Marine Corps Tail Of All Tales Justins Conquest
- 4 years ago
- 47
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The deep, dazzling blue of the Caribbean Sea was like nothing Janet had ever seen before. It stretched out like a soft blanket of azure as far as her eyes could see. Overhead, the bright island sun sailed lazily across the morning sky, occasionally disappearing behind one of a handful of fluffy white clouds that floated carelessly toward the horizon.
Each time the sun disappeared behind a cloud, only to reappear a few seconds later, the color of the sea changed. One moment it was a deep emerald green, the next, a brilliant turquoise and then a shimmering aquamarine. She was captivated by the beauty that surrounded her. She found it hard to believe that at age 46, she was just seeing the splendor of the Caribbean and its lush, green islands for the first time.
She’d known for ages that she needed a vacation and this small enchanting island was perfect. It wasn’t included on most of the well worn tourism itineraries and the small, exclusive hotel in which she was staying was the only one on the island. She enjoyed the non commercial attitude that prevailed amongst the island’s inhabitants. It allowed her to see the island and its people as they really were, untainted by the tourism dollars that the more travelled islands were constantly chasing..
The rigors of the divorce that she and George had been enduring for the past year and a half had left her totally exhausted. Parting ways after living with someone for more than half of your life is difficult and, in her’s and George’s case, had taken a mighty toll. It had been a trying time, mentally and physically, for both of them. Janet felt sorry for George and still had fond feelings for him and always would, but after 26 years of marriage and two children, she wanted a new start.
When they first married, George had been their sole provider. He owned and operated a small refrigeration company and made a comfortable living. He’d been a good father to their two children and so far as Janet knew, he’d always been a faithful husband. But he hadn’t changed in the least since they’d gotten married. He was happy with everything it was. To George, change was something to be avoided. He wanted every day to be like yesterday and every tomorrow to be just like today.
Janet, on the other hand, was stifled by the monotony of their life together. She yearned for something more. To her life was a journey of discovery and she was convinced that the more variety you encountered along the way, the more fulfilled you’d be. She’d grown exponentially over the last 15 years of their marriage. When the children finally headed off to school, she took advantage of an opportunity to enrol in the business program at the local university. She excelled in her studies and less than three years later, was the proud possessor of a business degree.
The degree allowed her to get her foot in the door at a local advertising agency. She had a natural talent for business and within a few years, had developed a reputation as one of the finest advertising executives in the city. In the process, she cultivated a loyal following of aggressive young companies as clients. A short time later, when the opportunity arose, she started up her own agency. It was fun and she loved her new life, but the drive to succeed took its toll on her marriage. Getting her fledgling company up and running took a lot of hard work. She spent long hours at the office and had clients calling her at all hours. George began to feel that he was no longer relevant.
She and George soon became strangers. They were spending less and less time together and the spark had gone from relationship. They both knew what the problem was. Janet needed to grow, but George would have been quite happy to have her remain at home as his dutiful wife forever, doing the housework, cooking their meals, taking care of his needs. It had been an acceptable role for the first few year of their marriage, but Janet simply wasn’t the type of person who was prepared to spend her life marking time. With each day that passed, her discontent grew. She knew that she was capable of getting so much more from life. She was meant for greater things. She wanted to spread her wings and fly.
Finally, despite George’s objections, she followed her heart and in the end, succeeded beyond everyone’s expectations, even her own. But her success came at a price. Her marriage died. While she grew as an entrepreneur, she grew out of her relationship with George. And so one Sunday morning, about a year and a half earlier, only a month after their youngest child left home to take a job in another state, they’d sat down to talk about their relationship.
Predictably, George still wanted the old Janet, the one who would always be there in the home preparing meals, doing the laundry and washing the dishes. He was a good man, but he couldn’t understand that Janet needed more than that. So, with the children gone and their goals differing dramatically, they separated. Within months, they’d sold the house and George had started seeing other people.
Their divorce had been finalized only a few weeks ago. At about the same time, Janet had hired a General Manager. Now, with someone to provide much needed executive and managerial support, she was finally able to take some time off to relax and recuperate from the stress of her divorce. She couldn’t recall the last time that she’d taken a vacation by herself, but it felt good! It was just what she needed.
The sun was climbing higher in the sky and the midday heat would soon be scorching the beach like a blowtorch. But for now, it was still pleasant and Janet was content to sit and soak up the warm ambiance of this beautiful place. One of the beach waiters strode by and she called him over to order one of the sugared rum drinks that she found so irresistible. Minutes later, he was back with her drink in minutes and although it was against the rules, Janet slipped him a generous tip.
The staff at the little resort loved her! Janet was truly friendly and always treated them with the respect that hard working people deserved. Of course the fact that she insisted on tipping, despite the hotel’s insistence to the contrary, didn’t hurt the level of service that the staff accorded her. Janet had always believed that hard work should be recognized and rewarded. She instinctively knew it was the right thing to do. Likewise, it was a recipe for success in ensuring excellent relations with the staff and island residents. If they liked you, they’d do anything for you. If they didn’t like you, they’d go out of their way to avoid you.
As she sipped contentedly on her drink, she noticed what appeared to be a small fishing boat only two or three miles from the beach. It was painted a brilliant red and green and bobbed lightly up and down on the gentle offshore swells. The scene before her was perfectly idyllic. She inhaled the fresh sea air deeply and laid back in her beach chair. As she relaxed, she began watching the progress of the tiny offshore vessel with growing interest. It seemed to be coming closer to shore, and she wondered if it was heading to a small port somewhere along the beach. If it wasn’t moored too far away, she’d have to go and take some pictures to show to her staff when she returned.
About half an hour later, Janet headed back to her hotel suite. By then the tiny fishing boat was about a mile down the beach from her hotel and only a few hundred yards offshore. She decided that she’d walk down and have a look at it after lunch.
The dining room in the hotel was busy. It seemed that every table was occupied by couples in love. The guests were all ages, from their twenties to their seventies. Many of them were on honeymoons or on anniversary vacations. Others were simply taking a needed break from the monotony of everyday life back home. Janet was a supremely confident woman and didn’t feel in the least insecure about vacationing on her own. Still, in such an enchanted setting, it would have been nic
e to have had someone with whom you shared a passionate love, by your side.
She wasn’t really that hungry, so she decided to sit at the bar and have a fast salad and a drink. She ordered the grouper salad and a fruit punch and as the bartender was fetching it, she turned on her stool to look out over the ocean. She noticed that the small fishing boat that she’d been watching from the beach was just about to disappear behind the shoreline trees.
A minute or two later, the bartender returned with her lunch. As the waiter laid it before her Janet asked, ‘Excuse me, is there a fishing port just down the shore where that boat is landing?’ She pointed out the tiny vessel to the bartender.
‘Oh no Ma’am!’ he replied, ‘That’s Justin Tyme’s boat. Justin is one of only two or three commercial fishermen here on the island. He goes out at around 4 o’clock every morning and returns at noon. He moors his fishing boat at his cottage dock. There aren’t any fishing ports here on the island. Our fishermen just tie up to their own private docks. Justin unloads his catch and later in the day, he sells the fish from a small booth at the island outdoor market. It’s located only a few hundred yards down the road from his cottage.
Justin’s fish are the finest and the freshest that you’ll find on the island. His cutlass, cod, snapper and kingfish are always fat and tasty. We have a standing order for a hundred or so pounds each day. He delivers it very early in the morning, just before he goes out to fish. What he has left over after filling our order, he takes to the outdoor market and sells to the local islanders.
Then with a smile he added, ‘The grouper in your salad was caught by Justin yesterday.’
Janet sampled her salad. It was delicious! She smiled at the bartender and remarked, ‘I’ll have to have a look at your market one day. Is it too far to walk?’
‘Oh no!’ he replied, ‘Just walk out to the end of the hotel laneway and turn left. The market is down the road about a mile or so. You can’t miss it.’
Janet finished her lunch and lingered at the bar over a cup of the strong black coffee that everyone in the Caribbean seemed to love. She made small talk with the bartender and watched the guests chatting and relaxing over lunch.
Finally, she glanced at her watch and realized that it was almost one o’clock in the afternoon. She signed the bill that the bartender brought over and with a knowing smile, slipped a generous tip beneath it and slid it across the bar.
She made her way from the bar out to the lobby to check for messages at the front desk. To her surprise there were none. She smiled contentedly and thought out loud, ‘Phil is doing a great job without me.’
Initially, she had resisted turning any control in the company over to another person. After all it was her baby. She’d nurtured it from its infancy and guarded its welfare like a jealous mother, but over the past few years, it had been growing so fast that she’d been faced with tough decision. She’d either have to hire a general manager to help with the overall administration or stop expanding. Faced with those two options, she grudgingly hired an experienced General Manager. She was a born entrepreneur and the prospect of ever having to turn away new business made her blood run cold.
She strode purposefully back to her suite with a happy spring in her step. It was such a beautiful day that she decided to stroll down to the outdoor market the bartender had described. She hurriedly took a shower to wash away the salt and sand from her morning at the beach. As she approached the closet to pick out an outfit, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She stopped and examined her reflection to see if her shoulders or face had been burned by the morning sun. She was relieved to see that there wasn’t any trace of a sunburn and although she’d only been here a for few days she was already developing a slight tan.
Janet continued looking at her image carefully. She was pleased to see that her recently adopted regimen of eating more conscientiously and sweating through three miles on her treadmill every morning was paying off. Although she was forty six years old, she could easily pass for thirty five. Her skin was still as soft and as supple as it was when she was in her twenties. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with healthy energy and when she smiled, her soft pouting lips parted to reveal two perfect rows of gleaming white teeth. Her hair had started greying when she was still in her thirties and ever since, she’d been dying it the same natural blonde color. It sloped softly to her shoulders, framing her pretty face perfectly.
She turned slightly to look at her figure in profile. She stood only five feet four inches in height and had a small frame. The years had been kind to her. Her breasts, although a little larger than average, still had a firm, attractive look. Her waist was still as slim as it had been when she first married. Her hips were lean and shapely, giving her the classical hour glass figure that men so adore.
Janet felt good about what she saw in the mirror. She was one of those women whose figure had matured provocatively as she aged. Most women 15 years younger than her would have killed to have such a figure. She was still a shapely size eight and even at age forty six, she had no trouble attracting the attention of much younger men. She ran her hands admiringly over her naked body. She looked good! She was quite satisfied with herself!
She knew she’d be swimming everyday while she was here so she moved a little closer to the mirror to make sure that her bikini line didn’t require trimming. She ran her hand softly over the dark triangle of her pubic mound, checking carefully for telltale stubble. Unlike a lot of other women, she opted not to shave her bush. She liked the feel of pubic hair and dreaded the feel of razor stubble scratching against her thighs and catching on her panties. She trimmed the edges of her pubic triangle as she believed that was a civilized thing to do. After all, what woman would want to be seen in public with a mass of tangled pubic hair spilling from beneath her bikini bottoms?
As she ran her hands over the soft triangle of hair, Janet felt a warm, pleasant sensation between her thighs. She hadn’t been with a man since she and George broke up more than a year ago and she missed the sexual side of a permanent relationship. George had been her only lover over the 26 years of their marriage. Up to the time she met him, she’d only been intimate with two other boys, both inexperienced teenagers. On both occasions, the sex had been rushed and was over only a few seconds after it started. Prior to her marriage, sex hadn’t been a particularly enjoyable experience. Both of her teenage suitors had been long on enthusiasm and short on experience. They’d coaxed her up to a point of receptiveness and once she’d allowed them to satisfy themselves, she was left unfulfilled and frustrated.
Janet wasn’t even sure if George was a good lover. She really only had the two awkward teenage suitors to compare him with. It was usually enjoyable when they had sex, but she certainly never saw any fireworks. Her orgasms with George, whenever she was able to have one, were often not as good as those that she was able to give herself by masturbating. Secretly, she’d always wondered if their sexual relationship wasn’t a little inhibited, but she never spent more than a few minutes thinking about it. There always seemed to be more pressing issues to be concerned about.
The warm, pleasant, sensation between her thighs had distracted her and for a moment, she considered satisfying herself before she headed off to the island market. But she wasn’t sure how long it would take her to get there, so she decided to leave it for later. She quickly selected a soft white blouse from the closet and a pair of pale blue dress shorts to wear with it. Fifteen minutes later she was dressed and, with fresh make up applied, she
cast one last glance in the mirror and headed out the door.
The hotel lane way was flanked on each side by tall, stately palm trees. Their long, broad leaves swayed gently in the soft island breeze. Wonderfully colored birds darted from branch to branch, squawking excitedly as Janet made her way out to the road.
In less than two minutes, she arrived at the main thoroughfare. She felt unusually excited at the prospect of visiting an outdoor market, but wasn’t quite sure why. She idly speculated that it might be the relaxed pace of living at the hotel. Perhaps it was a little too laid back for someone as dynamic and full of life as she was. Or maybe her natural curiosity was prompting her to get out and socialize with some of the ‘real’islanders. The people who lived and worked there. Whatever the reason, she turned left and with a happy smile, set off at an enthusiastic pace along the small beach roadway.
It was a beautiful day. It was still early afternoon and although the sun was as hot as a blast furnace, she was quite comfortable. A cooling breeze wafted in from the ocean and the pathway along the side of the road was nicely shaded by overhanging trees and exotic flowers. As she walked along, she made a mental list of the people for whom she’d have to pick up gifts. She knew that her little trip to the local market presented the perfect opportunity to do some shopping for her friends and employees. It would be a nice touch to pick up some authentic island art rather than settling for the tawdry souvenirs that she’d seen at the small airport gift shop when she arrived.
Janet didn’t only saw one or two cars as she walked along the roadway. In fact, there was only a handful of cars on the entire island. Most everyone rode bikes or mopeds because gasoline was so expensive. There were far greater priorities than gasoline on which to spend what little money they were able to earn. But the island was small, even by Caribbean standards, and walking was an affordable and effective means of transportation. A government fleet of three or four old buses lumbered along the main highway, at regular intervals, from early morning until dinner time. They all chugged and belched along the same route, a highway that followed the seashore around the entire island. Each bus made two or three complete trips around the island each day so the locals could expect one to pass at least every hour or so.
Janet had been walking for about twenty minutes when she noticed that there were now several people, most of them island natives, moving along the road in the same direction as she was walking. A few were on bicycles or mopeds, but most were on foot. They were in groups of two and three and seemed in high spirits as they walked along chatting happily amongst themselves. Many carried empty shopping bags and baskets and she guessed that the outdoor market couldn’t be too much further ahead.
Minutes later, Janet could see busy little shopping center. It was on the inland side of the roadway and was comprised of three or four rows of wooden booths, each measuring about ten feet square. She estimated that there were about thirty five or forty altogether. They were all painted in bright shades of red, blue, green and orange.
There was a fairly large crowd of shoppers. Probably between one and two hundred altogether. They were moving slowly from booth to booth, carefully examining all of the carefully displayed goods at each location. Some lingered and chatted in small groups while others walked slowly from one vendor to the next, inspecting the rows of produce and merchandise with practiced eyes.
Janet strolled over to the first row of booths. There didn’t appear to be any particular order or protocol involved in the way the tiny market was set up. She was used to the discipline of American retailers who spent hours studying the most advantageous way of displaying their products. But she wasn’t in America and she certainly wasn’t in the mood for it’s efficiency and discipline. She was on vacation and had plenty of time to enjoy the adventure of learning what was being sold at each individual booth. She began browsing slowly through the disorganized labyrinth.
Janet had just turned 18 and told her parents she didn't want to go to school any more. She was a shy small girl only 4' 6' and the other girls made fun of her. Her mom and dad said " if your not going to school then we are sending you to your mom's step-dads farm to work." When she got there grandpa was in the barn. he showed her some chores she had to do around the farm and then said "Janet, why don't we take a little break for a while. Come sit on grandpa's lap so we can talk. "Janet did as...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
IntroductionsI like thinking of Janet in sensual ways. I like seeing her in sexy clothes. I like watching her flirt on the phone or at the store. I like watching her brush her hair, put on her make-up, primp as she gets ready for a date. I like the look and feel or her soft, smooth, sexy pussy. I like the shape, contour, sight, and feel of her tits. I like the distinct color of her areolas and the firmness of her nipples as they rise prominently from her breasts. I like thinking of her...
the desk, a pitcher of coffee in front of her, a pile of Journals there as well. The television set was tuned to the financial channel, and Janet watched dumbly as the ticker scrolled across the screen. 'I've lost,' Janet thought to herself, 'it's the end.' Now there was nothing to do except watch the clock tick away her last few remaining hours of freedom until the meeting with Blanca in Manhattan, which would decide who would inherit Erica's estate. Just...
days got longer. Winter coats were shed for lighter spring ones, then finally for jackets and even going without. The heavy clothing of winter was gradually being replaced as the seasons changed, and Janet watched as the trendy women of Greenwich wore the newest fashions that season. But not Janet, who would wear either a full blouse or dress, in order to conceal the scars on her back. Unlike the scarlet letter of colonial times, Janet wore hers on her back, and it was...
sleeping in Erica's bedroom now for months, and fortunately Tiffany had not made an issue of it. But it still felt strange sleeping in Erica's bed, wearing her clothes, and living her life. It had been six months since her death last summer, and the time had gone by quickly. She rose from bed, and decided not to go through the ritual of having Tina bathe and dress her. It was a nice luxury, to be sure. And she often enjoyed it. But not everyday, and she wasn't a...
grown up in NY and spent their entire life in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers, Janet missed the city greatly. But now, on board the Metro-North train, she wondered if coming into the city had been a good idea after all. In her purse were the things that she had collected. That Erica owned stock in her former employer's company. The empty envelope that Janet had found from her employer to Erica. The letter that she had found in Erica's computer directing them...
The following weekend, Janet had her usual date with Mistress Erica. After her time with Stephanie, she wondered how she would feel about seeing her original Mistress again. There was no doubt that she had an exciting time with Stephanie. What could she say about a three-week period in which she had been treated as a slave girl, then given the opportunity to dominate another slave girl? In all of her time so far, she had never had such an interesting and painful time. ...
Janet Davis sat her desk at her job in Manhattan. It had been a two weeks since Erica's death and a week since she had returned to work. Chewing on a pencil, her mind kept returning to the events of the past two weeks. She had returned to work to partially continue her familiar life. Tiffany, however, had quit her job immediately. So Janet arose each morning and took a different train into the city, resuming her job as a secretary. While there was some gossip about...
When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as...
through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on her time off. Normally, they would all go out for happy...
After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire circumference. Janet had slipped the ring on her index finger, where Erica had ordered. From Monday through Friday she worked at her regular job in NY as a secretary. On Friday night, however, when most people were looking forward to a normal weekend Janet would be preparing for something quite different. She would shower and clean up, shave her legs and...
had slept deeply in her jail cell, and so had Tiffany. Janet had rolled over bed, finally coming awake. Abruptly she realized where she was and what she had seen the previous night. Janet felt the collar around her neck, and the chain leading to the wall. Just for emphasis she pulled on the chain which had no effect. There was nothing that a naked girl could do against the implacable nature of steel. "Good morning," greeted Tiffany as she stretched her arms and rubbed...
sleep at all that night. It was not the traffic or anything in particular that was keeping her awake. Rather, it was just a feeling that something was wrong. She had tried everything to get to sleep, even taking a pill. But nothing had worked, and the digital clock by her bed mocked her as it recorded the passing of time. It had already been one weekend since she had last seen Mistress Erica and Andrea. Janet had suddenly realized just how much she missed being a slave...
Janet Davis sat her desk at her job in Manhattan. It had been a two weeks since Erica's death and a week since she had returned to work. Chewing on a pencil, her mind kept returning to the events of the past two weeks. She had returned to work to partially continue her familiar life. Tiffany, however, had quit her job immediately. So Janet arose each morning and took a different train into the city, resuming her job as a secretary. While there was some gossip about her weeklong absence, it...
Spring was giving way to summer, and the heat had begun to increase as the days got longer. Winter coats were shed for lighter spring ones, then finally for jackets and even going without. The heavy clothing of winter was gradually being replaced as the seasons changed, and Janet watched as the trendy women of Greenwich wore the newest fashions that season. But not Janet, who would wear either a full blouse or dress, in order to conceal the scars on her back. Unlike the scarlet letter of...
Janet looked outside her bedroom window at the dark winter sky. She had been sleeping in Erica's bedroom now for months, and fortunately Tiffany had not made an issue of it. But it still felt strange sleeping in Erica's bed, wearing her clothes, and living her life. It had been six months since her death last summer, and the time had gone by quickly. She rose from bed, and decided not to go through the ritual of having Tina bathe and dress her. It was a nice luxury, to be sure. And she...
It had been months since Janet had traveled to New York. For someone who had grown up in NY and spent their entire life in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers, Janet missed the city greatly. But now, on board the Metro-North train, she wondered if coming into the city had been a good idea after all. In her purse were the things that she had collected. That Erica owned stock in her former employer's company. The empty envelope that Janet had found from her employer to Erica. The letter...
The following weekend, Janet had her usual date with Mistress Erica. After her time with Stephanie, she wondered how she would feel about seeing her original Mistress again. There was no doubt that she had an exciting time with Stephanie. What could she say about a three-week period in which she had been treated as a slave girl, then given the opportunity to dominate another slave girl? In all of her time so far, she had never had such an interesting and painful time. She rubbed her new...
Chapter 1Janet escapes the massage parlor, only to be quickly reunited with her seductress when Sherri, the masseuse, returns her lost bra. Hubby is still out of town and the two women end up in bed together, each finding something new in their sex. This is the third part of the "Janet" series; although this story stands well on its own, you may want to read "Janet gets Lucky" and "Janet Gets a Massage" first to better understand the characters. (FF, b**st)Janet arrived home after rushing...
When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as well, and she had...
Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends. Gradually, she acquired the nickname of Ice Queen. When Friday came, she couldn't wait for the arrival of the limo to take her to Mistress Erica for her bondage session. Little could her co-workers imagine just what she was doing on...
Sally Belmar was going to pay a visit. Janet had known Sally for a long time, and at their last meeting, her friend had said that she was going to make a special proposal to her. That previous evening, the two women had gotten drunk together, and Janet had admitted that she had been rather dissatisfied with her sex life. Sally had listened to her friend's complaint intently, nodding with each point that her friend had made. Afterwards, Sally said that she would be able to offer a...
It’s Friday, I always look forward to Fridays, well not so much Fridays but Friday nights. Friday nights are camera night. Janet normally poses for me in different dresses and sometimes, if I’m lucky she may show some leg above her knee. Once I caught a glimpse of stocking top but I wasn’t quick enough to catch it on camera. On several occasions I have captured the view down on her cleavage when she has bent over but this is the closest I have ever come to taking a picture of her body apart...
For the next few months, Janet's life took on a strange double existence. After her first weekend with Mistress Erica, she had been given a strange looking ring that had a chain around it's entire circumference. Janet had slipped the ring on her index finger, where Erica had ordered. From Monday through Friday she worked at her regular job in NY as a secretary. On Friday night, however, when most people were looking forward to a normal weekend Janet would be preparing for something quite...
It was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Janet and 3 young children. George had run a local business home improvement business before his passing. He had done what seemed quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model car, very few people knew he was leverage to the hilt.. Janet was only 37, she was a stay-at-home mom who had always led the easy life due to George’s...
The next day's beginning could not have been more surprising for Janet. She had slept deeply in her jail cell, and so had Tiffany. Janet had rolled over bed, finally coming awake. Abruptly she realized where she was and what she had seen the previous night. Janet felt the collar around her neck, and the chain leading to the wall. Just for emphasis she pulled on the chain which had no effect. There was nothing that a naked girl could do against the implacable nature of steel. "Good...
Janet Davis turned uneasily in her bed, as she had not been able to get any sleep at all that night. It was not the traffic or anything in particular that was keeping her awake. Rather, it was just a feeling that something was wrong. She had tried everything to get to sleep, even taking a pill. But nothing had worked, and the digital clock by her bed mocked her as it recorded the passing of time. It had already been one weekend since she had last seen Mistress Erica and Andrea. Janet had...
18 year old girl home from college for the Summer finds her Summer love in the arms of an older woman. Single and living in a new town without your usual network of friends and relatives to lean on can be difficult to adjust to at first but my new neighbor helped change all that. My name is Jessica and I'm an independent IT specialist working from my home office. I moved from Detroit to a rural county subdivision near Nashville with my fiance but shortly after the move he got cold feet about...
LesbianCarl and Janet were both in their fifties and had been married over thirty years. As difficult as it may be to believe, Janet had remained a virgin until her wedding night. Both of them had remained faithful to each other during their entire marriage. They have always had a strong sex life together.Janet was a very conservative, modest woman. She never wore any risqué clothing in public, made sure her dresses or skits were not too short and never displayed her ample cleavage. She was a very...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. Part I Charlie and Janet had been married three years and they were a fun loving couple who enjoyed living life to its fullest. He was a successful business-to-business salesman for a local company and she was a loan closer for a large Texas regional bank. They purchased a home less than a year after they married in a suburb west of Dallas six miles from DFW International Airport. They were industrious and worked hard and...
Janet and Debbie were sitting home on a Saturday afternoon, just lounging around, naked as usual without any plans for that night. Suddenly, Janet had an idea. She asked Debbie if she would like to participate with her in a gangbang with just black men and maybe a black woman or two. Debbie told her that she had never fucked any black men or women and that the idea sounded wonderful and if that was what Janet wanted to do, she would love to do it with her and fuck her first black man. Janet...
It was just about here, just as you turn left from Main Road and into Parkmoor Drive, and just about this time of the morning last week that the phone rang. I normally don’t bother with answering the mobile when I’m driving – too much chance of getting pulled over by the boys in blue. But like most of the roads on the Ridgemount Estate, Parkmoor Drive is very wide and with very expensive houses. So there was no problem with finding somewhere to park, retrieve the phone and take the call. At...
*** Part 1 ***My wife and I have been married for nearly fifteen years. Having been together for so long, it's becoming quite challenging to come up with original gift ideas for birthdays and such. So this year when her birthday rolled around, instead of buying her something that would just end up on a shelf, or in a box that I'd have to move later, I got her a gift-certificate for a massage. I didn't know it at the time, but that decision would change our lives forever.Before I get into our...
The three weeks of the winter break came and went by, and school started again - and time saw me having an eye on Janet again, but as it was before the break, she didn't take much notice of me during the regular week. Now, this would change the next saturday, I thought. I was wrong. Janet didn't come to school on friday, and she didn't come on saturday, either - she had become sick. To shorten the whole thing, she had to stay away from school over a week. During this time, nothing much...
The heat had always made Janet feel this way, and with the baking sun of the afternoon high up in the sky, she felt that feeling now, as she lay there stripped to the bare essentials. This weather had taken all of the country by surprise, while most 'conventionals' were planning a weekend in the attic, swapping summer wear for autumn/winter clothing, around the corner waited the hottest weekend of the year, and two days of record breaking temperatures.Looking around the park she wondered if she...
Janet My Sister Janet and I were very close the seven year age difference made no difference and were the best of friends. We had become even closer often playing and cuddling for the last three years ever since my Aunt Mary let us sleep together to be honest Aunt Mary had no choice she only had a two bedroom flatLet me explain Mom and Dad had gone on a business trip and left us in the tender mercies of our Aunt Mary my Mothers Sister for a week.Aunt Mary had never been married and had no idea...
Janet had been married for more than 30 years to the same man.Nowbeginning her 50's,she was well into a secondary school teaching careerwhich had placed her in a hotel in Rochester,New York,while attending aprofessional teaching conference.With her was Sherry,a fellow teacher from the same high school.Sherry at 30 was to be her roommate at the hotel for the two days the conference would last.Sherry had been married for 5 years.As well as teaching in the same high school,Janet and Sherry also...
Second part of the story written for rocknrolla990, who thinks it is fine to have sex with young girls straight after their termination:Sex EducationJanet and John are twins.Janet and John often sit together at Junior School.John likes to tickle his s1ster Janet.John likes touching her bare legs.Janet sometimes lets him touch the inside of her thighs.Janet loves masturbating – she often has a hand up her skirt.Janet loves to stroke her clitoris – it makes her feel all warm inside.It is...
Chapter 1 Janet had gone out to the farm's barn with me, and we'd climbed up in the loft where there was a huge pile of aromatic new hay, just the perfect bed for two horny teenagers to use while they dealt with their mutual sexual lust for each other. Janet and I had experienced our first sex together a couple of months earlier and by now we were regularly finding places to fuck and suck with each other. Sex with Janet was as hot and luscious as she was -- totally erotic. She'd basically...
Disclaimer: I do not own Victoria’s Secret, Starbucks, Manhattan, or BMW. I have never even heard of anything called Tugwell Fargos and Company company. So yeah, enjoy. * Janet was browsing through the Victoria’s Secret Summer Preview catalog. She was sipping a Starbucks Vanilla Latte she bought earlier when she went out to do some shopping outside of her Manhattan apartment that was located near Central Park. She sat in her breezy capris with a simple peasant tunic in her favorite armchair...
Janet and John are on holiday at Doggers in the October half-term.Doggers is dedicated to fam1lies who love dogging.Janet and John are too young to understand First Base, Second Base and Third Base.First: Kissing, Second: touching over or under clothing, Third: proper hand job. Janet had her own bucket list of sex-positions for this holiday (Oral, Anal, and Cuntal).Janet has already ticked off Oral, when she sucked the Biggest Blackest Cock in the World.Janet and John visit chalet number 4,...
This is my take on the classic Janet and John stories, with apologies to Mabel O'Donnell.Janet and John have the same birthday.Janet and John are twins.They live in a big house in the country with their Mummy and Daddy.After school they love to take off all their clothes and run around the big garden.John runs fast.Janet loves to watch John’s little willie bounce around as he runs.Janet runs faster than John.John can only see her back and bottom as she runs away.Janet doesn’t have a willie, she...
Nearing Janet's apartment in the cab, the ladies slowly feeling each other's bodies in their soft leather gloved hands, rubbing their booted legs against each other, their faces connected by soft kisses.“Well you know what they say”, Janet said releasing herself from Angela's greedy mouth.“No, what do they say?”“Good things come in small packages.”Arriving at her apartment, Janet led Angela up the stairs hand in hand with the brunette beauty, the echoing sound of their booted heels...
Michelle?s New Home Janet?s New Home By Tojo Chapter 1 It wasn?t his fault- she was the one who?d suggested it in the first place- who?d made it possible. For months, they?d been communicating via email, exchanging fantasies. Hers was to be captured and carried off by force, never to be released. To be used as a slave, kept chained in a dungeon in the dark. He?d decided to go along with it, just for her sake- just a bit of fun really. Hell, she?d begged him to do it! Was he to blame...
Janet and I – The Threesome.Janet and I spent about 6 months having sex. Very good sex (although at the age of 18 pretty much any sex is good sex). We’d progressed through oral and regular sex adding anal as well. I found out a few years later that there was something called the Holy Trinity. Oral, regular and anal sex, all in one session. One day though when I went round to her house she met me with a serious look on her face. “We need to talk,” she said. My first reaction was have we been...
Janet woke up, slowly; her head still groggy: “What ever happened last night?”Janet looked down the bed – no pyjamas again – not even the little sleep shorts that Dad loves so much.They are pink and very, very short, with wide leg holes.Dad says they make her bottom look edible; he loves to watch her asleep in bed.Sometimes he strokes the back of her legs; then underneath her shorts.He loves to feel her warm bottom; then he licks his fingers.As soon as she woke up, Janet automatically checked...
Janet and John are twins. They live in a big house in the country.Janet and John have a beautiful older sister Anna.See Anna and her best friend Missy cuddling in the long grass under the big tree.Anna pulled up her tee shirt. Anna was not wearing a bra. See Anna's breasts."That horrid old man who writes these stories says my breasts are 'floppy'. Do you think they are floppy, lover?"Missy very carefully inspected one bare breast; planting little kisses all around the nipple.Then Missy very...
Janet Mason was born in Santa Barbara, California, on April 18th, 1967. Santa Barbara is a beautiful coastal town whose freewheeling spirit inspired Janet to blaze her own path pussy first. In my experience, all the best paths are blazed pussy first.From the Base to the TipJanet got her start in the industry in 1998 at the age of twenty-eight by creating her own website. Internet porn was still in its infancy, but Janet wasn't going to waste a single second. Time was of the essence if Janet was...
Twitter Porn AccountsI should tell you that as I turned 17 that year my body did a whole lot of growing. I was now 5’10”, my body was no longer skinny; my shape was filling out nicely and my blonde hair only got longer. My boobs even started to fill out. Being tall I had the perfect view of them in the rear view mirror of the car to see what Kim and John were doing. I leaned back into the front seat as I heard them kissing up a storm. I could also see that John had already fished those big tits of Kim’s out...
Introduction: 2nd part of my story I last left you with Kim, John and I at the drive in. The first movie had just begun, Kim and John were in the back seat and I was alone in the front seat. About twenty minutes into the movie I glanced into the rear view mirror and I saw that the two of them were making out passionately. I should tell you that as I turned 17 that year my body did a whole lot of growing. I was now 510, my body was no longer skinny, my shape was filling out nicely and my blonde...
As Janet and Angela walked into the building lift lobby, their presence was acknowledged by many double takes of office workers waiting for the lift to their respective offices. Both ladies enjoyed the feeling of power which their manner of dress exuded, as if they were a pair of leather goddesses surrounded by inferiors. Every so often, they would meet the steely glance of some jealous female but more often it was the lustful glance of an executive stud eyeing them both up and down and...
I'd love to tell you Janet's entire name but there's no point. That's all water under the bridge and I only want to share the story with you, my faithful readers, about what a hot devious sexy little piece of pussy Janet was. Janet was two years younger than me and I'd met her one evening at a neighboring school's basketball game. It was a freaky event that brought us to each other's attention but when I called her the next week, she readily agreed to go out with me. Janet was a lot of...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
I first met Janet at work. She was a tall woman, about five foot-six-inches. She was transferred to my restaurant to help me. I had the busiest restaurant in my area. She was one of four assistant managers. Janet was funny and had a very good sense of humor which is what I needed at the time what with the ordering and payroll and the scheduling. Not to mention the meetings I had to attend. Well, needless to say, I was very happy to have her.About three weeks after she arrived, we were on the...
BisexualArtOfZoo - Janet Gets Lucky - a****l sex with women It was spring break. Janet’s husband and daughter were on their normal schedules, so she was home alone. Enjoying her much needed respite from the relentless demands of college, she was sleeping late on a Tuesday morning when Mr. Coffee began its classic hiss and gurgle. The smell of coffee finally roused her, clearing the fog from her sleep addled mind. After lying in bed for another ten minutes, she finally pulled back the covers and...
----------------------------------------------------Janet Gets LuckyIt was spring break. Janet's husband and daughter were on their normal schedules, so she was home alone. Enjoying her much needed respite from the relentless demands of college, she was sleeping late on a Tuesday morning when Mr. Coffee began its classic hiss and gurgle.The smell of coffee finally roused her, clearing the fog from her sleep addled mind. After lying in bed for another ten minutes, she finally pulled back the...