Family Tradition Of Bondage Pt. 01 free porn video

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The story was edited by Vixen4770. I wanted to thank her publicly for her efforts and advice, it was gratefully appreciated.

This is a work of fiction, the names used are fictional. Any relation to any person, real or imagined, living or dead, is purely unintentional and accidental.


Sherri drove her bright yellow Kia Sportage home. It was after 9:30, earlier than she had expected, or perhaps hoped would be a better word, and she was depressed. She was also a little tipsy she admitted to herself. ‘You should have waited and sobered up before leaving the bar’ said her little voice, which had the annoying habit of speaking in the voice of her Grandmother. The above two conditions would have been enough to make the night ripe for disaster, but it was also raining. One of those late spring downpours that Saint Louis and it’s surrounding area are well known for. She had been in the bar, hoping to find Mr. Right, and unwilling to settle for Mr. Right Now. The usual collection of losers and Jackals included married men pretending to be single, single men trying to pretend to be cool or hip, or sensitive, or whatever they had read in Vogue this week. Sluts trying to play hard to get, mixed with middle aged desperation trying to find someone to address their own personal biological clock. Sherri knew something was missing, and she was searching for it, or more precisely, him.

She had tried online dating, and that was the most dismal of all failures. The six guys the computer decided she would match up with were in order, a wannabe Minister who was hoping to find a wife to help him spread the Gospel. Look, she believed in God, she just had trouble with the idea that God’s messenger had no chin. The second one was a used car dealer, and he acted just like a used car dealer, even at the restaurant, guiding her carefully to the cheap and easy to pay for choices on the menu. Sherri rolled her eyes at that one. The others had been going downhill and gaining speed quickly. Where were the cowboys, and the John Wayne types. The men who would be men instead of some shallow imitation of Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible IV, addicted to mirrors.

She like to say she lived in Saint Louis, but the truth was, she was a small fish, in an even smaller pond. She lived in Wildwood Missouri, and worked in a slightly larger bedroom community called Clayton, which is just outside of Saint Louis. She was three years out of Law School, after graduating Cum Laude from the University of Illinois, with a dismal future ahead of her.

She had screwed up, in her Constitutional Law class by losing her temper. She had submitted a paper, well researched, referring to the Federalist Papers no less than 12 times. Letters to and from Hamilton and Adams were noted. Pointing out that the Supreme Court had, in Marbury V. Madison, violated the Constitution and all the activist decisions since had been based upon that improper decision, in which the US Congress had abdicated it’s responsibility and done nothing.

Sherri regretted that paper more than she could have imagined. Granted, she believed it, but she knew the professor, and knew that he thought the sun rose and set on the collective asses of the Supreme Court, and how much he loved their glorious decisions to which there was supposedly no constitutional bias. That had buried her. She rubbed her eyes, hoping to get the inevitable tears to stop before they began. After that, she might have saved herself the time, and dropped out of law school. Except she was stubborn, and too stupid to quit. She graduated, not at the bottom of her class, but in the bottom ten percent. Her other professors had been scandalized to learn of her un-lawyerlike beliefs. Now, she was here, on the backside of Saint Louis.

Sherri wiped her eyes, and tried to ignore her future. All she now qualified for was twenty five or even thirty years of tax law, the most anal portion of the law. With luck, she might show enough promise at Whitman and Parker, the firm she worked at, to be trusted with corporate law or with Byzantine regulations that made real estate seem simple and concise. The only bright spot in her life was the fact she didn’t have to resort to chasing ambulances. Personal injury, God what a nightmare.

Sherri sighed, she wanted to prosecute criminals, or defend the innocent. She wanted to help good and decent people with little or no hope, and here she was doing tax law for minor league corporations who were pretending to be mediocre. If she was going to do corporate law, she wanted to answer to one person, or one man perhaps. Anything but an endless chain of command.

Sherri looked away from the road and down, trying to find a CD to listen to, to get her mind off her worries. She never saw him, she never looked up in time. She felt the bump as her wheels drove over him. First the front tires, then the back, at thirty three miles an hour. Sherri jammed her foot on the brake, and the Kia skidded to a stop. She jumped out, and ran back, and saw immediately that the man was dead. His chest was caved in, he was an old man, wearing a dark jacket and dark gray pants. He was laid out on the street where her rolling car had hit him and shoved him along. She stared in shock, unable to move.

‘Shit I’m drunk, I’ll blow positive, and get a DUI, coupled with Vehicular Manslaughter, that would equal Murder Two, 20 years in prison.’ she screamed in her head. ‘I killed that man, and now I’m really screwed.’

She had just decided to run, to try and save her life, pathetic as it was, when headlights came around the corner from the rear. Bright ones, but it was a quarter mile or more. She could do it, she could run and get away.

Sherri fled to her car some 60 feet away, and rammed it into gear, flooring the accelerator, she sped away as fast as the car would go.

The mini-van was driven by Robert Louis Mason, and it was the worst possibility for Sherri, or best depending on your point of view. Robert Louis Mason was among a number of other things, a Private Detective, who was cursing his luck and searching in vain for a target he was tailing. It was an insurance scam which wasn’t really his style, but he was bored and looking for something to tempt his intellect. He knew this wasn’t it, but it might fill a few hours. He had left the digital mounted surveillance camera on and if he found the scamming son of a bitch he was looking for, he could easily edit out the past hour of driving blindly around looking for him. If he didn’t find his target, the digital camera storage system would erase with the click of a couple buttons.

Robert saw the man, and saw the girl run. ‘Shit!’ he thought, ‘She hit him, and now she’s running.’ He saw the car accelerate away, and he stopped by the man in the street. One glance to Roberts experienced eye let him know it was too late, the man was dead. What was he doing out here? Robert killed his lights and raced after the fleeing car.

Sherri saw the lights stop, and then vanish. ‘He must have automatic lights, and he turned the engine off.’ she thought. She turned another corner, and headed for home. ‘Another ten miles’, she told herself, ‘Another ten miles and I’ll be safe.’ She could hide, and think it through.

Robert was behind her, invisible in the dark. If a cop saw him, he would have a hell of a time explaining why he was driving with no lights. He followed her to a house, and slowed with the emergency brake to keep his tail lights from flashing on. He made a mental note to have a switch installed to kill that feature, then he noted that it wasn’t the first time he had made that note.

He turned the camera and watched the woman rush into her house. ‘Shit!’ he groaned, ‘She’s in a blind fucking panic.’ He saw Sherri stumble, ‘No, she is in a blind, drunk fucking panic!’

Robert shook his head and almost called the police. He had dialed the first digit of 911 on his phone, and then hesitated. Robert then wondered if he should consider
ignoring this night. He checked the video to see if it was something they could use. He downloaded the video onto his laptop, and then scrolled through most of it. It would be in the last 15 minutes or so. There he was going around the corner, and there. He grabbed the frame and put it into a photo editing program. He increased the zoom and the light, enhanced the picture and there she was, Miss Drunken Runner. Not a great pose for her he decided, with her eyes bugging out of her head, blind panic on her face.

Robert looked at her, Who was she he wondered?

Well no problem there. Robert connected to the wireless internet network. He then brought up one of his bookmarked sites, county tax information. ‘Let’s see if this house is resided in by the owner.’ he thought. He brought up the address, and yes, resided in by owner. One Sherri Samantha Chenowith. Sounds like an old money family where the money ran out a couple of generations ago. Robert smiled, he was nouveau riche, with emphasis on the riche as far as he was concerned.

He had won the Lottery some ten years ago, one of those gigantic jackpots, and had more money and thus influence than he could easily manage himself, but he didn’t trust anyone else to manage it for him. He invested it by buying businesses, and then put a person that he did trust not to steal from him, in charge of the new company. He owned several companies now, and their CEO’s answered to him. He was a PI for one reason, he owned a security company. You were supposed to be a PI if you owned a security company, at least that seemed to be the wisdom. Hey he liked to joke to himself, who couldn’t use a couple hundred million. September 11th had really increased his security business. Everyone was worried about terrorism, even third rate companies in a dying business. They paid him well to put people on gates, install security systems, and then run checks on employees.

‘OK, Sherri, who are you?’ He punched her name into another search program and found three hits. One lived here, so that was her. A lawyer, shit she should know better. ‘Whitman and Parker, tax and corporate guys’ he read, and there was her headshot for the company. He brought that picture up, and saw she was cute, young at 26, but cute. He focused on her eyes, then turned and looked at her house which was still dark. She was probably laying on the floor and crying, trying to sober up enough to think.

Robert considered the eyes, they were the same eyes he had drawn in the hospital fifteen years ago. The same eyes he had seen in the fevered delusion in the jungle. The little green spot under the pupil of the right eye. Sherri had the eyes he had seen in that vision. The decision was already made he realized, and he needed to move now. He had to act to protect her, or he might miss the moment that destiny had given him.

Robert started his car, and drove away quietly with the lights off, until he got down the street. He drove home. He needed more information, and he needed time to consider. He didn’t have much time to do either task well, but perhaps just well enough.

Sherri was doing just as Robert thought, laying on the floor and crying. She was weeping at the loss of her pathetic existence for an even more dismal future existence unless the police didn’t find her. She had to hide to keep from talking to them. She tried to tell herself ‘Volunteer nothing, give up nothing, if you don’t talk, then they can’t use it against you. Let them try and prove the case.’

Sherri got up and went to her room, where she cried herself to a short and troubled sleep. Emotionally drained, she slept fully clothed, still wet from the rain, and woke at 6am with a hangover from hell. Her head pounded, and it actually took 10 minutes to remember the night. Her eyes popped open and color drained from her. Had she really run like that? Oh my God, what had she done?

Robert had a full night, and used every minute of it. He grabbed for every piece of information on Sherri he could get. Her thesis at college was in a searchable database, but her law school ones would need to be mailed. No problem there, wait and see if you want it.

He read her credit report, her payments were mostly minimums, but all on time. She graduated top of the class from the university, why is she here? This is a small pond for someone like that. Student loans, lots of them, so no old money even with the name. He saw that she wasn’t drowning in debt, but she wasn’t getting very far above it either.

He brought up banking records, and on the fifth try, figures. He found her balances. She didn’t have much, just over $2,600 in combined checking and savings accounts.

Phone records. OK, DSL, the low one, and not much long distance. Looking at the other databases, she has a sister in Portland, married. Phone bill, no Portland numbers. Cell phone, fourth try this time, and there she is, no Portland calls. Check back, three months ago Sherri had called Portland, now back to the page for the database, her sisters birthday.

Robert was liking what he saw, a loner, isolated, out on Friday Night, drunk, DUI, and hit and run. Lawyer with mediocre future, despite a high start from the University of Illinois. That bothered him, normally the Laude folks ended up in Law School, and then on Wall Street or the Chicago version. What happened, how did she plummet like this?

Robert filled out the online forms, and asked for Sherri Chenowith’s writings, and any transcripts. OK, now burn the DVD with the incriminating footage, get the player, and make the contract. By 6am, he was almost ready. He shaved, and changed to a shirt and tie with a great jacket, he needed to look very successful, and very capable to pull this off.

He placed a call to Bobby, his part timer. He answered with his customary ‘Yes’ no wasted words that Bobby.

‘I need you, get the pickup, and the white panel trailer, the big one, we’re grabbing a car.’

‘OK, where?’ Bobby said.

Robert gave the address, and then told Bobby where to take the car at 8:12 exactly.

Robert then planned out the morning, and at 7:20 got into his Audi and drove to Sherri’s house.

He saw Bobby parked on the next street as he drove by. His plan was to be there no more than 10 minutes before Bobby pulled up and backed in.

He grabbed his prepared briefcase, and walked to the front door. He rang the bell, when no one answered in the first minute, he knocked…hard. The door opened, and the silly girl was wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt. Not matching. Robert shook his head, and then introduced himself.

‘Hi Sherri, today is your lucky day, I am Robert Mason, and I am your fairy fucking Godfather, here to keep you out of prison.’

Sherri went pale with shock. Robert hesitated, wondering if he could pull this off. She wasn’t thinking yet. Damn, she was still in hide and deny mode.

‘Sherri, we have work to do, and it may look suspicious if someone drives by and sees me standing here talking.’ Robert glanced around as if checking. ‘Please invite me in if you don’t want to go to prison.’

Sherri finally found her voice and it wasn’t much ‘Are you the police?’ She realized it was stupid, that was a Brooks Brothers suit or better. Custom tailored to fit at that, which meant way more than a cop could afford. Think she demanded of herself.

Robert sighed, ‘I am not the police, I’m a man with the means and capability to keep you out of prison. Or guarantee you go, your choice. Make it now.’

Sherri stood back and let Robert in. He acted very confident, which didn’t help Sherri’s frame of mind. She was scared, terrified really, and she didn’t know what to do. This man was confusing the hell out of her.

Robert sat on the couch and opened his briefcase. ‘I am a private investigator, and the driver of the van who you saw last night.’ he began. He opened the DVD player and pushed play on it when the screen lit. ‘As you can see, the camera I had was
on trying to find my target to tail, so I have video of you running to your car, and leaving the scene. I cut the next several minutes for our purposes, but please believe me, I have video of your car the whole way. Here you can see you running into your house, and stumbling, apparently drunk, or otherwise impaired. That would be the conclusion considering you spent $56.34 at the bar last night.’ Robert closed the DVD player and turned to Sherri who was sitting in a chair pale as a ghost.

‘Do you want to go to prison?’ Robert asked slowly and without a bit of preamble.

‘No, I, No I don’t’ Sherri finally managed to get out. He had it all, she was screwed, she was going to prison, she had to think, but there was nothing to think. No attorney could fight that, no jury would believe it was all faked, too much, there was too much. She started to tear up and fought it demanding herself to be strong.

‘Sherri what would you do to remain free from Prison?’ asked Robert.

What Sherri thought, and then gave voice to the thought. ‘What?’

‘What would you do to stay out of Prison?’ asked Robert one more time more slowly.

‘What, anything, please I have some money, please.’ she begged, she saw a glimpse of light at the end of an impossibly long and dark tunnel.

‘Here is what we are going to do, you are going to sign a confession, read it for the camera and sign an agreement, simply stating that you will do what I ask when asked.’ Robert said giving her the papers.

The first, the agreement was all of two sentences. The second, a full confession with too much detail to be a bluff. She thought for a few seconds, her mind scrambling. She looked up and Robert was setting up a small video camera.

‘I can’t sign this, it’s a confession.’

‘Sherri, if you sign that, your car will vanish, I will make it vanish. Additionally I will give you an alibi for last night.’ he paused, hearing the sound of the pickup backing, Bobby was here.

‘Sherri we don’t have time for this, the police probably have broken glass at the scene, they are tracing it now. They will then start to trace it to owners of that particular type of car, there is undoubtedly other trace evidence, something to link the car to the scene. The crime lab is very good, and methodical. The only way to beat them is to move fast, and deny them the evidence to link.’ Robert had the camera powered up. ‘one of my people is outside right now, in ten minutes if I haven’t given him the sign, he will drive away, and I leave right behind him. You can hear the truck, look out the window. The car vanishes, we arrived at your home, and call the police to report the car missing. You were with me last night, I swear to it, and you are home free, so long as I don’t spill the beans, and I am not going to do that if you cooperate. Now Sherri, either read that for the camera, and sign it, or I leave. Decide, and decide now.’ Robert told her.

Sherri knew all he said was true, no evidence, no crime. The police would think some kids had stolen her car, and run the old man over. She could get away with it. But to sign the confession, she would be committing suicide. ‘If we change the wording some.’ She tried to negotiate.

Robert closed the camera, and put the DVD player in the briefcase. ‘Have a good time in Prison Sherri’ he said as he started to close the briefcase.

Sherri felt the panic rising again and cried ‘No please, I’ll do it, but please, don’t leave.’ Sherri admitted to herself, she was panicked, she was desperate, and she had no choice.

She sat and waited for the camera, and then read the document out loud, and then signed both documents on camera. She raged at herself but she didn’t see a way out. It was do what he wanted, however vague that was, or go to jail.

She handed over the documents with a trembling hand. Tears filled her eyes, she was terrified, and prayed he was right, she would get out of this.

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The pleasures of bondage

It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...

2 years ago
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Slave Girls in Bondage

Slave Girls in Bondage Chapter 72 Another dastardly plot! More innocent women bound and turned into slavegirls. While the travesty never end? I hope not. Her name was Shirley Simpson and she was a minor functionary in some partof some big company. Her office, for some strange reason, had an incredibleturn over in clerks. It seemed they were hired, and within a couple weeks,they would disappear. Nobody really cared except for the personnel office thatwas tired of filling out all the...

1 year ago
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My Weekend In Bondage

I received an e-mail from a couple lesbian friends of mine. Angi and Jenny asking me, if I wanted to go in with them and rent a cabin at Government Camp for the weekend. For my friends who don't know where Government Camp is located, it's a small high mountain community East of Portland, Oregon at the base of Mt. Hood. It gets lots of snow there over 6 feet during the Winter. We lucked out, it hasn't started to snow yet while we was there. Anyways, the Ladies asked me to meet them there about...

3 years ago
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A Topless Texas Tradition Chapter Two

She was talking me into it now. I couldn't believe it. Another person was going to do this. I wasn't going to be the only weird one on campus."But you heard Dr. Spiros, people stopped doing this," I protested."PHFT so what? So, some perv has a dirty picture. Doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to show our bodies."I held my breath as I took off her T-shirt and held it out awkwardly in front of me along with my books. Sam took a second with the tiny white covering as I saw how truly...

1 year ago
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My family tradition

I come from a town in India… We have a barber a hair salon, a small restaurant, a nick knack and used furniture store as well as a saloon where all the locals hang out. Most everyone in our family is related. I will explain later in the story. I am laying here in bed contemplating my life and wondering what my future is going to be. In some ways from a sexual point of view, it has been good and in other ways, you may say terrible. My name is Betty Jo, I am 18 and most men think I am pretty or...

2 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 11 Southern Tradition

Saturday afternoon ED LOOKED AROUND THE ROOM. Five guys, all white, not surprising since they all hated everyone who wasn’t white. They were all men he’d decided he could trust. Except perhaps for Jones. He’d joined them with a recommendation from the Sons of Liberty down in Florida, but there was something about him Ed didn’t like. Ed smiled to himself as he thought about the reaction of the city’s Department of Parks and Recreation if they knew what the Southern Tradition boys were using...

4 years ago
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Carolyns Introduction to Bondage

Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...

Wife Lovers
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Carolyns Introduction to Bondage

Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...

Wife Lovers
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Teaching Jenn Tie and Tease Bondage

I have trained maybe 6-8 women now how to safely tie up their man for some added spice and fun, but Jenn will always be my favorite!!Jenn was not the first woman I had ever trained how to tie and tease a man. She was just the first of several that I taught whom I had met only for the express purpose of teaching. We had worked out all of the details through PM’s on XHAMSTER and then I agreed to rent the hotel room of her choice and provide a variety of things that could be used so she could...

3 years ago
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Nurse Bondage

Lee started here about a month ago. He's a doctor, about 29, over 6 feet tall, dark hair, and very handsome. He's everything a girl could want, smart, funny, and a real hunk. Anyway, we both work what they call the late shift, from one to ten, when the clinic closes. Sometimes, things get hairy, but not often. Past nine o'clock, the place usually gets pretty dead. If they have a runny nose, or their back hurts, they wait till morning. As a result, there aren't to many people working past eight....

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Nurse Bondage

Lee started here about a month ago. He's a doctor, about 29, over 6 feet tall, dark hair, and very handsome. He's everything a girl could want, smart, funny, and a real hunk. Anyway, we both work what they call the late shift, from one to ten, when the clinic closes. Sometimes, things get hairy, but not often. Past nine o'clock, the place usually gets preaty dead. If they have a runny nose, or their back hurts, they wait till morning. As a result, there aren't to many people working past eight....

3 years ago
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Caught in Bondage

************************************************************************* This little vignette was written as the dream ending to my last dress up it is, it will never happen.....but one can always dream! ************************************************************************* So here I am covered head to toe in PVC as per Master Stanley's instructions. Master Stanley being my online master. Black PVC body, thigh high boots and shoulder length gloves. A latex hood hides...

1 year ago
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My Introduction to Bondage

Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, with the exception of bondage. The idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party. Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He's really into bondage and he's always been after me to give it a try. Anyway, Steve’s 50th birthday was coming up, so Mark and I decided that as his gift we'd...

2 years ago
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The Conflicts of Magic Tradition and Society Caught Breaking the Rules

So, yeah, this story contains sex. It contains weird stuff as well. I'm doing my best, though, to make this story very worthwhile. It's going to have likeable characters that will be developed by action instead of discription. I think that it's time that I make a good, well-written story. Keep in mind that this little message is being written before-hand. I'm going to try and collaborate with people to make it a good one. I've been kind of inspired from reading a lot of...

2 years ago
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The Circle of Life a Harry Potter ImaginingChapter 5 Tradition

It is an ancient custom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the new intake of pupils, upon arrival at the school, to first line up in front of the Sorting Hat to begin the process that in some ways will determine their experiences for the rest of their school days, and perhaps their lives. Professor McGonagall tapped a spoon upon a glass. Although faint, the clink of the glass, like the ringing of a bell, could clearly be heard, commanding instant silence. "First of all, let...

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Family Tradition0

Family Tradition I was a fifteen-year-old boy at the time and a horny son-of-a-bitch according to my fourteen-year-old sister Bianca. I had been fucking her twice a day for a few months. I would fuck her before school and after school. If I got a chance I would also fuck her at bedtime but that was dangerous because our parents were home then. Sure enough we got caught one night. Mom came into Bianca’s room and there I was just about to cum in my sister. We were both in the throws of...

4 years ago
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Family Tradition1

Joseph and John grew up together, and even attending the same boarding school and college. It was no surprise that they were so close, having such similar backgrounds and being members of the two wealthiest families from the same small town in Pennsylvania. They were inseparable, so much so that no one was shocked at the announcement that John's daughter would marry Joseph's son. It was a huge event for their town, with everyone being invited to watch Rose Acker marry Frank Porter. Lucas,...

4 years ago
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Tradition and Triumph Once More

I woke up with a start and realized that Srila was twenty-five minutes late. Just as I toyed with the thought of calling her, there was a sharp knock on the door! I peeked through the viewer and my heart sank as I saw the uniformed hotel concierge instead. I opened the door irritated and was about to be snappy when I saw her standing by his side. ‘Good evening, sir,’ the smiling young lad greeted. ‘The lady was lost trying to find your room.’ I ignored him while Srila thanked him as he...

2 years ago
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Susans first bondage

She checked her instructions carefully for at least the tenth time in the last half an hour, the printed sheet now crumpled from repeated folding and unfolding, Number 17 Naysmith drive, left out of the station, down Arkwright street for three hundred yards and turn left at the Red Lion into Merethorpe Gardens and then second left. The high arch of the honeysuckle shrouded pergola gateway loomed above the street, setting No 17 apart from it's matching stone Edwardian town house...

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A Penny-Worth of bondage My name is Worth, Penny Worth, and I love being in bondage, yep I know that`s a conversation stopper but it is the truth! It all started when I was c***d by my reckoning, my mother leaving me in a harness on a dog chain to stop me wandering away when she was doing housework or working round the garden! It was done with the best of intentions by loving parents but its left its mark on my brain. Anyway I now have a kink about being chained up and most of my friends...

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Sininlaw in Bondage

My husband's younger brother lives with us while he attends college. We have fixed up a room for him in our basement. Sometimes I clean his room and one day, I came across a box under his bed that was full of pornographic magazines. Many of them dealt with bondage. The magazines had color photos of nude woman tied up in all kinds of positions. I just couldn't understand the appeal of being tied up like that and on a lark I wrote my brother-in-law a note and stuck it in the magazine. I told him...

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Susans first bondage

She checked her instructions carefully for at least the tenth time in the last half an hour, the  printed sheet now crumpled from repeated folding and unfolding, Number 17 Naysmith drive, left out of the station, down Arkwright street for three hundred yards and turn left at the Red Lion into Merethorpe Gardens and then second left.The high arch of the honeysuckle shrouded pergola gateway loomed above the street, setting No 17 apart from it's  matching stone Edwardian town house neighbours, she...

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Celebrity Bondage

Female Celebrities both past and present have found themselves in a state of bondage. Who has done this to them? Was it of their own accord or the will of others? Is some higher being responsible for the celebrity’s current state of restraint or perhaps there is a supernatural aspect was involved? Are they the captive of some perverted wish made by a horny fan looking for some alone time? A clone of the original celebrity created by a mad scientist who wants a woman to warm their bed at night?...

3 years ago
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Spicing up the act Part two The bondage

Spicing up the act. Part two; The Bondage. We fell back on the bed, totally exhausted. It had been yet another marathon sex session, only this time, it was as Jason and Annie. We were celebrating our third wedding anniversary and after a celebratory meal at the local pub with friends and family we had retired to the family home where we ended up in the bedroom. We were exhausted, but not so exhausted that we couldn't manage it twice. We had also promised each other that if we...

1 year ago
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My first suspension bondage

All of my life I wanted to be tied up. I think I was in to bondage from day one. I started off doing self bondage in by bed room when I had the house to my self. I found ways to tie myself down to the bed spread eagle. I had to use a knife to cut my self free. I even was able to hog tie myself. One time I had a hard time getting to the knife to get free. mom, all most found naked and hog tied. But, I all ways wanted to be suspended. The thought of me hanging there naked and help less. At that...

First Time
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The Broken Tradition

Alex was born into a very prominent family. It was a tradition for the men in the Stephens family to attend college at Yale. Alex had been under a lot of pressure from his father to produce a letter of acceptance from Yale. Alex understood that Yale was quite an honor, but at the same time, he had no desire to attend Yale. An arts school in the mid-west caught his attention a few years ago. It was the school he had planned to attend, even if it was without his fathers blessing. When he told his...

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A Village Tradition About Mother And Son

Once there was an ancient village where widowed women used to be kidnapped by people living in surrounding villages. There was no one to protect them from those people and women used to be property to be claimed. Women used to be of that man who can claim her. For every woman, there used to be a husband who protected them from other men. But for the widows, there was no one who could risk their life. Widows were easy targets to get fucked and claimed as a wife by other men. So to protect them...

1 year ago
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As long as Shelly could remember, their family has had a twisted little Christmas tradition that any clothes or such that you got, you had to model them to the rest of the family. At least, that is what she had told Eric. At first, when Eric was dating Shelly, the garments were mild, such as a t-shirt with snoopy dressed as Santa or a pair of red plaid polyester dress pants. However, after they got married three years ago, the 'wearable' gifts he got more crass and risqué, such as a pair of...

3 years ago
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Family Tradition of Bondage Pt 06

This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. * Friday morning started as usual with the alarm, they skipped the workout and went straight for the shower. The night had been a late one when work comes early. Sherri lathered him up and washed him lovingly. This part of her morning ritual, washing her Master was becoming important to her, she cherished the intimacy and the feeling of...

4 years ago
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Family Tradition of Bondage Pt 05

Part 05: A Slave’s Life This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. * Sherri woke to the alarm clock’s gentle chiming and realized this was her first Monday as Robert’s slave. Robert didn’t move, and 20 seconds later, it stopped chiming. Sherri realized her first thought was of him again and her smile widened. She snuggled into him, and gripped the arm that was around her tighter. ...

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Becoming Daddys Good Girl Chapter 3 Sleepover Bondage

Chapter Three: Sleepover Bondage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I wanted to skip as I walked down the street to Sun's house. I wanted to throw my arms wide and skip, my body bursting with joy. Such excitement burned inside of me. Tonight was Friday. Tonight, Sun was spending the night and Daddy would make her into a good girl, too. We would go down into the basement and see Daddy's workshop. My eighteen-year-old body trembled in delight. I loved being Daddy's good girl. I was so...

1 year ago
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Umbreon and Bondage

"Hey Jason" She said walking into his house “you said you got something you want to try? Well I’m you’re girl", "Hey Willa I’m over here just give a second to finish things up here first" Jason said from his living room. Willa walked in and there was Jason on the couch over top of a girl. He was pounding his enormous cock into her cries filling the room as she orgasm. Just watching this scene made her wet and horny wishing she was the one getting pounded. "Hey Tano" She said...

4 years ago
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Twins Forest Bondage

It was excruciating. Hannah still hadn't made a move. Samantha was convinced she had left her waiting for over a hour by now. With her eyes and ears covered she couldn't check on her. Of course her fine hearing could not be completely dimmed, but it hindered her enough to get a clear picture. Hannah was probably on the other side of the clearing. A few moments ago Samantha had heard some noises from that direction. The whole situation was rather arousing for her. She tried to close her legs a...

2 years ago
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True Adventure In Public Bondage

This is an absolutely true story. To prepare for my evening, I have put on an outfit like I wish that I could wear all the time, everyday. First, I shower, and shave everything below my hair silky smooth. Then, I put on my complete, extremely heavy makeup, with concealer, foundation, powder, eyebow penciling, eyeshadows, eyeliner, several coats of mascara, blush, and glossy lipstick. I then begin dressing. I pull on my silky panties and Legg's Sheer Energy pantyhose. I put in some front...

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296 Essen bondage

296 Essen bondage, a case of careful what you wish for! Essen 1981, I was on a working trip there at the time, as a model for an underwear company, working with a team of three other models and a group of salesmen, none of whom I really knew as I work for an agency and had been called on to sub for one of their own. Anyway, it being Friday night, we went out with couple of the managers from the group I was working with, I suspect they felt obliged as the other girls worked for the group full...

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