Family Tradition Of Bondage Pt. 09 free porn video

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This is a continuing work of fiction, any resemblance to anyone or any place living or dead, real or imagined, is purely accidental.


Sherri woke thinking of him, and knowing this was the last day she would have to leave him. She smiled, knowing her dream, which a month ago she hadn’t known was a dream, was about to come true. They exercised, like always. She washed him and enjoyed the easy intimacy of it. She was sure Lisa would think it horrible, but it was nice, an intimate moment in the day, familiar, each comfortable in the role.

Sherri looked at her clothing for work, and was a little shocked. The skirt was shorter than she usually wore, it was about four inches above her knee. Not vulgar, but a bit more revealing than she usually wore. Hanging up along the wall, not to far, there was a longer skirt. She knew she had to choose, and knew what she wanted to wear, what she had become accustomed to. She took the shorter skirt, and dressed in it. She looked at herself in the mirror and gaped. The heels were a little higher, and her skirt hem was higher too. She saw her legs, with the faint tan that the time by the pool had given her. She looked at the other skirt, and sighed. She would try this once, and see how it felt. No panty hose, some strange suspender stocking combo, which ended well above her hemline. Her skirt would have to clear her ass before they were really visible, so it was fine she decided. She turned examined her ass in the mirror, and she decided it looked good. She went downstairs with a wicked smile on her face. Perhaps she would enjoy this after all. Men would look, and want, but the only one who got her candy was her Master. She felt the suspenders rub on her ass, and she suddenly stopped as she entered the kitchen. She was going to be a horny fucking slut by the time she got off work. Robert was experimenting, trying to see how horny she would get from the stimulation of the suspenders and the short skirt. She gaped as she realized his torture for her today.

Robert looked and smiled nodding. She narrowed her eyes at him. ‘Testing me again today Master?’ she asked.

‘Everyday my love, everyday is a test, what will we do in today’s situations?’ Robert replied.

‘I’ll spend the day tugging my skirt down.’ Sherri said.

‘If it’s uncomfortable, change to the other, you don’t have to wear that. You have a choice.’ Robert said.

Damn him, she did want to wear it, her legs looked good coming out from the skirt, she realized that when she had looked in the mirror. She had always hidden herself, camouflaged herself, and she had recently looked at pictures of fashion and women and BDSM. She had looked and seen that her legs looked good, and she was proud of them. Perhaps it was her Masters exercise, perhaps it was that she had suddenly seen them for the first time. Perhaps she was waking to the fact she was a beautiful woman with sex appeal, and it didn’t diminish her, it merely made her a woman. One who loved, and was loved.

Robert watched her and then put the food onto the table, and invited her to sit.

Sherri sat and considered. ‘Damn you, you know I want to wear this, and you know what it makes me, so you make it even more difficult for me.’ she said with anger in her voice.

Robert stopped chewing and looked at her. He wasn’t angry, he was surprised.

Sherri felt her anger diminish, she shouldn’t have said that. ‘Master, I’m sorry, please forgive me.’

‘Certainly my love, You are forgiven. However the decision is no longer yours. You will wear that skirt is that understood?’ he asked quickly.

‘Yes Master, thank you Master.’ she said.

‘Also, I think we need to make sure you understand that I will tolerate discussion, opinion, and even disagreements, as long as you remain respectful and obedient in expressing your opinion or point of view.’ said Robert without any anger, but with firmness.

‘Yes Master, your slave forgot herself.’ she said.

‘Good. Now your desk arrives today, and I have some men coming in to move the furniture around. Carmen and I will be occupied moving furniture, cleaning behind the furniture, and setting up the office. I also have the phone lines scheduled to move today.’ Robert said.

‘Good Master, your slave is excited to be working with you.’ she said.

‘First on your agenda is to find us a location for an office, and make sure it has a desk for you, and you are able to work there.’ said Robert.

‘Yes Master, I have a list of possible locations. I am hoping to have one selected by Monday at the latest Master.’ said Sherri.

‘Excellent, I am pleased.’ said Robert.

‘Thank you Master.’ she said.

Sherri ate her breakfast and considered for a moment. ‘Master, your slave has a question?’ she said

‘If I can answer, I will.’ said Robert.

‘Master, does your slave have any punishment coming? From my outburst earlier.’ she asked.

‘Perhaps, I will consider.’ Robert told her.

‘Master, if your slave has offended, she must be punished.’ she glanced at her watch, and said ‘I’m going to be late if I don’t go now. Shit.’

‘Have a good day slave, I’ll consider your punishment.’ he told her kissing her gently with love.

Sherri went to work, and she smiled as she enjoyed the thoughts of her own punishment later. She turned heads walking to the office, and realized she liked it, and didn’t like being a piece of meat. No, the didn’t like it part was something she was supposed to feel, that was what a liberated woman is supposed to think. She was trained to think she was not a piece of meat, and Robert had shown her she was, and more than that. She was an intelligent, sensual, and sexually active woman who knew what she was, and who she was. Perhaps not all the details, but she knew the rough outline.

She walked into the firm for what would be her last day. She saw the Receptionist look twice, her skirt was short, but not a mini skirt. She knew that. It was just shorter than those who knew her would expect.

She walked to Lisa’s desk and waved her into the office. Lisa had done a double take too. Sherri stopped and whispered to her. ‘Hi, how are you doing? I have a list of possible locations, Robert is excited about the project, and wants me to get started as soon as possible finding one.’

Lisa looked at the skirt again and said ‘I presume the realtor is a guy who loves nice legs?’

Sherri looked down and sighed ‘I wanted to try something new.’ she said. ‘Perhaps a bit short?’

‘Not for anyone else, just surprising on you Sherri.’ Lisa admitted.

‘Thanks, and I really appreciate the compliment.’ said Sherri waving Lisa into the office.

They talked about the locations for a few minutes. Then Sherri went about closing the last open file. Carl stuck his head in the office.

‘Hi Sherri, today’s the last day isn’t it?’

‘Yes Carl, in fact, I’m nearly done, another hour or so, and then I guess I’ll make the rounds and get started taking care of my new Client.’ said Sherri

‘Great, we are ready to offer any assistance we can. Have you decided what course your going to take?’ he asked obviously hopeful.

‘I haven’t yet decided but it starting to look like a good candidate for incorporation, but I’ll still need a permanent address for the corporation.’ she said.

‘Well we can serve that purpose you know.’ Carl Suggested.

‘Sure, and that is one of the attractive ideas behind that prospect.’ Sherri said giving the fuck hope. She had already decided, that this firm would get little of the work. She was going to oversee the tax stuff from the accountant. She was going to farm the stuff from the other companies to some tax firm, or firms, and this one may be one of them. Robert insisted on making sure the accountant didn’t have access to writing checks, or if he did, they had to be signed by him or her. He said he was going to tell the bank
to suspect every check, and call him if they had questions. More questions were better than no questions in his opinion until everyone got used to their limits.

Carl said he was going to get out of her way and let her finish. Sherri went and finished the work quickly.

Lisa took a phone call, rose and left her desk without speaking to Sherri. She was back in five minutes and looking upset, but happy.

‘Carl says I can leave an hour after you do. There is no reason for me to be here being a secretary when there is no one to do it for.’ Lisa told her.

‘Fuck him, leave with me in 20 minutes.’ Sherri said, suddenly angry at Carl.

Lisa smiled, and said ‘I think I’ll do that.’ and turned on her heel returning to her desk.

Sherri finished up in ten, and then boxed up the few remaining items. She walked to Lisa’s desk and said. ‘Box up your stuff, I’ll be back in ten minutes.’ she walked down the hallway to Carl’s office.

‘Carl, you have a minute?’ she said sweetly.

‘Sure Sherri, I see you have the file.’ He said happy she had finished and could now convince Robert that this firm was the best choice.

‘I do, and just talked to Lisa, you guys cut her loose?’ she asked just as sweetly.

‘Yes, we don’t have anyone who needs another secretary, and we didn’t see any reason for her to be hanging around until we found another Associate to sign on with us.’ Carl explained sadly.

‘I called Robert and he had a wonderful idea.’ Sherri said.

‘Really what was that?’ Carl asked concern creeping into his voice.

‘He suggested I take Lisa, and use her to set up some little storefront office, and use that as the corporation address. Then he asked why we couldn’t hire an accountant to do the book keeping, and I had no really good answer.’ she said like it was a new thought.

‘Well if he has us do it, then he knows someone will always be here, and always be available to answer the phone and handle any mail that comes in.’ said Carl, and he knew it was a lame answer as he said it.

‘I know, but Lisa is great, and with a couple form letters set up, she can probably do the correspondence without any real trouble.’ Sherri said. ‘Robert reminded me that I had often talked about how great Lisa was as a Secretary, and asked if he thought she could manage the office for us?’ Sherri shrugged like it was a natural thing. ‘I couldn’t very well say no, I mean, she has done everything well so far, and managing a storefront office couldn’t be that much bigger of a jump could it?’

Carl grew more uncomfortable. ‘Well I guess we could handle the tax and legal stuff for you all, that would be a big help right?’

‘Oh yes, it would.’ Sherri glanced at her watch, her ROLEX watch that Carl knew was there. ‘Any reason Lisa can’t leave with me? I want her to meet Robert and get hired on properly you know?’

‘Oh sure, that would be fine, and we’ll be looking forward to anything we can do for you.’ said Carl trying to figure out something else he could say. The fucking bitch just screwed them out of I don’t know how much money. Her and her boyfriend he thought.

‘Great, I’ll let her know. Give my best to Mr. Whitman will you?’ Sherri said breezing out of the office in her short skirt and great legs. She had an evil smile on her face and walked to Lisa’s desk. Together they walked out of the law firm, and drove to the mall for lunch.

Sherri asked Lisa to order for her, and then walked away towards the local electronics stores. She was back in ten minutes with a box in her hand.

‘Here you go Lisa, this way I get my GPS back, and you can still find your way around town.’ said Sherri.

Lisa looked it was the same model that Sherri had, and she knew it went for about $500, she had looked at them online after seeing how it worked on the way to Robert’s house. ‘Sherri, I can’t accept this, it’s too much’ she said.

‘Don’t worry about it, we’re friends, and we can split up and check as many of these today as we can. If you see one that is perfect, call my cell and I’ll let the GPS bring me to you.’ Sherri said reasonably. ‘Call it a perk or a welcome aboard gift or whatever.’ Sherri said.

‘Well, thanks, I mean really thank you. It works so well, even if the voice is annoying.’ said Lisa. ‘You get used to it I guess.’

Sherri nodded, and then after lunch they walked to Lisa’s car and then to Sherri’s car. They used Sherri’s laptop to get the GPS updated and programmed. In ten minutes they were done, and Sherri waved Lisa on her way.

She was just about to drive off when the cell rang. She smiled and answered who it had to be. Yes it was Robert, and yes she was out of work and starting on her first project for her new employer.

‘Great, the office here is under construction, and the Library is in the hallway upstairs. When the phone guys are done, it’ll be ready to move the furniture in. Suzanne insisted on making sandwiches for the guys, and Carmen is running around like a dervish taking care of everything.’ Robert told her.

Sherri smiled at the image of all the chaos, all for her. ‘Sounds like fun there.’ Sherri said.

‘It is.’ Robert said. The wished her a good day, and good luck in finding an office.

Sherri took off listening to the GPS annoy her around the city and she arrived as directed at the first place. She took one look at the Building, and decided they weren’t nearly this desperate for an office. This place was depressing and one day the janitor would find poor Lisa hanging from the rafters by a rope a suicide note clutched in her hand.

Sherri moved on, one was OK, another would do if nothing else could be found in the entire St. Louis area. She was starting to lose heart when her cell rang and she glanced at it expecting Robert. It was Lisa. Either she had given up, or was calling to say Success. ‘Hello.’ she answered.

‘I have it, Four rooms on the fourth floor of a building. The building was nice, glass and steel, but nice glass and steel, kind of tasteful. I explained what we needed and the Super showed me the offices available. The other is six rooms, and seemed kind of big. Nice area, nice cheerful hallways and color schemes. I hate to say this, but some were kind of depressing and I was considering asking for a raise.’

‘I know, I saw one and could just imagine you hanging from the rafters with a noose around your neck depression kills you know. Where are you?’ Sherri asked.

‘The fifth one’ and read the address, and said she and the Super would wait for her. Ten minutes no problem. He was sweet and patient. Sherri arrived and agreed the building was well landscaped, and was more pleasant than she remembered it looking on the computer screen. She met Lisa and the Super in the lobby, which had a rent a cop behind a desk. Security was good, and that was a big plus.

They looked at the four room and Sherri agreed it was excellent, One office for her friend Lisa, one for the Accountant, and another for a couple small desks which would rarely be used.

Sherri liked it, and called Robert to let him know. He laughed and said if all projects were solved this easily then it would be a breeze. No problem, pick one of them, give us a little room to grow, and we’ll end up growing if this is any indicator. It seems that one of the Vegas casinos is asking for Robert to take a look at them and submit a bid on a contract.

Sherri looked around, and then asked to see the six room office. The six room office was only a little larger, and the rooms were smaller. The windows seemed somewhat less cheery. She asked if there was someone she could call to arrange to lease the four room office which was available. The friendly Super said sure, and then took them down to the second floor, and into an office. Sherri was surprised that someone was on the property, usually these things were managed off site. After discussing with the property manager, who explained that this was run d
ifferently, the management was on site, able to handle any problem that may arise. The Super was great at repairing most problems within a day or so, and anything that was out of his ability was fixed within the next 24 hours.

Sherri liked that, she knew all too well the frustration of waiting for one guy who says he can’t fix it, and then the next guy is not able to either, finally someone shows up a week later to fix the drip from the ceiling that is now collecting in a waste can that has to be emptied twice a day. She took the contract, and explained that the suite would be leased in one name for about two months, and then when they had an address, they would incorporate, and then lease it in another name, the corporation name, for at least two years, with an option. The manager said no problem this wasn’t his first start up company, and gave her a decent rate for the two year lease, and then offered her a better rate for the five year lease, a long tenant is a better one she guessed. She said she would discuss it with the corporation President and CEO and let him know tomorrow.

She went outside and congratulated Lisa again, and told her to start thinking about office furniture. Four desks, forget a Reception area. Storage, filing that kind of thing, and something that the Accountant could use as a desk, perhaps a workstation so he or she could spread out.

Lisa promised to do some shopping tomorrow, and Lisa agreed to meet with her in the morning, at Roberts House, and fill out her employment paperwork, taxes she knew, and Uncle Sam and the State demanded their money first.

Sherri went home and was happy to find Robert lounging in his new office, OK, their new office. And told him he had a Corporate address, or would have tomorrow after she read the contract, and made sure they weren’t getting screwed. She told him about the two and five year rates, and the onsite management. Robert turned to his computer and started tapping on keys.

The Building was owned and managed by a corporation that existed on that address, good credit, paid bills on time which probably meant they were solvent. They didn’t seem to own any other buildings and Robert decided it was probably something a Lawyer came up with to spend his money on, an investment. One Robert hadn’t considered, but now was starting to.

Sherri finished the contract, and decided it was probably OK. She understood the need for an early termination penalty, but it worried her. It also prohibited them from subletting the Suite should they need more room. That was fine, as she didn’t see the probability in two years, however if they went with five, they might.

Robert glanced at his watch, and saw Sherri sitting at her own desk and reading the contract again. He snapped his fingers and went ‘Oh yes, I almost forgot, your punishment.’

Sherri smiled and wondered what he was going to do to, or for, her. ‘Yes Master, your slave was bad this morning, and should be punished.’

‘Yes you were, however first let’s get you dressed. The clothing you are to wear tonight is downstairs. Please go get dressed and come back up here.’ Robert told her.

Sherri stood and setting the contract on her desk moved from the room to carry out his orders. She was looking forward to this, he had obviously thought about it.

She got downstairs and gaped at the dress he wanted her to wear. It was a stretch dress sort of, too thin to be a dress, perhaps a nightgown of some sort. She saw items on the counter, a chain with a gold pendant, a bondage pendant she realized. A velvet choker with ‘Slave’ on it in silver.

Sherri looked at the shoes, four inch heels, in black, with an ankle strap, and small padlocks on to fasten the straps.

Sherri looked at the thong, and gaped again. It was nearly transparent, thin material, perhaps silken blend. She stripped out of her ‘work clothes’ and started to put her ‘dinner clothing’ on. She picked up the Thong and then she noticed the other items. They were on the shelf, and she knew where they belonged, and they didn’t belong there. Robert intended her to use them, and bring them along.

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The pleasures of bondage

It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...

2 years ago
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Slave Girls in Bondage

Slave Girls in Bondage Chapter 72 Another dastardly plot! More innocent women bound and turned into slavegirls. While the travesty never end? I hope not. Her name was Shirley Simpson and she was a minor functionary in some partof some big company. Her office, for some strange reason, had an incredibleturn over in clerks. It seemed they were hired, and within a couple weeks,they would disappear. Nobody really cared except for the personnel office thatwas tired of filling out all the...

1 year ago
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My Weekend In Bondage

I received an e-mail from a couple lesbian friends of mine. Angi and Jenny asking me, if I wanted to go in with them and rent a cabin at Government Camp for the weekend. For my friends who don't know where Government Camp is located, it's a small high mountain community East of Portland, Oregon at the base of Mt. Hood. It gets lots of snow there over 6 feet during the Winter. We lucked out, it hasn't started to snow yet while we was there. Anyways, the Ladies asked me to meet them there about...

3 years ago
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A Topless Texas Tradition Chapter Two

She was talking me into it now. I couldn't believe it. Another person was going to do this. I wasn't going to be the only weird one on campus."But you heard Dr. Spiros, people stopped doing this," I protested."PHFT so what? So, some perv has a dirty picture. Doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to show our bodies."I held my breath as I took off her T-shirt and held it out awkwardly in front of me along with my books. Sam took a second with the tiny white covering as I saw how truly...

1 year ago
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My family tradition

I come from a town in India… We have a barber a hair salon, a small restaurant, a nick knack and used furniture store as well as a saloon where all the locals hang out. Most everyone in our family is related. I will explain later in the story. I am laying here in bed contemplating my life and wondering what my future is going to be. In some ways from a sexual point of view, it has been good and in other ways, you may say terrible. My name is Betty Jo, I am 18 and most men think I am pretty or...

2 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 11 Southern Tradition

Saturday afternoon ED LOOKED AROUND THE ROOM. Five guys, all white, not surprising since they all hated everyone who wasn’t white. They were all men he’d decided he could trust. Except perhaps for Jones. He’d joined them with a recommendation from the Sons of Liberty down in Florida, but there was something about him Ed didn’t like. Ed smiled to himself as he thought about the reaction of the city’s Department of Parks and Recreation if they knew what the Southern Tradition boys were using...

4 years ago
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Carolyns Introduction to Bondage

Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...

Wife Lovers
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Carolyns Introduction to Bondage

Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...

Wife Lovers
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Teaching Jenn Tie and Tease Bondage

I have trained maybe 6-8 women now how to safely tie up their man for some added spice and fun, but Jenn will always be my favorite!!Jenn was not the first woman I had ever trained how to tie and tease a man. She was just the first of several that I taught whom I had met only for the express purpose of teaching. We had worked out all of the details through PM’s on XHAMSTER and then I agreed to rent the hotel room of her choice and provide a variety of things that could be used so she could...

3 years ago
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Nurse Bondage

Lee started here about a month ago. He's a doctor, about 29, over 6 feet tall, dark hair, and very handsome. He's everything a girl could want, smart, funny, and a real hunk. Anyway, we both work what they call the late shift, from one to ten, when the clinic closes. Sometimes, things get hairy, but not often. Past nine o'clock, the place usually gets pretty dead. If they have a runny nose, or their back hurts, they wait till morning. As a result, there aren't to many people working past eight....

3 years ago
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Nurse Bondage

Lee started here about a month ago. He's a doctor, about 29, over 6 feet tall, dark hair, and very handsome. He's everything a girl could want, smart, funny, and a real hunk. Anyway, we both work what they call the late shift, from one to ten, when the clinic closes. Sometimes, things get hairy, but not often. Past nine o'clock, the place usually gets preaty dead. If they have a runny nose, or their back hurts, they wait till morning. As a result, there aren't to many people working past eight....

3 years ago
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Caught in Bondage

************************************************************************* This little vignette was written as the dream ending to my last dress up it is, it will never happen.....but one can always dream! ************************************************************************* So here I am covered head to toe in PVC as per Master Stanley's instructions. Master Stanley being my online master. Black PVC body, thigh high boots and shoulder length gloves. A latex hood hides...

1 year ago
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My Introduction to Bondage

Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, with the exception of bondage. The idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party. Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He's really into bondage and he's always been after me to give it a try. Anyway, Steve’s 50th birthday was coming up, so Mark and I decided that as his gift we'd...

2 years ago
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The Conflicts of Magic Tradition and Society Caught Breaking the Rules

So, yeah, this story contains sex. It contains weird stuff as well. I'm doing my best, though, to make this story very worthwhile. It's going to have likeable characters that will be developed by action instead of discription. I think that it's time that I make a good, well-written story. Keep in mind that this little message is being written before-hand. I'm going to try and collaborate with people to make it a good one. I've been kind of inspired from reading a lot of...

2 years ago
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The Circle of Life a Harry Potter ImaginingChapter 5 Tradition

It is an ancient custom at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the new intake of pupils, upon arrival at the school, to first line up in front of the Sorting Hat to begin the process that in some ways will determine their experiences for the rest of their school days, and perhaps their lives. Professor McGonagall tapped a spoon upon a glass. Although faint, the clink of the glass, like the ringing of a bell, could clearly be heard, commanding instant silence. "First of all, let...

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Family Tradition0

Family Tradition I was a fifteen-year-old boy at the time and a horny son-of-a-bitch according to my fourteen-year-old sister Bianca. I had been fucking her twice a day for a few months. I would fuck her before school and after school. If I got a chance I would also fuck her at bedtime but that was dangerous because our parents were home then. Sure enough we got caught one night. Mom came into Bianca’s room and there I was just about to cum in my sister. We were both in the throws of...

4 years ago
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Family Tradition1

Joseph and John grew up together, and even attending the same boarding school and college. It was no surprise that they were so close, having such similar backgrounds and being members of the two wealthiest families from the same small town in Pennsylvania. They were inseparable, so much so that no one was shocked at the announcement that John's daughter would marry Joseph's son. It was a huge event for their town, with everyone being invited to watch Rose Acker marry Frank Porter. Lucas,...

4 years ago
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Tradition and Triumph Once More

I woke up with a start and realized that Srila was twenty-five minutes late. Just as I toyed with the thought of calling her, there was a sharp knock on the door! I peeked through the viewer and my heart sank as I saw the uniformed hotel concierge instead. I opened the door irritated and was about to be snappy when I saw her standing by his side. ‘Good evening, sir,’ the smiling young lad greeted. ‘The lady was lost trying to find your room.’ I ignored him while Srila thanked him as he...

2 years ago
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Susans first bondage

She checked her instructions carefully for at least the tenth time in the last half an hour, the printed sheet now crumpled from repeated folding and unfolding, Number 17 Naysmith drive, left out of the station, down Arkwright street for three hundred yards and turn left at the Red Lion into Merethorpe Gardens and then second left. The high arch of the honeysuckle shrouded pergola gateway loomed above the street, setting No 17 apart from it's matching stone Edwardian town house...

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A Penny-Worth of bondage My name is Worth, Penny Worth, and I love being in bondage, yep I know that`s a conversation stopper but it is the truth! It all started when I was c***d by my reckoning, my mother leaving me in a harness on a dog chain to stop me wandering away when she was doing housework or working round the garden! It was done with the best of intentions by loving parents but its left its mark on my brain. Anyway I now have a kink about being chained up and most of my friends...

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Sininlaw in Bondage

My husband's younger brother lives with us while he attends college. We have fixed up a room for him in our basement. Sometimes I clean his room and one day, I came across a box under his bed that was full of pornographic magazines. Many of them dealt with bondage. The magazines had color photos of nude woman tied up in all kinds of positions. I just couldn't understand the appeal of being tied up like that and on a lark I wrote my brother-in-law a note and stuck it in the magazine. I told him...

3 years ago
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Susans first bondage

She checked her instructions carefully for at least the tenth time in the last half an hour, the  printed sheet now crumpled from repeated folding and unfolding, Number 17 Naysmith drive, left out of the station, down Arkwright street for three hundred yards and turn left at the Red Lion into Merethorpe Gardens and then second left.The high arch of the honeysuckle shrouded pergola gateway loomed above the street, setting No 17 apart from it's  matching stone Edwardian town house neighbours, she...

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Celebrity Bondage

Female Celebrities both past and present have found themselves in a state of bondage. Who has done this to them? Was it of their own accord or the will of others? Is some higher being responsible for the celebrity’s current state of restraint or perhaps there is a supernatural aspect was involved? Are they the captive of some perverted wish made by a horny fan looking for some alone time? A clone of the original celebrity created by a mad scientist who wants a woman to warm their bed at night?...

3 years ago
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Spicing up the act Part two The bondage

Spicing up the act. Part two; The Bondage. We fell back on the bed, totally exhausted. It had been yet another marathon sex session, only this time, it was as Jason and Annie. We were celebrating our third wedding anniversary and after a celebratory meal at the local pub with friends and family we had retired to the family home where we ended up in the bedroom. We were exhausted, but not so exhausted that we couldn't manage it twice. We had also promised each other that if we...

1 year ago
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My first suspension bondage

All of my life I wanted to be tied up. I think I was in to bondage from day one. I started off doing self bondage in by bed room when I had the house to my self. I found ways to tie myself down to the bed spread eagle. I had to use a knife to cut my self free. I even was able to hog tie myself. One time I had a hard time getting to the knife to get free. mom, all most found naked and hog tied. But, I all ways wanted to be suspended. The thought of me hanging there naked and help less. At that...

First Time
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The Broken Tradition

Alex was born into a very prominent family. It was a tradition for the men in the Stephens family to attend college at Yale. Alex had been under a lot of pressure from his father to produce a letter of acceptance from Yale. Alex understood that Yale was quite an honor, but at the same time, he had no desire to attend Yale. An arts school in the mid-west caught his attention a few years ago. It was the school he had planned to attend, even if it was without his fathers blessing. When he told his...

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A Village Tradition About Mother And Son

Once there was an ancient village where widowed women used to be kidnapped by people living in surrounding villages. There was no one to protect them from those people and women used to be property to be claimed. Women used to be of that man who can claim her. For every woman, there used to be a husband who protected them from other men. But for the widows, there was no one who could risk their life. Widows were easy targets to get fucked and claimed as a wife by other men. So to protect them...

1 year ago
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As long as Shelly could remember, their family has had a twisted little Christmas tradition that any clothes or such that you got, you had to model them to the rest of the family. At least, that is what she had told Eric. At first, when Eric was dating Shelly, the garments were mild, such as a t-shirt with snoopy dressed as Santa or a pair of red plaid polyester dress pants. However, after they got married three years ago, the 'wearable' gifts he got more crass and risqué, such as a pair of...

3 years ago
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Family Tradition of Bondage Pt 06

This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. * Friday morning started as usual with the alarm, they skipped the workout and went straight for the shower. The night had been a late one when work comes early. Sherri lathered him up and washed him lovingly. This part of her morning ritual, washing her Master was becoming important to her, she cherished the intimacy and the feeling of...

4 years ago
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Family Tradition of Bondage Pt 05

Part 05: A Slave’s Life This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. * Sherri woke to the alarm clock’s gentle chiming and realized this was her first Monday as Robert’s slave. Robert didn’t move, and 20 seconds later, it stopped chiming. Sherri realized her first thought was of him again and her smile widened. She snuggled into him, and gripped the arm that was around her tighter. ...

4 years ago
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Family Tradition of Bondage Pt 01

The story was edited by Vixen4770. I wanted to thank her publicly for her efforts and advice, it was gratefully appreciated. This is a work of fiction, the names used are fictional. Any relation to any person, real or imagined, living or dead, is purely unintentional and accidental. * Sherri drove her bright yellow Kia Sportage home. It was after 9:30, earlier than she had expected, or perhaps hoped would be a better word, and she was depressed. She was also a little tipsy she admitted to...

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Becoming Daddys Good Girl Chapter 3 Sleepover Bondage

Chapter Three: Sleepover Bondage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I wanted to skip as I walked down the street to Sun's house. I wanted to throw my arms wide and skip, my body bursting with joy. Such excitement burned inside of me. Tonight was Friday. Tonight, Sun was spending the night and Daddy would make her into a good girl, too. We would go down into the basement and see Daddy's workshop. My eighteen-year-old body trembled in delight. I loved being Daddy's good girl. I was so...

1 year ago
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Umbreon and Bondage

"Hey Jason" She said walking into his house “you said you got something you want to try? Well I’m you’re girl", "Hey Willa I’m over here just give a second to finish things up here first" Jason said from his living room. Willa walked in and there was Jason on the couch over top of a girl. He was pounding his enormous cock into her cries filling the room as she orgasm. Just watching this scene made her wet and horny wishing she was the one getting pounded. "Hey Tano" She said...

4 years ago
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Twins Forest Bondage

It was excruciating. Hannah still hadn't made a move. Samantha was convinced she had left her waiting for over a hour by now. With her eyes and ears covered she couldn't check on her. Of course her fine hearing could not be completely dimmed, but it hindered her enough to get a clear picture. Hannah was probably on the other side of the clearing. A few moments ago Samantha had heard some noises from that direction. The whole situation was rather arousing for her. She tried to close her legs a...

2 years ago
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True Adventure In Public Bondage

This is an absolutely true story. To prepare for my evening, I have put on an outfit like I wish that I could wear all the time, everyday. First, I shower, and shave everything below my hair silky smooth. Then, I put on my complete, extremely heavy makeup, with concealer, foundation, powder, eyebow penciling, eyeshadows, eyeliner, several coats of mascara, blush, and glossy lipstick. I then begin dressing. I pull on my silky panties and Legg's Sheer Energy pantyhose. I put in some front...

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