Adventures Of A Texas Ranger Chapter One free porn video

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The weapon only a few unhappy and often short lived people got to see was a short-barreled Colt that usually rode in one of Jim's boots. At twenty- eight years of age, Jim considered himself to be not too ugly to look at, but most women rated his looks as very attractive despite his strong features. The women were particularly attracted to his gentle drawl, and as one love- stricken Austin girl had written poetically in her diary, "Mr. Horn has eyes as blue as the wide Texas sky!"

These same characteristics had often been thought of by the men who he made his living hunting down as a blood chilling voice and the stone cold eyes of a born killer! Jim's vocation of man hunting was strictly legal; the left side of his vest sagged under the weight of the gold star of a Texas Ranger. Jim was a veteran of five perilous years of Ranger duty. He felt like he and his horse, Chief, were both wearing several pounds more than their share of the dust of that long, hot trail from the border area of west Texas into San Antonio.

Jim sat astride of one of the spectacularly spotted horses from a strain known as the appaloosa, which were bred by the Indians of the American northwest. He was personally of the opinion the horse was anything but pretty. As compared to the average Texas cow horse, this stallion was hammer headed, broom tailed, and cow hocked. His big striped hooves looked almost too big for his legs and Jim had never much cottoned to the wierdly intelligent, almost human look in his eyes. The stud also had the powerful shoulders and massively heavy neck that were then typical of the stallions of that sturdy breed.

What Jim did like about the big ugly horse was he had the ability to thrive at a traveling pace that would have killed most of those prettier average cow horses of Texas. He had an energy-conserving gait that seemed to carry him just far enough on each step to get ahead, but this mile eating pace had carried Jim and his gear almost three hundred miles down some of the roughest trails in west Texas in the last two weeks!

Jim was leading a lanky bay mule loaded down with his latest capture. Joe Three Horses, or Injun Joe as he was better known, was a half-breed Kiowa indian Jim had been sent after a couple of weeks before.

Injun Joe was a character who was notorious around some parts of Texas, not only as an accomplished horse thief but also for his many slick escapes from justice. The officials in San Antonio had finally persuaded the reluctant Ranger Captain to put his best man on Joe's trail. Joe was presently shackled belly-down in chains across the mule's narrow back as punishment for his latest unsuccessful escape attempt.

It had taken Jim four long days of tracking the Indian's faint trail just to locate Joe the first time, then it took him another three days to run him to ground. The indian had been so good at evading capture the Ranger had to resort to relying on all of his senses, even his sense of smell, to track him!

Joe had been working hard at a job of breaking horses on a ranch outside of Uvalde when he had literally seen Jim coming. He'd forced his green broken horse right through the thin mesquite rails of the corral fence and lit a shuck under him! He'd ridden that horse into the ground the first day out of Uvalde, then he'd stolen another one from a nearby ranch.

The injun's second stolen horse had given out on the evening of the next day and Injun Joe had then fled on foot. Jim had finally caught up with him on the third day of the long chase. He'd bought the mule from a ranch in the vicinity to pack the injun in on.

The saddle-worn Ranger had been leading the mule back toward San Antonio for the last four days; Joe's latest futile escape attempt had been made only the night before. "Hey, Joe!" Jim hollered back to his prisoner, "I've been studying on somethin' ever since before I caught up with you! You crossed several ranches on foot after that last horse gave plumb out underneath you, why didn't you go and steal yourself another one?"

"Kill too many good horses already!" Joe grunted as the mule bounced unmercifully. "When Joe escape next time maybe Ranger Jim sell Joe good horse with spots?"

"Hell no, Joe!" Jim laughed! "If you'd been riding old Chief, I'd still be chasing you all over Texas!" Jim thought that, horse thief or not, you had to respect the indian for taking his chances on foot rather than risk killing more stolen horses in a chase! He called back to him, "Joe, any man who would sooner give up his freedom than to hurt more horses can't be all bad! If you'll give me your word you won't try gettin' away again, I'll set you right back up on that mule."

"No can do! Not yet, maybe later." The injun replied resolutely. Jim laughed in appreciation of the indian's wild spirit and warped sense of honor, then he shrugged and went back to his day dreaming about the cool beer from the spring house of the Eldorado, his favorite saloon in San Antonio.

The thought of that cold beer then led Jim to thinking about the pretty, brown eyed, auburn haired Louisiana woman who owned the Eldorado. That sassy little woman knew more ways to make a man want her than all of the other women he'd ever bedded.

Jim daydreamed of one of her favorite tricks she delighted in playing on him. She would wait until he had almost reached his peak then she'd wrap her ankles around behind his calves and she'd straighten out her legs. Due to the leverage involved, she could pull him almost out of her at the time he wanted to be inside of her the most, then she'd just lie there, laughing sassily and toying with him.

Jim urged Chief to quicken his pace a bit. He'd been letting the stallion choose his own pace for a spell because of the rough trip but now Jim was beginning to feel like he'd winded the barn.

Without warning, a .44 Colt seemed to jump magically from Jim's left hand holster into his hand and in the same instant he swiveled to point it directly at Joe. The lead rope had slackened ever so slightly and had warned Jim the mule was moving up. After four days of leading that same damned stubborn mule, Jim had known the slack in the rope wasn't much likely to be voluntary on the animal's part and he'd become instantly alert.

"Don't even think about it, Joe. If my reckonin's right, today might just be Sunday. It would surely ruin my day to have to kill any man on the Lord's day, even if he was just an injun!"

"Thank you, Ranger!" Injun Joe grumbled sarcastically as Jim reined his horse back to the mule to check the Indian's shackles. Everything checked out just fine and Jim swung the mounts around and back onto the trail.

He wondered some about his growing respect for Injun Joe. Hell, from the viewpoint of the law, Joe was just a half-breed, injun horse thief. Then again, Paw had always said their family had some Cherokee blood in them from back east in Tennessee. Of course, the Cherokee were called the civilized tribe; they'd even built their own schools and farms before the greedy white man had come along to run them off of their lands. So who the hell was civilized, anyway? Jim reckoned he'd best study on some simpler things.

When he finally decided to halt for the night, Jim helped the injun dismount, then he unsaddled and hobbled the mounts where they could forage for some of the slim pickin's that grew around that range of Texas. He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out the makings of a meal for him and the injun that was about as meager as the animal's poor grazing. He handed the Indian his share; it was two rolled up flour tortillas spread thinly with some refried beans. He'd bought them from an old Mexican woman whose sheep camp they'd passed through.

Jim ate his own tortillas slowly, they weren't much as far as food went but they were all the rations they had. He drank from the half full canteen of tepid water he'd been conserving then he passed the canteen on to Joe. The breed drank only a couple of frugal swallows; he nodded his thanks then he handed the canteen back to Jim.

Jim laid the canteen back next to his saddle then they went through their evening ritual with the chains. Jim moved to the scrubby mesquite tree he had picked out at the edge of the small clearing; he kicked some debris from around the base of it to check for rattlers. He gestured Joe closer and moved to the other side of the tree as Joe held his hands out to him. Jim unlocked the chains and he re-locked them around the tree, then they went through the same thing with the ankle chains.

Jim got up and draped a saddle blanket around the indian's shoulders against the chilly evening air then he went to his own bedding. "You know the drill, Joe. I sleep real light as you found out last night." As usual, the Indian kept his private thoughts secret to himself.

The night before, Jim had been awakened by the rustling of mesquite beans as Joe had tried to get the chains over the brittle branches of the little tree he'd been chained to. Joe was pretty damned slick but the combination of the chains and the dry mesquite beans Jim had pitted him against had been too much even for him.

Jim laid back and looked up at the stars for a time. The thought came to him that he had done a whole lot of sleeping out underneath those same bright stars. Rangerin' was a tough life, but it suited him just fine. Lord knows though, a man did get awful lonesome sometimes.

The long chase was wearing on Jim; he felt like an old horse that had been rode hard and then put up wet. The exhaustion he felt was about to cause him to doze off when the Indian uncustomarily broke his silence.

He was sitting up looking at the Ranger and he made injun sign with his shackled hands to aid his halting English. He asked, "Ranger Jim have woman?" When Jim allowed as how he didn't, Joe went on. "Joe take injun woman many moons ago. She same sky and moon to Joe. Love Joe plenty. Purty soon she fat with foal. When Joe hunt meat for her, white man take woman. Squaw run from white man and jump from cliff. After that Joe take what he wants from white men."

Jim lay there for a while studying on Joe's long speech, he figured the solemn injun had made a hell of an effort in an attempt to explain himself to the man who'd finally caught him. Jim decided what Joe had lived through would be a good enough reason for anyone to go a little wild and sour on life for a spell. "I'm sure sorry about your woman and papoose, Joe. Maybe one of these days we won't have to worry about folks doing bad things like that to each other." Joe rolled over and pulled his horse blanket around his shoulders for protection from the desert cold; Jim did the same.

Joe was back to his old stoic self by dawn the next morning. They endured the stifling heat and dust in silence. That afternoon, Jim saw his horse's ears perk up, and he knew the stallion had winded the San Antonio River. The stud and the mule had both been on a short ration of water ever since they'd crossed the almost dry Hondo.

When they reached the shallow ford, Jim let the mounts wade in knee deep and drop their heads to drink greedily. Neither of them drank their fill. He knew his horse had been in dry country long enough to be wise to bellyaches caused by drinking too much and too fast, and it's danged near impossible to make a mule hurt itself.

Jim decided to make a stop at the river to wash. He hadn't had much of a chance during the chase to clean up at least every couple of days as he normally did and now things had gotten so bad he could hardly stand to be downwind of himself.

After fording the river he turned upstream for several hundred yards to get to some cleaner water; he carefully chained the injun to a handy tree and brought him a full canteen of the cool water. Jim told the silent injun, "Soak up all of that you want, Joe. I'll wash these animals, then lose some of this dust and sweat I've been collecting of late."

Jim stripped off his boots and the gun belts; he left them well out of the injun's reach, close to the river. Jim stripped the saddles and blankets off his stallion, throwing the blankets into the shallows to soak clean, then led him into the water. The horse saw what Jim intended and when allowed to he wallowed gratefully in the cool water like a big puppy, ridding himself of the irritating salt sweat and alkali dust coating his spotted hide.

The mule put on a repeat performance of the horse's refreshing dip, then, his animals refreshed, Jim got out a cake of lye soap, his razor, and his mirror from his saddlebags and he headed for the water. The water was cool and clear and felt mighty fine to Jim's parched body.

He drank his fill and stayed there long enough to wash his filthy clothing and shave off his shaggy two-week growth of beard. Being immersed in the water felt so damned good to him he figured he'd just lie right there and soak up about a hundred gallons or so of it. The little boy left in him was even a little surprised when his clothes still fit him when he put them back on.

By this time he was thinking mighty fondly of Miss Vickie and the cool beer at the Eldorado, and he was looking forward to having him some of both pleasures, he was still trail wise enough to keep a watchful eye on Injun Joe. When they arrived back in San Antonio later that evening, Jim led the mule directly to the Sheriff's office.

It was nearly nine o'clock at night and almost no one else was on the street. Jim got down off the spotted stud and stretched his trail-wearied muscles; then he tied his horse and the mule to the hitching rail.

"You can get down right here, Injun. This is as far as you're going with me." Jim pulled Joe down off of the mule and steadied him for a moment to let him get the use of his hind legs back before walking behind him on into the stone building. A big, beer bellied deputy was sleeping like a fat slug in a chair behind the office desk; his filthy boots were resting on the scarred wooden desktop.

Jim rapped hard on the desk several times with his knuckles and the deputy reluctantly opened his eyes and looked up as Jim spoke. "I've got a prisoner here for you, Deputy."

"Got a warrant with you?" The deputy sleepily asked him in return. Jim had already figured out this man's intentions. He didn't aim to move until breakfast or quitting time, whichever happened to come along first. Jim quickly stepped to the wall and snatched a wanted poster with Joe's likeness and description from it.

Jim stepped back to the desk; he grabbed the deputy's dirty boots and swept the man's feet to the floor. The big deputy's brutal temper flashed and he started to rise from the chair, but something in Jim's angry eyes told him he really didn't want to try it!

Jim slapped the wanted poster down on the desk hard! "This here poster is from your county. I've ridden over three hundred miles in the last two weeks tracking this man down and bringing him in for you fat, lazy sons a' bitches. I'm either turning him over to you right now or I'll go look up Sheriff Tilley personal!"

"Now, there's no call for you to go and do that, Ranger, I'll take him off your hands. Bring him back to the cell." The Deputy rose quickly and reached for some keys. Jim decided his saying the Sheriff's name must have been what did the trick in getting the lazy Deputy on his feet.

Jim glanced over at Injun Joe. The injun was standing there gazing stoically ahead, but after all of the exhausting events of the last two weeks Jim was so in tune with Joe he could almost hear his thoughts. The Deputy was lazy and slow-witted and Joe knew it as well as Jim. Jim decided it was no skin off his nose if the injun did escape again. Hell, maybe he'd even go straight now that he'd been shown there was a lawman who could catch him and put in chains.

Jim decided he wasn't going to put Joe in the cell for this deputy he had no respect for. He said out loud, "Deputy, maybe you'd better write me out a receipt for Joe then you can take him back to the cellblock yourself." Jim stared intently at the Deputy until he nervously turned his eyes away and started scrabbling around in the desk for a scrap of paper.

Jim unlocked his manacles off of Joe. "Joe, I want you to know these chains are going to be hobbling that appaloosa stud out there tonight. This key will be hung around my neck and I've already shown you I can sleep real light. If you're aiming to be riding spots tomorrow, it'll have to be on somebody else's horse."

The deputy wasn't paying any attention at all to Jim's earnest speech; he'd just finished roughly scribbling out the receipt. Jim took the paper from him and held it up to the dim kerosene lamp to read it. He saw the Deputy had written it out on the back of a feed bill, but he decided it was still legal enough and he turned to go.

"Ranger." Indian Joe called to him. Jim turned and looked back at the injun. "It take plenty good man to catch Injun Joe."

Jim waved his receipt at the renegade and grinned wickedly. "You're a hell of a man for an injun, Joe. You'd do to ride the rough trails with. Why don't you ride on up to the Indian Territory and find you another good woman; there are still places up north or in Mexico where a man as good on the trail as you could stay away from the white man. I'm askin' you kindly not to come back to Texas, or at least not to steal horses here. Keep your record clean a couple of years, then come back and contact me and I'll find you a job. Adios and good luck."

Jim led his horse and the mule to the Sheriff's barn and he turned the mule into an empty stall. He threw a couple of pitchforks full of hay and several ears of dried feed corn to the mule then he filled a feed sack he found hanging from the fence with more of the same. He tied the sack to his saddle horn and then, deciding he still needed to stretch his legs a bit, he led the spotted horse over to the Eldorado.

Somebody must have heard the loud clip-clop of the stud's heavy shoes on the wooden porch and warned the folks inside because Jim was met at the door by the white shirted and aproned bartender. "Where do you think you're takin' that damned horse, Mister? Oh, it's you, Jim, I should've known it had to be you! You takin' that horse to bed with you or is he thirsty, too?"

"Hell no, Farley. I ain't bedding this damned horse, can't you see he's a stud?" Jim led the horse on through the large open room and put him in a corner that was more or less out of the way. He swept peanut hulls from a small area with his boots, and dumped the contents of the feed sack out on the floor, then unsaddled the big stallion.

Jim hobbled the horse's front feet with the shackles then he hung the key's leather thong back around his own neck. When the big horse shook himself, glasses tinkled all over the building. "Any of you folks here riding an Appaloosa, you'd best go and see to it. It appears to me like Injun Joe's goin' to be stealin' one later on tonight."

A dapper looking man at one of the poker tables raked in his big pile of winnings and quickly finished his drink. He spoke urgently as he stood up. "That'd be me, I guess. Sorry, gentleman, I've got to go see to my horse. I'll give you folks another chance at me tomorrow night." The man hurried on out the door.

He'd taken Jim's warning to heart, or he'd decided to get far away from his fellow card players before they got to talking among themselves about his exceptional card playing ability. Either way, Jim heard him kick his horse into a gallop and ride off down the street moving fast.

"What in tarnation's all this commotion about?" A big bulky man came from the short hall that led to Victoria's bedroom; he was still buckling on his gun belt. Jim recognized the big man as Sheriff Tilley.

"Howdy Sheriff, I brought in Joe Three Horses for you, I woke your Deputy up long enough for him to write me out a receipt and he took the injun out back to lock him up. Joe done got himself a strong hankering to ride this appaloosa stud I run him down with, so I'm keepin' an eagle eye on him."

Sheriff Tilley started in to looking plenty worried. "You didn't leave that crazy red skin alone with that stupid brother-in-law of mine, did you? If he loses that damned injun I'll send him out after him and he won't come back without him!" The Sheriff hitched his britches up quickly and left; he was in just about as much of a hurry as the card sharp had been.

Jim looked over at the bartender who'd been enjoying the stir he'd just caused. "Farley, set me up a pitcher of that cool beer of yours, I've been working up a craving for some of that beer for the last two weeks and that cursed injun ain't none of my business any more!" Jim wasn't any too sure of why he was cussing like that about an injun horse thief, then he admitted to himself that maybe it was because he had messed up and started in to caring.

"Here's your beer, Jim." Farley had easily anticipated Jim's order and drawn the beer; after twenty years as a bartender he could tell when a man had worked up a thirst. He sat a moisture-beaded crock pitcher and mug on the counter. Jim left some coins on the bar in payment; he moved the beer to a table in the corner of the room and sat down thankfully. He licked his lips and watched the water beading up and running down the side of the full pitcher for a moment.

Jim took off his hat and hung it on the spindle on the back of another chair. "Farley, would you have your swamper rub down my horse with a handful of that hay; it's either that or he's going to want to roll when he gets done eating and that sweat dries!"

"Yeah. Thanks Jim, that could present a problem in here." The bartender immediately told his Mexican swamper, "Brush down that stud with some straw before he sets in to itching and rolls. You'd best throw down some more sawdust and peanut hulls, too." Jim tossed the swamper a coin as he walked past him and watched him snatch it deftly from midair.

Farley turned to Jim and spoke conversationally. "The only other Appaloosa I know of around here is a nice little buggy mare that belongs to the mayor, but she'd be safe in his barn on the other side of town."

Jim quickly told him what he thought of that idea. "If she's within twenty miles of here, that slick injun horse thief's probably smelled out her spots by now." He thought that idea over as he leisurely poured himself a tall beer. He decided he'd never much liked the mayor anyhow. Jim took several luxurious swallows and drained the mug. He sighed loudly in satisfaction, that first beer had tasted every bit as fine as he'd anticipated!

Jim surely admired Injun Joe's abilities, and held him almost in awe, but it never occurred to him to be proud or vain that he'd been the first man to ever catch him and bring him in. It was just another job of work to him. He was savoring the luxurious enjoyment of slowly pouring himself a second cool beer when a woman spoke in a sultry voice from behind him.

"Now there's a man who truly enjoys his rare pleasures!" Jim turned in his chair to see the owner of the Eldorado, Victoria Gastian. Jim spoke heartily. "Vickie, I've been day dreamin' about Farley's beer through the last two weeks of hard riding. Honey, come on over here and take a load off your feet." Jim reached a boot over and pushed a chair away from the table for her.

Vickie's voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper as she perched in the chair next to Jim. "I bet I know what else you've been dreaming about, Sugar!"

Jim grinned conspiratorially at the sexy woman; she ought to know he'd been thinking of her. Jim had made a practice of visiting her regularly whenever he could since they'd first met three years before. "You'd sure win that bet, Vickie. You know an awful sight about how a grown man thinks."

"So do you or you wouldn't be so damned good at catching them." Vickie said. "We're both a couple of pro's. We heard from a cowboy a week or so ago that you were off chasing Injun Joe all over most of west Texas and sundry parts of Mexico. Did you catch him?"

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Jim and Vickie had long ago gone beyond the point in their relationship of his being uncomfortable in cursing around her. "That little job of work took me two long weeks of hard riding to catch him and fetch him in. You know, that danged horse thief ruined two good horses running from me, then he took off on foot rather than hurt another one!"

Vickie shook her pretty head in admiration and wonder. "Just goes to show you there's still some honor in a lot of low professions, Darling!"

Jim reflected that Vickie herself was a good example of what she was talking about. She was the proverbial whore with a heart of gold. She'd often boasted to Jim that a drunk had never been rolled or mistreated in her place and he'd personally helped her distribute food to the poor folks around town several times.

Vickie grasped Jim's arm strongly with one hand. Her other hand was on his thigh and inching slowly toward his crotch. "Why don't you quit that damned Ranger job and stay right here with me? This saloon could make a good living for both of us." Vickie repeated an offer she'd made to Jim many times before. The circumstances were a sight different this time, though. She usually half jokingly asked him to stay with her just before he left.

"Vickie, you know me better than to think I could ever be a kept man." Jim's body was reacting predictably to her practiced touch; it was his mind that was having a problem with all of this. Their relationship had been strictly business, then had developed into friendship. Jim had never been happy with having to hire a woman's body for his pleasures, but with his kind of job he hadn't stayed in one place long enough to have much of any other kind of relationship with a woman.

He'd always been the type of man who was considerate by nature of all women's feelings, but through the years he had grown comfortable in returning the shallow, and all too transient affection of dance hall girls. Most of whose only serious thought was where and when the next party would be.

His and Vickie's business relationship had grown into one of mutual affection and friendship, but Jim was concerned now that she was feeling something for him he could never feel for her. Vickie had been sitting there trying to read his face as these thoughts had run through his mind.

"I'm sorry, Jim." Vickie said as she smiled. He could tell from the strain in both her voice and her smile that she was bravely trying to face the facts. "I won't ever ask you that again. Drink up and let's have some fun!"

Later on in the night Jim found himself lying in Vickie's bed. He had evidently let his empty stomach, his fatigue, and the beer get to him because he didn't remember her having helped him into bed. She was busily applying herself to reviving one of his lower extremities. He could tell from the pleasurable sensations coming from that region of his body, she was being very successful!

Jim reached for her arms and pulled her up on top of him. She kissed his lips feverishly, and then she reached to place him within her. Vickie began sobbing as soon as she began her wild ride, Jim tried to pull her to him, to stop her and comfort her, but she refused to stop and after a moment of the warmth and silkiness, he no longer had the willpower to try to stop her!

Vickie leaned backward to take all of him within her; then she leaned forward and began rubbing her soft breasts up and down his chest. The weeks of hardship and loneliness had heightened his sensitivity; she felt just so damned good to him! When they came together she toppled into his arms; she was crying hysterically and gasping desperately for air. Jim held her close while she cried. After her crying ebbed a little he began stroking and kissing her affectionately; which led to another passionate interlude that left him senseless.

Jim woke up to find Vickie gone, he got up and looked out the window and could see it was barely twilight. He was hungry enough to eat the north end off of a southbound mule. He pulled on his clothes and boots and he was ready to head for the door when he remembered Vickie's money.

He pulled a generous amount from the poke in his pocket and was placing it on the bedside table when Vickie came back into the room. She was freshly bathed and dressed in a clean nightgown. Her thoughtful expression changed to one of distress as she looked at the money on the table. "That's all I'll ever be to you, isn't it. I'm nothing but a whore and I'll never be good enough for you to love!"

"I'm sorry, Vickie." Jim told her. "I don't quite know what to say."

"Well, don't say anything then, just get your hypocritical ass the hell out of my room!" Vickie went past him to the bedside table. She picked up the money and threw it at him Knowing that discretion is always the better part of valor when dealing with a woman, Jim beat a hasty retreat.

The disconcerted Ranger unhobbled the stud. He threw his saddle on its back as Vickie yelled caustic profanities at him he'd never have taken from a grown man without a hell of a fight. Her yelling turned to crying and begging when Jim began leading his horse toward the door.

Jim turned and spoke gently. "I'm sorry, Vickie. I'd give anything if this hadn't happened between us." He turned back around and led Chief on out of the door. "Damn it!" Jim swore as he confided in the stud. "Maybe I am a hypocrite, but I just can't see myself falling in love with a whore!"


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Adventures of Texas

Author's note: This story was originally hosted over on, but has been transferred over here so that people may read it again! Wherever possible, the original authors have been credited. Otherwise, the chapter was written by Squashedflat. The characters and settings are all from the game Texas in Trouble, which can be found here. Additions are more than welcome, and I've left character bios for all the characters in the story guidelines sidebar (which comes up if you're adding or...

2 years ago
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Price of Power 8 Ranger to WAC

THE PRICE OF POWER 8-RANGER TO WAC Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others mental,...

1 year ago
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Ranger JohnDay in the Life of a Park RangerThe distant sound of the Jeep scrunching the rocks and twigs on the dirtroad woke John Ulrich up."Shit! So early?" he moaned, writhing his beefy ex-pro-linebacker frame inthe too-narrow cot and looking over at the windup clock which must havebeen part of the cabin's furnishing since the 1950s.9:45 already! This was one part of the job John never got used to, theearly mornings. At least it was Tuesday and his official rounds didn'tstart til noon. But...

3 years ago
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A Young RangerChapter 4

Jed ran to his friend, relieved to find Al still alive and pissed that he would have done something so stupid as to walk a patrol at night all alone. Jed shoved and kicked the fallen criminals out of the way so that he could get to his friend. Al had a broken arm, a broken leg, a broken nose, and several broken ribs. When the rescue squad of constables finally showed up, Jed sent one racing to Ranger headquarters to fetch a doctor and a wagon to use in transporting the injured man. A few...

3 years ago
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A Young RangerChapter 3

Al was gathering up the food to take it into the cabin to be eaten when a man rode around the corner of the cabin. His hands were full with trying to control a woman who was sitting across the saddle in front of him. He didn't see Al and Jed at first, but the woman did. She suddenly bit down on the man's hand hard enough to draw blood. He let out a scream of pain and tried to get his hand out of her mouth. In the process of all of this to do, Al recognized the man as Joe Hudson, the man...

1 year ago
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my Ranger

MY RANGER My name is Miya, just Miya. I just turned 20, and i unfortently I live in a world you wouldnt understand. you see when i was 7 i was kiddnapped, not just kiddnapped for a ransom or anything but i was kiddnapped by these men in white, white coats white gloves. ect. well any way for the next 9 years the were brainwashing me, at least thats what i called it. They were scientist ,if you want to call them that, that wanted to train me and a few...

4 years ago
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A Young RangerChapter 2

Jed and Al headed out on Jed's first assignment as a Ranger. They were traveling to Jaybird to pick up some prisoners and return them to Laredo for trial. There were six men who were charged with various crimes from murder to bank robbery. Al insisted that this was a very easy assignment that was practically a setup for Jed. Most new men got an easy assignment for their first one, and this was the one for Jed. They showed up in Jaybird in the evening, so they spent the night in the local...

2 years ago
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Super Ranger Force Five

Deep in her island fortress, the Dark Sorceress Malicia leaned back on her throne of flesh and bones as one of her many slave women sucked on her shaved pussy, her head buried up the evil villain's black slitted dress. Malicia slouched in her chair with her hand supporting her chin, pondering how to defeat that cursed Ranger Force as she sipped from a platinum chalice filled to the brim with a strong wine. Her long red hair shrouded her upper body, but her perfect white skin and dark red lips...

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Becoming a RangerChapter 11 Becoming a Ranger

It took a few weeks to get things sorted out. Almost half of the colony decided to stay in the home trees. I spent a lot of time in debriefings about what I knew of the Tron. Of course the colony had the job of cleaning up the mess I had made but they did not seem to mind. A month after the Cariss were taken away I was helping Mr Mabil up north. We were watching and protecting a Lenolyn female as she gave birth. Several males had made threatening postures when we arrived but I walked...

3 years ago
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There was a gentle wind blowing off the lake. From where hestood in the ranger's station, Rick Breyer could see thetips of a thousand Douglas firs bending with the breeze.The treetops rolled like a dark green ocean. Rick pouredhimself a cup of coffee and picked up his binoculars.Taking a sip, he put the high-powered lenses to his eyesand scanned the woods. Midmorning is a good time of the dayfor a forest ranger, there's nothing much to do, the coffeeis fresh and the world looks perfect. His...

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The Adventures of Ranger Rick

THE ADVENTURES OF RANGER RICK There was a gentle wind blowing off the lake. From where he stood in theranger's station, Rick Breyer could see the tips of a thousand Douglas firsbending with the breeze. The treetops rolled like a dark green ocean. Rickpoured himself a cup of coffee and picked up his binoculars. Taking a sip,he put the high-powered lenses to his eyes and scanned the woods. Mid-morningis a good time of the day for a forest ranger. There's nothing much to do,the coffee is fresh...

3 years ago
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Hedonics Part 2 A hike and a ranger

With summer slowly fading away, we took a short vacation in early September and enjoyed what I would like to write about here, hedonism. The first two days the weather was quite fresh and unquestionably not bare boob-friendly. The third day, early afternoon, Paul and I took a hike in the nearby woods and meadows. It was sunny, breezy, and thankfully pretty warm. We had a break, a brief look around, no one to see, and I was topless. I got pretty used to bare skin outdoors, and I love to show off...

3 years ago
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Slave to the EmpireChapter 7 Ranger 3

"By the time I reached my fourteenth year, I had already become apprenticed to one of the Rangers stationed at the enclave. It was also about that period that the Lady of the High Forest made her annual appearance at the enclave. The city of Caliban remained officially outside her jurisdiction, but it was a hollow and never enforced regulation. My Master's name was Kurne, another half-breed like myself, only he was of one of the minor border houses that did not have the biases the city...

2 years ago
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Texas Trade Chapter 2

TEXAS TRADE CHAPTER 2 That night I slept in segments. I knew it wouldn't be long until my male body returned and I could go back to being male. I had enjoyed being female, being a sexy cheerleader, shopping for sexy clothes and showing them off. It had all been eye opening, but I was still hoping to go back to being male. Jenna's 18yo body that I was still in was out of school and I was reviewing university options, there were a lot of them. Jenna's grades had always been good and...

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A Topless Texas Tradition Chapter One

"Oh, come on, I'm not falling for an April Fool's joke," I said, balancing the phone against my hair, as I thought about what I was actually going to wear to class tomorrow.Most of my clothes were dirty. Anyways. I had this idea that if I just aired out my bras somehow, they would be okay indefinitely to wear over and over again. I fit into a DDD-cup at Victoria's Secret, but I have a suspicion it was only because Victoria's Secret didn't carry anything higher than a DDD cup and so they...

3 years ago
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A Young RangerChapter 6

Look in my blog for a glossary if you have trouble with understanding some words in the dialog done in dialect. The train rumbled away from the water stop, leaving four bandits standing beside the track looking pretty foolish. Jed commented, "The door to the Express car is open, so there has to be one or more bandits still inside. If they had gotten the money from the safe, they would have left by now." Al replied, "Yeah, ya gotta be right. How're we gonna take them?" "Let's be sure...

1 year ago
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Sweethearts or Strangersa West Texas Romance

... sweethearts or strangers, where do we go from here, I'll leave it up to you... Ahhhh... ! The lyrics of that sweet old country ballad from the 1930's came drifting back on Memory's Tide as I started to write this story ... hence the title. June Richardson wrapped her arm protectively around her daughter's shoulders. They stood watching a lone rider riding away from the wagon train. A few minutes later, he was just a small speck on the distant purple horizon. "Mommie, do you think...

3 years ago
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 5 Texas Bound and Not Flyinrsquo

October 4th, 1995, 4:15 PM EST, Union Station, Dallas, TX Jill, Josh, George, and Akilah were still engaged in conversation when the PA system came on telling of things about to change heavily for the people involved. They, of course, had no idea that there was an issue with the world known as Hurricane Opal; they had been traveling for several days. They certainly had no idea of the exchanges that had gone on between Amtrak’s management about what to do with various types of passengers. So...

2 years ago
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John Steadman A Forest Ranger

Author’s Note: This is an entry in the Earth Day contest, 2007. All characters involved in any sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. The characters are not real persons, nor are any of the events in this story real. Certainly there are celebrations of Earth Day, but this one is a figment of my imagination. This is fiction. And it is non-erotic unless you find references to sex erotic. Only Auburn University and the geographic descriptions refer to real places. My thanks to...

2 years ago
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Phoebe And The Ranger

Years later, once life had turned all too predictable, Phoebe would wonder how she’d not been more appreciative of the fun and freedom of the summer before she began her last year of college, when she was twenty-two.She’d hoped to work in conservation when she graduated, so her ideal summer would have been spent at a reserve in Africa, or in the deep rainforest. Instead, she was at a National Park on the other side of the States, guiding swarms of tourists.She’d been accepted onto the intern...

Straight Sex
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A ranger meets an elf in the wild

Sitting on his bedroll in just his trousers, Thanir watches as the first rays of the morning sun broke through the trees. He glances quickly at the smoldering remains of last night's fire but decides against rekindling it. The next town, and a real meal in a tavern, is only a few miles away so there was no need to cook a breakfast. Rubbing the last of the sleep from his eyes, the young ranger stands and stretches.Just as he begins to roll up his bedding, a series of sounds jerk Thanir's...

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The ranger

The sun peaked over a cloud as she finished putting up her tent. She was just starting a light sweat, but the cool mountain air felt refreshing. The smell of spruce filled her lungs and the prospect of a night alone in the woods terrified her a little bit. "It's an experiment," she told him, "I want to give it a try to see if a longer hike is something I want actually to do."He was okay with it and had spent quite a bit of time encouraging it. "Life is short," he said. She finally listened....

4 years ago
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My First Taste of TexasChapter 5

I reserved two stalls for our four horses ahead of our trip, and I drove straight to the Kay Yeager Coliseum, so we could get them settled. Manny drove in right beside me when I stopped. We were still unloading the horses when I looked up to see Avery Denton and his wife Francine. “Wade, we’ve been expecting y’all to get here any minute. “Julie, you look like one of the flag bearers, dressed in those fancy jeans and that white shirt. You better hang close to Wade, or of one of these...

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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 5

Rita and Chance were back at the ranch after spending the night with Sam and Nancy. They figured it would be another seven days before Ma and the three with her would return. The two punchers on the place came to the door while Rita was preparing the evening meal. “Did you bring food? We been living on flour fried in bacon grease and the grease was rancid.” “Oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot all about you guys. You know with our honeymoon and all. Yes, we brought food. We spent the night at the...

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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 6

It was another long day. We stayed one more night with Tim and Faith, too tired to ride home. In the morning we mounted up. Marion was the saddest person standing watching Rod ride away with us. Ma wanted Sam to ride in the gig with her for awhile. I knew she wanted to tell him all about Rafe Barkley dying and what he had given her. Ma would never divide it and it was for all of us to use. Who needed a corporation with shares? We were all one family and would continue to live that way. We...

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A Life in the ServiceChapter 5 Ranger

I had celebrated my eighteenth birthday in a mud pit they call Sweet Water. That was the providence of the Rangers and their training company. After the first night they never underestimated me again. A Ranger instructor had attempted to attack me in my bed and had frozen as my Swift touched his temple. I swam the weightless tube from the shuttle into the small Corvette. The senior sergeant grinned as she took my kit bag, “My cousin said you were good looking.” I looked at her and smiled,...

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Wishes Chapter 6 Restless in West Texas

Aaron and I managed to get together with Harris two more evenings during that torrid week in Houston.   Each encounter was wonderfully fulfilling.  I must confess, when I said goodbye to my ebony lover late Thursday evening, I was deeply saddened.   I had developed a genuine affection for him.  “Do you think we’ll ever see him again?” I asked solemnly.Aaron hugged me before responding, “I don’t know.   Perhaps…You really like him, don’t you?”I nodded, “He’s the only other man I’ve been with…and...

Wife Lovers
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Texas Summer Heat Chapter 4

Blake and Tanya arrived in Amarillo and went straight to a nice hotel and secured a room. It was dinnertime so before they got too comfortable they decided to grab a bite to eat."I don't know about you, but I'm starving!" Blake said when they had went up and put some things in their room."I am too... you kinda work up an appetite in me!" Tanya said, biting her fingernail coyly.He smiled and pulled her to him in a kiss. Then they left to go to the front desk and inquire about a restaurant. After...

Straight Sex
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My First Taste of TexasChapter 6

Friday, after a full day of Cuttin’ Horse trials, Manny and Mandy decided to load their horses and head back to the ranch before dark. Watching Julie and Mandy hug and say goodbye made me realize how close those two have become since Julie came to live with us. Seeing them like this for the first time, made me realize too, just how much I have changed, since she came home with me. Though its only been three months, already I miss her when she’s not right by my side. I called Texas Roadhouse...

3 years ago
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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 2

I was pushing it, but I wanted to see the range back of Ronnie’s Ranch. We saddled up three days later and took off for the hills. There was a ridge extending across the front of the rough land and it would be hell trying to trail cattle in from the Pickwell ranch. After we were beyond that, the ridges turned and traveled in a different direction, making it easier going. We found springs and seeps. Every once in awhile we would come on a small creek in the bottom of a draw. The grass still...

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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 3

It was slow getting going in the morning because we had been out so late last night. The bunkhouse had a small room with two bunks in it for the Foreman. I took one and Sam was in the other. Ron took the one next to the door, knowing I wanted my brother with me. When I woke up, I went out and roused up the others. Rod jumped out of bed. I looked around, but was having to wait for someone to tell him what to do. I asked, “Where is Joe? Did he come back with us last night?” One of the punchers...

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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 8

Sam went down to the bunkhouse to speak to Hamilton Burger the next morning. “Hey Ham, we meet again. You do get around the country, don’t you? Are you still in Texas?” “No, actually I haven’t been there since I found the Witherspoon woman. I understand you didn’t hang around there after you found out you weren’t married to her.” “No, her husband bought our outfit. Chance had come up here and started an outfit of his own. We knew he had been to Laramie and we were able to trace him. We got...

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April in Texas Ch 09

Our Texas Hill Country wine tour plan had been to follow Route 290 from Fredericksburg to Austin. I had downloaded maps and winery guides, it’s best to travel prepared for what you’re looking for. Louie and I were heading into Fredericksburg about noon on another hot Texas day. I’d changed clothes in the car hoping to catch Louie’s attention, and maybe I did. I put on a short blue skirt, white high sandals, and a white blouse combination with a long strapped white purse. Myself, it was about as...

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GoddessChapter 16 Ranger Jacqueline

"WHATEVER IT WAS, IT WASN'T rape. Abduction, maybe, but not rape." Persephone put her coffee cup down. We were having a very late breakfast in the coffee shop at the Glory of Zion, a desert resort that lived up to its name a few miles outside the park. So far out of our price range we'd never have stayed here but for Mrs. D, who'd telephoned the day before to tell us she'd booked adjoining suites for a few days of R & R. She and Mrs. H would arrive later, she said. "So, what...

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Becoming a RangerChapter 2 Invasion

Our flight back the next morning seemed shorter than the one out. Mr Perry was thinking about my story concerning the home trees and what I found inside them. We landed at the colony landing pads to see people running everywhere. As soon as we stepped out we found out why. A large Cariss warship was insystem headed for the planet. We all knew that meant they were here to strip the planet before anyone could come to help us. Cariss was one race that was always warlike. They only fought as a...

2 years ago
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Fourth of July Texas Style

Shay adjusted her red, white and blue sun visor to filter the glare from the bright Texas July sun from her eyes. She enjoyed watching him in her world. Her family and friends were so impressed with Rick. She smiled to herself remembering what her eighty year old Uncle Gip had to say about him. ‘He is all right by me Shay, and one lucky dayum Canadian at that to have you on his arm!’ he scarfed as he swatted at her rose bush with his walking cane. Followed by, ‘ see if he can do something...

4 years ago
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Crossing Texas

CAUTION!!! This story has explicit sexual content. If you are under the age of 21, DO NOT CONTINUE! Or if stories involving sex or forced crossdressing offend you, do not continue. This story is provided without charge to anyone who will enjoy it. Other writings by Cindi include "Dalia's Story", "Michelle's Story", "Rebecca's Peace", and "A Texas Change". Crossing Texas By Cindi Johnson Dallas, June 2004 Prologue I was driving across Texas on a late autumn afternoon. The...

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The Ranger 5

Allison pressed the off button on the remote and watched the large television screen go blank. She sighed as she caught sight of the time. It was already almost 4 pm and her parents would be home in just over an hour. She reached all around her and snatched up the items she had spread out during her afternoon hours alone.Walking into the kitchen, she tossed her lunch dishes in the sink and placed the unfinished bag of chips on the refrigerator. She rolled her eyes when she saw the pile of...

3 years ago
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Sex With Amy Jo Johnson The Pink Ranger updated

I had sex with Amy Jo Johnson on the set of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers while she was playing Kimberly Hart... the pink ranger. I once told her I wanted to eat her out. She replied by saying...We arranged to meet up in her dressing room. She was wearing the outfit you see in the photos below...When I arrived there, I saw her wearing the same outfit including the tight pink shorts. Keep in mind Amy Jo in only 5'2 tall. I slid my hand down the front of her shorts and under her panties. I started...

4 years ago
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Sex With Amy Jo Johnson The Pink Ranger

I had sex with Amy Jo Johnson on the set of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers while she was playing Kimberly Hart... the pink ranger. I once told her I wanted to eat her out. She replied by saying...We arranged to meet up in her dressing room. She was wearing the outfit you see in the photos below...When I arrived there, I saw her wearing the same outfit including the tight pink shorts. Keep in mind Amy Jo in only 5'2 tall. I slid my hand down the front of her shorts and under her panties. I started...

3 years ago
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April in Texas Ch 01

We batted it around, Louie and I did, as to where we wanted to go for our spring break. I know that term is overused, but a spring break from office and business stress can be a good thing. We are not kids, but we had been going every April to Naples, Florida, where my mother has a fine home. But Florida, at least Naples, is boring. Once past the beach, there’s nothing there. They have no cuisine, no olive oil, no wine – everything is imported. The good restaurants are $100 a plate, you’ll get...

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Texas Gal Part 2

Texas Gal - Part 2 by C. Sprite copyright 1999 Chapter Four Despair & Hope I was sure that somebody had just punched me in the stomach. I couldn't get my breath. I got dizzy. I would have fallen but for my sisters holding onto me long enough for the police officer to reach me from where he had been standing a few feet away. I thought, 'Daddy dead. Mommy dead also, maybe?' The world started to spin. The police officer picked me up and carried me to the...

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A Pickup in Texas

There is no geographic location on Earth that more clearly demonstrates how a few men with guns can change the course of history than the state of Texas. But, with their opening gambit being The Alamo, and its example being the standard for all that followed, what else could be expected of native-born Texicans? The populace may squabble like a horde of siblings who constantly fight with each other, but it's patently impossible for an outsider to pick a fight with just one Texan. An assailant...

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A Young RangerChapter 5

Look in my blog for a glossary if you have trouble with understanding some words in the dialog done in dialect. Mr. Big had been located! Unfortunately, Mr. Big, Sr. Ernesto Ruiz, was living in a mansion in the heart of Santo Domingo del Hormo, Mexico. This small city was much too large to be overpowered by a small detachment of Rangers and sure to attract the attention of the federal government if a large force of Rangers was sent in. It looked like the only way to capture Sr. Ruiz was by...

2 years ago
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Wisconsin Ranger

Despite all the time that’s gone by, I know this was a mistake. I know it even if she didn’t considering I didn’t do it just with her. There was her mother as well. Despite what I believed, and seeing as she was only a 20 year young lady, Lucy was cuter then a dickens and with a darling shapely figure like hers how could I deny myself that chance of not laying down with her? She happened to be my daughter’s friend back then. They grew up together and did lots of things almost all the way...

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The Park Ranger

There was no doubt about it,this was the best job in the world. Half of his time, he spent driving his truck down the isolated paths of Redwood National Forest. The other half, he spent in the Ranger tower, looking down from the heights to scan the forest for fire or campers in need. And though he has had to, on occasion, climb down from his perch to keep idiot, drunken campers from setting the forest ablaze, being a Forest Ranger was more like being a voyeur to every tree-hugger’s carnal...

4 years ago
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The Park Ranger

There was no doubt about it;this was the best job in the world. Half of his time, he spent driving his truck down the isolated paths of Redwood National Forest. The other half, he spent in the Ranger tower, looking down from the heights to scan the forest for fire or campers in need. And though he has had to, on occasion, climb down from his perch to keep idiot, drunken campers from setting the forest ablaze, being a Forest Ranger was more like being a voyeur to every tree-hugger’s carnal...

3 years ago
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Wisconsin Ranger

Despite all the time that’s gone by, I know this was a mistake. I know it even if she didn’t considering I didn’t do it just with her. There was her mother as well. Despite what I believed, and seeing as she was only a 20 year young lady, Lucy was cuter then a dickens and with a darling shapely figure like hers how could I deny myself that chance of not laying down with her? She happened to be my daughter’s friend back then. They grew up together and did lots of things almost all the way...

2 years ago
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My First Taste of TexasChapter 2

“Take the 12th Avenue Exit, then swing back underneath the interstate ... and take a right on Holiday Drive. There’s a western store down there where we can get you some work clothes.” “Wade, you’re investing a lot of money in me before we even get to your ranch. I hope I’m capable of doing the job you have for me.” “I still think you’re worth it. Besides, I don’t like the thought of dropping you off down at Sherman where you’re afraid to go to sleep. You have a lot to offer this world, and...

3 years ago
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Texas Sex RanchChapter 12

"I hope you realize what's going to happen when you get back," Melissa said. "You're going to do nothing but sate the lusts of older men." "I know. I've talked with the other girls. They told me what's happened to them." I cocked my head and studied Melissa out of the corner of my eye. "Is that why you gave it up and moved away?" "I didn't give it up entirely," she said. "I belong to a nudist resort in Kissimmee. That's on a lake south of Orlando. Very private, and without...

2 years ago
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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 7

Sam sent Hey Pete over to the Barkley ranch to tell me that they had discovered another twenty-three cattle carcass’s that had been missed last winter when we tried to get the cattle under the bluff. Sad, but nothing we could do about it. Nancy had included a note to Rita. “Rita, everyone busted their butt to get through the winter and we will soon be sorting out the cattle. Steers to fatten to sell, see how many heifers we have that came through the winter, and how big a calf crop we are...

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