chin and around my mouth further making it a tight fit. My hearing was muffled but not cut off completely she started pumping the gag and oh boy did it fill my mouth I could not move my tongue and it was pinned to the bottom of my mouth. Mom told me to take a breath and try to scream. I drew a breath through my nose and attempted to scream it was muffled quite a bit. Mom said not quite tight enough and pumped the gag several more times it was now fairly uncomfortable. Mom removed the hose and pump but no air come out she told me to put my forehead on the floor and stick my ass up in the air. I complied and found I was embarrassed quite a lot little did I know that this was only the begging of it. I heard water running and was wondering what that was for I did not wonder long I felt some lube enter my ass and then something long and slender but it was too big for a finger. It started to expand and I knew I was going to get an enema I picked up my head and went to object mom told me put it back down. I suppose I was not fast enough she attached something to the top of the hood a leash or something then put her foot on it now my head was stuck to the floor for real. The nozzle in my ass was uncomfortable but again it was only the start of it. Mom started the water flowing and told me relax that she had to clean me out for what she had in mind. It was fairly warm and not unpleasant at first but there was a lot of water and then the cramps started. Mom told me stay on the floor and I could get on my side she would be back shortly. I don’t know how long I laid there but I was in serious trouble by the time she got back. She told me that I could relieve myself but that when she removed the nozzle if I leaked any on her floor I’d be sorry. Well she removed the nozzle quickly and no I did not contain all of it some spilled out on the floor mom yelled and I was on the toilet relieving myself. She cleaned up my mess and told me to expel it all that since I failed to not leak on the floor she was going to give me another to see if I could do better. She disappeared and came back in a few minutes showing me a double b-a-r-d-e-x nozzle she told me it would hold 750 ml and it would be really tight in my ass. I wondered what I’d gotten myself into well there was no help for it now. She told me get on the floor forehead on the floor I felt some lube and then the nozzle shoved in my ass. She inflated it and boy I thought the other one was big this was huge. Now young lady since you could not hold the last one a nice warm one here is a 3 quart one I took the liberty of putting ice in the water and bag so cool it off it should make for nice cramps. Wow I thought the other was uncomfortable this was straight out painful from the get go it started me cramping. See you in 30 minutes I’m going to relax for a while and you better figure out how to hold that when I remove the nozzle till you get to the toilet or we’ll do it all over again. My intestines were doing flip flops in a matter of seconds. I wondered why she was doing this but I suppose it was get back for what I did to her in the chair earlier. I heard no felt my mother coming back as the floor carried some vibration in the hard floor. I heard her tell me to get ready and she deflated and removed the nozzle I did a little better this time however I still spilled some of the contents of my bowels on the floor. Again I released the rest into the toilet and mom was cleaning up my mess. She looked at me and told me that she felt in a forgiving mood and she would give me one more chance and left me to finish expelling the water. She returned and told me that maybe my problem with holding the water was the temperature of the water was too cold. She informed me that the enema I was about to get would be somewhat warmer so that I might be able to hold it. If I could have objected to what was about to happen I would have better yet I might have rescinded my idea of submitting to 8 hours of this treatment. Dear mom informed me that instead of the anal lube she had been using she was going to use tiger balm and that it might be a little warm but that I would be able to ignore it when the hot water enema started instead of soap she added one 8 ounce bottle of hot sauce to keep it warm. This enema was truly painful my ass was on fire and my guts were also on fire. I know my eyes were watering a lot since this was so painful I laid on the floor and whimpered like a frightened beaten dog. Mom came in and heard me she pulled up my head and looked at me with my watering eyes. She informed me that crying would not get her any grace or mercy that I’d better learn to suck it up. She went back to the bag and got a piece of leather out it turned out to be a blind fold when she buckled it on all I could do was breath through my nose and listen to my muffled hearing. She told me to get ready and deflated the nozzle I tightened up my ass and hoped that I could hold it all. To my great horror I found that my ass did not need any help the burning tiger balm and hot sauce puckered my ass tight. Mom said well I see you held that one you might have to push out that enema as the hot sauce and tiger balm makes the sphincter muscle tighten up really tight. I give you 20 minutes to expel that if you have any left you’ll just have to deal with it as it will not cool down. I could not believe that my mom could have turned into some kind of cruel dominatrix or where she learned this stuff.
Well I tried to expel it but found that as my mom said it was like my sphincter muscles tightened up and would not let anything out. I pushed like crazy and found that I could just barely force this enema out and on my God! I thought it burned inside me when I expelled it that was like taking a red hot iron and sticking it in my ass. Mom spoke and told me to take a deep breath and push reminding me that I had only 15 minutes left and even later on it would still burn when I expelled it maybe even be hotter. I wanted to give my mom a piece of my mind and ask her what the hell she thought she was doing. I also realized that gagged as I was that was impossible the only thing I could do was get this horrible stuff out of my ass. I took a deep breath through my nose and the smell of the leather was wonderful. I pushed and pushed and some more came out the burning was almost unbearable. I repeated this several times with the same result the smell of the leather was like a temporary distraction to the burning in my ass. I also realized that it was quite a physical effort to expel the enema and that the effort was exhausting me physically. Mom told me I had 5 more minutes and she hoped I got it all out by then or I’d keep the burn for the rest of the 8 hours. I continued to breathe as deep as I could and push as hard as I can my mother told me time’s up and pulled me off the toilet. Don’t you dare mess this floor up or any part of the house I promise you will regret it. I thought to myself make a mess I’ve got to push like crazy to get anything out. I was led dragged somewhere all of a sudden I was told sit and pushed into a chair something was fastened around my stomach and pulled tight. I felt something around my ear move there must have been a flap on the leather hood. I heard clearly my mother’s voice she was saying that she was going to try some new things out on me. Firstly she had some ear bud speakers that she was going to put in my ears and then cover them with wax. Next she was going to increase the padding on the ear flaps and that should effectively cut off all of my hearing except what she wanted me to hear through the ear bud speakers. I tried to tell her she was going too far but all I could manage was some noise to which my dear mom said I’ve had enough of your noise and pumped up the gag a few more times. Then she put the ear bud in my ear and started packing it with wax. When she finished with both ears I couldn’t hear anything. Then I heard my own heart beating then I heard her voice in my ears she told me that she had done a lot of reading on bondage and S/M she wanted someone to share her ideas with she hoped that one day a man would treat her like she was treating me. Mom told me that when she released me that I should be as rough on her.
Then there was white noise and the strap or whatever was holding my waist was released. I felt a tug on the collar I had no choice but to follow. I knew where I was because I was raised in the house I was being led to the spare room and the chair. I was afraid of what waited for me my mother was very smart and she was very inventive. Well I heard her voice telling me to backup and sit down I did as I was told and felt the hardness of the chair she occupied earlier. The chair was made out of wood there was no padding just the hard cold wood. When I sat down I noticed that something was changed about the chair. Mom’s voice came over the speakers I’ve changed the chair around this is a new configuration I’ve never had a chance to try this one out since I have not reworked the auto release device. I felt her pickup my right leg and bend it then place it down on something my leg was now bent at the knee and there was something on the bottom of my foot. Next straps held my foot and leg in place lots of straps across the foot, calf, below the knee and above and across my upper thigh. My left leg was fastened in the same manner. I heard my mother tell me to bend over and not to try anything funny as before I could do anything she would be able to stop me I just complied and wonder what I have gotten myself into. Mom released my arms and then told me to sit back when I did a strap was drawn across my chest just below my breasts she made this tight. Mom told me to put my hands behind my back and I thought dam I’d hope to have my hands in some other place than behind my back my shoulders were already sore. But I put them behind my back like an obedient girl I felt something cold being put on just above my elbows then the same cold feeling around my wrists something else was being attached but I did not have any idea what it was. All of a sudden I felt my elbows being drawn together I did not know how much of that I could stand my shoulders were screaming at me with the strain.
Well I’m fixed to the chair and not going anywhere fast. Mom put something on my stomach it was kind of cool and then some more cool spots on my back. The blind fold was removed and mom showed me a couple of large plastic tubes with hoses I knew what they were for. Well she got out some oil or lube and rubbed it on my tits then she placed the tubes on my tits started to get sucked into the tubes and she worked to get as much of my tits into the tubes I noticed that the muscles in my chest started to be pulled. I heard her voice again saying I’d love what came next she shut off the vacuum on the tubes and unscrewed the ends my tits were still encased with the tubes and she added some clamp things on my nipples. There were wires attached to the clamps their use escaped my thought and I had no idea what they were but I’m sure I’d find out. Next she screwed tube extensions to the ones that my tits were trapped in. Now there was about 3 feet of tube on each tit the tubes were attached to a frame that was attached to the chair. The wires were fed through the end of the tubes and they were screwed back on the tubes. Some of the wires were attached to a box on the tubes and one from each clamp was attached to some kind of pulley arrangement. Mom put something on the top of my head and ran some wires to something out of my sight. Then she got this huge dildo and lubed it up it had large knobs on it and it was about 12 inches long. She inserted it into my pussy and extended the cylinder till it almost bottomed out in me. She lubed something up and literally forced it into my ass since the sphincter muscles were so tight. Well almost done just a few more things to add then she attached something to my big toes it was not too tight but wasn’t coming off either.
Let me explain what is about to happen when I start this from the bottom up your toes are wired to mercury switches if you move your left toe it will cause the dildo to temporary speed up at the cost of increasing the vacuum on the tubes on your tits. Your right toe however is wired to a motor attached to the pulley system tied to the clamps on your tits move it and the motor tightens up the cable and pulls your nipples it also slows down the dildo. Move both together and it will deliver quite a shock to your nipples and to all of the cool spots on your back, stomach, thighs, and the bottom of your feet it will back the tension on your nipples down a little randomly from ? to 1/8 of whatever it has tightened up from the last time it tightened up. What this means is if you cannot stand the pull on your nipples you can get relief but if it tightened up 2 inches from the last time you got a nipple shock it will release 1inch to 1/8 of an inch it will not give you back the full two inches. What is on you head is another set of mercury switches and they active a pair of shock pads on the bottom of your feet. The amount of shock depends on the amount of tilt of the head. Now you have an anal plug in your ass it has a hole that oil will be pumped through I will not tell you how or what operates that but it will I promise you give your ass a new sensation.
Well that explains it tell you what I’ll show you the man I spoke of earlier I’ll play my favorite movie for you to watch. Please notice the guy in the movie that tortures the woman I modeled my chair and some of the other stuff I have after what he did to the woman. One last thought if you cannot stand the pull on your nipples wiggle your left toe and it will when the vacuum increases suck more tit in the tube and relieve some of the tension on your nipples. Well enjoy I’ll start the movie and let you experience of the chair configured like this. I sat there wondering how I was going to survive the chair’s effects. I was also wondering what in the world gave my dear mom the idea to create such devices evidently she gave a lot of thought in the things she designed.
Well the first few minutes went by without any problem the vacuum on my tits was not uncomfortable and actually was quite pleasant. My right foot developed a cramp and as a result I made the mistake of flexing my foot for some relief well when the right toe moved the dildo slowed down and then the clamps started to be pulled tighter and I thought oh my God will I be able to stand this or will it just rip off my nipples. The movie got past the intro and the copyright notice there was a man leading a naked woman by a leash attached to a collar on her neck. They entered a room filled with all kinds of devices both on the walls and hung from racks. There was a rack, stocks, a whipping post and several other things I did not know what they were used for. I got distracted with the movie and moved my head well that gave me quite a shock I found out quickly that my nipple clamps were attached to the shock device as they got a shock, but the real horror was the fact that the bottom of my feet were attached to shock devices also and when they shocked me my left foot jerked and the dildo speed up and the vacuum increased sucking more tit into the tubes. It relived some of the tension on my nipples and that was good but with the speed of the dildo I was sure to have an orgasm and did not know how I would weather that. I figured I’d take deep breaths and that would help me it did not the smell of the leather hood increased and it was intoxicating me. The man in the movie had tied the woman to an X frame and turned it upside down.
I finally got a look at the man’s face and shook my head in disbelief I knew him personally he lived two doors down from my home. That was a mistake when the shock hit me it was very intense and I moved my feet again causing me various types of discomfort. Yet here in the movie was my neighbor we had gone out to dinner several times and I thought he was quite the gentleman. Wow if only I had know he had told me that he worked out of his home now I wondered if I was looking at his house basement or some other area of it, I had been inside of his house and it gave no indication of having this dungeon in it. Thinking about that I know that would he probably would not want it advertised that he did this for a living as it certainly would have raised more than an eyebrow in out surban neighborhood. I couldn’t imagine what my reaction would have been if I’d seen this first without knowing him personally. I know I would not have gone out on a date with him. I must have dropped my head again as I got another shock and again as I moved got some more of the chairs treatment God I hope I can survive this I’m in some real distress and discomfort.
I had to figure a way to pay my dear mother back for this. I know that there is a clock on the wall to my left and wonder if I can see it to figure out what time it is and how much more of this I have to endure. I slowly turned my head and found that I couldn’t by the shock and price I pay for moving. My nipples felt like they were going to be ripped off at any second and I did not know if the clamps would come off when they got to a certain tension. I could hear the woman screaming on the movie and see that she was in the throes of what must have been a truly splendid orgasm. I watched the movie some to try to take my mind off my own situation and found that she was being truly tortured and sexually stimulated I figure that the sexual stimulation made the pain bearable. I wiggled my left toe and sped up the dildo of course that also increased the suction on my tits which were being sucked into the tubes the trade off was fair I could stand the increase vacuum and the speed of the dildo had me on the edge of another orgasm. I was on the brink for a while when I figured I needed a little more speed so I wiggled my toe and again the dildo sped up the vacuum increased I repeated this several times and had a wonderful orgasm even though my tits felt like they were being pulled off. I wondered if the clamps could be forced off my nipples I wiggled my right toe and sure enough the dildo slowed down some for which I was grateful and the tension on my nipples increased. I went to look and see if there was any chance the clamps would slip off well that was not a great idea when I tilted my head I got the shock of my life. I of course reacted and had more torment to endure. I took it on faith that my mother would want to do no lasting damage to me and figured that the clamps would slip off if pulled enough. Had I been able to see the wicked things I’d known better they simply tightened up the more they were pulled. I did not realize this till it was way too late. I kept wiggling my right toe and it kept slowing the dildo down and pulling on my nipples I know I had tears in my eyes from the pain when something on the movie caught my attention Karl the man in the movie my friend was explaining to the woman that the clamps he attached to her nipples would never slip off just get tighter the more that they were pulled. He put something on her head and told her that if she moved her head it would start the water flowing in the bucket that was attached to the clamps chain and pull her nipples so the more she moved it the heavier the bucket the more the strain on her nipples. My mother’s word came back to me about she had gotten ideas from the movie and now realized that it must be the same type of clamp on my nipples. However the strain on my nipples also pulled my tits further into the tubes and relieved vacuum suction with my tits further in the tube some of the strain on my nipples was also reduced. Dam I was mad and forgot what I was doing I moved my right toe and tightened up the cable and pulled my nipples even tighter. I did a stupid thing and let my head drop backward in utter despair which shocked my nipples and feet and cause the vacuum to increase and the cables to increase the tension on my tits. The dildo was ramming into me like a jackhammer and for a while was lost in time because of all of the sensations going on with my body. I jerked around some and caused me discomfort and pleasure all at the same time I could really not tell the difference and for a while could not stop the movement that caused me the pleasure pain I was feeling. I don’t know how long this went on I lost all thoughts of the movie and found I was sweating profusely. The next thing I realize is that my mother shut off the chair and was releasing me from it. The oil stayed in my ass since mom left the plug in it was unapparent what purpose the oil had it filled up my ass for sure. Mother told me that the oil had a drug that promotes sleep it also would neutralize the whatever was left of the hot enema. God I felt tired and spent and strangely wickedly sexually satisfied. She had to help me out of the chair and stripped me of any bondage items left. She helped me sit on the toilet and removed the plug so I could expel the oil it was not hot but did feel strange then she gave me a shower and dried me off since I was really in no shape to help myself. I now have an idea of what torture she went through in the chair when I changed things and forced her to endure more. She told me that I spent 5 and a half hours in the chair and that I should get some sleep after that I could think of something devious for her.
I got up in the morning from my old bedroom and bed went to the bathroom and then smelled something really great cooking in the kitchen. I told her good morning and she asked if I slept well I told her I slept like a rock and outside of being a little sore was great. Well after breakfast it was her turn to be the victim. I thought about it and really did not have any idea what to do with her that I’d need more time than just breakfast. She asked me if the movie gave me any thoughts that was one of the reasons why she played it for me. I told her that the man was a true hunk of a man wasn’t he. She said that yes he was and that he was an expert she had several movies with him treating women like that. Then she told me that she would pay to make a movie with him so long as he did what he wanted even if she was begging for him to stop he would continue and that he did not do her any lasting harm, she said the she did not care if he had sex with her that just being treated like that would be enough and she did not care if he sold the movie with her in it. I asked her was she serious? She said dead serious but it would never happen as he probably lived in California and would want nothing to do with a woman that was as old as her and looked like her with the few extra pounds and wrinkles.
I thought about it and I had Karl’s phone number in my cell phone I would ask him to do it or I would distribute his movies in the neighborhood. Well first I would tie her up and bind her so that she couldn’t resist me at all then blindfold her what a surprise that would be oh and I would let him have her for the rest of the weekend that should fix her. I’d also threaten him that if he wasn’t rough enough with her that I’d release his movies in the neighborhood. Well now that I had a general idea of what I was going to do there was nothing to do but get the plan in motion. First I need to make her completely helpless yet still be able to transport her. I told Mom that I had enough time to make a plan and that when she got finished to meet me in the playroom.
I went into the playroom and found that Mom had cleaned up all of the stuff and oiled the leather. She came in a few minutes later wearing only the bathrobe she had worn in the kitchen. She said that everything was cleaned and ready to be used again I asked her were the ear buds were and the hood. She produced the items and asked what else I wanted I asked her if she had any corsets she asked me to wait a minute and left the room when she came back she had several I asked her which one was the most restrictive. She held up a full length fully boned one it had several spots where rings were attached to the corset. Mom told me that she never had been able to wear the corset fully laced up because she needed someone else to lace it tightly it should reduce her waist by almost 6 inches and did not know if she actually could stand that. I told her well let’s see I got started with the corset and found it fit really well mom said it was custom made costing several hundred dollars. I noticed that there were actually several complete set of laces each one would make it tighter. Mom told me that the laces are supposed to be removed and soaked in water for a half hour then laced into the corset the laces would then slowly tighten up as they dried like rawhide would. She told me that the inner laces should be cut off after the outer laces were tightened as much as she could stand and as the laces dried it would be slow enough for her to adjust to the extra tightness. Well let’s start the laces soaking and I’ll get the rest of my idea started. I told my mother to get the highest heel shoes that she had and bring them to me, also the room had a bar with rings in the center and ends I asked if that was a suspension bar she informed me that it was. When she got back she had 7 inch heel top of calf length shoes I noticed that they also had straps that locked the top two inches of laces to prevent them from coming off. I found a set of suspension cuffs told her to come and get them on she came over and extended one wrist and then the other I locked the buckles so they could not be removed. I fastened her cuffs to the ends of the bar which made them about 3 and a half feet apart I saw an electric winch on the ceiling I lowered the winch and hooked the center of the bar to it.
I started to raise it and my mother’s arms up she asked me why I was going to suspend her and I said I’m doing more than that I will stretch you so that I can get the corset tighter and I’m going to lace up the shoes then I’m not sure whether I am going to use the hood like you did or maybe put the arm binder on I’m really not sure what next but have faith it will be good. I raised the bar till her feet were off the ground and mom let out a grown I told her to suck it up it wasn’t that uncomfortable. Mother started to complain about her strain on her shoulders because they were spread apart so far. I told mom that I had not even started that the corset was only held on by the buckled straps and there were no laces in it yet that I wanted to see how much I could close it with the straps first. I asked her if she had worn the shoes much and she told me that she only tried them on once or twice but she never really walked around or had them on for more than a few minutes. Well I want to see how they fit so I grabbed a chair and raised mom up so I did not have to bend over. She did something I did not expect she tried to kick me with her foot when I got the shoe near her foot. She missed and laughed and said all’s fair in love and war. I was to say a little mad and told her that I was under the impression that we were just going to submit and not fight back. Mom looked at me and said she just thought she’d change the rules. I got up and found a strap I fastened it around both legs just above the knees. After a brief search I found ankle cuffs and a spreader bar I attached the spreader bar to the floor then I put an ankle cuff on the left ankle and to the spreader bar. I took the winch control and used it to pull mom taught she started complaining and I just said too bad deal with it and stop complaining or I’ll gag you. I noticed that the muscles in her arms looked like they were in a real strain so I stopped and unstrapped her legs the left on was trapped and held taught. Now all I had to do was hold the right one and put the shoe on it. It did not take too long and with swapping the legs I had both shoes on. I got an idea and put a strap on each foot then retightened her up I told her that her waist looked like it was thinner so it would be easier to put the corset on her. I left her being stretched so that her body could adjust and maybe I could get another inch or so out of the winch.
I told her relax and I’ll be back shortly. I left the room and got my cell phone out of my bag. I found Karl’s number and called it after some ringing Karl answered the phone. Karl this is Linda your neighbor are you busy this weekend? Uh, no not really I hadn’t made any plans and I’m finished with the project I was working on for work. Great that project would not have been another movie would it? Movie I don’t know what you’re talking about Linda. Karl knock it off I know you tie women up and torture them and you support yourself with the profits of the movie. Ok Linda I am going to assume that you want something I will not extorted for money or anything else for that matter I’ve got all the proper papers for my business and all of the models are legal age. Holds on Karl don’t be so defensive that’s not what I had in mind. What I was going to tell you was my mother is into self bondage and she adores your movies and has them. This is where I found out what you do for a living my mother has made comments to me that she would pay for the chance to be a subject in one of your movies provided you were extreme and did no lasting damage. I have found this out just this weekend about all of this and we have been taking turns torturing each other. Dear mom has gotten the best of me and now it’s my turn to let’s say entertain her, well I’m lost for ideas and was wondering if you would mind taking her on for the rest of the weekend? My idea is I’ve got her bound gagged and blindfolded that I would bring her to you and you would let’s say take care of her. Karl’s reply was somewhat expected yet unexpected he asked me to call back in 20 minutes to give him a chance to think about it.
Twenty minutes later I called him back when he answered his voice had a calm tone to it. He said,? you want me to torture your mother and make her fantasy come true right? that is exactly what he said. Then he asked me if I really would have informed the neighborhood about what he did in his home. Yes I would do that if I had to in order to get what I wanted for my mother. Well I have a condition or two myself firstly when you bring her over she will have to consent to staying by herself. Secondly I think that there is a price you need to pay for trying to extort me into this, it is not negotiable at all if your mother consents then you also will stay as my slave for the duration that your mother spends and you also promise to spend one additional weekend as my slave of course as with anyone else no lasting damage will be inflicted on your body. However I will require you to perform any sexual act that I may require of you. I will allow you to make your decision you will have 10 minutes from the time I hang up on you. I will tell you that I am shocked and slightly pissed that you would try to blackmail me or extort my services from me. I will punish you and your mother severely if your mother agrees to this do you have a problem with performing sex acts on your mother? You also have that to consider I will decide whether to have sex with your mother or not. With that the phone line went dead as he hung up the phone.
I was both horrified and curious about the situation I put myself in on one hand from the movie’s I knew Karl could be quite severe yet the women appeared to have some satisfaction from the ordeal. My mind felt like it was going and playing a movie in my head with me as one of the willing slaves I could almost feel the strain on my muscles. I wondered if my mother would consent actually that was just a split second since she seemed to be so confident that she would submit to Karl. I wondered if I could stand the punishment Karl would inflict on me or would I simply not be able to withstand it. Would Karl allow me the option of having me tell him to back down or stop. No, Karl would not allow that option for sure but likewise I do not think that Karl would do anyone any lasting harm. I reached for my phone and dialed his number on it I got a message that all circuits were busy and to try my call again. I kept hitting redial and hoped that I could find an empty circuit within the ten minute time limit. Finally the phone was ringing Karl answered the phone and told me I was too late that my time limit had expired and hung up. I redialed and after what seemed like forever Karl answered the phone he told me he was no longer interested in the deal and that I would do well to leave him alone. I begged him to give me one minute to talk to him. There was a long pause and he said go ahead you have 60 seconds from the time I stop talking to say whatever you have to say he told me that if he liked what I said he might allow me to finish. I lost a few seconds when my mind went completely blank then I told Karl that even if my mother did not agree to stay the weekend I would spend the weekend as his slave. That whatever he wanted to do to me for his pleasure or whatever he wanted me to do to him I would gladly do. I did not get any reply but he also did not hang up I figured he was considering the offer I figured I’d add more to it. Then I told him that I planned to go on vacation next month for three weeks and if he wanted I’d also spend that three weeks with him with the same conditions no limits no safe words just no lasting damage to my body.
Karl waited another minute and told me that would be acceptable he asked me if my mother was ready for transport. I told him that she was not ready I had not gotten her corset on and I was stretching her so could get the corset really tight on her. Karl asked me if I had ever put on a corset I told him no that this was the first time. He informed me that corsets could really be very dangerous as if they were a little too tight the person would suffer lasting damage or even death. He told me to just put some cloths on her and bind her arms and blind fold her also a gag then tie her legs together when I got her in the car. When I got to his house just pull in the open garage he would be there to help me. He also reminded me that it would be up to me to tie my mother up in the dungeon and then he would find out whether she would accept the weekend deal.
I went back to the playroom and my mother was sweating I assume because of the strain on her shoulders and body. She told me that she could not stand it anymore and that she needed to be let down. I told her I’ll think about it and it was time for the hood if she did not give me any trouble I might give her some relief from her position if not I’d leave her like that for a while longer. She told me to get relief she would not fight the hood. I got the hood on and tightened it up with the gag as tight as I could pump it up. I put a bra and some panties on her then a single arm sleeve that I laced up so that her elbows touched. Picked up some straps and led her around the house she followed and then I got her cape from the closet she moved around like she was trying to shake it off of course it would not come off. Then she started trying to speak so I gave the gag a few more pumps to tighten up the gag she stop making noise then. I led her out of the house when she realized we were moving outside she started to fight back I pushed her along and then forced her into the car. Fastened the seatbelt and put some straps on her legs above her knees and ankles so that she could not move them. I used the mike to tell her I had a surprise for her and I would pull the hood up to hide the fact she had the hood on warning her not to shake her head or it would fall and her hood would show. I drove to Karl’s house and pulled into the garage the door closed and Karl came in. He was dressed in a leather outfit and I will say in person in the outfit he was a bigger hunk than in the movie. He saw he hood and asked if Mom could hear I told him only when I turn on the mike and explained how the hood was configured on her head. Karl told me to bring her along and started walking into the house. I got my mother out and led her into Karl’s house he told me to remove the cape and turn her around I did so and her remarked that she was a beautiful woman. He told me that he had special laces for the corset that would make it interesting for her if she agreed to stay. I asked if he was going to show me where the dungeon was and when was he going to find out about mom.
(Here ends this installment look for Janet Awakens Part 2)
sleeping in Erica's bedroom now for months, and fortunately Tiffany had not made an issue of it. But it still felt strange sleeping in Erica's bed, wearing her clothes, and living her life. It had been six months since her death last summer, and the time had gone by quickly. She rose from bed, and decided not to go through the ritual of having Tina bathe and dress her. It was a nice luxury, to be sure. And she often enjoyed it. But not everyday, and she wasn't a...
grown up in NY and spent their entire life in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers, Janet missed the city greatly. But now, on board the Metro-North train, she wondered if coming into the city had been a good idea after all. In her purse were the things that she had collected. That Erica owned stock in her former employer's company. The empty envelope that Janet had found from her employer to Erica. The letter that she had found in Erica's computer directing them...
The following weekend, Janet had her usual date with Mistress Erica. After her time with Stephanie, she wondered how she would feel about seeing her original Mistress again. There was no doubt that she had an exciting time with Stephanie. What could she say about a three-week period in which she had been treated as a slave girl, then given the opportunity to dominate another slave girl? In all of her time so far, she had never had such an interesting and painful time. ...
Janet Davis sat her desk at her job in Manhattan. It had been a two weeks since Erica's death and a week since she had returned to work. Chewing on a pencil, her mind kept returning to the events of the past two weeks. She had returned to work to partially continue her familiar life. Tiffany, however, had quit her job immediately. So Janet arose each morning and took a different train into the city, resuming her job as a secretary. While there was some gossip about...
When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as...
through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on her time off. Normally, they would all go out for happy...
After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire circumference. Janet had slipped the ring on her index finger, where Erica had ordered. From Monday through Friday she worked at her regular job in NY as a secretary. On Friday night, however, when most people were looking forward to a normal weekend Janet would be preparing for something quite different. She would shower and clean up, shave her legs and...
had slept deeply in her jail cell, and so had Tiffany. Janet had rolled over bed, finally coming awake. Abruptly she realized where she was and what she had seen the previous night. Janet felt the collar around her neck, and the chain leading to the wall. Just for emphasis she pulled on the chain which had no effect. There was nothing that a naked girl could do against the implacable nature of steel. "Good morning," greeted Tiffany as she stretched her arms and rubbed...
sleep at all that night. It was not the traffic or anything in particular that was keeping her awake. Rather, it was just a feeling that something was wrong. She had tried everything to get to sleep, even taking a pill. But nothing had worked, and the digital clock by her bed mocked her as it recorded the passing of time. It had already been one weekend since she had last seen Mistress Erica and Andrea. Janet had suddenly realized just how much she missed being a slave...
Janet Davis sat her desk at her job in Manhattan. It had been a two weeks since Erica's death and a week since she had returned to work. Chewing on a pencil, her mind kept returning to the events of the past two weeks. She had returned to work to partially continue her familiar life. Tiffany, however, had quit her job immediately. So Janet arose each morning and took a different train into the city, resuming her job as a secretary. While there was some gossip about her weeklong absence, it...
Spring was giving way to summer, and the heat had begun to increase as the days got longer. Winter coats were shed for lighter spring ones, then finally for jackets and even going without. The heavy clothing of winter was gradually being replaced as the seasons changed, and Janet watched as the trendy women of Greenwich wore the newest fashions that season. But not Janet, who would wear either a full blouse or dress, in order to conceal the scars on her back. Unlike the scarlet letter of...
Janet looked outside her bedroom window at the dark winter sky. She had been sleeping in Erica's bedroom now for months, and fortunately Tiffany had not made an issue of it. But it still felt strange sleeping in Erica's bed, wearing her clothes, and living her life. It had been six months since her death last summer, and the time had gone by quickly. She rose from bed, and decided not to go through the ritual of having Tina bathe and dress her. It was a nice luxury, to be sure. And she...
It had been months since Janet had traveled to New York. For someone who had grown up in NY and spent their entire life in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers, Janet missed the city greatly. But now, on board the Metro-North train, she wondered if coming into the city had been a good idea after all. In her purse were the things that she had collected. That Erica owned stock in her former employer's company. The empty envelope that Janet had found from her employer to Erica. The letter...
The following weekend, Janet had her usual date with Mistress Erica. After her time with Stephanie, she wondered how she would feel about seeing her original Mistress again. There was no doubt that she had an exciting time with Stephanie. What could she say about a three-week period in which she had been treated as a slave girl, then given the opportunity to dominate another slave girl? In all of her time so far, she had never had such an interesting and painful time. She rubbed her new...
Chapter 1Janet escapes the massage parlor, only to be quickly reunited with her seductress when Sherri, the masseuse, returns her lost bra. Hubby is still out of town and the two women end up in bed together, each finding something new in their sex. This is the third part of the "Janet" series; although this story stands well on its own, you may want to read "Janet gets Lucky" and "Janet Gets a Massage" first to better understand the characters. (FF, b**st)Janet arrived home after rushing...
When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as well, and she had...
Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on...
Sally Belmar was going to pay a visit. Janet had known Sally for a long time, and at their last meeting, her friend had said that she was going to make a special proposal to her. That previous evening, the two women had gotten drunk together, and Janet had admitted that she had been rather dissatisfied with her sex life. Sally had listened to her friend's complaint intently, nodding with each point that her friend had made. Afterwards, Sally said that she would be able to offer a...
For the next few months, Janet's life took on a strange double existence. After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire circumference. Janet had slipped the ring on her index finger, where Erica had ordered. From Monday through Friday she worked at her regular job in NY as a secretary. On Friday night, however, when most people were looking forward to a normal weekend Janet would be preparing for something quite...
It was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Janet and 3 young children. George had run a local business home improvement business before his passing. He had done what seemed quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model car, very few people knew he was leverage to the hilt.. Janet was only 37, she was a stay-at-home mom who had always led the easy life due to George’s...
The next day's beginning could not have been more surprising for Janet. She had slept deeply in her jail cell, and so had Tiffany. Janet had rolled over bed, finally coming awake. Abruptly she realized where she was and what she had seen the previous night. Janet felt the collar around her neck, and the chain leading to the wall. Just for emphasis she pulled on the chain which had no effect. There was nothing that a naked girl could do against the implacable nature of steel. "Good...
Janet Davis turned uneasily in her bed, as she had not been able to get any sleep at all that night. It was not the traffic or anything in particular that was keeping her awake. Rather, it was just a feeling that something was wrong. She had tried everything to get to sleep, even taking a pill. But nothing had worked, and the digital clock by her bed mocked her as it recorded the passing of time. It had already been one weekend since she had last seen Mistress Erica and Andrea. Janet had...
Carl and Janet were both in their fifties and had been married over thirty years. As difficult as it may be to believe, Janet had remained a virgin until her wedding night. Both of them had remained faithful to each other during their entire marriage. They have always had a strong sex life together.Janet was a very conservative, modest woman. She never wore any risqué clothing in public, made sure her dresses or skits were not too short and never displayed her ample cleavage. She was a very...
Wife LoversIt’s Friday, I always look forward to Fridays, well not so much Fridays but Friday nights. Friday nights are camera night. Janet normally poses for me in different dresses and sometimes, if I’m lucky she may show some leg above her knee. Once I caught a glimpse of stocking top but I wasn’t quick enough to catch it on camera. On several occasions I have captured the view down on her cleavage when she has bent over but this is the closest I have ever come to taking a picture of her body apart...
Introduction: Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. Part I Charlie and Janet had been married three years and they were a fun loving couple who enjoyed living life to its fullest. He was a successful business-to-business salesman for a local company and she was a loan closer for a large Texas regional bank. They purchased a home less than a year after they married in a suburb west of Dallas six miles from DFW International Airport. They were industrious and worked hard and...
Janet and Debbie were sitting home on a Saturday afternoon, just lounging around, naked as usual without any plans for that night. Suddenly, Janet had an idea. She asked Debbie if she would like to participate with her in a gangbang with just black men and maybe a black woman or two. Debbie told her that she had never fucked any black men or women and that the idea sounded wonderful and if that was what Janet wanted to do, she would love to do it with her and fuck her first black man. Janet...
It was just about here, just as you turn left from Main Road and into Parkmoor Drive, and just about this time of the morning last week that the phone rang. I normally don’t bother with answering the mobile when I’m driving – too much chance of getting pulled over by the boys in blue. But like most of the roads on the Ridgemount Estate, Parkmoor Drive is very wide and with very expensive houses. So there was no problem with finding somewhere to park, retrieve the phone and take the call. At...
*** Part 1 ***My wife and I have been married for nearly fifteen years. Having been together for so long, it's becoming quite challenging to come up with original gift ideas for birthdays and such. So this year when her birthday rolled around, instead of buying her something that would just end up on a shelf, or in a box that I'd have to move later, I got her a gift-certificate for a massage. I didn't know it at the time, but that decision would change our lives forever.Before I get into our...
18 year old girl home from college for the Summer finds her Summer love in the arms of an older woman. Single and living in a new town without your usual network of friends and relatives to lean on can be difficult to adjust to at first but my new neighbor helped change all that. My name is Jessica and I'm an independent IT specialist working from my home office. I moved from Detroit to a rural county subdivision near Nashville with my fiance but shortly after the move he got cold feet about...
LesbianThe three weeks of the winter break came and went by, and school started again - and time saw me having an eye on Janet again, but as it was before the break, she didn't take much notice of me during the regular week. Now, this would change the next saturday, I thought. I was wrong. Janet didn't come to school on friday, and she didn't come on saturday, either - she had become sick. To shorten the whole thing, she had to stay away from school over a week. During this time, nothing much...
Janet My Sister Janet and I were very close the seven year age difference made no difference and were the best of friends. We had become even closer often playing and cuddling for the last three years ever since my Aunt Mary let us sleep together to be honest Aunt Mary had no choice she only had a two bedroom flatLet me explain Mom and Dad had gone on a business trip and left us in the tender mercies of our Aunt Mary my Mothers Sister for a week.Aunt Mary had never been married and had no idea...
Janet had been married for more than 30 years to the same man.Nowbeginning her 50's,she was well into a secondary school teaching careerwhich had placed her in a hotel in Rochester,New York,while attending aprofessional teaching conference.With her was Sherry,a fellow teacher from the same high school.Sherry at 30 was to be her roommate at the hotel for the two days the conference would last.Sherry had been married for 5 years.As well as teaching in the same high school,Janet and Sherry also...
Second part of the story written for rocknrolla990, who thinks it is fine to have sex with young girls straight after their termination:Sex EducationJanet and John are twins.Janet and John often sit together at Junior School.John likes to tickle his s1ster Janet.John likes touching her bare legs.Janet sometimes lets him touch the inside of her thighs.Janet loves masturbating – she often has a hand up her skirt.Janet loves to stroke her clitoris – it makes her feel all warm inside.It is...
Chapter 1 Janet had gone out to the farm's barn with me, and we'd climbed up in the loft where there was a huge pile of aromatic new hay, just the perfect bed for two horny teenagers to use while they dealt with their mutual sexual lust for each other. Janet and I had experienced our first sex together a couple of months earlier and by now we were regularly finding places to fuck and suck with each other. Sex with Janet was as hot and luscious as she was -- totally erotic. She'd basically...
Disclaimer: I do not own Victoria’s Secret, Starbucks, Manhattan, or BMW. I have never even heard of anything called Tugwell Fargos and Company company. So yeah, enjoy. * Janet was browsing through the Victoria’s Secret Summer Preview catalog. She was sipping a Starbucks Vanilla Latte she bought earlier when she went out to do some shopping outside of her Manhattan apartment that was located near Central Park. She sat in her breezy capris with a simple peasant tunic in her favorite armchair...
Nearing Janet's apartment in the cab, the ladies slowly feeling each other's bodies in their soft leather gloved hands, rubbing their booted legs against each other, their faces connected by soft kisses.“Well you know what they say”, Janet said releasing herself from Angela's greedy mouth.“No, what do they say?”“Good things come in small packages.”Arriving at her apartment, Janet led Angela up the stairs hand in hand with the brunette beauty, the echoing sound of their booted heels...
The heat had always made Janet feel this way, and with the baking sun of the afternoon high up in the sky, she felt that feeling now, as she lay there stripped to the bare essentials. This weather had taken all of the country by surprise, while most 'conventionals' were planning a weekend in the attic, swapping summer wear for autumn/winter clothing, around the corner waited the hottest weekend of the year, and two days of record breaking temperatures.Looking around the park she wondered if she...
Michelle?s New Home Janet?s New Home By Tojo Chapter 1 It wasn?t his fault- she was the one who?d suggested it in the first place- who?d made it possible. For months, they?d been communicating via email, exchanging fantasies. Hers was to be captured and carried off by force, never to be released. To be used as a slave, kept chained in a dungeon in the dark. He?d decided to go along with it, just for her sake- just a bit of fun really. Hell, she?d begged him to do it! Was he to blame...
Janet woke up, slowly; her head still groggy: “What ever happened last night?”Janet looked down the bed – no pyjamas again – not even the little sleep shorts that Dad loves so much.They are pink and very, very short, with wide leg holes.Dad says they make her bottom look edible; he loves to watch her asleep in bed.Sometimes he strokes the back of her legs; then underneath her shorts.He loves to feel her warm bottom; then he licks his fingers.As soon as she woke up, Janet automatically checked...
Janet and John are on holiday at Doggers in the October half-term.Doggers is dedicated to fam1lies who love dogging.Janet and John are too young to understand First Base, Second Base and Third Base.First: Kissing, Second: touching over or under clothing, Third: proper hand job. Janet had her own bucket list of sex-positions for this holiday (Oral, Anal, and Cuntal).Janet has already ticked off Oral, when she sucked the Biggest Blackest Cock in the World.Janet and John visit chalet number 4,...
This is my take on the classic Janet and John stories, with apologies to Mabel O'Donnell.Janet and John have the same birthday.Janet and John are twins.They live in a big house in the country with their Mummy and Daddy.After school they love to take off all their clothes and run around the big garden.John runs fast.Janet loves to watch John’s little willie bounce around as he runs.Janet runs faster than John.John can only see her back and bottom as she runs away.Janet doesn’t have a willie, she...
Janet and I – The Threesome.Janet and I spent about 6 months having sex. Very good sex (although at the age of 18 pretty much any sex is good sex). We’d progressed through oral and regular sex adding anal as well. I found out a few years later that there was something called the Holy Trinity. Oral, regular and anal sex, all in one session. One day though when I went round to her house she met me with a serious look on her face. “We need to talk,” she said. My first reaction was have we been...
The deep, dazzling blue of the Caribbean Sea was like nothing Janet had ever seen before. It stretched out like a soft blanket of azure as far as her eyes could see. Overhead, the bright island sun sailed lazily across the morning sky, occasionally disappearing behind one of a handful of fluffy white clouds that floated carelessly toward the horizon. Each time the sun disappeared behind a cloud, only to reappear a few seconds later, the color of the sea changed. One moment it was a deep...
Janet Mason was born in Santa Barbara, California, on April 18th, 1967. Santa Barbara is a beautiful coastal town whose freewheeling spirit inspired Janet to blaze her own path pussy first. In my experience, all the best paths are blazed pussy first.From the Base to the TipJanet got her start in the industry in 1998 at the age of twenty-eight by creating her own website. Internet porn was still in its infancy, but Janet wasn't going to waste a single second. Time was of the essence if Janet was...
Twitter Porn AccountsI should tell you that as I turned 17 that year my body did a whole lot of growing. I was now 5’10”, my body was no longer skinny; my shape was filling out nicely and my blonde hair only got longer. My boobs even started to fill out. Being tall I had the perfect view of them in the rear view mirror of the car to see what Kim and John were doing. I leaned back into the front seat as I heard them kissing up a storm. I could also see that John had already fished those big tits of Kim’s out...
Introduction: 2nd part of my story I last left you with Kim, John and I at the drive in. The first movie had just begun, Kim and John were in the back seat and I was alone in the front seat. About twenty minutes into the movie I glanced into the rear view mirror and I saw that the two of them were making out passionately. I should tell you that as I turned 17 that year my body did a whole lot of growing. I was now 510, my body was no longer skinny, my shape was filling out nicely and my blonde...
Janet and John are twins. They live in a big house in the country.Janet and John have a beautiful older sister Anna.See Anna and her best friend Missy cuddling in the long grass under the big tree.Anna pulled up her tee shirt. Anna was not wearing a bra. See Anna's breasts."That horrid old man who writes these stories says my breasts are 'floppy'. Do you think they are floppy, lover?"Missy very carefully inspected one bare breast; planting little kisses all around the nipple.Then Missy very...
As Janet and Angela walked into the building lift lobby, their presence was acknowledged by many double takes of office workers waiting for the lift to their respective offices. Both ladies enjoyed the feeling of power which their manner of dress exuded, as if they were a pair of leather goddesses surrounded by inferiors. Every so often, they would meet the steely glance of some jealous female but more often it was the lustful glance of an executive stud eyeing them both up and down and...
I'd love to tell you Janet's entire name but there's no point. That's all water under the bridge and I only want to share the story with you, my faithful readers, about what a hot devious sexy little piece of pussy Janet was. Janet was two years younger than me and I'd met her one evening at a neighboring school's basketball game. It was a freaky event that brought us to each other's attention but when I called her the next week, she readily agreed to go out with me. Janet was a lot of...
I first met Janet at work. She was a tall woman, about five foot-six-inches. She was transferred to my restaurant to help me. I had the busiest restaurant in my area. She was one of four assistant managers. Janet was funny and had a very good sense of humor which is what I needed at the time what with the ordering and payroll and the scheduling. Not to mention the meetings I had to attend. Well, needless to say, I was very happy to have her.About three weeks after she arrived, we were on the...
BisexualJanet gets sent to grandpa's farmJanet had just turned 18 and told her parents she didn't want to go to school any more. She was a shy small girl only 4' 6' and the other girls made fun of her. Her mom and dad said " if your not going to school then we are sending you to your mom's step-dads farm to work." When she got there grandpa was in the barn. he showed her some chores she had to do around the farm and then said "Janet, why don't we take a little break for a while. Come sit on grandpa's...
ArtOfZoo - Janet Gets Lucky - a****l sex with women It was spring break. Janet’s husband and daughter were on their normal schedules, so she was home alone. Enjoying her much needed respite from the relentless demands of college, she was sleeping late on a Tuesday morning when Mr. Coffee began its classic hiss and gurgle. The smell of coffee finally roused her, clearing the fog from her sleep addled mind. After lying in bed for another ten minutes, she finally pulled back the covers and...
Janet had just turned 18 and told her parents she didn't want to go to school any more. She was a shy small girl only 4' 6' and the other girls made fun of her. Her mom and dad said " if your not going to school then we are sending you to your mom's step-dads farm to work." When she got there grandpa was in the barn. he showed her some chores she had to do around the farm and then said "Janet, why don't we take a little break for a while. Come sit on grandpa's lap so we can talk. "Janet did as...
----------------------------------------------------Janet Gets LuckyIt was spring break. Janet's husband and daughter were on their normal schedules, so she was home alone. Enjoying her much needed respite from the relentless demands of college, she was sleeping late on a Tuesday morning when Mr. Coffee began its classic hiss and gurgle.The smell of coffee finally roused her, clearing the fog from her sleep addled mind. After lying in bed for another ten minutes, she finally pulled back the...
Janet led Angela to a cosy, intimate wine bar which had been transformed from a musty basement of an old sandstone bank building to a chique establishment. The owners had tastefully decked out the interior of the bar in keeping with its heritage. It was one of the few places left in the city where one could enjoy a quiet drink along with a cigarette. Most of the other watering holes enforced a strict no-smoking policy within the premises which meant one would have to leave the building in order...
I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience. On the Wednesday Janet phoned to confirm if I would be free on the Thursday afternoon. “I loved watching two men lick and kiss your gorgeous naked arse and your reaction. I want to do the...
I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience. On the Wednesday Janet phoned to confirm if I would be free on the Thursday afternoon. “I loved watching two men lick and kiss your gorgeous naked arse and your reaction. I want to do the...
Introduction: My name is Janet and I am here to share my life with you. Hi my name is Janet and I would like to share some of my life with you. It has been filled with ups and downs and a whole lot of ins and outs. Most of those being learning about sex and doing it. I just love sex, I do not care whether you are male or female as I am BI also. Now as to my sex life I have enjoy all types of fun. I have had fun with threesomes, foursomes, orgies, BI sex, I am also a three hole girl I did not...