John Steadman, A Forest Ranger free porn video

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Author’s Note: This is an entry in the Earth Day contest, 2007. All characters involved in any sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. The characters are not real persons, nor are any of the events in this story real. Certainly there are celebrations of Earth Day, but this one is a figment of my imagination. This is fiction. And it is non-erotic unless you find references to sex erotic. Only Auburn University and the geographic descriptions refer to real places. My thanks to CopyCarver, who edited the story for me. This is my first entry in a writing contest of any kind. I would appreciate votes and constructive comments.


The Appalachian Trail is a continuous marked footpath that goes from Katahdin in Maine to Springer Mountain in Georgia, a distance of about 2160 miles. Over 130-miles in length, the Alabama Pinhoti Trail is the premier long path in Alabama. It connects with the Georgia Pinhoti Trail at the state boarder. The Georgia Pinhoti Trail crosses the Benton MacKaye Trail in several places. The MacKaye Trail is the link between the Pinhoti and the Appalachian Trail.

John Steadman is the Forest Ranger Supervisor for the district that includes Springer Mountain, the southern end of the Appalachian Trail.

Judy Watkins is an executive of the Alabama Hiking Trail Club, an organization that promotes and maintains trails throughout the state of Alabama. Her club is attempting to gain support for their plan to link the Alabama Pinhoti Trail to the Appalachian Trail via the Georgia segment of the Pinhoti.

Ch. 01 Judy

It was early April when Judy started her hike over the Pinhoti Trail to the base of the Appalachian Trail. Her mission was to examine the exact path to be suggested as the link to the trail that would become part of the Eastern Continental Trail. She knew of the plans to extend the northern end of the Appalachian Trail into Canada, and saw no reason why the southern end could not be extended as well. After all, the Appalachian Mountain Range extends into Alabama. She could not hope to influence the route within Georgia, but decided to hike the trail just to gain familiarity with it. She was an experienced hiker, having hiked trails the nation over since she was a young girl, when her family hiked the Gila Wilderness, stopping to see the Pueblo dwellings in Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument in the Gila National Forest near the headwaters of the Gila River.

That trip is the one that convinced her that she wanted to be involved in maintaining the hiking trails of Alabama. She was only eight years old then, but she kept her sights on that dream until at seventeen, she finished high school and enrolled in Auburn University and took courses in earth sciences, gaining her degree when she was twenty-one. Auburn University is where she first met John Steadman. Though they never went steady, they did date a few times and became fond of one another. On one occasion they had gone so far as to go to bed together. Her degree served her well in landing a paid position with the Alabama Hiking Club. She was hired as an executive vice-president, and though the compensation didn’t match other jobs she was offered, she chose it because it was her dream, and the pay was adequate for living in moderate comfort.

She loved the outdoors, and had long been a supporter of Earth Day projects associated with preserving the trails of the nation. She hoped to reach the southernmost intersection of Georgia’s Benton MacKaye Trail with the Appalachian Trail by Earth Day, the 22nd of April. Benton MacKaye was the link from the Pinhoti to the Appalachian Trail. It was not mandatory that she accomplish that, but she knew there was a celebration at Springer Mountain on that day, and it would be nice to join the activities.

She had started her hike four days earlier, at the trailhead of the Alabama Pinhoti trail, and was now crossing the state line into the Georgia segment. She had slept that night in a shelter at the end of the Alabama trail, and after a quick breakfast, had bathed in a nearby stream before starting out early in the morning. She was refreshed, and feeling euphoric as she thought about her mission. As she continued her journey through Georgia, she began to think of John Steadman, of all people. She knew he was the supervisor of the Forest Service division that included the trailhead of the AP, and wondered if he would be participating in the Earth Day celebration on the 22nd. Of course he would, she assured herself. He wouldn’t miss it unless he was dead, she mused. He was that kind of guy. As she started up the grade ahead of her, her thoughts wandered back to her college days and the friendship she had developed with John. He had been a year ahead of her.

When she was a freshman and he a sophomore, they met at a social at one of the fraternity gatherings of his Phi Gamma Delta chapter. She remembered how he kept glancing at her throughout the early part of the party, and she recalled feeling a little self-conscience. Did he see something wrong about the way she was dressed, or what? She wasn’t there with a date. She was a pledge to her sorority, and attendance was virtually mandatory for pledges if they expected to be initiated into their chosen chapter. A couple of the guys in the fraternity tried hitting on the cute freshman, but she was successful in discouraging them from any further advances. Except for one obnoxious guy who continued to pester her. She was desperately trying to distance herself from the guy when John walked over to her, took her hand, bent slightly and kissed her full on the mouth.

‘Hi, honey. I’m sorry I’ve been busy with the details of the party, but I’m free now. Let’s go find a sofa to plop on, okay?’ He stared at his fraternity brother, giving the impression that he was Judy’s date, and that the guy was intruding. He pulled Judy toward a sofa and helped her find a seat.

‘Thank you… whoever you are,’ Judy offered. ‘That creepy guy was really hitting on me, and I couldn’t get rid of him.’

‘No problem, er… what’s your name. I know he’s a hard guy to like. I’m John, by the way. John Steadman.’

‘Judy Watkins. I’m a Phi Beta Epsilon pledge.’

‘Well, welcome to our little party. Have you been to many since the semester began?’

‘No. This is my first, and I’m scared to death. I’m not much for partying. I was brought up in a very strict home.’

‘You’re uncomfortable being here, then?’

‘Very. But thank you for rescuing me from that creep.’

‘If you are that uncomfortable, could I suggest that we leave the party and go somewhere less threatening? There’s a little coffee shop just off campus…’

‘Oh, yes. Please. But I don’t want to get in trouble with the sorority sisters. They may not induct me if they’re mad at me.’

‘Don’t worry about that. I know every one of their officers, and I can get you in no matter what. So would you like some coffee?’

That had been their beginning. They had not noticed before but they shared a class or two, both electives. As the year progressed, they became friends, often returning to the coffee shop where their friendship was born.

She was cresting the rise now and decided to take a short breather at the first overlook. As she gazed out over the landscape she mused, ‘Georgia looks just like Alabama.’

After a sip or two of water from her canteen, she continued along the trail, following the ridgeline in a northeasterly direction. She took out her notebook and made entries about the trail and the wildlife she had seen from her vantage points along the way. She described the scenery as well, and took several photographs with her digital camera. There were two objectives to her effort. The first was a report to the hiking club, and the other was a submission to the authorities developing the plans for lengthening the Eastern Continental Trail, of which the AP was the major portion.

She picked up her pace as the ridge f
lattened out, and her thoughts returned to her relationship with John. Their friendship had blossomed during their time together in college, and had continued to this day. Platonic, for the most part, she mused. John was a handsome man with chiseled features that she thought attractive. She knew he was over six feet tall, maybe by a couple of inches. She didn’t know his weight, but guessed it to be around 210 pounds. Oddly, she knew the size of his cock. Not that she had a lot of exposure to it. There had been that one time. One time she had lost an aunt to cancer, and John had tried to comfort her in the grief she felt. Neither of them had a sexual relationship with anyone, because as John had put it, ‘Time enough for that after we get our education.’

Judy smiled. John was like that. When he was pursuing something he was single-minded. But he was equally devoted to his friends, especially so, it seemed, to her. When he discovered her grief over her aunt’s death he was there for her, helping where he was able. He had invited her to his apartment off campus to try to take her mind off her concerns. In the apartment that Saturday evening, he had held her close, running his hand through her hair, soothing her. She remembered the time well. She had accidentally dropped her hand onto his lap, and could feel his flaccid cock through the material of his trousers. Strangely, she considered the size of his appendage, never having even thought of him as a sex partner before that very moment. With her other hand she reached behind his head and pulled his head down to meet her lips. ‘Kiss me, John. Please.’

He had complied, softly at first, then a bit more passionately. She responded by squeezing his cock, feeling it grow. Their tongues battled for supremacy, as if their lives depended upon that one kiss. She remembered moving her hand from his lap, taking one of his hands in hers and lifting it to her breast. John took the hint. As he caressed her breast she unzipped his fly and dug within to find and extract his growing cock. Urgently, she broke the kiss and bent down to take John’s cock in her mouth. As she began to suck he held her head with both hands to keep her from going too fast. In no time they had moved to his bedroom, stripped and were engaged fully in the one and only sexual experience with each other. So, yes. Judy knew the size of John’s cock. A bit over nine inches. She knew because he reached deeper inside her than the guy she had measured at exactly nine inches a few months back.

She remembered John’s reaction to the experience when they had satiated their thirst for union.

‘Judy, I’m sorry. That should never have happened.’

‘But I needed it, John. I wanted it.’

‘I know, and so did I. But this is it. We can’t do this anymore. It’s just not right.’

‘Why is it not right?’

‘We’re just friends. I don’t want to ruin that just because we lost control this one time.’

And so they returned to a platonic relationship.

Judy was descending into a saddle in the ridgeline now, and it was getting about time for another meal. She selected a grassy spot just off the trail, leaned back against the trunk of a tree, and ate her lunch. The warm sun felt wonderful, she thought. Early spring is good.

Ch. 02 John

John grew up in Ellijay, a small town in north Georgia. His dad worked for the Forest Service, and he was John’s hero. When he finished high school, John applied for a scholarship to the college he thought offered the best curriculum for a career like his dad’s. His grade point average was certainly good enough to be considered for the scholarship, but he worried about it anyway. It had been needless worry. He didn’t get the partial scholarship he applied for, though. He got a full academic scholarship, a rarity at the college he applied to. He had always loved the outdoors, and as often as he could, he went with his dad and talked with almost all of the forest rangers. They all encouraged him to seek a career in the service.

In his sophomore year, at one of the parties sponsored by his fraternity, Phi, Gamma Delta, he saw a beautiful young lady who was attending from a sister sorority. Her demeanor captivated him, and as he continued to watch her off and on, he thought she was uncomfortable about something. Then he saw why. One of his fraternity brothers, who had a reputation for abusing girls, was hitting on the lady he was watching. He went over to her, took her in his arms as if she was his date, kissed her on the lips and said,’ Hi, honey. I’m sorry I’ve been busy with the details of the party, but I’m free now. Let’s go find a sofa to plop on, okay?’ He glared at his frat brother, giving the impression that the guy needed to back off. As his conversation with the freshman went on, he discovered that she was rather shy, being brought up in a strict family environment, and didn’t like to party. So he took her away from the party to a coffee shop off campus, and their friendship grew from there.

John had not been ready to engage in a relationship while he was in college. His thought were that there was time enough for that after he got his education. And except for that one time when he and Judy had sex, he was true to his convictions. When he graduated cum laude with a degree in Earth Sciences, he applied to the Forest Service for employment. Actually, he didn’t have to seek them out. They recruited him while he was a senior, just a few months before graduation.

He could hardly wait to get started, and was a bit disappointed when they told him he would be in training for a few months before he would get a permanent assignment. But he took it in stride, and excelled at every training session. He was almost ready for an assignment. Just one more thing to do to finish his ranger training. They told him he needed to learn how to handle a firearm. Learn how? He had been raised with a firearm in his hands from the age of twelve. He was an excellent shooter, both on the firing range and in the field. He had never failed to gain his hunting limit since his fourteenth birthday. And on the firing range he never had a shot outside the black. So he breezed through the firearms qualification and was asked to stay and teach the course. Although he was flattered that they felt he was eminently qualified it was not his ambition, so he turned it down and asked for a field assignment. He knew his dad was up for retirement. He asked for that job, and got it. It was the supervisory position for the district that included the southern trailhead of the AT.

Many of the rangers in that district resented him because they had seniority. But they soon learned that John was a much better manager than any of the other rangers in the district, and they came around to be very loyal to the young supervisor. He had just started his third year on the job, and already had accolades for the way he managed his district.

Now he was concerned with the logistics of the upcoming Earth Day celebration. Sure, the Forest Service wasn’t sponsoring the event, one of the hiking clubs was doing that. But still, supporting the activity would require a lot of his time, as well as that of his rangers. He had recently heard from Judy, his friend from college, and knew she was hiking into the celebration area, hoping to arrive in time for the celebration.

He was very pleased to hear from her for some unexplainable reason. Since he last saw her all he had from her were Christmas cards and two or three short notes. He just couldn’t put his finger on it. He hoped that she would make it to the celebration. It would give them a chance to renew their lagging friendship, and catch up on what she was doing as the executive officer of the Alabama Hiking Club. Of course, he knew about that club’s interest in connecting into the AT. She had told him that in one of the short notes she had sent a few months back, and again in this most recent communication.

But now it was time to put personal thoughts aside and concentrate on the tasks
at hand. He still had to have the fire watch towers manned as always, poacher patrols were mandatory, and he had to recruit volunteers to join the special project in support of the Earth Day event. He would have to reach into his reserve rangers to accomplish that. The reserve rangers were recently retired Forest Rangers in the area who could be called upon on a contract basis. He had the funds, so that was not a concern. Some of the reserve had only held office positions when they were employed by the Service, and he would have to place them in non-critical jobs. That left him with only about twelve reserves, if they were all able to sign on. Barely enough to do the work envisioned in support of the celebration. Fortunately, all twelve of the reserve rangers were able to sign on for the week of the celebration. Preparations were going well, and John was pleased that his job was a bit easier with the expanded staff.

Chapter 03Trail Accident

Judy had finished her lunch and started up out of the saddle to the ridgeline before her. Her trek became easier as she topped the crest and the trail leveled out. She noticed that the afternoon sun was obscured by cloud cover, and she looked back to see if the sun would soon be out again soon. The clouds signaled that a storm was brewing. She picked up her pace, hoping to reach the next shelter before the storm overtook her. By her reckoning, it was only eight miles along the trail, and she should make that in three hours easily. The storm stalked her as she scurried along the trail, and soon it was obvious to her that it would overtake her in the next two hours.

‘Well,’ she thought, ‘at least I have a poncho.’ She picked up the pace even more, trying to get as close to the shelter as she could before the storm reached her. Just as she had covered herself with it the front edge of the storm dumped rain on the trail, and she saw lightening strikes in the distance.

‘Fuck! Just what I need right now,’ She spoke to herself. ‘I’d better get off this ridge before I get the next bolt of lightening.’

She looked for a way to get off the trail, but finding nothing within eyesight. Referring to her map, she saw that an access trail was only about a mile farther along the route. The rain got heavier as she progressed, slowing her somewhat, but she finally found the footpath down off the ridge. She followed it as rapidly as she dared, fearing that the rain had made the footpath slippery.

That turned out to be a lesser worry. About 100 yards off the ridge a bolt of lightening struck a tree next to the footpath she was traversing, and severed a large limb from the truck. It fell across the path forcing her to the ground, pinning her there. She had seen it coming and tried to evade the limb, but she proved to be too slow in moving away. In the process, she twisted her left ankle, and pain shot up her leg. She tried for several minutes to force the limb off of her, but it was too heavy.

She pondered her options, never losing her sense of logic and determination. She settled on trying to reach someone, anyone, with her cell phone, to dispatch help. She dialed 911, hoping she was close enough to a cell tower to connect.

An operator answered her call. ‘This is 911. How can I help you?’

‘I’m Judy Watkins. I’m trapped under a huge tree limb that fell on me when lightening struck the tree. I need a crew to assist me in moving the limb.’

‘Where are you, Judy?’

‘I’m about 100 yards off the ridgeline, east of the Georgia Pinhoti Trail at mile marker 197.’

‘Are you injured, ma’am?’

‘I think my left ankle may be broken, or at least sprained.’

‘Are you alone?’

‘Yes. I am hiking the trail bound northeast to the AT trailhead.’

‘One moment, ma’am. I’m going to try to dispatch a rescue team from the Forest Service to your location. Our local rescue personnel are not trained in mountain rescue.’

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Serenity wrapped her lips around Felix’s erect phallus, making his whole body jerk in an instantaneous euphoria. No matter how many times she sucked his manhood, he could never get used to the incomprehensible feeling of it entering her soft mouth. He had never experienced oral sex before meeting her, but he knew that no human attempt could create the bliss I was feeling. Her saliva seemed to vibrate and change in temperature on the shaft and head, with a sweet sugary feeling sinking into...

4 years ago
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GeniusChapter 7 Return to the Forest World

I stepped through the portal to find that Forester was waiting for me, and he was shaking his head as I appeared. "I see you failed then, did you find them all dead?" He asked. I held up a finger in a 'wait a moment' signal, and then the first of the people started to appear. "Come on in, there are shelters nearby." I said as I looked at a surprised Forester. "I have to admit that I didn't think you'd do it!" Forester said, and then his expression went from surprise to one of...

3 years ago
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The Forest Nymphs

According to folklore, every full moon a pair of nymphs with voracious sexual appetites came out to play, looking for an unsuspecting man they can sexually devour. Many men went into the Wakefield Forest on a full moon, but they said they were not accosted by nymphs, so it remained just that; folklore. Wyatt grew up on a farm not too far from the forest. He knew all about the legend and how the townsfolk like to pretend it was true. This was especially true when visitors who visited the town...

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The Forest Nymph Pt 01

Felix collapsed to the ground, exhausted and racked with pain. For three days and three nights, he had been running without pause. On the horizon behind him, a pillar of smoke wafted up into the heavens, letting the world know that the city of Troy had been razed. On that fateful night, the armies of Greece had broken through their mighty walls and set the city ablaze. The persistent flames were now the closest thing to life behind the blood-splattered ramparts. While his body was as dry as...

2 years ago
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The Other side of the Forest Chapter 3

Chapter 3 After the encounter, I knew my worldview shifted. That goat creature had ruthlessly crushed my old life's paradigm. Being a voracious reader of fantasy, I understood there might be more to this world, "There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio' and all of that but at no time did I actually believe it to become my reality? I also tried not to think about it, or give it a name. Names would give it power; however, I knew such thoughts were useless. With my old...

4 years ago
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Winter Forest

"Master, more slowly go! I pray you, less haste!" Ranulf reined in impatiently under the frost-rimed trees, brushing his red hair back from his forehead. The cold was growing more intense as they plunged ever deeper into the forest. His squire's hissing speech was slurred as the cold slowed all his bodily functions. "We'll make camp as soon as we find a place that gives us any shelter. That I promise." His voice was brusk but not unkind. The lizard man had served him well in his...

2 years ago
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Chapel In The Forest

Margaret Wallace was your average, everyday housewife. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. She got married right out of high school at the age of 19 to her high school sweetheart, David. They were perfect for each other. They actually waited until their wedding night before they had sex. They were two young kids who basically did what they were told to do by their parents. Margaret was a sweet, young woman who was always willing to help out a person in need. David worked for his father in...

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The Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time there was a king of a small land who had three beautiful daughters. He wished more than anything that each would marry a prince, and bring more fortune to his family. On the eighteenth birthday of the eldest daughter, the king invited the lords and princes of close by to a great ball. The first to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage was the eldest prince from the neighboring country. “Ah,” said the king to his wife, “He is the richest of all the men at this ball! Surely...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Fucking Pregnant in the Forest Preserve

My name is Sue, and at the time of this story I was thirty years old and my husband, Ed, was thirty-three, and we lived in a northwest suburb of Chicago. I am an executive for a large insurance company located in downtown Chicago, and Edias a production manager for a manufacturing company near O’Hare airport. We have a nine-month-old daughter who I was still nursing, and I was also four and a half months pregnant with another child.I knew from discussions with my OB/GYN doctor during my two...

4 years ago
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Attacked in the forest

They booked in Friday night and were alarmed when the receptionist told them not to venture too far into the forest. “Strange things happen in there” she said “several people have come running out, not saying what had happened”. Of course Sharon was disappointed as going into the forest was the sole reason for them being there. Discounting what they were told they decided to ignore the dire warnings. After all, it was just a forest. What could possibly be in there that would cause problems?...

3 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 175 Remembrances 10Forest of Barriers

(A dark forest. The plotters are concealed among the trees, watching.) Sumita: What's that? Mumyoui: Someone's coming. A woman. The woman... (Tomoe is walking up the path, towards them.) Nakajou: She's half a day late. Thank your lucky stars, kid. If she'd been any later I'd have killed you--huh? Hey, where's the brat? Tatsumi: I sent him to Battousai. In all things, there will be no oversight. Well, this woman. What news will she bring for us? (A little later. Tatsumi, Nakajou...

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Fallers Forest

After the divorce, I was unsure of what to do. I had my high-paying job, but without my family, and specifically without my daughter, I found no pleasure in the job. I had made my money already, and still had plenty left even after the divorce (thank goodness for prenuptial agreements), so I did not need to worry about having enough money to survive. Ever since I was a young child, I had loved auto racing. I would watch avidly, and I had spent plenty of time in the arcades of the 1980s and...

2 years ago
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My Fucking Forest

My Fucking Forest I needed some help and my sister-in-law needed a break from Beth. Well Beth is short for Bethany and she just turned fourteen and apparently gained an attitude. So it was, that we were stuck with each other for the entire summer. I was a confirmed bachelor as it was. Oh don’t get me wrong I have dated and once I even found the girl of my dreams, however I was too stupid to realize it. She found my brother. Yes, my sister-in-law is the girl of my dreams and has been...

2 years ago
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Legend Of Mystic Forest Ch 04

As we sat in the window staring out into the forest, Thalia was telling me that she missed all her woodland friends. A wet, heavy snow blanketed the forest and there is a haunting silence about the land. As the sun shines down on the snow, the ice crystals sparkle with a brilliant beauty. It looks like thousands of diamonds sparkling when the snow glistens in the sun rays. It seems the forest and the land takes time in the winter to rest. There is so much nature has to do with spring just...

5 years ago
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New Forest Fucking

We were camping in the New Forest near Ashurst a lovely site but crowded as the time covered a bank holiday period. As we weren't alone in the tent sex was a no go for us at the ttime, her parents with us, so we spent a lot of time sneaking away and fucking in the forest, it was a real turn on for us and we would sneak of any chance we could, as time passed we were getting more careless and just going into what we thought was a safe place and starting our fun. This particular day only mid...

2 years ago
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Wolf forest

Mona packed her backpack and test her SLR camera. She look bus timetable and hurry up her packing. She has tent and food for two days in her pack. Mona?s favorite genre in photography is wolves. She is 23 years old and have photographed wolves many years. Mona wait bus outside of old bus station. She look how small town wake up and peoples goes to work. Her bus come and Mona get in the bus. She give few dollars to the driver and sit down. Bus start and Mona see how it turn on very long and...

3 years ago
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Ravaging In The Forest reedit

byJag22© Albert Zoo Sandy was walking in the forest for about an hour, it could have been longer or shorter but it felt right to her. It was a warm and a hot summer night, it felt energised and vibrant in the forest, the air was moist and damp, the sound was intense, may it be the bird or insect the orchestra was in full sound, adding to the appeal of being in the outdoors. It was approaching dusk but being a beautiful summer night there was still abundance of light.... Sandy was a...

2 years ago
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The Forest NymphChapter 2

Three years had passed since Felix arrived at the forest and fallen in love with Serenity, and they were without a doubt the greatest years of his life. Every day consisted of lounging in the shade of the trees, swimming in deep sections of the creek, taking long strolls through the woods while basking in the sun, and exercising to stay fit. Every night consisted of dancing in the moonlight or sleeping in their small tree chamber, pressed tightly together under the warmth of their blanket....

2 years ago
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Legend Of Mystic Forest Ch 02

When I was through developing the film I looked at some of the best pictures I had ever taken. Putting the photos of my mystical princess aside, I went into town and showed them to the local newspaper. To my delight, they bought a few of the pictures to print in the next day’s paper. Mr. Darby, the editor, told me if I got more pictures he would like to see them. He offered me a job as a photo journalist, and seeing as I wasn’t really doing anything, I decided to take him up on his offer. A...

3 years ago
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MILF B and B Naked in the Forest

MILF B and B (Naked in the Forest)For those who have read MILF B and B this is my first return after meeting Jill. For those who haven’t read my earlier escapade, Jill is in her late forties with a mature body kept fit by hard work. Her boobs are warm and squidgy with a forest for a bush, mounted below a trim waist and between two firm thighs.I arrive for a weeks work. Normally I would be away for five days and travel back Friday evening. However, Jill’s ‘going home’ sex had me eager to return...

4 years ago
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Sean didn't like it when his sister Karen broke-up with a guy. Karen wasn't known for picking great guys to begin with and she was the type who always had to be attached to someone. When she wasn't she was known for making bad decisions and being, well, flighty. So when she called Sean on a cloudy Saturday and told him that she was going on a mountain bike ride in a local National Forest by herself, he tried to talk her out of it. Karen and Sean were the last two members of their family to...

4 years ago
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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 5 The Forest Glen

Days slipped into weeks as Collin kept an eye on things, he had Dame Agnes and Kurlew scrambling to account for the missing funds in the ledgers. Harriett was given the keys to the extra storage rooms, where all the spices, good wines and other stores were kept, the meals improved over night. Dame Agnes ran the girls ragged, cleaning all the rooms, the old rushes were taken outside and burnt, new rushes were put down, the fireplaces were scoured and things began to look much better. In the...

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Book 2 Bitsys StoryChapter 12 The Forest

Collin, Brand, and his Grandfather had just gotten settled in the library when the door opened and Trink sauntered in, "Didn't plan on having a meeting without me, now did yea." Brand and Collin just groaned, the old gentlemen grinned at Trink and offered him a seat. Trink opened his mouth to say something, when Brand quickly said "tea, we are drinking tea tonight, its good for the system." Trink just winked at the old gentlemen and muttered. Everyone sat in silence, finally the old...

4 years ago
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The Black Forest Germany

The Black forest in Germany. When I asked my wife what she was fantasizing about, when she orgasmed while masturbating, she took me back 5 years in time, when we were on a midweek vacation in the black forest in Germany.We were hiking true the beautiful forest with its hills, hiking trails and an occasional small waterfall. Nature at its best. And no one around. We had been walking for 2 hours, and only at the beginning of our walk we encountered an elderly couple, though very fit looking.We...

3 years ago
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Ori WarForest stalkers

I was born in the northeast and my mother died giving birth. My father raised me in the forest where we hunted, trapped or collected herbs and spices. I fired my first weapon when I was five and killed a Liger when I was six. They were huge forest cats that hunted more than animals. By ten I could track anything that walked, ran or flew. By fourteen I was hunting on my own to support my father. He died before I turned eighteen and that was when war came to Alexander. I joined the foresters...

4 years ago
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What happens in the forest

About a hour went by and I was considering to start my journey back when Ben raised his head and sniffed, obviously fetching the scent of something. One second later he started to sprint into the forest. I sighed and followed his trail slowly. I knew he wouldn't run far, nor really hunt any game so I wasn't too worried. But at least for a short time he would follow his nose and calling him wasn't likely to change his mind. A moment later I heard a happy bark followed by a surprised scream...

4 years ago
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My Encounter with a Forest Nymph

Growing up in Alaska, my father would take me fishing to his secret spot in the Chugach National Forest. He taught me all about the animal and plant life found there along with identifying animal tracks and witnessed the Aurora Borealis many times. He would tell tales of the wood nymphs who lived in and protected the forest. I asked him if he ever saw a wood nymph and his only response was a look of knowing.When I turned eighteen, he told me it was time for me to go on a solo one week trip and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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a walk in the forest

a walk in the forestIt was one of those early summer days when the air is warm and the sun is shining but its not to hot. I had just started my summer break and i did decide to take a walk just outside the vilaye I live in there are a forest that almost nobody spends time in. It was about ten O'clock so I did just pull on a light blue dress that was down to my knees and white sneakers. My long brown hair that almost look like gold in the sun was free and I started to walk and before i knew it i...

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Shaving my S1ster Janersquos Forest

Shaving my S1ster Jane’s ForestI’m David, a horny 18 year old. Athletics has been my life so my body is in perfect shape. I’ve fucked many girls during my many competitions – all stunners. I have a steady girlfriend but I’m besotted with Jane. Jane is my step s1ster. Two years younger than me and totally unobtainable.I spy on my fantasy whenever I can. Jane sometimes leaves the bathroom door a jar. Tonight the bathroom light was off but the shower is backlight. The red glow shows her silhouette...

4 years ago
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black forest adventure

Marlene gazed at herself naked in her bedroom mirror and decided she needed a shave. Mainly under her armpits. Apart from the occasional light trim, she never shaved elsewhere. She looked down under in the mirror and admired the growth between her legs. She had never found it a disadvantage to be unshaven down there. No more a disadvantage than having a petite body with small breasts. The combination went well together. Many men found tiny tits and a hairy bush a turn on. She had once...

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The Forest Nymph

The Forest Nymph The hunter paced silently through the forest, his bow held at a low ready. The sunlight that pierced the thick canopy was tinted a faint green, and a pale smoky mist collected around the forest floor. The hunter stood a proud 6'4'', and was nude but for his quiver and a small animal skin bag. His powerful lean frame attested to his hunting prowess; his muscles stood like knotted ropes, earned by a lifetime of chasing his meals. He had lost count of his age; his kind did not...

3 years ago
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The Ghost on Forest Lane

On Forest Lane a ghost resides,who in the darkness howls and cries.In moonless night he strolls outside,to find a victim for his plight.A careless soul he’ll bind and tow,into his basement down below.To use his soul for better or worseto find a way, to break the curseThis silly rhyme was told to scare the young c***dren of the town of Woodbury. Fifty years ago a tragic event had occurred in the quiet town with their sleepy inhabitant. The local doctor had died in a ‘tragic accident’ as it was...

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The Other side of the Forest Chapter 2

This story takes place in the Enemyoffun DarkRealms Universe Chapter 2 Walter Marvin tossed an empty beer can across the living room in disgust. On top of his game for many years, his life started to spiral out of control when his wife found him in bed with another woman. For some reason she seemed bitter but was it really his fault her fault that her business trip was cut short. In no time, she cleared out her things, most of their bank account and left without a word....

2 years ago
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Wonderful Sex In Forest

Hi, I am sam with one of my good gay experience in a forest. Me and one of my college decided to have a trip. We went to voganegal(near to Bangalore) in tamil nadu. Its the place famous for water falls .We planned two days and a night and planned to get into the forest to take some photographs of birds. Morning around 11:30 AM we reached booked a room and we got ready around 3:00pm to get inside the forest. We reached the forest area around 4:00. We took his camera and I took some food...

Gay Male

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