Janet Debbie Have a Black Gangbang
- 3 years ago
- 33
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Introduction: Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. Part I
Charlie and Janet had been married three years and they were a fun loving couple who enjoyed living life to its fullest. He was a successful business-to-business salesman for a local company and she was a loan closer for a large Texas regional bank. They purchased a home less than a year after they married in a suburb west of Dallas six miles from DFW International Airport. They were industrious and worked hard and played hard. They had more than enough money to satisfy their obligations along with money to spend for those things that interested them. Charlie had money when they were married.
Janet was a pretty, yet practical young wife, although she often thought of herself more as a girl than the desirable woman she had become. Men constantly ogled her and checked out her attractive face and intriguing figure, although she remained oblivious of their interests. She was twenty-six years old, but she still was often asked for her drivers license when she stopped at the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine for dinner or carded when they went clubbing. She stood five feet six inches tall with strawberry blonde hair that she wore around her shoulders except when she ran at night. She had been on the track team in high school and she loved to run. Her measurements were 34C/25/36 and she weighed a hundred and twenty-four pounds. She had sparkling blue eyes that were bright, inquisitive and unintentionally sexy. Janets easy-going, almost sensual smile had grown out of an impish pixie like grin shed had since a small girl. Her firm breasts rode high on her chest and her thick nipples, which were unusually sensitive, capped mocha colored aureoles. She was what her mother described as long wasted and her narrow waist widened above a delightful ass to curvaceous hips on her long, muscular legs.
Janet had not been easy or sexually promiscuous, experienced except for one noteworthy exception, when she had met her husband. However, judged her by her sensuous face and seductive figure most men thought shed been around the block more than once. Something about her made her exude sexuality without a conscious effort on her part. Thats not to say she was totally innocent about sex. She had a unique talent for pleasing a guy, which shed acquired as a freshman at Mesquite High School. Shed grown up in a lower middle class home, but her had parents preached family values and she hadnt been permitted to associate with those teenagers her parents considered to be fast or promiscuous. Her father worked nights for the evening newspaper and pitched on their softball team, told racist jokes and he was a bigot. Since her parents didnt have money, Janet had worked summers while attending community college in Dallas and later in Austin when shed attended the University of Texas.
When Janet was in the ninth grade she dated a senior linebacker on their state championship football team, one of the team captains. She had never been on a car date before David and she had limited dating experience when hed first asked her to go to a movie. In fact, no boy had ever touched her maturing young breasts before David. The first time she allowed him to take her bra off and he had sucked her nipples shed become highly aroused and Janet was a very passionate girl. They dated most of his senior year and he tried every way possible to get into her panties. Eventually she became comfortable enough with him to let him play with her pussy and hed managed to finger fuck her to orgasm on a number of occasions, but she didnt let him fuck her. His crowning achievement had been to convince her to play with his large dick. She began to jack him off and then his continuous urging coupled with her natural curiosity led her to perform oral sex upon him. Shed been curious about guys and he helped her satisfy her curiosity. They made out when they had the chance and after she had sucked his dick the first couple of times she realized that a sense of empowerment came over her when she sucked a guys dick. She had control of him and she could tease him and lead him along and determine when hed cum. She learned she loved sucking a hard dick and the power she felt when she had a guys dick in her mouth and she became exceptionally good it. She learned that swallowing a guys cum was the icing on the cake for her as she told her husband years later. She had always been a swallower and not a spitter and guys liked that.
Her senior year of high school she graduated tenth in her graduating class and by that time shed sucked a lot of dicks and become a true professional, although she didnt know it. At both her local community college and at UT Austin, she continued her unique avocation in this area. One night while at UT Janet had been at a club with several of her sorority sisters and she sucked off seven guys who were Kappa Sigs. She had not even known four of them, but they waited in line for their turn with her and she had not disappointed them. Most guys found it more satisfying if a girl didnt quit sucking their dicks as soon as they began cumming in her mouth. They liked to watch a girl who was eager to swallow their cum. She didnt stop to think about it, but sucking guys cocks was probably why she hadnt been fucked like her girlfriends. By the time she met Charlie shed been to bed with only one guy and he hadnt been concerned with her satisfaction so she was sexually untapped.
She loved to suck Charlies seven and a half inch dick and shed told him, His penis was the perfect size. Janet had always been shy and a little self-conscious especially about feminine hygiene. So she had gone to great efforts to insure that she was always clean and without any odor that some girls had. The first time Charlie had gone down on her he learned shed had the sweetest tasting pussy hed ever eaten and hed really enjoyed it. Not to mention that Janet could orgasm easily and repeatedly. Each orgasm she experienced insured that her next orgasm would be more both quicker to occur and more intense. Licking her clit drove her crazy and she preferred that it be licked gently and very quickly. Charlie loved oral sex with her and sometimes they would sixty-nine for hours. He made her orgasm repeatedly when he went down on her and he enjoyed listening to her moaning underneath him as she climaxed. He had great stamina and after shed experienced eight or ten orgasms he would fuck her silly. However, while she enjoyed intercourse with him, she had never had an orgasm on his cock.
Charlie came home one evening in May and told her, To get her bathing suit, hed signed them up to take scuba lessons. She was excited! Hed done this for their anniversary. She was very pleased with her husbands thoughtfulness. Shed told him when they married, She wanted to learn to scuba dive. That evening they attended their first class at a dive shop in Carrolton, Texas. At the dive shop they filled out a bunch of forms and had their pictures taken before they purchased their masks, snorkels, fins and booties. Janets two-piece bathing suit wasnt a bikini but her erect nipples and camel toe were glaringly apparent to every male in the class. They talked with the other students in their class after they completed their compulsory swim and then changed out of their wet bathing suits. Janet drew her normal amount of male attention. She never wore a bra except to work, she didnt like them and didnt need one. Shed put on a pair of shorts, which displayed her toned legs and a sleeveless blouse and combed her wet hair back out of her face into a ponytail. The best part about her blouse was the fact that her ripe breasts swung freely underneath it and with the angle cut and looseness under her arms every male in the class was provided with an excellent view of her ripe tits. They went to class two times a week, completed simple homework assignments and learned basic underwater skills in their swimming pool. The two instructors were attentive to this attractive young woman and eager to help her with any of her underwater exercises where she might need assistance. But, she was an excellent swimmer and a good student and she didnt require any assistance much to their disappointment. Three weeks later, after an open water weekend at Lake Travis, they were certified as Open Water Divers. In July they took an advanced class and were certified as Advanced Divers. They scheduled their first blue water diving trips for Mexico and Honduras the following September and October.
Charlie and Janet had a great sex life. He was ten years older than her and hed always been a little obsessive-compulsive in his personality, he definitely was obsessive when it came to sex. He surprised her with lovemaking skills she knew nothing about. Since he was years older and had been married previously there wasnt a lot about sex he didnt know and he never failed to satisfy her sexual needs. He was only five feet ten inches tall and weighed one hundred and seventy pounds. However, hed worked out all his life and he was very muscular. His blue eyes and brown hair, and knowing, confident look had drawn her to him much as he had attracted many other women. Hed attended a well-known private university in Dallas where he had earned two degrees along with academic honors. His engaging personality and sharp mind constantly captivated her intelligence, as well. They were happy with each other and she was grateful that shed met him following his divorce from a previous marriage.
Charlie had been married to a girl named Linda who hed married after hed completed his enlistment in the army. Linda was a very attractive brunette who had graduated from the same school hed attended six years earlier. Shed been a cheerleader and a Homecoming Queen and her measurements were 36D/23/36. She had a body like the proverbial brick shithouse and oozed sex appeal. Theyd been married for seven years and Charlie had shared her with a few of his friends and hed never had to encourage her to have sex with another man. Hed though they loved each other and loved sex and could separate one from the other. Hed enjoyed watching her climaxing on other mens dicks at which point hed fuck her, too. She loved sex and shed enjoyed a couple of threesomes with Charlie. He especially enjoyed fucking her after a few of his friends had and her pussy was full of cum. He thought sloppy seconds was an extremely interesting experience and theyd enjoyed it, but hed had no interest in licking another mans semen out of her. Linda became involved in an affair with a man with whom she worked and when Charlie found out they agreed upon a divorce. He had no regrets about his first marriage and Janet was certainly not Linda. He determined before they married that he wouldnt share Janet with any other man. But as time went by he found out that old habits were sometimes difficult to overcome.
Charlie remembered the concupiscent thrills hed enjoyed watching Linda fucking other men. He began to embellish those times and how exciting they had been. Then, he began to wonder what it would be like to share Janet with another man and sometimes when they made love he fantasized that it was not he, but another man making love to her. After fighting an internal battle within himself he finally succumbed to his past.
It was almost a year later when Charlie shocked Janet when he told her, He wanted to share with her with another man. They were sitting on the sofa in the living room watching a video and hed put his arm around her and kissed her neck, looked into her eyes and said, He wanted to watch her making love with another man. He explained to her, Since he was ten years older than her and hed been around and he thought it only fair. Janet wasnt ready for that and she didnt know how to respond to him.
Janet quickly asked Charlie, Do you want to be with another woman? He responded, Not at all, Im talking about you Sweetheart, not me. Youve only been with one other man besides me and fleetingly at that. I think if you have the opportunity to experiment with a few other men in a non-threatening environment, youd enjoy it, and he commented, self-deprecatingly, I dont know everything there is when it comes to sex, perhaps youll learn something you can teach me. She thought he must have really thought this through because he told her, She was extremely hot and it wasnt her fault that shed missed out on a lot of things growing up with her strict parents. Then he said, Personally, I think the more experience you have the better sex will be between us. I dont want you to feel I dont think its not great. I just think you might enjoy the opportunity. I love you and I know you love me and Im secure in that. I think you can separate love and sex from each other. In short, her husband surprised her more than hed known. Janet replied, Im sorry, but Im not interested in that, and then she paused a moment before she said, At least right now, but Ill think about it.
In truth, shed put him off. But, she couldnt forget what theyd discussed or put it totally out of her mind. She thought about it from time to time and the more she thought about it, the more turned on she became. Shed have been the first to admit her sexual experiences had been severely limited, compared to Charlie that was an understatement. Hed come from an upper middle class background and with his good looks and persuasive personality hed been with lots of women and hed been married. Sometimes they made love for a couple of hours and hed wear her out in bed. In truth, he wanted to watch his wife with another man, as he had with Linda, but she didnt know that. Over the next six months Janet realized shed become more interested in her husbands proposal than shed first realized. For the first time in her life she became conscious of other men checking her out. Several men had even caught her staring at them and had smiled at her. Shed blushed and Janet looked especially attractive when she blushed. Then, when they were out in public, Charlie began to call her attention to particular men and ask her if she found them to be attractive? Sometimes this subject was the sole topic of their conversation when they were in public together until Janet learned her husband would get off the subject when she agreed that a certain man was attractive and appealed to her.
Charlie continued to pressure her to fulfill his fantasy although he knew it was wrong. He took Janet to several adult bookstores not far from where they lived. She found that to be an eye opening experience for a sheltered young woman whod grown up in a puritanical, bordering on strict, home environment. She saw other couples and even women in these bookstores and that had made her feel a little more comfortable. She was embarrassed and surprised as she looked at all the different sex toys along with a seemingly endless supply of videos and lubricants, whips, blindfolds, restraints and even womens clothing. They looked through some of the videos and DVDs and Charlie rented a half dozen of them. When they viewed them Janet couldnt forget the things shed seen, many of which excited her. After that visit, Charlie began to bring more videos home for her to watch from time to time.
Janet found these DVDs and tapes stimulating and she was naturally curious. Shed always been extremely passionate and she possessed a strong sex drive. Growing up, she began to masturbate in the sixth grade and she loved it. She masturbated in the bathtub every night, sometimes for over an hour. She had mixed emotions when he began to bring home different sex toys for her, but after shed used a couple of them and experienced heated orgasms she changed her mind. She found she really liked several of them. Several nights a week Charlie set out her favorite vibrator, which was her Magic Wand, along with several dildos and the latest tapes and tells her, To get naked. He told her, Put on a robe if she felt more comfortable, at least, until he left. But, he wanted her to watch the tapes and experiment with her toys while he worked out. He worked out at Golds Gym not far from their house four nights a week. He told her, When I get home I want to make love and Ill see you in an hour and a half. When he returned they made love and since she was already primed and they had great sex.
She watched unbelievably well-endowed black men fucking very hot young white women. She watched a lot of interracial sex with black men, some of whom she found quite attractive. These beautiful white women would usually suck the black mens dicks while they played with the womens clits and engaged in what shed call foreplay. Janet referred to these mens dicks as donkey dicks because they were huge. She had been surprised to see a large number of the women wearing wedding rings. She didnt know how these women could take dicks that large inside their vaginas. Some were as big as her arm. Janet wondered how a dick that big would feel inside her own vagina.
In some videos the womens husbands were with them. They had to be married because of their wedding rings and she watched closely as the women often choked and gagged on the unbelievably large black cocks they were sucking. In many videos, she saw their husbands watching and masturbating at the same time. Their white dicks were much smaller than the black mens dicks. In other videos, husbands sucked the wifes lovers black cock before they fucked their wives. In some videos white husbands guided a black mans oversized cock into the white womans pussy. In many videos, she watched husbands licking their wifes pussy after a black man had filled it with his cum. They were actually eating the black mens sperm out of their women! She was certain the women werent faking their orgasms, their curled toes and the look of sheer ecstasy upon their faces said it all. They had to be experiencing out of this world orgasms. She didnt know how they could take dicks that size, but they sure seemed to be in heaven.
She also watched a lot of beautiful girls making out with other girls and she quickly became turned on. When shed been thirteen shed taken a bath with her cousin, Susan, and stroking each other in the bathtub had created strange, but wonderful feelings inside both of them. Then, she saw these girls pleasing each other and often they engaged in sixty-nines, her favorite number. Girls talking to other girls were soon kissing and making out with them even if one of them didnt want to at first. The girls would be kissing and caressing each other before they began to run their hands over each other and then they took their clothes off. Soon their deep kissing evolved into sucking each others breasts and nipples and then they were fingering each other. Janet became especially excited when they began to lick each others clits and shed turn her Magic Wand on high and pretend she was one of them. For some reason, the idea of making love with another woman turned her on a great deal and she knew after her experience with Susan shed like to have sex with another woman. She didnt share that with Charlie, but she would cum again and again. When Charlie got home from the gym theyd make love and it was always great.
She knew he was serious when he continued to bring up the idea of sharing her with another man. He explained, It would make sex better for both of them and he said it would turn both of them on. One of the reasons she was thinking about it all the time now was because he brought the subject up so much, especially when they were making love and she was about to orgasm. Hed tell her to fantasize it was someone shed met who shed found particularly attractive or some man in one of the videos shed watched that she liked and he was making her cum. Hed always been persuasive and he was beginning to sell her on his idea. She understood why he was such a good salesman.
Charlie began to buy her all kinds of La Mer makeup, which she knew was very expensive. He bought her lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, glitter and expensive perfumes. There were several different levels of Revlon lipstick that Revlon made. He always bought her the top of the line and she had a glass bowl on her granite makeup counter in the master bath filled with every lipstick Revlon made. He bought her sexy, quite revealing clothing, miniskirts, see-thru blouses, pantyhose, and even a large selection of dancewear and club wear. He even bought her several whips and a couple of pair of handcuffs, thumb cuffs, and a spreader bar and a few other bondage items. She was uncertain where that came from.
They had a cedar pergola on their patio in the backyard. One week, Charlie brought her a few BDSM videos and she watched them intently. She didnt like pain but control over another person seemed interesting. The next night, hed had her chain him to their pergola, naked. His back faced their patio door so he couldnt look inside. Shed handcuffed his hands over his head and placed a spreader bar between his ankles and chained them to cedar six by six timbers. She put a ball-gag in his mouth that she tied behind his head. At that point Janet felt an internal sensation of power radiate through her. Her husband was at her mercy and she liked the feeling of power she held over him. She whipped him like his Mistress had once done, maybe even a little harder. He was tough and she wanted to see him flinch, but he didnt. Theyd agreed in advance after she disciplined him shed shut the patio door and leave him chained outside, naked. Shed go inside and watch either BDSM videos again or some interracial videos. Hed brought several videos home where a white couple entertained a black bull whatever that was. Once shed watched the videos while using her toys shed come outside and have him lick her pussy and then theyd make love.
She didnt feel like watching any videos, at least not that night. She was in control of her husband that evening and she enjoyed it. After shed disciplined him she smiled at him and went inside and took all her clothes off. She touched up her makeup and went back outside, naked herself, to check on him. She smiled inwardly as she saw his eyes widen appreciatively when he looked at her. Her sensuous face, luscious breasts capped by mocha colored aureoles and oversized nipples tapering to her narrow waist, pink pussy and tight ass was too much. She smiled at him, and shook her head, No, before she lay down on their chase lounge in front of him. She smiled suggestively and spread her long legs wide apart as her hands traveled over her body. She sucked on her fingers and rubbed her saliva around one nipple and then the other nipple, which grew even more erect. She sucked on the fingers of her right hand before it dipped between her thighs to her pussy and she began stroking her clit. She sucked her fingers again and her fingers began to move faster over her clit. She sucked on her fingers again and now they moved more rapidly over her clit and she closed her eyes as she moved her fingers even faster over her clit. Then she licked the fingers of her left hand and while she masturbated herself with her right hand she began to fuck her pussy with the fingers of her left hand. Charlies cock stood straight out from his body pointing toward their fence, which separated their house from their neighbors. Now, his young wife supported herself only on her shoulders and heels while her hand furiously rubbed her swollen clit. The veins in her neck and in her forehead stood out as she began to uncontrollably fuck her tight ass upwards again and again on the fingers of her left hand that she buried in her pussy. Janet was cumming, violently cumming.
She fell back upon the lounge, but she kept her fingers inside her pussy. In less than a minute she licked her fingers and then she resumed moving them rapidly over her swollen clit. From time to time, shed pause and lick her fingers and then resume masturbating. Within five minutes she was cumming on her fingers again only much more intensely this time. Then, she fell back onto the chaise lounge, breathing heavily. She rested a minute and then resumed the abuse of her almost pea sized clit. Slower, faster, slower, faster, Janet teased her clit and her husband, not necessarily in that order. This went on for about fifteen minutes until only shoulders and heels supported her again as her body arced off the couch. Fingers flew over her clit and then her she began fucking upwards on those fingers once again as she exploded in another massive orgasm. She fell back upon the chaise lounge and rested for a few minutes and then she opened her eyes and smiled lewdly at her husband as she removed her fingers from her pussy and put them in her mouth and sucked on them, tasting herself.
Janet walked over to her husband and took his stiff dick and said, Looks like you have a problem. She began to jack him off and he struggled, he wanted to fuck her. She looked up at him and shook her head, No and smiled as she jacked him off faster and faster. She lowered her head and took only the very tip of his throbbing cock into her mouth and sucked him hard before she resumed jacking him off. After twenty minutes she felt his hard dick grow larger and harder and she squeezed it hard and smiled at him. She continued jacking him off, only much faster, and within a few minutes his dick erupted, spewing thick spurts of semen into the night toward the fence that separated their yard from their neighbors. She continued jacking him off until he stopped cumming. That was the last time he suggested any discipline or bondage games to her.
Part II
They began to go to swinging singles clubs essentially meat markets thats what shed called them in Austin. They went every weekend and most of the girls were hot, if not a little cheap, and the guys were buff or horny or both. She began to notice that different men were checking her out. Charlie had bought her sexy tops, short skirts and several complete outfits of revealing clothing. Shed never had anything like this in her sheltered life. They went shopping together and she found some clothing at Kohls and Dillards that she liked. She discovered if she looked in the Juniors Department for something teenage girls wore, it often would be quite sexy on her. He told her to put her make up on a lot heavier than she ordinarily would have. She never wore a bra except to work and he knew he wasnt the only guy who enjoyed looking at her breasts and erect nipples. He made a point of telling her not to wear one anyway. He wanted her to show off her assets and he secretly wanted to make her look like a whore. He didnt understand why, but for some reason the thought excited him. Janet had been excited, too. Shed never done anything like this before and she found it exciting.
Janet was a dancing fool and she began to look forwards to going out every weekend. Theyd explored different clubs and Charlie was always looking for a club hotter than the ones where theyd been. He looked for clubs where a large number of single men hung out that were popular. He reasoned that type of club drew good-looking women and his wife was a very good-looking woman. They were at a club one weekend when she wanted to dance to a particular song and he said, Sure. They walked onto the dance floor and she learned very quickly that her husband didnt know how to dance, at all. He thought he did, but he really didnt. She tried to teach him and he tried hard to learn, but it was as if he had two left feet.
However, they continued to go clubbing every weekend. One evening hed gone to the mens room when the disc jockey happened to play one of her favorite songs. She wanted to dance badly when this good-looking guy saw her sitting by herself and asked her to dance. She smiled her normally sensuous smile at him and said, Id love to dance with you. She was having so much fun dancing with him that when Charlie returned to their table and she wasnt there he thought shed gone to the ladies room. He finally spotted her during a slow song when she smiled and waved at him. His dick hardened immediately when he saw an attractive man holding her against him. When the guy brought her back to their table she introduced him to her husband. On the way home he told her that hed been surprised at how aroused hed become watching her dancing.
He suggested that since he didnt know how to dance and she loved it as much as she did that she could dance with other men. She agreed with him, since she loved to dance. She replied, She wouldnt argue with that. He knew how much she enjoyed dancing. But, when she tried to find other men to dance with her, she didnt have any luck. She even asked a few guys on her own and Charlie realized how deflating that it must have been to her ego when one guy told her, Later. He was determined to find a way where she could dance with other men. He couldnt understand it. His wife may not have been gorgeous, but she was extremely good looking.
She thought about their situation and said, The night that man asked me to dance I was sitting by myself, you werent with me. When we walk into a club together, no one will ask me to dance. The following weekend they were on their way to a club that was rumored to be a hot club when Charlie had an idea. He suggested to her that he drop her off at the clubs entrance and she go in by herself. After hed parked their car, hed come into the club and buy a drink and just watch. She told him, If Im dancing with a guy and having a good time I dont want you to come up to us and bother me. He replied, You know I wouldnt do that. I want to watch you having a good time with other men who know how to dance because you enjoy it so much. I like watching you, anyway. Ill buy a drink or two and chill while watching you and other couples dancing. He gave her twenty dollars to buy a couple drinks and dropped her off at entrance to the club and told her to, Have fun.
She was wearing a short gold skirt, which ended about four inches above her knees that evening and it looked sexy on her tanned legs. With her tan she didnt wear hose and she didnt need them. She wasnt wearing panties, either. Charlie had argued with her for six weeks before she caved and finally agreed not to wear any. She wore an especially revealing beige knit top. Hed bought her two identical tops in Mexico that shed liked and both of them had recognized how hot she looked wearing them. Her top was loose at the bottom and ended above her waist, which left some of her slim tanned stomach exposed. It buttoned down the front and the knitting was in small squares, which you could easily see through. He suggested she leave the top three buttons unbuttoned, which left half of her delicious breasts exposed. Without a bra her large mocha colored aureoles and thick nipples were visible, but theyd reasoned most nightclubs were a little dark, anyway. Besides, shed observed many women wearing equally provocative clothing.
As soon as she entered the club a good looking man asked her to join him and his companion at their table. She was checking her coat when they invited her to sit with them. She saw that the club was crowded and shed have to wait for a table if she didnt, so she accepted his invitation. The music was loud and eclectic and she liked the clubs atmosphere. It reminded her of a club where shed danced in Austin. Shed already had a double Long Island Tea at home so she was already a little loose. The men asked her what she was drinking and when she told them they asked the waitress to bring her another Long Island Tea. One man asked her to dance and led her out onto the dance floor. He was a pretty good dancer and she was having more fun dancing with him than shed had in a long time.
His friend interrupted them shortly and announced, It was his turn to dance with her. So she danced with him for a while and she enjoyed being with him, too. Shed didnt see Charlie, but she wasnt concerned. Hed be there watching out for her as he always did. Janet was having fun and Charlie had found a table and he was happy. Hed been pissed off when as attractive a woman as his wife was no men had asked her to dance. Watching her it seemed to him that she was beginning to really get wound up and she seemed to enjoy all the male attention she was getting. Those guys were fawning all over her, he thought to himself. Why shouldnt they? She was one of the hottest women in the club.
The two men she had met had given Janets ego a big boost although she didnt realize it at the time. Soon, she was dancing with the first guy again and as he held her against him she felt his erection brush against her abdomen through the sheer material of her skirt. She didnt realize that her pussy was wet, but that could have been the alcohol. The club was crowded and Janet was hot, almost perspiring. When they sat down she finished the drink shed been drinking. When their waitress walked by their table one of the men ordered another round of drinks. Janet felt really good since she had a serious buzz going. She didnt hear the man tell their waitress, She wants a double, referring to Janet. She didnt pay any attention to the younger of the two men when his leg pressed against her own. And, when she didnt move her leg the man placed his hand upon her thigh, but she didnt stop him. Instead, shed smiled at him. These guys were just cutting loose and having a good time.
The first guy went to the bathroom and in a little while came back with another man whom he introduced to Janet. Hed brought her another Long Island Tea. She told him laughingly, She couldnt drink anymore. She already had a buzz going, but she enjoyed all of their attention and took it anyway. She walked onto the dance floor with Shawn, his friend. Shawns hand was on her waist under her top as he led her to a corner of the dance floor. He was a lot better looking than either of the men with whom shed been dancing. Shawn had what her girlfriend, Rita, who always got her in trouble with her folks, called bedroom eyes. Of course, Rita should know, she had gone to bed with enough men. Shawn held her close to him and she felt his big dick rubbing intimately against her stomach, almost against her pussy, through the thin fabric of her gold skirt. He was a little bit forward, she thought, but she liked the way it felt against her. She knew she had turned him on and that made her feel good. His continued contact began to affect her, but she maintained her contact with him, anyway. Without realizing it, she was becoming sexually aroused, herself. Shawns hand held her against him and casually caressed and cupped her ass from time to time. She had a great ass so she enjoyed it when his hand cupped her ass cheeks and she just smiled although she probably should have told him, No. She had not had much to eat before they left home and the alcohol was beginning to get to her.
She must have had three Long Island Teas, she thought or had it been four, not counting what shed had at home? Well, it didnt matter. What was important was that she was having more fun than shed had in a long time. They were dancing to a slow song in a secluded corner of the crowded club away from the main dance floor. Shawns hand was gently caressing her neck when his other hand, which had been at her waist moved up under her loose top. Before she could say, dont, his hand began squeezing and kneading her sensitive breasts, teasing her thick, sensitive nipples, which were already erect. She knew she got into trouble when she let a guy do that, but it had been too long since shed been with anyone besides her husband. She thought he couldnt see them, anyway, not where they were dancing. Shawn pinched and twisted her sensitive nipples and he heard her moan softly somewhere deep in her throat.
Shawn concentrated on Janets turgid nipples, teasing them between his thumbs and forefingers. He heard her breathing increase and she moved slightly away from him to allow his hands greater freedom of movement. He looked into her sensuous face and knew she wanted him to continue. He felt her body against his and he knew his hands were turning her on. In less than a minute she placed her hands on top of his as if to say, Thats nice, dont stop. His dick hardened in his pants even more and he smiled suggestively at the hot young woman dancing in front of him. Janet watched Shawn casually unbutton the two remaining buttons of her short top. Her top was now completely open, hanging loosely from her shoulders. Damn, he thought to himself, this was his lucky night. She is fucking ravishing and she wants it badly, Im going to fuck her brains out! Her ripe breasts capped by mocha colored aureoles and thick nipples were inches from his face. She moved closer to him and put her arms around his neck before placing her right on the back of his head and arching her back towards him. She had lifted her breasts and offered them to him! He lowered his face to her chest and his mouth closed upon the thick nipple of her right breast sucking on it long and hard and he felt it swell and grow rigid in his mouth before he moved to her other breast. His mouth and tongue passionately sucked each of her sensitive nipples, first one and then the other and then they were all over her swollen breasts. Janets head rolled backwards, her eyes closed and mouth open, as she ground her hips shamelessly against Shawns swollen dick to the musics primeval beat.
She knew she should be ashamed, but she loved having her nipples sucked. Damn, she thought to herself, Ive missed this so much. It was bizarre, but she enjoyed his mouth, lips, tongue, and teeth on her breasts. She knew she should stop him but she didnt want to. It felt so good and it had been way too long since a different man had done this to her. Shed missed feeling the way she felt at this moment she thought and besides, her husband wanted her to enjoy it. Shed forgotten how much she liked men. She wasnt aware shed lost all track of time or that shed been with these men for over three hours.
Charlie was pleased, he enjoyed watching his wife, when he could see her. He realized he had never lost his voyeuristic tendencies and he didnt care. She finally broke away from Shawns embrace and smiled at him sensuously as she buttoned her top or tried to before she told him she needed to sit down. When he walked her back to their table her legs were shaking so much he had to help steady her. She sat down briefly and thanked all of the men whod bought her drinks and who shed danced with during the evening. Shawn tried to get her to leave with him but she smiled and said, No. They asked for her telephone number and she gave them a fake number, which theyd find out was phony as soon as they tried to call her.
She looked around and saw her husband and walked a little unsteadily over to where he sat. He noticed she was perspiring. Rivulets of sweat ran between her breasts and down her cheeks. Her face was flushed and he could see she was really buzzed. Only one button of her top had been re-buttoned and it barely held her skimpy top on. He loved her to wear that sexy top, which accentuated the contour of her ripe breasts. She didnt tell him that Shawn had sucked her aching nipples or how hot hed made her or how much shed enjoyed grinding her pussy against a strange dick for a change. Shed teased him shamelessly. Hed thought he was going to fuck her. Her pussy needed to be fucked, badly, but Charlie would take care of that.
He took his wifes hand and placed it discreetly on his hard cock. Janet slurred to him, Every man in this club including my husband has a hard dick. They were sitting in a booth while he finished his drink and he had his hand on her thigh. He put his hand under her short skirt on her labia and then he put three fingers inside her slick pussy. She smiled at him and whispered, Yeah, they made me wet. I need to be fucked so take me home and fuck me. They both knew shed enjoyed being with the men and that turned Charlie on. They got their coats and left the club. He told her how hot she looked dancing as they drove home. When they got home he told her once again, You really looked hot dancing with them, especially with the last guy. All three of them wanted to fuck you. Janet grinned. She smiled sensually at him and said, I know, one of them even told me he did and I almost wanted him too She didnt share anything else with him about Shawn. Shed really enjoyed the way hed sucked her nipples so passionately.
When they made love that evening and he went down on her, he told her, I want you to think about those guys. I want you to fantasize that the third guy you danced with is licking your pussy, not me. When you cum I want you to think about Shawn and his hard dick. I want you to pretend hes making you cum. Then, I want you to imagine that all three of them fucked you and then you sucked each of their dicks so you could make them hard so they could fuck you again. Fantasize that one of them is fucking you doggy style while youre sucking each of his friends off. When he cums inside you his friend takes his place&hellip, You are cumming on their dicks and your pussy is leaking their cum all over your ass and onto the bed. Every time she came that evening, she came violently and her orgasms were unusually intense while she thought about the stranger whod sucked her tits and what her husband had said. This was the first time shed fantasized about fucking other men while her husband was making love to her, but it wouldnt be the last. At the time, she didnt understand why it excited her the way it did.
They continued going to swinging singles clubs and Charlie dropped her off at the clubs entrance and she went in by herself. They decided that was the reason why other men had not asked her to dance. She danced with lots of different men now. Her parents never permitted her to go out with fast guys growing up, but she danced with them every weekend. She was surprised to find she enjoyed being with them. She knew her libido was being constantly stimulated as a result of what shed been exposed to and she was only human. Janet thought about her husbands discussion of sharing her. While she wasnt to the point of granting her husband his request, shed been leaning that way for a long time, now. Shed thought about it so much now that she thought of little else. She thought perhaps she was trying to psych herself into taking that step. She had no problem with a caress here and there and even a little kiss or two with a man she liked. Charlie had been right, things were sure hot in bed for them afterwards.
Part III
Shed recently read an article in Cosmopolitan about the reason a womans sexual desire for her husband diminishes over time. The article went on to state that it was absolutely normal for a wife to experience a very real increase in her sexual desire for other men. Janet knew her sexual desires were increasing and would continue to increase. Evidence clearly suggested that a married woman was instinctively inclined to seek a variety of sexual partners while a mans sexual drive was easily manipulated and a single partner could satisfy him. The article went on to explain that men can get nearly the same level of satisfaction from masturbating as they do by completing a sexual act with a woman while this wasnt true in the case of women. Further, a man would do anything for his wife responding to the hint of male competition, real or imagined. A wife could literally write the rules for her marriage, which would satisfy both her and her husband and permit her to enjoy multiple sexual partners. Bringing another man or men into their marriage allowed the wife to alter her husbands behavior even while she enjoyed her sexual liaisons. Janet became convinced after reading that article and solidified her decision, she wanted to enjoy sex with other men. That was only normal for a healthy woman and it was irrelevant if she happened to be married or single. Now she was trying to formulate the best time, place and rationale to explain why shed changed her mind and explain she wanted to do as hed suggested several months earlier.
Janet began to experiment with her makeup, lipsticks, foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara and eye liner and her hair as she looked for new ways to enhance her appearance while she thought more and more about the men she liked and wanted, to broaden her horizons with. Enhance her appearance? She was looking for different ways to appear more seductive. Most men looking her over seemed to indicate by their reaction to her that she was already seductive enough. She enjoyed watching porn now and was really interested in trying some of the things shed seen. She was eager to get going. Shed started out tentatively enough but now she didnt think twice about accidentally touching a guys dick. She felt like a kid in a candy shop. She could look at the candy and there were so many choices and they were all hers. Several men had unzipped their slacks and placed her hand on their hard dicks and shed played with them. She knew that left both of them wanting more, but shed had fun. She discussed a little of this with Charlie but not in detail or the number of men shed done this with. On the other side of that coin shed let most guys she liked play with her breasts and several nights when she really liked a guy, shed let him play with her pussy. One memorable evening when shed had a little too much to drink she danced with two guys at the same time and they took turns finger fucking her until one of them made her cum. After shed climaxed with him the other guy wouldnt be content until he had made her orgasm, too. She liked these guys, they were always cutting up and having fun. She danced with them every time she ran into them.
Charlie began to wash and clean the master bath for Janet every weekend, now. What she found to be of interest was that when he performed this little task of his he would be naked? Several times she noticed hed had an erection. It seemed to her that his activity he performed for her turned him on sexually. He changed the bulbs in her vanity lights to blue or red from white above her granite makeup counter, which hed polished. He washed her counter sinks along with her bathtub and filled it with bubble bath. He lit candles and sprayed incense throughout the room and he turned some sensuous music on for her to listen to as she bathed and applied her makeup. He even ironed several of her skirts and blouses when asked. He began to leave a copy of the latest Playgirl magazine on the side of the tub for her. The atmosphere he created was pleasurably sensual. Hed make her a Long Island Tea or whatever drink she wanted to enjoy while she took her bath and shaved her pussy. She had surprised him several months earlier by shaving her pussy and he loved her new baby look. Janet preferred her bathroom door be closed when she took a bath and said, She got cold if the door was left open. She didnt hear him one evening when he was bringing a drink to her. He quietly entered the bathroom and stopped abruptly and quickly backed out of the room. She was holding the Playgirl magazine hed left by the side of her tub in her left hand looking at a picture of some studs large dick while furiously masturbating with her right hand. Fortunately she didnt see him and embarrassed, hed quickly exited her bathroom.
One evening they were at Kempiss, a club located in the basement of the Hotel Continental. Janet had been dancing with a man shed met while Charlie watched approvingly from across the dance floor. He saw her place her hand flirtatiously on the guys shoulder and whisper into his ear seductively. Shes becoming a real prick tease, he laughed to himself. She saw him walking in the direction of the mens room. She was hot from dancing so much and wanted to order a drink. She began to walk off the dance floor. When she walked by a table at the edge of the dance floor a handsome black man wearing a white turtle necked sweater stood up. He smiled at her and she smiled sensuously back at him and he took her arm and led her back onto the dance floor. He told her his name was Kevin and he asked her, Where shed been all his life? She couldnt help but laugh at that old line. Still, it was funny. Somehow she felt drawn toward this black man and he made her want to reach out to him to find out what it was about him that made her feel this way. She found him tempting and seductive at the same time. She couldnt say what it was, but hed stirred something deep within her.
Charlie looked in Janets direction and noticed that she was dancing with a good-looking black man. She was laughing and he was smiling at her as he held her body closely against him. They looked great dancing together and it was apparent she enjoyed being with him. He didnt know why hed turned her on as much as he had but the way she clung to him made his dick hard just watching them. They looked extremely hot together. He was a little over six feet tall, solidly built, good-looking with brown eyes and sexy. He wondered if he liked feeling her soft, curvaceous body pressed against his sleek muscular body as he held her against him as much as it looked like she enjoyed it? He had no doubt that the man knew his wife was naked under her cocktail dress. He didnt know, but hed have been willing to bet the way she was acting, that her pussy was gushing.
When they danced to a couple of slow songs Janet felt his oversized hardon pressing against her abdomen. If Charlie had not been totally focused on Janet he would not have noticed her hand move between their bodies towards the mans crotch. Hed almost missed it but her hand stayed in that position while she danced with him. He could tell she was touching him. But, she seemed to be asking him something, too. He wondered to himself, whats she doing? He didnt have any idea, but he wondered if the guy had a big dick. Hed heard black men had big dicks, but he didnt know one personally. Janet looked like she was discussing something with him. What were they talking about?
He realized the black stud must have really turned his wife on. Was it the interracial videos shed watched or the sex toys hed purchased for her that she used all the time now? Perhaps it was a combination. Maybe it was the sexy club wear she knew she looked so fucking hot in or maybe it was dancing with all those good looking men who wanted to fuck her that had made her so horny. Maybe it was just the guy she was dancing with. She looked hotter this evening than hed ever seen her. He knew hed done everything he could to encourage her. Was it possible that she was going to surprise him tonight?
On the dance floor Janet whispered into Kevins ear, I want you to come over to my house so I can make you feel good. She wanted to suck his dick and she wanted to swallow his cum. She wasnt surprised she invited him, she told herself. She needed to suck a strange dick tonight. Kevin asked her if she was by herself and she told him, she was married and she had come here with her husband. She explained, her husband enjoyed watching her with another man. She couldnt believe she was telling a stranger this, let alone a black man. Kevin explained that hed brought a friend with him and that posed a potential problem and then he excused himself to go to the mens room.
Charlie walked up to Janet and asked her what was going on? She told him, Shed invited Kevin over to their house, and she was going to suck his dick.
She knew hed been pleased when he quickly asked her, Is he coming over?
About that time Kevin returned from the mens room. He wanted to talk to Janet again, just the two of them. Charlie replied, No, Janet invited you over and she wants you to come over to our house. Were leaving, but shed like to have you visit her.
It was December and Dallas can be deceptively cold in the wintertime. They went to get their coats, which theyd checked when they came in. He told Janet, You invited Kevin over and there wasnt any reason to discuss it further. Hell come if he wants to come. They walked out into the cold, wintry night. The north wind was brutal and Janet was glad her coat was warm because an Arctic cold front had blown in from Canada and she was naked under her cocktail dress. They were walking towards their car when out of nowhere Kevin appeared by Janets side. Charlie saw him and smiled as Kevin put his arm around Janet.
They had parked two blocks away and the wind was blowing hard. Janet thought to herself, Im glad Kevin is here with us. Every ten yards or so Kevin would take her into his arms and kiss her as his hands slipped under her warm coat and squeezed her swollen breasts, teasing her hard sensitive nipples before wandering between her legs. Her lips were so wet and Kevin felt her desire. He didnt just want this incredibly beautiful white woman to suck his dick, he wanted to fuck her in front of her husband in a way he never had and fill her hungry pussy with his potent seed. He wanted her husband to see his precious little white wife blackened by his huge black dick.
Charlie was ahead of Janet and Kevin and he was in a hurry to get to their SUV. He wanted to get to the damned car and start its powerful engine and warm up the Yukon. The north wind was brutal. Kevin pulled Janet to him once more and his lips were on hers. She opened her mouth accepting his tongue, which entered her mouth and took ownership of her moth as he played with her tongue. She tried to capture his tongue with her lips and she almost bit it as pleasure radiated through her pussy. Two of his muscular black fingers slipped inside her sticky pussy, followed by a third, and a thumb began expertly massaging her clit. She couldnt believe it, but Kevin was turning her on even further while she was freezing her shapely little ass off and she hated cold weather.
Charlie got to their Yukon, unlocked the doors and turned the engine on. Kevin and Janet got in on the passengers side and he moronically commented, Its colder than a well diggers butt in the Klondike, tonight. Nobody bothered to pay any attention to him and he just as well might not have been there.
Janet cuddled Kevins muscular black body against hers and his white cashmere sweater felt warm against the thin material of her cocktail dress. Her hand was on his huge hardon and she quickly began to unbutton his slacks and unzip them as she released his throbbing black cock. Shed never sucked a black cock before, but shed fantasized about sucking one while using her toys. This was her first time she thought to herself, smiling. A look of disbelief crossed her face when she first saw it. He was so big she couldnt believe it. It couldnt be real! Shed always told Charlie, His cock was perfect, but it wouldnt be fair to compare her husband to Kevin because there was no comparison. She was astonished.
This was the biggest penis shed ever seen. It looked like those shed seen in the interracial videos shed watched at home. It was both unusually long and extremely thick and she especially loved the blunt shape of its head, which gave it a menacing look. It was covered with veins, one especially thick one ran down the front of it. She briefly thought to herself, that would rub a girls clit, nicely. His thick black cock slapped against his stomach and when she tried to put her hand around it, her fingertips didnt touch. He was so hard. Her mouth watered the same way your mouth waters when youre hungry and you smell a delightful odor on a warm stovetop. The difference being she wasnt hungry, her mouth was watering for this oversized penis. She gasped as experienced black fingers found her wet pussy again and separated her lips before resuming their assault upon clit. She moaned and said, Ahh that feels good.
She was glad theyd brought the Yukon instead of her Thunderbird. She eagerly lowered her head and took the blunt head of his black cock into her mouth. She felt like a pig with an apple in its mouth as her lips formed a large oval around it. He was uncircumcised and she had to peel the skin away from its head to suck him the way she felt he would like. She ran her tongue around and around his head, concentrating on that special little spot directly under his cockhead that she knew was so sensitive. She took several more inches into her mouth firmly convinced that quality was better than quantity. Her head bobbed back and forth as she began to drool all over his dick. Then, Kevin slowly fed her several more inches and she tried hard not to choke, she really did. She loved sucking hard dicks, but shed never been with a guy who had a cock like Kevins and this excited her, making her want it even more. Her tongue circled his huge cock again and again and she could feel him growing bigger in her mouth. Kevins other hand was on her breasts and he had a nipple in his fingers, roughly squeezing it and then reducing the pressure, before he squeezed it again. Normally, she told Charlie to be gentle, but she was surprised she liked Kevins roughness. Shed completely forgotten about Charlie. Well, hed have to fend for himself, tonight.
She choked for the first time as Kevin fed her more of his cock and when it hit the back of her throat her eyes watered, but she was like a dog with a bone. She pulled away from him gasping. Your cock is so big! My hand cant go around it.&hellip,She was cut off in mid-sentence as Kevins dick struck the back of her throat again. She quickly swallowed him and concentrated on breath control. She had missed sucking a hard dick more than shed realized and she wanted to make Kevin cum. Each time she took his dick into the back of her throat she made a deep gasping sound as she gagged on his enormous penis. Shed never sucked a dick like his before and she was more excited than at any time she could remember. She didnt care about anything but his dick.
Kevin knew how to satisfy a woman even under these unusual conditions because within five minutes she moaned in surprise, Aaaaagh, Im cumming! She was slobbering all over his dick and apparently getting nowhere. He had not come in her mouth like most of the white guys shed sucked. He had amazing staying power.
She asked Kevin, Why havent you cum, am I doing something wrong? Kevin replied, No, Baby, youre doing it right.
Shed taken her coat off when they got into the Yukon. By this time the temperature in the SUV was becoming too hot and all of the darkened windows had fogged over from the inside. Kevin reached behind her neck and unhooked the back of her black cocktail dress. Without thinking Janet wiggled out of it and slipped it over her head. She proudly sat in front of Kevin naked as the day she was born. He smiled seductively at her as he took in her sensuous body. Kevin instantly liked her large mocha colored aureoles and thick nipples. He immediately pulled his white turtle necked sweater over his head and then quickly slipped out of his slacks and shorts. Now Kevin was naked, too and Janet saw he had a beautifully muscled body. Her seat was pushed back as far as it would go and since Charlie had removed the middle seat, it allowed the seat to be tilted until she was in a supine position under Kevin. This had been a great benefit to them when they went on trips and shed even slept on it in Colorado this past summer. She moved her hand behind Kevins head and pulled him down to her tits and his mouth and tongue began teasing her sensitive nipples as she moaned deeply in the back of her throat while both of her hands held and squeezed his huge dick. So good, hes so good, she thought to herself. He lifted his head and kissed her passionately and whispered into her mouth, You want some black meat inside your little white pussy, dont you? If I give you what I have for you, Baby, youre not going to be happy with any more white dick. You wont want anything but black dick after tonight.
He was rhythmically rubbing her clit as she softly moaned softly and he kissed her again. She opened her mouth and he pushed his pink tongue inside hers and she eagerly caught it and sucked on it hard. Her whole body was trembling as Kevin sucked one nipple and then the other one before his head was between her thighs and he was licking and then sucking her swollen clit while two muscular fingers fucked in and out of her as he worked hard to stretch her pink pussy. Kevin mimicked what shed told him earlier, I want to eat your pussy and make you feel good, too.
She smiled at Kevin and opened her legs wider as he knelt on the floorboard in front of her. Thank goodness theyd brought the roomy Yukon! She thought to herself. Kevin moved his head between her thighs and his mouth attached itself to her pussy. She cried out in pleasure as Kevins tongue began to lick and suck her. Her hands held the back of his shaved head against her as he licked her to an intense orgasm. She cried out loudly as she climaxed in his mouth. So good, so good, she thought again. Kevin didnt stop and she was becoming increasingly sensitive as he licked her to a second and then a third orgasm.
She felt her pussy become even juicier as her pussy flowed with liquid pleasure under Kevins tongue as it gently probed the opening of her swollen pussy. Her belly was gyrating like a belly dancers. Her whole body was moving under Kevins tongue as he skillfully teased her and made her clitoris sing and as he flicked it gently along its swollen head he made it tense up with pleasure. She lifted her hips up against his tongue as she feverishly fucked his face. She was grinding her hips in rhythm with Kevins tongue when her body began to shake violently and she moaned. Then she cried out, Oh&hellip,Yeah &hellip,Kevin&hellip,Im &hellip,going to cum baby yeah&hellip,cumming! AAAAAAAA! She couldnt take any more of that, she was tingling all over and in another world. She thought to herself, Charlie is great at eating my pussy but Kevin is just as good, maybe better.
Janets body was shaking so hard that Kevin had to hold her down on the seat or she would have fallen off. He moved up and began sucking her nipples again and then he kissed her. Why dont you take my cock in your hands, Janet? I want you to see the contrast in color with your white hand around my black cock. I want you to watch how you stimulate me. Watch how my big black cock responds to your touch. And then take it in your sweet mouth, darling. This time I want you to think about how each swollen vein that you feel will bring pleasure to you when its inside you&hellip,
She lifted her mouth to Kevin and kissed his open mouth and she pushed her tongue into his mouth and he gently sucked on it. She lifted her mouth away from his and whispered, You make me so hot.
She wrapped her left hand around Kevins huge cock and she couldnt even take all of him into her hand. She was comparing the contrast in color while his hand was playing with her pussy again when she noticed her wedding ring. It was like a reality check and she looked over at Charlie. His dick was as hard as shed ever seen it as he jacked off watching them. Kevin had seen Charlie jacking off, too. He could never understand what these white men saw in jerking off instead of fucking their womans pussy. There was just no comparison between your hand and a tight white cunt like Janet had. But he really didnt care, hed fuck her good for her husband.
She looked back at Kevins huge dick and it was almost as if shed been hypnotized. She took it into her mouth and felt the thick veins running through it standing out as she twirled her tongue over them. She took as much of him as she could into her mouth and there was still five inches she couldnt get into her mouth. She reached down and lifted his heavy balls. His testicles were heavy and the size of Ping-Pong balls, she thought to herself.
Kevin pulled her head up and licked her lips and then he placed his mouth on hers at the same time he placed the head of his cock between her labia and gently moved the blunt head from the top near her clit, taking care to directly rub her clit for several minutes, and back down mixing her juices with his pre-cum all over the head of his cock. She looked down and saw his huge cockhead glistening with their juices.
She raised her legs and bent them back making her knees come close to her swollen tits and she placed her hands under her knees to hold them up. Kevin pushed forward putting pressure on her labias lips as he continued teasing the opening to her pussy. His head was a foot above hers as he said, Janet watch as I put my big black dick inside your little pink pussy and fuck you like a woman like you needs to be fucked.
the desk, a pitcher of coffee in front of her, a pile of Journals there as well. The television set was tuned to the financial channel, and Janet watched dumbly as the ticker scrolled across the screen. 'I've lost,' Janet thought to herself, 'it's the end.' Now there was nothing to do except watch the clock tick away her last few remaining hours of freedom until the meeting with Blanca in Manhattan, which would decide who would inherit Erica's estate. Just...
days got longer. Winter coats were shed for lighter spring ones, then finally for jackets and even going without. The heavy clothing of winter was gradually being replaced as the seasons changed, and Janet watched as the trendy women of Greenwich wore the newest fashions that season. But not Janet, who would wear either a full blouse or dress, in order to conceal the scars on her back. Unlike the scarlet letter of colonial times, Janet wore hers on her back, and it was...
sleeping in Erica's bedroom now for months, and fortunately Tiffany had not made an issue of it. But it still felt strange sleeping in Erica's bed, wearing her clothes, and living her life. It had been six months since her death last summer, and the time had gone by quickly. She rose from bed, and decided not to go through the ritual of having Tina bathe and dress her. It was a nice luxury, to be sure. And she often enjoyed it. But not everyday, and she wasn't a...
grown up in NY and spent their entire life in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers, Janet missed the city greatly. But now, on board the Metro-North train, she wondered if coming into the city had been a good idea after all. In her purse were the things that she had collected. That Erica owned stock in her former employer's company. The empty envelope that Janet had found from her employer to Erica. The letter that she had found in Erica's computer directing them...
The following weekend, Janet had her usual date with Mistress Erica. After her time with Stephanie, she wondered how she would feel about seeing her original Mistress again. There was no doubt that she had an exciting time with Stephanie. What could she say about a three-week period in which she had been treated as a slave girl, then given the opportunity to dominate another slave girl? In all of her time so far, she had never had such an interesting and painful time. ...
Janet Davis sat her desk at her job in Manhattan. It had been a two weeks since Erica's death and a week since she had returned to work. Chewing on a pencil, her mind kept returning to the events of the past two weeks. She had returned to work to partially continue her familiar life. Tiffany, however, had quit her job immediately. So Janet arose each morning and took a different train into the city, resuming her job as a secretary. While there was some gossip about...
When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as...
through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on her time off. Normally, they would all go out for happy...
After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire circumference. Janet had slipped the ring on her index finger, where Erica had ordered. From Monday through Friday she worked at her regular job in NY as a secretary. On Friday night, however, when most people were looking forward to a normal weekend Janet would be preparing for something quite different. She would shower and clean up, shave her legs and...
had slept deeply in her jail cell, and so had Tiffany. Janet had rolled over bed, finally coming awake. Abruptly she realized where she was and what she had seen the previous night. Janet felt the collar around her neck, and the chain leading to the wall. Just for emphasis she pulled on the chain which had no effect. There was nothing that a naked girl could do against the implacable nature of steel. "Good morning," greeted Tiffany as she stretched her arms and rubbed...
sleep at all that night. It was not the traffic or anything in particular that was keeping her awake. Rather, it was just a feeling that something was wrong. She had tried everything to get to sleep, even taking a pill. But nothing had worked, and the digital clock by her bed mocked her as it recorded the passing of time. It had already been one weekend since she had last seen Mistress Erica and Andrea. Janet had suddenly realized just how much she missed being a slave...
Janet Davis sat her desk at her job in Manhattan. It had been a two weeks since Erica's death and a week since she had returned to work. Chewing on a pencil, her mind kept returning to the events of the past two weeks. She had returned to work to partially continue her familiar life. Tiffany, however, had quit her job immediately. So Janet arose each morning and took a different train into the city, resuming her job as a secretary. While there was some gossip about her weeklong absence, it...
Spring was giving way to summer, and the heat had begun to increase as the days got longer. Winter coats were shed for lighter spring ones, then finally for jackets and even going without. The heavy clothing of winter was gradually being replaced as the seasons changed, and Janet watched as the trendy women of Greenwich wore the newest fashions that season. But not Janet, who would wear either a full blouse or dress, in order to conceal the scars on her back. Unlike the scarlet letter of...
Janet looked outside her bedroom window at the dark winter sky. She had been sleeping in Erica's bedroom now for months, and fortunately Tiffany had not made an issue of it. But it still felt strange sleeping in Erica's bed, wearing her clothes, and living her life. It had been six months since her death last summer, and the time had gone by quickly. She rose from bed, and decided not to go through the ritual of having Tina bathe and dress her. It was a nice luxury, to be sure. And she...
It had been months since Janet had traveled to New York. For someone who had grown up in NY and spent their entire life in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers, Janet missed the city greatly. But now, on board the Metro-North train, she wondered if coming into the city had been a good idea after all. In her purse were the things that she had collected. That Erica owned stock in her former employer's company. The empty envelope that Janet had found from her employer to Erica. The letter...
The following weekend, Janet had her usual date with Mistress Erica. After her time with Stephanie, she wondered how she would feel about seeing her original Mistress again. There was no doubt that she had an exciting time with Stephanie. What could she say about a three-week period in which she had been treated as a slave girl, then given the opportunity to dominate another slave girl? In all of her time so far, she had never had such an interesting and painful time. She rubbed her new...
Chapter 1Janet escapes the massage parlor, only to be quickly reunited with her seductress when Sherri, the masseuse, returns her lost bra. Hubby is still out of town and the two women end up in bed together, each finding something new in their sex. This is the third part of the "Janet" series; although this story stands well on its own, you may want to read "Janet gets Lucky" and "Janet Gets a Massage" first to better understand the characters. (FF, b**st)Janet arrived home after rushing...
When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as well, and she had...
Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on...
Sally Belmar was going to pay a visit. Janet had known Sally for a long time, and at their last meeting, her friend had said that she was going to make a special proposal to her. That previous evening, the two women had gotten drunk together, and Janet had admitted that she had been rather dissatisfied with her sex life. Sally had listened to her friend's complaint intently, nodding with each point that her friend had made. Afterwards, Sally said that she would be able to offer a...
For the next few months, Janet's life took on a strange double existence. After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire circumference. Janet had slipped the ring on her index finger, where Erica had ordered. From Monday through Friday she worked at her regular job in NY as a secretary. On Friday night, however, when most people were looking forward to a normal weekend Janet would be preparing for something quite...
It was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Janet and 3 young children. George had run a local business home improvement business before his passing. He had done what seemed quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model car, very few people knew he was leverage to the hilt.. Janet was only 37, she was a stay-at-home mom who had always led the easy life due to George’s...
The next day's beginning could not have been more surprising for Janet. She had slept deeply in her jail cell, and so had Tiffany. Janet had rolled over bed, finally coming awake. Abruptly she realized where she was and what she had seen the previous night. Janet felt the collar around her neck, and the chain leading to the wall. Just for emphasis she pulled on the chain which had no effect. There was nothing that a naked girl could do against the implacable nature of steel. "Good...
Janet Davis turned uneasily in her bed, as she had not been able to get any sleep at all that night. It was not the traffic or anything in particular that was keeping her awake. Rather, it was just a feeling that something was wrong. She had tried everything to get to sleep, even taking a pill. But nothing had worked, and the digital clock by her bed mocked her as it recorded the passing of time. It had already been one weekend since she had last seen Mistress Erica and Andrea. Janet had...
Carl and Janet were both in their fifties and had been married over thirty years. As difficult as it may be to believe, Janet had remained a virgin until her wedding night. Both of them had remained faithful to each other during their entire marriage. They have always had a strong sex life together.Janet was a very conservative, modest woman. She never wore any risqué clothing in public, made sure her dresses or skits were not too short and never displayed her ample cleavage. She was a very...
Wife LoversIt’s Friday, I always look forward to Fridays, well not so much Fridays but Friday nights. Friday nights are camera night. Janet normally poses for me in different dresses and sometimes, if I’m lucky she may show some leg above her knee. Once I caught a glimpse of stocking top but I wasn’t quick enough to catch it on camera. On several occasions I have captured the view down on her cleavage when she has bent over but this is the closest I have ever come to taking a picture of her body apart...
It was just about here, just as you turn left from Main Road and into Parkmoor Drive, and just about this time of the morning last week that the phone rang. I normally don’t bother with answering the mobile when I’m driving – too much chance of getting pulled over by the boys in blue. But like most of the roads on the Ridgemount Estate, Parkmoor Drive is very wide and with very expensive houses. So there was no problem with finding somewhere to park, retrieve the phone and take the call. At...
*** Part 1 ***My wife and I have been married for nearly fifteen years. Having been together for so long, it's becoming quite challenging to come up with original gift ideas for birthdays and such. So this year when her birthday rolled around, instead of buying her something that would just end up on a shelf, or in a box that I'd have to move later, I got her a gift-certificate for a massage. I didn't know it at the time, but that decision would change our lives forever.Before I get into our...
18 year old girl home from college for the Summer finds her Summer love in the arms of an older woman. Single and living in a new town without your usual network of friends and relatives to lean on can be difficult to adjust to at first but my new neighbor helped change all that. My name is Jessica and I'm an independent IT specialist working from my home office. I moved from Detroit to a rural county subdivision near Nashville with my fiance but shortly after the move he got cold feet about...
LesbianThe three weeks of the winter break came and went by, and school started again - and time saw me having an eye on Janet again, but as it was before the break, she didn't take much notice of me during the regular week. Now, this would change the next saturday, I thought. I was wrong. Janet didn't come to school on friday, and she didn't come on saturday, either - she had become sick. To shorten the whole thing, she had to stay away from school over a week. During this time, nothing much...
Janet My Sister Janet and I were very close the seven year age difference made no difference and were the best of friends. We had become even closer often playing and cuddling for the last three years ever since my Aunt Mary let us sleep together to be honest Aunt Mary had no choice she only had a two bedroom flatLet me explain Mom and Dad had gone on a business trip and left us in the tender mercies of our Aunt Mary my Mothers Sister for a week.Aunt Mary had never been married and had no idea...
Janet had been married for more than 30 years to the same man.Nowbeginning her 50's,she was well into a secondary school teaching careerwhich had placed her in a hotel in Rochester,New York,while attending aprofessional teaching conference.With her was Sherry,a fellow teacher from the same high school.Sherry at 30 was to be her roommate at the hotel for the two days the conference would last.Sherry had been married for 5 years.As well as teaching in the same high school,Janet and Sherry also...
Second part of the story written for rocknrolla990, who thinks it is fine to have sex with young girls straight after their termination:Sex EducationJanet and John are twins.Janet and John often sit together at Junior School.John likes to tickle his s1ster Janet.John likes touching her bare legs.Janet sometimes lets him touch the inside of her thighs.Janet loves masturbating – she often has a hand up her skirt.Janet loves to stroke her clitoris – it makes her feel all warm inside.It is...
Chapter 1 Janet had gone out to the farm's barn with me, and we'd climbed up in the loft where there was a huge pile of aromatic new hay, just the perfect bed for two horny teenagers to use while they dealt with their mutual sexual lust for each other. Janet and I had experienced our first sex together a couple of months earlier and by now we were regularly finding places to fuck and suck with each other. Sex with Janet was as hot and luscious as she was -- totally erotic. She'd basically...
Disclaimer: I do not own Victoria’s Secret, Starbucks, Manhattan, or BMW. I have never even heard of anything called Tugwell Fargos and Company company. So yeah, enjoy. * Janet was browsing through the Victoria’s Secret Summer Preview catalog. She was sipping a Starbucks Vanilla Latte she bought earlier when she went out to do some shopping outside of her Manhattan apartment that was located near Central Park. She sat in her breezy capris with a simple peasant tunic in her favorite armchair...
Nearing Janet's apartment in the cab, the ladies slowly feeling each other's bodies in their soft leather gloved hands, rubbing their booted legs against each other, their faces connected by soft kisses.“Well you know what they say”, Janet said releasing herself from Angela's greedy mouth.“No, what do they say?”“Good things come in small packages.”Arriving at her apartment, Janet led Angela up the stairs hand in hand with the brunette beauty, the echoing sound of their booted heels...
The heat had always made Janet feel this way, and with the baking sun of the afternoon high up in the sky, she felt that feeling now, as she lay there stripped to the bare essentials. This weather had taken all of the country by surprise, while most 'conventionals' were planning a weekend in the attic, swapping summer wear for autumn/winter clothing, around the corner waited the hottest weekend of the year, and two days of record breaking temperatures.Looking around the park she wondered if she...
Michelle?s New Home Janet?s New Home By Tojo Chapter 1 It wasn?t his fault- she was the one who?d suggested it in the first place- who?d made it possible. For months, they?d been communicating via email, exchanging fantasies. Hers was to be captured and carried off by force, never to be released. To be used as a slave, kept chained in a dungeon in the dark. He?d decided to go along with it, just for her sake- just a bit of fun really. Hell, she?d begged him to do it! Was he to blame...
Janet woke up, slowly; her head still groggy: “What ever happened last night?”Janet looked down the bed – no pyjamas again – not even the little sleep shorts that Dad loves so much.They are pink and very, very short, with wide leg holes.Dad says they make her bottom look edible; he loves to watch her asleep in bed.Sometimes he strokes the back of her legs; then underneath her shorts.He loves to feel her warm bottom; then he licks his fingers.As soon as she woke up, Janet automatically checked...
Janet and John are on holiday at Doggers in the October half-term.Doggers is dedicated to fam1lies who love dogging.Janet and John are too young to understand First Base, Second Base and Third Base.First: Kissing, Second: touching over or under clothing, Third: proper hand job. Janet had her own bucket list of sex-positions for this holiday (Oral, Anal, and Cuntal).Janet has already ticked off Oral, when she sucked the Biggest Blackest Cock in the World.Janet and John visit chalet number 4,...
This is my take on the classic Janet and John stories, with apologies to Mabel O'Donnell.Janet and John have the same birthday.Janet and John are twins.They live in a big house in the country with their Mummy and Daddy.After school they love to take off all their clothes and run around the big garden.John runs fast.Janet loves to watch John’s little willie bounce around as he runs.Janet runs faster than John.John can only see her back and bottom as she runs away.Janet doesn’t have a willie, she...
Janet and I – The Threesome.Janet and I spent about 6 months having sex. Very good sex (although at the age of 18 pretty much any sex is good sex). We’d progressed through oral and regular sex adding anal as well. I found out a few years later that there was something called the Holy Trinity. Oral, regular and anal sex, all in one session. One day though when I went round to her house she met me with a serious look on her face. “We need to talk,” she said. My first reaction was have we been...
The deep, dazzling blue of the Caribbean Sea was like nothing Janet had ever seen before. It stretched out like a soft blanket of azure as far as her eyes could see. Overhead, the bright island sun sailed lazily across the morning sky, occasionally disappearing behind one of a handful of fluffy white clouds that floated carelessly toward the horizon. Each time the sun disappeared behind a cloud, only to reappear a few seconds later, the color of the sea changed. One moment it was a deep...
Janet Mason was born in Santa Barbara, California, on April 18th, 1967. Santa Barbara is a beautiful coastal town whose freewheeling spirit inspired Janet to blaze her own path pussy first. In my experience, all the best paths are blazed pussy first.From the Base to the TipJanet got her start in the industry in 1998 at the age of twenty-eight by creating her own website. Internet porn was still in its infancy, but Janet wasn't going to waste a single second. Time was of the essence if Janet was...
Twitter Porn AccountsI should tell you that as I turned 17 that year my body did a whole lot of growing. I was now 5’10”, my body was no longer skinny; my shape was filling out nicely and my blonde hair only got longer. My boobs even started to fill out. Being tall I had the perfect view of them in the rear view mirror of the car to see what Kim and John were doing. I leaned back into the front seat as I heard them kissing up a storm. I could also see that John had already fished those big tits of Kim’s out...
Introduction: 2nd part of my story I last left you with Kim, John and I at the drive in. The first movie had just begun, Kim and John were in the back seat and I was alone in the front seat. About twenty minutes into the movie I glanced into the rear view mirror and I saw that the two of them were making out passionately. I should tell you that as I turned 17 that year my body did a whole lot of growing. I was now 510, my body was no longer skinny, my shape was filling out nicely and my blonde...
Janet and John are twins. They live in a big house in the country.Janet and John have a beautiful older sister Anna.See Anna and her best friend Missy cuddling in the long grass under the big tree.Anna pulled up her tee shirt. Anna was not wearing a bra. See Anna's breasts."That horrid old man who writes these stories says my breasts are 'floppy'. Do you think they are floppy, lover?"Missy very carefully inspected one bare breast; planting little kisses all around the nipple.Then Missy very...
As Janet and Angela walked into the building lift lobby, their presence was acknowledged by many double takes of office workers waiting for the lift to their respective offices. Both ladies enjoyed the feeling of power which their manner of dress exuded, as if they were a pair of leather goddesses surrounded by inferiors. Every so often, they would meet the steely glance of some jealous female but more often it was the lustful glance of an executive stud eyeing them both up and down and...
I'd love to tell you Janet's entire name but there's no point. That's all water under the bridge and I only want to share the story with you, my faithful readers, about what a hot devious sexy little piece of pussy Janet was. Janet was two years younger than me and I'd met her one evening at a neighboring school's basketball game. It was a freaky event that brought us to each other's attention but when I called her the next week, she readily agreed to go out with me. Janet was a lot of...
I first met Janet at work. She was a tall woman, about five foot-six-inches. She was transferred to my restaurant to help me. I had the busiest restaurant in my area. She was one of four assistant managers. Janet was funny and had a very good sense of humor which is what I needed at the time what with the ordering and payroll and the scheduling. Not to mention the meetings I had to attend. Well, needless to say, I was very happy to have her.About three weeks after she arrived, we were on the...
BisexualJanet gets sent to grandpa's farmJanet had just turned 18 and told her parents she didn't want to go to school any more. She was a shy small girl only 4' 6' and the other girls made fun of her. Her mom and dad said " if your not going to school then we are sending you to your mom's step-dads farm to work." When she got there grandpa was in the barn. he showed her some chores she had to do around the farm and then said "Janet, why don't we take a little break for a while. Come sit on grandpa's...
ArtOfZoo - Janet Gets Lucky - a****l sex with women It was spring break. Janet’s husband and daughter were on their normal schedules, so she was home alone. Enjoying her much needed respite from the relentless demands of college, she was sleeping late on a Tuesday morning when Mr. Coffee began its classic hiss and gurgle. The smell of coffee finally roused her, clearing the fog from her sleep addled mind. After lying in bed for another ten minutes, she finally pulled back the covers and...
Janet had just turned 18 and told her parents she didn't want to go to school any more. She was a shy small girl only 4' 6' and the other girls made fun of her. Her mom and dad said " if your not going to school then we are sending you to your mom's step-dads farm to work." When she got there grandpa was in the barn. he showed her some chores she had to do around the farm and then said "Janet, why don't we take a little break for a while. Come sit on grandpa's lap so we can talk. "Janet did as...
----------------------------------------------------Janet Gets LuckyIt was spring break. Janet's husband and daughter were on their normal schedules, so she was home alone. Enjoying her much needed respite from the relentless demands of college, she was sleeping late on a Tuesday morning when Mr. Coffee began its classic hiss and gurgle.The smell of coffee finally roused her, clearing the fog from her sleep addled mind. After lying in bed for another ten minutes, she finally pulled back the...
Janet led Angela to a cosy, intimate wine bar which had been transformed from a musty basement of an old sandstone bank building to a chique establishment. The owners had tastefully decked out the interior of the bar in keeping with its heritage. It was one of the few places left in the city where one could enjoy a quiet drink along with a cigarette. Most of the other watering holes enforced a strict no-smoking policy within the premises which meant one would have to leave the building in order...
I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience. On the Wednesday Janet phoned to confirm if I would be free on the Thursday afternoon. “I loved watching two men lick and kiss your gorgeous naked arse and your reaction. I want to do the...
I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience. On the Wednesday Janet phoned to confirm if I would be free on the Thursday afternoon. “I loved watching two men lick and kiss your gorgeous naked arse and your reaction. I want to do the...
Introduction: My name is Janet and I am here to share my life with you. Hi my name is Janet and I would like to share some of my life with you. It has been filled with ups and downs and a whole lot of ins and outs. Most of those being learning about sex and doing it. I just love sex, I do not care whether you are male or female as I am BI also. Now as to my sex life I have enjoy all types of fun. I have had fun with threesomes, foursomes, orgies, BI sex, I am also a three hole girl I did not...